"The 20/2 Real Estate Investment Program" |
"My 20/2 plan simply means that you will be collecting 20 rental checks per month in two years. You will learn how to begin with buying your first house with little or no money of your own, or any credit for that matter. Part of this program will entail solid education on how to raise other peoples money for your real estate investments. Once you achieve your goal of 20/2, you could consider yourself financially independent. Youll learn how to buy the first units, and fix it for rent/lease purposes. Youll then get learn the process of renting or leasing for long term holding. Your cash flow will be positive from day one because youre buying these properties at todays low prices based on the 1% Rule, which will be explained in this course. In short; you buy, fix, stabilize rent, refinance for better terms and hold long term. In time, about 15 years, your properties should all paid off or nearly so, while rents steadily grow to support your very comfortable lifestyle due to inflation. All you have to do is to manage your portfolio well and collect your monthly rents."
Price: 19.99

"Augmented Reality App using Unity & Vuforia, step by step" |
"Through my this one more qualitative learning material you will learn that How to develop Augmented Reality App using Unity & Vuforia. I have elaborated everything step by step in easy way so that later on you can develop complex projects or anything related to Augmented Reality in easy way.What is Augmented Reality? In simple terms, we can say that objects which reside in real life can be augmented by computer generated perceptual information. You will learn that how we can accomplish such task using one live demo of some face wash product. Whenever that face wash product will be placed nearby the camera of Smartphone or Mobile or Tablet PC then we will display some 3D object & in this project I am displaying some 3D girl.You can explore it in such way that after using this face wash now skin becomes much better using another 3D Model so there are lot ways to explain or to utilize this Augmented Reality concept. You can also utilize it in education or medical field or in industrial components etc. or whatever you would like to explain in visual form, in 3D form or in such interactive way that anyone can understand."
Price: 69.99

"ROLI Songmaker, Seaboard, Lightpad, Noise App & Chromacam" |
"Section 1 will teach you that how to create Digital Music using Roli Songmaker kit & Apple MacBook Pro or Windows PC & Iphone Xs Max & Noise App. You will also find demo using GarageBand & Seaboard Block, Lightpad Block & Loop Block but you can use any other DAW like Ableton Live 10 or FL Studio or Logic Pro X etc. You will also that how you can take the use of Noise App to make music using Mobile & Roli Songmaker kit. Section 2 will teach you that how to use Chromacam to remove background without a green screen for professional live streaming of Games or any other useful content on Social Media, to teach Online, to create Video Tutorials or any Learning Material etc."
Price: 69.99

"Scale el Mximo Rendimiento a YouTube" |
"En este curso veremos todo lo necesario para sacarle el mximo rendimiento a Youtube. Youtube es una de las mejores fuentes de trfico y su correcto uso nos dar un flujo inagotable de visitas y ventas. Si ests preocupado por el marketing online de tu proyecto no puedes dejar de lado Youtube, es la herramienta que har que tu visibilidad aumente de forma exponencial.Tanto si eres un novato como si ya tienes tu canal este curso har que tus resultados se disparen.Aprenders a:Crear un canal sin grabar vdeoCmo monetizar tu canalCmo saber si un canal es rentableCmo crear un ttulo que funcionaQe tener en cuenta a la hora de crear la descripcinTags y palabras claveTrucos para optimizar las palabras claveCrear una miniatura profesionalCmo crear la cabecera del canalComunicarse con los suscriptoresTruco para conseguir ms suscriptoresUsar correctamente los diferentes tipos de anotacionesUso de listas de reproduccinEditor de vdeo de youtube"
Price: 19.99

"Classical Feng Shui for Beginners" |
"This is a comprehensive course that is designed to help you to understand the essentials of the most misunderstood ancient Chinese art, the Classical Feng Shui. In this course, concepts are kept simple and no complicated formula are used. This course is structured into six sections. In the first section, the main focus will be on the origin of Feng Shui and its various schools of thoughts. Here you will be exposed to what the Feng Shui analysis is based on. You will be able to distinguish what classical Feng Shui really is. Other than that, the Qi, which is the essence of Feng Shui is also introduced in this section. In the second section, the exterior factors are discussed. You will be able to distinguish what is important in the external landform evaluation. The common negative forms in Feng Shui evaluation are introduced here in Section 3. Here you will also be exposed to the conditions to qualify the manifested negative forms or commonly known as the Sha Qi. In the fourth section, you will get a chance to know the surrounding or the neighborhood better. You will know what is good and what to avoid having within the neighborhood. After the thorough discussions on the exterior and the intermediate surrounding, the interior Feng Shui will be the main focus of Section 5. In this section, priority will be on the main door, the bedroom and the kitchen. Finally, Section 6 will be on the Feng Shui evaluation. At the end of the course, you will be able to do your own Feng Shui evaluation based on the 10-step DIY evaluation system. By knowing the essentials of Feng Shui evaluation, you may be able to save cost and time in selecting your house of your choice. Other than that, if you are already living within the house, you will able to determine which sectors of the house are favorable and unfavorable. By having a good understanding in Feng Shui, you will be able to improve the Feng Shui of your own house and eventually improves your life."
Price: 69.99

"Beginning Selenium WebDriver and Java Training" |
"This beginning course will walk the learner through the basics of Selenium-WebDriver test automation in the Java programming language. This includes common WebDriver commands, WebDriverWait and AJAX elements, invoke browsers in parallel using FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver, SafariDriver, and InternetExplorerDriver. Analyze web pages to model and create Page Objects, and use the Page Factory. Use locator strategies to identify WebElements by ID, Name, CSS Selectors and XPath. Explore the JUnit and TestNG unit test frameworks for UI test scripts, test suites, parameters, execution, and reporting. ANT and Maven project management, builds, and command line execution. This course includes 3.5 hours of instructional videos and 25 pages of instructional procedures including complete project code."
Price: 24.99

"Speak English Fast & Easily - With iMagicEnglish!" |
"Learning to speak English or any language used to be hard work, with hard study, trying to remember so many new words and how to say them, a long period of time taking so many really boring lessons, taking a long time to learn very little. That has all changed with iMagicEnglish. This new method is easy and funny, and you will speak and understand English very quickly without any hard study, memorizing or translating! Difficult to believe, but TRUE! Do you really want to take a long, boring course with dull lessons that do not inspire your brain to greatness? Or do you want to use a new method that will get you speaking and understanding English with ease and speed? You choose. This course is a series of short video lectures that are designed to excite your brain, and will engage your brain to work at a higher level! You already know its estimated that most people only use 6% of their brain power? Thats often because the teaching methods used in most subjects, especially languages, hasnt changed in a thousand years! Just information that you have to somehow remember and keep in your head, so that when you leave the classroom, that information goes with you, and is stored in your brain, in a way that is easily accessible. Makes sense, but doesnt work? Right! Usually, most of the information that you are taught is left behind in the classroom when you leave. Learning to speak and understand English using the iMagicEnglish method will excite the neurons in your brain, so that all the data that you use is stored PERMANENTLY inside your brain, and is ACCESSIBLE, AUTOMATICALLY and INSTANTLY whenever you need to use it. And you dont even have to study hard or try to remember anything. Incredible, isnt it? Well, I WILL PROVE IT TO YOU! You may know that when you start to try to learn something new, neurons in your brain start to grow, to reach out and make connections with other neurons. Well to do this successfully, they need to be EXCITED! But because most learning methods are so incredibly BORING, your neurons are NOTexcited very much, and although they TRY to grow, and make connections, they usually dont make any connections.they just wither and die. THIS CAN ALL CHANGE NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete back end development with NodeJS with projects" |
"Hi and welcome to Complete backend web developer with nodeJS with projects. A complete course that starts with Javascript basics and move towards advance part of javascript. After that we will move to nodejs part.Javascript is doing way more than it was designed for. Now we can do all backend stuff with javascript. We will learn to write complete backend code in modern javascript. First we will start with setting up tools using VSCode. After that we will learn to create our own web server without any third part module.After that we will learn express. Express will help us to understand routing and request types like GET, POST DELETE etc. Further we will learn to send response like web based and JSON response.Further we will explore about body parser, middleware and templating. Templating like pug, ejs etc helps us to divide web pages into modules. We can fetch information from backend in these templates. After that we will learn about photo uploading using multer.After that we will learn about authentication. We will start by implementing Facebook authentication. You will learn about views, middleware and routes and authentication using Facebook API.Then we will move towards using all skills that we have learned in this course and applying them in 1 big project. We will be creating REST API for this project. This is a very simple version of stack overflow, where user can create account, can login in, set a Unique username and ask questions. Other users can post answers to these questions. Answers can be upvoted by other users. All these features will be created in form of REST API, so that it can be used by any from end like React, vue etc. Again, we will not be creating any front end, we will just focus on back end development.There are many small projects in this course and 1 big real life project.Catch you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Git and Github Course" |
"GIT is by far, the worlds most famous and widely used modern version control system. Whenever a product is designed, it might a game, an Android app, iOS web, web project using Django, node, ruby etc, that product is not finished in one go. Every product needs revision that we commonly know as updates. In order to push those updates and test out many such features, a proper version controlling system is a must.Without such a version controlling system, it tough to release anything new and keep track of it. Git is a mature, actively maintained open source project, that was originally developed by Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux operating system kernel. Git is so popular now that most IDE supports it as default. If you want to work in any product based company, Git is an essential thing that you should be aware of. And git is way more than just 4 commands that most people are aware of. GIT comes with a lot of features like code tracking, branching, merging, stashing, forking, tags and lots of others. One more thing, nowadays most companies are looking at uses Git online profile. Its the easiest way to check your coding skills. You can upload your projects in the public domain and can prove your authority over that subject matter and can prove your skills even if you dont have a company working experience. Its something like you are creating your own experience and proving it with your git profile.Another great feature of it is team collaboration. To build any great product you have to work in a team. Managing code files, while working in a team can be a nightmare. But with proper knowledge of GIT, you can work with your teammate. But remember, just by knowing 4 commands on GIT, you can make a mess for your entire team. Dont be that person and understand what GIT is in detail.Further, we will also explore about online repos of git such as Github, bitbucket, GitLab etc.So, join me up and catch you inside the course."
Price: 199.99

"Android P with Machine Learning apps - 26+ projects in total" |
"Welcome to complete Android P development with machine Learning apps. A course that consists of 27 projects and counting.Although this course is big, with over 120+ videos and 27 projects, Still the main goal of this course is to make you a job ready Android developer. We just wanted to make sure that after taking this course, you are ready to apply for Jr. Android developer or Jr. Android Engineer.This course consists of only Android related videos and no fillers and unnecessary slow talking, like many other courses does to increase course time/length.In this course, our primary focus is to understand many Android topics by creating apps, that include customisation. Because every Android project needs to look beautiful. We will start from basics like installation of required tools on MAC and WINDOWS. After that creating our very first Hello world project. But as we said, everything needs to be customised, so we will start customising things, right from 1st section.This course covers a lot of Android components like Camera, Seekers, Volume Rockers, Date and Time pickers, Animation, Audio elements, Recycler and Card views, JSON, Handling API, Sqlite database, Firebase online database, Machine learning apps like Image and text recognition and a lot more. Here is a list of 27 Projects that we will be building in this course (All projects uses a lot of customisation to make sure that app looks beautiful):ProjectHelloProjectButtonProjectToastGradleProjectComponentTourDiceRollerFunBackgroundAnimatedLoginsButtonCustomTruthDate GameAuto CompletionQuick ChangerBurger RatingSeekBarUploaderDataeTimer pickerCurrency ConverterIntentsDrumpad AppExam TimerMusic PlayerRecycler CardsSqliteDatabase - CRUD TodosJSON - gson and Volley and custom APIAPI Handler - Custom API from webWeather MAPFace DetectionText RecognitionThis course is packed with a lot of information and is a one stop solution for Android development. We can boldly say that after this course, you will never look back and will be a complete Android developer.Catch you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to Draw Digital Landscapes" |
"Learn how to draw and paint digitally using Photoshop or other equal painting software. I will teach you how to draw and paint each element that makes up landscapes. Learn to paint the sky and clouds, and add color to the sky. I will teach you how to draw and paint trees that are full and bare. Learning to draw grass, weeds, and other foliage as well as rocks, water, and reflections in the water. I will show you how to paint in the ground that will have the real colors of the grass and dirt areas using perspective techniques to show different angles of the ground. Finally, I will show you how to create custom Photoshop brushes to make your drawing and painting easier. Learning to create custom brushes is a steal in itself, you could create custom brushes and sell those."
Price: 24.99

"Write a Non-Fiction Book in 4 Weeks" |
"You should take this course if you have always wanted to write a book, but struggled with where to start. This course includes materials to organize your thoughts, goals to hold you accountable and information first time authors would not even think of when starting a book. We go into not just the writing portion, but also the legal aspects. This course is loaded with tons of information to start you on your journey to becoming a published author. Included Extra Materials: 1) A 5 page outline to organize your book 2) Accountability Calendar to keep you on your goal 3) Access to a writers forum to ask questions to other authors going through the writing journey. 4) Examples from published authors on different sections of a book to give you examples to help you on your way. 5) I show you actual books I have published with clients so you can see the end result."
Price: 24.99

"LEARN SCRIVENER 2 - A Quick & Easy Guide" |
"THE QUICKEST, EASIEST WAY TO LEARN SCRIVENER 2- Guaranteed! The Best Scrivener Training Anywhere! Learn Scrivner Fast with this comprehensive, easy-to-follow video training.Most useful course EVER!!!"" RS Clark PLEASE NOTE: This training uses the Mac version of Scrivener 2(with notes for Windows users) but I now also have a purely Windows based training also available called 'Scrivener For Windows - A Quick & Easy Guide' so do check that out if you are a PC user.Five Stars - First I want to say that if I could add a star - I would. The course just kept getting better and better. The instructor has added to the course, since I began, and has expanded on many topics. If you use Scrivener, or want to use Scrivener - this course is a must!! "" Larry SweetFantastic In-depth Scrivener training."" Amy Harrop Excellent course! I've had Scrivener for some time. Never realised there was so much to the program. This course has been a real eye opener for me. Learning some real cool tips and tricks. At last I'm learning how to use Scrivener which in turn makes the task of writing easier."" Roma Hudson One of the most professional video courses I've ever seen."" Britt Malka Discover The Tool Of Choice For Thousands Of Six Figure Authors, Bloggers & Content Creators. Is It Not Time You Joined Them? Welcome To The BEST Scrivener Training Course On The Planet! This Training Is Guaranteed To Unlock The Secrets Of Scrivener Right Before Your Eyes. Give Learn Scrivener Just One Hour, And You Will Already Be Harnessing The Power Of This Unique Software To Realize Your Own Writing Dreams. If you are a writer of any kind - a poet, a novelist, an educator, a blogger, in fact, whatever you are up to in the world of writing and content creation - and you are not already using Scrivener for your writing projects - you are missing out on the best kept secret in a writer's creative toolbox. Learn Scrivener is a unique and revolutionary piece of software that will take your writing projects, content creation, and research to the next level. Unfortunately, a lot of people shy away from making the leap from second rate (just my opinion, but I know I'm not alone) writer's tools like Microsoft Word, because Scrivener, at first glance, looks complicated and difficult to grasp. I promise you that this is not the case. The Learn Scrivener Course teaches with ease and clarity everything you need to know to make your writing projects rock. No more excuses! This course is for you. Within less than 30 minutes of the Learn Scrivener training you will instantly recognise how Scrivener can work for you in any writing or research project you are involved in. Once you have those key components in place, and there are just a few essentials for this to be one of the best investments you will ever make, there will be no holding you back. You can then choose to look under the hood a little further and taste the power of this superlative program and its amazing benefits for creatives like yourself, and enjoy the advanced areas of training included in this comprehensive course.Even if you are opening Scrivener for the very first time, the Learn Scrivener For Windows Course will hold your hand and have you up and running in no time.And for experienced Scriveneers among us? There are tons of tips and tricks you will discover. Keys that will undoubtedly streamline your workflow, and fuel your creativity. Plus, more are being added all the time as I discover new tricks myself. I can honestly say that no other tool has helped me in my writing career quite as much as Scrivener. I wish that I had access to training like this when I first started my own journey. What an incredible time saver that would have been! Don't believe me? Try it for yourself, and you will wonder how you ever lived with our Scrivener!Just a few of the Scrivener keys you will learn that will open the creative floodgates: How to set up a Scrivener project from scratch.How to utilize the Scrivener templates.How to format your documents like a rock star.How to add research from just about any source, and organise it right within your Scrivener project (no more mess of folders and bookmarks, everything right at your fingertips!).Enjoy distraction free writing (just one click away).How to export your project for Kindle publishing in just a few taps of the mouse.How to export to ePub format for the iBookstore, Kobo and Nook.How to take that same project and create a publish ready PDF for Createspace and other print-on-demand services (not a lot of people know how to do this, but Learn Scrivener makes it Quick & Easy!).How to use Scrivener's cool cork board view to rapidly create and arrange your projects.Set writing goals, track your progress and check your stats.Use Scrivener's Collections feature to search, streamline and organise your projects.Use Scrivener's novel themplate like a pro.Illustrate your Scrivener documents with images (the right way!).Plus too many other benefits and fabulous features to pack onto one page. If I were you I would stop what you are doing, and jump in right now.Seriously, even if you don't own Scrivener, you can get a 30 day trial for free, and put it through its paces alongside the training. The little time it takes will quickly be paid back many times over in the hours you will save because of Scrivener's awesome capabilities.There is no other software for writers that even comes close to Scrivener in its features and benefits, and no training that can help you more than 'Learn Scrivener - A Quick & Easy Guide' PLUS, all of the extra videos and other resources, that are added at any time in the future, will be stacked into your account at no extra cost. There are so many cool things that will be included as the course evolves (many are already being prepared as we speak), and you will have life time updates. It can't get much better than that!SO LET'S GET STARTED..."
Price: 69.99

"How to Start a Home Business" |
""OVER 590,000 PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN PART 1 of THIS COURSE ON YOU-TUBE IN JUST SIX DAYS OVER 740 STUDENTS ON UDEMY The job market is becoming extremely insecure these days. Large companies are shedding employees and you may be thinking you're the next to go. You need extra income and you do not want to travel and be stuck in traffic all day to earn that extra money. You may be tired of office politics and your boss and want to have more time with your family, working flexible hours. So, you're thinking of starting your own business working from home. But here is the dreadful statistics: 8 out of 10 small businesses fail within the first year. Why is that so? Well, here are some main reasons for failure: 1.Lack of understanding how to run a business 2.Bad business idea in the first place 3.The business is not based on your passion, so you quickly lose interest 4.Invested too much money to start a business and can't pay it back 5.Not up-to-date with the latest technologies (such as Internet marketing ) 6. Lack of clear and concise business plan 7. Do not have a mentor or coach to guide you through a process. ( making costly mistakes) This course specifically designed to address the main causes for business failure and set you on the right path to success. Learn how to start a business based on your passion. It can be an online business that you can work from home online or an off-line business still enjoying the comfort of your own home. If you have ideas around business that you feel passionate about but have not been able to put it into practice in this course you will learn the practical steps to make it happen. With easy step by step guidance many proven business examples this course will inspire to step into action. For Example: : - Learn how I started a home publishing business going from $0 to $150,000 per year. - An online coaching and consulting business teaching worldwide - An art publishing business online and much more....... If you already have a business idea and want to start a business, in this course you will learn how to write a business plan in just a few hours. A business plan that will cover all the important aspects of your new business and can help you to raise founding. IMPORTANT: I know your time is valuable and you want to pick right business course, so please watch these testimonials before you enroll into the course. Testimonial 1 - Artist and Healer Testimonial 2 - Relationship Counselor Testimonial 3 - Professional Organizer The course will take approximately 3 hrs to complete. It is broken up into 4 modules. each module begins by identifying objectives and provides specific home work for you to complete. The modules based on an easy step by step learning with no technical jargon and plenty of proven real life examples. The fifth additional module covers how to male money in art and photography business. However the strategies you will learn apply to many business models."
Price: 49.99

"Apple Motion fr Einsteiger (Deutsch)" |
"Bitte unbedingt den letzten Abschnitt dieser Erklrung bezglich der vermeintlich schlechten Bildqualitt lesen!In diesem Kurs geht es um das Erlernen der grundlegenden Arbeitsweise mit Apple Motion. Es werden die die Besonderheiten des Programms erklrt, die auch erfahrenen Anwendern, die einen Umstieg von anderen gleichartigen Programmen in Erwgung ziehen, die Arbeit erleichtern. Ausgehend von der Erluterung der Programmoberflche, werden folgende Dinge behandelt:Importieren von MaterialErstellen von vorgefertigten und eigenen ProjektenArbeitsablufe bei der Arbeit mit ProjektenFilterTransformationen von ElementenArbeit mit TextVerwendung von Generatoren zur automatisierten Erzeugung von Mustern und StrukturenPartikelemitter fr automatische aber anpabare AnimationenEinsatz von Replikatoren zur Arbeitserleichterung und Erstellung komplexer ElementeVerwendung von VektorgrafikenVerwendung von KeyframesArbeit im 3D-Raum (Einsatz von virtuellen Kameras, Lichtern und Kamerafahrten)Rigs zur Zusammenfassung mehrerer Einstellungen eines Effekts oder einer AnimationZusammenarbeit zwischen Motion und Final Cut Pro XDie Videos werden hier zwar in einer logischen Reihenfolge angeboten, sind jedoch separat und nicht zwingend aufeinander aufbauend.Im fortgeschrittenen Teil werden komplexere Projekte behandelt. Die Vorgehensweise wird in separaten Videos demonstriert. Dabei hat dieser Kurs nicht den Anspruch, etliche Projekte zum Nachbauen vorzustellen, sondern die prinzipielle Vorgehensweise zu zeigen. Somit lassen sich spter eigene Ideen leichter verwirklichen.Ich verweise zum ergnzenden Studium auf meinen anderen Kurs ""Final Cut Pro X Deutsch"", der sich ebenfalls an Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene richtet. Dieser Kurs hier bezieht sich einige wenige Male auf Final Cut Pro X, ohne aber das Programm vorauszusetzen.HINWEIS: Die Auflsung kann in Ihrem Browser auf 720p eingestellt sein, was zu etwas unscharfen Bildern fhrt. Im Udemy Player im Browser knnen sie die Auflsung umschalten, maximal 1080p (FullHD). Dazu mssen Sie im Player auf ""Auto (1080p)"" schalten. In Safari wird diese Option mglicherweise nicht angeboten. Nutzen Sie in diesem Fall ausnahmsweise Firefox oder Chrome. Ich versichere Ihnen, da alle Filme in FullHD in sehr guter Qualitt vorliegen. Sollte diese Auflsung bei Ihnen nicht angeboten werden, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Udemy mit diesem Formular: https://support.udemy.com/hc/de/requests/new?type=student"
Price: 29.99

"Aprenda PowerPoint 2011 para Mac OS X" |
"Este curso abarca desde los aspectos bsicos de PowerPoint para Mac, hasta algunas herramientas de nivel intermedio. Est organizado de manera que cualquier persona con un ordenador Mac pueda crear una presentacin de nivel profesional. Adems incluye algunos consejos que van un poco ms all con sugerencias basadas en la experiencia del autor y en las "mejores prcticas" de la comunicacin. La idea no es cubrir el 100% de las funciones de PowerPoint, sino conocer los elementos y herramientas indispensables para que un estudiante principiante pueda crear una buena presentacin sin agobiarlo con demasiada informacin. El curso est estructurado en un total de 13 clases agrupadas en tres secciones. Cada una de estas clases contiene un video screencast (de entre 4 y 22 minutos de duracin) narrado por el autor con explicaciones paso a paso acerca del uso de los elementos de PowerPoint. En la mayora se invita al estudiante a jugar un poco con las diferentes opciones de que dispone PowerPoint y que no se describen aqu. En la Seccin 1 - Funciones Bsicas, se describe el uso de las principales funcionalidades de PowerPoint para Mac, como por ejemplo el uso de textos, formas de diferentes tipos, imgenes y tablas. En la Seccin 2 Diseo, estilo y multimedia, se abarcan las funcionalidades un poco ms avanzadas y relacionadas con el diseo de una presentacin y que le ofrecen al autor ampliar el estilo de la misma. Entre ests funcionalidades estn: el uso de plantillas, transiciones de diapositivas, animacin de elementos e incorporacin de video y audio. En la Seccin 3 Presentacin entera, hay una sola clase en la que se desarrolla una presentacin corta, paso a paso desde el principio, usando los conocimientos adquiridos en las clases anteriores, desde elegir la plantilla adecuada hasta la inclusin de contenidos de diferente tipo. En total, la suma de todas las clases del curso contiene unas 2 horas y 20 minutos de explicaciones y demostraciones."
Price: 19.99

"NodeJS in Action" |
"As you know, Javascript popularity increased tremendously last couple of years. One of the biggest reason is NodeJS. This course aims to teach NodeJS and third party applications from zero to expert level. You will not just learn Hello World project, you will learn What is Blocking, Non-Blocking I/O, Event Loop Mechanism, how is node.js used in real life by interacting other popular technologies and modules like; Elasticsearch: You will cover Elasticsearch basics, how to use this in order to provide full text search mechanism to your application. MongoDB: Store your data in to db, and make json queries to this document based database PassportJS: You will also learn PassportJS to construct authentication system in your application. You will be able to restrict some endpoints by using internal PassportJS properties ExpressJS: During this course, you will develop complete two web applications. ExpressJS is for developing controllers, communicate this controllers with views, and provide some db interactions by using ORM frameworks like MongooseJS IronCache: Do you want to make your application faster? You can cache your data to IronCache (Cache as a service) in this lecture also IronMQ: You will be able to use message queue system by using IronMQ in NodeJS. SocketIO: Converting your application into realtime application Well, you will do full stack development in this course. That means, you will be able to develop frontend application with AngularJS by Yeoman, Grunt, Bower. This forntend application will communicate with rest service devloped in this course again. Yeoman: You will be generating your frontend application with this Grunt: Your application tasks will be managed and executed by using Grunt Bower: Tired of using lots of third party js frameworks and deal with conflict, let Bower do that for you After completing two beautiful application, you will deploy your application into Heroku. I can give guarantee about becoming expert in NodeJS and related technologies by taking this course. We will do lots of best practices about each technology, and develop examples progressively. Also, at the end of each section, you will be provided Quiz for specific section. Although, this course is a complete reference to NodeJS and related technologies, you can require extra video tutorials for any topic related to NodeJS in order to clearify question marks in your mind. I will publish them in Wishes section. If you ready to become a NodeJS expert, join this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Android Hacking And Penetration Testing" |
"Android Hacking and Penetration Testing course is a highly practical and hands on video course. The course will focus on the tools and techniques for testing the Security of Android Mobile applications. During the course, You will learn various topics such as Android architecture, Android security model, Android Application Pentesting and Exploitation, Reversing Android applications, static and dynamic analysis of android malware etc. After finishing this course you will be able to perform a Penetration test on a given Android device and its applications Course Instructors :- Srinivas Srinivas is one of the Founders of JSinfosec. He is a Cyber Security Enthusiast, writer and a Speaker. He is one the coauthors of the book "Hacking S3rets", He is an active member of Null Hyderabad. His area of Interests Include Web Application Pentesting, Android application Fuzzing and Pentesting. John John is one of the founders of JSinfosec. He is an Infosec researcher, Freelance Pen tester and a blogger. He has more than 5 Years of experience in the field of Information Security. His area of Interests Include Wireless Security and Penetration Testing, Android Security & Forensics"
Price: 89.99

"Supercharge Your Self-Confidence in 30 Days!" |
"In this course, you will learn: How to solve the Confidence Equation 3 benefits of being more self-confident and Ill give you the tools to complete the 30 day confidence challenge My goal: is to educate you to change your mindset which will change your habits towards boosting your self-confidence. This course isnt a theoretical study on confidence, but instead a practical DIY strategy to being more confident. So why dont you join me and I guarantee if you follow my steps youll be more confident in no time!"
Price: 19.99

"El arte de la relajacin" |
"El estrs y la tensin hoy en da afectan a muchas personas, disminuyendo su calidad de vida. De hecho, dicen que el estrs y sus derivados son la enfermedad que a ms personas afecta, y afectar, en el siglo XXI. El estrs deteriora, enferma, reduce la calidad de vida de las personas. Relajarse es una necesidad vital para la mayora de personas, pero el problema es que no saben cmo hacerlo. A todo el mundo le gustara estar ms relajado, pero todos asocian la relajacin con estar de vacaciones en algn lugar paradisaco, o con pasarse el fin de semana tumbado en una hamaca bebiendo mojitos. Nos pasamos casi todo el ao estresados, tensos y deseando que lleguen esos escasos das de vacaciones anuales, para, irnicamente, volver ms estresados que antes. Aprender a relajarse es como aprender un oficio, un deporte o un arte; requiere de tcnica, de esfuerzo y de continuidad. Es mejor relajarse unos minutos cada da, que no esperar a relajarnos nicamente el fin de semana o en vacaciones. En este curso aprenderemos las tcnicas bsicas para aprender a relajarnos en nuestra propia casa, de forma sencilla y asequible. Partiendo desde cero, y utilizando tcnicas de relajacin, de yoga y de otras disciplinas afines, nos iremos introduciendo en el arte de la relajacin; arte que poco a poco y con la prctica, iremos desarrollando. - Lo primero que aprenderemos ser a soltar el cuerpo y liberarlo de tensiones, mediante unos sencillos ejercicios fsicos. - Despus aprenderemos a respirar correctamente, dando especial importancia a la respiracin abdominal. - Por ltimo aprenderemos tcnicas especficas de relajacin, tales como la fase de Jacobson, la fase de Schultz, visualizaciones de paisajes relajantes, autosugestin y tcnicas de relajacin profunda. Una vez aprendida la tcnica slo nos faltar una cosa: practicar, practicar y practicar. Anmate y apntate al curso, tu cuerpo y tu mente te lo agradecern. Te espero!"
Price: 19.99

"PMP Certification Exam Prep Course 35 PDU Contact Hours/PDU" |
"Passing the PMP certification exam is a must for any individual looking to move up the corporate ladder in any company. This course will cover all the topics needed to pass your PMP exam on the first try. Topics such as the 49 processes, EVM and network diagram will be covered. This course is taught by Instructor and PMP author Andrew Ramdayal. Andrew has over 53 certifications and has authored a few best selling books for the PMP exam. Andrew has taught this course to thousands of students around the world both in the classroom and online. Unlike other providers, we are a PMI Registered Education provider: #3333 and this course is accredited by PMI. This course will include the following:35 PMI Approved Contacts hours/PDU Certificate needed to take your PMP exam.Based on the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition20+ Hours of expert instruction from a certified PMP Instructor and one of Amazon best selling authors for the PMP exam books.230+ Videos400+ realistic exam questionsCourse Slides and PDF's with all the processes and formulas Expert instructions with filling out the PMP applicationFull length mock examEvery year we help thousands to pass their PMP certification exam and we can help you also."
Price: 199.99

"The Art of Seeing Photography training for the Artist in you" |
"Why can we spot a great photo but find it difficult to capture one? Why do we over complicate a process that can be summed up with a push of button? The key to taking a good photo isn't the subject matter, it's not in the type of equipment you use or the location setup for the shot. The key to taking a good photo is the discovering your personal point of view and identifying the 'thing' that hides in plain sight; this is the 'artist eye'. A Room for Improvement will teach you how to see like an artist and further your exploration into the art form of photography.To shoot a world-class photo, your eyes must be familiar with the elements that make a photo world-class. Great musicians can hear the rhythm in everyday life. Great writers know that everyone has a story to tell. Great photos are happening all around you, and you're missing them because you haven't trained your eye. I've spent the last 20 years working in photography, painting, sculpting and architecture - having a multidisciplinary approach allows for better photo taking. The more curious you are, the more things you learn and experience, the better the eye becomes. You have experiences that will aid you in your artistic journey with this program. Using my work as reference we will discuss vision, approach, tools and techniques of photography. I will teach you how to take great pictures with any camera, from your cell phone to your Leica. Armed with a camera, a pen, a pad, and your desire to improve I will transform your photography by changing the way you see the world around you. COURSE STRUCTURE This course is divided into 5 Lectures that are a Master Class in Learning to See like an Artist.Lecture 1: How we see. Understanding how artists see differently.Lecture 2: Borrow success from famous artists.Lecture 3: Three techniques for spotting flaws. Lecture 4: A critical technique for finding light. Lecture 5: Why pictures succeed or fail and the assignment. The lectures are designed to be watched in order, but you are free to skip around. Each course is made up of a set of lectures (about 45min long), with downloadable images from the lecture, and an final assignment designed to highlight the tools from each lecture. EXPECT RESULTS By the end of this program, you will understand why photographers always say that ""the equipment doesn't matter."" Learning to see like an artist is one of the single most fulfilling steps on the way to becoming a better photographer. In addition to improving your own work, you will be able to walk into any gallery or museum in the world and know, with full certainty, whether you are looking at a great piece of art or not."
Price: 19.99

"7 Day Urban Meditation Challenge" |
"This course is designed to get you experiencing the benefits of meditation right away, so you can reduce stress and operate at your highest potential. Many people have tried meditation but had trouble quieting their mind that is because one style of meditation does not work for everyone. That is why we are offering you 7 different ways to meditate, so you can find the way that works for you!! You will receive four informational videos that will prepare you for your meditation practice: 1. What is meditation? 2. How to prepare for your meditation challenge including: posture, breath and relaxing the body. 3. Information on the 7 different styles of meditation in this challenge. 4. How to use this challenge & these meditations. Once you are ready to start the challenge you will be able to experience seven different types meditation so you can start receiving benefits and discovering what style works for you! You will receive 7 different popular styles of meditation including: Day 1: Guided Meditation Audio Day 2: Love and Kindness Meditation Audio Day 3: Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Video Day 4: Moving Meditation Video Day 5: Sound Healing Meditation Audio with Crystal Bowl Music Day 6: Silent / Mindfulness Meditation Audio Day 7: Max Meditation Audio For optimal results use these meditations daily for 7 days. This course can be extended to 21 days to create a new habit of daily meditation! You can complete this course in 7 days or less! Receive access to over 90 minutes worth of high quality content and meditations for life! Many of the meditations are 10 minutes or less- even if you are busy you can take this time each day for yourself! Feel confident knowing that your fun and down to earth urban meditation guides, Hillary Faye and Sarah Hauch have 20 years experience teaching meditation! If you find that your mind is always racing and you are feeling overwhelmed with work, family, life and obligations meditation is the answer you are searching for. If you feel stressed, tired or lack of motivation this challenge is for you! If you are curious and don't know where to start join our mindfulness revolution now! Sarah and Hillary will walk you through meditation step by step and help you discover what style of meditation works best for you! Nothing changes in your life unless you do, if you are ready to start feeling better, sign up now! You can do this!"
Price: 39.99

"K.A.S.S. System!" |
"I always have some sort of promotion/coupon available at my website. Click the link to my website to find out what this month's coupon is. You might be surprised at the discount! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do some people seem to be unaffected by the world as it happens while others tend to be nearly paralyzed by their fears and anxiety? It just so happens, that our brains are not necessary ready for such a stimuli-driven world. We are bombarded with information on a daily basis; news reports, facebook updates, family issues, friends' troubles, scary storms, or awful national homicide stories, etc. With all the negativity, it is no wonder why many of those among us are living with constant dread. In this course, I will talk you through the brain regions where fear is found and how we can utilize cognitive neuroscience research to overcome our debilitating fear and anxiety."
Price: 24.99

"Online Course on NPV and IRR" |
"Welcome to this Micro Course on NPV & IRR.In this course, you will understand a) What is Net Present Value (NPV)b) What is Internal Rate of Return (IRR)c) Theoretical and practical components.This course is relevant for students who are preparing for Professional Exams like CA / CMA / CS / CFA / CPA / CIMA and also useful for Finance Managers, Project Finance Consultants, etc.This course is structured in self paced learning style. Use your headsets for effective listening and also have your note pad / excel opened for taking notes.Go through the curriculum to have a look at lectures covered in this course and click on preview button to view demo lectures. See you inside the course."
Price: 29.99

"Fashion Brand Launch: Flagship Retail Strategy" |
"This course will allow students to understand a strategic roll-out of a brand's retail business. From the do's and don'ts, to starting small and growing in a smart way, this course will go over shop-in-shops, pop-up shops and flagship retail stores. This will save you money, stress and time if you follow this roll out plan."
Price: 54.99

"New Airbrush Painting Techniques" |
"Ill get right to the point. This is not your normal learn to paint class. If youre looking to spend years of your life to learn techniques everybody already knows then move on. This class can teach you something VERY different, VERY powerful. Youre going to learn all about the breakthrough airbrush painting techniques that will transform the way you airbrush forever! The kind of airbrush artist who can improvise a whole painting in just minutes as a hobby or for a living. These techniques come from a small group of street painting artists in Mexico. They figured out how to speed paint space scenes, landscapes and much more with spray cans. I learned from the original spray paint artists of Mexico and I have adapted the techniques for acrylic painters who do not wish to use spray paint. This class will teach you how to do spray paint art techniques with regular acrylic paint. I cover: How to set up your studio. How to mix your paints. Different papers and surfaces you can paint on. How to prepare canvas for using these techniques. How to use common household materials to create incredible effects. How to speed paint pyramids and a galaxy. How to speed paint a sunset with palm trees and clouds. How to speed paint a gorgeous wave. How to use newspaper as a brush. How to paint planets. How to speed paint mountains and land. How to use these techniques on metal, for example on cars. And more! If you do not already have a compressor, you will need to purchase one to learn these techniques. You will also need acrylic paints, some papers, a cheap airbrush (about $11-13), some airbrush accessories and some items from the grocery store. I give you all the information and links that you need to purchase your materials. I make it very easy to learn and give you inspiring new ideas to paint with your new skills. So sign up now, come in and lets have some fun!--Alisa Amor http://airbrushpaintingsecrets.com http://spraypaintartsecrets.com"
Price: 54.99

"Learn To Play The Drums Without A Drum Kit" |
"Welcome to 'Learn To Play The Drums without a Drum Kit' by Udemy bestseller Billy Baker.Over 2200 students have now signed up. If you're interested in learning the drums and think you have rhythm then what are you waiting for? Sign up now! Welcome to my course Learn To Play The Drums Without A Drum Kit. This course is aimed at anyone with an interest in learning to play the drums by teaching you the skills you need without any equipment. The lectures provide step by step instruction to suit everyone and cover skills that are basic and advanced. Each section has downloadable PDFs to help your understanding and to aid practice. These exercises are based on the skills I learnt, use and teach in my career as a professional drummer and tutor. By the end of the course you will have improved your coordination, rhythm and timing. You'll have life long access to the all the videos with a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. If you've always wanted to learn the drums this course is for you. Enrol now!Also from Billy - 'Learn How to Play the Drums' - available on Udemy"
Price: 24.99

"Add Slide To Your Guitar Playing" |
"Increase the variety of your guitar playing by using a slide! If you already have some ability to play a steel-string guitar, this course will explain the basic principles and technique of using a slide instead of frets. Whether your destination is folk, blues or rock, the knowledge you gain in this course will equip you to begin exploring the eclectic world of slide guitar. Ten concise lessons cover topics such as different types of slides, the way string action affects your ability to play slide, the role of the left thumb, muting techniques for a better tone, and more. Several exercises are also demonstrated. All of the video segments are presented with clarity and are uniquely optimized for you, the learner, to have the best point of view. Dave Matthis is an experienced slide guitar player who has played semi-professionally in numerous musical groups over three decades. He also is an experienced professional in the development of instructional video."
Price: 19.99

"Google Plus Hangouts Starter Kit" |
"Google Hangouts are the most powerful marketing tool for everyone who wants to reach a bigger audience and expand their online exposure. Why? Because they live inside Google+, Googles social platform, and therefore they harness the power of the most visited website of the world. In addition to this, Hangouts on Air are broadcast and recorded on YouTube, so they also harness the power of the most visited video website of the world. And the coolest thing is that they come for free! So, if you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a teacher, a coach, or someone with a message to share, you should wait no longer to start using Google Hangouts and Hangouts on Air in order to reach more of your ideal clients and prospects. Theres a catch though. Just like every new technology and software platform, Hangouts do have a learning curve that you have to go through in order to become comfortable with all the different technical aspects and features. Now, Hangouts arent rocket science and - I want to be clear about that - you can figure this stuff out on your own. But studying and researching the platform on your own does take time, and you can easily spend hours, or even days, reading Googles documentation or searching for tutorials, in order to master it. And I bet you have better ways to invest your time, right? So, if you dont feel like wasting a lot of time and energy to learn Hangouts, this course is just what you are looking for. The Google+ Hangouts Starter Kit is a short but comprehensive guide, designed to quickly get you started with Google Hangouts. Ive put together 20 video lessons, plus several checklists and handouts, jam-packed with all the knowledge I have gained studying and using Google Hangouts since they were introduced, as well as being a coach for a major Hangout training earlier this year. I designed the curriculum for absolute beginners, and no prior knowledge is required, but the course is also very useful for more advanced and experienced users. All you need to follow the course and to take full advantage of the content is your computer, an internet connection, and a Google+ account (if you dont have one dont worry, Im going to show you how to set it up!). Short, bite-sized and easy to follow video lectures will walk you through the platform step-by-step, from start to finish. Im going to provide you with all the information that you need in order to understand and use the interface and to start confidently hosting your Hangouts, without overwhelming you with unnecessary details. Since Google is constantly improving the platform and adding new features, the course will be updated regularly to reflect those changes. As a bonus, Ill be hosting free, "students only" Q&A Hangouts on a regular basis. This will be a great way to connect on a personal level and ask me questions! Wouldnt it be great if you could easily overcome the technical issues related with the platform and start hosting your own Hangouts within an hour? Well, you know the answer. So, what are you waiting for? Just click the big green button and Ill see you on the inside!"
Price: 29.99

"Classical Guitar Essentials Advanced - Part 1" |
"Its time to roll up your sleeves and start playing an advanced classical guitar music. This is my 5th course in the series Essential Classical Guitar, and you are about to enter the advanced level.Over the last four courses we established a very solid base to build upon it. If youve been following the courses, this one will take you a few steps forward in your journey.The first section is dedicated to study the Bar chords, something all beginners struggle with and even some intermediate players. We will learn about the Major and Minor bar chords only, the rest will be covered in later courses.The second section we are dealing with the technical work for Grade 3 of London College of Music. This is where you are right now, so you need to learn this. Knowing the scales and arpeggios of this grade gives you a huge advantages and technical abilities to be able to play the music pieces. Next, we dive into the repertoire of Grade 3 with three of my favorite pieces: Aria, Andante by Sor, and Valse. These pieces will test your skills and your bar chord abilities, and of course prepare you if you want to take the real exam.After this, I dedicated two sections to music theory. Learning where the minor scales comes from, what are the relative keys, and how chords are constructed and other theory stuff is part of being a musician. Dont worry about it, I explain everything with ease and link it to stuff you already know.Then we have something new, an entire section for the finger-style technique. I always thought that classical guitar is the father of the finger-style technique, so from now on every course I will do will have a section about that. This will enable you to play pop or rock songs like Stairway to heaven, or Simon and Garfunkel songs with ease and joy, so dont skip it.Finally, I end the course with a Concert Piece called 13 Days in France by Francis Lay, a beautiful melody with everything you learned about bar chords and finger-style in there.Its time to take action and join more than 7000 students who took my courses.See you on the other side."
Price: 119.99
