"Crear un sistema de control de gastos con PHP7+MySQL" |
"Una parte fundamental en el desarrollo web es poder juntar varias herramientas en un slo proyecto. La intencin de este proyecto es reunir Bootstrap 4, la librera Google Chart, AYAX y MySQL para crear una aplicacin que genere reportes dinmicos en Formato PDF. La intencin es crear un sistema de control de ingresos y egresos para controlar el efectivo de tu cartera.Este curso est enfocado para los desarrolladores web con conocimientos de PHP y MySQL. Tambin utilizaremos Boostrap 4 para generar el formato de las pginas, utilizaremos la librera Google Chart para generar grficas en forma dinmica tomando los datos de una base de datos MySQL y conectaremos dos combos en forma dinmica por medio de AJAX.Los objetivos particulares de este curso son:Crear la base de datos y un proceso completo de altas, bajas y cambios (ABC o CRUD) de la tabla libros.Aprender a paginar una consulta de una tabla grande.Crear las otras pginas para las Altas, Bajas y Cambios o CRUD.Manejar la librera Google Chart.Para tomar este curso debes tener conocimientos generales de desarrollo Web con PHP y MySQL. Es deseable tener conocimientos de Bootstrap 4, pero no es indispensable. Debes tener conocimientos en el manejo de un editor de cdigo como Aptana, Brackets, SublimeText o Atom."
Price: 270.00

"Productividad Personal" |
"Curso sobre Productividad que hace parte del curso de PRODUCTIVIDAD TOTAL donde aprenders los principios fundamentales que debes conocer y practicar para convertirse en una persona altamente efectiva.CONTENIDO DEL CURSOPrincipios de la EfectividadLa importancia de ser Pro-activo/a.Como Clarificar tus MetasAprendiendo a Poner Primero lo PrimeroAprender sobre la EmpataLos beneficios de ser una Persona mas EficazMantenerse Motivado para se ms EficazEs vital permanecer en el CaminoHacer Intenciones para ser una Persona mas Efectiva"
Price: 19.99

Unity3D |
"Step-by-step guide to getting started with Unity .More than an engine, Unity gives you everything you need to develop quality content and succeed with it. Once you get the hang of it, it will be so rewarding. In this course we trying to walk you through unity GUI , covering the most fundamental parts of Unity Engine.You will be prepared to more advanced topics and techniques in game development, once you take just a few steps to explore this engine.By just watching these lectures with concentration you will be prepared to enter game development world. But wait ...! Unity3D is not just for creating 2D and 3D games , Unity can be used for any purpose just like interior design , Education , Cartoon movies , Video effects and many more...! . . , - - -"
Price: 49.99

"Social Ads - Anunciar nas Mdias Sociais" |
"Percebemos que ter somente uma presena em redes sociais e um excelente marketing de contedo no significa ter um impacto suficiente para ter bons resultados orgnicos. Com a queda de alcance e consumo nos canais sociais, importante pensar em ter um cenrio de mdia paga em sua estratgia para fortalecer e impulsionar os posts, vdeos e toda comunicao da campanha nas redes sociais.O curso de Social Ads Anunciando nas Redes Sociais aborda como facilitar uma gesto 360 graus nos canais sociais para impactar o usurio em vrios touch points, exemplos prticos de como anunciar no Waze, Foursquare, Linkedin, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram e outros canais como novas mdias.O que voc vai aprender? Desenvolver estratgias para comunicao em redes sociais e crie campanhas objetivas e lucrativas. Incrvel oportunidade de ter um viso gerencial em annciar (self-service) nos canais sociais. Aprendizados desde o Setup e gesto de campanhas pela prpria plataforma nativa de cada rede social Estudo de casos e utilidades de como funciona na prtica"
Price: 69.99

"Design Mobile Apps: UI, UX & Prototyping in Adobe XD & PS" |
"Do you want to design outstanding apps? Impressive prototypes that look like the real deal but without any coding? This course is a masterclass a comprehensive approach to mobile app designing. Ill teach you everything you need to know, from A to Z. Well use Photoshop, Adobe XD, Zeplin. I've taught over 220.000 students on Udemy and I'm a best-selling instructor!Youll learn about Material Design, the principles of color, spacing, and typography, tips and tricks, how to get design resources, and much much more. Get a life skill thats high in demand in todays job market, all for the price of a fancy coffee. Create beautiful apps, interactive prototypes, and supercharge your career.You'll learn to:Design beautiful mobile apps;Create interactive prototypes without any previous knowledge;Use Photoshop for mobile app design;The principles of Material Design;Learn Adobe XD from scratch;Prepare all the files for developers through a special program called Zeplin;How to size elements correctly on ALL phone types and sizes;Typography best practices;Where to get design resources like icons, custom graphics, photos, and more;FAQ:Will I learn how to code them? Kotlin, Java, Swift, Android Studio, Xcode, Eclipse?No, that's not covered. However, I do teach you how to talk to developers and prepare everything. You won't have to slice or manually export your assets. I'll show you all my secrets as the CEO of my own Mobile App Design company, founded in 2013.What Photoshop version do I need to have?Any CC version will do. CS6 is not good enough, but you can get a free 7 day trial from Adobe's website. More than enough time to watch this course.Is this course for everybody?I don't assume you have any experience regarding mobile apps. You do need basic Photoshop skills. This is explained in detail in the lecture called ""Requirements and your expectations"". In short, if you're not a complete beginner in terms of Photoshop, you'll be fine.What will we design?We have a few projects, but there's a flagship app that's as real as they get. Over 70 screens in the final prototype - beautiful, sleek, interactive, modern. All the cutting edge techniques and best practices are used.Final, personal note: I can honestly say there isn't anything like this anywhere out on the market. Believe me, I've looked long and hard. The course is PACKED full of knowledge I would have loved to have at the beginning of my career as a mobile app designer. I believe it's going to help a lot of people get a fantastic life skill. By far, this is the best course I've ever created. I hope you'll feel the same way."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de TJ Walker sobre hablar en pblico de 1 hora" |
"Las habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones pueden significar la mayor decisin para su xito en los negocios y la vida. Por qu no convertirse en un gran disertante y presentador ya mismo?TJ Walker es un disertante y entrenador de primera clase, reconocido por su clases maestras de mayor venta en Udemy de 25 a 30 horas sobre hablar en pblico, capacitacin en medios y presentaciones. En esta clase, TJ ha condensado todas sus principales habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones en lo absolutamente esencial, en una hora. Si tiene apuro para dominar las habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones, entonces este curso es para usted. He dedicado los ltimos 30 aos de mi vida a realizar capacitaciones en habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones para presidentes, primeros ministros, CEO, empresarios, senadores, ganadores de premios Nobel de la Paz y atletas profesionales. Ahora, me entusiasma poder traerle estos mismos secretos desde adentro que harn que sea un/a excelente disertante. He aprendido a ayudar a personas sumamente ocupadas, con plazos muy ajustados. Por eso estoy convencido de que encontrar que este curso de una hora le resultar de enorme ayuda. Si usted toma este curso y hace una pocas y sencillas tareas, estoy absolutamente convencido de poder hacer que sus habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones sea de primera clase. Usted PODR, en CADA presentacin: Aparecer con una actitud cmoda, confiada y relajada, no importa si est en posicin sentada o parada, y sin tener en cuenta el tamao del pblico. Hacer presentaciones que su pblico entienda. Hacer presentaciones de modo que su pblico recuerde sus mensajes (esto es lo ms difcil). Influir en su pblico para que realice las acciones que usted desea. ** Esta versin del curso original de TJ Walker no es una transcripcin palabra por palabra, sino una adaptacin hecha por el disertante y capacitador Alejandro Field tomando en cuenta el pblico de habla espaola al cual est dirigido. Haremos ajustes adicionales al curso en base a la retroalimentacin de los alumnos, de ser necesario, para que sea completamente compatible con sus necesidades.TJ Walker, Presidente de Media Training Worldwide y uno de los instructores de mayor venta de Udemy. La firme dedicacin de TJ Walker a las presentaciones lo han convertido en el experto nmero 1 para ejecutivos que buscan orientacin sobre hablar en pblico y los medios. Bob Bowdon, presentador/periodista de Bloomberg Television TJ Walker es el principal capacitador en medios del mundo"". Stu Miller, productor de Viacom News (TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) La principal compaa del mundo en capacitacin en presentaciones y medios. Gregg Jarrett, presentador de Fox News Channel TJ Walker es el fundador de Media Training Worldwide y ha estado conduciendo talleres de capacitacin y seminarios sobre hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones desde 1984. Walker ha entrenados a presidentes de pases, primeros ministros, ganadores de premios Nobel de la Paz, ganadores del Super Bowl, senadores de EE.UU., miss Universo y miembros del Parlamento. Ha conducido talleres sobre hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones en seis continentes, en ms de dos docenas de pases. Su libro ""Secret to Foolproof Presentations"" fue un Bestseller # 1 de USA Today, as como un Bestseller del Wall Street Journal y de Business Week. Walker es autor tambin de ""Media Training AZ"" y ""Media Training Success"". La pgina de Facebook de Walker ""TJ Walker Speak to Influence"" es la pgina nmero 1 para tutoriales en video 7 das a la semana sobre cmo ser un mejor disertante y comunicador pblico. En 2009, Walker entr en el Libro Guinness de rcords mundiales por la mayor cantidad de apariciones en programas de opinin radiales en un perodo de 24 horas. Walker ha sido tambin presidente de National Speakers Association, en la ciudad de Nueva York.Nota 1: Este es un curso sobre comunicaciones conducido por una persona real que habla y demuestra las habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones. Si est buscando un curso con muchas animaciones, diapositivas, efectos especiales, ediciones ingeniosas y voces robticas, este curso no es para usted. Nota 2:Esta es una clase de una hora. Es tan meticuloso y profundo como puede ser una clase sobre hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones. Adems, incluye sin ningn costo una copia en PDF de TJ Walkers Secret to Foolproof Presentations. Si usted est buscando cursos ms profundos sobre habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones, inscrbase por favor en los cursos completos sobre habilidades para hablar en pblico y hacer presentaciones de ms de 25 horas de TJ Walker."
Price: 24.99

"Performance Testing using TruWeb" |
"****** TruWeb protocol has been renamed to `DevWeb` by Micro Focus. ************ Added Docker Containers for DevWeb tutorials ******Great course if you want to start with TruWeb. Takes you from the basics of installation and setting up your environment to advanced topics like extractors. - Boris Kozorovitzky - Architect of TruWebOne and Only Course on Micro Focus LoadRunner 2020 DevWeb Protocol50+ Lectures******Course is being updated with the latest version DevWeb 2020 Service Pack 2******Micro Focus announced its newer protocol called TruWeb in LoadRunner 12.60. TruWeb has lot of potential in future performance testing arena. It is scalable, light weight, and cross-platform compatible. You can run TruWeb script in Windows, Mac and Linux and using almost any editors such as Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Virtual User Generator etcetera. Also, you can execute TruWeb scripts in Performance Center as well. It is free to use (at this time of writing).By learning this course `Performance Testing using TruWeb`, you are ready to impress your project manager, VP, even CTO by proposing this solution as a part of your organization performance test practices. Also, you will be adding `TruWeb` protocol in your resume to make it stronger and stand unique in the crowd.Even if you do not have any prior knowledge about Micro Focus tools or performance testing, I tried to explain the concepts in laymen terms. I divided the course into four sections: Getting Started.Ramp up.Steady State.Ramp down.Course starts with very basics and fundamentals about TruWeb called `Getting Ready`. Then, you will learn all the importance concepts in TruWeb which will be especially useful to design your test scripts in `Ramp Up` section.In `Steady State` section, you will be comfortable in executing load testing using TruWeb in your local system. Higher the power, higher the load injection. In `Ramp Down` section, you will learn the best practices, results analysis and there is a mini project script I have attached for your learning purpose.I urge you to practice the scripting by referring the scripts that I have attached. Unless you practice your JavaScript, it is tougher to learn and implement TruWeb for your projects.Good luck!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn how to remove background noise from your microphone" |
"************* Super Sale ************** The goal with this course is to learn how you can do to make voice over recording with high quality You will learn how to remove background noise that your microphone will pick up.You will learn how to prepare your room for voice over recording.You will learn how to build things that reduce noise from enter your microphone.You will learn how to build a pop filer that reduce bad noise come into the microphone from your mouth.You will learn the basic of an audio editor to make your voice over sounds better and with minimum of noise.You will learn how to reduce background noise in your recording area and prepare you for making a great voice over. Most things you will build will cost you a lot less then it would if you did buy it from the store. You find often the material in your local hardware store. You will save money to make them yourself instead of buy those for hundreds of dollars. The course go through step by step what you need to know about voice over and how to record voice over with high quality- You should take this course if you want high quality voice over in your videos or podcast. Reviews: by Julia Hidy Important devices and highly useful audio editing clean up Soren constantly helps Udemy's instructors fix their audio tracks. He's so knowledgeable in editing, and fixing tracks so they're usable. His course helped me edit many minutes of recorded audio from a client that had constant fan hiss on it. His suggestions cleaned up the file so I didn't have to ask my client to re-record several hours of content. I highly recommend Soren as a great instructor. Soren's idea to easily block background noise from the sides and back of a mic is something that I really needed. His straightforward instructions made it really easy for me to save $200 to $800 (which is the price at B&H audio) for a similar noise reduction device. I spent under $10 on his solution, and it was fast, easy and fun to put together. I highly recommend this course to any one who wants to know how to do recording and noise reduction better, and to anyone who wants to save considerable expense on audio recording equipment accessories. by Rick Worsnop I recommend this ""how-to"" course. It will help improve your voice recordings. This course deals with a major issue that plagues voice recordists: noise. It shows you how to reduce noise at the source, by reducing what gets into your microphone, then how to clean up what's left with your recording software. The most fun part of this course for me was the Do-It-Yourself intro to building sound modifiers, like a pop filter and sound-proof surrounds for your mic. I thought the pop filter design was particularly ingenious, and all of these DIY projects could save you a lot of cash while greatly improving your sound. The section on using audio software like Audacity or Sound Forge, to clean up noise in a recording, was also useful. The instructor used features like normalization, EQ and compression that are widely available and work similarly in most recording apps. This is the only place I felt the course fell a little short. There was a lot of normalizing and tweaking of EQ without much explanation, and that may mystify some people. In the case of a track with one or more transient peaks (from lip smacks or other extraneous noises) normalizing won't appear to do much at all. I wish the instructor had mentioned to go through the audio and manually edit out such noises before normalizing. There's some good advice in the summary bullet points at the end of the course, and I could see this material growing into a more detailed sequel. Overall, I enjoyed the course and would recommend it as well worth the $19 tuition. "
Price: 19.99

presentationtomorrow |
", ? . . , . , 90% , . . . . , PR- , - , , : , -- 30 , ? , - 30 , . 100 1 Udemy. , , , , - : . , . 2. - . , . . , - .3. , . - , , . , . 4. Scriber biz, . , , - , . , , , !"
Price: 49.99

"Shopify Build Your Store: Start a Store Fast, Easy & Simple" |
"NOTE THIS IS A NEWBIES CLASS HOW TO GET STARTED ON SHOPIFY Shopify Build Your Store: Start a Store Fast, Easy & SimpleAre you ready to make some serious money on the internet? If so you came exactly to the right place. This course will teach you step by step how to create your own Shopify Shop business fast, easy and upon graduation you will be ready to make spare income online.Follow me in this simple and easy course of how to launch your Shopify store fast! This course streamlines the entire process, making it effortless to follow with a step by step guide. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to understand the concepts and be a student in my course! My lecture are simple straight to the point and I explain to you in a way that is easy to learn and best of all no boring slide or cartoons with talking heads in the lectures. Even if you are a complete newbie, this course is for you! It will outline, from start to finish pick a profitable niche and even how to market your shop using Social Media and creating your own facebook shop with a facebook page.As your coach, I will be guiding you step by step in each lecture! It is as if you are sitting right next to me learning with hands-on coaching. I promise you no boring slideshows and only practical knowledge.Benefits of this course...Are you ready to make some money and sell your first product on Shopify? I am going to teach you all I know so you can make your first $100 in sales right away!Make money from the comfort of your home!The focus is entirely on you the student with helping you launch your business fast!Mac or PC? It doesn't matter! Plus, do this anywhere worldwide, no limit!No investment needed in inventory, pay only for your eCommerce store!Learn to pick the right Shopify theme for your store and how to customize it!Learn which are the best Shopify Apps to use in order to make the most out of your store!How to build your Shopify store on your facebook page and monetize InstagramI have coached thousands of students and helped them create successful business online. Enroll today and learn from one of the top eCommerce coaches and teachers on the Internet which is myself.So what are you waiting for? Every second you wait, you are missing out on money you can earn with the knowledge gained from this course. Sign up today and make your own successful Shopify drop-shipping business from the comfort of your own home! See you on the inside!Your instructor,Sergey************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99

"Data Analytics With Excel and Power BI" |
"This course is an introduction level course to business and data analytics. The aim is to address several competencies, Data awareness, statistical applications in excel, business intelligence software and machine learning awareness.The first competency is data trend awareness. What are the different fields? What are the different analysis types and tool? and what are the general buzz terms? By the end of this section you should have an advanced level of awareness on the types of data, the role of a data scientist and the types of.After this we ill look at Statistical application in Excel. By the end of this you should have the ability to carry out an interpenetrate the results from Descriptive Statistics, calculate probability and select samples and variables, Understand the power of hypothesis testing to solve business problems all within ExcelWe will then move into power bi, and self-service tool for business intelligence. You will learn how do to simple transformations on data, how to model data using DAX and how to visualize dataWhen discussing data and business analytics you can not overlook machine learning. By the end of this course you will have an advanced level of awareness on how this works and where it can be applied.By the end of this course you should feel comfortableImplementing business intelligence solutions to your organisation using tools such as Excel or Power BI that improve the current reporting system and add greater depth to the information to aid in the business decision making process.Although this course only has 5 hours or so of video material, the reality is you should expect to take about 20 hours to really complete the course and gain full understanding. There are many activities to complete and it might be necessary to revisit tutorials to ensure you gained the knowledge that you want."
Price: 199.99

"Entrepreneurship For Kids - Business Ideas, Skills and Tips" |
"Are You The Parents Of A Business Minded Child?Is Your Child Full Of Ideas And You Want To Inspire and Teach Them To Embrace Their Entrepreneurial Desire?Are You Not Sure How To Equip Them With Business Skills Which Are Applicable To A Child?Do You Want To Learn Easy To Teach Business Skills You Can Pass On To Them?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!Recent Review:Susan S. says ""What a terrific course. My child is full of ideas, loves the tv show Shark Tank, and wants to do something in business but always seems to get stuck there. Besides a lemonade stand I didn't know how I could help him focus his entrepreneurial skills. This course really really helped! Full of ideas, lots of practical information and business skills that are teachable also. Recommended for any parents who has a kid full of business ideas.""Why You Should Take This Course With Me:Are you a parent whose child has lots of ideas and zest for starting a business, but beyond the idea isn't sure how to actually start and run a business? Maybe you want to start directing your child towards the world of business and want to encourage them to start thinking like an entrepreneur? Perhaps you want to set your child up for success when starting a business?Then this is the course for you! In this course, I will give you the best businesses that either your child or your child and yourself can start which are easy to start, require little to no money to start, and will lead to a lifetime of entrepreneurial and business success! Beyond the business ideas I provide, I go over the fundamental skills and concepts your child can easily grasp but will help immensely.What We Learn In The Course: Multiple businesses which your child alone, or you with your child, could start from home easilyThe pros and cons of the various business ideasFundamental business skills to help your child be successfulAnd more! By the end of the course you'll be excited and ready to get started on a business today!At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR KIDS INCLUDING SOME GREAT BUSINESS IDEAS! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, financial reporting, small business and accounts receivable. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 29.99

"Facebook e Instagram Ads - Aprenda na prtica e faa vendas" |
"O TreinamentoFacebook e Instagram Ads focado em Ecommercefoi desenvolvido com o propsito de trabalhar uminvestimento eficientee otimizado para quem est comeando a anunciar a sua loja online.O curso ensina amontar aestratgia de annciospara umecommerce do ZERO, partindo do setup de pixels deremarketing.Criaremos campanhas que trarovendas, um relatrio com a anlise dos resultados gerados para uma tomada de deciso.ESTUDOSDECASOSCases de Marcas e Clientes possvel fazer vendas com os annciosMTODO EPROCESSOSPlataforma Facebook & Instagram AdsComo ganha dinheiro fazendo anncios?Setup EstratgicoOtimizao e AutomatizaoMDULO NAPRTICA!!!Prtica, Pixel, Instalao e RemarketingPasso a passo para criar a campanhaPblicos PersonalizadosPblicos SemelhantesPblico Audience InsightsPrtica: Planejador de CampanhasFuncionalidades do Business ManagerRelatriosBNUSFerramentas de Marketing, Templates, Mapas mentais, eBooks, Dicas e HacksMuito mais..."
Price: 49.99

"Excel 101: Track Your Affiliate Sales and Metrics In Excel" |
"Are You In The Business of Affiliate Marketing?Are You Tired Of Having Multiple Sites You Have To Log Into To Check Your Results?Do You Want One Central Location You Can Analyze Your Sales Performance and Make Decisions?Do You Want To Normalize All Of The Performance Metrics From Different Affiliate Sites?Do You Want To Grow Your Affiliate Business?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!Bonus Reason: I provide the template we build in this course for you to download at the end!Recent Review:Raul D. says: ""I've been in affiliate marketing for a long long time and while yes I've grown my business and made money, I couldn't tell you how much, which campaigns did best, which affiliate sites did best, how much I spent on marketing, etc. The list goes on. I decided I need to take my business far more series and this course was the first step and really an amazing place to start. I was able to use the template to properly start tracking results and right away I can see room for improvement. Really psyched I took the course and to only grow my affiliate marketing business!""Why You Should Take This Course:As an affiliate marketer, you have to wear many hats. I'm sure you spend the majority of your time managing your income streams while also finding new opportunities. One which often gets ignored is having a full understanding of how much money is coming in, where its being spent, how you are growing, and what you could be doing to grow more! By spending a little bit of time each week to do affiliate marketing revenue tracking, setting goals and tracking your results, you'll have far greater insight into what works and what doesn't, and how to proceed. You will also be documenting a history of your sales for you to refer to in the future. In this course I teach you how to build a relatively simple but VERY effective affiliate marketing and sales tracking system in Excel (or Google Sheets) to track actual results. Take your business to the next level.When your business grows further to needing a fully dynamic accounting system you can easily import the data you've tracked in Excel (Sheets). What We Learn In The Course: Learn basic Excel concepts for anyone not familiar with the programLearn how to create a dynamic tracking spreadsheetLearn how to run reports on the dataLearn how to create charts and graphsLearn how to make intelligent decisions and earn moreThis course is not meant to be a complete introduction to accounting, instead it is for affiliate marketers who want to do basic tracking of incoming revenues and be able to make decisions using the data. At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN HOW TO TRACK YOUR AFFILIATE SALES AND METRICS! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, financial reporting, small business and accounts receivable. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 49.99

"Learn HTML5 & CSS3 From Scratch - Make Responsive Websites" |
"This online course is different, better and way more exciting than any other course available on the internet!!All you need is passion, dedication, hard work, an internet connection, a Laptop or PC, a comfy cushion, yourself and viola you are all set to begin!!!This course offers all the nitty gritty details that you require to fully learn about the world of web programming and coding. You will learn all about the web programming from scratch and will be able to design your own websites by the end of this course.Online videos with clear instructions and competent instructors will make it easier for you to learn even with zero past experience or knowledge.This boot camp will broaden your horizon, offer you countless opportunities and will give you the confidence you need to make a difference.This course offers the following programsHTML 5CSS 3It does not matter if you are a beginner, an entrepreneur or the next big miracle waiting to happen this course is for you.This course is highly recommended for people who haveZEROprior experience in programming and have never even programmed a single thing before.It doesnt matter if you have absolutely no idea about the basics, we will teach you everything that you need to know about developing and programming.All you need is lots of enthusiasm, willingness to work hard, an internet connection and a laptop or PC.Join today and become one those million people who have changed their careers, have started their own business or have created opportunities for themselves that were not possible before."
Price: 199.99

"Fotografa Masterclass: Una Gua Completa para la Fotografa" |
"Este curso de fotografa en lnea le ensear cmo tomar imgenes sorprendentes e incluso venderlas, ya sea que use un telfono inteligente, una cmara sin espejo o una cmara DSLR.Este curso de fotografa est diseado para ensearle los entresijos de la fotografa, incluso si tiene poca o ninguna experiencia, para ayudarlo a crear imgenes rentables que lo ayuden a destacar entre la multitud y vender.Tcnicas de fotografa maestras para crear imgenes extraordinarias!Si bien hay muchos cursos de fotografa digital que se centran en estilos especficos o en cmo usar el equipo, es difcil encontrar un curso completo como este, que sea para principiantes y fotgrafos avanzados.Este curso est diseado para todos los niveles de fotgrafos que quieran mejorar sus habilidades, tomar imgenes estelares y ganar dinero con sus fotos, especialmente ideal para cualquier usuario de cmara rflex digital o sin espejo.Que aprenders:Comprenda cmo funcionan las cmaras y qu equipo necesitaMaster de disparo en modo manual y entendiendo tu cmara.Sepa qu equipo debe comprar sin importar cul sea su presupuestoSiga nuestras demostraciones prcticas para ver cmo rodamos en escenarios del mundo real.Utiliza la composicin, la iluminacin y la configuracin adecuada para tomar mejores fotos.Edita fotos profesionalmente para que se vean an mejorAprende a iniciar un negocio de fotografa y gana dinero con tus nuevas habilidadesEstilos de fotografa que aprenders:Fotografa de retratoFotografa de larga exposicinFotografia de paisajeFotografa de productoFotografa con poca luzFotografa de deportes y accin.Fotografa callejeraFotografa de arquitecturaFotografa de eventos y bodas.Fotografia aerea y droneFotografa de vida silvestreFotografia nocturnaFotografa rflex digitalFotografa sin espejoFotografa de smartphoney ms!Mejore sus tcnicas de fotografa, adquiera clientes y gane ms dineroIndependientemente de cul sea su nivel de experiencia o qu tipo de cmara utiliza, este curso en profundidad est diseado para brindarle todo lo que necesita para llevar sus habilidades de fotografa al siguiente nivel.Ya sea que prefieras tomar fotos de la naturaleza, animales o personas, un gran fotgrafo sabe cmo componer una toma, encenderla y editarla. Al perfeccionar estas habilidades, puede vender sus fotos para que pueda convertir su pasin en una carrera. Este curso te muestra cmo.A diferencia de otras clases de fotografa que tienen un alcance ms limitado, este curso completo te ensea cmo tomar fotos increbles y cmo ganar dinero vendindolas.Contenidos y Visin GeneralEste curso est dirigido a ensear a los fotgrafos lo que se necesita para mejorar sus tcnicas y ganar ms dinero.Comenzar con lo bsico y abordar cmo funciona una cmara, los tipos de cmaras y lentes disponibles, y el equipo que necesitar para lograr sus objetivos. Luego te sumergirs en los diferentes estilos de fotografa en los que te puedes enfocar.Aprender acerca de la configuracin de su cmara (DSLR, sin espejo u otra), incluyendo cmo disparar en modo manual. Usars herramientas de estabilizacin y dominars cmo componer y iluminar adecuadamente una escena. Incluso aprender a tomar excelentes fotos con un telfono inteligente o tableta y cmo editar imgenes.As que puedes vender tus fotos, aprenders a marcarte a ti mismo, crears un portafolio y un sitio web, y encontrars trabajo independiente o un puesto de tiempo completo. Obtenga informacin sobre las licencias, el uso justo y ms. Y si quieres entrar en la fotografa de bodas, aprenders cmo iniciar tu propio negocio.Al final de este curso magistral, su confianza como fotgrafo se disparar. Tendrs un conocimiento profundo de tu cmara y equipo para que puedas usarlos a su mximo potencial para tomar fotos inolvidables y comenzar una carrera fotogrfica rentable.Qu cmara deberas usar?Una cmara DSLR o una cmara sin espejo es una excelente opcin para tomar este curso. No tiene que ser un modelo caro o elegante. Cualquier cmara de lentes intercambiables como una cmara rflex digital o sin espejo est bien. Incluso puede usar un telfono inteligente o la cmara de apuntar y disparar, aunque es posible que no tenga todas las configuraciones y opciones manuales que cubrimos en este curso.Quines son los instructores?Phil Ebiner, Sam Shimizu-Jones y Will Carnahan, todos profesionales que se ganan la vida con sus habilidades fotogrficas, se han unido para crear este increble nuevo curso.Phil y Sam, creadores de la clase magistral de fotografa original, tomaron los comentarios de los estudiantes para mejorar este curso. Will se ha unido para compartir su pasin y su profundo conocimiento de la fotografa con usted.Con 3 instructores, obtendrs apoyo y comentarios de primera calidad para ayudarte a convertirte en un mejor fotgrafo!Nuestra felicidad garantizada ...Tenemos una garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero de 30 das, por lo que si no est satisfecho con su compra, le reembolsaremos su curso, sin preguntas!No podemos esperar a verte en el curso!Inscrbete ahora y te ayudaremos a tomar mejores fotos que nunca!Phil, Sam y Will"
Price: 199.99

"Jak tworzy kurs online" |
"Jak przygotowa swj wasny kurs online? Jak si do tego przygotowa? Dlaczego warto to zrobi? Od czego zacz? Jaki sprzt wykorzysta? Jaki software? Jak nagrywa ekran komputera bez koniecznoci pniejszego czasochonnego montau? Ten kurs odpowiada na te pytania.Wanie kupie nowy aparat i spdzasz cay dzie ogldajc samouczki na YouTube, prbujc dowiedzie si, jak z niego najlepiej go wykorzysta? Wiem, jak to jest, poniewa byem dokadnie tam ponad 10 lat temu, kiedy zaczynaem swoj przygod z tworzeniem wasnych kursw. Teraz kamer i mikrofon traktuje jako jako jedno z podstawowych narzdzi do realizacji swoich celu. Jedyne co potrzebujesz eby zacz tworzy kursy online to troch zapau i ch do dzielenia si wiedz!Mam na imi Bartosz i jestem absolwentem Vancouver Film School. W 2012 roku ukoczyem kierunek Digital Design. Pracuje na co dzie jako producent kursw i realizuje ciekawe tutoriale z najlepszymi autorami. Jestem co-autorem wielu praktycznych kursw z tematw takich jak Grafika 3D, Automatyka czy Programowania. Niedawno doczyem do zespou Udemy jako Business Development Manager i pomagam innym twrcom odnie sukces na platformie.Opracowanie tego workflow do produkcji kursw zajo mi lata pracy i uczenia si na wasnych bdach. Zebraem t wiedz w jednym miejscu i przygotowaem materia, ktry wierz e pomoe rozwiza najczstsze problemy jakie mog si pojawi w trakcie nagrywania swoich wasnych video szkole online.Potrzeba czasu, aby nauczy si jak tworzy efektywne szkolenia video. Ta kompilacja filmw ma za zadanie pomc Tobie tworzy angaujce samouczki video niezalenie od brany. Skrciem lata mojej nauki do tego skondensowanego wideo, w ktrym ujawniam szereg sposobw,jak osign wysok jako nie rozbijajc banku oraz jakie kroki trzeba podj z punktu widzenia marketingu. Pokazuje jak najlepiej zacz zarabia pienidze na platformie takiej jak Udemy.Porady i wskazwki, ktrymi dziele si na tym kursie, bd wartoci bez wzgldu na rodzaj treci, ktr chcesz tworzy. Z tego kursu dowiesz si te, e bez dodatkowych inwestycji w sprzt moesz produkowa wysokiej jakoci content, ktry moesz sprzedawa na Udemy lub promowa Twj kana na YouTube.W tym kursie wykorzystasz patne jak i darmowe oprogramowanie takie jak:Jak wykorzysta swj smartfon iPhone lub Android jako kamer internetowJak stworzy kurs na VR? Poznaj jak wykorzysta nowe platformy dystrybucyjne do e-learningu takie jak Samsung Gear VR lub Oculus Rift.Kurs OBS czyli open broadcaster software to w peni darmowe narzdzie do nagrywania ekranu komputera, przechwytywania obrazu z kamery na PC oraz MAC. Dowiesz si jak czy rda i generowa gotowy materia na kurs bez potrzeby montau materiaw! Bez kart SD i bez zbdnego kopiowania plikw. Materia zawarty w tym kursie pokazuje jak oszczdza czas w trakcie produkcji swojego pierwszego kursu online. Adobe Captivate 2019 patne oprogramowanie suce to tworzenia interaktywnych szkole, ktre moesz dociera do studentw poprzez w wirtualn rzeczywisto oraz mobile!Adobe Lightroom Classic oraz Adobe Photoshop do wygenerowania grafiki jak i widok 360 produktu, ktre moesz wykorzysta w social media lub w swoim sklepie internetowym! Adobe Premiere suy do prostego montau video, poprawy jakoci dwiku oraz renderu gotowych plikw twojego kursu. Google Drive -> Udemy czyli masowe i szybkie zarzdzania plikami video Tips & Tricks dodatkowe narzdzia, ktre moesz wykorzysta do produkcji kursu takie jak Reflector 3 lub Mouse Without Borders Ponadto zajmiemy si wszystkim tym co jest potrzebne do wypuszczenia naszego contentu na platform taka jak Udemy:Badanie tego jaki kurs stworzy eby dobrze si sprzeda na platformie takiej jak Udemy.Przygotowanie solidnego planu Twojego kursu na podstawie checklisty. CLP czyli content landing page to jeden z najwaniejszych elementw dobrego kursu online.Monta trailera do kursu, ktry bdzie podstawow si napdow i najlepsz wizytwk!Jeeli mylisz o nagrywaniu wasnego kursu online zarejestruj si i sam przekonaj si jak wiele moesz zrobi na sprzcie, ktry prawdopodobnie ju masz w swoim otoczeniu. Nie potrzebujesz drogich kamer i wiate eby stworzy super kurs. Wierz, e 1 godzina tego szkolenia zawiera wicej praktyki ni niektre uczelnie wykadaj w jeden semetr nauki multimediw! Nie bdziesz chcia tego przegapi, zobaczysz sam. Zapisz si ju dzisiaj. W razie jakichkolwiek pyta jestem do dyspozycji i chtnie doradzam swoim studentom jak zacz nagrywa wasne kursy. Do usyszenia i zobaczenia!"
Price: 249.99

"After Effects for Photography" |
"A lot can happen to your photographs after you hit the shutter. While color and exposure corrections are something photographers do every day, creating new and special effects offers a whole new world of possibilities for your photos. You might not know it, but After Effects works hand in hand with Photoshopand it can help you achieve effects that could not be created with Photoshop alone. In this course, join Chris Converse as he demonstrates how to work with this versatile application to add interest to your photos. Learn how to add a sunset to a photo, create a double exposure effect, make dramatic color changes using the Channel Mixer effect, create repeating patterns with the Motion Tile effect, and more."
Price: 19.99

"The 2020 Complete Micro Economics Course For Beginners" |
"Does The Study of Micro Economics Seem Daunting?Have You Ever Wondered About Game Theory?Do You Wonder How Businesses Make Pricing Decisions?Are You A Business Student or Graduate Who Wants To Learn More?Do You Get Lost When People Start Talking About Interest Rates, Market Growth, Supply and Demand?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success! Recent Review:Steven C. says: ""Just a great course about micro economics. The topic can seem a bit daunting at first, but really Chris makes it easy to absorb, related it well to the real world, and I really feel like I learned more in this course than I could sitting in a classroom. After taking the course you'll have a whole new perspective on the world and how micro economics applies!""Why You Should Take This Course:Micro economics is a very diverse and large world of concepts, and by the end of this course you will be a master of it all! While there is a lot to learn, it is a fascinating world, and understanding micro economics will give you insights in the world around you. Below is sample of what you'll be learning in this course.What We Learn In The Micro Economics Course: Learn how people and companies make small decisions which add up to larger big picturesDiscover what impacts the choices we make - constraints, scarcity and moreHow firms use supply and demand to determine equilibrium and maximize profitDiscover game theory, how people and companies try to stay one step aheadLearn about monopolies and oligopolies, the pros and consAnd more! By the end of the course you'll be a microeconomics expert!At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT MICRO ECONOMICS WITH EASE! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, financial reporting, small business and accounts receivable. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, micro and macro economics, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 79.99

"Squarespace SEO" |
"Squarespace SEO is something you need to care about if you want to get some traffic from search engines. It goes without saying that you can launch a Squarespace-based website just to dip your toes and see if all this stuff is something you could do for a long time. And once you decide on what to do next and get determined that youd like to proceed with your site, you need to get really serious about your Squarespace SEO optimization and Squarespace SEO settings. And that's exactly where the present course comes into play! The Squarespace SEO tutorials from the course will answer all your questions. You can use the course as a Squarespace SEO checklist. You'll get to know what's the deal with Squarespace SEO plugins, about some Squarespace SEO tips, is Squarespace SEO friendly, about some Squarespace SEO problems,"
Price: 34.99

"Master Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 & 2016 for Beginners" |
"In this comprehensive course bundle, youll get both our PowerPoint 2016 course and our PowerPoint 2013 course. No matter what version you use, youll have the knowledge and skills to navigate these programs at a professional level.Your Complete PowerPoint 2013 and PowerPoint 2016 Course PackageYou will get a total of 15 hours of training from this two-course bundle. With this information, you can:Have professional presentations for job or project Quickly create top-notch visuals for your audiences Feel confident and show off your new powerful slides Get all of the new tools to master presentation management Effortlessly add text, graphics, audio, video, charts, tables and SmartArt to your slides Have complete control over your presentation's informationPractice what you learned with included exercise filesContents and overview for the Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 beginner courseYou can do more than ever when it comes to creating expertly designed slideshows. In this 9-hour course, your professional instructor will walk you through the exciting new features of PowerPoint 2013. Throughout this 9-hour class, youll learn the most effective ways to create polished presentations along with valuable shortcuts and tips for saving time. Starting with the basics, youll discover how to work with the colorful new PowerPoint 2013 templates and to design your own backgrounds from scratch. Then, youll learn to add images, hyperlinks, audio, and video for engaging slides and attention-grabbing animations. As you then learn to merge shapes, maximize smart guides, and use motion paths, youll master custom icon creation and accurately aligned graphics.Contents and overview for the Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 beginner coursePowerPoint 2016 can be used in a number of different yet effective ways to communicate with your audience. Slides are completely customizable. Depending on your approach, you may want to have a presentation that's text-heavy, image-heavy, or some combination of both. Combining the two tends to give your listeners the benefit of both visual aids and notes all at the same time. PowerPoint 2016 also comes with many new features such as the brand-new transition type, Morph, that can help users make animations, transitions, and object movements across your slides. Pretty neat, right? This course covers that and so much more. It also shows you how to make presentations with alternative forms, styles, and custom layouts which are used by working professionals, teachers, students, medical practitioners, politicians, and countless others. They see the value in this unique course on PowerPoint 2016 as they want to know how to use it to quickly showcase their information and data. Perfect for those who are looking for a comprehensive and organized method to presentations. Great for those that want to add value to lectures, make more compelling speeches, or enhance studies and reports. So, what are you waiting for now? If you want to learn how to use the latest version of PowerPoint, then this is for you. At the completion of this 6-hour course, you will have more knowledge, better skills, and be fully prepared to use PowerPoint 2016 for every single one of your complex presentation needs.Dont let technical difficulties get in your way. Prepare for every meeting by learning to size presentations in standard and wide screen layouts, and to run them on the web or via smartphones. From 10-minute slideshows to lengthy presentations, this PowerPoint training bundle will give you the tools you need to share your story effectively. Even if youve been making presentations for years, our tutorials will give you the inside scoop on new PowerPoint features that will take your work up another notch. Your presentations will look better than ever! * Includes exercise files to practice what youve learned.Heres what our students are sayingThe presenter is outstanding in every respect. She is clear and intuitive in her instruction and quite easy to follow. One of the best ! Timothy Lewis""Has some really good techniques to save time. I made changes to a real presentation based on what I learned."" Roberta Shepherd, Ph.D.""I have used about 25 Udemy courses and this is the best. Very detailed, yet casual enough for any beginner. This course is helping add a whole new line of products to my internet based business. Thank You!"" Jerry SaundersDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99

"TVP animation 10" |
"<p> Aprende los principios bsicos de animacin tradicional, y las herramientas que necesitars para crear animaciones de calidad profesional con el excelente software especializado para animacin. Desarrolla animaciones de calidad profesional en TVP animation 10 con este tutorial orientado a principiantes Introduccin al software TVP animation 10 los principios bsicos de la animacin tradicional Elaboracin de una animacin bsica (La pelota que rebota) Acabado final del producto animado Poderosas habilidades en tus manos de animador Aprenders principios bsicos y fundamentales, desarrollados a travs de la historia de la animacin, los cuales te permitirn crear excelentes animaciones de calidad profesional con cualquier software, con cualquier estilo y tcnica de animacin. La industria de la animacin requiere de animadores que dominen el arte de animacin, mas no, de estudiantes que sepan usar softwares solamente. Los softwares solo son herramientas, pero el conocimiento de los fundamentos los aprenders con este curso. Podrs moverte libremente en cualquier campo laboral ligado a la animacin, incluso puedes liderar un equipo bajo tu mando ya que conocers todo el proceso que implica realizar contenidos animados. Contenidos e Informacin general He diseado este curso con videos explicativos paso a paso y de facil entendimiento. Orientado a aquellos que se inician en el mundo de la animacin con mas de 58 minutos en video tutoriales, entre explicaciones tericas y el desarrollo de un ejercicio esencial en el tema de la animacin. Comenzars viendo cmo utilizar el software TVP animation 10 para realizar las animaciones, y con explicaciones de los principios de animacin involucrados en el ejercicio establecido por este curso. para culminar dando un acabado profesional gracias el delineado y pintado, as como la tambin la creacin del fondo para la accin a animarse. Al completar este curso ud. ser capaz de realizar animaciones de objetos sencillos con un acabado profesional como vemos en algunos programas de TV de animacin. Tambin podr aplicar lo aprendido con diferentes estilos y tecnicas tales como: animacin con after effects en motion graphics, stop motion, animacin por recortes y animacin 3d. </p>"
Price: 19.99

"Administra Proyectos con MS Project De Cero a Avanzado" |
"Por fin un curso que ensean a administrar proyectos usando MS Project!La mayora de cursos de Ms Project se centran en la herramienta, mientras que todos los cursos de administracin de proyectos se centran en la teora. Por eso, Projectical SAS, compaa colombiana de alcance global y REP del PMI, te trae este curso en el que aprenders, de una manera prctica, amena y centrada en las buenas prcticas, la mejor manera de concebir, iniciar, planear, ejecutar, monitorear y controlar y, por ltimo, cerrar un proyecto; pero, apoyndote en el poder de MS Project.No importa si no conoces de administracin de proyectos o de MS ProjectEste curso te llevar, de inicio a fin, por todas las buenas prcticas de gestin de proyectos, pero aplicadas, a proyectos reales, sobre MS Project.Conoce cmo gerencia proyectos, de principio a fin, con las mejores prcticas del Project Management Institute (PMI) y cmo lograr que la ms popular herramienta de gestin de proyectos trabaje para ti y no t para ella.Aprenders, entre otras muchas cosas a:Iniciar adecuadamente un proyecto.Configurar MS Project de acuerdo a la necesidades de tu empresa, entorno y calendarios de trabajo.Planear un Proyecto, de principio a fin, usando un flujo de procesos de gestin que no conocas y que te garantizar el mejor resultadoDefinir y estructurar las actividades para crear un cronograma realista y alcanzableEstimar, asignar y gestionar los recursos humanos y materiales, costos, cantidades y caractersticas de cada unoEstimar tiempo y costos usando las mejores prcticas y tcnicas que te permitirn presentar un cronograma con toda confianzaHacer el seguimiento y control de tu proyecto evitando utilizar el FALSO PORCENTAJE COMPLETADO y conociendo la verdadera realidad de cada recurso y actividadGestin a fondo del desempeo del proyecto, con VALOR GANADO sobre MS ProjectA deducir las frmulas de VALOR GANADO y usarlas en ProjectA programar nuevas frmulas en MS ProjectA presentar el estado del proyecto, de una manera entendible para cualquiera, con solo tres datosA aprovechar el poder de los informes visuales y analticos de MS Project"
Price: 199.99

"An Introduction to Profibus DP Networking" |
"Profibus DP is one the most heavily used protocols in the automation industry. Yet learning about it is a real challenge. You could do your best with Internet based research on the topic and you will still find that the information would be mostly high-level. You just would not be able to get down to the practical details. That's the point of this course, to demystify Profibus DP once and for all, to give the full picture and to give you the information that you need to actually work with Profibus DP at a practical level. If you are looking for a job that involves Profibus DP, you are supposed to be able to handle yourself well in the interview after doing this course. In this course, you will learn:- The reason Profibus DP was designed.- The hardware, cabling, connectors used to connect Profibus DP devices.- The steps required to build a Profibus DP network.- How to build and simulate a Profibus DP network using Siemens SIMATIC software.- How to program a physical Profibus DPnetwork that will be on my workbench.- Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.- Profibus DP protocol frames and messages.and much more ..."
Price: 34.99

"Ilustracin Digital con Procreate: Profesor Premiado" |
"Aprend tcnicas y tips profesionales para convertirte en un profesional de Procreate: Diseo de Personajes/ Ilustracin/Digital Painting/Arte Digital. Aprende todo lo que necesitas saber para obtener un profundo entendimiento de Procreate a travs de ejemplos y explicaciones claras y concretas La Escuela Invisible presenta ""Procreate: Profesor Premiado"", el curso online ms completo. Guille Coppo, uno de los mejores ilustradores digitales de Amrica Latina te guiar a travs del mundo de Procreate: ejemplos, proyectos y tcnicas reveladas por este artista reseado por algunas de las mejores publicaciones de arte digital del mundo. Crenos cuando aseguramos que el principal activo de este curso es nuestro instructor.Guille Coppo, diseador grfico profesional, docente especializado en Publicidad, Ilustrador Digital, pintor, escultor, ha publicado su trabajo en publicaciones internacionales. En este curso, Guille Coppo te guiar para convertirte en un artista profesional de Procreate. Secretos, pistas y consejos para comenzar una carrera en Arte Digital de la mano del curso ms exhaustivo en Udemy. Lecciones paso a paso, tcnicas y herramientas para crear el Arte Digital ms increble y poderoso.Qu es Procreate?Procreate es una plataforma multipremiada diseada para profesionales creativos. Realizada exclusivamente para Ipad, Procreate permite la creacin de sketches, pinturas inspiradoras y maravillosas ilustraciones ests dnde ests.Procreate tiene todo lo que necesitas para crear arte digital asombroso. En serio. Contiene herramientas esenciales, incluyendo color 64-bit, Pinceles totalmente personalizables, masivas resoluciones de lienzo, un avanzado sistema de capas y hermosos efectos de calidad cinematogrfica. Hicimos Procreate para que puedas pintar lo que quieras, donde sea que ests."
Price: 19.99

"Beginning Classical Guitar" |
"This course has everything you need to start playing classical guitar. Even if you have no experience or musical training, you can start playing classical guitar faster than you might think. The course material is structured so that you will make steady progress building your skills and playing solo pieces on the classical guitar.The main goal of the course is to play the great Spanish composition ""Malaguena."" You will also learn several other pieces/songs: ""Spanish Cancion,"" ""Ode to Joy,""and ""The Pami Song."" Along the way you will pick up many helpful practice tips. This course will help you go from being a non-guitarist to a guitarist, as you will be able to enjoy playing real pieces of music all the way through. Learning is easy because the video lectures feature multiple camera angles, letting you see the hands clearly whether you are watching on a computer, tablet, or phone. Every lecture that includes a musical example has a PDFfile of that musical example written out in standard musical notation and in guitar tablature. The musical exercises, scales, and songs are the result of years of teaching students in-person and online, and everything is designed to help you start playing the best in the shortest amount of time. Classical guitar is a beautiful art form, but it can be intimidating. If you have ever wanted to learn to play classical guitar but were worried that it would take years of struggle, or would require some sort of special background or skills, then this course will be perfect for you. There are no shortcuts, but playing classical guitar doesn't need to be difficult or frustrating. Learning from an online video course means that you can go at your own pace and re-watch the lectures as many times as you want, all on your own schedule from the comfort of your own home. When you are playing classical guitar pieces all the way through you will be glad that you took the first step.While there is a lot of great information in the course, the real value lies in the sequencing of the information. In this course you will never be asked to play something or do a certain technique without being prepared for it. When you watch and listen to a good classical guitarist, what you are seeing is someone who has put together the mechanics of playing in the correct sequence, so that everything flows. Putting things in the proper sequence is something that is really important. It will allow you make progress quickly and with ease.You don't need to have large hands or fast reflexes to play classical guitar, all you need is a willingness to learn and an understanding of the fundamentals and how to put them together. This course is really a course of possibilities. Think of it as a point of departure, where you embark on your musical journey as a classical guitarist."
Price: 99.99

"Curso completo de PHP7" |
"Incluye el eBook del curso: Con PHP se han hecho poderosos imperios, como Yahoo y Facebook (tambin Udemy). Comenzaremos desde lo bsico, conociendo la historia del lenguaje y su estado actual. Revisaremos la formacin de variables, los ciclos, las sentencias condicionales, los arreglos (o vectores), as como la forma de validar formas de HTML. Analizaremos las poderosas funciones para manejar fechas y cadenas. Todo de forma fcil y amena. Dentro de los ejemplos encontraremos los siguientes: Una sencilla galera de fotos tomadas directamente de una carpetaSubir archivos de imgenes de la computadora al servidorCrear archivos de estado Enviar un mail con PHPHacer pginas privadas con sesionesConocer la IP, browser y s/o del usuario que nos visitaManejo de expresiones regularesAplicar filtros a las imgenes como negativo, contraste, blanco y negro, etc.Reducir el tamao y el peso de una imagen jpg, png o gif en forma automticaSubir un archivo CSV a MySQL y bajar la informacin de MySQL a CSV.Conectarse a un sistema RSS.Crear una encuesta en lnea.Crear un sistema ABC o CRUD.Paginar una consulta larga.Leer un archivo de ayuda para la captura con AJAX.Crear un sistema para el control de estampas con OOP.Crear un contador de visitas y guardar informacin del usuario con cookies.Guardar imgenes en MySQL y descargarlas a disco.Crear un campo de captcha con PHP.Crear archivos PDF con las libreras fpdf y html2pdfEste curso est dirigido a desarrolladores Web que deseen realizar aplicaciones en la plataforma PHP-MySQL.. Debes tener conocimientos previos de HTML y CSS. Debes contar con un editor de cdigo y un navegador moderno."
Price: 420.00

"Vacation and Attendance Tracker Dashboard in Excel" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create a visually appealing and functionally effective Dashboard that can be used to track employee or student attendance and vacation.I will start with a blank Excel workbook and build the various components step by step in the video tutorials. Not even a single step is left out.There will be no programming/VBA/Macros.By the end of this course, you will learn how to build the Dashboard yourself.Along the way, you will also learn several useful Excel features, tips and tricks that will be handy for you to build other Excel applications as well.You will be on your way to become an Excel Dashboard Expert.What you will learn about ExcelApart from learning how to build the Vacation and Attendance tracker, you will learn the following about Excel.Data InputTechniques - Excel Tables, Drop Down List, Check BoxNamed RangesWriting Simple and AdvancedFormulas(nested functions)Conditional Formattingusing formulasFunctions: DATE, MONTH, EOMONTH, WEEKDAY, ROW, INDEX, MATCH, IF, COUNTIFS, SUMPRODUCT, IFERROR, OR, SUM10-PointFormattingChecklistReleaseChecklistCourse Structure and OrganizationThe course begins with the Introduction chapter which presents the scope of the template we will build.In the second chapter, we learn how to set up the inputs for the template.We learn how to build the Team Dashboard step by step in the third chapter and the Employee Report in the fourth chapter. These chapters are the heart of the course where we will write simple and advanced formulas, apply conditional formatting using formulas and a thorough 10-Point Formatting checklist.In the fifth chapter, we go through the release checklist that I personally went through before publishing each of my 50+ Excel templates on indzara.The sixth chapter is allocated for Frequently Asked Questions, where I will be adding videos on questions asked by students of this course. If you have questions on any of the video tutorials, post them in the comments for that video. I will be reviewing and answering them. If needed, I will create a new video solution.You will see below the detailed list of videos/chapters that are part of the course. Some of the videos are available for free preview. Please take a look. If you have any questions, please email support@indzara.com"
Price: 24.99

"Dropshipping with Wordpress: Create a Dropship Business Fast" |
"Dropshipping is an ideal side business or even full time business. With the popularity of eCommerce billions of dollars are being spent right now in an online market place and you can become part of that success story as online shopping is expanding all over the world. In this course, Sergey will walk you thru the top steps to growing your dropshipping business quickly and easily. Then Scott Paton will show you how you can have ecommerce web sites up and running in mere hours with Wordpress.You will discover:How to pick a NicheHow to get the best priceHow to get your domain nameHow to set up your web hostingInstalling Wordpress in one easy stepWhich products are best for dropshippingHow to import products into your store easily and quicklyWhere to get your products when starting outHow to leverage Online ArbitrageThis course is ideal for beginning dropshippers, but experienced entrepreneurs will find gold nuggets to help expand their businesses.The perfect side hustle that can turn into a part time income without spending full time hours. It is also easy to set up and with Wordpress no need to pay extra fees to set up your your complete ecommerce website. Get started in the world's best side business today!************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99

"Selenium Webdriver with Java (Basics + Advance + Architect)" |
"Selenium WebDriver Training - Expert LevelOne of the Biggest, Oldest and Most Demanding Selenium course on Udemy. Cover almost everything you need to Master in Selenium~~~~~COURSE RECENTLY UPDATED WITH LATEST SELENIUM 4 SERIES~~~~~~Update: New Lectures added based on recent 3.141.59 WebDriver library updated on 30th Jan 2019 YOU ARE ABOUT TO MASTER THE SELENIUM AUTOMATION. Covers: Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium GRID, Basics of Mobile testing with Appium, Selendroid and IOS, All Major Selenium Automation Frameworks, Reporting, Live Projects and Interview Preparation. ********What makes this course unique from others********************** 300+ Lectures, Around 100+ hours of Latest and unique content which you will not find in any other Selenium courses on Udemy. This course covers Basics + Advance + Architect level topics on Selenium and Framework designing. ************************************************************************************************** From ground till sky level this course covers every concept in Selenium automation which is a need of current automation industry. **********COURSE HIGHLIGHTS************************** Selenium IDE / RC / WebDriver with all Advance level conceptsSelenium GRIDCore Java BasicsJUnit / TestNG, ANT, Report generation, batch executionSVN and MAVENGit, GitHUBContinuous Integration - Jenkins / HudsonData Driven FrameworkHybrid (Keyword + DataDriven) FrameworkPage Object Model with factoriesCucumber JVM - BDD FrameworkSauceLab IntegrationDockerMobile Automation Testing BasicsSelenium 3.0 - AppiumSelenium 3.0 - SelendroidSelenium 3.0 - IOS DriverLive Examples and Assignments ******************************************************************************************************* Not only WebApplication testing but you can also make your self expert in Automating your Android and IPhone Apps using the upcoming Mobile Automation APIs such as Appium for IOS and Android. Not just the video lectures you will see the entire coding part done step by step and the lectures are explained in a very detailed and practical approach is taken in every example by the trainer. "
Price: 199.99

"PHP Unit Testing with PHPUnit" |
"If you are a PHP developer and you want to learn how to write better code, with fewer bugs, you will need to know how to write unit tests.Learn how to unit test your PHPcode using the PHPUnit testing framework.Learn what unit tests areLearn how to write unit tests using PHPUnitBuild a test suite for PHPfunctions and classesMake test methods dependent on each otherUse test doubles: mocks and stubs, including how to use MockeryLearn how and why you should use dependency injectionLearn test-driven development (TDD)Learn how to test protected and private methods and properties (and whether you actually should or not!)Learn how to test abstract classesA skill that will enable you to write higher quality code, in a shorter time, with better documentation and fewer bugs.Learning how to write unit tests for your code will make you write better code. With automated tests, you can find bugs more easily, and if you break something you'll notice straight away.Many experienced developers write unit tests for their code. It's a repeatable way of checking that the code works as intended, and also serves as documentation. Many popular PHPprojects are unit tested, such as WordPress and Moodle, and if you use frameworks such as Laravel or Symfony, these provide tight integration with the PHPUnit testing framework.Content and OverviewHow do you currently test your code?Maybe you run your code in a browser, use var_dump a lot and so on. The problem with this is that you only tend to test new code - you don't go back and test old code. What if you add some new code that breaks the old code?With automated unit tests, you have more control. If your new code breaks something, you'll notice straight away. You can fix bugs more easily, thereby reducing development time.Tests are also a form of documentation, just like comments: they serve to show why the code has been written that way. Suitable for all PHPdevelopers, you'll start by learning the basics of unit testing PHPcode, including how to use assertions.Then you'll learn how to test functions and classes, and how to configure the PHPUnit framework.Next you'll learn how to use test dependencies, fixtures and how to test for exceptions.You'll also see how test doubles work - mock objects and stub methods.Then you'll learn how to write code using test-driven development - writing the tests first, then the code.You'll also learn how to test protected and private class methods and properties, and whether this is actually a good idea or not.Testing static methods is covered in detail, including several methods for dealing with static dependencies.When you complete the course you'll be able to write unit tests for your existing PHPcode, and develop new code using test-driven development.Complete with all the code shown in the lectures, you'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Also, at all times throughout the courseyou have access to the instructor in the Q&A section to ask for help with any topic related to the course.Enrol now and add unit testing to your PHPskillset!"
Price: 124.99
