"How To Build A Customer Factory" |
"This course is designed for people who are confused and frustrated by marketing and sales.If youre a natural salesperson or an experienced marketer, this course is not for you.You wont enjoy it because its going to explain things you already understand, like how to get a complete stranger to gladly pay for your product or service.But, if youre like most people, who see marketing as a black art and get ginchy even thinking about being salesy, youve found your safe spot.In this course, I teach you the fundamentals of marketing success in a simple, step-by-step process.Once youve completed the course youll understand:How marketing worksWhat causes people to choose one product or company over anotherHow to make your offering the easy choiceAnd finally, how to create a marketing machine that will pump out a steady stream of new customers for years to come.You know, How to Build A Customer Factory for your businessSo, come along with me on a journey to marketing success.Ill see you on the inside.What Students Say About How To Build A Customer Factory Excellent Teacher, Great Course. Frank is a natural teacher. The course is full of solid information and clear, simple steps. Going through it feels like you're having a conversation directly with Frank. Nate D. Solid marketing advice without the buzz-words. Frank delivers solid advice on creating a 'customer factory' without crazy market-speak. He uses simple examples to make his step-by-step process easy to understand, and the steps are easy to follow. He covers everything from your elevator speech to automated customer creation. Mike T. A comprehensive and well-explained course on the complexities of establishing and maintaining a viable customer base! G. Artley The instructor has a very common sense and easy to understand approach to growing clients. Martin S. Having taken numerous online courses and attended a multitude of seminars regarding marketing, sales and customer retention, this course OUTSHINES ALL OF THEM, COMBINED! I highly recommend this course to anyone who has a desire to be successful and prosperous in their sales or marketing career. Jason S. Frank Felker has created a comprehensive, detailed yet easy to understand, important course which every aspiring entrepreneur, business owner or corporate executive needs to take. Nicely presented, well organized, I have enjoyed learning (and re-learning) things from watching Frank's presentation. Michael W. "
Price: 94.99

"Real Estate Investing With Owner Financing To Create Wealth" |
"How I Use Owner Financing To Create Wealth In Real Estate This Course consists of over 45 videos detailing real estate deals I have personally bought and sold myself. These are real deals and I explain them in full detail, from start to finish in these videos. Where I found them How I bought them What I did to them How I sold them and How much I make on each deal These videos explain eveything ---- Trust me~! ---- You will love them~! I also explain the basics of Owner Financing and how I make hundreds of thousands of dollars using it. How compound interest works How to find these deals Where to find these deals What kind of deals to look for and How I purchase some of these deals with NO MONEY DOWN --- SERIOUSLY, NO MONEY DOWN~! Listen, I am a real life, real estate professional, that has been buying and selling real estate since 1997 I use owner financing to buy and sell real estate properties and I make hundreds of thousands of dollars doing it and sometimes with $0 MONEY DOWN~! If you are wanting to get into real estate and want to learn a few tips and tricks that will help you in the real world, you can't afford to let this slip away. Learning how to make money using owner financing, is worth millions more than the price of this course. What are you waiting for? Get the course now~!"
Price: 49.99

"Comprehensive JavaScript Programming" |
"This comprehensive JavaScript programming course will teach you how to develop JavaScript applications, specifically you will learn: functions, objects, strings, arrays, debugging, and much more. Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion. JavaScript is one of the world's most utilized programming languages, and this course will teach you how to build programs and lay the ground work for utilizing popular JavaScript libraries such as: jQuery, Ajax, and Node.js. No experience is necessary to take this course, if you are looking to become a developer, this is a great starting point. Beginning with basic lessons on variables and string manipulation, and going all the way to developing custom functions to work with arrays and data structures, this course is truly comprehensive."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Wordpress para bloggers, empresas y profesionales" |
"Wordpress no solo sirve para la creacin de blogs, -funcin que por supuesto cumple a la perfeccin-, sino que por el contrario, se trata de una poderosa plataforma integral, escalable y flexible que puede funcionar como un autntico epicentro de nuestra actividad profesional y presencia de marca en Internet. WordPress es, de hecho, utilizado para crear blogs, pginas corporativas, sitios de comercio electrnico y campaas publicitarias. Adems de la generacin de contenidos optimizados para los motores de bsqueda, la gran flexibilidad de este gestor de contenidos nos permite usarlo como plataforma para nuestra marca personal, comunicaciones de empresa, la creacin y gestin de completas tiendas on-line, de sitios de reserva, de portales de noticias y o de vdeo, e incluso para la auto-publicacin y venta de obras digitales, sin olvidar la gestin de nuestras listas de correo (Email Marketing), facturas y boletines electrnicos. Tambin abordaremos el esencial tema del SEO para Wordpress. Todo ello desde un slo lugar en Internet, nuestro dashboard de Wordpress, con los consiguientes beneficios en trminos de productividad. Este curso en vdeo de Wordpress para empresas y profesionales. nico en su gnero, se centra, fundamentalmente, en el conocimiento del potencial y capacidades de Wordpress como herramienta de promocin para marcas personales y comerciales, as como en sus usos menos conocidos para los negocios. En este videocurso veremos, entre otros temas: Instalacin y gestin de WordPress Cmo configurar Wordpress de manera ptima Plugins y recursos que elevarn la potencia de tu Wordpress como plataforma de negocio Cmo crear una tienda online con WordPress Cmo crear y gestionar bases listas de correo (email marketing) con WordPress Cmo emitir facturas con WordPress Cmo publicar libros electrnicos desde WordPress Cmo gestionar reservas desde WordPress Cmo rentabilizar tus contenidos de WordPress Cmo mejorar el SEO para WordPress Cmo generar fragmentos enriquecidos con microdatos. Convirtete en un autntico experto en WordPress y aprende a extraer el mximo partido de este poderoso gestor de contenidos."
Price: 49.99

"Enterprise Architecture" |
"Enterprise Architecture (EA) has different meanings for different organizations. The Enterprise Architecture Research Forum defines EA as the continuous practice of describing the important elements of a socio-technical organization, how they are related to each other and the environment to understand complexity and manage change. The United States government classifies enterprise architecture as an Information Technology function, and defines the term as the documented outcomes from examining the enterprise. In general, Enterprise Architecture refers to the structural design of an enterprise including its people, technologies and the activities for designing and describing enterprises. This course will explain the different benefits, characters, principles and frameworks of EA. Developing, building, using and maintaining an EA will also be part of the discourse."
Price: 49.99

"In-Depth Software Testing Training Course From Scratch" |
"Learn & Master Software Testing Quickly from the experts - GUARANTEED! THEIN-DEPTH SOFTWARETESTINGTRAINING - By SoftwareTestingHelp Team*** ""TOP STUDENT PICK"" on Udemy in the Software Testing category!*** 26+ hours of HD content. Value for money! *** DON'T settle for other basic courses of less than 5 hours!****************************Few Student reviews from hundreds of 5 star reviews:***""The course is an eye opener into the world of IT"" - Theophilus""Money well spent, excellent delivery. Very informative and practical. Would highly recommend to anyone interested in pursuing software testing as a career"" - Olanrewaju""Truly the best software testing training I have come across both in dept and in substance."" - Kingsley""This is really ""The Best Software Training Course"". I hardly know anything regarding testing, instructor had taken utmost care in providing the knowledge starting from basics, the terminology etc...I am very much satisfied with this course. I strongly recommend this course."" - Vijaya""Great tutorials ..in detail ...learned a lot ...must see tutorial for all testers ."" - Masud""The instructor is just a perfect lecturer! Entire course is very informative and useful for software testers as beginners with a lot of practical examples. Who wants to understand principles of testing and main techniques of it - enroll in this course."" - Oleksii""The instructor according to me.....God has gifted her a real talent to be one of the best tutors in this world."" - Biju*************************Introducing the Most Practical, Precise and Inexpensive Software Testing CourseIt is going to include everything there is to know for you to become a perfect Software Tester.This software testing QA training course is designed by working professionals in a way that, course it will progress from introducing you to the basics of software testing to advanced topics like Software configuration management, creating a test plan, test estimations etc. along with introduction and familiarity with Automation testing and test management tools like QTP (intro), QC, JIRA, and Bugzilla. *************************Course Benefits: Syllabus: We came up with a unique list of topics that will help you gradually work your way into the testing world. Practice sessions: Assignments in a way that you will get to apply the theory you learnt immediately. Video sessions of Instructor led live training sessionsPractical learning experience with live project work and examples Support: Our Team is going to be available to you via email or the website for you to reach out to us.Over 15+Lectures and more than 26+ hours of HD content!Learn Software Testing and Automation basics from a professional trainer from your own desk.Information packed practical training starting from basics to advanced testing techniques.Best suitable for beginners to advanced level users and who learn faster when demonstrated.Get Certificate of completion."
Price: 99.99

"Marketing Strategy for Business:The Complete Master Guide" |
"JUST UPDATED :How to prepare a Strategic Marketing Plan: In order to write a proper strategic marketing plan, you first need to have a good market strategy to be captured in the plan.Prepared and presented by Professor Malcolm McDonald, author of over 50 books including the best seller Marketing Plans: How to Prepare Them, How to Profit From Them, this course covers the key points of how to develop a great strategy and link it to a great strategic marketing plan.It contains 10 modules that break down the work into manageable pieces and which will give you a full understanding of how to do it and profit from it. Each module contains essential principles, tools, templates, and actions that will help you apply the ideas and achieve your goals.Quantified Value Propositions: Our research shows that only 5% of companies have financially quantified Value Propositions and developing them will differentiate your company. Even if you have little differentiation, the very act of financially quantifying the benefits will give you an advantage over your competitors.This course is for anyone interested in understanding value more deeply and especially for anyone dealing with customers in the business-to-business (B2B) sector.We are confident that by completing this course you will have the potential to earn thousands of extra dollars from customers by translating your offers into solid monetary terms that demonstrate the real contribution you make to their profitability.8 Strategic Marketing Masterclass: From prof. Malcolm McDonald (Seller of more than 500.000 Marketing Books adopted in Top MBA Universities worldwide), Steven W. Erickson (Vice President, Strategic Marketing, Parker Hannifin), Ed Bradford (Business Gamification Strategist) & Ian Dunbar (Market Segmentation Practitioner & Author). Will answer your most compelling question: Is your business thriving because the market you are selling to is growing OR because your strategy is working well?Most businesses are going well ONLY because the market they are in is growing. Once the market is shrinking they close down. The real companies are able to thrive in ANY market condition because they KNOW how to implement STRATEGIC marketing tactics. From Top Marketing Experts the best marketing strategy for your business Key Account Management = to find how to classify and manage your best customers Market Segmentation= the first question you should ask when you launch a productAdvanced Market Segmentation= how to get the best from your segmentationMarketing Planning= how to generate an effective marketing plan Marketing Planning Implementation= how to implement an effective planMarketing Accountability= is your marketing profitable?Gamification of Strategy = how to use game for create competitive advantageTen Questions a CEO Should Ask the Marketing Team= making marketing a strategic part of your company "
Price: 199.99

"Tune In - Let Your Intuition Guide You" |
"Great Minds On Intuition ""The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift"" -Albert Einstein ""Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone elses life. Don't be traped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truely want to become."" -Steve Jobs I want to let you know that I'm just like you. Full of dreams, hopes, talents as well as flaws and fears. I am no smarter, gifted or fortunate than you and everything that I've achieved, I started from my parents small house in Denver (with 7 kids) when I was just 12. I did this all by listening to my gut, my vibes, my intuition, whatever you want to call it and you can do the same thing. I tell you this, because if I can make my dreams and hopes come true then I know you can. You might be successful but just can't seem to get to the next step, or maybe you have given up on your largest dreams. You are smart enough, you have what you need, it is sitting literally right in front of you. You just need to TUNE IN! That is why I created my newest and I believe most life changing course yet.... TUNE IN! In this brand new online course, I reveal a simple four-step plan for tuning into your intuition. Starting back to my parents small house to where I am now, I have distilled more than 35 years of helping others get in touch with their authentic selves and discover how to get into the flow of their greatest fulfillment on every level. This course will provide effective step by step direction in how to let go of your frustrations and disappointments and experience the satisfaction and joy of an intuitively guided life. From Waking Up, to Digging Deep, Taking the Leap and finally Entering the Flow, this invaluable online course instructs seekers at all stages of their journey and those who are looking to take their first step, how to directly tune in to their intuition. Whether youre just beginning to tap into your intuition or are already living in the flow, Tune In offers a wealth of inspiration that will enable you to engage more deeply with your sixth sense, your authentic self, and allow you to live a more rewarding, fearless, effective and enjoyable life. Things can work in your favor, trust me!!! Acting on your intuition is one of the most empowering choices you can make, by ""tuning in"" and listening to your sixth sense, you can chart a new course, one that brings deep peace and satisfaction. To help ensure your success I have put together the following for you. 15 brand new high definition video lessons, yours to work 365/24/7 at your own pace, when and where you want to. 4 brand new and never before released meditations that work with each lesson. Use them as you need when you need. Visual Tune In Journey - We all need a break during the day, instead of coffee or tea use this! The complete course is yours for life! </p>"
Price: 19.99

"Calculo Vectorial" |
"En este curso aprenderemos los siguientes temas, Campos vectoriales. Gradiente. Integrales de línea. Teorema fundamental de las integrales de línea. Independencia de la trayectoria. Teorema de Green. Rotacional y divergencia. Superficies paramétricas y sus áreas. Integrales de superficie. Integrales de superficie sobre campos vectoriales. Integrales de flujo. Teorema de Stokes. Teorema de divergencia. El curso esta todo en vídeos muy ilustrativos."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 11g PL/SQL Fundamentals II" |
"The objective of this Oracle 11g training course is to provide an introduction to develop database server-side PL/SQL program units within an Oracle database. The areas covered include understanding the basic form and structure of program units stored within the database, building and maintaining stored procedures, functions, packaged programs, and database triggers. Additional topics include taking advantage of advanced programming techniques such as cursor variables and cursor expressions. This Oracle 11g course will prepare students for the Oracle certification exams (OCP)."
Price: 99.99

"Taijutsu Fundamentals" |
"Jinenkan Djch, Adam Mitchell and 5th degree Black Belt, details the methods of training and conditioning for how he teaches Jissen Kobud, the realistic classical fighting arts of Japan. Mr. Mitchell is a personal student of Lt. Col. (ret.) Fumio Manaka, Kanch of the International Jinenkan organization. The goal of this course is to help you develop and continually refine your skills in Taijutsu. Whether you are a student of the Kory, Jjutsu, Ninjutsu, Karate, Aikido or any style of art, this course introduce you to new techniques and principles. All of the video lessons are professionally recorded and edited with high quality narration, multiple angles and slow motion repeats. In the first sections, you will learn protocol, posture, conditioning, striking basics, blocking basics, kicking and receiving kicks as well as traditional training patterns In the following sections, you will learn methods of receiving takedowns, evading and countering attacks with break-fall and rolling. The characteristic body movements of taihenjutsu are covered in detail. Students will then be taken through the takedowns and reversal exercises taught at the Jinenkan Dj and in the traditional kata we study. The final sections are centered on using the previous lessons studied on the ground including use of grappling, submission and choking. Never before has this material been presented in such a concise and informative way. Many of the lessons in the course are from Mr. Mitchell's Taijutsu Fundamentals DVD set, but there has been added footage that was not included in the DVDs, along with many more video lessons and PDF downloads available only in this course."
Price: 39.99

"Year End Planning" |
"A few simple yet effective exercises will get you on the right track for a powerful launch into 2014. Take time to reflect on the past months to collect what needs to be brought forward, drop what needs to be left behind, plan and priortise for the new year with goals and WIGS."
Price: 19.99

"Online Marketing BootCamp" |
""El mundo no va a cambiar, el mundo yá cambió y muchas personas ni cuentan se han dado" En esta parte deberíamos poner lo grandioso que es este curso, que las lecciones son fantásticas y que si inviertes en él te vas a hacer millonario y mucho más bla bla bla. Sin embargo te voy a contar una realidad, (¿no nos ve nadie no?, ¿estás solo leyendo esto, verdad). Realmente este curso es fantástico, solo si pones acción en ejecutar las tareas y en poner en práctica el conocimiento, si invierte en él y no haces nada con lo aprendido, lamento desilusionarte pero ocupará solo un lugar en tu PC y se llenará de polvo. Así que no solo esperamos que puedas tener la oportunidad de aprender con nuestra metodología, sino que además pongas acción para poder cumplir tus metas y estamos seguros que lo lograrás. ¿Sobre que trata este curso? Te llevaremos de la mano desde el inicio hasta que puedas diagramar y tener organizado tu embudo de marketing online para tu proyecto web. Conocerás y podrás ejecutar tu proyecto web de una forma métodica y sencilla y también podrás conocer si es rentable el proyecto que tienes en mente. ¿Cuál es la metodología de enseñanza? Por un lado trabajaremos con videoclases al estilo "pizarrón" y por otro lado tendrás actividades para realizar que podrás descargar e ir armando tu carpeta de trabajo. Adicionalmente podrás participar de videoconferencias como refuerzos de clase. ¿Quienes son los autores? Son dos chicos bárbaros, re macanudos y con un montón de experiencia desarrollando negocios online, te invitamos a leer la descripción de cada uno de ellos. ¿Qué material incluye? Videoclases online, actividades para descargar y videoconferencias enventuales como refuerzo de clases. ¿A quién está dirigido? A todo aque que quiera desarrollar un proyecto online y no sepa como realizarlo en forma consciente y metódica y que por supuesto tenga ganas de progresar. ¿Porque elegir este curso? Porque sabemos los problemas que tienen las personas que recien comienzan, porque nosotros los autores estuvimos ahi del otro lado hace mucho tiempo y porque estamos convencidos que podemos ayudarte a ordenar tu idea."
Price: 49.99

"Intermediate Music Theory - Hands-On Approach" |
"Have you ever wanted to understand the jargon of music? Or have you wished to understand the music that you are playing in the deeper and more meaningful way? This intermediate music theory course will help the student understand how music is structured in relation to keys, intervals and rhythm. The course is built to provide step by step information in a logical and systematical way. Unlike many others, this is hands-on course. Each lesson includes a video presentation, a PDF presentation that the student can print for review, a worksheet and the answer sheet. By the time you print all the documents, you will have a nice booklet with all the information that you can always refer back to and hands-on assignments that are invaluable since they help solidify the concepts learned in the video. The student should answer the question in the worksheet and check his/her work with the answer sheet. I highly recommend that the student does not skip the assignment sheets. Music theory is learned by doing it. This course will cover: Half Steps & Whole Steps Intervals Key Signatures Flat & Sharp Keys Tetrachords Major Scales The Circle of Keys Sixteenth Notes & Rests The Dotted Eight Note Alla Breve 3/8, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8 Time Signatures Syncopation Music theory is very important for a musician; it gives us a better understanding of the music we are performing and a structural platform for improvisation. It helps us to sight read, transpose, improvise, compose, and perform better. If you understand the theory behind the music, it will help you perform the piece with a deeper knowledge. Theory is the grammar of the musical language and we need to know it in order to speak the language of music correctly. It helps us understand how music fits together and why it sounds the way it does. Prerequisites: Be able to read music and play the piano. Understand the staff, the clefs; know the letter names of all the notes, understand the measure and how to count the whole, half, quarter, eight notes and the dotted half and quarter notes and all the rests for these notes; understand the repeat signs, first and second endings; the tie and the slur; flats, sharps and accidentals. I am looking forward to help you in any way I can. I have been a professional piano teacher for over 25 years and played the piano in many concerts, recitals, accompanying and conducting choirs over the year. I have written many pieces for choir and small ensemble and orchestrated and recorded many CDs. I will do my outmost to help you understand the topics in this course. Just ask if you need any help! Enroll today and start learning music theory online! You will be empowered in your musicianship, performance and understanding of the language of music. Thank you for taking my course."
Price: 79.99

"Developing a Drawing App for Android" |
"With "Developing a Drawing App for Android", you will learn everything about Drawing Apps, even if you've never build one before! The full course has several video lectures, divided into several chapters. Each chapter will give you a new level of knowledge in Android development. We'll start from the basics of Drawing App development to more advanced and the most popular techniques and features used now a days."Building a Drawing App for Android" will give you a new perspective on how the Android SDK works and after you completed the course you will be able to create your own Drawing App with the latest API. Hope you enjoy!NOTE: In order to keep you up to date in the world of Android Development all the chapters will be updated regularly with new lectures, projects, quizzes and any changes in future versions of all the programming languages covered on the course. "The average annual salary for employed app developers in 2011 was nearly $90,000. By 2016, the total revenue from consumer mobile apps is expected to top $50 billion." By learning android development from this course you can also earn the same amount of salary or even more than that. Best of Luck"
Price: 19.99

"Analytic Trigonometry - Your Complete Guide" |
"Learning about analytic trigonometrycan be tough. Once you feel you mastered one type of problem you get stumped on the next. This course is structured to not leave you behind in the dust. I start off each section with basic definitions and processes you will need to know moving through the course. I then present two types of videosto you for each skill. First is the overview video where I explain the concept as a whole like a typical lecture in a classroom. I then work through multiple examples showing you step by step how tocomplete different types ofproblems. We both know watching someone do math is not the best way to learn. You have to practice! Each section you are provided with multipleworksheets to practice your skills as well as the answer to check your answers. Revert back to videos if you get stuck and forget how to solve the problems. Once you feel you have a goodgrasp of your understanding it is time to take your quiz. There are multiple quizzes provided for each section. Take the quizzes as many times as you need to earn100%. There is no pressure you are hear to learn. By taking this course you will not only gain a better understanding of analytic trigonometry but you will gain confidence to solve more problems on your own. That is why I created this course. I want students to no longer fear learning math or walking into their math class because they just don't understand. Everyone can learn math. Some it just takes a little longer, some just need a little boast and some need a course like I designed to guide them through the material. Heck once you complete this course, show your teacher! You deserve and A. I am here for you and by joining this course you are now one of my students just as important to me as the 140 students I teach in the classroomduring the school year. So please keep in touch, let me know how I am doing and if there is anything extra I can provide to assist you with your learning of analytic trigonometry.."
Price: 29.99

"Mastering Synth/Electro Pop Music Like a Pro" |
"Forget all the talk that says you can only boost or cut 3dbs here and there and that you shouldn't do this or that when to comes to mastering. In this course I'll be showing you how to do what it takes to transform a well produced, yet cold, lifeless mix into a hit ready for the airwaves. Mastering is not some dark, mysterious art, it's a learning process and takes experience and knowledge of the tools and techniques you have at your disposal. There's no need for expensive gear and fancy hardware, everything you need is inside your computer."
Price: 34.99

"Advanced Microsoft Access 2013 Training Video" |
"This Advanced Microsoft Access 2013 training course from Infinite Skills will take you beyond the fundamentals of this powerful Microsoft program. This course is designed for users that already have a basic working knowledge of Microsoft Access. In this video tutorial, you will jump right into learning advanced table design with indexing and input masks. You will learn how to create advanced queries and action, and how to use SQL (standard query language). Guy will cover topics such as advanced form design, how to create an advanced report, and creating and using bound and unbound subforms. This video based training course will teach you how to create and use a Macro, a Sub Macro, and how to configure a Macro. Guy will show you how to turn a database into an application, and how to back up a database and convert Access databases to and from previous versions. Finally, you will learn how to create a custom web app and how to use Access with external applications. By the conclusion of this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of creating, managing, and displaying your Microsoft Access 2013 data, and have an in-depth understanding of the many tools and techniques available to you in this Microsoft program. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"How to Make a Blog that Makes a Difference" |
"You might want to blog so that you can tell your story, spread a meaningful message, and help other people. For you, its not about the money or popularity, its genuinely about helping other people. Theres only one small problem. Many people that want to learn how to blog tend to obsess over all sorts of details. They worry about things like using the right fonts and choosing the right colors. They spend days trying to get the background color of every page just right. They look at other peoples blogs and wonder what it would take to make a blog that looks similar. In other words, they stress out about the technical details of running a blog. Heres the thing. The technical side of blogging is important, however, it is not the ultimate critical factor that determines the success or failure of your blog. You can be an expert at hosting, word press, and content creation but still fail to receive any tangible success from your blog. This is why, in this course, we leave the technical stuff behind. Instead, we focus on the components of blogging that empower you to make a difference and help others. For example, youll learn The hidden structure of the perfect blog post How to make progress using the SPIN formula How to make your blog more interesting How to get readers for your blog and so much more. You can see a complete list of the lessons available to you by scrolling to the bottom of this page. Every lesson is filled with practical direction packaged in enjoyable, straight-to-the-point videos, worksheets, and quizzes. If something is unclear, you can even leave your question and get an answer almost immediately. The best part? Youre Already Making a Difference if you take this course today. The money you pay to take this course will help me continue to further my mission to help orphans all over the world. So far, Ive touched Uganda, Congo, Nigeria, Haiti, UAE, and Mexico. My blog is an important part of this work and I have no plans of stopping anytime soon. If you want to help people, you can. If you want to make a difference, you can. If you have a message worth sharing, a blog is a pretty good place to start. Take this course."
Price: 39.99

"BeyondFormulas: Complete MS Excel Techniques & Modeling" |
"*** This training teaches you:1)All of thecrucialexceltechniques you should care about:includingmodel structure,data handling, smart lookups,aggregation &basicstatistics,tables,pivot tables,charts,VBA macros &custom formulas, and many more.2)Unlike other training, I'll teach you how to combine these tools to solve real world problems, and help you stand out in any analytical environment.***Learn, then immediately apply your new knowledge:Bite-sized and Step-by-step curriculum, so you can learn one skill at a time, combine it all into a single beautiful model output.The only Excel techniques and tips you'll ever need, from over a year of research, and ten years of experience.Learn to ""manage upwards"" so that you, the Modeler, don't work all night.Hands-on case study approach, to practice what you learn on a real problem. All starter materials provided for each course so you can get started quickly.Holistic model design focus, so that your models to scale, adapt and evolve easily.Keyboard shortcut game, coded in Excel, so you can get around Excel lightning fast."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo monetizar tu blog o web. Vive de lo que te gusta" |
"Cmo rentabilizar tu web es un curso multimedia destinado a los iniciados en el apasionante mundo del emprendimiento en Internet. Son muchos propietarios de sitios web que se ven incapaces de rentabilizar su esfuerzo, pero lo cierto es que con una buena base de trfico, las opciones de monetizacin del contenido web se encuentran al alcance de todos. El presente curso viene a cubrir este hueco de aprendizaje proponiendo los mtodos de monetizacin ms efectivos probados con xito por el propio autor. Cmo rentabilizar tu web es un curso prctico de introduccin al mundo de la publicidad en Internet, el marketing de afiliados y otros temas que sin duda sern de gran inters para todos aquellos que buscan generar ingresos realizando una actividad que realmente les apasione. En suma, este curso explora a fondo las principales vas y modelos de negocio que puedes utilizar para comenzar a generar ingresos desde hoy mismo y convertir tu pasin en un negocio."
Price: 19.99

"How to Build Habit-Forming Products" |
"In an age of ever-increasing distractions, quickly creating customer habits is an important characteristic of successful products. How do companies create products people use every day? What are the secrets of building services customers love? How can designers create products compelling enough to "hook" users? Nir Eyal, author of "Hooked: A Guide to Building Habit-Forming Products" shows you how. Nir is a two-time Silicon Valley entrepreneur who has taught the "Using Neuroscience to Influence Human Behavior" course as a Lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. His writing has appeared on TechCrunch, Forbes, Psychology Today and his blog, NirAndFar. In this course, Nir shares a framework for designing habit-forming products called "the Hook Model." The framework gives entrepreneurs and product designers a new way for thinking of the necessary components of influencing user behavior. Nir will share the tactics companies like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter use to drive repeat engagement. Companies need to know how to harness the power of hooks to improve peoples' lives. This workshop will provide attendees with a powerful toolkit and framework for creating better products and likely change the way they see the world."
Price: 49.99

"Six Sigma Green and Black Belt Combo" |
"OTIFAS - stands for the acronym ‘Operational Excellence Training Institute for Aspirants’ A team of professionals, mustered with a mission: to spread the contemporary operational excellence strategies, among the aspirant individuals and industries. Over a decade, it has been helping more than thousands of aspirants to excel their career through application focused learning. This course is aimed for those who wish to take six sigma Green and Black belt combined and wish to enhance their analyzing skills in advanced six sigma tools. A Six Sigma black belt manager heads cumbersome projects and acts as coach/mentor and statistical analyst as well during project realization, this course provides the required knowledge and skills that are sought by a black belt aspirant. Key learning Objectives are to make you: understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create techniques as prescribed by six sigma body of knowledge; learning materials include video lectures, PDF files of lectures that can be downloaded, Minitab exercise files that can be downloaded for practice, practice quizzes. The course contents are prepared by scholars, with more than 30 years of academic and industrial experience at leading MNCs. On an average, if a working adult devotes one hour per day, he or she would be able to complete this course within 10 to 15 days. OTIFAS voluntarily follows the guidelines of ISO 17024, in order to benchmark our certification process at par with global standards."
Price: 49.99

"Selling on eBay: How to Start a Business with Dropshipping" |
"Hi, my name is Matt Bernstein, successful Udemy instructor with over 175,000+ students across 198countries. From an eBay selling standpoint, during college, I was profiting $24,000 a year selling on eBay, drop shipping products.Now, youre thinking, thats great for you, how am I going to succeed?Learn how to sell on eBay, gain access to retail products at wholesale prices and spend no money upfront.It doesn't cost anything to open wholesale accounts, to work with legitimate wholesalers. You don't need to buy any inventory upfront.You'll learn how to gain access to any product at wholesale prices. You'll be able to list wholesalers inventory, for free.Only after you make a sale the wholesaler will ship your order to your customer. You never need to keep an inventory and you only buy the customers order after you make a sale.You make a profit.Introducing the courseSelling on eBayGain access to any retail product at wholesale prices and have them drop shipped to customers.Learn the basics of selling on eBay as well as leveraging it to increase profits by using specific selling practices.Avoid mistakes to save a few years of work and thousands of dollars (using case studies).Learn from someone who is doing what they are teaching!This is not theory, everything you will learn in this course I have done and continue to do so you can be assured it works.See how I make moneyselling on eBayand then duplicate the same steps to create a successful eBay side business.Based on my successes, I let you look over my shoulder as I explore my own eBay account, showing you precisely what I do.So different than other courses- Unlike other courses about this same subject, I have walked the walk. I have done and continue to do what I am teaching. This is not some rehashed cookie cutter content. You willWATCH OVER MY SHOULDERas I show youSTEP BY STEPhow to create a thriving business selling on eBay JUST LIKE I HAVE DONE!ThisSelling on eBaycourse is not just boring lectures with no substance. You will gain access to a completeSTEP BY STEP guideto starting and building a successful side eBay business.Every step is shown right on the screen!"
Price: 49.99

"Cmo mejorar la lectura y ortografa de tus alumnos" |
"El curso presenta una técnica natural y sencilla para mejorar la capacidad lectora y la ortografía de niños y jóvenes desde educación primaria. Aunque el programa está diseñado para maestros frente a grupo, también puede ser aprovechado por padres que quieran ayudar a sus hijos en casa, o por cualquier persona que desee mejorar su propia habilidad lectora y ortografía. El curso está organizado en seis secciones: Introducción, Lectura, Ortografía, Programa de mejora, Demostraciones y Evaluación. Podrás completar el curso en tus propios tiempos. Se incluyen más de dos horas y media de clases en video."
Price: 39.99

"Curso IOS Objetive-C, desarrollo de app catlogo comercial" |
"Es el primer curso en Lnea que te ensear a crear una aplicacin profesional sincronizado con la nube (administrable). Aplicativo personalizable de acuerdo a tu necesidad y/o a la del cliente. Recuperaras tu inversin con una estimacin de utilidad de ms de 10 veces tu inversin en cada aplicacin que desarrolles. Por que invertir en el curso desarrollo en plataforma Apple (IOS). Apple es un ecosistema, tiene la tienda Appstore con millones de usuario afiliados alrededor del mundo, tiene los equipos iPhone, iPad que descargan aplicaciones directo de esta tienda. Ofrece el mayor mercado de usuarios que SI compran aplicativos. Ofrece las mejores herramientas de navegacin y usabilidad Por que comprar nuestro curso? -Por que tenemos experiencia de 2 aos dictando cursos en nuestro laboratorio y nos permite tener la metodologa basado en ejemplos prcticos que se capitalizan al final en un proyecto integro de nivel profesional, en este proceso tambin entregamos buenas practicas usadas en nuestra experiencia como desarrolladores IOS. Somos desarrolladores con experiencia demostrada en muchas aplicaciones disponibles actualmente en nuestra empresa de desarrollo Appstore. Le ofreceremos soporte GRATIS permanente e ilimitado a cualquier consulta sobre IOS, dentro del marco del curso. Programaremos seminarios gratuitos para nuestros amigos que adquirieron el curso, como Push Notification, framework Sprite, reconocimiento facial con CoreImage, y varios temas ms. Esperamos que se animen a adquirir este Curso, xitos y buenas vibras a todos! Ing Fredy Asencios"
Price: 99.99

"A Brief History of India." |
"Have you ever wondered how one-sixth of humanity lives in India? Have you ever wondered the story behind India's immense diversity? Have you ever been curious about various events that changed India? Whether you are an Indian trying to understand your own country or a foreigner trying to get a handle of India, this course would be apt. You can finish this course in a couple of hours. The course is predominantly video based and a lot of effort is put into making the 170 slides for this course."
Price: 19.99

"Get Your Book Fit!" |
"Written a book? Learn how you can can whip your book into shape for publishing or sending out to agents, with this online course: Pep Talk from Costa-nominated author Nikesh Shukla Your book fitness plan, with The Literary Consultancy Trim the fat from your structure with Roz Morris Keep your sentences punchy with editor Anna Faherty Tone up your pitch and opening chapters, with literary agent Juliet Mushens Make your book look fantastic with CompletelyNovel's Anna Lewis These videos are jam-packed full of brilliant advice and know-how to help you get your book off to a flying start this year – whether that involves sending out to literary agents, self-publishing or both. Join us for 6 fun videos and get your book fit in 2014! "Very inspiring and crammed with juicy nuggets and tips on how to get a book in shape ahead of publication. Exactly what authors need." - Polly Courtney, bestselling author Videos brought to you by CompletelyNovel, filmed and edited by Sam Parsons."
Price: 24.99

"Copywriting: How to Blow Away Almost Any Audience" |
"You're about to go behind the scenes and discover the secret sauce ""Hook Recipe""to immediately captivate any audience with a hook they cannot resist. These is the same recipe weve used to help thousands of business professionals create killer presentation hooks. Once you learn this process, you will NEVER look at a presentation the same way again.Before I share it with you, just out of curiosity, I have 3 questions for you: Did you know that most audience members that arent satisfied with your presentation will mentally Check-Out within the first 10 minutes?Have you ever seen one of your audience members actually get up and walk out the door?Has anyone in your audience ever stopped listening to you?Here are the factsMost audience members are too bashful to get up and leave in the first 10 minutes of a presentation.Instead, they check out mentally by reading their email, surfing the web, or allowing their minds to start drifting ...ALL while you are working hard, and pouring your heart into the presentation that you worked so hard to prepare.Most business presentations are mediocre and staleand customers say no, walk away, and dont move forward. ...It wasnt anything special.You may be perfectly knowledgeable on your content You may have good presentation skills... ...but your audience may be secretly struggling to understand what it is youre telling them or how to take action in their lives. Thats because all of us public speakers suffer from what Chip Heath and Dan Heath described as the curse of knowledge in an article in the Harvard Business Review:. . . once we know something . . . we find it hard to imagine not knowing it. Our knowledge has cursed us. We have difficulty sharing it with others, because we cant readily re-create their state of mind. In the business world, managers and employees, marketers and customers, corporate headquarters and the front line, all rely on ongoing communication but suffer from enormous information imbalances. --Chip Heath and Dan HeathTo help you break this curse of knowledge so that you can captivate your entire audience from the moment they sit down ...and keep their attention for as long as you like...we created Captivate. What is Captivate?With this powerful 15-step recipe, youll have a proven system create killer presentation hooks!In Modules 1 through 8, youll learn how to find out what your audience wants to know and create deliverables that audiences crave and hooks that captivate immediately.Specifically, well coverHow to find out EXACTLY what your audience wants to know BEFORE you start presentingThe secret to creating Deliverables that audiences CRAVEA technique called creating the mystery that will keep your audience members on the edge of their seats...The top 3 ways to develop Catch Phrases that will easily command attention from your audienceA foolproof Checks and Balances technique to ensure that you have accurately determined what your audience wants from your presentationReal world examples that model the exact strategies you can use to create your own hooks and deliverablesThe renowned Hook Recipe for developing a hook that will make your audience CRAVE your presentation as soon as you deliver itIn Modules 9 through 15, youll learn how to create and deliver a credible opener that Wows your audience and keep them captivate EVERY topic thereafter.In these final steps, well coverThe 5-step formula for creating a dynamic opener that NO audience can resistHow to capture their imagination by Creating a Feeling in your audience and why its SO important to do it this wayThe 3 crucial ingredients that determine the Hot Buttons and Pain Points of your audienceA simple method for introducing yourself that will get even the toughest audiences to believe in you, listen to you, and trust youTwo must have techniques to keep your audience captivated throughout your ENTIRE presentationAnd much, much moreWe know this process works because after analyzing thousands of presentations, good and bad, I discovered the essential components of the successful ones ...a common theme that they all had There are THREE CRUCIAL INGREDIENTS ...we call them Hot Buttons that the best presenters all know how to hit.Heres the most interesting part...Most business leaders dont know about these Hot Buttons, and even good presenters are only able to stumble their way into hitting them some of the time. Captivate is unique because it teaches you how to master the art of hitting these hot buttons each and every time you give a presentation.Once you learn this process, it will make you cringe when you watch presentations that dont use itseriously! Its actually painful to watch presentations knowing what Captivate could do for them.Youll get to see me walk you through the entire process of creating and designing targeted hooks and deliverables that audiences crave... ...time and time again. Instead of enduring that sinking feeling you get when people mentally or physically check out of your presentationsEveryone will want to stay with you! Your audience will be engaged from the moment they sit down until that amazing time right after you finish your closing when you will experience how it feels to have them come up to YOU and ACTUALLY THANK YOU for your presentation. What will you be able to DO with Captivate?When you finish watching, you will be able to implement these techniques right away, and immediately start making them work for you. With a proven system to create a money-making business presentation.Instead of trying to research and learn all of these presentation creation skills on your own ...wasting your time, patience, and valuable business dollars trying to figure out how this process worksYou can simply follow our PROVEN step recipe to start seeing results almost instantly!And you can do it all today, by getting access to Create Killer Presentation HooksAs a presenter, the most important skill you will ever learn is how to immediately captivate your audience and hold their attention indefinitely. In this 90 minute program, you will learn the presentation skills neededto create a presentation using a unique recipe designed to target your audiences' pain points and hot buttons. Bonus: Includes a Seventeen Page Workbook On""How to Hook Your Audience"" with the video.This isn't just theoretical fluff, these are real, practical techniques and presentation skills you can start using immediately. Best of all, you'll actually see Jasondoing it in front of a real audience!Youll get to see the meta in the meta of Jasonmodeling everything he suggests youdo.It drives uscrazy when people tell youto do something in public speaking and they dont do it themselves.If you want that then this program isnt for you... Don't take my word for it. Hear what others have to say... ""It's pretty simple. Jason Teteak walks the talk. In this day and age, finding a true thought leader amongst many is the key to getting to new levels. Listening to Jason and benefitting from his teachings will take you to that new level you seek. He is cutting edge, extremely practical and connects in a way that is motivating, informing and memorable. Some of the biggest benefits received from Jason are tactics, ideas and methods that are immediately implementable. Watch Jason's program before your competition does."" - Al Lautenslager- Best-selling Author, Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days ""I figured Jason Teteak might have a few new tricksbut not much that I hadn't heard before. I was wrong. Jason integrates the latest research on presenting, learning, and audience dynamics with a captivating style that plays with the ironic fact that he is doing presentations about presentation skills. And therein lies the secret to this marvelous program."" - Philip Deloria- Professor and Associate Dean, University of Michigan I have been to several seminars on public speaking and giving presentations, including Dale Carnegie training. I truly went into this thinking that I couldn't possibly learn anything new, but I found myself scribbling notes like a mad woman during the presentation. I quickly realized that these were tips and techniques that I had never heard before, and that I could use immediately upon my return to the office."" - Joey Monson-Lillie- Human Resources Manager About the InstructorInternational Public Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaker and Best Selling author Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people how to flawlessly command attention and connect with audiences in their unique style.Hes won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring communications skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques.Or as he puts it No theoretical fluff.Jason gained recognition at EPIC Systems in the medical software industry, where he was known as trainer of trainers of trainers.He has developed more than fifty presentation and communication training programs ranging in length from one hour to three days that serve as the basis for The Rule the Room Method.In 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 he was named #1 Best Selling coach on Public Speaking for his on-demand video teaching tools that quickly took off for over 100,000 online students around the world.Teteak has flipped the model and changed the approach to great Public Speaking for even the most seasoned veterans."
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate QuickBooks Pro Training Bundle - 60+ Hours" |
"During this QuickBooks Pro training bundle, learn to use QuickBooks to manage your business's finances. Your certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor, trainers will show you important features from how to create accounts for organizing customer, vendor, and item records. Discover how to setup QuickBooks Pro for the first time, pay employees, create reports, reconcile, work with sales tax, setup inventory, receive payments, and much more. ****** Updated April 2020: 8-hour course for QuickBooks Pro 2020 added to this bundle****** Updated December 2019: 8-hour course for QuickBooks Pro2019 added to this bundle****** Updated November 2018: 7-hour course for QuickBooks Pro 2018 added to this bundleCourses included with this bundle: Master QuickBooks Pro 2020: The Complete QuickBooks CourseMaster QuickBooks 2019: The Complete Training CourseQuickBooks Pro 2018 Training: Manage Small Business FinancesQuickBooks Pro 2017 Training: Manage Small Business FinancesQuickBooks Pro 2016 Training: Manage Small Business FinancesMaster QuickBooks Pro 2015 the Easy WayLearn QuickBooks Pro 2014 the Easy Way QuickBooks Pro 2013 Training the Easy WayNOTE: This bundle is for QuickBooks Desktop users. If you are using QuickBooks Online, please search for ""QuickBooks Online Simon Sez IT"" on Udemy to find our QuickBooks Online course.This bundle includes: 8 training courses60+ hours of video tutorialsOver 590 individual video lecturesWhat people are saying about the QuickBooks Pro training: ""Nice and complete overview of QuickBooks. Makes learning QuickBooks much more approachable and manageable, then learning it on your own. This is a great and cheaper alternative than taking a more expensive course. Definitely recommended if you want to learn QuickBooks and have no idea where to begin."" - Armanda Lopez ""Great class. Learned a lot about QuickBooks. I enjoyed taking this QuickBooks class. The instructor was very clear and easy to understand."" - Maureen Carless ""You can teach an old dog new tricks. I have been using QuickBooks for over 10 years and I still found this course very helpful. Great choice of voice, perfect pace and breakdown of content. Thank You."" - Travis Tandy We cover all elements of QuickBooks Pro in this comprehensive bundle:Learn to set up your Company FileLearn how to customize your Chart of Accounts and PreferencesLearn to create Estimates, Invoices and working with Customers and JobsLearn how to receive payments, create deposits, statements and credit memos.Learn to enter and pay billsLearn about Purchase Orders, Items and manual adjustmentsLearn to work with Registers, Checks and Bank TransfersLearn how to reconcile items including credit card transactionsLearn about setting up a loanLearn how to customize formsLearn how to pull the reports you want to see!Learn about working with sales taxLearn about Payroll in QuickBooks, paying employees and Payroll TaxesLearn how to create a Budget and Budget ReportsLearn to deal with vehicle mileageLearn about the QuickBooks calendar and how to make it work for youLearn about QuickBooks for macLearn how to back up everything in QuickBooksWhy Simon Sez IT?We know QuickBooks. We've been teaching it for nearly 10 years and your expert instructors have taught thousands of people to manage their business finances in QuickBooks.We don't rush through content. We take the time to ensure you understand important principles before moving on.Follow along. We make it simple to follow along so you can practice as you learn."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Electronic Music Production in Ableton Live" |
"My name is Henrique Caiano (aka Remotion), Im a DJ and Music Producer based in Portugal. Ive been making music for 7 years and after a lot of hard work I managed to release more than 100 tracks, had massive support from the biggest djs in the industry, my tracks reached Beatports top 100 many times and successfully launched my very own record label. Throughout the next lectures Im going to show you how to create a beautifully structured and powerful track, capable of reaching the top charts. On these series of lectures, Im going to teach you step by step instructions on how to create a floor shattering track. By using my own techniques that I gathered through the years, you will learn how to create the perfect drum layer, youll learn how to apply the best sampling tricks, how to arrange your track the proper way, and finally youll learn how to mix and master your track so it sounds great, be it on your computer speakers, as well as on huge festival sound systems. As a bonus, you will have an unlimited email line where you are free to ask as many questions as you like as well as the entire project files so you can play and learn with it, as much as you want. Send me your finished tracks and I'll be happy to give you a detailed feedback."
Price: 19.99
