"Functions: Your Complete Guide" |
"Functions show up in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus and Calculus. Understanding functions is essential to understanding and excelling in these courses. This course starts with basic elements of functions you will learn in Algebra 1 and then ends with what you need to know for Pre-Calculus and Calculus.If you are taking any one of these courses Functionsis going to come up and my course is designed to give you the confidence to tackle every problem you will encounter in the high school and undergraduate college setting.Each section is broken down just like thisVideos explaining essentialdefinitions andprocessesVideos with multiple examples basic to hardPractice worksheets to refine your skills, answers includedQuizzes to take as many times as you need to earn 100%In summary I work out over 180examplesand provide over 200 problems for you to try. I selected problems that you will encounter in your class, on tests and in upcoming courses.Understanding functions is very important. Not only will this course help your grade but it will help you understand all the other topics you will learn in later math classes.I look forward to helping you learn showing you that anyone can learn math."
Price: 29.99

"Outsmarting Writers Block" |
"Have you ever come to a blank sheet of paper or screen and thought I cant do this?Or been scared to share your writing?Or demotivated and not able to write?And come up with a million and one excuses why you can't?So have thousands of writers, so you are not alone. However, when you understand what lies beneath writer's block and know why you stall, you will be able to outsmart it.The purpose of this course is to help you get over these blocks and feel inspired and motivated to sit and write. We will introduce your to a number of simple strategies to inspire and motivate you. You will be removing blocks and taking effective actions towards being the writer you have always been.We will look at thereasons and common excuses thatpeople tend to have for not writing, and discuss the ways to overcome the perception of writer's block.There are avariety of exercises andactivities designed to get your writing flowing again.Both Dale and Kay are published authors and bloggers, so we understand how frustrating it can be to not be able to get your thoughts down and fight with writer's block issues. And we have both used these techniques to ensure that we write and publish on time.Come with us on a journey to unlock your blocks and let your writing and creativity flow"
Price: 49.99

"Power of Forgiveness: Learn How to be Free" |
"Are you a Christian struggling to forgive someone who hurt you? Have you tried to let go of past offenses, but cannot? Have you forgiven yourself for the pain you have caused others? Perhaps you are seeking forgiveness, but the person you wronged refuses to forgive you.If you have experienced life's challenges,more than likely, you have been faced with the decision to forgive or not toforgive. Your decision affects your total well-being. Forgiveness is always a personal choice, whether you are the one seeking forgiveness or the one needing to forgive.It is natural to feel justified for not forgiving the person who wronged you...hurt you and caused you so much pain. A familiar declaration is, ""I'll forgive but I'll never forget."" Unfortunately, many Christians think it's okay, but is it? Forgiveness is never really easy. God understands that it is sometimes difficult for us to forgive those who betrayed us, crushed our spirit and drove nails through our heart. Jesus understands; He is our example. However, if we are serious about our relationship with Jesus Christ, we must obey His commandment and seek to please Him by following His principles of forgiveness while living in this society with all its ills. When we seek to see from God's perspective on forgiveness and ask Him to help us, He will. The supernatural power of the Holy Spirit imparts into us a forgiving spirit, gives us peace, binds up our wounds, and makes us whole. We will know the truth and experience the liberating power of forgiveness. You will be FREE to MOVE FORWARD."
Price: 29.99

"Agile Business Analysis" |
"Business Analysts have a wide range of feelings about Agile.Some love it. Its a fast and nimble way to develop products, and you can be very productive in relatively little time.Others hate it, because it is radically different from traditional control-oriented project approaches, and they struggle to understand their value and role when documentation takes a back seat.And many others like the idea of Agile, but realize that its a tricky thing to get right especially with very large organizations which have documentation and processes deeply engrained in their cultures.If any of these statements sounds familiar, we designed this course for you. There is a lot of training out there for agile teams, but agile BAs have very specific needs that havent been addressed (until now)Thats why we developed this course to give you a basis on which to build an excellent BA career in any agile environment. In this clear, concise, and easy-to-follow course, you will learn: How to figure out what your role on the team needs to be What user stories and acceptance criteria really are and its probably not what you think When to write requirements to maximize efficiency and minimize re-work Why the traditional product backlog is a mess and how to overcome it What a typical BA does in the course of a day, sprint, and release (and a whole lot more) all while learning the ropes from a seasoned expert and business analysis executive. By the end of the course, youll have more than just knowledge Youll have the practice and practical experience you need to feel confident on the job."
Price: 89.99

"Secrets of Real Estate investing" |
"Throughout the ages real estate was one ofthe safest and best investments to make. It is said that investing in Real Estateis a timeless investment thatprotects from inflation. The 2002 2008 period in the World ad also Baltic stateswas a golden age for RealEstate developers, when almost every other person bought apartments, built houses andinvested with the purpose of making money. A negative side of investment was seen when the RealEstate bubble bursted and the crisis came and because of that many got discouraged from investing.Real Estate is one of the most profitable investments, but there are many subtleties and strategies that many Real Estate investors tend to keep quiet about. We are constantly investing in Real Estate, so we see the mistakes other investors make and thats why we want to show you ways how to invest in Real Estateregardless of whether the economy is rising or declining.It is said that investing in Real Estate it generates and average of 5% return. In this course we will reveal the secrets ofhow to make money from Real Estate with 10%, 20%, 30% or higher returns.MAIN COURSE OBJECTIVESTo introduce what RealEstate investment is andto help you take smalls steps towards how to get started;To helpfind deals,that are below the market price;To show different ways how toeasily raise RE value;To reveal the secrets ofhow to get 30% or higher return on RE investments;To share strategies onhow to create a passive cash flowexceeding you monthly income;We put a lot of our own hands-on experience into this 7 lesson course, as well as the experience of our students and partners who developed or currently are developing Real Estate properties. We believe that this invaluable information will be interesting and useful, both for beginner investors in Real Estateas well as for people who already have experience in investment.COURSEFORMAT AND DATEThe course is made up of7 recorded webinars(5 beginner modules and 2 advanced modules), every one of which lasts for about an hour. They will be held every day, for7 consecutive days.The course will provide you with additional material which you will be able to download, as well as a video from our own invested properties. Depending which course option you chose, you will also get access to all of the recorded webinars. You will be able to ask questions both during live broadcasts and after them via specified e-mail address or in a closed Facebook group."
Price: 99.99

"Accelerate CAPM + PMP SelfStudy How-2-Read the PMBoK-Guide" |
"Dollars might be refundable if you pick a CAPM /PMPstudy course that just repeats the book but your study hours are not.This course was recorded with the 5th Ed. in my hands. Since its about how YOUread the PMBoK-G and you'll read the 6th Ed not the 5th Ed it makes no difference to you except the reference to Part 2 on page number 417 is now Part 2 on page 541.Everything else is still relevant, current advise.If you have looked at the PMBoK-G you'll know that reading it from front to back is confusing. Your experiencemay be that youhave found reading it without guidance iscompletely useless - that happens to plenty of smart people.For over a decade I've been helping people see thePMBoK_G's great insights.My experience will help you quickly learnhow to read it and know the story it hides BEFORE you start reading it.My work as a contract PMspans many organisations where mostly we use industry vocabulary so my PMBoK-G explanations use your familiar jargon whether agile or engineering, IT or corporate change.READINGTHEPMBoK_GISTOUGH;GETYOURSELFAGOODGUIDEOnce you start reading with understanding you have to know how to capture thatknowledge so you can easily show it in the exams - This course shows you how to easilycreate, from memory that golden key thatunlocks exam success. Exam success unlocks promotions and pay-rises.Many project management roles require a PMIcredential before you can apply for them despite all thereal-life experience you have. PLUSPMIs exams are expensive. Surely setting out on ahigh cost, high impact endeavourshould have the best guidance you can find?This course tells you what a good 35hr training course* will sound and feel like. (*PMIrequire you to have 35hrs of certified training in PM - this course helps youpick wisely).KNOWWHATAGOODCOURSEWILLLOOKANDSOUNDLIKEFind out how to read the PMBoK-G withthis course and save tens if not HUNDREDSof hours of frustration in your personal exam preparation journey.This course ensures youfind out where to focus BEFORE you invest your non-returnable time.understand what thebig picture story in the PMBoK-G gives you as a framework. When you've finished this course you're future study will be very much easier as you'll have a framework to add thatocean of detailed facts into.know how to evaluate potentialstudy resources so you can comityour time only to the best and avoid those that don't have great instructional design - there are a lot of poor resources out there :-(have the best change topass the PMPor CAPMProject Managementexams in the minimum study time with maximum confidenceIn this course you'll get our completely UNIQUE""PMBoK-G on-a-page"" overview and detailed guidance on how to create **THEmost important** exam Aide-Memoir. This course's practical element is your ability to sit down in your exam and memory-dump the PMBoK-G's core process model from memory."
Price: 19.99

"Grok Earned Value The Complete and Remarkably Easy How-To" |
"Earned Value has an undeserved reputation as hard. It is not.Earned Value is a simple topic whose explanation is often hidden in a forest of initials and whose explanation rarely includes the perspective that makes 'value' a meaningful part of its name.Because 'Value' is an unintuitive and misleading term when used in most project contexts, and because explanations in initials are hard to understand earned value is seen by many as hard when the real fact is that it is often poorly taught.SO THIS course places earned value management's explanation in context before we start on the formulas and avoids initials until after the formulas are presented in simple and animated graphically form.This course is a gentle journey but a comprehensive one that goes beyond exam needs.L1 is Simon's welcome, hello and why this course's coverage is makes earned value easy to learnL2 gives context, (and is interrupted by my cat Tyger*)L3 explains creating baselines and earned value's key enabler, L4 Dips into PMBoK-G activities for setting up Earned Value, L5 details building a risk inclusive Planned Value (Planned Cost) baseline in Gantt form, L6 details tracking progress including risks and changes happening that disrupt the baseline, L7 Explains Earned Value reporting via a slow build-up of a graphical representation L8 Repeats L6 but with a story and numbers and calculations,L9 Covers ways to recognise when value is earned, often called 'Earned Value Types', L10 Focusses on how to remember the formulas, L11 asks what extra coverage would you like added to the course and L12 is the outtake from my cat #WeeTygerBoy interrupting during L2*Instructional design tells us that people remember the unusual, unexpected or odd. My purpose creating this course is to help you retain (remember) the information I give you - thus the unusual is beneficial :-)"
Price: 19.99

"Youtube: Beginners Guide To A Successful Channel" |
"Formany, YouTube needs no introduction. Some have made careers onYouTube, while others have used this brilliant platform to boosttheir own brand or products. YouTube has become a famous videosharing platform with over a billion videos already in itsrepository.Withthe power that YouTube yields, it has become an important platformfor brands as well as marketers. Understanding YouTube has becomecrucial for the survival of a business, especially businesses thatdepend on marketing.Ifyou want to become a hot shot in the marketing world, or if you havea brilliant idea/talent that you want to share with the world, thenthis course is for you!Wehave designed this course with experts to help you understand the insand outs of YouTube and marketing with this amazing platform.Inthis course, you will learn how to work with YouTube from start toend. From signing up for your own YouTube Account to linking your ownGoogle Adwords account, you will learn it all. Additionally, you willalso learn how to add videos and even how to market your videos togain subscribers and garner views.Thecourse includes a detailed introduction to YouTube, includingcreating a YouTube Account and Brand Channel, after which you willbecome familiar with the YouTube Control Panel. You will learn how toadd videos, images, record high quality content, add videodescriptions and tags, work with advanced settings and location tagsand even how to link and use your Google Adwords account to optimizekeywords related to your videos.Withso much packed in this course, what are you waiting for? Lets makeyou YouTube famous."
Price: 39.99

"Learn To Build a WordPress Theme for Corporate Websites" |
"WordPressis one of the most popular CMS for website designing and developmentin todays technology driven world. WordPress not only simplifiesthe process of developing and designing websites, they also offereasy maintenance and updating.Oneof the best parts about WordPress is the drag and drop Themes thatcan be added to your website. From a simple change in color scheme tomore prominent layout changes, WordPress Themes can change yourwebsite with a few simple clicks.Thishas resulted in hundreds and thousands of different royalty freethemes to flood the market, but not all of these themes are easy tofind or feasible to use. This is why a lot of people are learning howto create their own customizes themes.Thiscourse will show you how. In this course, you will learn how todesign your very own Business Theme using Bootstrap, along with howto use the customization panel and add icons and even banner imagesto your website. Enrollnow and learn how to create custom themes!"
Price: 29.99

"Git and GitHub Essentials" |
"The most Comprehensive Course on Git and Github is here! Master Version Control with the best technology available on the market.Software Developers around the world will tell you that version control is one of the most important aspects of programming and development. Imagine working hard to build your app, spending hours and hours of coding to update it, just to find that the latest changes you made to the app created an error. Now, you code wont work! What can you do?Well, with Git , you can simply restore the last change you made and get your app up and running. Thats what Git and VersionControl are. Git is a version control system that tracks changes made to computer files and saves the file after each change is made to it. It is commonly used in software development to keep track of changes made to the codes. This ensures that in case the latest code throws an error, you can simply restore the older saved version and get your code back up and running, until you figure out what went wrong with your current update.On the other hand, Github is basically a repository that allows you to save your coding files and create a collaborative environment. Your Github repository can be shared with other individuals who can then help and guide you with codes and even testing. It is commonly used for collaboration on codes, as an information bank about the app or website and even as a task manager. So, where can you learn this awesome technology? Right here, of course!We have designed the most comprehensive tutorial to help you learn Git and Github. Even if you have no prior experience with these technologies, dont worry! This course will help get started from the ground up and will guide you step by step to help you master Git and Github.You are expected to have basic knowledge of Linux and its command line since we will be using Linux as an example system, with HTML as the example programming language. You will learn using the actual system to understand exactly what is Git and Github as well as how to install Git on your Linux system.From there, you will take your first steps with Git and learn how to work with remote repositories, different files, revisiting the history, branching and recovering from failures. You will also learn how you can customize your Git and also how to host your own Github repository. The best part, the course will also help you with the best tips and tricks about Git and Github including best practices so that you can get the most out of your Git and Github.No more hours of fixing codes, just restore the previous version. Get the most out of code with Git and this course. Enroll Now and become a Git and Github master."
Price: 39.99

"Learn To Build Apps Using Swift3 and iOS10" |
"The only comprehensivecourse to master Apples latest Swift 3 programming language!Applehas introduced a new and improved version of its most popularprogramming language, Swift. Since, its introduction way back in2014, the language has been lauded by the development community.Swiftcombined the best practices of C, C++ and Objective-C to make an easyto write language that minimized the hassles of language principlesthat come with the language, instead opting for making the languagesimple, dynamic and easy to learn. While, the shift from Swift 1 toSwift 2 was considered drastic, the change to Swift 3 is even more. Changesto the language includes making the syntax shorter, requiringlabeling for function parameters, focusing on omitting needless wordsto remove repetition and even eliminating UpperCamelCase in favor oflowerCamelCase for enums and properties. The changes aim to simplifythe language and make it clearer for the newbies that are justlearning the language.Learning this powerfullanguage from scratch might seem like a hard task, especially if youare already familiar with Swift 2, but dont worry this is why wehave designed this course.Ourcourse has been expertly created to help newbies and seasoned iOSprogrammers to learn this brilliant language. This Swift 3 tutorialwill include working with the language parameters, the playground,and will include so much more. Youwill start by learning the language fundamentals and the changes madeto Swift 3, for newbies this will easy as they will start fresh.However, for the seasoned coders, it might require some getting usedas they will have to relearn some concepts. Thecourse also includes working with the Playground, learning how tocreate variables, constants, arrays, loops, conditionals, classes,and functions. You will also solidify your theory by using it tobuild a complete practical application an inventory managementapp.Thatsnot all though! When designing the app, in addition to going over theparadigm of the coding language, you will also learn how to designthe UI and also how to integrate different APIs and UI controls init. From understanding scene building to working with auto layout andintegrating basic and interactive notifications, the course willinclude everything you need to become proficient in Swift 3.Withso much packed in this massive course, what are you waiting for?Lets start building your dream iOS apps Swiftly!"
Price: 39.99

"Beginner To Professional - The Complete Photoshop Guide" |
"The ULTIMATE Photoshop course is finally here! Master the most used photo editingsoftware and make your photos the star of every show.Photoshophelps photographers and editors modify the images till it representstheir vision the screen. Modifying the lighting, removingunflattering things and sometimes even modifying the images to thepoint where images are completely different from what they startwith.AdobePhotoshop is one of the most famous and used editing software on themarket for photo editing and manipulation. It offers multiple tools,effects, textures, etc. to help editors bring their vision to paper.Well,to help you become a MASTER EDITOR,we have designed the most comprehensive course on Photoshop.Thiscourse assumes that you are a beginner and by the end of it willconvert you into an expert, helping you not only understand thedifferent features that Photoshop offers, but also best tips andtricks to getting the most out of your every shot!Inthis course, you will learn Photoshop tools, techniques, effects andall the different features including advanced features and Adobeextensions such as Lightroom, Bridge and Camera Raw. You will learnhow to manipulate and modify the lighting, retouching beauty shots(including highlighting skin, eye depth and color, teeth whiteness,lips color, body retouching and even hair selecting), as well as thedifferent tools that the software offers.Youwill start at the beginning, getting familiar with the Photoshop UI,workshop and different layers, then progressing on to the varioustools, effects and correction techniques, learning how to modifyimages and finally learning advanced Adobe extensions for Photoshop.Atthe end of this course, you will have become fluent in not onlyPhotoshop, but also a master at editing photos like a professional.So,what are you waiting for? Let your photos do all the talking for you!"
Price: 49.99

"Vagrant Essentials : Learn DevOps Using Vagrant" |
"The One-Stop-Shopcourse for Vagrant is finally here! Master Vagrant from the startwith our one of a kind tutorial.Developersaround the world know the grueling process of having to set up,deploy, configure and destroy environments depending on projects!Vagrant is the brilliant solution for eliminating the costly andtime-consuming cycle of creating and destroying environments witheach project. Vagrantis an open-source product for building and maintaining portablevirtual development environments. These virtual systems arecost-efficient to use for developing your project and thendisassembling it when you are done. It is also a great way to manageand coordinate large projects, that require multiple technical stacksand developers.Vagrantalso makes it easier to set up, download, deploy packages, and evenconfiguration by allowing developers to download prepackagedoperating systems that include the required tools, libraries, andeven services. And, if the prepackaged system doesnt includeeverything you need, you can simply create your own virtual machineand convert it to Vagrant. Thats not all! The best part aboutVagrant is that it allows you to create multiple customized copiesfor all the developers that are working on the project.Letsstep into the future world of programming by mastering virtualmachines with Vagrant in this amazing step-by-step breakdown course.The course has been created with experts to help you learn thecomplete ins and outs of Vagrant. While, this course will start atthe very beginning with Vagrant, it does have a few expectations. Youare expected to have an understanding of virtualization includingrelated technologies such as VMWare and VirtualBox. You are alsoexpected to know their way around Linux and its file system.Thecourse will breakdown Vagrant into simple and easy to understandsections and will cover everything from introduction to installationto Vagrant basics and functions, as well as network configurations,clustering, Vagrant boxes and so much more.Atthe end of this course, you will not only have the theory of Vagrant,but also be confident enough to start using Vagrant for all yourprojects. So, whats stopping you from stepping into the future ofdevelopment? Enroll Now and lets enter the virtual environment!"
Price: 29.99

"Youtube: An Advance Guide For A Successful Youtube Channel" |
"Master the art of videomarketing and how you can make YouTube work for you in thiscomprehensive course!YouTubehas become a household name for almost all video needs, from songs tovideos to movie trailers to even following your favorite stars ontheir daily lives, YouTube has it all. While, it started as a simplevideo sharing website, YouTube, now, has a life of its own. Thesedays it is a popular platform for uploading music videos, home videosand even blogging videos, which is known as vlogging. Vlogging, alsoknown as video logging was a trend that has existed for a while now,but has become famous because of YouTube. iiSuperwomanii, Sam Tsui,Pewdiepie, names sound familiar? Well, all of these are YouTubestars, who have garnered fame and money from posting videos onYouTube. Do you want to join theranks of the names above? Do you want to learn how to market yourselfand your brand the right way?Now, you can!Inthis amazing hands-on course, our instructor will breakdown YouTube,adding on to what you have already learned in the previous course. Inthis course, you will learn how to build playlists, mess around withthe advanced settings of YouTube, as well as what is a vlogger andthe skills you will need to become a vlogger. Wewill also learn how to create sections and categories on yourchannel, important elements of creating content for your videos,including various methods of recording content, as well as whichcamera to use for which task. Atthe end of this course, you will learn how to design videos for yourYouTube channel that will not only look professional in terms ofrecording and editing, but will also bring in loads of viewers andgive you a significant boost in your field.Allof this is waiting for you in this course? Enroll now and you canlearn how to broadcast yourself!"
Price: 39.99

"Real World Rails 5 Programming for Web Developers" |
"No more complicated tutorials that leave you hanging! Now more lectures that go above your head! With our Rails 5 course, you will fall in love with learning once again!Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular server-side web application framework for building Websites, web services, and web pages. It is still growing in popularity because of its amazing features and its ability to design powerful systems. Rails was used to design popular websites such as GitHub, SoundCloud, Zendesk, Shopify and Hulu.Using an MVC approach it encourages the use of web standards such as JSON or XML for data transfer, and HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It also uses other well-known software engineering patterns and paradigms, including convention over configuration (CoC), don't repeat yourself (DRY), and the active record pattern. Now, you can learn this amazing framework in our EASY-TO-LEARN Rails 5 course.Our course deviates from the traditional theory based courses that go over your head with lectures that are boring. Our hands-on course has been designed to help students remain motivated and actually learn how to build websites and Web Apps with Rails.The course focuses on practical applications and in addition to helping you learn the theory, it also teaches you how to apply the theory in real world applications. At the end of this course, you will be equipped with everything you would need to start using Rails in your applications. We have designed the course syllabus with experts from the industry as well veteran developers and the course is instructed by an expert developer with over 10 years of experience in the industry. The course has been divided into 10 sections and covers over 8 hours of content, making it a great course for newbies as well as experienced developers.The course breaks down Ruby on Rails, including basics and how to get started with Rails 5. It includes all the latest features offered in Rails 5 including models, controllers, views, routes, l18n, mail sending, as well as CoffeeScript and SASS preprocessors. We will also show you how to get started with Git, version control and even how to create automated testing with RSpec. Thats not all! You will not only learn how to build your website or app, but also how to deploy it with Heroku.There is so much packed in this course to help you get started with Ruby on Rails 5. Master Rails in this easy to learn course. Enroll Now and get riled up for Rails!"
Price: 39.99

"Practical Nginx - The Zero to Hero Guide" |
"Learn NGINX HTTP webserver in this comprehensive easy to follow zero to hero guide!NGINXis a powerful HTTP web server that also doubles as a reverse proxyserver, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server,making it an amazing web server to get your hands on. Thishigh-performance server has become popular for offering stability,rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption.It is also one of the few servers that address the C10Kproblem.Theweb server is already popular among bigwigs such as Netflix, Hulu,Airbnb, Heroku, and GitHub for its use of a more scalableevent-driven (asynchronous) architecture compared to the commonthread-based request handling system.Ifyou want to learn this amazing web server in a systematic way, wellthen youve come to the right place! Ourcourse has been designed with experts to help developers master NGINXby strengthening their fundamentals of web servers and learning thebasics and advanced features of NGINX from scratch in a concise andpractical approach using this course. The course will breakdowneverything learners need to know about web servers and NGINX fromscratch.Withthe right combination of theory and practical, the course not onlycover the fundamentals and basics, but will show you how to actuallyput those to use with numerous detailed examples that you can followalong with the instructor. At the end of this course, you will beable to install, configure and even deploy your own web servers.Although,the course does not require you to have any prior knowledge of NGINX,it does assume that you do have a basic understanding about the weband HTTP Protocol and that you to know your way around Centos andDebian Linux distros. Thistutorial will start at the very beginning with a detailedintroduction into webservers, where NGINX fits, as well as thedifference between Apache and NGINX. From there you will learn how toinstall the server and configure it. The course will also coverdifferent commands that you will need including directives, modules,context types, variables, etc.Youwill then learn how to deploy your web server on a normal PC as wellas on the cloud. Thats not all! The course also includes a sectionon learning the LEMP Stack and also the best tips and tricks,mistakes and common FAQs that people come across.Withthis course under your belt, you wont need any other resources tomaster NGINX and web servers. So, what are you waiting for? Enrollnow and become a server sensei!"
Price: 39.99

"SQLite For Beginners - Learn SQL from Scratch" |
"TheULTIMATE course for learning SQLite from scratch is finally here!Boost your database skills with this one of a kind severless databasesystem.SQLiteis a unique database for embedded systems and is currently the mostpopular database on the market for browsers, embedded systems andeven mobile phones. Easily summed up in three words, SQL is small,fast and reliable.SQLitewas designed by D. Richard Hipp in 2000 for an aboard guided missiledestroyers that needed the program to be operated without installinga database management system or requiring a database administrator.It comes with numerous benefits over traditional relational databasesystems such as:Manifest typing SQLuses Manifest typing instead of static typing, which makes datatypesa property of the value itself, and not of the column in which thevalue is stored.Readable source code Codes in SQLite are commented and explained extremely well making thelanguage quite readable.Zero-Configuration SQLite does not need to be installed multiple times and neither doesit require any setup.Serverless SQLruns directly from the database files, without requiring a dedicatedserver.Variable-length records SQLite uses only the amountof disk space needed to store the information in a row, with verylittle overheads.Single Database File SQLite runs on a singleordinary disk file and does not need multiple files. It can also readall the files from the database it runs on.Stable Cross-PlatformDatabase File A databasefile written on one machine can be copied to and used on a differentmachine with a different architecture.SQL language extensions It offers multipleenhancements to the SQL language that are not found in other databaseengines such as EXPLAIN keywords and Manifest typing language.Public domain SQLite is in the public domain,which means it is free of cost to use and manipulate as one sees fit.Thistutorial is the perfect resource to learn SQLite. We will breakdownthe database from start to end to help you not only learn what it isand how it works, but instead master all the functions and keywordsyou need to become a professional.Thecourse will give you a detailed introduction and will help youprogress from installing the system to learning the differentimportant commands that are required to work with the database. Youwill also learn about constraints, joins and subqueries with detailedexamples. At the end of this course, you will not only be familiarwith SQLite but also how you can install it, work complex commands,generate a report and even manipulate data and tables.Enrollnow to get started with this amazing lite serverless databaseengine!"
Price: 29.99

"Projects in Django: Learn Django Building Projects" |
"Djangois a powerful web development framework that is taking the currentmarket by storm, allowing developers to build powerful dynamicwebsites or apps. Django encourages clean and pragmatic designedapps, that can be built quickly on their framework. Using Python,Django can build heavy websites with fewer lines of codes.Djangorelies on ideologies such as reusability and ""pluggability"",rapid development and the dont repeat yourself principle. It usesPython as a programming language, which makes writing codes eveneasier. Django also provides an optional administrative create, read,update and delete interface that is generated dynamically throughintrospection and configured via admin models.Popularwebsites such as Instagram, Public Broadcasting Service, TheWashington Times, and Pinterest have been built on Django.Do you want to learnDjango? Build complex, database-driven websites? Youve come to theright place!While,there are hundreds of different courses and tutorials available onthe internet, so why should you choose this one? While, other coursesfocuses heavily on theory or teaching you the basics, once the courseis over, students are often left confused without any idea of whatthey can do next. Not in this course!Ourtutorial adheres to learn by doing approach. In this course,not only will you go over theoretical aspects of Django, but you willlearn how to actually build websites with this amazing framework. Theinstructor will go through each project with you, helping you notonly learn Django, but also how you can build real world websites andapps. At the end of this course, you will have the knowledge as wellas the confidence for practical applications.Youwill learn 5 different projects in the duration of this course thatwill range from easy to more complex applications. Starting with asimple website, you will then progress on to creating a shoppingcart, complete with a mock check out. Letslook at projects you will cover:Project 1: DatabaseDriven Website You willlearn how to tie a website into a database, as well as how to usedynamic code into HTML pages.Project 2: Django app You will learn how to build acomplete functional app, as well as how it communicates with otherapps.Project 3: Email sentform In this project, youwill learn how to use the messaging component in Django by creatingan email form that will be sent to a real email account.Project 4: Ecommercewebsite In this one, youwill learn how to design a complete ecommerce website, along with acart and a checkout process.Project 5: Userauthentication You willlearn how to do user authentication, where users can sign up and login.So,what are you waiting for? Lets get down to it and start buildingDjango websites!"
Price: 49.99

"Icon Design Masterclass: Learn Icon Design Principles" |
"Design creative suitesof beautifully crafted icons with our SIMPLE & PRACTICAL icondesign beginners course!Iconshave become integrated into web design, playing an important role toweb pages and users around the world. The vibrant colors and brightimages can help light up any website, making it far more interactivethan simple words. GooglesG+ and Twitters Blue Bird have become extremely popular and play ahuge role on the visual aspect of the page. At the end of a blog orarticle, these little symbols allow users to know that they can sharethis particular piece of content with their followers on social mediawebsites.However,designing icons from scratch is not the easiest job in the world, andit requires time and creativity. That being said, there are sometricks and techniques that you can use to make things simpler andthis is what our course brings! From inspiration to actual creation,this course will get your creative juices flowing.OurIcon Design beginners course includes the theory behind icondesign, as well practical exercises that can help you solidify youknowledge of icon designing. This epic course has been created as amini bible for all your icon designing needs.Inthis tutorial, we will include various topics such as the power ofdesign, why icon design is important, basic icon designingprinciples, different places to get inspiration from, variousexercises to fuel your inspiration and help you put it down to paper.But thats not all, you will also become acquainted with multipledesigning tools including Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CreativeCloud. Atthe end of this course, you will not only have the knowledge of theicon design industry, but also exactly how can start working ondesigning logos that are print and digital delivery ready. So,prop up your easel and lets get going! Enroll now and startdesigning some amazing icons!"
Price: 39.99

"Hadoop and Big Data for Absolute Beginners" |
"Master Big Data withour PRACTICAL Big Data Course!BigData isnt always found in a sorted filed cabinet; sometimes, itsjust in a huge mess of bits and bytes. The value of data isntunderstood until we start finding patterns and trends within thedata, which we can then start using for making more sound andinformed decisions.However,there are technological solutions to help you not only sort data, butalso help you find these trends within them. Hadoop and HDFS are two of the many different technologies that areavailable to help you. And, this is exactly what we are offering inthis Big Data for absolute beginnerscourse!Hadoopis an open-source framework and is the more popular solution to bigdata. It works for storing and processing big data sets using theMapReduce programming model, in which it split files into largeblocks and distributes them across nodes in a cluster. Theseclustered packaged codes are then transferred to nodes to process thedata in parallel. This simplifies the process of sorting andprocesses data faster and more efficiently. Andin this course, you will learn not only about Hadoop and associated technologies but also everything you need to know about Big Data.From installation to configuration and even to actually tackling bigdata, you will become a big master expert with our course.Designedfrom the ground up, the only pre-requisite is knowing UNIX and Java.In collaboration with Big Data experts, at the end of this course youwill not only have the theoretical knowledge, but also the confidencefor putting this knowledge into practical application. You will behandling big data projects with our course in no time.Thecourse will cover topics such as different concepts of big data,setting up and configuring Hadoop and EC2 instance, Hadoop coreconcepts, HDFS architecture, Map Reduce, as well as installation andconfiguration of Apache Pig and Hive. Enrollnow and become a Big Data Ninja!"
Price: 39.99

"Understanding Chef: The Practical Guide" |
"Break down automationwith our tasty and easy to learn Chef tutorial!Writeyour own code and design your infrastructure from scratch to buildthe perfect combination of machines for your need. Building andconfiguring your perfect cloud infrastructure shouldnt be hard and with Chef it really isnt.Chefis a collection of configuration management tools, that can help youcode exactly how your infrastructure should look, behave and evolve.You write pieces of codes in Ruby, which are known as recipes, thatare used to configure systems. These recipes are then deployed tomultiple serves, which then follow the instructions defined in thecookbook.Ifyou want to become a chef and write the ultimate cookbook for yourcloud architectures, then here is where you can start!Ourawesome course on Chef has been designed with the perfect combinationof sweet and spicy to help you not only learn Chef, but also show youexactly how you can build the best stack. No more daunting concepts,that cover just theory and leave you more confused. OurUnderstanding Chef tutorial will take you on a journey oflearning Chef.Inthis course, you will not only jump into Chef and its functions,but instead you will become familiar with it as you build a completereal-world example from the ground up. The course is a long lab thatwill take you through the features and functions of Chef by buildingan actual LAMP stack. Our hands-on approach to the course, will notonly help you learn the basics but also actively build components onthe development stack such as Apache Web Server, MySQL server, andPHP. Fromworking with Chef, to writing your own recipes and building your ownblueprint, this course can help you through it all! Enrollnow and become a master chef of automation!"
Price: 49.99

"Advance Projects in Meteor : Build Apps Using JavaScript" |
"Buildingapps now gets easier with the Meteor framework. No more hassles ofdeciding which platform to design for and which language to use, withMeteor you can now build the app of your dream and run it on multipleplatforms.Meteoris an open-source full-stack JavaScript platform that allowsdevelopers to build modern cross-platform web and mobile apps. Easyto learn and easy to work with, Meteor is definitely the bestframework for creating your apps from scratch. So, if you want tolearn this amazing framework from scratch, read on.Ourmini course will help you learn exactly how to start building appsfrom the ground up. No more beating around the bush, learn exactlyhow you can start and the exact steps you need to take to actuallybuild apps. Get hands-on experience by learning actually how to build5 different apps using Meteor. Hereswhat you will get in this course:Adetailed introduction into MeteorHowto set up the Android and iOS EnvironmentHowto install Meteor on Windows and MacHowto generate a Meteor AppFiveapps from scratch Product Showcase, Idea Manager, Pollster App,MusicFind Spotify App, MessageboardEnrollnow and let sky be the limit when it comes to making your app!"
Price: 39.99

"C++ For Absolute Beginners : The Starter Guide" |
"MasterC++ Programming Language with the EASIEST course yet!C++was released almost 40 years ago and since then has become a popularprogramming language for computing systems, and apps. It is currentlythe worlds most versatile general programming language and hasbecome a developer favorite across the world.Thisbrilliant object-oriented programming language has become amust-know language for developers who are budding out in theirrespective fields. Designed as a way to deal with the shortcomings ofC programming language, C++ became a force of its own, now providingthe basis of design and development of many desktop systems, apps,games and so much more.So,if you want to become a serious developer, you should definitely haveC++ in your arsenal and weve got the perfect place that can helpyou learn this amazing language from scratch. With our easy to learncourse, you will not only learn the basics but also progress to moreadvanced and complex concepts. Designedkeeping newbies and freshers in mind, the course breaks down thelanguage into easy bits and pieces to help you grasp the languageeasier and also get you geared up to start programming with C++. Fromtheory, to practice and real-world examples, the course has it all.The course will help you understand the theoretical concepts, andthen help you apply the same concepts to real-world applications sothat you can solidify what you are learning and also get hands-onexperience.Thecourse starts with an introduction of C++, as well as its history andbenefits of using C++. Following this youll delve right intofoundational concepts such as variables, constants, conditionals,arrays, manipulation of data in arrays, looping through arrays,structs, and lightweight classes. From there youll progress on tolearning about more complex data structures such as classes,functions, pointers, constructors, methods, templates, vectors, andeven exception handling. Each module will delve deeper to help youunderstand the concept from the start to end. Thats not all, inaddition to theory and examples, each module will end in with achallenge to help you master the subject.Atthe end of this course, you will be not only be prepared, but alsoconfident to start designing kickass apps and programs of your ownwith C++ programming language.So,what are you waiting for? Lets get started and master C++."
Price: 39.99

"Real World Ruby Programming: The Complete Guide" |
"The most comprehensivein-depth Ruby course is finally here!Beforeyou get down and dirty with Ruby, it might seem like a difficult tolearn language, but with this course, you will learn how simple Rubycan be to learn and how easy it can make your life. Rubywas designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto, a developer, who was frustratedwith add-on object-oriented programming features on Python. He soughta true OOP language that will allow him to write codes that are notonly easy to write, but also easy to read and execute. This gave thebirth to Ruby, which was designed on top of Lisp, with aspects fromother high-functioning languages such as Smalltalk and Perl.With our in-depthcourse, you will not only get acquainted with Ruby, but also becomeproficient with the language by the end of it.Thiscourse assumes that you have no prior knowledge of Ruby and starts atthe very beginning, helping you not only learn the fundamentals, butalso how to install Ruby on your system and working your way aroundthe language.Aperfect combination of theory and practical, this example packedcourse covers everything you need to help you not only get startedwith Ruby, but also actually start coding with this amazing language,where you will be able to start writing your first programs withRuby.Neatlybroken into 9 sections, this tutorial will help you understand thefundamentals and rules of Ruby, as well as how to utilize thebuilt-in-features that it comes with. It is not only a great coursefor newbies, but also a great refresher course for experienceddevelopers.Thecourse starts with an introduction to Ruby and its foundations,including how to install Ruby on your PC. From there, you will learnOOP features such as cycles, IF conditions, variables, classes,methods, inheritance, etc. Then, you will learn advanced Rubyconcepts such as blocks, callable objects, exceptions handling, filesystem, etc. Finally, you will learn amazing Ruby additions such asMetaprogramming and Ruby Gems. Withso much packed in one course, you will become a Ruby master in notime. Enroll now and lets boost your career with Ruby!"
Price: 39.99

"Projects in Laravel: Learn Laravel Building 10 Projects" |
"Dont get stucklearning the old way! Get your hands on the latest Laravel technologywith ourProject Course!Technologyis constantly becoming better, changing each second of every minute,so you need a course that can help you learn a technology fast. Asimple method that will help you become not only proficient in thefundamentals, but also help you learn how to practically apply thesefundamentals in the real world. Well, thats exactly what we areoffering with our Laravel Project Course.Laravelis THE most popular PHP framework that is currently used on themarket. Owing to its simplicity, ease of use, simplified syntax andloads of other features, PHP continues to dominate the market for PHPframeworks. So, if you want to build some pretty neat and dynamicapps and websites, well then Laravel is probably the framework youare looking for.OurProjects in Laravel course can help you out there. Designed withexperts from all around the industry, this course has been created tohelp bridge the gap between theory and practical application. Youwill not only learn the fundamentals of Laravel in this course, butyou will also learn how to actually put them into application. Thatsnot all! In addition to Laravel, our course also includes teaming upLaravel with some other state-of-the-art technologies such asPostgreSQL, Laravel Mix, Bootstrap, OctoberCMS and so much more. So,you will not only be learning Laravel, but also other amazingtechnologies that work flawlessly with Laravel to build some epicwebsites and apps.So,what do you get when you sign up for this course? Fundamentals, adetailed introduction of Laravel, how to install and configureLaravel, how to integrate Laravel with other technologies, and 10amazing projects that are royalty-free!Hereare the 10 different projects that you will learn in this course:BasicWebsite In this project,you will learn how to install Laravel, set up the controller, views,migrations, compile your assets with Laravel Mix and build a basicwebsite.Todo List Asimple Todo list will help you understand how to integrate CRUD(create, read, update, delete) functionality in Laravel.Business Listing In this application, you willlearn how to create authentication, add business listings and deletethem. Photo Gallery Here you will learn how tocreate albums and update photos into that album.REST API Inthis you will learn how accept requests to certain routes, updatethe database, and using items with a name and a body. We will alsobuild a front-end using JavaScript so that we can make requests tothe API.OctoberCMS Website A website built with theOctober Content Management Systems that is built on Laravel. MyTweetz TwitterApp An app integrated withthe Twitter API, which will allow you to not only compose tweets,but also publish them.MarxManagerBookmark Manager Abookmark manager using the PostgreSQL as our database. Vue.js ContactManager In this project,you will learn how to build a front-end using Vue.js as a componentto work with our contacts in the backend. Backpack WebsiteWith Admin Area Thisproject will familiarize you with Backpack, a collection ofdifferent packages to create different features in You Admin Panel.So,lets get this party started! Enroll Now and start building someamazing Laravel projects."
Price: 49.99

"Beginners Guide to Electron Framework" |
"Desktopapplications have been receiving less love lately because of thesmartphone boom, however, there are still a lot of people who lovecoming back to the Start button (now Home) or Dock, and find thesteady comforting applications that are no fuss and forever ready todo their bidding.Desktopapplications are still popular among desktop users, and the demandfor application developers is still increasing. But, building desktopapplications is not that easy, rather it is more difficult thanbuilding mobile apps. It requires a more thorough integration withthe OS of your system. This is why frameworks such as Electron aresuch a boon!Ifyou want to build a clean, powerful cross-platform nativeapplication, without having to learn a bunch of other languages,APIs, processes and technology, then Electron is the perfectframework to have on hand. Electron helps you build apps usingJavaScript, HTML and CSS!Thisepic frameworks removes the hard parts from coding, so thatdevelopers can focus more on actually building the app rather thanmessing around with languages, codes and syntax. And inthis course, we will show exactly how to get started with thisamazing framework!OurElectron course has been designed as a beginners course fornewbies or any developers who are looking to get started in thelucrative world of building desktop apps. In this tutorial, you willbreak down exactly how to get stared building apps using the Electronframework.Youwill go on a journey with the instructor, who will take youstep-by-step through the process of downloading, installing,configuring, running and even building real-world apps with Electron!Thecourse will start will a detailed introduction and overview ofElectron, and include topics such as understanding the IDE,modularizing your apps, utilizing associated JavaScript files,working with different Electron components, installing and runningHello World, integration with other frameworks (Angular, Photon &Bootstrap), and will end with actually building real world projectssuch as a Calculator App.Allof this and so much more is waiting for you inside this course! So,lets charge up and start building your very own desktop app!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Ansible From Ground Up: The Devops Guide" |
"Asimple and easy course to help you master popular IT automationsoftware, Ansible!Buildingserver architectures from scratch is a tedious tasks, that requireswriting hours and hours of boring, repetitive and boring codes overand over again. Well, with Ansible you can reduce your coding hourssignificantly. Ansibleis currently one of the most popular IT automation software on themarket that makes it easy to set up, configure and deploy yourservers and IT systems. Additionally, it also helps design a completenetwork from the ground up. Whenit comes to automation software, Ansible offers some amazing benefitswhen compared to others such as:noneed for central serversusesSSH nativelydoesnot require any agent to be installedusesPython as the primary languageisrelatively easy to learnOurcourse is the quickest and the easiest way to get up and running withAnsible!Thiscourse as been designed to help you journey from a newbie automationtool user to an expert and a specialist. This course will help youstart from the very beginning, understanding exactly how to getstarted with Ansible.Thiscourse assumes you have never worked with any automation tool andonly requires you to know how to work with Linux, everything else wewill take care of! On this Ansible journey, you will not only learnwhy Ansible is the best, but also how to install it, set up itsenvironment, learn key components and actually start automating yourservers using this brilliant software.Atthe end of this course, you will not only have the knowledge to getstarted with Ansible, but also the experience to start integratingAnsible into your own work life. Packed with numerous examples andstep-by-step instructions, this course is your shot at becoming anautomation wizard!So,what are you waiting for? Hit the Enroll Now button and learn howAnsible can change your life!"
Price: 49.99

"Apache Kafka For Absolute Beginners" |
"Welcome to ourno-nonsense easy to learn Kafka Beginner Course!Theworld has progressed from big data to smart data, requiring data inreal-time to make altering decisions for people and the company. Thishas prompted more real-time data analytic software to take centerstage. The importance of data has made it crucial that data needs tobe streamed faster and better. This is where Kafka can help.ApacheKafka was introduced by Linkedin where it was originally used as ameans to solve the low-latency ingestion of large amounts of eventdata from the LinkedIn website and infrastructure into a lambdaarchitecture that harnessed Hadoop and real-time event processingsystems. From there, it has now become a full time product that isused by many prominent companies such as Airbnb, Netflix and Uber tohandle their large amounts of data.Kafkastands apart from other streaming platforms because it offersbenefits such as real time data, easy scalability and also easy todistribute. Now, you can add this amazing technology toour list of accomplishments with our course!Oureasy to learn and no-nonsense course can help you become a Kafkaexpert in a no time. We can help you break down the essentials ofKafka, making it simple to learn. Since it has a steep learningcurve, Kafka is a little complicated to grasp. This is why we havebuilt a course with expert instructors to help simplify Kafkascomplex concepts and fundamental principles.Thecourse will start with a detailed introduction into Kafka andZookeeper, following with helping you learn how to install both theplatforms and set up the environments. From there, we will cover thecore components and architecture of Kafka, also learning how tomanipulate and replicate data. You will also learn about KafkasCLI and get hands-on with Producer & Consumer API, as well as theStreaming API. All of this and so much more awaits you in thiscourse.Ifyou want to master Kafka, then this is the course you need! Enrollnow and transform yourself into the expert of your dreams!"
Price: 39.99

"Projects in jQuery Mobile: Learn by building Real World Apps" |
"Learn how to buildnative apps from scratch in JavaScript with our jQuery MobileComprehensive course!Buildingnative apps from scratch requires learning and mastering multiplelanguages such as Java, Swift, XCode, etc. Once, you completelearning these languages, you then have to understand how you canintegrate other functions and features to build actual web apps fromscratch. Well,what if I told you that you can build native apps from scratchwithout learning any of these languages, but just using yourknowledge of JavaScript and jQuery? Well, now you can with the helpof jQuery Mobile and this course.jQueryis a subset of jQuery, a JavaScript library that is designed tosimplify the process of writing codes for websites. JQuery Mobileallows developers to perform the same functionalities for mobileapps. JQuery Mobile allows developers to write cross-platform appsusing JavaScript. Appsbuilt on jQuery Mobile can be deployed and published on multiple OSesand are compatible with numerous platforms. Now, you canget on board with one of the hottest app development platform withthe help of this course!Ourcourse has been created to give you the right balance of theory andpractical, by dividing the course into theory as well as hands-onprojects. The course is packed with a lot of examples and alsoincludes 5 different projects to help you get down and dirty withthis brilliant framework.Thecourse will help you breakdown the fundamentals of installing andactually coding in jQuery Mobile, before moving on to helping youunderstand important syntax and functions using the 5 differentprojects.Thecourse will cover important concepts such as creating simplewebsites, add multiple pages, integrating APIs, adding themes andalso incorporating CRUD applications.5 Apps that we willcover in this course:SimpleMobile Website a basicwebsite to familiarize you with the syntaxMobile Movies App this will help you becomefamiliar with adding features such as fetching, and creatingdatabases.Event Manager In this project, you willlearn how to incorporate CRUD applications using MongoDB.WeatherReporter Here you will build a weatherreport app from scratch and learn how to integrate APIsMealTracker Learn in detail about themes and adding data to local storagewith this application.So,what are you waiting for? Lets get jiggy with jQuery Mobile andstart building your first app!"
Price: 39.99

"Complete Guide To Social Media Marketing" |
"The Ultimate Social Media MarketingGuide to help boost your business to new heights!SocialMedia Marketing has become the bridge between the failure andsuccess for many companies.These days social media marketing has become a force that can nolonger be avoided. If acompany wants to succeed in todays day and age, having a socialmedia presence is extremely important.Thewidespread popularity ofsocial media platforms such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,etc. haveresulted in a lot of companies to directly market to their customersby approaching them on these media platforms. Companies can nowdirectly interact with their customers, thanking them for theirservices or solve their grievances withouthaving them jumpthrough multiple hoops.Themain problem with social media marketing is that there is no oneplan that can be modified and used across multiple companies. Eachcompany must design their own social media marketingplan from scratch. So,when it comes to designing a course aboutsocial media marketing, this is one of the main problem anyinstructor faces. This is why wehave designed this unique course thatwill help you become confident enough that you can create your ownmarketing plan from scratch!Our Social Media Marketing coursewill help you design your own customized social media marketing plan,which can help you boost your companys reach by four fold.Thecourse has been designed keeping in mind newbies who have noexperience in social media marketing. This course will equipyou with the knowledge and the information to help you design theright marketing plan for your companys needs. The course willbreak down the proper steps that you can follow to become fluent insocial media marketing. From what is social media, to finding yourtarget audience to even different tools that are available for socialmedia marketing, this course has it all.Thecourse includes a wide range of topics including what is social mediamarketing, social media target audience, sharing content on socialmedia, dos and donts of social media, various tools of managingsocial media, other types of marketing that areavailable to you and so muchmore.Boostyour social media presence to new heights!Enroll Now and become asocial media marketing expert!"
Price: 49.99

"Beginners Guide to Test Driven Development" |
"Master testing in an easy and simpleway with this awesome Test Driven Development Basic Guide!Anytimea developer pushes through a new piece of code, he is often vary ofbreaking or creating bugs in his previous code. The hours that arespent trying to fix this new bug, can be brutal,which is why TDD is a great solution for any developer!TestDriven Development or TDD is thesimple process of actually testing your code and your environmentbefore you push or implement your new code. Thisshows you exactly what your code will do to your app even before thenew code is published. So, in case you find an error, it can be fixedprior to implementation.If you want to learn this brilliantand easy process that can change your life, then you have the rightcourse!Ourcomprehensive guide to TDD will break down thetest driven development process into simple and easy steps. Over8 sections, you will learn exactly what you need for TDD, whatexactly TDD is, how it works, benefitsof using TDD, and even how to start writing your tests for testing.TDDensures that developers canwrite codes that work well andensures that there are no bugs whenthe code is actually implemented into the app. TDD also makes it easier to fix buggy codes as there arefewer lines of code to deal with rather than trying to find errorsfrom pages and pages of code.Ourexpert instructor breaks down TDD intosimple and easy to learn components. Designedfor beginners, the TDD tutorial will start at the very beginningassuming that you are a beginner, going through everything from theground up ensuring that you are on top of the topic. The instructoralso goes through everything and also ensures that there are examplesat every turn to help you also have a hands-on experience.Thecourse covers important TDD concepts suchas how to install a text editor, what is TDD, what are some bestpractices, different types of tests, start writing unit tests foryour models & controllers, write integration tests and how theycan test collaboration of different components, testinguser behavior &how to simulate user behavior, howto test mailers, background jobs, and third party services byrecording HTTP interaction using the VCR solution, andso much more.Atthe end of this course, you will have notonly the knowledge of TDD,but you will also learn how to designand different tests for your code.So, lets getstarted! Enroll now and learn how you can test your code!"
Price: 39.99
