"Great Communication and Customer Service - a fresh look!" |
"Hi I'm Dr. David Barrowman from New Zealand and I'm passionate about helping people develop who they are in order to change their workplace cultures and ultimately become a more successful employee/business person/human being! I've been putting together this course over the last 30 years of customer service experience and leadership. Enjoy! Dr. David Barrowman"
Price: 19.99
"Aprende Linux en 5 Das" |
"Aprenda Linux en 5 das y lleve su carrera al prximo nivelNASE A LOS MILES DE OTROS ESTUDIANTES EXITOSOS QUE YA HAN TOMADO ESTE CURSO!Si quiere aprender a usar Linux y llevar su carrera al prximo nivel, pero est presionado por el tiempo, siga leyendo. Hola. Mi nombre es Jason Cannon y soy el autor de Linux para principiantes, as como el fundador de la Academia de Formacin de Linux. Cuando le pido a la gente que me diga cul es su mayor desafo al aprender a utilizar Linux, todos dicen lo mismo: El tiempo.Por eso he creado este curso. Deme slo 45 minutos al da durante los prximos 5 das y le ensear exactamente lo que necesita saber sobre el sistema operativo Linux. Aprender los conceptos y comandos ms importantes, e incluso le guiar paso a paso a travs de varios ejemplos prcticos y del mundo real.Por lo tanto, si puede darse unos minutos al da y desea aprender los pormenores del sistema operativo Linux, nase a m y los otros estudiantes en este curso hoy mismo.Bono gratis Cmo instalar WordPress en su propio sistema LinuxComo un bono adicional por inscribirse en el video-curso de formacin Aprenda Linux en 5 Das, recibir una gua y un video paso a paso que le ensear cmo instalar WordPress en un sistema Ubuntu Linux. En primer lugar, aprender qu software es necesario para que WordPress funcione en un sistema Linux. Despus, le daremos los comandos escritos exactos que instalan todo el software necesario y WordPress. Aprender cmo instalar un servidor web, cmo instalar un servidor de base de datos, cmo crear base de datos de usuarios y cmo configurar WordPress. Antes de que lo sepa, tendr un blog totalmente funcional en sus manos. Esta es una gran manera de poner sus nuevas habilidades de Linux a un buen uso. Totalmente opcional, pero muy genial: Si quiere alojar su blog en Internet en su propia instalacin de Linux, le mostrar dnde puede hacerlo por solo $5 al mes.____________________Aprenda Linux en 5 Das no hace ninguna suposicin sobre su historial o conocimiento de Linux. No necesita ningn conocimiento previo para beneficiarse de este curso. Se le guiar paso a paso utilizando un enfoque lgico y sistemtico. A medida que se encuentren nuevos conceptos, rdenes o jergas, se explican en un lenguaje sencillo, lo que facilita su comprensin. Esto es lo que aprender en Aprenda Linux en 5 Das:Cmo obtener acceso a un servidor Linux si no lo ha hecho todava. Qu es una distribucin de Linux y cul elegir. Qu software se necesita para conectarse a Linux desde computadoras Mac y Windows. Qu es SSH y cmo usarlo. El diseo del sistema de archivos de Linux y dnde encontrar programas, configuraciones y documentacin. Los comandos bsicos de Linux que usar con mayor frecuencia. Crear, cambiar de nombre, mover y eliminar directorios. Listado, lectura, creacin, edicin, copia y eliminacin de archivos. Exactamente cmo funcionan los permisos y cmo descifrar con facilidad los permisos ms crpticos de Linux. Cmo utilizar los editores nano, vi y emacs. Dos mtodos para buscar archivos y directorios. Cmo comparar el contenido de los archivos. Qu son las tuberas, por qu son tiles y cmo usarlas. Cmo comprimir archivos para ahorrar espacio y facilitar la transferencia de datos. Cmo y por qu redirigir la entrada y la salida de las aplicaciones. Cmo personalizar su indicador de shell. Cmo ser eficiente en la lnea de comandos mediante el uso de alias, finalizacin de pestaas y el historial de shell. Cmo programar y automatizar trabajos con cron. Cmo cambiar usuarios y ejecutar procesos como otros. Cmo encontrar e instalar software.Lo que aprender en Aprenda Linux en 5 Das se aplica a cualquier entorno Linux, incluyendo Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, RedHat, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Slackware y ms.Inscrbase ahora y comience a aprender las habilidades que necesita para llevar su carrera al prximo nivel!"
Price: 199.99
"Linux Shell Scripting: A Project-Based Approach to Learning" |
"Have you tried to learn shell scripting on your own, but lack the structure you need to really improve your skills?Are you tired of picking up bits and pieces of information that you can't just seem to put together?Do you learn best by doing?If so, you're going to love this course.One of the biggest complaints I hear from students is that most of the courses they've taken in the past simply provide information without any context and without any idea of how to put that information to use! This course turns that old, frustrating, and outdated way of learning on its head. It's project-based, which means instead of learning bits and pieces of information, you'll write actual shell scripts that you can use in real-world situations. You get the chance to immediately put what you learn to use so that you fully understand and remember it.In this Linux shell scripting course you will learn how to:Name your shell scripts.Use the proper permissions on your shell scripts.Create and use variables in your scripts.Use shell built-in commands and operating system commands.Make the most out of special variables that are available to you in your scripts.Make decisions by using if statements and performing several different kinds of testsCheck theexit statuses of commands and why you need to.Use cryptographic hash functionsCreate random data so you can do things like automatically generate strong passwords for user accounts.Perform the same action or set of actions over a series of data utilizing for loops, while loops, and infinite loops.Control all types of input and output.Accept standard input from a user as well as from another program.Redirect standard output and standard error.Combine standard output and standard errorUse command pipeliningPerform text and string manipulation.Process command line argumentsCreating functions and when to do so.Parsing, analyzing, and reporting on log files, CSV files, and other data.Writing scripts that execute commands on other systems.Much, much, more...When you enroll, you get lifetime access to the course. Your course never expires. You can study at your own pace and refer back to the lessons whenever you want!I stand behind my courses and care about your goals. That's why this course comes with an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. It's my personal promise of your success! So...If you're ready to level-up your shell scripting skills, enroll now!"
Price: 199.99
"The Agile Samurai Bootcamp" |
"Get ready to kick some software project butt. Enter the world of the Agile Samurai, where the most dire of software projects are dispatched with ease and grace. By learning the ways of the Agile Samurai you will discover: What Agile is, how it works, and the mindset necessary for working iterativelyCommon myths and pitfalls and how to choose the right Agile method for youHow to build a good Agile teamHow from traditional waterfall roles (like developer, analyst, tester, and project manager) change on Agile projectHow to create a plan you and your customer can believe inHow to gather requirements in a fraction of the time using Agile User StoriesHow to deliver something of value every weekWhat to do when the schedule is wrong, and how to look like a pro correcting it, andThe four essential Agile Engineering practicesand why they are so important for Agility. By the end of this course youll have everything you need to successfully set up, execute, and deliver your own Agile project. Course Outline Agile In a NutshellWhat Agile is, how it works, and how to choose the right Agile method for you.Agile TeamsWhat makes the Agile team tick. Characteristics of good Agile teams. And how to find quality players.User StoriesIn this session we break down what user stories are, how they work, what effective user stories look like for your project, and how to host great story gathering work shops.EstimationBy learning how to estimate the Agile way, youll stop trying to get something your up-front estimates cant give (precision and accuracy) and instead focus on what really mattersbuilding a plan you and your customer can believe in.PlanningIn this session, youre going to learn how to create plans you can believe in and follow through on commitments you and your team make.Iteration MechanicsThis session shows teams how to set the iterations up for success, breaks down what actually occurs during an iteration, and how to setup an agile communication plan for you and your team.Visible WorkspacesBy learning how to create a visual workspace, you and the team will never be at a loss for what to do next or where you can add the greatest value. EngineeringAgile doesnt work on planning alone. That would be wishful thinking. Only by apply these core software engineering practices can you reduce the time it takes to test, ensure you always have a good design, and confidently make necessary changes with speed. Unit Testing - Automated tests proving your software works Refactoring - Paying down technical debt, while continuously improving your design Test-Driven Development - Write the tests first to help improve your design Continuous Integration - Maintaining a culture of production readiness, and deploying at a moments notice Intended AudienceThis is an introductory level course on Agile software delivery.Course RequirementsNo previous experience with Agile expected or necessary.Instructional LevelAll LevelsUpdate NEWFAQ Section April 2017New FAQ section added answering most commonly asked questionsNew templates section added containing downloadable examples of burn down chartsUpdate NEW Cheat Sheet Section August 2018New section summarizing key concepts in downloadable pdf"
Price: 199.99
"Offensive Python Mastering Ethical Hacking Using Python" |
"NOTE : I update this course monthly, so maybe you can see some sections with few lectures ,especially for buffer overflow section, so don't worry about that :)This course will teach you how to use python programming languageduring any penetration testing or ethical hacking operation , it will teach you how to write your own ethicalhacking scripts on various information security fields like network security , web application security , and endpoint security.Also this course will teach you how to deal with buffer overflowvulnerabilities on windows machines and how you can write fully customized fuzzers to help you in exploitation stage.Each section of this course will be awonderful journey , I will talk about a lot of interesting topics about each section , I will teachyou how to think in a practical way to solve a lot of programmatic problems that you could face during any penetration testing operation.First , we will talk about how you can build your own lab with simple network configuration, then we will talk aboutNetcat and how we can use it, because you need to know how we can send and receive databetween the attacker machine and the target machine , Then we will talk aboutPython sockets ,sockets type and where we can use each type, and also we will learn how we can use sockets to build a simple port scannerThen we will talk aboutTOR network ,and how we can build python scripts to performanonymous penetration testing through TOR network using SOCKS ,I will teach youmultipletechniques to build the same scripts , because it's really important to train the student how he can use this techniques during penetration testing.Also in this course , I talked about veryinteresting topic which is how we can write aPython wifi jammer , to jam on wifi networks , I talked about the theory that I will use , then we will write the code.For web application security , I talked about some great topics about how we can handle a http requests in python and how we can use some libraries such as urllib2 , urllib to communicate with web servers without any problem , We will write a lot ofinteresting tools such asWeb shell controller,authentication system cracker, and a lot of otherinteresting topics.In the endpoint security section , I will focused on how you can build your owncommand line shells that works on linux and windows without any problems , and the types of this shells , we talked aboutreverse shell and bind shell , and how we can build a protected bind shell, and how you can usemultiple techniques to execute commands on systems and bypass some securityrestrictions , I also talked about how we can convert python scripts to exe files on windows OS and ELF files on Linux OS and we will talk about how we can build python rootkit for linux that with hidden process.In encryption basics section , I talked about a lot of useful things that you can use using python , such as hashing , creating rainbow tables ,finally I will teach youhow we can build a encrypted reverse shell with ssl.Finally , the buffer overflow section , I will teach you how you can exploit a simple stack buffer overflowvulnerabilities on windows OS using python scripts ,I will talk about just the basics of buffer overflow , and I will talk about the general topics only."
Price: 199.99
"1 Day Resume TransformationDesign a Winning Resume in 2019" |
"Finally, aPROVENHANDS ONprogram that shows you how to transform your existing Resume into a Winning TOP1% Resume and get Interview calls from Hiring Managers.Discover thepower principlesthat helped me and more than 500 professionals in securing their dream jobs with global companies. Learn the behind the scene truth that HiringManagers know and methods TOPPERFORMERS follow to get Interview calls. These power principles have been tested with professionals who had lesser experience, had employment gaps and had less or unworthy accomplishments. The principles worked and helped in increasing the Interview conversion rate. I will show you a step wise approach to transform your resume into an Interview magnet. We all know the feeling of sending our resumes to a company...excited to tell them why we're perfect for the job...then waiting, and waiting...and never hearing back. Then doing it over, and over, and over. Wondering if they even got the resume. Waking up early and clicking ""refresh"" in our inbox...then sighing. Today, I willshare with you exactly howto transformaresume into something Hiring Managers love to read. But first, I've been on both sides of the hiring table -- as a candidate and as a hiring manager. And here's something most hiring managers won't tell you: Your resume gets10 seconds. All your work...all your skills...all your talents and personality...all your years of effort...they all earn you10 secondsof a hiring manager's time when they look at your resume. Also, in more than 60% of companies, a software decides whether your Resume will be shown to the Hiring Manager or not. I will show you the methods that can be quickly adapted to ensure your resume rises ""automatically"" to the top of search results for relevant keywords. I'm going to show you exactly how to turn your resume into an extraordinary ""ticket"" to an interview. Top 3 mistakes we all make in resumes: # 1 - ONESIZEFITSALL # 2 - JUSTBORINGTALKS # 3 - FOCUSONJUSTYOURSELVES I am going to show you how NOTto make these 3 mistakes and use right scripts, credibility triggers and action words that will give a full snapshot of your accomplishments to the Hiring Managers. You will learn proven methods to make your experience shine and relevant with the help of PORTABLESKILLs principle. The tactics mentioned and taught in this program are completely ethical and are loved by Hiring managers. What you will get? Full presentation of my best insights on writing winning resumesPower principlesto transform your resume Before-and-after case studies-with actual resume taken from online Job portalCareer BriefcaseWorksheet to take control of your career Simple and Effective Framework to Create Your Work Experience Stories"
Price: 29.99
"Sell a Ton of Art Online With Redbubble" |
"The first productIever sold, a T-Shirt, was from Zazzle back in 2013. Iwas so excited Ishowed all my friends the sales receipt, some haters (you, George)didn't even believe that someone would buy the silly hip-hop designs Ihad made from commercial-free fonts online. Fast forward a year later, 2014, Ijust soldmy 1,000th product on Redbubble, apurple t shirt with my FRESHlogo on it. Iwas so happy, and even more happy my FRESH logo happened to be on this shirt.I had my art on a TON of sites. Out of all the sites, Redbubble got the most sales for my art. Over time, with my interest in SEOand writing good copy, Idialed in a Redbubble-specific strategy to sell more artwork. At the time Iwrite this, Ihave over 11,000 sales, (Now 15k+) havingsold at-least-something every day since Nov 2013.This course shows you specific strategies to dominate Redbubble.Iwill introduce you to a formula of your success, and how to manipulate the variables, like views &conversions, through easy and targetedstrategies.Wewill talk about your profile,collections,activity,titles,descriptionsand tags, and more. We will discussthe good, better, and best ways to promote your art for free online. No spending money on ads. Just search engine traffic generating consistent sales.Ilook forward to sharing these strategies with you. Iget great joy seeing others be as excited as Iwas when Istarted selling my art. Iknow you will get many times your value back from this course. Now let's get out there and sell some art!!"
Price: 59.99
"Voice Search SEO For Local Business & Ecommerce Products" |
"Voice search is one of the most rapidly segments of search overall, and it is predicted thatby 2020, 50% of all search will be done through voice!! Get in on this now!What that means for business owners and marketers is that now is the time to jump on this SEO strategy so that you can get ahead of all the other marketers.Don't allow the usual to happen where you are late to the game. Are you late to the game on Bitcoin? Late to the game onGoogle typed SEO where everything is crowded? Late on the game on affiliate marketing? Late on the game in mobileapps?Well, don't be late to the game anymore. It is still relatively early in the Google voice SEOspace, but you have to get in now.Don't be the person saying ""I knew about this early on"" five years from now. Instead, be the person saying ""I did it 5 years ago, and now Ihave traffic and sales from it.""INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and Iwould love to help you.BONUSESINCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills after you complete the course*Be entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured OFFICEHOURSANDONE-ON-ONE HELP - IGIVEMY PERSONALTIME What really sets this course apart is the personal time Igive to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and Iwill do my best to help you. The office hours are free, Idon't try to sell anything. It is just another thing Idoto help you achieve your goals.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 34.99
"Google Citations To Boost SEO For New Local Websites" |
"You will learn how to use Google Citations to boost the SEOof your local business websites. Even if your business is not a local business, Google Citations can help you begin showing up in Google search faster, and get your website to rank better.Most people who launch their website wonder when that website will begin to show up in Google search. It can take a considerable amount of time to have your website show up in Google search, but if you use Google Citations, you can expedite the process.The reason Google introduced Google citations was because there was not much information it had about new sites, and mere mentions of your website and business helped its search engine understand what your website is all about.In this course I also explain what to do if your business isn't necessarily a local business.Sign up today, and get your website ranking in Google faster.OFFICEHOURSWITHPERSONAL HELPWhat really sets this course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours Ihold with students in this course. The office hours are a group call with other students where you can make connections and get extra business advice from a real expert.During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and Iwill do my best to help you. The office hours are free, Idon't try to sell anything. It is just another thing Idoto make your course experience better.Iform many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day Ican meet you.MONEYBACKGUARANTEEThis course comes with an unconditional, Udemy backed, 30 day money-back guarantee. It is also my personal promise to you that you will get great value from the course and succeed. Join me and my community of successful students, right now. See you in class."
Price: 19.99
"Marketing For Consulting, Services, Digital Marketing Agency" |
"Learn the most effective ways to promote your service, agency or consultancy business and grow your client base.I will teach you to:Appear credible and authoritativeIncrease your sales conversion rateDraw clients with SEOPromote with a YouTube show or a podcastPromote as a local businessGive you negotiation basicsIntroduce you to Facebook adsShow you how and where to get freelancing clients to convert them to clients of your agencyBusiness networking and building up your referral and recommendation networkHOLISTIC AND WELL ROUNDED APPROACHAs you see, I took all the different types of strategies and only chose the ones that would be most effective at getting relevant and targeted traffic and converting that traffic to clients.If you want to get more clients for your agency or consulting business, get this course today, and begin growing your business.TYPES OF AGENCIES OR CONSULTING THIS IS FORDigital marketing agencySEO marketing agencySocial media marketing agencyDesign agencySoftware engineering agencyMobile app development agencyINSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.I am an expert growth marketer, and I create winning marketing strategies for my clients all the time. Now it is your turn to grow your business and fulfill your dreams.BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course* Be entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured OFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP. I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What really sets this course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals. You can also get my help and advice any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE The agency marketing course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 49.99
"Personal Branding Path To Top 1% Influencer Personal Brand" |
"Learn to grow your personal brand, become an influencer in your niche, become your own boss, and gain financial independence and the rest of your career!Once you achieve this, you will have the foundation to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.After that, this course will teach you how to create your ""pedestal"" which will give you the authority that would give you:Real brand exposureCredibility and trustPeer recognition, respect, and acceptanceOnce you have peer respect and industry recognition, you are a thought leader.After that, your job is to keep working on your personal brand to inch your way closer to the very top of thought leadership in your business field until you become the top influencer in your industry. This course will walk you through each step of the process, help you create a plan for success that is a good fit for your unique situation, and show you the most common paths to success for self-branded businesses.Sign up now. This course will help you stop struggling, finally get the traffic, sales, and recognition you have been craving.NEW: PERSONAL BRANDING WITH LINKEDIN AND ONLINE REPUTATION MANAGEMENTA recent addition to the course is how to create a LinkedIn profile that helps your personal branding. Your LinkedIn profile is one of the first pages that come up when people search Google for your name when they look you up. So it is very important to have a professional LinkedIn profile, and we cover that in this course.I'll also show you personal branding strategies to appear as a top professional when someone searches for your name on Google.INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.I am an expert growth marketer and I myself have grown my personal brand and become an influencer in my niche. I create winning marketing strategies for my clients all the time. Now it is your turn to focus on your personal branding and gain the recognition you deserve.BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call to discuss your personal branding path or becoming an influencer (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course* Be entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured OFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP - I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What sets this personal branding course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your personal branding goals. You can also get my help and advice any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE This personal branding course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 149.99
"Business Idea Generation: How To Come Up With Business Ideas" |
"Stake a business idea, start your business, and gain the freedom and independence you've been craving for the rest of your life.Learn how to:Get many new business ideasDetermine if your business ideas are good or notLearn effective strategies to get feedback on your new business ideasDecide if your business ideas are worth pursuingThis course is all about coming up with many new business ideas, understanding what makes one good or not, how to improve on all of them, pre-planning them as businesses and testing them out, and then deciding if you want to pursue it.The course has many worksheets and downloadable materials that you can use as exercises as you make your way through the course. INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call where we can discuss your business ideas (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course* Be entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured OFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP - I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What really sets this business idea course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals. You can also get my help and advice any time! Start discussions and message me with private questions about your business ideas. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE This business idea course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 59.99
"1000% Landing Page Optimization & Sales Funnel Conversion" |
"This landing page optimization course will help you boost sales by 100% if not 1000% of percent, starting today! If you are not already using the tactics in this course to sell your products and services, once you implement most of the strategies in this course, your sales conversion should be significantly higher. You can implement almost all these strategies within just one or a few days. GETTING TRAFFIC BUT NO SALES? YOU MUST WORK ON YOUR SALES OR LANDING PAGE OPTIMIZATIONIf you have website traffic or traffic from Amazon, YouTube or wherever else you promote your business, but the visitors are not converting to paying customers, this course will show you how to convince your visitors to buy.In many cases, your buyers will become repeat buyers, too!TO BUILD A LONG-TERM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS, SALES CONVERSION IS KEYGet the most out of the traffic that comes to your site. You will need to use these tactics for selling your products so get the course now, and see for yourself what kind of a boost you will get.IF YOU PAY FOR ADS TO DRIVE TRAFFIC, YOU NEED THIS EVEN MOREIf you are paying for traffic, to make that strategy profitable, you need to get more from every person that clicks on your ad. Use the strategies in this course to make your ads more profitable.ONLY STRATEGIES THAT WORK FOR ME OR ARE BACKED BY STRONG RESEARCHThe tactics in the course are ones that are either backed by very strong industry or market research based on data from real customers, or tactics that I've perfected myself that I know are effective at sales because they helped me sell more after I implemented them.I am a multiple 6-figure online marketer. Get the results that I have by using the strategies in this course and boosting your sales conversion rate.USE CUSTOMER PSYCHOLOGY TO INFLUENCE BUYING BEHAVIORMany of the tactics in this course use elements of psychology that come into play when a person is making a buying decision. I will show you how to trigger the right emotions that lead to buying.OFFICE HOURS WITH PERSONAL HELPWhat really sets this course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours I hold with students in this course. The office hours are a group call with other students where you can make connections and get extra business advice from a real expert. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to make your course experience better. I form many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day I can meet you.30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis sales conversion optimization course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Enroll in the course now and see how successful online marketers and large companies sell, and use those tactics to boost your sales."
Price: 49.99
"Business Plan - Le Cours Aux 12 000 Elves Enfin Traduit !" |
"Le cours de l'entrepreneur succs amricain Alex Genadinik, adapt en franais. Note du traducteur : plus de 200 000 lves font confiance Alex sur Udemy, il y a cr plus de 100 cours, a t sacr 3 fois meilleur auteur sur Amazon et a cr une application mobile pour faciliter la rdaction d'un business plan, tlcharge par plus d'un million d'utilisateurs sur iPhone et Android.Dcouvrez une approche innovante pour planifier votre cration d'entreprise - gravissez les chelons votre rythme. Aprs avoir aid plus de 1000 entrepreneurs, Alex a mis au point une approche simple pour aider les entrepreneurs planifier leur projet de cration d'entreprise. Il a ralis que chaque entreprise comporte 3 piliers : produit / marketing / finances. Ce qui l'a amen proposer un concept de business plan en 3 parties ultra-simple pour bien commencer votre cration d'entreprise.Son approche de la rdaction du business plan est trs simple : d'abord quelques phrases, puis 1 seule page, puis un business plan complet et dtaill. Alex vous accompagne chaque tape de votre parcoursVous en avez marre de galrer pour la rdaction de votre business plan ? Vous tes bloqu ? Alex a aid plus de 1000 entrepreneurs rdiger un business plan, il vous aidera aussi.Vous terminerez le cours en 3H30 environ et vous pourrez commencer le jour mme rdiger un bon business plan. Le plus tt vous terminerez votre business plan, le plus tt vous commencerez votre cration d'entreprise, et en dfinitive atteindre vos objectifs de business.Ce cours vous apprend crer un business plan en passant en revue chacune des sections qui le compose, avec chaque tape des exemples et des explications claires. qui s'adresse ce cours ?Aux personnes qui dmarrent juste leur entrepriseAux personnes coinces dans la rdaction de leur business planLes personnes qui veulent mettre au point une excellente stratgie avant de commencer leur entrepriseLes personnes qui recherchent des financements pour leur entrepriseComment ce cours est-il structur ?Uniquement des vidos : chaque notion thorique est associe un voire plusieurs exemple(s) concrets. Une fois le cours termin, vous devriez tre l'aise avec la rdaction de votre business plan, et serez en mesure de mettre en place des stratgies efficaces pour faire fructifier votre entreprise.Ce cours s'est construit grce des gens comme vousAlex souhaite vous expliquer plus en dtails pourquoi il a cr ce cours. Il a cr une application de business planning pour Android et iPhone avec plus d'un million de tlchargements. Sur l'application, il a vu des milliers d'entrepreneurs raliser des erreurs classiques en essayant de rdiger leur business plan. Avec le temps, il a cr une activit de coaching en tte tte pour aider ces gens. Ce cours est une option nettement plus abordable que son coaching priv, tout en conservant l'ensemble des stratgies qui ont fait leurs preuves.Pour aller plus loin que le business planChaque partie du business plan vous donnera des actions concrtes mettre en place une fois que vous aurez lanc votre entreprise. Alex vous souhaite de prendre du plaisir sur le chemin de votre succs. Il espre sincrement que ce cours vous aidera et a hte d'entendre les chos de votre russite, alors inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui pour commencer le chemin ! Vous vous demandez toujours si ce cours peut vous convenir ?Alex est toujours sceptique avant d'acheter quelque chose pour la premire fois. Il est impossible de prdire si le cours vous sera utile avant de l'essayer. Heureusement, Udemy propose le remboursement pendant 30 jours, vous ne prenez donc aucun risque. Alors achetez le cours et voyez par vous-mme quel point il est facile et passionnant de rdiger un business plan et de concevoir des stratgies efficaces pour votre business.Quels genres d'entreprises pouvez-vous lancer avec ce cours ?Avec les stratgies contenues dans ce cours, vous pouvez crer un business plan pour n'importe quel type d'entreprise, start-up, magasin, prestation de services, auto-entrepreneur, marketing en ligne, freelance... les possibilits ne sont limites que par votre imagination. AUCUN RISQUE : REMBOURSEMENT GARANTI PAR UDEMY !Crdit photo : Freepik"
Price: 49.99
"Reddit Marketing: Get Traffic And Sell Products On Reddit" |
"Reddit is one of the biggest social media websites. Take full advantage of it to grow your business.Change that right now with this course!In this course you will learn how to quickly get your Reddit seniority high enough to make posts and comments anywhere on Reddit to promote your business and products.You will also learn subreddits where you can promote your products.With this course, you will be able to promote your blog posts, YouTube videos, send traffic to your website, and boost sales.Sign up for the course now, and start growing your business through Reddit. Plus, be pleasantly surprised at just how big Reddit is, and how much of an opportunity there is on Reddit. Reddit is the 4th biggest site for US traffic, right behind Facebook. Surprised? I was too. Take advantage of this opportunity by enrolling in the course and learning how to make Reddit work to your advantage.OFFICE HOURS WITH PERSONAL HELPWhat really sets this Reddit course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours I hold with students in this course. The office hours are a group call with other students where you can make connections and get extra business advice from a real expert. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to make your course experience better. I form many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day I can meet you.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis Reddit course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll today!"
Price: 29.99
"Ecommerce PPC Ads 2020: Google Shopping & Merchant Center" |
"Set up highly-converting Google Shopping ads that are made specifically to sell products. Get traffic that is shopping and ready to buy now, and learn how to optimize your ads to get the best leads cheaply.Google product listing ads have a much higher click-through rate on the Google search result page than transitional Google AdWords.Whether you are already running Google AdWords PPC ads for your products or not, you should definitely run Google Shopping ads because they convert much better, are generally cheaper, and are made specifically to promote and sell products.If you want to sell more products, I strongly encourage you to run exactly these kinds of Google Shopping PPC ads. If you are not doing so already, you are missing out.And if you've tried Google AdWords PPC ads or Facebook ads for products, and could not generate sales, this might be a better option for you since you will be capturing traffic that is already looking for what you are offering.Try this eCommerce PPC ads course today and begin running your ads soon. INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.I am an expert growth marketer, and I create winning marketing strategies for my clients all the time. Now it is your turn to grow your business, and fulfill your dreams.BONUSES INCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute coaching call where we can discuss your PPC ads strategy (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course so we can discuss your PPC strategies there too* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course* Be entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured OFFICE HOURS AND ONE-ON-ONE HELP - I GIVE MY PERSONAL TIME What really sets this course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and I will do my best to help you. The office hours are free, I don't try to sell anything. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals. You can also get my help and advice any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in Google Shopping Ecommerce PPC ads.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE This Google Shopping Ecommerce PPC ads course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 39.99
"Bitcoin Investing, Get Savings And Discounts - Introduction" |
"You might think that Bitcoin is for nerds, but it is actually an amazing way to get savings in your everyday life.Did you know that you can get savings at your favorite retailers like Amazon or Starbucks if you use Bitcoin? Yes, you can get 10-20% OFF if you transact with Bitcoin instead of government issued currencies.Bitcoin can also be used as an investment but whereas your other investment profits are taxed by your governments, Bitcoin profits are not taxed. Plus, unlike other investments where you are lucky to make 10% year over year, Bitcoin has grown 10x year over year. That's 1000% percent!In this course, I will also show you how to earn Bitcoin online without having to invest in it. You would earn Bitcoin instead of dollars. No tax on your earnings and your Bitcoin might grow 1000% year over year for years to come.Disclaimer:Iam not a lawyer. Iam not an accountant. This course is not tax or legal or investing advice.Sign up for this course today and begin exploring the amazing world of Bitcoin and integrate it into your daily life, making it better.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and Iwould love to help you.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable* Free 15-minute GoogleHangout coaching call (I don't sell anything and don't collect your email, just answer your questions) * Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course*Be automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured ============================OFFICEHOURSWITHPERSONAL HELPWhat really sets this course apart is the bi-weekly regular office hours Ihold with students in this course. The office hours are a group call with other students where you can make connections and get extra business advice from a real expert.During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and Iwill do my best to help you. The office hours are free, Idon't try to sell anything. It is just another thing Idoto make your course experience better.Iform many amazing and long-term business relationships with people in my courses and I hope one day Ican meet you.============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic.============================MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE The course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 29.99
"Crystal Reports for SAP Business One Mastery Training Course" |
"If you work with SAP Business One, then you need to be familiar with Crystal Reports. This course gives you SAP Business One specific lessons for working with reports and layouts built in Crystal Reports. Many courses offer basic Crystal Reports training, but this course gives you SAP Business One specific training in: Understanding how SAP Business One works with Crystal Reports Fundamentals of planning / structuring your reports to make creation easier Details on finding data in SBO (including SAP resources included in the course) The actual building, formatting and design of reports and layouts Best practices for deploying, managing and controlling authorizations The course is taught by an active SAP Business One consultant and includes years of experience working specifically with SBO and Crystal Reports. The course is brimming with tips, tricks and best practices to maximize your business intelligence capabilities. You will save time and money making edits to your own reports and layouts. Included in the course are SAP consultant specific manuals and guides to help you follow along with the lectures and for reference when you do your own projects. Also included are example reports and assist queries to help find DocKey@ and ObjectId@ data for quick previewing of layouts. Materials Included with Purchase: Example Crystal Reports and layouts PDF manuals for working with SAP Business One and Crystal Reports SAP Business One comprehensive database manual Custom DocKey@ and ObjectId@ query for easily finding references needed to preview layouts A condensed lecture to summarize the course if you get out of practice and need a quick refresher Monthly live question and answer seminars will be included free for all students! This is the only course designed specifically for SAP Business One and Crystal Reports. Do not get fooled by taking a classroom course on Crystal Reports, it will not give you the knowledge you need to get the job done. Buy this course today!"
Price: 49.99
"SQL Query Training for SAP Business One" |
"My goal is to take any user and make them into an SQL query expert. Without overly technical jargon and unnecessary complexity.I include real-world experience and examples of queries written for actual customers for reference. Ishow you exactly how Ibuild queries, find tables and how to get your information out of SAPquickly to generate ad-hoc reports.We will also be covering more advanced topics including SQLviews,stored procedures and how to useSQLdatasources inCrystal Reports.If you have already done my Crystal Reports course, this course is a logical next step and a great way to improve your skills. Do reports yourself, save money and be in control of your data.This course includes the ability to ask me questions and get real answers. Imonitor the Q&A section constantly and will reply generally within 24 hours with guidance."
Price: 49.99
"Hormonal Roller Coaster" |
"Are you a woman who feels like your hormones are out of balance? Have you been told by your health care provider you are just depressed, getting older, or it is normal to be tired, or normal to have hot flashes? Do you feel like your youth and vitality are slipping away? Do you want to discover how to get off the hormonal roller coaster? To do that you first have to learn what is contributing to your hormone imbalance in the first place. Simply taking a pill to treat your symptoms will leave you very disappointed. You don't have a pill x.y, or z deficiency. In this course you will learn the key factors that are at the very root of your hormone imbalances and what step to take to get your life back. To feel like yourself again and ultimately improve your quality of life."
Price: 69.99
"Which is Scientific, the Bible or Atheism?" |
"This is a trial course to introduce students to what they can expect if they sign up for other Educate for Life classes. This particular course goes through four reasons belief in God is scientific and the lack of belief in God is un-scientific. The course includes follow along notes and a voluntary ten question quiz at the end of the lesson. The total course is around 1 hour and consists of video lectures along with detailed slide presentations. This course is meant to dispel the idea that belief in God is unscientific. And to demonstrate that atheism is not rational or scientific. MORE CLASSES WILL BE AVAILABLE BY SEPTEMBER 2014."
Price: 19.99
"402 - Was America a Christian Nation?" |
"You learned in Course 401: As a Country Thinks, So It Is, that every nation has an underlying philosophy that is based on a particular worldview. That being the case, what worldview is the United States of America based on? Historically, the answer was easy: America is founded onthe principles ofJudeo-Christian religion. But in modern times,Christianity's influenceis being rejected if not outright denied. Was America really founded on Christian principles? Were the founding fathers devout followers of Jesus, or agnostic philosophers of the enlightenment? To answer these questions, we must trace the principles of American government back to their source."
Price: 24.99
"403 - If It's Broke, Fix It" |
"In the previous course, you learned that America truly was founded on Christian principles, and that the Founding Fatherswere virtually all devout Christians. How is it possible that thissame nation has now banned God from schools,andmade some expressions of Christian faith punishable by law? This course will examine key turning points in our nation's history, whenlandmark court casesset the legal precedentfor America to turn its back onGod. It willlook at theimpact these changes have already had, as well ashow far down wemight go if we follow the path ofother nations. Finally, this class will explore what it would take for Americans to reverse this process and become a God-honoring nation once again."
Price: 24.99
"Adobe Experience Manager CMS Basics" |
"Adobe Experience Manager Basics course is a very high level overview of some of AEM's features focused mostly on helping you understand them at a very high level so you can start increasing your knowledge in future more specific AEM courses.This particular AEM course covers the following:What is AEM (a Content Management System or CMS by Adobe in which you can create websites similar to Drupal, Wordpress or other CMSs - I spoiled the surprise I know).How to install an author and a publish instance.How to edit pages using the the classic and the touch UI.Some authoring modes like edit, design and preview.What are components, templates, clientlibs, etc.And a simple project for you to apply some of the concepts seen in the courseAt the end of this course you will have a better understanding of what AEM is when to look for certain things like pages, components and templates."
Price: 34.99
"Activate Faery Shamanism Bringing Transformational Abundance" |
"Bring faery shamanism alive as you join the pioneer of teaching shamanism online here on Udemy Sharon Ramel. Together we will expand your skillset today by utilising the elemental magic of faery shamanism bringing happiness and deep peace to your life.Sharon offers you a certificate of attunement by request for free at the end of this course.What others are saying about this unique faery shamanism course in 2019:""Yes it's a great match. This is my third Sharon Ramel course and it's great as usual so far. It's an excellent course, Sharon makes it easy to follow and interesting"". - Jennifer Way""Excellent! Highly recommend journeying with this wonderful teacher in the ways of the Fae. Highly beneficial explaining the way to become more intune with nature, your own soul and the other worlds"". - Elizabeth Miles""This course makes me very happy! I have been taking my time with it and as you progress through the course, the connection with the fae gets stronger and stronger. I recommend this course to those who want a strong connection to the blessed ones."" Jennifer Lemke""I absolutely loved this course! It is a magical journey that will connect you to Mother Earth and the magic that surrounds us every day! I didn't want it to end! I am now going to go back and take it again because it truly is enjoyable to my soul! Sharon has a warm, genuine and kind spirit that I treasure! Thank you Sharon!!?????"" - April Dawn RichardsonAre you feeling the call of the wild? Are you looking to improve self-acceptance, to improve with the integral spirituality of all the magical elements, all of nature to improve your lifestyle? You carry Mother Earth within you, she is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. Is it time for you to re-connect?. Then follow me; as a Faery Shaman, you will work with personal development through the integral spirituality of all the magical elements, all of nature, moving into the faery realms. You will grow with the seasons and recognise the call of the wild, the winds will whisper to you and you will answer their call. The natural world awaits your awakening and looks forward to working with you. Discover your strengths and awaken to self-acceptance - be devoted.This course is not a romantic Hollywood story. Faeries are very real nature beings they have been with us always. All countries, all cultures are rich with the lore of those who live betwixt and between. Shamanism belongs to all cultures and countriesAre you ready to integrate the spirituality of ancient indigenous earth wisdom of faery shamanism into the modern world and walk a path of sacred respect, healing, personal development and love? Then know that I am here for you actively working with you serving and guiding you pathway to self-acceptance.A peek at what is inside this Faery Shamanic pathway:Opening into the MysticHow to Open Your Ancient EyesDreaming Hearts and the Way of the FaeDiscover the basics about the FaeHow to do a Triple Flame integration exercise to assist you when and where ever you areJoin me as we do the Magic Mirror Heart exercise togetherTake your Oath to the FaeA brief exploration of science versus the FaeLet us take a Faery Forest Walk Cleanse to open our hearts to the faeJoin me in this Faery Tea Making RitualHow to Awaken Your Senses - Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, SmellThe Darkness that is within us all - there is no light without the darkLearn how to make your very own Faery Attracting Tea's with renowned Herbalist Elizabeth HeckHow to do the practice of Sitting Out How to work with Dryads - Working the tree spiritsHow to perform Water Fae dreamingHow to do a Fire Sprites ceremonyHow to work with Earth faery connectionsHow to create your own Faery gardenHow to create your Faery Oracle cards setUrban Faery dreamingJoin me in a Sacred Well attunementAppropriate offerings for you to make for our faery friendsWorld Faery heart healingJoin me in this deep happy Meditation to the seekerThis unique course on shamanism allows us to gently explore the pathways of the Faery Shaman realm through incantation, invocation and ritual, seeking the magic within and the magic around will be revealed to help you project your consciousness into realms beyond this world. It is time for us to anchor into the pulse that all of life beats with - the one we have tuned out from for far too long. This distils a high level of emotional intelligence as we open our hearts into the realms of magic, mantra and majesty. Your psychic abilities will become enhanced as you explore with mindfulness the joy of working in the faery realms.Shamanism is the oldest and most enduring human spiritual tradition. You have been called, you have been asked to reclaim that lost, rich heritage of working with faery folk that our Pagan ancestors took for granted. It is your time now to discover how to gain self-improvement by working with faeries in a mutually beneficial way. Personal experimentation and creative explorations are the heart and soul of Faery Shamanism leading to self-acceptance and an improved lifestyle.We have the potential to activate our own spiritual pathway. Practice and believing in ourselves allows us to awaken the faery shaman potential that resides within us all. Spirituality is personal and wonderful - walk your path proudly.As you deepen your own faery shaman practice, you may start to perceive the forces and dimensions of the universe that are invisible to the normal five senses. You learn to see not with the eyes of the mind, but with the heart itself. This uncovers self-acceptance and understanding your core truths.Please Note: All students who enrol in this course also will receive periodic free and discounted access to my other top-rated spirituality infused current and upcoming courses.""Standing in the mists of this morningSeeing between the veilsWhere there is no day, there is no night.I tune in and see in this lightThe crossroads where we shall meetCalling in the faery blessed wayFor all those with eyes to seeThe gentle ways of thoseBeings who live in betweenTogether let us be blessedAs we walk the faery shaman way."" - Sharon RamelThis course is dedicated to my maternal grandmother - my beloved Nan - who taught me to love the natural world, respecting every aspect of it as vital, connected, rich and vivid. She taught me to trust and to see, to speak with the Fae of their terms, to respect above all the guidance they freely grant - for those whose hearts are true. Above all, she taught me to trust my own spirituality and dare to live by it.How To Approach This Course:It is ideal to commit to a schedule, add the same time into your calendar each week to watch one section at a time. Please complete all videos, read the PDF's and answer any assignments that help you to deepen your practice. Watch the video or listen to the audio, and practice the ceremonial aspects. Contemplate your growing practice. It is a great idea to review and to listen again and practice again from your emerging new awareness.Weekly is ideal. However, it may work better for you to take longer in between each section. The same is true of the opposite you may watch several parts at a time. This is your sacred journey.When a ceremony, teaching or practice touches you deeply or brings you to a new revelation or breakthrough, gift yourself an opportunity to pause and explore your experienceThere are plenty of free previews and an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee - so enrol with peace in your heart that your pocket shall not be bereft it this relationship does not work out for you.Certification and Accreditation: Some instructors offer accreditation via external official-sounding bodies. The majority of these are fake. We call them Certificate Mills. The only thing the Mill wishes to see from the instructor is money (ranging from $40 - $1500 per course depending on the Mill) to pay for the process. They do not even wish to see 1 minute of any course nor any qualification an instructor may hold. You; the student is then sent to these places to pay them (more) money as the student. They commonly offer public liability insurance that you can get WITHOUT them and the fake fancy-looking Diploma.As you know Udemy offers you a certificate of completion at the end of this course. However, I am happy to offer you a certificate of completion for any course of mine that you complete. Please ONLY message me through Udemy when you have completed the course. Note - I will not answer any requests for this outside of Udemy as I need to verify that you have completed the course!#Shamanic #Self-discovery #ShamanicJourneying #Shamanism #Meditation #Manifestation #Spirituality #Spiritual"
Price: 154.99
"How to Loosen Up Your Painting" |
"Tired of Tight and boring paintings? Paintings that do not express how you feel about the subject? Frustrated with doing the same thing over and over?What is the secret to loose and impressionist style of painting?You will learn all of this and more. But loose does not mean sloppy. If youwant to learn the real secrets of painting? Read on...The essentials of painting are requiredto fully take advantage of the loose painting style.I have created this course tohelp artists that want to get an overall understanding ofthe link between painting fundamentals and the loose style. Although this is an advanced courseyou will stillbe able to enjoy the course with only the basic painting knowledge.This course shows full painting demonstrations of specific subjects.Each demonstration has a number of objectives. Your challenge is then to try out what you have learned before moving onto the next lesson. This way you will learn progressively and build your skills over time.These are my paintings in the studio or outdoors. It is how I paint and how I produce the paintings for my art business. You are joining me in my daily painting practice.In this course you will learn:How to see like an artistSimplification of shapesUnderstanding values by watching real painting demonstrationsUnderstanding color in actionHow to prepare your paintingUnderstanding edges by seeing how it is doneComposition in practical termsPerspective (linear and aerial) the quick and effective way!Effective brushworkHow to finish in styleBy the end of this courseyou will be able to fully appreciate the steps needed to paint loose and free from bad habits.Yes I will add more demonstrations that support the lessons learned. Also new subjects that will be of interest to you.Ready to begin!"
Price: 84.99
"How to Add Light to Your Landscape Painting" |
"""I know the basics of painting, now please show me a painting from start to finish in detail.""This was the request I received from a new student who had completed my course How to Add Power to Your Painting Instantly. I had the answer for her. Watch me paint a landscape in detail! She loved the lesson and I resolved to prepare a short course on this approach for my online students too.But I do have one favour to request. Please take this course slowly. I go into detail explaining the concept of light for artists. How to use pigment to create the illusion of light.I alsospend a lot more time showing brushwork and little details here and there. This is not a quick fix in one hour. So if you do not like long lessons then break them up into ten minutes here and there.If you are a beginner please do my course Learn to Paint with Impact first as the foundation there will help you gain the most from this course.And of course try the lesson out for yourself. Painting better requires honest hard work. There it is.What do you receive?I focus on a landscape painting from start to finish. In much more detail and a widerscope of learning. We are going beyond the basics here. You will benefit from learning:How color should be approached in a landscape painting. Not color theory, but color practice!How to use your colors and palette like a pro;What to follow in a photo reference and what to avoid;Making a strong start to your painting;Developing shapes and color;Make decisions aboutlight and color and content that will help your painting.Know when to persistKnow when to stopThat is what makes an artist produce consistent work of higher quality. You can take this lesson and apply it regularly to your painting. After some time your painting will develop beyond hobby level. This is painting at a level where you can decorate your home and those of your own art fans.Who Am I?I'm Malcolm Dewey, a professional artist and writer. I paint contemporary impressionist style paintings of landscapes, figure studies and expressive portraits. I mostly paint inoils and watercolor. I have been painting for over twenty years and sell my paintings, host workshops and of course, teach online.Join me and learn the fine details of fine art landscape painting."
Price: 34.99
"Angular 4: Convirtete en Desarrollador Web Full Stack" |
"Esta es la oportunidad de convertirte en Desarrollador Web Full Stack.En este curso aprenders Angular 4, el framework JavaScript ms demandado por las empresas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones, en su ltima versin.El curso est compuesto de ms de 75clases totalmente prcticas en las que aprenders a programar en Angular 4,conociendo todos sus secretos, de una manera sencilla sin que sea necesario ningn tipo de requisito previo de programacin.Pero el curso no solo incluye el aprendizaje avanzado de Angular 4, adems aprenders paso por paso a desarrollar un proyecto completo de aplicacin empresarial, desde la primera lnea de cdigo hasta el despliegue en un servidor.Y aprenderemos como utilizar los servicios de Firebase para crear una base de datos en la nube de nuestra aplicacin, un servicio de autenticacin de usuarios y un sistema para subir archivos a la nube desde nuestra aplicacin.Este es el nico curso de Angular 4 que incluye, de cada clase, el cdigo listo para descargar, y que de esta manera en dos semanas aprendas Angular de manera profesional.El curso incluye:Ms de 75 clases prcticas sin repetir el aprendizaje.El cdigo de cada clase con el aprendizaje prctico.La creacin de un proyecto empresarial.El cdigo paso por paso del proyecto.12 test de autoaprendizaje.El servicio de preguntas y respuestas.Un anexo de aprendizaje de TypeScriptUn anexo de instalacin de Node, NPM y Visual Studio Code.Un eBook de Angular en castellano.Un Diploma de Aprovechamiento del curso a tu nombre.No dejes escapar esta oportunidad y dale un giro a tu carrera profesional!Ilustraciones del curso basadas en vectores libres autorade Freepik.Clips musicales adquiridos en Audiojungle.Logotipo de Angular libre descargado de Angular."
Price: 99.99
"Scrum - Applying The Art of The Possible" |
"The goal of this course is to provide a refreshing, and yet easily graspable and insightful introduction to Scrum. The course is delivered and structured in a manner that would ensure that you can quickly absorb the information presented here. The structure, and progression of the course material is designed to enable better retention and recall and hence the application of the knowledge and insights in your everyday practice of Scrum. The course has seven sections listed below: 1.Introduction 2.Core Values 3.Principles 4.Concepts 5.Roles and Artefacts 6.Process 7.Best Practices The course is almost entirely composed of Video lessons interlaced with some exercises designed to encourage some independent enquiry as well as some quizzes as a revision of the key points covered or as a means for informing you of some trivia. Each section in the course is self-contained, however that said, it does progressively build upon the knowledge areas covered in previous modules. In other words the course is structured and designed in a manner to take the audience from a novice level to a Scrum Practitioner level of proficiency. Therefore if you are a beginner or are new to Scrum, I would recommend going through the course in sequence, however if you are already experienced in Scrum, you may want to test your grasp of the subject matter by going through the exercises or skipping to any course module to delve into the area you may want to revisit. The exercises are also designed to support their use in a group setting, and to serve as discussion points and therefore benefit the team as a whole gain from perspectives of different team members"
Price: 29.99
"CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Therapists & Coaches" |
"This CBT(Cognitive BehaviourTherapy)course takesa comprehensive, practitioner levellook atthe topic of CBT teaching you just the essentials you need to know to help people change their lives. It teaches CBT therapy skills which can help to treat anxiety,depression, addictionsand a variety of other problems presented in counselling and psychotherapy like anger,self-esteem and confidence.This CBT(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) course teaches the skills required for those wishing to learn Cognitive Behavioural Therapyfor self-help, and for those wishing to learn CBT for therapy and counselling. This course is ideal for counsellors, NLPpractitioners, hypnotherapists and life coaches who want to add Cognitive BehaviourTherapyto their toolbox of skills and techniques.The course includes an 80-page downloadable PDFworkbook of the slides and space for taking notes on the lectures, a downloadable PDFsupporting materials document which contains blank copies of all of the various documents covered throughout this course so that you can print these off and use them and practise with them as you work through the course, and have them to use for self-help or with clients. The supporting materials documentalso lists the CBT books Irecommend reading to expand on what is taught in the course, and information about the evidence for the effectiveness of CBTcompared to other forms of therapy and what conditions CBT has good evidence for being best suited to treat(with links), and ends with a live client video demonstration of me using CBT to work with a client during a live training course to demonstrate what you have been learning in action.You will alsohave unparalleled access to me, Dan Jones, the course tutor.Ialways respond to students questions to be as helpful and supportive as Ican be, sharing my 20 years of knowledge and experienceto help you to get the most out of this course and to ensure you learn what it is you wantto learn from taking this cognitive behavioural therapy course.This CBTcourse covers how to use cognitive behavioural therapy:To treat anxietyTo treat depressionTo treat addictionsTo treat low confidence and self-esteemTo treat angerTo treat sleep difficultiesThrough this CBTcourse you will learn:What CBT is, and what the benefits are of doingCBTThe principles of CBTA variety ofCBT tools and techniques for addressing thoughts, feelings, beliefs and changing behavioursHow to identify problems and find solutionsHow to identify the key thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours to work onHow to tackle faulty thinking stylesHow to challenge unhelpful beliefs and create helpful beliefsHow clients use metaphor and how to use metaphors therapeuticallyRelaxation and mindfulness skillsAt the end of the course you will also have access to a Sussex Hypnotherapy Centre certificate of completion"
Price: 99.99
"Hypnotic Storytelling: How To Tell Stories That Heal" |
"This course teaches how to do Ericksonian hypnotic storytelling, crafting therapeutic, hypnotic stories. Most people don't notice how prevalent metaphor use is when we communicate. In therapy or coaching clients will be communicating in metaphors to the therapist or coach. These metaphors and other information the client shares can be used to develop hypnotic healing stories which can be told to the client to help them move forward and overcome their problem.The brain works largely by recognising patterns, this means that stories are one of the most powerful ways to help someone overcome their challenges as you can craft and tell stories which match the pattern of the clients problem and desired solution to help the client learn non-consciously what needs to be done to move forward from their situation.In this course you will learn:How to identify metaphors, patterns and content that clients shareHow to use this information to create therapeutic stories and metaphorsMy process for presenting stories and metaphors to clients that I find most effectiveI also include in the course a free copy of my Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Training Tool which you can download and use to practice creating therapeutic stories for clients with various problems and a video of a client session taken from a training course where I demonstrate Ericksonian hypnotic storytelling therapy, gathering information, finding metaphors and content for my story before presenting my therapeutic story as the sole therapeutic intervention with this client. The demonstration includes the clients reaction which shows the impact this one therapeutic story had on them."
Price: 69.99