"Become an SAP HCM Consultant" |
"Learning SAP HCM - Human Capital Management is easy if you have a qualified and experienced instructor who loves to teach. This course provides a Step by Step configuration of SAP HCM Core Modules. It is designed to start with a basic overview of the module and end with advanced knowledge of configuration. Our curriculum is carefully designed to exceed job expectations available at a cheaper price with more content being covered. The Trainer is a Certified Real time Industry Expert with 12+ yrs of experience. He holds experience of working with Top 5 Consulting Companies."
Price: 199.99

"Local Domain Reseller" |
"Local Domain Reseller is my course on how I have built an easy business from local small businesses by selling them .com domain names, Wordpress hosting and setting up local business websites for clients like restaurants, hair salons, lawyers, electricians, dentists, doctors, and business owners of all types. The market is huge, in fact according to Statistic Brain 75% of small business still do not have a website.I teach my proven method of how you can:1. Setup a reseller store of domains and hosting2. How to get clients by going to local networking events3. How I sell with my iPad at those events enticing business owners to want to get going now!5. How to upsell other services once you have the domain and website in place, so that the customer will never cancel.I am living proof that being a Local Domain Reseller can build you solid residual income business."
Price: 19.99

"Indicadores de Desempenho para a TI" |
"Capacitao nas melhores prticas para elaborao, acompanhamento e mensurao de mtricas de desempenho para a rea de TI. Definio de KPI (Key Performance Indicator) para a Gesto & Governana de TI. Definir os indicadores a serem quantificados, os KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) so parmetros que visam a medio de fatores crticos para o sucesso e permitem aos gestores a obteno de um amplo conhecimento do cenrio, procurando entender as interaes dos ndices nas diversas reas, contribuindo para o Controle e aes pro-ativas atravs da definio Metas que nortearo a Gesto & Governana; Identificar as necessidades de cada rea e estabelecer os requisitos para subsidiar a definio dos indicadores a serem utilizados no monitoramento e na avaliao das respectivas reas; Alinhar a TI ao Planejamento Estratgico no BSC Balanced Scorecard; Apresentar um guia de implementao para definir Indicadores (KPIs) e o Painel de Controle (dashboard/cockpit) para de TI; Apresentao de diversos Indicadores (KPIs) para a TI, como: Desenvolvimento; Infra-estrutura; Suporte; Direo Estratgica; Escritrio de Projetos;"
Price: 579.99

"Compliance & Gesto de Ativos de Software" |
"Este curso inovador na abordagem, onde focamos em compliance, apontando os principais riscos. Como estruturar o processo de Gesto de Ativos de Software (SAM - Software Asset Management) ? Utilizamos como referencia a ISO/IEC 19770 de gesto de ativo de TI e as suas respectivas camadas de implementao. Apresentamos as melhores prticas de mercado, maturidade da gesto de ativo de software e seus resultados no compliance e na eficincia operacional da organizao."
Price: 39.99

"Elaborao de Indicadores (KPI) e Dashboard" |
"Seus desafios organizacionais como, atingir metas, superar resultados, otimizar recursos so nossa misso neste curso. Apresentamos de forma prtica e sinttica, como a Gesto de Indicadores de forma efetiva, contribuir com o cumprimento dos seus objetivos. Abaixo, alguns pontos relevantes que so abordados:Demonstrar a importncia da gesto de desempenho para alcanar resultados;Aplicar tcnicas, ferramenta e metodologia para elaborar/construir indicadores;Analisar os pontos cruciais entre a Gesto Preventiva e Corretiva no gerenciamento estratgico, ttico e operacional;O papel e a importncia da Gesto por Processos na gesto pragmtica;O aperfeioamento contnuo um dos desafios da alta gesto e das reas operacionais. Como os indicadores contribuir para o aprimoramento da gesto."
Price: 579.99

"Excellent SAP Basis Netweaver Complete Training" |
"SAP, started in 1972 by five former IBM employees in Mannheim, Germany, states that it is the world's largest inter-enterprise software company and the world's fourth-largest independent software supplier, overall. This course is design in depth from scratch for all consultants who are coming from any background into SAP world. You will feel like an In - Class training as what our instructor has did which is totally different from other SAP Basis courses. This course has covered all the topics which are needed for all who are learning SAP Basis. In this course you will learn about Full Life Cycle Implementation which every SAP consultant should know and also you will learn how to Install SAP on your own PC without purchasing from outside. After completing this course you will able to work as a SAP Basis Administrator. Taught by an instructor who carries more than 12 years plus of Real time SAP experience with numerous implementations."
Price: 199.99

"The Resume that will do the Job!" |
"Course updated April 4th, 2015. Over 1,200 students! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Guarantee: Get the interview with these techniques, or your money back. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How confident are you that you can land an interview for your dream jobthat your resume will stand out enough to get you in the door? My guess isnot very. You see, most open positions get inundated by templated, unimpressive resumes that fail to impress and all look exactly alike. If you were first in your class at Harvard, maybe this doesn't bother you But if you had a mediocre educational experience, lack relevant experience, or just generally are searching for something to make your resume GRAB a recruiter's attention, then you are in the right place. This course will teach you the EXACT steps to build the perfect resume to get that interview! Discover:What employers are looking for in your resume - and how you can easily provide this. There's no need to guess!An easy to follow approach to identifying your own unique skills and achievements. How to easily tailor your resume to the job you are applying for and get the recruiter's attention. So few people know how to do this, it gives you a huge advantage. Comprehensive guidance to help you complete all sections within your resume, including layouts, styles and phrases that you can instantly use. You even receive 100 resume templates so you can just fill in the blanks. Nothing is left to chance.All the inside information you need to know about what to include or leave out of your resume. Don't damage your chance by mistake.A checklist you must use before you send your resume to any prospective employers - it's the only way to guarantee you'll avoid the mistakes that applicants frequently make and get your resume to the top of the pile. Students are saying: Without Tomy's advice, I doubt I could have created a resume that would be noticed by the recruiter in less than 5 seconds. I now have a job interview over coffee next week! Eric Short but sweet. Corrected a bunch of resume mistakes I was making through this course. Richard I would definitely recommend this product as it provided me with a lot of valuable tips and strategies for entering the job market with a well tailored resume! - Justina In reality, it is NOT the most experienced or educated person who gets the job. Presentation matters! STOP guessing or following the clich formats that you were taught in high school. It's time to upgrade your job search today! -Tomy, Founder of Gradiators"
Price: 19.99

"Finanzas con Excel 2013" |
"Este curso le ayudara significativamente a la aplicacin de la hoja de clculo tanto a nivel profesional como personal en la realizacin de los anlisis y estudios financieros necesarios. El curso tiene por objeto desarrollar en forma terica y prctica las funciones financieras que Excel posee. Introduccin Amortizacin de Prestamos Amortizacin de Bienes o Rentas Rendimiento de Inversiones Burstiles Inversiones financieras Conversiones"
Price: 19.99

"Convirtete en un experto en Excel 2013" |
"Este curso es una gua muy prctica de utilizacin de Microsoft Excel 2013. Es un curso de contenidos claros, directos y didcticos. Los temas, siempre prcticos y directos estn llenos de ejercicios paso a paso que refuerzan los conceptos desarrollados en el captulo. El curso va avanzando, paso a paso, con el objetivo siempre de llegar a un dominio completo de los temas bsicos e intermedios de esta aplicacin, exprimiendo al mximo las numerosas caractersticas del programa para que el usuario sea capaz de sacar el mayor rendimiento posible. Tambin en este curso el participante podr hacer uso de todas las herramientas avanzadas y beneficios que ofrece Excel 2013, para acrecentar la productividad de sus labores profesionales diarias y apoyar la toma de decisiones estratgicas a travs de un adecuado anlisis de datos y del uso de funciones lgicas especficas adaptadas a las necesidades de informacin."
Price: 34.99

"Boost English Reading Comprehension & ESL Listening Skills" |
"Improve your English reading skills, while getting a great education! STEPS English Programs is pleased to offer Udemy's first course in reading comprehension and academic knowledge building. This fun interactive-quiz based course takes you step by step from 3rd grade level reading passages to 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade level texts. Hundreds of interesting passages in the Sciences, Arts, & Humanities are included. You will improve your reading comprehension skills, while also increasing your knowledge of history, astronomy, inventions, famous people, nature & animals, sports, health, art, foreign cultures, technology, and more! The course has three types of quizzes: 1) Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension Quizzes 2) Video Reading Passage Quizzes (Improve Listening Skills Too!) 3) True & False Review Quizzes - Test Your Memory Three Reading Passage Lengths The reading comprehension passages come in three lengths: 100, 250, and 500 words. Not too long. Not too short. These reading passages are the perfect length to improve online reading comprehension. ******************** Get Instant Pop-Up Definitions & Translations! Use the free Wiktionary & Google Translate tool for Firefox to get immediate dictionary definitions and translations into over 70 languages. ******************** Who will benefit from this course? All students can benefit from taking the STEPS Reading Comprehension Tests Program, including Primary School & High School students, Home school students, and ESL students. ******************** How Long Does the Course Take to Complete? Completion time will vary. We do not suggest that students speed though the course, spending hours at a time working through the passages and quizzes. We suggest that students do only 1 or 2 reading quizzes and one video reading quiz a day. At this speed, students can expect to complete the course in 33-48 days. On completion of the course, you will receive an official Certificate of Completion from Udemy. ******************** So, let's get started!"
Price: 34.99

"Pronounce Russian Properly" |
"WELCOME to my training, designed specifically for you a person who wants to speak Russian properly and be easily understood! I have no doubts you have experienced this problem before (formulated one way or another): I have been learning Russian for so long but I still have a hard time understanding native speakers, or being understood by them. Well, I can assure you, it is NOT your fault! The problem lies in the bad habit to study languages almost solely from texts. Does it make sense to start speaking a language if you cannot hear it properly yet? If you do not know which sounds make up the language? If you do not know how to pronounce them? I believe it does not. Instead, I offer you to learn good pronunciation from the start! My main objective is to get you acquainted with the sounds and the manners of speaking that exist in Russian but do NOT exist in English. Heres what youll gain in my Pronounce Russian Properly tutorial: 38 INFORMATIVE SCREENCAST LECTURES (over 3.5 hours of content) to start hearing and speaking Russian properly from the beginning; Over 300 of the MOST FREQUENTLY USED WORDS in spoken Russian; 32 AUDIO TRACKS with the vocabulary to practice, recorded by a native speaker; A BOOK IN PDF FORMAT. It contains all the content of our course, nicely formatted, to help you review it quickly and easily; INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET transcriptions for each of the examples, so you can see the pronunciation of every word and sentence instantly; A SPECIAL TECHNIQUE to model your pronunciation after that of native speakers, along with the material to practice. Lets check out the most important features of the course in more detail. If you have already tried to tackle Russian, you must be aware of its key features Russian is NOT a phonetic language. It simply means that a sound can be written in numerous ways and, vice-versa, a group of letters can be pronounced in different ways, depending on the word. In Russian, knowing how to pronounce a word is not enough to write it down. The reverse is true also: seeing a word in writing is not enough to know how to pronounce it. That is exactly why it is basically useless to start learning Russian with the alphabet. No native speaker pronounces Russian letters in words the way they are presented in the alphabet. We use many sounds not found in the alphabet. In order to teach you Russian sounds and especially to draw your attention to the sounds that exist in Russian but not in English, I use the International Phonetic Alphabet in the course, also known as the IPA. The IPA lets us write down words the way we pronounce them. Another technique I use in the course lets you model your pronunciation after that of native speakers. To do that, I offer my students to use an audio editor. Unlike other methods, I advise you not just listen to the recording and repeat AFTER it. You are going to do it WITH the recording. To put it another way, you will try to synchronize your voice with the voice of the recording. This will let you not only instantly hear if you pronounce the sound correctly or not, it will also let you keep an eye on the length of the sound (or syllable or word) to make sure you are in sync and using the same rhythm as the native speaker. The course contains 25 audio tracks recorded by a native speaker to let you practice. I will show you how to use a special tool to make the exercise more efficient. Dont worry! None of these techniques is rocket science. Besides, this course has a number of takeaways, resources, and added educational benefits. This training is designed to be self-paced but any serious student should be able to complete it in 3-4 weeks, including review times. You should observe nice results in terms of listening and speaking after only 2 weeks. If you are interested in learning Russian to boost your career or just for fun, and appreciate a good challenge, this course is for you. To sum up, you will have an unlimited, lifetime access to both screencast lessons, to the downloadable audio offered as a bonus and to the downloadable bonus PDF book, anytime and anywhere. Besides, you will be able to ask the instructor any question related to the topic and receive a full, clear answer or let me know about any remark you have on how to further improve the course. The questions and remarks are reviewed weekly. Theres truly no time to lose here. Get started now!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a Entity Framework Core 3.1 - De Verdad" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar Entity Framework Core 3.1 para hablar con una base de datos desde cdigo de C#. - Aprenderemos a crear bases de datos desde nuestro cdigo de C# utilizando la tcnica de cdigo primero- Veremos cmo leer, actualizar, borrar, y crear data utilizando Entity Framework Core.- Aprenderemos a trabajar con relaciones entre nuestras tablas: Relaciones uno a muchos, relaciones uno a uno, y relaciones muchos a muchos.- Utilizaremos el API Fluente para realizar configuraciones del esquema de nuestra base de datos.- Veremos cmo utilizar pruebas automticas en nuestros proyectos de Entity Framework Core.- Aprenderemos acerca de las nuevas funcionalidades que nos trae Entity Framework Core 3.1."
Price: 39.99

"Human Anatomy for Artists using Zbrush and Photoshop" |
"Instructor InfoCorazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time wentby. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.Course InfoDo you find it difficult to draw or sculpt a realistic character even after following a step-by-step tutorial? Have you tried multiple times to create a character and failed at making it look believable? Do you wish you can sketch a human figure without always needing a reference? Do you wish you can sculpt or draw faster? If you said yes to any of these questions, then its time for you to dive into The Human Anatomy for Artists course. My name is Corazon Bryant, professional 3D artist and educator. I will be your instructor for this course. In this course, you will learn the human anatomy in depth. You will learn the important differences between the male and female anatomy. You will understand how the muscles are constructed from its origin to insertion, the way each individual muscle functions and how the muscles appear on a real human body depending on the pose, movement, or gender. If you are a 3D modeler, an animator, or a traditional artist, you will benefit from this course. Learning the anatomy is an enjoyable and very enlightening experience. Not only will you have fun but you will gain a deep sense of accomplishment knowing that youve become a better artist than you were yesterday. You will be taken to the process of drawing and sculpting the human anatomy and by the end of the course, your skills will be highly improved. The way you perceive the human body will never be the same again. Get out of the rut, upgrade your skills and join this course."
Price: 99.99

"3D Model and Texture a High Quality Game Prop Gun Rifle" |
"Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies.Course InfoIn this course, you will be taken to the process of creating an assault rifle from start to finish. The goal of this course is to have a complete game ready AAA weapon. You will begin by gathering references that will help you visualize the weapon and then move on to 3Ds Max to model the high poly asset, the low poly and create UV map. You will be able to prepare the scene for baking and will set all the required maps in Marmoset Toolbag. You will go to Substance Painter where you will be creating the final texture and finally you will be rendering your art piece in Marmoset Toolbag."
Price: 44.99

"Create a Prop for VFX Pipeline with Maya, ZBrush, Substance" |
"Instructor InfoMieszko Lacinski is a professional Texture Artist/3D Generalist who had experience working on movies such as Wonder Woman, Thor Ragnarok, Justice League, The Nutcraker and more. He is currently working as a CG supervisor/Texture Lead for 3DE studio in Poland and loves his work because of the interaction and help that he can bring to the team. His advice for artists who want to make it in the film/movie industry is to always see the value of reference. He believes it is the most important tool to achieve any type of asset in 3D. Whenever possible, it's significant to find and collect references first and stick to them whenever possible. Mieszko's other interests include space exploration and basically anything related to space. He also loves 3D printing and the idea of using 3D printing to save lives. Course InfoIn this course, you will gain understanding on how to create an asset for a Visual Effects scene. You will be taken through the technical creation of the model and how to make it work in relation to film layout, animation, and lighting. Through the creation of LODs(Level of Distance) using Maya, you will learn about optimization industry standards for rendering. You will go through the steps of texturing using Substance, which is almost taking the lead as the software used in the film industry today. The entire course as a whole takes you through the process that every artist working in the movie industry goes through to create a professional realistic asset."
Price: 19.99

"3D Game Character Creature - Full Complete Pipeline" |
"Instructor InfoAbraham Leal is the Director and Founder of Critical Hit Studio &Academy. With the studio and academy, he is proud to be able to spread his artistic knowledge to everyone in his hometown and is extremely excited to be working on big entertainment projects in Mexico. What inspired Abraham to be a 3D artist is The Hobbit book and all the lore that surrounds it. Being able to tell stories and share his own voice is what motivates him to create and imagine new and exciting characters. Prior to becoming a 3D artist, he was going to medical school and he decided to do a complete 180 and get into Digital Design and Entertainment Production. When he quit medical school, he couldn't draw, paint, or sculpt to save his life but he was so convinced of his definite desire and worked hard to turn it into a reality. His advice to artists who want to get into the 3D industry is to practice properly, be patient and stay humble. He believes in always having a goal in mind, and always open to learning and improving. Course InfoThroughout this course, we are going to be focusing on the creation of a video game-ready character. We are going to be bringing in an interesting character to life. We will go through the whole process of character game creation starting from design, proportion, anatomy, and diving in to the entire pipeline until we arrive to a production-ready character. We will go deep into the creation of the high poly, low poly, retopologizing, UV mapping, texturing, material setup, rendering, lights, post-production, and at the end putting the character into a game engine to make sure everything is working properly."
Price: 54.99

"Concepting a Futuristic Vehicle using Maya and Keyshot" |
"Instructor InfoStephen Wells is currently working as a Senior 3D Character Artist. He had over 20 years of experience in video game development, cinematic and commercials. As a lead artist, he had been responsible for creating a variety of assets both high poly and low poly for production using a wide range of software programs. His advice for students who want to make it in the industry is practice time management. He believes nothing is worse than missing a deadline/milestone as the project could literally get cancelled and you become unemployed. He believes in thinking of what you can do realistically, yet creatively, and do so in the amount of time given and give it 110%.Course InfoIn this course, you will learn how to build a professional futuristic vehicle. You will start out by 3d modeling in Maya using image planes references so that the vehicle will look good in all views. You will create the tires using instances of the threads which will allow you to work on one thread while affecting the other threads at the same time. You will construct the cockpit and the main hull area of the car using Maya's polygon editing tools, effectively applying loops where they are needed for a clean subdivision surface. You will then move on to building the under structure that will support the actual vehicle. You will build the axle, the wings, and add extra parts to the car to enhance the 3d model as a whole. Last, you will take the high res mesh inside Keyshot to add materials and create a nice rendered art piece for your portfolio."
Price: 19.99

"Sci-Fi 3D Game Environment Design Modeling & Texturing" |
"Instructor InfoManuel Rondon is currently working as a freelance 3D artist and college instructor. He loves both jobs because they allow him to work on what he is passionate about while still having some creative freedom. His advice for students who are just starting out and want to make it in the industry is to be knowledgeable and be open to different areas of 3D art as this can give you more opportunities for jobs. As you gain more experience, you can then specialize in characters, textures, or animations but in the beginning, it's best to wear as many hats as possible. Course InfoIn this course, you will learn how to build a professional sci-fi environment from scratch using 3ds Max, Substance, Photoshop and Unity. You will be taken through the whole workflow from the initial modeling to the final built and render within Unity. As a freelancer, being efficient is a very valuable asset. In this course, you will learn how to save lots of time when building an complete detailed environment. Making an environment for games is an exciting task and hope you join this journey of taking a small 2d concept to the final 3d game-ready level."
Price: 64.99

"Japanese Alley 3D Game Environment Creation" |
"Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies.Course InfoIn this course, we will go over the entire process of how to create a Japanese Alley game environment. We will first start out with a blockout of the scene to achieve a proper sense of scale, and once that is done, we will go back to the blockout to 3d modeling the buildings. We will do a high poly to low poly workflow where we will create a high res and low res model and bake normal maps for them. We will go through the process of how to make the environment look realistic, how to use weighted vertex normals, and how to do smart, quick and clean unwrapping of uvs. Then we will jump into Substance Designer to create tilable textures such as metal, concrete, and tarmac. We will touch up on Substance Painter and little bit of Photoshop to texture our props. Once everything is modeled and textured, we will import everything in Unreal to setup our materials and lighting for a nice final render."
Price: 69.99

"Concept Art Creation using 3Ds Max, Photoshop, and Unreal" |
"Instructor InfoAnya Elvidge is a 3D Environment and Concept Artist who had experience working in Creative Assembly on the Total War:Warhammer franchise. She had always enjoyed art as a child, but when she discovered that she could study to become a digital artist on video games, she attended a university to study Game Art. That was 5 years ago and she had never looked back. Red Dead Redemption is her favorite game and had many wonderful memories playing it with friends, and it was part of what inspired her to join the game industry. Advice she gives to artists just starting out is to work hard and make stuff in your spare time! As often as you can. Learn off your own back, and don't expect to be spoon-fed information by anyone out there. The more you work on your own personal projects, the sooner you will find your own style and niche, and you will become unique in what you can offer. Course InfoIn this course, Anya will show you how to create a piece of concept art for 3D artists to model. From the basic 3D blockout in 3ds Max, testing, adding further details and color experiments in Unreal game engine. Finally she will paint up a concept and shows you how to make it as readable and useful for 3D artists as possible. As you follow her series, you will learn about color composition and lighting techniques. You will learn the best ways to create quick and interesting concept iterations. By the end, you will have a completed professional concept art to add to your portfolio."
Price: 44.99

"Cinematic Illustration Digital Painting in Photoshop" |
"Instructor InfoLeo Li is currently working as a Concept Artist in Ubisoft and had worked on games such as Far Cry Primal and Watch Dogs 2. He had also completed his own personal comic book which contains 160 color illustration pages and took him years to make for his company Creative Gear Design. His all time favorite game is The Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed because he found the storytelling and lighting amazing and truly breathtaking. He also love to watch movies that show great cinematography, storytelling and interesting composition and design elements. His favorite movies are Blade Runner, Perfume, Raging Bull, and The Untouchables. His advice for students just starting out in the industry is to respect and try ways to interact with the artists who had valuable experience and learn from them. He also believes that it is important to keep up with the latest trends and the most current production workflow. Leo loves digital painting and art but his second biggest interest is creating music as he sees it as very similar to painting where you can create mood and narrative that connects with the audience. Course Info In this course, Leo shares his experience on how a production level keyframe illustration is made. He shows you how to create a keyframe cinematic illustration painting from start to finish. He goes over different lighting techniques, color palettes, how to explore and achieve good composition by modifying image structures and different subjects within the image quickly and efficiently. He demonstrates how he creates values and color for the painting, sets the tone by utilizing a variety of temperature and mood, and build a concept ready for story telling and selling ideas."
Price: 44.99

"Game Asset Creation Modeling & Texturing a Futuristic Crate" |
"Instructor InfoDesmond Man is currently an Environment Artist working in AAA console games. What he loves most about his job is that he gets to make cool games with colleagues which he considers more as friends. The project that he had worked on the he is the most proud of was Laser League because he had a lot of creative freedom and support when building the environments. Desmond had always been an artistic person but most of his inspiration began from watching cartoons. He had always loved animation as a child and how people made cartoon animations astounded him. He went to a university to take 3D art and instantly fell in love with it. He knew he wanted to pursue 3D art as a career but wasn't sure which field in the 3D industry he wanted to get into. When he played the video game Last of Us, it had changed his life and he made up his mind that he wanted to be in the game industry. His advice for artists just starting out is to work really hard. He believes the hard work is worth it and having your own art style, art alias, and your own set of skills that only ""you"" understand is actually really cool. Course InfoIn this course, Desmond will take you to the complete game asset creation where you will be producing a futuristic crate prop. He will show you his techniques of modeling and more importantly he will show you his artistic theory while you slowly build the prop. The program pipeline that you will be going through the course is sculpting in Zbrush, retopologizing and unwrapping in 3ds Max, preparation for baking, texturing in Substance painter, and finally exporting out textures and rendering out the asset in Marmoset Toolbag. As you go through this course, Desmond aims to be as casual and open about his full process when approaching art and explaining why he would or wouldn't do in certain situations. He is excited to dive into teaching and share with you what he had learned during his time as an environment artist."
Price: 29.99

"Realistic Snowy Game Environment Creation" |
"Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies.Course InfoIn this course, we will go over how to create a snowy environment using 3ds Max, Substance Designer, Marmoset and Unreal. This environment will include having a snowy cabin with terrain, nice trees and plants and will be setup in Unreal Engine. We will learn how to create procedural textures in Substance Designer and we will go over how to edit those textures very quickly so we can have multiple variations. We will then go over how to model our cabin and foliage inside 3ds Max. Once all of that is done, we will go into Unreal Engine where we will set up our scene, our materials, and apply different variations such as dirtness, parallax, mapping, vertex painting, and many more. We will add decals to enhance the overall scene, do some nice lighting and finally polish the scene."
Price: 59.99

"Creating a Jacket using Marvelous Designer and Zbrush" |
"Instructor InfoManuel Rondon is currently working as a freelance 3D artist and college instructor. He loves both jobs because they allow him to work on what he is passionate about while still having some creative freedom. His advice for students who are just starting out and want to make it in the industry is to be knowledgeable and be open to different areas of 3D art as this can give you more opportunities for jobs. As you gain more experience, you can then specialize in characters, textures, or animations but in the beginning, it's best to wear as many hats as possible. Course InfoIn this course, you will learn the proper workflow when using Marvelous Designer. We will start with an introduction to Marvelous Designer, then we will move on to create a winter leather jacket. After this, we will take it into Zbrush to make some changes and we'll render it later on in Keyshot. Finally we will take all the renders from Keyshot and do a composition inside Photoshop. Mavelous Designer makes garment creation much easier than most solutions that is why it is widely used in many professional studios to create clothing for characters."
Price: 29.99

"Value Investing Bootcamp: How to Invest Wisely" |
"COURSE UPDATED Sep 6, 2020Updated How to Value Stocks ebook with brand new images and examplesImproved the Intrinsic Value spreadsheet that comes with this courseUpdated lesson 15 & 16 with hands-on examples of the latest tools to use""An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."" - Benjamin Franklin Do you want to learn the ""Investment Secrets"" of the greatest investors of all time? People interested in learning about investing drown in the never-ending waterfall of financial news and get-rich-quick schemes, they no longer know what works and what doesn't. This is why they miss focus and generally lose money. Do you ever get overwhelmed by this information overload? Do you ever feel lost in the jargon and the many strategies which the investing world has to offer? Then this course might be able to help you! This investment course teaches you a powerful strategy which the greatest investors of our time, like Warren Buffett and Seth Klarman, use to earn billions on the stock market: Value Investing. Where many courses only scratch the surface, this course goes in-depth with quizzes to test your knowledge, ebooks to deepen your understanding, a spreadsheet to speed up important calculations, and a checklist to make better investment decisions. Concepts are introduced gradually, so that even a beginner will be able to follow along and become a confident investor in no-time! Value investing is a powerful, low-risk, proven strategy which allows you to consistently earn above-average returns. Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to: Understand all aspects of Value Investing, the strategy of the pros Calculate the ""intrinsic value"" of any stock Understand why the majority of investors lose money (and how you can avoid this!) Find and identify attractive investment opportunities Manage your own portfolio with confidence Discover the truth about risk versus reward Consistently earn above-average returns using a simple, low-risk, proven strategy Protect and grow your hard-earned savings with minimum effort Quickly know when to buy and when to sell Plus much more! Enroll now and experience the original Value Investing Bootcamp course on Udemy. I spent 10 years learning this stuff and months to compress all this knowledge into this course, it's really a steal! If this course helps you to buy just 1 good stock or avoid 1 bad stock, you'll already have earned your money back. If you are serious about investing your hard-earned savings, and you should, then enroll right now, because every day that you wait is a day that the value of your savings is decreasing due to inflation. Over 21,431 students went before you, so click ""Take This Course"" to join them and Start Growing Your Wealth TODAY! "
Price: 199.99

"The Zen of Public Speaking" |
"Imagine being able to speak confidently in any setting using the power of your voice! Join me as we discover together tested and proven ways to enhance your public speaking for any occasion. Learn how to speak with clarity of thought and mind and how to have a calm and reassuring presence before your audience."
Price: 19.99

"The Constipation Cure: Detoxifying Abdominal Massage" |
"Learn three abdominal massage techniques that aid digestion, move stuck food and reduce or prevent constipation. A total of one hour, these video lessons follow internationally renown Medical Chi Kung (QiGong) instructor, Sarina Stone, as she explains and demonstrates self-care for the large and small intestines. Perfect for professional massage therapists, parents or self aware individuals, these techniques are life changing for anyone who suffers from slow digestion, unwanted belly fat or painful bloating after eating. Be sure to share the segment for children with your friends and family!"
Price: 64.99

"Taoist Stress Reduction - QiGong Meditation" |
"Step one of Taoist self mastery. Learn to energize and detoxify five major organs while balancing your emotions with this amazingly simple meditation. Medical Chi Kung at it's best, international sensation Sarina Stone shows you how to relieve stress and gain health in less than an hour. Join thousands and see that it is within your power to move molecules and gain control of your health with the most basic human gift - the power of a Smile :)"
Price: 19.99

Excel |
""" "" (""Sales Forecasting""), (Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics SCANBA). 100 . .--------------------------- , , . , , , . , , , , -. , , , . , , , . Microsoft Excel.? ! ? ! ? ! Excel . , :3 2 5 Excel Excel ! , SCANBA . - SCANBA"
Price: 1799.00

strategicheskoye-myshleniye-v-biznese |
" "" "" (""Strategic Thinking Skills""), (Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics SCANBA). 100 . .--------------------------- , , . - . , . . , , , , . - . - . , . , , . , , , . , , , . , , . , . ! , SCANBA . - SCANBA"
Price: 1799.00

"Wireshark Crash Course" |
"Wireshark is the most widely used network capture and protocol analyzer on the market. It is used by IT and Network administrators to troubleshoot network connectivity issues and by Network Security analysts to dissect network attacks. This free and open source application is so widely used in the industry because it works. It is cross platform, meaning that it runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and FreeBSD. This course is an introduction to the application and goes over the basics to get you started capturing and analyzing network traffic. It will build your base by explaining the theory behind how networks work and then get you into real-world applications of the software. In this course you will learn: The basics of how networks operate How to capture traffic on Wireshark How to use display and capture filters How to use command line Wireshark to work with large packet captures"
Price: 29.99
