"The AP Latin Selections from Caesar's Gallic Wars" |
"These materials are designed to help students prepare for the APLatin exam, which consists of selections taken from Vergil's Aeneid and Caesar's Gallic Wars. The particular course takes up the passages required by the APexam from Caesar's Gallic Wars. On the exam, you will be tested on their ability to translate literally, to analyze, and to interpret the text. You will practice sight-reading and translating literally so that their translations not only are accurate and precise, but also make sense in English. Other specific skills that will be required for the AP examination include the ability:To write a literal English translation of a Latin passage on the syllabusTo explicate specific words or phrases in contextTo identify the context and significance of short excerpts from texts listed in the chosen syllabusTo identify and analyze characteristic or noteworthy features of the authors' modes of expression, including their use of imagery, figures of speech, sound effects, and metrical effects, as seen in specific passagesTo discuss particular motifs or general themes not only suggested by passages but also relevant to other selectionsTo analyze and discuss structure and to demonstrate an awareness of the features used in the construction of a poem or an argument."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Illustration with Procreate: Awarded Professor" |
"Get to know awesome techniques and cool features to become a master of Procreate : character and landscape design / comic book drawing / digital painting. Learn everything you need to know to have a deep understunding of Procreate through examples and clear, to the point, explanations The Invisible School presents ""Procreate: Awarded Professor"", the most complete Procreate online course. Guille Coppo, one of the best digital Illustrator from Latin America, will guide you through the world of Procreate : examples, projects and techniques unveiled by reviewed instructor. Believe us when we say that this course`s greatest asset is our instructor.Guille Coppo, professional Graphic Designer and Teacher and specialized in Advertising, Digital Illustrator, painter, sculptor, has published his artwork in international publications. In This course, Guille Coppo will guide you to become Procreate Artist. Secrets, clues and advices to start a career in Digital Art with the most comprehensive course on Udemy. Step-by-step lessons, techniques and tools to create the most awesome and powerful digital art.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?? ? THIS COURSE WAS SELECTED AS Editors' Picks 2019 by Collateral Magazine ? ??/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Setup Websites from Scratch" |
"This course is aimed towards complete beginners who want to set up their own website. If you are a complete newbie then you have come to the right place. This is the first basic course you can do to get started with your website. This course starts with a quick refresher on the website components and then quickly help you understand the concepts behind all the technicalities. After this course you will be able to get a web hosting space and domain name for your self and will be able to run you website with any help. You will learn all about email set up, cpanel and FTP. You will also get a quick little course on HTML and CSS. This course will also teach you how to set up your WordPress website or Blog. You will learn to set up Joomla and Magneto eCommerce websites. All in all this course will provide you all the tools and techniques you will need to get started on the web. Course Highlights Detail discussion on all aspects of website setup and management Does not assume any programming knowledge Covers WordPress, Joomla and Magneto Learn all about web hosting and Domain name system Be a complete Webmaster in just 3 hours Get yourself a live website with this quick and easy course."
Price: 19.99

"YouTube 2020 Million+ Views: Increase Profits, Subs & Rank" |
"YouTube Millions Views Masterclass: Increase Profits, Subscribers, Views and up your SEO Rank Watch my small YouTube channel hit over +2,000,000 million views and viral videos with over 250,000k viewsIf your business is not on YouTube you are missing out on the most important medium to get extra sales and traffic to your business. In this class you will be learning how to start your channel fast, monetize your content, promote the videos and get more views. This course dives deep into the technicals and takes them up apart creating simple and easy online tutorials to teach you everything you need to know to jump start your own YouTube Channel. Get unfair advantage over the competition with this course, learn how to get more views, increase subs naturally and originally, get higher watch time and learn many of the secrets only experts know about YouTube. This class got it all it will help you set up your YouTube channel from scratch fast and also make sure you get all the basics right before your channel takes off. Discover the Secrets of how to make money on Youtube, even without monetization approved. Find the path that is right for you and focus on that direction and it will grow. By the end of this class you will discover many Secret YouTube Strategies that typically take months. if not years to learn how to do. Lots and lots of inside knowledge here about Youtube and all of it is fresh! Join me on a journey as I show you what is possible even with a small Youtube channel such as mine. I am making over $250-$500+ a month just on YouTube with passive income and you can too! It took me over 1 year of taking YouTube seriously to get to the level of over 4,500+ subs, over 3,000,000 million minutes of watch time and 2 million+ unique video views! Note you need at least 1,000 subs and 4,000 hours in one year to get monetized and this class will help you get to this target as fast as possible.In this course you will discover how to...Set up your own YouTube Channel FAST$$$ Monetize & make money with Youtube $$$Make Money without Making Videos - Amazing!Tons of new 2020 content & lectures are includedHow I doubled my viewers by 1 million in one year!How to get more viewers and engagement the easy wayCreate simple videos and edit them - Fast and Easy!Find your Personal direction for your Channeland Much, Much More ...This YouTube class has been created to show you that you do not have to be a huge YouTube channel to make money on Youtube. That even a small YouTube channel can make income. I hope this encourages you to start your own channel as soon as you finish this course. Your instructor,Sergey Kasimov************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 199.99

"PostgreSQL Veritaban Programlama : Temeller ve SQL" |
"SQL Server ve Oracle veritaban ynetim sistemleri iin hazrladm derinlemesine anlatm yapan iki ayr kurstan sonra, imdi de uzun zamandr takipilerimin bekledii PostgreSQL veritaban ynetim sistemi eitimi serisinin ilk kursunu yayna hazrladk.NEML : PostgreSQL Veritaban Programlama eitimi iki farkl kurstan oluuyor. uan incelediiniz bu kurs, bu serinin ilk kursu olmakla birlikte, PostgreSQL'in temellerini doru ve hzl bir ekilde anlatmay hedeflemektedir. Bu serinin ikinci kursunda ise sadece PL/pgSQL ile programlama ve ileri seviye konulara odaklanacaz. Yani gelecek ikinci kursta PostgreSQL ile ilgili herhangi bir temel seviye konu anlatmayacaz.""Birisine bir ey retemezsiniz, ancak kendisinin onu kefetmesine yardm edebilirsiniz.""{GalileoGalilei}PostgreSQL Veritaban Programlama : Temeller ve SQL Balang Veritaban Teknoloji ve Terminolojilerine Genel Bak PostgreSQL Veritaban Ortam Hazrlklar PostgreSQL Temelleri Veri Tanmlama Dili (DDL) Veri leme Dili (DML) Veri Btnl JOIN : Tablolar Birletirmek Verileri Gruplamak PostgreSQL Fonksiyonlar Alt Sorgular Index Temel Veritaban Ynetim Operasyonlar PostgreSQL in stemci ProgramlamaEer kurs ierii iin neriniz varsa...Bu kursun kariyerinize yeni bir deer katacana inanyorum. Eer kurs ieriinde zellikle balang seviyesi iin eksik grdnz konular ve tavsiyeleriniz olursa bunu bana zel mesaj ile iletmekten ekinmeyin. nk bu kursun temel hedefi PostgreSQL zerine hzl ve doru bir balang yapabilmeyi salamaktr.KURS GNCELLEME POLTKASI : Yaynladm kurslarn ieriklerini belirli aralklar ile gncelliyorum. zlediim politika ise aadaki gibidir :Mevcut yazlm projelerim haricinde bilgi paylam salamak iin kurslar retiyorum... Bunlarn says bu yl ierisinde ciddi oranda artacak... Zaman ve emek ynetimi asndan artk ""beeni kadar gncelle"" yntemini uyguluyorum. Yani eer kurslara puanlama yaparsanz, bu kurslarn takipilerinin daha fazla eitim istediini dnerek belirli aralklarla bu kurslar gncelleyeceim. Eer beeni says az ya da yeteri kadar olmazsa, bu kurslar herhangi bir gncelleme olmadan mevcut ieriklerle yaynlanmaya devam edecektir. Eer satn aldnz kursun gncellenerek size daha fazla deer katmasn isterseniz, bu isteinizi bana ileteceiniz en doru yol puanlama sistemidir."
Price: 299.99

"Concept Art: Dibujo e Ilustracin en Photoshop" |
"Aprend tcnicas y herramientas profesionales para convertirte en un profesional del Concept Art: Diseo de Personajes y Paisajes/Comic Book/Arte Digital. Aprende todo lo que necesitas saber para obtener un amplio conocimiento del Concept Art a travs de ejemplos y explicaciones claras y concretas The Invisible School presenta ""Concept Art: Profesor Premiado"", el curso online de Concept Art ms completo del mercado. Etienne Park, uno los mejores artistas digitales de Amrica Latina te guiar a travs del mundo del Concept Art: ejemplos, proyectos y tcnicas reveladas por renombrados instructores. Crenos cuando aseguramos que el principal activo de este curso son nuestros instructores.// El trabajo de Etienne Park ha sido publicado en una variedad increible de publicaciones internacionales como Beyond Illustration, Castle Magazine (Alemania), Painter, Ballistic Publishing (Australia), EyeCandy for Strangers y BrandStudio.En este curso vas a encontrar todo los que necesitas saber para convertirte en un artista del Concept Art profesional. Secretos, trucos y consejos para comenzar una carrera en Concept Art con el curso mas completo en Udemy. Lecciones paso-a-paso, tcnicas y herramientas para crear el arte digital mas increble y potente. Qu es el Concept Art?El Concept Art es una forma de ilustracin utilizada para transmitir una idea para su uso en pelculas, videojuegos, animaciones, cmics u otros medios antes de que se incluya en el producto final. El Concept Art generalmente se refiere a obras de arte utilizadas para inspirar el desarrollo de productos audiovisuales.El Concept Art se desarrolla a travs de varias iteraciones. Se exploran mltiples soluciones antes de decidirse por el diseo final. El Concept Art no slo se utiliza para desarrollar el trabajo, sino tambin para mostrar el progreso del proyecto a directores, clientes e inversores."
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Microsoft Excel Course: Beginner to Excel Expert" |
" Course access includes the exact files I use to download and follow along, 1 on 1 Instructor support, lifetime access and a 30 day money back guarantee It is time to master Excel. If you are a beginner and want to develop your Excel skills or have the desire to be an Excel guru, you have come to the right place.This course starts with the basics of formulas and managing spreadsheets and quickly moves to advanced Excel techniques required for creating powerful, dynamic and visually appealing spreadsheets.This course is perfect if you;Use Excel every day but want to improve your all-round skills and become the office expertHave a basic knowledge but want to take the plunge and develop your Excel musclesLearn all the essential skills in Excel to help get a new job or promotionThe course has been designed as a one-stop shop for all of the essential skills of Excel. It is very comprehensive and you can come back again and again to revisit the material.The course will be consistently updated with the latest features and techniques of Excel. With big plans for Excel and amazing features on the horizon - you can be sure to find lessons added to this course so that you stay ahead of the game.I teach in a hands-on way with unique examples demonstrating all of the essential features of Excel. You will not only understand HOW these Excel tools and formulas work but see examples of WHY they are so awesome.By the end of the course, you will be a confident user of Excel with the skills to progress your career further, or become the office Excel guru.During the course you will learn;To use the power of PivotTables to summarise large amounts of data and produce dynamic reports in minutes.Be confident in using over 30 of the most important Excel functions including INDEX, VLOOKUP, MID, IF, MATCH and COUNTIF.Create charts in a flash that visualize data effectively.Conditional Formatting to highlight data comparisons, progress and issues.Utilise the awesomeness of Power Query to import, shape and transform data.Clean up messy data with formulas, Flash Fill and other Excel features.Understand the data model in Excel and PowerPivot.To use macros to automate time-consuming tasks.And much much more.Why learn from me?I have been training business all around the world on how to get the most out of Excel for over 20 years.Learning and teaching Excel is my passion. I am a full time Excel trainer and consultant, so every day I am in the thick of the action teaching others to master Excel.I set up the Computergaga blog and YouTube channel 10 years ago where I am lucky enough to have taught millions of people across the globe to increase their skills and overcome everyday real world Excel problems.The course includes the exact files that I use in the lessons to download and follow along, lifetime access and 1 on 1 instructor support every step of the way.Don't delay. Take action. Grab a coffee and let's get started.Your journey towards mastering Excel starts today. "
Price: 174.99

"Google Analytics Mastery Bootcamp" |
"Now You Can Learn The Secrets of the World's Most Successful Online Marketers!If you can't measure it, you can't manage it! ~ Peter DruckerTrack, measure, and improve that which is working in your business, and the bottlenecks minimizing success. Understanding where to look, what to look for, and what to do with what you see will change everything you do in your business...Best part: You can check everything out for FREE if you choose!If you're looking for an insider"" shortcut guide to creating success online that will supercharge your business, your wealth, and give you your life back, then you've gotta read every word on this page.Because what you're about to learn will bring you whatever you desire in life. Buckets of money the awe and respect of people who now doubt you time to spend with your family and friends a new life without financial worry or indecision.You can get it with Google Analytics Mastery eCourse!...and the reason why...To be successful in business and in life you must have laser focus, and consistent action towards what's working. The secret is to know what's working, and not be distracted one bit by all the blinking new channels, tools, and sites that beg for your attention.Most people in business can get some traffic to their website, typically spend some time on Facebook or Twitter or any of the many social media sites available to them, and may do some basic search engine optimization. But when it comes to being successful online"", most don't have the time or direction to know where and what to focus on. So we try to do it all jack of all trades, master of none""Look. Everyone has access to Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, blah blah blah. The fact is your customers are really there too. They're searching on Google, they're hanging out on Facebook. So why then do most businesses just spin their wheels and flounder around in search of success?Think of it this way anyone can own a set of golf clubs. Typically there's an assortment of 10 or more clubs in the bag and you can whack the little dimpled thing with any one of those clubs.But to play golf wellto be a master of the game and make the ball go exactly where you want it to gothen you need to know what clubs to use and when. You need to know when the #7 club will put you within inches of your goal where #8 or 9 will leave you in the rough, lost in the sea of all the other golfers. you need the inside secrets you will not discover casually on your own.It's the same with analysis.The advanced, mega powerful secrets do not appear to you magically, just because now you're in the position of having to sell something. You need a guide.Google Analytics Mastery is that guide.It guides you by the hand and leads you through the hell of understanding Google Analytics past the explosion of reports staring back at you on your screen past the smoking wreckage of failed business and ruined dreamsand directly to action based steps that will produce ethical wealth and heavenly happiness that will bring you to tears.This is the insider"" course we wish was around when we were starting out online. Learning even one or two of these secrets would have short-cut our own success by oh five maybe ten years. Probably more.Included in this best-selling eCourse Now Available On Udemy are secrets most businesses never discover such as:How to quickly and properly set-up Google Analytics to reap the rewards of accurate dataThe magic of tracking goals and why you can't afford not to have this functioningHow to make advertising dollars go further with connecting cost per click results to your web analyticsVery simple strategy to know where to focus on search engine optimization what key phrases are worthwhile and which ones are a waste of your timeWhy your current data might be wrong, and a quick simple fix to solve itHow to navigate this endless realm of reports and crush the overwhelm (Looking right over our shoulder we guide you on our screen)How to analyze in lightning speed by looking only at the data you need to seeWhy potential customers immediately bolt for the exit on your web site and you didn't even realize you had a problem!How to look at the information visually if you're not a numbers person or just hate the endless numbersThe insanely effective secret of marketers and what they're looking atHow to explode your offline marketing results through measuring strategies yes even newspaper advertising can be trackedWhat is really driving sales or leads to your business, and whats just wasting your timeHow to spy on your prospects and see whats working with them on your siteHow some marketing affects other marketing and whether it turns to moneyHow to discover why your web sites failing within minutes of scanning the dataHow to measure a social media strategy immediately we're talking the second you hit enter on that tweet or Facebook update Why certain pages on your web site are killing your businessWhat content on your web site you shouldn't touch or risk back-tracking months or even years of progressWhat the search engines really think your business is about and how to fix itAnd the mystery behind online success, how some marketers seem to do everything right, and how you can apply this priceless observations to your businessand this is just the beginning. Once you have the basics down, taking actionable, measurable steps towards marketing improvement is easy.That's just a small sample of what you'll find in this members only eCourse. There is over 5 hours of video training, watching our screens as we guide you to becoming an analytics master. And give you the roadmap you need to start creating your own ridiculously successful marketing campaigns. The trainings are on average 10 minutes in length. This is a powerful way to learn watch the video, then apply the learning to your own business! Progress at your own pace or cram all weekend long and implement everything. Whichever works best for you.In addition, there is over 3 hours of special video case studies for online business management included... This is where the rubber hits the road and we apply all you've learned to real businesses, real data, real lives!Plus (and probably more critical than any other part of the course) in addition to the all that you get in the members area training you also receive Lifetime Membership to our monthly members only advanced trainings! Every month we continue to guide you by way of live webinars, special reports, or recorded case studies for members only to advance your learning and your results.When you think about it, this really isn't a training course you buy, rather an investment into your businesses foundation membership that will continue to give back for years to come. In fact the course continues to evolve every month as our members grow from the advanced members only trainings. And because this isn't just what we teach, but what we do if you get stuck, we're just a comment or email away as our Analytics team monitors the members area conversation.I don't care if you've never looked at a single page of web analytics in your life. Or if you're a veteran just trying to get further ahead with your results. Or if you've tried every shiny object that's come along and failed.None of that matters.The ONLY thing that mattersis your desire to get started. To start measuring ALL YOUR efforts and with laser focus, start taking the right actionable steps that bring in sales and new customers in a flood, fast and furious.This isn't brain surgery. You might be able to figure it all out on your own. Eventually.Or you can take advantage of the 10+ years of bumps, successes and failures figuring out how to maximize our results, and reduce effort. We've certainly made our mistakes trying to figure all this out, where to focus, what was really working, and what was completely a waste of our time. Lost staring at computer screens for hours, days even weeks not realizing the time spent was all in vain.There is absolutely no sane reason why you should want to waste years of your own life attempting to cover this same ground.This is the course we would have killed to own when we started out."
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC + Classic CC" |
"Lightroom Classic CC + Lightroom CCAdobe Lightroom Classic CCLightroom CCLightroom CCLightroom CCAdobe Lightroom Classic CCLightroom CCLightroom CCAdobe Lightroom Adobe Lightroom - Adobe LightroomAdobe LightroomLightroom Classic CCLightroomLightroom CCAdobe Lightroom301"
Price: 29.99

landscape-photography-course-chinese |
"ISO - Ashonti:D - TJ - Ornella - Omar30"
Price: 29.99

street-photography-course-chinese |
"ALS50Instagram- Rick- Stephen- Robert- Sergej30&"
Price: 29.99

"Becoming a Cloud Expert - Microsoft Azure IaaS - Level 2" |
"Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud providers (together with Amazon AWS and Google Cloud) with a global cloud infrastructure for providing public cloud services around the world. Cloud computing is one of the biggest and fastest technology revolutions in the IT industry and the global demand for more skilled people in the area of cloud computing is also growing rapidly across multiple industries. Becoming a Cloud ExpertIf you are looking to become a cloud expert, then this training program is designed to help you build the knowledge and experience about the subject of cloud computing while using the Azure cloud platform. The training program is divided into levels.Level 2 - is all about Monitoring...In level 1, we learned to build an end-to-end cloud solution inside the Microsoft Azure platform. Now it is time to learn how to monitor our IaaS solution effectively. In level 2, we are planning to learn how to monitor and analyze the performance and health of our Azure resources and applications as well as Azure platform and services. One thing for sure, it is going to be an exciting journey!Join us and start to pave your way as a Cloud Expert!"
Price: 199.99

"MikroTik CAPsMAN with LABS" |
"Many of you as network engineers have been requested to install a complete wireless network in a hotel, mall or exhibitions so the Wi-Fi covers the whole area to allow users to enjoy the wireless internet connectivity. In such a complex network, you require 10's and sometimes 100's of Wireless Access Points (APs) to provide the full coverage. Those APs require configuration to let them work, so if you have for example 100 APs to configure then you need to configure them one by one and this takes a lot of time.In our case, we can use MikroTik CAPsMAN so all MikroTik AP's can be controlled from one device and all settings on the Wireless can be changed from the CAPsMAN MikroTik Router - and this is the mission of this course.In this course, I will show you how you can connect all APs to the CAPsMAN and how you can control everything from the CAPsMAN itself. With a real LAB scenario, I will show you step by step how you can configure everything at the CAPsMAN then we will connect to the wireless and see that it is going to be working without any problem.Topics that will be covered in this course are:Initial Configuration on the CAPsMANConnect the CAPs to the CAPsMAN with and without certificatesCreate Channels in CAPsMANCreate Security profiles in CAPsMANCreate Configuration containers in the CAPsMANCreate Datapaths in CAPsMANMake Provisioning in the CAPsMANConfigure VLAN's on CAPsMANCreate Access listsMake a backup CAPsMAN for failoverMikroTik CAPsMAN is very required and information about how to configure it is not very clear, so this course can be like a reference for you to understand in details with LABS how to make MikroTik CAPsMAN works. I hope that you will enjoy my course."
Price: 19.99

"VBA Prctico con Excel: Inventarios y Cuentas Corrientes" |
"Los inventarios y cuentas corrientes se cuentan entre las aplicaciones ms requeridas por las pequeas y micro empresas. El control de las mercaderas y del flujo de ingresos y egresos son necesidades reales de casi todo pequeo empresario y siempre se podr encontrar gente dispuesta a adquirir estos programas Este curso entrega las herramientas para escribir programas de inventarios y cuentas corrientes insertados en hojas Excel usando el Visual Basic para Aplicaciones, junto con el curso se entregan programas hechos en hojas Excel que pueden servir de base para aprender y elaborar tus propios desarrollos comerciales. El curso puede ser de gran utilidad para quienes piensen dedicarse a vender aplicaciones -sencillas o complejas- basadas en inventarios y cuentas corrientes a pequeos negocios. El curso est compuesto de 25 lecciones y proyectado para completarse en 8 semanas, dedicando unas 4 a 6 horas por semana, parte desde lo ms bsico y los que hayan hecho el curso "Visual Basic para Oficinas" o tengan rudimentos de Visual Basic podrn completarlo sin dificultad."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Facebook Marketing 2020 (Complete Masterclass)" |
"**BRAND NEW & UP TO DATE 2020 - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**2020 Facebook Marketing And Ads MasterclassOver 1.4 billion people use Facebook every day! Grow your business by telling your brands story to connect with new customers who will love your business. Marketing isn't simple, and I want you to succeed so by following my step by step simple strategies to gain targeted followers you will significantly increase your businesses revenue. You will find your customers on Facebook and establish your business's presence so that people can connect with you.IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN:Create an attractive, powerful, optimised and professional home for your brand on FacebookIdentify and Reach your target customers through Facebook everyday in your desired niche!An exact blueprint to optimize your Facebook Page to Expand Your Customer Base with Facebook A fool-proof system of how to automatically increase your Facebook reach and Influence using Ads on FacebookConnect Directly with your customer with Facebook messenger marketingHarness Facebook groups to create a huge community around your brand's messageI have an easy to follow step by step techniques to grow your Facebook page and market your business. You will tell your brands story with a compelling and professional profile and reach thousands of new customers, building a strong and trustworthy relationship through Facebook. You will skyrocket your brands awareness to a level beyond your expectations and you will have the tools to create quality content and market your business to hyper-targeted customers.2020 Facebook Marketing And Ads Masterclass Contents and Overview:In this course, I start with the very basics and you will learn how to create a powerful, professional Facebook profile for your business designed to effectively appeal to your target customer. I then cover how to create engaging content, expand your customer base and how to create and harness the power of a Facebook group. You will learn how to connect directly with your customer with Facebook messenger marketing and how to interpret and learn from Facebook Insights. Finally I will give you the Top 7 Tips and Tricks for Growing and Selling through the Facebook Platform.What sets this apart from other Facebook management & marketing courses is that by the end of this course - you will know all the strategies for you to grow your Facebook page and convert your successful Facebook statistics into sales, customers and loyal fans!All the time I are here to answer questions and hold your hand."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Form Component with VueJs" |
"Over the past few years VueJs has become one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. This is mainly due to its intuitive and easy to learn api - reason why so many developers opt in to use it over some other, well known JavaScript frameworks.During this course you will explore one if it's most powerful tools - components.We will learn how to code an Advanced Form Component with a set of sub-components to tackle most of the requirements of any online form.We will have a look at how to produce a range of input components, how to integrate internal and external triggers, how to integrate CKEditor as an input type component to seamlessly work with our Form Wrapper.We will also learn how to build a Dependable Dropdown select inputs using three different approaches.In another chapter we'll cover a list of records, each associated with the checkbox - allowing us to submit a request to remove, or export a range of records.In the last episode we'll learn how to add the toggle button to disable / enable all fields and buttons associated with a single instance of the form."
Price: 24.99

"Excel for Mac Basics" |
"Get Started with Microsoft Excel -The Most Useful Software Ever CreatedExcel can do almost anything crunch numbers, create lists, store data, edit budgets, and more. In this basics course well show you how to get started with Excel on a Mac, including using the most popular features.Whether youre a first-time Excel user, or if you just want to re-learn the fundamentals, this course is for you!"
Price: 24.99

"Kompletny przewodnik: Co to Podcast od podstaw" |
"Struktura kursuCo to podcast to skada si z piciu podstawowych czci. Na pocztku bd opowiada o tym czym waciwie jest podcast. Jak. Zaplanowa swj wasny podcast zarwno w jaki sposb wybra tematyk ogln jak i jak pracowa nad poszczeglnymi odcinkami. Nastpnie przejdziemy do czci troszk zakupowej. Opowiem o sprzcie i oprogramowaniu Adobe Soundbooth CC. Od podstaw przeprowadz ci przez praktyczne przykady montau od zera. Kurs zawiera wiele przykadowych nagra eby sam mg posucha barwy gosu i dlaczego inaczej brzmi kiedy nagrywamy w stron okna ni kiedy w wasnej garderobie. To praktyczny kurs dla kadego kogo interesuje nagrywanie i produkcja ludzkiego gosu. Do tego pokae w jaki sposb zbudowa swoje studio eby jednoczenie nie zbankrutowa. Pniej przejdziemy do czci mocno technicznej pokae w jaki sposb nagrywany podcasty. W jaki sposb pniej je montuje i w jaki sposb walczy z najczciej pojawiajcymi si problemami technicznymi. Wreszcie na zakoczenie pokae w jaki sposb skonfigurowa WordPress albo w jaki sposb inaczej opublikowa podcast w sieci aby dotrze do swoich suchaczy. Ostatnia cz kursu ktra bdzie odpowiedziami na najczciej pojawiajce si z waszej strony pytania bdzie uzupeniana przez kolejne miesice.Skd ten kurs?""Bya ciemna deszczowa noc gdzie w grudniu 1999 roku byem wanie po dosy dugiej podry samochodem. Wtedy jako wieo upieczony mieszkaniec Warszawy co dwa tygodnie jedziem do domu. Podr do domu zajmowaa mi midzy 4 a 6 godzin w zalenoci od ruchu. Pogoda bya fatalna i po tych szeciu godzinach nie wysiadem z samochodu. Po tych szeciu godzinach jazdy nie wsiadem dlatego e byem bardzo zmczony tylko dlatego e w radiu bya rewelacyjna audycja. Akurat Piotr Kaczkowski jeden z moich ulubionych trjkowych dziennikarzy opowiada puszcza naprawd klimatyczn muzyk jeszcze przez p godziny po przyjedzie nie wsiadem. Suchaem. Kolejny raz. Taka magia dwiku zapaa mnie mniej wicej dwa i p roku temu. Tym razem nie byo to radia to by podcast nazywa si serial i by pod miastem ktry wyprowadzi podcasty na Mainstream. To audycja ledcza o ktrej rozmawiaa caa Ameryka. Audycja ktra doprowadzia do tego e prokuratura w Stanach Zjednoczonych powanie rozwaaj ponownie rozwi losy jednego z winiw ktry zosta oskarony o zabjstwo ktrego by moe nie popeni i zosta skazany. Jeeli si mu powiedzie podcast uratuje mu ycie. ""Kurs przedstawa ukasz Jachowicz.Kim jestem i dlaczego o tym opowiadam? Poniewa jestem podkasterem. Jestem w internecie od lat dziewidziesitych praktycznie od samego pocztku tworz jakie treci. Pocztkowo by to jeden z pierwszych w internecie serwisw informacyjnych. Potem zapaem si na bak internetow. Pniej zaczem kiedy baka pka. Wasne portale internetowe a w kocu moje ycie zawodowe cigno mnie od internetu. Zajem si doradzaniem korporacjom i decydentom ale w dalszym cigu gdzie w tle cay czas zajmowaem si ledzeniem trendw w internecie oraz tworzeniem rnego rodzaju treci. Jak si okazao mniej wicej w okolicach roku dwutysicznego otworzyem swj pierwszy podcast. Razem z kolegami nazwalimy go Radio Linux OS i nie wiedzielimy e tworzymy podcast bo nazwa podcasty powstaa trzy albo cztery lata pniej. Nazwalimy to po prostu radiem ktre byo dostpne przez sie i byo dostpne nie tylko na ywo ale rwnie w postaci mp3 ktre si samodzielnie cigamy. Obecnie prowadz dwa podcasty wiat w trzy minuty. To jest bardzo popularna w polskich sferze audycja powicona nauce i technice gdzie w cigu trzech minut prbuj opowiedzie o najbardziej interesujcych rzeczach dla mnie o tej audycji troszk opowiem pniej kiedy bd opowiada w jaki sposb wpadem na pomys oraz prowadz podkasterw ktra jest nieregularne audycje gdzie staram si rozmawia z podcasterami o tym dlaczego tworz podcasty co jest w tym dla nich interesujcego. Jakie problemy rozwizuj jakie problemy potrzebuj rozwiza jednoczenie.Su pomoc podcastow i od duszego czasu pomagam i pocztkujcym i zaawansowanym w chodzeniu przez ich problemy techniczne. Moliwo pobrania kursuJako e podcasty zawsze byy pobierane moesz pobra ten kurs i obejrze lub usysze audycje bez koniecznoci dostpu do internetu! Zapisz si ju dzi i zacznij swoj przygod z praktycznym podcastingiem od podkasterzy.Photo credit Jason Rosewell on Unsplash"
Price: 249.99

"Nmap le A Kefi-En ok Kullanlan Etik Hacking Arac" |
"Nmap le A Kefi-En ok Kullanlan Etik Hacking Arac Kursuna Ho Geldiniz!Nmap, bilgisayar alar uzman Gordon Lyon (Fyodor) tarafndan gelitirilmi bir gvenlik taraycsdr. Taranan an haritasn karabilir ve adaki hostlarda alan servislerin durumlarn, iletim sistemlerini, portlarn durumlarn gzlemleyebilir.Nmap kullanarak aa bal herhangi bir bilgisayarn iletim sistemi, alan fiziksel aygt tipleri, alma sresi, yazlmlarn hangi servisleri kulland, yazlmlarn srm numaralar, bilgisayarn gvenlik duvarna sahip olup olmad, a kartnn reticisinin ad gibi bilgiler renilebilmektedir.Nmap tamamen zgr GPL lisansl yazlmdr ve istendii takdirde sitesinin ilgili blmnden kaynak kodu indirilebilmektedir. Nmap' n kullanlabildii iletim sistemleri Linux, Windows, MacOS, Solaris, BSD ve AmigaOS olarak sralanabilir fakat poplerlii ncelikle Linux daha sonrasnda Windows'tadr.Nmap konusunda uzman olmadan iyi bir etik hacker veya a-sistem yneticisi olamazsnz.Bu kursun sonunda alar taramak iin Nmap kullanma konusunda pratik bir beceriye sahip olacaksnz. Bilgisayar korsanlarnn yararlanabilecei sistemlerdeki gvenlik aklarn ve zayf ynlerini bulabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Digital Painting Tools & Techniques For Beginners" |
"Push your skills to the next level with this course! We will be moving past simple shapes and lines into more advanced illustration techniques where you will learn how to create different material types like metal and wood. You will also learn about the human form and anatomy, and how that translates into more realistic digital paintings. Whether you are new to digital paining or a seasoned professional, this step by step series will take your artistic abilities to the next level, as we explore tons of powerful techniques witch will allow you to master the illustration of both hard surfaces and organic forms. We have a ton of amazing topics to cover and we cant wait to see what you create with the powerful techniques and tools youll learn with us. Don't stop here, Jump into the full Digital Painting Master Class for just $25 with coupon code: 50THANKS - Code valid until December 23"
Price: 79.99

"Creating with Canva: Design Like A Pro With No Experience" |
"This design course is intended for people with no background in design, as well as those who may be designers but would like to learn a new and simple tool that is accessible on the web. Canva was invented by a group of former Google employees. I am highly impressed with the interface and it's usefulness. Even if you are not a pro, you can start designing beautiful graphics in less than an hour! The only limit is your imagination. A well balanced design composition that is appealing can draw in more clients and customers as opposed to an unbalanced and unappealing ad which can actually make people feel uncomfortable and turn them off of your online products, or eBook. So it isn't just a luxury to have well designed graphicsit's a need if you want to attract a bigger audience. Jump in now and let's get started! We'll have you designing like a pro in no time! Best of all- the Canva interface is free and accessible on the web from desktop and tablet."
Price: 19.99

"Front-End Web Development: Getting Responsive with Bootstrap" |
"This one-day course moves beyond the basics to help you take your web development skills to the next level. Learn how to integrate well-designed themes and templates, build responsive pages that look great on both desktop and mobile, and make the whole thing load faster for your visitors. Responsive design with HTML5 Boilerplate, Initializr, and Bootstrap How to use Themeforest and 99 Designs to make your site look great Web Typography with Google Fonts Intermediate-level styling with CSS Basic uses of JQuery and Javascript Page Speed Optimization Demos of LAMP stack, Meteor.js, and Ruby on Rails Extras: Mailchimp responsive emails, intro to Github Pages and Jekyll, Comments with Facebook and Disqus"
Price: 19.99

(HR) |
"(HR) . . ."
Price: 29.99

"Clear stress in less time than it takes to find the Valium" |
"My brain injury inspired me to spend the last 25 years scouring the world for fast, easy, fun solutions to CLEARING stress, not just managing it. - I knew there had to be alternatives to drugs, and I found some doozies! I am living proof that these emPOWERment tools work for every kind of stress from money stresses to relationship crisis; and they are just as effective for kids as they are for adults. - PLEASE teach them to your kids, we should all have been taught these things in kindergarten. Imagine how much easier life would have been if school had taught us to Instantly reprogram our primitive brain centers to have a composed response to stress instead of an automatic stress reaction. So that when everyone around you is losing their minds, you are relaxed, and have a clear head REGARDLESS OF CIRCUMSTANCE! - Relaxing instantly and keeping a clear head are just the first two emPOWERment tools youll learn. They can mean the difference between life and death so they will always be FREE in the first part of the course. The rest of the tools help make life worth living; and everything life throws at us a whole lot easier to cope with. The AMA tells us that more than 90% of illness is stress related, but stressful situations aren't usually the cause of long term health problems. Our inability to cope with stress is what makes us sick. We are not taught how our brains and bodies work, or how to program them for optimal functioning under stress. Instead we learn to suppress the symptoms that are there to draw our attention to causes that need to be addressed. This is never long term helpful. It WILL eventually make you sick, and cost you a whole lot to fix in time, money, energy, focus, relationships etc. These emPOWERment tools will give you an edge in every part of your life; from helping to heal the pain of the past, to moving forward powerfully into the future. They work because they Tackle CAUSES not SYMPTOMS Provide immediate positive results 3 minutes or less Are easy enough for a child to do Have NO negative side effects Are FUN! So enjoy bringing your stress down to zero, and then have your mind blown by what the emPOWERment Tools when you AREN'T stressed! Unfriggingbelievable benefits in productivity increase alone! Give every technique you learn a fair go to find out just how effective it really is, and when you experience the difference, pay it forward. Tell your mates and everyone you care about. Life isn't getting any less challenging, we have to step up, and skill up. $125 will get you a month's worth of Valium, or a lifetime supply of emPOWERment tools that could make the Valium redundant. Invest in yourself."
Price: 124.99

"Virus Removal Step By Step" |
"The number of PC's getting infected with viruses is increasing year to year. An infection can cause you to lose access to your PC, lose files, and can cost hundreds of dollars to fix. Here is a link to a recent article form PCWorld that highlights the current threat from viruses. PCWorld Article If you take your PC to a computer shop to get a virus cleaned it can cost anywhere from $50 to several hundred dollars. Here is a link to the Geek Squad's page on virus cleanup's so you can get an idea of what prices they charge. Geek Squad Prices This course will show you step by step how to remove a Virus Infection using free tools and proven techniques. Learn how to create a Bootable CD. Learn how to delete drop files while booted from a CD Learn how to run a Virus Scan while booted from a CD Learn how to boot to Safe Mode Learn how to install and run multiple free AV removal applications Learn how to make sure your system is virus free Join over 250 current students taking the course 30 day Money Back Guarantee"
Price: 49.99

"Computer Basics For Seniors: The Easy Way To Learn Computers" |
"Do you feel intimidated by computers? Do you often find yourself frustrated when attempting to do seemingly simple tasks in Windows? Do you have a parent that struggles with learning how to use a PC? If you answered yes to any of the above questions than this course is for you. This course will guide you step by step on the basics of using a PC, from explanations of the terminology to the simple use of your computer to accomplish what you wanted to do with it when you first purchased it. This course can be given as a gift to a loved one to help them get comfortable with their Windows PC. The course starts out by actually showing how to best use the course and gives examples of how to navigate the course and download the supplemental materials that go along with the course. As with all of Udemy's course, their is a full 30 day money back guarantee, so this is no risk in trying the course."
Price: 49.99

"Hacking and Penetration Testing from Scratch with METASPLOIT" |
"LAST UPDATED: 07/2020Hacking and Penetration Testing from Scratch with METASPLOITLearn how to test security mechanisms and how to conduct penetration tests on working machines or databases. Ethical Hacking 101Ethical Hacking Hands-On CourseBefore we begin: the practical use of the course you are going to see has been proven by thousands of people all over the world beginners and computer geeks as well. People who make their first steps in computer / network security and professionals: network administrators, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers. Please, read carefully what we'd like to share with you.Welcome to IT Secutiry Academy! IT Security Academy (ISA) is a company that associates ITsec Professionals. Now we are proud to share our knowledge online. Certified experts (CISS, MCSE:MS, CEH, CISSP) have created courses from Beginner to Advanced level. Our goal is to provide the highest quality materials you've ever seen online and prepare you not only for certification exams, but also teach you pratical skills. You're welcome to join us and start your training now. About the trainingLearn the most popular pentesting framework: METASPLOIT. If you are thinking about IT security seriously - you need to know Metasploit. Learn how to use it, how to conduct an attack, how to find vulnerabilities and patch them. Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit. First complete training explained from scratch. You will see on step-by-step presentations what to do. IT Security Adacemy Expert will explain how it works and how to use Metasploit. Take your IT sec knowledge to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Windows Phone - Programming for Beginners" |
"LAST UPDATED: 05/2020Gain prestige Microsoft Certified Proffesional Developer (MCPD) title. This course will help to prepare for following exams: (70-506), (70-516), (70-599)Programming Windows Phone step by step We have prepared 22 professional lectures, during which you will learn from sctrach, how to create mobile apps for one of the quickest growing system in the world! This course is full of theory and Case Studies, preview code created during exercise. Are you a beginner in programming or you can already program on iOS or Android platform, but you want to be multiplatform developer and expand your skills? This course is for you! Comprehensive knowledge and solid base for everyone The course is prepared in an attractive, multimedia package, trainer demonstrates step by step how to properly code and together you will create your first application. Completion of the course provides a solid base and a comprehensive understanding of the key issues of programming for Windows Phone. Additionaly lecturer is an experienced programmer and Nokia Developer Certified Trainer! What you will learn? Our trainer will present you from scratch the architecture of Windows Phone platform, will show you how to install the Visual Studio, how to get around it. Then you will find out what are the basic structure of the application, you will learn how to create your first project, and run it on the simulator or on your own device. Don't worry, If you don't know C# - in this course you will find basics of this programming language (4 lectures). More about the course content in the section: What am I going to get from this course? It's one and only course for beginning Windows Phone programmers that you'll find on Udemy. Full of basic theory and practice. Create your first application with Educativo - Nokia Developer Certified Trainer!! Try it now! "
Price: 99.99

"Windows Phone - Programming for Advanced" |
"LAST UPDATED: 05/2020This course Windows Phone - Programming for Advanced and Windows Phone - Programming for Beginners will help you to prepare for following exams: (70-506), (70-516), (70-599)Windows Phone - Programming for Advanced is the continuation of our basic course. You will acquire knowledge and skills needed to attain the position of mobile application developer, you will create advanced applications. You will see the ways of displaying advertisements and you will find out how to earn from them! More about the course content in the section: What am I going to get from this course? Are you a beginner in programming or you can already program on iOS or Android platform, but you want to be multiplatform developer and expand your skills? This course is for you! Comprehensive knowledge and solid base for everyone Completion of the course provides a solid base and a comprehensive understanding of the key issues of programming for Windows Phone. Additionaly lecturer is an experienced programmer and Nokia Developer Certified Trainer! It's one and only course for Windows Phone developers that you'll find on Udemy. Full of theory and practice. Create advanced application with Educativo - Nokia Developer Certified Trainer!! Try it now! "
Price: 99.99

"Android - professional mobile development" |
"LAST UPDATED: 05/2020**YOU WILL GET ACCESS TO ALL PROJECT FILES CREATED DURING THIS COURSE** Learn by doing! Learn from practical examples! During this course you will create 2 advanced applications, that you can extend according your ideas! You will learn how to create popular game like Snake and how to add support for touchscreen, how to make your game more advanced and professional looking. Next with trainer you will program Conference App. A lot of usefull tips and tricks! Every minute of the course was prepared with programmers in mind. You won't be bored with basic knowledge you already have.You will face many practical tasks and will have unlimited attempts, enabling you to perfect your skills. What will you gain? mobile application developer qualifications,practical solution knowledge,ability to create your own advanced applications,possibility to earn from your own applications via Google Play."
Price: 99.99

"How To Copyright Your Music" |
"I've coached thousands of artists around the world via my courses and my coaching program Fanbase University.The #1 question that keeps coming up is ""How do Icopyright my music"".When I first started writing songs back in 2000 I too was scared someone might steal my my song or idea or chorus that I had written.This course will put to rest any fears you have about copyright and allow you to focus on doing what you do best which is writing and creating great music."
Price: 49.99
