"Aprende a programar con Go (Golang)" |
"Go es un lenguaje de programacin open-source que hace muy fcil construir software que es simple, confiable y eficiente.Go es una excelente seleccin como lenguaje de programacin porque fue desarrollado por los mismos profesionales que crearon el lenguaje de programacin C, Unix y UTF-8, elementos considerados unas de las contribuciones con mayor influencia en las ciencias de computacin. Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson crearon Go para que fuera un lenguaje moderno que use eficientemente los mltiples ncleos de un procesador, fcilmente implemente concurrencia, funcione en entornos distribuidos y permita a los programadores escribir de manera fcil programas - tiene una sintaxis muy amigable y fcil de adoptar por el usuario.Go fue creado por iluminados en las ciencias de computacin en una de las mejores, sino la mejor, empresa de ingeniera de software que ha existido - Google.Las credenciales de Go son insuperables.Pero, Por qu cre Google un nuevo lenguaje?Palabras de Google, ""Go nace de la frustracin con existentes lenguajes y entornos para sistemas de programacin. La programacin se haba vuelto demasiado difcil y la eleccin de los idiomas era en parte culpable. Haba que elegir entre una compilacin eficiente, una ejecucin eficiente o la facilidad de programacin; los tres no estaban disponibles en el mismo lenguaje de moda. Los programadores que podan optaban por la facilidad sobre seguridad (safety) y la eficiencia al cambiar a lenguajes con sistemas de tipo dinmico como Python y JavaScript en lugar de C++ o, en menor medida, Java. Go es un intento de combinar la facilidad de programacin de un lenguaje interpretado y tipado dinmico con la eficiencia y la seguridad de un lenguaje compilado y sistema de tipos esttico. Tambin pretende ser moderno, con soporte para computacin en red y multincleo. Finalmente, trabajar con Go tiene la intencin de ser rpido: debera tomar como mucho unos pocos segundos para construir un ejecutable grande en una sola computadora. Para cumplir con estos objetivos era necesario abordar una serie de cuestiones lingsticas: un sistema de tipo expresivo pero ligero; concurrencia y garbage collertor; especificacin de dependencia rgida; entre otras. Estas no pueden ser tratadas bien por bibliotecas o herramientas; se necesitaba un nuevo lenguaje "".En mi opinin, Go es el mejor lenguaje de programacin que puedes aprender hoy.Venga y aprenda sobre el mejor lenguaje de programacin jams creado. Se ir con recursos y muestras de cdigo para comenzar a hacer que todo su software y aplicaciones realmente funcionen."
Price: 34.99

"Cryptocurrency Investing Master Class" |
"Whether you're a financial whiz or you cannot even balance your checkbook, you still need to know about the rapidly expanding cryptocurrency markets. Anyone can learn the concepts presented in this course and become astute enough in general crypto knowledge to feel comfortable to begin buying and selling Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other hot cryptos. Young or old, rich or poor, learning to invest in this increasingly significant financial markets industry is what needs to happen now. This is a new and exciting world that is still considered ""in its infancy"", so getting in now can give you the best chances for windfalls."
Price: 199.99

"MikroTik Traffic Control with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***How to control traffic on MikroTik? A question that is always asked by students. If you have a network then you have traffic generated and the Mikrotik Router can control the traffic the way that you want. For example you can create filter rules to filter the unwanted traffic passing via the router or to the router itself. You can use the MikroTik firewall to block all type of attacks such as DOS, Ping flood, Syn Flood etc... You can also create the QOS so you can classify the bandwidth based on type of traffic they do and you can prioritize important traffic. And much more things you can do with the control of your traffic on the MikroTik RouterIn this course I am going to explain about all of these topics and will go in depth in each one of them.This course will help you to be ready for the MikroTik MTCTCE exam and it will contain a lot of real LAB scenarios to explain in details the best way to make traffic control in your network."
Price: 19.99

"GNS3 Certified Associate Exam Official Course (GNS3A)." |
"This is the official GNS3 Certified Associate course. This course covers the topics you need to know to pass the GNS3CA Exam.The GNS3 Certified Associate (GNS3CA) program is a multi-vendor, next generation network engineer certification that focuses on the core skills that network engineers need today for the new era of rapidly changing, programmable, automated and intelligent networks.In todays rapidly changing networking environment where billions of IoT devices are being added to the Internet every year, it is no longer enough for network engineers to simply configure network devices manually via a Command Line Interface (CLI). Network engineer skill-sets need to diversify to include network programmability and automation skills such as Ansible and Python, programmable APIs, Open Networking technologies, virtualization, Linux and support of multi-vendor environments.The GNS3CA program will prepare you to have the knowledge and training to:Install and build virtual networks using GNS3 with knowledge of multiple vendors and protocolsExplain and describe GNS3 core functions and architectureIdentify and troubleshoot GNS3 installation and configuration issuesProgram networks using Python network automation scriptsImplement OpenFlow based SDN networks within GNS3 topologiesImplement Docker based appliances within GNS3 topologiesDescribe DevOps terms such as Data Formats, APIs, REST, NETCONF and othersProgram networks using Ansible network automation scriptsInstall and configure Linux based virtual machines and core Linux functionsInstall, configure and troubleshoot hypervisors such as VMware Workstation, ESXi, QEMU and VirtualBoxTroubleshoot basic network issuesExam topics:Core GNS3 SkillsExplain GNS3 architecture:GNS3 GUIGNS3 VMLocal versus remote VMsSchema (GUI / Web / Controller / Compute / Emulators)Explain, configure and troubleshoot GNS3 Hypervisor optionsVMware Workstation ProVMware Workstation PlayerVmware FusionVirtualBoxESXiQEMUDescribe GNS3 cloud solutions:Packet netExplain and contrast GNS3 device supportSwitchesRoutersFirewallsServersHostsExplain, configure and troubleshoot device types:Built-inHubSwitchCloud optionsNetwork VendorsDynamips IOS routersCisco IOSv applianceCisco IOSvL2 applianceArista vEOS applianceJuniper SRXv applianceFRRouting applianceServer / PC appliancesUbuntu ApplianceNetwork Automation ApplianceNetworkers Toolkit ApplianceDNS applianceOther popular GNS3 appliancesTroubleshoot GNS3 installation issues (GUI and VM)Describe GNS3 best practicesGNS3 GUIGNS3 VMEmulation optionsVendor device emulation / simulation optionsDescribe and use GNS3 programmability optionsREST APIcURLPostmanPython scriptsBash scriptsPython:Describe Python terms including:ObjectsVariablesStringsIntegers and floatsBooleansOperatorsListsDictionariesTuplesLoopsConditionsFunctionsExplain and troubleshoot Python code snippets includingText manipulation (split / join / concatenation)Loops (for / while)If / else / elseif logicDescribe and verify the Python Telnet library for network device automationDescribe, verify and troubleshoot the use of Netmiko for network device automationDescribe, verify and troubleshoot the use of NAPALM for network device automationLinuxDescribe Linux distributions (Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint)Describe Linux Text editors (vi, nano)Configure, verify and troubleshoot IPv6 addressing, default gateways and static routes (Ubuntu)Describe and verify Linux Directory structures (Ubuntu)Describe file copying, moving and deleting (Ubuntu)Describe and verify common Linux commands (ls, grep, more, cat, less) (Ubuntu)Describe and verify Linux Permissions (Ubuntu)Describe Linux Processes (Ubuntu)Configure and verify Linux software installation (Ubuntu)Configure and verify Linux DNS server (dnsmasq)Configure and verify Linux DNS server (dnsmasq)Configure and troubleshoot network devices such as Cumulus Linux, Arista, NX9000 and FRR using Linux commandSDNDescribe SDN terms and definitionsController functionsPlane separationNorthbound interface (APIs)Southbound interface (APIs)NFVDescribe and contrast SDN visionsOpen SDNSDN via OverlaysSDN via APIsAutomation based SDNDescribe SDN protocolsOpenFlowNETCONFVxLANYANGDescribe and contrast Data FormatsJSONXMLYAMLDescribe source control using GitDescribe APIsNetwork Device APIsREST APIsDescribe and contrast SDN controllers:Open source SDN controllers (OpenDaylight, ONOS, RYU)Vendor SDN controllers (NSX, ACI, APIC-EM)Describe and verify basic OpenFlow switch flows (OVS / Mininet)OpenFlow 1.0 and 1.3 onlyProactive vs Reactive flowsPipeline ProcessingMatch TypesMatch ActionsMessage typesOpenFlow PortsAutomation ToolsAnsibleInstall and configure Ansible for network automationDescribe and contrast agentless vs agent based automation toolsDescribe Ansible terms such as Idempotency, Ad Hoc changes, inventory files, plays, tasks and playbooksImplement and troubleshoot Ansible scripts for network device automationDescribe and contrast Salt, Puppet and ChefVirtualization technologiesDescribe and contrast hypervisorsVMware Workstation ProVMware Workstation PlayerVMWare FusionVirtualBoxQEMUESXiDescribe and contrast virtual image types (img, qcow2, iso, ova and vmdk)Explain virtualization concepts such as nested virtualization, host virtualization, network NIC virtualization, network device sizing and scaling.Install and configure GNS3 supported hypervisorsInstall and configure GNS3 with cloud based providers such as Packet net"
Price: 49.99

"Shuffle Dance Master Class Vol 2. How to Shuffle Dance" |
"Welcome the Shuffle Dance Master Class vol 2!You made it!In this second volume, you're going to learn many new, more advanced shuffle dance moves. You'll learn exactly how to pick up these move step-by-step.And you'll also learn a brand new shuffle routine you can bust out at the next festival!"
Price: 49.99

"The Complete EDM Production Course - Produce, Mix & Master" |
"Welcome to the ultimate EDM production course. With over 10 hours of online training, articles, tips and practical steps you can follow, this is the most comprehensive EDM production course available on Udemy and possibly anywhere online. Save yourself months of going through low quality YouTube tutorials and get all the information you need in one place. Ask questions, get answers, and make suggestions for new videos that you would like to see added to the course.We'll cover the basics like audio and midi, loops and samples, various software, plugins. We'll also dive into sound design, using synths, arrangement, workflow, mixing, mastering and how to tap into your creativity.The track used in this course is produced in Ableton Live, please don't worry. Everything shown in this course can be applied using whatever software you use including Logic Pro, Cubase, Reaper, Pro-Tools, Reason or any other DAW you may use. Go From Beginner EDM Producer to Advanced. You'll go from beginner to advanced quickly and learn how to be confident in your production skills while enjoying the entire process.The course is very easy to follow and everything is explained in full detail without being boring or difficult to understand.By the end of the course, you will have developed an idea for a new track, setup your digital audio workstation (DAW), completed your arrangement, and mixed and mastered it to perfection.Inside the course you'll learn how to:Avoid common mistakes that make many beginners want to quit producing musicGenerate tons of ideas for new tracks at any timeProperly analyze tracks from professional producers Use reference tracks to make your own tracks sound amazingMake arrangements that are catchy and radio friendlyCreate interesting and powerful breakdowns, buildups and dropsDesign sounds that work together Use samples and presets so you can produce more music fastUse EQ, compression, reverb, delay, limiting, distortion, tape saturation, layering and moreMix and master your tracks to a professional levelAnd much much more! All the tools and plugins used in the course are completely free. No need for expensive plugins, software or gear.You'll also getLifetime access to the courseThe best support and all your questions answeredUdemy certificate of completion for downloadA 30 Day No Questions Asked money back guaranteeFully mixed and mastered Ableton Live ProjectComplete construction kit including sounds, samples, and Sylenth1 presets.Enroll today to become a professional EDM producer."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Planning 2018 - Quick Start (in 60 mins)" |
"In this course you get a simple spreadsheet system for implementing the planning system I lay out in detail in my MasteringPlanning course, which is over 12 hours long. In less than 60 minutes, you get a complete system you can use to do your weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly planning.I give you the bare minimum you need to get started with a weekly planning routine, one hour a week, on Sundays from 3-4 PM.The special thing about this planning system is that it's geared around not just organizing your time, but helping you consistently improve your planning SKILLS so that you get better week by week at estimating how long things take and creating more and more realistic plans.You'll find yourself building momentum with more successes and less stress, because you'll be building strong and realistic plans so that you can finish each day with a check in the win column.There is nothing good about overplanning and chronically under delivering. You end up overwhelming yourself and seriously underperforming.Let this system do the heavy lifting for you so that in a single planning session each week you can start to shape your life the way you want.See you on the inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Top Ruby And PHP Programming Bundle" |
"In this course we'll learn the Ruby programming language and thePHP programming language from anabsolute Beginner level all the wayto Advanced in no time at all!This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any coding experience at all!We'll start out by setting up a free online development environment. This will give you allthe tools you need to start writing and running Ruby and PHPcode.Then, we'll dive into very basic computer science concepts. Things like:String ManipulationPrinting to the ScreenSimple MathVariablesData TypesAssignmentOperatorsComparison OperatorsAfter that,we'll move into more intermediate topics like:While LoopsFor LoopsConditional If/Else StatementsFizzbuzzFinally we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:ModulesFunctionsClassesAnd More...We'll learn all of those things for both Rubyand PHP. We'll start with PHP, and then move over to Ruby in the second half of the course.Ruby and PHP aretwoof the greatest programming languages to learn, and learning has never been this easy!I'll see you on the inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete UFT/QTP + VB Scripting Course in 2018 (Latest)" |
"THECOMPLETE HP /MicrofocusUFT/QTP + VB SCRIPTINGTRAININGCOURSE in 2018- Learn quickly from the instructor having 10+ years of hands-on experience.UFT Training on LATEST 14.03version in the market.18+ hours of high qualityHD content with 110+ videos.*************************Hi Everyone,Automation has always been the biggest thing in QA field it is the closest thing we have to magic here. It is not about a tool, framework or programming language. It is leveraging those to achieve better quality testing and making the testing process sustainable, profitable, and efficient among other things.QTP/UFT has been a leading automation tool for so long for all the right reasons. It is versatile, not too complicated to use, works for most kinds of applications etc. It is so successful that for a long time now, automation has become synonymous with testing using UFT.*************************Course Benefits:Syllabus:We came up with a unique list of topics that will help you gradually work your way into the testing world.Practice sessions:Assignments in a way that you will get to apply the theory you learnt immediately.Practical learning experience with live project work and examplesOver 100+Lecturesand more than 18+ hours of HD content!Information packedpractical trainingstarting from basics to advanced UFT automation techniques.Best suitable forbeginners to advanced level usersand who learn faster when demonstrated.GetCertificate of completion.*****************************Course reviews:***""I am 100% satisfied with the online HP UFT Training. It was a excellent training experience in Functional Testing and HP-Unified Functional Testing with the instructor. The knowledge he shared, out of his experience in IT industry, helped us a lot in understanding many concepts related to training and the industry as well. The assignments are really great to make us think out of box and come up with new questions and helped me to learn in depth about each concept about the UFT."" -Juma""It was awesome session and instructor is very good with core knowledge about all concepts related QTP/UFT and always ready to answer all our questions.thanks"" -Kalpana""A very Good instructor with ability to transfer technical knowledge effectively.Pre-planned schedule considering technical flow to make it easy to digest whatever part getting covered in each session.Good practical oriented coaching with live projects which gives similar experience of professional working.Very interactive sessions where everyone getting chance to share their thoughts and raise issues or doubts."" -Abhijit""I like:The Course content,The way of teaching,Sufficient time to explain the concepts and clarifying questions,Patience in answering any QuestionsWhat concept to teach and when during Live Projects"" -Krishna""The instructor is good in explaining each and every concept of UFT clearly. He explains in very understandable way. And the good part is - the instructor not only does a great job but he was also making sure we are also able to understand and complete the assignments. Good trainer and best experiences I have had"" -Jyothirmai""I was worth the every $$ I invested in this course!"" -Theresa"
Price: 49.99

"Rhetorik Master - Sicher zur perfekten Rede & Prsentation" |
"Hervorragende Redner- und Prsentationsfhigkeiten sind Fhigkeiten, die den grte Einflu auf Ihren persnlichen Erfolg und im Geschfts- und Privat-Leben ausmachen knnen. Warum also nicht sofort ein groartiger Redner und Moderator werden? Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Geheimnisse der Rhetorik in nur 1 Stunde kennen. Ein Prsentationstraining und Rednertraining mit dem Sie lernen, in krzester Zeit souvern auftreten zu knnen.TJ Walker ist ein Sprecher und Trainer der Weltklasse, der vor allem fr seine 25- bis 30-stndigen Meisterkurse in den Bereichen Public-Speech, Medientraining und Prsentation bekannt ist. Seine deutschen Kollegen Dr. Nikolai A. Behr und Georg von Stein vom DIKT - Deutschen Institut fr Kommunikations- & MedienTraining haben seinen Kurs ""In nur 1 Stunde zur perfekten Rede oder Prsentation"" als deutsche Version umgesetzt und gestaltet. Sie sind beide seit Jahren erfolgreich als Kommunikations-, Rhetorik-und Fhrungskrfte-Coach fr Fhrungskrfte in Wirtschaft, Sport und Politik in ganz Europa ttig. In diesem Kurs hat TJ mit Dr. Nikolai A. Behr und Georg von Stein die wichtigsten Lerninhalte fr die ffentlichen Rede und Prsentationen vor Publikum in einer Stunde auf das absolut Wesentliche konzentriert. Wenn Sie es eilig haben, die ffentlichen Rede- und Prsentationsfhigkeiten zu beherrschen, dann ist dieser Kurs fr Sie geeignet.""Ich habe die letzten 30 Jahre meines Lebens den Prsidenten, Premierministern, CEOs, Unternehmern, Senatoren, Friedensnobelpreistrgern und Profiathleten live, persnlich und in Prsentationen gewidmet. Jetzt freue ich mich darauf, Dir die selben Insider-Geheimnisse zu bringen, die dich zu einem exzellenten Prsentator machen. Ich habe gelernt, wie man extrem beschftigten Menschen mit sehr engen Terminen helfen kann. Deshalb bin ich berzeugt, dass dieser einstndige Kurs dir dramatisch helfen wird."" TJ WalkerDie 4 wichtigsten Take-Aways(die Sie in nur 1 Stunden verinnerlichen und dann noch 3 Stunden Bonusmaterial geniessen)Nehmen Sie diesen Kurs und machen Sie ein paar einfache Hausaufgaben, wir sind absolut davon berzeugt, dass wir Ihre Vortrags- und Prsentationsfhigkeiten zu Weltklasse steigern knnen und Sie werden bei JEDER Prsentation folgendes tun knnen:Sehen Sie bequem, selbstbewusst und entspannt aus, unabhngig davon, ob Sie sitzen oder stehen, unabhngig von der Gre des Publikums.Prsentieren, damit Ihr Publikum Sie gut versteht.Faszinieren Sie Ihr Publikum, damit es sich an Ihre Botschaften erinnert (dies ist der schwierigste Teil).Beeinflussen Sie Ihr Publikum, damit es die von Ihnen gewnschten Manahmen ergreifen kann.""TJ Walkers zielstrebige Hingabe an die Prsentation hat ihn zum fhrenden Experten fr Fhrungskrfte gemacht, die Ratschlge fr das Publikum und die Medien suchen."" Bob Bowdon, Anchor / Reporter, Bloomberg Television""TJ Walker ist der fhrende Medientrainer der Welt."" Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer(TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) ""Die weltweit fhrende Prsentations- und Medientrainingsfirma."" Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel AnchorTJ Walker ist der Grnder von Media Training Worldwide und fhrt seit 1984 ffentliche Vortrags- und Prsentationstrainings-Workshops und -Seminare durch. Walker hat Prsidenten von Lndern, Premierminister, Friedensnobelpreistrger, Super Bowl Gewinner, US Senatoren, Miss Universes und Mitglieder des Parlaments trainert. Er hat ffentliche Vortrags- und Prsentationsworkshops auf sechs Kontinenten in mehr als zwei Dutzend Lndern durchgefhrt.Sein Buch ""Secret to Foolproof Presentations"" war ein USA Today # 1 Bestseller, sowie ein Wall Street Journal und Business Week Bestseller.Walker ist auch Autor von ""Media Training AZ"" und ""Media Training Success"".Walkers Facebook-Seite ""TJ Walker Speak to Influence"" ist die Nr. 1 Seite fr 7-tgige Video-Tutorials, wie man ein besserer Redner und Kommunikator wird.Im Jahr 2009 stellte Walker das Guinness-Buch der Rekorde fr die meisten Talk-Radio-Auftritte aller Zeiten innerhalb von 24 Stunden auf.Walker diente auch als ehemaliger Prsident der National Speakers Association, New York City.Dr. Nikolai A. Behr und Georg von Stein sind seit Jahren erfolgreiche Kommunikations-, Rhetorik- und Fhrungskrfte-Trainer und die deutschen Partner von TJ Walker. Zusammen mit ihren 25 Kollegen vom DIKT Deutschen Institut fr Kommunikations- & MedienTraining coachen Sie vor allem CEOs, Politiker, Sportler und Executive Manager in allen Formen von Kommunikations- und Fhrungskrfteschulungen. Das DIKT bietet dabei vom klassischen Medientraining, ber Interview-Schulungen, Krpersprache- und Stimmtrainings bis zum Krisenkommuniktions-Training alle Formen von offenen und Inhouse-Trainings an. Dr. Nikolai A. Behr, MBA, CPEA:Seit 1990 ist der promovierte Politikwissenschaftler Dr. Nikolai A. Behr in der TV- und Medien-Branche aktiv. Zunchst als Reporter und TV-Redakteur fr unterschiedliche Sender (u.a. ARD, Bayerischer Rundfunk, CBS, Kirch-Gruppe), spter als Marketing-Manager (BR, Kirch). Er war Projektmanager und leitete u.a. sieben Jahre das Internationale Corporate TV der BMW AG. Seit 2007 ist er als Medientrainer, Hochschuldozent, Medien-Produzent und Kommunikationsberater ttig. Dr. Nikolai A. Behr lehrt auf Deutsch und Englisch und ist spezialisiert auf allgemeines Medientraining, Interviewtraining, TV-Training, Krisentraining, die Vorbereitung auf ffentliche Anhrungen und von Medienauftritten und Prsentationen vor Publikum. Er hat zahlreiche internationale Awards erhalten und ist Keynote-Speaker und TEDx-Speaker. Er hat bisher erfolgreich ber 1.000 Vorstnde, Top-Fhrungskrfte und Kommunikationsverantwortliche v.a. aus den folgenden Branchen betreut: Agrar, Automotive, Energie, Finanzen, Gesundheit und Technologie. Als Dozent und Hochschullehrer ist Nikolai A. Behr er u.a. ttig fr: European University, Universit Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Nordwesten University, TUM School of Management, MHMK Macromedia Hochschule und die German Speakers Academy.Dipl.Kfm. Georg von Stein:Georg von Stein (Dipl.-Kfm.) bereitet seit 22 Jahren Vorstandsvorsitzende, Geschftsfhrer, Vorstnde, Betriebsrte und Persnlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Weiterbildung und Kunst auf Interviews und Auftritte vor. Sein Spektrum reicht von der Vorbereitung auf die Jahreskonferenz ber geschftskritische Prsentationen oder Storytelling bis hin zu investigativ-kritischen Interviewsituationen. Er greift dafr auf seine ber 26-jhrige Erfahrung als Journalist und Moderator genauso zurck wie auf seine frhere Arbeit als Manager und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender in der Medien- und Marketingbranche. Mittlerweile waren ber 1.000 Verantwortliche, Manager, CEOs und Geschftsfhrer in seinen Trainings und Coachings. Georg von Stein ist Dozent Medientraining an der German Speakers Academy.Abschlieende Anmerkung:Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich um einen Kommunikationskurs handelt, der von einer realen Person durchgefhrt wird, die spricht und ffentliches Sprechen und Prsentationstechniken demonstriert. Wenn Sie einen Kurs mit vielen Animationen, Dias, Spezialeffekten, raffinierten Bearbeitungen und Roboterstimmen suchen, ist dieser Kurs nichts fr Sie.Dies ist ein Kurs mit einer Lnge von einer Stunde. Dieser ist so grndlich und tiefgrndig wie ein einstndiger Lehrgang sein kann. Auerdem enthlt er ohne zustzliche Kosten ein eBook des DIKT ""in 5 Schritten zum erfolgreichen Interview"" . Wenn Sie sich fr tiefer gehende Vortrge und Prsentationstechniken interessieren, melden Sie sich bitte fr TJ's 25 Stunden plus Complete Public Speaking und Complete Presentation Skills Kurse an (auf Englisch) oder suchen Sie weiter Kurse von Dr. Nikolai A. Behr und Georg von Stein (auf Deutsch)."
Price: 49.99

"Software Automation Using Puppet For Beginners" |
"Become a master atAutomation with our Puppet course!DevOpsEngineers spend more time configuring their machines and deployingtheir changes manually, instead of building actual solutions. This iswhy automation has become such a huge part of DevOps. And, Puppetoffers the perfect solution for this problem. Puppethelps you automate configuration and deployment to allow more timefor otherimportant tasks.So, what exactly isPuppet?Puppetis a configuration management tool that automates the way youinspect, deliver and operate your infrastructure and software. Thisis a powerful language that describes how to get machines to adesired state and as a tool, it interprets andapplies those changes. Puppet is slightly more complicated whencompared to other configuration tools such as Ansible and Chef.However, it comes with a number of amazing tools and features.If you want to becomean expert DevOps engineer and learn Puppet, then this is the perfectcourse for you!Inthis course, weve taken a step-by-step approach at breaking downwhat exactly Puppet is, including the benefits of Puppet, how it isdifferent from other configuration tools such as Ansible and Chef,what is it capable of doing, whatis Heira, how to encrypt data in Heira, whatare manifests, how to create manifests,how to create a private Git repository on a Linux machine, and somuch more!Thecourse combines theory as well as practicalknowledge to help you learn not just what Puppet is, but also how youcan integrate Puppet into your next project or even your business. Atthe end of this course, youll have an understanding of Puppet, aswell as the confidence to actually use it.Allof this and so much more is packed in this amazing Puppet course! So,what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start automating your life!"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Web Development" |
"Introduction to Web Development is just that - an introduction. You will be introduced to basic web development concepts such as HTML and HTML5, CSS and CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery, PHP and MySQL. All of these are the basic skills you need to become a professional web developer. If you're interested in becoming a web developer, this course offers you an easy and free way to see if it's right for you. If you decide you are interested in becoming a web developer, check out our Become a Professional Web Developer course."
Price: 49.99

"PHP Development with the Laravel Framework" |
"Looking for that perfect PHP framework to build great websites with? Try Laravel 4 and we're sure you'll be hooked. This course teaches you how to create an authorization system for a website. A basic knowledge of PHP programming is required for this course. What Is Laravel 4? Laravel is a free, open source PHP web application framework, designed for the development of MVC web applications. Laravel is released under the MIT license, with its source code hosted on GitHub. According to a December 2013 survey on PHP frameworks popularity, Laravel is listed as one of the most promising PHP frameworks for 2014"
Price: 49.99

"Leadership 101: Be A Recognized Industry Leader and Expert" |
"Are You Having Trouble Standing Out From Your Peers?Do You Want To Get More Industry Recognition as a Topic Expert?Are You A Consultant and Haven't Received As Much Business As You Think You Should?Do You Want To Increase The Demand For Your Knowledge?Do You Know You Have A Lot of Expert Information But Haven't Put Yourself Out There?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!Bonus reason: Udemy has a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if for some reason you don't enjoy the course!Recent Review:Paul G. says: ""Terrific all encompassing course. Very extensive, really shows and highlights all the ways you can make yourself more relevant in your industry, and for me showed me all the things I haven't been doing that I should be. It's not even difficult, just takes some effort. Really glad I took this course, very practical and must know info!""Why You Should Take This Course With Me:Establishing yourself as an industry expert and leader is an important for any one who is a consultant or looking to network online. People often assume that just being ""online"" makes them known, which is NOT the case at all. It takes hard work and determination to establish yourself as an industry expert, luckily though while it takes hard work, it is not difficult. Knowing what to do is 90% of the battle, and I am here to teach you proven methods that work. I speak from experience, I personally used all of the methods in the course to grow my Rogue CFO brand and become one of the most known outsourced CFO's in the industry who is sought after by growth stage companies worldwide. What We Learn In The Course:How to use multiple social media methods to create industry proof Writing press releases to distribute information about your business and what you are doingWriting attention grabbing profiles on multiple platformsThe use of Q&A forums to demonstrate your industry knowledgeAnd more! By the end of the course you'll be an industry expert in your field!At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN HOW TO BE A RECOGNIZED INDUSTRY LEADER AND EXPERT! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, financial reporting, small business and accounts receivable. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 74.99

"The 2020 Complete Actionable Business Plan Project Schedule" |
"Are You An Entrepreneur or Business Owner?Do You Need To Write A Business Plan But Aren't Sure How To Go About It?Do You Need Structure To Help You With Your Business Plan?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!Bonus reason: Udemy has a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if for some reason you don't enjoy the course!Recent Review:Johan J. says ""Great course on setting up an actionable plan to build a business plan. Just to make sure people are clear, this is all about scheduling and planning, mapping out your business plan so when it comes time to write, you hit the ground running. Basically like project planning for your business plan. Definitely recommend for entrepreneurs, will help keep you on task.""Why You Should Take This Course With Me:Writing a business plan is an important part of the business development stage. Most entrepreneurs do not fully understand the time commitment and importance of dedicating yourself to writing a fully vetted, investor quality business plan. By planning in advance, you can ensure that you have a realistic idea of the time commitment, and you can hold yourself accountable to the schedule. As well, you won't miss or skip over any important ""must haves"" in your business plan. Spending a bit of time up front planning will help immensely, and that is what we are here to learn in this course. What We Learn In The Course:Learn the basics of Excel - no experience is necessaryDetermine what steps are necessary for preplanning your business planDetermine what steps are necessary for the business plan writing phasePlan a time schedule for each of the stepsMap the project plan in Excel And more! By the end of the course you'll be a business planning expert!At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN HOW TO SET UP A BUSINESS PLAN SCHEDULE NOW! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, financial reporting, small business and accounts receivable. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Access 2016 - Basics" |
"Everything you need to know about Microsoft AccessMicrosoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs. You can build and share a database in seconds. Youll be amazed how easy it is to create and structure your data. You can also build forms to enter data and reports to share data with others.In this course, experienced Microsoft Access trainer Kathy Jones will walk you through building your first Microsoft Access database. Youll learn to create your own tables to store the information you need. Youll learn to sort, filter, and query the data in those tables. Kathy will show you how to create forms for entering data into your Access database, and how to create, format, and run reports on your data.Topics covered include: Navigating within Microsoft Access Creating Access database Using Access help and setting configuration options Locating and changing data Sorting and filtering records in a table Creating a query Sorting and filtering data through a query Performing calculations through a query Creating a form Working with data in a form Creating a report Adding a control to a report Applying themes, fonts, and layout options Preparing a report to be printed Organizing report information Formatting a reportOver three hours of high-quality HD content in the Uniquely EngagingTM Bigger Brains Teacher-Learner style!"
Price: 34.99

"Generar reportes PDF dinmicos con PHP7 y MySQL" |
"Una parte fundamental en el desarrollo web es poder juntar varias herramientas en un slo proyecto. La intencin de este proyecto es reunir Bootstrap 4, CKeditor, AYAX, la librera HTML2PDF con PHP7 y MySQL para crear una aplicacin que genere reportes dinmicos en Formato PDF. Aunque existen muchas libreras para obtener este formato, utilizaremos la librera HTML2PDF que nos permite manejar nuestro formato son necesidad de coordenadas, sino con HTML en forma directa. Tambin contaremos con muchos parmetros que nos permitir dar mejor formato en nuestras salidas PDF.Este curso est enfocado para los desarrolladores web con conocimientos de PHP y MySQL. Tambin utilizaremos Boostrap 4 para generar el formato de las pginas, utilizaremos el editor CKeditor para generar texto con etiquetas HTML, la librera HTML2PDF para crear en forma dinmica tomando los datos de una base de datos MySQL y conectaremos dos combos en forma dinmica por medio de AJAX.Los objetivos particulares de este curso son:Crearla base de datos y un proceso completo de altas, bajas y cambios (ABC o CRUD) de la tabla libros.Aprendera paginar una consulta de una tabla grande.Crear las otras pginas para las Altas, Bajas y Cambios o CRUD e integrar el editor CKeditor.Manejar la librera HTML2PDF para generar documentos PDF dinmicamente.Para tomar este curso debes tener conocimientos generales de desarrollo Web con PHP y MySQL. Es deseable tener conocimientos de Bootstrap 4, pero no es indispensable. Debes tener conocimientos en el manejo de un editor de cdigo como Aptana, Brackets, SublimeText o Atom."
Price: 270.00

"Color Theory and Exercises" |
"Welcome to this course about Color theory and exercises. In this course, you will learn characteristics of color, how colors change their appearance, the theory and workflow of color matching and we'll do all this through various value and color matching exercises. My name is Mandar, a Fine Artist, and a sculptor. I will be leading you through this course. One of the major challenge which painting students face is mixing appropriate colors for their paintings. So, if mixing right colors is a challenge for you, you are not alone and you are here in the right company. I've designed this course for the artist in you who wants to improve your knowledge and expertise about color mixing. By the end of this course you'll know all the necessary theory behind color mixing but more than that you'll find out what exercises to do to gain color mixing mastery. I have simplified the technical terms while explaining the theory and have used a limited number of colors to do all the exercises. You don't need a lot of material to gain from this class and this will also save you money when you'll know how to mix just about any color from a very few basic colors. This course is good for complete beginners as well as for artists who have a few years of experience. Even if you have never had any artistic experience, you'll gain a lot from this course. Digital artists or even those who are just curious about colors will find this course rewarding. Color theory remains the same irrespective of which art medium you use. So, this course is not just for oil painters but for all kinds of artists. Join this class and start your journey towards color mastery. See you inside the class!"
Price: 59.99

"Lightroom CC MasterClass" |
"Are you fascinated by photography? Want to develop your photo editing skills and create beautiful images?This course will have you working with photographs like a pro. It covers both Adobe Lightroom CC and Adobe Lightroom Classic CC. Get to grips with the differences between the two, how they fit into your workflow/lifestyle and master all of their features, so you are ready to use them with total confidence, either professionally or for your hobby photography.Loved this course. There's a lot more to Lightroom than I realized. Already seeing a major improvement in my work! Mike MirabalLightroom is the industry-leading tool for photo editing and it gives you ultimate control over aspects like lighting, effects, detail, optics and loads more. Both also have unique and individual ways of helping you to organize and manage your photos, making use of these features will mean you never lose or waste time searching for an image. Knowledge of both applications will be required for many professional roles within the creative industry. This software is also ideal for preparing images for marketing purposes i.e blog posts and social media. Building catalogues and developing photographs in Lightroom will help you create engaging images, which stand out and help you build a strong visual style that connects with your audience. Lightroom CC - Amazing photos, anywhere you areThis is the cloud-based version of Lightroom, which is the perfect tool for editing images on the go either on your mobile device or laptop. Plus your photos are always with you. Lightroom CC will store them in the cloud, ready to be used on any device. Lightroom CC offers the same set of powerful cataloging and photo editing features whether you are using the mobile app, desktop application or browser-based version.Learn how to: capture images using the Lightroom CC mobile app and organise them using albums, labels, stacks and the revolutionary Adobe Sensei artificial intelligence powered smart search. We will cover everything you need to know about developing images. Use the downloadable working files and follow along, or practice techniques using your own photographs. We will learn about adjusting exposure, colour, contrast, clarity, applying effects, creating presets and more. Learn about making Local Adjustments as opposed to global adjustments, whats the difference and why exactly they are useful.Lightroom Classic CC - Your best shots made even betterThis version is essential for anyone looking to become a professional photographer. It not only has powerful editing capabilities but also offers the most accurate and efficient way to organise hundreds of thousands of RAW photographs with its powerful cataloging features. Knowledge of these are crucial to organising photo shoots or projects like a professional, so you can always find that particular shot you are looking for in seconds. Being in total control of your catalog is not only saving you time but will also impress your clients.Learn how to work with catalogs, define and apply keywords, back up your edits and all the clever ways you can save time importing your photos. This course walks you through all the features of Lightroom Classic CC following the modules; Library, Develop, Map, Book, Slideshow, Print and Web. You will learn how to do basic retouching within Lightroom and more complex photo manipulations with the seamless Photoshop integration. These two powerful tools used together can bend the limits of photography so you can learn to create panoramas, creative montages, adding special effects like bokeh and loads more.This course includes: 137 video lessons8 hours of total playtimeDownloadable exercise filesRegularly updated content to reflect the new features introduced to both versions of LightroomMartin is an Adobe Certified Instructor, voted as one of the Top 10 Adobe instructors in the world, he has years of experience teaching in classrooms, seminars and webinars. He has been using and teaching Lightroom since its first version released in 2007. He has also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects. The examples and techniques used have been developed over this time to deliver the most efficient and enjoyable approach to teaching and learning.Who will find this course useful:Hobby photographers looking to hone their skills and share their passion for photographyAnyone looking to become professional photographersCompletely new users who have no previous experience with either version of Lightroom Self-taught users looking to improve and build on their existing skillsAnyone looking for help deciding which version of Lightroom is better suited for their workflowThose who need to edit images while being on the moveSocial media specialist and online content creatorsSkills you will gain taking this course:Taking photos with the Lightroom CC mobile appBuilding and organising catalogsDeveloping RAW and JPEG photographs professionallyImpressing your friends and clients with your prints, photo books, slideshows and web galleries created in LightroomEnroll on this course now and take your photography to the next level!"
Price: 199.99

"Cisco Networking LABS Crash Course for the CCNA" |
"This course ismade up of plenty of labs that will give the student the practice needed to be proficient in the main topics that pertains to Routing and Switching for the CCNA certification (200-125) exam.This is the meat & potatoes of the exam and it will help those in real world scenarios giving the student the foundation needed to start their job in the Networking field."
Price: 199.99

"Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies for Beginners" |
"Blockchain is a database just like MySQL, Oracle or any other. The major difference between blockchain and others are that it follows append only structure wherein, individuals are only allowed to add the data. In this, you are restricted from deleting or altering the data which plays an important role in preventing any type of fraud or data tampering. Due to these factors, the demand for blockchain and cryptocurrency experts have exponentially increased. Considering all these points, we brought you this important course focusing on blockchain and cryptocurrency. Why this course is important? Blockchain and cryptocurrency will soon be the option of choice in various public domains including the financial sector. To cope up with the growing demand, this course will focus on various topics covering all the details about blockchain and cryptocurrency. Initially, this course focuses on the basics but later, you will get the in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrency as well as blockchain including Ethereum. Lastly, with the implementation of blockchain, you can have a better experience of real-world scenarios. What makes this course so valuable? This course elucidates the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Furthermore, it also explains why blockchain and cryptocurrency are crucial in todays world. It gives details about the types of the blockchain, hash function, digital signatures, POW, blocks and many other things. Additionally, this course will also cover the implementation of blockchain from scratch. Later, this course gives insight into cryptocurrency including bitcoins, Ethereum, smart contracts and others. This course includes- 1. Fundamentals of blockchain and the basics of cryptocurrency 2. Use of hash function, digital signatures, storing keys, types of the blockchain, block structure and many more 3. POW, the importance of POW for miners and block hash vs block height 4. Blockchain implementation from scratch 5. Introduction to bitcoin, buying and selling of cryptocurrency, UTXO, and so on. 6. Ethereum- Introduction, smart contract, state transition machine, mining in Ethereum, block size, Ethereum phases, Web 3 and DAO 7. Smart contracts and more interesting stuff! The technology is constantly evolving, so is this world; its the right time to master these technologies. Start today in-order to become the expert tomorrow."
Price: 49.99

"Crear un patrn MVC con PHP y MySQL" |
"Los patrones de diseo (o patrones de arquitectura) son empleados ampliamente en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorio, pero han dado excelentes resultados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, evitando el conocido cdigo espagueti. En este curso aprenders a desarrollar aplicaciones bajo este patrn de diseo: Modelo, Vista, Controlador o MVC. Este curso tiene como objetivo:Aplicar los principios del patrn MVC con PHP y MySQL.Crear una estructura robusta con el patrn de diseo MVC para construir una aplicacin.Aplicar el patrn MVC para realizar un proceso de Altas, Bajas y Cambios.Este es un curso intermedio, por lo que no se explicarn cosas bsicas como variables, ciclos o estructuras condicionales. Debes de tener ya estos conocimientos previos. Tambin es deseable que conozcas los principios generales de la programacin orientada a objetos, aunque no es necesario que seas un experto. En las clases finales aplicaremos un poco de Bootstrap 4.Para tomar este curso necesitas una computadora con XAMPP, MAMP o WAMP o utilizar un servidor remoto con PHP y MySQL. Debers contar con un editor de cdigo como Sublime Text, Atom o DreamWeaver."
Price: 270.00

"What foods can give me more energy and help me feel better?" |
"Change Your Food. Change Your Life. What to eat thats tasty, healthy, and fast!Tired of feeling tired?Need to lose unwanted weight?Need new breakfast ideas?Learn what tasty food is your medicine, and how it'll help you perform at your best. How food is your winning edge for results to your bottom line and bottom. :-)Discover what foods to avoid to stay alert all day.Take the gross out of grocery shopping.Get the skinny on how to grocery shop wisely.This fun, fast paced course will show you the connection between food choices and your physical, mental, and emotional health.This course is taken from a live class that was fun and filled with great information, but their microphone kinda sucked. So, check a sample class to make the sound is okay for you, even though not broadcast quality. For best results, you may want to listen with head phones. I want to make sure you love love love the class and get a lot out of it.Get the info you need to change your food and change your life. Getting healthy now can affect how you age and how sick or healthy you'll be when you're older. Studies now show that diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia are caused by your food choices and lifestyle decades before symptoms appear. Therefore, youre setting the stage for sickness or health now and later in life. With this course, not only are you improving yourself and your health, but you're also greatly helping how you age. You may be preventing diseases now and in the future.Food is medicine. Why not take it in a fast, tasty, and fun way?While other busy and work-crazed people just grab anything to eat, after taking this course, you will have nourishing foods made in little time, to sustain your mental and physical energy. Food is your best investment. It will pay off big time now, and in the years to come."
Price: 19.99

"Einfhrung in Berechnungen mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop" |
"Business Intelligence von morgen erfordert weit mehr als nur Excel und Powerpoint. Neue effiziente Tools mssen her um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Daten schnell dynamisch und effizient verarbeiten und visuell aufbereiten zu knnen. Und das betrifft alle Geschftsbereiche Controlling, Finanzen, Marketing,... gleichermaen. Deshalb:Hallo und Willkommen in der Welt von Power BIPower BI ist eine Suite aus Business Analytics-Tools, die dir dabei helfen neue Insights in deine Daten und dein Unternehmen zu generieren. Du kannst eine Vielzahl von Datenquellen anbinden, die Daten einfach aufbereiten und nach der Datenaufbereitung Ad-hoc-Analysen durchfhren. Du kannst ansprechende Visualisierungen und Reports erstellen und zielgruppenspezifisch anpassen.Und genau das lernst du hierDas ist ein praxisbezogener Kurs. Wir gehen die einzelnen Kapitel gemeinsam durch. Es wird eine bungsdatei bereitgestellt, sodass du jeden Schritt selbst nachbauen kannst. Nach meiner Erfahrung bringt diese praktische Anwendung den grten Lernerfolg mit sich.Am Ende wirst du in der Lage sein Berechnungen in Microsoft Power BI Desktop zu erstellen und tolle Visualisierungen mit Power BI Desktop selbststndig umzusetzen um sowohl das Management als auch deine Teamkollegen zu beeindrucken. Dieser Kurs ist der zweite Kurs der Power BI Masterclass Reihe (Teil 1 auf Udemy : Einfhrung in Microsoft Power BI Desktop) und soll dir helfen auf deinem Vorwissen aus dem ersten Kurs aufzubauen um noch besser mit Power BI Desktop arbeiten zu knnen.Wenn du noch mehr lernen mchtest dann stehen dir auch die weiteren Kurse der SerieEinfhrung in Microsoft Power BI DesktopEinfhrung in Berechnungen mit Microsoft Power BI DesktopEffizientes Arbeiten mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop Datenanalyse und Visualisierung mit Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - praktische Projekt Tipps und TricksEinfhrungen in Berechnungen mit Calculate in Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - hilfreiche Tips und TricksDatenaufbereitung mit Microsoft Power BI Desktopzur VerfgungAlso los. Worauf wartest du noch?"
Price: 199.99

"Casual Dance Moves and Grooves How to Move to Music" |
"This program will show you exactly how to start moving and grooving to music!If you're someone who is:Unsure how to move to musicAwkward and tense when trying to danceAfraid of the dance floorThen this program was made for you!Once you've gone through this program, you will be able to casually move and groove to any genre of music!"
Price: 49.99

"How to Play No Limit Texas Hold Em Poker For Beginners" |
"Poker continues to be one of the most popular card games in the world.One of the main reasons for its continued popularity is that it's one of the only games where you can not only make money consistently, but EVEN MAKE A GOOD LIVING at it once you become a really good player.In this course, I'm going to teach you how to play No Limit Texas Hold Em (the most popular version of poker by far) from the very beginning.You will learn:1. The relative hand strengths2. How to choose which hands to play3. Poker terminology4. When to fold before the flop5. When to check, bet, or raise6. Understanding position7. Opportunities to bluff8. Import card probabilities9. How to choose the right game structure for you10. The difference between tournaments and cash games (it's huge)Join the course and learn HOW TO PLAY TEXAS NO LIMIT HOLD EM from start to finish!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn To Build Microservices Driven Apps Using NodeJS" |
"Learn to build microservices driven software using NodeJS, Express and Mongo DB. A course that will teach you professional software development using microservices.Microservices are changing the way how scalable software and applications are built globally. In this course you will learn how to think about a microservice and how to implement it to solve a real world problem. In this course Wewill build a Library application that will include a Book Service, aCustomer Service and also an Order Service that will join the firsttwo services to create a functional app. Wewill focus on technologiessuch as ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose and mLAB. ExpressJSwill be the primary framework for building the project. MongDB willbe preferred database, Mongoose will help in object modeling, andlastly mLAB will host our entire project.Ourmain focus is to help not only strengthen your knowledge behind thesubject, but also be comfortable enough to actually start working onthe technology. Using a project-based approach, the course will takeyou step-by-step through the entire process of building themicroservices, to ensure that you understand the fundamentalscorrectly. This will allow you to integrate this amazing technologyin your other projectThecourse will start by helping you set up the project,after which you will learn howto install relevantsoftware, connecting to mLAB, defining the book model, making postrequest to book services, saving books to the database, listing &deleting books, customers service, defining order model, creating andlisting orders, talking with other services and so much more!Atthe end of this course, youwill not only have the theory of how you can build microservices, butyoull also have confidenceand the experience to actually start building your very own projectsfrom scratch. Thiscomplete beginners course will help you not only become familiar withNodeJS and building microservices in NodeJS, but also will set you upbuilding more complex projects on NodeJS using Express and MongoDB.So,enroll now and start learning how to build microservices usingExpressJS!"
Price: 39.99

"Introduction To Data Science Using R Programming" |
"A powerfulcomprehensive course on mastering data visualization and analyticsusing R!Datawas once only powerful when it came to making business decisions, buttoday data plays a more important role and is currently the basis ofall the modern business functions. The growing need for organizeddata has resulted in the higher demands for data scientists, minersand also data analysts. Thisis the prime time to join one of the worlds fastest growingindustry as a data scientist and all you need to become one is thiscourse!Wehave designed this exceptionally comprehensive course at beginners aswell as intermediate students who want to master the art of datascience and learn exactly how to analyze and organize data to createcharts or graphs. The coursehas been dedicated to helping you understand one of the mostimportant tools of data science R Statistical Environment. Inaddition to the R environment, you will also go over the popular datascience R programming language. Whilethere are many other languages that can be used for data science, Rhas become synonymous with data analytics and has been usedindustry-wide in data science. R refers to the R programming languageas well as R statistical computing environment that is used forstatistical computing and graphics. The R language is popularly usedamong statisticians, data miners, data analysts, etc. Thiscourse focuses on helping breakdown R and R programming language intosimple and easy to understand concepts that cover everything you needto know to get started with Data Science. The course will not onlyhelp you learn the R languages basic syntax, but also thecomputing environment where you will learn exactly how to importdata, organize the data, create charts and graphs and also exportdata.Thecourse will in-depth cover topics such as Basic Data Visualization,Advanced Data Visualization, Generating Maps using JSON Structures,Implementation of Statistics, Data Munging/Wrangling, DataManipulation and so much more!Atthe end of this course, you will have mastered exactly how to workwith data and bend it to your wishes. Thisis the perfect course for anyone who is looking to make the jump intothe world of Data Science. Enrollnow and learn how you can become an expert at data science!"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Planning Templates - Hourly Planning and Habits" |
"In this course you get two Google Sheet templates to use as part of your planning system.In about an hour, you'll learn how to use these two spreadsheet systems to improve your planning on a day to day basis.The first template is for measuring your hourly planning. Most people don't do this, and most planning systems don't integrate this.The idea is that to become a better planner...to improve your planning skills...you need to create a feedback loop to get better over time at estimating how long things will take.The template comes with a built in daily routine for you to adjust to your life. It includes buffer time, routines and blocks for work, learning and relaxation, as well as undefined blocks of time for whatever you want to do.The idea is that by using this system you will build a daily rhythm so that it's easier to get through each day and get everything done.This template was previously a print out in the original planning course Icreated, Mastering Planning. This course focused on implementation of the system and doesn't go into as much depth on the theory as the MasteringPlanning course, which is 12 hours long.The second template is for managing your routines. Each of the routines in the first template are included in the second template as options for you to flesh out.This template helps you keep track of routines that you are using now as well as ones you want to implement in the future, and routines that you want to vary based on the day of the week.Together these two templates will help you build a rock solid short term planning system.See you on the inside,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Angular 7 : Practical Guide [11 Hours]" |
"[NOTE: This course will be constantly updated & improved as per your feedback.All questions will get answered and the course author (Arseniy) will be very present to guide you.]This course was built by Arseniy Chernykh and Eduonix Learning Solutions with a simple idea in mind: teach you Angular 7 in a practical way, so that you can acquire, test and master your Angular skills gradually.If you check the course's curriculum, you'll see that you'll learn all these things with Angular: How to set up your environmentHow to use basic syntax, types, operators and loopsHow to use functions, arrays, tuples and classesThe basics of AngularHow to create componentsHow to use encapsulation, interpolation and event bindingHow to create and use servicesHow to create HTTP requestsAnd much more...In any case, Arseniy will be here for you and answer any questions you may have, and he'll constantly update and improve the course's content. The goal is to make your learning a very interactive process.So, what are you waiting?!Get the course NOW!"
Price: 59.99

"Music Entrepreneurship, Part 3: Business Plans" |
"** UDEMY BEST SELLER **Welcome to the COMPLETE Music Entrepreneurship Guide!This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and turn it into a business. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.In this course, we will use the real-world experiences of the award-winning instructor and university music business professor Dr. Jason Allen. But don't be worried - Dr. Allen is best known around campus for keeping things simple, accessible, and useful.Dr. Allen is the founder of a number of successful businesses, and is a top-rated Udemy instructor. In 2017 Star Tribune Business featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. Getting your career off the ground as a professional musician can be a long and scary task. It requires a lot of work and dedication. But with this course, I want to simplify that process for you. We will draw on my experience both as a professional musician and as a University Professor in the music industry. I'll walk through all the steps that the professionals take to setup their career as a business.MUSIC Entrepreneurship, PART 3: BUSINESS PLANS includes all the tools you need to write a complete business plan for your music career.In this course, we will focus the entire course on the steps to start a career in the music business. First, we will focus on the advantages and concerns of new businesses, specifically in the arts. Next, we will walk through the different types of businesses - from corporations, to family businesses, to nonprofit organizations. Most importantly, we will learn what is best for your business, and walk through the step-by-step process to setup and register your business. Last, we will walk through the steps needed to create your most essential founding document: the operating agreement. By the end of this course, if you follow along, you will have your business officially created and ready to open the doors for business.Also included in this course is a comprehensive plan to build a professional business plan - including text template pages, Xcel spreadsheets, and more.Some of the step-by-step guides in this course will be:The steps to take to start your music careerDeciding on your business typeFiling your legal formsThe 8 parts of the business planThe course is a roadmap to launching your career in the music business.All the tools you need to prepare, organize, and start your career are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can launch your music career today.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music business course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get obsorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waiting for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts to all future classes in the series. "
Price: 24.99
