"Meditao Ativa em Casa" |
"A mente divaga, muitas vezes, para o que est nos preocupando -- uma causa essencial da angstia cotidiana. Pesquisadores da Havard pediram a milhares de pessoas para relatar seu foco mental e humor em momentos aleatrios do dia, a concluso foi de que uma mente que divaga uma mente infeliz. Neste curso, a instrutora May Irineu aborda de forma bem direta e descontrada a prtica da meditao ativa. Na introduo, vamos descobrir um pouco sobre a origem da meditao, seus benefcios para a sade fsica e psicolgica. J na seo prtica, que a principal parte do curso, May demonstra de forma clara e objetiva as tcnicas para um bom procedimento da meditao ativa, do incio ao fim. Todas as tcnicas so demonstradas em detalhes pela instrutora e reproduzidas pelos nossos convidados.Alm disso os alunos recebero gratuitamente udios para meditao guiada, entre outras dicas e informaes.A meditao ativa uma ferramenta poderosa de cura e terapia, alm de ser um hbito muito saudvel que pode ser exercido em qualquer ambiente. Com certeza no h melhor lugar para comear do que na nossa prpria casa. Obrigado pela ateno e tenha uma tima jornada de aprendizado!"
Price: 39.99

"WordPress WooCommerce Complete, Themes+Plugins Bundle" |
"This course takes you step-by-step through the process of adding a shopping cart to your WordPress website and collecting money for your products or services -- no prior ecommerce experience is necessary. The course is designed as a quick-start (about 90 minutes) introduction to the best WordPress shopping cart software, and covers about 90% of WooCommerce out-of-the-box functionality.Updated March/2020: Bonus themes and plugins!We are now including two powerful themes / theme frameworks (Elegant Themes Divi and StudioPress Genesis + 60 child themes, plus all the Divi Layout packs via a provided temporary license key) along with about $1000 worth of commercial (GPL-licensed) WooCommerce plugins. These are the same themes and plugins that we use on our own client sites, and which are also included in our other course, WooCommerce Membership Site with Marketing Automation. In addition to a standard shop site, you can create a membership or digital-download site as well, hooked up to a newsletter and payment gateway.Here is what you will learn:Shopping carts overview: WooCommerce may not be the best solution for you. We review some other optionsWooCommerce Review: we tour the software, developer documentation and available extensions Installing WooCommerceProducts, Product Categories, and Product ImagesWooCommerce settings, shortcodes, and Shop page layoutsPayPal configuration and checkout processDigital DownloadsFlat-rate shippingWooCommerce product types, upsells, cross-sells, grouped productsProduct attributes and variationsAdvanced shipping methodsTaxes and tax classesCoupons, Order Management, Inventory ManagementProduct reviews, user roles, and moreThis is the best WooCommerce course on UdemyIf you are interested in learning THE most popular ecommerce software on the planet, which is also FREE. your search ends here. Our attitude here at WP Academy, is NOT to give you 20 hours of video to watch, but to give you essential instructions in 1-2 hours from which you will have the necessary background to learn on your own, whatever else you need. Feel free, as well, to post your questions to the forums! I typically review these daily."
Price: 19.99

"Sophos XG Firewall rnek Topoloji almas" |
"Bu kursumuzda Sophos XG Firewall ile rnek bir topoloji almas yaplmtr. Kursumuzdaki rnek topoloji Virtual Box ve GNS3 yazlm kullanlarak oluturulmutur. rnek topolojimiz de 3 ayr blge bulunmaktadr. LAN, DMZ ve Misafir . Bu rnek almamz da sizlere firewall zerinde yeni vlanlar oluturulmasn, vlanlar aras kurallar yazlmasn, port ynlendirme ilemlerinin nasl yapldn , web ve uygulama kstlama ilemlerinin nasl yapldn anlatacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Sophos XG Firewall Eitimi - 2020" |
"Duyuru: Kurslarm ile ilgili indirim , duyuru ve haberler iin web sitemi ve sosyal medya hesablarm takip edebilirsiniz.nemli Not : Sophos XG Firewall Eitimine ho geldiniz. Sizlerden gelen dnlere gre eitim ieriini gncelledim. lk aamada ncelikle menler zerinden menleri tantmak amal bir blm hazrladm. Sonrasnda ise rnek bir topoloji zerinden cihaz kurulumlarn sizlere anlatacam. lk yaynlam olduum eitim videolarn da yayndan imdilik kaldrmayacam. O videolarda Sonlara doru ayr bir blmde durmaya devam edecek. Baz alanlarda oradaki videolar da izlemeniz faydal olacaktr.Sophos XG Firewall Eitimi ile sfrdan firewall kurulumu,yaplandrmas ve ynetimi konusunda bilgi sahibi olacaklar. Bu kursumuz da renciler bir i yeri iin gerekli olan temel gvenlik duvar ayarlarn, temel a ayarlarn, trafik ekillendirme, kotalar, web filtreleme, uygulama kontrol, gvenli kablosuz eriim, VPN, RED, dorulama,loglama,raporlama ve sorun giderme gibi zellikleri renecekler ve uygulayabileceklerdir. Bu eitim ile birlikte renciler kk iletmelerden byk yaplara kadar tm irketler iin Sophos XG Firewall cihazn yaplandrabilir konuma gelecekler."
Price: 49.99

"Fortigate Firewall rnek Topoloji almas" |
"Bu kursumuzda Fortigate Firewall ile rnek bir topoloji almas yaplmtr. Kursumuzdaki rnek topoloji Virtual Box Vmware workstation ve GNS3 yazlm kullanlarak oluturulmutur. rnek topolojimiz de 3 ayr blge bulunmaktadr. LAN, DMZ ve Misafir . Vlanlar oluturulmasn, vlanlar aras kurallar yazlmasn, port ynlendirme ilemlerinin nasl yapldn , web ve uygulama kstlama ilemlerinin nasl yapldn anlatacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Fortigate Firewall Eitimi - 2020" |
"Duyuru:Kurslarm ile ilgili indirim , duyuru ve haberler iin web sitemi ve sosyal medya hesablarm takip edebilirsiniz. Eitim indirimi iin irtibata gemeniz halinde indirim kuponu iletebilirim.nemli Not : Bu eitim Fortigate Firewall Cihazn yeni kullananlara ynelik bir eitimdir. Bu eitimde temel rnekler vardr. Zamanla rnekler eklenmeye devam edecektir. Sormak istediiniz konularda mesaj yolu ile iletiime geebilirisiniz. Fortigate Firewall Eitimiile sfrdan firewall kurulumu,yaplandrmas ve ynetimi konusunda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz. Bu kursumuz da Temel kurulum ve kullanm, fortiview yapsn, a ayarlarn, sistem ayarlarn, politika ve nesneleri kullanmay, gvenlik profillerini, vpn ayarlarn, kullanc ve cihaz ayarlarn, wifi ve switch ynetimini, loglama raporlama ve izleme zelliklerini reneceksiniz. Bu eitim ile birlikte renciler kk iletmelerden byk yaplara kadar tm irketler iin Fortigate Firewall cihazn yaplandrabilir konuma gelecekler."
Price: 49.99

"Herkes in Network Eitimi" |
"Bugn evremizdeki her cihazn, her eyin bir an paras olduu veya nternet'e balandn gryoruz. Alar gn getike byyor. A kavramnn ne olduunu renmek ve alar hakknda temel bilgiler edinmek istiyorsanz bu kursa kayt olmalsnz.Bu kurs, Yerel Alan Alar (LAN), OSI modelini kullanarak a tanm, kablolu ve kablosuz alar, Internet Protokol (IP), komut satrnda TCP / IP komutlarn kullanma, a servisleri, geni alan alar (WAN) ve ok daha fazlasn anlatr.1 Yerel Alan Alarn Anlama,A aygtlar, veri aktarm ve LAN trleri dahil olmak zere yerel alar (LAN) hakknda bilgi edinin. Ethernet standartlar dahil olmak zere a topolojilerini ve eriim yntemlerini kefedin. Eler aras ve istemci / sunucu a modellerini karlatrn.2 OSI Modeli ile Alar Tanmlama OSI modelini tanyn ve OSI ve TCP / IP modellerinde bulunan katmanlara genel bir bak ve farkl trlerde anahtarlarn gzden geirilmesi dahil olmak zere anahtarlar kefedin.3 Kablolu ve Kablosuz Alar AnlamaBkml ift ve fiber optik kablolara genel bak da dahil olmak zere, ortam trlerini kefedin. Kablosuz aygtlara ve kablosuz a standartlarna genel bak da dahil olmak zere kablosuz aa gz atn.4 nternet Protokoln AnlamakA Temelleri snavnda IPv4 ve IPv6'y tanyn. IPv4 adres kategorilerini, varsaylan a geitlerini, DNS sunucularn, alt alar ve Snfsz Etki Alanlar Aras Ynlendirmeyi (CIDR) inceleyin.5 TCP / IP'yi Komut Satrna UygulamaKomut isteminin bir incelemesini ieren TCP / IP'yi anlayn ve temel ve gelimi TCP / IP komutlarnn gsterimlerine bakn.6 A ServisleriA servislerini anlama ve ad zmlemesi ile ilgili konulara bakn. Yaygn a servislerine ve farkl ad zmleme tekniklerine bakn.7 Geni Alan Alarn AnlamakWAN'lar kefedin. Verilerin statik veya dinamik olarak nasl ynlendirilebilecei de dahil olmak zere ynlendiricilerin nasl altn grn ve WAN'larn nasl balandn renin.8 nternet Kavramlarnternetin kavramlar hakknda bilgi edinin."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Pivot Tables To Analyze Business Data in Excel" |
"This course is designed for people familiar with Excel and who want to learn how to analyze data within Excel. We will use the in-built Pivot Table tool, and show how to use the tool, and how to go beyond the basics, to more advanced functionality to analyze data, performing complex calculations, and be able to turn data into actionable information easily. It is meant for the data warriors to learn the Advanced Excel techniques of Pivot Tables to make sense of huge amount of data in Excel, and be able to create simple management reports which compare data as Percentages, perform year or year, quarter on quarter comparisons etc."
Price: 49.99

"Adm Adm Packet Tracer Uygulamalar 35 Gnde 35 Uygulama" |
"Cisco CCNA snavna hazrlanrken Lab denilen uygulama sorularn baarabilmek iin ok daha fazla pratik yapmanz gerekir. te Adm Adm Packet Tracer Uygulamalar 35 Gnde 35 Uygulama eitiminde her gn farkl bir lab uygulamas ile daha fazla pratik yapma olanana kavuacaksnz. 35 gnde 35 uygulamay tamamlamak hedefiniz olsun.Eitim boyunca topolojileri sfrdan beraber ina edeceiz. Bu nedenle herhangi bir Packet Tracer dosyas paylamayacam. Bylelikle adm adm batan sona tm ilemleri kendiniz baaracaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"SEO Marketing Hero - Get thousands of organic visitors daily" |
"Search is the best way to find highly targeted customers without spending money day after day.Dominate search, and you will have an endless supply of free leads and customers and yes, it's not as hard as it seems. This course starts from the absolute basics without any assumptions, and leads you step by step into true expertise. Each chapter builds upon the former, introduces new concepts while strengthening old ones.This training can also be used as a reference. You can learn what you feel you still need to know, and solidify your SEO concepts. With over 70 lessons, this is the most comprehensive SEO course you've seen and it will teach you everything that you need to know about SEO today. Taught by real world experts and marketers, this course gives you the real, on-the-street principles that you can apply immediately and see results.Get started on a wonderful journey of Internet marketing and SEO success today. Join this course!"
Price: 109.99

"The Character Design Course 2019" |
"Hello and welcome! Do you love to draw characters but feel frustrated at your progress? In this course I will show you:One really easy technique called the Isometric Arrow that will help you to draw a perfect 3D box every single time! How to turn a flat rectangle into a 3D tube (this will boost your arm and leg drawing skills!) One easy method that can help you to draw your character in multiple directions without reference!! How using shapes can 3x speed your drawing skills A warm up method to boost your hand eye co ordination immediately! That sometimes thinking too much can hinder the creativity process How to quickly and confidently create 20 characters in 5 minutes! What a silhouette is and how it can drastically improve your drawings! How guide lines can help with the direction of your character! One neat trick on how to draw a solid looking mouth!and plenty more!"
Price: 19.99

"Guia de Empreendedorismo para Professores na Era Digital" |
"O comrcio do conhecimento movimenta bilhes antes mesmo da internet por meio de pessoas que vo todos os meses as bancas, comprar acima de tudo informao, ou seja, conhecimento.A internet abriu espao para professores e produtores de contedo de forma ampla e no decorrer desse curso iremos apresentar essas vantagens e debater questes que podem lhe ajudar a alcanar o seu potencial mximo, ganhar um dinheiro extra com a produo de cursos online e em muitos casos viver exclusivamente dessa iniciativa.Os vdeos so separados em mdulos com objetivo didtico de expor o contedo numa sequencia lgica que otimiza as perspectivas de aprendizado, o aluno ainda tem tarefas para reforar o que aprendeu.Entenda diferentes oportunidades que nascem para o professor na era digital e confira exemplos prticos de ganhos no segmento.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade. Nos vemos no curso"
Price: 149.99

"Mentalidade de Sucesso" |
"A inteno deste curso analisar posturas, atitudes, vises de mundo, crenas - que chamaremos aqui de mentalidades - examinar os resultados positivos ou negativos resultantes de mentalidades diferentes, e propor mudanas que proporcionem realizao pessoal e sucesso.Sua postura mental estagnante ou de crescimento? Voc d mais ateno sua autoestima ou sua autoeficcia? Como fazer para no congelar diante de um desafio? Utilizando conceitos de psicologia e neurocincia, este curso prope uma reflexo sobre atitudes para alavancar seu sucesso. Voc vai adquirir o autoconhecimento necessrio para vencer os desafios da vida."
Price: 189.99

"Guida ai Big Data con Spark 2. 0 e Python" |
"Se lanalisi di grossi quantitativi di dati sta diventando sempre di pi una necessit, non solo nel campo del marketing, ma anche di settori come la medicina e la diagnostica, da alcuni anni ci si sta ponendo il problema di quali siano le metodologie migliori per trarre quanta pi informazione utile possibile dai grandi dataset che possono essere reperiti in vari modi su internet (ad esempio nel caso di analisi di social media) o fanno parte del patrimonio di unazienda.Viviamo infatti nellera dei cosiddetti Big Data. Questo termine, coniato attorno al 2001, nasce per indicare enormi dataset che possono essere analizzati per estrarre informazione finora difficilmente accessibile e difficilmente processabile da un solo computer, per quanto potente, ma per analizzare i quali necessario utilizzare pi computer connessi in qualche modo tra loro in maniera coordinata.Di conseguenza, anche dal lato dell'organizzazione dei dati sono nati dei framework particolari per la gestione di queste grosse quantit di dati, il pi recente dei quali Spark.Spark, come vedremo, pu essere utilizzato con molti linguaggi di programmazione, tra i quali Python uno dei pi importanti e utilizzati. Dopo una parte introduttiva sui Big Data e sui framework che sono stati nel corso degli ultimi anni per gestirli, ci occuperemo quindi di vari argomenti e implementazione di esempi di codice per ognuna di queste due librerie. In particolare vedremo come implementare i pi comuni algoritmi di machine learning: regressione, Support Vector Machines, Alberi di decisione, metodi Ensemble e Kmeans, oltre alla manipolazione dati e al calcolo delle statistiche di base. Vedremo poi l'implementazione di un'analisi testi tramite pyspark, come impostare un sistema di raccomandazione, e alcuni cenni su regole di associazione e streaming."
Price: 169.99

"The Complete English Grammar Course - Perfect Your English" |
"This Udemy course gives you, the English language learner, a complete overview of English grammar.This course will give you the ability to understand English better and the confidence to speak and write English more fluently.This English grammar course is taught by two world-renowned communications trainers, TJ Walker and Derek Smith.Message from Derek Smith:My name is Derek, Im a native Brit and qualified and experienced TEFL/TESOL trainer.I have been teaching English to adults for over 10 years and look forward to using technology to reach a wider audience.I have a neutral accent which is clear and easy to understand.This might not be the longest course on Udemy but I do respect your time.The lessons are as long as necessary, and as short as possible.Downloadable PDFs for each lesson will form a valuable resource collection for you.The course is not designed to be accessed in sequence but takes more of a pick and mix approach.For example, if you need help with prepositions of place, simply go to the prepositions section and look for the lesson on prepositions of place.Or if you need help with present perfect continuous, go to the tenses and aspects section and check out the lesson on present perfect continuous.The exception to this is the Beginners Section, which is intended to be accessed from start to finish, in order.Where there are differences between UK and US grammar, these are explained in the lesson.I encourage you to ask questions if you feel that something has not been fully or clearly explained. You will get an answer and, if necessary, the course material will be updated. Depending on the answer, I will add a new lesson to the course.Here is a brief summary of the course benefits for you:Native speakerExperienced and qualified teacherNeutral and easy to understand accentLessons structured for easy accessDownloadable resources for each lessonNo bloated lessons to trick you or waste your timeValid for UK and US EnglishUpdates as required by the learnersUdemy 30-day refund policyHow many of your boxes did I tick?This is the English grammar course you need. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.Message from TJ WalkerI have been teaching executives around the globe to deliver presentations in English for the last 30 years. Most people, even native English speakers, are insecure about their English grammar. You can become an accomplished speaker and communicator and know that you are using excellent English Grammar every time you speak. Derek is one of the top English grammar instructors in the world and I am proud to be teaching this course with him. He has the English and European sensibility down perfectly. And I have been living in and working in the United States my entire life. When you put us together, it is a powerful combination designed to help you become a master at English grammar and communication.Good luck and I hope to see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Daily Motivation Hacks: The 50-minute Motivation Guide" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 75'000+ happy students from 185 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP ReviewsPresented by the productivity expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of motivation with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you master your motivaiton so try it at risk FREE!Would you like to learn the best motivation hacks so you will never lack motivation again during your day?In this sort and intense course, I reveal the most effective ways to unleash your motivation on command. You'll learn how to be motivated when you wake up even if you don't feel like it, how to take action if you don't feel motivated, how to unleash your motivation at night, the most effective motivation hacks, how to master your self-talk and so much more.You should take this course if you want to master your motivation in under 50 minutes. If you want to kill procrastination, if you want to feel more alive and have more energy.Go ahead, enroll in this course."
Price: 99.99

"Master Productivity & Time Management In Under 40 Minutes" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 75'000+ happy students from 185 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP ReviewsPresented by the productivity expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of time management and productivity with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you boost your productivity so try it risk FREE!Would You Like To Learn The Best Hacks To Boost Your Productivity & Time Management In Under 40 Minutes?I've packed the best productivity tools and time management techniques in this short but intense course. There will be no fluff, only important concepts that will really move the needle for your productivity and time management.Would you like to learn what kills your productivity and time management? The 5 step process to have unlimited productivity? How to delegate and say no? How to have more time for yourself? What you should do first in the morning and how to plan your day? How to kill procrastination? Ans so much more! You will learn the best productivity hacks!This course if for people who would like to become more productive and master time management in their personal and professional life. Would you like to have more time to do the things that truly matter to you? Then join this course.Go ahead, enroll in the course now! There is a 30-day money back guarantee so you can try the productivity hacks and time management techniques!"
Price: 99.99

"Goal Setting & Achievement: Achieve Your Goals 10x Faster" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 75'000+ happy students from 185 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP Reviews Presented by the NLP expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of achievement with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you achieve your goals faster so try it at risk FREE!Would You Like To Achieve Anything 10x Faster?Learn How The World's Top Achievers Think And Behave So They Can Accomplish Massive Goals In the Fastest Amount Of Time.Welcome to the science of Goal Setting & Goal Achievement!I had the privilege of learning and talking to the world's top achievers and I was fortunate to learn from them.In this course, you'll learn these goal setting and goal achievement secrets.This is what you'll learn:How to Achieve Your Goals 10x FasterThe 7 Secrets Of the World's Top AchieversHow To Master your Time To Achieve More With Less Effort - Time Management SecretsHow To Find Purpose & Motivation In Your Goals & LifeHow To Learn Anything 10x FasterHow To Create Momentum So You Achieve Your Goals In the Fastest Amount Of TimeHow To Solve Any Problems That Prevent You From Achieving Your GoalsHow To Deal With Obstacles That May Come UpGo ahead, enroll in this course now. The science of goal setting and goal achievement will transform your life. If you want to achieve all of your goals faster than ever and learn the secrets of goal setting and goal achievement, then you can try this course risk free with the 30-day money back guarantee!"
Price: 199.99

"The 50-Minute Course To Destroy Your Fears" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** Would You Like To Deal With Your Main Fears?In this short and intense online training, I'll teach you how to handle your main fears and how to overcome them.Every has fears that prevent them from accomplishing what they want.This course will teach you how to destroy these fears:Fear Of FailureFear Of SuccessFear Of What People Think Of YouFear Of Rejection/Being UnlovedFear Of Approaching SomeoneTransform Your Problems In OpportunitesAnd So Much More!This course is for you if you'd like to get practical tools to deal with your day-to day fears.Go ahead, enroll in this course now, it's free!"
Price: 99.99

"Success: The 7 Skills To Success, Confidence & Achievement" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER 75'000+ happy students from 185 countries have enrolled in my courses and have left 1'500+ TOP Reviews Presented by the NLP expert, Alain W., who is a recognized expert in the field of life strategies with over 15 years of experienceThere is a 30 day money back guarantee. I am 100% confident that this course will help you take your life to the next level so try it risk FREE!Would You Like More Success In Your Life?Have you ever wished you could have more happiness, have more success, have more influence, and handle your finances?Success is a skill that can be learnt.In this course, I want to show you the rules for success in your personal and professional life.You'll learn how to master your wealth, your finance, your happiness, your influence, your self-mastery and so much more so you can have the success you deserve!This is a course that every one should enroll in to get a better life!This is what you'll learn in this course:What The Success Mindset Is & How They Can Have ItThe Secrets To Have More Wealth & Be Financially Free - Finance TipsThe Keys To Lasting Happiness - Happiness SecretsThe Formula To Influence Anyone Instantly - Influence ModelHow To Be A Great LeaderThe Keys To Self-MasteryThe Habits For SuccessHow To Brand Yourself For SuccessThis course is for people who would like to experience more success in their personal and professional life.Go ahead enroll in this course now.There is a 30 day money back guarantee so you can try this course risk-free!"
Price: 199.99

"Excel To EXE, Make Secure Windows Applications From Excel" |
"Microsoft Excel is the most widely used software for business and personal projects, ranging from simple calculators and models to advanced dashboards and even enterprise level applications with advanced forms and procedures! But while Excel is rich in features and Easy to use, it lacks one major component. SECURITY.Excel passwords were designed to prevent accidents & user-error, but can easily be retrieved with cheap password cracking software.In my course, I show you how to turn your Excel workbooks into actual Windows Executable programs (EXE FILES) using my secret Excel weapon XLSPadlock! This course includes a complete walkthrough of XLSPadlock along with little known Excel security techniques.At the basic level, well protect your Content from theft with unique formula protection techniques and then learn to convert your confidential VBA code into binary and store it in the executable, making it impossible to discover!Then, well learn about Licensing and Locking your Secure Application with:Activation keysUSB/dongle protectionHardware locking (to a particular PC)Using a key generator to create trial versions of your software that expire after a number of usesdays orspecific expiration dateand even create a nag screen each time the trial version opens!Youll learn Advanced Save Options (such as) whether users can use secure save files (that only work with a licensed copy of your EXE) OR to disable saving entirely!You can control which Excel versions are allowed, and can build 32-bit, 64-bit or BOTH binary types into a single EXE!Ill teach you how to restrict native Excel features, like right-click options, copy/paste, removing excel ribbons, controlling add-ins allowed, disable Visual basic access a number of ways.I'll demonstrate all the EXE Customizations, including making a professional splash screen that pops INSTEAD of the 'Excel loading' dialogue, creating and implementing custom icons, and customizing EXE version, title, authorship and copyright info.Well demo how to make a simple End User License Agreement that MUST be accepted before someone can use your app! Lastly, we'll take you through adding a Code-Signing Certificate to show end-users your software is from a Trusted Verified Publisher.I'm also including special code samples you can use to interact with the EXE to access hidden companion files, read version info or even interact with other Windows files or workbooks in a secure way.Youve got to protect your proprietary content!Don't distribute another Excel file without maintaining absolute control of whos using it and how - Grab my course on Building Secure Excel Apps today!"
Price: 199.99

"Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: Newbies Guide to eCommerce" |
"Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: Newbies Guide to Starting an Online BusinessDid you know the hottest and fastest growing market place is online ecommerce. Why not take part and earn a profit of this billion dollar business? Not sure how to get started or where to start then this course is created just for you.Have you ever wanted to work for yourself and be your own boss? Stop working 9-5 and start working creating your own business? Do you have what it takes to make it as an entrepreneur if you answer yet to any or all of those questions this class is then right for you. Join me in this class learning how to get started, what business to start working for and together we will explore all the ropes needs to get your feet wet ready to start your journey as your own boss. In this course you will learn how to get started selling on eCommerce. This course will cover etsy, eBay, Dropshipping, Amazon, Fiverr and basics of getting started Teaching Online and give you a fast overview of each and giving you enough knowledge to open an account and learn the basics about them.If you want to start to sell on eCommerce this course will show you the ropes along with tips how to be your own boss and motivate yourself to be successful.Your instructor and friend,Sincerely yours,Sergey ************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99

"Practical Introduction to Fuzzy Logic with Matlab" |
"Who is this course for? You will learn Fuzzy Logic with Matlab programming toolbox in this course in a very simple, and easy to understand method. If you are ready to be a capable engineer and manager and be able to solve complex problems efficiently, then this course is for you. As an engineer with knowledge of Fuzzy Logic, you would be among the few who can identify and break down complex problems that are not solvable using conventional control engineering techniques. Do Ineed to know Matlab programming for taking this course? Will Ilearn Programming in this course? All you need to know to start this course is high school level math. In this course, Iwill explain Matlab programming commands that we will use in this course from scratch and if you know nothing about Matlab programming or programming at all you will not miss a thing. In addition, Iwill teach Fuzzy Logic through Matlab Graphic User Interface (GUI) and Fuzzy Toolbox which does not require programming at all. At the end of this course, not only you have learned Matlab programming and but also learn most of the Fuzzy Logic commands and you can solve engineering projects without writing any code. Why Fuzzy Logic is so important?When the engineering problems is so difficult to solve, or the model or system changes so frequently, the conventional control methods fail and therefore, we have to use the Fuzzy Logic to be able to understand, model and control the world around us. Is this course comprehensive? Will Ineed any other book or course to learn Fuzzy Logic? I prepared this course over one year and have provided you with one of the best engineering and programming resources in the world about Fuzzy Logic. Ihave over 10 years of experience in control and Instrumentation fields and have used Fuzzy Logic in my career extensively and Iwill assure you that Ihave done all the complicated engineering projects in my career only using the knowledge collected in this course. Ihave also written two articles on the topic only using the logic Isummarized in this course. What you will learn? At the end of this course, you will learn Fuzzy Logic programming with Matlab professionally. We will solve multiple engineering projects together, including one of the most sophisticated engineering projects in the field of the control (Designing a Fuzzy Controller for a Fluidized Catalytic Cracking unit). These project are excellent experiences for you to include on your resume and work portfolio."
Price: 199.99

"Serie Remote Desktop Services 2012 R2" |
"Remote Desktop Services - RDSAprenda passo a passo como instalar e configurar uma infraestrutura de Remote Desktop Services com Alta Disponibilidade.Este curso aborda a instalao e configurao do Remote Desktop Services chamado de RDS servio da Microsoft que entrega aplicaes virtualizadas atravs do servios de Remote Desktop.O Remote Desktop Services tambm chamado de RDS um servio disponvel na famlia do Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016.Benefcios do RDSCom o Remote Desktop Services ou RDSvoc pode centralizar todas as aplicaes da empresa e entregar tudo via Remote Desktop, assim permite que empresas invistam seu capital na infraestrutura dos servidores e no nas estaes de trabalho."
Price: 39.99

"How to Improve the Self Esteem of your Children" |
" This is a Gift from Me to You... You can see all the complete lectures without cost as preview, all of them has free access. I made this course for you, and I want you to see it without any cost. If you find this course valuable you can purchase it. That will be your gift to Me, and it will help me to keep developing more courses for you!. Adding a review will help also! Please let me know your comments and How I can improve this course for you! Enjoy it! Manuel. ---------------------------- The Self Esteem has a huge impact in the future of our chidren. We all desire happiness for our children. In order to get that, they need our help todevelop TODAY a healthy self esteem. On this course you will learn: Why is so important the self esteem in your children, since it can be the difference between a happy and successful life for your children and something completely different.What are the effects of the low self esteem in your children, and how this could cause even bigger problems when the children becomes adult.How to detect low self esteem situations in our children, to react and help them to solve it.Im adding more than 10 techniques that you can use to help your children to have a healthy and strong self esteem.Each technique is followed by a very short and easy test, to reinforce the lecture. You can be the difference in the life of your children, we can, and we most learn how to help our children to be happy, succesful and achieve their goals... and dreams "
Price: 19.99

"Claves para mejorar la Autoestima Infantil" |
"**Agosto 2, 2020 - Correccin de error de audio en video** En este curso aprenders un tema muy interesante e importante: Cmo Mejorar la autoestima de tus nios. Usando lecciones en formato de video caminaremos juntos a travs de una serie de lecciones que te ensearn: Porqu es tan importante la autoestima en tus nios, siendo que puede ser la diferencia entre una vida de xitos y felicidad para tus nios y algo totalmente diferente.Cuales son los efectos de una baja autoestima en tus nios, y como esto puede causar an mayores problemas cuando los nios se convierten en adultos.Como detectar estados de baja autoestima en nuestros nios, para reaccionar y ayudarles a resolverlos.Incluyo ms de 10 tcnicas que puedes usar para ayudar a tus hijos para tener una sana y fuerte autoestima.Cada tcnica es seguida de un sencillo cuestionario para reforzar cada tema. Tu puedes ser la diferencia en la vida de tus nios, podemos y debemos aprender como ayudar a nuestros nios a ser felices, exitosos y alcanzar sus metas... y sus sueos. "
Price: 270.00

"Foundations of Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex and STM32" |
"Do you like working with microcontrollers, sensors, and other embedded devices? Do you want a successful career in embedded systems, but can't find the right resources? Are you preparing for a job interview in embedded systems? Do you already have a career in embedded systems, but want to start working on more engaging projects?This course on the ""Foundations of embedded systems with ARM Cortex and STM32"" is the right choice. Try it for 30 days with a no questions asked, money back guarantee, and you will thank yourself for making the right decision.Your instructorYou will be learning the material from the best of the best in the industry. Akshay has over 10+years of solid experience and has worked for companies like Tesla, on crucial projects for the Model S, X and 3 cars. He has a passion for teaching, and once you've experienced his teaching style, it is hard to go anywhere else. He is patient with students, and understands the learning journey you will go through, and will be there to guide you along the way.Akshay has been teaching since his first years at University and as won awards in teaching and entrepreneurship.In one sentence, how is this course different from other embedded systems courses?If you are looking for a course that is built from the ground-up with quality in mind, proven to make you successful in embedded systems, this is it.What hardware is needed for this course?The instructor is using a STM32 Nucleo development board for this course. However, you are free to choose any ARMCortex board you wish to. The learning from the content is transferable across different platforms.You can choose to develop on Windows, Linux or Mac as per your preference. All 3 are supported in this course. Your 14 day journey to successWe recommend spreading out the content of the course over 14 days as it has proven to maximise your learning, giving you a chance to absorb the information and practice hands-on as you go.Section 1 - You will learn about the ARMCortexarchitecture. Understanding this will allow you to select the right microcontroller for your project. With the deep understanding of ARMCortex architecture, you will also be able to debug applications like a pro!Section 2 - The ARMCortex programmers model, is hardly taught anywhere but such a crucial piece to understanding how the processor functions and how the C code that you write interfaces with the hardware after compilation.Section 3 - The ARMCortex exception model and vector table is an important step to understanding how the working of the processor when things don't go as intended. In embedded systems, exceptions need to be handled elegantly in order to produce a safe functioning product!Section 4 - ARMCortex blocks like the System Control Block, Floating point unit, bus interfaces will be covered.This will give you an understanding of how core blocks inside the microcontroller are connected to each other and their usefulness.Section 5 - The first and an important step for a project is to be able to choose the right microcontroller.You will need to take all sorts of considerations into mind before making the choice. Making the right choice here will make your project successful in the short term and the long term as well. Section 6 - Peripherals let the processor talk to the outside world. When developing applications for microcontrollers, every project you will work on will interface to one or more of these peripherals. Having this understanding will allow you to successfully interface devices with the microcontroller.Section 7 - Special features of the microcontroller, go through 3 unique features that you will most likely be interfacing with in your projects.Section 8 - Hands-on lab to set up your computer with a development environment that will run on Windows, Linux or Mac. Having this setup will allow you to work on the lab exercises in this course and on your projects after course completion.Section 9 - Understanding UARTcommunication is immensely important, and almost every embedded job interview will ask you a question about it. You will be able to become a pro at UART and interface all kinds of devices with the microcontroller after working on the lab exercises included with the course.Section 10 - I2C communication runs over 2 wires and is used extensively in a lot of embeded devices. The lectures and timed challenge lab exercise for I2Cwill train you to be a professional in this communication interface. Having this understanding will allow you to interface with millions of I2Cdevices available in the market and use them for your projects.Section 11 - GPIOis a peripheral that will definitely be in every single application you work on. With the hands-on learning in this section, you will understand different ways in which ports and pins can be setup to allow you to interface various types of devices with the GPIOperipheral.Section 12 - DACand TIMperipherals will open the world of timing, and digital to analog conversion for you. This is an extensive area where microcontrollers are used and the lab exercises included in this section will give you an excellent understanding of how these two peripherals can be used in your custom application.Section 13 - These days we just download an IDEand are good to go. But have you ever wondered what the different components inside an IDE(Integrated development environment)are?Going through these exercises will allow you to get that understanding which will make debugging so much easier going forward. Understanding the development environment from ground-up allows you to be confident when things go wrong.Section 14 - We talk about the next steps and a continued learning program to allow you to take the learnings from this course and continue to apply them in future projects. We also talk about how you can use the information learned in this course to guarantee a successful career in embedded systems."
Price: 74.99

"FL Studio Production Course: Trap Music" |
"In This FL Studio - Trap Production Course, I will show you how to create Trap Music in FL Studio in just one day. We're going to cover everything needed to create Trap Music in this course and this series is perfect for beginners!We will end the course with a deconstruction stage series, where we analyze and review epic Trap Productions. This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who wants to expand their knowledge in urban music production, specifically Trap Production. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers have used and currently using. There are no additional plugins needed, all you would need is a copy of FL Studio Trial Mode or better to follow along with the lectures. This Course Includes All You Need To Create Trap Music Production in FL Studio. Everything that you need to use is included in this course.We are also including the LivingForce Trap Production Kit, as well as over a dozen .FLP Projects that will improve your productions as you can use them in your study. This course is designed for all skill levels, from Beginners to fairly Advanced. This course includes an introduction section where we will download FL Studio 20 and show you the steps needed to fully activate the software, additionally we will review how to navigate FL Studio in an efficient manner. Improve Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Commercial Trap Pieces With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will improve your knowledge of music theory. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full Music Production with FL Studio.About the instructor:James Gaither has been a music instructor since 2006 and producer since 2011. He's created music theory courses on Udemy and mastered and created dozens of Hip-Hop releases on various streaming platforms. He's based out of the United States. Who this course is for:If You've Been Using FL Studio And Want To Learn How To Create Trap MusicIf You're a Beginner and Never Used FL StudioIf You're a Music Producer and Want To Learn How To Make Music With FL Studio"
Price: 189.99

"Productivity For Online Marketers and Trainers" |
"Fully updated May 2019Find out how you can use technology to do everything from planning your projects to sharing your content. Discover how easy it can be to harness the technology tools that will make you super-productive online. Be more productive, Keep your focus, Organize your digital space, set goals and plan your day, be productive using social media, use technology tools and automation shortcuts, even be more productive doing research on the Internet.There are all kinds of neat online tools to keep you so excited that you can't sleep - dreaming of all the online possibilities. I can't wait for you to join me in this course. See how much fun Internet tools can be!!"
Price: 49.99

"Quran Level 1 - Qaida Nuraniyah - Child Boy Edition 2019" |
"A journey from Nuraniyah to Quran with a 5 years old Sumayyah. Nuraniyyah is the:EASIEST and the FASTEST method of learning Quran reading.A SYSTEMATIC curriculum:Arabic Letters - HuroofArabic Vowels - HarakatLong Vowels - MaddResting Sound - SukoonEmphasis - ShaddahRules of Noon100% PRACTICAL lessons with exercises Learn with a SMILEAttain CONFIDENCE in reciting Quran with TajweedLearning to read the Quran is so easy that even a five years old child can learn it."
Price: 39.99

"Java Programlama 9 - Spring MVC ve RESTful Web Servisleri" |
"Bu eitimde Web Servisilerini JAX-WS (SOAP) ve JAX-RS (REST)i ileyeceiz. WS ile kurumsal Java web projelerimizi gelitireceiz. nce RESTful'a dair bileenleri alt yaplarn greceiz. Eitim boyunca RESTful'a dair projeler yapacaz. Hangi programlama dili ile kod gelitirirseniz gelitirin, fark etmez! Bir gn yolunuz mutlaka RESTFul ve SOAP Web Servislerine der. Bu nedenle de kurumsal projelerde aranlan kii olmak iin kesinlikle JAX-WS (SOAP) ve JAX-RS (REST)i bilip onlardan haberdar olmak zorundasnz. Yazlm kariyerinde hzla ykselmek isteyenler, bu zel frsat sakn karmasnlar."
Price: 99.99
