"InDesign CC: Book Production, Putting the book together" |
"This is a very practical course. There is a lot to learn, but none of it is very difficult. It is verycomplex though. It is the goal of the course to make the complexity easy to understand and relatively simple to execute. If you have any questions, just send me a message or email me directly"
Price: 94.99

"Beginner Nikon Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography" |
"You'll learn how all those buttons and dials work on your Nikon DSLR. Including the exercises, this course will take you about 2.5 hours. Through the exercises you'll do and through the explanations of the concepts, JP is committed that you retain the information there is to retain without memorizing. There is about an hour of video lecture which covers exposure, aperture, shutter speed and the mode dial (Auto, P, S, A and M). Images will be shown as examples. The exercises will be explained fully. This course is perfect for anyone who considers themselves a beginner with their Nikon DSLR or for anyone who has some existing knowledge about how their camera works but hasn't quite put all the puzzle pieces together when it comes to how aperture and shutter speed work together. This class is for you if you don't know how all the modes (Auto, P, S, A and M) work on your camera and when you should be using each mode. "
Price: 29.99

"Transformational Leadership & Leading Corporate Culture" |
"You will succeed as a leader if you create trust and respect, and challenge your team toward a worthy purpose. That is what you will gain from this course.Great leaders know their principles, their beliefs, andethics.Now, perhaps more than ever, we need leaders who are grounded in a set of principles that makes them trustworthy and worthy of our dedication. Leaders generate dedication and loyalty based on their adherence toprinciples. This course is for all leaders, those aspiring to leadership, and for entrepreneurs who have the golden opportunity to create a culture that will attract the best talent and promote high performingteams.The purpose of this course is not to prescribe principles, but to offer for consideration and discussion, a set of nine principlesupon which transformational leadership can be based. Your personal brand, and the brand equity of your organization is trustworthiness that can only be established by the consistent adherence to worthy principles.This brand equity is the basis of both career success and corporate success in the marketplace. It is an asset.The instructor has more than forty years coaching leaders and leading cultural transformation in dozens of Fortune 100 companies like Corning, Shell Oil Company, 3M, Xerox and others. He is the author of ten books on leadership.""Great course, .--Great Fundamentals of Leadership...The Character as a one of the main values."" Arturo Olvera""Really enjoyed this course! A lot of great information and the instructor was very knowledgeable!"" Vanessa Wright""Wow, this is a dynamic leadership training. Highly recommend. Thanks for the excellent guidance."" Robin Richardson"
Price: 99.99

"Motivating Your Team - A Quick Course" |
"If you want to lead a self-managing and highly motivated team, this course if for you. It is intentionally short and to the point.The instructor has authored ten books on management, leadership and motivation and has consulted with major corporations for more than forty years. This short courses distills the most critical lessons needed to motivate your team members.A high performing team is highly self-managed and self-motivated. But, it is the manager who creates the conditions, the encouragement and provides the coaching that brings the team to this point of self-management. Creating a sense of worthy purpose is essential, as well as a team dynamic that creates bonds that unite the team and brings out their most positive energy. Caring and psychological safety have proven critical.You will learn how to build this sense of purpose, and create the social system that unites team members.Youwill also learn how to deal with negative behavior in the most positive way possible.In this course you will learn the following:Identify Sources of Motivation that will motivate all team members.How to use bothIntrinsic and Extrinsic MotivationHow you can optimizeSocial Reinforcement from the team itself.How to develop a system of motivation in the organizaton.How to analyze behavior and its influences using theABC Model of Managing Behavior.How to use reinforcement schedulesHow to distinguish the difference between performance problems that require new skills versus motivation.Why learn from me? I have helped almost one hundred companies develop systems of teamwork and motivation over the past forty years. These companies include Honda, Toyota, Shell Oil Company, Merck, American Express, 3M and many more. I have been hands-on in manufacturing, healthcare and technology companies."
Price: 29.99

"Giving and Receiving Feedback for Management and Leadership" |
"Giving employees or team members feedback is an essential skill for every manager or team leader. If you do this well, your team members will perform well. Their success is your success. That is the purpose of this course.Feedback should be a primary learning activity, welcomed as an opportunity for growth by the recipient. Unfortunately, very often feedback is viewed as punishment, a source of anxiety that inhibits one's ability to learn. The purpose of this course is to help you develop the skill of giving feedback in a way that reduces anxiety and maximizes the opportunity for learning and continuous improvement on the part of the individual.This course is intended to be very concise and direct, focused solely on this important skill of both giving and receiving feedback.""This is a fantastic course, as a refresher for someone like me, or for anyone new to the subject. It brought back many of the lessons I had forgotten. This is a vital skill for any manager, so take this course and gain the wisdom and knowledge that Larry has to offer. He shares everything you need to know. You won't be disappointed!"" James Steele""As a self employed person, my business rests on the way I interact with people. Lawrence's descriptions of common interpersonal problems which impact business (and personal lives) ring true. The course is well produced and thought through and the delivery is engaging."" Eve Williams MMus""Great and the focus early on about having courage to speak up and 'straight talk' is brilliant. Have courage people."" Stefan Bard""Miller's course provides positive perspectives and strategy on what many managers view as a difficult and sometimes unpleasant part of their job. Making feedback a positive component of employee development and improvement, and positioning it as a collaborative, data-driven process should help any manager with developing themselves and their team."" Patrick Francis"
Price: 124.99

"Building Your Team - Forming to Performing - A Quick Course" |
"Your team's performance is your performance! Getting off to a good start is essential to team performance!When taking responsibility for a team a leader is faced with a basic challenge:forming a group of individuals into a unified and motivated team that can focus on performance and problem solving to improve business performance. Creating this unified effort, focused on measurable performance, and able to make decisions and take action in a timely manner is the challenge of every leader with a new team. This course is designed to present the essential skills and tasks that will achieve this goal.The instructor has been leading teams and training teams for the past forty five years in dozens of Fortune 500 companies, as well as his own company. He has worked with Honda, Honeywell, Shell Oil, Corning, and dozens of other leading companies.He is the author of ten books on teamwork, leadership and lean management."
Price: 29.99

"English Pronunciation for French Speakers Cours d'anglais" |
"Dmarrer votre apprentissage aujourd'hui! Apprendre SE PRONONCER COMME UN NATIF en anglais.Amliorer son accent et apprendre bien prononcer en anglais grce des exercices de rptition et des quiz qui renforcent chaque leonL'accent franais est charmant! Mais vous voulez tre mieux compris quand vous parlez en anglais, n'est-ce pas? Voila un coursspcialement conus pour vous!***** ""Jennifer sait de quoi elle parle. Ca sent lexprience. Merci Jennifer."" -Marie-JosInclus dans ce cours intensif:Personalized feedback on your pronunciation*1 heure de vido + exercises pour s'entraner + des quizpratiquesMthode de 3 tapes: 1. Apprendrebien prononcer les sons. 2. Pratiquer les sons avecles mots essentiels. 3. Apprendre et pratiquer des phrases utiles en utilisant les sons et les mots cibls.Des leons sont en anglaispar une anglophone,mais certaines explications sont en franais pour faciliter la comprhensionUne mthoderapideet facilede rduction de votre accent, car il est adapt votre langue maternelle.Eviter les erreurs de prononciationcourantes que commettentles natifs francophones.Prsentationsvido, audio et power-pointpour tous les styles d'apprentissageC'est comme si vous tiezavec un tuteur priv vos cotsExercices pourpratiquer votre prononciationdans des situations de conversation*Complete the course within 20 days and I will check your pronunciation using a series ofaudio recordings.Commencez aujourd'hui reduire votre accent franaisavec de coursintensif de prononciation de l'anglais.Avis des etudiants:*****5 toiles! ""C'est gnial, elle prend le temps d'expliquer et on peut comprendre facilement ce qu'elle dit. -Cynthia***** ""Merci Jenne, tes cours sont trs clairs"" -Basma----------------------------------------The French accent is charming! But you want to be better understood in English right?Here is a course made specifically for you. The lessons are in English but certain explanations are in French to help understand how errors occur when you speak English.Included in this course:Personalized feedbackon your pronunciation*Practice exercises and practice quizzesVideo, audio and power point presentations for all learning stylesSimilar to having a private lesson with a teacherUseful phrases for conversational situationsAudio files to practice the phrases that you personally find most difficult*Complete the course within 20 days and I will check your pronunciation using a series ofaudio recordings.Get started on reducing your accent with this intensive course.This course provides a fast, easy way to correct your English because it's tailored for your native language.What students are saying:*****5 stars! ""She is very nice, very comforting, very enthusiastic and that helps a lot; since myself got to a point of despair to still not being able to be understood sometimes, even after being 10 years in the country...."" -Cecile"
Price: 19.99

"English Pronunciation for Spanish Speakers - curso de ingls" |
"Inicia tu entrenamiento hoy! Aprende a pronunciar como un nativo en ingls.El acento espaol es encantador! Pero quieres ser mejor comprendido cuando hablas en ingls, verdad? Este es un curso diseado especialmente para ti!Hi! I'm Jennifer. I'm a native English Speaker from Canada, and I can't wait to help you improve your confidence and skills in speaking English.Empecemos:Comienza hoy mismo a reducir tu acento espaol con un curso intensivo de pronunciacin en ingls.Aumenta tus prospectos de trabajo, salario, y obtenga ese ascenso en tu trabajo!Socialice fcilmente en entornos multilinges e ingls!Beneficios de este curso:Un mtodo rpido y fcil de reducir su acento porque se adapta a su lengua materna.Evite errores comunes de pronunciacin cometidos por hablantes nativos de espaol.Ejercicios para practicar su pronunciacin en situaciones de conversacinMtodo de 3 pasos: 1. Aprenda a pronunciar bien los sonidos. 2. Practica los sonidos con las palabras esenciales. 3. Aprender y practicar oraciones tiles usando sonidos y palabras especficas.Es como si estuvieras con un tutor privado a tu ladoPresentaciones de vdeo, audio y power-point para todos los estilos de aprendizajeNo estudiars gramtica, pero toco algunos puntos gramaticales que a menudo se conocen pero pronunciados continuamente de forma incorrecta.Lo que los estudiantes estn diciendo sobre la enseanza de Jennifer:*****5 stars! ""She is very nice, very comforting, very enthusiastic and that helps a lot; since myself got to a point of despair to still not being able to be understood sometimes, even after being 10 years in the country...."" -Cecile"
Price: 24.99

"English Pronunciation for Chinese Speakers -" |
"This course is made especially for Chinese speakers. You will learn to avoid common pronunciation and grammar errors that Chinese native speakers often make in English. You will also practice pronunciation training techniques. By improving your pronunciation, you will be better understood when you speak English.As a native English speaker, I will guide you to practice essential sounds, words, and phrases. By mastering the lessons in this course, you will feel more confident and sound more like a native speaker in English. The goal of this course is for you to be better understood when you speak English.Student Reviews of this teacher (translated to English):***** 5 stars ""It's great, she takes the time to explain and we can easily understand what she says"". -Cynthia***** ""Thank you Jenne, your lessons are very clear"" -Basma"
Price: 19.99

"Estratgias profissionais de captao de recursos" |
"O Curso introdutrio ao tema Captao de Recursos. Aprenda como captar recursos subsidiados de longo prazo do BNDES, BNB, BASA, BB, DESENVOLVE SP, AGNCIAS ESTADUAIS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO E BANCOS PRIVADOS. Num ambiente de elevadas taxas, obter recursos com taxas inferioresa 5%ao ano representa uma grande oportunidade. J pensou, pagar o financiamento em prazos que chegam a 20 anos?Atuando como consultor, voc pode levar esses recursos para as empresas. As empresas podem buscar esses recursos com suas prprias equipes.Conhea hoje mesmo um grande campo de oportunidades para o progresso dos seus negcios.RECEBA GRTISPacote de solues commais de 300 documentos, planilhas, softwares e informaes atualizadas para apoi-lo na realizao dos trabalhos;Software SEAP atualizado;Roteiro para comear a fazer uma projeo simplificada no SEAP;Projeto-modelo completo em Word, para servir de referncia. Com esse modelo, altere e desenvolva o seu facilmente;Modelo de proposta comercial para oferecer o servio para seus clientes;Modelo de contrato para fechar negcios;Software GIGAFLUXO para ajud-lo agerenciar o fluxo do trabalho;Diversos softwares, modelos e roteirosdisponibilizados pelos bancos.A QUEM SE DESTINA O CURSO O curso ESTRATGIAS PROFISSIONAIS DE CAPTAO DE RECURSOS SUBSIDIADOS DE LONGO PRAZO de interesse das empresas de todos os portes e empreendedores que desejam captar recursos subsidiados de longo prazo para implantao de novos negcios, tambm para modernizao, ampliao, relocalizao e reforma de negcios j implantados. O curso tambm de interesse de profissionais da rea financeira, consultores elaboradores de projetos, estudantes, acadmicos e demais interessados em aprender como desenvolver e elaborar projetos de captao de recursos de longo prazo.. Empresas de contabilidade, escritrios de advocacia e empresas de consultoria em geral que j possuem uma carteira de clientes cativos encontraro nesse mercado excelentes oportunidades para diversificarem seus portflios. O PARTICIPANTE OBTER INFORMAES INTRODUTRIAS SOBRE OS TPICOS ABAIXO: Como conduzir um processo de captao de recursos subsidiados de longo prazo com xito, qualquer que seja o agente financeiro.Trabalhar com projetos de captao de recursos de R$ 10 mil a R$ 1bilho.Conhecer e utilizar solues para captar recursos subsidiados de longo prazo com as finalidades de implantao de novos negcios, ampliao, relocalizao, modernizao e reforma. Conhecer o processo de captao de recursos subsidiados de longo prazo praticados pelos bancos de desenvolvimento. Gerenciar esse processo com ferramenta profissional. Compreender a importncia do projeto de negcios e receber um modelo de elaborao de projeto de negcios. Comear a utilizar o software SEAP Sistema de Elaborao e Anlise de Projetos. Realizar a simulao de um projeto no SEAP em menos de 5 minutos. Conhecer como atua um consultor num mercado de trabalho que oferta mais de R$ 200 bilhes por ano para empreendedores e empresas. Avaliar em 30 minutos a aptido de qualquer empresa para o crdito de longo prazo: os 10 passos para acessar o crdito. Aumentar o desempenho profissional, caso j atue no setor. Elaborar uma proposta comercial para realizao do trabalho de captao de recursos subsidiados de longo prazo. Elaborar um contrato de prestao de servios para realizao do trabalho de captao de recursos subsidiados de longo prazo. Conhecer as condies e oportunidades de recursos subsidiados de longo prazo dos bancos abaixo: BNDES BANCO DO BRASIL BANCO DO NORDESTE DO BRASIL BANCO DA AMAZNIA BANCOS PRIVADOS FILIADOS AO BNDES BANCO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE ANGOLA AGNCIAS ESTADUAIS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO O QUE O SEAP O SEAP o Sistema de Elaborao e Anlise de Projetos, desenvolvido pelo Banco do Nordeste do Brasil. O SEAP oferecido gratuitamente para o mercado. Esse software, desenvolvido como uma ferramenta universal de Elaborao e Anlise de Projetos, atende as premissas de elaborao de planos de negcios e projetos de negciosexigidos por qualquer Banco ou Investidor Privado. A GigaMedia Consultoria conta com o autor do SEAP do BNB na coordenao e aplicao do treinamento para orientar empresas que desejam elaborar seus projetos de negciose consultores que querem atuar no mercado de captao de recursos, possuindo experincia nacional e internacional, com mais de 23 anos trabalhando no setor. O SEAP poder ser baixado gratuitamente durante a realizao do curso.TESTEMUNHOS ""EXCELENTE!!! - impossvel mensurar, o valor de cada segundo que passei a frente de meu computador assistindo, lendo e escutando todo o material disponibilizado pela GIGAMEDIA. GIGAMEDIA, parabns pelo material e muito obrigado por disponibilizar esse material e abrir novas formas de viso de mercado."" (Joo) ""Curso muito bom, que favorece o aprendizado. Fiquei surpreso. Agradeo a Gigamedia por essa oportunidade"". (Renato Jnior) ""Excelente. H muito tempo estava procurando um curso exatamente nos moldes deste, e agora encontrei e recomendo."" (Douglas Pereira Rodrigues) ""Um passo para o sucesso! - Este curso excelente porque nos ajuda a identificar bem as atividades, e saber coloc-las em prtica. Oferece um roteiro objetivo de fazer um bom trabalho e nos desperta rumo ao profissionalismo de excelncia!"" (Raimundo Jose Da Silva Neto) ""Curso com linguagem de fcil compreenso, que possibilita at mesmo quem no da rea ter a viso macro do negcios. Parabns a Gigamedia"". (Fagner Calegrio)"
Price: 159.99

"WordPress dla nieprogramistw. Stwrz niesamowit stron www" |
"W 5-godzinnym szkoleniu""WordPress dla nieprogramistw. Stwrz niesamowit stron www.""zobaczysz, jak sprytnie korzysta z WordPressa, stworzysz nowoczesn i przejrzyst stron, zoptymalizujesz jidodasz jejskrzyde.Szkolenie z WordPressa jest dla Ciebie, jeli:Chceszstworzy od podstaw swoj stron internetowi samodzielnie wprowadza w niej zmiany,alenie masz umiejtnoci programistycznych.Posiadasz niewielki budet, a chcesz stworzy profesjonaln stron www w swojej firmie. Chcesz za darmo stworzy bloga i atwo nim zarzdza.Posiadasz ju stron opart o WordPressa, ale chcesz udoskonali swoj stron i sprawi, e czytelnicy zostan na niej duej.Szkolenie wyrnia si na rynku, poniewa poza technicznymi tutorialami dzielimy si rwnie sprawdzonymi wzorcami na stworzenie nowoczesnej strony internetowej, ktra zatrzyma odbiorcw na duej.W trakcie kursu najpierw tworzymy od zera stron internetow, a nastpnie j udoskonalamy i poznajemy rne opcje w panelu WordPressa.""WordPress dla nieprogramistw.Stwrz niesamowit stron www."" to kursstworzonyw taki sposb, aby poza przekazaniem umiejtnoci,jak obsugiwa system WordPressa, pokaza rwnie zasady i przykadytworzenia nowoczesnej i uytecznej strony internetowej.Sprawd, czego dowiesz si ze szkolenia:Stworzysz samodzielnie od podstaw przejrzyststron internetow.Zobaczysz, jak zainstalowa i skonfigurowaWordPressa nie posiadajc umiejtnoci programistycznych.Dowiesz si jaki hostingwybra orazw jaki sposb przenie stron na serwer.Nauczysz si dobrze zarzdza stron oraz poznasz rne opcje w panelu administracyjnym.Zobaczysz, jakatwo moesz zmieni wygld strony - dowiesz si,jaki motyw wybra i gdzie moeszgo znale.Dowiesz si, jakie wtyczki warto wybra tak, aby wykorzysta rne moliwoci WordPressa, a jednoczenie nie zamieca swojej witryny pluginami, ktre mog by niepotrzebne lub nawet niebezpieczne. Zobaczysz, jak skonfigurowa formularze na stronie.Popracujemy nad SEO i pozycjonowaniem Twojej strony.Zarzdzanie komentarzami na stronie.Integracja strony z Google Analytics.Zobaczysz, jak tworzy kopie zapasowe, abyzapewnistronie bezpieczestwo.atwo poczysz witryn z Facebookiem lubinnymi mediami spoecznociowymi.Nauczysz si tworzytreciangaujce Twoich czytelnikw.Poznasz wzorce tworzenia nowoczesnej i przejrzystej strony internetowej.Zobacz peny spis wideo poniej, aby dowiedzie si, czego dowiesz si w poszczeglnych lekcjach.Z WordPressa korzystaj zarwno mae, lokalne firmy, jak i due korporacje.W szkoleniu pokaemy Ci,jak Ty moesz wykorzystarne moliwoci WordPressa, aby atwo stworzy niesamowit stron internetow."
Price: 354.99

"Sprzeda w social media - zmie fanw w klientw" |
"Wrzucanie postw na Facebooka bez adnej strategii nie ma wikszego sensu. Podobnie, jak jedynie ""zbieranie"" fanw i obserwujcych na Instagramie,YouTubie czy innych platformach spoecznociowych.Przekonaj si, jak wykorzysta rne social media do sprzeday!Umiejtnie wykorzystane media spoecznociowe s skutecznymi kanaami sprzeday. Nie mwimy tutaj o typowej reklamie - moesz podejmowa duo innych dziaa, ktre wygeneruj Ci sprzeda w social media.Docz do ponad 5-godzinnego szkolenia Sprzeda w social media i zacznij skutecznie sprzedawa na Facebooku, Twitterze, Instagramie, czy YouTubie.Szkolenie przeznaczone jest dla osb, ktre chc wykorzysta profile w social media do skutecznejsprzeday. Dlatego nie omawiamreklamy, tylko pokazuj inne dziaaniach, ktre prowadz do sprzeday w mediach spoecznociowych.Zobacz, jakie tematy poruszane s w szkoleniu:Zobacz na jakich platformach w mediach spoecznociowych warto si pojawi.Dowiesz si, jak sprzedawa w social media i ktre platformy bd skuteczne w Twoim biznesie.Omawiamy takie platformy, jak: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube i wiele innych.Opowiem o najczstszych bdy, ktre s popeniane przy sprzeday w social media. Przedstawi te, jak si uchroni si przed najczstszymi pomykami.W szkoleniu poznasz odpowied na pytanie, co wpywa na sprzeda w mediach spoecznociowych.Opowiem o schemacie procesu decyzyjnego klientw oraz w jaki sposb mona na niego wpywa.Konkretne narzdzia przydatne w sprzeday w social media, a take schematy i lejki. To wszystko niezbdne do planowania i przeprowadzania skutecznych sprzeday w social media.Poka, wjaki sposb bezpatnie promowa produkty lub usugi w rnych platformach mediw spoecznociowych.***Chcesz, aby Twoje social mediazaczy przynosi Ci realne zyski?***Docz do szkolenia ""Sprzeda w social media"" i zobacz, jak zmienifanw profili w klientw!"
Price: 249.99

"SEO i pozycjonowanie stron opartych o WordPress" |
"W szkoleniu ""SEO i pozycjonowanie stron opartych o WordPressa"" zobaczysz, jak samodzielnie, prosto i za darmo zadba o optymalizacj SEO Twojej strony internetowej tak, aby pojawia si wyej w wynikach wyszukiwania Google.Szkolenie zSEO stron opartych o WordPressa jest dla Ciebie, jeli: Masz ju stron opart o WordPressa, jednak nie zajmuje ona dobrych pozycji w Google, a Ty pragniesz to zmieni. Dopiero tworzysz swoj stron internetow i pragniesz od pocztku zadba o SEO, aby ju na samym starcie bya ona dobrze zoptymalizowana pod wyszukiwarki. Nie posiadasz wiedzy programistycznej, ale chcesz, aby Twoja strona speniaa wymogi algorytmw Googla by moga wywietla si na wyszych pozycjach wyszukiwania. Chcesz bez pomocy zewntrznych firm wprowadza zmiany na stronie i samodzielnie dba o optymalizacj SEO. W szkoleniu stawiam na praktyk - pracuj na realnej, prawdziwej stronie.Dziki temu, e kurs podzielony jest na krtkie wideo to widzisz kad zmian, ktr wprowadzam i widzisz, jak wpywa to na optymalizacj strony. Jednoczenie od razu moesz wprowadza zmiany na swojej stronie i j ulepsza. W skondensowanym 2-godzinnym szkoleniu""SEO i pozycjonowanie stron opartych o WordPressa"" zobaczysz jakie bezpatne dziaania podj, eby Twoja strona internetowa bya dobrze zoptymalizowana pod SEO i moga uzyska lepsze pozycje w Googlu. Sprawd, czego dowiesz si ze szkolenia: Zadbasz o optymalizacj strony internetowej opartej o WordPressa od podstaw. Zobaczysz, jak redagowa artykuy, aby byy przyjazne dla Googla. Jakie czynniki decyduj o pozycji strony w Googlu i jak o nie zadba. Poznasz przetestowane wtyczki (rozszerzenia), ktre pomog Twojej stronie pojawi si wyej w Googlu. Wypunktuje bdy, ktre sprawiaj, e strony nie s dobrze zoptymalizowane pod SEO i nie mog uzyska lepszych pozycji w wynikach wyszukiwania poka te, jak te bdy naprawi. W trakcie szkolenia pokazuj dziaania na przykadzie realnej, prawdziwej strony internetowej widzisz, jakie zmiany wprowadzam i jak wpywaj one na optymalizacj strony. Podejmiesz dziaania, ktre naley podj, aby poprawnie zadba o SEO strony opartej o WordPressa. Poczysz stron z Google Analytics i Google Serach Console narzdzia przydatne w SEO. Osobne moduy powicone s wtyczce Yoast SEO instalacja, konfiguracja, dodawanie treci. Omwimy wane elementy wpisw: meta opis, tytu strony, frazy, obrazki i linki. Zajmiemy si prawidowymi sposobami na zdobycie linkw zewntrznych oraz jak prawidowo przygotowa linki wewntrzne. Poka, jak przyspieszy szybko wywietlania strony. Zajmiemy si optymalizacj obrazkw na stronie i w artykuach tak, aby byy przyjazne SEO. Zobaczysz, jak samodzielnie i za darmo zaj si optymalizacj strony pod SEO. Docz do szkolenia, aby zadba samodzielnie o SEO i pozwl swojej stronie uzyska wysze pozycje w wynikach wyszukiwania Googla."
Price: 354.99

"WooCommerce - stwrz sklep internetowy oparty o WordPress" |
"W szkoleniu WooCoomerce - stwrz sklep internetowy na WordPressiezobaczysz, jak prosto stworzy sklep internetowybez umiejtnoci programistycznych dziki darmowemu i sprawdzonemu rozwizaniu.Szkolenie z WooCommerce jest dla Ciebie, jeli: Nie posiadasz jeszcze swojego sklepu internetowego, ale chcesz samodzielnie stworzy go od podstaw. Masz ju stron internetow na WordPressie i chcesz rozszerzy j o e-sklep. Nie potrafisz programowa, ale chcesz samodzielnie stworzy nowoczesny i stabilny sklep internetowy. Pragniesz samodzielnie wprowadza zmiany w sklepie, atwo nim zarzdza, a take mie moliwo szybkiej rozbudowy. Z punktu widzenia osoby niepotraficej programowa lub znajcej jedynie podstawy programowania samodzielne stworzenie sklepu internetowego wydaje si by trudnym, a nawet niemoliwym zadaniem. W szkoleniu WooCommerce - stwrz sklep internetowy na WordPressie zobaczysz,jak od podstaw samodzielnie stworzy wasny sklep internetowy. Nie musisz umie programowa - pracujemy na szablonie i pokazujemy, jak dostosowa go do wasnych potrzeb. Zobaczysz, jak stworzy sklep naWooCommerce, ktry jest jedn z najbardziej popularnych platform e-commerce.WooCommerce to jeden z najpopularniejszych systemw do tworzenia sklepw internetowych. Jest todarmowa wtyczka (rozszerzenie) dla WordPressa. To rozwizanie nadaje si zarwno do maych, jaki i rednich sklepw internetowych. WooCommerce to stabilne rozwizanie wtyczka jest czsto aktualizowana. Sklep internetowy na WooCommerce mog bez problemw tworzy osoby bez umiejtnoci programistycznych. W kursie pokaemy Ci, jak szybko i atwo moesz wyklika sklep na WooCommercie i dopasowa go do swoich potrzeb postpujc zgodnie zinstrukcjami zawartymi w szkoleniu. Sprawd, czego dowiesz si ze szkolenia: W szkoleniu pokazuj, jak krok po kroku przej przez konfiguracj sklepu na WooCommerceod samych podstaw a do w peni dziaajcego sklepu internetowego z obsug zamwie, wysyek, dodawaniem produktw, recenzji i wiele wicej.Zobaczysz, jak dopasowa wygld sklepu do Twoich potrzeb od wyboru szablonu po dopasowaniestronygownej, logo, menu, stopki, podstrony, wygldu stron zproduktami, kolorystki, dodatkw.Poka Ci,jak rozbudowa sklep stworzony w oparciu o WooCommerce o dodatkowe funkcje, jak: faktury, statystyki, chat do kontaktu z klientami, formularze kontaktowe. To wszystko jeste w stanie samodzielnie doda do sklepu bez koniecznoci programowania.Docz do szkolenia i zbuduj nowoczesny sklep internetowy z pen funkcjonalnoci bez koniecznoci programowania."
Price: 219.99

"Skuteczna reklama na Facebooku - Facebook Ads w praktyce" |
"W5-godzinnym szkoleniu Skuteczna reklama na Facebookuzobaczyszinstrukcje, jak krok po kroku tworzy przykuwajce uwag reklamy, ktre s jednoczenie skuteczne. Zobacz, jak sprzedawa na Facebooku i promowa dziki niemu swoje usugi, produkty lub stron internetow.Szkolenie z reklamy na Facebooku jest dla Ciebie, jeli: Dopiero zaczynasz dziaania zwizane z reklam na Facebookui chcesz zdoby umiejtnoci ze sprawdzonego rda. Nigdy wczeniej nie tworzye reklamy na Facebooku ipotrzebujesz jasnych instrukcji, gdzie i co klikn, aby przygotowa kampani reklamow od podstaw. Stworzye ju kilka pierwszych reklam na Facebooku, ale nie odniosy one sukcesu i teraz chcesz zobaczy, co i jak krok po kroku ustawi, aby stworzy dobr kampani reklamow. Chcesz zacz wykorzystywa ogromny potencja i moliwoci systemu reklamowego na Facebooku, abykierowa swoje reklamy do wietnie dobranej grupy odbiorcw. W trakcie szkolenia pokazujemy,jak mdrze korzysta z rnych opcji reklamowych, ktre udostpnia Facebook. Zobaczysz nie tylko instrukcje, jak krok po kroku stworzy reklam na Facebooku, ale poznasz rwniedobre praktyki i wskazwki tworzenia kampanii reklamowych, aby przygotowa adne i skuteczne reklamy.Pokazujemy nie tylkotutoriale, jak ustawi skuteczn reklam, ale dzielimy si radami,co najlepiej dziaa i pokazujemy, jakich bdw unikaprzy pracy z systemem reklamowym Facebooka.Chcesz dotrze z reklam do odpowiednio dobranej grupy odbiorcw i zaley Ci, abyskutecznie promowa swj biznes, sprzedawa produkty lub usugioraz kierowa ruch na stron internetow dziki Facebookowi?Docz do szkolenia Skuteczna reklama na Facebooku i zobacz, jak wykorzysta ogromne moliwoci systemu reklamowego Facebooka!"
Price: 249.99

"BizAgi na Prtica" |
"Este curso focado para quem est precisando mapear processo usando BizAgi;Foco nas principais funcionalidades do BizAgi;Antes de ir para o BizAgi, necessrio fazer um 'esboo' do diagrama. Siga o contedo programtico do curso para seu sucesso;Cobrimos da modelagem a gerao da Documentao (em Word e Web);As Melhores Prticas na modelagem do processo, ns a simplificamos para seu diagrama ficar bonito e claro."
Price: 39.99

"FAP - Formao Analista de Processos" |
"Como ajudar as instituies a serem mais geis, eficientes e assegurar alinhamento entre o dia a dia e as metas corporativas?Estecurso tem o objetivo de responder est pergunta e apresentar uma viso holstica da abrangncia da Gesto por Processos. Trabalhamos tcnicas leves e modernas para levar o conhecimento aplicvel ao dia a dia aos desafios corporativos. Inovamos com infogrficos, mtodos ldicos. Este curso um produto de muitas atualizaes ao longo do tempo para ser prtico e intuitivo."
Price: 474.99

"Meteorology 101" |
"Did you know that weather affects us all everyday of the year? Would you like to become more aware of the weather terms and systems that real meteorologists use on television? This course will help give you the tools you need to understand weather and its general effects on our lives. We will learn about the basics of hurricane and tornado formation, explore broadcast meteorology RADAR, and learn about various weather terminology and systems that affect our daily lives.You will use real tools that broadcast weather presenters use such as theRADARSCOPE application and storm track applications.You will experience the process behind hurricane formation and learn what makes them so special yet dangerous.You will grow in your knowledge of weather terminology by discovering fronts, weather systems, and learning about special features and scales you might see used on programs like the Weather Channel.This learn about weather course is designed to teach and show you that weather is fun and engages all of your senses everyday. If you are looking to learn about the weather in a fun and down to earth environment, then you need to join this class today!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn How 2 Dance - Salsa (Styling & Extras)" |
"Hi Students!This course is fill up of all the extra dancing steps and tips that can help take your dancing to the next level and separate you from the rest on the dance floor. These stepsaren't necessarily in any particular level, but can be learned and done by all levels of dancers. I specifically made thiscourse in a class style format. So the best way to watch the videos is to just set your device on a table or something to prop it up, and just follow along by yourself or with a partner. I do recommend that you be at least an intermediate dancer, or have takenmy Udemy Learn How 2 dance - Salsa beginner course.After this course, all the other dancers will be doing just turn patterns, but you will be doing Turn Patterns PLUS....Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"How to create Digital Marketing Campaigns" |
"1) We will learn about Digital Marketing.2) We will learn that how to create Digital Marketing Campaign using Facebook Advertising. We will first understand the kind of benefits FB ads can provide using one FB page & then we will start creating the Campaign from scratch. We will also first create the Audiences list & we will also understand the benefits of creating Audiences list. We will also learn that how to edit, pause or check the statistics of Campaign. We will also create one more Campaign to learn that how we can navigate users or visitors to our particular Website or Web App etc. using Facebook Advertising. 3) We will learn that how to create Digital Marketing Campaign using LinkedIn. We will first understand the kind of benefits LinkedIn Advertising can provide using one LinkedIn Company page & then we will start creating the Campaign from scratch. 4) We will learn that how to create Digital Marketing Campaign using Google Adwords. We will create the Campaign from scratch. 5) We will learn that how to create Digital Marketing Campaign using Twitter Ads. We will create the Engagement campaign from scratch & then we will also create one more campaign to increase our Followers. 6) We will learn that how to create Video Remarketing campaign using Display Network campaign to promote Video or Website."
Price: 74.99

"Barcode Video Tutorial in Hindi with Text" |
"Using Hindi language we will learn that what is Barcode & GTIN etc. How to generate them? We will learn few more concepts related to Barcode.We will also learn that how to search Barcode or GTIN or Manufacturer details at GEPIR (Global Electronic Party Information Registry) in Hindi.We will also learn that how to generate Check Digit or GTIN of EAN-13 or International Article Number at GS1 website in Hindi."
Price: 29.99

"How to create 3D Characters using Adobe Fuse CC" |
"Even if you do not have any knowledge on any 3D application or software but still using Adobe Fuse CC you will be able to develop any 3D character for your animation, game, video or any advertisement etc.In this Video Tutorial we will learn that how to create 3D Characters using Adobe Fuse CC. We will also develop one 3D Character step by step & then we will also animate it using Mixamo online.We will also learn how to texture & perform clothing using Fuse CC for any 3D character.We will also learn how to export any 3D Character to use in any 3D program. We will then also animate it."
Price: 64.99

"How to develop Game using GameSalad" |
"In this Video Tutorial, we will learn that how to develop cross-platform Game using GameSalad.First we will understand the structure of GameSalad & how to use GameSalad like what is actor etc.?Then we will create our Hero which is a Ship to fight with enemies or hurdles so we will create the Ship & then we will play the techniques to move it. Then we will implement enemies which will throw bullets.We will also implement sound & score.Likewise we will completely understand from scratch that how to build Game."
Price: 29.99

"How to create Animated Greeting Card & Photo E-book" |
"a) In first Section, we will learn that how to create Animated Greeting Card using Adobe After Effects CC 2017 with Happy New Year 2017 project.First we will add Layer & Text & then we will animate the Text.We will also learn that how to create or implement effect. We will create Cracker effect to make this Animated Greeting Card more interesting & professional.Then we will add some sound. Means we will also learn that how to add sound. Then we will export this Animated Greeting Card in .mov & mp4 formats. b) In second Section, we will learn that how to create Photo E-book using Adobe Lightroom CC 2015.First we will import photos.Then we will create layout.Then we will add photographs to our created layout for Photo E-book.Then we will perform few more settings.Finally, we will export our this creative Photo E-book in PDF format."
Price: 29.99

"Create Presentations using Google Slides App & Smartphone" |
"In this Video Tutorial, we will learn that how to create, edit & share Presentations using Google Slides App & Smartphone or Tablet PC.First we will open the Google Slides App & then we will start creating the Presentation.Then we will also learn that how to add new Slide & Image.Then we will Play this Slide. We will will also learn that how to Save & Open the Slide. Then we will share the Presentation or Slide using Google Drive."
Price: 19.99

"Game App Marketing using Google Adwords" |
"In this Course or Video Tutorials set we will learn that how to create Game App Marketing campaign using Google Adwords.We will cover following topics: Opening Google Adwords, Finding Game App on Google Play Store, Testing Game App, Cross Checking Game App details, Creating Universal App Campaign and LookUp Game App, Text Ideas for Game App Marketing, Adding Video for Game App Marketing, Adding Images for Game App Marketing, Adding and Excluding Locations for Game App Marketing, Advanced Location Options Target, Selecting Language for Game App Marketing, Campaign Optimization option, Bid Strategy for Game App Marketing, Budget for Game App Marketing, Saving and Finishing Game App Marketing Campaign & Report, Cost per Click and Cost per Install etc."
Price: 79.99

"Vector Logo Design in Affinity Designer" |
"* 'Excellent extensive crash course in vector based logo designing in Affinity Designer.'* 'Fantastic course! Not only have I learned a new piece of software, Ive learned even more about the professional logo design process!'* Very to the point course - simple basics and, most amazingly, creative workflow of logo design!* 'If you want to learn to design original logos, this is the course you have to take.'* One of the best teachers on Udemy.-------------------------------*** UPDATED MAY 2020! ***Do you want to discover how professionals design PROPER logos with minimal hassle and learning?I'm Daniel Evans.I'm a multi award winning, published logo designer and I earn my living designing logos and the majority of every penny Ive ever made has came from logo design.I'm going to teach you the entire steps of professional logo design from concept to finished, digitised product using Affinity Designer!From start to finish, leaving no stones unturned! Were going to explore every tool and primary feature in Affinity Designer which well use to weave solid business brands that make good money!From the ground up, youre going to discover every step as we explore extraction of concept from mind to masterpiece!If you want to learn the tricks of professional logo design in Affinity Designer and amaze people with your skills, I can have you achieve this lightening quick!Those who succeed take the next step! Those who succeed, find that its easy!Get your Certificate of Completion after finishing the entire course!"
Price: 199.99

"Design a Logo for Free in Inkscape" |
"* 'This is an excellent course! Great overview of Logo Design and use of Inkscape. * 'Great step by step videos for anyone wanting to learn Inkscape.'* 'The techniques and teaching skills in this course are outstanding! Don't miss this chance!'===========================*** UPDATED NOVEMBER 2019! ***Do you want to discover how you can design your own professional logo for FREE using Inkscape?I'm Daniel Evans and I'm going to reveal , every single step of logo design creation as a published, award winning logo design professional!From start to finish, I'm going to reveal every step of the professional logo design process from concept to sketch, to final product using Inkscape!We're going to leave no details untouched! You're going to learn every major tool of Inkscape and every primary feature to develop a professional logo design with ease!If you want to discover the tricks of logo design and how to astound people with your newly acquired logo design abilities, I can show you EXACTLY how and I can do it right now!What's more, I can show you how to do it lightning quick!Join us TODAY and I'll reveal how YOU can grab Inkscape for FREE and begin designing awe inspiring logo designs!Get your Certificate of Completion after finishing the entire course!"
Price: 199.99

"Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator - The Intermediate Level" |
"* 'Another amazing course from Daniel. This one really takes your from a beginner level to a more advanced logo designer status.'* 'Awesome course as always, if you have understood the fundamentals of logo design this is a perfect next step to level up.'* Brilliant course! I thoroughly enjoyed the course and it was the perfect next level from Logo Design - for Beginners & Beyond. -----------------*** UPDATED AUGUST 2020 ! ***Due to unprecedented demand, I'm proud to launch this course as the follow up to: 'Logo Design for Beginners & Beyond'.**** To all fellow Logo Designers, who are ready for the NEXT LEVEL... ****As a logo design professional with over 18 years experience, I'm going to reveal to you the next stage of learning in the exact manner in which I learned myself. We're going to cut to chase and explore all the next realm of logo design, leaving nothing untouched and delivered in a no nonsense manner!In this second series, we're going to cover: key logo principles, font selection strategies, precise and professional kerning, measurements, spacing and balance, hidden meaning application and the all valuable negative space logos - which separates the amateurs from the professionals!We'll also be delving into comprehensive case studies in which you can see me storm projects from start to finish, from client questionnaire to finished logo, including moodboarding, mind-mapping, comprehensive sketching, pin-point accurate refinement sketching, right through to the digitization in Illustrator.Try your hand at various assignments too, and I'll give me highly reviewed, one on one feedback and undivided advice in the Q&A section so that we can fine tune your logo design skills to your personal needs. I'm always here.Grab your pencil and paper. We're ready to go.If you want to supercharge your ability and worth as a logo designer, the next level is only one step away....Get your Certificate of Completion after finishing the entire course!"
Price: 199.99

"Warrior Fit - Animalistic Strength & Power In Just 8 Weeks" |
"How To Get A Fighter's Body In 8 Weeks (Without The Fight!)Dear friend,Imagine, finally finding a way to build amazing functional strength, raw animalistic power, and the fighting ability of a real life superhero (regardless of your age or physical ability right now) - In Just the Next 8 Weeks!There is no shortage of workout programs or personal trainers out there today. The unfortunate but true fact is that over 90% of all fitness related solutions fail to deliver in the long term.Dangerous extreme workouts, boring big-box gyms, and those silly 6-week certified trainers"" all fail to give you the permanent results that you want and deserve, once and for all.But there is something that does work and has been used to give leaders and kings absolute physical dominance, unshakeable self-confidence, and undisputed Command Presence for THOUSANDS of yearsAnd Id like to give you the opportunity to give it a try because NOTHING will convince you of its power as actually experiencing the results for yourself.Simply follow along week by week for the next 8 weeks - watch the workout lessons, follow the workout and eating plan - and BOOM! The body you've always wanted faster than you could have possibly imagined.Let's rock and roll and I'll see you inside!Best,Professor Chris PizzoWarrior Fit"
Price: 99.99

"BotMatico - Automatiza Tu ChatBot Para Facebook" |
"Aprende las estrategias necesarias para conseguir nuevos clientes y retener a los actuales.Los ChatBot para Facebook son lo ltimo en estrategias de captacin y ventas online, cada vez ms y ms personas implementan esta herramienta en sus pginas y anuncios de Facebook por sus resultados en comparacin con otras herramientas.Los ChatBot de Facebook poseen una apertura de mensajes superior al 90%, porque la notificacin te llega directo al mvil.Redirigir a los usuarios desde el chat de Facebook e invitarlos a visitar tu pgina web nunca haba tenido tan buenos resultados como con un chatbot.Adems, cada pregunta o consulta que tengas tu chatbot automticamente contestar (y adems le ofrecer un descuento si as lo configuras). Qu te parece? Demasiado bonito para ser verdad, cierto!Imagnate conectarte con el Facebook personal de tus potenciales clientes y poder seguir conversando despus de que se han ido de tu sitio web.Cada vez ms fanpage implementan esta herramienta en sus pginas y anuncios de Facebook, no dejes de tener el tuyo!!!Los bots estn revolucionando la forma de comunicarse en internet y es que son extremadamente tiles para crear listas de contactos y resolver dudas al instante.Tanto si tienes una pgina web o si solo utilizas tu fan page para promocionar tu negocio, este curso te dar geniales ideas para generar ventas, leads, suscriptores y confianza con tus usuarios. De verdad, no hay mejor momento que ahora para implementar unchatbot en tu fanpage!!! El mercado no est saturado, los clientes agradecen muchsimo esas respuestas inmediatas y les pone en una predisposicin para establecer una relacin y llevarlo posteriormente a la compra de tu producto o servicio. Vas a ganar muchsimo tiempo al no tener que contestar constantemente a las mismas preguntas sobre los mismos productos o servicios. Adems, comenzars a construir unalista de suscriptores segmentada de prospectosal chatbot, que podrs en el futuroenviar broadcasts y campaas promocionales semanales en forma gratuita.Tienes una oportunidad increble de ser de los primeros en aprovechar esta tecnologa, Facebook est abriendo las puertas en estos momentos a este tipo de herramientas.Mientras antes comiences mejor!!!"
Price: 64.99
