"Spotify Accelerator" |
"'These are the strategies I personally use to make a full time income with my music online'Learn how to release and promote your music on SpotifyHow to get your music in front of Spotify Editors for the BIG Spotify PlacementsHow To Get On Spotify Playlists At No Cost To YouCreate a release plan and schedule that triggers the Spotify Algorithm so you get found by new fans"
Price: 99.99

"Facebook Accelerator" |
"As a Once Struggling Musician I'm Now Using Facebook to Sell 20-30 CD's of My Album Every Day Using This Proven System I Personally Developed That Has Now Helped Hundreds of Other Artists Do the Same.It takes less then 30 minutes to setup and once it's going you can just watch the likes come in.My students are blown away that it actually works and say ""I never would of thought Id have new fans that actually liked and even SHARED my music with their friends!I failed music in school and never thought I'd tour 22 countries and sell hundreds of thousands of albums.I was super shy and introverted but I wanted to share my music with the world. After signing and getting ripped off by record labels I figured out I don't need a label>>>All I need is my fans and finally I learned how to market to them using this Facebook strategy.The #1 thing holding me back from pursuing music as a full time career was fear.I was scared to quit my job but I was tired of coming into the office exhausted after playing a killer show the night before.So one day I took the leap of faith and for the last 15 years music has been my primary source of income. Strategies like this Facebook Accelerator and how to get 10,000 real fans actually listening to my music has been a game changer so I wanted to share it with you.Wishing you nothing but success!I remember what it's like to be a struggling artist trying to get your music heard......because I've been there I want to show you the way to being a successful artist and avoid the mistakes I made.Just promise to give me a shout out when you get your 10,000 fans!Chris/Manafest"
Price: 99.99

"Mandalas e seu uso teraputico" |
"O curso Mandalas e seu uso teraputico uma introduo ao universo da tcnica teraputica com mandalas, e tem como base o trabalho do psicanalista Carl Gustav Jung. Atualmente muitos profissionais de diversas reas utilizam mandalas com fins teraputicos, porm algumas vezes, desconhecem todo o seu potencial de cura e equilbrio interior. Professores, terapeutas holsticos e outros profissionais da rea da Sade e Educao utilizam mandalas, algumas vezes conjuntamente com outras tcnicas, relatando diversos benefcios, entre eles: maior equilbrio psquico; melhoria nos relacionamentos interpessoais, comunicao e aprendizado; sensao de bem-estar, relaxamento e paz interior. Neste curso, voc conhecer as potencialidades desta tcnica teraputica. Os usos mais comuns de mandalas, e efeitos teraputicos percebidos em sua utilizao. Conhecer tambm um pouco mais sobre o trabalho do mandalaterapeuta, assim como as posturas e as atitudes necessrias para utilizar a tcnica de mandalas. Aprender quais so os aspectos que devem ser observados para a realizao da anlise e interpretao de mandalas, assim como o significado psicolgico atribudo em relao s cores, s formas, aos traos, aos nmeros, aos smbolos, a localizao do desenho no espao disponvel e a simetria em mandalas. Descobrir os cuidados que devem ser observados em sua utilizao. Estrutura do curso:As aulas foram elaboradas em diversos materiais para servir como suporte ao aprendizado do aluno: vdeos, slides, textos, material de estudo para download, testes e exerccio de interpretao. Carga horria: 19 aulas com a durao de mais de 3 (trs) horas de contedo. Inscreva-se em nosso curso e descubra voc tambm como utilizar mandalas para seu autoconhecimento!"
Price: 369.99

"Basitten leriye Excel ++" |
"Gnmzde hemen hemen her bilgisayarda ykl olmasna ramen en az bilinen programdr EXCEL. Nedeni ise ilgintir. Excel bilmek o ii yapyor olmak anlamna gelmez. Excel bir aratr. Olduka kullanl ve pratik zmler ile sizidoru analiz ve sonulara ulatrr. En byk sorunlardan birisi isebilgisayar kullanma becerisine sahipbireylerin her ii bilgisayar banda zmeyealmalardr. Bu noktada excel sizin iinize yaramayacak, girilen veriler, hesaplamalar bir mddet sonra p olacaktr.rneklendireyim, Excelde bir problemi zmek ya da ilgili taraflara ilerini planlamalar ya da zmeleri iin veri salamak istiyor olalm. Bu hemen excelde bir eyler yapalm anlamna gelmez. lgili kiiler ile i ve ilemler hakknda detayl grmeler yapmanz ve bir ok bilgiyi defalarca gzden geirmeniz hatta o iin yapld alanda saatlerce belkide gnlerce gzlem yapmanzanlamna gelir.Yani o ii renmeniz anlamna gelir. yle ki o ii yllarca yapm kiilerden daha iyi renmek durumundasnz vebuna da mecbursunuz. Aksi halde biri gelir bu ileri sizin yerinize planlar, nnze bir excel sayfas koyar sizde mesai saati bitimine kadar kendinizi veri giri operatr olarak bulursunuz. Bu demek deil ki veri giri operatr olmak kt bir ey, hayr deildir. Bu da bir itir tpk taksi ofr olanbirinin ayn yollardan defalarca gidip gelmesi gibidir. oumuzda alan birinin nnde ak bir excel sayfas grdmzde onun excel bildiini dnmemize neden olur.Excel bilmek nasl anlalr. Ara kullanan biri yolculuk esnasnda tekerlei patladnda ara yardm bekliyorsa bu excel bilmiyor eer aratan inip tekerleini deitirip yoluna devam ediyorsa bu kii excel biliyor diye dnebilirsiniz.yle ki, excel kullanabilen kii bir problemle karlatnda bunu yardmsz (zm ekli nemsiz) zebiliyorsa excel dnyasnda yadsnamaz bir baar sahibidir. (zm iin sadece kendi olanaklar kullanarak, kitaplar okuyarak, dakikalarca sren videolar izleyerek, bilgisayar banda saatler harcayarak bunu baarr). unu yapan pek baar sahibi olamaz. ""yle bir problemim var bunu benim yerime yapar msn"". Onun yerineyle soran kii ""bir problemim var zm iin nerilerin var m""Excel dnyasna ho geldiniz. Hi bir ey eskisi gibi olmayacak daha iyi olacak :)"
Price: 199.99

"Curso Bsico de Peluquera Canina" |
"Este curso esta dirigido a cualquier persona que con paciencia, cuidado y voluntad le gusten los animales, y entienda el comportamiento canino, ante las situaciones de estrs que puede producir la peluqueria canina. En este curso bsico, aprenderas que la peluqueria canina se puede dividir en 4 pasos bsicos y fundamentales: el corte inicial, donde se determinar qu corte se har y el paso siguiente a cumplir segn el estado del pelo de la mascota; el bao que debe realizarse con cuidado de no maltratar los ojos o mucosas de la mascota, aqu se debe tener el champ, esponjas, acondicionador y medicacin; el secado el cual se hace con pao absorbente, soplador y secador, teniendo todo el cuidado de no quemar al animal: y por ltimo el retoque final, aqu se termina de definir el corte, usando nuevamente la maquina con hojillas, las tijeras, los cepillos y peines, para definir el corte y colocar los accesorios que se requieran,- lazos, corbatin o bufanda-, en este punto el corte debe quedar perfecto en su definicin. Espero que lo disfrutes y sirva para iniciarte en el mundo de la peluqueria canina y del cuidado de mascotas!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Surviving Digital Forensics: Volume Shadow Copy" |
"All SDF classes are in the process of being updated. Thank you for your patience.Time travel anyone? Well, sort of... By creating computer forensic images from volume shadow copies you are able to capture the system in different points in time- going back days, weeks, months or even years. Drop these images into your favorite computer forensic tool and suddenly your pulling up previous versions of documents and deleted files and folders. I have used this technique to overcome the effects of computer ""wiping"" and ""cleaning"" utilities. This class teaches you how to identify and create these images in a few quick steps- no high cost computer forensic tools needed. In fact, you will be amazed how easy it is to do. If you are a computer forensic analyst then this is one of the top skills you need to have."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Forensic Virtual Machine" |
"Updated for the new SIFT CLI MethodThis class will teach you how to create a forensic virtual machine using freely available tools. Follow step-by-step instructions to set-up your virtual hardware, install Ubuntu Linux (version 16.04) and install the new SIFT Workstation.The SIFT workstation is a pre-made computer forensic platform loaded with Linux-based forensic tools.Take advantage of one the best computer forensic platforms available andhave it at the ready as a virtual machine for when you need it."
Price: 29.99

"SDF: Weblog Forensics" |
"Welcome to the Surviving Digital Forensics series. This class provides hands-on training that teaches weblog forensic triage techniques.Learn weblog fundamentals from a DFIR point-of-viewUnderstand weblog components for their investigative valueLearn how to create custom IOC sweepsLearn how to create frequency analysis sweeps using IP addresses, status codes, request methods, etc.Learn how to create attack pattern sweeps for SQL injection, web shells, XSS and moreLearn how to automate the sweeps into a single, simple script"
Price: 49.99

"Effective Time Management - Get 10X More Done in Less Time" |
"If you have ever taken a time management course, you've probably faced the frustration of trying to manage your time better and not succeeding. This is because time management is a Myth. What this course will teach you, is the concept of "Task Management." In other words, it will teach you how to accomplish more high value tasks, so that you get a 10X greater return for all of the work you put in every hour. Using the principles of the 20/80 Rule and Parkinson's law, you will learn how to increase the value of the things you do within your limited time, so that you can have as much as 200X greater impact from what you do. In this course you will learn: How to get 10X more done in half as much time. The #1 Key to effective time management. How to identify the highest value tasks in your business that bring the most revenue and profit. How to ONLY do the highest 1% of activities that brings the lion's share of rewards. How to create a successful routine that consistently brings you successful results. 7 ways to guarantee that you get things done. How to shave off an extra 1 - 2 days off of your week. And much, much more."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Completo: De Principiante hasta Avanzado + Certificado" |
"Excel Completo: De Principiante a Avanzado (Bsico - Intermedio - Avanzado) + Certificado Todas las habilidades y competencias de Excel que las empresas piden y que necesitas para tener xito laboral.Te gustara adquirir una de las competencias y habilidades ms solicitadas por las empresas en la actualidad? o tal vez.Te gustara hacerte ms empleable y as alcanzar tu xito laboral? O quizs. Quieres aprender Excel desde lo ms bsico hasta convertirte en un experto en esta herramienta? Si has respondido S a alguna de estas preguntas, djame contarte que ests en el lugar y en el curso correcto.Este curso es perfecto para todos aquellos que quieran aprender desde cero esta herramienta; como tambin, para todos aquellos que ya poseen cierto conocimiento de Excel y quieran o necesiten perfeccionarse an ms. Este curso NO es para aquellas personas que quieran aprender en profundidad cmo crear o programar Macros.Mi nombre es Alfonso Rinsche y he sido profesor de Excel desde el ao 2006 en una de las mejores y ms importante universidades de Latinoamrica. En el ao 2012 fui elegido como el mejor profesor de la Escuela de Negocio de dicha universidad. En la actualidad cuento con ms de 950 alumnos inscritos en mis cursos online. La mayora provenientes de Chile, Mxico, Colombia, Espaa y Estados Unidos. Mis cursos online se ensean en ms de 20 pases alrededor del mundo. Este curso en especial cuenta con ms de 50 reseas o valoraciones de 5 estrellas.El dominio de Microsoft Excel es una de las habilidades ms buscadas por los empleadores. De hecho, en un gran porcentaje de anuncios de trabajo, las empresas piden como requisito saber utilizar Excel; al menos, en un nivel intermedio. De ah hacia arriba. Si no cumples con este requisito, definitivamente estars fuera de mercado (lo que significa estar cesante) y no podrs optar ni a mejores empleos ni mucho menos a mayores salarios. Y tu sueo del xito laboral se ver mermado.En este curso encontrars muchos ejercicios en donde pondrs en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos. Muchos de ellos los explico en vdeo; por lo que tendrs la posibilidad de desarrollarlos junto conmigo. Otros, los dejo como desafo. As podrs poner a prueba tu aprendizaje. NO tengas miedo! Cualquier duda que tengas, me podrs contactar directamente a travs de esta plataforma.Cuando finalices el curso, tendrs la opcin de recibir un Certificado de Trmino. Este certificado es un documento que podrs imprimir y mostrar como evidencia que realizaste y terminaste este curso de Excel online.Este curso est organizado en 4 reas o etapas:Introduccin: Punto de partida ideal para aquellos que tienen poco o nulo conocimiento de Excel.Bsico: Comenzamos a trabajar con grficos y algunas funciones de Excel como Suma, Promedio, Sumar.SiIntermedio: Aqu tocaremos temas como las funciones Si y BuscarV. Tambin hablaremos de herramientas como las Tablas Dinmicas.Avanzado: Qu temas vemos ac? Listas Desplegables Dependientes, Validacin y Proteccin de Hojas, Escenarios.por nombrar algunos.Si todo esto es como msica para tus odos, si te hace sentido.ests en el lugar correcto. Aprende hoy Excel para no quedar fuera de mercado y aumentar CONSIDERABLEMENTE tu confianza, tu tranquilidad econmica y tus posibilidades de lograr ese tan ansiado xito laboral! Presiona el botn COMPRAR AHORA que est en la pantalla. Chao..Que tengas un excelente da y Nos vemos en clases!Alfonso Rinsche C.Profesor universitario premiado."
Price: 44.99

"Digital Painting, Corel Painter Essentials, Beginners Guide" |
"Updated - 28/03/19 -- Added new article listing all known (to me) keyboard shortcuts.Gone are the days of messy oils and smelly turpentine! Welcome to the world of Digital Painting. Using one of the most beginner friendly applications on the market, you will learn how to create stunning painterly style digital paintings from scratch.Already a traditional painter? No problem! You can now apply your years of experience in the digital world and achieve fantastic results in no time.Just starting out with digital painting? Congratulations, you are about to embark on a creative journey that will keep you occupied for many happy years to come.Learn Digital Painting with Corel Painter Essentials today and create the images that you want to create!"
Price: 19.99

"Viral Video Authority How To Go Viral On YouTube" |
""Like a lot of people, I've always been intrigued at YouTube as one of the "big pillars" of the Internet - but somehow never felt I was getting the full benefit from it - until I went through Miss K's Viral Video Authority course. Not only is this program a solid education in how to get the most and the best from YouTube - it's left me feeling empowered and inspired! Many thanks, MissK!"-- Dennis Sinnott, U.S.A A Viral Video on YouTube Can Literally Take A Struggling Business From Woe To Wow In A Matter Of Days!!! Viral videos succeed because YOUR IDEAL AUDIENCE likes them and spreads them on to other people. If the audience doesnt get it, the video doesnt go viral, and unfortunately, there is nothing that can guarantee the response you want. The Viral Video Authority training gives you the key strategies in creating a video that can potentially go VIRAL! Training includes 23 videos purely dedicated to teaching you how to potentially go viral AND 55 YouTube Marketing lessons to help you optimize your presence on YouTube!!! In this training, you'll learn: Lesson 1: Understanding The Types of Viral Videos The first step in getting a video to go viral is to understand the different types of viral videos so you can better determine which type works best for you. Lesson 2: What It Takes To Go VIRAL (part 1) This lessons breaks down each one of the elements to going VIRAL so that you can easily integrate them in your videos. Lesson 3: What It Takes To Go VIRAL (part 2) Well continue to analyze the key elements you should include in your video to seriously boost your chances of going viral. Lesson 4: Video Marketing Where To Share Your Videos To Boost Your Chances Of Going Viral (part 1) We'll get serious about video marketing strategies to help your video go viral. Lesson 5: Video Marketing Where To Share Your Videos To Boost Your Chances Of Going Viral (part 2) Youll discover more important platforms where you should distribute your videos in order to increase your chances of going viral. Lesson 6: Video Marketing Where To Share Your Videos To Boost Your Chances Of Going Viral (part 3) Youll discover some platforms that have PERFORMED EXTRAORDINARILY well for a number of ambitious video producers. Lesson 7: What Do All Business Related Viral Videos Have In Common? You'll understand the key elements that all successful business viral videos have in order for you to integrate them in your own video marketing strategy. Lesson 8: What Do All Business Related Viral Videos Have In Common? (part 2) You'll understand how to integrate your overall marketing to increase the sales you'll generate from going viral. Lesson 9: Viral Video Authority MANIFESTO The Viral Video Authority MANIFESTO is the perfect PDF companion to all of the video lessons. YOUR BONUSES: Get Exclusive Insiders Insight Into Some Of The Strategies Of Top Viral Videos! Youll Receive 6 Bonus Case Studies That Crack The Viral Video Marketing Code Wide Open! This Is The ULTIMATE VIRAL VIDEO BLUEPRINT That Lays Everything Out Step-By-Step For You! AND YOU ALSO GET Our complete YouTube marketing step-by-step training to ensure you fully optimize all of your videos to increase your chances of potentially going VIRAL! Viral video marketing has the effect of a ROCKET when it comes to increasing and propelling your sales into orbit. Get started TODAY and I'll see you inside the training!"
Price: 19.99

"YouTube Marketing for Authors" |
"=================ABOUT Video Authority Author: The Video Authority Author Training Will Help You Use Video And YouTube To Sell More Books AND Make Money From Building The Business Behind The Book! Video Authority Author teaches you a step-by-step process on how to do a book launch, using YouTube as your main source of marketing. Heres What You Get As Part Of The Training Modules: A. Video Authority Author Training This training shows you exactly how to leverage video as an author to sell more books. Youll get the basics to understand which are the BEST strategies for you to integrate video as part of your book publishing business. The only way to keep receiving royalty cheques each month from Amazon is to be top of mind and therefore be at the top of your category. There are many video strategies you can use as an author to really boost your book sales. B. Step-By-Step How To Use Video For Your Next Book Launch Once you have the basics, its time for you to start understanding the book launch logic. This POWERFUL training includes a video tutorial AND a 41-page step-by-step summary document to make it easy for you to take immediate action with confidence! C. Step-by-Step Video Training For YouTube This segment goes into step-by-step tactics to properly set-up your YouTube channel. Each micro-lessons teach you all the different aspects of YouTube Marketing. The lessons are set-up to allow you to move VERY quickly through the training and be able to go back at any time for reminders. * Youll be able to look over my shoulder as I show you how to set-up your channel the right way to get real results. * Youll understand how to optimize your videos to allow your ideal viewers find them. * Youll find out how to get viewers off of YouTube and onto your own website, author page site, blog, offer page, squeeze page or sales page (this will supercharge all of your YouTube efforts). Ill also share a few other tricks to boost your YouTube performance! D. Core Video Training 1. Insiders Secrets to Outsourcing Your Video Work Ill show you step-by-step how to OUTSOURCE 90% of the video work! Youll receive TWO FULL VIDEO TRAININGS that will make it much easier for you to learn how to outsource parts of your video production! 2. Exclusive Training On How to Find Hot Topics For Your YouTube Videos This training will ensure you always have a bank of fresh ideas that people want to watch for your on going video strategy. 3. Successful Recording Insiders Secrets If youre uncertain on how to properly record videos, this training will provide you with a solid foundation. 4. How To Properly Brand Your Video This training shows you where to get your royalty free material for your videos and how to make sure you properly brand them. When You Put A Face To The Name, You Are Building The Credibility Thats Necessary To Make It Easier And Faster For People To Click On The Buy Button, Pull Out Their Credit Card And Buy From You!!! Get started today with the Video Authority Author training and start selling MORE books thanks to the power of YouTube =================Here's What Clients Have To Say: "Videos inside Video Authority Author are very good and thorough. Lots of good information which will help in your Kindle marketing". -- Lee Sauter Minnesota, U.S.A =================IMPORTANT NOTE: The YouTube training section in this course is the SAME as the one found inside the Viral Video Authority training."
Price: 19.99

"YouTube Marketing for Virtual Assistants" |
"=================Here's What Clients Have To Say: "There is so much great content in the Video Authority V.A. training and it is extremely well organized. It's easy to follow and find what you are looking for if you need to come back to it later. It really is very good value for the price. I have bought several VA training courses and this is the best one!" -- Rosie Holroyd London, United Kingdom =================IMPORTANT NOTE: The YouTube section in this course is the SAME as the one found inside the Viral Video Authority training. =================ABOUT Video Authority Author: Businesses & Entrepreneurs Plan On Increasing Their Efforts On YouTube By A Whooping 76%!!! The fact is that the benefits of social media are INCREDIBLE, but the effort necessary to get those results requires a LOT of time and thats why businesses & entrepreneurs hire Virtual Assistants & Social Media Virtual Assistants to manage this important strategy. There are facts about YouTube your clients wont be able to ignore for long and when they realize how crucial YouTube will become for their business growth (and competitiveness), theyll be looking for an expert who can help them leverage all their video work. As your clients try to establish themselves as the leaders in their fields, theyll NEED to rely more and more on the power of video. Your clients will be turning to you for support! Acquire The Skills That Will Allow You To Confidently Manage Any Clients YouTube Marketing Requirements! And Youll Get Prospective Clients To Contact You Instead Of Chasing After Them Turn The Tables Around And Skyrocket Your V.A. Business!!! Heres What You Get As Part Of The Training Modules: A. Video Authority VA Training This training has specifically to show Virtual Assistants how to quickly and easily integrate video as part of the services you offer clients to help you grow your business. Specifically, youll learn: * How To Deal With Challenges You Face As A Virtual Assistant When It Comes To Promoting Yourself * 10 Reasons Why YouTube Will Change Your VA Business * Possibilities YouTube Could Present For YOUR VA Business * How To Work With Different Types Of Business Owners * How To Manage Your Client's Expectations When It Comes To YouTube B. Step-by-Step Video Training For YouTube This segment goes into step-by-step tactics to properly set-up your YouTube channel. Each micro-lessons teach you all the different aspects of YouTube Marketing. The lessons are set-up to allow you to move VERY quickly through the training and be able to go back at any time for reminders. * Youll be able to look over my shoulder as I show you how to set-up your channel the right way to get real results. * Youll understand how to optimize your videos to allow your ideal viewers find them. * Youll find out how to get viewers off of YouTube and onto your own website, author page site, blog, offer page, squeeze page or sales page (this will supercharge all of your YouTube efforts). Ill also share a few other tricks to boost your YouTube performance! C. Core Video Training 1. Insiders Secrets to Outsourcing Your Video Work Ill show you step-by-step how to OUTSOURCE 90% of the video work! Youll receive TWO FULL VIDEO TRAININGS that will make it much easier for you to learn how to outsource parts of your video production! 2. Exclusive Training On How to Find Hot Topics For Your YouTube Videos This training will ensure you always have a bank of fresh ideas that people want to watch for your on going video strategy. 3. Successful Recording Insiders Secrets If youre uncertain on how to properly record videos, this training will provide you with a solid foundation. 4. How To Properly Brand Your Video This training shows you where to get your royalty free material for your videos and how to make sure you properly brand them. Summary NO Heavy Tech-Talk, NO Confusion, NO Worries, NOTHING Complicated! Its All Quite Simple & Easy For You To Learn And Master! Get This Training To Start Becoming Known As THE Authority Figure Amongst Virtual Assistants Starting TODAY! </p>"
Price: 19.99

"Start Using Google+ Hangouts to Grow Your Business" |
"Google+ Hangouts Can Truly Rock Your Business Because They Are The Ultimate Strategy To Boost The Know, Like And Trust Factor That Entice Your Ideal Clients To Buy More EASILY From You! My 'Hangout Authority' Training Will Answer ANY Question You Have About Conducting Successful Hangouts! The Hangout Authority Training will help you get started and get results with your LiveStream events and YOU'LL NEVER FEEL OVERWHELMED BY THE TRAINING. Here's What You Get As Part Of The Training Modules That Will Help You Catapult The Results You Get With Each Hangout! Module 1: Getting Started With Google+ This training has specifically been created to show you how to quickly and easily set-up your Google+ account which will allow you to share content that can get ranking quite high on Google and bring you a flood of new traffic and more buyers ready to buy your products and services. Module 2: Learning The Google+ Hangouts Platform This training is a walk-through that will show you the different functions of your Google+ account so that you can conduct your Hangouts with ABSOLUTE confidence. This entire module is a step-by-step training and once you're done, you'll never be stumped again by any functions on your Google+ Hangouts platform! I leave no stones unturned and NO QUESTIONS UNANSWERED! Module 3: Launching Your First Google+ Hangouts This is where the excitement begins! I'll show you a real LIVE example! I've invited one of my colleagues to help me show you how I do my own Hangouts so you learn from a real example and not only from static screen capture photos. It's also like watching over my shoulder! You'll Be A Hangout Pro In No Time! Google+ Hangouts are a powerful way to seriously increase your authority and the connection you have with your audience. Here's What Clients Have To Say: ""To me, Google+ Hangouts on Air provides the best of both worlds: the ability to share slides in a traditional webinar format with the added fun of showing my face and conducting more of an interpersonal event that's a better all-around experience for the attendees. How do I get this up and running? Of course I could figure this all out myself. Or I could speak to an expert. So I reached out to Miss Krizia. I run a ten-person company and don't have the time to really figure out the ins and outs of new technologies. I want help to get up and running quickly. And Miss K knows the answers."" Gene Marks, Contributor to Forbes Magazine ""Not only does Miss K truly CARE about her customers, she also puts together great, actionable content and supports them well. Miss K is ALWAYS my go-to source when it comes to publishing, Google+ Hangouts and YouTube marketing"". -- Kenny Cannon, New York, U.S.A, President at IPitch Consulting Group"
Price: 19.99

"60 Videotutoriales de Photoshop CC. Aprende paso a paso" |
"Curso de Photoshop CC para principiantes en el que se ven los aspectos ms importantes del programa. El curso esta orientado a personas sin conocimiento de Photoshop o con conocimientos bsicos, que quieran aprender bien a utilizar el programa. El curso esta dividido en diferentes secciones para facilitar el buen entendimiento de los explicado. Empezamos por la descripcin de cada una de las herramientas que tiene la barra de herramientas y realizando un ejemplo con cada una para practicar. Seguimos aprendiendo como utilizar las capas para poder tener todo bien ordenado. Vemos los diferentes tipos de capas y como administrarlas. Tambin vemos como aplicar efectos a las capas. Aplicamos ajustes a nuestras imgenes viendo diferentes ejemplos de que ajuste aplicar a cada imagen, como modificar la luz y el color. Y terminamos el curso con el apartado de mscaras de capa para poder ocultar o visualizar partes de la capa o el ajuste que tenga aplicado. Utilizamos diferentes tipos de mscaras, de pixeles, vectoriales, de recorte. Aprende bien como utilizar Photoshop para editar tus imgenes."
Price: 19.99

"Taller de ANDROID. Leer ficheros XML de un servidor remoto" |
"En este curso vemos como hacer que nuestra aplicacin de ANDROID este siempre actualizada obteniendo los datos de un fichero en formato XML. El curso consta de varios videotutoriales en los que aprenderas: Crear la conexin para nuestro archivo XML Explicacin bsica de la Clase que utilizaremos. Poner los datos extrados en diferentes matrices para tener todo organizado. Definir un adaptador de datos. Como depurar una aplicacin. Poner puntos de interrupcin. Explicar los eventos que se ejecutan. Ver el estado de las variables. Diferentes formas de moverse en modo de depuracin. Crear la clase para cada curso. Analizar con el depurador como se distribuyen los datos Programar el envo de datos entre pantallas o layouts, recibir los datos enviados. Exponer los datos recibidos Importar la imagen de forma dinmica, la imagen esta en el servidor. Finalizacin del taller"
Price: 19.99

"Business & Technical Writing Immersion" |
"Business Writing Immersion covers a proven, systematic approach to the art of effective, persuasive business and financial writing. Using 12 steps and almost 60 practical techniques, the course works through from initial writing analysis to final copy, producing documents that succeed every time. For each writing technique, the course provides tutorial with exercises and thoughtful answers. Special instructions help professionals for whom English is a second language. Advanced techniques help teams write long documents such as proposals. Each step of the course consists of videos, supplemental PDF documents that will allow you to follow along with the instructor, and an e-book extract that pertains to the segment being covered in the video for reference. There are 38 video modules for this course, including supplemental materials, averaging approximately 7-10 minutes each. In addition, a section for Writing Professional Emails is added as an appendix, and a new section for ESL is included as well, covering tenses, verbiage, and tone. A breakdown of materials is as follows: Introduction & Overview Step 1 Analyze Purpose Step 2 Analyze Audience Step 3 Writing the Purpose Statement Step 4 Gathering information Step 5 Writing the sentence outline Step 6 Writing the draft Step 7 Revising content and organization Step 8 Editing for coherence Step 9 Editing for clarity Step 10 Editing for economy Step 11 Editing for readability Step 12 Conclusion and final thoughts Appendix B Tips for writing emails Appendix C ESL Articles, Attitude and Approach, and Tenses"
Price: 49.99

"U.S. Residential Mortgage Business" |
"In this course, we will cover everything you need to know to be knowledgeable about residential mortgages in the United States. We will look at the important players/departments in the space as well as Key Terminology that you need to know. We will spend some time unpackaging the consumer buying cycle and examine the life cycle of the Mortgage. In addition, we will spend some time examining what goes into originating, servicing and valuing a Mortgage by examining the metrics that make up the loan process. We will examine the tools that help a company make a sound credit worthiness decision, by exploring the Credit Report and the Real Estate Appraisal. Finally, we will demystify the Securitization process by looking at the process of Mortgage Securitization and its benefits. The makeup of the course is as follows, containing nearly 30 modules over 3 sections: U.S. Residential Mortgage Business and Process Fundamentals U.S. Residential Mortgage Analysis: Bringing It All Together Loan Management, Servicing and Securitization This course's contents consists of a video introductions for each section, outlining the key elements to be covered, followed by each module, consisting of a narrated presentation."
Price: 24.99

"Sales and Relationship Management in Financial Services" |
"Sales is part of every job today, internal and external. This course will orient you on sales and relationship management, a very important aspect of business - one that going forward, will help you in your career. This serves as an introduction to sales, relationship management and the importance of both in banking and services. This course covers the following topics, in three sections. First, an introduction to the importance of sales and relationship management is given. Then, covering the Sales aspect: 1. Sales? A Definition and the Truth 2. Where Do You Fit In? 3. The Right Mindset / The Right Skills 4. Your Unique Selling Position 5. Analyzing Your Market Opportunity 6. Competitive Analysis 7. The Sales Process 8. Great Meetings 9. Closing (Options, Pricing) 10. Success Principles 11. Success Metrics 12. Recap Finally, covering the Relationship Management aspect: 1. Whats Relationship Management? 2. The New Truth 3. Why is it important? 4. Relevance to banking 5. Internal and external importance 6. Principals of building positive relationships 7. Steps to the process 8. Principals to managing negative relationships 9. Steps to the process 10. Relationship Best Practices "
Price: 24.99

"Capital Market Road Map" |
"This course will give you a brief, but broad introduction of the capital markets - who are the primary participants, issuers, investors, intermediaries, what they trade there, and both the applications to which market participants make use of the instruments, as well as give you a sense of the role that capital markets play in the operation of the economic system as well as the financial system. This course contains 21 lectures within 4 sections, including: Capital Markets OverviewFixed Income MarketsEquity MarketsCurrency and Derivatives Markets"
Price: 49.99

"Customer Service Fundamentals" |
"There is no such thing as a job today that isn't service-focused, in the sense that everything within a company is being done in support of a customer. This course is an introduction to customer service and its importance in any business. This course covers the following topics: 1. Customer Service Overview 2. What is Customer Service? 3. Why is it More Important Than Ever? 4. How it Applies to Every Business 5. Five Service Levels of Companies 6. Key Factors 7. Rules of Great Service 8. Getting to High Service Levels 9. Evaluate Yourself/Evaluate Your Company 10. Powering a Great Service Culture 11. Case Study: Starbucks 12. Personal Primers 13. Steps to Great Customer Service 14. A Deeper Look at Managing Negative Customer Service Engagements 15. The Review/Take-aways"
Price: 24.99

"Fixed Income Securities" |
"This course will introduce you to the market for fixed income securities, provide you with a lot of details on the characteristics of fixed income securities in general, as well as discuss specific characteristics of specific sectors of the fixed income market - insurers, investors, and a wide variety of concepts relating to the analysis and validation of those securities. This course consists of 24 lectures classified within three sections: Introduction to Fixed Income Securities Bond Contract Features and Investment Characteristics Types of Fixed Income Securities The following types of fixed income securities are introduced and discussed: Government Securities US Treasury Securities Corporate Fixed Income Securities Convertible Securities Structured Securities Mortgage Backed Securities Asset Backed Securities Credit Card and Auto Loan Asset Backed Securities Collateralized Debt Obligations Agency Securities & Regional/Local Government Debt Securities"
Price: 24.99

"Commercial Credit Analysis" |
" A comprehensive course designed to furnish credit professionals with the necessary tools in order to undertake effective, conclusion-based credit analysis. Participants will develop their analytical skills through the application of a logical structured framework. Starting with identification of the deal and credit structure, it logically works through the analysis process from business risk to financial risk then to structural risk. In addition it will compare and contrast different industry dynamics. This course contains 42 lectures across 8 sections, introducing and then covering each concept in-depth and providing examples. "
Price: 24.99

"Interest Rate Swaps" |
"This course looks at interest rate swaps in detail. First, swaps in general are introduced, then we will be looking at the structure of the most common type of interest rate swap - the fixed or floating interest rate swap. We will also consider a variety of different structures, pricing and valuation, and applications - both risk management and speculative. This course contains 20 lectures within 5 sections: Introduction to Interest Rate Swaps Risk Management of Floating Rate Liabilities OTC Clearinghouses Swap Pricing and Valuation Risk Management with Interest Rate Swaps"
Price: 24.99

"Introduction to Futures & Options" |
"This course will introduce derivatives in general, to demonstrate the common features of derivatives and how they differ from other sorts of financial instruments. The course will then segue into a detailed discussion - first on Futures contracts and then ultimately on Options contracts. Key characteristics will be identified, and contract features, pricing, applications, risk management, and hedging will be discussed. This course is composed of 27 lectures within 6 sections: Introduction to DerivativesIntroduction to Futures ContractsFutures Contracts Trading and Cash FlowsFutures PricingIntroduction to OptionsOption Pricing and Applications"
Price: 24.99

"Equity Products" |
"This course on equity products introduces equities by providing an overview of the types of products, including both direct and indirect investments. The program demonstrates the types of shares and exchanges and investors. It also discusses importance of diversification and volatility, and the role each plays in equity portfolios. The course will then further cover equity indices and go into some depth in covering tracking funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). The program introduces derivatives, forward contracts, futures, equity swaps, options, and structured products.This course consists of 16 lectures across 3 sections: An Introduction to Equities Understanding Equity Indices How to Buy the Market"
Price: 24.99

"Equity Swaps" |
"This course will give you a broad overview of this rapidly-evolving section of the derivatives markets. Swaps in general will be introduced, and then the course will segue into an introduction to equity swaps, look at the various details of the contracts, the applications that market participants use them for, as well as pricing and valuation issues.This course contains 18 lectures divided into5 sections, including: Introduction to Equity SwapsEquity Swap ContractsOTC ClearinghousesEquity Swap Structures and ApplicationsVariance Swaps"
Price: 24.99

"The Securities Trade Lifecycle" |
"This course will cover all components of the Trade Lifecycle; the lifecycle processing sequence and processing impact; what causes (and prevents) Straight Through Processing; primary risks and typical mitigating controls; and introduces market-wide terms used in securities trade processing. This course consists of 22 lectures within 5 sections, including: Trade Execution Trade Capture Trade Enrichment Trade Confirmation Trade Settlement Reconciliation"
Price: 24.99

"Mortgage Backed Securities" |
"This course will introduce you to a variety of the more commonly-encountered types of mortgage-backed securities, pass-through securities, and CMO's, as well as a lot of the concepts used to assess the attractiveness of mortgage-backed securities and a lot of the details to help understand mortgage-backed securities and how they work. This course contains 21 lectures among 4 sections: Introduction to Mortgages and Mortgage Backed Securities Pass Through Securities Analysis of Pass Through Securities Collateralized Mortgage Obligations"
Price: 24.99

"Yield Curve Dynamics" |
"This comprehensive course will cover a variety of issues relating to yield curves, their construction, and their use in a variety of analytical applications to assess risk and return. The course consists of 19 lectures among 5 sections, including topics within: Introduction to Yield Curves Duration and its Applications The Level of Rates and Shape of the Yield Curve Spot Rates and Forward Rates Total Return Analysis"
Price: 24.99
