"Learn DevOps with Jenkins All in One Guide" |
"Master Continuous Integration withJenkins in this easy & comprehensive course!Foregothe hours spent on debugging your code, or even looking for which bugbroke what with ContinuousIntegration. So, instead ofwasting hours going through each line of code to check for bugs, orrunning a number of different tools to test which code doesntwork, Jenkins can help you as you write your code.ContinuousIntegration tests every time your code is changed, which means thateach line of code you add is automatically tested, the results ofwhich will let you knowif the code works or breaks. This is why it is currently extremelypopular with developers and programmers,because it saves them agood chunk of their time.If you want to master ContinuousIntegration but have zero knowledge of what it is, then this courseis perfect for you!Thiscourse has been designed and built by experts whowill help break down Continuous Integration intosmall and easy to understand segments.We have created this tutorial as a guide to help newbies not onlylearn what is CI, but also actually understand how to integrate CI intheir codes. We assume thatyou have no prior knowledge of Jenkins and Continuous Integration,but we do assume that you have an idea of how Ubuntu works, as wellas basic virtualization concepts. Thiscourse uses a hands-on approach and is loaded with examples at everystage to help studentsactually understand and learn what is going on, rather than simplyfollow through with the videos and end up lost and confused later on.We also use an exampleproject that the student will build along with the instructor.Thecourse will cover important topics regarding CI and Jenkins such aswhat is Jenkins and continuous integration, a brief introduction tothe Jenkins system, how to install Jenkins and integrate the CI,basic configuration of your Jenkins, and will also build a real-worldexample by creating andtesting a Java application using Maven through Jenkins.Atthe end of this course, youwill have learnedexactly what is CI, how it can help you and also how you can saveyourself from hours of miserable code checking and debugging.So,what are you waiting for? Enroll now and learn how to work smart, notjust hard!"
Price: 49.99

"Unity Game Programming For Absolute Beginners" |
"The most comprehensive game development tutorial is finally here!If youve ever wanted to build your own games or even learn to become a game designer, but lacked the skill set, then weve got the course to help you rise to the challenge. Game development is no longer as complicated as it used to be. It doesnt require understand a complex set of coding rules to follow. These days, with game engines like Unity 3D, building games have now become easier than ever. So, all you need is a good story board and game play, we can help you do the rest.This Unity 3D course has been designed to help you breakdown the basic and more complex concepts of Unity 3D, and to actually get you started on the road to becoming a game developer. In this course, you will learn the basics of Unity 3D, including how to install it and set it up and youll finish this course by actually designing your very own 2D game from scratch.The course includes important concepts such as understanding the Unity 3D environment, becoming familiar with the Unity tool kit, as well learning more complex concepts such as lighting, animation and everything you would need to start your journey as a game designer. The course will start off by helping you understand the Unity 3D environment, after which you will delve into the important basics of Unity as well as game development. From there you will under the more complex concepts, and finally you will put all of the theory to practical, by actually building your own game from scratch.At the end of this course, not only will you have learnt Unity 3D, but you will also have the confidence to build you own games. Thats not all, you will also have your own game that you can add your portfolio.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and get started on your journey as a game developer!"
Price: 49.99

"Project in DevOps - Build Real World Processes" |
"Thecomplete comprehensive guide for starting your journey as a DevOpsengineer is here! Master DevOps components in this no fuss course!Theprocess of DevOps, which includes combining the process ofdevelopment and operations into one, helps smooth the process ofdeveloping apps, deploying them and even testing them.Time is often an important factor in development, where developersspend days and even months building one app, and even more tryingto test it and scale it. This is why automation is amazing, it helpsreduce this time significantly. DevOpsis a set of practice that seeks to reduce the gapbetween software developmentand software operation. It focuses on automating and monitoring allsteps of software construction, from integration, testing, releasingto deployment and infrastructure management. The objective is tobuild shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency,more dependable releases, in close alignment with businessobjectives.DevOpsis currently all the rage and the demand for DevOps engineers arehigh! With a lot of companies focusing onreducing the operational time and costs, DevOps has become animportant factor. So, if you want to join one of the most highdemanded fields,then weve got the tool that can help!Ourcourse has been designed as a guide to help you start at the verybeginning with DevOps, so even if you are a newbie, you will still beable to grasp a lot of information from this course. However, coursedoes assume a few things such as you are expected to have a basicunderstanding of Linux, as well as other programming languages suchas Java, C#, or Python. Knowledge of PHP and CodeIgnitor are helpful,but they arent mandatory. Thecourse will start off by discussing DevOps andthe world of automation, where you will learn exactly how to become aDevOps enginner. You will learn the importance of DevOps in todaysdevelopment world, as well become familiar with the wellknown components of the DevOps system such as Vagrant, Docker,Ansible, Genkins and even Git. Youwill also learn principles such as containerization, versiontracking, instant provisioning andso much more.Atthe end of this course, youwill have not only started on your journey as a DevOps engineer but,you will have the confidence toactually achieve complete automation in an Agile developmentenvironment.So,what are you waiting for? Enroll now and become a DevOps engineernow!"
Price: 99.99

"Projects in Electron: Learn Electron Framework Building Apps" |
"A complete hands-on, project-basedcourse to help you master the brilliant Electron Framework in an easyand efficient way!Traditionalprogramming and coding arenot only time consuming but also frustrating, especially with thedifferent platformsthat are currently one the market. Thisis why frameworks are a boon for developers who want to develop appsand websites for multiple platforms.Electronis one of the most popular framework for designing and developingcross-platform and cross-browser appsthat are dynamic and interactive in nature. The best part is thatpeople dont have to learn multiple different languages, as appsand websites can be built inElectron using JavaScript,HTML and CSS.Electron wasoriginally developed as a shell for the Atom Editor and from therehas evolved to become one of the most popular cross-platformframeworks on the market. Electron allows the development of desktopGUI applications using front and back end components originallydeveloped for web applications. It also serves main GUI frameworkbehind several notable open-source projects such as GitHub's Atom,Microsoft's Visual Studio Code source code editors and the LightTable IDE. It allows building cross-platform and cross-browser appsthat run exactly the same even in the future. Ifyou want a hands-on resourceto help you learn how to start building your apps in Electron, wellthen weve got just the course for you! This is a project-basedcourse will help you bridge the gap betweentheory and practical to helpyou understand both and actually get you started building apps withElectron.Inthis course, you will learn what is Electron, howto install the system and set it up.From there, you will learn exactly how to use Electron by actuallybuilding five differentprojects with it.Five Projects covered in thiscourse:Pomodoro Clock:Learn how to build acomplete clock from scratch, aswell as how to set thetimer logic, and integrate sounds as well as add multiple clocks. Tic Tac Toe Game: Inthis project, you will design the game board, add the Xs and Os andadd notificationsto your game.Weather App: Inthis app, you will learn how to integrate an API and get it to fetchdata from another source. You will alsolearn how to gather datafrom the internet and how to display that data on the app. Currency Converter: Thiswill also include using an API, and you will learn how to actuallycreate conversions from one currency to the other. Body Mass Index: Inthis app, you will learn how to calculate the BMI by using apersons weight and height. You will learn how to add calculationsto your logic in this appEnrollnow and become a master developer withthe Electron Framework!"
Price: 99.99

"Spring Framework for Beginners" |
"LearnSpring Framework in a simple and easy manner with this comprehensivecourse!Anynewbie Java Developer knows that it isnt the easiest language tocode programs and apps in, which means that building an applicationis a long and tedious job. The Spring Framework was designed to easejust that.TheSpring Framework is an open source application framework on the JavaPlatform, which allows Java developers to build applications on theJava EE (Enterprise Edition) platform. This amazing Java framework isgreat for building powerful applications in Java.Whileit was designed as a way to simplify the early J2EE specifications,it nowplays a more bigger role complementary role to Java EE, where itembraces and integrates with the platform specification. Inaddition to being abrilliant framework forbuilding Java Enterpriseapplications, it is also hasa relatively small footprint of 2 MB.Becauseof its complex nature, we have designed the perfect Spring Frameworkcourse to help make learningthis amazing framework easier. This course has been designed to helpbreakdown the Framework into simple and easy to understand segments. However,the course does expect you to have some experience with Java and XML,but you dont need any prior knowledge of Spring Framework. Springis a pretty neat framework if you want to build dynamic and robustwebsites on the Java platform. And this course will get you on trackto doing just that. Using a practical approach to development inSpring, you will learn exactly how to start coding your applicationsin Java using Spring. Thecourse will start at the very beginning by delving directly into thecore of the Spring Framework, where you will learn the different bitsand pieces that make the framework. From there youll look a numberof different subjects such as DependencyInjection, the Spring MVC (Model-View Controller), REST, etc. Youwill also learn about JSP, which control the visuals of theapplication as well as how to configure a logger into theapplication. At the end of this course,you will have learnt exactly how theSpring Framework works and how you can use it to build dynamic androbust applications.So,what are you waiting for? Enroll Now and well see you on the otherside."
Price: 49.99

"Learn JAVA Programming with Practical Examples (Hindi)" |
"JAVA, one of the most important programming language for job. In this course, Mr. Vineet Agrawal will teach you implementation of object oriented programming concepts using JAVA programs. You will learn to create classes, objects, accessing objects. Inheritance, exception handling, file handling and implementation of Array in JAVA. Join this course if you are starting with object oriented programming."
Price: 19.99

"Yogi's Guide to Drupal 8 Basics (Hindi)" |
"Drupal 8 is perfect CMS (content management system)for those who want to build a website without coding knowledge. In this course, you will learn basics of Drupal 8 that will help you to create a website with few pages and contact form. You will learn about installation, content basics, changing themes, changing website appearance, configuring drupal 8 andadding contact form."
Price: 1280.00

"Regents Exam Algebra I (Common Core) August 2016" |
"This video series will cover the solutions to the August 2016 Algebra I common core Regents Exam. These videos will illustrate how to approach and solve various types of Algebra problems. Each video will focus on 1 unique question and will be solved step by step with emphasize onproblem solving strategies.If you are preparing for Regents Exam or just want to develop your test taking and problem solving skills this course will do just that.The Regents Exam covers topics associated with beginning algebra such as linear equations, quadratic functions, polynomials, radical functions, transformation of functions, pattern recognition, exponential functions and systems of equations."
Price: 19.99

"Corso fondamentale di Capture One 10" |
"Capture One uno dei software pi complicati da utilizzare, ma uno tra i pi utilizzati in ambito professionale.Utilizzare Capture One non uno scherzo come qualsiasi altro software di sviluppo fotografico, ma necessita di un approfondimento pi immersivo nella tecnica di sviluppo delle nostre immagini.Questo infatti, un corso dedicato a coloro che si approcciano a questo software per la prima volta.Che tu abbia usato Lightroom, PhotoRaw, Aperture o altro, se ti senti un p confuso dall'interfaccia complessa di Capture One, sei finito nel posto giusto.In questo corso vedremo come rendere confortevole l'ambiente di sviluppo di Capture One, in modo da ottimizzare lo sviluppo dei nostri file Raw, e crearci un proprio workflow operativo.Grazie a questo corso vedremo tutti i pannelli di sviluppo di Capture One, in modo da sapere ogni minima opzione che il software permette di gestire."
Price: 19.99

"Master Planning v3.0 (2020): Plan Your Week, Month and Year" |
"Description for v3.0 (2020):This course represents a paradigm shift in productivity, personal development and planning that is the biggest since Getting Things Done was first published by David Allen in 2001. There will be more details to come for implementing it, but the big picture is shared for the first time here in this course. The big idea is called Personal Governance and you can learn about it in the section called Personal Governance. This idea is the missing piece that integrates Mastering Planning, Mastering Organization (and to a lesser extent, End Game).I am also adding for free 3 other courses to this bundle for v3.0:Mastering Long Term Planning (how to plan at the 5, 10, 20, 40 and 100 year scales)Structured Note Taking Vol 50 - Subjective Well Being (How to optimize for happiness/well being, not just traditional performance or financial metrics)Mastering Planning v1.5 - The Visual Upgrade (Includes details on how to create a planning poster)With everything above, Mastering Planning 2020 v3.0 is now a 9-in-1 course. Its a bundle of Mastering Planning v3.0 plus 8 other courses that were originally sold separately.You can find the new v3.0 content starting in Section 8 of the course. Mastering Planning v2.0 starts in section 2. I recommend going through it in the order its now in. Mastering Planning v1.0 videos are useful only to get a deeper understanding of some theoretical aspects that are not needed to implement the system but will be interesting to some, like the theoretical basis in AI research and other aspects like computational complexity theory.Timothy---------------------------------------Description for v2.0 (2019):In this course you get a complete system for planning your life. This course is based off a best selling course, the original Mastering Planning, which has been a front page featured course in the Productivity section of Udemy.Here are the improvements over the first version:1. The course includes 9 downloadable templates for implementing the system in a purely digital system. The previous version was based on hand-written templates that you had to print out.2. The drawings have been re-done and significantly improved in detail and color. The previous version had only hand-drawn papers which were not downloadable and the handwriting was hard to read.3. There are several new templates/sub-systems that were not included in the previous version. These include the process, project and task management systems.4. You get access to the complete life organization taxonomy (213 sub folders [aka sub-categories) within the ""Big 4"" System of Professional, Personal, Relationship and Health life sections) for FREE. This previously required buying my separate Mastering Organization course. I decided to include this to improve integration of the systems. 5. You get access to the Routines manager and Weekly planning digital templates, which were previously sold separately as a course. These didn't exist in the first version.6. You get access to shared ""Google Calendar""-calendars (also properly color coded) that you can copy and instantly use to structure your planning without recreating everything in the course from scratch. This didn't exist in version 1.0.7. I cut a lot of fluff out of the course. This includes the theoretical stuff I spent too much time one relating to the innovative aspect of this system which is based off theory from the field of Artificial Intelligence on the computational complexity of planning problems. If you are interested in the theoretical innovations and basis of this system, you can see it in the first version which you be able to get access to via a link from this course, even if I take it offline at some point. I aimed to take the previous 12 hour course and bring it down to 2-3 hours.The overarching idea is that you plan at multiple levels and keep track of all tasks, projects and processes in a single system so that nothing falls through the cracks. You review these portfolios of tasks, projects and processes at regular intervals so that all those things you want to do ""someday"" actually get reviewed at weekly, monthly, quarterly etc levels so you can remind yourself that you might want to do them. You will be able to ask me questions about the system and how to implement it in the course.Timothy-------------------------------Description for v1.0The Most Successful Personal Planning Course Series of All Time -- Now All in One Course5 Courses, covering every stage of the planning process (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly), now combined into one Massive Course. 12+ Hours of high quality, 1080p videoThe #1 planning system in the world.What makes this planning system different?1. It's the only learning system built around LEARNING to become a better planner at every time scale through consistent feedback.2. It's build around the idea of measuring how you ACTUALLY spend your time each day so you can compare it with how you panned it. 3. The system is INTEGRATED at all the important time scales, and uses very similar documents at each level so it's easy to remember how to implement the system at each level.4. You'll Learn a VISUAL system for seeing where your time is going at every level: Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year.5. Manage your time in terms of PROJECTS, not just tasks, so that you can avoid information overwhelm when you have hundreds of tasks.6. Manage huge to do lists of 100s of items effortlessly with an ADVANCED TO DO LIST system that organizes and sorts tasks by time cost and urgency.7. Integrate BUFFER TIME into your schedule so that going over your scheduled time doesn't ruin your schedule for the rest of the day. 8. Track KPIs so that you can get consistent long term data on your most important projects and habits. 9. Get a STORY-VIEW perspective on your reviews at the Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly scales so that you can easily see how you progress from period to period.10. Use COLOR CODING to get a better view of where your time is going in the Big 4 areas of your life: Professional, Personal, Relationships and Health.11. Optimize your time IN THE FLOW each day by removing the constant stress and overwhelm that comes with under planning and over-allocation.This course, and really, this system, has the potential to really transform how you organize your time. Try it for 30 days and watch how it changes your experience of time. See you inside the course,Timothy"
Price: 19.99

"Master Organization: Your Digital & Physical Stuff Organized" |
"The Most Successful Personal Organization Course Series of All Time--Now All in One Course5 Courses, covering every stage of the digital and physical organization workflow, now combined into one Massive Course.12+ Hours of high quality, 1080pvideo.The #1 organizationsystemin the world.The idea behind this course is simple.When organizing your stuff, whether that's digital files, paper files or all the physical objects in your home and or office, there are two questions:1. Where does this go?2. Where did Iput that?This course solves this problem with a system that has been perfected to be able to handle anything you throw at it.And it's a system that works using the exact same framework whether the ""stuff""you are organizing is digital or physical, so that you don't have to learn multiple systems.Another key innovation of this system is that it uses inboxes.What this allows you to do is separate the organization process into 2 steps.The first step is getting anything that is not currently organized into an inbox. It then lives there until you feel like organizing.The second step is going and organizing each inbox, usually at regular intervals like weekly or monthly.What this does is it allows you to take advantage of the extra efficiency of doing things in batch mode, while also allowing you to avoid clutter in the mean time by having all your non-organized-stuff in on place and hidden from view.You get the benefit of zero clutter, while at the same time getting the efficiency of batch processing.Being unorganized is a silent killer. Just when you are ready to start a new project or implement a new habit, you get stuck because you can't find something and have to spend an hour looking for some essential thing...a piece of paper, a document, a tool, a folder, a gadget, etc.This system, once operational, keeps you in the flow because these ""hiccups""just don't happen anymore. You always know where something is going to be and it's painless to go find it.It's no exaggeration to say this system will change your life once implemented.See you inside,Timothy"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Planning Vol 4: Quarterly Planning" |
"It's very rare to find people thaplan beyond the month level.Monthly planning is pretty easy.You can wrap your head around the 4 weeks.It's not that much time.Quarterly planning is different.Most people don't see that far into the future.At least not clearly.Planning ultimately gives you something like a superpower.Vision.One of the most important aspects of a leader.Vision.One of the keys to a feeling of confidence and certainty.Vision.Being able to see things happen before they happen.Quarterly planning is the first big step you will make a planner.You will plot out the major projects and integrate your monthly and yearly views.You will prepare yourself for the even bigger step to creating effective 1 year plans.You will rise above the forest and start to get a true birds eye view of where your time is going.The quarterly scale is where the story view aspect of the Review-Plan One Pagerr really starts to show it's value.One of the biggest enemies we have as planners is our memory.The more time goes by, the more we forget.It's not easy to remember what was going on two months ago.Luckily, you have come this far and you have incorporated the daily, weekly and monthly views into your system and you have the necessary records to augment your memory.All the work you have done so far sets you up to make true realistic plans for your quarter.That's why this course can't exist in isolation.You must do the work at the small scale first to collect the data you need to make accurate predictions for how much time you have and what you can reasonably expect to get done.You get 168 hours of raw time per week.At the quarterly level you're in charge of 13 of those weekly units.That's over 2000 hours.Asmall army of hourly units.What direction will you lead them in?Where will you allocate your time?How good is your Vision?See you inside the course,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Planning Vol 5: Yearly Planning" |
"The pinnacle of the Mastering Planning series is this course, yearly planning. In this course, you will learn how to plan out your entire year in advance.For most people, planning at the yearly level seems impossible.Why?Because it seems like such a long time.However, as you have learned in the previous courses in this series, a year actually isn't that much time.In the first and second courses in this series, you learned that for the average person, you might only have 10 or 20 hours of truly unscheduled, free, discretionary time per week.The rest is filled with household tasks, going to work and spending time exercising, eating and socializing with other people.10 hours a week means roughly 500 hours a year.That's not that much.That's enough to do a dozen or so minor projects and a few major ones (100h+)That's the magic of this system.Once you realize how limited your free time is, and know the constraints on you time at the various levels, it's much more manageable to decide what you want to spend your time on.What is 100 hours?It's enough to start playing the piano or guitar (2 hours a week).Or coach your kid's soccer team(4hours a week for half the year).Or start painting watercolors (2 hours per week).Or plan a date night with your significant other (2-4h per week, so up to 200h/year).Just the 4 things above will fill up 500 hours a year.What will you do with your 500 hours?What is really important out of the 4 areas of your life?Professional.Personal.Relationships.Health.We often plan our year around Jan 1st.What are your priorities?How can you move each area of your life (The big 4) forward this year?We only get so much time.How will you use your's?See you inside the course,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete 5 Volume Series: If You Can Cook, You Can Code" |
"The Most Successful Programming 101Course Series of All Time--Now All in One Course5 Courses, covering every aspect of Programming, Computers, Big Data, Python andAI, now combined into one Massive Course.14+Hours of high quality, 1080pvideo.21,000+students enrolled in the course series.The #1 way to get started learning programmingin the world.I am a self taught programmer.I've never taken a class in a school or university to learn anything related to computer or programming, or more advanced subjects like Machine Learning andAI.And the one thing that I've heard both from people who have gone the traditional route, as well as the self-teaching route, is how difficult it is to get started.If learning programming is a marathon (which it is if you are planning on really doing it), this course gets you down the first few miles.And it's also designed so that even if you don't want to learn how to code--let's say you just want to be able to talk to programmers, or manage a team of programmers, or partner with a programmer in a new startup.You have to understand the basics and be able to talk the lingo.This super course contains 5 courses, covering all the basics.You'll start off learning the basics of programming.In the second course you'll dip your toes into Python, the all around best first language to learn.Third, you'll learn about computer hardware. We'll go under the hood and look at how they actually work, and how software interacts with hardware.Fourth, you'll learn about Big Data. For those of you who are in business or are looking for a future proof career path, Big Data is something you should pay close attention to. :You'll learn everything you need to know to keep up in conversations about the Cloud and Big Data.Fifth and finally, you'll learn about Artificial Intelligence. AIis the hottest thing in the programming scene right now and every big tech company is investing millions if not billions into AI. Did you miss the internet boom in the 90s/early 2000s? Well don't miss this one, because many of the top people are predicting that AI is going to make an even bigger splash than the internet on our lives, if you can believe it.If you're still reading this, here's what you need to know.This course is not going to be like anything else you've experienced in the past when trying to learn or just understand the basics of computers or programming. The reason why these courses have been so popular over the years is that I use metaphors and simple everyday language to translate the computer and programmer talk into basic ideas.This stuff really isn't that complicated once you get past the jargon.And these skills are critical to learn, no matter what you are doing.Computers and programming are invading every aspect of our lives and our jobs. I believe every child should be learning this stuff in their K-12 because it's so important now and will be even more important in the future.You can even watch this course series with your child and they will understand it just as well as you do. It was designed that way.If you're on the fence, remember, there is a 30 day money back guarantee. .I hope you enjoy the course, and if you ever get tripped up on a concept just ask a question in the discussion section and I'm usually able to answer questions within 24 hours.See you inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"50 Tools for the Ultimate Accelerated Learning Office" |
"(Make sure to read about the special 2-for-1 course bonus at the bottom of this description)This course has a history...In 2014 Ipublished my second course (Inow have over 50 available on Udemy).It was called 50 Learning Machines.It was my collection of all my favorite software tools for learning faster.As a bonus, Iincluded about 15 of my favorite pieces of hardware that Iuse for learning.It turned out that this hardware bonus was just as popular, if not more popular, with my students than the software, apps and plugins Irecommended in the main body of the course.Over the years I've added to my collection of hardware tools and developed this idea of building hte ultimate workbench for accelerated learners.This course is the result of that 3 year mission.This time around all 50 machines are hardware tools, and I've even included some bonuses on top of the original 50 that cover some cutting edge technology that I think is worth taking a look at.This course has cost me over $10,000 in testing to create. I've tested tons of different items to come up with this final list. I've done lots of research on each category of tool to find the best in the category. I've optimized for price and performance.Along with the tools, Ialso sharehow Iuse them, which is just as valuable, if not more so, than the list of tools itself.You'll learn many strategies here that Idon't teach in my other courses and am revealing here for the first time.The first edition of 50 Learning Machines was one of my best selling courses and great reviews.BONUS for a limited time:As a bonus, every student that finishes this course to 100% will get free access to the original 50 learning machines course with all the original software, mobile apps and browser extensions completely free.See you on the inside.Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Thinking Skills Vol 1: The 12 Fundamental Skills" |
"Whether it be in your professional life, at school or even personally having a solid grasp of thinking skills will take you to the next level.Have you ever noticed those people in their professional lives or at school who just get it and are able to succeed faster and at a higher level in whatever they do?Studies have shown that 40% of the difference in peoples cognitive performance (IQ tests, etc.) comes from having access to these thinking skillsThose people have an intuitive understanding of the thinking skills outlined in this course that gives them a competitive edge.If youre looking to advance your career this course will give you the problems solving skills so that you can tackle tough problems whether youre working alone or with a team.Or maybe youre in school and you want to structure your thinking so that you can think about problems at multiple levels of depth and engineer the right solution.Quite simply this course will allow you to:Understand the power of meta cognition so that youre armed to the teeth with creative problem solving strategies whenever you face a new challengeApply rock-solid problem solving skills so that you can design solutions that take into account all of the most important factors and constraintsEnhance your creativity so that you can creatively approach problems in new ways and come up with successful solutionsUpgrade your learning skills so that you can get the right feedback that will keep you on course for maximum success in any area or disciplineApply critical thinking skills so that you have an arsenal of approaches that can be taken to crush any problem by thinking outside the boxMaster decision making so that you can see all the options in front of you clearly and then make the best decision for youMaster motivation so that you have the emotional component locked in that will drive you to take action on what you know is rightGet in flow state of absolute focus so that you are solving problems that are suited to your level of expertise but challenge you to rise to the occasion and growSucceed in systems thinking so that you can handle complexity in a way that is manageable and repeatableApply the principles of knowledge management so that you better understand yourself, problems, and how your brain works BONUS #1: How to capitalize on collaborative thinking skills so that you can achieve new levels of success in your career working with colleagues and in teamsBONUS #2: How to use cognitive modeling so that you can reverse engineer what it will take you to get from where you are to where you want to be in your career, at school or in your personal lifeA lot of the high-achievers that are using these skills everyday to catapult their careers and soar to success arent sharing their secrets with the rest of the world.Furthermore, many of these concepts and distinctions havent made their way to the mainstream so none of this stuff is taught in school growing up.This is your crash course in understanding and applying the most groundbreaking advances in thinking skills so that you can catalyze cascading levels of success in your career, at school, and in you personal life.Developed from the front lines of success, this course will give you the tools to chart your course there."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Thinking Skills Vol 3: 15 Secret Mini Languages" |
"This course is different than my usual courses which tend to give you a systematic understanding of some domain.Instead, this course is buffet style.I will share with you some of the most interesting ""mini-languages""in existence.These oftentakehours or days to learn instead of months or years.And they can be incredibly powerful ways to expand your mind and help you develop, both personally and professionally.I take an all encompassing approach to languages as symbolic systems, and by the end of the course you'll have a much better understanding of what language really is and how many interesting mini langauges are out there for you to learn.In addition, you'll learn something called metalanguage, which is a language that specifically helps you learn any foreign language you want.Let me say again.This is a weird course.Iget questions from coaching clients like this:""What do YOU think Ishould learn?""""Tell me what YOUthink is important?""""What meta skills do YOU think are most important?""That's where this course comes from.I believe having at least a passing knowledge, and hopefully a lot more, of most or all of these mini languages will give you a huge advantage in the rest of your life.It will make you more creative.It will make you see structure and frameworks where now you just see noise.What Irecommend?Take this course.Take a risk on this course.I'm not sure if I'm selling this right or not, but Ido believe this stuff is HIGHLYHIGHLYvaluable knowledge and so far it seems to defy categorization as where a course like this belongs.See you inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Adulting: Career, Personal, Relationships & Body" |
"Where are your Blind Spots?Where are you weak and you don't even know it?What are the weaknesses you most need to work on?Put another way...What are the important skills to learn?What skills make for a successful life?How do you become well rounded as a person?This course is the result of many years of searching for the answer to a simple question:What skills should everyone learn?What are the essential life skills you should have figured out?The first part of this course goes into professional skills.This is the area of life that contains the most differences from person to person.People have careers that are totally different from one another.However, there are skills that are transferable from profession to profession, from job to job.Icovered these transferable skills in the ""Mastering Thinking Skills""course, so Ionly cover this area very briefly and give some tips on Skill Investing. For further depth on Skill Investing, see ""EndGame."" I cover each of these two topics in 3-4 hours of depth, so it didn't make sense to duplicate them here.The second part of the course is on Personal Skills.These involve the basics of running your life, your finances, your home and running your home. Managing your property, both physical and intellectual. Planning vacations, entertainment, leisure.The third part of the course is Relationship Skills.These are the social/emotional skills that carry over in every area of your life where you are interacting with other people. You get a framework for understanding what skills exist and what they are composed of. That being said, I'm not actually teaching these skill in a deep way, I'm more explaining what they are and touching on the major aspects. Each skill I mention is something that would require months or years of training/practice/instruction to really master, and that applies to all the skills in this course.The point of this course is to serve as a big picture roadmap to help you structure your learning in a systematic way with a comprehensive framework. It's up to you to then go find the in depth material for each skill.The fourth part is Health Skills.You'll learn the different aspects of health, whether it's diet, exercise, dealing with the health care system and learning basic first aid skills.Again, the purpose of this course is that it's a big picture, comprehensive taxonomy/ontology of all the life skills out there. To develop this Iused by own learning project collection, plus Iresearched dozens of the top Life Skills taxonomies out there to come up with a truly comprehensive collection of skills.For those of you who understand the value of systems, this one right here is a very important one to have.Find your weaknesses with this course, and start working on them.See you on the inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Mind Mapping: The Ultimate Guide" |
"You're probably thinking one of 3 things.How will this course help me professionally?How will this course help me as a student at school, college or university?How will this course help me in my personal life?Youll get:How to use information representation so that you can create mind maps to structure information in an effective wayHow to go deeper than any other course available on mind mapping so that you get a comprehensive understanding of mind mapping as a wholeHow to use graph theory so that you can better understand complex systems of interconnectivity (e.g. the internet)How to understand mind mapping at a conceptual level so that you use the right information visualization strategyUnderstand other information visualization systems so that you can see mind mapping in the proper context How to use mind mapping the right way so that you can get more clarity on the relationships between informationReal life examples of how to use mind mapping so that you know exactly how to do it yourselfUnderstand mind mapping as a subcategory of information representation so that you can choose the best information representation system for your projectHow to use structure information so that you can make a mind map thats useful for you How to integrate mind mapping into your larger accelerated learning system so that you can get the full force and power of the system working for you How to make a mind map one pager so that you get a broad view before diving deep into a topicHow to use spider diagrams, flowcharts, BPMN and UML so that you get a big picture perspective on information representation systemsHow to use mind mapping properly so that you know when to recognize when its the right tool for the jobUnderstand the strategy of when to use a mind map so that you dont make the mistake of using a mind map in the wrong situationWhether it's in your career, at school, or in your personal life, mind mapping will help you to 10x your productivity and get where you want to go.Mind mapping is an often forgotten skills because most people only have 1 or 2 ways to structure and organize their information.If you're someone who is brand new to mind mapping then this course will take you from 0 to 60 in no time and will blow your mind.You'll have found an unexplored world of possibilities that will help you to advance in your career, at school or in your personal life.If you have some experience with mind mapping then this course will take you to the next level.Either way this course will give you the tools and resources necessary so that you can master mind mapping in a way that most people never do.If you're a professional then this course will help you to get your projects done faster, more efficiently and with less mistakes.Mind mapping is one of the secret weapons that you want to have in your arsenal if you are looking to take your career to the next level.When you have countless ways to represent information and make new connections that other people would never think to make, you have a clear advantage.You'll quickly see your professional productivity go off the charts when you start learning and applying the things in this course.Get ready because once you are using mind mapping to its fullest extent you'll have your boss giving you new projects, responsibilities and you'll be on the fast track for promotion.Don't say I didn't warn you.That's how effective these mind mapping strategies can be in a workplace environment where your peers are using the same old stale way of looking at things and approaching problems.This course will give you the tools to take you to the next level in your professional life and get where you want to go.Period.If you're a student in school, or in college or university, you will have a key advantage over all your other classmates when it comes to getting the best grades in the shortest amount of time.Imaging being able to blow past your classmates because of a simple skill that you can learn right away and start implementing immediately.Mind mapping has been around for decades but most people are still using outdated methods of organizing information.Not anymore.This course will take you to the top of your class as you learn to start using mind mapping strategies that will enable you to learn faster, retain more, and crush your competition.You'll have a staggering ability to get more done in less time which will allow you to do all those extracurricular things you want to.Or just keep your foot on the gas and leave your classmates in a cloud of dust behind you.Your choice.If you are looking for strategies to take you to the next level in your personal life, look no further.Mind mapping has hundreds and even thousands of applications, many of which extend into interesting stuff you want to do on the side.If you want to learn an instrument or a new language, the mind mapping strategies you will learn in this course will give you a new sense of confidence that you can learn that chord or phrase faster, better and stronger.For you language learners out there, this mind mapping treasure trove will enable you to see new nuances and patterns that will help you to get to fluency faster.Once you start using just a few of the mind mapping strategies and techniques you learn in this course you will start finding dozens of new applications that you never dreamed were possible.But it's up to you.Do you want to take your professional, academic and personal life to the next level?Good.I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Thinking Skills Vol 4: Mental Math" |
"Why did I create a course on mastering mental math?Because no one talks about it.Have you ever been in that situation where you struggled to do even the simplest calculation or math problem?Maybe it was in a professional setting like a meeting, when you were in class, or even when you were with friends or family.It can be embarrassing when it takes you longer than you know it should to do little calculations in your head.Say goodbye to those days.Youll get:How to use simple mental math hacks so that you can calculate the perfect tip every timeHow to use mental math in your professional life so that you can put deals together more effectivelyUnderstand taxes work so that you know exactly what youre left with when all's said and doneHow to simply turn fractions into percentages so that you can smoothly transition between the twoSimple but effective addition and subtraction hacks so that you can get answers fasterSimple but effective multiplication and division hacks so that you dont get frustrated when doing long multiplication or divisionHelpful hints for mental math so that you have a new sense of confidence when dealing with numbersHow to use mental math so that you feel more in control of money matters in your personal and professional lifeHow to create accurate ballpark figures on the fly so that you can deal in the millions, billions and even trillions without getting overwhelmedHow to build a BS Detector using simple mental math hacks so that you can get to the right solution fasterUnderstand how to use your BS Detector so that you instantly recognize whether an answer it right or wrongHow to break down the skillset of mental math so that you can increase your performance with these skillsHow to use mental math skills in negotiations so that you can put together better deals without spending a lot of time crunching numbersUnderstand credit card offers better so that you can simply calculate what offers mean and decide the best one for youA new sense of confidence in dealing with numbers and percentages so that you never get embarrassed about doing simple calculations in your headHow to create a standardized system for approaching mental math so that you know it will work every timeHave a powerful mental math system at your fingertips so that you can develop mental math mastery no matter what your skill level is nowConquer your fear or discomfort with math once and for all so that you can move on to other areas of your life without feeling like you never got this skill handledHow to skip rote memorization tactics and start applying mental math hacks so that you can get straight to being in the top 1% in any How to use mental math to get the edge in your professional life so that you become more eligible for promotions and salary increasesLearn the mental math skills now so that you can reap the rewards for a lifetimeHow to use mental math shortcuts so that certain calculations become easier than ever before Learn the mental hacks to do math the fast way so that you never waste time doing simple calculations the slow wayBut this course is about so much more than just being able to do math in your head and do it more quickly than anyone else.Fundamentally this course is about taking you to the next level in your career, at school or in your personal life.In your professional life this will pay huge dividends.Imagine you're in a meeting at work and there's some calculation that everyone has to do on the fly and you are the first one to come up with the right answer.Suddenly you look like the sharpest person in the room.Leaves a favorable impression on their peers and superiors?Check.Can think fast and come up with solutions?Check.Performs well under pressure?Check.You'll be amazed at what an advantage it is in your professional life once you start applying even a few of the mental math strategies and techniques that you learn from this course.Say goodbye to those days of looking at your feet or shuffling papers when there's an opportunity to do mental math at work.You'll start jumping at those opportunities and impressing your co-workers and managers with your ability to think on your feet.And you'll start getting recognition for your ""natural gift"" with numbers.So if you're looking to get an edge and separate yourself from the pack in your professional life, you've found the right course.The mental math strategies you learn in this course will help you do all that and more as your reap the benefits of this skill for the rest of your career.But it doesn't stop there.Mental math will help you even if you're a student in school at college or university.College student especially can benefit from a course that helps you to save a bunch of time on stuff.This course takes all of those simple calculations and do them even faster.All that extra time can now be spent towards working on other courses, projects or extracurricular activities.Once you realize how much time you can save by being able to do all the little stuff faster, you'll be amazed that you could ever live without the mental math strategies and techniques you learn in this course.Not to mention the confidence boost you will have that will carry over to more success in your other courses too.If you're a student prepare to be wowed as the skills you learn in this course take you to new heights in your academic success that you never dreamed possible.Once you put even a few of these strategies and techniques into action on campus, you'll be amazed at the results.What about your personal life?The confidence you gain by being able to do simple calculations in your head will spill over to your personal life as well.Imagine never receiving a bill at a restaurant and worrying about what the right tip is.This course will give you simple hacks so that you know the perfect tip every time.There are so many little areas where math works its way into our personal lives that it would be impossible to name them all.The grocery store, the shopping mall, the list is literally endless.All opportunities to either flex your mental math muscles or be embarrassed that you couldn't do simple math in your head.The bottom line is that being able to do mental math will level you up no matter which area of life you want to improve.Interested in more professional success?Want to rise to the top of your class?Helpful hints to transform your personal life?This course has you covered.Say goodbye to awkward meetings, frustration at school and embarrassment in your personal life.Say hello to a brand new world of possibilities with mental math mastery.See you on the inside."
Price: 199.99

"OnePagerr Project Management" |
"Thiscourse on OnePagerr Project Managementhas been requested a lot by my coachingclients and students on Udemy.It'sfinally here.Nowyou can use this comprehensive project management system to jumpstart yourresults whether it be at work, at school or at home.Thiscourse is different from other project management courses for a few reasons: It's not about becoming a professional project manager or receiving a certification It's focused on providing you with an informal project management tool (in the form of a one pager) It gives you a system for organizing all your projects in the 4 areas of your life; professional, personal, relationships, and health It gives you a standardized template to use for all your projectsInthis course you'll also get: A conceptual look at project management so that you understand the power of project management as a discipline How to use the standardized informal project management template so that you can effectively manage your goals, resources, and deliverablesA practical system for applying the most powerful concepts of project management so that you can excel in your professional and personal life An overall view of project management theory so that you understand the project management fundamentals The basics of what defines a project so that you have confidence to apply all the things you learn in the course An effective way to organize all your projects so that you never feel overwhelmed even if you have a bunch of projects under way A system for building momentum in finishing projects so that you can take massive action on your projects consistently Soif you're someone who always wanted to learn more about project management butweren't sure about its practicality, this course is for you.Thiscourse will dovetail a conceptual understanding of project management with apractical system of application that will make you 10 times moreeffective in yourprofessional and personal endeavors.Notonly will this course make you more organized withyour projects, but it will getyou thinking like a practical project manager every step of the way.Evenif you never plan on going deep into project management, this course will giveyou the essentials to wield the most powerful elements of project management sothat you can reap 80% of the rewards in 20% of the time.Readyto get the leverage you need in your professional and personal life?Ifso I look forward to seeing you inside the course.-Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Structured Note Taking Vol 3: Success Journal" |
"This course gives you a structured way of keeping track of all your successes.The feeling success is a delicate thing.Often public, official success is preceded by months if not years if not decades of private toil and effort.Private successes that only you know about.Weeks and months can go by where it feels like you haven't made any progress.Nothing ""real"" has changed.No new business.No new relationships.No new job.Asuccess journal is your tool for keeping track of all your successes.The big ones and the small ones.It allows you to look back at the weeks and months and years and see how much progress you have made, even if it doesn't feel like much has changed.This all comes back to you in the form of an emotional feedback loop.When you can do a daily or weekly review of your successes, it helps you stay motivated to work towards your long term goals and take on bigger challenges.It helps you build your confidence so you can take on new projects and try things you've never done before.It's a convenient way to keep track of your personal KPIs, as well as things that are harder to measure or put a number on.Don't just keep track of your mistakes/failures, keep track of your successes as well.See you inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Structured Note Taking Vol 4: Book Organization System" |
"Are you looking for a way to organizing all your books, discs, papers, digital documents and more?Then this is the system you need.This system will help you effectively organize the thousands of pieces of ""intellectual property"" (as opposed to physical property) in your life.And find those things later on.One of the biggest problems accelerated learners have is the ""unknown unknown problem.""Simply put, you forget how much you have forgotten.You don't just forget the contents of a book you read, you forget the title of the book. You forget the book even exists. You forget you even bought it. You forget it's on your bookshelf.When you are ready to start learning something, you forget you already have collected all these resources over the months and years that could help you.So instead you have to start from scratch again.You may keep a lot of your learning materials in OneNote or Evernote.But there is a lot of stuff that you can't put there.This is the system that allows you to keep track of all your OTHERlearning materials.And it's tightly integrated with the system Iteach in End Game as well as my other organization and information management courses, so it's truly plug and play.Ipersonally keep track of thousands of items that Iwould never be able to keep track of otherwise.To give an example, think about all those ebooks or courses you bought other places besides Udemy. How many of those do you even remember how to access months or years later?How many of those products do you just lose and forget about?You need to have a system for keeping track of it all in one place.This is that system.See you on the inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Structured Note Taking Vol 12: Personal Network Organizer" |
"Are you looking for a simple system to keep track of your contacts?Then this is the system for you.This system is designed to keep track of all your contact information.And to make it highly sortable so you can quickly find exactly what you are looking for.Plus, it integrates with all the other systems in this series and in Mastering Organization so that you can stay organize even with thousands of contacts.With a system like this, you never again will have to worry about losing touch with someone.You can enter a new person into the system in under ten seconds, and then you always have a place to store all their information.Keep track of things like how you first met someone, when you first interacted with them, and how you discovered them in the first place. You can then use that information to look for patterns so that you can more effectively meet the kind of people you want in your life in the future.As with my other systems, this works whether you are using a physical, digital or hybrid system. And it can be used on any device, whether a desktop, laptop or your mobile phone.Don't waste money on an expensive or complicated CRM that you don't need.Use this simple spreadsheet system and get your contact information sorted once and for all.See you inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"2100: Plan The Next 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 Years of Your Life" |
"This course is a sequel to one of my most popular course bundles, Master Planning.The course will build upon everything I teach in that course and then take you deeper.The feedback from a lot of my students andcoaching clients was that a comprehensive planning system that could handle 100 years down the road would be helpful.This course will enable you to plan at each level including:5 year10 year25 year50 year100 yearThis course is a step-by-step, detailed planning system for those who want to take their long term planning to the next level.In this course you'll get:Year-to-year plan for the next 100 years of your lifeMilestones of life planningDevelopmental stages models ofplanningCareer planningPersonal planningRelationships planningFamily planningHealth planningPlanning for your selfPlanning for the world[Critical Document #1] 4 Key Areas Yearly Planning Template[Critical Document #2] Life Milestones Prediction Template[Critical Document #3-7] 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 Year Planning TemplatesWhat most people don't know about this course was that it was COMPLETELY crowdfunded and was only actually built after students and supporters had funded the creation of the course, proving how valuable they thought it would be for them.This is hands-down the most comprehensive and easy-to-follow long term planning system out there today.This course will put the planning strategies of fortune 500 companies and billionaire CEOs like Warren Buffett at your fingertips.The U.S. Bureau of Statistics conducted a study on how much time the average American spends on common tasks and in this course we'llgo over the shocking results of that study and how to put yourself ahead of the game.You're going to get a comprehensive and detailed look at exactly how you spend your time on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis so that you have a time management system that puts you in the driver's seat - regardless of what stage of life you're in.By the end of this course you're going to feel like you have a new superpower that lets you see in to the future so that you can chart your own destiny instead of falling into someone else's plan for you.This is an eye-opening and powerful course for long term planning beginners and experts alike and marks the culmination of countless hours of feedback from students and coaching clients to give you a one-of-a-king long term planning system that is unlike anything on the market today.-Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Planning v1.5 - The Visual Expansion Pack Upgrade" |
"In this course you're getting an update tomy original Mastering Planning course to make it more visual and add some additional features.These additional features will help you to take your project management skills to the next level.One of the biggest innovations of this course will be your new ability to manage your time on a non hour-to-hour basis.Some of the feedback students were giving about the foldable google calendar printout system in the original course indicated that many students could improve their workflow with just a few minor tweaks to the system.So if you felt like you didn't want to plan out your time using the printable google calendar or didn't feel like it made sense for the way that you work, I developed this alternative sothat you can use it in combination but also as a replacement for the primary way I advocate you do your daily and weekly planning.This is a visual upgrade to the original planning system where you will get a planning dashboard on paper.You'll get:How to create a physical paper dashboardHow to setup all your planning documentsHow to use colored paper in your planning systemThis course is a general upgradeon a bunch of minor aspects of the original Master Planningsystem andwill helpmake everything fit together in the big picture and how to understand the big picture of what's going on in your life and having that all in one place.See you on the inside."
Price: 199.99

"3D Coat: Smart masks, smart materials" |
"3D Coat has by far the easiest PBR texturing environment on the market and its easy to learn too. Seamlessly integrated into the modeling envornment, it can work with internal or external imported models. We use both workflows in this series of videos. Youwill get you up and running in no time."
Price: 34.99

"Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer" |
"Latest course update:June 2018- Added a comprehensive tutorial on how to work with the Rails 5.2 encrypted credentials to securely manage configuration variables such as APIand application secret keys.Through the years I've constantly heard the same question from students:""Ican follow a tutorial, but Idon't feel confident enough to build apps/features from scratch"". This course is my answer to that question. I'm not satisfied in simply teaching you how to build an application, my goal is to teach you tounderstand how to build professional web applications, not to simply follow a tutorial. This is the most comprehensive course I've ever put together and combines my 14+ years of development experience.I took a completely different approach in building this course. This course is unique for a number of reasons:Curriculum - After completing the initial course outline I sent it out to a group of CTOs and Senior Rails developers from around the world. Iasked them to go through the list of features and add the full set of skills they look for when hiring Rails devs. The course outline literally doubled based on their input. So the features that we're going to build throughout this course aren't simply my idea of what it takes to build progressional grade Rails applications, it's the combined knowledge over over a dozen premier developers from a wide variety of industries. One of the hiring managers who reviewed the outline responded to the outline and said, ""If you send me developers who build this full set of features, I'll hire them on the spot!"".Deep Dives - Going through tutorials is great. However, many times courses that simply walk through the build out of a project skip over important concepts. For this reasons Ihave created aDeep Dive at the end of each section of this course. These guides selectthe most challenging topics of each section and give a detailed walk through of the concept so that you can completely understand how to work with the key features of the Rails framework.Full Stack - Many courses promise to teach you how to become a full stack developer, but most of them simply gloss over the concepts that you need in order to build truly professional applications. This course was built to walk you through a real world approach to full stack coding. This includes:backend developmentwith Ruby onRails, front end coding with HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery, along with advanced ways to use SQL for database management.Immersive - This is not a light and easy course that you can go through in a weekend. This course was designed specifically for coding bootcamp students that have the goal of becoming professional developers. This means that there is over 35 hours of video lessons and you will build a professional grade Rails application by the time you have completed the course.So with all that being said, let's talk about everything that we're going to build throughout the guides.We're going to build a feature rich portfolio application that you can actually use for your own portfolio (I'm even using it for my own portfolio). Let's walk through the full feature set of what the application will include:Building out a professional Rails environment (if you're on a PC Ieven built a free C9 dashboard that you can use for this course).We'll utilize Pivotal tracker to follow SCRUM project management best practices throughout the build of this application, just like you'll do in a professional dev shop.Examine how to work with Rails generators, including how to customize the generators so that you can have your very own scaffolds.Work with data flow in Rails. One of my strongest beliefs is that if you can understand how data flow works in Rails, you can build anything! With that in mind we'll take a step by step approach for understanding how data comes into a Rails app and how you can build features that utilize the process.Manage a database. You'll learn advanced SQL techniques for working with data in a Rails application, including how to manage data relationships between tables along with what it takes to implement efficient queries.Best practices. Writing clean code is one of the key requirements of professional Rails developers, throughout the course we'll walk through what professional grade code looks like and the common patterns you'll need to know in order to build well written applications.JavaScript and jQuery components. One of the hallmarks of a modern Rails application is the proper integration of JavaScript features. Throughout the course we'll walk through advanced JavaScript features such as how to integrate drag and drop functionality for users and how to build dynamic forms that change based on user input, all without a page refresh!Streaming Live Data/Page Updates with ActionCable. The top new feature in Rails 5 was definitely Action Cable, which allows for Rails to utilize web sockets and have live page updates. In this course we'll build a real time commenting feature for our portfolio that will showcase your JavaScript skills to everyone who visits your new site.API Integration. Because most modern applications need to communicate with the outside world, in this course we'll build an integration with the Twitter APIto pull in real time tweets into our portfolio application.RubyGem Libraries.In addition to teaching you about how to useRubyGems in a Rails application, I also show you how to create your very own RubyGem from scratch and walk through how to use it in your application.In addition to all of these features, we'll also examine:advanced forms, how to integrate professional styles by leveraging Bootstrap 4, building a connection to AWS for file uploads,and how to deploy our application to the web.In addition to the lectures, Ialso includethe source code for each guide so that you can always have access to the full codebase for the application.Ilook forward to going through this immersive program with you and good luck with the coding!"
Price: 194.99

"Social Media Marketing Strategy & Automation" |
"If you're a content creator, brand owner, YouTuber, artist, photographer, freelancer or any kind of digital entrepreneur you understand the power of social media and how it can impact your business and expand your audience. But in order for this to happen, you need to actually dedicate yourself to create and post relevant content on your social media Networks on a regular basis.But if youre focused doing your thing, while growing your business and expanding your reach, you know things can get a bit messy when trying to juggle all of these tasks on your own. The world has evolved to a place in which most daily tasks can be automated. If we now have self-driving vehicles, robot assistants, automated factory lines and even supermarkets in which cashiers are no longer necessary, dont you think its time to stop juggling so much and let machines do the heavy lifting for us? I get it. Social media marketing and management is a cornerstone of every successful venture. And, luckily for us, there are dozens of online tools you can start using right away to automate most of your social media efforts. My name is Max and Im a digital marketer / designer. On this course Im going to teach you how to take advantage of the worlds most powerful automation tools so you can:Save a lot of valuable of time by using automation toolsCreate content on auto-pilotSchedule content on a consistent basisIncrease your engagement metricsGrow your audienceBy looking at key metrics you will learn how to increase the interactions and engagement with your audience while significantly cutting the amount of time you spend managing your social media profiles and pages.At the end of the day, time is our most valuable asset, and with this course youll learn basic and advanced automation features available to us online, so that we can stop wasting time managing our social media and start focusing on doing what we do best, creating value that makes an impact."
Price: 149.99

"Retouching VR Photography with Photoshop and After Effects" |
"Spherical panoramas (360 photos) are now commonplace, especially on social media platforms, the next logical step is to begin editing and enhancing these images just as you do with traditional photography. The challenge is, however, these are not flatimages. As images are unwrappedin photo editing tools, we need to use analternate workflowfor editing these types of panoramas.This course will show you a step-by-step, non-destructive process, for seamlesslymasking out your tripod, applying 2-dimensional artwork into the VR space, retouching, adjustingcolor, andadding special effects to your photo.The software well be using includes the AdobeCreative Cloud versions of both Photoshop andAfter Effects.Running time: 43minutes"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced C Programming: Pointers" |
"To be an expert C programmer you need to master the use of pointers. This course explains pointers in real depth. It explains pointer variables, pointer arithmetic, indirection, memory allocation, how to create and maintain linked lists and how to use function pointers. In fact, by the time you finish this course, you will know pointers inside out. You will understand what they are, how they work and how to make sure that they dont make your programs crash!This is not a course for beginners. It is aimed at programmers who already have a good working knowledge of C programming and who need to take the next step in mastering C by gaining a deep understanding of pointers.If youve struggled with pointers and cant quite figure out what all those arrow diagrams really mean or what exactly is the relationship between pointers and addresses, this is the course for you. In a series of short, tightly-targeted lessons, you will learn all about:computer memory and how pointers access ithow memory is allocatedwhy copying data using pointers can cause program errorswhy some pointers are genericwhat happens when you cast pointersto specific typeshow to create singly and doubly linked listshow to usestacks and queueshow to avoid memory leaks and other common problems...and much more.The source code for all the example programs is provided, so if you need to try out my code you can load it and run it in your preferredC IDE or code editor."
Price: 94.99
