"Emotional Intelligence: Master Anxiety, Fear, & Emotions" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Developing Emotional Intelligence is the biggest key to overcoming negative emotions, such as anxiety and fear. This course will give you the tools that you need to develop emotional intelligence so you can recognize negative emotions (such as anxiety) while theyre happening, identify the triggers that cause the emotion, and overcome the emotion. Weve been told lies about our emotions: Emotions are bad or that were not supposed to express them. We should trust themtrust our gutbut, wait, noemotions are irrational and shouldnt be trusted Emotions are something that happens TO us and, therefore, theyre outside of our control. The truth is that you CAN control your emotional state, including fear and anxiety. You can learn how to avoid the unwanted ones and purposefully create the ones you want. Just think about an astronautthey HAVE to learn how to control their mind, emotions and body in order to handle the extreme stress of living in space. And, if they are human beings and can develop their emotional intelligence to overcome any anxiety and fear, so can you. In fact, the skill of emotional intelligence is perhaps the most valuable skill you can EVER acquire. By developing your INTRApersonal emotional intelligence skills, you are able to understand and regulate your own emotions. And that is the best way to be prepared to develop your INTERpersonal skills, a.k.a. your ability to understand other people's emotions. Being able to cope with and prevent high intensity stress, anxiety and fear unlocks our greatest abilities, frees us to go for our wildest dreams, and is a powerful factor that is often overlooked when comparing those who are successful at achieving their dreams and those who are not. For most of us, in our homes and schools, no one teaches us about our emotions and how they work. No one teaches that WE can control emotions such as fear and anxiety by using the power of our own mind to become aware of our thoughts and feelings and so unlock the ability to choose our emotions and direct the content of our lives. No one teaches us that lack of emotional management is what leads to drama, anxiety, suffering, addiction, stress and poor decisions. And that if we learn to control our emotions we can avoid these things. Emotional intelligence matters! And thats why weve created this course. Well focus on 3 of the most undesirable emotionsuncertainty, anxiety, fearand how you can use emotional awareness and self-control techniques to take back control of your emotions and feel better now. Well teach you what your emotions REALLY mean, how to recognize them, and how to direct them in a way that allows you to move toward your life goals Well teach how to get out of your head and become the observer of your emotions as they happen, so you can avoid being hijacked by your own brain and feel in control again. In other words, you will take your power back from anxiety, stress, and negative emotions. In this course, you will learn: Emotional Intelligence insights into to what emotions are and how they work Emotional Intelligence tools to recognize and identify your emotions Emotional Intelligence tools to direct your thoughts, giving you the power to direct your emotions Emotional Intelligence techniques for re-framing your perspective to find the blessings hidden within the pain How to take back your power and put yourself first Emotional Intelligence techniques for stress reduction and to make every day more enjoyable Proven emotional Intelligence tools for preventing loss of emotional control Emotional Intelligence techniques for de-escalating anxiety and fear NLP (neuro linguistic programming) techniques to rewire emotional reactions and anchor positive emotions Emotional intelligence tools to cope with challenges using humor and other self-empowerment techniques Emotional intelligence techniques to develop feelings of self-confidence and certainty Emotional intelligence techniques to master feeling hopeful and joyful So, if you are ready to reprogram your brain and let go of negative emotions, such as anxiety and fear, and learn the power of emotional intelligence enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. we look forward to seeing you in the course! So, who are we: We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We both have over a decade in the field of education, psychology, social service and life coaching. Joeel has a Masters Degree in Counseling and Education and is finishing his dissertation for his PhD in Psychology with an emphasis on happiness. He is also a former psychology instructor. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. We have worked with thousands of individuals and weve observed clearly that the content of peoples thoughts and focus influence their emotional state, which then influences their behavior and the results and outcomes they experience in their lives. We have each also had experiences in life that have pushed us to learn how to understand, identify and influence our own mental and emotional statesand our ability to control our emotions is directly responsible for the success we have created in life. In this course, we teach you everything we have learned through our own experiences, as well as through what weve learned from our clients, our research, our careers and our education. "
Price: 134.99

"Rewrite Your Life Story Script and Transform Your Life" |
"***If you would be interested in becoming a Life Story Coach, we have a certification version of this course available. It contains ALL of the content of this course, plus coach training.***Life truly is what we make of it. The stories we tell can either liberate us or enslave us. We are all natural story-tellers and are constantly telling ourselves and others stories about our lives. But, our life stories are more fiction than fact. We believe they are real, but theyre only loosely based on what actually happened. They are muddied by our interpretations, the people who influenced us, our limited memories, and the meaning we ascribed to each event. Usually, these stories are unconscious; they are deeply ingrained into our psyche through years of repetition. We tell stories about who we are and what happened to us. We tell stories about others, We tell stories about life. But these stories arent who we are. Most of them arent even true. We continue to tell them out of habit. And continuing to carry them around will perpetuate those stories into our future. But, it doesnt have to be that way. Studies have proven that even subtle tweaks to our story can shift our attitude, improve our self-confidence, and redirect our futures. We may not be able to change the past, but we can change how we see it, the story we tell, and therefore how it affects us and who we become. By changing how see the past, we can better envision a compelling future. When we find the blessings contained within the curses of our past, we tell our story from a new perspective, and are able to see current and future challenges as opportunities. The activities and tools you will use to transform your life are based on a foundation of neuroscience, psychological principles, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Transactional Analysis. This course is designed to walk you through the process of: Identifying your life story and where it came from Questioning the underlying beliefs that form your story and identity Look at your story of the events of your life with a new, empowered perspective Re-write your life story or life script Create lasting change and live in alignment with the higher truth of who you are Feel confident and powerful, stepping forward into a compelling future free of past pain and limitations So, are you ready to transform your life and rewrite your life story? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. This course is taught by three experts in the fields of life coaching, personal development, psychology and psychoanalysis. Our varied experience and perspectives add depth and variety to the program. Instructors Joeel & Natalie Rivera run Transformation Services, Inc in Florida, United States. They have over a decade in the life coaching field. The have a background in social services, psychology, education and as entrepreneurs. Joeel has a Masters in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness. Libby Seery is the founder of Renaissance Life Therapies, located in London, England. She is a counselor, psychotherapist, and therapeutic life coach. Between the three of us, we have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries around the world.We all look forward to supporting you along your journey to fulfillment and alignment with your best self. See you in the course! "
Price: 144.99

"Life Story Coach Certification" |
"Upon completion, students will receive an official Life Story Coach Certification through Joeel & Natalie of Transformation Academy.NOTE: There is a version of this course for individuals who do not want the additional coach training. Do NOT enroll in both.Life truly is what we make of it. The stories we tell can either liberate us or enslave us. The most powerful transformation your can offer your clientsas a life coach, a counselor, a speaker or a teacheris to help them rewrite the story they tell about their lives and who they are. We are all natural story-tellers, but our life stories are more fiction than fact. We believe they are real, but they are muddied by our interpretations, the people who influenced us, our limited memories, and the meaning we ascribed to each event. Usually, these stories are unconscious; they are deeply ingrained into our psyche through years of repetition. We tell stories about who we are and what happened to us. We tell stories about others, We tell stories about life. But these stories arent who we are. Most of them arent even true. We continue to tell them out of habit. And continuing to carry them around will perpetuate those stories into our future. But, it doesnt have to be that wayfor you OR for your clients! Studies have proven that even subtle tweaks to our story can shift our attitude, improve our self-confidence, and redirect our futures. We may not be able to change the past, but we can change how we see it, the story we tell, and therefore how it affects us and who we become. You may have clients with tremendous potential and drive, but who seem to be held back by limiting beliefs, low self-confidence, and a persistent life story that keeps them stuck in a rut or returning to the same life scripts over and over again. By helping them change how they view their past and re-write their lifes story, you will help them envision a compelling future and see current and future challenges as opportunities. The activities and tools you will use to transform your life are based on a foundation of neuroscience, psychological principles, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Transactional Analysis. This course provides everything you need to: Create a complete life coaching package on Rewriting Your Life Story Receive an official certification as a Life Story Coach Understand the psychological principles behind peoples life stories, beliefs and narratives Use proven, step-by-step tools and strategies with your clients to help them re-writing their stories, release limiting beliefs, and empower their self talk Use principles and exercises from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Transactional Analysis to help clients change life patterns This course is taught by three experts in the fields of life coaching, personal development, psychology and psychoanalysis. Our varied experience and perspectives add depth and variety to the program. So, are you ready to transform your life and the life of those you serve through proven strategies that will help them change their life story? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. This course is presented by 3 instructors:Instructors Joeel & Natalie Rivera run Transformation Services, Inc in Florida, United States. They have over a decade in the life coaching field. They have a background in social services, psychology, education and as entrepreneurs. Joeel has a Masters in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness. Libby Seery is the founder of Renaissance Life Therapies, located in London, England. She is a counselor, psychotherapist, and therapeutic life coach and is accredited through the CPD Standards Agency in the UK. The three of us, we have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries around the world. We all look forward to supporting you along your journey as a Life Story Coach, leading your clients to fulfillment and alignment with their best self. See you in the course! "
Price: 194.99

"Life Coach: Descubra el Propsito de su Vida" |
"Encuentre su pasin, descubra la carrera para la que fue hecho y viva su mayor propsito. Embarca en un viaje dentro de s mismo para descubrir el propsito de su vida y sus pasiones ms grandes, y luego determinar una carrera que le ayudar a cumplirlo (o utilizar esta informacin para encontrar ms sentido en la carrera que ya tiene)! Aprenda a capitalizar sus talentos naturales, abrazar sus pasiones, entender su personalidad y fortalecer sus creencias acerca de cmo ganarse la vida haciendo lo que ama y desarrollar su autntica misin aqu en la Tierra. Nunca es demasiado tarde para encontrar su propsito en la vida y perseguirlo! Este curso es ideal para cualquier persona que quiera abrazar su ser ms alto y vivir una vida de propsito ... y es ESPECIALMENTE para estudiantes, graduados recientes, cambiadores de carrera, desempleados o jubilados que desean encontrar una carrera o negocio que aman y que cumple su mayor propsito. En este curso le desafiaremos a mirar sus experiencias de vida y ver cmo han sido una fuerza impulsora en su vida para que pueda ver cmo el rompecabezas encaja y le ayuda a ver su verdadero propsito. Ser autnticamente usted ... Hay algunas personas que tienen un talento especfico que es tan extremo que es fcil de detectar que estaban realmente ""hechos"" para hacerlo. Para el resto de nosotros, determinar lo que estbamos ""hechos para hacer"" puede ser un poco menos obvio. Parte de esto es porque la mayora de nosotros somos influenciados por nuestras familias y la sociedad a seguir caminos que estamos ""supuestos"" a hacer. Nuestros roles, carreras, pasatiempos y relaciones a menudo son escogidos ms debido a nuestro condicionamiento o porque sentimos que ""debemos"" en lugar de porque son un ajuste para quienes realmente somos. No es ninguna sorpresa que las personas que toman decisiones para sus vidas basadas en lo que realmente son y lo que genuinamente quieren son ms satisfechos y ms exitosos. Vivir una vida a propsito significa usar sus talentos naturales, siguiendo sus intereses naturales y vivir en alineacin con quien realmente eres. Ests haciendo lo que has venido a hacer! A lo largo de este curso estaremos atravesando los ""peldaos hacia el propsito"", o los diferentes elementos de nuestras vidas y seres que juegan un papel en guiar nuestro camino y determinar nuestro propsito. Al final de este rastro de pistas de nuestros pasados y nuestras personalidades, descubrirs que has descubierto tu mayor propsito para tu vida! Acondicionamiento: Superar limitando el condicionamiento de la infancia y las influencias sociales Pasiones/ Intereses: Explora tus mayores pasiones e intereses y descubre para qu ests ""hecho"" Talentos/ Habilidades: Examine sus talentos naturales y las habilidades que ha adquirido para determinar las posibilidades Personalidad: Investiga tu tipo de personalidad y descubre sus deseos e inclinaciones Experencias: Busca patrones o pistas ocultas en tu lnea de tiempo de experiencias que cambian la vida Coincidencias: Considere cmo las coincidencias significativas son a menudo simblicas de un mayor significado y propsito Creencias Limitantes: Elimine los sistemas de creencias y superar las excusas comunes que pueden retenerle Empoderamiento: Empoderar a tomar su poder de los dems Objetivo: Reunir todos los elementos anteriores en una declaracin clara de propsito y escribir su manifiesto personal como una poderosa declaracin de intencin Quines somos: Somos Joeel y Natalie Rivera. Ambos tenemos ms de una dcada en el campo de la educacin, psicologa, servicio social y coaching de vida. Joeel tiene una maestra en consejera y educacin y est terminando su disertacin para su doctorado en psicologa con un nfasis en la felicidad. Tambin es un ex instructor de psicologa. Tenemos ms de 300,000+ estudiantes de 195 pases. Hemos trabajado con miles de personas y hemos observado claramente que el contenido de los pensamientos y el enfoque de las personas influyen en su estado emocional, lo cual influye en su comportamiento y en los resultados y resultados que experimentan en sus vidas. Cada uno de nosotros tambin ha tenido experiencias en la vida que nos han empujado a aprender a entender, identificar e influir en nuestros propios estados mentales y emocionales, y nuestra capacidad de controlar nuestras emociones es directamente responsable del xito que hemos creado en la vida. En este curso, le enseamos todo lo que hemos aprendido a travs de nuestras propias experiencias, as como a travs de lo que hemos aprendido de nuestros clientes, nuestra investigacin, nuestras carreras y nuestra educacin. "
Price: 144.99

"Stress Management: Avoid Burnout and Prevent Stress" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Learn quick and simple stress management tools that will transform your life! Do you ever feel burnt out or frazzled? Too much stress at work, in your business, or at home? Tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed-out? If yes, these stress management techniques will help you. Don't wait until you crash and burn... instead, learn quick and simple stress management tips and tools to avoid burnout and overwhelm! Stress can impact every aspect of our life. This include our productivity, our happiness, problem solving, emotional and physical wellbeing, our relationships, and so on. Therefore, learning stress management techniques is essential to our overall success and wellbeing. In this course you will learn practical stress management techniques to transform your life. In this course you will: Recognize the symptoms of burnout and learn stress management techniques so that you can stop stress before it starts. Learn stress management techniques to establish healthy boundaries for yourself and with others so that you feel honored and confident. Develop confidence and learn how to say ""no"" and put your oxygen mask on yourself FIRST! Explore stress management tools to determine what work-life balance would need to look like for you to live the lifestyle you desire, including making sure you're making the most of your work and non-work hours. You'll learn stress management tools to stay focused and develop mindfulness. The stress management tool and techniques you learn will help you: Feel more relaxed Reduce tension Prevent conflict Feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled in your work and home life! If you are ready to learn stress management techniques that will transform join us today in this course. You owe it to yourself to take this course and learn stress management tools that work! So, are you ready to transform your life through proven stress management strategies? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. "
Price: 144.99

"Life Story Coach Sales Presentation Blueprint" |
"***THIS PROGRAM IS INTENDED FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN OR ARE TAKING OUR LIFE STORY COACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. If you would like to create your OWN custom introductory speech/workshop on your own topic, take our course ""Use Public Speaking to Sell from the Stage"".*** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The biggest question we get asked by our Certified Coaches is: HOW DO I GET MORE CLIENTS? In our decade of experience, we've found there is 1 MARKETING STRATEGY that works above all else... SPEAKING in front of your potential clients! You see, people like to do business with people they know, like and trust. The best way to let your potential coaching clients get to know you is to meet them in person and show them who you are and what you can do for them. The best way we have found to do this is to offer an INTRODUCTORY program related to your coaching topic. During this presentation, you have the opportunity to provide tremendous value by teaching the audience powerful tools for growth. And, at the same time, you are able to encourage them to follow-up after the event by hiring you as a coach. And the best part is, you can present your coaching services without sounding (or, more importantly, feeling) ""salesy""! This course provides a COMPLETE PRESENTATION, including: Full PowerPoint presentationComplete template and all content to presentHandouts for your audienceSample video presentation of the entire program as we present itAnd the best part is that it is PROVEN to effectively get new life story coaching clients into your program. We have used this EXACT presentation to recruit clients to our Rewriting Your Life Story program and hire us as life coaches. We're giving you the whole she-bang! You can customize it or use it verbatim. It's up to you! So, are you ready to start getting more clients and have a thriving coaching practice? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So, who are we?We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries."
Price: 94.99

"Productivity and Efficiency Hacks" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++If you're enrolling in this course it's because YOU VALUE YOUR TIME!You want to get MORE done in LESS timeYou want to feel a sense of accomplishment and like you're being productiveYou're tired of feeling like your'e spinning your wheels or walking on a treadmillYou feel like you're working all the time and not getting anything doneWE GET IT! And we get that you don't have the TIME to take a 6 hour course to teach you how to save time. So, this course offers QUICK AND EASY tips and tools for nipping your time-wasting and inefficiency in the bud.You will learn to be more PRODUCTIVE by:Taking breaks when you're feeling unfocused or restlessGetting in a better mood (which increases your focus and creativity)Getting in a FLOW state so you can tap your full powerYou will learn to be more EFFICIENT by:Avoiding common personal and business time wastersMastering your email and using technology to increase efficiency, instead of waste timeDelegate your personal and work life to free your time to focus on making progress, going for your dream, or spending time doing what you love.Investing a couple hours of your time into hacking your daily habits could save you THOUSANDS of hours wasted in frustration or working hard but not making any progress. So, are you ready to transform your life through proven productivity and efficiency hacks? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we?We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We are serial entrepreneurs who know what its like to feel like were constantly working but not feeling like were making any progress. Weve learned and practiced these exact methods to boost our productivity and increase our efficiency and delegate our life, freeing our time to travel, spend time with loved ones, and be beach bums. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries."
Price: 144.99

"Law of Attraction & Allowing YOUR Success Masterclass" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHY master the Law of Attraction and Allowing? Understanding the Law of Attraction, manifestation, and ALLOWING good to flow means understanding and thriving in LIFE. The Law of Attraction is not a fad-diet-of-the-week that will fade away when the next coolest-latest-whatever shows up, it is the LAW that has, is and always will govern every particle (and non-particle) in the universe and IS the true cause and effect of manifestation that many have been searching for but few have truly understood. Use the law of attraction to: Be and feel healthier Enjoy fabulous, feel-good relationships Let brilliant ideas and creativity to flow Land great new digs (AKA inhabit your ideal home) Prosper in a career you truly love Find solutions faster Master a subject, ability or skill thats been calling you See your dreams & visions come to fruition or are simply looking to feel even a wee bit happily-ever-after NOW Discovering how to make the Law of Attraction your BFF and LET good happen is your ticket to success in ANY area of life, because well it IS life. In this course, you will delve into what the Law of Attraction (LOA) REALLY is, how it actually works, and how to master this power to transform your life. In this Law of Attraction course youll learn: The truth about common misconceptions & misperceptions about the law of attraction and manifestation. Other secret players that greatly influence how the Law of Attraction responds Manifestation and Law of attraction tools to identify if you are moving toward or away from what you truly want. Manifestation and Law of attraction tools to SHIFT GEARS when youre heading in a direction you DONT like When to take action, when to chill, when to visualize and set intentions, and when to just BE AND Youll discover why ALLOWING (AKA LETTING good happen) is this Mac-Daddy-Mother-Ship of manifestation, and how to find and follow your OWN unique and personal path to joy and success on YOUR terms. Quiet a runaway mind Unlock a block and allow ideas, solutions, and creativity to flow Experience greater clarity, focus, and excellence How to use the Law of attraction to allow abundance to flow with greater joy and ease Cultivate greater self-love, confidence, and trust in yourself and in life How to use the Law of attraction to attract, allow and enjoy healthy, rewarding, productive relationships (including shifting the energy around existing relationships) Naturally gravitate toward healthy habits to allow YOUR ideal plan for fitness, getting slim and experiencing overall well-being without having to force or deprive yourself Create an inner environment that allows your body to help itself heal How to use the Law of attraction to lessen and neutralize negative influences from the dreaded them Use the power of your words and affirmations in the most effective way Use the power of music to shift your vibe How to use the Law of attraction to create greater excitement, joy and fun in your day-to- day life so manifestation comes easily. Bounce back from a mega life moment faster LET GOOD (AKA whatever your beautiful heart desires) happen and ENJOY the journey along the way! PLUS Bonuses, upgrades and happy surprises along the way! So, are you ready to transform your life and live a life on fire? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. MEET THE INSTRUCTORSThis course is taught by three experts in the fields of life coaching, personal development, and psychology. Instructors Joeel & Natalie Rivera are infopreneurs, content publishers, coaches, and professional speakers. Joeel is a former Psychology Professor with a Masters in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness. They have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries.Terez Firewoman Hartmann is a Law of Attraction/Allowing specialist who helps others live life on fire through her work as a professional speaker, author, coach, retreat facilitator and recording/performing artist. Shes taken the stage for Disney, Hard Rock, the Superbowl, international conferences and more, had her music used for film, radio and theater, and together we look forward to helping you allow your success! "
Price: 144.99

"Public Speaking Training & Facilitator Certification" |
"Are you passionate about inspiring or training others because you want to make a difference? Do you want to be a professional public speaker or enhance your skills? Would you love to facilitate training or group programs? Do you want to expand what you currently do by getting in front of an audience of your ideal clients/customers? Or, do you want to develop your own workshops and programs, teaching what you know and love? If so, we can relate! All 3 of the instructors in this program (Joeel & Natalie Rivera and Patrick Howell) are professional speakers and facilitators who started right where you are now. We have over 30 years of combined experience public speaking and facilitating, and have presented at and developed programs for government agencies, corporations, social services, conferences, high schools, colleges, as well as developed and produced their own programs, workshops, and conferences. As Instructors we have more than 50 courses taken by over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. We all know from experience that you may be running into roadblocks that keep you from making the difference, or the living, that you want to make through public speaking and facilitating: You want to be a public speaker and facilitator, but youre terrified to speak in front of an audience. You believe you have value to offer but you fear youre not credible enough. You want to become a corporate trainer, keynote speaker, or lead seminars and workshops but you simply dont know how to get started in the industry. You currently do presentations but you want to improve your public speaking and facilitating skills, such as communication, control the room, raising the energy, persuade the audience to action, and increase your level of confidence. Youre working in one of the industries weve mentioned but you arent making the income you know you could. We understand because weve all been there! And thats exactly why we developed this program! Not only will be teaching industry best practices and proven strategies weve picked up along our personal journeys, we will be including all the tools, methodologies, and techniques you need to know to become a world-class facilitator and public speaker. Upon completion, you will also receive the designation of PWF Professional Workshop Facilitator Certification, which reflects your commitment to excellence, as well as earns you an official certification. This training program covers the 6 Core Competencies of Professional Facilitation, which include the knowledge, skills and experiences a facilitator and speaker should possess to consistently present and lead outstanding events, be able to evoke meaningful and lasting learning in their audience, and develop a strong public speaking and facilitation business. Stage Presence, which includes developing confidence, managing group energy, and owning the stage Command, which includes owning your expertise and authority, controlling the room, directing the flow of the event Communication, which includes expressing your message effectively, engaging with your audience and using body language to enhance your communication Engagement, which includes connecting with your audience, using professional presentation techniques, and facilitating powerful group activities Education, which includes teaching material in a manner that leads to authentic learning and transformation and developing well-structured and effective curriculums Entrepreneurship, which includes strategies for developing collaborative partnerships and joint ventures in order to reach your intended audience and promote your workshops and services to those who need you Being a public speaker and facilitator is a deeply rewarding and lucrative profession. We look forward to sharing our passion and experience with you in support of your mission to learn, grow, and create the lifestyle you desire while making your own unique impact on the world.STUDENTS WHO COMPLETE EVERY LESSON IN THIS COURSE WILL RECEIVE AN OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION FROM TRANSFORMATION SERVICES, INC., AS WELL AS THE CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOP FACILITATOR LOGO TO USE IN HIS/HER MARKETING MATERIAL.So, are you ready to transform your speaking business? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. "
Price: 194.99

"Life Coaching: Find Your Profitable Purpose-Driven Niche" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Have you overcome a challenge or experienced a transformation that could inspire people? Do you have any specialized knowledge or skills that would be valuable to others? What if you could help your clients achieve the results YOU had in a way that saves them pain or offers them a shortcut to success? Then you might be sitting on a gold mine. Not only would these unique gifts that you have to offer help you make a real difference for your clients, but packaging your coaching around these gifts is the only way to create a thriving coaching business. Let us explain. This is the best time to be a coach because its an industry that is growing AND coaching is EVOLVING. Today, coaching is a 2.5 billion dollar industry. It is estimated that there are of forty thousand active coaches worldwide. That being said, you may have heard or experienced that most coaches ultimately fail and its truein fact only 10% of coaches are making 6 figures. But its not that coaching isnt valuable or that people wont pay for it. Its that the old model of coaching is no longer working. Its too general. But, unfortunately a lot of what you still see in the market is based on the OLD model of coaching which basically means you coach a client to achieve a goal of their choosing through individual coaching sessions. The result is that coaches spend more time chasing clients than they do actually coaching. It just doesnt work. HERE IS THE TRUTH: The ONLY way to successfully get coaching clients is to target a SPECIFIC group of people who are UNIQUELY interested in what you have to offer AND willing to pay for it. So how do you do that? The answer is finding your purpose-driven niche and the tribe of ideal clients who need you. If you do youll be able to: Share your unique gift with the world and have a bigger impact Feel confident coaching based on your own personal experience Stop feeling uncomfortable and struggling to sell coaching Take the guesswork out of coaching by offering specific results Increase your expertise and authority by focusing on what you, uniquely, can offer View competition as irrelevant and become the go-to person in your niche Get clients easily AND make more money doing it So, are you ready to transform your life coaching business? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. So are you ready evolve your coaching and discover your purpose-driven niche? If so, we look forward to supporting you along your own journey to success. See you in the course! "
Price: 144.99

"Life Coaching: Create Your Signature Life Coaching Package" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The #1 biggest mistake most life coaches make is trying to sell life coaching People dont want to buy coaching, they want to buy results! The solution is to create a life coaching PACKAGES, which: Focus on a specific result that your life coaching clients already want Bundle together your life coaching and other services (instead offering single life coaching sessions) By doing this you are able to: Get more life coaching clients because a well designed package makes it an easy decision for life coaching clients to enroll Have more committed life coaching clients because they are investing in a long term process Stop selling your time or trading your time for dollars Create a more stable income because you are either getting paid up front or receive predictable recurring payments Sounds great right? So, you may be wondering:How do I begin? What do I include? How much do I charge? And, how do I create a SIGNATURE life coaching package? These questions are exactly why we created this course. First, you must clearly identify the result you are offeringyour GIFT. So, what is your gift? Your gift is the best of what YOU have to offer, which means it is based off YOUR unique knowledge, skill, or life experience. Its the result youve gotten for yourselfand if you package it, you can offer your life coaching client a shortcut to the success that you have had in your life. So, once you know the result you want to achieve with your life coaching client, you need to break down HOW you are going to life coach them to this end goal. This is the LIFE COACHING PACKAGE. In this course we take the mystery out of how to create a signature life coaching package that sells! Youll IDENTIFY YOUR LIFE COACHING NICHE and the specific gift you can offer your life coaching clients Youll develop a curriculum based your recipe for success Youll decide how to structure your coaching package, including: whether to offer individual or group sessions how frequently you will meet and for how long what add-ons, elements or bonuses to include whether to offer sessions in person or virtually Youll answer the question how much should I charge? Youll create a compelling name for your package and write descriptions that capture the outcomes while jumping off the page because youve written them in your ideal life coaching clients language. Plus, this course will help you stop making the 2nd biggest mistake most life coaches make: wasting their time stuck in the hamster wheel of life coaching client chasing! The solution? Keep your life coaching clients coming back for more with a Life coaching client Ascension Process, which is just a fancy name for a life coaching ladder of multiple packages. So, are you ready to create your signature life coaching package? Register today. We look forward to taking this journey with you. Well see you in the course. Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries."
Price: 144.99

"Manager's Guide to Difficult Conversations" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We all have those conversations we keep putting off. Those times when we know we should talk to someone, but we dont. And then there are those conversations we HAVE to have as leaders, such as:Addressing behavioral issuesDiscussing promotions that arent comingMediating conflictsOr worse, laying someone off Its understandable if you resist these conversations. Maybe youve tried approaching an individual in the past and it went badly. Or maybe you fear that talking about a problem will only make the situation worse. Having difficult conversations is never easy, whether they're with co-workers, staff or subordinates. The problem is that avoiding difficult conversations has detrimental consequences. And, approaching difficult conversations without clear goals and effective communication strategies can make matters even worse by eroding trust and damaging relationships. Whether youre the CEO, manager, supervisor, team lead, or you work in human resources, it is your responsibility to be the example for how to approach difficult conversations. The good news is that there are PROVEN TOOLS AND STRATEGIES for handling these situations. Plus, when you prove that you can handle difficult situations with ease and grace it will earn you respect, trust, and adoration from those you work with, improving your relationships as well as the overall atmosphere and productivity of your organization. In this course well help you: Develop a better understanding of why certain conversations are so challenging, why you avoid them, and what consequences you face by not mastering this skill. Overcome fear of confrontation, not knowing what to say, or, ultimately, failure, and develop confidence that you can handle difficult conversations with minimal discomfort. Take responsibility for the success of these situations by preparing in advance and focusing on the desired outcomes. Understand and manage emotions before and during the conversation to avoid escalation. Utilize proven techniques for effective communication, listening, and approaching the conversation. So, are you ready to transform your relationship with your employees? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries."
Price: 144.99

"Setting and Achieving Goals" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Goal setting is so much a key to success that its clich. We know it, but most of us dont do it. First, we want you to know that this is NOT just another lame goal-setting program: It gives you EVERYTHING you need set achievable goals and achieve your breakthrough. Second, regardless of how clich it is, setting goals is VITAL if you want any chance of fulfilling your dreams with your career or your personal life. Most people only consider their goals once per yeararound New Years Eve. And, according to a study published by the University of Scranton people who dont set goals are missing out because:People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who dont explicitly make resolutions. 10 times more likely. Those are some good odds! However, your odds could be much, MUCH greater. What if you could learn what those who succeed at their goals actually DO differently than everybody else and then DO THAT? Well, you can! In over a decade of studying human potential and psychology, coaching and training individuals and team members, and running our own businessesweve learned why most people and businesses fail at achieving their goals. The truth is that most people dont have the mindset for success. They dont have goals They dont make a planWhen they do, they dont use an effective strategy for executing their plan In this course we will provide you with the blueprint we use to surpass our goals year after year. Whether you want to implement this proven strategy for yourself or your team or organization, youll be able to: Identify specific, achievable goals that inspire you Write a detailed, actionable short and long-term plan Check-in and reprioritize monthly and weekly Know exactly what steps to take right now Avoid common road blocks and easily navigate changing priorities Remain motivated and empowered along your journey to success So, are you ready to transform your work life by setting achievable goals? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries."
Price: 144.99

"Time Management, Prioritization and Productivity" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Are you ready to learn time management strategies that can transform your life? Do you ever feel super busy but know youre not getting much accomplished? Are you tired of not knowing what to work on or what is a priority? Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work there always seems to be something hanging over your head? If so it may be a lack of having effective time management strategies. We understand! Time is our most valuable commodity and there is nothing worse than feeling like were wasting it. Thats why weve dedicated ourselves to implementing the most effective and simplest time management strategies in our business.In this time management course well teach you proven, simple, easy to implement tools and strategies that are utilized by top organizations, and which we use ourselves. In fact these time management tools have helped us run multiple business at the same time and yet have the balance to enjoy life, travel and do the things that we love. The truth is, with so many responsibilities it can be challenging to make the best use of your time without intentionally implementing time management strategies. This time management course will help you: Increase productivity and get more done in less time Stop wasting time by eliminating time-wasters Avoid overwhelm with prioritization and time management hacks Set goals based on desired outcomes to ensure your effort will achieve your goal Manage your time, your projects, or your team Create weekly plans that help you stay organized and avoid procrastination Use time management strategies to stay focused and avoid common distractions Identify your most and least productive activities, clients, and employees Feel confident that youre making progress and focusing on top priorities Learn time management skills to take control of your emails, your time, and your life Your time is limited and the best gift you can give yourself is to learn time management and productivity strategies that can help you thrive while providing the freedom that you desire. We look forward to seen you in the course. So, are you ready to transform your life through proven time management and productivity strategies? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. Your time is limited and the best gift you can give yourself is to learn time management and productivity strategies that can help you thrive while providing the freedom that you desire. We look forward to seen you in the course. "
Price: 144.99

"Management Coaching Employee Performance Coach Certification" |
"Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 10 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 10 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Research conducted over decades by the Gallup Organization shows clearly that the number 1 factor that determined the job satisfaction and performance of valuable employees, and therefore leads them to grow with the organization, is the relationship they have with their boss. Thats you! If you want happy, productive employees who contribute to the organization and fulfill their potential, its time to take your role as a manager beyond simply managing their behavior or responsibilities, and instead facilitate their developmentas a coach. Being a coach isnt about simply developing your employees skills or careers, its about helping them grow as a person. It means you are personally invested in their wellbeing and development. Being a high-performing manager is not about telling your employees what to do and providing feedback only during annual performance reviews. It means taking responsibility for their performance and success by partnering with them to chart a course to desired outcomes and supporting them along the way. The time you invest in coaching your employees will reduce the time you spend putting out fires, handling issues, and compensating for low performance. Dont be a coach...... just because 70% of employee learning and development happens on the job, not through formal training programs ... Or because 63% of organizations are using internal coaching because the benefits are numerous ... Or because leaders who implemented coaching effectively and frequently improved results for their business by a staggering 21% compared to managers that do not use coaching. Become an employee performance coach because of the direct impact it will have on your relationships, your staffs performance, and your organizations long-term success. This program will provide best practices for coaching your employees, including:How to approach the relationship and develop a strong relationship of trustExactly how to structure the process, including scripts, assessments, and templates.Effective communication techniques How to establish goals, expectations and what needs improvementPlus, youll learn a proven done-for-you coaching process for creating an employee performance improvement plan, including: Establishing Performance Expectations Assessing Employee NeedsAnalyzing PerformanceProviding Feedback STUDENTS WHO COMPLETE EVERY LESSON IN THIS COURSE WILL RECEIVE AN OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION FROM TRANSFORMATION SERVICES, INC., AS WELL AS THE CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE COACH LOGO TO USE IN HIS/HER MARKETING MATERIAL. SEE THE FINAL LESSON IN THIS COURSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS.So, are you ready to help your employees increase their performance and enhance their careers? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We own a digital media publishing company called Transformation Services, Inc. We provide training programs and curriculum development for entrepreneurs and small businesses and have been coaching for over a decade. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. "
Price: 199.99

"Public Speaking and Presenting at Work" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Public speaking in the workplace is a common requirement for managers and leadership. However, employees can also find themselves asked to:Present at meetingsFacilitate groups or trainingDeliver sales pitchesPresenting is a great opportunity for employees to demonstrate their expertise and value, making developing your presentation skills a key to your career.Whether your goal is to inform, persuade, entertain, or train, there are core communication strategies and presentation techniques that will ensure you give a professional presentation that engages your audience and achieves your desired outcomes. Poor presentation skills or avoidance of public speaking results in leaders who fail to inspire their teams, sales people with low sales numbers, and individuals whose careers are stagnant. The good news is that public speaking skills can be learned. In this course, youll learn how to prepare for your presentation so that you know exactly what to expect. Youll learn how to: Prevent and handle nervousness both before and during the event. Gear your presentation toward your audience, whether its 5 or 500 Use notes, cues and memory techniques so youll feel confident that you wont forget what to say. Youll also develop your presentation skills. Youll learn how to: Light up the room when you enter, command the attention of your audience, and own the room. Enhance your presentation with body language, non-verbal communication, and voice tonality and projection. Present data and complex information clearly and use visual aids properly, such as PowerPoint, flip charts, videos, and more. Design and structure the content for your presentation, using proven blueprints that ensure you achieve your desired outcomes. Run meetings and group discussions like a pro, including fielding questions and handling difficult participants. So, are you ready to master the art of presenting? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We own a digital media publishing company called Transformation Services, Inc. We provide training programs and curriculum development for entrepreneurs and small businesses. We also run a magazine and live events and conferences. Weve worked with 300,000+ students, coaches and businesses from 195 countries. All of our programs are created based on over a decade of experience in education, business development and coaching, as well as my background in psychology, including my Masters in Counseling and Education and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology. "
Price: 144.99

"Creativity, Design Thinking, and Innovation for Business" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Use creativity and design thinking to transform your work environment! Do you want to add creativity and design thinking to make product improvements, better meet your customers needs, or solve problems that are holding your company back? Do you want to want to use creativity and design thinking to create innovative new products, services, or systems that will expand and evolve your business to the next level? If so, you need to create an innovative corporate culture and a creative friendly workplace environment. In this course, youll explore why creativity and innovation are more important for businesses today than ever before. Youll examine why and how leading edge companies have turned conventional business culture models on their head through embracing creativity and how to protect your organization from being disrupted or left behind in a rapidly evolving business climate. Youll learn how to create a cultural environment that fosters creativity, including creativity blocks to avoid, like micromanaging and an over emphasis on efficiency, and how to establish an idea-response system for your managers, in order to encourage the open the sharing of ideas. Plus, youll find out why a creative corporate culture is the key to attracting and retaining great talent, increasing moral and productivity, and ultimately youre companys bottom line. Youll learn best practices for unleashing your creative teams potential by bringing together diverse perspectives and creating an environment that embraces risk taking and removes fear of failure. Youll learn what thinking outside-of-the-box really means and how to overcome the mental traps that hold back individuals and organizations. Youll master your own creative thinking, so that you can bring your full potential to the team and accelerate your career. And, youll be able to teach creative thinking skills to your team, allowing them to reframe challenges into possibilities. Youll learn how to apply a powerful creative-problem-solving technique called DESIGN THINKING to your business. The design thinking process will provide a blueprint for creating innovative creative products and services by helping your team: Understand the needs and problems faced by your customers and clarify the true problems holding back your business Question assumptions and explore alternative solutions that are beyond any preconceived limitations Identify requirements for a satisfactory solution and criteria for testing and identifying when goals have been met Generate out-of-the box ideas and a broad range of possibilities by using proven strategies like story mapping and powerful brainstorming processes Use hands-on approaches and tangible prototypes to experiment and test your ideas, helping you identify the best solutions that will make the biggest impact for your users and your organization. If you are ready to transform your organization by bringing in creativity and design thinking this course is for you! So, are you ready to transform your department, company, or business? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We own a digital media publishing company called Transformation Services, Inc. We provide training programs and curriculum development for entrepreneurs and small businesses. We also run a magazine and live events and conferences. Weve worked with 300,000+ students, coaches and businesses from 195 countries. All of our programs are created based on over a decade of experience in education, business development and coaching, as well as my background in psychology, including my Masters in Counseling and Education and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology. "
Price: 144.99

"Life Coaching: Convert Free Sessions into Paying Clients" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The number 1 question were asked by our life coaching students is: ""how do I get life coaching clients?"" And the number 1 most effective method for enrolling paying life coaching clients is to offer compelling free sessions. The good news is that if you dont like the idea of selling, youll love offering free session! You get a chance to SERVE a potential life coaching client, instead of selling, by offering them tremendous value through your life coaching AND youll have an opportunity to share what you do with them to see if theyre a good fit for your life coaching program. And dont worry, we teach you exactly how to offer this session and make your offer without feeling uncomfortable or sounding salesy! Free session are a great way to generate new leads or a powerful follow-up offer after meeting potential life coaching clients through networking, speaking, or referral. Plus, it is THE best strategy for enrolling high-end life coaching clients because they want to know, like, and trust you before they invest top-dollar in your programs. This is your opportunity to let them experience the transformation you offer first hand! But, its important to know there is a right way and a wrong way to offer free sessions. This course will help you avoid the biggest mistakes most coaches make when offering free sessions. They dont structure their sessions around clearly-defined outcomes so their sessions are sloppy and dont get results They have no plan for how to make their offer or invite the client into their life coaching program, and so they end up sounding awkward, feeling uncomfortable and having a low enrollment rate, and sometimes they avoid bringing it up all together, which is unfortunate because those potential life coaching clients are missing out on a great opportunity to get the help the need. They become desperate when a potential life coaching client expresses interest but says the cannot pay the fee, and so they rush to lower the price and end up feeling devalued and deflated. After completing this course, youll walk away with: A proven structure for your life coaching session so that you are certain your life coaching client will receive clarity and value and that you can gently lead the client into the discussion of your program without either of you feeling uncomfortablein fact, theyll be eager to hear more! A complete script for inviting the life coaching client to join your life coaching program so that you never have to fear not knowing what to say or how to close the sale. A compelling free session offer that will attract potential life coaching clients by capturing their interest and clearly identifying the outcomes they will receive. Youll also learn how to pre-qualify your leads BEFORE the free session so you can avoid wasting your time with people are not a good fit for your life coaching And youll learn methods for promoting, marketing and putting your offer out into the world, as well as create Free Session Offer Invitation Scripts to use when emailing your offer or on your website or social media. The truth is that your life coaching makes a real difference in the lives of your life coaching clients. And so, it is your moral obligation to share your gift with the world. Offering free initial life coaching sessions is a great way to make a difference and enroll paying life coaching clients at the same time.So, are you ready to transform your life coaching business? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. "
Price: 144.99

"Complete Guide to Conflict Management in the Workplace" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Do you ever feel distracted, anxious, or frustrated dealing with conflict with your coworkers or your boss? Or, are you a manager who has to address conflict with your employees or between team members? The truth is that conflict is an inevitable part of work life, and it does not only affect those who are directly involved, it impacts the entire team, department, and organization. How you, and the organization you work for, manage conflict is what ultimately determines the level of productivity and fulfillment you will experience at work.As a manager or business executive, workplace conflict should be a high priority issue because it leads to decreased productivity and high employee turnover. In fact, research has shown that conflict on the job was cited as the reason people leave their jobs in 50% of cases. And, studies have revealed that the average U.S. employee spends 2.8 hours a week dealing with conflict. Between those two factors, that is a huge loss of revenue and potential growth. Conflict at work can be caused by a number of factors, including misunderstandings, miscommunication, perceived threats, personality clashes, a competitive environment, or different values or beliefs.But, the biggest problem caused by conflicts are not the conflicts themselves, but rather the way conflicts are handledand in many cases not handled at all. Humans are psychologically wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. So, naturally, we avoid dealing with conflict. The problem is avoiding or mishandling conflicts causes bigger problems with long-term consequences that can be detrimental to our psychological well-being and the success of any team or organization.But, not all conflict is inherently badin fact it can be both healthy and beneficial. When an effective system for managing differences of opinion is put into place, conflicts can be the source of tremendous growth and creativity. When the corporate environment is one of trust and openness, individuals see disagreements as an opportunity to find common ground and conflicts as a source of creative solutions. When the fear of win-lose situations is eliminated, win-win situations become a common goal. Since conflict is a normal part of business life, it is essential to develop the skills to be able to prevent and manage it. The best way to manage conflicts is to:Stay ahead of conflict by being preparedHave a clear process for handling conflictProvide employees with the tools and skills need to deal with conflictIn this course, you will: Develop an understanding of common sources of conflict and awareness of what signs to look for, so you can prevent or minimize conflict by catching it early. Find out your natural conflict management stylewhether you withdraw, back down, compete, compromise, or truly collaborate and how to change your reactions to be more effective. Create a psychologically safe work environment in which individuals and teams feel confident expressing themselves, making mistakes, and speaking up because they trust that they will not be reprimanded or ridiculed, and that they will be supported in their quest for improvement. Know when to intervene and the best and worst times to approach handling the conflict,, including how to de-escalate a conflict that has become heated or emotional, while not reacting emotionally yourself. Facilitate conflict resolution conversations, using powerful communication techniques and knowing important mistakes to avoid. Youll also learn the 6 Steps to Conflict Resolution, including important conflict resolution skills like:Effective listening and communication techniquesEssential problem-solving strategiesStrategies for following-up and moving forward in a way that ensures resentment doesnt linger and conflicts dont re-occurWell also provide additional insights for handling conflicts depending on who your conflict is with, such as a conflict with your boss or manager, your employees, or within a team. So, are you ready to transform your work environment, experience and relationships? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. "
Price: 144.99

"Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Many people believe that intelligence, or IQ, was what determines success. But, researchers have found that people with average IQs outperform those with higher IQ 70% of the time. It turns out that the missing link in determining a persons long-term success is emotional intelligence, or EQ.Many organizations make the same mistake by focusing on developing hard skills, while the truth is that soft skills, such as emotional intelligence, have been demonstrated to be the strongest predictor of job performance. Plus, high levels of EQ in the workplace creates more rewarding, collaborative, and satisfying workplace relationships, which, in turn, leads to reduced stress and anxiety and greater productivity. Talent Smart studied 34 important workplace skills, including emotional intelligence, and found that EQ was the highest predictor of work performance and overall success. Another study of over 40 fortune 500 companies found that programmers in the top 10th percentile of EQ produced software 3 times faster than programmers with low EQ, and high EQ sales representatives outperformed others by 50%. Studies have found that high EQ also correlates to increases in earnings, problem solving skills, and leadership effectiveness. In fact people with high EQ make an average of $29,000 more a year than those with low EQ. This has proven to be true across different industries. Plus, it reduces conflict which has been shown to increase retention rates by 67%, saving both recruiting and training cost. The good news is that emotional intelligence can be DEVELOPED! In this course, you will learn Emotional Intelligence techniques to: Prevent yourself from being sucked into other peoples negative emotions by understanding why emotions are contagious Assess your own level of emotional intelligence and your strengths and weaknesses Understand how emotions work and how to develop awareness and recognize your own emotional states Take control of your thoughts and redirect your emotional state Catch negative emotions early and avoid triggers, in order to prevent yourself from escalating into unwanted emotional states like anger or fear Reduce and release stress so that it doesnt build up, making you more susceptible to negative emotional reactions Use quick, powerful 5-second strategies for overcoming negative emotions, including de-escalating anger and stopping yourself from crying Then, once youve developed awareness of and control over your own emotions, youll explore emotional intelligence skills to handle other peoples emotions and develop better communication and stronger relationships with your co-workers or staff. Youll learn how to: Identify non-verbal communication and body language that tells you what someone else is feeling Establish rapport and connect to others, allowing you to take on a position of influence and authority and be truly supportive Develop healthy empathy so that you can truly understand another persons perspective, while at the same time not being negatively impacted by their emotional state Listen and communicate effectively using proven reflective listening techniques and simple, powerful communication skills Handle others emotional states, including apathy, defensiveness, anger, or crying Be an emotionally intelligent manager and create a more positive work environment with low conflict and high productivity So, are you ready to transform your life and career? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. Additional Statistics that Demonstrate Why You Should Implement Emotional Intelligence Training in Your Business Investing in EQ could be the best investment you ever make in your organization. Here are several examples of why. After supervisors in a manufacturing plant received training in emotional intelligence, such as how to listen better and help employees resolve problems on their own, lost-time accidents were reduced by 50 percent, formal grievances were reduced from an average of 15 per year to 3 per year, and the plant exceeded productivity goals by $250,000 (Pesuric & Byham, 1996). In another manufacturing plant where supervisors received similar training, production increased 17 percent. There was no such increase in production for a group of matched supervisors who were not trained (Porras & Anderson, 1981). The US Air Force used emotional intelligence training and the EQ-I (Emotional Quotient Inventory, Multi-Health Systems, Toronto) to select recruiters and found that the most successful recruiters scored significantly higher in the emotional competencies of assertiveness, empathy, happiness and emotional self-awareness. They found that by using EQ to select recruiters, they increased their ability to predict successful recruiters by nearly three-fold. The immediate gain was a saving of $3 million annually. In a large beverage firm, using standard methods to hire division presidents, 50% left within two years, mostly because of poor performance. When they started selecting based on emotional competencies such as initiative, self-confidence, and leadership, only 6% left in two years. The executives selected based on EQ were far more likely to perform in the top third: 87% were in the top third. Division leaders with these competencies outperformed their targets by 15 to 20 percent. Those who lacked emotional competencies under-performed those that did by almost 20% (McClelland, 1999). "
Price: 184.99

"Joint Venture Partnerships" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Are you an entrepreneur or independent contractor who wants to expand your business but doesnt have a marketing budget? Are you starting out with a small or nonexistent email list and no established audience and you dont know how to reaching your target market? Do you feel like a best kept secret who just needs that right partnership to unlock your success? If so, joint ventures may be just what you need to gain immediate, direct access to a large number of your ideal potential clients or customers. Joint ventures are like mini-partnerships when 2 or more individuals or businesses collaborate on a specific project, by pooling resources, talents, time and energy. Ultimately, both partners work together in some capacity for mutual benefit. They agree to share the rewards, as well as any risks. Unlike a business partnership, joint ventures are short term collaborative projects. Joint ventures expand your reach by accessing a pre-qualified audience. Collaboration gives you the opportunity to co-create new products or services by collaborating with partners who bring different competencies or expertise to the table. JV partnerships are the most effective marketing strategy, whether youre just starting up or youre ready to take your business to the next level, and heres why: First of all, its free: In most cases, joint ventures dont cost anything. Instead, you work together to generate sales and then split the profit. You dont need an audience to start with: If you have a huge following and a big email list, great! But if you dont thats okay too because you can establish a mutually beneficial partnership with someone else that will expose you to their audience, which helps you build your list. Its highly targeted marketing: You can spend countless hours and money trying to identify and target your specific market of ideal clients, or you can collaborate with someone who already works directly with themand get a warm introduction. You get to leverage their credibility: People do business with people or companies they know, like and trust, and by partnering with someone who promotes you to their established following who loves them, you benefit from the good will and trust theyve already developed. The benefit is that this warm-contact leads to much higher conversion rates than paid advertising. Plus, its scalable: You can work with as many joint venture partners as you wantthere are no limits! And, as you increase experience with joint ventures, youll be able to reach higher and higher into bigger, more established markets with more influential partners. In this course youll learn everything you need to start doing joint ventures right away. Explore different types of joint ventures, such as referrals, trading, affiliates, interviews, cross-promotions, presenting, and co-creating new products or services. Learn best practices for networking to meet potential collaborators, including how to master your elevator pitch. Build relationships, gain credibility, and develop content through interviewing experts as well as getting booked as a guest on podcasts, YouTube channels, radio and webinars. Capitalize on the magic of leverage by having affiliates market your products for you, increasing your sales and freeing you to focus on doing what you love. Use proven strategies for approaching potential partners in a way that expresses the benefits of working with you and eases any resistance. Create a JV agreement and contract that sets clear expectations for responsibilities, timeframes, money exchanges, marketing, confidentiality, termination, and more. So, are you ready to transform your business through joint ventures? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential, and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well Joeels Masters Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. "
Price: 144.99

"Digital Painting Master Class : Beginner to Advanced" |
"Digital painting and drawing has never been this fun. Illustrate characters, creatures, landscapes and more!Experts and beginners can benefit from hours of detailed well explained training guiding you step by step through the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, through to advanced digital painting techniques used by professionals in major films and videos games. You will start this course by becoming familiar with the interfaces, while you confidently master the most commonly used Illustrator and Photoshop tools. Once you have mastered the fundamentals, you will quickly move on to fun mini projects designed to show you real world uses for Photoshop. You will build confidence throughout this series as you begin to understand professional techniques used for lighting, animation, and Illustration. After you have mastered the basics of Photoshop you will dive right in to more advanced techniques as you learn fundamentals of digital painting using these power design tools. By the end of this course you should feel confident to take on any project or creative career armed with the incredible skills you learn with us here at the School of Game Design For one Month only use this coupon code to get this course for $25! 50THANKS"
Price: 154.99

"3D Animation & Modeling Master Class Beginner to Advanced" |
"Be a3D animation superstar armed with in-depth knowledge ofMaya, 3DSMax, and Mudbox!This course was designed to be the ultimate boot-camp for any one whowants to master Maya, 3DSMax, and Mudbox,the film and game industries most powerful modeling, animation, and visual effects tools.This Master Class covers everything from the core fundamentals of these award winning programs all the way up to advanced techniques in 3Dmodeling and sculpting.Through each section of this course you will complete fun and simple projects that make learning these complex programs simple!By the end of this course you will have a deep understanding of animation, rigging,modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, and projects workflow in MAYA, 3DSMax, and Mudbox!Our team here at the School of Game Design is incrediblyproud to present such a complete series on 3Dmodeling and animation.Whether you are looking to do some 3D printing, or be a rockstar at a game studio, this Master Class is guaranteed to get you there!"
Price: 154.99

"IT For IT Recruiters" |
"IT For IT RecruitersITFor ITRecruiters is a short form for the phrase, 'Information Technology For Information Technology Recruiters'.About this CourseThis course introduces Information Technology to ...individuals who would like to become IT RecruitersRecruiters who work in Information Technology industryRegular Recruiters who would transition into IT RecruitingITRecruitingITRecruiting is a multi-million dollar industryThere are lots of businesses whose main focus is IT Recruiting, Staffing and ConsultingMost companies hire Recruiters who has IT Recruiting skillsOften IT Recruiting amounts to bigger share among all the recruiting within an organizationAs IT positionspayhigher than non-IT positions in general, becoming an ITRecruiter is one of the highly sought and highly paid career in the Recruiting industry.The ProblemWhen companies hire IT Recruiters, often they will be able to find skilled candidates who are excellent in communication skills and recruitment activities.Or they may hire beginners who show a great potential in recruiting.But how do they know that theserecruiters have enough knowledge in IT, which will actually help them to achieve more success?Or, how do any individual or an existing ITRecruiteracquire knowledge about Information Technology Architecture and Concepts?Having a good knowledge in IT will definitely help an IT Recruiter to generate more business. They can start conversations about several potential opportunities with their clients, once they understand theITArchitecture of their clients.Where can they get that knowledge? Sure, they can go through the endless technical documents out there everywhere. But is thatefficient or even possible?For example if someone is a Software Engineer then they can go through Software Engineering materials as deep as they can. This is fine as Software Development is their core function and it requires them to have a deeper knowledge in it.But an ITRecruiter doesn't need to waste time on learning all those. Instead he or sheneeds a way to learn IT efficiently and precisely so that they can perform better in their core business function, which is IT Recruiting.And that can be accomplished by enrolling to this course.Course DetailsThis course ...explains Information Technology to IT Recruitersexplains the various IT Job categories in ITexplains about ITArchitecture and its evolutionBenefitsWith the knowledge acquired from this course, an IT Recruiter will be able to have conversations which wouldgenerate more recruiting business from a clientAnd this will be achieved not by doing any sales pitch, but by genuinely helping the clients by suggestingIT Solutions to the clientsAn IT Recruiter will be able to analyze the client's IT environment and look for possible business opportunitiesWho will benefit from this courseIT Recruiting and Staffing companies looking to train their IT RecruitersIT Recruiters looking to enhance their skillsIndividuals looking to begin a career in IT RecruitingThis coursewill be useful to both beginners and experienced IT RecruitersThis coursewill be useful to train new hires who are hired as IT RecruitersUseful for Human Resource Management to train their IT Recruiters"
Price: 124.99

"Learn Oracle SQL" |
"About This Course:Welcome to the course,Learn Oracle SQL.This course introduces Oracle SQL to its students. Anyone who is interested in getting into Oracle SQL Development may use this course to learn Oracle SQL.This is a free course with considerable amount of video lectures to not only introduce Oracle SQLto you, but also to take you much deeper into Database Development.The idea is to introduce SQLto you with less hassle. So you may just want to watch the videos, get yourself familiar with the SQL language and advance to another Oracle SQL course created by the same author.That course is:The Complete Oracle SQL Course For BeginnersAbout SQL:SQLis used to interact with Database Systems. As per ANSI (American National Standards Institute), SQLis the standard language for Relational Database Management Systems.SQL has been the prominent language to interact with various Database Systems for many decades. While many languages that existedtwo decades ago are extinct now, SQL has always maintained its supremacy in the RDBMS world. Over the time, it has only advanced with new features and standards. And it seems to stay that way for years to come.About the Instructor:The instructor of this course, Mr.Sam Dhanasekaran, has more than 20 years of IT experience. It predominantly includes Database Support, IT Support and Recruiting."
Price: 19.99

"Outsource Easier!" |
"It's so nice to meet you. Your workday is about to change for the better!Getting trustworthy, talented virtual help in your smallbusiness has never been easier or more affordable than now, if you know how to outsourcethe right way without wasting time or money on bad hiring.Learn how to pick the right project for the right online freelance marketplace, select the best talent, pay what you want and get exactly what you expect.Outsourcing is essential for solopreneurs, self-employeds and micro-businesses (1-3 person) like lawyers. When you delegate you can earn more and not burnout while still having a life. Today, hiring freelancers is so much easier thanks to both online marketplaces like Upworkand Fiverr. Who am I and why should you listen to me?-Great question that you're smart to ask. I'm Dina Eisenberg, an attorney-turned entrepreneur. I who has runa successful small biz for the past twenty years.I'veoutsourced on all the major platforms (Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, Time,etc).With well over 200 successful transactions and only 2 disputes, I've masteredthese platforms. HOW?My system.Inside this course is my easy, repeatable system fornot only what to do why.What people are saying...It gives me confidence in finding help for my two little micro-businesses and will save me so much time by cutting the learning curve significantly. Carolyn Hughesits great was like sitting with a stranger who then became my friend before the conversation was over Maxine ButlerThis is the best course I've seen so far for outsourcing. Dina does an excellent job explaining the concepts, and walking you step by step through the entire outsourcing process. Highly recommended! Jason GandyI'd be honored to beby your side as your journey to FreedomI'll be right there, pointing out the shortcuts to take and the pitfalls to avoid on your way to building a business that allows you to live and work the way you want. PS I love questions!What can you do after the course?Select the right projects to outsourceIdentify the right platform and talentfor the jobCraft a clear and compelling job description that attracts top talentLead your freelancer without micromanaging & still get excellent resultsEvaluate and give feedback fairlyWhat will you learn Introduction to online freelancing sites:Fiverr and Upwork6 Steps to OutsourcingThe best standards for a newbie to useEvaluate the fit and experience level of the freelancerWrite a clear and detailed job description that attracts the right freelancersHow to determine an acceptable budgetTour of site and dashMaterialsAll the course materials will be available on all devices and easily downloadable for you. No worries. The lessons are meant for use ononline freelance marketplaces, although the same basic principles apply to hiring a team offline.Be Happy!Imagine how happy you'll be when you have more time to either re-invest in your biz or spend with your family. No more long to-do list. You can have that peace of mind risk-free with my 30 day money back guarantee.Click the enroll button and let's get this party started!"
Price: 34.99

"Content Writing Mastery 1: Content Writing For Beginners" |
"In the past people believed that you were either a natural born writer or you weren't.You either had it or you didn't. Period....but there's an actual method to writing quality web content.In this course, you will learn how to find and express your unique writing style, share your gifts with the world and become a highly paid content writer.Master highly profitable, in-demand content writing skills and work for yourself as a high paid freelancer, start your own business or get a promoted at work...even as an absolute beginnerWhat will I be able to DO after I enroll?UNDERSTAND exactly what you need to do to become a high paid content writerFIND the current and lucrative content writing opportunities nowAVOID the top content writing mistakes so you save time and produce better quality workCREATE blog content that generates leads and customers for you or your client's businessDISCOVER the hot venues content writers are publishing on nowUNDERSTAND how content writers actually get paid in various markets so you can make money as a content writerUTILIZE proven content writer formulas to produce high quality content quicklyDRIVE traffic to your content for you or your clientUSE the top 8 content writing hacks so you can make more money and produce better quality workKNOW where to find work as a content writer CONDUCT proper research for your projects efficiently and effectively Learn the secrets of highlypaid content writersPrior to becoming a content writer I struggled paying the bills each month. I was tired of spending my time, slaving away for someone else at my 9-5.I felt like the hours I put in at work werent worth all the time I was away from my family....and I knew I needed to make a change.One day I stumbled upon a freelance market where it seemed like writers were earning good money creating content and the jobs weren't too tough....but, I wasn't the most experienced writer in the world.I knew my grammar was average at best, but I could at least write a clear sentence, so, I decided to take a chance and dive in....I've never looked back since.I've been writing content for several sites over the last couple of years now, making more money writing for others than many people do at their day jobs.Ive been in your shoes and I'm not sitting in my mansion telling you how it was a decade ago.The content writing game has changed over the last few years and this course delivers whats relevant today.So if you're looking for a way to use your life experiences and earn extra money, then this practical course will not only show you how, but youll be learning from someone who is actually walking the path now.A do-ru, not a guru.Youll also learn how to blog for business,which is to create blog content that actually converts to new leads and sales for you or your clients business, from Ken Wells.Ive decided to partner with Ken because he has had massive success online creating web content, growing his online business to $150,000+ per year, in under a 1.5 years working an average of only 10-14 hours per week.So, youll be learning practical techniques and skills that work...not just theory.What will I learn specifically?Current lucrative publishing venues10 HOT Content Writing Markets RIGHT NOW!The key factors that drive SEOHow to quickly and correctly conduct and organize your writing researchHow to make money with your own website writing contentWhat Does it Take to Become a Content Writer?How to avoid the top 10 content writing mistakes8 content writing hacks to produce quality content quicklyThe Proven 6-Step System for Creating Blog Content for Cold AudiencesThe Ultimate Blog Post Title Swipe File4 Ways to Capture Email Addresses on Your Blog5 Places You Need to Put Your Keywords in WordPress to Help Your SEO RankingsA Content Planning Tool Every Serious Blogger Should Be UsingA Simple Way to Create a Lead Magnet...even as an Absolute Beginner7 Blog Post Title Types That Are Backed by PsychologyWhich websites to look for quality writing jobsIn short, you will walk away with the skills, templates, tools and resources necessary to create a highly lucrative career as a content writer...and you'll be savingtime and avoidingoverwhelm when you followour proven systemsSo, go ahead andclick the greenbutton on the right hand side, so you earn money expressing your unique gifts with the world...on YOUR terms.What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change.If you dont love the course..if it doesnt deliver on every promise, you can always get 100% of your money back, so theres no reason not to enroll.Once you enroll youre given step by step instructions and easy to follow exercises.Best of all, you'll have our help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation."
Price: 199.99

"Maths for Video Games" |
"This course will give you the fundamentals of Mathematics to help youbuild video games and understand what you're doing.You can keep making video games without Maths, but you will always have this feeling of unease because you don't really understand why you're doing things, unless you learn the maths behind.Mathematics are in every corner of video games, some quick examples are the player position, the game objects coordinates, distance between objects, respawn time, keeping track of score, throwing projectiles, firing bullets, gravity, jumping, enemy artificial intelligence and the list goes on and on...This course is unique in its kind as it doesn't try to teach you boring theory and stop there... No way ..... We are actually applying all the concepts in Unity game engine (free to use), using the project of a 3D shooter that is published in the iTunes app store. (pro stuff, source code included)This is the course I wish I had when I started video game development.Enjoy the course and make amazing games.Important: This course is part of a the world's one and one series on Unity professional multiplayer games.The content is so big, it couldn't fit in one course. Here is the courses are split in key areas:There are so many tutorials, guides and courses out there, that its hard to know how to start learning how to code, game development, and even harder to know in which order you should take the courses.Weve decided to focus on Unity rather than other platforms because the team behind Unity has a great vision. They are always on top of things. Each time a new device comes out, they add support for it and also create special libraries for it. We believe you should focus on Unity as well. We want to make sure you do by providing you the best learning material at the best pricesFor example, Oculus Rift and Samsung VR are fully operational on Unity 5.Unity also entered the live cinematic world (animated movies, think Toy Story). The future is bright for Unity developers. (more about the future of Unity )Theres also been a change in the mobile app app store category ranking system which makes it harder to get app exposure for new apps. It means developers need to focus on a few apps instead of bombarding the app store with reskins. Nowadays, an app is a continuous work of art where developers need to listen to the users and keep updating the app to give them exactly what they want.Having said that, you will maximize your learning experience if you takes the courses in the following order:- Understand the process of making games:Before even getting started into developing, you need to understand the whole process of making games, from A to Z. Take the Captain Rocket course where you get to see how a Unity project gets reused and turned into another game and gets published to iTunes app store.course: Publish Captain Rocket* iPhone game under 2 hours, Unity 5- Learn the basics:The course Begin Unity Programming is short (about 45 minutes) and entertaining where you will learn keys Unity concepts and code using Star Wars figurines.Another important course is Fundamentals of Programming. Beware! This course goes over the hard stuff of programming. Its explaining the mechanics used in programming, just like you would get in a computer science class in the American Ivy league Universities. Its not for everyone, but it should be taken by EVERYONE. You need to understand what are for / while loops, whats the difference between an int, a float or a double, and what are the principles of object oriented programming (to name a few key concept). The course comes with plenty of mind-stimulating exercises made with the new elegant language named Swift.- Get comfortable with using Unitys user interface: course ""Introduction to Game Development with Unity""Unity Editor can be overwhelming at first with all its windows, sub windows and tabs. Luckily, this course guides you through it. Oh, i forgot to mention, its free!- Learn how to create graphics to use in your game: ""3D Pixel Art for non artist. Crossy Road Modeling. Unity 3D""Graphic assets can be 2D illustrations, 3D graphics, sprites, voxel art (MineCraft like) or also sound effects and Unity bundles.I recommend to start making graphic assets following the course 3D Pixel Art for non artist. Crossy Road Modeling. Unity 3D. Why? Because its a course that allows anyone to make decent game graphics without having to be an artist! With the correct tools and the right guidance, you will end up making 3d pixel graphics (voxel) art just like Crossy road or MineCraft by the end of the day.Once you know how to create 3D assets, its time you learn how to make 3D characters, animate them, and import them into Unity to use them!You will learn all of the above in the course named 3D Pixel Characters Modeling & Animations for all. Unity 3D.By the way, the tools used in the course are all free to use, thats the cherry on the cake!By the end of the course, you will be able to create and animate characters like Spiderman, Ironman and wonder woman. Make Ironman dance hip-hop is hilarious and gratifying!- Learn core Unity development:At this point, you must be antsy to create a game. Contrary to most online courses, the following course allow you to create and also PUBLISH the game youre making to the Google Play store and the iTune app store.Take the Unity 3D 2016 Build, program & publish Crossy Road game course. Learn about key concepts, must-have scripts to get a professional game like Crossy Road and get it out the door into the wilderness of the app stores! I cant stress enough the joy of having your game out in the app store where all your friends and family are amazed by you owning a piece of the app stores! (scoring social points!)Now that youve got your first game in the app store, you should learn how to make more complex games, that are using 3D animations, physics, vehicles, shooting, and character Artificial Intelligence. The perfect course for these topics is Unity 2016 Build , program and publish a 3D shooter game.- Enhance your game development skills:Its time to learn specific game mechanics that will improve the players game experience and ultimately get more user engagement.You need to know how to add multiplayer to your game. A game thats using the multiplayer mechanics is a more demanded type of game because players prefer to play against / with other players rather than computer simulated AI (Artificial Intelligence).The course Unity Multiplayer 2016 Build Online Shooter code included is the perfect way to turn the game youve learned how to make (the 3D shooter game) into a multiplayer game.Contrary to most courses, youre not wasting time on creating code to make the game, but you will be focusing on jumping straight into the multiplayer functionality. This is a must-have course and one that I am the most proud of because multiplayer is a hard concept and I finally got to find the simplest way so that anyone can add multiplayer to any Unity games.- Equipping characters with weapons, gears and trinketsThe majority of multiplayer games allow players to pickup items, find treasures and get loot from bosses. Now the hard part for the game developer is to know how to pickup these items, equip these items, remove them, swap them.And all of this needs to be done in multiplayer, meaning, when a player equip a new item such as a sword or a helmet, all other players need to see that new state. Not so easy at all Thats why this course is a must: ""Unity 2016 - Character gear and weapon use""- Inventory system for single player and multiplayer games:unity-inventory-system-for-games-multiplayer-onlineNow that you understand how to pickup items and equip them, you need an inventory system to keep track of which item the player owns. Many games call this a stash or a backpack.It sounds simple to implement, but its tough, especially in multiplayer games. Oh, almost forgot to mention, the user interface needs to work on all screen sizes, small screens like Android phones and iPhones, as well as big TV screens for PCs. This course will teach you every single details. And yes, the code is included!""Unity 5 - Inventory System for Professional Games""- Item attributes and statisticsBefore you can get into player fighting, dueling and combat, you need to setup stats and attributes on each items and players.For example, swords have a specific strength, intelligence, dexterity, mana cost and other skills.This course teaches you how to set these attributes up and how to use them during combat to compute whats the damage taken or mitigated. Its also great to create character leveling and experience gaining.""Unity 2016 - RPG Character Stats and Item Attributes System""- Mastering Melee and Ranged weapon mechanicsA good game needs melee weapons such as swords, knives, or axes, and also needs ranged weapons such as guns, bows with arrows and such.Learn the mechanics and get to apply them hands-on with the source code that comes with the course.range-and-melee-weapons-course-unity""Unity 5 pro multiplayer combat using melee & ranged weapons""- Turn your game dev into a game business:Its fun to make games but its even more fun when games bring in money. No seriously, if you plan on just making games for fun, thats fine, but many of you would love to turn this hobby into a business so that you can keep doing what you love without having to go find another job to pay the bills.So how can you monetize your game?Add advertising banners and full screen ads.The course Unity 3D 2016 Build, program & publish Crossy Road game has an advanced section on how to integrate Unity ads to your game. This is a good start but its not enough, you need to add a video reward system where players have to watch a 30 second video advertisement to get virtual coins in return. Each time a player watches a video, you get a few cents to a couple dollars, especially if the player downloads and opens the app from the advertisement! Now, thats what we call potentially good income! The developer from Crossy Road used this exact same system and made a couple million dollars in a week or so. Now Im not saying this is going to happen to you, but do you really need this much money to keep you going?Unity Game Boost: Build a Video Reward System (bring in $$$)Another way to monetize a game is to use virtual coin systems where players can earn, buy and use coins to get virtual items and goods. The player will buy virtual coins with real money using the in-app purchase in-game store. There is a course just for that: Unity Game Boost: Coin Management System. The course drive you through every single step to create the virtual coin system and store/ retrieve the players coin amount. Then you get to create an in-game store so that player can buy virtual good with real money. The beauty of this course is that you learn how to bundle the coin system so that you can reuse it in every game you make in no time. A must-have course!Listen to this scenario, its the most common one for game developers: Youve made a decent game, you published it, you get a couple hundred downloads and then dead silence. You can keep praying the Gods for help or you can help yourself and add Unity Analytics to your game. Thanks to analytics, you get a report on key metrics in a nice online dashboard. You get answers to key questions. such asIs my game to hard or too easy? Which level has the most players quit? Which character gets selected the most? How many times a level gets played?Take the course ""Unity Game Analytics""Once you have all these questions answered, you modify your game to fit the players feedback, its time to understand how to add fun stuff using physics mechanics. The perfect course for this is Unity Game PhysicsRemember, it takes time and experience to get to understand how to read your audience and know what they want. Its great to get real data from your players and analyze them. Data scientists are in high demand. Some game companies are really good at this and came up with a p behavioral system that forces players to have the desire to spend money in the game. Critics like Nick Saint of Business Insider have said that Zyngas games have essentially the same mechanics even though they have different premises and settings.You also need to create an audience so that each time you create a new game or add a new level or feature to an existing game, you need to be able to tell people about it. Thats why you need to build an email list. The email list is platform agnostic, meaning, no matter what happens tomorrow, even if the iPhone industry dies, you still have an email list of people who love to play your game genres, and they will gladly follow you to any platforms, whether you decided to create Virtual Reality games, ebooks or movies!The course Unity 2016 Email List Building Why and How will help you integrate the email capture system into your game and help you build your email list.Email list building with Unity- The marketing side of things.Disclaimer: Would you rather take the time to market your game or start making another game?We all rather keep making games than marketing the games weve already made and thats totally understandable. Making games is fun and gratifying. Marketing games is not sexy, nobody wants to have to bother people and tell them about your game. After all, shouldnt your game be good enough that it speaks for itself? not in todays world. Publishing a game is just the beginning, creating the buzz around it, baking viral mechanics into it, getting featured in magazines and media is a must. The course Become a Mobile App Growth Hacker . Total Theory & Training teaches you fundamentals concepts on how to use marketing even before youve created your game. Making a game is great, making a game that brings in revenue is great, and making a game that the whole world enjoys is even better!- Chat system:Players want to interact with eachother. Online games need chat systems to allow players to send messages to eachother.The messages need to be stored in your own private server (online or local). This course will teach you just that. Beware! This course uses advanced topics like MySQL, PHP, and Apache. The good news is that all the source codes are included so you just have to use them and customize them to make it original to your taste.Take this course ""Unity 5 Build a chat system for online multiplayer games""- in-game mail message systemThis course goes hand in hand with the course above(chat system). If somehow one of the player is not online at the moment, other players can send in-game emails. A must-have for online multiplayers. ""Unity 5 Multiplayer InGame Mail Messaging""- Maths for Game Developers:okay, lets be honest, making games is sexy, learning the maths not so much. But dont you want to understand the math behind the game mechanics?Take this somewhat boring but necessary course: ""Maths for Video Games""- You dont have time or dont want to spend too much money on graphics?Me either.. Thats why the following course automatically generate environments, dungeons, castles, houses, weapons and entire worlds for you! Neat? very powerful stuff""Building 3D Voxel Art Environment Worlds with Unity 5""""Unity 5 techniques to generate unique worlds quickly""""Unity 5 Build a System that Generates Houses & Castles Auto""""Build Weapons Automatically Unity . Fantasy Edition""Once you have taken all the above courses. You are ready to make a 6-figure job as a game developer or run your own game business. You're not alone, I'm here to help you in your journey.Contact me anytime. Yohann of AppsFresh com"
Price: 49.99

"Build Virtual Reality Games for Android and iPhone" |
"By now everyone has heard about Virtual Reality games. We are at the beginning of a new era where people are immersed into virtual worlds and they get to be or do anything they wish.Now is the time to start making virtual reality games. This is what this course will teach you.Whether you have no experience making games with Unity or you are a seasoned developer, this course will get you up and running in no time.You will be shown how to start making VR games from scratch and publish them in the Apple app store and Google Play store. All steps are shown to you so you have all the chances to succeed.By the way, this course is also meant for people that already have existing Unity projects and would like to quickly turn them into VR games.The future of gaming is exciting thanks to Virtual Reality.Don't be left behind. Join us now.Important: This course is part of a the world's one and one series on Unity professional multiplayer games.The content is so big, it couldn't fit in one course. Here is the courses are split in key areas:There are so many tutorials, guides and courses out there, that its hard to know how to start learning how to code, game development, and even harder to know in which order you should take the courses.Weve decided to focus on Unity rather than other platforms because the team behind Unity has a great vision. They are always on top of things. Each time a new device comes out, they add support for it and also create special libraries for it. We believe you should focus on Unity as well. We want to make sure you do by providing you the best learning material at the best pricesFor example, Oculus Rift and Samsung VR are fully operational on Unity 5.Unity also entered the live cinematic world (animated movies, think Toy Story). The future is bright for Unity developers. (more about the future of Unity )Theres also been a change in the mobile app app store category ranking system which makes it harder to get app exposure for new apps. It means developers need to focus on a few apps instead of bombarding the app store with reskins. Nowadays, an app is a continuous work of art where developers need to listen to the users and keep updating the app to give them exactly what they want.Having said that, you will maximize your learning experience if you takes the courses in the following order:- Understand the process of making games:Before even getting started into developing, you need to understand the whole process of making games, from A to Z. Take the Captain Rocket course where you get to see how a Unity project gets reused and turned into another game and gets published to iTunes app store.course: Publish Captain Rocket* iPhone game under 2 hours, Unity 5- Learn the basics:The course Begin Unity Programming is short (about 45 minutes) and entertaining where you will learn keys Unity concepts and code using Star Wars figurines.Another important course is Fundamentals of Programming. Beware! This course goes over the hard stuff of programming. Its explaining the mechanics used in programming, just like you would get in a computer science class in the American Ivy league Universities. Its not for everyone, but it should be taken by EVERYONE. You need to understand what are for / while loops, whats the difference between an int, a float or a double, and what are the principles of object oriented programming (to name a few key concept). The course comes with plenty of mind-stimulating exercises made with the new elegant language named Swift.- Get comfortable with using Unitys user interface: course ""Introduction to Game Development with Unity""Unity Editor can be overwhelming at first with all its windows, sub windows and tabs. Luckily, this course guides you through it. Oh, i forgot to mention, its free!- Learn how to create graphics to use in your game: ""3D Pixel Art for non artist. Crossy Road Modeling. Unity 3D""Graphic assets can be 2D illustrations, 3D graphics, sprites, voxel art (MineCraft like) or also sound effects and Unity bundles.I recommend to start making graphic assets following the course 3D Pixel Art for non artist. Crossy Road Modeling. Unity 3D. Why? Because its a course that allows anyone to make decent game graphics without having to be an artist! With the correct tools and the right guidance, you will end up making 3d pixel graphics (voxel) art just like Crossy road or MineCraft by the end of the day.Once you know how to create 3D assets, its time you learn how to make 3D characters, animate them, and import them into Unity to use them!You will learn all of the above in the course named 3D Pixel Characters Modeling & Animations for all. Unity 3D.By the way, the tools used in the course are all free to use, thats the cherry on the cake!By the end of the course, you will be able to create and animate characters like Spiderman, Ironman and wonder woman. Make Ironman dance hip-hop is hilarious and gratifying!- Learn core Unity development:At this point, you must be antsy to create a game. Contrary to most online courses, the following course allow you to create and also PUBLISH the game youre making to the Google Play store and the iTune app store.Take the Unity 3D 2016 Build, program & publish Crossy Road game course. Learn about key concepts, must-have scripts to get a professional game like Crossy Road and get it out the door into the wilderness of the app stores! I cant stress enough the joy of having your game out in the app store where all your friends and family are amazed by you owning a piece of the app stores! (scoring social points!)Now that youve got your first game in the app store, you should learn how to make more complex games, that are using 3D animations, physics, vehicles, shooting, and character Artificial Intelligence. The perfect course for these topics is Unity 2016 Build , program and publish a 3D shooter game.- Enhance your game development skills:Its time to learn specific game mechanics that will improve the players game experience and ultimately get more user engagement.You need to know how to add multiplayer to your game. A game thats using the multiplayer mechanics is a more demanded type of game because players prefer to play against / with other players rather than computer simulated AI (Artificial Intelligence).The course Unity Multiplayer 2016 Build Online Shooter code included is the perfect way to turn the game youve learned how to make (the 3D shooter game) into a multiplayer game.Contrary to most courses, youre not wasting time on creating code to make the game, but you will be focusing on jumping straight into the multiplayer functionality. This is a must-have course and one that I am the most proud of because multiplayer is a hard concept and I finally got to find the simplest way so that anyone can add multiplayer to any Unity games.- Equipping characters with weapons, gears and trinketsThe majority of multiplayer games allow players to pickup items, find treasures and get loot from bosses. Now the hard part for the game developer is to know how to pickup these items, equip these items, remove them, swap them.And all of this needs to be done in multiplayer, meaning, when a player equip a new item such as a sword or a helmet, all other players need to see that new state. Not so easy at all Thats why this course is a must: ""Unity 2016 - Character gear and weapon use""- Inventory system for single player and multiplayer games:unity-inventory-system-for-games-multiplayer-onlineNow that you understand how to pickup items and equip them, you need an inventory system to keep track of which item the player owns. Many games call this a stash or a backpack.It sounds simple to implement, but its tough, especially in multiplayer games. Oh, almost forgot to mention, the user interface needs to work on all screen sizes, small screens like Android phones and iPhones, as well as big TV screens for PCs. This course will teach you every single details. And yes, the code is included!""Unity 5 - Inventory System for Professional Games""- Item attributes and statisticsBefore you can get into player fighting, dueling and combat, you need to setup stats and attributes on each items and players.For example, swords have a specific strength, intelligence, dexterity, mana cost and other skills.This course teaches you how to set these attributes up and how to use them during combat to compute whats the damage taken or mitigated. Its also great to create character leveling and experience gaining.""Unity 2016 - RPG Character Stats and Item Attributes System""- Mastering Melee and Ranged weapon mechanicsA good game needs melee weapons such as swords, knives, or axes, and also needs ranged weapons such as guns, bows with arrows and such.Learn the mechanics and get to apply them hands-on with the source code that comes with the course.range-and-melee-weapons-course-unity""Unity 5 pro multiplayer combat using melee & ranged weapons""- Turn your game dev into a game business:Its fun to make games but its even more fun when games bring in money. No seriously, if you plan on just making games for fun, thats fine, but many of you would love to turn this hobby into a business so that you can keep doing what you love without having to go find another job to pay the bills.So how can you monetize your game?Add advertising banners and full screen ads.The course Unity 3D 2016 Build, program & publish Crossy Road game has an advanced section on how to integrate Unity ads to your game. This is a good start but its not enough, you need to add a video reward system where players have to watch a 30 second video advertisement to get virtual coins in return. Each time a player watches a video, you get a few cents to a couple dollars, especially if the player downloads and opens the app from the advertisement! Now, thats what we call potentially good income! The developer from Crossy Road used this exact same system and made a couple million dollars in a week or so. Now Im not saying this is going to happen to you, but do you really need this much money to keep you going?Unity Game Boost: Build a Video Reward System (bring in $$$)Another way to monetize a game is to use virtual coin systems where players can earn, buy and use coins to get virtual items and goods. The player will buy virtual coins with real money using the in-app purchase in-game store. There is a course just for that: Unity Game Boost: Coin Management System. The course drive you through every single step to create the virtual coin system and store/ retrieve the players coin amount. Then you get to create an in-game store so that player can buy virtual good with real money. The beauty of this course is that you learn how to bundle the coin system so that you can reuse it in every game you make in no time. A must-have course!Listen to this scenario, its the most common one for game developers: Youve made a decent game, you published it, you get a couple hundred downloads and then dead silence. You can keep praying the Gods for help or you can help yourself and add Unity Analytics to your game. Thanks to analytics, you get a report on key metrics in a nice online dashboard. You get answers to key questions. such asIs my game to hard or too easy? Which level has the most players quit? Which character gets selected the most? How many times a level gets played?Take the course ""Unity Game Analytics""Once you have all these questions answered, you modify your game to fit the players feedback, its time to understand how to add fun stuff using physics mechanics. The perfect course for this is Unity Game PhysicsRemember, it takes time and experience to get to understand how to read your audience and know what they want. Its great to get real data from your players and analyze them. Data scientists are in high demand. Some game companies are really good at this and came up with a p behavioral system that forces players to have the desire to spend money in the game. Critics like Nick Saint of Business Insider have said that Zyngas games have essentially the same mechanics even though they have different premises and settings.You also need to create an audience so that each time you create a new game or add a new level or feature to an existing game, you need to be able to tell people about it. Thats why you need to build an email list. The email list is platform agnostic, meaning, no matter what happens tomorrow, even if the iPhone industry dies, you still have an email list of people who love to play your game genres, and they will gladly follow you to any platforms, whether you decided to create Virtual Reality games, ebooks or movies!The course Unity 2016 Email List Building Why and How will help you integrate the email capture system into your game and help you build your email list.Email list building with Unity- The marketing side of things.Disclaimer: Would you rather take the time to market your game or start making another game?We all rather keep making games than marketing the games weve already made and thats totally understandable. Making games is fun and gratifying. Marketing games is not sexy, nobody wants to have to bother people and tell them about your game. After all, shouldnt your game be good enough that it speaks for itself? not in todays world. Publishing a game is just the beginning, creating the buzz around it, baking viral mechanics into it, getting featured in magazines and media is a must. The course Become a Mobile App Growth Hacker . Total Theory & Training teaches you fundamentals concepts on how to use marketing even before youve created your game. Making a game is great, making a game that brings in revenue is great, and making a game that the whole world enjoys is even better!- Chat system:Players want to interact with eachother. Online games need chat systems to allow players to send messages to eachother.The messages need to be stored in your own private server (online or local). This course will teach you just that. Beware! This course uses advanced topics like MySQL, PHP, and Apache. The good news is that all the source codes are included so you just have to use them and customize them to make it original to your taste.Take this course ""Unity 5 Build a chat system for online multiplayer games""- in-game mail message systemThis course goes hand in hand with the course above(chat system). If somehow one of the player is not online at the moment, other players can send in-game emails. A must-have for online multiplayers. ""Unity 5 Multiplayer InGame Mail Messaging""- Maths for Game Developers:okay, lets be honest, making games is sexy, learning the maths not so much. But dont you want to understand the math behind the game mechanics?Take this somewhat boring but necessary course: ""Maths for Video Games""- You dont have time or dont want to spend too much money on graphics?Me either.. Thats why the following course automatically generate environments, dungeons, castles, houses, weapons and entire worlds for you! Neat? very powerful stuff""Building 3D Voxel Art Environment Worlds with Unity 5""""Unity 5 techniques to generate unique worlds quickly""""Unity 5 Build a System that Generates Houses & Castles Auto""""Build Weapons Automatically Unity . Fantasy Edition""Once you have taken all the above courses. You are ready to make a 6-figure job as a game developer or run your own game business. You're not alone, I'm here to help you in your journey.Contact me anytime. Yohann of AppsFresh com"
Price: 199.99

"Dvelopper des jeux vido ralit virtuelle rapidement" |
"Vous avez surement entendu parler des jeux en ralit virtuelle, n'est-ce pas?Nous sommes l'aube d'une nouvelle erre rvolutionnaire o les gens vont s'immerger dans des mondes virtuels ou ils pourront faire ce qu'ils leur plaisent et tre qui ils dsirent.Cette formation va vous apprendre developer des jeux video virtuels trs rapidement et compltement gratuitement parce que la version personnelle de Unity est gratuite et les modles 3D utiliss sont aussi gratuits.Que vous n'ayez aucune exprience ou un trs peu faire des jeux videos avec Unity, il ny pas de soucis, la fin de cette formation vous aurez le savoir faire ncessaire pour faire et publier vos propres jeux sur l'app store iTunes et le magazin en ligne Google Play.Toutes les leons sont en format videos comme a vous ne ratez rien, tout est la.Au fait, si vous avez dj fait des jeux avec Unity alors je vais aussi vous montrer comment les tourner en jeux virtuels.Le future des jeux videos va tre trs intressant grce a la ralit virtuelle.Le train va partir, ne le manquez pas, joignez nous maintenant."
Price: 124.99

"Facebook Ads Arbitrage using iPhone sticker apps" |
"How does Facebook Ads arbitrage work?Let me explain.First, you need to create an iPhone sticker app and publish it in the iTunes app store. (don't panic, i will help you)Put a price on your sticker app, usually $1.99.Then create a Facebook Ad banner that will promote your app. You will only pay for traffic when a Facebook user buys your app on iTunes.Here is the Maths, if it costs you less to get a buyer from Facebook than the price of your app, then you are making profit.It's that simple.Finally, scale up your advertising campaign and enjoy!This course will give you all the knowledge to get you started. We will go through the entire process to build and publish the iPhone sticker app.Then we will go through all the steps to create the Facebook Ad campaign, and how to understand and analyze the perfect target audience.Other courses like these cost between $500 to $1000 dollars. This course is the most affordable of all.You're not alone here, we got a private Facebook group where you can learn and talk to other people that are doing the same thing.Join us now."
Price: 199.99
