"How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit" |
"Reddit Marketing has never been easy.Reddit is a tight group of people who are quick to kick you out of any subreddit for doing self promotion of any kind.This is why indirect reddit social media marketing is the key to your success.Also...Never buy youtube views. It can destroy your channel and YouTube KNOWS.""Buying Views""violates the YouTube TOS and if you do it...YouTubewill putyour channel in ""The Upside Down""Meaning Your youtube videosWont show up in searchWont show up in the recommended videosWont show up in related videosAnd your channel will be dead (no more organic views).I learned this the hard way.I bought youtube views when I was first starting with youtube marketing.I ended up with youtube channels that no longer got any views at all.This is why I now only focus on safe quality traffic strategiesthat get free youtube views for life.One safe way for howto get views on youtube is with YouTube SEO.Setting up your youtube videos with good search engine optimization will help you get safe long term traffic without making YouTube mad at your channel.The only problem with SEO is that it's really SLOW.It can take 2 - 3 months before your channel starts growing organically.Its still important but I was looking for a fasterand safeway of getting more views and more youtube subscribers.Reddit seems to be the best answer.I had been noticing people talking about how they have been able to get traffic and sales with Reddit.Its one of the top 6sites in the world.In fact, 2days ago on May 31st, 2018...Reddit just overtook Facebook as the third most popular website in the U.S.Youtube and Google are the only sites beating it.Currently Reddit gets over 1.5 billion unique visitors each month according to the siteStatista.The growth is incredible.But I had tried some digital marketing in the pastwith Reddit and it wasnt really working for me.I posted links to videos with clever headlines and nobody cared.I would only get like 3 up votes or nothing at all.The big challenge with Reddit that has been pushing many marketersaway from using it as part of their marketing strategy isRedditors are picky.They have been spammed with so many links by marketers that they now have zero tolerance for outsiders with selfish intentions.Its a deep club and they wont let just anyone in.After feeling likeI was not welcome at all in RedditI decided to try and be super aware of how sensitive the platform is.I realized its a tight community. Even more so than YouTube.I found appropriate subreddits with enough members for it to be worth my while but not too many where my posts would get covered up fast.Then I tried a mass market postthat worked.I got over 5,000 up votes and over 120 comments on my first post using this strategy.The Redditors were actually happy with my post and sending me messages thanking me.The coolest thing was that I saw a boost in sales in my rap program and a boost in my views and subscribers on youtube.You can also do affiliate marketing redditposts by combining reddit and youtube with this strategy. Ive now done this method with a few other videos with great results as well.I plan on doing this method with all of my videos because its safe and gets traffic flowing a lot faster than waiting for youtube seo to kick in.I created this simple course to share this method with you as quickly as possible.In the course I focus on exactly what you need to know to get fast and safe traffic to your youtube videos by using Reddit.I give you examples and share my real Reddit posts that you can model for your own youtube traffic.As a bonus Ive created a Facebook group just for members of this course.Its where you can get extra support from me and other people using this strategy.I have personally used this strategy to help grow my Youtube channel to over 10,000 subscribers.So if you have a YouTube channel, I highly recommend you try out the strategy laid out for you in this course as well.Thanks for checking out my Youtube x Reddit traffic course and I hope you use this method on your youtube videos ASAP as I know it will really help your channel.Pat"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Moderno Gua Definitiva Construye +15 Proyectos" |
"Aprende el lenguaje ms popular! JavaScript!El curso incluye ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9 y ES10Tambin el curso incluye webpack, node.js, express, mongodb, react, electron y mucho ms!En este curso aprenders JavaScript desde los fundamentos hasta temas ms avanzados como Prototypes, Delegation, Classes, Ajax, Promises, Generadores, Orientado a Objetos, Fetch API, Async Await, Async JS, Objetos, as como consumir REST APIs entre muchos ms.Si estos temas no son de tu conocimiento, estas en el curso adecuado para aprenderlos!La mejor forma de aprender es desarrollando algo, en este curso crearemos bastantes proyectos que te llevaran desde el nivel bsico hasta avanzado!Los Proyectos desarrollados incluyen:Formulario para guardar a Local StorageCotizador de Seguros de AutoSimulador de Envio de EmailsGenerador de Nombres desde una REST APICotizador de Criptomonedas desde una REST API ( Ms de 100 incluidas)Eventos en tu ciudad con Event Brite y REST APICarrito de Compras con Local StorageGasto Semanal Agenda de Pacientes de VeterinariaBuscador de Letras de CancionesMostrar Establecimientos con Mapas (Leaflet) desde una API ExternaBuscador y Filtro de Automoviles con Higher Order Functions Cotizador de Prestamos con Intereses a pagar (Desarrollado en React)Sitio web para una Agencia de Viajes (Desarrollado con NodeJS y Sequelize)FullStack JavaScript con React, Express, MongoDB, Node y ElectronTodos los proyectos utilizan tcnicas distintas, por lo cual te servirn para conocer distintas formas de realizar estos proyectos.LOS PROYECTOS ESTN HABILITADOS PARA VERSE DE FORMA GRATUITAJavaScript es el lenguaje ms popular para web hoy en da, y puede utilizarse en el cliente o Servidor, en este curso aprenders todo lo necesario y es una excelente introduccin si quieres aprender libreras nuevas como VueJS, React, Angular o NodeJS"
Price: 199.99

"Modern JavaScript The Complete Course - Build +15 Projects" |
"Learn Modern JavaScript &ECMAScript with this Course!JavaScript Versions included in this Course:ES6, ES7, ES8 ==='Modern JavaScript'; Just Added a ReactJS Introduction By Building a Project and a NodeJS Introduction with Pug, Sequelize, Express & Bootstrap The most complete JavaScript course on Udemy, learn by building Projects!In this course you're going to learn JavaScript, from the fundamentals to Intermediate and Advanced Topics such as Prototypes, Delegation, Classes, Ajax, Promises, Generators, OOP, Fetch API, Async Await, Async JS, Objects, how to consume REST API's and more!Before we Jump into the projects, i'm going to explain the Fundamentals of JavaScript, so if you don't have any previous experience, you're in the right course!if you are unfamiliar with this topics, you're in the right course because you're going to learn all of this and BUILDAMAZING PROJECTSThe best way to learn something new in programming is by building projects, in this course we're going to build several projects from beginnerto advanced level.Included projects in this course:Save from Form into Local StorageSimulate Email Sending AppGenerate Names from a REST APICryptocurrencies rate from a REST API (more than 100 cryptocurrencies included)Events in your city with EventBrite and REST APIShopping Cart with Local StorageCar Insurance Live QuotationMy Weekly Budget APPPet Appointment Manager with IndexedDBSearch Lyrics OnlinePerfectCocktail - A Drink Recipes APP More Projects are added every month, have an idea?send me a message!HERE'S A LIST AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTS!PROJECT: Save into local storage from HTML FormIn this project you will learn how to read the values from a HTML Form and Inputs, then the data is going to be saved into LocalStorage so even if you close the tab or reload the window the info is going to be there thanks to this amazing JavaScript feature.PROJECT: Adding Courses into the Shopping CartThis project will help you a lot to understand DOM Scripting and how to traverse in all the HTML of your website.DOM Scripting is one of the most important topics when learning JavaScript, this project will help you a lot!PROJECT: Simulate Email Sending with FormAnother really nice project, in this one i'm gonna show you how to validate a form, so every value should be filled before we simulate the sending of an emailAlso we will show some nice graphics when the email is sent, this project is very similar to a project that any company will ask you to develop when you try to get a JavaScript job!PROJECT: Car Insurance Quotation from a FORMIn this project you will learn how to do some math operations in JavaScript with a real world project!Also, you will learn how to read different values from a Form, validate the form, do some operations and finally print the resultsAnother really nice project to continue learning JavaScript!PROJECT: Weekly Budget APPThis is one of my favorite projects, you will enter a Budget for the week, and then you start adding expenses, once you pass 50%of the budget, the remaining budget will change the color to yellow, and once you reach the final 25%of the budget the content will change to Red.PROJECT: Name Generator with AJAX & Rest API (Fetch API Included)AJAX is a legacy technology, but as a JavaScript developer is something that you should learnAnd learning what's and how to use a REST API is also another really important topic, REST API is how you get data from other servers or websites, something that any JavaScript developer must knowAs i said before, Ajax is a legacy technology, the new one is Fetch, so i'm gonna show you how switch from AJAX to Fetch API in the upcoming chapters.PROJECT: Cryptocurrencies RatesThis is also one of my favorite projectsWe will use a REST API that displays more than 100 different Cryptocurrencies and we will display the latest rateThis is going to be another project that you can add into your JavaScript portfolio!PROJECT: Display Events with the EventBrite APIFor this chapter we will use the EventBrite API to display and fetch events in our websiteInstead of adding the events manually to your site, you can consume this EventBrite API to display events in your site using JavaScriptPROJECT: PerfectCocktail - A Drinks Recipes APPThis is the most complete project in the course, we will consume a REST API with several different EndpointsAlso we will save the favorite recipes into Local Storage, one of the most advanced projects in the whole JavaScript CodePROJECT: Lyrics Search Engine with ModulesIn this project we will use the new JavaScript Modules that was added in the latest versions, also we will query a REST API!IndexedDB - Building a Complete Project (Appointment Management)In JavaScript you can also create a database, in this project im gonna show you how to create, read, save the records in the IndexedDB database !BONUS!What's webpack and how to create a webpack project - 25 videos about webpack just added into the course, you will learn what's a bundle, how to install dependencies, integrate webpack with other tools such as NPM or BabelAll this projects are developed using different techniques:classes, prototypes, fetch api, ajax, async await, arrow functions, promises &more!THE VIDEOS WITH THE MAIN PROJECTS ARE ENABLED TO WATCH FOR FREE!"
Price: 199.99

"Desarrollo de Plugins para WordPress con PHP, JS, CSS y HTML" |
"Aprende a Crear Plugins para WordPress con PHP, JavaScript, HTML y CSSAdems en este curso aprenders distintas tcnicas para crear tus plugins y recomendaciones para poder obtener ganancias y vender tus plugins.Aprenders a:Crear Custom Post TypesAgregar archivos JS y CSS a tu PluginAadir MetaboxesTrabajar con HooksCrear nuevos roles y capabilities para tu pluginAgregar ShortcodesCrear versiones bsicas y premium de tu PluginCrear cdigo PHP que se comunique con WordPressBuenas prcticas a la hora de crear cdigo PHP para WordPressy mucho ms!estaremos elaborando varios ejemplos de Plugins a lo largo de este curso as que estars practicando y aprendiendo distintas tcnicas"
Price: 199.99

"CSS Grid y Flexbox, La Gua Definitiva, Crea + 10 Proyectos" |
"Aprende el nuevo estndar para crear layouts de tus sitios web con Flexbox y CSS Grid.En este curso aprenders desde lo bsico de ambas tecnologas.Que es el Flex y Grid ContainerComo alinear elementos con FlexboxPosicionar tus columnas dentro de CSS Grid.Trminos y funciones clave de CSS Grid como repeat(), minmax() auto-fit y otros.Crear sitios web responsive fcilmente.Aprende creando Proyectos, este curso incluye:Re-creando el Home de AirBNBRe-creando el Home de UdemyDiseo Holy GrailDiseo de BlogCreando un panel de administracinSitio Web para Freelancers.Blog de Recetas en CSS GridSitio de Bienes RaicesY muchos msAdems, aprende como incorporar otras tecnologas nuevas a tu trabajo con Flexbox y Grid, tales como:NPMGulpSASSVariables CSSJavaScriptFetch API &JSON"
Price: 199.99

"Guida ai Big Data con Spark 2. 0 e R" |
"Se lanalisi di grossi quantitativi di dati sta diventando sempre di pi una necessit, non solo nel campo del marketing, ma anche di settori come la medicina e la diagnostica, da alcuni anni ci si sta ponendo il problema di quali siano le metodologie migliori per trarre quanta pi informazione utile possibile dai grandi dataset che possono essere reperiti in vari modi su internet (ad esempio nel caso di analisi di social media) o fanno parte del patrimonio di unazienda.Viviamo infatti nellera dei cosiddetti Big Data. Questo termine, coniato attorno al 2001, nasce per indicare enormi dataset che possono essere analizzati per estrarre informazione finora difficilmente accessibile e difficilmente processabile da un solo computer, per quanto potente, ma per analizzare i quali necessario utilizzare pi computer connessi in qualche modo tra loro in maniera coordinata.Di conseguenza, anche dal lato dell'organizzazione dei dati sono nati dei framework particolari per la gestione di queste grosse quantit di dati, il pi recente dei quali Spark.Spark, come vedremo, pu essere utilizzato con molti linguaggi di programmazione, dei quali R il pi recente. Per questa ragione non tutte le possibili analisi dati possono venire implementate tramite i due pacchetti per la gestione di Spark in linguaggio R, che sono SparkR e sparklyr.Dopo una parte introduttiva sui Big Data e sui framework che sono stati nel corso degli ultimi anni per gestirli, ci occuperemo quindi di vari argomenti e implementazione di esempi di codice per ognuna di queste due librerie. In particolare vedremo come implementare i pi comuni algoritmi di machine learning: regressione, Support Vector Machines, Alberi di decisione, metodi Ensemble e Kmeans, oltre alla manipolazione dati e al calcolo delle statistiche di base"
Price: 169.99

"Matrisez votre DSLR et Mirrorless en mode vido" |
"Vous tes photographe et avez envie de tourner le bouton de votre appareil photo sur le mode vido ? Vous avez peut-tre envie de commencer faire de la vido plus srieusement ? De raliser des reportages de mariage, des corporates et films dentreprise ou encore, des clip vido dartistes?Cette formation est faite pour vous ! Je suis photographe depuis plus de 20 ans, et ds que le premier appareil photo nous permis de filmer, je me suis lanc dans laventure. Je partagerai donc avec vous ici, mon exprience, et dmystifierai pour vous toutes les notions spcifiques la vido. Quest-ce que la cadence denregistrement ? La rsolution en vido ? Le bitrate ? La compression Long GOP, IPB ou ALL-I ? Quest ce quun profil dimages plat ou flat profile en anglais ? Quels accessoires utiliser en vido ? La vido a ses spcificits et nous verrons tout cela ensemble. Toutes ces notions et bien dautres encore seront passes en revue dans cette formation, et toutes ces notions vous suivront encore longtemps avec lappareil photo que vous utilisez aujourdhui ou celui que vous aurez dans un an, ou cinq ans. Un groupe Facebook ferm, rserv aux apprenants ayant suivis cette formation sera ouvert, nous pourrons nous y retrouver pour y discuter, changer des ides, poser des questions prcises sur des projets que vous pourriez avoir, poster nos vidos bref, aller plus loin, ensemble."
Price: 119.99

"Portraits en studio" |
"Cette formation ou vous me suivrez en studio pour une prise de vues de portraits.Ce sera l une trs belle occasion pour revoir un peu ensemble la notion d'exposition et d'apprendre a adapt la puissance des flashs pour obtenir un rsultat trs prcis.J'observe souvent chez les dbutants, qui s'essaient la photo de studio, la fcheuse tendance utiliser une dbauche de lumire, de grand parapluie ou softbox pleine puissance.En dfinitive ils obtiennent une image souvent trop ou mal expose.Ne matrise pas du tout la lumire et ne souligne en rien les courbes et le model d'un visage.Je vous invite donc me rejoindre ici dans une vision plus dlicate de l'exercice de portrait en studio.Au travers d'exemple simple et d'tape bien dcompose, vous pourrez me suivre et rpter l'exercice chez vous. l'issue de cette formation, vous porterez trs certainement un regard fort diffrent de la manire dont vous abordez vos prises de vues de portrait en studio."
Price: 109.99

"Nu artistique en studio" |
"Rejoignez-moi en studio.Dans cette formation vous me suivrez pas pas dans une prise de vues de nu artistique.A l'origine ces images ont t ralises pour un projet d'exposition.Toutes les coulisses ont t filmes et je partagerai donc avec vous tout cela dans cette formation.Les capsules vido de coulisse seront systmatiquement ponctues par des vidos en face camra ou je m'adresserai vous pour comment ce que vous allez voire et vous donnerez chaque fois de nombreuses prcisions.Comment diriger son modle, coordonner l'quipe autour de votre intention artistique, bref je partage avec vous tous mes trucs et astuces de pro.Rejoignez-moi sans tarder."
Price: 114.99

"Prise de vues de voiture" |
"Vous me suivrez dans les coulisses d'une prise de vues de la Lamborghini Aventador.Vous verrez donc comment je m'y prends pour clairer cette voiture 360 avec un seul flash ! Je vous donnerai tous les trucs et astuces qui vous permettront d'obtenir un rsultat tout fait identique, avec la voiture de votre choix.Le reste de la formation ce passera dans lightroom et dans Photoshop, pour les tudes de postproduction ou, au travers de cette formation, vous apprendrez sans doute de nouvelles choses au sujet des calques de fusions dans Photoshop, un outil super puissant et tout fait indiqu pour ce type de rendu."
Price: 109.99

"The Ultimate Tkinter Course: GUI for Python projects" |
"TOP RATED, WORLD CLASS TKINTER FUNDAMENTALS COURSE - GUI for PythonMaster practical Tkinter concepts and fundamentals using pythonMy course provides exactly what the title describes in a simple, practical andrelatable way. I help you to grasp the fundamentals of Tkinter with live coding, practical examples, projects and quizzes, moving step by step through beginner and intointermediate concepts - getting you to the point where you are able to confidently create your own GUIs,to apply the foundations of python into real life projects that users can fullyinteract with.Why you need this courseComing to grips with Tkinter isn't easy without the right resources. On your learning to create your first GUIcan be quite confusing, difficult and frustrating. I've been through the process myself, and with a significant investment of time, energy and learning from my mistakes I havebecome a proficient Tkinter developer.I want to share all I've learnedwith my fellow Tkinter aspirers. My inspiration comes from believing that, if taught effectively in a carefully planned and considered way, the vast majority of people will be able to master this important tool ofpython..that's why I've created this course.What you will get out of this courseI will give you straightforward examples,instructions, advice, insights and resources for you to take simple steps to start coding your own programs, solving problems that inspire you and instilling the 'developer's mindset' of problem solving into you.I don't just throw you in at the deep end - I provide you with the resources to learn and develop what you need at a pace that works for youand then help you stroll through to the finish line. Studies have shown that to learn effectively from online courses tutorials should last around ten minutes each. Therefore to maximise your learning experienceall of the lectures in this course have been created around this amount of time or less.My course integrates all of the aspects required to get you on the roadbecoming a successful Tkinter developer. I teach and I preach, with live, practical exercises and walkthroughsat the end of each section.Why this price?As a professional AI developer Ihave over five years in Senior positions in software development and technology entrepreneurship, with extensive experience in tutoring and creating online courses, catering to thousands of students. I've been trained at Cambridge University and the prestigious Pi School of Artificial Intelligence in Rome. Face to face I charge a minimum of$50 per hour for a student. To complete the curriculum that Iofferit would cost them over$3000+To reach more people than I could face to face I decided to create this course. As I add more content I intend to raise the price but for now I've decided on this price- the cost of less thanthree lessons.By paying a small cost for this course I believe you will get your value back, with a lot more by the time you have completed it.Ask yourself - how much is mastering Tkinterworth to you?How long will it take?Although everyone is different, on average it has taken existing students between 4 - 6 weeks to complete the course, whilst developing their skills and knowledge along the way. It's best not to speed through the content, and instead go through a handful of lectures, try out the concepts by coding, yourself, and move on once you feel you've grasped the basics of those lectures.Who this is not forThis course is not for anyone looking for a one-click fix. Although I provide you with a path walked enough times that it can be a smooth journey it still requires time and effort from you to make it happen. If you're not interested in putting in your energy to truly better yours skills in python GUIthen this may not be the right course for you.Is there a money back guarantee if I'm not happy?Absolutely. I am confident that my course will bring you more value than you spend on the course. As one of thetop featured Udemy Instructors my motto is 'your success is my success'. If within the first 30 days you feel my course is not going to help you to achieve your goals in python GUIprogrammingthen you get ano questions asked, full discount.What materials are included?The majority of my lectures I have chosen to be as videoso that you can hear meand see my workingswhen we're going through each and every area of the course.I will be constantly adding more content and resources to the course as time goes by. Keep checking back here if you're not sure right now and feel free to send me a message with any questions or requests you may have.So go ahead and click the 'Enroll' button when you feel readyonyour screen.I look forward to seeing you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Adobe illustrator Full Practical course Video Training" |
"The worlds leading vector illustration software, Adobe Illustrator is unmatchable program to accomplish versatile design tasks. Staple image creation software for professional designers, this program allows users to access multiple artboards, live paint and trace, logos and graphics for print and the web. This Adobe Illustrator training course will make you build a strong foundation, exploring selection tools, photo-tracing, modifying paths and shapes, transformations, and type tools.The course is perfectly designed for those who are seeking career success in digital marketing, graphic designing, web designing and artworks. The tutorials, impressive demonstrations and illustrations will help to you to have a deep and thorough insight in the features of the software suite and master you to paint and design your own imagination on the canvass of illustrator. You will no longer be dependent on copying the images and contents of the other graphics in creating your own masterpieces. Our excellent demonstrators desire to exceptionally train each course participant and believe in an outstanding distant learning approach. Therefore, all the participants are advised to have good command on basic computer, file management and keyboard skills. Prior knowledge of illustrator is not necessary but will be welcomed. The adobe illustrator training tutorials teach all the core concepts and techniques that can be applied to any workflow. The course is perfect for artists, graphic designers, aspiring field artists and beginners to embark on the Adobe illustrator creativity. This practical hands-on training course for users of all levels will demonstrate all the aspects to create their own stunning graphic designs, pictures and icons. Existing illustrator users and beginners can up-skill to a career in the contemporary and competitive fields of digital marketing, social media and production designing, videos and animations, and web designing. Adobe Illustrator training will equip students with all creative industry terminologies and a comprehensive understanding of vector graphics. At the end of the course, students will have a complete grip on designing and creating illustrator artworks from scratch. This training course will make students to stand out in competitive market of creating info-graphic elements, icons, and logos and will provide ample opportunities to work with images, layout pages for poster, fliers and ads. Students will also have a complete command on creating charts and graphs and indesign linking. The complete hand-on-illustrator training will empower the students to point of sale signage, and the understanding of maps and plans. The course topics include the complete introduction of the illustrator, the workspace, and panels and palettes. Curriculum topics comprising the complete understanding of file formats, resolution, color modes, navigating the documents, zooming and panning, and pasteboard also help the students to get foundation on the program. Students are also shown how to get around the basic drawing objects, grouping and isolation modes, use of pathfinder and shape making. Fundamentals of all basic tools, introduction to layers, stacking order, the pen tools, adding, editing, deleting, basic curves, and drawing from the scratch are also demonstrated during the course by the top-notch instructors. Many additional tools consisting of vector graphics, simple effects, cutting tools, gradients and blends, and introduction of text are also discussed during this practical teaching course. Our best experts in the subject area use creative and intrusting demonstration techniques for the students to master them in all the fundamentals and provide complete hands-on illustration training with the creation of a full-length illustrator artwork. Not only this, the illustrator training also includes tutorials to saving the files and artworks, color swatches and libraries, incorporation of the advanced text and an overview of the use of every tool. After mastering all the fundamentals of the illustrator, students are made familiar with advanced options in illustrator interface and are given step-by-step training. The progressive introduction to illustrator workspace will lead to the use of art boards, editing, adding, and deleting the graphics, saving the vector graphics in PDF format and export of this to other formats. Next the students get hands on how to work with versatile images, linking and embedding features of the software, clipping masks, forming the page layouts, rulers and guides on the import of texts, working in columns, linking of text frames, and text wrapping. Once the students are equipped with all the essentials of illustrator, they are trained in image tracing and the use of symbols. Following these powerful editing tools, they are also taught the making of icons and judging the stocks and info-graphics in a very interesting way. Following the recap hands-on exercises for the students to refresh all the tools, they are mastered in graphs and charts, conversion of linked files to in-design, and creating maps and plans for future practices. All these tutorials end up with amazing brain-storming exercises and equip the students with self-sufficient knowledge of the illustrator."
Price: 24.99

"The Psychology Of The Ultimate Entrepreneur" |
"If you have a startup but things arent going so well, chances are you have a mindset problem. According to Business Insider over 50% of businesses fail by the 5thyear they are in business and over 70% fail by the 10thyear. The reasons for failures can be grouped in two.First, what I call external reasons, cash flow problems, competition, no market need for the product, etc. And the second group is what I call internal reasons these are the mindsets, believes and understandings of the entrepreneurs running the startup. This program focuses on the second group of reasons as they are more important and harder to master. Its not by chance, Tony Robbins said: Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. because come to think of it, if you are not in the right mindset, it doesnt matter how good of a strategy you have, because your execution will be poor. Psychology can work for you or against you. The main purpose of this program is to provide you with the right mindsets and help you install the psychology of the winner within you! How am I going to do that? You are asking. Well, Ive spent the last several months studying and researching the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet. Out of hundreds of entrepreneurs, I picked 17 brilliant people to present and analyze their opinion on the most important mindsets an entrepreneur should possess. In addition to that, I share personal stories from my businesses and more importantly what are the mindsets that have been working for me throughout my entrepreneurial journey. WHO IS THIS PROGRAM FOR?I designed this program for current and would-be entrepreneurs who want to build profitable businesses that will last by adapting the proven-to-be-successful mindsets and philosophies. This program is about a mental shift.Its about the psychology of the stellar entrepreneur. Well be discussing topics such asFearPassionMoneyValueTimeActionLearningOpportunitiesOn the other hand, we wont be discussing topics such as venture capital, pitching, angel investors and so on. Again, the focus will be on the psychology not the strategy. WHO IS THE INSTRUCTOR?My name is Vladimir Raykov and Im a direct response marketer. And basically what I do is I help people sell their products. I teach around 50000 students from 172 countries improve their marketing and business processes but the number of students is growing fast. In my life as an entrepreneur Ive managed to build a successful information product business but on the other hand, I have a few unsuccessful startups.And well have a chance to talk about that throughout the program as I analyze myself and the mistakes I made. This I believe will be quite valuable to you as it will prevent you from doing the same mistakes that cost me tens of thousands of dollars. Yes, this is what happened when I ignored a critically important principle you will learn about in this program. Ive been studying management of innovation and business development in one of the best business schools in Europe Copenhagen Business School. Im also the author of How To Build Your Successful Online Teaching Business (Online Entrepreneurship Book 1) And if you believe as an entrepreneur, you need to constantly look for ways to elevate your skills, mindsets and philosophies to the next level, then I invite you to join this program. SOLID GUARANTEEGo take this course and if for some reason you dont like it, you have30 days, unconditional money-back guarantee. No questions asked, No hassle. No hard feelings.Click the Buy Now button right now!Im waiting for you inside the course! Weve got a lot to cover.There isno riskwhatsoever.So, lets get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Dog Training - Stop fear of Fireworks + Loud sounds" |
"Welcome to Brave pet academy, we are online therapy program designed to help your pet over come their fears of loud sounds, such as fireworks, thunder storms, hovers, city traffic and many more. Our program is designed to educate you on how to help your pet over come there phobias. You will learn how to identify and desensitise you pet to these sounds by using our specially designed audio therapy program. Don't worry you don't need to be an expert! We will teach you everything you need to know using our short video and optional additional reading. At the end of each section you will have a quick quiz to ensure you have learned everything you need to know. After completing learning program you will be able to select a number of audio resources to start your pet's therapy. So what you waiting for sign your pet up today at Brave pet academy."
Price: 74.99

"YouTube Ranking & Optimization Mastery - Be No.1 On YouTube" |
"YouTube marketing is an exciting opportunity and the new content playing field that has made many people millionaires. People have been earning from YouTube through Adsense, promoting offers, and by diverting traffic to their own website. This is a very comprehensive course on producing and ranking videos on YouTube that will teach you everything you need to create a YouTube channel that gets free traffic from YouTube through rankings on #1 page of YouTube and Google. This course has over 40 training videos touching every aspect of YouTube video promotions to help you become a true video SEO master. The course is divided into 8 chapters with each chapter targeting a particular topic. If you're an SEO professional, a website owner, or a content marketer, you need this course to make sure your videos get the best rank they can and bring you the maximum amount of traffic possible. This is also a great course for beginners who have recently started their YouTube channel or are looking to start a YouTube channel and make money from it. "
Price: 119.99

"Curso da Prova Especfica - Audiovisual USP" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo preparar o candidato nas duas principais habilidades da prova especfica:Analisar Estmulos AudiovisuaisCriar Bases para Novos Estmulos AudiovisuaisPara realizar estas tarefas, oalunoserapresentado aos principais elementos de Linguagem Audiovisual e Dramaturgia. Alm disso,ao longo das aulasvamos identificar todos os tipos de exerccio que j caram na prova, compreendendo os padres de perguntase respostas.Aviso: Atualmente a prova especfica aplicada somente em casos de transferncia interna da USP. Desde a Fuvest 2018,a prova especfica foi suspensa aos candidatos dovestibular. possvel que ela ainda seja cobrada aos candidatos do vestibular num futuro prximo, mas no se sabe ao certo."
Price: 39.99

"Busy Parents: Lead Your Children To Success" |
""Gabriel proposes a change in the educational paradigm by focusing on students' parents, suggesting a highly positive kind of involvement in the educational process, making them reflect on the nature of their beliefs, exposing and proposing positive changes to the cognitive biases, preconceptions, equivocal involvements, misinformation, and most importantly the projection of parental emotions onto their children. Ultimately, his work focuses on the often ignored - and fragile - link between the student, parent, and team of educators. Extremely useful and arising from a beautiful insight!" - Dr. Isaac Joukhadar "A clear and effective work, with the goal to motivate parents and children to execute an efficient strategy of Psychopedagogy, in the search for the success of students. Considering the psychology of today's youth, this work approaches methods that enhance discipline, affection, motivation, work ethic, and a balanced equation between study and hard work." - Dr. Roseli Rodolfo This course includes clear and concise, time-tested guidance (for busy parents) on how to help their children: Get motivated Gain hope Become more confident Set their sights higher And do better in school as a result Additionally, the course includes: A system for supporting students (building and managing an academic team - even for very busy parents), including insights based on over a decade of experience in the education industry Straightforward suggestions taking student psychology into account And effective strategies for promoting success With this new arsenal of tools, parents will be empowered to help students get inspired to pursue their dreams with confidence and motivation."
Price: 74.99

"Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator - The Advanced Level" |
"* 'This is by far one of the best logo designing course I've taken on Udemy so far! I took another one of Daniel's classes which is what made me take this one too! Awesome course!!!'* '..absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Daniel is a fantastic teacher and definitely a master of his craft. Right from the start, you know you are in very good hands. I can not recommend this course highly enough. If you are serious about Logo/Graphic Design you have a chance to learn from one of the best. Thank you Daniel.'* 'Taking this course and committing yourself to it will definitely give you the confidence needed to make your way into the logo design industry.'* 'With comprehensive insights and some tips and tricks - he's helped me enormously improve my skills and yes even enjoyment in designing logos.'=================================*** UPDATED APRIL 2020! ***So, youve made it this far!Whether youve tackled my Beginner & Intermediate logo design courses or if youre just ready to jump into the deep end, to discover the gems of advanced logo design, Ive got a whole range of logo design wisdom to reveal to you!Were going to explore the technical depths of advanced logo design skills!In the course, Im going to reveal everything from utilisation of grids, transposing them to illustrator, selection of high quality fonts and detailed type manipulation whilst exploring and utilising the almighty Golden Rule in a logo design case study for a luxury watch brand.Youre going to learn how to plan and present professionally and how to use your initiative to conduct in-depth research which you can present to the client and store for your own reference.This is the very fabric of an advanced logo designer and Im going to reveal everything to you, so you can can become EXACTLY THAT!Dont hang around at the lower levels!Join us at the very heights of Logo Design mentorship and acquire knowledge that will push your skills to the higher levels!Get your Certificate of Completion after finishing the entire course!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Facilitate Outstanding Workshops (advanced)" |
"An advanced course to facilitate successful training workshops.It does not require prior knowledge, so beginners can learn from it. However, it includes suchavariety of contents,that evenexperts willto learn from it too.This course is the online version of a face-to-face training workshop that has already been done dozens of times indifferent organizations from fourdifferent countries."
Price: 104.99

"Voyage To Betterment Wellness Class" |
"New Advancements &Potentials To Complement any Wellness Plan Based on the acclaimed film Voyage To Betterment featuring Dr David R Hawkins, MD, T Colin Campbell Phd, Dr Neal Barnard MD, and introducing some of the world's foremost healers & medical Intuitives including Dr Kam Yuen DC, founder of The Yuen Method, Larry Steel founder of Bicomputer Operating System, Atherton Drenth, healer and author of Following Body Wisdom&the incredible Lori Wilson, who taught medical intuition to thousands of professionals in her Inner Access 101 School of Medical Intution. A highly effective educational approach to optimize immunity, super charge inner power and remove any hidden obstacles preventing us from living our dreams. Designed with critical point analysis to focus on the critical elements without fluff, this 8 hour class that can be done in one day, can have more value than many multi-yearhealth care educations.Originally a 16 hour online course, it has been reworked and condensed to 8 hours of mainly video so that students can view it all in one day if they wish. There is no need for strenuous work either. Students benefit simply by viewing videos and being part of the field.3 Simple Steps to Complete this Online Class: 1. View and listen to about 8 hours of entertaining and educational video including: a) Unlimited views ofVoyage to Betterment Film, now available only on Udemyb) The Voyage to Betterment Nutrition & Cooking Class Video Workshop, c) The Voyage to Betterment Full Day Workshops filmed in front of a live audience 2. Read the 30 page student guide & implement the lifestyle recommendations one wishes. 3. Do the Homework: A daily 10 minute contemplative practice for 90 days. That's it. Simple and Proven Effective. Join over 20,000 that have already jumped on board the Voyage to Betterment. This Wellness Class has evolved over 20 years. The content was first revealed in the 2009 film Voyage to Betterment with Doctors T Colin Campbell, Neal Barnard MD & David R Hawkins MD, then tested on 400 people in the Body Mind Spirit Challenge in 2013. Before & after blood & stress tests show the work effective at optimizing well being & dramatically reducing stress & illness. This work continues to evolve and has led to the development of Samyana. This Wellness Class is a great place to start as itbuilds a foundation for excellence in health, healing arts, relationships,athletics, work andsuccess, This Online Course is updated & includes Andrew's recent collaboration with 97 year old Margaret Chaneywho remains sharp as a whip. In 1995 Veritas published Margaret's book Red World Green World and her discovery that there are 2 distinct types of people on the planet. She gave half the world the arbitrary name Red World and the other half Green World. Shetested over 8000 people and hundreds of different foods and the foodand influences that make one group strong make the other weak. This work is decades ahead of the status quo and the value of her work did not elude David R Hawkins MD. He said that she made an important discovery that corroborated his 45 years of clinical experience. Students can discover how to know whether one is Red World or Green World and what foods are best consumed and others best avoided.implement her discovery to maximize immunity right now in this wellness class and includes the recently updated and extendedlist of foods that benefit one and not the other. It is not only foods but medicines too, and Margaret Chaney's medical doctors has been using her lists for years. There is no need to wait until the scientific and medical community catch up, learn everything here now. Lifestyle Freedom:This work takes no position on which way to eat is best. Thefilm doesdocumentwith before and after blood tests whether a group of young healthy normal peoplecould benefit by eating a vegetarian diet for 30 days. Surprisingly for some, this group of regular healthy people actually dramatically improved their estimated risk of developing illness andgrew on average 4 years biologically younger. The course provides all the cooking and food lessons the group used to dramatically improve their resilience to all illness. For those who wish to go optimize health with a plant based dietthis course outlines the straight and narrow path. For those who wish to optimize health without going veg,this course outlines the critical points toMargarets Chaney advanced approach to select the foods that make us stronger. Whereas Green World people are strengthened by rice and fish, Red World people are strengthened by steak and potatoes.The course supports everyone'sfreedom to eat, exercise & believe whatever wewish. What webelieve matters most because that is what will affect us most. Every individual is unique and so it is imperative that students use their own discretion prior to following any recommendations. Please do not take this class if you are not prepared to take full responsibility for your own level of health and happiness. Prior to making any changes to lifestyle seek the advice of your doctor."
Price: 194.99

"Como Tener Buena Voz: El Secreto De Los Profesionales" |
"Cunto vale para ti una voz poderosa, seductora, que infunda respeto y llame la atencin?Supongamos que pudieras, en cuestin de unas semanas y con slo algunos minutos diarios de ejercicio, desarrollar una voz de locutor/a profesional...Imagina cmo cambiar tu vida cuando, adems de tener unavoz ms gruesa, tambin puedas hablar con... la resonancia y perfecta diccin de un locutor de radio... la fluidez y elocuencia de un vendedor profesional... una potencia tal, que todo un auditorio te escuche y entienda sin esfuerzo...Te suena a demasiado bueno como para ser cierto?Entonces, te cuento que, con el entrenamiento adecuado, podrs lograr todo eso en un muy breve lapso.Considera esto. Una voz seductora y potente es una herramienta invalorable en prcticamente cualquier mbito profesional. Cuando logres tener una buena voz, notars que...la gente... te escucha!tus clientes... te prestan atencin! las ventas... fluyen!Ya no tienes que avergonzarte por tener una voz dbil...Cuando tu voz dbil, tembleque e insegura sea cosa delpasado, tambin notars que, de repente...sientes ms seguridad y confianza en tus relaciones con el sexo opuestolas puertas a innumerables trabajos y profesiones se te abren de par en parEso s, desde ya te digo que...la parte ms difcil es desarrollar una buena resonanciaLa resonancia es lo que le da ""cuerpo"" y calidez a la voz. Y es especialmente difcil si no te ensean la tcnica.Aunque, claro!, podras comprar cuanto libro encuentres por ah sobre educacin vocal; y tratar de aprender por ensayo y error y mucha autocrtica. Pero...Sin un instructor que te gue paso a paso, podra llevarte aos lograr una pequea mejora. Incluso, podra costarte una fortuna. Y, lo peor de todo, si practicas sin una correcta higiene de la voz, hasta podras daarte seriamente las cuerdas vocales.Te cuento que, en vez de perder tiempo y recursos tratando de reinventar la rueda, ahora puedes tener una voz de locutor profesional...Es ms...Casi que puedes convertirte en todo un locutor comercial.En cuestin de semanas!, siguiendo mi...""Videocurso de Locucin""As es! Tus amigos y familiares percibirn la diferencia a los pocos das. Te lo aseguro!Siguiendo las instrucciones detalladas que te doy en los videos, en menos de lo que canta un gallo estars consiguiendo tus primeros pedidos. Vers que te llegan ofertas y encargos, DESDE TODOS LOS RINCONES DEL MUNDO DE HABLA HISPANA, para que grabes locuciones destinadas a... ... centros de atencin al cliente ... contestadores telefnicos ... spots publicitarios ... videos de YouTube y similares ... sitios webY si quieres ingresar al fascinante mundo de la radio ode la televisin, tendrs las bases para desempearte con soltura y fluidez.Y lo mismo si deseas desempearte eficazmente como profesor, maestra, pastor, conferencista o profesional universitario.Cuando tienes buena voz, las oportunidades abundan!Lo s, porque llevo aos enseando el arte de la locucin. Y yo mismo tengo ms de 10 de experiencia como locutor comercial.Como te deca...T tambin ests a un paso de tener la voz gruesa, la diccin difana y la fluidez que siempre soaste.S, ya s que an ests dudando un poco. Por eso, me gustara que pienses lo siguiente. Si sigues haciendo lo mismo de siempre, una y otra vez, obviamente no puedes pretender otra cosa que obtener los mismos resultados.Aprende Cmo Tener una Voz Gruesa, Clara y Poderosa de Locutor Profesional...Cules de Estos Secretos Profesionales Te Seran de Utilidad? Dominar el molde articulatorio de las consonantes Aprender a analizar un texto comercial antes de lalocucin. (Vers: esto de la locucin tiene mucho de actuacin. Por tal motivo, dediqu dos secciones enteras al anlisis y la interpretacin). Saber cmo armar un estudio de grabacin de bajo coste (en la Seccin 4, Construyendo nuestro Home Studio, te doy algunas pautas sencillas: desde qu micrfonos elegir hasta cmo conseguir la adecuada aislacin acstica). Ser capaz de editar un archivo de audio para conseguir un sonido de calidad profesional. En el curso te muestro cmo usar los editores ms conocidos del mercado. Aprenders a poner cortinas musicales, a limpiar los ruidos y ms.No pierdas ms tiempo. En unas semanas me lo agradecers.Mauro Martnez."
Price: 49.99

"Paint a TROMPE L'OEIL. People will be AMAZED and SURPRISED." |
"REVIEW -'In Nicola's courses, there is always something to lean above what you expected. I love trompe l'oeil paintings and was anxious to take this course. In addition to the style if painting, I am learning more about how to improve my painting of shadows. And it is amazing to see how with just 2 or 3 color she can achieve such an array. A wonderful teacher. A wonderful class!' Doris DickensonTROMPE L'OEILA French phrase meaning deceives the eye or to trick the eye used to describe paintings that create the illusion of a real object or scene.Learn this fascinating and captivating painting technique in this introductory course and literally introduce a new dimension to your painting.This technique is often used in the painting of murals and as small decorative 'jokes' on walls and furniture, but this style can be fabulous in a painting as you will see here.There is no reason why you can't have fun with this and in this course I'll show you how. Here we will paint these dried chili peppers. We will also paint an old key hanging on a wall and a butterfly.This is also a great course for those of you who like details, using a small brush and creating 'fine' art.What fun."
Price: 54.99

"Beginner Digital Drawing with Free GIMP and a Budget Tablet" |
"Hello,Welcome to my beginners course on digital drawing using the free GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). My name is Brian Jackson and I'm a top rated Udemy instructor of over 48 courses covering a wide range of topics from writing, self-publishing and book covers to 2D animation.This course provides an introduction to both digital drawing using a tablet and the GIMP program. Hardware and software usage details are woven throughout lectures on fundamental drawing techniques and example drawing workshops. Each section concludes with a workshop in which all the previously discussed features are demonstrated followed by a project you can work on independently and submit for review and comment.In an attempt to get you drawing fast, this course begins with tablet selection and installation and basic GIMP usage. That's enough to get you drawing. Then we'll add information on using layers, and digital editing.Unlike other courses, this course assumes no former knowledge, begins at the beginning and teaches you drawing and the software rather than simply having you watch me draw (though you'll get plenty of that as well).This course is designed for drawing and illustration enthusiasts who would like to learn how to draw digitally using a tablet and the free GIMP software product (that runs on Windows 10, Mac OS and Linux). The ideal student is someone new to digital drawing and possibly even drawing itself. Someone who has an idea trapped inside them that they need to express through a creative medium.Thanks for your interest in GIMP digital drawing. I hope you're excited to get started. If you are, go ahead and click on the enroll button. Don't forget the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee. This should make your decision an easy one.So, I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Photoshop CC. Modelagem e Animao 3D" |
"Um curso muito completo, abordado por especialista, ideal para quem deseja se capacitar para o mercado de trabalho ou para o profissional que deseja se atualizar.Um curso de nvel avanado que aborda orientaes e dicas sobre o uso profissional de recursos 3D do Adobe Photoshop. Mesmo o profissional que est acostumado a usar a plataforma para o tratamento de imagem tradicional ir se surpreender com o que ir aprender no decorrer desse treinamento.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 44.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Encore Completo" |
"Nesse curso o aluno ir aprender a finalizar um projeto udio visual de maneira profissional com a plataforma do Adobe Encore, uma das mais populares, respeitadas e renomadas ferramentas do mercado internacional no segmento com especialista por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Adobe Photoshop CC. Engenharia da Imagem" |
"O Adobe Photoshop uma das ferramentas para tratamento de imagem mais populares e respeitadas do mercado, esse curso de nvel intermedirio ensina diversos recursos da plataforma por meio de professor especialista no assunto.As dicas e orientaes profissionais sobre a plataforma so um diferencial para os alunos que fazem parte desse treinamento.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 79.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Illustrator CC" |
"O Adobe Illustrator uma poderosa ferramenta de Design Grfico que habilita o profissional para o mercado de trabalho ou iniciativa empreendedora.A ferramenta possibilita criar arte grfica para web ou impresso de forma profissional e o professor desse curso especialista no assunto que ser abordado.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Illustrator CC" |
"A capacitao em Design Grfico tem uma grande demanda no mercado de trabalho, o Adobe Illustrator uma ferramenta que habilita o profissional a desenvolver identidade visual para empresas, criar diversos recursos grficos ou para web de maneira profissional de forma simplificada pelos sofisticados recursos da plataforma.No decorrer desse curso o aluno ir receber orientaes de especialista sobre o uso profissional da plataforma.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Adobe After Effects CS6" |
"O mercado udio visual um dos que mais cresce em todo o mundo e os conhecimentos de edio de vdeo so cada vez mais requisitados para qualquer tipo de profissional, principalmente para quem deseja trabalhar com iniciativa empreendedora e nesse curso o aluno ir aprender de forma plena a usar o Adobe After Effects em sua verso CS6.timo para edio de vdeo, especialmente para produo de efeitos especiais e motion graphics.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Adobe Encore CS6" |
"OAdobe Encore uma tima plataforma para finalizao de vdeos ou projetos multi mdia de forma profissional, no decorrer desse curso o aluno ter uma viso geral resumida do uso profissional da plataforma mais respeitada do assunto.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Lightroom 5" |
"O Adobe Lightroom uma tima plataforma para fotgrafos ou entusiastas de fotografia para trabalhar a ambincia das fotos de maneira profissional e deixa-las ainda mais atrativas.Seja voc um profissional ou entusiasta de fotografias digitais, com certeza ir se apaixonar pelo que essa incrvel ferramenta pode fazer e com certeza as suas fotos que j so boas iro ficar ainda melhores.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99
