"Mastering Word 2016 - Intermediate" |
"Learn More About Microsoft Word 2016 -- Delivered In Easily Searchable, Highly Informative Content Modules Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley well show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.Microsoft Word is more than a Word Processor. If you know the skills taught in this course you will be more productive, in less time, and be able to maximize the potential functionality of what is probably the worlds most common program. Working with Text Styles and Style Sets Adding Sections and Columns Inserting Tables of Content, Indexes, and Concordances Using Mail Merge Working with Charts and Table Data"
Price: 34.99

"Project Management Fundamentals" |
"If youre getting started with project management, youll want to familiarize yourself with generally accepted best practices. In this course, PMP and Project Management guru Christina Tankersley will show you all the basics you need to know in order to effectively manage projects.Topics covered include: Identifying the Key Processes and Requirements of Project Management Initiating a Project Planning for Time and Cost Planning for Project Risks, Communication, and Change Control Executing, Managing, and Controlling a Project Closing a Project"
Price: 29.99

"Mastering OneNote 2013" |
"Organize Your Work & Life Into Pages, Sections, and Notebooks! OneNote is a powerful tool both for managing your own notes or idea, and for collaborating with others. In this course trainer Christina Tankersley will walk you through everything you need to know to be efficient with Microsofts incredibly popular note-taking platform. OneNote is great for task lists, brainstorming, meeting notes, collecting ideas, research, and more. In this course you will learn: How to navigate inside OneNote notebooks, sections, and pages Different options for organizing your notebooks Using handwritten notes and converting them to text How to add audio and video to your notebook And more!"
Price: 34.99

"Get it Done - Managing Emails" |
"For many people email is a source of stress, when it really should be a valuable productivity tool. In this course well show you how to combine email best practices with the tools in Microsoft Outlook in order to effectively manage your email.Topics covered include: Understanding the problems with Email Hoarders and Email Deleters Striving for Inbox Zero Creating an appropriate strategy for Folders and Categories Managing the Three Excuses that keep us from organizing our inbox Building to-do lists with Flags Using Rules to automatically sort your email Delegating access to your email folders Techniques for sorting and filing your overloaded inbox Taught by 25-year IT veteran and Microsoft Silver partner Chip Reaves, Get It Done Managing Email is designed for anyone from beginners to experts who want to manage their email more efficiently."
Price: 19.99

"Get it Done - Sharing Calendars" |
"Its a common situation: youre working in an organization or department, and you need to share a calendar with your team. Whether its staffing schedules or company holidays, this course will demonstrate ten different ways you can share a calendar among your coworkers, including both physical (printed) and online calendars.Many people make do with makeshift calendars taped on a wall or emailed around the group, where updates require handwritten adjustments or another email out to the group. There is a better way in fact in this course well take a look at ten different ways you can professionally share your calendar among a group or team. Topics covered include: Using calendat templates with Microsoft Word Printing calendars via an outside service Creating and editing a calendar with a free Google account Sharing a Google calendar with others Sharing your personal Office 365 calendar Using a shared calendar using SharePoint, Groups, or Teams Creating a shared resource calendar in Office 365 Taught by 25-year IT veteran and Microsoft Silver partner Chip Reaves, Get It Done Sharing Calendars is designed for anyone from beginners to experts who want to share calendars among a group or team. About Get It Done courses: Get It Done courses are task-based training courses developed by Bigger Brains. Each course focuses on a common business task such as managing email, organizing files, or sharing calendars, and provides recommended tools, techniques, and best practices to get it done."
Price: 19.99

"Using Windows 10" |
"Windows 10 introduced many new tools, and updated others, including Cortana, Task View, Virtual Desktops, the Quick Access Screen, and more.In this mini-course well show you how to get around in Windows 10, and how to customize and take advantage of the major features and tools Windows 10 provides. Brain Bites micro-learning courses are information-rich and convey important topics with an engaging mix of video and animation. With 5 minute video lessons and 30-minute-or-less courses, Brain Bites are the perfect tool to educate todays busy workforce. Topics covered include: Understanding Windows 10, including versions and user account types Navigating around Windows 10, including the desktop, Start Menu, Task Bar, and Action Center Using the Cortana Virtual Assistant for search and more Managing your data with File Explorer and the Quick Access screen Using Snap, Task View, and Virtual Desktops to organize your screen(s) Using the built-in Windows 10 apps like Mail, Calendar, and News, and how to add additional apps like Solitaire How to customize Windows 10 for your personal use"
Price: 19.99

"Staying Safe Online with Improving Office Productivity" |
"The Four Essential Productivity CoursesThere are certain topics that can help any white collar business professional be more productive, from the entry-level admin to the corporate CEO.These include: Email Management Email is a necessary tool in todays business environment, which means that the stress of an overwhelmed and disorganized email system is now a universal problem. A good Email Management course can give employees the skills they need to turn their email from a stressful chore to a productive tool. Organizing Files The Paperless Office may or may not ever be a reality for your office, but in todays work environments we deal with at least as many digital files as paper ones. How do employees know where to save their work, and how to name their electronic files, especially when cloud computing gives us more choices than ever? A good course on Organizing Files is the first step in making sure everyone in your company is using a consistent and safe system for saving and searching for all those documents and spreadsheets. Staying Safe Online Todays cybercriminals know the easiest way to get into a companys systems isnt by hacking into the server its by hacking the employees themselves. Phishing and other forms of social engineering have put every employee in the company on the front lines of cyber defense, so its critical to train your troops. A good cybersecurity course can teach your employees what to watch out for in emails, SMS messages, and websites so they know how to stay safe online. Time Management Always a perennial favorite, Time Management courses are more important than ever as companies look to continually improve their productivity."
Price: 44.99

"Mastering Outlook 2013 - Basics (MOS)" |
"Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master Topics covered include: Getting around in the Outlook interface Formatting and Sending Email Managing Incoming Messages Using the Calendar for Appointments and Meetings Managing Tasks & People Ask Yourself These Questions: Do you need to implement a better strategy for handling inbound messages? Do you take advantage of all the tools and calendaring features? Can you efficiently manage multiple calendars and coordinate meetings, tasks, and action items with your colleagues? Do you take full advantage of the Contact Management tools? Can you set rules and filters that will make it easy to manage your communications? If you think you will benefit from learning how to use these and other tools to get more done and increase your productivity, then this course is perfect for you. This course when used with the Mastering Outlook 2013-Advanced course covers all exam objectives for the Microsoft Office Specialist 77-423 exam."
Price: 34.99

"Fixed Line and Broadband Network" |
"The course is designed to give the participants good understanding of Fixed line and Broadband Network.Fixed Line of Telephone line is the oldest concept that we can correlate to in terms of Fixed access network. The bandwidth requirement for Voice and Data over fixed access networks is between 300 Hertz to three thousand three hundred Hertz. This system was originally designed for voice transmission only, usinganalogtransmission technology on a single voice channel. Participants will learn about basic telephone terminal, modem and some basic concepts about local loop. The course content then move towards the switching system which is used to determine the routing pathway of the call. Switched are contained in local exchanges, and central offices or tandem exchanges. Switching systems can be broadly classified as Circuit Switching or PSTN and Packet Switching or Internet. Circuit Switching can be done as time switching, in which switching is done between time slots. In packet switching, each data stream is divided into chunks, called packets; each packet is sent separately into the network. The course also covers the PSTN Network hierarchy, numbering scheme and call flow. The course includes aspects of the data services or internet services provided by fixed access network. The course concluded covering various terminologies related to fixed access network like ISDN, VPN, DSL, ADSL , FTTx, TX-IP or MPSL.Assessment quiz at the end of the course will help participants to check their learning."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Basics of Telecommunication Networks" |
"Telecom Network Architecture course starts with evolution of the legacy PSTN networks. The course covers Network Architecture for Fixed and Wireless networks for a Service Provider. The architecture is explained using hierarchy like Core, Aggregation and Access.Networking is basically communication or an interconnection of computers and other devices including client computers, servers and, network devices, such as hubs, switches, routers, and firewall. Participants will also learn about network components, network topologies, transmission media and TCP/IP protocol suite.The course coversOpen Systems Interconnection or OSImodel, whichis a theoretical framework for understanding and explaining networking protocols. The purpose of the OSI model is to open communication between different systems without any changes to the logic of the underlying hardware and software. All OSI Layers are independent from each other, which makes introducing changes easier as no other layers are effected. The OSI model has been discussed giving good understanding of the different layers and their functionalities in detail. The course learning concludeswith the wireless access basic concepts related to frequency and spectrum.The assessment quiz at the end will help participants to check their learning."
Price: 19.99

"Telecom Management Network Model" |
"Network Management is a part of Operations Support Systems, or O S S, that is used to monitor, measure and optimize the performance of a telecom network. It involves activities like:Monitoring devices in the network Provisioning of services Diagnosing networking problems Planning for optimum network performance Detecting security breaches Assessing the impact of planned network maintenance ITU-T defined Telecom Management Network model (TMN) as a protocol for management of open-systems in any telecom network. TMN is a support network that interfaces the telecom networks, to provide means for transporting and processing operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning and management information. It basically provides a framework, for achieving interconnectivity and communication across heterogeneous operation systems, and telecommunications networks. The course includes details on F CAPS which plays a key role in any telecommunication network. These management functions help in management of network, for deriving optimum performance. Shortly, F Fault Management C Configuration Management A Accounting Management P Performance Management S Security Management The course includes Southbound and Northbound interfaces. The Southbound Interfaces, or SB eyes are those that help the Network Management Systems connect to the Network Elements, and manage them. Its main objective is to provide communication, and management between the network's SDN controller, and physical or virtual switches and routers. The Northbound Interfaces, or NB eyes are those that help the Network Management Systems, connect to OSS systems. They are used to enable Alarm, Performance, Inventory, Provisioning, Configuration, and Security related information of the Network Elements, and forwards it to the high-level management systems, typically referred to as the OSS systems. Some of the concepts covered in the learning are TACACS, LDAP, SNMP, CORBA, XML, MTOSI, SOAP and important APIs in telecom. Join us to explore all these and more on Telecom Management Network Model."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Big Data" |
"Big Data is not always about the volume of data, it is about the value that lies in that View of Data. Hence, big data is the amount of data which cannot be processed by the existing computational infrastructure. In much simpler terms, the amount of data which cannot fit into the RAM of your existing hardware for computational purposes, is referred to as big data for that hardware.The course gives basic understanding and jargons of the data science. Some of the advantages of big data are:Better Insights from DataBetter view of User behavioursHelps in more accurate predictionsHelps in personalization at ScaleSaves a lot of time required for information extractionIntegrates both structured and unstructured informationHelps in better decision makingHelps in becoming more customer-centricThe course will help you understand the basic concepts on identifying the right data and make sense of Big Data.Apache Hadoop is a framework designed to perform computations in a distributed fashion. It works on large clusters made up of commodity hardware connected by network. It is an Apache open source project under G N U Licenses. The framework is designed to process Big Data at a much higher speed than the existing Computational Setup.The following features make Hadoop so lovable:Open SourceRuns on Commodity HardwareFault TolerantScalableDistributed ProcessingParticipants will learn about Hadoop Architecture and some other open source technologies used for BIG Data processing. The course also touches topic like analytics through descriptive analytics, prescriptive analytics and predictive analytics.Welcome to learn more on BIG DATA"
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Guide to Cloud Computing" |
"We use many applications in our daily life like email, Web, social media apps, games, learning, research and analysis, media and many more. Ever thought of from where these applications are being served off? Every application would be running from a server installed in an Enterprise IT center or data center. This server would consist of the components like Multiple processors, Memory Chips (or RAM), Hard disks or SSD, Input Output Cards, Network Interface Cards, etc. The course covers concepts like Redundant Array of Independent Disk (RAID) and Logical Unit Number (LUN) in detail. Various storage technologies like Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Fiber Channel Storage Area Network (FCSAN), IP Storage Area Network (IPSAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) are covered in the course. Virtualization has given a way to mitigate the wastage of resources and improve ROI. The advantages of virtualization are: Resource consolidation Agility Development Flexibility Migration and Cloning, and Desktop Virtualization The course includes Network Virtualization, Storage Virtualization and Server Virtualization. On the foundation of the above-mentioned concepts, the course now turns towards Cloud computing which is defined as a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resourcesrather than having local servers or personaldevicesto handleapplications. Major Service models of cloud computing are: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Platform as a service (PaaS) Software as a service (SaaS) These service models are discussed in detail in the course. Other concepts related to Cloud like storage and deployment models are also covered extensively. Apart from all this Cloud Monitoring is an important aspect which needs to be considered in this domain. Cloud monitoring system refers to a set of programs, software, and applications that offers capability to monitor smallest to biggest elements of Cloud with number of benchmarks, thresholds, and nature of alarms. Cloud monitoring includes the following concepts: Elasticity Scalability Migration Accuracy Autonomy, and Comprehensiveness So, join us to learn all this and much more related to Cloud Computing."
Price: 19.99

"Learn about Transmission used in Telecom" |
"Transmission refers to the network entity that transports bulk traffic between network nodes. This transport is over a carrier, on which everything is packed and stacked.Participants will learn about transport network which can be divided into various layers, such as Access network, Metro Access, Metro aggregation, Core, and Backbone. Briefly, Access network provides the last mile communication from Customer Premises Equipment to the network. Metro access network is the one which connects access nodes to aggregation nodes. Core network consists of core layer switches. This layer is mainly used to provide interconnectivity among different users. Abackboneis a part of network that interconnects various pieces of network, providing a path for the exchange of information between differentLANsorsubnetworks. Transmission medium is the mean through which signal is transferred from one place to another. There are two types of media used in transmission medium. These are guided media and unguided media. Guided media are the physical links through which signals are confined to narrow path. Unguided media is the wireless media. There are two type of transport mode which are mostly used. These are Microwave and Optical fiber. Multiplexing is used to send multiple signals over a common high capacity transmission media, such as copper or fiber. Major transport technologies that are used in transmission network are: Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy or (PDH) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy or (SDH) Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing or (D-WDM) Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing or (C-WDM) These will form good part of the learning content of the overall course."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Guide: Software Defined Network, Telco Cloud & NFV" |
"Software Defined Networking (SDN) concept has been becoming a buzz word in the networking industry.Traditional IP networks are complex and very hard to manage. It is both difficult to configure the network according to pre-defined policies, and to reconfigure it to respond to faults, load and changes. To make matters even more difficult, current networks are also vertically integrated: the control and data planes are bundled together. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm that promises to change this state of affairs, by breaking vertical integration, separating the networks control logic from the underlying routers and switches, promoting (logical) centralization of network control, and introducing the ability to program the network. Software defined networking (SDN) is a new way of looking at how networking and loud solutions should be automated, efficient, and scalable in a new world where application services may be provided locally, by the data center, or even the cloud. This is impossible with a rigid system thats difficult to manage, maintain, and upgrade. Going forward, you need flexibility, simplicity, and the ability to quickly grow to meet changing IT and business needs. Virtualization refers to the creation of virtual machine that can virtualize all the hardware resources, including processors, memory, storage, and network connectivity. Physical hardware resources can be shared by one or more virtual machines. The course covers terminologies that need to be understood related to virtualization concepts. These terminologies are: Server Hypervisor Guest OS Application N I C Virtual Machine (or VM) The course also covers NFV architecture. Briefly, VNF (or Virtual Network Function): is the basic block in NFV Architecture. It is the virtualized network element. For example when a router is virtualized, we call it Router VNF; another example is base station VNF. EMS (or Element Management System): is the element management system for VNF. This is responsible for the management of VNF operation, in the same way as physical network elements are managed by their respective EMS of VNFs. Apart from all these, participants will learn about Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure, Virtualization Layers, NFV Orchestrator and open stack software used for implementation of the virtualization concepts."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Telecom Business Process" |
"The course explains telecom business process through various frameworks used in the industry.NGOSS stands for New Generation Operations Systems and Software. It is a work program lead by Tele Management Forum (or TMF). It aims to deliver a framework that will: Help in producing new generation OSS or BSS solutions Be a repository of models, documents and other supporting material It is availed as a toolkit to industry-agreed specifications and guidelines that mostly cover all key business and technical areas. NGOSS is a component based framework that has following components: enhanced Telecom Operations Map (or eTOM) Also known as the Business Process Framework Shared Information Data (or SID Model) Also known as the Information Framework Technology Neutral Architecture (or TNA) and Contract Interfaces Also known as the System Integration Framework NGOSS Compliance Element It provides a suite of tests for compliance to eTOM, SID, TNA and contract interface components.Frameworx is the new name for NGOSS which is a combination of other frameworks. It maps the old one with new ones. Such as: eTOM to Business Process Framework SID to Information Framework, and TNA to Integration Framework The course extensively covers the above-mentioned framework. Briefly, eTOM is a reference framework that categorizes all the business activities that a service provider performs. SID is basically designed for standard representation of data so that it can be shared or reused by different OSS and BSS applications provisioned by multiple vendors. TNA along with Interfaces forms an Integration Framework. TNA is an architecture that is sustainable through technology changes and integrates other applications using interfaces. Jointo explore more"
Price: 19.99

"Learn about Operation Support System - OSS" |
"In simple words, OSS is a set of systems used to support day to day activities of a telecom service provider which includes order management, service management, network management and billing systems. These support systems are put in place to minimize the providers operating expenses and at the same time, optimize or enhance the system performance, productivity, and availability. OSS ensures proper operations of equipment for: Installation Configuration Testing Inventory and assignment Maintenance Fault detection and resolution Security Fraud collection, and Fraud detection OSS applications are designed to do their job on multiple vendor devices, ensuring consistency is maintained and network management processes are streamlined. OSS is used to manage the complexity of network planning and service design by using templates, rules, and step-by-step processes to guide users. The course also focuses on Core Operational Processes like CRM, Service Management & Operations, Resource Management & Operationsand Supplier Partner Relationship Management. The learning includes Order Management, Network Inventory management, Provisioning & Activation, Service Assurance, Applications for Fulfillment, Assurance."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Business of Telecom" |
"The course take the participants on great journey revolving around the telecom industry and its business perspective. The contents start from the evolution of the telecom industry all the way from 18thcentury till date. The contents are arranged to help participants easily understand the how the development of the technology has helped to shape telecom industry to its current form.The course puts light on the Telecom Service Provider Business. Broadly, telecom ecosystem comprises of retails and wholesale customers, retail and wholesale service providers, active and passive infrastructure providers. The functions of these ecosystem members are discussed in detail. Various international telecom regulatory bodies as well as Indian telecom industry structure is included in the teaching for good understanding of the overall telecom business ecosystem. Finally, the course ends with the highlight of National Telecom Policy 2012 and its impact on the Indian telecom sector."
Price: 19.99

"Learn about Wireless Cellular Networks" |
"Wireless Network course starts with discussion on evolution of various technologies, such as 0G, 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G, and 5G. In short:0G refers to pre-cellular mobile telephony technology in 1970s, such as Radio telephones that some people had in their cars before the advent of cell phones 1st Generation or 1G started in late 1970s and early 1980s that represented a leap in mobile communication in terms of capacity and mobility. 2G network was first launched in Finland in 1991.In 2G networks started becoming digital and circuit switching concept was introduced. 2.5G refers to addition of GPRS or General Packet Radio System, and EDGE or Enhanced Data Evolution for GSM Evolution. This introduced data or Packet Switching on mobile devices. 3G network was first launched by NTT in JAPAN in 2000 1. In this generation, networks were based on concepts which stated that Packet Switched will be applicable for Data Services Only and voice was still using Circuit Switching concepts. 4G networks refer to Mobile WiMax and LTE or Long Term Evolution Standards that are competing to comply for 4G requirements of ITU.First mobile WiMax and LTE networks were commercially launched in 2008 and 2010 respectively.It is based on Packet Switched for both Voice and Data services. 5G is the subject of international research efforts seeking to achieve communications speeds of 10 Gbps or greater, enabling higher-definition video transmission and a range of additional benefits. The above-mentioned generations of mobile network are discussed in detail in the course content. The course includes GSM/3G/LTE network architecture. The nodes used in different network are covered including their functions. The Core Network is the brain of the network andperforms essential functions like user authentication, location update, etc. The core network, protocols and interfaces used in core network are part of the learning content. Participants will learn about Intelligent Network allows networks to differentiate themselves from other network operators by providing additional telecommunication services called VAS. The course concludes with the current hot topic VoLTE and its working. So, if you are interested to increase your knowledge about the wireless cellularnetworks, welcome aboard."
Price: 19.99

"Basics of IP and Data Communication" |
"IP networking is a layer 3 technology, which is responsible for addressing hosts and routing packets to the remote network.This module will cover the IP network concepts in detail.The network fundaments are explained using examples of hub, router and switch.IP addresses identify the location of hosts on a network, in the same way a street address identifies a house on a city street. The participant will explore IP addresses in-terms of decimal representation, binary representation, different classes. IPv4 was not enough to address all the devices and would run out in near future. Therefore, Ipv6 was introduced. Participants will learn about IPV6 and its types in the course. The routing and routed protocol is also part of the learning. Routed Protocols are used between the routers to direct the user traffic.Routing protocols are used only between the routing tables. Routing can further be divided into static and dynamic routing. Static Route uses a protocol route that a network administrator enters the router.Dynamic Route Uses a route that a network protocol adjusts automatically for topology or traffic changes. These concepts are covered in the course contents. Distance vector routing protocol finds the best path to reach a remote network by its distance, that is, number of routers in between.Link state protocol uses the entire topology database, just like a map, to select all the paths from the source to the destination. The course covers distance vector protocols and link layer protocols like RIP, IGRP, EIGRP and OSPF in great details. Routing metrics are used by the routing algorithms to determine the desirability of a given route to a destination network. Different routing protocols implement different routing metrics. You will learn how these metrics are calculated to choose the best path between source and destination. Apart from this, you will get to know about L2TP, IP MPLS and basic concepts related to carrier ethernet and converged networks."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Business Support System - BSS" |
"Business Support System or (BSS) facilitates the relationship of service providers with their customers. BSS consists of the components that Telecom Industry uses to run its business operations towards customers.BSS is more software oriented which deals with processes like taking orders from customer, ensuring that order is completed, processing the bills, and collecting the payment. BSS can be thought of the customer facing system. Four Main Processes of BSS are: Product Management Customer Management Order Management Revenue Management The major component of BSS is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Customer can interact to CRM through various channels. These channels can be Call center, USSD, Company Portal, SMS, Email, Live Chat, Social Media, Company Store, Self-Service Kiosk, etc. The course covers good learning on importance of CRM in telecom business model. CRM provides one central platform for Sales, Marketing, Customer Service Team, etc. to give complete visibility into business and it also helps different teams to work together on one unified platform to grow leads, identify opportunities, close deals, and, support customers. Functionalities of CRM are: Marketing Management Sales Management Customer Information Management Service Request Service Complaint, and Customer Enquiry Apart from these concepts, participants will learn about Mediation system. It converts the raw Call Data Record or (CDR) into a format understandable by the Billing System. Mediation performs the following functions: Collects UDRs from Network Elements or NE Validates the UDRs Filters the UDRs and performs duplicate check Aggregates or splits UDRs as per requirement Formats the UDRs as per downstream system requirement, and Distributes the UDRs to downstream requirements The course cover rating and billing process. Rating system will apply charges as per plan. Billing system will apply discounts and generate the final bill that is invoice for the customer. The course concludes with Revenue Management, also known as Revenue Assurance, refers to the steps taken to increase the revenue of the CSP, without impacting the sales. Join us to learn in-detail about the concepts related to BSS."
Price: 19.99

"Learn about Telecom Operations" |
"Telecom operations is a process of managing telecom services to ensure maximum availability & minimum disruption in telecom services. The telecom operations process involves managing functions like network inventory management, managing provisioning issues, network availability, & fault management.As a part of managing telecom operations, the following key processes (which are as per ITIL standards) need to be followed to ensure maximum availability of services Event Management Incident Management Request Fulfilment Problem Management Access Management e TOM is a standard telecom process framework. This framework is independent of organization, software tools, infrastructure, and services. This framework is operator neutral and can be used by service provider with minor changes to make it fit for use. ITIL stands for IT Infrastructure Library. It is a proven best practice which is service industry neutral and not necessary to be followed exactly the way it is defined. This framework is proven practice set for service management in organizations. It gives a complete lifecycle of a service and how it can be managed for best results. The course gives deep insight on the integration of eTOM and ITIL which is used for the betterment of telecom operations. The learning involves lifecycle of problem management using integration of eTOM and ITIL. The course also covers batch processes, configuration management and performance management. Batch processes are non-financial critical processes which can be run during non-business hours. As part of batch processing, usually multiple records of services or functionality are processed at one time. Configuration management is a process of integrating operator services, software tools, underlying service infrastructure, and service impacting parameters. This process helps in managing entire lifecycle of configuration items, their status, and expected changes. Performance management is a process of monitoring system performance and tune it to provide better performance. This process helps in identifying areas of application improvement and root cause of service performance degradation. Participants will get to know about tools used for telecom operations. The course concludes covering service assurance strategies, SLA, OLA and some concepts related to KPI. Join us to explore more on Telecom Operations"
Price: 19.99

"Arduino Robotics with the mBot" |
"This course will introduce you to the mBot, the world's friendliest educational robotics platform. The mBot is an Arduino-based, two-wheel robot that comes with build-in sensors and actuators, and that you can program using Scratch, a graphical programming language.The mBot is also extensible, with a lot of components available that you can use to build your own robotic creations.In this course, I will show you how to assemble the mBot, discuss the additional hardware options, and demonstrate how to program it on your tablet and your Windows or Mac OS computer.The main project of the course involves programming the mBot to follow an arbitrary black line on the floor. In this project we must combine our robots sensors and actuators efficiently to enable it to stay on the line while it travels on it as quickly as possible.At first glance, you may think that getting a robot to follow a line is easy. Thats not true for a robot. As the programmer, you must teach the robot to do something that to a human is intuitive. You need to extract the intuitive understanding of how to follow a line and convert it into code. The required hardware is the mBot itself, and a computer (Windows or Mac OS). You can purchase an mBot direct from its manufacturer, Makeblock, or from your local reseller. You can download the software from free from the Makeblock website."
Price: 99.99

"Arduino Mastery Projects" |
"If you have already taken, or are in the process of taking my Arduino Step by Step Getting Started course, or if you already knowthe basics of the Arduino platform, then with a little practice you can create very interesting and fun projects on your own!We created this project course for anyone who wants to practice the design of simple gadgets based on the Arduino.These projects will give you the opportunity toapply your knowledge of individual components and simple programming to design and make fun gadgets.By the end of this course, you will have dramatically improved your skills and confidence in designing small Arduino-based systems. You will be able to go on and create your owngadgets.Learning how to design a simple system requires you to think not just about the individual components, but also about how they will work together, how the end-user will interact with your gadget, and how to iterate from prototype to the final versionIn this course you will practice simple system design by creating 10 gadgets of increasing difficulty.If you have an Arduino and a few basic components, like environment sensors, an LCD screen, buttons and LEDs, then you are ready to get started with this course!I invite you to review the free lectures in the first section of the course to find out more details about it.If you are excited about making simple gadgets with the Arduino, join many other Makers and me in Arduino Step by Step Getting Started - Projects!PLEASE consider the list ofprerequisites of this course carefully. If you are not familiar with any of the prerequisites, please consider enrolling to Arduino Step by Step Getting Started first. That course will help you prepare for this project course."
Price: 49.99

"Arduino Step by Step Getting Serious" |
"Welcome to Tech Explorations Arduino Step by Step Getting Serious, where you will extend your knowledge of Arduino components and techniques and build up new skills in the largest, and the most comprehensive course on the Web!Arduino is the world's favorite electronics learning and prototyping platform. Millions of people from around the world use it to learn electronics, engineering, programming, and create amazing things, from greenhouse controllers to tree climbing robots remotely controlled lawnmowers.It is a gateway to a career in engineering, a tool for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education, a vehicle for artistic and creativeexpression.The course is split into 40 sections and over 250 lectures spanning more than 30 hours of video content.In each section, you will learn a specific topic.Each topic contains:multiple examples of codewiring schematicsdemonstrations of a completed circuitalternative scenariosPeter, the instructor, and designer of this course, helps you understand the code and the circuit wiring by walking you through them, step by step and explaining every line of code and every wire of the circuit.Students have access to:The courserepository, which containsall of the sketch code, wiring schematics and external resource links, which Peter keep up-to-date and correctThe course discussion Forum, where you can ask questions.Peter monitors this Forum regularlyand responds to your questionsThe Tech ExplorationsMakers Clubprivate Facebook group where students can discuss their gadget ideas. Use this group to ask questions that don't fit within the context of the course, discuss your projectsor help othersThis course contains:24 hours of brand new video content12 hours of retouched video content (which I will be replacing in regular intervals with brand new content)42 sections with totally reorganised contentMore than 280 lectures (and counting)Over 100 new and updated sketches (and counting)Over 50 new circuit schematics (and counting)New course repository, reorganised so that sketches, schematics and lecture external resources are easy to find (access everything at one place)Here are some of the topics that you will learn about in this course (for a full list, please look at the course curriculum):Advanced environment, motion, position and GPS sensors.New ways to receive input from the user with keypads, potentiometers, and encoders.New ways to provide feedback to the user, with color screens, complete with a touch-sensitive surface!Awesome ways to configure LEDs, monochrome or color.UsematrixorLED strips,display text, graphics, andanimation.Create motion with various kinds of motors and controllers.Networking with Ethernet and Wifi. Communications with Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy,Communications withhighly-reliable packet-based radio, andsimple, ultra low-cost radio for less critical applicationsMultiplying your Arduino's ability to control external devices with shift registers and port expanders.Much, much more (for a full list, please look at the course curriculum)This course is not appropriate for people new to the Arduino. It will not teach you about the basics of the Arduino, like how to use the Arduino IDE, blink an LED or create a simple sketch and circuit. If you are a new Arduino maker, you should consider taking the Tech Explorations Arduino Step by Step Getting Started course first.Apart from abasic understanding of the Arduino, a student of this course must bewilling to work hard. You can't learn serious skills without serious work. There are a lot of courses out there that promise you a fun and easy learning experience. This is not one of them. I promise you a lot of hard work ahead.What about tools and parts?Other than a few essential tools and parts that you can learn about in the first section of the course (which is free to watch) I only ask that you come with an appetite to learn and a willingness to work hard.The course features a large variety of parts, but you don't need (and you shouldn't) get them all to begin learning. In fact, getting all of these parts too early is not a good idea! Watch the free lecture to understand why in the first section of this course.Should you join right now?Watch the free lectures in the first section of this course before you choose to join. They contain valuable information that will help you decide if this is the right course for you.I look forward to learning with you!"
Price: 199.99

"Make an Arduino Robot" |
"""Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.""-Benjamin FranklinI have designed this Arduino project course as an opportunity for you to get deep into the messy details of understanding, designing and constructing a simple yet infinitely extensible wheeled robot.From figuring out what the robot is supposed to do, to selecting the right parts, configuring them, assembling them and testing them, all the way to producing a refined outcome, this project emphasises the iterative process of problem-solving.By the end of the course, you will have created an Arduino wheeled robot that can navigate towards a light source and avoid obstacles along the way, on its own. But more than that, by the end of the course you will have become a better problem solver. You will have experience in analysing problems and designing solutions. You will be able to integrate simple mechanical parts with motors, batteries, sensors and other electronics.The ideal student for this course is someone who has completed Arduino Step by Step Getting Started or has a good basic level of understanding of the Arduino. You already know how to write simple sketches and wire components in a breadboard. Although I will be showing the robot building process in great detail, having a basic level understanding of the Arduino will make this project a lot more enjoyable for you.I invite you to review the free lectures in the first section of the course to find out more details about it.If you are excited about becoming a Maker with the Arduino, join many other Makers and me in Make an Arduino Robot!I look forward to learning with you!"
Price: 99.99

"Make an Open Source Drone" |
"*************************************************************************************PLEASE READ: We have just updated this course! We have published a new section in which we show how to upgrade the drone so that it uses the Pixhawk flight controller in place of the Crius AIO V2. During the upgrade, we retain most of the existing drone components. Find more information about the course and the upgrade in the first section (free to watch).*************************************************************************************Welcome to ""Make an Open Source Drone"", a course that will teach you how to build a quadcopter from scratch!Playing with drones, and especially quadcopters, is fast becoming a very popular hobby. As a hobby, it combines state of the art open technology with large open spaces. It even gives me a great excuse to get out of my lab and get some sun!While you can just go to a shop and purchase a drone that is ready to fly, by doing so you miss out on all the fun and knowledge that comes with building your own flying machine. I admit I have done that myself. Getting my ready-to-fly drone out of its box and flying it was fun, but only for a short period. Soon after the first excitement settled, I realised that I didn't know much more than before I opened the box. I was also unable to do anything more than what the drone was programmed to do, to begin with. That is why making your own open source drone is such a great way to have fun while learning. in this course, my co-instructor Aristofanis and I will help you understand drones and how to build them. You will learn about their mechanical and electronic components and how they interact. You will learn about the software that provides semi-autonomous flight capabilities to drones. Motors, flight controllers, Electronic Speed Controllers, batteries and chargers, receivers and transmitters, and so much more, will all make sense as you progress through this course and go through the process of assembling your drone. By the end of the course, apart from being able to assemble your drone, you will have the confidence to perform repairs and to extend its capabilities.Along the way, you will learn about the principles of drones and many design and performance details for each of the components and software. With this knowledge, you will be able to go on and construct your own drones, configure and program them, all while having a great time doing so.The course starts by explaining the basic principles of drones. You will learn about the types of multi-rotor drones, flight terminology, principles of drone flight, and we will introduce the basic drone components like propellers, motors, the flight controller and more.Then, you will get into the actual construction of the drone. You will solder the Electronic Speed Controllers to the motors and assemble the drone arms.You will then solder the ESCs and battery to the power distribution board, and start the assembly of the drone frame.After that is the radio control subsystem. You will learn about the different types of signalling, connect the radio receiver to the flight controller, and connect the GPS module.Next, you will learn about LiPo batteries and battery chargers, safety and maintenance. With a fully charged battery, you will continue with the firmware and software. You will learn about the MegaPirateNG firmware and how to upload it to your drone. You will learn how to bind your radio transmitter and receiver, and then how to calibrate your new quadcopter using the open source Mission Planner software.As always, we save the best for last! At the end of the course, you will learn how to calibrate the Electronic Speed Controllers and attach the propellers.And in the end, you will be able to take your drone to a field and launch it, starting to build-up your pilot skills!As with all Tech Explorations courses, we are here to help you in this exciting learning journey. As a student of this course, you will have access to the Questions and Answers board and interact with the instructors. You can ask questions, and make comments or suggestions. Please continue by having a look at the list of parts that you will need in this course. You can find it as a document download in the next lecture"
Price: 99.99

"Arduino Passo a Passo: Primeiros Passos" |
"Este curso para o novo Arduino Maker.Voc tempaixo por aprender?Voc est entusiasmado por se tornar um Maker com o Arduino?Se voc respondeu ""sim!"" pra ambos, ento voc est pronto para comear!Ao fazer este curso, o Prof. Dr. Peter Dalmaris enfatizou a importncia de obter o bsico da forma certae aprender a dominar. Como educadorh mais de 15 anos, sabe de primeira mo que acertar um obstculo porque voc no tem conhecimento fundamental para o progresso pode ser desmotivador.Dessa forma, estamos trazendo para o Brasil a verso traduzida do Arduino Step by Step 2017 - First Steps, de forma que as aulas do curso foram devida e cuidadosamente legendadas para portugus, com o cuidado na representao de termos e expresses da rea de embarcados, mantendo o udio original do Prof.Dr.Peter Dalmaris. O material escrito do curso no Udemy foi totalmente traduzido para portugus tambm. O suporte verso brasileira do curso ser feito por mim, AndrCurvello.No ASbS 2017: Primeiros Passos, tenho certeza de quenas mais de 15 horas de contedo de vdeo, mini-projetos e questionrios, cobrimos todos os conceitos bsicos para que voc possa aprender sobre o Arduino.At o final do curso, voc ter uma boa compreenso das capacidades do Arduino Uno, o melhor Arduino para as pessoas que esto comeando,e voc estar familiarizado com as capacidades de vrios de seus primos.Voc ficar confortvel com as ferramentas bsicas de prototipagem e seu uso, os conceitos bsicos do ambiente de programao Arduino,linguagem e programao.Voc poder usar uma variedade de componentes. De simples botes e LEDs, decor visvel aluz ultravioleta, e outros sensores de ambiente.Alm de saber como usar os componentes que eu demonstroneste curso, voc tambm aprender a ler as documentaes, como usar as bibliotecas por conta prpria e como aprender as habilidades necessrias para criar os acessrios e dispositivosque deseja, por conta prpria. Com o conhecimento vem a liberdade, e eu o ajudarei a chegar l.Convido voc a rever as aulas gratuitas na primeira seo do curso para descobrir mais detalhes sobre isso.Se voc est empolgado em se tornar um Maker com o Arduino, junte-se a muitos outros Makers e eu em Arduino Passo a Passo 2017: Primeiros Passos!Estou ansioso para aprender com voc!"
Price: 429.99

"Paint TREES in watercolor,easily. Video demos show you how." |
"REVIEW: 'I enjoyed this course very much. Instructions were very clear. I appreciate the ""mistakes"" and how to correct them. I feel more confident in painting trees. Thanks' Lynn EdenPainting trees in a watercolor landscape can be a challenge. Getting the right shape and colours can give you a watercolor painting headache.Not anymore. My simple and clear video demonstrations will have you watercolor painting a variety of believable trees with confidence.I have created a portfolio for you to use as a basic guide to tree painting. I have chosen common trees, both deciduous and evergreen and some exotic varieties too. Even if you don'r have exactly the same trees in your part if the world, my selection can be easily adapted to suit what you do have. Following my videos will soon have you watercolor painting trees at different times of the year, singly or in groups.I have deliberately kept the color palette simple for your convenience, but of course that palette may vary depending on what trees you have around you.AND remember if you can get the shape and the color right, then you should end up with a believable tree, so relax and just enjoy the process of the doing. ALSO painting these, or any other little samples, is so beneficial for your painting skills as they are not intimidating. Why choose one of my courses?Because, as a self taught artist I understand how a lot of people feel about their creative work, sometimes anxious, sometimes overwhelmed and often that it's not 'good enough'. I will hold your hand as you overcome these fears as I offer a friendly, relaxed and sensitive teaching style.I also have years of experience of teaching people of all levels both in person and via the internet.Do one of my courses and you will feel as if I am in the room with you every step of the way.Enjoy your painting, love Nicola"
Price: 49.99

"QUICK START painting with watercolors, play & learn PART 1" |
"This is my QUICK, KICK START watercolor painting course for those of you who think you can't or don't have time, let alone learn to relaxThis is a shorter version of my best selling course 'Painting - you can. Just play & learn. I'll show you how.' I have created it for super busy people who want to learn to paint but think they can't or don't have time.So you want to learn to paint with watercolors but either think you can't or don't have the timeGet ready to learn and relax as you play through this non threatening and friendly 'play - cedure'.This is what one student posted in her blog :- 'I was so surprised to find that she (Nicola) started very simply, just playing with water and unmixed colors of paint. Slowly a beautiful patchwork of designs appeared on her page. Where borders and boundaries in the art were a bit blurred, she went in with a pen and neatened them up. Sometimes she chose to add designs with the pen and then paint over them, and other times she added swirls and triangles to the dried paint. With growing excitement I realized that this project was well within my comfort zone.'With no one looking over your shoulder and no expectations you will find you are learning through play and gaining the confidence to do more. Most of all just enjoy the pleasure of doing it.If, however, you don't enjoy it and are not happy you can claim a full refund within 30 days. No questions asked."
Price: 19.99

"UP-CYCLE your watercolor paintings to make greeting cards." |
"EXTRA lecture addedAre you ready to turn your painting passion to good use? Then get ready to have even more painting fun by up-cycling some ofyour pictures into cards to send on any occasion.So you have been busy painting away and are building up quite a collection of paintings of all different subjects andsizes . You may even have a folder of unfinished ones, disastrous ones and maybe ones that you might frame and exhibit or sell.....one day !What ever you have wouldn't it be nice to recycle the ones which arehanging about into original greeting or holiday cards? Just think of the money you could save,how impressed your friends and family will be with an original hand painted and crafted card AND how some people may even want to buy them?I give you tips on how to cut up and even weave your paintings to give them a new lease of lifeWho knows you may even start a little business. How creative is that? So sort out your paintings, get ready to have some funand let's get started."
Price: 39.99
