"SAP GRC BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0" |
"This course is designed to fulfill the knowledge required on all level of SAP Security & GRC Consultant. Either you are an business owner or business solution manger this course give you entire overview of SAP GRC Access Control 10. Consultants who are beginner or already known SAP GRC you wants full understanding of SAP GRC AC10? this is course you are looking for. May be you already gone though some course or tutorial, but you wanting to know details. The course explains some of the topics like MSMP and BRF+ with simple steps and easy to understand. If you are preparing for SAP GRC Certification you can refresh your knowledge with this course and analyses your capacity with sample questions."
Price: 199.99

"Outlook Productivity (Gmail too!)" |
"Does email run your life? Does your Inbox feel like it never ends? Do you just need a better way to work? You need this course! You need it now! :)Many of the strategies work well with other email platforms such as Gmail and Yahoo! This course offers a proven system for managing your Inbox. It is filled with real tips and tricks that ANYONE can implement to take control of their email. This is not the same tactics you've read about online. These are genuine ideas that I've used to manage my Inbox for over 10 years. The course is structured as 13 lectures focusing on how to view your email, removing the clutter, and using a system of email management designed to make you focused and more productive."
Price: 19.99

"G Suite / Google Apps for Everyone" |
"Do you keep hearing about Google for this and Google for that? Do you want to learn how to save time doing everyday tasks with Google?Do you need a better way to work?Is your child's school rolling out Chromebooks and Google Apps and you're already lost? Gsuite has ushered in a whole new era of word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. Business, colleges, and K-12 schools have begun using this suite of products instead of Microsoft Office. Don't get left behind! What are Google Docs? Why should I use them if I already use Microsoft Office? Can I do things I can't do with Office? We'll answer these questions and much more in this unique, detailed course offering dedicated to GSuite (Google Apps for Business and Google Apps for Education.) This is the only course on Udemy that takes an in depth look at the following Google Apps: Google DocsGoogle DriveGoogle SpreadsheetsGoogle FormsGoogle PresentationsGoogle Drawings The lessons walk you through setting up your account, creating your first Google Doc, sharing your docs with colleagues to collaborate with you, designing forms to collect data, and much, much more. Students can expect to walk away with the ability to switch to Google Apps for their day to day computing needs. From creating your first document and inviting collaborators to work with you to designing forms to gather and display data. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will learn something from this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Become the Ultimate Babysitter In Less Than 2 Hours" |
"According to Ralph M. Shenefelt, General Manager of the American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) ""While experience is important, it's not enough that someone has been watching children for years or that they have raised their own children. People who watch children should be professionally trained."" In this course you will learn how to become a great babysitter that any child will love to have and that parents will want to keep calling back again and again. Course DescriptionDo you think babysitting for years is all that it takes to be great? Unfortunately the answer is A BIG NO. Experts just simply don't agree to this analogy at all. As per child safety experts, having raised one's own children is no criteria for being good at babysitting other children. Babysitters must be professionally trained.This is what we kept in mind while designing this course for you in the most professional manner. It's just two hours of training that will turn you into the most loved and called for babysitter.What Are the requirementsAudio understanding of spoken English.What Do you Get from This courseThe course has been designed to prepare a baby sitter for any eventuality, situation or contingency in babysitting. The content is the outcome of extensive research by our panel of childcare, pediatric and child safety experts. The course delivers to you:Over 16 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!Provide basic first aid to children and teenagers,Care for multiple children at once,What is the target audience?Novice or amateur babysitters desiring to turn professional. Semi professional babysitters looking for the advanced understanding of the subject.UPDATED: 9/24/2015"
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To Grow Your Business (Startups & Small Biz)" |
"Building and managing a successful business is difficult. Success takes smart planning, strong commitment and sound execution, but it also takes a knowledge of how to succeed. This course has been designed to provide the small business owner with actionable tools and techniques that they can immediately use in their everyday operations to make their business more successful. The focus of the course will be on the three areas of any business that truly determine profitability and success How to increase your revenue How to cut your expenses How to hire and keep the right employees The goal of this course? Thats easy -- To provide you, the small business owner, with the information and resources you need to achieve the success you envisioned when you started your company."
Price: 39.99

"Mindfulness Meditation for Active Lives" |
"Mindfulness Meditation for Active Lives In Mindfulness Meditation for Active Lives, you will learn how to use mindfulness to deal with stress and anxiety, to improve your concentration and focus and to help increase your performance and overall well-being. This course consists primarily of videos that guide the user through mindfulness meditations. Users can complete the videos in sequence or simply select the videos of interest. No previous knowledge or experience in meditation is required. The content available in this course is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide specific medical advice nor does this establish a doctor-patient relationship. This material is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your personal circumstances. Users of this website waive any claims against You Productions. Why mindfulness meditation? Neurologists have been researching the positive effects of mindfulness meditation. They find that meditating regularly, even for short periods of time, can help to improve ones mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness helps to reduce stress, feelings of fear and tiredness. Mindfulness helps to lower blood pressure and pulse. The brain waves change and make the brain calmer and at the same time more productive. Course Contents + Introduction about mindfulness + Worksheets to define ones own goals, plans and tracking + Video-based exercises for beginners and more advanced users + Recommended reading and further resources Meditation TopicsBest Posture for Meditation Concentration Exercises Breathing Meditations Anxiety Relief Dealing with Performance Anxiety Preparing for Time with Family Meditation for the Active LivesMeditation comes from the East. It developed in India and China and has been passed on and further developed over thousands of years. YOU Productions brings the methods from Vipassana Meditation and tailors them for people with busy lives. These meditations are neutral and secular. Were not promoting a guru or historical persona. These meditations are designed to deal with the issues of a modern society. They are short and guided to address the needs of people with busy lives. Thats why theyre called YOU. Because, its about you. Its for you. Its by you. And it has to come from You."
Price: 44.99

"Meditation fr das heutige Leben" |
"Im ""Meditation fr das heutige Leben"" lernt man die Achtsamkeitsmeditation als Hilfe gegen Stress und Burnout, oder um die Konzentration und Leistungsfhigkeit zu erhhen. Der Hauptteil des Kurses besteht aus Video-basierten bungen welche den Benutzer durch Meditationen begleitet. Man braucht keine Vorkenntnisse und kann den Kurs in eigenemTempo und Tiefe durchgehen. Man whlt die bungen fr das Thema welches gerade aktuell ist. Die Inhalte dieses Kurses sind weder zur rztlichen Approbation noch als medizinische Ratschlge gedacht. Die Informationen bieten keinen Ersatz fr professionellen rztlichen Rat fr Ihre persnliche Situation. Wieso die Achtsamkeitsmeditation? Neurologen haben wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen, dass nur wenige, regelmssige Minuten der Achtsamkeitsmeditation die physischewie auch mentale Gesundheit frdern. Man kommt weniger zu Stress, zu ngsten oder zu Mdigkeit und der Puls und der Blutdruck senken sich. Auch das Gehirn wird ruhiger und zugleich leistungsfhiger. Was der Kurs enthlt + Einleitung ber Achtsamkeit + Arbeitsmaterial, um die eigenen Ziele, den eigenen Plan und die Erfolgskontrolle festzulegen + Video-basierte bungen fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene + Empfohlenes Lesematerial und weitere Ressourcen bungsthemen: Morgen Meditation 3 Minuten Meditation Fr nach der Arbeit Mit Stress umgehen Entlastung vomGefhle eines Burnouts Lampenfieber beseitigen Brain Fit Meditation fr den Westen Die Achtsamtkeitsmeditation kommt aus dem Osten: Sie ist in den geographischen Rumen rund um Indien und China entstanden und wurde ber jahrtausende gepflegt und weiterentwickelt. YOU Productions bringt diese Methoden in den Westen und macht sie fr moderne Menschen zugnglich, die selbst bestimmen, was fr sie richtig ist und funktioniert. Daher der Name ""YOU"": Es geht bei diesen bungen nur um Sie und nicht um einen Lehrer oder sogar historische Persnlichkeiten."
Price: 44.99

"Better Concentration through Mindfulness Meditation" |
"In Better Concentration through Mindfulness Meditation, you will learn how to use mindfulness to improve your concentration and focus. Concentration is the foundation for both learning and performance. Improving concentration can help increase your productivity and your effectiveness in your work life or your private life. The meditative exercises and mediations in this App draw on years of experience in psychology and meditation to help you strengthen your concentration by focusing on your breath. This course consists primarily of videos that guide the user through mindfulness meditations. Users can complete the videos in sequence or simply select the videos of interest. No previous knowledge or experience in meditation is required. The content available in this course is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide specific medical advice nor does this establish a doctor-patient relationship. This material is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your personal circumstances. Users of this website waive any claims against You Productions. Why mindfulness meditation? Neurologists have been researching the positive effects of mindfulness meditation. They find that meditating regularly, even for short periods of time, can help to improve ones mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness helps to reduce stress, feelings of fear and tiredness. Mindfulness helps to lower blood pressure and pulse. The brain waves change and make the brain calmer and at the same time more productive. Course Contents + Introduction about mindfulness + Worksheets to define ones own goals, plans and tracking + Video-based exercises for beginners and more advanced users + Recommended reading and further resources Meditation TopicsBest posture for meditation Concentration exercises in four stages Dealing with anxiety before important situations Improving focus to be more present with family Meditation for the Active LivesMeditation comes from the East. It developed in India and China and has been passed on and further developed over thousands of years. YOU Productions brings the methods from Vipassana Meditation and tailors them for people with busy lives. These meditations are neutral and secular. Were not promoting a guru or historical persona. These meditations are designed to deal with the issues of a modern society. They are short and guided to address the needs of people with busy lives. Thats why theyre called YOU. Because, its about you. Its for you. Its by you. And it has to come from You."
Price: 34.99

"Meditation for Depression and Anxiety" |
"In Mindfulness for Depression and Anxiety , you will learn how to use mindfulness to regulate your emotions, and work with thoughts and feelings in a helpful way. If you are suffering from depression in your life or if anxiety is causing too much stress in your life, these meditative exercises will guide you through techniques to work with inhibiting thoughts and feelings in a helpful way. Drawing on years of experience in both psychology and meditation, you will learn how to use your breath to regulate emotion and find relief. These exercises can be used any time you feel depressed, or to practice dealing with depression whenever you have time. This course consists primarily of videos that guide the user through mindfulness meditations. Users can complete the videos in sequence or simply select the videos of interest. No previous knowledge or experience in meditation is required. The content available in this course is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide specific medical advice nor does this establish a doctor-patient relationship. This material is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your personal circumstances. Users of this website waive any claims against You Productions. Why mindfulness meditation? Neurologists have been researching the positive effects of mindfulness meditation. They find that meditating regularly, even for short periods of time, can help to improve ones mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness helps to reduce stress, feelings of fear and tiredness. Mindfulness helps to lower blood pressure and pulse. The brain waves change and make the brain calmer and at the same time more productive. Course Contents + Introduction about mindfulness + Worksheets to define ones own goals, plans and tracking + Video-based exercises for beginners and more advanced users + Recommended reading and further resources Meditation TopicsBest posture for meditation Breathing meditations Dealing with depression Managing anxiety Managing anxiety before important situations Meditation for the Active LivesMeditation comes from the East. It developed in India and China and has been passed on and further developed over thousands of years. YOU Productions brings the methods from Vipassana Meditation and tailors them for people with busy lives. These meditations are neutral and secular. Were not promoting a guru or historical persona. These meditations are designed to deal with the issues of a modern society. They are short and guided to address the needs of people with busy lives. Thats why theyre called YOU. Because, its about you. Its for you. Its by you. And it has to come from You."
Price: 44.99

"La Prise de Parole en Public" |
"Prendre la parole en public, on le sait, c'est stressant. Mais qu'est-ce qui stress, au juste ? Ce dossier revient sur les 7 causes principales du stress lorsqu'on parle en public. Les connatre, c'est dj un pas pour les accepter... ce qui diminue le stress! La Prise de Parole en Public est une prsentation qui runit un certain nombre de conseils et de mthodes pratiques faciles utiliser."
Price: 24.99

"La Communication Non Verbale" |
"La communication non verbale dsigne dans une conversation tout change n'ayant pas recours la parole. Le langage du corps ne repose pas sur les mots, mais sur les gestes , les attitudes, les mimiques ou les odeurs La communication non verbale s'intresse aussi l'environnement, c'est--dire le lieu dans lequel les interactions ont lieu. La communication non-verbale permet d'tudier le langage du corps, qui correspond : aux expressions faciales, aux gestes, aux distances interpersonnelles... La communication non verbale regroupe toutes les techniques destines communiquer avec autrui sans utiliser la parole, notamment les mouvements du corps, ou les manifestations physiologiques comme la transpiration, exemple: les larmes sont un moyen de communication non verbale ! Dans cette prsentation, nous allons rpondre 3 questions principales: Quest ce que la communication non verbale? Qui fait appel la communication non verbale? Comment matriser notre langage corporel? BREF Comment dceler la vrit derrire les mots exprims ? et quand est-il de la gestuelle de votre interlocuteur? TRES BON COURAGE A TOUS JE VOUS VOIS TRES PROCHAINEMENT"
Price: 19.99

"La Gestion des Conflits" |
"De nos jours, dans le monde de l'entreprise nous sommes devenus de plus en plus confronts aux autres et leur mauvaise humeur; Mme dans les conditions les plus agrables le conflit est parfois invitable Comme toute chose, les conflits leurs tours connaissent des causes de dclenchement et bien entendu des consquences bien spcifiques qui apparaissent par la suite. Ces derniers sont de plusieurs types ( interne, de personne, de valeur, ) et leurs risques sont en fonction des conflits auxquels on a affaire. On n'est souvent pas arms pour faire face tous les conflits qui se prsentent l'entreprise. Afin de faire face cette multitude de conflits qui se multiplient chaque jour de type et de gravit on doit mettre en uvre un certain nombre d'actions et ce dans le but de trouver une issue laquelle on pourra faire appel lors de la rencontre d'un conflit tout en tudiant son type sa situation (grave ou non) et de trouver une solution plus en moins idale pour combattre ce dit problme Un conflit est une tension qui nat de l'opposition entre deux personnes (ou plus). Le confit est un processus qui dbute quand un des protagonistes (individu, groupe ou organisation) s'aperoit que l'autre l'empche, ou agit de manire l'empcher d'atteindre son but Alors, comment sortir d'un conflit qui, dans le milieu de l'entreprise, peut avoir de lourdes consquences et amener un licenciement ?? Quels sont les lments qu'il faut mettre en uvre pour rsoudre un conflit?? Dans cette prsentation, nous rpondrons principalement la gestion suivante: Comment pourrions nous grer ces tensions, ces conflits, ces malentendus? et nous verrons aussi Les diffrents types de conflits; Les causes et les consquences; Techniques mettre en oeuvre; Les piges viter."
Price: 24.99

"Dites ADIEU au STRESS" |
"Selon INRS, ""lInstitut national de recherche et de scurit pour la prvention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles (INRS)""-France: Plus dun salari europen sur 5 dclare souffrir de troubles de sant lis au stress au travail. Le phnomne npargne plus aucun secteur dactivit. La dmarche de prvention collective consiste rduire les sources de stress dans l'entreprise en agissant directement sur l'organisation, les conditions de travail, les relations sociales Au bureau, le stress se gnralise. Manager, cadre ou employ, chacun est soumis la pression, les dossiers qui saccumulent, les dlais raccourcis un jour, on craque. Le stress est une perturbation biologique et physique dun organisme due une agression quelconque. Dans cette prsentation nous allons voir: La dfinition du stress Profil du stress ... La Gestion de stress: applications et conseils pratiques Je vous dit: A trs bientt Bonne continuation"
Price: 24.99

"Sales Performance Tune-up Part 1" |
"If you are a good sales person who wants to become great, if you are at the top of your game but know you can do better or if you have a pipeline full of deals that simply wont close then this course is for you. You will understand concepts and learn techniques to hone your skills across all aspects of B2B selling to make you more effective in what you actually do, working on the right things more efficient with your time and your teams as it is a finite resource and to help you improve your close ratios, more success, less defeats increase your deal size, hit your numbers faster enhance your credibility with customers, prospects and your team to make you more successful. Each section, broken down into bite size lessons, deals with a specific part of selling and the selling cycle. The lessons are voice over slides. A quiz at the end of each section is intended to validate that you have understood the concepts before moving onto the next section. The course is structured around a classic B2B sales cycle. My recommendation is to follow it as designed as later lessons build on what you have learnt previously. Listen all the way through then come back to specific lessons and revise it again taking note of the concepts and techniques discussed. When you work through a specific lesson with a technique or techniques you need to apply, do it, and start putting the techniques discussed into practice. I suggest that the course be completed within 2-4 weeks depending on how you manage your practice. Dont create excuses now as to why you cannot practice or embrace the ideas in this series. I can be your guide but it is you that has to climb the mountain. If you dont give it a real go then we will both have failed!"
Price: 19.99

"Kundalini Yoga : A New Beginning, A New Life, A New You!" |
"***Course Updated March 2019!***However you are finding life right now, by completing this course, you can find the key to making it even more amazing with Kundalini Yoga.With 16 years of experience of KundaliniYoga,I am in a unique position to know the secret to exactly how this powerful form of Yoga works, and Ihave managed to distill the essence of the vast practice into this bite size course, to give you a genuine experience of feeling great right away!...The result :Your life will become instantly more amazing, because when you feel great, you start doing the things you really want to do, and the people around you will know notice the difference immediately. They will want to know why suddenly you are suddenly so much happier, with so much time and energy for the things and people that are really important in your life.If you sometimes feel a bit stuck, or a bit lost perhaps, the techniques I will show you here will get your energy flowing again. This will enable you to regain the clarity of purpose, direction and energy that you need to give greater meaning and clarity to your life.Say goodbye to feelings like apathy, depression and inertia, which we all experience from time to time! I will help you find the unlimited energy within your body that will get you fully inspired and engaged in life, so that you can take your life to the next level, and start to live the life you always dreamed of, filled with deep joy.It doesn't matter if you have never done one single Yoga class in your life, and can't touch your toes because you do not need to be flexible, and absolutely no experience is needed for this course, everything is very simple and clearly explained for you to practice, as you are right now.Equally if you have done other forms of Yoga but feel that there is something missing, then let me reveal the secret of how and why Kundalini Yoga is something extra special.No matter who you are, this course can put you on the path to help you find a deeper insight into what Yoga is really about, which is no less than rediscovering the truth of who you really are...Boundless and Limitless!Get ready for the big change in your life that you have been waiting for, get ready for Kundalini Yoga!ENROLLNOW!:)"
Price: 49.99

"Kundalini Yoga: The Advanced Guide To The Next Level Of Yoga" |
"The most comprehensive Kundalini Yoga course on Udemy, for the student who wants to take their practice to the next level.*** from Mark T.J Keane, Udemy's bestselling Kundalini Yoga instructor ***We cover all the main aspects of Kundalini Yoga to ensure you get your kundalini rising!Kriya (Set) - This course contains 3 full kriyas, including the most powerful kriya in this practice, which is rarely taught, but is guaranteed to transform your body tension, and negative patterns into free flowing energy, and a super positive attitude.Asana (Body Position) - This course contains many different asanas to get energy flowing in your body, most of which are not found in any other Yoga practice. They are very direct, and lead to a transfer of attention from the problem solving, rational mind, to the heart, where natural joy arises from the opening of the chest.Pranayama (Breath Awareness) - This course contains the 5 most effective breaths in Kundalini Yoga. Most people's breath is too shallow, and it causes emotions like anxiety, and depression to be trapped in the body. These breaths will not only permanently shift these trapped emotions, but give you instant access to your deep mind, and the wisdom that resides there, waiting to be untapped.Bandha (Locks) - These locks are the key to Kundalini Yoga. Master these, and you master Yoga. They are seldom taught so readily in most other Yoga practices. These locks are designed to stimulate, cultivate and channel your kundalini energy passed the three gates. The effect is the stimulation of your higher glandular system, and ultimately the ultimate goal of Yoga....Samadhi, which is to have the ability to access cosmic consciousness at will.Mudra (Hand Positions) - How changing the hand positions alters your state, and tunes you in to natural and cosmic energies.Mantra (Sound Vibration) - This course includes six mantras which are designed to cleanse the mind to give you clarity and inner peace.Meditation - This course includes 2 in depth meditations which are both very powerful. Either one of these has the potential to change your life by raising your vibration, in alignment with the most awesome version of yourself.Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) - This course includes a specially designed Yoga Nidra, which not only works as a deep relaxation, and guided meditation, but also has the effect of integrating the rest of the work you do on the course. It will align your kundalini with your natural surroundings and the cosmos, giving you the power to attract what you want from the universe.All guided by Mark Keane, who has been teaching Kundalini Yoga extensively since training in India in 2005.You are ready for the next level..it's time to dive deep, and take the plunge!...ENROLL NOW! (30 Day Money Back Guarantee)NB. Please note that this is an advanced course, so if you are new to Kundalini Yoga, it is recommended to first complete my concise beginner's course on Udemy: Kundalini Yoga : A New Beginning, A New Life, A New You!"
Price: 199.99

"An Introduction to Basic Biology" |
"An Introduction to Basic Biology is a course that covers information for a general high school or level one university biology course. It is designed as an 8 week course with textbook provided through OpenStaxCollege. The course is useful for those individuals in a homeschool setting or for those who need extra instruction in biology. It is taught by a certified master tutor in Biology with six years of experience in biology courses and in instruction. The course will be taught through PowerPoints, pre-recorded lectures, quizzes, worksheets, videos, and other interactive methods of learning."
Price: 19.99

"How to be A High Performance Insurance Broker Part 1" |
"How To Be A High Performance Insurance Broker was designed for insurance agency principals, brokers, and agents to show you the exact steps to creating your practice precisely the way you want it to be. The course was designed to help you unlock all of the potential that you and your practice possess. This is the complete guide for insurance professionals who want to maximize revenue, maximize profit, and enjoy their practice more, while not adding more hours to their work week. It has come out of the culmination of 11 years of working directly with agency principals on development and peak performance. We highly recommend you take all four parts, however, each part is a comprehensive course in and of itself. Materials Included: Video Lectures Audio Lectures Handouts Quizzes Exercises Strengths Assessment Time Requirements: Lectures & Handouts 2 hours Exercise 2 - 3 hours Assessment 1 hour Course One Vision and Strengths Summary In this course, you will understand the importance of having a solid and compelling vision. Youll learn why vision is the vital piece to begin reaching your highest levels of achievement. Youll understand what vision is NOT and why most people fail to achieve their vision. And youll go through an exercise that will help you clarify your own vision. Youll also learn why focusing on our signature strengths vs. working on our perceived weaknesses is a more effective way to be a peak performer."
Price: 39.99

"How to be A High Performance Insurance Broker Part 2" |
"How To Be A High Performance Insurance Broker was designed for insurance agency principals, brokers, and agents to show you the exact steps to creating your practice precisely the way you want it to be. The course was designed to help you unlock all of the potential that you and your practice possess. This is the complete guide for insurance professionals who want to maximize revenue, maximize profit, and enjoy their practice more, while not adding more hours to their work week. It has come out of the culmination of 11 years of working directly with agency principals on development and peak performance. We highly recommend you take all four parts, however, each part is a comprehensive course in and of itself. Materials Included: Video Lectures Handouts Exercises Time Requirements: Lectures & Handouts 4 hours Exercise 2 - 4 hours In part 2, you will learn why self confidence is the single greatest predictor of success and how self confidence is developed. You will also learn how talent, skill, and self confidence all work in conjunction and in an endless loop to propel you to higher levels of performance. Youll also learn why proper mind management plays the greatest role in your behaviors and outcomes and why, as we say, if you manage your mind, you manage your destiny. Finally, youll learn why resilience is necessary to reach your highest levels of performance and how to develop more of it."
Price: 39.99

"How to be a High Performance Insurance Broker Part 3" |
"Part Three Relationship Management, Relationships with Yourself and Others How To Be A High Performance Insurance Broker was designed for insurance agency principals and brokers to show you the exact steps to creating your practice precisely the way you want it to be. The course was designed to help you unlock all of the potential that you and your practice possess. This is the complete guide for insurance agency principals who want to maximize revenue, maximize profit, and enjoy their practice more, while not adding more hours to their work week. It has come out of the culmination of 11 years of working directly with agency principals on development and peak performance. We highly recommend you take all four parts, however, each part is a comprehensive course in and of itself. Materials Included: Video Lectures Handouts Exercises Quizzes Time Requirements: Lectures & Handouts 4 hours Exercise 10 - 15 minutes per day Summary In this course, you will examine your relationship with both yourself and others. Youll understand why having a good working relationship with yourself is necessary before you can have solid relationships with others. You will learn how managing the relationships with others can be the best sales skill you ever learn. Youll also understand the different styles of communication and the most effective communication style in relationship management. Youll learn why relationship management is so important to being a high performance insurance practice."
Price: 39.99

"How to be a High Performance Insurance Broker Part 4" |
"How To Be A High Performance Insurance Broker was designed for insurance agency principals and brokers to show you the exact steps to creating your practice precisely the way you want it to be. The course was designed to help you unlock all of the potential that you and your practice possess. This is the complete guide for insurance agency principals who want to maximize revenue, maximize profit, and enjoy their practice more, while not adding more hours to their work week. It has come out of the culmination of 11 years of working directly with agency principals on development and peak performance. We highly recommend you take all four parts, however, each part is a comprehensive course in and of itself. Materials Included: Video Lectures Handouts Exercises Time Requirements: Lectures & Handouts 4.5 hours Exercise 2 - 4 hours Part Four Creating the plan, Achieving Goals, and the Power of Peer Counsel If it doesnt get measured, it doesnt exist. In this course, youll learn the importance of accountability and keeping score. Youll understand the importance of having a plan, goals, and behaviors and why they are necessary to be a high performance broker. Youll see how goals play a role in our vision and the importance of proper goals setting. Well also uncover some myths around goal setting. Youll also learn the importance of having good outside counsel if you want to perform at your highest level. Whether its a coach or a peer advisory board, solid outside counsel can become the most effective tool for problem solving and proactive solutions."
Price: 39.99

"No Pressure Prospecting - Close More Sales" |
"No Pressure Prospecting is a COMPLETE - step by step sales and business development process. It gives you the inside Mindset, Selling Strategy and Technique - to be able to identify 36 "Good Fit" prospects and sales leads for your business in 3 weeks WITHOUT the pressure of making cold sales calls. This is a complete lead generation sales process you can use - Nothing is left out of this sales coaching program! - deliver the business building leads to increase closed sales and generate leads using email, internet marketing while increasing your selling communication. Start closing more sales now. Blow past all the BS that your prospects tell every other salesperson... Easily identify the people who are open to having a conversation... Get them to call you and suggest getting together... Selling is 2 Parts: Finding people to sell & Selling people you find. At the end of the day - it just doesn't matter how good of a sales person you are, if you dont have enough people to sell to. No Pressure Prospecting is designed to help you find and identify those ideal "good fit" sales prospects in a way that takes all the pressure off of you - the salesperson. Crack the cold email code and stop cold calling for business. Learn these sales growth, business building secrets. Increase your selling opportunity with these sales coaching ideas. This sales training and coaching program has been built with a specific person in mind. Heres what others have said: Blake from Illinois says... Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! I was thinking of getting out of sales all together, because I just didn't feel like I could do what it was I thought I had to do to find prospects. This process makes sense and has taken all the pressure out of prospecting. Vicki from Arizona says... This is awesome! I've been using no pressure prospecting and suddenly people are calling me to ask for pricing. It feels amazing to be spending my days working with people who want my help David from Boston says... There is a large security firm I've been targeting for moths; the president of the company wouldn't talk to me no matter what I tried I used the relate vs admit technique and were scheduled for our first meeting they even sent me an email to confirm. thank you Bob"
Price: 199.99

"Creative Coaching" |
"Have you ever wondered how you could expand your creativity? How you could step beyond the forces that obstruct inspiration? How to hack your flow? It has been suggested that it takes 10 000 hours to reach mastery in a craft. This course will serve as a catalyst for you on your journey, whether you are a creative person on their journey into their art or an entrepreneur starting up a business, a catalyst that accelerates your own mastery over your craft, business and life. It is a course based on the highly rated book: The Creativity Manual and the 5 steps outlined in the book, Self-discovery, Clarity, Confidence, Momentum & Reward. The practical tools are all beautifully interwoven with tales of travel from the author, Johan Nayar MSc. who is an Evolutionary Psychologist, a World Traveller and Creative Explorer. The course offers deep insights from NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer, Tristan Henri, and it is the interaction between these two characters that brings the course to life. The stages are as follows: 1. Self-discovery The first section is Self-discovery. Much like a singer must find her voice, any creative or entrepreneur must find a style from which they can operate best. We'll cover the following things in each section: how creativity evolved in nature an introduction to Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and its principles. NLP eye patterns - where do people look when they are lying perceptual positions- how to gain perspectives on a situation (NLP) our filters on the world- deletion, distortion and generalisation (NLP) an introduction to the Myers Briggs personality test 2. Clarity Now that you know yourself on a deeper level we move onto Clarity, which is a way to gain focus on a goal. A person who is striving towards something is much more likely to achieve it than someone moving away. What we'll cover: how niching works in nature and its application in business & art why focus is so important in any endeavour an Ayahuasca story effective goal setting using SMART goals personal empowerment by taking responsibility for choice 3. Confidence Now that you have gained the focus of where you want to go, it's time to put it all into action. Confidence will accelerate this process, we will cover: status in modern society NLP anchoring - how to access confidence on tap the success cycle - how to be more successful no failure only feedback- how to reframe negativity over 'failure' acting 'as if' 4. Momentum With confidence comes a level of flow which is the state where the real magic happens. In this section we investigate ways to increase momentum, it includes: an exploration of planning vs spontaneity how to hack your flow, be in the zone or get in the groove maximizing productivity using the Covey matrix personal editing (NLP) change your unproductive memories continuation of perceptual positions 5. Reward In this section you combine all of the above processes into a single, unified force and notice how results begin to manifest all around you. We will cover the evolution of reward systems a summary of all the previous sections guest interview with filmmaker Theo Davies further learning This course offers a hands on approach to enhancing creativity and building confidence. You will be leaving the course with so many useful techniques and a clear direction over your goals. You will be not only able to flourish in your own endeavours but be an inspirational influence to others. Read CHAPTER 1 for more information on The Creativity Manual or just sign up above, there's everything to gain."
Price: 199.99

"Tai Chi with Master Tsou" |
"This course includes a follow along exercise program guided by Master Sifu Tsou and three high level students, a discussion of common questions with Sifu Tsou, a demonstration of Master level caligraphy, and general health and wellness tips. The course provides an exercise routine that you can practice every day to attain the highest levels of Tai Chi. While typical Tai Chi courses emphasize copying the popular contemporary forms, this course will go to the origins and demonstrate principles and core movements that can be applied to all aspects of life. This course includes deep discussions of the meaning of Dao practice and the Tai Chi principle. Master Sifu Tsou is a direct lineage teacher from Tapei, Taiwan and Los Angeles, California and has over fifty years of practice and teaching experience."
Price: 39.99

"Ento voc quer abrir uma PetShop?" |
"Esse curso consequncia do livro "Sem Plano de Negcios" onde escrevi um pouco da aventura que foi montar uma PetShop que sasse dos padres conhecidos por todos. Falo sobre o mercado em geral, a localizao, marketing, arquitetura de loja, funcionrios e alguns nmeros, so dicas que voc no encontra em materiais prontos sobre o tema. Se voc no quer ser mais uma PetShop no imenso mar de pets que j existem por a, voc precisa seguir esse curso."
Price: 29.99

"General Networking - wireless, routers, firewalls, Cisco NAS" |
"The course offers a hands-on learning experience with an emphasis on practical activities. Do you want to buy an IP Camera (home surveillance system) or a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device? Maybe you want to learn how to configure your home router and enable port forwarding? Do you want to improve your Wi-Fi connection or test your Internet link? You've come to the right place!In addition, General Networking Training provides a learning pathway to the Cisco, Microsoft, and Comptia certificates. Re-recorded in March 2017, more lectures, more gadgets and devices! Now includes:-How and where you can host a website (WordPress)- GPS trackers and spying applications- Antivirus applications- Windows Server 2016- 802.11ac - a real lab with an Asus router! The main objective of this course is to provide you with a basic understanding of computer network technologies and concepts. You will learn how to apply all these skills in real world situations.High quality materials: videos and documents that will help you understand all topics. All designed by an experienced Network Security Engineer. The course emphasizes the practical application of skills needed to understand and troubleshoot a Small Office / Home Office network. Learn about Dynamic DNS, Remote Support Tools (VNC, Teamviewer, Radmin), wireless security, switches, firewalls, cables and Internet connections.Join now!"
Price: 19.99

"Cisco ICND2 - 200-105 - Practice Exams, Pass your Cisco exam" |
"Are you looking for reliable and interesting Cisco ICND2 exam practice questions? You've come to the right place!It is not enough to buyvideos and booksto pass an IT exam anymore. You have to go through as many practice questions as possible. You need questions with explanations to study and master all key topics!This course focuses on theICND2 200-105 exam, however it can be used for CCNA studies as well if combined with my other Practice Exams for ICND1.There are five exams based on the official Cisco curriculum. Are you up for a real challenge? As a bonus - there is a simlet - a huge topology with several devices, show commands, and 10 tricky questions to help you understand all troubleshooting techniques. Are you ready to take the challenge?Here is a list of features:A lot of practice questionsMultiple choice questions and questions with exhibitsA big Simlet with several routers, switches, and show commandsExplanations to all questionsQuestions and answersare randomizedAll exam sections coveredSubnetting questionsExam tips and additional linksAll questions written from scratchAll key exam topics coveredQuestionsdivided using the official curriculumA lot of tricky quesitons to help you pass the exam first timeYou get 100+ professionally writtenCisco practice questions with explanations and exam tips. Many questions come with exhibits to help you master all key items.Join now and feel moreconfident taking the ICND2 exam. Please remember to add the ICND1 Practice exams if you want to take the CCNA exam!"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Windows 10 - MTA Windows OS Fundamentals 98-349" |
"This is a new edition of the MTA course - covers Windows 10. Join now!Learn how Windows 10 works. Master the installation process, editions, settings, and lean more about new cool features of Windows 10: Edge, Cortana, and more!Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is a recommended entry point into IT certification. Pass just one exam and youll earn a certification! The main benefit of earning a Microsoft Certification is that it shows potential employers/hiring managers that you have the necessary requirements and skills to be the perfect candidate for the job. In this course you will learn all you need to know to pass the exam and apply your skills in real world scenarios. Overview of Windows Operating System Windows 10 - features and editionsReal-world examplesLabs with step-by-step instructionsDetailed lectures on installation, folders and sharesTroubleshooting tools and tipsQuizzes to help you pass the examThe course is perfect for anyone who seeks to learn the fundamentals of Windows Operating System concepts. Contents and Overview In over 3 hours of content including 30 lectures this course covers the basics of Windows Operating System Fundamentals. Each chapter closes with a quiz to make sure you can practice exam questions and test your knowledge before moving to the next section. We start from scratch discussing managing applications, files and folders, how to install and upgrade Client Systems and manage devices. This course discusses security, malware protection, remote access and visualization. Join now!."
Price: 34.99

"CCENT po polsku - kurs sieci komputerowych - egzamin 100-105" |
"Uwaga! Egzamin CCENT nie jest juz dostepny do zdania. Cisco zakonczylo taka mozliwosc w lutym 2020. Caly kurs jest nadal aktualny i swietnie wprowadza w swiat Cisco, ale nie mozna zdac egzaminu CCENT.Egzamin CCENT (ICND1) oraz wiedza z tego poziomu jest niezbdnym elementem w pracy kadego inyniera sieciowego. Kurs, ktry przygotowaem pomaga w podejciu do egzaminu 100-105 oraz przekazuje cenn i praktyczn wiedz dotyczc podstaw konfiguracji urzdze firmy Cisco. Podczas tego szkolenia poznasz:Co to jest model OSI i jak go praktycznie stosowaPodstawy adresacji sieci oraz subnettingRouting statyczny oraz dynamiczny RIPKonfiguacja urzdze warstwu drugiej (switch)Dostp do Internetu oraz jego konfiguracjaPodstawy bezpieczestwa sieci komputerowychPraktyczne aspekty konfiguracji urzdze CiscoWiele porad pomagajcych zda egzamin 100-105 (ICND1)Przykady z pracy inyniera sieciowegoKurs jest przygotowany w jzyku polskim, ale wikszo terminw oraz poj jest dostpna w jzyku angielskim, co pomaga w zdaniu egzaminu oraz rozumieniu dokumentacji technicznej. Kilkadziesit laboratoriw oraz liczne pytania sprawdzajce urozmaicaj nauk.Kurs podzielony jest na krtkie i atwe w przyswojeniu lekcje. Wszystkie slajdy oraz laboratoria s przystosowane do ogldania na urzdzeniach mobilnych.Kurs nagrany jest w Full HD przy uyciu wysokiej klasy mikrofonu, co gwarantuje wysok jako video i audio.Zapraszam serdecznie!"
Price: 29.99

"MTA: Windows Server 2016 Administration Fundamentals: 98-365" |
"MTA Windows Server 2016 Administration Fundamentals covers all important exam topics and helps you get ready for the exam. The course has been recorded using Windows Server 2016 to match the updated MTA curriculum from Microsoft.Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is a recommended entry point into IT certification. Pass just one exam and you'll earn a certification! The main benefit to earning a Microsoft Certification is that it shows potential employers/hiring managers that you have the necessary requirements and skills to be the perfect candidate for the job.What will I learn?Overview of Microsoft Server solutionsActive Directory, DNS, DHCP, IIS, RDSE-books and presentations with step-by-step instructionsDetailed lectures on Active DirectoryUsers, Groups, Permisions and PoliciesVirtualization, Remote Access, Security, Storage...PowerShell in actionYou will find almost all support roles in IT require some Microsoft skills. It is especially important to have a good grasp of Windows Servers, every day thousands of new servers go live and require a certified engineer to deploy, support and maintain the infrastructure. The course is perfect for anyone who seeks to learn the fundamental Microsoft Server concepts. Contents and Overview In over 3 hours of content including more than 30 lectures, this course covers the basics of Windows Server 2016. You will find a couple of quizzes to make sure you can practice exam questions and test your knowledge before moving to the next section. We start from scratch discussing an installation process, basic configuration and we move to roles and features like Hyper-V, Remote Access, Active Directory, Storage, and Printers. There are lectures dedicated to maintenance and troubleshooting - skills you need to have if you want to apply for a job and work with Microsoft Servers. Students completing the course will have the knowledge to install and manage a Windows Server 2016 including basic troubleshooting. You'll also receive bonus materials that reinforces the concepts you've learned. A lot of real world examples help you apply your skills and make difficult topics much easier to understand."
Price: 34.99

"Liderazgo Sensorial - Un Nuevo Modelo de Liderazgo Integral" |
"Qu dicen los estudiantes:""La experiencia ha sido buena, haba cierta informacin que desconoca que puede resultar til a la hora de resolver ciertos problemas,siguiendo los ""consejos"" de este modelo de Liderazgo que inspira ms confianza siendo una buena base para conseguir logros y que se beneficien ambas partes (Lder y seguidores)"". Mara Yolanda Gonzlez Puerto.""Recomiendo mucho por la experiencia y profesionalismo que muestra el instructor. Pondr en prctica todo lo aprendido"". Julieta Luna Mercado Objetivo principal del curso El objetivo principal del curso de Liderazgo Sensorial es ayudar a las personas y a las organizaciones a desarrollar su mximo potencial mediante un incremento en el nivel de sus lderes, partiendo de la consigna de que slo aumentando el nivel de liderazgo es posible optimizar la eficiencia de la organizacin. Mejorar a un lder no slo impacta en su vida, sino tambin en la de sus seguidores.El lder sensorial es:Una persona capaz de escuchar a los dems.Alguien capaz de generar Empata.Que sabe comunicar correctamente sus objetivos.Tiene la habilidad de reconocer el talento y tener visin.Es muy creativo.Sumamente intuitivo.Totalmente confiable y admirado por todos.Ese es el tipo de lder que este curso ensea a forjar. Porque, al fin y al cabo, una sola persona (junto con la fuerza de su legado) es suficiente para iniciar un cambio en una organizacin, un gobierno o en el mundo.El InstructorMi nombre es N.C. Kurt, soy autor de seis libros y me dedico al estudio del potencial humano. Uno de mis libros es El Lder Sensorial, un nuevo modelo de liderazgo que actualmente se encuentra como objeto de estudio en las principales universidades de Amrica Latina. Adems de escribir, soy profesor de Liderazgo, Oratoria y Negociacin en distintos organismos tanto pblicos como privados y ensear es mi pasin.El comienzo del viajePreprate, estas a punto de iniciar un viaje de auto-descubrimiento, que te va a mostrar en detalle tus fortalezas y debilidades, porque para liderar a otras personas primero hay que conocerse y liderarse a si mismo. No puede haber un gran liderazgo sin un profundo auto-conocimiento. En este sentido encontrars en el curso no solo la ms moderna teora sino tambin una gran cantidad de ejercicios prcticos para poner en accin tus nuevas habilidades en la vida real.Desde el principiante hasta el lder ms avanzadoDurante el transcurso del curso veremos desde los principios y conceptos ms bsicos del liderazgo hasta temticas sumamente avanzadas para que puedas profundizar a medida que avances en el estudio. Si eres un gran lder, este curso te llevar al siguiente nivel y si aun no le eres, estas iniciando el camino correcto para convertirte en tu mejor versin como persona y como lder."
Price: 39.99
