"Learn Simple & Effective Cel Shading in Photoshop with Sycra" |
"In this 12 part lesson, you will learn how to colour lineart using a very simple and effective colouring method to create professional quality artwork. This method is perfect for character designers and concept artists as it allows for extremely fast colour iterations of a character. With an easy to understand teaching style that is suited to artists of any level, Sycra will guide you step by step through the process from lineart, be it digital or a pen or pencil drawing, to a complete coloured image."
Price: 19.99

"Protocolo OSPF para Iniciantes" |
"Neste Curso de OSPF voc estar entendo os conceitos do protocolo, iniciando com as mensagens trocadas entre roteadores e finalizando com a configurao de multiplas reas no mesmo Autonomous System. O Instrutor Andr Iacono estar utilizando um Rack de Equipamentos com 3 roteadores e 2 Switches da Cisco, onde ele vai iniciar as configuraes do zero, passando pelos endereamentos IP, a configurao do protocolo e por ultimo e realizar o teste de conectividade entre os roteadores de diferentes reas.Veja na prtica como voc pode melhorar o seu conhecimento com esse fantstico Curso!"
Price: 249.99

"Cisco ACL Avanado" |
"O que acha de aprender tudo sobre Access Lists (Listas de Acesso) em roteadores da Cisco? Com esse curso ser possvel. Estarei ministrando esse excelente curso de ACL, onde estaremos aprendendo:Access lists StandardExtendedNamedCompiledTime RangeDynamicOnly TCP ConnectionsUm dos pontos mais importantes da sua empresa a segurana de redes! Nada melhor que ACLs para protejer.BONUS: As ACL's em roteadores Cisco funcionam de forma muito similar em Firewalls da Cisco. Sendo assim, neste curso voc vai aprender Listas de Acesso que funcionam em Roteadores e Firewalls. Ganhando 2 pelo preo de 1. :)Participe desse curso e se torne um especialista em Access-Lists."
Price: 249.99

"Cisco CCNP - Route-Maps, Redistribuio e IP SLA" |
"Neste excelente Curso de OSPF com Rotas e Manipulaes Avanadas, vamos entender e configurar o protocolo em roteadores Cisco, da mesma forma que voc faria na sua empresa. Vamos iniciar com a explicao da topologia, passando por todas as vantagens e finalizando com a manipulao em diferentes formas. Para voc que est se preparando para as Certificaes CCNA ou CCNP, ou simplesmente quer saber mais sobre o protocolo para o seu dia a dia esse o seu curso! O Curso mais prtico do que terico, onde utilizei 6 roteadores e 4 Switches em uma topologia totalmente redundante. No se preocupe com os termos e siglas pois nesse curso estarei explicando tudo de uma forma simples e produtiva. Te vejo no primeiro video"
Price: 294.99

"Subrede Exames CCNA/CCNP - Calcule em 30 segundos" |
"Vamos Aprender a fazer o Clculo de Subrede de forma simples e Objetiva? Nesse curso para Clculo de Subrede estarei demonstrando uma tcnica bem fcil e nada complexa sobre como calcular redes, IPs e como utilizar de forma correta a Mascara de subrede. Parece complexo? Vou te provar que bem simples! Inicialmente vamos falar do Endereamento IPv4, discutindo sobre as Classes de endereamentos, passando pelo fcil mtodo de se Calcular Redes e finalizando com a Configurao de alguns roteadores Cisco. Para Completar a aula, estarei passando alguns exerccios para praticar depois do curso e finalmente poder afirmar Eu sei fazer Clculo de Suberede! Ento? Vamos aprender Subnetting? Te vejo no primeiro video"
Price: 159.99

"Cisco CCNP - OSPF Areas Especiais" |
"Vamos Aprender OSPF do Bsico ao Avanado?Neste excelente Curso de OSPF Avanado, vamos falar e configurar o protocolo em equipamentos Cisco, da mesma forma que voc faria na sua empresa. Vamos iniciar com a teoria, passando por todas as vantagens e finalizando com a configurao de Autenticao entre dois roteadores rodando OSPF. Por se tratar de um curso que foi ministrado ao vivo, todos os alunos puderam interagir e tirar suas dvidas durante o curso. O resultado que a sua dvida pode ter sido respondida! Para voc que est se preparando para as Certificaes CCNA ou CCNP, ou simplesmente quer saber mais sobre o protocolo para o seu dia a dia esse o seu curso! O Curso ser mais prtico do que terico, onde estarei utilizando 3 roteadores e 2 Switches em uma topologia totalmente redundante. No se preocupe com os termos e siglas pois nesse curso estarei explicando tudo de uma forma simples e produtiva. Te vejo no primeiro video"
Price: 294.99

"Aprende Magia e Ilusionismo" |
"Posicin de agarre de una baraja, como cortar, mezclar, buscar, distribuir y manejar cartas. Juegos de seduccin (Aparicin de Rosa con fuego por ejemplo). Florituras bsicas. Teoras de la Magia (continente contenido, valorizacin, psicologa y mucho ms). 16 Ilusiones con las que crears experiencias inolvidables. Primer Curso de magia ordenado desde los inicios para el mejor aprendizaje."
Price: 49.99

"Clarity: A Complete Blueprint For Getting 'Unstuck' in Life" |
"Imagine what you could achieve if you could only clear your mind, define your priorities and establish a meaningful vision for your future?Lifes constant bombardment of busyness often pushes our own priorities completely off the radar. Before we know it, we can end up like busy fools and not getting anything important accomplished at all. This course will show you how to cut through the noise and begin focusing on what matters to you the most.'Clarity: A Complete Blueprint For Getting 'Unstuck' in Life will teach you how to establish real clarity of thought. Youll learn how to de-junk your mind, become clear on what your priorities are and as a result of this, develop a compelling vision for the rest of your life.By the end of this course you will know how to:Make Better Informed & More Results Focussed Decisions.Pinpoint the Specific Causes of Discontentment in Your Life.Overcome Bad Habits thatSelf-Sabotageyour Happiness.Impact Other People in a Positive and More Influential Way.Set Meaningful Goals For Your Short & Long Term Happiness.Develop a Clear Sense of Your Life Purpose and Core Values.Prioritise Your Core Values and Fulfil Them with Greater Ease.Build Stronger Relationships With Friends, Family & Colleagues.Develop Your Emotional Intelligence & Understanding of Yourself.And So Much More...Our values are central to who we are and give power to every decision that we make. When people dont understand what they value the most, their decision making will often have disastrous consequences that prevent them from pursuing their passions and finding the degree of fulfillment they hope for.Understanding what motivates us, and what generates true fulfillment in life allows us to make wiser decisions in line with our main priorities. With no complex theories or superficial anecdotes, this course gets you right to work on defining whats actually important to you in life.The path towards genuine happiness and fulfilment can be tough to follow. It isn't one-size-fits-all. So, if youre ready to start living more passionately and purposefully, join me today and understand the steps you can begin taking today, towards fulfilling your life purpose.'Clarity: A Complete Blueprint For Getting 'Unstuck' in Life comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee, and if you're less that fullysatisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 154.99

"Unshakable Confidence: Become 100% Secure in Who You Are" |
"Authentic confidence gives us a solidfoundation for making wisedecisions, building strong relationships and conducting ourselves in a way that wins the trust, respect and admiration of others.Without having a foundation of genuine confidencegenuine, most people unknowingly build theirlives upon somevery unstable and shaky grounds. The good news is life doesn't need to be this way.Unshakable Confidencewill take you on a comprehensivejourney of self-discovery to discover the foundationaltruths about who you trulyare.You'll establisha grounded understanding of yourself,your beliefs, how to take control ofyour emotions and build strong self esteem throughoutevery area inyour life.Throughout this course you'll discover how to:Build RobustSelf Esteem Upon the CoreTruths of Who you Are.Develop Strong Inner Confidence & Grow Your Social Circles.Eliminate Any Need You Havefor Other PeoplesApproval.Overcome Fears of Rejection, Anxiety & Social Nervousness.Enhance the Quality of Your Social & Professional Relationships.Face Future Life Challenges With Greater Confidence & Ease.Build Authentic Confidence That's Easily Recognised by Others.Improve Your Communication Skills for Greater Social Confidence.And Much, Much More...Throughout this thought-provoking trainingcourse, you'll discover how most low self esteem and confidence problemsarethe result of simple mis-perceptions that we develop about ourselves as children. You will become able to betteridentify these misperceptions and correct them where or whennecessary. Once the mainreasons we havefor low self confidenceare gone, they remaingone.Insecurity and low self-esteem canmakelife unnecessarily hard.Building genuine confidence in who you are is crucialfor enhancing your self esteem, your social confidence, and your general wellbeing in life. Once youunderstand the reasons for low self esteem andhow to overcome it, you will be able toimplement your newfound confidence in all areas of your life immediately.You'll discover the primary factors that trigger low confidence, and come to understand how embracing the truth about who we are, sets us free to take greater risks, think greater thoughts and live out our lives with Unshakable Confidence.Unshakable Confidence: The Ultimate Self Esteem Programme comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee, and if you're less that 100% satisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 194.99

"Vida Asertiva: Destruyendo tus limitaciones personales." |
"Sin importar lo exitosos que seamos, todos nosotros afrontamos retos y situaciones complejas en nuestro da a da, las cuales buscamos enfrentar y superar de la manera ms efectiva posible. Con el fin de lograr esto, es imperativo que aprendamos a vivir de una manera asertiva. La asertividad es una caracterstica humana que podemos desarrollar con el fin de obtener todo aquello que deseamos en nuestra vida de la manera ms honesta y autentica posible. Sin embargo, la asertividad a menudo, es confundida con agresin por aquellas personas que viven su vida desde la pasividad. Esto se debe, a que el asertividad nos permite vivir en confianza de nosotros mismos y hace que nuestras acciones sean mucho ms firmes y seguras. En este curso, hemos diseado una gua integral, que te permitir transformar la manera en como ests viviendo tu vida en este momento, entregndote las herramientas correctas para que t mismo puedas crear los resultados que deseas obtener en tu vida.Al final de este curso, t sers capaz de:Decir con confianza que NO, cuando quieres decir noDecir con confianza Si, cuando quieres decir que s. Hablar de manera asertiva, expresando tus necesidades y deseos con claridad Enfrentar confrontaciones y discusiones con gran confianza y enfocado en la solucin y no en los problemas. Reducir el tiempo en la toma de decisiones, venciendo as la procrastinacin. Crear relaciones fuertes y profundas basadas en la verdad de quien tu eres y no en mscaras y falsas expectativas.El Curso Integral de Asertividad te entrega una gran cantidad de ideas y retos que te llevarn a tomar acciones inmediatas, que te ayudarn a construir la confianza en ti mismo y desarrollar una autoestima saludable, basados en una perspectiva de vida proactiva. Al completar el curso, tu reconocers como la calidad de tu vida y tu da a da, est completamente determinado por la calidad de decisiones que t haces. As que, no desperdicies ms tiempo dudando que hacer y comienza hoy a tomar el control sobre tu vida, responsabilzate de tu presente y tu futuro y date la oportunidad de apropiarte de las herramientas necesarias para construir el futuro que ests buscando desde hace mucho tiempo."
Price: 94.99

"Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (Beginner to Advanced)" |
"This Achology certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma course will provide you with a vast toolkit of all the essential principles and techniques you will need for your future hypnotherapy practice and deep-change work.Among the most respected in the world, the Achology Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma will teach you how to masterfully guide individuals using our time-proven process to gain clarity of direction and achieve any specific goals or desired outcomes they may have.Fully endorsed by Achology, The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, this thought-provoking training course will prepare you with the essential skills and insights needed to launch your career as a professional hypnotherapist. If you hope to enhance the role you currently fulfil by adding hypnotherapy skills, this training is for you.Hypnotherapy training can be a highly rewarding experience. Itll help you discover the essential principles, methodologies and practices of Hypnotherapy needed to develop a sound understanding of your own psyche as well as those of other people.This comprehensive training will provide you with everything you need to position yourself as a qualified and confident Hypnotherapist. Based on a decade of practising Hypnotherapy and Modern Applied Psychology, our course trainer will guide you through a range of highly actionable hypnotherapy processes which will enable you to feel confident about getting successful results with your future clients.Whether you intend to set up a new business as a Hypnotherapist or are hoping to learn some powerful techniques to add to your existing interdisciplinary practice, the tools and techniques that you will learn throughout this course will become a crucial part of your skillset for many years to come.Those who study Hypnotherapy at this level will learn how to employ the tools and techniques used by the international network of Achology Hypnotherapists. These tools can be used to empower yourself and others to reach and exceed predefined sets of personal or professional goals.Qu) What will I be able to do upon completion of this course?As you apply what you learn to yourself through the modules, you will learn how to:Lead people into profound states of clarity and focus.Understand the mind and how to positively influence people.Develop a whole, present and influential therapeutic presence.Modify undesired attitudes & behaviours in yourself and others.Structure your Hypnotherapy practice and plan a range of sessions.Use Hypnotic induction techniques and deepeners to facilitate change.Take control of your thought processes & manage your emotional states.Earn other people's trust so they will open up & be entirely honest with you.Get efficient at reading the verbal & non-verbal communications of others.Use metaphoric storytelling to win hearts, minds & the trust of your clients.And much, much more.This Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma is designed to help you construct an unshakeable foundation to launch your career as a hypnotherapy practitioner upon. You will be trained by Kain Ramsay, a world-respected instructor to over 500,000 people. He is valued for providing the latest, cutting-edge communication models and psychological tools that help people start getting real-life results today.There's no deadline for completing this training. You can fit the 120+ course lectures around your other life commitments and achieve the Diploma at your own preferred pace - most of our Achology students complete this training within 2-4 months.You will develop life-changing skills and gain paradigm-shifting insights that will enable your future clients to define and achieve their primary agendas in life. Upon completing the course, you will have enough understanding of the Hypnotherapy Practitioner framework to start putting it into practice right away.It's important to note that Hypnotherapy is not a regulated profession. Anyone who has developed the necessary skills and essential personal qualities can practice as a Hypnotherapist. Soon enough, you'll be practising hypnotherapy with others, developing your competencies and preparing to become an expert in your field.On completing the final lecture, you can access your Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma certificate.More and more, clients tend to favour Hypnotherapy Practitioners who have qualifications and a membership with a professional organisation, which is why upon completion of this training course you will have the opportunity to join Achology, the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, as a professional member.Personal change is seldom a straightforward process. It is complicated, unpredictable and has scope for an infinite range of creative new responses. Achology has a worldwide presence as a training institution and leads the way in an exciting new approach to hypnotherapy that's responsive to this exciting reality.Full Money Back Guarantee: We are confident you will find value in this course. A full money-back guarantee with no questions asked protects your investment should the course not meet your expectations."
Price: 199.99

"The Skilled Helper Training Course with Gerard Egan" |
"Learn a Collaborative Approach to Problem Management, Skilled Helping, and Opportunity Identification, with Gerard Egan.Do you spend your working days helping clients, students, or employees better their life? Would you like to develop vital new skills that will significantly increase your ability to help those you serve? If so, this 'Fundamentals of Skilled Helping and Problem Management' masterclass is for you.In this unrivalled training course, Gerard Egan (author of internationally bestselling book, The Skilled Helper) brings his lifetime of experience, alongside Kain Ramsay, to teach you an innovative framework for effective problem management and skilled helping.The Fundamentals of Skilled Helping and Problem Management course guides students through the process of developing essential skills vital for any helping profession. These skills will enable students to empower others to manage their situations suitably and effectively. In the field of counsellor training, Egans Helping Model is looked upon as a framework within which communication skills training can be integrated into helping relationships.The ideas encompassed in this course share characteristics of the cognitive-behavioural school, and are firmly rooted in the core conditions of the person-centred approach. This powerful model was first introduced by Egan in 1975 as a practical model for doing counselling. For over four decades, these guiding principles have been widely taught in reputable counselling and life coaching courses throughout the world.Gerard Egan's Skilled Helper model is often used in counselling, coaching, and mentoring situations where the objective is to empower individuals to resolve their own problems, find their own solutions and explore potential opportunities for their own personal growth and development.The Skilled Helper model in this course is pragmatic, change-oriented, and specifies the appropriate skills available to the helper at different stages of the helping/counselling process. Egan's incomparable problem-management model is vigorous and has undergone multiple significant refinements over the last 45 years.In this course, Egan and Ramsay take you through the foundational principles of this multidisciplinary helping practice, while incorporating the main ideas and techniques that have earned Egan unprecedented respect from tens of thousands of academics, students, and professionals across the world.Egan's world-renowned approach gives practitioners a universally serving, practical framework, which is completely compatible with accepted theories of personality and behaviour change. This ultimately allows practitioners to successfully accomplish their goals of inciting change in clients.What will I be able to do upon completion of this course?As you learn and apply the principles taught throughout the course you will discover how to:Facilitate client development through collaboration, questions, and acceptanceApply an easy-to-follow framework for effective counselling, coaching, and mentoringManage a person-centred approach when working in a people-oriented environmentEmpower others to solve problems and explore opportunities for growth and developmentEmploy a practical framework for managing personal boundaries in professional helping relationshipsDevelop empathic communication skills in your personal and professional relationshipsUtilize a four-step problem management process that can be applied in most life situationsEnable other people to manage their situations suitably and effectivelyAnd much, much moreThis course training is led by Gerard Egan, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Organization Development and Psychology in the business school of Loyola University of Chicago. His life works include The Skilled Helper, Skilled Helping Around the World: Addressing Diversity and Multiculturalism, and You & Me: The Skills of Communicating and Relating to Others.Those who benefit the most from this training commonly fulfil roles as counsellors, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, coaches, physical trainers, parents, psychologists, Achologists, social workers, managers, alternative therapists, leadership teams, HR professionals, pastoral teams, and those individuals who aspire to become more efficient problem solvers.Our unique online courses provide a comprehensive, enjoyable, and convenient learning experience. There is no deadline for you to finish the course, and you can fit the training around your current responsibilities and at your own preferred pace.With the Fundamentals of Skilled Helping and Problem Management course, you will gain all of the core skills you need to immediately start your journey as a skilled helper. If you already operate as a professional (or paraprofessional) helper in some capacity, you can significantly compliment and increase your current level of professional service with the skills and knowledge you obtain from this course.Enrolling in this course allows you to join our unique, exclusive, and international Achology Facebook support community, in which you can ask course-related questions, discuss what you're learning with others, and benefit from the wealth of wisdom of over 50,000 like-minded people from all corners of the world.By the end of the course, you will understand the fundamental ideas and models that top Achology Practitioners and Professional Helpers use to facilitate positive changeboth in themselves and the individuals whom they work with.The Fundamentals of Skilled Helping contains critical elements from some of the leading schools of psychological thought. Students who are less than fully satisfied with the class are welcome to claim a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 134.99

"Gua de Relaciones & Amor para el HOMBRE ""Alfa""" |
"Muchas mujeres afirmarn de s mismos que son directas y fciles de entender, mientras que muchos hombres dirn que es completamente lo contrario. La verdad puede que se encuentre en el medio de estas dos afirmaciones. Este curso busca entregar las herramientas suficientes para que cada uno de los hombres interesados en tener relaciones maduras, profundas y duraderas puedan crearlas a su manera. Porque mi amigo, las mujeres no son de venus (aunque a veces lo parezca)La idea ms all de entender mejor a tu (potencial) pareja, es crear las bases correctas para formar relaciones centradas en la verdad y la aceptacin incondicional mutua. Tu logrars entender que es aquello que motiva a las mujeres, como reconocer su grado de madurez y como logrars comunicarte de manera asertiva con ellas, de tal manera que logres reducir todo tipo de malos entendidos y conflictos innecesarios. Tu obtendrs ideas fascinantes respecto a las mujeres y como podrs usar dichas ideas para obtener los mejores resultados de tus relaciones y conexiones que sean capaces de sobrepasar las pruebas que aparecen en el camino.Si ests buscando nuevos conocimientos para entender mejor cmo funciona la mente de las mujeres, este curso te ofrecer una perspectiva correcta de aquello que buscan las mujeres maduras en los hombres maduros. A travs de este curso de alta reflexin tu descubrirsLas diferencias fundamentales entre mujeres con madurez e inmaduras.Como construir un lenguaje de amor con tu pareja.Habilidades bsicas de comunicacin de pareja.Pasos prcticos para crear conexiones ms profundas.Como ganar el corazn y la mente de tu pareja.Las motivaciones detrs de cada accin y comportamiento de tu mujer.Como reconocer a una mujer genuina y como mantenerla en tu vida.Este curso ofrece una gua prctica y sencilla para obtener un mejor entendimiento de la mente femenina. Basado en estudios psicolgicos acadmicos, ejemplos prcticos y recomendaciones paso a paso, este curso te permitir compenetrar mejor con las mujeres en tu vida y tu pareja idnea."
Price: 99.99

"Gua de Relaciones & Amor para la MUJER ""Alfa""" |
"Muchos hombres afirmarn de s mismos que son directos y fciles de entender, mientras que muchas mujeres dirn que es completamente lo contrario. La verdad puede que se encuentre en el medio de estas dos afirmaciones. Este curso busca entregar las herramientas suficientes para que cada una de las mujeres interesadas en tener relaciones maduras, profundas y duraderas puedan crearlas a su manera. La idea ms all de entender mejor a tu (potencial) pareja es crear las bases correctas para formar relaciones centradas en la verdad y la aceptacin incondicional mutua. Tu logrars entender que es aquello que motiva a los hombres, como reconocer su grado de madurez y como logrars comunicarte de manera asertiva con ellos, de tal manera que logres reducir todo tipo de malos entendidos y conflictos innecesarios. Obtendrs ideas fascinantes respecto a los hombres y como podrs usar dichas ideas para obtener los mejores resultados de tus relaciones. Si ests buscando nuevos conocimientos para entender mejor cmo funciona la mente de los hombres, este curso te ofrecer una perspectiva correcta de aquello que buscan los hombres maduros en las mujeres maduras. A travs de este curso de alta reflexin tu descubrirsLas diferencias fundamentales entre hombres maduros e inmaduros.Porque ciertos hombres son infieles y cmo puedes prevenirlo.Habilidades bsicas de comunicacin de pareja.Pasos prcticos para crear conexiones ms profundas.Como ganar el corazn y la mente de tu pareja.Las motivaciones detrs de cada accin y comportamiento de tu hombre.Como reconocer a un hombre genuino y como mantenerlo en tu vida. Este curso ofrece una gua prctica y sencilla para obtener un mejor entendimiento de la mente masculina. Basado en estudios psicolgicos acadmicos, ejemplos prcticos y recomendaciones paso a paso, este curso te permitir compenetrar mejor con los hombres en tu vida y tu pareja idnea."
Price: 99.99

"WordPress for Beginners" |
"Course Description Learn to build a website in WordPress and setup the preliminary foundation correctly. From plugins to child themes. For Mac only - Works on OS X Yosemite After our tutorial you will be able to comfortably navigate, manipulate and make changes to your WordPress theme locally and install it on your server or take what's existing on your server and install it locally on your Mac. If you have an existing knowledge in WordPress this course is not for you. However if you need a refresher feel free to take it. In this extensive WordPress course we cover everything from A to Z. WordPress Backups Word Press Blog setup WordPress SEO WordPress Website setup Child Themes Contact Form7 CSS Basics Custom layouts htacess Localhost install Logins Mamp Pro Menus Mobile Site MySQL Plugins Permalinks WordPress Security Site Transfer Style css Sub Menus Table Prefix 1 Troubleshooting"
Price: 24.99

"The Science & Spirit of Energy & ORBS. Photographing Energy" |
"The Science & Spirit of Orbs: Youve been told they are everything from dust to ghost, lens flares to consciousness, spots to spirits. Some people are excited about their existence, while others might say they dont exist at all. You may have already seen them in your pictures or you may just be wondering what everyone else is talking about. The topic of ORBS used to be fun, hippie talk among those who had an appreciation and understanding of other worldly things. However, science is now helping to explain something so out of the ordinary, as just part of the Universal experience. NASA scientist Dr. Karl Heinemann tells us that the largest collection of ORB photography is housed in the Vatican. Yes, everyone is getting in on the incredible experience of discovering what we cant see around us. What is even more exciting is that anyone can play using some simple techniques and inexpensive equipment that you probably already have around the house.You will peak into our world of orb photography and we will teach you how to create your own authentic orb pictures. Here's Our Course Overview: Introduction: Who Are We and Why Should You Care? What is an Orb? No Seriously...What Are Orbs? Who Says So? What About Dust-Couldnt Orbs Just Be Dust? Show and Tell: Real and Original Orb Pictures The Visible Light Spectrums-The Reality Our Eyes Cant Eee How Can the Camera See What Our Eyes Cant What Kind of Camera Do I Need to Take Orb Pictures Hint: youre gonna be surprised Orbs-Water-and Electro Magnetic Conductivity Video: Interacting with Orbs Orb Groups and Social Media Orbs: Luminous Beings Light Beings in Panama Energy and Plasma Orbs: Meditation Messenger Heart Energy Biophotons, Energy Waves and YOU Orbs: Beings of Light Electro-Magnetic Magicical Moments Video: Example of Biophotons Spirit Science Suggestions for Taking Your Own Orb Photos Time for a Field Trip Now What? Discovering Orbs In Your Own Pictures Getting the Best Out Of Your Orb Photography Examples to Make Your Orb Pictures Shine Questions from Students Video: Orbs in Action Top 10 Tips For Getting The Most Out of Your Orb Pictures Upon completion of this course, enjoy an invitation to our Private Orb Group You Can Own Pictures In This Presentation"
Price: 29.99

"Primeros pasos con Microsoft Excel 2013" |
"Microsoft Excel es la herramienta ms conocida y utilizada en el entorno laboral en la actualidad para manejar nmeros, realizar clculos y analizar datos. El dominio de esta herramienta va orientado a la realizacin de las tareas de clculo y anlisis de datos de la empresa de una forma rpida y eficaz, rentabilizando la herramienta para las tareas ms simples y comunes. Incluye demostraciones prcticas con el programa."
Price: 49.99

"Raising Creative Thinkers" |
"Would like to raise your children to be creative, independent, smart and mature? Then this course if for you. This course will cover homeschooling (and unschooling) for ages four to eighteen and beyond. It is broken into seven sections. They are:Course OverviewBefore You HomeschoolGetting StartedKeeping RecordsThe Socialization QuestionsCollege/Employment BoundTroubleshooting By the end of this course, you will:Have a better understanding of what homeschooling isBe familiar with other educational optionsHave the tools you need to make the best educational choices for your children This course has over two hours of video lectures, articles, quizzes and other resources."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Digital Color with Photoshop" |
"Are you looking to learnthe art of comic book coloring and learn the secrets, tips, and tricksthat can make coloring comics a fun hobby, a part-time job, or maybe even a career? This beginner course is great place to start!This course will teach you the basics of comic book coloring with Photoshop - setting up your tools, flatting, rendering, &special effects.What is a colorist? After the penciller completes the lineart (and many times an inker finishesthe pencils with ink), the art is passed to the colorist (or ""color artist"" as it's sometimes called).Colorists, like all comic book creators, can work from anywhere in the world. I've worked withartists and writers the world over right from my home office. The Internet makes it easy toconnect with collaborators worldwide. Colorists are the cinematographers of the comic book world. The pencillers are the directors setting up shots, creating the camera angles, shooting the action. Colorists are lighting the scenes, setting the final look of the page, and helping to move the story along with color.Course materials will include:Black and white line art from professional comic book penciller Max Dunbar to color along with the lecture videos.Downloadable Photoshop presets (version CS6 or CC only)Color profiles to ensure proper color reproduction for web and print use.Photoshop Actions to automate certain aspects of the coloring process.Color swatches: A palette of preset colors exactly as the instructor uses them for his published work.3.5hours of instructional videos featuring real-timecoloring by professional comic book colorist K Michael RussellBy the end of this course, youll have learned the skills required to usePhotoshop as a toolto create stunning colored comic book pages, manga,web-comics,or comic strips. The instructor, K. Michael Russell,is a colorist currently working for Image Comics&Top Cow.Note that this course was recorded in 2014 and could be considered ""version 1.0"" of my coloring courses. My course ""A Pro's Guide to Digital Comic Book Coloring"" is version 2.0."
Price: 49.99

"Digital Coloring: Comic Style Light & Shadow Made Easy!" |
"This in-depth, step-by-step course will teach you how & where to add highlights and shadows to line art in real-time! Ill show you how to analyze the shapes of the forms in your drawings and correctly start thinking in three dimensions instead of two. Well be using the same techniques that Ive used in my professional work in over 75 issues as a comic book colorist. Youll learn:How to layer multiple types of lighting to create a stunning final image.Simple ways to think about your lighting colors.When to use harder and softer edges when rendering. How to edit your rendering colors to completely change the tone of a piece.Whether you are looking to color just for fun or for work, this course will teach you time-saving techniques and shortcuts that will allow you to create rich and beautiful colors without bogging down in a ton of color theory concepts.In additions to the hours of video lessons, the course also includes:Full resolution, layered PSD files of the exercises for practice.I even include one of the PSD files from my recent work on HACK/SLASH, so you can see this layering method in action!Work at your own pace!.There's no need to rush, since there's no time limits. I've created hundreds of hours of tutorials and taught thousands of students worldwide. You can expect top notch video & audio quality throughout.These lessons feature Photoshop CC and Procreate. You can use any art application that includes layers and blending modes. Some examples would include Clip Studio Paint, ArtStudio Pro, Krita, Sketchbook Pro, and Medibang to name a few.NOTE: This is not a rank beginner course. I will review some concepts, but if you are completely unfamiliar with coloring, I would consider one of my other coloring courses for the basics first. This course focuses on rendering light and shadow simply and effectively. It does not discuss storytelling or focus as a colorist, and I would consider enrolling in A Pro Guide to Digital Comic Book Coloring to understand the fundamentals of sequential color storytelling, adding mood and depth, separating planes, etc, if you are unfamiliar with those concepts. So join me! I hope to see you there, and I'd love to help you down the path to becoming a great colorist!:)"
Price: 39.99

"Teach Children with Learning Disabilities. A Practical Guide" |
"This one hour program provides insights into the neurobiology behind various learning difficulties and how learning may be hindered in the brain, thereby allowing parents and teachers to make better decisions and judgments on appropriate teaching methodologies for children with learning difficulties. The program is based on the unique REMINDS framework. That is, REMINDS is our company name and acronym for the unique REMINDS approach to learning difficulties: R - Research (The neurobiology behind various learning difficulties) E - Evaluating Test Results M - Medical I - In the Home N - Negotiating Treatments and Therapies D - Delivery on Academics S - Savouring Successes This program will discuss each of these factors in the REMINDS framework."
Price: 19.99

"How To Master Labor Contractions" |
"This course focuses only on contractions. It does not discuss positions for labor, medication, or the stages of labor. Labor management is all about dealing with contractions. This course will give you a different way to manage a labor contraction, one at a time. There are 4 Lessons, 4 videos talking about contractions. Lesson 1: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body Lesson 2: Braxton- Hicks Vs True Labor Contractions Lesson 3: Anatomy Of a Contraction Lesson 4: Labor Pain Management"
Price: 19.99

"Flat Design Tutorial with Photoshop" |
"With the Flat Design Tutorial you will learn to create amazing webdesign and prototypes with Photoshop. Fast & simple. ***NO CODING NEEDED***. In 2 hours, you will learn about the latest flat UI techniques You will use Photoshop, Flat UI components and other great resources. This course is for aspiring web and product designer willing to sharpen their design and Photoshop skills. In a 2-hour tutorial, you will receive a good introduction to Flat Design, which is the latest trend in modern Web Design. If you are new to Photoshop, this is a good place to start as the course will walk you through every step of the prototyping process. The course includes: An overview of the modern web design A step-by-step tutorial to create a website mockup and prototyping An introduction to the 960 grid Flat UI kit package to get started with Flat UI Flat UI colors palette For this course, you will need: Photoshop CS5 + - you can download the 30-day trial version on the Adobe Creatrive site. The rest of the materials is available for downloaded in the course content. By the end of the course: You will have a better understanding of website prototyping You will get better at organizing your workflow with photoshop layers"
Price: 29.99

"Start Now with Bootstrap 3 Ebook Included" |
"Let me introduce you to Bootstrap 3 : the lightweight and responsive framework for a better and faster mobile-friendly web development. Lessons include: Downloading and understanding the boostrap files Review of the Bootstrap 3 files structure Presentation and demonstration of the 12-column Grid System Styling easily and quickly with Bootstrap built-in CSS classes Adding functional components like navbars, responsive tables, forms... Adding interactive elements with javascript plugins, like the carousel, the modal... A 2-part design project featuring multiple examples of the Bootstrap 3 CSS styling and dynamic elements Join me to learn about the open-source responsive framework Bootstrap 3. By the end of the course, you will easily design sleek, mobile-ready websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript."
Price: 54.99

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Price: 49.99

"Actualizacin Clnica y Terapetica de la Eyaculacin Precoz" |
"La Eyaculacin Precoz (EP) es, en la actualidad, la principal disfuncin sexual en los pases industrializados , las presentaciones clnicas de la EP la incluyen la primaria ,secundaria y subjetiva Los pacientes con EP son una proporcin muy importante de todas las consultas sobre medicina sexual en las consultas de Urlogos , andrlogos, mdicos de familia, psiclogos y sexlogos. Es por ello de vital importancia, que el profesional sanitario est correctamente formado y actualizado en este tema y que pueda tratar este problema tan prevalente en la actualidad. La actualizacin en el manejo de la EP representa el objetivo de este curso ,dotando al profesional de los ltimos avances en tratamientos farmacolgicos y psicolgicos, teoras sobre su etiologa , epidemiologa y anatomofisiologia."
Price: 119.99

"Aprende Matlab Completo: De Bsico a Avanzado" |
"Aprende Matlab ms rpido que con cualquier otro curso. En lo que leste eso ltimo ya habras creado tu primer programa.En este curso aprenders a utilizar los principales aspectos de MATLAB, una de las herramientas ms poderosas para computacin numrica a nivel mundial. Quieres dejar de enfocarte en entender qu demonios hizo el maestro en Matlab para enfocarte realmente en las clases? Desarrollar programas de una manera ms rpida y efectiva? Ser contratado por una buena empresa o ingresar a un posgrado de calidad? El curso de Matlab con mejor relacin Inversin-Beneficio Al tomar este curso no necesitars gastar ms tiempo ni dinero en libros, Cursos online caros ni bsquedas en Google o Youtube, aqu vers todo lo que necesitas saber para tomar los cursos de tu carrera. Te prometo personalmente el curso mejor estructurado y exhaustivo que encontrars y al mejor precio, adems de muy fcil de entender. Aqu se vern los temas generales a partir de los cuales podrs especializarte en cualquier rea de tu inters. Tanto si deseas dedicarte a la investigacin, trabajar en una empresa o ser emprendedor, este curso es para ti. Muchas de las empresas y universidades ms prestigiosas a nivel mundial requieren de programadores que sepan desarrollar programas en Matlab. Este software se utiliza como herramienta principal para programacin en reas como: Probabilidad y estadstica. Procesamiento de seales y comunicaciones. Procesamiento de imgenes y video. Sistemas de control. Pruebas y mediciones. Finanzas computacionales. Biologa computacional. Entre muchas otras. Empezaremos desde lo ms bsico (manejo de variables, operaciones con matrices y vectores, etc.), hasta temas ms avanzados como manejo de grficos, operaciones con polinomios, estructuras y celdas. Adems obtendrs acceso al foro de preguntas y respuestas en Youtube, Facebook y Udemy para preguntar tus dudas. Puedes mirar la estructura del curso para ver los temas que se incluyen. Inicia tu curso ahora. "
Price: 24.99

"Resuelve Subnetting y VLSM en 2 minutos (CCNA R&S y CCENT)" |
"El curso est enfocado para preparar a los alumnos a solucionar problemas de subnetting y VLSM en minutos. Aquellos que desean sacar la certificacin de CCENT o CCNA (R y S), les ser muy til seguir este curso. El material incluye videos donde explica la parte terica con ejemplos reales y la tcnica rpida para resolver el problema en minutos. Al final de las sesiones se les dar algunos ejemplos para que practiquen. El curso est estructurado de tal manera que los que sigan el curso puedan tener el conocimiento bsico del direccionamiento IPv4 con el fin de realizar en minutos subnetting y VLSM."
Price: 29.99

"25+ Tips On Creating Captivating Slide Presentations!" |
"DISCOVER HOW TO CREATE THE PERFECT SLIDE PRESENTATION! A stunning slide presentation can change the entire direction of your PowerPoint or Keynote. Join the thousands of people who have learned my secret techniques and get started right now! April 2019 Update:If you do any of the following in your presentations you NEEDto take this very short course:Put ONLY text on your slidesHave all bullet points up so everyone can read themYou don't know what font to use,or worse, what size to useYou advertise your own info on every pageYou have to tap on the mouse to move through your slidesYou go over on your allotted time - how does that impact the audience? ************************************************************************** STAY ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOUR AUDIENCE ************************************************************************** Did you know that an audience often reads the content on your presentation faster than you can repeat it back to them? Using my course, you'll learn about the process of creating the perfect presentation, tips on how to speak publicly over your slides, and an easy set of rules to follow to ensure maximum audience participation. It takes just ONE HOUR to start: LEVERAGING proper text to keep your audience engaged!DISCOVERING the most common issues that make presentations uninteresting!MASTERING presentation techniques.INCREASING your confidence and speaking prowess when presenting! LEARNING how to use Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, or other similar slide presentation software. ************************************************************************** IMPACT YOUR SALES, SCHOOL, AND WORK PRESENTATIONS ************************************************************************** When you sign up for my course, you'll receive more than 36 lessons to help you with your presentations, public speaking, software familiarity, confidence, and audience engagement. In short, you'll learn everything you need to create an amazing slide presentation and how to deliver it to an audience! Save yourself time trying to figure out what's going wrong and simply find out how to do it right. Learn from my years of presenting and overcoming my own mistakes, and just skip to what works! ************************************************************************** TESTIMONIALS ************************************************************************** ""Well laid out, step-by-step, in a simple to understand and to implement manner. I feel much more confident in my ability to create a great presentation."" Student This course teaches all those important details about preparing a presentation that are often forgotten or taken for granted. The lectures are easy to follow and more importantly actionable in real life. Thanks, Darci, for offering this course. H. Mishra Thank you for this as I am about to start planning my courses and techy stuff is intimidating however I understood & more importantly can actually do your stuff. This has given me more confidence to crack on...no more procrastination N. Ward ************************************************************************** ACT NOW AND GET BONUSES ************************************************************************** BONUS 1 FREE critique of one slide of your presentation! BONUS 2 Instant access to my checklist. BONUS 3 Sensational Coles' notes version so you can print it off and use immediately! ************************************************************************** YOU'RE PUTTING IN THE WORK, LET ME YOU MAKE IT SHINE ************************************************************************** You put in the time, sweating over your creations during long, sleepless nights. Now it's time to invest in yourself and your product with proven results. Seeing as how you've already put your heart and soul into your presentation, and it's not getting the traction you deserve, there's absolutely ZERO RISK on your part. Each of my lessons come with: My personal support. Simply message me and I'll get right back to you!Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs.Future additional lectures, bonuses, and materialall for FREE.An unconditional, 30-day money-back guarantee. Click the ""Take this course"" button at the top right. Every hour you delay you're not getting that next promotion, speaking engagement, or A+ on your paper. See you on the inside! Darci"
Price: 24.99

"Tow Motor & Fork Lift Certification - Theory (CANADA)" |
"Tow Motor, Fork Lift, Walkie's and other similar equipment require users to be certified prior to use in the workplace. This course will walk you through the theory portion of your certification. You will be required to complete your practical (on equipment) prior to getting your full certification. The Theory Certification is for three (3) years. Upon completion of this course you will get a certificate that is valid for 3 years. Contact us at Beyond Rewards Inc."
Price: 99.99

"Of Markets & Men:A Visual Introduction to Austrian Economics" |
"If you want to better understand human behavior and the economic consequences of it, or if you want to take more control of decisions in your own life, you should have a solid understanding of economics. Human beings are not robots or mindless automatons, and thus our behaviors cannot be predicted with mathematical formulas, so methods of physical sciences are not appropriate to explain human activity. That is why your previous economic study was probably meaningless to you and why you might run away from this subject like a building on fire. In contrast, Austrian economics fits nicely with common sense and the reality of everyday human behavior on the ground, and it is easy for the average person to understand. Conventional economics deals much more in the abstract and artificial, and only is meaningful to advanced practitioners. If economics is the study of human behavior, what kind of economics cant be understood by the average person? Correct choices taken in the real world are important to your well-being, and when you finally understand proper economic principles, the world will make more sense to you in an exhilarating way. You will see things more clearly and think more independently. In these times, economic understanding is more important than ever and knowing how things really work is priceless. That's why this course is packed with value. It features 30 video lessons of 5-8 minutes, presented in compelling and informative visual style. You can finish the course material in about 3 hours, and at the end there is a comprehensive and challenging quiz (100 questions) to test your grasp of the material. The instructor welcomes questions and feedback from students."
Price: 34.99
