"Face Reading" |
"As far as I know the only place this science is currently taught is the U.S. Judicial System for criminal profiling and jury selection. That sucks! It's not right that this information is withheld. We should all be taught it in kindergarten! I believe this Knowledge should be available to everyone, so I have created this course. How many of the world's problems result because everyone thinks, that everyone else thinks, just the way they do? Face Reading will teach you how to read someone's face, and before a word is said, know everything from how they need new information to be presented, to whether they'd prefer to be greeted with a hug or a handshake. This science has been verified with 98% accuracy. I've been teaching this for more than 20 years and found it to be more like 90% - 92% accurate.- Good enough to have made me a LOT of money as a sales person; and saved me a lot of grief in relationships. At work or home this is the one tool that will put you on the same page with everyone straight away, and enable you to speak in a way that you will not only be heard, they will feel heard. Communication isn't about what's said, its about what's heard. Make Face Reading a game the whole family plays. Share it with anyone who needs to understand people better, and let's face it, that's everyone. To be easily reading faces yourself with more than 90% accuracy, get the manual that goes with this course. It will help you apply face reading effectively in your life. It contains additional essential information, Trait Photos - including Type B - with detailed descriptions for each trait; Information on how the traits operate in relationships - with advice on how to manage them; and a JOYscription - fun ways to implement and learn the traits. It's only $29. Print out the Trait pages, stick them on the fridge and on the back of the toilet door. Follow the JOYscriptions. SHARE this information with people you want to understand YOU!"
Price: 124.99

"The Marriage Masterclass" |
" Congratulations on deciding to get married! You are about to enter into the most exciting adventure of your life. Without doubt your marriage is the greatest investment you will ever make. And you will want to make sure that you have everything you need to make it happy, successful and rewarding. Many couples spend hundreds of hours planning their wedding, but very little time planning their marriage. So before the big day, here is an opportunity to sit together and reflect on what it is that you want from your marriage. ""The Marriage Masterclass"" helps you think about your marriage, what you want it to be and what you want to be for each other. Unlike most marriage preparation courses, you can do this course in the privacy of your own home without having to share your thoughts about your relationship with strangers. Conducted by experienced marriage coach and wedding celebrant, Jonathan Payne, who has worked with hundreds of couples over some 20 years, ""The Marriage Masterclass"" is fun, informative, thought provoking and inspiring. Exactly what you need before the moment you say ""I do"". (And of course if you are already married, this course will give you the chance to think about your relationship and give it a few ""touch ups"" to ensure it remains the happy, loving, rewarding experience you deserve)."
Price: 54.99

"Songwriting - From Idea to Finished Song" |
"Hey guys! My name is Ben Cooper, and I’m a full-time songwriter here in Nashville, Tennessee. Whenever I tell people what I do for a living, I often get a response like, “Wow, writing songs is such a mystery to me.” Maybe you’ve thought about writing a song or have come up with an idea that would make a good song. Who knows, you might have already written tons of songs and are just looking to come back to some of the basics. Whatever the case, this course is specifically designed to equip you with a working knowledge and understanding of the craft of songwriting. In this first course, we’ll focus on de-mystifying the process of constructing a song. We’ll begin with questions like “What is the purpose or goal of a song?” and “How do a lyric, hook and melody work together?” Don’t worry if you don’t yet play an instrument… I’ll be giving a quick piano and guitar lesson to get you started. We'll also be looking at the importance of the opening line and what to do if you get stuck starting the second verse. In the end, my hope is that you’ll feel confident of your ability to take an idea and develop it into a complete song. I’m excited about this course, and I hope you’ll join me! This course, primarily taught through informal video discussions, will encourage the participation of its viewers by finding specific examples in popular music of each segment topic. This course contains about two hours of viewing time, with the option to participate in composing an original song based on the information discussed. As the instructor, I will be monitoring the discussion weekly and improving upon the course as necessary."
Price: 24.99

"Create a Photo Sharing App for iOS with Parse in 4 Hours" |
"So you want to make an awesome social app such as Instagram, Snap Chat, Path, Airbnb but don't know where to start? This course will teach you how to code a photo sharing app for iOS in only 4 hours. We will start from a blank project, and then cover the most important topics such as user authentication, database query, Facebook integration for building a scalable social app. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a fully functional app ready to handle millions of users! If you already know the basics of iOS development (ie. UITableViewController), then you are good to go. Even If you are not familiar with iOS programming yet, you can definitely follow the course as we will show you step-by-step how to put everything together. Everything in this course will be done completely in Objective-C, something you are already familiar with. We will be making the app with the most up-to-date version of development environment, Xcode 5 and iOS 7. We divided the course into more than 38 bite-sized video lessons for you to learn at your own pace."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Blackmagic Fusion: Free After Effects Altenative" |
"Do you want to learn motion graphics, visual effects, and compositing but felt held back by the cost of software like After Effects? If you answered yes, than I have great news for you.There is a very powerful application that is used in both the TV and movie industry called Blackmagic Design Fusion. It is made by the same company that makes Davinci Resolve. It has pretty much all of the capabilities of AE but the good news is you can get it for FREE. They have two versions available, one for free download and another studio version which costs $299. The great thing is that most of its best features are available in the free version. Both versions were recently updated and even the paid version is now 1/3 the price is was available for previously. This course will take you step by step and introduce you to the amazing capabilities of this free application. You will learn the interface, its workflow, and create basic motion graphics, visual effects, and digital compositing including green screen removal."
Price: 29.99

"Hacking Techniques for IT Professionals 2.0 Complete Course" |
"LAST UPDATED: 07/2020BONUS: Finishing this course you will get free voucher for IT Security Academy Online Examination Center where you can archive your IT Security Certificate. Before we begin: the practical use of the course you are going to see has been proven by thousands of people all over the world beginners and computer geeks as well. People who make their first steps in computer / network security and professionals: network administrators, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers. Please, read carefully what we'd like to share with you.Welcome to IT Secutiry Academy! IT Security Academy (ISA) is a company that associates ITsec Professionals. Now we are proud to share our knowledge online. Certified experts (CISS, MCSE:MS, CEH, CISSP) have created courses from Beginner to Advanced level. Our goal is to provide the highest quality materials you've ever seen online and prepare you not only for certification exams, but also teach you pratical skills. You're welcome to join us and start your training now. About the trainingThis course is ideal for everyone, regardless of their skills and expertise. The arrangement and presentation of learning resources will let both novices and more advanced students broaden their knowledge of IT security. Training is starting with IT Security current threat and trends. Afterwards we are discussing popular security myths. Great part of the training relates to Network security. We will start with local networks, talk about protocols and theirs vulnerabilities. You will learn how to design secure computer networks and subnets. You will become real network administrator. Next you will discover why wireless networks could be so dangerous. You will learn standards, protocols and security solutions. Wi-Fi networks are an integral part of our lives, but not everyone realizes that if it is inadequately protected, your enterprise or home network can disclose your confidential passwords and give attackers easy access to the machines youre administrating. Topics covered include core issues related to effectively securing the most popular Microsoft OS: identity theft, authentication, authorization, encryption. We identify typical mistakes and guide you towards achieving good OS protection. "
Price: 99.99

"SQL Queries 101" |
"This short course helps a beginner to understand how to write basic SQL queries and other code statement to develop and administer SQL Server. There will be downloadable labs to follow with the lessons so you gain confidence with your new skill. When you do the steps along with the lessons you can expect this course to take between 20 and 40 hours."
Price: 29.99

"SAS Macro Programming By Example" |
"This course is all about SAS macro. SAS is synonymous of analytics. SAS macro is considered an advance topic in SAS programming.It helps SAS programmers tosave his time,write error free code andput more time into analysis rather than just writing the code.In this course students will learn the syntax of SAS macro, see the use cases and will go through some workout examples. After doing the course students should become comfortable in writing SAS macros.The course will have two sectionsIntroduction - in this section, students will be introduced to various syntax options and they will be demonstrated the same using SASWorkout - in this section students will learn to put together various SAS syntax for a purpose. They will learn the objective of the use case and see how it was achieved. All the code will be explained in step by step manner."
Price: 19.99

"Logistic Regression (Predictive Modeling) workshop using R" |
"This course is a workshop on logistic regression using R. The courseDoesn't have much of theory - it is more of execution of R command for the purposeProvides step by step process detailsStep by step executionData files for the modelingExcel file containing output of these stepsThe content of the course is as followsData Import and Data Sanity CheckDevelopment n Validation dataset preparartionImportant Categorical Variable selectionImportant Numeric Variable SelectionIndicator Variable CreationStepwise RegressionDealing with multicollinearityLogistic Regression Score n Probabilitygeneration in the data setHands on KS CalculationCoefficient stability checkIterate for final model"
Price: 19.99

"Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Factor Analysis" |
"The course explains one of the important aspect of machine learning - Principal component analysis and factor analysis in a very easy to understand manner. It explains theory as well as demonstrates how to use SAS and R for the purpose.The course provides entire course content available to download in PDF format, data set and code files. The detail course content is as follows.Intuitive Understanding of PCA 2D Casewhat is the variance in the data in different dimensions?what is principal component?Formal definition of PCsUnderstand the formal definition of PCAProperties of Principal ComponentsUnderstanding principal component analysis (PCA) definition using a 3D imageProperties of Principal ComponentsSummarize PCA conceptsUnderstand why first eigen value is bigger than second, second is bigger than third and so onData Treatment for conducting PCA How to treat ordinal variables?How to treat numeric variables?Conduct PCA using SAS: UnderstandCorrelation MatrixEigen value tableScree plotHow many pricipal components one should keep?How is principal components getting derived?Conduct PCA using RIntroduction to Factor AnalysisIntroduction to factor analysisFactor analysis vs PCA side by sideFactor Analysis Using RFactor Analysis Using SASTheory for using PCA for Variable SelectionDemo of using PCA for Variable Selection"
Price: 19.99

"SAS Programming from Scratch & Practice Case Studies workout" |
"Learn SAS programming from industrial usage perspective. SAS is one of the most used tool for data science, analytics and statistical analysis domain. This course is designed to give you good start on SAS programming quickly. The course has following highlightsGetting free access to SASImporting dataGetting basic feel of data- through contents, print, freq, univariateData operations like merge, append, sort, truncate rows / columns wise,derive new fields,analysis for each classGraphs vertical bar chart / pie charts / stacked chartsStatistical procedureTitle and labels for enhancementsTabulate for pivot table kind of workPutting together analysis with ODS HTML and colorful titleproc transpose to transpose the dataproc compare to compare datasetsThe course content in detail is as follows----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 1 : Getting access to SAS and understand SAS environment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting free access to learn SASGet familiar with SAS environmentUnderstand what isProgram editorLog windowOutput windowLibrary etc.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 2 : Most used data operations in SAS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get familiar with the Data for workoutImport data in SASViewing Meta DataViewing DataUnderstand various options to print Few records starting from a particular observationFew columns / all columnsprecautionDirect data entry in SASHow to be careful for character formatFrequency Distribution for categorical variablesUnderstandVarious parts of the outputDefault and quantity based sorting orderStoring proc freq output into a SAS datasetWhy one should avoid proc freq for numeric variableNumeric Variable AnalysisUnderstandProc Univariate and Proc MeansAdvantages of both the approachesRequesting few statistics only in the outputSorting Data UnderstandHow to sort on the basis of one variable / two variablesHow to keep original data as it is and store sorted data in a new datasetHow to sort data in descending orderHow to remove duplicatesWhat is first. and last. option and how to use itMerging n Dealing with missing dataUnderstandWhat is merging dataWhat are the Pre requisites of merging dataWhat is left join, right join and equi joinHow to do various kinds of joinHow is missing value represented for numeric and character variableSyntax for replacing missing value for a numeric variableSyntax for replacing missing value for a character variableAppending datasetsUnderstandWhat is appending datasets?How to append data?What happens when datsets have different columns and still you want to append it?Derive New fieldWrite if else logic to create a derived fieldLearn to use OR operatorUnderstand how to define length for proper display of variableArithmetic Logical n comparison OperatorsGet to know the different Arithmetic, Logical and Comparison operators we haveDemo of how to use them for the whole data setAlso see how to keep only those records, which meets certain criteriaTruncating data rows n columns wiseLearn how to keep or drop few fields from a given datasetLearn to keep or delete few records meeting certain criteriaPart of string using SubstrUnderstand the syntax for substringSee the workout examplein operatorUnderstand the usage of in operatorSee the demo to understand how does it make it easy to compare multiple string in one goCrossTab using SASUnderstandHow to create cross tab in SAS?How to interpret the outputHow to supress some statistics from the result?Numeric Variable Analysis for each classUnderstand how to conduct analysis for each distinct value of a particular categorical variable easily using class statementdealing with datesUnderstand date 9 formatThe usage of mdy function to create dateFind days / years spend between two datesUse round function to get nicely formatted valueProc SQL n Fetching data from databaseUnderstand the utility of Proc SQLUnderstand the process of getting data from databases using proc SQL----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section 3 : Statistical procedures and report enhancements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conducting linear regression analysis using SASUnderstand how to conduct linear regression analysis using SASHow to get the regression equation, coefficient of determination etc.How to interpret coefficient of determinationHow to make out, it is a positive or negative relationshipConducting Chi square analysis using SASUnderstand how to get chi square statistics for contingency tableHow to make sense of degree of freedom, chi square statistics, p value etc. Conducting one way ANOVA analysis using SASLearn the syntax of ANOVA analysis using SASLearn to interpret the box plot appearing with ANOVA analysisLearn to make sense of p value of ANOVAGraphs in SASLearn to Create vertical bar chartCreate horizontal bar chart How to get just the percentage or freq, percent allHow to create stacked bar chart (where bars of numeric variable can show distribution of a categorical variable)How to create a pie chartDifference between proc gchart and proc chartHow to create chart of a numeric variable for each class separatelyTitle and LabelHow to put specific title above the print / graph output etc.How does title 1 and title 2 differWhat is labelWhat is the use of these title and label statementProc tabulate - pivot table in SASUnderstand the syntax of proc tabulateSee proc tabulate and Excel pivot table side by sideODS HTML to package the output and rich text title (bold, colorful)Proc transpose to transpose the dataProc compare to compare datasets------------------------Section 4 - Practice Case Studies - apply your knowledge to solve business problems--------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Artificial Neural Networks tutorial - theory & applications" |
"This course aims to simplify concepts of Artificial Neural Network (ANN). ANN mimics the process of thinking. Using it's inherent structure, ANN can solve multitude of problem like binary classifications problem, multi level classification problem etc.The course is unique in terms of simplicity and it's step by step approach of presenting the concepts and application of neural network.The course has two section-------------------------------------------------------Section 1 : Theory of artificial neural network--------------------------------------------------------what is neural networkTerms associated with neural networkWhat is nodeWhat is bias What is hidden layer / input layer / output layerWhat is activation function What is a feed forward modelHow does a Neural Network algorithm work?What is case / batch updatingWhat is weight and bias updationIntuitive understanding of functioning of neural networkStopping criteriaWhat decisions an analyst need to take to optimize the neural network?Data Pre processing required to apply ANN-------------------------------------------------------Section 2 : Application of artificial neural network--------------------------------------------------------Application of ANN for binary outcomeApplication of ANN for multi level outcomeAssignment of ANN - learn by doing"
Price: 19.99

"Dummy Variable Regression & Conjoint (Survey) Analysis in R" |
"This course has two parts. Part one refers to Dummy Variable Regression and part two refers to conjoint analysis.Let me give you details of what you are going to get in each part.---------------------------------Part One - Dummy Variable Regression--------------------------------Need of a dummy variableDemo and Interpretation of dummy variable regressionTheory of detecting Intercept, slope change etc. How to know, what kind of situation you have. Is is justintercept change,slope change orboth Intercept and slope changing ornothing changing?Demo of detecting slope change etcAnother two application of concepts of dummy variable regressionUsing dummy variable to detect structral breakUsing dummy variable to detect seasonalityANOVA n ANCOVA models---------------------------------Part Two - Conjoint Analysis--------------------------------What is Conjoint AnalysisUsage of conjoint analysisHow do you know relative importance of attributesHow do you know part worthSteps for designing Conjoint AnalysisSurvey Result analysis using Excel for Conjoint StudySurvey Result analysis using R for Conjoint StudyWhen Conjoint Analysis reflects real world phenomena and how will you know that it is holding trueAdvance conjoint analysis issues n approachwhy do you need fractional factorial design?qualities for fractional factorial design - balance and orthogonalUsing R to get fractional factorial designDemo of fractional factorial designUsing sample data of fractional factorial design in R"
Price: 19.99

"Market Basket Analysis & Linear Discriminant Analysis with R" |
"This course has two parts. In part 1 Association rules (Market Basket Analysis) is explained. In Part 2, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is explained. L--------------------------------------------------Details of Part 1 - Association Rules / Market Basket Analysis (MBA)----------------------------------------------------What is Market Basket Analysis (MBA) or Association rulesUsage of Association Rules - How it can be applied in a variety of situationsHow does an association rule look like?Strength of an association rule -Support measureConfidence measureLift measureBasic Algorithm to derive rulesDemo of Basic Algorithm to derive rules - discussion on breadth first algorithm and depth first algorithmDemo Using R - two examplesAssignment to fortify concepts --------------------------------------------------Details of Part 2 - Linear (Market Basket Analysis)----------------------------------------------------Need of a classification modelPurpose of Linear DiscriminantA use case for classificationFormal definition of LDAAnalytics techniques applicability Two usage of LDALDA for Variable Selection Demo of using LDA for Variable Selection Second usage of LDA - LDA for classificationDetails on second practical usage of LDAUnderstand which are three important component to understand LDA properlyFirst complexity of LDA - measure distance :Euclidean distanceFirst complexity of LDA - measure distance enhanced :Mahalanobis distanceSecond complexity of LDA - Linear Discriminant functionThird complexity of LDA - posterior probability / Bays theoremDemo of LDA using RAlong with jack knife approachDeep dive into LDA outputnVisualization of LDA operationsUnderstand the LDA chart statistics LDA vs PCA side by sideDemo of LDA for more than two classes: understandData visualizationModel developmentModel validation on train data set and test data setsIndustry usage of classification algorithm Handling Special Cases in LDA"
Price: 19.99

"Building a Winning Start-Up" |
"Content The Building a Winning Start-Up course is a comprehensive and easy to follow guide to successfully launching and growing your business. The course is divided into 4 modules. Module 1: Building a Strong Foundation In this module youll have the opportunity to define your business idea, develop an identity and shape the internal structures and processes required to create a strong foundation for your business Module 2: Understanding Your Environment This module will guide you through the process of supplementing the internal structures you developed in Module 1, with an understanding of your industry and target customers through market research and industry analysis Module 3: Number Crunching Compiling and analyzing the right financial data is often a challenge for entrepreneurs. This module will create an opportunity to take the stress out of financial management by providing an opportunity to learn about profitability, forecasting and performance assessment Module 4: Communicating Your Value Once youve invested time in building a strong foundation, understanding your environment and conducting financial analysis, you need to spend time sharing your ideas with those around you Each module includes assessments to test knowledge and templates to make it easy to apply the lessons learned to your own business. The course takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete (includes time to complete quiz and knowledge checks)."
Price: 49.99

"Asistente Veterinario" |
"Has estado en situaciones donde se necesita auxiliar a una mascota antes de llevarla a un centro veterinario y no sabes que hacer. El miedo te paraliza. Necesitas baar a una mascota y no sabes cmo. Te gustara aprender tcnicas para sujetar mascotas en forma segura, suministrar tratamientos va oral, oftlmica, cutnea, ticas, endovenosa, subcutnea e intramuscular- Te gustara aprender acerca de las enfermedades infectocontagiosas, aprender acerca de las tareas de un asistente en el centro veterinario. Sabas que el asistente veterinario en la actualidad es un personal altamente solicitado en los centros veterinarios. Todo esto y mucho ms lo podrs aprender realizando este curso, el cual utiliza como recursos de aprendizajes videos de mascotas que fueron atendidas en el centro veterinario donde se aplicaron todos estos conocimientos. Adems presentamos videos y textos con la teora necesaria para adquirir todos los conocimientos."
Price: 19.99

"Affinity Designer - tworzenie wzorkw" |
"Jeeli chcesz nauczy si tworzenia te skadajcych si z powtarzajcych si elementw, to ten kurs jest wanie dla ciebie. Ta takie skadaj si z bezszwowych wzorkw, ktre s umieszczone obok siebie. W tym kursie nauczysz si tworzy rozmaite rodzaje wzorkw i dowiesz si, jak budowa z nich ta o nieograniczonej wielkoci. Ta takie moesz wykorzysta jako ozdobne grafiki, moesz je wydrukowa jako obraz, lub te wykorzysta serwisy internetowe, ktre drukuj takie wzorki na materiale (np. na poduszkach). W kursie wykorzystujemy Affinity Designer w wersji 1.5 dla Windows.Rodzaje wzorkw, ktrych si nauczysz:proste wzorkiwzorki z elementami wychodzcymi poza krawdziewzorki tworzce nieskoczone liniewzorki a'la 3D oparte na siatce izometrycznejDziki temu, e w kursie nauczysz si uniwersalnych technik tworzenia wzorkw, bdziesz w stanie tworzy nieograniczone iloci wasnych wzorkw. Wiedz t moesz rwniewykorzysta do tworzenia wzorkw w innych programach graficznych.Dla pierwszych 100 osb kurs jest dostpny za p ceny! Wykorzystaj ten kupon przy zakupie:HALFPRICE"
Price: 19.99

"Affinity Designer - making seamless patterns" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools used and new ideas to make your own beautiful patterns in Affinity Designer.Powerful toolAffinity Designer is avery powerful vector graphicstoolwhich can easily replace Adobe Illustrator and Corel Drawin many daily tasks. Affinity Designer is also much cheaper, so it is worth having. But you must also know how to use it. Making seamless patterns is just one of many useful techniques you should have at your fingertips.What willyou learn from this course?In this course you will learn the principles of making seamless patterns. You will see how to make a simple pattern in seconds using basic tools in Affinity Designer. You will also learn more advanced topics:patterns on an isometric gridnever ending lines patternplacing images in the cornersworking with Symbolspreparing interesting shapes with SymbolsIn the meantime Iwill show you some keyboard tips and tricks which make working in Affinity Designer easier and faster.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for everyone interested in making vector graphics. It consists of 11 lectures and almost 60 minutes of content. Everything is carefully explained and shown, harder parts are repeated in different lessonsto help you remember and understandthe techniques presented.The course is free for 10 first viewers, with special code ""FREESTART"". Enjoy!"
Price: 104.99

"Web development od podstaw: HTML5, CSS3 i jQuery" |
"Zwr uwag: Kody rdowe zawarte s w pierwszej lekcji kadej czcikursu w postaci pliku ZIP.Kurs Front-end od podstaw: HTML5, CSS3 i jQueryjest idealnym kursem dla rozpoczynajcych projektantw i programistw web. Z tego pakietu 3 kursw dowiesz si, jak stosowa najnowsze znaczniki HTML5, jak uywa styli CSS do poprawienia wygldu strony oraz jak tworzy interakcje za pomoc biblioteki jQuery.Kurs jest podzielony na krtkie tematy i jest skonstruowany tak, e moesz obejrze niezalenie kad jego cz. Jeeli znasz ju CSS to moesz skupi si jedynie na jQuery oraz HTML5.Jeeli szukasz wiedzy podanej czysto i klarownie, kursubez zbdnych anegdot i duyzn, to wanie go odnalaze. Zapraszam!Ten kupon rabatowy obnia cen kursu dla pierwszych 3 osb:50PROCENTHTML5HTML5 jest kolejn odson jzyka uywanego do tworzenia stron internetowych. Wnosi on wiele nowych znacznikw i atrybutw, ktre uatwiaj ycie designerom i programistom internetowym. Do takich znacznikw zalicza si VIDEO, ktre umoliwia proste wstawianie plikw wideo oraz znacznik CANVAS, umoliwiajcy rysowanie obrazkw w przegldarce. Kolejn du nowoci s rozbudowane kontrolki formularzy, ktre upraszczaj tworzenie formularzy HTML. Istotn nowoci w HTML5 jest wprowadzenie kilku nowych znacznikw opisujcych struktur strony, takich jak ARTICLE czy SECTION. Dziki nim mona tworzy strony, ktre s lepiej skonstruowane semantycznie ni dotychczas. Z tego kursu dowiesz si, jaki jest obecnie stan rozwoju HTML5, co jest ju dzi gotowe do uycia, jakie s nowe moliwoci tego jzyka i jakie narzdzia s najlepsze do stosowania w okresie przejciowym, w ktrym istniej zarwno nowoczesne, jak i starsze przegldarki nie radzce sobie z HTML5.CSS3 (oraz CSS2)CSS (kaskadowe arkusze stylw) to jzyk sucy do opisu wygldu stron WWW. Znajomo CSS pozwala odseparowa wygld dokumentu HTML od jego struktury. Dziki temu kod strony jest bardziej przejrzysty, a zmiany wygldu atwiejsze.Kurs stanowi wprowadzenie do najnowszej wersji arkuszy CSS i jest przeznaczony dla projektantw pocztkujcych i rednio-zaawansowanych. W pierwszej czci omawiane s podstawy dziaania CSS, gdzie wyjaniamy takie terminy jak kaskada czy model pudekowy. Druga cz kursu jest skupiona wycznie na nowych cechach jzyka CSS, ktre opisywane s wspln nazw CSS3. Tu prezentujemy najnowsze techniki zmiany wygldu strony: tworzenie gradientw, dodawanie cieni do elementw, transformacje w przestrzeni 2D i 3D, a take odbicia i obrysy tekstu. Omawiamy rwnie podstawowe sposoby dostosowywania arkuszy stylw do okrelonych urzdze, takich jak tablety czy telefony komrkowe.jQueryjQuery to jedna z najbardziej popularnych i najczciej uywanych bibliotek uatwiajcych programowanie w JavaScript. Stosowanie jej pozwala na uproszczenie kodu i szybkie wykonywanie zaawansowanych operacji dziaajcych w kadej przegldarce.Kurs stanowi wprowadzenie do korzystania z jQuery i jest przeznaczony dla pocztkujcych uytkownikw tej biblioteki. W pierwszej czci omawiane s selektory i filtry suce wybieraniu elementw na stronie. Kolejny krok to dynamiczne zmiany wygldu tych elementw za pomoc CSS oraz modyfikacja drzewa DOM. Prezentowane metody pozwalaj na wstawianie, przesuwanie czy kopiowanie elementw strony oraz wykonywanie innych przydatnych operacji. Omawiana jest rwnie obsuga zdarze i animowanie elementw na stronie. Dodatkowo na kilku przykadach prezentowana jest biblioteka interfejsu uytkownika jQuery UI.Kody rdowe skryptwzostay zamieszczone w kursie, co pozwala na ich wasnorczne modyfikacje. Kurs oparty jest na jQuery 1.6 i moe by wykorzystywany rwnie do poznawania nowszych wersji tej biblioteki."
Price: 489.99

"Kurs Bootstrap 3 - Szybki start" |
"Twitter Bootstrap 3 to przydatna biblioteka stylw oraz skryptw umoliwiajca szybkie konstruowanie stron internetowych.Biblioteka ta uatwia tworzenie estetycznie wygldajcych ukadw strony i zapewnia spjny wygld wszystkich elementw, takich jak przyciski czy tabele. Ponadto kada strona stworzona za pomoc Bootstrapa jest responsywna, czyli wywietla si poprawnie na smartfonach, tabletach i komputerach stacjonarnych.Jeeli zajmujesz si projektowaniem stron internetowych, to poznanie Bootstrapa znaczco zwikszy Twoj wydajno i jako pracy w wielu projektach.Ten kurs przedstawia najczciej wykorzystywane elementy Bootstrapa wraz ze sposobami modyfikacji wygldu i dziaania. Skada si z 25 tematw o cznym czasie trwania 1 h 49 min. Do kursu doczone s materiay uywane przez lektora.Dla pierwszych trzech osb, ktre uyj kodu ZADARMO, kurs jest cakowicie bezpatny. Jeeli nie zdye, wyprbuj kod 50PROCENT, ktry obniy cen kursu o poow."
Price: 354.99

"Photoshop CS6 - Esencja" |
"Kurs Photoshop CS6 - Esencja to kurs, w ktrym wyjaniamy podstawowe idee i narzdzia Photoshopa CS6. Wiedza ta pozwala w krtkim czasie zacz efektywn prac z programem. Bez wzgldu na to, czy chcesz obrabia zdjcia, rysowa czy tworzy fotomontae, musisz rozumie podstawowe zagadnienia takie jak warstwy czy maski oraz pozna najwaniejsze narzdzia i techniki.Po obejrzeniu tego kursu zrozumiesz, dlaczego Photoshop jest wiatowym standardem w obrbce grafiki rastrowej i sam doczysz do grona jego wielbicieli.W kursie posugujemy si programem Photoshop CS6 w polskiej wersji, jednak wikszo wiedzy mona z powodzeniem zastosowa do pracy z nowszym a take nieco starszymPhotoshopem (CS5).Kurs dla pierwszych 3 osb jest dostpny za 65 z, po uyciu kuponu rabatowego 50PROC."
Price: 354.99

"Illustrator CS6 - Szybki start" |
"Kurs Illustrator CS6 - Szybki start to kurs, w ktrym wyjaniampodstawowe idee i narzdzia Illustratora. Wiedza ta pozwala szybko zacz efektywn prac z programem.W kursie omawiampodstawowe narzdzia i techniki rysowania, pokazujjak czy ksztaty i je modyfikowaw celu uzyskania nowych ksztatw, omawiamprac na warstwach i metody pracy z kolorem. Pokazujte jak pracowa z tekstem i jak nadawa efekty obiektom graficznym. W ostatnim rozdziale podsumowujwiedz z kursu w projekcie wasnej wizytwki.Kurs oparty jest na polskiej wersji Illustratora CS6, jednak wszystkie techniki mona z powodzeniem wykona w programie Illustrator CC, a znaczc wikszo take w wersji CS5."
Price: 354.99

"Excel 2013 od podstaw. Od zera do bohatera w 2 godziny!" |
"Kurs jest kierowany dopocztkujcych uytkownikwprogramu Excel 2013 i wyjania na przykadach podstawowe zagadnienia dotyczce pracy z arkuszem kalkulacyjnym. Ogldajc poszczeglne filmy dowiesz si, jak korzysta z tego programu i do czego moe on si przyda w codziennej pracy.Kurs rozpoczynamy od samych podstaw, czyli od omwienia poszczeglnych czci okna programu oraz utworzenia izapisania dokumentu. Nastpnie zapoznamy si z moliwociami wprowadzania i edycji danych do komrek. Dowiemy si jak zapisywa formuy obliczajce, korzysta z wbudowanych funkcji obliczeniowych oraz czym jest wzgldne i bezwzgldne adresowanie komrek. Poznamy te moliwoci formatowania komrek arkusza i wiele przydatnych technik pozwalajcych na efektywn prac w Excelu. Zobaczymy jak filtrowa i sortowa dane, jak nadawa komrkom formaty warunkowe, jak usuwa duplikaty czy wyszukiwa okrelone wartoci w arkuszu. Kilka ostatnich filmw powicamy prezentacji danych, czyli tworzeniu tabel i wykresw."
Price: 69.99

"Kurs Excel 2013 - formuy i funkcje." |
"Arkusz kalkulacyjny Excel 2013 jest potnym narzdziem sucym do wykonywania przernych oblicze za pomoc wbudowanych funkcji. Do skutecznego korzystania z tego programu niezbdna jest wiedza o poszczeglnych funkcjach i ich moliwociach.Kurs zawiera omwienie kilkudziesiciu wybranych funkcji Excela 2013, ktre mog by przydatne wielu jego uytkownikom. Jest on kierowany do osb znajcych obsug Excela w stopniu co najmniej podstawowym, chccych powikszy sw wiedz o moliwociach wykorzystania Excela w codziennej pracy. Omawiane s wybrane funkcje tekstowe, daty i czasu, statystyczne, logiczne, informacyjne i internetowe. Z kursu dowiesz si midzy innymi, jak zaokrgla liczby na wiele rnych sposobw, jak generowa liczby losowe, jak pobra dane z pliku XML czy sumowa wartoci na podstawie okrelonych kryteriw. Ponadto omawiane s rwnie narzdzia Excela przydatne w pracy z formuami, a take formuy tablicowe, czyli nietypowy i ciekawy sposb wykonywania oblicze z wykorzystaniem serii danych. Do kursu zostay doczone dokumenty uywane przez lektora."
Price: 69.99

"Step-By-Step Guide To Picking Your First Amazon FBA Product" |
"Recently we collaborated with Alibaba to update our course content (including adding many new lectures) making it one of the only Amazon FBA courses to be endorsed by Alibaba, the leading platform for global wholesale trade. The Enormous Amazon FBA OpportunityYou already know there is a huge Amazon FBA opportunity. But you probably dont know exactly how huge it really isIn the next 15 seconds I will explain why so many people, just like you, are enormously excitedLast year, in 2016, Amazons 200 plus million customers purchased $136 billion dollars worth of product.Most importantly, 45%+ of those sales came from third-party sellers (these are people just like you)In 2016, 100,000 of these people each made over $100,000 in sales from their Amazon FBA business.On Amazon 100,000 People Made Over $100,000 In Sales Last YearI graduated from Penn State University and our football stadium is one of the biggest in the world, holding a little over 100,000 people. Imagine every single seat in that stadium filled with someone that made over $100,000 in sales from their FBA business!Not only is the Amazon FBA opportunity enormous, it also keeps growing! 2016 was another record-breaking year for the company.Its easy to see why youre so excited to start your own Amazon FBA business.So, whats the problem?The 3 Roadblocks That Are Stopping YouWe received 60 survey responses to this question and discovered there are 3 roadblocks that stop most people from creating their Amazon FBA business.I bet that at least one of these is stopping you right now.Roadblock #1 - You have a lack of knowledge of what to do and the more you try to learn the more overwhelmed you feel.Roadblock #2 - You have a fear of failing. And of those fears the strongest is losing the money you investRoadblock #3 - You dont know how to find the right product to sellIn other words You dont have the right knowledge and are afraid of failing and losing your money.The More You Try To Get The 'Right Knowledge' The More Overwhelmed You FeelIts an annoying problem. The more time you spend searching for the right knowledge on how start an Amazon FBA business the more overwhelmed you feel.And the more overwhelmed you feel the greater your fear of failing and losing your money becomes.Eventually this fear will grow to the point where you give up on starting an Amazon FBA business.Or, instead of giving up you will say, I will just start my Amazon FBA business later.But we both know that later will never come. And even IF you were to start later, the opportunity wont be as great as it is now because of increasing competition.Can you imagine how many people who would have successfully made a $100,000 per year Amazon FBA business didnt because they gave up before they even started?In 2013 And With Only $500 Erik Started His Amazon FBA BusinessAfter years of selling items on eBay, Erik was getting tired of doing everything himself.Every few weeks a new shipment of products would arrive to his apartment. He packaged every single one of those products himself and made daily trips to the local post office.He was making money but hadnt created the profitable business he wanted. Instead he had created a full-time job.In 2013 Erik first heard about Amazon FBA. The idea was exciting! All he would have to do is ship all his products to Amazon and they would do the work for him.At First,Erik's Amazon FBA Business Was FailingWith less than $500 to invest Erik decided to try starting an Amazon FBA business. Did he have immediate success? Nope. It was failing, fast.He was a small step away from giving up on the Amazon platform completely. He decided to give it one last chance. This was it.He started tweaking his Amazon listings and the sales slowly started to increase.Most people would say this small amount of success was not worth the effort. But Erik saw the potential. This led him to spend years figuring Amazon out.In this process he wasted huge amounts of time and money but he was learning. To him that was the most important thing.After Years of Trial And Error Erik Learned A TON And Now Has $11,231 in Sales Each MonthOver time he turned his original $500 investment in Amazon to an Amazon FBA business that today generates $11,231 per month. And the best part?He only spends 2 hours of work a week maintaining it.He became one of those 100,000 people in Beaver Stadium.But It wasnt until Erik started teaching Amazon FBA to one of his friends that things got interestingErik Found The Most Important Part Of Creating A Profitable Amazon FBA BusinessAfter years of experience Erik realized the MOST important part of creating a profitable Amazon FBA business was selecting the right product.It is also the first place every beginner should start when creating their Amazon business.Earlier we talked about the 3 roadblocks that stop people. To help you overcome these challenges we knew our course had to be different.By combing the expertise of myself, an eLearning Expert teaching over 42,000 students, and Erik Rogne, an Amazon FBA expert, we have created a unique course that solves all 3 of these roadblocks.The Solution To The Three Roadblocks That Are Stopping YouRoadblock Number #1 - You have a lack of knowledge of what to do and the more you try to learn the more overwhelmed you feel.Our Solution: We made this course action focused. That feeling of being overwhelmed and lack of knowledge comes from learning too much but not taking action.In 25 of the videos in our course you get 1 action step to complete. Then we walk you through, step-by-step, exactly how to complete that step.Roadblock Number #2 - You have a fear of failing. And of those fears the strongest is losing the money you investOur Solution: Almost everyone that fails on Amazon FBA and loses their investment did so because they chose the wrong product.That is why we decided to focus our entire course on this subject. Its that important!Roadblock Number #3 - You dont know how to find the right product to sellOur Solution: Weve taken all the guesswork and chance out of this process. You will be watching over our shoulder as we walk you through every step of finding a profitable product.To make things even easier weve created 11 PDF resources that do all the work for you.This PDFs tell you what factors make a product a good one. Your product either passes or it doesnt.You cant do it wrong.Our Brand New Course Is Already Helping 2,000+ Students Learn The Right Knowledge And Take Action!Our course was released in February 2017 and already it has helped students learn the right knowledge, overcome their fear of failure and most importantly given them the confidence to take action!Very informative, perfect pace, and more importantlyinteractive!-Robbie HartzellThis is the best course on Amazon FBAI have come across. It contains everythingneeded for your Amazon FBA journey-Elearning GuruGreat information, well structuredand organized. Very good job!-Onofrei RazvanClear, systematic, informative,well structured, and of course very practical.This course makes the process fromresearching products and suppliersto ordering your products easy.-KagisoHere Is Our Offer:You get 40 confusion-crushing videos25 of those videos are action-based11 Interactive PDF forms that do all the work for youBONUS: Excel Definition List - Learn the insider languageBONUS: Excel Profit Margin Calculator - Calculates profit margin automaticallyBONUS: Excel Supplier Comparison Sheet - Organize and compare all your potential suppliersBONUS: Access to our FB community (150+ members and growing)30-Day No Questions Asked Money Back GuaranteeFor $200 you get lifetime access to all of this material, the bonuses, our FB community and answers to any questions you have.You also get Udemys no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee. You can go through the whole course and if you decide its not for you, still get your full money back.This is a risk-free investment. You have nothing to lose.Get Instant Access To This Course And All Of The Bonus MaterialThe best time to start your Amazon FBA business is right now!To get instant access to the course and all of the bonus material click on the green Buy Now button in the top right hand corner.Enroll in this course now. Dont put it off for later. 3 months from now you want to have your own profitable Amazon FBA business and not ask yourself what could have been."
Price: 49.99

"Complete Drawing On The iPad Using ArtStudio" |
"17/02/18 : Added additional reference photos to the Pear project.05/01/18 : Added over two hours of new content in a complete second project!20/10/17 : Now includes custom closed captions for all video lectures!21/10/17 : Now includes a free 30 page companion PDF file so you can follow along away from an internet connection!Learn to take your existing drawing knowledge and experience and apply it to the iPad. In this course you will learn the skills needed to create realistic looking pencil sketches, and digital art on the iPad!Using the powerful application called ArtStudio by Luckyclan, you will have a Photoshop-like experience on the iPad. This pairing is a match made in heaven!With the mobility of the iPad and the rich feature-set of ArtStudio you will be creating amazing art wherever and whenever you like!With a customizable brush engine, you will create your own 2B sketching pencil. You will then sketch out a rough bird shape and proceed to refine and develop the image in subsequent lessons. We will be utilizing the Pencil Tool, The Layer Stack, The Selection and Transformation Tools and more!Covering topics like :Creating textureHandling lightingRefining a designBalancing your compositionsCreating smooth gradations This course is a must for new and experienced artists alike.Wait, there is more! : A complete second project has been added to this course. In this complete step by step walk-through, you will compose and paint your own Pear study. Using the reference images provided (or your own if you prefer) you can follow along as I describe :The thought process of arranging shapes on the canvas How to create flow lines to lead the viewers eyeHow to use color and value to create depthHow to use shadows to effectively suggest formand how to unify your image using value spots.So, grab your iPad and come join me for a relaxing real-time sketching session on the iPad."
Price: 29.99

"Cyber Security: Building a CyberWarrior Certification" |
"Learn key skills of Cybersecurity and earn a Certification from the Starweaver Institute.Today, the necessity of strong Cybersecurity measures is self-evident. A proliferation of cyber-attacks is causing increasing damage to companies, governments and individuals. Yahoos disclosure of a massive breach is still making headlines. Organizations need to respond to this increased threat by adopting strict cybersecurity measures. Starweaver is here to help you and your organization respond, building you into CyberWarriors with our 7-Part certification program focused on helping you know you to prevent, and face cyber-attacks. This program includes modules on: Part I: Building a Security Skills Foundation Part II: Leveraging Wireshark for Security Part III: Essential Defensive Strategies Part IV: Building a Cyber Range Part V: Penetration Testing Unveiled Part VI: Intrusion Analysis Part VII: Intrusion Handling Once you have completed this program, simply email us to secure a free copy of your certification.Contact: helpdesk@starweaverinstitute.org"
Price: 24.99

"Oracle Performance Tuning" |
"You will get a conceptual understanding of various Oracle database performance issues and learn about different places to check for the performance information along with tuning approach. Broadly this course will cover following: 1. What are common oracle database performance issues? 2. Where to check for messages / tuning information to get to bottom of issue. 3. Different tuning approaches - based on different databases (OLTP vs Data Warehouse). 4. Learn about database statistics, optimizer and maintenance plan for tables and indexes. 5. SQL and Instance tuning details. 6. General guidelines for avoiding performance issues in Oracle database."
Price: 19.99

"Hands-on with SQL Server DBCC Commands" |
"In this course we'll review the most frequently executed DBCC commands to not just see exactly what they do, but also understand what impact if any they can have on performance, on your solution / configuration, or on your data. If you work with SQL Server in any capacity, whatever your level, this course is relevant to you. This course is relevant to database administrators and developers. Experience with TSQL commands is helpful, along with the basic understanding of how SQL Server works. The primary goals of this course are for you to start to understand what DBCC commands exist and when to use them. These are commands that you can use against the SQL Server instance or against a specific database, and they will either return information about the instance or a database, or they can validate data or data integrity, and there are select commands which will change how SQL Server behaves, we will explore all these categories of commands in this course along with hands-on exercise for each command. This course is comprised of five modules. In first module, we will cover some basic information about DBCC commands including categories and how we can get information about all the commands available on any specific SQL Server release. In module two, we'll get into informational commands which provide information about instance or SQL database. In module three, we will cover maintenance commands which are used to make changes in behavior of SQL. In module four, we will learn about validation commands which validate structure of database objects. And then we'll wrap up module six discussing undocumented commands which are used widely but not officially supported by Microsoft. I hope you'll join me as we explore the world of DBCC commands with this course, ""Hands-on with SQL Server DBCC command"" on Udemy."
Price: 34.99

"Website Localization For Translators" |
"In this course you will learn how to translate and localize websites with special attention to cultural adaptation. You will also find out how to translate files with tags and how to ensure high quality of your website localization projects. Sounds interesting? Here is exactly what we will cover: Website Localization Process In the first section youll learn what is globalization, localization and internationalization and why do you need to know that. Then well discuss why websites are actually localized and have a look at the website localization process. Cultural Adaptation in Localization of Websites Youll learn why it is important to adapt a website to the target culture and how to do it. Ill show you some examples of culturally adapted websites and explain why the specific changes had to be implemented. Digital Genres Youll find out why a digital text is different from a printed text and how to translate it. You'll also learn about various digital genres and why it is important to be able to recognize the digital genre on the localized website. How To Do It? Once you understand the background of the website localization, youll be able to move on to the practical issues. First Ill teach you how to set a rate and deadline for your website localization project and how to specify the word count of the translatable text. Then youll learn how to translate HTML and XML files and how to deal with files with embedded code. Ill also explain what is a localization kit and why it is important for your work. Youll also learn what tools are useful for website translation and localization. Finally, Ill give you several practical tips for better website localization. Quality In Website Localization Once you know how to translate and localize websites, youll have to review your work and assure high quality. Ill give you several tips how to do it. Are you ready? Lets get started!"
Price: 129.99

"How to Communicate and Work With People from Other Cultures" |
"Our experienceworking with various international companies across Europe proved how challenging it is to run a business for those who struggle to communicate across languages and cultures without any linguistic and cultural-diversity awareness.To fully understand your business partners, customers or employees youneed much more than the common language. You have to know their cultural values, communication styles and negotiation patterns to avoid painful faux pas and severe disappointment.In our course we will provide you with effective strategies for cross-cultural communication and help you understand how specific cultures think, work, interact and manage their time. We will encourage you to rediscover your own culture andlook at intercultural communication from a different perspective."
Price: 69.99
