"Python for Beginners 2017" |
"See why over 350,000 Udemy members learn coding from Mark Lassoff!Few programming languages provide you with the flexibility and pure power of Python.If you're becoming a professional developer, or are early in your development career, adding the Python skill set isn't just a resume embellishment-- It's an empowering language that will allow you to write procedural code in many types of environments and for many uses.Python is commonly used for server side programming for complex web applications or as a middle tier language providing web services or a communication layer with larger ecommerce systems. That being said, it's also a great language for beginners. The clear syntax makes it very easy to learn, and the powerful libraries make all types of programming possible. There are libraries for everything from games and graphics to complex mathematics to network and embedded programming.Watch, Learn and DoProgramming is not a spectator sport and if you want to learn Python well, this course contains everything you need.Skill oriented instructor-led lectures will demonstrate each important Python skill. You'll be able to study and modify the code on your own to cement each topic. Python code coding lab exercises will familiarize you not just with Python syntax, but how real problem-solving in Python is done. You'll complete a more comprehensive project to help you integrate the different skills that are part of core Python."
Price: 99.99

"Javascript Specialist" |
"Javascript has become the most import language you can learn.Years ago, you could produce a web site with HTML alone. Now, Javascript is a critical technology that makes not just interactive web sites-- but full web applications. Modern sites don't just display data but generally help users complete tasks such as making a reservation or buy an item.Javascript is a critical part of these transactions. Handling everything from dynamic screen content to interacting with remote servers, every developer needs Javascript.And, Javascript is not just a web language any more. Due to related technologies like Node and Phone Gap Javascript can now be used in web development (client and server side) and mobile development.This is only part of the reason that Javascript is THE language to know.FACT:Javascript is the most desired skill among those who hire new (junior) developers.(This means that Javascript skills-- and certification-- may just be your key to a job).If you're reading this we don't have to sell you upon becoming a developer. You already know it's one of the most lucrative (and fastest growing) career tracks out there-- no degree required.What Will I Learn to Do with Javascript?Javascript is a powerful language.Here are just a few of things you can do with Javascript--Create applications that are constantly updated via a web service. Stock market, weather, and transportation apps work with web services to provide users with current information.Create apps that take advantage of the HTML5 canvas which allows data visualizations, animations and even gaming!Create applications with reactive interfaces that provide users with an optimized experience.It's tasks like this that make Javascript critical for developers. Javascript is essential to just about any project that appears on the web or in mobile.This is where you can separate yourself from the average developer.As aDesignatedJavascript Specialist, you are qualified to create, maintain and edit Javascript code. You'll be able to help development teams create relevant, reactive web and mobile applications or even create applications on your own.In this certification program you'll learn:How to Output to the consoleHow to output content to the browser window by manipulating the DOMThe getElementById() commandHow to use variables in JavascriptArithmetic with JavascriptThe proper use of Javascript OperatorsHow to use Number FunctionsUsing BooleansHow programs make decisions with conditionalsIf Statements and If... Else StatementsNested If StatementsHow to use the Javascript Switch statementFor Loops, While Loops, Do...While LoopsFor...In Loops, Endless Loops, Break and Continue StatementsJavascript Simple Functions, Function Parameters, Functions that Return a ValueCoding for Javascript Events and Call back FunctionsJavascript Dialog BoxesCreating Javascript ArraysLooping Through ArraysJavscript Strings and String Functions to process textJavascript Date FunctionsProcessing text with Javascript Regular ExpressionsWorking with the Browser DOMAccessing Web Services with the xmlHTTPRequest() ObjectMaking Requests and Parameterized RequestsWorking with Returned Text ContentWorking with Returned XML ContentUnderstanding JSON notation and Parsing JSON contentUsing Generic Javascript ObjectsWorking with the Javascript Audio and Video API2D Drawing, the Canvas and JavascriptFaux Multithreading with JavaascriptCustom Objects and OOP with JavascriptHow Does the CertificationProgram Work?First: Complete the CourseEach of the certification courses includes 5 to 10 hours of video training. Each course also includes lab exercises to help you retain the information in the video lectures. The courses feature study guides, practice questions, and activities, all with one goal: to help you learn new coding skills in Javascript.The courses are designed to be completed in a few days, if significant time is invested. However, you may spread the work out for as long as youd like. There are no calendars or limits on individual courses. Simply work with the course until youre confident that youve mastered the material.Next: Pass the ExamOnce you complete the course, you'll be eligible to sit for the exam. The exam is composed of fifty multiple choice questions with a minimum passing score of 80%. The exam isnt designed to be difficult, but to verify that you retained the information in the course. You have up to an hour to complete the exam. However, most people complete the exam much more quickly. If you dont pass the exam the first time you take it, you may sit for the exam again.When you pass the exam and complete the class, youll have earned your certification as a Javascript specialist. Congratulations!Receive Your Certificate and BadgeNow that youre certified, youll receive your printable, full color digital certificate. Your certificate includes a link to a digital transcript page which will serve as verification of your achievement. You can place the badge on your personal website, portfolio, or resume. You also can automatically place the badge on your LinkedIn page.Many individuals who receive these certifications place them in their email signature and other highly visible digital real estate to set them apart from other developers.Who should get certified?Graphic and Digital DesignersStartup EmployeesMarketing DesignersContent SpecialistsAgency PersonnelStudents who want to be more Employable...Anyone else who wants this critical skillset and proof of expertiseWhy Should You Be Certified?If youre interested in pursuing a career in development, then the Javascript Specialist Designation is the place to continue your path. Almost every digital development project involves some level of Javascript, and experts are in demand. If youre a business owner, this certification course is a great way to learn what you need to know to style your own website. Its also a great way to train the members of your team who work with your web site to ensure that theyre using the latest and best Javascript practices. If youre an agency or freelancer, the Javascript Specialist Designation is a great way to validate your skills and even justify a rate increase. If youre a student, the Javascript Specialist Designation separates you from other graduates and verifies that you possess specialized technical skills that all employers are seeking.The Javascript Specialist designation is tangible proof of your mastery of the critical Javascript Skillset and will drive up your value regardless of the environment in which you work."
Price: 199.99

"Bootstrap Responsive Design" |
"It's a mobile phone world.And a tablet world. And a laptop world. The fact is, it's a multi-screen world and your web sites and applications have to live in it. Perhaps, you're looking for an easy way to implement the principals of responsive design in your own work. Perhaps, you want an easy mobile-first framework to wrap around your own work. Or, maybe, you just want to learn the right way to do things in a multi-screen world.From the screen in your users' pockets to the giant 4K desktop screen, your apps and web sites have to look good everywhere-- but how does someone create for such varied screen sizes and resolutions--The answer is Bootstrap.Bootstrap is a visual, client-side framework that lets you build gorgeous mobile apps and build those into full screen-compliant applications. And, if you're going to learn Bootstrap, there is no better way then from our courseBootstrap Responsive Design.In this course expert developer and master instructor Mark Lassoff will take you from the very fundamentals of development with Bootstrap to applying techniques like Grids and Navigation bars.If you're serious about responsive design, then you need Bootstrap. And, if you're serious about learning Bootstrap you need Bootstrap Responsive Design from LearnToProgram.tv-- Over 500,000 online students can't be wrong"
Price: 99.99

"Mobile App Development with PhoneGap" |
"Want to develop applications for iOS and Android, but don't want to learn yet another programming language? PhoneGap is your answer. With PhoneGap you can develop complete mobile applications using HTML5, Javascript and CSS.And, these aren't dumbed-down applications....These are full-fledged mobile apps that can do everything from interact with device hardware such as the accelerometer, camera and geolocation tools to interacting with (iOS or Android) operating system to make phone calls or use Bluetooth.In this soup-to-nuts PhoneGap course you'll learn everything from setting up your PhoneGap environment to testing your app on your phone or tablet device. You'll learn from extensive on camera demonstrations and be able to download the many examples you see the instructor create on screen. This course gets practical very quickly as you'll be working with the phone hardware and interacting with the same real-world API's that professional developers use everyday-- such as Google Places and Google Maps.At the end of the course, you'll put it all together as you create full application using the Washington Transit API. This app is similar to the types of apps being placed in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store every day! You'll join the ranks of companies like Logitech and Fan React who publish PhonGap apps directly to all of the major app stores.If you have a fundamental understanding of HTML5 and Javascript you CAN build mobile applications with the PhoneGap library. Mobile App Development is the single Fastest Growing Segment of Development-- Get in on the Action with Mobile App Development with PhoneGap today!"
Price: 99.99

"PHP Specialist (2017 Edition)" |
"This completes it...PHP is the stepping stone to your first professionaldevelopment gigsPHP is the most popular back end language on the web.Companies like Facebook and Tumblr use PHP as their primary back end coding language. It's in universal demands, and, as a new developer you're expected to know you're way around the front end and the back end. That's where PHP comes in.There was a time when a web developer could get away with knowing just HTML and some Javascript-- but now as employers are looking for more value, you have to know more. PHP lets you access an entire world of backend databases, like mySQL which is introduced in this course.FACT: With PHP knowledge you'll be able to complete more advanced projects and be more employable.People ask all the time: What's the best past to becoming a professional developer?People going in to web development need two types of technical knowledge. First, they need to know how to manipulate content in a browser. That's where HTML5 and Javascript come in. But they also need to be able to interact with backend systems-- like eCommerce systems, databases and content management systems.With PHP, developers:Create systems by which data can be stored and retrieved in a databaseInteract with eCommerce systems facilitating sales, credit card processing and shipping all over the worldCreate complex content and customer management systems customized for industry use.Create plugins and customizations for the most the most popular content management systems in the world-- Wordpress, Drupaland Joomla (all of which are written in PHP!)"
Price: 99.99

"HTML5 for Mobile Devices" |
"We're living in a world of multiple screens. On a typical day you might view the screen on your mobile device, your tablet, your television and desktop computer at work. Designing content that works on all size screens and optimizing for mobile previously meant writing multiple versions of your application.However, those days are over.Today, with a good understanding of HTML you can write your code so that it works on every size screen while taking advantage of the unique environment afforded by mobile. This course will show you how.It's no longer enough to write HTML5 that doesn't go everywhere customers do. Increasingly, your customers are more and more mobile and your HTML5 has to have the flexibility to be displayed on any screen and the features to take advantage of the mobile ecosystem.This course is for you if you know a bit of HTML and are looking to expand your skills in to the mobile realm. If you're a web designer or developer trying to expand your work beyond the desktop you're going to truly benefit from this excellent course."
Price: 99.99

"Chris Bryant's CCNA Practice Exam Pack #1 (ICND1 Topics)" |
"Get ready to master the details necessary to pass the CCNA200-125 and CCENT 100-105 exams with my info-packed CCNAPractice Exam, available only here on Udemy! I'm Chris Bryant, the creator of the best-selling CCNA2018Video Boot Camp, and I've written 240practice exam questions for you that will definitely test your knowledge. Best of all, the answers to each question are fully explained -- and if you have any questions about the answers or the topics, there's a forum all set up where you can ask those questions and I'll be happy to clarify any answer for you!You can also tweet me directly with any questions @ccie12933 or via email at chris@thebryantadvantage.com. I'll respond to you personally.Topics covered include...TCP vs. UDPEthernet operationHexadecimal conversionsCisco switch operations, such as building the MAC address table and frame filtering situationsHub &Bridge operationsVLANs and VTPIPand MACaddress changes as packets flow through a networkTelnet, SSH, ARP, and DNS operationsIPVersion 6Access ListsAddress RangesPLENTYof subnetting.... and more!You get 240 practice exam questions, presented in much the same format you'll see on exam day.This is an outstanding opportunity to polish your knowledge and your skills before taking the exam, and this opportunity comes to you at a price you can't beat. Dive right in, and I'll see you inside!Chris Bryant""The Computer Certification Bulldog""CCIE#12933"
Price: 19.99

"CCNA 200-301 & Network+Practice Pack: Subnetting Success!" |
"The #1 reason CCNA & Network+ candidates fail their exams: They're not ready for the types of binary and subnetting questions on the exam.The #1 way to prepare for those questions: Practice, practice, and more practice...which is exactly what you'll get with my Subnetting Success Practice Exam Pack! I've taught binary and subnetting skills to CCNA and Network+ candidates just like you for over a decade, and this is the most powerful tool I've ever made available. You'll be ready for success in the exam room and in real-world networking situations.Exam 1 includes a few ""binary to decimal"" and ""decimal to binary"" conversion questions to make sure you have the fundamentals down, and then it's on to one real-world situation after the other. Each of the five exams is 30 questions long, and the questions and answers shuffle every time you take the exam. The answers are clearly explained and have been triple-checked, but just in case you have a question about any of the answers, just post it here and I'll be glad to answer it for you. You can also reach me on Twitter @ccie12933.The first three exams include these important topics...Exam 1:Binary-to-Decimal conversionsDecimal-to-Binary conversionsCalculating The Number Of Valid SubnetsCalculating The Number Of Valid Host Addresses Per SubnetFinding A Common SubnetExam 2:Subnetting Success FundamentalsDetermining The Number Of Valid HostsDetermining The Number Of Valid SubnetsMeeting Client Requirements -- Specific Number Of Valid HostsMeeting Client Requirements -- Specific Number Of Valid SubnetsExam 3:Determining The Subnet Of A Given IP AddressDetermining The Broadcast Address Of A Subnet""Tightest Mask"" calculationsDetermining The Range of Valid IP Addresses on a SubnetExam 4:Double-checking The Results Of Someone Else's SubnettingMeeting Multiple Client Requirements (subnets and hosts)Troubleshooting Exam 5: Identifying Multiple SubnetsTo Troubleshoot or Not To Troubleshoot...""Subnetting From Scratch""... and those are just some of the topics we'll cover together in these five practice exams.I've created this subnetting-only practice pack for one reason -- I know this is the toughest area of the exam for just about every CCNA and Network+ candidate, and I want you to pass the test the very next time around. I also want you to be ready for real-world subnetting situations, and I guarantee that you'll face all subnetting situations -- both in the exam room and in the real world -- with ultimate confidence once you've worked with my Subnetting Success Practice Exam Pack. Let's get started!Chris BryantCCIE #12933""The Computer Certification Bulldog"""
Price: 19.99

"Chris Bryant's CCNA Practice Exam Pack #2 (ICND2 Topics)" |
"I'm Chris Bryant, the creator of the CCNA 2019 Video Boot Camp on Udemy, and I've written 180 practice exam questions for you that will definitely test your knowledge of CCNA topics from OSPF to IP Version 6 and everything in between. These questions will definitely test your skills and give you pointers that will put you over the top on exam day and sharpen your real-world networking skills. Best of all, the answers to each question are fully explained -- and if you have any questions about the answers or the topics, there's a forum all set up where you can ask those questions and I'll be happy to clarify any answer for you!(If you're working on the single-exam CCNA path, consider this exam along with my CCNA Practice Exam #1, which concentrates on ICND1 topics. It's an unbeatable combination!)This practice exam concentrates on ICND2 topics, including: OSPF configuration and troubleshootingAdministrative distance and route selectionEIGRP configuration and troubleshootingIP Version 6 Hot Standby Routing ProtocolSTP and RSTPCisco switch configuration, operation, and troubleshootingVLANsRouter and switch servicesAccess ListsPlenty of subnetting, including:Determining the subnet an IP address is onDetermining the number of valid subnetsDetermining the number of valid hostsStatic routes, including floating and host routes... and more!You get 180 practice exam questions, presented in much the same format you'll see on exam day, and if you have ANY question about any of the answers, just post your question on Udemy and I'll clear things up for you.This is an outstanding opportunity to polish your knowledge and your skills before taking the exam, and this opportunity comes to you at a price you can't beat. Dive right in, and I'll see you inside!Chris Bryant""The Computer Certification Bulldog""CCIE #12933"
Price: 19.99

"Nutrition 4 Optimal Health" |
"This course will give you a foundation in proper nutrition with a focus on optimal health using the last scientific research. It is aimed at anyone considering a healthy lifestyle, such as vegetarians, vegans, flexitarians, Mediterranean diet aficionados, or those looking at a career in health and wellness, such as a Nutritional Therapist or Wellness Coach. This course is separate, yet a perquisite for our Nutritional Therapy course, which dives into how food affects our bodies and how to use that to fight disease. You will benefit more from this course if you understand basic physiology, but it is not compulsory."
Price: 49.99

"Nutritional Therapy - How food affects DNA and much more!" |
"This intermediate nutrition course assumes you understand basic nutrition including: basic physiology, RDAs, calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals and that you have taken the course Nutrition 4 Optimal Health. This course on Nutritional Therapy takes you deeper into specific nutrients and how those affect the body in relation to disease. From why our DNA matters in what we eat, to how to glean specific nutrients from certain foods. Phytochemicals to omega 3, learn why we need these nutrients and where to get them from. Discover how studies involving supplements vs studies on diet show eating whole foods provide more benefits than pills. Become knowledgeable in how to choose the right foods to prevent disease. After this course, you will be able to create menus based on an optimal diet for longevity and quality of life which include a variety of foods filled with powerful nutrients. You can change your DNA with diet and lifestyle for the better or the worse. A healthy diet and lifestyle can reduce the risk of many diseases including some of the leading causes of death, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Avoiding toxins, like cigarettes and alcohol as well as other chemicals, help to reduce the free radicals that come into your system externally. But you also have to fight internally produced free radicals with consuming antioxidants which are found in various whole foods."
Price: 49.99

"Healthy Families: Nutrition, Plant-based Cooking & More" |
"This course help guide you step by step to creating a healthier environment for your children. From diet and exercise to self-worth and social skills, find out how you can may your home life a joy. Starting with a foundation of healthy eating and how food affects your childrens mood and mental state along with their physical health, this course builds up to teaching your kids to think healthy for themselves.Our recipes are plant-based, or have vegan options, so that they will accommodate vegan and vegetarians, but the entire course can be used for any diet. With some families finding their kids want to eat vegetarian, or if one parent is vegan, the challenges of creating healthy nutritious meals without making two dinners every night is becoming more and more common. Find out how you can make meal planning benefit everyone and still not have to cook a ten course feast night after night.What you will learn: What is healthy eating How to encourage your child to eat fruit and vegetables How to cook delicious recipes your kids will eat How to make exercise fun Dealing with the electronic devices and screen time"
Price: 49.99

"Seguridad, privacidad y anonimato en Internet" |
"Nuestros datos personales son la moneda de cambio que las grandes empresas tecnolgicas que nos prestan sus servicios. Estamos constantemente observados y monitorizados: las bsquedas que realizamos, los sitios que visitamos, las cosas que publicamos... todo ello es conocido por las grandes empresas de Internet.Si eres una persona que se preocupa por la seguridad y privacidad de tus datos personajes te interesa lo que vas a aprender en este curso. En l aprenders cmo borrar todo tu rastro deInternet, a eliminar toda laactividad de Google y Facebook (te sorprender saber lo que Google sabe de ti), as como a navegar de forma annima y segura."
Price: 19.99

"Szkolenie SIEMENS Simatic S7-300 Step7" |
"Oto w peni profesjonalny kurs o programowaniu sterownikw PLC oraz paneli operatorskich. Wykorzystujc sterownik Siemens SIMATIC S7-300 z oprogramowaniem Step7 zaprezentowane zostanie praktyczne wykorzystanie tego sterownika. W kursie dodatkowo pokazany bdzie sposb tworzenia wizualizacji na panelu operatorskim firmy Siemens z poziomu programu WinCC Flexible. Wykorzystany zostanie rwnie falownik Siemens Micromaster 420. Wszystko to by zapewni najlepsz wiedz uytkownikom kursu.Czym jest owy Simatic S7-300? Dla osb postronnych moe wydawa si to zupenie nieznan materi, jednak osoby zajmujc si t tematyk doskonale wiedz, czym jest to profesjonalne oprogramowanie, jak i wykorzystywany sprzt. PLC czyli Programowalny Sterownik Logiczny (ang. Programmable Logic Controller) to urzdzenie wykorzystujce mikroprocesory przystosowane do programowania i sterowania prac rnych maszyn.Firmy produkujce sterowniki programowalne dostarczaj zwykle wraz z nimi rodowisko programistyczne, pozwalajce pisa aplikacje jzykach programowania. Jzyki te s zwykle mniej lub bardziej dokadn implementacj zalece normy IEC 61131-3, ktra to norma definiuje nastpujce warianty:LD (Ladder Diagram) logika drabinkowa schemat zbliony do klasycznego rysunku technicznego elektrycznego;FBD (Function Block Diagram) diagram blokw funkcyjnych, sekwencja linii zawierajcych bloki funkcyjne;ST (Structured Text) tekst strukturalny jzyk zbliony do Pascala;IL (Instruction List) lista instrukcji rodzaj asemblera;SFC (Sequential Function Chart) sekwencyjny cig blokw sekwencja blokw programowych z warunkami przejcia.Kurs ktry my przedstawiamy wykorzystuje pierwszy z tych jzykw, jzyk drabinkowy. Dziki jego klasycznemu wygldowi mona go obsugiwa w prosty sposb. Cho bywa i tak, e wykorzystywane s te inne jzyki.Wykorzystywany sprzt marki Siemens to gwarancja bezawaryjnej pracy oraz osprztu najwyszej klasy. Wiele firm korzysta wanie z tej firmy znajc j. Dlatego wanie w szkoleniach wykorzystano sterowniki Siemens, jako gwarant najwyszej jakoci i niezawodnoci. Siemens wykorzystuje wanie orpogramowanie Step 7 (bd Step 7 Lite) do obsugi swoich urzdze PLC"
Price: 549.99

"Kurs Grafika 3D dla pocztkujcych 7 szkole online MEGAPACK" |
"Kurs Grafika 3D MEGAPACK, to prawdziwe kompendium dla osb poszukujcych lekcji z grafiki komputerowej. Kurs wprowadzi Ci w wiat grafiki trjwymiarowej. Dziki niemu nauczysz si, przygotowywa efektowne modele 3D i wizualizacje oraz poznasz tajniki pracy w aplikacjach: AutoCAD, Inventor, 3ds max, Maya, Blender oraz w Rhino zobaczysz jak w praktyce twrzy modele 3D pod druk 3D.Co moesz robi po obejrzeniu tego pakietu kursw?Tworzy assety do gierProjektowa unikalne przedmioty podarunkowe przy pomocy druku 3DZaprojektowa swj wymarzony dom, samochd itd.Nabdziesz umiejtno ekpresji poprzez grafike 3DRenderowa fotorealistyczne sceny przy pomocy darmowego oprogramowanie takiego jak Blender 2.8 !Moesz rozpocz karier jako grafik 3D!To prawdziwe kompendium wiedzy o grafice 3D. Czego tak naprawd dotyczy ten pakiet kursw?Kurs Inventor 2012 - 2016Autodesk Inventor to bardzo rozbudowane narzdzie do projektowania czci, ktre moemy poskada w peni dziaajce maszyny. Bez tworzenia fizycznego modelu sprawdzisz co trzeba poprawi. Wszystko to dziki rozbudowanemu interfejsowi, ktry w zalenoci od kontekstu zmienia wygld i funkcje. Tu z pomoc przychodzi nasz kurs gdzie poznasz cay proces od rysowania i wymiarowania czci a po przymierzanie jej z reszt projektu.Autorem tego kursu Inventor jest Mateusz Ertman. Mateusz pracuje w druku 3D i zajmuje si na co dzie grafika komputerowa 3D. Pracowa w znanych Polskich startupach zajmujc si projektowaniem drukarek 3D oraz innych rozwiza wykorzystujcych druk 3D w praktyce. Czego si naucz w tym kursie?Jak narysowa szkicJak okreli wymiarCo to zalenoci automatyczneJak powiela cechyJak tworzy dokumentacje, przekroje oraz liste czciZrobi praktyczny uchwyt na telefon, ktry moemy wydrukowa np. na Drukarce 3DKurs przeznaczony jest dla osb, ktre nigdy nie korzystay z Inventora, lub posiadaj podstawow wiedz o tym programie.Kurs AutoCAD 2011 - 2016 Krelenie, modelowanie i planowanie projektwNaucz si w praktyce rysunku technicznego w 2,5 godziny. Przed Tob pakiet filmw, ktre pozwol Ci na szybkie i efektywne opanowanie programu AutoCAD. AutoCAD jest wykorzystywany w praktycznie kadej brany a umiejtno posugiwania si tym programem bdzie wspomaga Twj proces projektowy. Wszystkie lekcje nagrane s w formie video, ktre krok po kroku demonstruj proces pracy z programem. Do Twojej dyspozycji oddajemy praktyczne filmy instruktaowych prowadzonych przez konstruktorw praktykw z dziedziny projektowania CAD! Lekcje s opracowane tak, aby skorzysta z niego mogy zarwno osoby pocztkujce jak i te, ktre znaj program. Do nauki wymagana jest dowolna wersja AutoCAD 2006-2016. Jeli nigdy nie pracowae w CADzie, logiczny ukad lekcji pozwoli Ci szybko utrwali sobie poznawane funkcjonalnoci. Poniewa w wersji 2009 AutoCAD zmieni wygld ekranu, kurs zawiera omwienie zarwno starego jak i nowego widoku az do wersje AutoCAD 2016.Po omwieniu moliwoci programu AutoCAD, zajmiemy si praktycznym zastosowaniem poznanych funkcji. Wykonamy rzut budynku, zaczynajc od cian, poprzez stolark i cae wyposaenie a do kocowych opisw i rendering 3D.Autorem kursu jest Piotr Antecki w AutoCADzie pracuj od ponad 10 lat. Pierwsze kroki stawia na studiach, aktualnie wykorzystuj go na co dzie pracujc w Pracowni Projektowej Konstrukcji Budowlanych. Zdaj sobie spraw, e dla nie wtajemniczonych AutoCAD moe wyglda gronie i skomplikowanie. Zapewniam Was e tak nie jest. Niektre rzeczy bd atwe i proste w zrozumieniu, niektre bd trudniejsze. W takim przypadku zachcam do ponownego obejrzenia lekcji. Zachcam rwnie do samodzielnego przewiczenia zagadnie z danej lekcji, na pewno prowadzi to bdzie do lepszego opanowania zdobytej wiedzy.Kurs 3D Studio Max 2011 - 2016 Projektowanie stoiska targowego rendering studyjnyTo prawdziwa gratka dla osb, ktre chc rozpocz swoj przygod z grafik 3D, poniewa nie wymaga adnej uprzedniej wiedzy o modelowaniu. Kurs jest adresowany rwnie do osb zainteresowanych projektowaniem wntrz i wizualizacjami. Jego twrc jest dowiadczony projektant, ktry chtnie dzieli si praktycznymi wskazwkami, co czyni proces nauki przyjemnym i inspirujcym dowiadczeniem.Zagadnienia omwione w kursiePoznasz podstawy pracy w Studio 3D MaxNauczysz si nawigacji po programie i przeczania si midzy widokamiNauczysz si tworzy obiekty i zmienia ich waciwociNauczysz si dodawa, odejmowa i edytowa bryy, wykorzystujc funkcje Boolean i opcje typu Slice OnDowiesz si, jak wytacza bryy z dowolnego ksztatuPoznasz opcje kopiowania i skalowania elementw w 3D Studio MaxDowiesz si jak edytowa obiekty za pomoc Editable MeshDowiesz si jak pracowa z teksturami i mapowa obiekty w programieNauczysz si ustawia wiata i poznasz ich rodzajeStworzysz kamery dla projektu, dowiesz si jak z nimi pracowa i jak renderowa widoki z kamerDowiesz si, jak importowa i eksportowa pliki w 3ds Max oraz z programw typu Photoshop czy IllustratorZobaczysz jak wykoczy projekt 3D w Picasa i przygotowa wizualizacj dla klientaAutorzy kursu to wieloletni grafik praktyktant Pawe Uniejewski zajmujcy si renderingiem na potrzeby wizualizacji stoisk targowych.Kurs Maya 2011 - 2016 Kreatywne Projektowanie Postaci od zeraMaya Kurs nauczy Ci, jak budowa modele o czystej topologii bez zbytniego uszczerbku na ich wygldzie. Zdobdziesz solidne podstawy z zakresu modelowania postaci i nakadania tekstur, dziki ktrym unikniesz najczciej popenianych bdw przez pocztkujcych.Zagadnienia omwione w kursie:Poznasz interfejs Maya i nauczysz si dostosowywa go do swoich potrzebNauczysz si pynnej nawigacji po programie i przeczania si pomidzy widokamiNauczysz si tworzy i modyfikowa obiekty w MayaDowiesz si jak odejmowa, ci i czy bryy i jak modelowa obiekty symetrycznePoznasz funkcj Extrude i jej opcjePoznasz Slide Edge Tool i jego opcjeNauczysz si modelowa na poziomie poligonw, vertexw i krawdzi (edges)Dowiesz si, na co zwraca szczegln uwag i jak unikn bdw przy modelowaniu postaci pod animacjNauczysz si pracowa ze Sculp Geometry Tool i zobaczysz, jak adnie wygadzi modelDowiesz si jak pracowa z teksturami i mapowa obiekty w programieNauczysz si ustawia opcje renderuZobaczysz, jak zbudowa prosty szkielet postaciPoznasz metody rigging'u i skinning'u w Maya. Autor kursu Arkadiusz Szplit jest Absolwentem Informatyki na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza, nastpnie Ilustracji i Designu na Uniwersytecie w Sunderland (UK). Grafik 3D zajmuje si ju ponad 10 lat. Pracuje na programach Maya, Zbrush 3, Photoshop CS5. Jego projekt zwyciy w konkursie na maskotk portalu mepi o czym zrealizowa powyszy kurs.Kurs Blender 2.5 - 2.8 (nowo!)Od Podstaw do mastera Blender jest dla kadego i kzdy szanujcy sie grafik 3D powinien go przynajmniej pozna. Dlaczego? To darmowy program do modelowania oraz animowania 3D. Jest to kompletne rodowisko do pracy z obiektami trjwymiarowymi. Blender ma rwnie due moliwoci co komercyjne programy tego typu. Z ca pewnoci jest to najpotniejszy darmowy program do grafiki. Zobacz ten legendarny kurs, ktry przedstawia podstawowe aspekty pracy jak i bardziej zaawansowane techniki. Poradnik ten, krok po kroku pokae w jaki sposb porusza si po wszystkich funkcjach oraz przedstawi techniki modelowania, teksturowania oraz animacji.Kurs Blender jest prowadzony przez Bartosz'a Barowskiego i Mateusza Ertmana. Bartosz wprowadzi ci w podstawy zajmuje si scenariuszem i produkcj filmw instruktaowych od ponad 10 lat. Pasj Mateusza jest druk 3D, grafika komputerowa 3D, IT oraz nowe technologie. Oboje pracowali w znanych Polskich startupach takich jak Omni 3D zajmujc si projektowaniem drukarek 3D oraz innych rozwiza wykorzystujych druk 3D. Kurs Rhinoceros 3D / Rhino 3DProjektowanie parametryczne dla druku 3DOprogramowanie jest poczeniem CAD/CAM/CAE oraz Mesha. Program ten moe by stosowany przy projektowaniu form przemysowych, wspomaganiu procesw produkcji jak i podczas tworzenia interaktywnych animacji i gier.Wielkim plusem programu Rhino jest mnogo wtyczek, ktre pozwalaj wzbogaci jego i tak spore moliwoci projektowania poznasz jak projektowac parametrycznie w Grasshopper. Kurs prowadzony przez Basia Pyper - specjalno: Industrial Design ukoczya z wyrnieniem na School of Form w Poznaniu. Basia pracujc nad rozwizaniami dla obecnych i przyszych wyzwa w designie pokazuje jak parametrycznie mona tworzy modele 3D. Na uczelni zrealizowaa projekt ""Polsk Sztuk Ludow w jzyku Nowych technologii"" obecnie pracuje jako projektant w UK.Czy ten kurs jest dla mnie?Kompedium Grafik 3D to gratka dla kadej osoby, ktra chce zgebia tajniki grafiki 3D na wielu paszczyznach nie ograniczajc si do umiejtnoci obsugi tylko jednego programu. Przed Tob swoi Twj wiat. Zapisz si na ten unikalny kurs z grafiki i animacji komputerowej ju dzi!"
Price: 549.99

"Kurs Tworzenia Stron WWW MEGAPACK" |
"Z tym kursem projektowania stron internetowych moesz tworzy zacz robistronyinternetowe. To prostsze ni moe ci si wydawa szczeglnie na Wordpress. Jeeli marzysz o wasnym blogu i nie wiesz, od czego zaczzacznij od podstaw! Nasz pakiet video tutoriali w w prosty i przystpny sposb przekae Ci potrzebne informacje, aby bez specjalistycznej wiedzy zacz tworzy swoj pierwsz stron.Wykorzystujc darmoweoprogramowania moe atwozaistnie w sieci.PIERWSZASTRONAWWW.KursWordPress pokae, w jaki sposb znale skrk dla wasnej strony i zacz j edytowa. Warto si pobawi rnymi funkcjami, gdy dziki temu kady mody webmaster bdzie mg pozna lepiej swoj stron internetow. Poka ci krok po kroku jak to si robi.Co dalej w programie kursu? Omwimy najpopularniejszeoprogramowanie potrzebne do zarzdzania stronami inernetowymi takiej jak Joomla!ZARZDZANIESTRONWWW.Kurs Joomla! odsania tajniki jednego z najpopularniejszych narzdzi do zarzdzaniastron internetow. Autorzy kursu przedstawiaj na praktycznych przykadach zarwno podstawy Joomla! jest otwartym i darmowym oprogramowaniem.Poznaszzaawansowane aspekty tego potnego kreatora. Dowiesz si w jaki sposb krok po kroku postawisklep internetowy z bezpieczn bramk do patnoci. Posiadajc t jedn umiejtno moe od razuzacz zarabia rynku bo jest to co czego szukaj klienci na strony internetowe.Wykup hosting albo - naucz si sam i postaw serwer www na Ubuntu. Te to u nas znajdziesz. Ponadto! Zawarte lekcje z programowania tym kursie otworz Twjumys. Nauczysz si robi to realizujc i rozwizujc proste wyzwania programistyczne dla potrzeb stron internetowych. W trakcie produkcji tego kursu video zdarzay nam si wpadki, ktre ""na ywo""rozwizujemy pokazujc efekt kocowy.Kady webmaster musi pozna czym s statystyki stron internetowych. Dlatego przygotowalimy Kurs Google Analytics jest dla osb, ktre pragn dowiedzie si kto i jak trafi na stron internetow. Rozbudowane opcje tego narzdzia daj obecnie moliwoci dokadnej analizy witryny www, jej poprawienia, ustawienia sobie celw i walki o jak najwiksza liczb odbiorcw.Jeli chcesz dowiedzie sie w jaki sposb wykorzysta to bezpatne narzdzie analizy stron internetowych, ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie. Dowiedz si kim s Twoi odbiorcy, sprawd rda odwiedzin Twojej strony internetowej oraz przygotuj plan rozwoju strony. Wszystkiego tego dowiesz si w tym rozbudowanym kursie Google Analytics.Nauczmy si od podstaw jednego z najpopularniejszych narzdzi dostpnych w internecie. Dziki niemu bdziesz mg doskonale pozna Twoj stron internetow. Wraz z kursem sprawdzisz skd pochdz Twoi odiorcy, jakiej przegldarki uywaj i czy menu ktre dla nich przygotowae jest czytelne.Google Analytics jest bezpatnym narzdziem przygotowanym przez najpopularniejsz wyszukiwark internetow. Z Analytics korzystaj najwiksze firmy, i teraz rwnie Ty moesz skorzysta z tych zaawansowanych opcji. Poznaj je i zobacz, jak w prosty sposb moesz poprawi dziaanie wasnej strony internetowej.Nasz kurs kierowany jest do osb, ktre posiadaj ju stron internetow i chc sprawdzi, jak ona popularnoci si cieszy. Jednak kurs ten rwnie kierujemy do zaawansowanych uytkownikw, ktrzy chc dokadniej pozna narzdzia dostepne w Google Analytics.Kurs skada si cznie z kilku czci, i kady - zarwno pocztkujcy jak i zaawansowany uytkownik z pewnoci znajdzie przydatne informacje. Sprawd wic nasze filmy i poznaj dokadnie Google analytics.KURS CAY CZAS JEST POSZERZANY.W tymmegapack znajdziesz julegendarnyKurs Flash. Flash na stronach www ju znik ale jako technologia zostaa zastpiona teraz przez Adobe Animate CC, ktry ju jest wykorzystywany do animacji na stronach www. Jego plikiem wynikowym jest HTML5, ktry dziaa na kadej przegldarce!Interfejs programu mg uleczmianie wizualnejale zasady projektowania pozostay bez zmian od pocztku kiedy gdy pierwszypowsta Flash. Dlatego dodaje tenkurs do tego pakietu.PROGRAMOWANIESTRON WWW.Nie musze nikogo przekonywa, e programowanie to podstawowaumiejtno, za ktra inni s skonni zapaci.Warto pozna podstawy i zrozumie jak to zaczrobi w HTML5, PHP, SQL i oczywiciePython. Wszystko w jednym miejscu. To na co czekasz? Docz do kursu!"
Price: 549.99

"Game Design MEGAPACK Tworzenie gier komputerowych od podstaw" |
"Uwaga! Kurs jest przygotowany pod aktualizacje, ktra pojawi sie najponiej do koca teog roku. Aktualizacja bzdie zawiera najnowsze wersje silnikw do gier. Rozumiemy, e wersje zmieniaj si tak szybko ale fundamenty projektowania gier pozostaja takie same. Zapisujc si na ten kurs masz pewno, e tematy takie wirtualna rzeczywito, fotogrametria dla gier komputerowych bd zawarte w aktualizacji tego kursu.TutajDowiesz si w jaki sposb powstaje gra komputerowa od podstaw. W kursie przedstawiamy procesy modelowania oraz importu i integracji modeli w silniku graficznym Unity 3D oraz podtaw programowania. W procesie tworzenia uywamy w wikszoci darmowego oprogramowania eby kady mg stworzy wasn gr.Unity 3d to w peni profesjonalne, a co wicej darmowe narzdzie na PC/Mac do tworzenia gier komputerowych. Wykorzystujemykompletne rodowisko, wyposaone we wszelkie funkcje potrzebne do stworzenia kompletnej gry komputerowej na dowoln platform. Unity 3d jest atwe w obsudze i przejrzyste, pozwalajc Ci skupi si w peni na realizacji Twoich pomysw. Przedstawiamy nowy poradnik Unity 3d ktry wprowadzi Was w tajniki projektowania gry komputerowej."
Price: 549.99

"Presenting with Confidence: Prepare, Practice and Perform!" |
"""Great course with actionable, specific advice that inspires confidence. If this course helps me be half as confident as the instructor, I'll look like a hero!"" -Frank Visciano, Head of Marketplace Content + Operations, Udemy""Alexa has a dynamic style that will light you up!"" - Ron PriceSquash overwhelm. Kick procrastination to the curb. Never risk winging it again. Yes, you can nail your next presentation by wowing your audience with effortless ease. When you take the time to prepare, with the right tools, you will rock your next talk. I can show you how.Hi!My name is Alexa Fischer and I'm a best-selling Udemy instructor for over 6 years. As an expert in the areas of manifesting personal power and mastering interpersonal connection, my work helps people tap into, and light up their utmost potential.Having a fabulous presentation is about understanding your audience, creating engaging content, and polishing your delivery so you can release your inhibitions and allow your incredible energy to shine. And best of all, when you become a confident, charismatic speaker, you influence others.In this course, I outline everything you need to get prepared once and for all.Through action-oriented, specific (yet inspirational!) videos, you will learn:success strategies to map out your schedule so you stay on tracktools to overcome self doubt so you can build your confidencestrategies to create your contentskills to become a great storytellertricks to remember what you want to stay instead of reading from a boring scriptperformance techniques to help you stay grounded and calmdynamic body language and vocal skills to radiate confidencemethods to connect with your audience right from the startWhen you are prepared, you give yourself the freedom to enjoy the moment. When you are connected to your love of the subject matter, you radiate great energy. When you speak with confidence and ease, your audience feels it. They appreciate it. And they remember you.Its time to unlock your light so you can share your message brilliantly. I can't wait to work with you."
Price: 94.99

"Leadership Skills: How to Increase Your Influence at Work" |
"Lets face it, you are influencing people all the time. The question is, are you doing it strategically, with intention and effort to build the careerthat you secretly know you deserve? Opportunities do not come to people who sit on the sidelines. In order to catch the winning pass, you likely need to be playing the game. Sports metaphors aside, when you take action toward what you want in life, life becomes so much more rewarding - emotionally, mentally and financially.In this course, you will learn to:Develop leadership skills that get you noticed at workCreate an action plan around your intended goalsEmbody the personality traits that help people connect with you easilyDiscover opportunities to build influence as a writer, networker or speakerExplore opportunities for ongoing education to expand your knowledgeEachsection of this course covers the tools you need to expand your influence, with step-by-step exercises to help you identify the opportunities to grow within your organization as well as ideas to expand your reach to the greater public. In addition, youll receive a comprehensive workbook that covers all the exercises in each short video lesson.Having influence means that you are affecting the lives of others through your presence, your thoughts, and your actions. Having greater influence at work means...You get the big promotion.You get invited to the party.You are acknowledged as an expert in your field.You land the big client.You meet your internet hero.You get requests to be interviewed.You feel amazing at the end of the day.You have everything you need to start sharing your voice on lifes bigger stages, but its time to get clear about what you want and how to grow your influence both inside and outside of your company. I can show you how.Why Learn From Me?I teach executives, teams, and companies of all sizes how to connect more fully to themselves and each other. From executives at Trader Joes and SONY, to Dress For Success and the National Charity League, to an appearance on The Today Show Ive empowered thousands of individuals and teams to land new clients, focus their vision and articulate their goals, engage more meaningfully with customers, and communicate better with each other. As a best-selling Udemy instructor, Im touched bysome of theamazing feedback about my courses and teaching style.The instructor is so personable, genuine, and honest in her desire to help you, and she is knowledgeable and experienced in her topic. - Gwen K, Udemy StudentShe is a great teacher, detailed, charismatic and motivating! - Cynthia Deslauriers, Udemy studentAlexa is phenomenal at expressing her thoughts and guiding her students through exercises to live a bigger and better life! - Juan Jacob Estrada, Udemy studentThroughout my journey as a coach, speaker and even a professional actress, I discovered I had an unmistakable ability to help people tap into their own brilliant light and manifest real change. Feel free to check out some of the preview videos and see for yourself!There are no limits to what you can achieve. Its time for you to unlock your full potential and embrace the journey of sharing your best and brightest self. When you do, you are also helping others do the same.No need to wait any longer. Its time to begin.Lets get started."
Price: 94.99

"Giving Effective Feedback: Empower and Retain Your Employees" |
"We all need guidance. Learn to become the mentor you always wished you had.Its time to unlock the power of feedback, both positive and negative, so you can establish yourself as a coach, not a critic. By the end of this course, your employees will see you as a champion of their efforts and a trusted resource to help them reach their (as well as your) goals.Remember, feedback isnt about criticism. Its about constructive, honest, proactive and precise advice that empowers your employees with the skills they need to succeed. In this course, you will learn to: Overcome uncertainty and hesitation around delivering feedbackDevelop a simple system for identifying goals in advanceBuild a consistent schedule for monitoring progress along the wayEmpower employees with a positive communication styleDeliver feedback in a confident, authentic mannerEach section of this course delivers insights into the purpose, the pitfalls, and the critical skills you need to give effective, informative and even inspirational feedback. The video lessons are short, actionable and deliver exercises that you can complete as you go. In addition, you receive a comprehensive workbook that covers all the exercises included in the course. When you offer feedback on a regular basis, with structure and specificity - you all reach your goals faster.So what are the strategies for getting your employees to understand that you are on their side? How do you get them to trust you? How do you develop systems so that you can stay consistent and specific with your feedback?Thats where I come in. I teach executives, teams, and companies of all sizes how to connect more fully to themselves and each other. From executives at Trader Joes and SONY, to Dress For Success and the National Charity League, to an appearance on The Today Show Ive empowered thousands of individuals and teams to land new clients, focus their vision and articulate their goals, engage more meaningfully with customers, and communicate better with each other.As a best-selling Udemy instructor, Ive heard some amazing feedback about my courses and teaching style.The instructor is so personable, genuine, and honest in her desire to help you, and she is knowledgeable and experienced in her topic. - Gwen K, Udemy Student She is a great teacher, detailed, charismatic and motivating! - Cynthia Deslauriers, Udemy studentAlexa is phenomenal at expressing her thoughts and guiding her students through exercises to live a bigger and better life! - Juan Jacob Estrada, Udemy studentThroughout my journey as a coach, speaker and even a professional actress, I discovered I had an unmistakable ability to help people tap into their own brilliant light and manifest real change.Its time to ditch your hesitation around giving feedback. Life is simply too short to stay stuck with:a fear of coming off too bossy, too pushy or too condescendinga lack of structure to how and when you offer feedback so that people listenan inability to find the right words in the momentsome hidden bias that filter the way you perceive someones actionsYou can do this and I would love to show you how.With amazing feedback strategies, you'll beable to retain your best employees through positive, proactive communication skills, more easily train new employees to become top performers and empower everyone else along the way.In other words everybody willwin. Get started now!"
Price: 94.99

"Networking with Confidence: Grow Your Circle of Influence" |
"When you hear the words networking event, what immediately pops into your mind? A fistful of business cards?People aimlessly staring around the room looking for someone to talk to? The awkward hesitation when you inevitably hear, So what do YOU do?Networking doesnt have to be lame. In fact, its one of the most priceless skills to connect with others, expand your influence and grow your career. Its bad reputation comes from the fact that most people dont know how to do it well - in a way that is genuine, exciting and rewarding for everyone involved.When you have the skills it takes to connect with others, you have the power of finding the right person, at the right time. It could be an introduction to your next big client. It could be a critical referral to a doctor. It could be meeting your future wife or husband. Every great relationship begins with hello.In this course, you will learn to: Overcome the most common mistakes people make at networking eventsIdentify the key events and opportunities that you need to attendPrepare yourself in advance so you can arrive feeling confident and calmTalk about yourself in a compelling way so people want to learn moreConnect with influencers that you have been longing to meetBecome a power connector so everyone wins in the relationshipEach section of this course delivers insights into the art of networking. Youll discover a step-by-step process that takes you from hesitation and overwhelm to genuine enthusiasm for meeting new people. Each short video lesson comes with exercises and resources to put the concepts into action immediately. In addition, youll receive a comprehensive workbook to help you along the way.Why Learn From Me?Hi. Im Alexa Fischer and Im here to help unlock All 1000 Watts of your personal power.As a speaker and coach, Ive worked with CEOs and everyday people, small nonprofits and complex global corporations and do you know what they all have in common? Invariably, their greatest untapped resource is their own light. As an expert in the areas of manifesting personal power and mastering interpersonal connection, my work helps people tap into, and light up their utmost potential.From executives atTrader Joes and SONY, to nonprofit organizations like Dress For Success and the National Charity League, to an appearance on The Today Show, Ive help people get clear, get communicating, and get shining.As a best-selling Udemy instructor, Ive been honored to receive some amazing feedback about my courses and teaching style.The instructor is so personable, genuine, and honest in her desire to help you, and she is knowledgeable and experienced in her topic. - Gwen K, Udemy Student""She is a great teacher, detailed, charismatic and motivating! - Cynthia Deslauriers, Udemy studentAlexa is phenomenal at expressing her thoughts and guiding her students through exercises to live a bigger and better life! - Juan Jacob Estrada, Udemy studentThroughout my journey as a coach, speaker and even a professional actress, I discovered I had an unmistakable ability to help people tap into their own brilliant light and manifest real change.Its time to reinvent the way you approach networking so you can connect with the people you are meant to connect with and they can connect with you. Get started now and learn to unlock your best and brightest self (even at the buffet line!).See you in class!"
Price: 94.99

"Salsa On2/Mambo (New York Style) - Level 1/Beginner Footwork" |
"Learn Salsa On2/Mambo (New York Style) TODAY!Order your course, invite a friend, put your dancing shoes on and ENJOY!!!!I designed this course with the complete beginner in mind. Short videos and slow detailed teaching will help you to learn faster. There are 9 Salsa Footwork steps in this course....all necessary to have a good time on the dance floor. Salsa/Mambo is made up of 2 Parts, Footwork & Partnerwork. THIS is the Footwork video so make sure to sign up for the Partnerwork course as well. YES, you can take both courses at the same time! No prior dance training or experience necessary. Salsa On2 is the most popular style of Salsa all over the world so join the FUN!!!Learn Salsa On2 NOW!#Salsa #OnSean #Seaon"
Price: 19.99

"History of Broadcast" |
"This course is a supplement to a course I teach offline and as a hybrid at DVC. The video content exists to assist students in absorbing the course content in a manner that is visual and self-paced. The content is open to anyone with an interest in learning more about the history of broadcast which includes the following aspects: technical advances, key players, influential policies, and the cultural climate that influenced and was influenced by the broadcast content. We will also look at the relationship between the producers/ creators and the audience."
Price: 19.99

"The Comprehensive PTSD Course" |
"**THE ONLY DEDICATED AND COMPREHENSIVE PTSD COURSE ON UDEMY!**** In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download at the start of every section of this course which contains every slide of all 85lectures and 100s of helpful internet links to organisations, free-source academic articles, media, self-tests and assessments, etc, keeping the course up to date, even easier to understand & even more engaging! ** The amount of information on PTSD is vast and growing everyday. This course was created to compress the most vital information into a widely-accessible and comprehensive online program that was targeted at everyone, not just academics and those experts working with PTSD on a daily basis. In order to keep it succinct, I have also included an expansive range of external links that will allow you to continue to explore PTSD at the level and depth you require.Are you ready to take your knowledge to the next level? In this most comprehensive course, you will learn everything you need to know about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and will acquire substantial integrated knowledge, allowing you to take more control of your own PTSD, support your family or friends with a PTSD diagnosis in a much more informed way, or provide better preventative frameworks and positive interventions for your clients, workplace, and industry. This course covers all of the important topics you will learn from getting a PTSD education from a University program or professional workplace course.This course is taught by a highly-experienced University and College Educator with significant real world experience working clinically with people with PTSD, the families of those with PTSD, and consulting with front-line organisations committed to improving the outcomes of their personnel. This includes work within the mental health realm, as well and integrated mental and physical health interventions, and the use of evidence based adjunctive therapies including complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The frameworks, concepts, knowledge, andresources used within this program closely align with those used throughout my Masters Program at Griffith University (Australia) where I specialised in the areas of disability, rehabilitation, clinical counselling and mental health, with a specific focus on Trauma and PTSD (particularly as it related to military and emergency services personnel and their families). Psychological and Mental Health information can be full ofjargon and complicated for those who may not have a professional background in this area. I have done my best to keep the course simple and relevant, whilst providing the ability to practically integrate the new learnings into your personallife and/or professional life.(The Comprehensive PTSDCoursecopyright 2016, ofthe author, Pta Phelan MRC)__________________________________________________________________________________**Disclaimer**Information in this presentation is for educational purposes only. The information provided throughout the presentation does not substitute professional and informed medical advice or training. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat a mental health problem without consulting an appropriately qualified mental health professional.**Trigger Warning**This course presentation and the associated linked material, contains information about sexual assault, violence, suicide, disaster, war, or other traumatic events and experiences which may be triggering to PTSD survivors.__________________________________________________________________________________A 'Certificate of Completion'will be available upon request."
Price: 199.99

"Create a Responsive Website with Adobe Muse CC" |
"Learn how to create a fully-functioning, on trend website using Adobe Muse CC. No need to learn strings of code to develop your sites, plus have huge control over the way they look and function.This course takes a hands on approach to teaching so if you like you can use the working files to follow along with the videos. They walk you through the whole process from planning to publishing.This tool is a great addition to any creatives skill-set, opening up a whole new world of possibilities, clients and projects.In this course you will first establish the design of our website. A closer look at what you will learn: Everything involved in planning a website.How to design everything in Muse, including working with images, shapes, text and more.Adding interactivity such as navigation, widgets, links and buttons etc.At this point we will already have a working website. Then explore more the more complex capabilities of Adobe Muse and improve the website with the following features:Making the site responsive for it to look good on all screen sizesLearning about parallax effects in Muse.Finally learn about optimising your site for SEO and how to publishing the site online.Working alongside the videos will help you to make the most of this course. You will need to pick your own subject. Which could be anything from a friends portfolio site to an actual clients small business website. If you are unsure you could even just create a fan-page for the last movie you saw in the cinema.Who will find it useful:Anyone interested in building their own website either portfolio or for a client.Beginners to Muse who would like to gain plenty of confidence in the software.Current users who are looking to improve their knowledge. Those interested in Web, UI or UX design.You will need Adobe Muse CC to complete this task. Dont forget to also submit your finished work to the Muse Site of the Day to get your work out there and find potential clients.Martin is an Adobe Certified Instructor who has years of experience teaching in both and online in classroom environments. He has also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects. The examples and techniques used have been developed over this time to deliver the most efficient and enjoyable approach to teaching and learning. Ready to get started creating your your own website? Enrol now and let's get going."
Price: 74.99

"Illustrator CC 2020 MasterClass" |
"Udemys best-selling Illustrator course by one of the Top 10 Adobe Instructors in the world teaches you to use this industry-leading vector graphic application as a creative professional. The whole course content, including examples, techniques, exercises and quizzes have been carefully selected and refined to offer the most efficient and enjoyable way to master Adobe Illustrator.This course has been purposely designed for users of all experiences, from complete beginners to existing Illustrator users, who want to take their skills to the next level. Being able to confidently work in Illustrator is an essential skill for any Graphic Designer or Illustrator, but it is an equally useful tool for Product Designers, Fashion Designers, UI/UX designers and various other areas within and outside of the creative industry.The course has great content, well explained and having you feeling confident with the software at the end.James PopeMore about Adobe Illustrator: Illustrator is the industry-standard vector graphics application that lets you create logos, icons, sketches, typography and complex illustrations for print, web, interactive, video and mobile devices. Its time saving features allow users to create work quickly and efficiently at the highest professional standard. A closer look at what you will learn: We will start with the basics, so you feel totally at ease with the interface, preferences, setting up new documents. We will also cover fundamental principles like the difference between vector and pixel graphics.The next two chapters will teach you everything you need to know about working with objects in Illustrator. These are the buildings blocks of all vector graphics so these initial lessons will help you to understand and work with more complex tools later on.Next up, in the drawing section of the course, master drawing modes, the Pen tool, Curvature tool and all the different ways you can draw and manipulate paths.Next learn about the different types of Brushes and how to make the most of their unique features. You will also learn how to create your own custom brushes.In the next chapters you will learn about tracing photographs with a powerful feature called Image Trace and everything you need to know about adding type to your illustrations.Once you are comfortable with all of that you can move onto the Advanced Techniques section, which will introduce more complex features like Symbols, Graphs, Gradient Meshes, Perspective Drawing, Recolor Artwork and workflows like Masking.Finally, discover how to correctly export your work for print and screen, and ways to share and archive your projects.An outstanding course! I've taken many Udemy courses where the instructor just rambles on, or circles around the same point several times. But here, every word uttered is part of the lesson. No fluff, no uhms, no nonsense. With that level of focus, it's very easy to follow, learn and remember. Laurie KnappThis course includes:94 Videos (12 hours of total playtime)Interactive quizzes testing what you learnt in each chapterDownloadable working filesCourse content updated with the latest CC 2020 new featuresAll future updates to Illustrator will be included in this course for no extra paymentEstimated finish time: 25 hours (including finishing all exercises and quizzes)Preparation guide for the official Adobe Certified Associate exam: Graphic Design & Illustration using Adobe IllustratorCompletion certificate upon finishing the entire courseMartin is an Adobe Certified Instructor voted as one of the Top 10 Adobe instructors in the world with years of experience teaching in classrooms, seminars and webinars. He also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects for clients such as Disney, Accenture, Mattel, etc.This course includes really great and useful practical exercises for each chapter. I also enjoyed the quiz at the end of each chapter as you learn the things explained in more depth. Seriously, there's nothing I would've wanted to change about this course. A great masterclass for beginners to learn fast and start being a graphic designer.Jessica MuellerWho will find it useful:Perfect for anyone looking to start or develop their career in the creative industry.Complete beginners will be able to master the software from the very beginning to the most advanced features. Self-taught users and existing professionals can use the course to take their skills and knowledge to the next level, refine their workflows and learn to do everything the right way!Existing and more experienced users of Illustrator may also discover hidden gems and workflows or catch up with all the new features released in CC 2020.Skills you will gain:Producing vector graphics for print and screenUsing all the time-saving features of Illustrator and work efficientlyDesigning logos and brand identities for clientsCreating vector illustrations, infographics and iconsTracing scanned drawings and sketches and turning them into scalable vector graphicsProducing repeatable patterns for product packaging, apparels and stationaries.Ready to master and create brand new work with confidence in Adobe Illustrator? Enroll on this course and lets get started."
Price: 199.99

"Drawing Characters with Photoshop and Illustrator CC" |
"Learn to create and illustrate your very own characters like a creative professional with this project-based course. It will provide you with working files and a step by step workflow that you will be able to follow. Master all the methods professional character artists use and apply then to your projects. Whatever character design project you decide to take on next you will know exactly where to start, what to do and have the technical confidence to create great work. Great course! It's very interesting to see how a project like this goes from start to completion. The explanations are clear and concise. I love it.Alain Berthelot Learn the methods and techniques required for drawing characters from two creative professionals: concept artist Almu and graphic designer Martin who work on this project as a team. Each of them have different set of professional skills and best practices to share with you.You will mainly be working in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, however the skills you learn can be easily transferred into other pieces of software you might want to work in. Its useful to have basic knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator to make the most of this course.A closer look at what you will learn: The first chapter will welcome you to the course and walk you through the brief Martin and Almu will be working on together. The second chapter is all about the Concept Stage, where you will learn about style, shape, proportions, silhouettes and loads more. Almu will be walking you through her process of refining character concepts using Adobe Photoshop and applying all the important aspects and principles of good character design.Then its on to the design stage, where Martin will continue with the finished concept art and turning them into vector artwork using Adobe Illustrator. In this chapter you will learn about features and techniques like adding colour, detail, shading and loads more.In the conclusion to the course you will learn the correct and professional way to export your working files ready to be used for both print and web. About the instructors: Martin is an Adobe Certified Instructor and has been working in the industry as a Graphic Designer for more than 10 years for clients like Pixars Cars and Toy Story and Mattels Hot Wheels. He has not only developed his own successful career and business but has helped others on the way to doing the same. Almu is a storyboard artist, visual development and concept artist with a passion for stories. She has worked as visual development artist for animation films and TV series, as well as concept artist and storyboard artist for the VFX industry for clients like Disney and LucasArts. This course includes: 25 Videos2.5 Hours of learning content Downloadable project filesCompletion certificate upon finishing the entire courseWho will find it useful:Perfect for anyone who is passionate about illustration and wants to develop their skills.Anyone who wants to develop their own characters and work as Concept or Character artists.Existing illustrators who want to get more involved with character design. Those who would like to learn more about drawing in Illustrator and Photoshop.This course made me aware of loads of things you can do with Illustrator that I've never realised before, despite having used it for years. I loved the section taught by Martins co-instructor, which gave insight into giving your characters a personality. That was really eye-opening!Sue MoseleySkills you will gain:Coming up with and sketching unique and engaging charactersCreating characters confidently applying design principles and best practices used by professionalsProducing vector artwork that can be used both on web, print and animationCreating character illustrations ready to be sold as stock assetsReady to start creating your own awesome characters? Enroll to this course now and get started!"
Price: 74.99

"App Design with Adobe Xd" |
"With Adobe Xd you can quickly visualise app ideas, turning wireframes into interactive, animated prototypes and testing them out on desktop browsers on or your mobile devices. This course teaches you all the features of Adobe Xd by demonstrating a full app design workflow. Downloading the project files you can follow along and create your first working app prototype. You can also learn how to combine Adobe Xd with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and utilise the seamless integration between these creative tools intended to be used in combination.Being able to create your own prototypes gives you ultimate control over the design of an app or website, you can improve the user experience with ease and even have others test out the design to see what they think. This application not only saves you time that would be spent going back and forth between wireframes and mockups, it also allows you to show a client exactly what they are getting much earlier in the creative process.This is an excellent foray into Adobe XD. I knew nothing about it when I started, now I can use XD to design my own projects.Thomas Hverring A closer look at what you will learn: Learn the basics of User Experience Design (UXD) and why it became such an important segment of the creative industry with the increased usage and importance of mobile devices.Next up you can learn how to prepare a new project. Master wireframing as well as designing and gathering assets to use.Then its all about getting to grips with Adobe Xd. This section will cover Artboards, Drawing, working with Text, Images and loads more! Next its time to design your own app by following along with training videos and practise with the included project files. Finally learn about creating transition and interactions to create a working a app prototype. Once you are finished with the course you will have a fully functioning prototype and be ready to create loads more! This course includes: 25 Videos 2.5 Hours of total playtimeDownloadable working files All future updates to Adobe Xd will be included in this course for no extra paymentEstimated finish time: 5 hours (including finishing all exercises)Completion certificate upon finishing the entire courseBeing a hands-on learner, I enjoyed following along with the instructor and creating the project with the supplied exercise files. Thorough start to finish instructions. I feel confident now to start my own app prototypes.Janine Eisner-WallMartin is an Adobe Certified Instructor voted as one of the Top 10 Adobe instructors in the world with years of experience teaching in classrooms, seminars and webinars. He also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects for clients such as Disney, Accenture, Mattel, etc.Who will find it useful:Those who are brand new to Adobe Xd and want to learn from the basics.Anyone who would like a professional career in UX/UI design.Existing creative professionals who are looking to grow their knowledge/transition into these areas.Anyone who has an idea for a potential application they would like to bring to life. Anyone who is interested in the future of prototyping. Skills you will gainUnderstanding core concepts and rules of user experience designTurning wireframes into engaging screen layoutsBuilding a fully functioning app prototype by adding interactions, transitions and animationsBeing able to share your prototype with others and ask for their comments.Stay ahead of the game and master Adobe Xd by enrolling to this course today!"
Price: 74.99

"Getting Into the Creative Industry" |
"Starting a career in the creative industry can be challengingas there are a lot of choices one has to make. In this course you are guided through these decisions by two creative professionals. Martin, who has been in the industry for more than 10 years and Emily, who graduated only a year ago.Their conversation about the challenges in their career,and their different perspectives provide great insights for anyone planning to start their creative career."
Price: 49.99

"InDesign CC 2020 MasterClass" |
"The aim of this course is to teach you to use InDesign like a creative professional. Learn all of the best practises for working in InDesign so you feel 100% confident in creating new work, always know which tool or feature to use, and never waste time doing things the long way.Adobe InDesign is one of the three core applications created by Adobe and will prove to be an essential tool in all sorts of design projects. Which is why its a must know for any Graphic Designer and mastering the software in and out will be extremely valuable when it comes to creating commercial work. More about Adobe InDesign: InDesign is the industry-leading page design and layout design application which allows you to work across desktop and mobile devices. Its ability to handle long documents with dozens or even hundreds of high resolution images without any lag or compromise on quality is unrivaled by any piece of software.InDesigns real strength lies in its immensely detailed typographic features, which allow users to refine the copy they work with to the smallest details.Even before finishing the course, I was able to work and earn on three projects using InDesign. Martin is a great teacher, I recommend this for a total newbie who wants to become a professional. It's EASY!!! Paul AvanA closer look at what you will learn: First of we will start with the basics, so you feel totally at ease with the interface, settings preferences and creating documents. The next three chapters are all about introducing you to all of the brilliant tools and features in InDesign. Including Image & Text Frames, using Pages, choosing Fonts and Formatting Text. Then we move onto creating layouts, drawing, how to work with Swatches, Effects, Blend Modes, Grids and more!Once you know how to design a layout you can start to learn about compositional techniques, this is where the course presents a unique learning opportunity. The more complex features in InDesign are explained in the final three chapters of the course, so by then you will already be extremely familiar and comfortable with the tools/interface and feel confident and ready to master the more advanced techniques. These chapters include Mastering Styles, Advanced Text Features and Handling Assets and much more. This is awesome! I've been using InDesign for a few years now, but am largely self-taught. This course is filling in the gaps of my knowledge and connecting the dots brilliantly! Keeley StittThis course includes: 81 Videos (10 hours of total playtime) Interactive quizzes testing what you learnt in each chapterDownloadable working files including an in-depth Workbook with interactive exercisesCourse content updated with the latest CC 2020 new featuresAll future updates to InDesign will be included in this course for no extra paymentEstimated finish time: 25 hours (including finishing all exercises and quizzes)Preparation guide for the official Adobe Certified Associate exam: Print & digital media publication using Adobe InDesignCompletion certificate upon finishing the entire courseMartin is an Adobe Certified Instructor voted as one of the Top 10 Adobe instructors in the world with years of experience teaching in classrooms, seminars and webinars. He also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects for clients such as Disney, Accenture, Mattel, etc. The examples and techniques in this course have been selected and refined to offer the most efficient and enjoyable way to master Adobe InDesign.Who will find it useful:Perfect for anyone looking to start or develop their career in the creative industry.Complete beginners will be able to master the software from the very beginning to the most advanced features. Self-taught users and existing professionals can use the course to take their skills and knowledge to the next level, refine their workflows and learn to do everything the right way!Existing and more experienced users of Illustrator may also discover hidden gems and workflows or catch up with all the new features released in CC 2020.Thoroughly enjoyed my experience with this course and thought that it was very well laid out. For instance, Martin puts a few of the more challenging subject matters pretty far into the course, so that you've already built confidence with all of the basics and even a few simpler but advanced techniques. Plus, Martin also reiterates a lot of previous lessons throughout new ones -- just calling attention back to them and reusing -- so everything sinks in very nicely and becomes part of your workflow. Jessica HinckleSkills you will gain:Creating everything from printed books to brochures, magazines, eBooks and interactive online PDFs.Designing engaging page layouts for both print and digital publications quickly and efficiently at the highest professional standard.Mastering the complex typographic features and the ability to work efficiently with long documents like catalogs and books.Work with and manipulate a huge variety of creative assets including images, text, simple illustration.Ready to master Adobe InDesign? Start today by enrolling on this course!"
Price: 199.99

"Easy Coloring Book Design" |
"Would you like to be able to create your own hand drawn coloring pages the easy way?Whether you love to color or you want to tap into the popular trend of adult coloring books, I will take you step-by-step through the process of creating hand drawn coloring book pages.I recently created my own adult coloring book pages for my book, ""Broken Crayons Still Color"" and now want to share what I learned with you.There is so much you can do once you have your designs. You can use them personally to color or to give them to family and friends. Or you can create coloring pages to sell in books or on other products.By the end of this class, you will have your very own coloring book page to use in whatever way you want.When you sign up forthis class you will get my resources list which includes all the supplies you need, websites to find free public domain images, and also how to create script lettering in a Word document if you are not confident in your hand lettering yet.What You Will Need:PaperPencil and eraserPenLet's get started!"
Price: 24.99
