"Advanced QuickBooks (2016)" |
"QuickBooks makes basic accounting easy, but to truly take advantage of the power and efficiency of this popular accounting tool youll want to dive into the advanced features.This is a course that many of our customers have requested, to help them move beyond the basics of QuickBooks and use features like payroll, sales tax, timesheets, barter transactions, and the document center correctly. In this course you will learn how to use QuickBooks Pro to: Track vehicle mileage Manage payroll tax forms & efiling Handle, sick, vacation, and PTO time Track and pay sales tax Work with customer deposits and retainers Use the QuickBooks document center, bank feed center, audit trail, and timesheets"
Price: 39.99

"A Little Bit of Set Theory with C#" |
"Course Overview:1. This course is for those who are interested in set theory.2. This branch of mathematics is relevant to computer science areas like databases.3. Each video is done in 1080p.4. The audio is done with a studio microphone, so it's clear and crisp.5. There areexercises placed throughout the videos.6. The videos are on average 6.5minutes long.7.PowerPoint presentations are used to build the concepts.8.C# code examples are used toillustrate the concepts.9. You can adjust the playback speed easily on the player.10. You should already have Visual Studio 2017 Community installed on your computer.11. You should already know how to create and run a simple console program in Visual Studio.12. For the hearing-impaired, closed-captions are added automatically. Ido not have control over those, so they might not be perfect. 13.Thank you for reading, and Iwill see you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Build Apps Using NodeJS and Angular" |
"NodeJSis a platform that allows developers to write server side highperformance and network applications and that too using the good old JavaScript. Angular is one of the most popular JS frontend framework and you can build really awesome apps using the power of Node and Angular.If you want to masterNodeJS and Angular and want to build applications using these amazing technologies,then this is the perfect course for you! Fromthe very start, youll be learninghow to program using projectsand working through challenges that weve designed to reinforcewhat youve learned. This will give you the hands-on experiencenecessary to create and launch your own project once youre done. In this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Node based restful APIsand will learn to create Angular based UI. You will also learn to work with Mongo DB on Cloud.In this course learnHowto interact betweenUI and the backendHow to create Rest APIHow to make calls and use API as standalone service,Howto integrateMongoDB from NodeJS,How tobuild a database libraryfrom scratch and so muchmore!Everythingyou need to learn comespacked in this easy-to-learnpackage! So what are youwaiting for enroll now andget started building your very own apps with NodeJS and Angular !"
Price: 39.99

"Build a Crypto Currency News Site With Python and Django" |
"Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. Wouldn't it be cool to build a website that shows Crypto news automatically?That's what we'll learn in this course!We'll build a website using Django (version 2.0.7) and Python (version 3.7.0) and Bootstrap (version 4.1.1) that connects to a free third party crypto API.We'll be able to pull news stories, crypto price data, and all kinds of cool stuff, and output it onto the screen of our website automatically.WhoShould TakeThis Course?This course is aimed at the beginner. You don't need to know Python, or Django, or Bootstrap...or anything at all...to take this course. I'll walk you through it all; step by step. If you already know the basics of any of those things, you'll be fine too. You'll still learn some cool things along the way!What Tools Do YouNeedTo TakeThis Course?You don't need any special tools to take this course. We'll be downloading everything we need for free. I'm on a Windows computer, but if you're on a Linux or a Mac, you'll be able to follow along just fine. (They're will be a few different commands for mac users, but I'll try to point them out along the way)What if youdon't like the course?Ioffer an unconditional, 30-day Money back Guarantee. If you aren't happy for any reason, you get your money back! No hoops to jump through at all.What if you get stuck along the way?I'm here answering questions everyday! Just shoot me a message and I'll personally walk you through it. Unlike a lot of instructors here, Iactually care about my students success and I spend a lot of time answering questions to make sure you understand everything.My name is John Elder and Ihope to see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Excel: Introduction to PowerPivot" |
"Learn How To Transform Excel Into Your Big Data Power ToolPower Pivot is an Excel add-in you can use to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily. In this course well show you everything you need to know in order to install and start using Power Pivot in Excel."
Price: 29.99

"MCSA : Microsoft SQL server 70-762 Practice Test" |
"Microsoft Certification for SQLServer 70-762 Practice Test70-762developing sql databases practice testThiscourse contain 4Practice test forMicrosoftCertificationexam70-762 developing sql databasesfor SQL server 2016.Itcover 100% of Microsoftcertification syllabus.Youcan find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your realtime problems.TopicsDesignand implement a relational database schemaDesignand implement indexesDesignand implement viewsImplementcolumnstore indexesEnsuredata integrity with constraintsCreatestored proceduresCreatetriggers and user-defined functionsImplementtransactionsManageisolation levelsOptimiseconcurrency and locking behaviourImplementmemory-optimised tables and native stored proceduresOptimisestatistics and indexesAnalyseand troubleshoot query plansManageperformance for database instancesMonitorand trace SQL Server baseline performance metrics"
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Certified Admin : Practice Test [150 Questions]" |
"This course contains multiple exams meant to simulate the Salesforce Admin exam. The material attempts to closely follow the required base of knowledge to necessary for an Admin to possess. This material will be continually updated to grow in scope and size to keep current with the Salesforce Admin's growing knowledge requirements."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Toon Boom Harmony Essentials: Simple Turnaround Rigs" |
"Have you ever wondered could you create a turnaround rig in Harmony Essentials? In this new course, I'll show you step-by-step how to rig a simple, yet powerful cut-out character just using Harmony Essentials.Now a full production character rig typically requires the node view and deformers that are only available in Harmony Premium That being said, even at the entry level of Toon Boom software, out of the box,Harmony Essentials has a stronger set of animation featuresthan programs like Animate or Flash!Here are a few of the topics covered in the course:TOC Welcome/Intro & BasicsAbout this CourseHarmony Essentials vs Harmony PremiumHarmony Essentials vs Flash/AnimateSetting your PreferencesUsing the Brush ToolUsing the Pencil ToolWorking in Drawing ModeWorking in Camera ModeDesigning the CharacterDesigning Cut-Outs for Harmony EssentialsSketching the CharacterCleanup and Inking the CharacterSetting up Views of the CharacterSetting up LayersWorking with Drawing SubstitutionsWorking with PegsShould You Animate Pegs or Drawings?Setting Drawing PivotsSetting Peg PivotsUsing Bone DeformersBone Deformer BasicsRigging the TorsoRigging the ArmsRigging the LegsRigging the HairUsing Symbols & PatchesAdvanced Arm RiggingAdvanced Leg RiggingAdvanced Hair RiggingAdvanced Rigging the EyesRough Sketch of Drawing SubstitutionsAdvanced Rigging the EyesSetting up LayersWorking with Masking & CuttersAdding the MouthRough Sketch of Drawing SubstitutionsAdvanced Rigging the MouthSetting up LayersWorking with Masking & CuttersSetting up a TemplateRe-Naming Drawing SubstitutionsUsing Kinematic OutputWorking with Child-Parent hierarchyWorking with Layers and NudgingCreating Master PegsWorking with LibrariesCreating TemplatesAnimating your CharacterCreating a 3/4 Walk CycleCreating BlinksCreating Action Templatesand Much, much more!!!"
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Office Outlook 2016: Teil 1 (Grundlagen)" |
"E-Mail ist zu einer der am weitesten verbreiteten Kommunikationsmethoden geworden. Viele verbringen fr die persnliche oder geschftliche Kommunikation, bis zu 60% ihres Tages mit E-Mails. In diesem Kurs verwenden Sie Outlook zum Senden, Empfangen und Verwalten von E-Mail- Nachrichten, Verwalten Ihrer Kontaktinformationen, Planen von Terminen und Besprechungen, Erstellen von Aufgaben und Notizen und der Anpassung der Outlook-Benutzeroberflche an Ihren Arbeitsstil.Dieser Kurs ist der erste einer Reihe von zwei Microsoft Office Outlook 2016-Kursen. Er vermittelt Ihnen die grundlegenden Fhigkeiten, die Sie bentigen, um Outlook 2016 fr die Verwaltung Ihrer EMail- Kommunikation, Kontaktinformationen, Kalenderereignisse, Aufgaben und Notizen zu verwenden.Sie knnen diesen Kurs auch verwenden, um sich auf die Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Zertifizierungsprfungen fr Microsoft Outlook 2016 vorzubereiten."
Price: 19.99

"Zusammenarbeit effektiv gestalten mit Microsoft Teams" |
"Microsoft Teams ist der zentrale Ort fr Teamarbeit in Office 365.Privat nutzen Sie vielleicht schon Chat-basierte Anwendungen, wie z.B. WhatsApp, um mittels kurzer Textnachrichten zu kommunizieren. Microsoft Teams bringt diesen Ansatz nun auch in Office 365 und Sie werden berrascht sein, wie viele Vorteile das mit sich bringt! In Microsoft Teams knnen Sie Team-intern und Team-bergreifend chatten, Online-Besprechungen durchfhren und gemeinsam an Dateien arbeiten.Viele Unternehmen nutzen Microsoft Teams, um die Zusammenarbeit intern und mit externen Personen auf eine neue Art zu organisieren, da bisherige Strukturen an Grenzen stossen und die Cloudtechnologie neue Mglichkeiten bietet. Dazu ist es notwendig, dass alle Teammitglieder die Funktionsweise von Microsoft Teams verstehen und die Anwendungsmglichkeiten ausschpfen knnen - am Besten mit diesem Training."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Cryptocurrency News Site With Ruby on Rails" |
"Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. Wouldn't it be cool to build a website that shows Crypto news automatically?That's what we'll learn in this course!We'll build a website using Ruby onRailsand Bootstrap that connects to a free third party crypto API.We'll be able to pull news stories, crypto price data, and all kinds of cool stuff, and output it onto the screen of our website automatically.WhoShould TakeThis Course?This course is aimed at the beginner. You don't need to know Ruby, or theRails framework, or Bootstrap...or anything at all...to take this course. I'll walk you through it all; step by step. If you already know the basics of any of those things, you'll be fine too. You'll still learn some cool things along the way!What Tools Do YouNeedTo TakeThis Course?You don't need any special tools to take this course. We'll be using a free online development environment pre-loaded with Ruby on Rails. Or you can feel free to download rails directly to your computer (if you know how) and follow along that way.What if youdon't like the course?Ioffer an unconditional, 30-day Money back Guarantee. If you aren't happy for any reason, you get your money back! No hoops to jump through at all.What if you get stuck along the way?I'm here answering questions everyday! Just shoot me a message and I'll personally walk you through it. Unlike a lot of instructors here, Iactually care about my students success and I spend a lot of time answering questions to make sure you understand everything.My name is John Elder and Ihope to see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Online Meeting Etiquette" |
"If online meetings are run professionally and smoothly they can be a great use of people's time and an essential part of collaborating. If they aren't, they waste everyone's time and can place critical projects in jeopardy. With more companies decentralized, meeting virtually is a core business skill everyone must develop. This course helps students learn the fundamental skills needed to succeed in online meetings.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Organizational Communication content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"Building High Performance Teams" |
"High performing teams are essential to organizations in the modern world. But how do you create one? This course will define what a high performing team looks like and how you can turn any team into a powerful, high performing unit. Learn to form, manage, troubleshoot and grow valuable teams. This IAAP-certified counts for 0.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Organizational Communication content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"UX Design Diseo Experiencia de Usuario" |
"En este curso aprenders a analizar y mejorar todas las aristas que involucran la Experiencia de Usuario de productos digitales.La metodologa de trabajo que van a experimentar los alumnos es una metodologa basada en dos criterios: los conceptos como base cultural de fondo y los ejercicios prcticos como lugar de expresin de lo aprendido.Es un curso muy bien organizado en cuanto al mtodo y exhaustivo en cuanto al contenido. A la vez es muy prctico, ya que todo se va aplicando al proyecto personal de cada alumno a travs de ejercicios que son comentados y corregidos por un equipo docente cuya implicacin y dedicacin queda patente. El curso se adapta a las necesidades de cada alumno y su caso prctico y estoy muy satisfecha tanto con el resultado como con la comodidad y las facilidades a la hora de realizarlo. Lo aplicar en mi da a da laboral y en futuros proyectos."
Price: 99.99

"Survival Skills for Non-Negotiators -- Tactics" |
"I've spent most of my career training senior executives and MBA classrooms to be more successful negotiators, communicators, and deal-makers. Successful negotiation isn't magic -- if you can listen and you can speak, then I can show you how to be a winning negotiator. Freelancers, job seekers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate types all win when you raise your negotiating game."
Price: 24.99

"TJ Walker Urdu 1 hour Public Speaking Class -" |
"Public speaking and presentation skillsare skills that may make the greatest determination in your success in business and in life. Why not become a great speakerand presenter right away?TJ Walker is a world class speaker and trainer best known for his best-selling 25 to 30 hour master classes onpublic speaking, media training andpresentation skills. In this class, TJ has condensed all of his most important public speaking and presentation skills to the absolute most essential, in one hour.If you are in a hurry to master public speaking and presentation skills, then this course is for you. ""I've devoted the last 30 years of my life conducting live, in-personpublic speaking and presentation skillsto Presidents, Prime Ministers, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Senators, Nobel Peace Prize Winners and Professional Athletes. Now, I'm excited to bring to you these same insider secrets that will transform you into an excellent presenter. I'velearnedhow to help extremely busy people with very tight deadlines. That's why I'm convinced that this one-hour course will help you dramatically.If you take this course and do a few simple homework assignments, I am absolutely convinced I can make yourpublic speaking and presentation skillsworld class. You WILL be able to do the following in EVERY Presentation:1. Look comfortable, confident and relaxed, regardless of whether you are sitting or standing, regardless of audience size.2. Present so your audience understands you.3. Present so your audience remembers your messages (this is the hardest part).4. Influence your audience to take the actions you want.""TJ Walker, President of Media Training Worldwideand best-selling Udemy Instructor.TJ Walker's single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media.""Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, BloombergTelevisionTJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world.""Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer(TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) The world's leading presentation and media training firm.""GreggJarrett, Fox News Channel AnchorTJ Walker is the founder of Media Training Worldwide and has been conductingpublic speaking and presentation skillstraining workshops and seminars since 1984. Walker has trained Presidents of countries, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Super Bowl winners, US Senators, Miss Universes and Members of Parliament. He has conductedpublic speaking and presentation skillsworkshops on six continents in more than two dozen countries.His book, ""Secret to Foolproof Presentations"" was a USA Today # 1 Bestseller, as well as a Wall Street Journal, and Business Week Bestseller.Walker is also the author of ""Media Training AZ"" and ""Media Training Success.""Walker's Facebook page ""TJ Walker Speak to Influence"" is the #1 page for 7-day a week video tutorials on how to be a better public speaker and communicator.In 2009, Walker set the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Talk Radio Appearances ever in a 24 hour period.Walker has also served as a former President of the National Speakers Association, New York City.Please note: this is a communications course conducted by a real person who is speaking and demonstrating public speaking and presentation skills. If you are looking for a course with lots of animation, slides,special effects, slick edits, and roboticvoices, this course is not for you.Final Note. This is a One Hour Class. Thisis as thorough and as in-depth as a one-hourpublic speaking and presentation skillsclass can be. Plus, it includes at no extra cost a PDF copy of TJ Secret to Foolproof Presentations. If you are looking for more in-depthpublic speaking and presentationskillscourses, please enroll in TJ's 25 hour plusComplete Public Speaking and Complete Presentation Skills Courses.TJ 25 30 . . ."" 30 . . . . . :1. .2. .3. ( ).4. . "" ."" # 1 ."" / ."" ."" ( ) "" ."" 1984 . . . ""Foolproof "" # 1 Bestseller Bestseller . "" "" "" "" . "" "" # 1 .2009 24 . . : . . . . FOLproof TJ . 25 . : . . . . FOLproof TJ . 25 ."
Price: 199.99

"Dog Owners & Professionals: Where To Go From Here?" |
"The world of dog husbandry and training is in dire need for another quantum leap! The time is long overdue for all dog professions (breeders, veterinarians, pet store retailers, trainers and shelters/rescues) to utterly reevaluate and refocus their practices and to champion a combined focus on educatingprospectiveand new puppy owners vis a vis puppy raising, so that puppies stay in their original homes instead of being surrendered to shelters as adolescents. Just as we have great owners and not so great owners, it is truly a sobering thought that, by definition, in any profession, when assessed according to any criterion, 50% of professionals fall below median. Dog owners have had an enormous impact on the improved selection of quality products offered in pet stores. As educated consumers, prospective owners can have and probably, will have, similar expectations and effects on breeders, shelters and trainers. From breeders, owners will be looking for puppies that at the very least have been housetrained, chewtoy-trained, manners trained and socialised to people. Similarly, from shelters/rescues, adopters will be searching for dogs that have been housetrained, chewtoy-trained and manners trained during their stay and are now friendlier and more confident. From trainers, puppy and dog owners will be looking for the easiest, quickest, most effective and most enjoyable training techniques that offer immediate and enormous benefits. We really cant keep blaming irresponsible pet owners if no one tells them what to do (before they make predictable and preventable mistakes). The requisite puppy-raising educational materials are readily available but they need to be universally distributed (via email) by all dog professions to all other dog professions and eventually, to all dog owners. Some dog owners might get another puppy. More likely though they will know a friend or neighbor who is searching for one and so, pass along the information. Additionally, put the materials on your company website for free download.The educational materials may be customized with your business name and contact information and so, you may brand your dog business in the community as the one trying to make a difference. Remember, it only takes just one dedicated and persistent person to cause a change. Disseminating information is so doable these days given the technological advances in social media.Dr. Dunbar has created a number of Behaviour Programs for Dog Professionals to evaluate practices and to coordinate and accelerate the distribution of educational materials to prospective and new puppy owners. 1. To encourage Breeders to at least housetrain, chewtoy-train, teach basic manners and socialise their litters and especially, to preferentially breed for longevity. Longevity is the best indicator of physical and behavioural health. It is simply not right that so many pure-bred dogs predictably die so young. A live dog is better than a dead lion. Ecclesiastes 92. To encourage Veterinary Practitioners to take full advantage of their most unique and enviable position of seeing every breeder, most prospective puppy owners (existing clients) and nearly every new puppy owner on several occasions when puppies are brought in for immunization shots. This is the optimal time for puppies and their owners to receive an educational vaccine. Of all the dog professions, veterinarians have by far the best opportunity to prevent the development of utterly predictable and easily preventable dog behavior and temperament problems. It is easier to build strong puppies than to repair broken dogs. (With apologies to Frederick Douglas.)3. To encourage Pet Store Retailers to disseminate the same educational materials (i.e., instructions for use of dog products) to prospective or new puppy owners that come to purchase food and supplies. For example, puppy owners need to know why they are buying a dog crate to prevent mistakes around the house, to autoshape chewtoy chewing and to predict when the puppy needs to go so that it can be taken to a toilet area and trained to eliminate on cue.4. To encourage all Shelters/Rescues to adopt an in-house, behavior and training programme, such as Open Paw at the very least including, housetraining, chewtoy-training, basic manners and ongoing socialization with people and other dogs. Simply housing dogs in cages is not sufficient. For example, without regular toilet breaks, a previously housetrained dog will be forced to soil its living area. Sheltering is supposed to make homeless dogs more adoptable, not less adoptable. But even more important, shelters/rescues must strive to stop the problem at the cause and so, reduce shelter input. Of all the dog professions, with their enormous mailing lists, animal charities have the best opportunity to disseminate puppy-raising materials to dog people.5. To encourage Dog Trainers to be the people that catalyse the change in their communities by being more proactive in promoting their businesses and at the same time, educating prospective and new puppy owners by emailing the educational materials to all clients, all other dog professionals, all local media and to anyone and everyone."
Price: 99.99

"Graphic Design using Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign" |
"This course provides a unique opportunity to learn the three most essential design applications within the creative industry: Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, Illustrator CC 2019 and InDesign CC 2019. Martin has developed this approach through years of experience in teaching these applications and realising how many students enjoyed and got even more from the experience when learning all three together. Learning these three products at once means you will feel equally confident in using them, whilst also understanding how seamlessly they can work together as a set. This is a crucial knowledge for every creative professional that leads to more productive and efficient workflows. Getting to know the similarities and differences between these tools means that you will be using the right application or combination for every creative project.This is exactly what I was looking for. Very happy with the content, presentation and pace of the material being taught. Debbie DonovanThis course provides an ideal way to improve your confidence and prepare for a position in the creative industry. Most studios and creative job roles will require solid knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign as standard when you are applying. Learning from this course you will arm yourself with all the necessary skills you need to present at job interviews.A closer look at what you will learn: The role of each application, what it does and what it can be used for Get familiar with User Interfaces, how to set Preferences and some important time saving keyboard shortcuts in all 3 applicationsLearn essential design knowledge about pixels, vectors, file formats and colour modesMaster the basics so you feel confident working with layers, type, images, vector shapes, swatched, grids, guides and moreLearn how to be more productive with Creative Cloud features like CC Libraries, Adobe Stock and Adobe FontsThis course includes: 25 Videos 3 Hours of learning contentThis course is up-to-date with the latest CC 2019 new featuresMartin is an Certified Adobe Instructor and has over 10 years of experience teaching these three applications in both online and classroom environments. He discovered that his students learning Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign in unison is the fastest, most efficient and enjoyable method mastering all the necessary skills to become graphic designers. Martin was voted one of the top 10 Adobe instructors in the world and invited to teach at the ultimate creative conference, Adobe MAX 2018 in Los Angeles.Who will find this course useful:An ideal introduction for people who are totally new to graphic design and Adobe applicationsPerfect for those who are confident in only one of the three Adobe tools, and want to bring them all up to the same levelGreat if you are looking to start or develop your career in the creative industrySkills you will gain:Starting graphic design projects by setting them up properly for each jobEditing photos in Adobe Photoshop CCCreating illustrations, icons and other vector artwork in Adobe Illustrator CCDesigning multi-page documents, brochures in Adobe InDesign CCConfidently working with type, images and graphics to produce engaging designs for a variety of outputs like print, web, mobile (UI and UX)Enroll on this course now and start your journey becoming a graphic designer!"
Price: 49.99

"Adobe InDesign CC Mster: De Bsico a Profesional." |
"Hola! Soy Marlon Ceballos, Adobe Community Professional y consultor de aplicaciones Adobe con ms de 20 aos de experiencia pedaggica. Te doy la bienvenida al curso Adobe InDesign CC Mster: De Bsico a Profesional. InDesign es la aplicacin estndar para la creacin y edicin de publicaciones impresas y digitales como revistas, libros y diarios, entre otras. He trabajado con InDesign desde el ao 2000, empezando con la versin 1.0, por lo cual, este curso recopila 19 aos de experiencia en el uso y la enseanza de esta aplicacin.Al finalizar este curso, estars en capacidad de usar InDesign de forma eficiente y profesional en el diseo de cualquier tipo de proyecto editorial, desde publicaciones pequeas y sencillas hasta publicaciones de gran tamao y complejidad. Iniciaremos conociendo todos los aspectos bsicos de la aplicacin tales como su interfaz, herramientas y funciones principales. Despus, aprenderemos a usar tcnicas avanzadas de trabajo con pginas estndar y pginas maestras, luego usaremos tcnicas avanzadas para trabajo con grficos as como tcnicas de edicin de elementos; posteriormente aprenderemos a realizar composicin tipogrfica precisa y pasaremos a trabajar, durante tres captulos, con estilos: desde lo bsico hasta lo ms avanzado; despus aprenderemos a trabajar con tablas: desde su creacin e importacin hasta la aplicacin de formato con estilos; finalmente aprenderemos a usar tcnicas avanzadas para el trabajo con documentos extensos tales como variables, referencias cruzadas, notas, texto condicional, tablas de contenido y libros, entre otras.La metodologa usada est basada en ejemplos prcticos, por lo cual ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los ejercicios y talleres incluidos.Puedo asegurarte, sin dudarlo, que este es el curso de InDesign mas completo y extenso que podrs encontrar, el cual est compuesto por 198 lecciones organizadas en 28 captulos los cuales suman 26 horas de contenido! Si eres un usuario que ya conoce este programa, no necesitas ver todos los temas ni seguir un orden especfico, por el contrario, puedes ver la descripcin de cada seccin y leccin y decidir qu temas ver. Adems, si an tienes dudas sobre la calidad pedaggica y de contenido del curso te invito a ver los videos gratuitos que contiene cada captulo.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a usar todas la funciones y herramientas de InDesign, desde lo ms bsico a lo avanzado, enfocando tu creatividad en la creacin de increbles publicaciones impresas y digitales.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xpert o por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de UdemyImportante: Si ya has comprado mi cursos bsico y avanzado de InDesign, no necesitas comprar este curso pues est conformado por el contenido de esos 2 cursos."
Price: 199.99

"Writing The Narrative Essay (in English)" |
"The English-languagenarrativeessay is one type of essay-writing in which the writer employsnarrationor astoryto make a point, explain an experience, or persuade the reader.In this course, we will be exploring the narrative essay, learn and understand what it is, and develop our skill in writing it. We will examine a couple of actual examples of the narrative form ofessayto see how professional writers have employed the form. And as a final project, we will create our own narrative essay.Anessayis a piece of writing (usually short) that gives the author's own point of view on a topic thathas become a major part of a formaleducationin the form offree responsequestions. Secondary and college are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills, and essays are used to judge the mastery and comprehension of course material. Students are asked to explain, comment on, or assess a topic of study in the form of an essay. As well, many colleges use essays as a means to select applicants for admission."
Price: 19.99

"IP Subnetting Practice Exams" |
"From the author of Amazon best selling book 'Subnetting Secrets.'Subnetting questions are included in almost every IT exam including Microsoft, Cisco, Amazon, Juniper, CompTIA and many others. After over 16 years teaching and working in IT Ive found that its the weakest area for every IT professional.Subnetting questions are asked in technical job interviews and will form part of your day-to-day job if you work in the technical side of IT such as networking, cloud, security and even programming.You need to be able to answer subnetting questions both accurately and quickly if you are to pass your IT exams and technical interviews. Questions such as:How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network are given IP address What is the first valid host address on this subnet?If it takes you more than around 60 seconds to answer these questions then you need to brush up on your subnetting skills. They start to go rusty if you dont keep on top of it.This is not a subnetting tutorial, its four exam style subnetting questions. Check out the IP Subnetting Courses on Udemy such as Subnetting Secrets' if you want to learn it."
Price: 24.99

"Excel 101: Build An Event Budget & Profit Tracker in Excel" |
"Are You An Event Planner Who Needs More Tools To Run Your Event Planning Like An Efficient Company?Do You Want A Tool To Hone In On Your Sales and Profits Exactly For Each Event?Do You Want To Know How To Properly Budget and Forecast For An Upcoming Event?Do You Want To Impress Your Clients With Professional Reports?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!Bonus reason: Udemy has a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if for some reason you don't enjoy the course!Recent Review:Patrick N. says ""Great course to help anyone in the event planning industry. I've planned events for years but always just kind of winged it, if we made money great. Now I see you can actually run it like a business and track your incoming and outgoing money. Far more professional, and will only help me plan nothing but successful events going forward!""Why You Should Take This Course With Me:Planning an event is a very large task, and often the financial side is ignored or not clearly understood. To make a financial success of your events going forward, spend time up front creating a budget where you estimate your revenues and expenses by category. Further, using your actual results post-event, you can see how good of a job you did planning, where you made money, saved money, or overspent. At the end, you'll have a bottom line profit amount, attractive graphs and charts, and knowledge to apply to your next event. As well, the template we build in the course is available for download at the end of the course!What We Learn In The Course:Learn the basics of Microsoft Excel - no experience required to take the courseCreate a budgeting, revenue and expense tracking template in ExcelEstablish a break even revenue amount for your eventCategorize revenues and expensesCreate simple and useful charts and graphs to summarize resultsAnd more! By the end of the course you'll be an event budgeting and profit tracking expert!At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN HOW TO BUILD AN EVENT BUDGET AND SALES TRACKER IN EXCEL! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, financial reporting, small business and accounts receivable. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 39.99

"Digital Marketing Automation: Save Time and Get More Done" |
"We all want to work on stuff that really matters, don't we?If you're reading this, chances are that you like to create content (like video courses and books) that help people, and like to make good money doing that. It's a completely fair trade. You help people, and they pay you. The more people that you help, the more you make.This digital marketing automation course will help you grow your business & save time!But how can you help morepeople when you spend most of your time doing small, boring things?The truth is, we make more money in the long term when we remove ourselves from doing the small things and focus more time on the big things that matter. More time planning our next business move. More time creating courses and books. More time actually helping people change their lives. And more time with our families too.This digital marketing automation course is about reducing the time you spend on small, boring things and increasing the time you spend on things that matter.By the end of this automation course, you will have a number of systems in your business that do work when there is work to be done. Once you create a video, or a blog post, or a Facebook post, or whatever free content you are creating for your audience, multiplesystems will kick in to ensure that content is working hard for you so that you can go and do something else in the meantime.I don't want to scare you, but there's no such thing as magic and there's no such thing as a free lunch. You might have to pay for an advanced tool, or pay to have transcripts created from your videos in order for them to be turned into blog posts. That's optional, but you're in business to make money and sometimes it costs money to free up your time.Let's talk about what you're getting with this automation course.In this digital marketing automationcourse, Phil Ebiner and Scott Duffy show you how to set up systems inside your business. So you can just focus on creating amazingpieces of free and paidcontent, and the systems take over and get that content out to your audience wherever they are.There are videos on settingautomation systems for:YouTubeFacebook PagesTwitterFacebook Messenger BotsRev for TranscriptsInstagramWordPressEmail marketingUse any of those or want to use any of those more effectively? Well, we'll show you how to use tools like Zapier, ManyChat, IFTTT, and TubeBuddy to systematize them to be more effective and spend less time.This digital marketing automation course is aimed at both beginning users and intermediate/advanced. If you're just getting started in automation, there are beginning steps you can take to save yourself time and allow you to work on what is important. If you've been doing this awhile and are doing all the basic things already, this automationcourse also contains advanced automations that you might not even have thought of. Our goal is to stretch the imagination so that you can come up with new automations on your own, to reduce time spent on low value tasks and give you more time to do work that matters!This digital marketing automation course is NOTabout setting up a twitter bot that repeatedly tweets out coupons, or a tool that spams 100 Facebook groups with your links that get yourself banned in half of them immediately. We're not talking about spam. We're talking about intelligent automations that get your important message out to the most people without you having to log into 14 different places to create that content yourself.Does that sound good?See you inside!"
Price: 99.99

"History of English Law: A Comprehensive Summary" |
"History of English Law: A Comprehensive SummaryWhether you are a new student in Law or someone who is fascinated by the English Legal System and its historic roots, ""The Law Simplified"" course on the History of English Law will give you a comprehensive summary of the subject.Many students who study the Law, find it difficult to connect all of the pieces together. Thus, this course will give you a ""bird's eye"" overview of the entire subject.This course has been adapted to suit the needs of Law students worldwide!Remember, this is not a substitute for thorough learning, but it will be a great resource for students who want to recap the entire syllabus and for those who want a better, clearer and more concise understanding of the principles - or simply anyone who's interested in learning Jurisprudence!Features:- Digestible chunks of knowledge: everything you need to know on each topic, simplified- Downloadable Slide Deck,that will give you the bigger picture of the subject and assist you in following the course- Q&A via the platform to guide you on historical aspects of the English Law and its Legal System"
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Communication Skills Master Class for Life" |
"Communication Skills are the most important personal skills you can ever develop for your success in life. Life is a series of communications. Those who develop strong communication skills do well in school, secure jobs and promotions and often ascend to the highest levels of leadership in corporations, governments and civic life. People who fail to develop communication skills often have their careers stagnate or plateau in the mid-range. Sadly, presentation skills are either not taught in primary or secondary education or are taught poorly.The Complete Communication Skills Masterclass for Life course is your way to get a Master's level education on how to communicate effectively.This course is designed to be a one-stop shop for all your communication skills training needs. This course covers a vast array of communication needs and scenarios, from how to communicate during a job interview, pitching investors, asking for a raise, speaking one on one or to large groups. And it covers how to speak to big corporations when you have a problem with service, plus public speaking for kids, how to deliver a wedding speech and even a eulogy. You will also become a master of persuasion, assertiveness and all aspects of business communication. Your leadership abilities will expand dramatically as your social skills grow to allow you to communicate effectively in every situation.This course has the following:1. More lectures on communication skills than any other course on Udemy, by far.2. More hours of communication skills training than any other course (27 hours long. Sometimes More is More!)3. More in-depth training techniques than any other course.""I've devoted the last 30 years of my life conducting live, in-person communication skills to Presidents, Prime Ministers, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Senators, Nobel Peace Prize Winners and Professional Athletes. Now, I'm excited to bring to you these same insider secrets that will transform you into an excellent presenter. If you take this course and do a few simple homework assignments, I am absolutely convinced I can make your communication skills world-class. You WILL be able to do the following in EVERY Presentation:1. Look comfortable, confident and relaxed, regardless of whether you are sitting or standing, regardless of audience size.2. Communicate so your audience understands you.3. Communicate so your audience remembers your messages (this is the hardest part).4. Influence people to take the actions you want."" TJ Walker, President of Media Training Worldwide and best-selling Udemy Instructor.TJ Walker's single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media."" Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg TelevisionTJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world."" Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer(TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) The world's leading presentation and media training firm."" Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel AnchorTJ Walker is the founder of Media Training Worldwide and has been conducting communication skills training workshops and seminars since 1984. Walker has trained Presidents of countries, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Super Bowl winners, US Senators, Miss Universes and Members of Parliament. He has conducted communication skills workshops on six continents in more than two dozen countries.His book, ""Secret to Foolproof Presentations"" was a USA Today # 1 Bestseller, as well as a Wall Street Journal, and Business Week Bestseller.Walker is also the author of ""Media Training AZ"" and ""Media Training Success.""In 2009, Walker set the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Talk Radio Appearances ever in a 24 hour period.Walker has also served as a former President of the National Speakers Association, New York City.Please note, this course is not for people who want to sit back and watch lots of flashy graphics, sound effects and take multiple choice tests. The course is delivered by a world-class instructor who speaks to you directly. And he asks you to communicate back via posting video for critiques.This course is ideal for anyone looking to improve their skills in the following areas: communication skills, leadership, assertiveness, social skills, public speaking, persuasion and presentation skills."
Price: 199.99

"LigoWave NFT - Official Authorized course" |
"Welcome to the 1st onlinecourse from LigoWave official courses series.This course will help you to be able to configure LigoWave Infinity (NFT) devices via different mode:Standalone APIntegrated controller (Master &Managed AP)Cloud controllerOffice APMini-hotspotEasy MeshThis course is fully authorized by LigoWave and it is the only online course available from LigoWave. As being an authorized course, then you are able after finishing this course to do its official exam and get a certificate from LigoWave in case it is passed successfully (passing score is 65%)To be able to do the online exam, you need to meet the following conditions:Register to the course and watch it 100%Send me the following information oninfo@mynetworktraining.comto create the online exam for you:First nameLast nameEmail addressPhone numberAddress &CountryThe exam is free of charge, so you only require to pay for the course.The exam is for only 1 attempt. In case a 2nd attempt is required, the exam fee will be charged for 30 Euro (excl. VAT)The exam needs to be scheduled after 30 days from the purchase of this course. In case of course refund, then the exam will not be available for you even if the exam fee is paid.I highly advise for the exam to have the Datasheet of the NFT products printed. You can download them from LigoWave website.This course is based on 10 step-by-step LABS. So if you want to masterize the configurations on LigoWave inifnity devices, then you need to do the LABs as much as possible. For this, you require 1 PC with internet connection and 2x LigoWave NFT2ac devices and of course UTP cables.I hope that this course will help you to become certified from LigoWave."
Price: 19.99

"Physical Demonstrations of Calculus III, 3D Math Concepts" |
"Course Overview:0. This course is a supplement to calculus III. 1. This course shows multi-variable math concepts using physical demonstrations. 2. Most of the lessons deal with objects like planes, boxes, cylinders, and triangles and the rectangular, 3D coordinate system. 3. This course uses physical models because these reveal the meaning of the math better. 4. This is a course for those who are comfortable with relating concepts in three dimensions. 5. This is NOTa math course that relies on formulas. 6. You do not see the author of the course solve specific math problems. 7. This course covers a selection of multivariable math concepts. 8. This is not an exhaustive course on multivariable mathematics. 9. The course consists of HDvideos. 10. The audio is recorded with a studio microphone, so it's clear and crisp. 11. There are no exercises in these videos. 12. For the hearing-impaired, closed-captions are added automatically. Ido not have control over those, so they might not be perfect. See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Side Hustle: Entrepreneurship Skills to Start a Business" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Are you tired of feeling stressed about your finances?Do you wish you didnt feel dependent on someone else for a paycheck?Do you wish you could provide more for those you love?Do you wish you could make money doing what you love?Are you ready to create a startup and start and an entrepreneurship journey? We understand we both started our first side hustles because we wanted more out of life.In fact we got tired of living paycheck to paycheck and feeling like we were trapped. We hated that we had to stress about whether or not we could afford to buy something or do what we really wanted. We believe entrepreneurship, having your startup, and being self-employment is the ultimate form of empowerment, and we want to empower YOU to take back control of your money, your life, and your freedom! We are joeel and Natalie Rivera. Were serial entrepreneurs who have created various startups including: Photography company Import business Holistic virtual office center Adolescent coaching center for at risk youth Book publishing company Magazine Life coach training institute Conferences, festivals and speaking Online course academyWe have also worked with 100s of startups and entrepreneurs to help them create their business. The real transformation happened for us when we realized that we could have an idea, research it and launch it and make more money in a week with our startup than we made at our job in a month. We have created over a dozen startups to fully functional business in over 2 decades, and we used what we learned to escape the rat race and build a thriving business that allows us to live life on our terms. And now were teaching everything weve learned to you so you can launch your start up and begin your entrepreneurship journey. Now is the perfect time to create a startup and your side hustle. Technological advancements have made it fast and easy to create and market a startup or plug into existing money-making side-gigs. Theres a new business and startup guru popping up every daybut the problem is there is SO MUCH information being thrown around about how to make money or start a startup. And, worse, a lot feels so complicated and overwhelming like raising capital and managing employees and it sounds expensive and time consuming! But, what if making money on your terms, doing what you love, following your entrepreneurship dream didnt have to be so hardwell, it doesnt! There are literally hundreds of ways you could start making money TOMORROW in your spare time with a startup and if you want to go beyond just making some extra cash, you can use proven processes for growing your side hustle or startup into a business that can replace your job and give you the freedom to love your life again.In this course, well teach you everything you need to know in order to: Choose the right startup idea for you and flesh out how to launch it Find time, stay motivated, and start quick Hack productivity, automate, and scale your businessThe best part about creating a startups NOW is that entrepreneurship is the future of employment. With all of the changes happening in the world due to rapid technological growth, we are moving to a gig economy. While our grandparents generation had 1 job in their lifetime and our parents had an average of 5 jobs, it is projected that our children will have 5 at a timeand most not as an employee. Dont wait to see if your industry is going to change dramatically in the next 10 years, start taking back control of your finances and your life NOW by learning how to play the game of entrepreneurship and creating a startup. So, are you ready to transform your life by starting a side hustle and taking your life back? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we?We are joeel and Natalie Rivera. We own a digital media publishing company and an online course and training company called Transformation Academy. Were serial entrepreneurs who have started businesses including a photography company, an import business, a holistic virtual office center, an adolescent coaching center for at risk youth, a book publishing company, a magazine, a life coach training institute, as well as running conferences, festivals and creating online courses. All of our programs are based on our decade of experience as coaches, speakers, and in social services, as well as my experience as a psychology instructor, my Masters in Counseling and Education and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology. At the time of this recording, we have more than 60 online courses and over 300,000+ students from 195 countries.Self-employment is the ultimate form of empowerment, so we are excited to see you in the course! "
Price: 199.99

"Applied Machine Learning For Healthcare" |
"Needs are changing with time and so the technology. Self-driving cars, or Siri, what do these have in common? Well! they are largely the examples of machine learning being utilized as a part of this real world. Machine learning today has changed the way we look and the way we interact with the technology.Even the healthcare sector is getting transformed by the ability to record massive amounts of information about individual patients, the enormous volume of data being collected is impossible for human to analyze. Machine learning provides a way to automatically find patterns and reason about data, which enables healthcare professionals to move to personalized care.There are many possibilities for how machine learning can be used in healthcare, and for this reason we have outlined the course of Applied Machine Learning in healthcare only for you that offers a hands-on experience on how to build actual projects using the Machine Learning Datasets.This course covers five python implementations with the project series, that will explore medically related data sets by solving the critical issues using state of the art machine learning techniques.This course will give you the hands on experience working on the Breast cancer detection project. We will be training a K nearest algorithm model as a support vector machine to predict whether the cell is cancerous or not.The second project is followed with the Diabetes onset prediction. We will be focusing on Neural networks that will help users to learn similar implementation on wide variety of problems.The third project will be the DNA classification project, here we will using the sequence of E-Coli(Escherichia coli)as our input data, by creating a classification based machine learning algorithm.The fourth project will be the Heart disease prediction project. In this course we will be building a training algorithm that predicts coronary heart disease.The fifth project will take you to the Autism screening, that will cover several supervised learning techniques to diagnose Autistic Spectrum Disorder based on behavioral features.The bonus part of this projects will be Data Pre Processing. This course will cover handling the type of data i.e. typical to the health care field in addition to some cool machine learning techniques such as Neural Networks and other Supervised learning techniques such as simple linear classifiers.Get started in machine learning with this epic intro course that makes machine learning simpler and easy to understand! Dont let time slip from your hand. Enroll your name now and learn a bit on how Machine Learning can be used in the health care field."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Power BI Masterclass 7 Learn DAX, R, and Gateways" |
"Master Microsoft Power BI and create your succesful business analyst / data analyst careerBusiness Intelligence / Business Analytics is in high demand. Companies are constantly searching for ways to make better and faster decisions. Therefore they rely heavily on data. Data driven decision making is the key to success for any business in the world of tomorrow.Because of that companies are constantly searching for skilled employees and freelancers with the necessary capabilities to help with analyzing data and creating valuable highly profitable insights. This will be the key advantage to succeed in business.MS Power BI is an andvanced yet easy to get started self service business analytics / business intelligence solution provided by Microsoft which is currently in very hot demand. From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you master Power BI. Diving into data & analytics can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!Power BI is also a great tool for datascience too. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore learning to use this tool can also be a valuable skill for datascience jobs.Power BI has a very strong active community and with Microsoft pushing this solution to it's enterprise customers, Power BI has a bright future ahead. And you can be part of this future!There is no coding required! Power BI allows you to do that but it's not necessary.To help you getting into this highly rewarding and interesting career path the Power BI Masterclass Series has been created. It's an exclusive series currently consisting of 7 courses on udemy. Update: The complete Power BI Masterclass Series on udemy1.Power BI Masterclass - beginners to advanced2.Microsoft Power BI Masterclass - Expand Excellence3.Power BI Masterclass - Data Analysis Deep Dive4.Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI5.Power BI Masterclass - DAX, Excel And More6.Power BI Masterclass - Your future in data analytics7.Power BI Masterclass - Learn Advanced DAX, R and Gateways8.Power BI Masterclass - Python, Finance and advanced DAX9. Power BI Masterclass - How to use CALCULATE in DAXTips and Tricks courses:10. The Power BI Masterclass - Tips and Tricks11. The Power BI Masterclass - Additional Tips and Tricks12. Power BI - Tips for your next data analytics project13. Microsoft Power BI Desktop - simple tips and tricks edition14. Power BI Desktop - Data Prep Challenges The complete Masterclass Series which covers all relevant features in Power BI consists of 13 courses now. This one is the 7th.The other consecutive classes are available here on udemy. Each course covers additional DAX insights, Power BI features, tips and tricks and best practices in report creation. If you find this course helpful then feel free to check them out as well. You can easily find them by checking out my Instructor profile or search on udemy for the specific class.Each Microsoft Power BI Masterclass course will add to your knowledge base and enhance your skills further. After attending the complete series you will have honed your skills to an very advanced level and be able to succesfully dive into your Microsoft Power BI data analytics career.In this 7th Masterclass you will learn and apply additional advanded DAX expressions and calculations and dive deep into a business datasetgetting an introduction on how to use R in Power BI learn how to set up your personal data gateway to refresh your on premise data in the Power BI serviceapply new custom visualscreate your own Sales dashboardsWhat we learn in this course might also help you later with your Power BI certification exam.You can follow along with the provided learning material in Power BI on your own computer at your own pace. Exited? You should be. So let's answer the question on how to master Power BI Desktop. Buckle up and meet me in the first lecture starting today!"
Price: 199.99

"Etsy Digital Products Blueprint: Etsy Marketing Strategies" |
"Welcome to our course that will teach you how to make money selling digital products on Etsy. Did you know that Etsy is the one of hottest growing eCommerce platforms right now? You can make money selling Handmade, Vintage and Digital Prints/Products on Etsy today! Unlike eBay, where you have millions of sellers competing against you, on Etsy the odds are in your favor. In this class Sergey and Tatiana will be sharing their experience, tips and secrets with selling digital products online on Etsy. We will cover:How to find a digital product niche and look at what's already on Etsy.How to create digital product photos without any photoshop software.How to create an SEO focused Etsy digital product listing to make sure it ranks well. How to increase your chances of having your first sale with your newly launched Etsy shop. Strategies to ensure your Etsy shop is a success.Give you 40 free listings (normally priced at 20 cents/listing $8 in value) to test out your digital products in your Etsy shop today.The best community to join to connect with other new Etsy sellers working towards their first 100 sales on Etsy!Inside look at existing shops to breakdown what is working and what can be improved so you can make sure your Etsy shop is top notch!Join us today to learn how to start making money selling digital products on Etsy. We won't bore you with slide shows, instead you'll get real tutorials that are filled with our expertise and secrets about the Etsy platform to ensure you have a success shop launch and get your first sale ASAP! ************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 199.99
