"Curso Online de Web Design com Blogger do Google" |
"O Blogger uma plataforma de web design do Google e possibilita o profissional ou empreendedor montar um site com domnio personalizado sem ter de gastar com hospedagem.Como os custos de hospedagem podem ser altos e lidar com esses aspectos mais complexo do que aparenta inicialmente o Blogger se torna um timo recurso para quem deseja lucrar com programas de afiliados ou simplesmente marcar presena digital na rede mundial de computadores.O treinamento extremamento objetivo e aborda os recursos fundamentais para uso profissional da plataforma por meio de vdeo aulas que se apresentam em sequencia didtica que tem por objetivo principal ajudar os alunos a alcanar o seu potencial mximo.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Online de Power Point Fundamental" |
"O Power Point uma das ferramentas para desenvolvimento de apresentaes por meio de recursos grficos mais popular e respeitada do mercado internacional, no decorrer desse curso iremos apresentar a ferramenta por meio de vdeo aulas com animao grfica para dar enfase aos pontos didticos do treinamento e ajudar ao mximo o aluno a alcanar o seu potencial mximo.O aluno ainda pode assistir algumas vdeo aulas de forma gratuita para ter certeza de que gosta de nossa didtica.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 34.99

"Curso Apresentaes do Google (Power Point Genrico)" |
"O curso de apresentaes do Google timo para professores ou palestrantes, pois o mesmo possibilita criar recursos grficos para apresentaes com tanta riqueza quanto o power point, s que sem ter de pagar para usar a plataforma.As vdeo aulas possuem recursos grficos animados para dar enfase aos pontos didticos o que torna o aprendizado mais eficiente e ajuda o aluno a alcanar o seu potencial mximo.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso Google Drive. Documentos do Google Fundamental" |
"Nesse curso o aluno ir aprender a desenvolver um ebook ou livro utilizando o Documentos do Google.Uma tima oportunidade para iniciativa empreendedora, pois muitos escritores e editoras buscam profissionais capacitados em diagramar ebook e livros. O documentos do Google no to potente quanto o Adobe Indesign, mas o fato de ser gratuito permite que o profissional cobre um preo mais atrativo no desenvolvimento de seus projetos e que com isso alavanque as suas vendas, sem ter de correr riscos com os custos de uma licena.Todas as vdeo aulas desse curso possuem animao grfica para dar enfase e destaque aos pontos didticos do treinamento.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 34.99

"#1 Local SEO Strategy: Google Map SEO & Google My Business" |
"Set up an ideal Google My Business local listing and dominate in Google Map SEO.For nearly all local businesses, the most effective local marketing strategy is local SEO (search engine optimization) and the most important part of local SEO is the Google Map 3-pack SEO which are the organic results that show up next to the Google map.In this course, I'll show you how to:1) Get ahead of the competition in the Google My Business 3-pack ranking organically and for free. 2) How to run local search ads.WHY LOCAL SEO IS SO IMPORTANT FOR LOCAL MARKETINGLocal businesses tend to be things people want like gyms, cleaning, restaurants, etc. When people want something, they search for it. That's why local SEO is so important and why local business owners must obsess about local SEO to make sure they rank #1 for their keywords and remain #1.Many local businesses hire local SEO freelancers or agencies, but you don't have to do that. Just follow this course as I walk you through using Google My Business and show you how to make your business listing rank highly in Google Map SEO. IMPORTANCE OF GOOGLE MY BUSINESSEvery local business must work on local SEO and the only way to list your business on the Google map is to register for Google My Business. After your free Google My Business registration, you will have your business listed on your Google map and compete in local SEO. Many of my clients got their businesses showing up on the Google map SEO the same week they registered for Google My Business.INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.I've helped hundreds of clients with their local marketing and local SEO. In this course I share the #1 highest priority for local marketing, which is the local 3-pack SEO.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 59.99

"How to Write the Ultimate 1 Page Strategic Business Plan" |
"You've probably had many dreams of where you would like to take your small business... It could be that you want to make a 6 or 7 figure income... Or, it could be that you want to expand your business and succeed greatly... Or maybe you just want to get more customers for your business... Whatever your goals and visions are for your business, the one thing you will need to get there is a great plan. Think about it for a minute... Have ever wanted to get somewhere, and you didn't have the directions to get there? How frustrating was that? Didn't it save you so much time and frustration, when you could easily use your GPS to help you get to your location? A strategic plan is the GPS for your business. A strategic plan is the roadmap that will: Tell you what to do, step-by-step, in your business until you reach all your goals. Help you identify the most important things you should be doing so that you don't waste your valuable time and money. Help you break up your key actions steps into small chunks, so that you can do a little at a time, until you eventually reach all of your business goals. Do I Need a 20 Page Business Plan? No Way! Use this 1 Page Strategic Plan Instead... Many people believe that you need pages and pages of complex information in order to build a successful business. But that is just not true... Think about it... Do you read the 50 page manual that comes with all your electronic products? Or do you simply just follow the 1 page basic instructions that comes with the box? They are both helpful, but the 1 page instructions get you started much quicker, and helps you to enjoy your product much faster. In the same way, this 1 Page Strategic Business Plan will give you everything you need to reach all of your business goals. Also, because it's so simple, it makes it easier to do everything you are supposed to do to succeed in your business. Why is This Strategic Business Plan Just 1 Page? Since 20% of the things we do bring 80% of the results, we've created a 1 Page Strategic Plan that focuses only on the Top 20% that bring the biggest results. Most business plans are full of a lot of unnecessary information, and they make you do a lot of steps that just waste your valuable time. This 1 Page Strategic Plan only describes the most important and powerful steps you should take to help you achieve your 6 - 7 figure goals, or help you achieve all of your other goals. Does this 1 Page Strategic Business Plan Really Work? Absolutely! This 1 Page strategic plan has helped many business owners take their business to the next level in their business by helping them: Increase revenue by 30 - 50%. Operate more efficiently Get more customers Increasing profits by helping them use their money more wisely, And much more... Will It Work for Me? If you're a small business owner or entrepreneur, and you have important goals that you want to achieve - then this 1 Page Strategic Plan will help you succeed. If you're a person that wants to start a new business, but you want a roadmap to help guarantee your success, then this 1 Page Strategic Plan will help create that roadmap for you. If you want to get yourself and your business to a new level of success, this 1 Page Strategic Business Plan, will lay out a step-by-step plan to show you everything you need to do. There are 2 types of business plans: Business plans to get you business funding and A Strategic plan to help you succeed in your business. The ""How to Write the Ultimate Strategic Plan"" course will show you how to guarantee the success of your business, so that you can see all of your business goals, visions and dreams become a reality."
Price: 19.99

"Leadership - The #1 Key to Guaranteed Business Success" |
"Have you ever felt that there was an invisible ceiling above your success? Or, are you ready to get to the next level of your business, and want a roadmap to show you how to get there? This class is the answer to every one of these questions and more... What Separates Top Income Earners From Everyone Else? Did you know that the biggest thing that separates successful people from those that are not, is one thing...Leadership. Leadership also determines how much income you will make. The better of a leader you are the more zeros you end up with at the end of your paycheck. This class will teach you everything you need to learn about the secrets of top income earners, and why they continue to have massive success in their lives and businesses. In this class you will learn: How To Overcome the Greatest Obstacles to Your Success How to Maximize Your Potential By Maximizing Your Time 3 Ways to Accomplish the Most Valuable Things in Your Business How To Get Things Done While Other People Fail How to Maximize Your Efforts By Upgrading Your Peer Group How to Become an Expert at The Most Valuable Thing - Leadership! How to Make Decisions That Really Count So You Can Make A Lot More Money How to Maximize Yourself Through Continual Improvement Learn to Create an Environment That Makes it Impossible To Fail How to Supercharge Your Results by Maximizing Your Talents And much, much more... If you are ready to break through the ceiling that is holding you back, or if you are ready to get to the next level in your success - then this class is for you. Sign up for this class and prepare for an incredible leadership journey!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Validate Any Business Idea" |
"Do you have a great business idea that you want to turn into a profitable business? Then this class is exactly what you need to get your idea off the ground and to begin to make money right away. There are a lot reasons that business ideas don't get off the ground, or business startups don't make it over the long haul. But the biggest reason, is that people don't test to see whether customers even want their product or service. So they spend a lot of time, effort, resources and money, only to find out later, when its too late, that no one really cared for their idea. Don't let that happen to you. If you really want to take your idea and build a money making business, the most important thing for you to do is to validate that really people want your idea and that they will pay for it. But testing and validation takes so much time and effort, and frankly... it is no fun. That is why I want to introduce you to the 1 Page Startup Validation Guide, that will help you quickly test and validate your idea, and help you start making money right away. This startup tool is designed to: Show you how to do simple, quick yet effective research to see if there is even a market for your idea. Help you identify your ideal target market that will buy your product and service. Find out what your competitors are doing, and how you can beat your competitors at their own game. The 8 simple questions that will tell you if you have a an idea that can make lots of money. How to quickly sell your product or service to thousands of people in your target market. How to design a promotional message that will get your customer's attention and increase their desire to buy your product or service. How to get great feedback that will help you make your product and service even better, and make you more money. And much more... Do I Need a To Waste a Lot of Time and Money Validating My Idea? No Way! Use the 1 Page Startup Validation Guide Instead... Many people believe that you need to do tons of work in order to test and validate a great business idea. But that is just not true... This 1 Page Startup Validation Guide will give you everything you need to test and validate your business idea, and help you start making money in as little as 30 - 60 days. Also, because it's so simple, it makes it easier to do everything you are supposed to do to quickly and easily. Why is the Startup Validation Guide Just 1 Page? Since 20% of the things we do bring 80% of the results, we've created a 1 Page Startup Validation Guide that focuses only on the Top 20% that bring the biggest results. Most business plans are full of a lot of unnecessary information, and they make you do a lot of steps that just waste your valuable time. This 1 Page Startup Guide only describes the most important and powerful steps you should take to help you achieve your startup and income goals. Does this 1 Page Startup Validation Guide Really Work? Absolutely! This 1 Page Startup Guide has helped many business owners take their business idea to the next level and help them start making money. It has helped entrepreneurs to: Get their idea tested and validated in as little as 30 - 60 days. Start making money on their idea, even before it is fully completed. Get loyal customers that greatly spread the message about their product or service. Make improvements so that they end up with a best-selling product or service. And much more... Will It Work for Me? If you're a small business owner or entrepreneur, and you have great ideas that you want to turn into a business - then this 1 Page Startup Validation Guide will help you succeed. If you're a person that wants to start a new business, and you want a roadmap to help guarantee your success, then this 1 Page Startup Validation Guide will become that roadmap for you. If you want to get yourself and your business to a new level of success, this 1 Page Startup Validation Guide, will lay out a step-by-step plan to show you everything you need to do. The ""How to Validate Any Business Idea and Start Making Money Now"" course will show you how to guarantee the success of your business idea, so that you can see all of your business goals, visions and dreams become a reality."
Price: 19.99

"LEARNING PATH: Shiny: Web Development with Shiny" |
"Shiny is a user contributed package for R that allows interactive web interfaces to easily be delivered through a web browser using only R code. It is simple to use R code to build user interfaces. There is also a lot of power and flexibility within the Shiny package, and its functionality can be expanded using user-contributed packages, as well as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. So, if you are looking forward to get acquainted with Shiny to build web applications with only a few lines of code, then go for this Learning Path. Packts Video Learning Paths are a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it. The highlights of this Learning Path are: Learn to use built-in Shiny functions to produce attractive and flexible layouts of your own design Understand reactivity and control reactivity within Shiny Explore more about UI development with Shiny through hands-on examples Lets take a quick look at your learning journey. You will start off by installing R, RStudio, and Shiny. You will explore on RMarkdown document to understand how Shiny can be embedded straight into a document. You will learn about the Shiny input and output widgets and how to put them together into a larger application. Further, you will be introduced to several features of Shiny, such as animation, data tables, downloading and uploading data, and how to produce attractive and interactive data tables. You will also go through a toy example. You will learn about reactive programming in Shiny and how to control reactivity in your programs. You will use a full-featured application to explore the ggplot2movies dataset. Moving on you will learn how reactivity works and how it can be controlled. Next, you will learn to produce an application based on the diamonds dataset included within the ggplot2 package. You will use the core single application but the interface will be reskinned and rebuilt throughout using different methods in order to illustrate their use and function. You will be exposed to examples that will demonstrate the use of HTML templates. You will learn about producing dashboards in Shiny. Finally, you will learn about laying out applications using the wide range of functions of Shiny. By the end of this Learning Path, you will be well versed with the application development techniques of Shiny and able to build your own applications in no time! Meet Your Expert: We have the best works of the following esteemed author to ensure that your learning journey is smoothChris Beeley has been using R since 2008 and works full time developing software to store, collate, and present questionnaire data using open technologies (MySQL, PHP, R, Shiny), with a particular emphasis on using the web and Shiny to produce simple and attractive data summaries. He has delivered talks about Shiny all over the country. He is also the author of Web Application Development with R using Shiny."
Price: 199.99

"Data Visualization with Tableau" |
"Tableau is one of the fastest evolving Business Intelligence (BI) and data visualization tools. Data Visualization with Tableau helps your insights come compellingly alive and communicates complex ideas simply. Expressive visualization enables you to get beyond static charts to create multi-faceted views of data and explore every dimension. The rise of big data and the growing public awareness of its power has made this the moment for data visualization. Data visualization is changing the way the world looks at data.Tableau is a Data Visualization tool for molding information into various visuals. This course gives an overview of the fundamentals, from normal computations to implementations of various concepts such as Integrating Tableau with R, advanced graphs, and formatting visualizations. This video course takes you on a journey in which you'll master data visualization using Tableau by getting to know valuable methods for utilizing advanced calculations to solve complex problems. These techniques include the creative use of different types of calculation such as row-level, aggregate-level, and more. You will discover how almost any data visualization challenge can be met in Tableau by a proper understanding of the tool's inner workings and creatively exploring its possibilities.By the end of the course you will be equipped for success as a Data Analyst: you will be able to create effective dashboards and data visualization solutions using Tableau.About the AuthorSeema Acharya is Senior Lead Principal with the Education, Training and Assessment Department of Infosys Limited. She is an educator by choice and vocation and has rich experience in both Academia and the software industry. Her areas of interest and expertise are centered on Business Intelligence, Big data and Analytics, and technologies such as data warehousing, data mining, data analytics, text mining, and data visualization. She has authored the following books:Fundamentals of Business Analytics, ISBN: 978-81-265-3203-2, publisher Wiley India.Big Data and Analytics, ISBN-13: 978-8126554782, publisher - Wiley India.Pro Tableau - A Step By Step Lab Guide ISBN-13: 978-1484223512, publisher Apress.She has co-authored a paper on ""Collaborative Engineering Competency Development"" for ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education). She holds the patent on ""Method and system for automatically generating questions for a programming language."""
Price: 124.99

"Google Ads Introduction: Google Ads Retargeting & Pixel" |
"This course is an introduction to Google Ads, especially how to do Google Ads retargeting. Retargeting is running ads to people who have already visited your website. People who visited your website are considered ""warm leads"" who have already shown some interest in your site.Targeting ""warm"" leads in better than targeting ""cold"" leads who know nothing about your business. Warm leads who click your ads and come back are more likely to engage with your business and are typically cheaper to target.This course is relatively short so you should be able to set everything up in one day and begin running your ads. INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THIS GOOGLE ADS COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this Google Ads course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your Google Ads expertise, and that you have completed a certain number of hours of Google Ads instruction.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe Google Ads course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Advanced Excel VBA for Automation" |
"I am not aProgrammer. Why should I learn Excel VBA Macros?Firstly, you don't need to be an Excel Guru to take this course, just average Excel skills will do.It's adjusted for first-time users. Secondly, it will benefit you in automating your Excel VBA work. It saves time and improves efficiency.But I have heard from colleagues that it takes a lot of time (weeks and months) to actually implement the solutions and benefit from it.This is what one of our students had to say in context of this-I amnew to ExcelMacrosand your index page macro has helped me want to learn more about Excel VBA. I know you didnt write the macro, but thetechnique of copy and paste into exceland thenadjusting to accommodate the excelmacrohas helped me a lot. Dave Wilson, Saint Helens, United Kingdom----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heres the level of the course:Beginner:Easy to learn and ApplyRecord and run basic macrosHow to use macros without programming (Hint: Google search)Define Object, Properties, and MethodsUse Range Navigation, Referencing and Variable DeclarationIntermediate Skills:Able to implement techniques at workUsing LoopsOptimizing Code EfficiencyUsing Event trackingCreating UserformsRecording Macro buttonAdvanced Skills:Ninja-level SkillsCreating User-defined functionsMini Projects: Split, Protect-Unprotect, Automate Comment ExtractionFinal Project: Corporate Travel planning Project (involves: advanced user forms and Email Automation)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question - Why should I take this course on Excel VBA Macros?Unlike text-bookapproach, these videos quickly explain the super essentials and actionable steps to get started withMacros - practically. You will learn:Essential pre-requisite Settings (Developer tab, Security, File extension etc.)Head (start) and Tail (end) of a Macro code for easy identificationUnderstanding the nut and bolts of the workspace and key-buttons.Record and ways to Run a Macro; Viewing the codeUnderstanding the VBA workspace - VB Editor, Project Explorer, Properties Window, Module etc.Personal Excel VBAMacro WorkbookA beginner, as well as an advanced user ofVBAMacros, must know a specific trick to locaterelevant Macro codes through Google search. You will learn:A special trick to using Google to locate VBA codes relevant to your workCustom edit the code using record technique and VB EditorWe have lectures withduration 6.5hrin this course.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I thought you knew me -You solved the exact problem which I face at my officein your course by Rajesh Dhoot, India, ex-Sr. Manager, Finance and Accounts, Ultratech Cements An Aditya Birla Group Co.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question So will I learn Loops, User Forms& Validations?Our Response Yes. This course covers all Excel VBAMacros techniques in VBA and ways touse them without Programming Know How.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you join:Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to anyupdates I'll add to the course.I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Guided practice Workbooks included for immediate practiceAccess to all videos 24 x 7- learn online from anywhereA30-day money back guarantee(we want you to be 100% satisfied)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have read this far,next action is JOINING this course.Invest few hrsto lead your career withzero programming know how."
Price: 149.99

"PowerPoint Course: Learn Most Used Tips & Tricks in PPT" |
"Before you read what I have to say, see what my students are saying about my courseson PowerPoint:Anyone who wants to exceedthe expectations set by himself / Seniors / peers. It is very important to convey theRight ideas in a right formatthrough a right medium. Guns don't kill as much as Powerpoint bullets.I made my mind to be a Subscriber of all of his courses after seeing his free videos which makes me think that I am actually in a real class and learning it by practising it. by Biswajeet Pattnaik , M&A Specialist (Finance and Petrochemical industry), SABIC , Saudi Arabia.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PowerPoint and Excel together make anawesome productivity tool. Management Consultants having great knowledge of these 2 software,createsstunning presentationswhich are automated, data-driven, beautifully designed and impressive to read.What would it be like if each and every one of yourPowerPoint presentations were stunning and impressed your attendees, co-workers, senior managers or investors without you saying a word yet?Checkout our course curriculum to seewhat we got in store for you.We havevideos of duration 5.5 hrs (in one sitting). Through practical examples, You'll learn Ninja level application onPowerPoint.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question- Why should I take this course on PowerPoint?Our Response- This course will enable you to create presentation that blow minds of your audience. Impress them with powerful and awesome visual presentation of data. No one will sleep in your presentation.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question So will I learn All PowerPointCharts?Our Response No. This course doesn't covers PowerPointcharts.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""The courses are really helpful whether in terms of saving time, improving your presentation skills or getting to learn new features. The videos give you the feeling ofone to one attention. Moreover, their constant attachment by emailing new tricks is highly appreciating. #thankyouteamyoda"" by Arundhati Raychaudhuri, Finance Professional, India-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you join:Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Guided practiceworksheets included for immediate practiceAccess to all videos 24 x 7 - learn online from anywhereA 30-day money back guarantee (we want you to be 100% satisfied)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have read this far, next action is JOINING this course. Invest5.5 hrs (in one sitting). for a benefit of lifetime status onPowerPoint Ninja"
Price: 99.99

"Excel Tips & Tricks For Intermediate Excel Users with Eg." |
"Who this course is for: This course is for Excel users who have the knowledge of VLOOKUP, Text to Columns & Pivot Table Advanced Excel, Data analysis in Excel, Become Excel ExpertYou will learn the best tricks in MSAdvanced Excel and its real life application like never before:No 1. Flash Fill - It saves hours of time. It fills in data based on pattern recognition. You have to show few samples. It can also can extract and insert as well as format and concatenate. It is based on ""Programming by Example (PBE)"".>> How to train the algorithm of Flash Fill better?No blank column between Input & Output columnsTake more samplesTake tough samplesUse Apostrophe / Single quote marks for [Date & Time, Nos. with preceding zeroes]No2.Pivot TableGrouping [Dates, Numbers]Slicers & related settingsPivot Chart ShortcutDisable Autofit Column widthsDisable =GETPIVOTDATA() for formula writing2-D Table data consolidationCreating 100s of Pivot Table reports in < 1 minuteNo 3.Go To (Special) Filling blank cells in between rows of dataSelecting cells with errorsDetecting cells with formulasNo 4.Find & Replace (Ctrl +H)How to use Asterisk (*) to clean data 10x fasterHow to remove Asterisk (*)Why Find & Replace of MS Word is more powerfulNo 5.VLOOKUP() with TRUE (1) Saves hours ofyour time by condensing multi-level complex nested IF statements in one simple VLOOKUP() formula.When is VLOOKUP() with TRUE used? When the [Date or Number] values are:in logical slabs (e.g. 0-100, 101-200 etc.)listed in ascending order, andlisted in order of [at least, onwards, not less than, WEF, >=]Excel Course For Expert (VLOOKUP, Pivot Table, Gotospecial)Application areas:Financial Modeling, Accounting (Debtors' ageing), Incentive calculations, Ranking etc.No 6.VLOOKUP() with MATCH() saves hours ofyour time by condensing multi-level complex nested IF &AND/OR statements in one simple combination formula. It helps pull data based on two variables (vertical & horizontal). It's called 2-D lookup.--------------------------------------------Important information before you join:Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to anyupdates I'll add to the course.I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Access to all videos 24 x 7- learn online from anywhereA30-day money back guarantee(we want you to be 100% satisfied)---------------------------------------------If you have read this far,next action is JOINING this course.Invest 38 mins. for the benefit of lifetime Ninja status on Advanced Excel Course.Advanced Excel, Data analysis in Excel, Become Excel Expert"
Price: 29.99

"Influencer Marketing: Hire Right Influencers & Track Results" |
"Influencer marketing is extremely popular today. But it is also full of pitfalls. This course will show you how to do it right so you can generate traffic and sales.You will learn how to find ideal influencers for your niche. You will learn how much they should cost depending on their reach, and how to reach out to them in a professional way.You will also see many tools to help you find great influencers.I'll also show you how to spot fake influencers who would be just a waste of money.I'll also show you how to make sure the traffic they send you converts and comes back to your site by using retargeting ads with Google and Facebook.INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THIS COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this ClickBank course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your ClickBank expertise, and that you have completed a certain number of hours of ClickBank instruction.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis influencer marketing course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 39.99

"Webservices API Testing with Rest Assured API & POSTMAN 2020" |
"Webservices API Automation Testing using Rest Assured API and POSTMAN - Biggest course to cover all levels of API Testing using both Manual and Automation approaches on Live projects.API Testing is very much in demand these days and people who are already familiar with the UI testing part should approach for API Testing as these days 90% of the Applications Web Based, Mobile Based, Database communicates with each other with APIs only i.e. REST and SOAP. REST being the light weight API 95% of the Industry works on RESTFul webservices. Big clients like Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Expedia etc their different apps communicates through RESTFul webservices itself.If you are already familiar with Selenium then the combination of Selenium + API Testing is a boom in the Industry. Every next Automation opening in Industry around the globe has a requirement of good knowledge on Selenium + API Testing and not just the Manual part, companies they look for indepth understanding of API Automation which can be used in the same Automation framework designed to handle the UI, Database and the Mobile part. Using Rest Assured API we will look at in-depth framework designing on Webservices automation testing part which will include the most popular Cucumber BDD approach as wellDetailed topics covered:API Testing basicsDifference in SOAP and REST and which one to useTools available for testing WebservicesPOSTMAN in DepthREST API Method - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etcRestAssured API and building frameworksHandling OAUTH AuthenticationJSON & XMLIntroduction to Jackson LibraryTestNGJenkinsMavenReporting Extent ReportParallel ExecutionGit/GitHubData DrivenCucumber BDDMany Live APIs used"
Price: 199.99

"Hands on projects with the I2C protocol - Learn by doing!" |
"Welcome to this course on embedded systems for STM32: I2C protocol masterclass. The I2C communication protocol is a popular protocol that microcontrollers use to talk to various devices such as EEPROMS and NVRAMs, ADCs and DACs, I/O interfaces for port expansion, and a whole array of different types of sensors. This class goes in-depth into the theory behind the I2Cprotocol, why it was originally designed, what types of common formats are available, and how to implement I2Ccommunication between a STM32 microcontroller, a LTC2990 current, voltage and temperature sensor and an OLEDdisplay.Who am I?Im Akshay, and Ill be your instructor for this course. I have been fascinated with micro controllers since I was a child, and now I consider it lucky to have it as my profession. I currently write firmware for safety critical systems that go inside electric cars. With my knowledge of embedded systems over the past 10+ years, and working in Silicon Valley, I have gained a unique insight into what the industry needs and what the students are lacking.Course StructureThe course is divided into four sections -Section 1 - In this section you will learn the theory behind the I2C protocol and how to implement it effectively.Section 2 - In this section you will set up a free and open source development environment to program and debug ARM Cortex microcontrollers. If you have previously completed my course on the Foundations of ARM Cortex-M processors, then you may choose to skip to the next section.Section 3 - In this section you will get hands-on experience on how to write the I2C drivers for the LTC2990 temperature, current and voltage sensor and the SSD1306 OLED display. You can take the knowledge learned in this section and apply it to any other I2C device of your choosing.Section 4 - In this section you will unlock features of the I2C Shield with specially designed assignments. After each assignment I will show you my method of implementation for comparison.What hardware is needed for this course?This course is created around the Nucleo series of boards from ST Microelectronics and I have designed, specifically for this course a custom board that fits on top of the Nucleo board. The Nucleo board is available for purchase directly from ST Micro and the custom I2C board can be purchased on www(dot)makermax(dot)cato allow you to get hands-on without having a whole electronics lab at your desk. Although this hardware is recommended, it is not mandatory. If you choose not to buy the hardware, you will still be able to follow along through all the lectures as I will show you my implementation. The best way to learn however, is to try and implement it yourself. If you have further questions on the hardware or anything else, send me a message! I would be more than happy to help you."
Price: 49.99

"Gefhrte Meditationen durch deinen Krper" |
"Gefhrte Meditationen durch deinen Krper fr gesunde Lunge, Leber, Nieren, Herz, Magen und Darm Wie Meditation deine Emotionen und damit deine Gesundheit beeinflusst - eine meditative Reise durch den Krper.Tue dir etwas Gutes und nutze die Meditationen, um deinen Krper im Einklang zu halten. Du erhltst zu jedem Krperteil eine gesonderte Meditation, so dass du die Meditation hren kannst, welche aktuell am wichtigsten fr dich ist. Die Meditationen sind kurz gehalten, dies bewirkt, dass du sie hufiger hrstEnthlt die 8 Meditationen- Reise durch deinen Krper- Krperanker setzen- Quick-Meditation Lunge- Quick-Meditation Niere- Quick-Meditation Leber- Quick-Meditation Herz- Quick-Meditation Magen/Darm- Gesamt Meditation Krper Erscheinungsjahr 2018 Gefhrte Meditationen von Michael Marciniak"
Price: 79.99

"Durch Meditation ganz einfach finanzielle Freiheit erreichen" |
"Wie du durch Meditation ganz einfach finanzielle Freiheit erreichst Finde deine Blockaden und deinen eigenen Weg Wer trumt nicht von finanzieller Freiheit? Aber hufig blockieren wir uns selbst auf dem Weg dorthin. Wir kennen hufig auch gar nicht den Grund, warum wir eigentlich eine finanzielle Freiheit haben mchten. Also was ist der Gedanke hinter dem Gedanken. Mit diesen Meditationen findest du deinen ganz persnlichen Weg. Enthlt die 8 Meditationen - Reise durch deinen Krper - Krperanker setzen - Quick-Meditation Dein Geldziel entdecken - Quick-Meditation Stelle dein Geldthermostat richtig ein - Quick-Meditation Deine tiefere Beziehung zu Geld - Quick-Meditation Finde deine mentalen Geldblockaden - Quick-Meditation Eine strende berzeugung auflsen - Bonus - Richte deine Person auf dein Ziel aus Erscheinungsjahr 2018"
Price: 79.99

"7 Wochen Mentalprogramm fr krisenfestes Unterbewusstsein" |
"Woche 1: Beginne dein Leben noch einmal bei NullDu kennst das, das ganze Leben verluft mehr oder minder nach Vorgaben, die du dir selbst auferlegt hast oder von anderen bestimmt wird. Du kennst bestimmst den Spruch Einen alten Baum verpflanzt man nicht. Aber fhlst du dich schon so alt? Mit dieser Hypnose beginnst du dein Leben von neuem. Du bereinigst erst mal die Dinge, die du ber Jahrzehnte aufgebaut hast.Woche 2: Fhle dich einfach SauwohlFhle dich einfach gut und steigere dein Selbstwertgefhl. Das Selbstwertgefhl ist bei den meisten Menschen nicht besonders stark ausgeprgt. Deswegen ist es wichtig dieses aufzubauen, denn besser geht immer.Woche 3: Gesunder KrperDer Krper ist ja bei fast allen Menschen ein Thema. Ganz leicht zu einem bewussten Krpergefhl probiere es einfach aus.Keine nutzlosen Vorstellungen mehr programmiere dein Unterbewusstsein auf einen gesunden KrperWoche 4: Wecke dein Power-ICHIn dieser Woche geht es darum wirklich einmal das Potenzial zu wecken, dass in dir steckt. Meistens traut man sich gar nicht zu, was eigentlich mglich wre. Lass dich nicht klein machen, sondern zeige deine wirkliche Strke.Woche 5: Begre dein neues LevelDu kennst das, das ganze Leben verluft mehr oder minder auf dem gleichen Level. Viele Menschen frustriert das, denn Sie wollen ausbrechen aus diesem Hamsterrad. Leider stehst du dir dabei hufig selbst im Weg und bist schnell wieder im alten Trott.Durch negative Erlebnisse im Leben und entsprechenden Glaubensstzen blockieren wir uns selbst. Diese Hypnose bereitet dich vor auf dein ganz neues Level.Woche 6: Nie wieder ziellosIn dieser Woche geht es um das Thema, seine Ziele mit Leichtigkeit zu erreichen. Durch negative Erlebnisse im Leben und entsprechenden Glaubensstzen blockieren wir uns selbst, wir glauben nicht an uns.Programmiere deshalb dein Unterbewusstsein auf Erfolg und vernder dein Leben radikal. Mit dieser Hypnose kannst du deine Ziele in Zukunft ganz leicht erreichen, denn du wirst an dich glauben.Woche 7: Wie du im Leben mehr Erfolg hastErreiche dein nchstes Lebensziel. Du hast im Leben stndig mit Ablehnungen, Einwnden und Absagen zu tun, dies ist auf Dauer zermrbend. Du fngst an zu zerbrechen und an dir zu zweifeln. Der Erfolgsdruck wchst stetig und irgendwann ist es einfach zu viel.Programmiere deshalb dein Unterbewusstsein auf Erfolg"
Price: 74.99

"Busy Real Estate Agent Hacks" |
"This course will provide strategies and hacks to achieve work-life balance as a real estate agent. It will provide you with field-tested ways to manage your time and your tasks to become a successful real estate agent ANDstill have a life! First, we explore what work-life balance really means to you and create a vision board of what we want to achieve in a balanced life. Second, we provide field-tested real estate agent hacks for both your personal and business life. Finally, we discuss how to outsource tasks in your personal life and business so you can spend more time with family or being more productive as an agent. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation on what work-life balance looks like and strategies to achieve it."
Price: 19.99

"Positive Psychology Certification: Live Well and Work Well" |
"JOIN MY > 32,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 172COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 2,500 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Standards Office. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. About this course:Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you change your habits and become even happier!Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group The course will cover the scientifically proven methods to understand and practice...What determines happinessHow to focus on what you really wantAim of Positive PsychologyStrengths and how to define what you really good atIntroduction to HabitsType of Habits (including one you probably never heard of)Seven Secrets to Habits and Happiness The Honeymoon effectEngagement / FlowMindfulness - What is and what is not Life SuccessGoal settingsLeadershipKaizen GoalsOptimism, Pessimism, Realism Happy People and SuccessAnd much more...See few recent reviews for this course:This is a great course for beginner and experienced alike. The information is clear and applicable to real world experiences. - Dawn KosmaBraco has a way with understanding how to inspire ME to make more happiness in my life! This is Braco's BEST work yet! Bravo, Braco. Everyone can learn and be inspired by your talent and gift of happiness in this course! - Rita Joan SantelliThe material of this course is excellent. The explanations are very easy to understand and the enthusiasm of the lecturer is contagious. - HaydeeAmo la simplicidad y practicidad con la que transmite conceptos y herramientas clave para ser feliz. - Beatriz Herrera LariosIf you are looking to find out how to find happiness and change habits or develop a new habit I would recommend this course. It may surprise you that little steps are often the best ones to reach our goal. Thank you Mr Pobric for your enthusiasm and your smiles and insight, I appreciate it. - Bonnie Barton_________________________________________________________________________At the end of this this course, you will:Stop chasing happinessFocus on what you really want in life Understand and know your strengths Learn what positive psychology is all bout Learn and apply many tools from the Science of Positive Psychology toolbox Understand and learn basic mindfulness techniques Set Your Goals with happiness in mindGet the tools to set the goals right and achieve them easily Learn and apply self confidence tools set Become even more optimisticImprove many areas of your life including physical,financial, career, etc. Understand Basic of HabitsChoose One or More Habits You Want To ChangeMake Necessary Steps to Change Your HabitsIncrease Will Power and Self ConfidenceRelease Your Own Happy ChemicalLearn 7 Secrets to Habits and HappinessBecome HappierSucceed in Any Habit FormationIntroduce New RoutinesAnd much more...Habits and Happiness Udemy Program combines years of research by experts in the field of habits, neuroscience, traditional and positive psychology, and teaches you how to apply this new information in a very simple and practical way. This program will help you understand your habits: why you have them, why you can or cannot change them, and how they can work to help you live a great life.Implementing habitual behavior in accordance with this program will help you become happier and more successful, will improve your wellbeing, and will assist you in living the lifEverything you want to achieve in life--from a successful career, thriving relationships, improved health, or simply increase your happiness and wellbeingeverything starts with habits. Everything!If your goal is to double your income, get a new job, do well on an interview, lose weight, gain weight, start exercising, start meditating, improve relationships, change your diet, become happier or anything else in life this course is for you.This program is based on my bestselling book Habits and Happiness: How to Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits, my Habits and Happiness workshops, individual coaching sessions, and many years of helping others change their life for the better in the areas they believe are most necessary.Regardless of what areas of your life need improvement income, career, heath, relationships, spirituality or anything else - you can only make that happen by changing your habits. Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... Enroll NOW to become happier and more successful.This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Accreditation Group.Our CPD provider Number is 50124CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD Standards AccreditationWhilst based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Happiness, Health, Success...ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Thangka: aprende a dibujar y colorear pintura tibetana" |
"Quienes culminen el workshop (100%) obtendrn el Certificado de participacin de Escuela de Coaching. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Thangka o pintura tibetana, es una tcnica milenaria que ilustra maestros de la cosmovisin oriental. Thangka: aprende a dibujar y colorear pintura tibetana, es un workshop introductorio en el que aprenders, paso a paso, los secretos de esta tcnica ancestral. La pintura de Thangka es un medio bidimensional que ilustra una realidad espiritual multidimensional. Por sus cualidades es considerado un arte sagrado.Originario de Nepal, nace durante el siglo VII, para luego desarrollarse en diferentes escuelas de arte de Oriente. Antiguamente este tipo de pinturas se realizaban con tres propsitos principales: para lograr un pasaje santo, de una vida a otra, para evitar el sufrimiento, y para profundizar en el desarrollo de espiritualidad personal. ste ltimo ser el propsito del curso, con el objetivo de conectar con nuestro maestro interior. El curso se divide en 8 mdulos que comprenden los siguientes temas: Breve historia de la pintura ThangkaMaterialesEstructura rostro BudaDibujo rostro BudaEstructura Buda CompletoDibujo Buda CompletoTeora del colorColorear dibujosObjetivos del workshopConocer los conceptos bsicos para dibujar pintura Thangka Aprender la estructura de la pintura Thangka Dibujar Thangka Pintar Thangka Desarrollar la creatividad Desarrollar el potencial personal"
Price: 44.99

"Cmo leer Un Curso de Milagros?" |
"Quienes culminen el workshop obtendrn el Certificado de participacin de Escuela de Coaching. Para obtener el certificado, cada participante se debe haber completado el 100% del workshop.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Un Curso de Milagros: emprende tu vida espiritual, est pensado para quienes quieren leer el texto, o han intentado hacerlo y les resulta algo complicado. Para lograr la comprensin de los conceptos centrales se proponen micro-clases en video, apuntes y audios de prctica. No es necesario tener el libro para hacer el workshop. ""Este es un curso de milagros. Es un curso obligatorio. Slo el momento en que decides hacerlo es voluntario. Tener libre albedro no quiere decir que t mismo puedas establecer el plan de estudios. Significa nicamente que puedes elegir lo que quieres aprender en cualquier momento dado. Este curso no pretende ensear el significado del amor, pues eso est ms all de lo que se puede ensear. Pretende, no obstante, despejar los obstculos que impiden experimentar la presencia del amor, el cual es tu herencia natural. Lo opuesto al amor es el miedo, por aquello que todo abarca no puede tener opuestos"" (Introduccin UCDM)Aprende a llevar la prctica de UCDM a tu vida diaria con amabilidad, aceptacin y paciencia."
Price: 34.99

"Life Coaching: Qu te gustara ser capaz de lograr?" |
"Quienes culminen el workshop obtendrn el Certificado de participacin de Escuela de Coaching. Para obtener el certificado, cada participante debe haber completado el 100% del curso.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Te gustara ser el dueo de tus decisiones para lograr una mejor calidad de vida?Emprende tu vida, es un workshop de desarrollo personal que te propone un programa de 8 semanas para lograr descubrir cmo lograr tus metas a travs de un proceso de life coaching. Aprenders a valorar los recursos que ya estn ti, con el propsito de tomar las riendas de tus decisiones y lograr una mejor calidad de vida.Te mereces ser feliz, estamos aqu para serlo, basta de peros y de culpas! Emprende tu vida, te invita a realizar ejercicios y prcticas para que puedas darle valor al poder del presente y as lograr lo que realmente quieres, que no es ms de lo que queremos todos, ser felices. Lograr coherencia entre nuestra mente y nuestro corazn, y por qu no, lograr una coherencia entre nuestra mente, nuestro corazn y nuestro espritu para descubrir metas y objetivos puede ser la clave que ests necesitando ahora para tu vida. El workshop te propone un plan que se dividen en 4 grandes ejes:Evaluacin del presenteAnlisis de experienciasPlaneo de metas y objetivosPlan de accinPrcticas atencin plena (audio de ms de 16 minutos)meditacin (audio de ms de 18 minutos)Qu te gustara ser capaz de lograr?""Date el permiso de fluir con lo que te apasiona""**Pide el cupn de descuento por mensaje privado"
Price: 69.99

"Beginning Spanish 1" |
"This course is intended to be an overview of the most important aspects of the Spanish language. Each lesson is designed to reveal the inner workings of the language through clear, concise explanations and numerous text based examples that appear in the videos. This is primarily a video lecture based course which includes over two and a half hours of explanations, examples, guided practice and exercises. It is not designed to "wow" you with action videos, pictures and cool music. There are other courses that already do that very well. Rather, the purpose is to provide you with solid explanations of how the language works. Everything you need is included in the course: explanations, vocabulary, examples and exercises. There are over two and a half hours of lecture videos and an additional 30 minutes of review videos. The minimum time to complete the course is about 3 and a half hours. The approach is academic. The sequence of grammar and topics generally follows the sequence found in most university level Spanish textbooks. This course is a good companion course to anyone already taking a beginning Spanish course at the college or university level. If you are taking any other informal, self-study or software / app based Spanish course this course is designed to complement all other Spanish courses by helping you to understand how the language works. You should take this course if you are interested in acquiring a quick overview of the language at the beginning level and if you would like to learn how to express and/or create your own original thoughts in the language."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Python 3 Programming at a Snail's Pace - Part 2" |
"If you want to really understand strings in Python, then this course is for you. There is a lot you can do with strings and we will cover most of it. Many parts are hard to remember, so we will have lots of projects added in to help you remember. You will also learn how to read from a file."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Python 3 Programming at a Snail's Pace - Part 3" |
"This course will teach you about Lists. Lists areextremely important in Python. They can be confusing but just like my previous two video series, this will be taught slowly and completely so you will learn how to use them.You will learn how to make a study program and how to program the game Uno!This class will be taught at a snail's pace which means this class is for you if you don't have programming experience (besides the first two series I created)."
Price: 29.99

"Fundamentals of Python for Data Mining" |
"This courseaims to cover the fundamentals of Python programming through real world examples, followed by a touch on Data Science. Python programming basics such as variables, data types, if statements, loops, functions, module, object and classes are very important and this course will try to teach these with a Console Calculator project.The course will than run throughthe popular data mining libraries like pandas, matplotlib, scipy, sklearn briefly on iris datasetto do data manipulation, data visualizations, data exploration with statistics (inferential and descriptives), model and evaluation.You do not need to know programming for this course.This course is based on my ebooks at SVBook."
Price: 199.99

"Office Health A-Z- Posture, Ergonomics, Vision, Food & More" |
"If being a top levelData Scientist is in your mind:Then you might want to know that this data-filledroad is not only tough but long, and it takes a toll on your body and mind.And you'll need to take careof both if you want totake your career to the highest level, while performingas well as you can andstay on top of your game for as long as you can.But how do we do this?Here is where this course jumps in...We partnered up with Jan Kalus to give you some of the most useful advice we could find, so you can take care of your body and mind and have an amazing career. All in one simple course!If you want to get valuable insights,advice, hacks & tips, andrecommendations, on how todevelophealthy and sustainableworkplace habitsand positively impact your overall health, performance and career,then this course is justfor you."
Price: 199.99

"Intro to Data Science: Your Step-by-Step Guide To Starting" |
"The demand for Data Scientists is immense. In this course, you'll learn how you can play a part in fulfilling this demand and build a long, successful career for yourself.The #1 goal of this course is clear: give you all the skills you need to be a Data Scientist who could start the job tomorrow... within 6 weeks. With so much ground to cover, we've stripped out the fluff and geared the lessons to focus 100% on preparing you as a Data Scientist. Youll discover: * The structured path for rapidly acquiring Data Science expertise * How to build your ability in statistics to help interpret and analyse data more effectively * How to perform visualizations using one of the industry's most popular tools * How to apply machine learning algorithms with Python to solve real world problems * Why the cloud is important for Data Scientists and how to use it Along with much more. You'll pick up all the core concepts that veteran Data Scientists understand intimately. Use common industry-wide tools like SQL, Tableau and Python to tackle problems. And get guidance on how to launch your own Data Science projects. In fact, it might seem like too much at first. And there is a lot of content, exercises, study and challenges to get through. But with the right attitude, becoming a Data Scientist this quickly IS possible! Once you've finished Introduction to Data Science A-Z, youll be ready for an incredible career in a field that's expanding faster than almost anything else in the world. Complete this course, master the principles, and join the ranks of Data Scientists all around the world."
Price: 199.99
