"Comunicador@ Superestrella" |
"Ser capaz de comunicarse de manera efectiva es una habilidad fundamental, la cual tiene un gran efecto en el grado de xito profesional, estabilidad interpersonal (familiar, social y de pareja) y satisfaccin personal. El tener buenas habilidades de comunicacin es prcticamente esencial en todas las reas de nuestra vida. Sin importar si estamos interactuando con un amigo, un grupo social o desarrollando una presentacin para nuestros colegas y jefes, nuestra capacidad de comunicar nuestras ideas, pensamientos y sentimientos, tendrn un impacto enorme sobre los resultados obtenidos en cada una de estas situaciones. Aquellas personas que saben comunicarse asertivamente, tienen la capacidad de inspirar, influenciar y motivar a las personas a su alrededor, con el fin de que acten de maneras ms efectivas y logren de igual manera remover todo tipo de malinterpretacin. Al final de este curso, tu Entenders porque es necesario aprender a comunicarse de una manera ms efectiva. Entenders la importancia del lenguaje corporal y otros aspectos paralingsticos. Sabrs como desarrollar nuevos hbitos de comunicacin con el fin de crear mejores conexiones y relaciones ms profundas. Entenders los factores ms comunes que impiden una comunicacin efectiva con otros. Tendrs mucha ms confianza en tus habilidades para comunicarte en un contexto profesional o personal. Sabrs como crear conversaciones interesantes y atractivas con otras personas. Aprenders la importancia de hacer uso de metforas e historias en tus conversaciones con el fin de transmitir de manera ms eficiente informacin y mensajes complejos. Aprenders a cmo hacer preguntas asertivas que te permitan recibir mejores respuestas. Sabrs como dar mejores retroalimentaciones que te permitan ganarte el respeto de los otros. Sabrs cmo manejar conversaciones difciles. Este curso ha sido creado para empleadores, managers, supervisores y cualquier tipo de persona en una posicin de liderazgo y que deseen mejorar sus comunicaciones y relaciones interpersonales. Este curso te da un panorama de la extensa gama de estilos de comunicacin que existen y como estos pueden mejorar los resultados que obtienes en todas las reas de tu vida de aqu en adelante. A lo largo del curso aprenders principios que podrs implementar inmediatamente en todas tus comunicaciones, de tal manera que puedas empezar a ver la transformacin de tus interacciones inmediatamente. Teniendo en cuenta que las comunicaciones no son solo como verbalizamos nuestra ideas, este curso tambin te presenta un grupo de estrategias para mejorar tus habilidades de escucha, las cuales son necesarias para ser un excelente comunicador, aprenders a interpretar seales no verbales y a cmo crear empata con tu contraparte. Al concluir este curso, tendrs todo lo que necesitas para comenzar a comunicarte de una manera mucho ms clara, eficiente y asertiva, que te permita tener una mayor influencia en las personas alrededor tuyo."
Price: 99.99

"Certificacin en Terapia Cognitivo Conductual" |
"La terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC), hoy en da es una de las formas de psicoterapia ms populares y respetadas alrededor del mundo. Esta es usada en primera instancia para ayudar a las personas a entender sus pensamientos, sentimientos y como estas influencian sus comportamientos. TCC ofrece un marco de trabajo enfocado en tcnicas de cambio, habilidades de comunicacin y patrones de lenguaje que pueden ser usados para generar un cambio positivo en un gran nmero de problemas personales, incluyendo ira, depresin, ansiedad, estrs y diferentes tipos de adicciones. Las presuposiciones de la TCC, sugieren que nuestros pensamientos y sentimientos juegan un papel crucial en la manera en cmo nosotros nos comportamos y actuamos. Por lo tanto, la meta principal de la TCC es ensearles a las personas que, aunque ellos no son capaces de controlar todos los aspectos del mundo que los rodea, ellos pueden tomar control absoluto de la manera en cmo ellos interpretan las experiencias a su alrededor, de tal manera que ellos mismos puedan manejarse mejor en cada situacin. La belleza de esta ciencia y este curso radica en lo prctico de sus enseanzas, las cuales pueden ser implementadas inmediatamente en cualquier contexto de la vida, sea en los negocios, sesiones de coaching, liderazgo, marketing o a nivel clnico. Qu puedes esperar de este curso certificado para practicantes de la TCC? Descubrir los orgenes y estructuras de la terapia cognitivo conductual. Aprender cmo crear relaciones personales y profesionales duraderas y fuertes. Entender la naturaleza del miedo, la ansiedad y otras emociones negativas. Identificar como puedes hacer uso apropiado de las tcnicas de la TCC en situaciones especficas. Reconocer lo poco saludables que son ciertas creencias y como estas impactan nuestras vidas, nuestras acciones y resultados. Ayudar a otros a modificar sus respuestas negativas haciendo uso del proceso ABC de la TCC. Entender cmo aplicar los principios de la TCC a un gran nmero de contextos sociales y profesionales. Aprender a cmo usar diferentes patrones de comunicacin para promover cambio en los clientes. La terapia cognitivo conductual es el tratamiento tradicional predilecto de clientes y pacientes en un contexto mdico, el cual permite destruir hbitos negativos y remplazarlos por hbitos mejores y ms prcticos. TCC en un sistema mundialmente reconocido para entrenar a las personas a identificar y reconstruir los procesos de pensamiento negativos, los cuales estn impactando los resultados en sus vidas. A diferencia de otros tipos de entrenamiento que exigen que las personas tengan conocimientos de un gran nmero de protocolos especiales, este curso ve a las personas como un ser integral y no simplemente los sntomas en ellas. Es por esto que aqu aprenders modelos y estrategias que pueden ser usados en una gran gama de problemas emocionales y psicolgicos. Este curso te ofrece una estructura teraputica, a travs de la cual tus clientes podrn alcanzar cambios permanentes tanto emocionales, como comportamentales. Al final de este curso, t entenders algunas ideologas, conceptos modernos y tcnicas que hace de TCC una de las mejores prcticas para generar cambios positivos y permanentes en tu vida y en la vida de las personas que desees ayudar. "
Price: 99.99

"28-day Amazing Abs - the path to a firm core" |
"Everybody wants better abs! But more than just looks, strong abs help contribute to overall core strength. This class has hit 'em hard abdominal work, firming up all the different ab muscles. This course blends a detailed e-book and lots of video examples that will guide you to strength, fitness and a great-looking midsection. Awesome abs are what everyone wants and the 28-Day Amazing Abs Udemy course is the one to get them for you! The course is structured in a way that 28-days will be just the right amount of time to get a noticeable difference in how your abs look. If you follow the way the 28-day course is laid out for you, then you will reap the most benefit out of it. There is also a diet section in the 28-day Amazing Abs e-book and a specialized cardio workout, called the power set. It is certain enough to get your heart pumping hard. If you always wanted to train your core and midsection into a fit work-of-art, then this course is for you. The difference in how you look and feel can be amazing!"
Price: 19.99

"The Beginner's Guide to Digital Art with Procreate on iPad!" |
"This in-depth, step-by-step course will show you all the basics of working with Procreate on the iPad. Procreate is a powerful application that rivalsand,in some cases,outperformsthe much pricier competition. I even use it in my professional work for comic book publishers likeImage Comics and Top Cow.You'll learn how to use......Procreate tools to create line art orcoloredillustrations - all in real-time! No time-lapses here!...Skills that can carryover into almost any type of art - from comic books to manga to cartoons or web-comics....Procreate to getyou up to speed quicklywith easy to follow lessons from a professional.Whether you are looking to drawor color just for fun or for work, this course will save you a tremendous amount of time by teaching you what it takes to make art with Procreateand have some fun while you're doing it!In additions to the hours of video lessons, the course also includes:a copy of the actual Procreate file used throughout the course, so you can dissect and learn about it from the inside! (You can even watch, rewind, or fast-forward the time-lapse included with the file!)Custom, specialized brushes to import into Procreate on your iPad.Tons of tips, tricks, and shortcuts!More bullet points!Workat your own pace.There's no need to rush, since there's no time limits.Learn simple, but effective techniques for making art with Procreate on the iPad.If digital art has been intimidating or if you just couldn't figure out where to start, this is a great place for you!The workflow Iteach is designed to be simple and efficient - something anyone looking to work in production art will appreciate!I've created multiple courses over the last four years and taught thousands of students worldwide. You can expect top notch video &audio quality with views of my iPad screen AND my hands, so you can see exactly how everything is done from multiple perspectives - includingProcreate'smany usefulgestures.NOTE: Many, if not most, of the techniques taught in the course work on other drawing and painting applications, such as Photoshop, Clip Studio, Paintstorm, etc. This course will feature Procreate 4 on an iPad Pro. The Apple Pencil is only compatible with iPad Pro.So join me! I hope to see you there, and I'd love to help you get started down the path to becoming a great digital artist.:)"
Price: 49.99

"The Beginner's Guide to Color Theory for Digital Artists" |
"Are you an artist thats usually satisfied with your artwork UNTIL its time to add color? I remember that feeling!In this course, Ill teach you how to practically apply color theory concepts to your digital art, so you can stop being afraid of color and start using it to elevate your art to a whole new level! Color can be a scary aspect of any visual art, since poor use of color can easily make or break a great drawing, painting, logo,or sketch. Early in my own studies, I was repeatedly disappointed by the color theory tutorials I found online. Sure, I would learn some terminology--warm, cool, primary, secondary, complementary, etc--but this is just terminology! How do I actually use these concepts in my art?!If youve ever found yourself asking that question, this is the course for you! In addition tothe hours of real-time, step-by-step video lessons, youll also get: Line drawings for practice, so you can focus on color.Layered PSD files used in the lessons.Examples from my pro work as a digital colorist at Image Comics & Top Cow.Although Photoshop is used throughout this course, the color theory concepts taught herecan be applied with most of your favorite digital art applications such as Photoshop, Clip Studio, Paintstorm, Procreate, Corel Painter, Sketchbook Pro, Krita, ArtRage, etc.So if you're ready to learn how to make color work FORyou, instead of against you, I'll see you inside. :)"
Price: 49.99

"How to Analyze a Wholesale Deal in Real Estate" |
"Alexander Lang - 5 StarsSymon is so knowledgeable in the realm of real estate analysis I feel I've been in the business for years not months under his tutelage. His tone is smooth and well articulated. His ""Wholesaling-Calculator"" alone is worth the price of admission. You can literally plug in the numbers and all the work is done for you. I Highly recommend this course!Derral Fralish - 5 StarsSymon is great! I've completed two of his courses and highly recommend his lessons to anyone!Ethan Wong - 5 StarsAnother very good class from Symon. Clear lectures, and very good class materials. I really liked the included worksheets that had pitches to the two main types of end buyers.So you want to get into wholesaling, but youre not sure how to evaluate a deal. This is the course for you. Before you decide to drop hundreds or even thousands of dollars on some real estate gurus system, save yourself time and money by learning vital foundational knowledgehere first.I dont deal in fluff, just relevant concepts and tools you need to know in order to start learning how to evaluate a wholesaling deal.If you want to learn the techniques that the pros use to evaluate their deals AND get a custom-built calculator to speed up that process for you, then this course will get you started on the right foot.Before you read further it is important to note that THISIS A BEGINNERS COURSE designed for total novices with little to no background in real estate. If you are an experienced real estate investor, you should look elsewhere. (Like maybe some of my other courses you can find on the bottom of this page!)I can't promise I'll help you get rich enough to buy your own a yacht and a pair of Ferraris, but I can teach you the important fundamentals youll need to understand to properly evaluate wholesaling deals.After getting my MBA from Stanford, I worked on over $400M in different real estate deals. And as a licensed broker and consultant, I've worked with many clients doing all sorts of deals, from wholesaling all the way to ground-up multi-million dollar commercial real estate deals. I know what makes a deal work not work. Mark Bowden - 5 StarsI have been a Realtor for over 10 years and have worked with investors during most of this time. Symon's course of ""Real Estate Wholesaling Investment Analysis for Beginners"" is a great resource for beginning investors and Realtors working with them. His Excel spreadsheet is also a great way to quickly analyze a property for investment purposes. if you decide to purchase a property you still need to do a detailed scope of work which this spreadsheet isn't designed for. Symon stated this in the course overview. He has additional courses that give you the knowledge you need to be successful in real estate investing.Johnathan Mark - 5 StarsCalculator will definitely be used. Also, I appreciate the ability to print out PDFs for my buyers.How do I know if this course is right for me?If you've EVER wanted to know: The basics of wholesaling analysis What is the 70% rule? What is the After Repair Value, why it matters, and how do you calculate it? What is the Fixed Costs Method? What is the Maximum Allowable Offer, why it matters, and how do you calculate it? How do you pitch your property to a flip investor buyer? How do you pitch your property to a buy& hold investor buyer? If you said YES to any of the above, then this course is definitely for you.How is this different from your other courses?This course only covers how to run an investment analysis for a wholesaling deal and nothing else.For comparison, my other courses focus exclusively on other types of investing--running analysis for fix & flips and rental income properties as well asmore comprehensive coverage of topicssuch as investing in apartments, investing with partners, investing in Airbnb units, commercial real estate, and more.If you just want to learn analysis for wholesaling, then just take this course.If you only intend to invest rental income properties, invest with business partners, in apartments or in commercial properties, etc.... then check out my other real estate courses here on Udemy. What if I don't have any real estate background?No problem. You can get started without any real estate background. Ive designed this as an introductory course for people just like you.When youve finished this course, if you want to learn otherfoundational and advanced topics, please feel free to check out my other courses here on Udemy.I have some real estate background already, what could I learn from your course?Unless you are already familiar and experienced with evaluating wholesaling deals and have your own effective calculators, you'll benefit from this course.Advanced students have told me numerous times over the years that the investment calculator provided in the course is worth the price by itself.Can you make me rich by taking this course?No way! Not just from taking the course, anyway. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil.If you take my course AND apply what you learned to make smarter invests in the future, then you have a chance at making some real money.What I can guarantee is that you will leave with some serious real estate investing knowledge, techniques, and tools.What else does this course cover besides real estate investing?This course is ALL about and ONLY about investment analysis concepts and techniques for wholesaling. Nothing else.What will I be able to do after I take your course?After taking my course, you will be: Able to confidently use techniques like the 70% Rule and the Fixed Costs Method to evaluate your wholesaling deals Able to confidently present the deal economics to both potential flip investor buyers as well as buy& hold investor buyers Able to confidently use the custom-built calculator to evaluate all your future wholesaling deals What WON'T I get from this course? You will NOT learn everything there is to know about wholesaling.This particular subject has a lot to cover and this particular course is only about the small (but important) analysis part of the process. You will NOTbecome an expert or understand advanced techniques.This is a BEGINNERSCOURSE meant for BEGINNERS. You will NOT get a real estate license from taking this course. You can only get licensed by taking the appropriate test with the testing agency of your state and country. But what is taught in this course has nothing to with getting a license, which focuses on how to legally transact real estate deals between buyers and sellers. This course is about investment analysis only. I will not be evaluating your personal investment deals for you in this course. This is about you learning how to do it on your own using the lessons and the tools here. For students who want to become my consulting clients, I do offer private consulting services starting at $10,000 USD. Daniel Apte - 5 StarsGreat course! This is the kind of brass tacks number crunching we need to succeed in real estatethanks!Guy Perry - 5 StarsAmazing course! Quick, but very detailed. You got to have this course if you are planning to do any wholesaling deal.Anupom Ghosh - 5 Stars....another great real estate financial analysis course created by Symon He. The spreadsheet and the lessons on ARV and MAO are very important when your dealing with rehabbers ,buy-hold, and other wholesalers because you have to know your numbers or you will go nowhere. Take the class!Whats holding you back?Are you afraid this course wont work? I promise you it will.Are you afraid this course will work and youll actually have to start investing? I think thats a pretty good problem to have.Are you afraid it will take time and effort? It will. Real estate isnt an easy business; if it was everyone would do it. But if you put in the work I promise youll see results.Best of all, there is absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a 30-day money back guarantee to ensure you get what you pay for.So go ahead and sign up.I hope to see you inside. -Symon"
Price: 174.99

"Data Analysis Essentials Using Excel" |
"Ibadullah Khalil - 5 StarsA great instructor and guide for the course. All topics were well driven and to the point with no gibberish language used to make it difficult for the learners just like other instructors. A highly recommended course for every beginner who aims to become a data analyst Jianyong Chen - 5 StarsThis is one of the best course I took on Udemy so far. The instructors explained everything in detail and there are practices after each section. Make sure you download all the files, practice on your own, and you will learn a lot. Highly recommend! Every business generates data. But whether you're able to turn that into useful insights depends on your ability to process, manipulate, and ultimately translate that data.Whether you're working for a company or running your own, being able to make better decisions requires you to be able to analyze and interpret data. What data do you need? How do you prep that data? How do you analyze it to answer specific questions?In this course, we're going to show you step-by-step, exactly how to do that, by starting with the very basics. Why Microsoft Excel? This course is as much about Excel, if not more, than data analysis concepts and techniques. Why? Excel is still the most popular tool used by analysts in all industries, across all roles. It's used by financial analysts, marketing analysts, sales analysts, and of course, data analysts. Yes, there are many tools out there but if you learn and master the core concepts and techniques of data analysis in Excel, you'll be able to apply your knowledge to a broad range of applications. Dont underestimate Excel--a single worksheet can technically hold more than 17 BILLION data points (granted, it will make your computer REALLY slow). Fortunately, most of us running analysis will need to process far fewer data points than that. Still, it speaks to the power of the program. Maurizio Zippo - 5 StarsThis is one of the best course I have ever taken and thoroughly enjoyed. Highly recommended if you want to brush up your existing Excel Skills and to learn how to build some complicated formulae. The Pivot Table and Charts were something I always struggled with but thanks to Symon and Travis' explanations they are now so easy to use every day at work, saving me tonnes of time! Many Thanks Symon and Travis for putting together this great course you are my Excel heroes! The case studies on Cryptocurrency and The Start Up Market are absolute gems! I can't wait to get started with your next course. Why learn from us? By signing up with us, you will be learning from two instructors with a combined 35 years of relevant experience across a wide range of analyst roles. Travis has been a digital marketer, investor, and entrepreneur for 20 years. Hes led growth in Asia for Groupon and even helped build Excel when he was as an engineer at Microsoft. He is a data analysis and data visualization expert who pulls from his industry experience to teach some of the advanced data analysis topics youll find in this course. Symon has been interpreting and analyzing data for 15 years. He has served as a financial analyst, marketing analyst, and even head of marketing analytics across half a dozen industries. If you look at his other courses on Udemy, you'll see that he is an Excel and analysis ninja, having taught nearly 180,000 students with over 18,000 reviews. Together, weve pulled directly from our personal experience and put everything we could into this course. In fact, all of the case studies youll find inside are inspired by real-world projects weve worked on. What if I don't have any data analysis or Excel background? No worries! This is why we start with the very basics in our foundational sections, which is designed to get you familiar with Excel before we move on to more advanced topics. You can be a complete beginner and take this course. It might sometimes feel like you're drinking out of a fire hose, but if you put in the time and effort we promise youll see results by following our course and doing the exercises. We then progressively increase the difficulty as you move along in the course, culminating in advanced techniques taught through our case studies. If you do have an Excel background, you can skip or skim through the foundational sections and move directly into the more advanced topics. Stephen Dias - 5 StarsIf you're trying to learn the foundations of excel this course is all you need. Brandon Parker - 5 StarsI have a lot of experience building excel models and purchased the course for the case studies. I didn't expect to learn much from the introductory parts but was surprised to find additional keyboard shortcuts I had never learned as well as powerful new functions that will make my life a lot easier. This course helped me brush up on functionality that I often neglected while using excel and was super comprehensive. I look forward to continuing using this course as additional case studies are added and highly recommend it for even excel experts. Learn through practice.Like most things in life, becoming proficient at data analysis in Excel takes practice. A lot of practice. Sure, you'll pick up plenty just from watching, but you'll be doing yourself a disservice if you don't download our more than 100 custom-built Excel practice files specifically designed to help you master the program. We're not done adding all our content yet, either. This class was initially created an ""intro"" course, but it will soon become a complete coverage of all things data analysis in Excel. In conclusion, does any of the following apply to you? 1. Do you want to really know your way around Excel? 2. You have data for your work or business but you're not sure what to make of it? 3. You might know your way around Excel but you're not confident about turning data into business insights 4. You frequently receive Excel spreadsheets from others but want to better understand how they arrived at their conclusions? 5. You want to learn the best practices when it comes to using Excel for data analysis. 6. You are intimidated by spreadsheets and terms like Pivot Tables and VLookups 7. You want to learn a skill set that is useful for any role in any industry you get into later. If so, then take charge and take our course.You have absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a solid-as-an-oak-tree 30-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So if you're ready to go from data deficient to data proficient, enroll now! "
Price: 194.99

"Dvelopper avec Bootstrap 4 - Le Cours Complet" |
"Nouvelle formation complte Bootstrap V4 pour une prise en main simple et rapide des mthodes de dveloppement web universel et cross-plateform. Atout majeur pour tous les mtiers du web, connatre la librairie HTML, CSS & JS Bootstrap aide crer rapidement et facilement des pages responsives pour les crans de mobiles, tablettes et ordinateurs de bureau.En dveloppement depuis 2014, Bootstrap V4 annonce finalement sa version Beta. Les nouveauts incluent : Un systme de grille avec la Flexbox pour plusdoptions et flexibilitL'utilisation de SassDes nouveaux composants CSS comme les cardsCe cours vous aidera, avec plusieurs dmonstrations et projets, comprendre le dveloppement cross-plateform mobile. l'issu de la formation, vous pourrez afficher firement vos nouvelles comptences de conception web adaptif avec une page portfolio professionnelle et responsive.Au programme :Crer des pages responsivepour les crans larges (ordinateurs portables et de bureau) et rduits (tablettes et mobiles)Utiliser les nouveauts de Bootstrap V4 avec la Flexbox et autres composants nouveaux comme les cardsinclure des plugins jQuery, prts lemploi et extrmementfaciles configurer, pour crer une page dynamique en un rien detempsEn extra, jQuery et Animation CSSpour ajouter de linteractivit et des effets visuelsLes projets :(1)-Un premier exemple de pageBootstrappour apprendre les lments de base et dcouvrir :Comment intgrer les ressources Bootstrap avec loption CDNLe systme de grille pour crer rapidement une mise en page responsiveLes classes CSS et les composants Bootstrap avec le concept de mobile firstLes plugins jQuery. Avec une configuration minimum et simple dutilisation, les composants Javascript seront faciles intgrer(2)- On poursuit, plus fort, avec projet de page portfolio pour apprendre crer une mise en page en moins duneheure, avec en dmonstration :Lutilisation des options de grille responsive avec la FlexboxLintgration des composants bootstraps : Jumbotron, Navbar, et Form...Lajout de classes utilitaires responsivepour adapter la mise en page aux diffrentes tailles dcran. Ce sera, sans trop deffort, que vous pourrez cibler les crans larges et dappareils mobile.En bonus, animations et transitions avec CSS Animation et jQuery(3) -On passera, ensuite, un niveau plus avanc avec un projet de template dapplication mobile. Au final, vous aurez une page fonctionnelle et responsive pour prsenter vos projets en ligne, un portfolio numrique, vos comptences web ou autre.(4) - Vous apprendrez galement personnaliser votre page Bootstrap en utilisant la syntaxe de Sass et Grunt.Et, pourquoi utiliser Bootstrap ?La bibliothque Bootstrap estsimple et facile apprendrePlusieurs options disponiblespour dmarrer un projet: le CDN, les fichiers CSS ou SassBootstrap offre,dans sa documentation,plusieurs exemples depages et templates pour vos projetsUne documentation claire et informative avec des codes snippets prts l'emploi, pour un usage rapide des classes et composants CSSPour qui ?Les designers et dveloppeurs webLes Intgrateurs html et cssPour les dbutants surtout, qui souhaitent rapidement se familiariser avec le dveloppement mobileEt, les utilisateurs de Bootstrap 3 pour rester au fait des nouveauts annonces pour la version 4"
Price: 74.99

"The Ultimate Mind Map Course for Education" |
"Are you interested in improving organization skills, enhancing creativity and improving memory? Those are a few of the benefits that you'll gain by taking the Ultimate Mind Map Course for Education. There are currently 30 videos with over 2.5 hrs of video content. The videos are structured to be practical, quick and to the point...no fluff. I've purposefully, kept videos under 10 minutes to discuss applications and strategies. I've also included a list of free and paid Mind Map software options. This course can be enjoyed by students, parents, teachers and life long learners. It's currently structured with three sections Introduction to Mind Mapping, School Applications and Personal Development. Video titles include: The Simplicity of Mind Maps Mind Map Benefits 5 Mind Mapping categories for education The power of questions How to create templates How to create "Master Mind Maps" Course Management Time management Note Taking Test Preparation Writing Outlines Group Work Book Summaries Research Mind Mapping is a journey. This is your Mind Map journey! Pick the video applications that work for you. Suggest future applications for the community. I will add more video examples for applications that the community wants to see."
Price: 49.99

"How To Become A Prolific And Productive Writer" |
"In This Course Youll Learn Powerful Mindsets That Will Turn You Into A Powerful Writing Machine!This course is all about how to develop your confidence as a writer. If youve struggled with finding motivation to write in the past, or just want to brainstorm all about how to program yourself to be a prolific and productive writer, then enroll in this course. So if youve ever felt like you just dont have the passion for writing that you want, then you might love this course. Have You Ever Smashed Your KeyboardBecause You Just Cant Find The Motivation To Write, Or Maybe You Suffer From Writers Block Every Time You Sit Down To Write? If thats the case, then this course was created for you. So, you can brainstorm some super powerful mindset hacks that will help you to get excited about writing in a super cool way. Youll brainstorm a ton of awesome mindset hacks and motivational strategies allowing you to finally focus relentlessly on writing. Who Is This Course For? This course is for you if you want to be a more prolific or productive writer, and want to focus more on your writing. So, if youre currently struggling to motivate yourself, or if you just dont have enough excitement, then you might love this course. However, if you already successfully write a lot of content, or if youre already fully motivated to be a writer, then you should probably SKIP this course. Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course? Imagine if you had to pay a writing consultant to brainstorm these motivational hacks with you. That would probably cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a few thousand bucks, or more! What about all the frustration that you could avoid simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming right now?Ask yourself how much your time and peace of mind is worth? Finally Crack A Massive Smile The Next Time You Brainstorm Your Next Written Project! You may have noticed that writing is one of the coolest things in the world. You can potentially help the lives of endless readers who are dying to read your stuff and your ideas. But maybe youre frustrated because youre not sure how to fully motivate yourself allowing you to finally get to work? If thats the case, then this might be the coolest course you take all year! If any of this sounds cool, then enroll now andstart to focus relentlessly on your writing and become truly prolific as a result!"
Price: 194.99

"Let's Brainstorm A Ton Of Awesome Blog Post Ideas!" |
"In This Course Youll Brainstorm ATon Of Awesome Blog Post Ideas!This course is all about brainstorming awesome blog post ideas.If youve struggled with coming up with blog post ideas, or just want to brainstorm all about different blog post ideas that are super cool, then enroll in this course.Have You Ever Been Frustrated Because You're Suffering From Writer's Block, Or Maybe You Just Have No Clue What To Blog About?If thats the case, then this course was created for you. So, you can tap into a ton of blog post ideas in a super cool way, and youll never have to break down into tears because you have no clue what to blog about next.Youll brainstorm a ton of awesome cool blog post ideas allowing you toblog consistently and reliably.Who Is This Course For?This course is for you if you have no clue what to blog about next...So, if youre a struggling blogger, or if you want to brainstorm a ton of awesome blog post ideas, then you might benefit tremendously from this course.However, if you already blog confidently, or if youre not a blogger and don't want to be, then you should probably SKIP this course.Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course?Imagine if you had to pay a blogging expert orconsultant to brainstorm all of these ideaswith you. That would probably cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a few thousand bucks, or more!What if you attended a workshop or a physical class that taught you how to brainstorm blog ideas? That could easily cost you a few thousand dollars, or even more!What about the positive mindset that this course could help you adopt? How much is it worth to have the confidence of being able to brainstorm blog posts at the drop of a dime?Imagine having so many awesome blog post ideas, that you weren't even sure where to start?What about all the frustration that you could avoid simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming right now?Ask yourself how much your time and frustration is worth?Finally Tap Into ANear Infinite, Raging River Of Awesome Blog Post Ideas!You notice and realize that being able to blog reliably can be a massive boon to your business. But maybe youre frustrated because youre not sure how to blog consistently? If thats the case, then this might be the coolest course you take all year!If any of this sounds cool, then enroll now and youll finally start brainstorming more blog posts than you can shake a stick at!!!"
Price: 194.99

"How You Can Become An Online Authority In Any Niche" |
"Let's Face It. It Doesn'tMatter If You're Trying To:Get a better job...Land a promotion...Get interviewed...To charge clients more...Win an awesome freelance client...Get MORE clients...Develop respect...Be recognized...Or escape the rat race.No matter what your intention is, having a powerful online presence can benefit you tremendously. That's why you might love this course, and it's why you might benefit tremendously by checking it out!In This Course Youll Learn 9 Different Authority Building Methods That Almost Anyone Can Use!This course is all about how to build authority online in absolutely any niche.If youve struggled with tapping into a niche, or just want to brainstorm all about cool ways to build authority online, then enroll in this course.Have You Ever Been Frustrated Because Nobody Knows Who You Are, Or Maybe You Just Can't Build Any Rapport, Respect, Or Authority?If thats the case, then this course was created for you. So, you can start brainstorming some super powerful ways to build authorityin a super cool way, and youll never have to get depressed because nobody knows who you are.Youll brainstorm a ton of awesome authority building methodsallowing you to have a super powerful online presence.Who Is This Course For?This course is for you if you have no clue how to build a powerful online presence.So, if youre struggling because nobody knows you, or if you want to be more of an authority, then you might benefit tremendously from this course.However, if you already have a powerful online presence, or if youre not really interested in becoming an online authority, then you should probably SKIP this course.Most importantly, if you're allergic to hard work, and aren't willing to learn more, then you should DEFINITELYskip this course.Whats The Real WorldValue Of This Course?Imagine if you had to pay a a businessconsultant to brainstorm authority building methods with you. That would probably cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a few thousand bucks, or more!What if you attended a physical class at the University level or a workshop that taught how to become an online authority? That could cost you a few thousand dollars, or even more!What about the positive mental mindset that you could adopt simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming alongside with me?What about all the frustration that you could avoid simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming right now?Ask yourself how much your time and frustration is worth?Finally Become An Online Authority And Build Some Super Powerful Online Assets!You notice and realize that having a powerful online presence can benefit you tremendously. But maybe youre frustrated because youre not sure how to start? If thats the case, then this might be the coolest course you take all year!If any of this sounds cool, then enroll now and youll finally start to brainstorm some awesome authority building methods that work in absolutely any niche!"
Price: 194.99

"How To Teach Your First Online Course" |
"In This Course Youll Learn How To Create Your First Course As An Online Teacher!This course is all about how to tap into the exciting world of being an online teacher.If youve struggled with creating your first online course, or just want to brainstorm all about how you can become an online instructor, then enroll in this course. Have You Ever Been Overwhelmed Because You Want To Become An Online Instructor, Or Maybe You Just Can't Decide Which Course You Should Create First? If thats the case, then this course was created for you. Youll brainstorm online course creationin a super cool way, and youll never have to second guess yourself or wonder what first steps you should take. Youll brainstorm a ton of awesome online teaching strategiesallowing you to finally jump into this exciting world of online teaching headfirst!Who Is This Course For? This course is for you if you've always wanted to be an online teacher, if you love helping people, or if you want to share your ideas with the world. If youre a prospective teacher, or are just curious to learn more about the world of online teaching, then you might benefit tremendously from this course. However, if you already teach online courses, or if youre not really interested in being an online teacher, then you should probably SKIP this course. Whats The Real Value Of This Information? Imagine if you had to pay a teaching consultant to brainstorm course creationwith you. That would probably cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a few thousand bucks, or more! What if you attended a workshop that taught you all about how to teach your first online course. That would probably cost you a few hundred bucks, maybe even a few thousand dollars or more! What about all the frustration that you could avoid simply by enrolling in this course and brainstorming right now? Ask Yourself How It Would Feel If You Finally Had The Courage And Knowledge Required To Teach An Online Course?Maybe youve noticed that being an online instructor is awesome, but it can seem like a huge challenge?Maybe youre simply frustrated because youre not sure how to start? If thats the case, then this might be the coolest course you take all year!If any of this sounds cool, then enroll now and start to brainstorm your first online course while having a ton of fun!"
Price: 194.99

"Introduccin a Internet de las cosas (Scratch, Processing y" |
"En la actualidad cada vez es ms importante que las personas aprendan a programar computadoras porque permite desarrollar mejor la lgica aumentado la inteligencia. Actualmente hay artculos cientficos que han realizado pruebas con nios, adolescentes y jovenes; teniendo resultados favorables al finalizar el curso de programacin; las plataformas que comnmente utilizan son las plataformas de Scratch, Processing y Arduino.En esta gua se propone brindar los fundamentos necesarios de Scratch, Processing y Arduino, la propuesta se divide en cuatro captulos:Primer Captulo: Plataforma Scratch, utilizado para generar la lgica necesaria a los que se inician en el mundo de la programacin de computadora; mediante bloques ya establecidos se va generando historietas interactivas que incentivan a seguir aprendiendo. Segundo Captulo: Plataforma Processing, usado por las personas creativas o investigadoras que no quieren complicarse por la sintaxis del lenguaje de programacin, es una buena forma de conocer los bucles y las condicionales por medio de esta plataforma. Tercer Captulo: Electrnica bsica, es un pequeo capitulo que se basa en saber la parte esencial de la electrnica, para estar bien preparados en el siguiente captuloCuartoCaptulo: Arduino, mediante la placa de Arduino con sus sensores y actuadores, permite generar proyectos bastante interesantes ya que interacta con el medio fsico mediante la programacin del microcontrolador de Arduino."
Price: 19.99

"Become at ease with Java 8" |
"UPATE February 2020Massive update:- Lambda chapter has been re-recorded with new slides and content!The Java engineering team has been busy for years to see the shortcomings in the earlier versions of Java. Every 2 to 3 years a new and improved version is released, each time mixing proven concepts from other programming languages and the strengths of Java itself.Java 8 (codename Spider) was released in March 2014 with a vast number of language updates.Get yourself up-to-date in this course with all the new and great features this version of Java has to offer:* Lambas and function references* Streams for functional programming* Default methods for more flexibility when evolving APIs* Using Optional to create awareness around null-values in your APIs* The new Date/Time API to cope with all the past issues of handling timeThe course is based on a lot of examples, to help you understand as easily as possible the issues that were addressed with Java 8. "
Price: 94.99

"Journey Through The Chakras: 7 Keys To Kundalini Yoga & Joy" |
"Over 3000 HAPPY STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN THIS UNIQUE, LIFE CHANGING COURSE Updated March 2019: LATEST : now with 13 hours of content, which can be viewed again, and again! JOIN THE CHAKRA REVOLUTION - it is an inner revolution, spinning your yogic energy centres, so your energy flows perfectly into creating you, and your life, exactly how you want it! You too can be happy like 3000+ students who have taken the right step and enrolled on this incredible course... Get ready to really move forward, and live the life you always dreamed of, and were born to live.Like me, YOU can be who you want to be, have whatever you want to have, do whatever you want to do, whenever you want i.e. be completely FREE! Right now you have the choice to be able to feel really good about yourself, and your life. This is all possible by unlocking the ancient secrets of the Chakra energy centers, as taught in Kundalini Yoga, and Ancient Wisdom across the world, through the ages. After over 16 years of practicing, and teaching Kundalini Yoga, having learnt this sacred art in Anandpur Sahib, Northern India - I can tell you this stuff is amazing. I also have spent the last 14 years practicing and teaching Kundalini Dance, having learnt this groundbreaking practice in the rainforest outside of Byron Bay, Australia - a powerful, shamanic Journey through the Chakras, and I share the wisdom of how you too, like me can heal, and feel wonderful all the time. I am completely unique in the world to have mastered these 2 practices, but they complement each-other perfectly. Happiness is about finding balance - Kundalini Yoga is very male, very specific, and goal orientated, whereas Kundalini Dance, and the wisdom I share from this, is very female, creative, intuitive and loving. I have unlocked the secrets to happy, and successful living, and I am sharing these secrets with you now!... This is an 8 week Chakra journey, a voyage of discovery within your inner 'seven seas' of knowledge, to finally rediscover the lost magical island of pure being, and unbounded joy. Week One: Introduction to Kundalini and your 7 Chakras - We are made up of energy vibrating across 7 unique frequencies, just like all of life in the universe. This is why this is the best, simplest, and most effective system to get you exactly where you want, and need to be - because we literally embody these 7 principles! Week Two: Base Chakra - Anchor your attention through the sitting bones into the Sacred Earth. Find your sense of belonging, to feel fully safe and secure no matter what happens. Reclaim your rightful claim to your beautiful and amazing body. Week Three: Sacral Chakra- Dive deep into your sexual essence and remember how good it is to feel the sensual nature of your body, and the world around you. Unlock your unbounded creativity, together with your forgotten gifts, and talents. Week Four: Solar Plexus Chakra- Reclaim your vital energy to become a powerful magnet to become who you were born to be, and live the life you were born to live. Week Five: Heart Chakra- Between the pillars of your strong shoulders lies a lost and forgotten island surrounded by a deep ocean of wonderful bliss. It's time to return to the joy you once had. You deserve to feel your own soul dancing in the shining light of your conscious attention. Week Six: Throat Chakra- Everything is communication. We were born to relate, but communication starts at home. Learn to really listen to and through your body to a deeper place, an inner knowing, sounding from the lost inner voice. Week Seven: Third Eye Chakra- Take the mask off, and learn to really see yourself as you truly are, an amazing and unique soul. Create a vision a thousand miles high, and across the whole world. Week Eight: Crown Chakra- Coming home to rest in pure awareness, the shining light of divine love. Life is a blessing, allow your soul to embrace the heart of the Universe. Don't wait a moment longer - start feeling better, and living fully right now, by enrolling on this unique course... 30 Day Money Back Guarantee"
Price: 144.99

"CCNA Security - 7 Days till your Cisco 210-260 exam - Labs" |
"***THIS IS A LEGACY COURSE***CISCO HAS DISCONTINUED THIS EXAM AS FEB 2020It is not enough to go through videos to pass the CCNA Security exam (210-260 IINS). Do you think you're ready for this challenge? Maybe you need to focus on labs and go through all the main topics in a few days? You've come to the right place. This course is perfect if you are familiar with CCNA Security topics and you are looking for a supplement to book and video courses. Here you'll find 7 big labs for 7 days plus exam tips. Includes a lot of practice questions, quizzes, and a final exam (25 questions!). What's more: when things go wrong - I keep recording. Learn how to troubleshoot network security issues. This is great for Network Engineers looking for real world scenarios and tips as well.There are two unique features of this course:Labs cover multiple areas at the same time (e.g. Zone Based Firewall and Router Hardening, ASA Firewalls and Radius)All commands used in the labs, tasks, and network topologies are attached to the course as an ebook you can download!Pass the Cisco CCNA Security exam (210-260 IINS) first time and master all skills in 7 days.Please note the course is designed for students who have already covered most of the CCNA Security exam topics and need a quick review or are looking for a supplement to practice labs and simulations.Join now!"
Price: 34.99

"Data Loss Prevention (DLP) - Security breaches under control" |
"Did you know that almost 50% of employees transfer business files to a private laptop? Is there anything we can do about it? Yes - implement a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) system to address potential data loss or theft on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and mobile devices.Protect your sensitive files, clients' information, credit card numbers, and more.With a DLP system you decidewhen, fromwhere, and by whom data can or cannot be accessed and copied!About this course: This is a vendor-neutral introductory course providing a high-level overview of DLP systems, architecture, components, and features. Hands-on labs included!What I will learn: How to start with a DLP system, create a basic policy, understand DLP components, and even create your first regular expression (regex).Special topics: Even though this is a vendor-neutral course, I show you a lot of real world examples and DLP systems that you can try at home - for free!Join this course to learn:Data Loss Prevention (DLP) architectureEndpoint vs Network protectionData at rest, Data in motion, Data in useDeploy your own DLP system in minutes using a virtual machineSee a lot of examples and real world applications (e.g. blocking uploads, sharing programming codes)Write your first regular expressionLearn about more advanced DLP features (SSL interception, OCR, integration with Active Directory)Join now and see what a DLP system can do for you and your company! Protect USB drives, clipboard, network drives, email clients, Skype, and more. Make sure nobody can share or copy your internal files and data ever again.This is a vendor-neutral course that will make you ready to start with any DLP system, including enterprise solutions from Symantec or McAfee. Hands-on labs are based on two DLP systems: DeviceLock and EndpointProtector.Join now!"
Price: 34.99

"Ochrona przed wyciekiem poufnych danych - wprowdzanie do DLP" |
"Czy wiesz, e 50% uytkownikw przyznaje si do wynoszenia danych firmowych? Co moemy w tym zakresie zrobi? Wdroy i skonfigurowa system klasy DLP - Data Loss Prevention, ktry jest stworzony po to, aby zapobiega przypadkowym oraz celowym wyciekom danych z firmy. Kurs zawiera laboratoria oparte na programach DeviceLock oraz Endpoint Protector, omawia rwnie bardziej zaawansowane koncepcje znane z systemw takich firm jak Symantec.W kursie znajdziesz nie tylko opis dziaania systemu DLP, ale rwnie wiele praktycznych przykadw, ktre mona w atwy sposb wybrbowa w domu. Naucz si jak firmy i banki dbaj rwnie o Twoje bezpieczestwo i bezpieczestwo Twoich danych takich jak numery kart kredytowych, konta email. dane osobowe itp.Co znajduje si w kursie:Opis dziaania systemw klasy DLPJak zainstalowa taki system od podstawTworzenie i zarzdzanie polisamiBlokowanie prb kradziey danychKontrola dostpwZaawansowane funkcje DLPPodstawy tworzenia wyrae regularnych -RegexKrtkie i atwe do odnalezienia lekcje oraz rozdziayWiele praktycznych przykadw dziaania DLPZapraszam serdecznie. Docz teraz i dowiedz si wicej o jednym z kluczowych systemw bezpieczestwa naszych danych!"
Price: 34.99

"Sieci komputerowe - dla pocztkujcych - budowa i dziaanie" |
"Zapraszam na kurs powicony sieciom komputerowym. Idealne miejsce dla osb pocztkujcych, jak rwnie tych, ktrzy szukaj ju konkretnych informacji (na przykad jak przekierowa porty czy skonfigurowa punkt dostpowy). Dodatkowo prezentacja i podstawy konfiguracjiprzernychgadetw.Ponad cztery godziny nagra z wykorzystaniem trzech kamer FullHD, profesjonalnego mikrofonu i lekkiego podejcia do tematu. W kursie midzy innymi:Podstawy dziaania sieciNarzdzia siecioweJak szybka powinna by sie wi-fiGadety: kamery IP, goniki, GPS, pilot wi-fiJak stworzy prost stron wwwRozwizania dla maych firm (SynologyRT2600ac)Porady: jak diagnozowa brak internetuPodstawy wirtualizacjiZdalny dostp (VNC, Teamviewer)Jak skonfigurowa VPN na ruterzei wiele, wiele innych.Kurs zawiera minimaln ilo teorii, nastawiony jest na praktyczne przekazanie wiedzy z zakresu sieci komputerowych. Liczne porady pomog w codziennej pracy z komputerem.Zapraszam serdecznie!"
Price: 99.99

"CCENT 100-105 ICND1 Practice Exams - Pass your Cisco exam" |
"***THIS IS A LEGACY COURSE***CISCO HAS DISCONTINUED THIS EXAM IN FEB 2020Are you looking for reliable and interesting Cisco CCENT exam practice questions? You've come to the right place!It is not enough to buy videos and books to pass an IT exam anymore. You have to go through as many practice questions as possible. You need questions with explanations to study and master all key topics! This course focuses on the CCENT 100-105 ICND1 exam, however it can be used for CCNA studies as well. There are five exams based on the official Cisco curriculum. Join now and take advantage of a unique webinar with a lot of exam tips and more challenges!Here is a list of features:A lot of practice questionsMultiple choice questions and questions with exhibitsExplanations to all questionsQuestions and answers are randomizedAll exam sections coveredSubnetting questionsExam tips and additional linksAll questions written from scratchAll key exam topics coveredQuestions divided using the official curriculumA lot of tricky quesitons to help you pass the exam first timeYou get 100+ professionally written Cisco practice questions with explanations and exam tips. Many questions come with exhibits to help you master all key items.Join now and feel more confident taking the CCENT exam."
Price: 24.99

"CCNA po polsku - kurs sieci komputerowych - egzamin 200-301" |
"Egzamin CCNA oraz wiedza z tego poziomu jest niezbdnym elementem w pracy kadego inyniera sieciowego. Kurs, ktry przygotowaem pomaga w podejciu do egzaminu 200-301 oraz przekazuje cenn i praktyczn wiedz dotyczc konfiguracji urzdze firmy Cisco. Cisco zaktualizowalo egzamin CCNA w lutym 2020 roku. Niniejszy kurs zosta zaktualizowany o najnowsze tematy (200-301).Podczas tego szkolenia poznasz:Co to jest model OSI i jak go praktycznie stosowaPodstawy adresacji sieci oraz subnettingProtokoy routinguKonfiguacja urzdze warstwu drugiej (switch)Dostp do Internetu oraz jego konfiguracjaPodstawy bezpieczestwa sieci komputerowychPraktyczne aspekty konfiguracji urzdze CiscoWiele porad pomagajcych zda egzamin 200-301Przykady z pracy inyniera sieciowegoE-booki i praktyczne pytania sprawdzajce wiedzKurs jest przygotowany w jzyku polskim, ale wikszo terminw oraz poj jest dostpna w jzyku angielskim, co pomaga w zdaniu egzaminu oraz rozumieniu dokumentacji technicznej. Kilkadziesit laboratoriw oraz liczne pytania sprawdzajce urozmaicaj nauk.Kurs podzielony jest na krtkie i atwe w przyswojeniu lekcje. Wszystkie slajdy oraz laboratoria s przystosowane do ogldania na urzdzeniach mobilnych.Kurs nagrany jest w Full HD przy uyciu wysokiej klasy mikrofonu, co gwarantuje wysok jako video i audio.Zapraszam serdecznie!"
Price: 99.99

"How to build a perfect lab at home and gain some experience" |
"Here is another course on my list with one goal: toshow you how to become a betternetwork engineer and gain some experience. We all know that passingCisco and other IT exams is not enough. Are you unsure how to improve your knowledge and increase your experience? Are you struggling to find a job, or do you feel trapped in the one you have?In this course you will find:Differences between a lab and a real networkA list of recommended Cisco devices for CCENT, CCNA, CCNASec, and CCNP studentsA presentation of a cool, custom-made rackCheck out some neat cabling (Panduit cable management)Cisco devices:ASA 5506, 1900, 2960, 890, 2700,and more for a lab (1800, 2800, 3560, 3750)Detailed explanations of all devicesA lot of tips and recommendationsHP Microserver with Windows Server 2016and Synology NASDo you want to gain some experience after passing an IT exam?Maybe you are studying towards CCENT or CCNA at the moment? You have come to the right place. Marious shares his passion for networking and encourages you to learn more about networking by presenting a very unique project - a custom-made rack withASA 5506, Cisco 2960, HPMicroserver, NAS, and Cisco Access PointAironet 2700.Soundinteresting? Join now!"
Price: 24.99

"How to Get More Clients for Your Consulting Business" |
"Do you want to attract more clients? If you're planning to start your own consulting practice and you dont know what to do to get your first clients or you're already an independent professional and are tired of struggling in your business because you are not attracting enough clients, this course is for you. In this course I will show you the fundamental principles you need to know to effectively market your services to attract more clients. This course will show you why you need to develop a marketing plan that will became the core of your business. The course aims to help you achieve the following: Learn the process behind building and marketing a successful consulting business The importance of focusing your business on niche marketing Learn how to get new clients and keep them loyal Create your marketing plan based only on the marketing activities that really matter Motivate you to take action and put your marketing plan into practice. The course also includes a questionnaire (ebook) that will help you to create a marketing plan for your business. Enroll now and learn how to attract more customers SOON! Are you ready to begin? To get started sign up now!"
Price: 99.99

"Channel Coordination (partner management)" |
"Channel Coordination training will teach you, how to manage your distribution channel, and dealer channel, or some companies call them solution partners. Every Channel Manager and channel account manager must be the architects of the channel. You should define what type of resellers you want to deal with and how you want to position these resellers. You should decide which end users will work with your own direct sales force and which one with the channel."
Price: 29.99

"Telefonda Sat" |
"Satclar satc domaz, sonradan sat ampiyonu olurlar. Peki nasl m? Bizi izleyin Baarl satclar sattklar rn ve hizmetler hakknda her eyi ezbere bilirler. Rakiplerin rnleri ve sizin rnnz hakknda farkl ve avantajl ynleri ok iyi bilmek gerekir. Peki nasl hangi noktalara dikkat etmeliyiz? Baarl satclar dierlerine gre farkldr. Yrynzden, tm davranlarnza kadar her alanda sra d olduunuz grnmn vermeniz gerekir. Ne yaparsak baarl oluruz? Etkin sunu becerileri ve teklif hazrlama baarl satclar iin olmaz ise olmaz yeteneklerdir. Bu yetenekler, ok kolay gelitirilebilir. yi de ne yapalm ? tirazlar ile baa kma ve sat kapatma becerileri de ok nemlidir. Siparii alma ve szleme mzakerelerinde deneyim ok nemlidir. te buna da cevaplarmz hazr. Tm bunlar iyi baarabilmek iin zaman ynetimi becerileri de ok nemlidir. Zaman yok ki? Biz var diyoruz. Bu eitimizde, tm bu sat becerilerini gzden geirip, mteriye satta farkl neler yapmamz gerektiini gstereceiz."
Price: 24.99

"Sat Ynetimi (pipeline management)" |
"Sat operasyonunun baars iin hem ynetici hem de satc tarafndan sk takibe alnan sistemlerin kurulmas gerekir. Bu sistem sayesinde gerekte neler olduunun annda grlmesi bylece salanabilir. ou zaman haftalk sat raporlarnda gerekte neler olduunu gremezsiniz, oysa huni (pipeline) ynetimi sayesinde operasyonu daha gerek zamanl ynetme olanana kavuursunuz.Bu eitim setinde sat ynetimi iin sreleri ve kurallar nasl oluturup, yneteceinizi reneceksiniz."
Price: 34.99

"How to be highly creative in your field ?" |
"This course will help participants discover, develop, and apply their individual creativity style in a variety of workplace settings. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:Understand creativity and the impact of creative talent differences; Leverage their individual creativity styles strengths, while compensating for its associated weakness, Engage in more creative problem solving and decision making; and develop and apply more creative approaches to strategic planning and workplace change."
Price: 24.99

"Perakende Sat Danmanl Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim setinde perakende sat tekniklerini, mteri ile iletiimde tipine gre nasl uyum salamamz gerektiini, ve rn tantm yaparken nelere dikkat edeceimizi, ve sat kapamay nasl yapmamz gerektiini reneceksiniz.Mteri aratrma sonularna gre mteri beklentilerini grecek, mteri iletiiminde beden dili, etkili konuma ve dinleme ve uzman sorular nasl hazrlamamz gerektiini reneceksiniz. Mteri tiplerine gre nasl davranmalyz, ne yaparsak etkili sunum yaparz, ve itirazlar karlayp sat kapamay nasl yapacaz konularn greceiz."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Spoken Swahili" |
"This is an introductory course in Spoken Kiswahili taught by Julius Muange and produced by Orrasis. Julius Muange has been teaching Swahili as a Spoken language for over 25 years. During this time he has taught in schools, universities and several organizations such as US Peace Corps, Divine World Missionaries, British Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) as well as Lewis and Clark College from the USA. Julius Muange teaches this course in English through video presentations along with downloadable PDFs which will contain vocabulary and grammar construction notes. This beginners course will teach greetings, introductions, present continuous tense, past tense, future tense, and numbers. Various themes will be used to build vocabulary while learning the lessons. Please join us in this course. "
Price: 19.99

"InDesign CC: Book Production, Laying a solid foundation" |
"This is an essential typography course. Books, almost more than any project, need superlativetypography to enable your readers to actually read the book. Without these skills and knowledge, your books will be compromised before you even release them.You will discover why InDesign is necessary for book production. Word, and word processors in general, do not even have the capability of producing excellent typography.Thiscourse covers the basic concepts you need to understand before you start putting your book together: how to set up your documentsize, margins, and column width;Typography: what it is and how you produce excellent, readable typography so you candesign your paragraphs to enableyour readers to comfortablyenjoy reading your book. By the time you finish the course, you will be amazed at all you didn't know about typography, readability, and how to communicate with your readers [or the readers of your clients]."
Price: 49.99
