"Quran Level 1 - Qaida Nuraniyah - Child Girl Edition 2019" |
"A journey from Nuraniyahto Quran witha 5 years oldSumayyah. Nuraniyyah is the:EASIEST and the FASTEST method of learning Quran reading.A SYSTEMATIC curriculum:Arabic Letters - HuroofArabic Vowels - HarakatLong Vowels - MaddResting Sound - SukoonEmphasis - ShaddahRules of Noon100% PRACTICAL lessons with exercisesLearn with a SMILEAttain CONFIDENCE in reciting Quran with TajweedLearning to read the Quran is so easy that even a five years old child can learn it."
Price: 39.99

"Model Photography Course: Start a Model Photography Business" |
"Model Photography Course: Start a Model Photography Business FastWelcome to this Model Photographer course. This class is divided into three main sections. In the first section I will start with Photography Equipment and Gear ... Learn what stuff you need to get started with model photography. In the second section, I will cover model photography, like where I would find the model and take pictures of her. In the last section we will explore how to profit with the images you take through photo gigs, creating images for your online listings, and submitting your images to be accepted for stock photography sales sites. Two years in the making and hundreds of dollars spent to make this Model Photography Course to teach you how to take amazing pictures as a model photographer. To make this class, I had to pay the models featured in this course ... But I have already Created a Photography Product with these Photos that has earned me a Nice Profit.. As you get better and learn the art of model photography you will eventually get paid to snap pictures of models and have a Great time doing it! This class is for any student interested in getting into the model photography business. Part of this class are actual video interviews with experienced models to give you tips about modeling and photography. I Want To Share With you My Best Tips and Secrets For Massive Success! You are About to Discover ... Learn how to make great profits with model photography ... and have FUN doing it!How to select the RIGHT Gear & Equipment and explanation why they are needed Introduction to 5 different Photography Models used to create this classLearn From My 10 years of experience working with modelsBEST Methods for finding a model and setup a photo sessionInterviews & tips from experienced modelsSee me edit photos and taking pictures .. My Best Tips!Take you on a live modeling setand so much more ...Sincerely,Your instructorSergey KasimovProfessional Photographer************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99

"Office 2016/2019/365 schneller und effizienter anwenden" |
"Das Video-Training fr Office 2016/2019/365 im Beruf, Film fr Film zum Erfolg Verschaffen Sie sich den entscheidenden Vorteil im Berufsleben. Diese Trainings sind speziell fr Berufsttige konzipiert. Auf Trainings wie markieren, speichern, lschen und auf ganz einfache Funktionen wurde verzichtet. Die Konzentration liegt ganz klar auf den Funktionen und Mglichkeiten, die Sie am meisten weiter bringen und die man kennen muss. Ideal auch fr Umsteiger aus anderen Office Versionen. Mit diesen Videotrainings werden Ihnen detailliert die Mglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Es werden Ihnen die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte am Bildschirm gezeigt, die Sie dann leicht auf ihre Aufgaben bertragen knnen. Nach dem Training werden Sie Ihre Aufgaben schneller und automatisierter erledigen knnen.In diesem Training bekommen Sie unsere sechs Trainings fr - Access im Beruf - Excel im Beruf - Outlook im Beruf - PowerPoint im Beruf - Windows 10 Einstieg - Word im Beruf Sie erlernen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in der Arbeitswelt zu bestehen und Ihre Kollegen zu beeindrucken.Highlights dieses Videotrainings: - Sie lernen das, was Sie weiter bringt - Sie brauchen keine Tests bestehen, um die nchste Trainingseinheit zu beginnen, Sie bestimmen den Ablauf - Keine Installation, Sie knnen sofort starten - Sie bestimmen Tempo und Uhrzeit - Alles kann anhand von mitgelieferten Dateien selbst ausprobiert werden - Die vielen Praxisbeispiele knnen Sie direkt selbst nachvollziehen oder auch ganz individuell anpassen."
Price: 194.99

"Office 2010 im Beruf schneller und effizienter anwenden" |
"Das Video-Training fr Office 2010 im Beruf, Film fr Film zum Erfolg Verschaffen Sie sich den entscheidenden Vorteil im Berufsleben. Diese Trainings sind speziell fr Berufsttige konzipiert. Auf Trainings wie markieren, speichern, lschen und auf ganz einfache Funktionen wurde verzichtet. Die Konzentration liegt ganz klar auf den Funktionen und Mglichkeiten, die Sie am meisten weiter bringen und die man kennen muss. Ideal auch fr Umsteiger aus anderen Office Versionen. Mit diesen Videotrainings werden Ihnen detailliert die Mglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Es werden Ihnen die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte am Bildschirm gezeigt, die Sie dann leicht auf ihre Aufgaben bertragen knnen. Nach dem Training werden Sie Ihre Aufgaben schneller und automatisierter erledigen knnen.In diesem Training bekommen Sie unsere sechs Trainings fr - Access 2010 im Beruf - Excel 2010 im Beruf - Outlook 2010 im Beruf - PowerPoint 2010 im Beruf - Windows 7 Einstieg - Word 2010 im Beruf Sie erlernen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in der Arbeitswelt zu bestehen und Ihre Kollegen zu beeindrucken.Highlights dieses Videotrainings: - Sie lernen das, was Sie weiter bringt- Sie brauchen keine Tests bestehen, um die nchste Trainingseinheit zu beginnen, Sie bestimmen den Ablauf - Keine Installation, Sie knnen sofort starten - Sie bestimmen Tempo und Uhrzeit - Alles kann anhand von mitgelieferten Dateien selbst ausprobiert werden - Die vielen Praxisbeispiele knnen Sie direkt selbst nachvollziehen oder auch ganz individuell anpassen."
Price: 194.99

"Office 2013 im Beruf schneller und effizienter anwenden" |
"Das Video-Training fr Office 2013 im Beruf, Film fr Film zum Erfolg Verschaffen Sie sich den entscheidenden Vorteil im Berufsleben. Diese Trainings sind speziell fr Berufsttige konzipiert. Auf Trainings wie markieren, speichern, lschen und auf ganz einfache Funktionen wurde verzichtet. Die Konzentration liegt ganz klar auf den Funktionen und Mglichkeiten, die Sie am meisten weiter bringen und die man kennen muss. Ideal auch fr Umsteiger aus anderen Office Versionen. Mit diesen Videotrainings werden Ihnen detailliert die Mglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Es werden Ihnen die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte am Bildschirm gezeigt, die Sie dann leicht auf ihre Aufgaben bertragen knnen. Nach dem Training werden Sie Ihre Aufgaben schneller und automatisierter erledigen knnen.In diesem Training bekommen Sie unsere sechs Trainings fr - Access 2013 im Beruf- Excel 2013 im Beruf- Outlook 2013 im Beruf- PowerPoint 2013 im Beruf- Windows 8 Einstieg- Word 2013 im BerufSie erlernen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in der Arbeitswelt zu bestehen und Ihre Kollegen zu beeindrucken.Highlights dieses Videotrainings: - Sie lernen das, was Sie weiter bringt- Sie brauchen keine Tests bestehen, um die nchste Trainingseinheit zu beginnen, Sie bestimmen den Ablauf- Keine Installation, Sie knnen sofort starten- Sie bestimmen Tempo und Uhrzeit- Alles kann anhand von mitgelieferten Dateien selbst ausprobiert werden- Die vielen Praxisbeispiele knnen Sie direkt selbst nachvollziehen oder auch ganz individuell anpassen."
Price: 194.99

"20 Tipps + Tricks fr Office 2010/2013/2016/2019/365" |
"Das Video-Training fr Office - ein erster Einblick in die Programme Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint und Word nutzen Sie schon das volle Potenzial der Officeprogramme aus? Es gibt verschiedene Studien dazu und der Nutzungsgrad liegt zwischen 5-20 %. In meiner ber 20-jhrigen Ttigkeit konnte ich Tausenden von Menschen helfen, mit den Officeprogrammen besser und schneller zu arbeiten.Dieser Kurs gibt Ihnen einmal einen kurzen Einblick, welche Mglichkeiten Sie mit Office haben.Ich hoffe es sind einige neue Funktionen und Mglichkeiten dabei, die Sie in Zukunft einsetzen knnen.Stellen Sie sich mal vor, sie wrden die Office Programme besser nutzen und welche Auswirkungen das auf ihre Arbeit htte.Nutzen Sie diesen Kurs, um in Zukunft Ihre Arbeit schneller zu erledigen."
Price: 49.99

"Rendite-Immobilien - 60 % Rendite oder Verlust - beides geht" |
"Viele wollen heute die Gunst der Stunde nutzen und in Immobilien investieren. Auf der einen Seite bieten Immobilien sehr groe Chancen, aber auf der anderen Seite auch groe Risiken. Viele sind schon wegen einer Immobilie in die Privatinsolvenz gerutscht.Dieser Kurs soll Ihnen einen Einblick verschaffen in die Welt der Rendite-Immobilien."
Price: 49.99

"20 easy tipps to start your own internet business" |
"German internet pioneer tells his secrets - since 23 years onlineHenning Glaser has over 4 million views and participants in more than 100 countries20 handy hints for free to start your own internet businessAn overview aboutBusiness planPositioningMarketingVideo-MarketingTo start a businessOverview of starting your own business - a German internet marketer tells his secretsWhat our clients said: Its my regular partner (in the car, in the sun, when peeling potatoes) How its possible with simple means, to build up a flourishing internet business Four weeks ago I never believed that I would be able to set up a youtube video Small classifieds by ebay (with over 3 thousand visitors I thought I dreamt it From yesterday I have got almost 50 likes and that in less than 24 hours Approaches which for the most part distinguish themselves from the current published video sources My website visitors increased six-fold Right, youve really given me a push On google Im in 2nd place with my facebook page You have many new thoughts ideas and tips and and and Enjoy the feeling that youre on the move"
Price: 199.99

"27 Youtube Profi Tipps fr mehr Erfolg im Video-Marketing" |
"Bei YouTube Videos einzustellen ist eigen glich ganz einfach. Allerdings kann man hier bereits beim Einstellen der Videos fatale Fehler machen, die man auf alle Flle vermeiden sollte, da sie im Nachhinein nicht mehr korrigierbar sind.Dieser YouTube Kurs hilft Ihnen Ihre Videos in Zukunft besser einzustellen und erzhlt ihnen auch was sie nach Verffentlichung der Videos machen sollten. Viele YouTube Nutzer berlassen dann dem Schicksal ihre Videos und hoffen dass der eine oder andere ihr Video finden wird. Hier kann man allerdings nachhelfen und auch den schwerfllig von der Konkurrenz auf seine eigenen Videos umleiten.Lassen Sie sich diesen Kurs nicht entgehen, denn er wird Ihnen in der Zukunft viele Tausend Views einbringen."
Price: 79.99

"Certificate in Positive Psychology (Happiness) Accredited" |
"JOIN MY > 42,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 172 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 3,000 - 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is an Internationally Accredited Certificate Program by the CPD Accreditation Group and it was first published in 2015. In July 2020, this course is fully redone with all the new lectures and the resources material. This comprehensive training course contains High Definition Video Content Course WorkbookFull Program TranscriptProgram Assignments BookletFull Power Point / Keynote PresentationFull Audio Version to learn "" on the run""Positive Psychology Books to support additional learningAnd Much More...About this course:Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group with Optional Continuing Education / Continuing Professional Development HoursFREE Full lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you become even more happier!The research shows that happy people are successful. Lets work on your success!! If you answer YES, to any of the following statements, this Accredited Positive Psychology Certification course is for you:I want to Become HappierI want to learn about Positive PsychologyI want Practical Tools to improve my life I am a Life Coach and want to learn Positive Psychology to help my clients I want to Become a Certified Life Coach with a focus on HappinessI am a Therapist / Councilor looking for additional ways to help my clients I am an HR Professional and want to implement Happiness Program inside my Organization I am a Small Business Owner and want to coach my employees on HappinessI am a Manager looking for tools to help my employees I am an Executive and want to learn how Mindfulness Coaching can help my Employees I am a Workshop Creator and Want to Facilitator Mindfulness Training In this course, you will learn:Fundamentals of Positive PsychologyRelationships between Happiness and Success What Defines Happiness - Learn to Become Happier How to Establish New ""Good"" Habits and Change the Old ""Bad"" Routines Happiness and Wellbeing Theoretical and Practical ModalitiesMindfulness Fundamentals and Practical Tools Scientifically proven Resiliency FactorsSetting up Goals while keeping Happiness in Mid How Empathy and Gratitude can help us live a better and more fulfilling life How to Help our Children Become Happier Apply the tools and secrets that are scientifically proven to increase our happiness level and improve overall wellbeing What Positive Psychology Science of Happiness is and what is notWhat is happiness and how to become happier using the scientifically proven methodsHow to start any new habit or change the existing7 Tools to help you change any habitWhy and how gratitude can help you become happier and more successfulEmpathy and Happiness Mirror Neurons and how we are built to help othersFully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group. CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries. For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change. Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning. Global Acceptance of CPD Accreditation Group Whilst based in the UK, the CPD Accreditation Group operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements. Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors. CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education. Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years. This Program combines years of research by experts in the field of habits, neuroscience, traditional and positive psychology, and teaches you how to apply this new information in a very simple and practical way. This program will help you understand your habits: why you have them, why you can or cannot change them, and how they can work to help you live a great life.Implementing habitual behavior in accordance with this program will help you become happier and more successful, will improve your wellbeing, and will assist you in living the life you've always wanted to live.Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... Enroll NOW to become happier and more successful.Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Happiness, Health, Success...ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Certified Weight Loss Habits Practitioner No Diet Accredited" |
"JOIN MY > 40,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 172 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 2,500 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Accreditation Group. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. About this course: Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you change your habits even more!At the end of this this course, you will:Understand Basic of Your Eating HabitsChoose One or More Eating Habits You Want To ChangeMake Necessary Steps to Change Your Eating Routines Increase Will Power and Self Confidence to Help You and Start Losing Weight Learn 7 Secret Tools to Help You Lose Weight Become HappierSucceed in Any Eating and Other Habit Formation Introduce New Routines And much more...Weight Loss Udemy Program combines years of research by experts in the field of habits, neuroscience, traditional and positive psychology, and teaches you how to apply this new information in a very simple and practical way. This program will help you understand your eating habits: why you have them, why you can or cannot change them, and how they can work to help you live a great life. Implementing habitual eating behavior in accordance with this program will help you become happier and more successful, will improve your wellbeing, and will assist you in living the life you always wanted to live.Everything you want to achieve in life--from a successful career, thriving relationships, improved health, or simply increase your happiness and wellbeingeverything starts with habits. Everything!This program is based on my bestselling book Habits and Happiness: How to Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits, my Habits and Happiness workshops, individual coaching sessions, and many years of helping others loose weight and changer their life for the better. Even more importantly it is based on my own experience of losing over 55 pounds. Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Even More Weight, Health, Success...ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 114.99

"Certified Mindfulness Parenting Practitioner [Accredited]" |
"JOIN MY > 32,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 172 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 2,500 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Standards Office. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. About this course:FREE Full lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you become even more mindful!The research shows mindfulness improves our overall wellbeing, increases happiness level, improves chance of a Life Success, help with mental and physical health, reduces stress, help people deal with chronic pain, anxiety, depression, substance abuse even borderline personality to name just a few. Imagine what it can do if we teach our children how to be even more mindful!!! At the end of this program you will be able to:Understand the benefits of Mindful Parenting Understand advantage of Mindless Parenting Get to know many tools to help children regardless of their age Apply proven Mindful Parenting tools at home, in school and everywhere else when in contact with childrenLearn about informal sound and other kind of meditative practices Learn How to Apply these tools to help with stress and pain And much, much more...For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the The CPD Accreditation Group. Our CPD provider Number is 777313CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD Standards AccreditationWhile based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology please check my other programs. Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... Enroll NOW. Help your children become even more mindful and there more sucusseful in their life! Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you and your family...Happiness, Health, Success...ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Certified Resilience Practitioner: Psychology: [Accredited]" |
"IMPORTANT NOTE: Do Not Purchase this course if you already a student of my Authentic Happiness Certification Course (AHC). JOIN MY > 40,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 166 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 2,000 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Accreditation Group. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. About this course:Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation GroupFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you change your habits and become even happier!The course covers the scientifically proven methods to understand and practice...How to become more resilientHow to band but not breakWhy having a role model is a key factor to resiliency What to do to maintain Physical FitnessWhy Brain Fitness is important and what to do about it How to maintain Emotional and Cognitive FlexibilityHow to find Meaning and PurposeWhen (Grounded) Optimism makes sense Why Facing Fear is more important then avoiding it Create Your Moral CompassWhen Spirituality and Religion can help with the Resiliency Is Social Support so important and how to create oneThis program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group. _________________________________________________________________________At the end of this course, you will: Look for your Big Role Model Become even more Physically Fit Start practicing Brain Fitness Learn about Your Emotional Flexibility Start looking for and creating a Meaning and Purpose Only look for Grounded Optimism Start Facing Fear Create and Follow Moral Compass Become even more Spiritual Look for stronger Social Support Our CPD provider Provider #777313CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD Standards AccreditationWhilst based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Happiness, Resiliency, Fitness, Success...ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Certified Parenting (Teens) Practitioner [Accredited]" |
"JOIN MY > 32,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 166 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 500 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Accreditation Group. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. About this course:FREE Closed Group membership where we provide many resources, books, research papers, etc. All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you help yourself and your teenage children.The research shows that we can help our teenagers improves their overall wellbeing, increases their happiness level, improves their chance of Life Success, help with mental and physical health, and reduces their stress level while choosing the right college. At the end of this program you will be able to:Get to know many tools to help your teenage children Learn and apply the tools to help you while dealing with difficult teenage issuesApply proven Parenting tools at home, in school, while play, etc. Identify proper communication tools with your teensLearn to respect your teens decisionSupport yourself better while supporting and your teenage childrenLearn Secrets of teens success and help your teenage children apply them in their lifeApply Optimism and Happiness tools in your daily life and the life of your childrenBe even more open minded about the unconventional tools while dealing with the teenage problemsLove your teenage children unconditionally regardless of what they doHelp your children navigate difficult timeHelp your children grow faster to achieve Life SuccessHelp your teens chose the right school Teach your children 7 secrets to habits and HappinessLearn what Princeton University Students have to say about happiness Become a role model for your children Apply Happiness tools in your daily life and the life of your childrenBe even more open minded about the unconventional tools while dealing with the teenage problemsAnd much, much more...This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group.Our CPD provider Number is 777313CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD Standards AccreditationWhilst based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... Enroll NOW. Help your teenage children become happier and even more successful in their life! Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you and your family...Happiness, Health, Success... ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner: L1 [Accredited]" |
"Mr. Pobric is a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing. He has over 42,000 happy Udemy students in 172 Countries (who rated his programs with over 3,000- 5 STAR Reviews). He is actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and does his best to answer all the questions within 48 hours. This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Accreditation Group. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. *In addition to the course content students should be prepared to study and practice the material for a minimum of 40 course hours. About this course:Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group The Most Comprehensive Authentic Happiness Accredited Online Certification in Positive Psychology Program providing 8 Major Modules: Introduction to Science of Positive Psychology, Strengths and Optimism, Goals, Relationships, Mindfulness, Gratitude, Resilience and Purpose and Habits. 125 Lectures with 7.5 Hours of On Demand Video10 Books Provided as Supporting Material Over 50 Additional Downloadable Supporting Resources All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you change your habits and become even happier!At the end of this course, you will:Become Authentically Happier while not ""Changing Yourself"" Improve Relationships with everyone you choose to do so Become even More Confident Increase Your Credibility Get the Tools to Increase Your Resilience Level Stop chasing happinessFocus on what you really want in life Understand and know your strengths Learn what positive psychology is all about Learn and apply many tools from the Science of Positive Psychology toolbox Understand and learn basic mindfulness techniques Set Your Goals with happiness in mindGet the tools to set the goals right and achieve them easily Learn and apply self confidence tools set Become even more optimisticImprove many areas of your life including physical, financial, career, etc. Understand Basic of HabitsChoose One or More Habits You Want To ChangeBecome even more Spiritual (if you decide so) Make Necessary Steps to Change Your HabitsIncrease Will Power and Self ConfidenceRelease Your Own Happy ChemicalLearn 7 Secrets to Habits and HappinessBecome HappierSucceed in Any Habit FormationIntroduce New RoutinesAnd much more...The course will cover the scientifically proven methods to understand and practice...Happiness with all the Research Based Tools Provided HerePsychology Science of Happiness and Results Oriented Interventions / ToolsModel and Specific Recommendations How to Apply it in Your LifeDetermines Happiness and How to Increase Your Happiness and the People Around You How to Focus on what you really wantUnderstanding the Aim of Positive Psychology and How this Knowledge Can HelpStrengths and how to define what you really good atIntroduction to Habits, Connection with Positive Psychology and Seven Secrets of Habits and HappinessType of Habits (including one claimed by the Author of this course)Seven Secrets to Habits and Happiness How to Be in ""The Zone"" - Engagement / FlowMindfulness - What is and what is notHow to Become even more Optimistic and how that knowledge and application can help you live a longer, happier and healthier life Goal settings with a Different twist Improving Your Relationships with everyone you meet and in turn Become HappierDifferent Mindfulness and Mindlessness techniques to Improve Your LifeResilience - Learn and Apply Top 10 Characteristics of Resilience People Happy People and Success. Is there a connection here? And much more_________________________________________________________________________This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group.Our CPD provider Number is 777313.CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD AccreditationWhile based in the UK, the CPD accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. "
Price: 199.99

"Certified Positive Psychology Coach: L2(2 in 1) [Accredited]" |
"***IMPORTANT: This program is for the Students who have already signed up for my Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner: L1 [Accredited] Please watch the free lecture Course Prerequisite, Organization, and Introduction if you are not sure if this program is for you! JOIN MY > 40,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 172 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 3,000 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited professional Life Coach Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Accreditation Group. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. Upon completion of this training you will be eligible to apply for and receive; Official Positive Psychology Coach Certificate*In addition to the course content students should be prepared to study and practice the material for a minimum of 60 course hours. If you answer YES, to any of the following statements, this Accredited course, Certified Positive Psychology Coach (CPPC) is for you:I am a Coach already but want to introduce new Scientifically proven and Field Tested tools to help my clients become happier, improve their overall wellbeing, and increase their chance of a successful life. I am interested in becoming a Coach but cant afford to pay a high price for a Certification Program I have a Passion of Helping Others and want to learn the tools that Professional Life Coaches are using I have a Certification in Positive Psychology and want to learn Positive Psychology and other Authentic Happiness Coaching Tools I am a Licensed Therapist (Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Counselor, etc.) and want to use tools from Positive Psychology to help me help my clients in their journey of a long term happiness I am a Single Mom struggling with life and cannot afford to hire a Coach but want to help myself become happierI am a Business Professional and want to help my team members apply their strengths at work and improve their relationships which in turns will help them become even more successful I already have my Clients but looking for a Coaching Ready Forms I can print and use with my clients immediately. I am a Small Business Owner and want to learn coaching skills to help my employees increase their productivityI already know a lot about Life Coaching but want to learn Authentic Happiness Life Coaching Skills About this course: Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD StandardsThe Most Comprehensive Authentic Happiness Accredited Online Life Coach Certification providing 8 Major Positive Psychology Coaching Modules that include coaching tools and forms ready to be used for client's Happiness, Strengths, Optimism, Mindfulness, Goals, Relationships, Gratitude, Resilience and Purpose, and HabitOver 175 Lectures Over 10 Hours of On Demand VideoOver 30 downloadable Coaching Forms ready to be used Over 40 articles and Research papers 5 Books Provided as Supporting Material Many Learning and Reflection Assignments All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you change your habits and become even happier!At the end of this course, you will be able to help your clients: Become Authentically Happier Improve their Personal ands Business Relationships Become even More Confident Stop Chasing Happiness and look for an Authentic Happiness that includes all the human emotions Focus on what they really want in life (not what others want from them) Understand their strengths and apply it appropriately Learn and apply many tools from the Science of Positive Psychology toolbox Understand, learn and apply basic mindfulness techniques Set their Goals with happiness in mindSet the right goals and achieve them easily Learn and apply self confidence tools set Become even more optimisticImprove many areas of their life including physical, financial, career, etc. Choose One or More Habits THEY Want To Change and help them change it Become even more Spiritual (if they decide so) Make Necessary Steps to Change Their HabitsIncrease Will Power and Self ConfidenceRelease Their Own Happy ChemicalBecome HappierSucceed in Any Habit FormationIntroduce New RoutinesAnd much more...The course will cover the scientifically proven methods and tools to help your clients understand and practice...Happiness with all the Research Based Tools Provided HereResults Oriented Interventions / ToolsHappiness Model and Specific Recommendations How to Apply it in Their LifeFocus on what they really wantStrengths and how to define what they really good atTo Be in ""The Zone"" - Engagement / FlowMindfulness ToolsOptimism - How to Become even more Optimistic and how that knowledge and application can help them live a longer, happier and healthier life Goal settings with a Different twist Improving Their Relationships with everyone they meet and in turn Become HappierDifferent Mindfulness and Mindlessness techniques to Improve Their LifeResilience - Learn and Apply Top 10 Characteristics of Resilience People Happy People and Success. Is there a connection here? And much more_________________________________________________________________________This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group.Our CPD provider Number is 777313CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD Standards AccreditationWhile based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. "
Price: 199.99

"Pianoforall - 'Classics By Ear' - Erik Satie" |
"A New Way to LearnFor over a decade, Pianoforall has taught over 200,000 people worldwide how to play amazing pop, jazz, blues, ballads and improvisation, and now were going to teach you how to play INCREDIBLEClassicalpieces in the same way.These courses are for ADULT BEGINNERS who would love to build a repertoire of great classical pieces but who dont have the time (or the inclination) to learn the traditional hard way.ThisClassics By Ear Serieswill teach you a NEWway to learn classical piano from the inside out.Instead of painstakingly learning complicated sheet music one note at a time by memory, you will learn how to take a piece of classical music apart bar by bar, section by section, and understand how it was all put together: from the musical form distinct sections and subsections to the underlying chord structure, visual clues, patterns and repeats.So not only do you learn how to play the pieces but you UNDERSTAND what you are playing and this makes it SO much easier to memorise and perform.No more performance fearThis really helps if you feel nervous performing in front of others. If we rely solely on muscle memory we can have a fear of forgetting our lines but if we have a deep understanding of a piece from many different angles chords, sections, patterns, repeats and memorable elements then we go beyond muscle memory until it feels as if we have written the piece ourself!And you will learn everything in a refreshingly NATURALway the way we all learn to speak or read as kids: we first LISTENto others, then we imitate them and SPEAK what we hear and ONLYthen do we attempt to READ words or sentences that we can already say. And so it makes so much more sense.Similarly withClassics By Earyou will learn to play the pieces by following the videos, keyboard diagrams or cheat sheets, and then you will find it MUCH easier to follow the sheet music because then it will all make perfect sense!No Cliched Beginners Pieces!The pieces you will be learning arent the usual cliched beginners pieces (like Fur Elise or Minuet in G). We have especially chosen pieces that sound more advanced (watch the Promo video to hear the pieces) yet they are actually deceptively EASY to play which means your audience will think that you have been playing for YEARS!The course is perfect for those people who read a little music but arent very advanced or those who play by ear but want to play some beautiful classical pieces.If you have no prior knowledge you can still follow the lessons if you are prepared to put in lots of practice, but I suggest you also study sections 1 to 5 of my mainPianoforallcourse, which will teach you basic sight-reading and chord theory. Section 2 of this course also teaches BASICSIGHTREADING in just 18 minutes! It will give you enough knowledge to follow the rest of the lessons.Like Pianoforall theseClassics By Ear courses come with exceptional and comprehensive supplementary PDF ebooks that you can print out and set on your piano or keyboard."
Price: 169.99

"Learn Android Wear Development" |
"A hands-on course to learn how to develop Android Applications for the Smart Watch. With Wear OS by Google, you can write apps that enable users to stay connected, accomplish tasks, and express themselves.Wear OS is based on Android and is optimized for the wrist. If you have developed for Android, then features such as apps, notifications, and Actions on Google may be familiar to you. In addition, Wear OS offers new development options such as watch faces.Wearable apps run directly on a watch, giving you access to hardware such as sensors and the GPU. Wearable apps are similar to other apps that use the Android SDK, but differ in design and functionality.Some of the best smartwatches run Wear OS, and there are loads of apps that add all sorts of handy capabilities. These apps do more than just bring notifications to your wrist they entertain, track your fitness and health, and help you to stay organized. Smart watches are the in-thing now after phones. They eliminate the need to carry your phone around for your various app activities. Its all there on your watch which is there on your hand all the time. A Fixed Deposit notification app is created step-by-step along the course. You will create it yourself too alongside as you learn and you can showcase it as your work!"
Price: 29.99

"Confessions of an ex procrastinator" |
"When a procrastinator procrastinates, he or she doesnt sit down and starts a rational thinking process about howto waste time. Of course not.But neither does it just kinda happen. That might be what it feels like, but underneath that feeling, theres an unconscious decision-making process going on which drives us to act a certain way in certain situations.Whether you procrastinate occasionally, or do it hardcore, this course is for you.Around 20% of the population admits to be a chronical procrastinator. 20%. Thats one out of every five individuals. And if youre reading this, chances are you are one of them.And me, I was one too. I know everything about the guilt and the shame, the hours ticking away doing something completely different than what I was supposed to do... until a couple of years ago, I was really sabotaging myself. I was hating myself for it, but it seemed stronger than myself.But today, I'm not a procrastinator anymore. What happened?To find out, youll have to enroll in this course.Ill share everything with you: my journey, my research, my findings: Everything, from surprising insights to over a dozen highly effective strategies to tackle procrastination. Well even cover the upside of procrastination. oh yes, there is one. Ill show you how you can even use procrastination to your advantage.The Science behind the course...Don't be fooled by the light tone in this fun and engaging course. It is based on the latest scientific findings in habits, self-control, willpower and temptation.To understand procrastination, we have to understand where it comes from, understand our behavior. Why we do the things we do the way we do them.The psychological model used to dive into our subconscious drivers is the result of a cross-disciplinary synthesis ranging from neuroscience over cognitive psychology to behaviorism.Im a strong advocate of uncovering the unconscious drivers behind our behavior. We like to see ourselves as rational beings, but were not. Were most definitely not. Dont get me wrong, we are capable or rational thought, but that doesnt make us rational beings. No, we are social beings, emotional beings, contextual beings, even instinctive beings, long before we could consider ourselves rational beings.My personal experienceNow what I would like to share with you, is this course about procrastination. As far as I remember, and even before that, Ive been procrastinating. So you can say I'm a subject-matter-expert. However, today, I've managed to overcome that nasty habit, and I wanted to share my experience and journey with you. This course hasbeen specially designed to appeal to procrastinators, as it is light and fun. The insights are surprising and counter-intuitive, based on break-through research from these past few years. And most importantly, the strategies to beat procrastination do work, as I have extensively used them myself.I'm really excited to have you here, and hope you'll enjoy this course as much as I did creating it.See you inside,Gregory"
Price: 99.99

"Train Your Brain: Practical Guide To Stimulate Your Neurons" |
"Through our interactions with our students, there is this one question that always comes back: How do I improve my brain.This course is our answer to that one question. Because, as much as we wouldve liked to reveal the one magical trick to significantly enhance our brain, it simply doesnt work that way.As we will see, there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims of brain games and other programs, even though they claim they do.One of my all time favourite quotes about the brain is from Emmerson Pugh, an American Scientist, who saidIf the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldnt.I guess, that says it all.So what are we going to do? What is this course all about?The two vital elements behind improving our brain are Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity. Neurogenesis is about the creation of new brain cells. And Neuroplasticity about putting those new brain cells to a good use.Now what follows is key to everything we will see in this course. You see, depending on our life style choices, we see a huge variation in the rate of neurogenesis. Were talking 3 to 5 times more new brain cells being created... or not. And again, depending on those life style choices, we will see 60 to 70% of these new brain cells die off... or not.So basically, the quality of our life has a direct influence on the quality of our brain.Some choices will boost the creation and wiring of brain cells, and other choices will drastically lower this same creation and wiring.The place where it all starts is the hippocampus. Its been known for a long time that the hippocampus is involved in forming new memories, and remembering them. Damage to the hippocampus will lead to cognitive deficits and memory problems. scientists have established this over and over again, with research into injuries and illnesses. Alzheimer for example, massively attacks the hippocampus, with the unfortunate results we know.But the hippocampus does more than that. It is one of two places in the brain where we keep growing new brain cells during our entire life. Yes, our entire adult life. It doesnt stop in our early twenties as previously thought. It just goes on, and on, and on...Now, for most people, the rate of neurogenesis decreases once they reach age 30 to 35. Sometimes, this decrease is so dramatic that by age 40 the first noticeable mental effects are already observable: Were talking memory loss, cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression, loss of vitality, and so on.But this is no fatality. Whatever our age, whatever the current state of our brain, This can change. Our brain can renew itself at any age. And depending on our lifestyle choices, we can increase that neurogenesis rate again.And thats exactly what we aim to do withthis program."
Price: 149.99

"Neuroplasticidade: Como Reconectar O Seu Crebro" |
"A neuroplasticidade a capacidade do crebro se reorganizar, formando novas conexes neurais ao longo da vida.No passado, os cientistas acreditavam que o crebro apenas criava novas conexes na infncia e na vida adulta ficaramos apenas com essas mesmas conexes. Como dizem no se ensina truque novo a cachorro velho.Mas na verdade possvel. Graas Neuroplasticidade.O crebro continua criando novos neurnios e a sua capacidade de reorganizar as suas conexes se chama neuroplasticidade. Isso significa, que no importa quem sejamos, ou quem nos tornamos, nunca tarde demais para mudar isso. Podemos aprender novas habilidades, mudar hbitos e criar novos. Podemos aprender, crescer e melhorar nossas vidas.Apesar disso, muitas pessoas parecem presas num beco sem sada. difcil quebrar hbitos. As mudanas requerem muito esforo. doloroso. E nos contentamos com uma vida mediana. A vida que sonhmos no passa de isso mesmo, um sonho, porque ns desistimos.Neste curso, quero mudar isso. Eu quero aproveitar o poder da neuroplasticidade e dar s pessoas a oportunidade de mudarem suas prprias vidas. Mais do que tudo, este curso sobre empoderamento. Sobre como nos reconectarmos com a nossa vida de sonho e fazer essa mudana.O que voc encontrar no curso: Esta pequena jia trar pesquisas avanadas sobre o crebro, desde ambientes enriquecidos at a implantao de memrias, sobre a anatomia dos hbitos. Est repleto de ferramentas concretas, para que voc possa aplicar isso imediatamente em sua vida: Mais de 30 exerccios para estimular a atividade cerebral, Um plano detalhado para formar novos hbitos ou alterar os existentes Uma abordagem passo a passo para neutralizar memrias dolorosas"
Price: 149.99

"Fundamentals of Java Programming for Text Mining and NLP" |
"This course aim to equip the reader with Java programming, Text Mining, and Natural Language Processing fundamentals in a fast and practical way. There will be many examples and explanations that are straight to the point. You will develop your own Text Mining Application at the end course.Contents1. Introduction2. Getting Started (Installing IDE, ...)3. Language Essentials I (variables, data types, ...)4. Language Essentials II (loops, if... else..., methods)5. Object Essentials (classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, ...)6. Text Mining Essentials (Import Text Files, Text Transformation (lowercase, stopwords), Text Understanding (Stanford NLP), Text Classification (Stanford Classifier) )7. Conclusion"
Price: 199.99

"Learn HTML Basics Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn HTML. You will learn HTML very fast and You will create your own website very soon after learning the course. ContentInstall HTML Text EditorHTML Document StandardsHeadingsParagraphsLine breaks, Bold, ItalicsSuperscript and SubsriptUnordered List, Ordered ListHTML TableHTMLTable 2HyperlinkAdd ImageAdd YoutubeFeedback FormsCreate Your own Website 1Create Your own Website 2Create Your own Website 3"
Price: 199.99

"Learn CSS Basics Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn CSS. You will learn CSS very fast and You will create your own website very soon after learning the course. This course build on my Learn HTMLBasics Fast Course. ContentInstall Text EditorUsing CSS (Incline, Embed, CSSFile)Selectors (tag, class, ID)Text (Font, Text Style)Content Block (border, padding, margin, ...)Position (Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed)ListsHyperlinkRolloverMenu ButtonsRearrange our Website"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Javascript Basics Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn Javascript. You will learn Javascript very fast and You will create your own calculator and form validations very soon after learning the course. You can look into our Learn HTML Basics Fast and Learn CSS Basics Fast Course. ContentInstall Text EditorHello WorldCommentsJavascript in HTMLVariablesData TypesArithmetic OperatorsComparison OperatorsLogical OperatorsAssignment OperatorsJoining of Two StringsIF ELSEStatementsSwitch StatementsWhile LoopFor LoopFunctionsDialog BoxesPut Everything Together - Create Our Own CalculatorEvents HandlingDOM BasicsForm Validations"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Bootstrap Basics Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn Bootstrap. You will learn Bootstrap very fast and You will create your own website very soon after learning the course. You can look into our Learn HTML Basics Fast, Learn CSS Basics Fast , and Learn Javascript Basics Fast Course. ContentInstall Text EditorEmbed Bootstrap in HTMLBootstrap Grid SystemBootstrap TextBootstrap TablesBootstrap FormsBootstrap ButtonsBootstrap IconsBootstrap ImageBootstrap JumbotronBootstrap AlertsBootstrap BadgesBootstrap PaginationBootstrap Navigation MenuBootstrap Navigation BarBootstrap CardsPutting Everything Together - Create Your Own Website using Bootstrap"
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentals of Plotly JS for Data Visualizations" |
"This is the bite size course to learn Plotly JS for Data Visualizations. You will learn Plotly very fast and You will create your own dashboards very soon after learning the course. This course uses HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap, and CSS. Hence, you can learn HTMLwith our Learn HTMLBasics Fast Course, learn Javascript with our Learn Javascript Basics Fast Course, learn Bootstrap with our Learn Bootstrap Basics Fast Course, and learn CSS with Learn CSSBasics Fast Course. ContentInstall Text EditorEmbed Plotly JS in HTMLPlot Our First ChartPlot ScatterplotPlot Bubble PlotPlot Line ChartsPlot Filled Area PlotsPlot Bar ChartPlot Horizontal Bar ChartPlot Pie ChartPlot HistogramPlot BoxplotCreate DashboardsCreate Dashboards Easily and Efficiently with DSTKChart Plotter"
Price: 199.99

"Create Your Calculator: Learn C Programming Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn C Programmin. You will learn C Programming very fast and You will create your own calculator very soon after learning the course. ContentGetting StartedHello World SoftwareVariables and Data TypesArithmetic OperatorsRational OperatorsLogical OperatorsSpecial OeratorsArrayArray 2StringDecision Making (IF statements)Decision Making 2 (Switch Statements)Loop (while loop, for loop, do while)Loop 2 (while loop, for loop, do while)FunctionCreate Your own CalculatorCreate Your own Calculator 2Create Your own Calculator 3"
Price: 199.99

"Create Your Calculator: Learn C# Programming Basics Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn C# Programming. You will learn C# Programming very fast and You will create your own calculator very soon after learning the course. ContentGetting StartedHello World SoftwareVariables and Data TypesData types ConversionData Types Conversion IIArithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsAssignment OperatorsArrayDecision Making I (IF statements)Decision Making 2 II (Switch Statements)Loop (while loop, for loop, do while, foreach loop)Loop 2 (while loop, for loop, do while, foreach loop)Loop 3 (while loop, for loop, do while, foreach loop)Loop 4 (while loop, for loop, do while, foreach loop)Loop 5 (while loop, for loop, do while, foreach loop)MethodsObjects and Classes IObject and Classes IICreate Your own CalculatorCreate Your own Calculator 2Create Your own Calculator 3Create Your own Calculator 3"
Price: 199.99

"Create Your Calculator: Learn Python Programming Basics Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn Python Programming. You will learn Python Programming very fast and You will create your own calculator very soon after learning the course. ContentGetting StartedHello World SoftwareVariables and Data TypesData types ConversionArithmetic OperatorsComparison OperatorsAssignment OperatorsBoolean OperatorsDecision Making I (IF statements)Loop (while loop, for loop)ListsFunctionsModulesObject and ClassesCreate Your own Calculator"
Price: 199.99

"Create Your Calculator: Learn R Programming Basics Fast" |
"This is the bite size course to learn R Programming. You will learn R Programming very fast and You will create your own calculator very soon after learning the course. You can take the course as follows, and you can take a exam at EMHAcademy to get SVBook Certified Data Miner using R certificate :- Create Your Calculator: Learn R Programming Basics Fast (R Basics)- Applied Statistics using R with Data Processing (Data Understanding and Data Preparation)- Advanced Data Visualizations using R with Data Processing (Data Understanding and Data Preparation, in future)- Machine Learning with R (Modeling and Evaluation)ContentGetting StartedHello World SoftwareVariables and Data TypesData types ConversionVectorListMatrixData FrameArithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsDecision Making I (IF statements)Loop (while loop, for loop)FunctionsCreate Your own CalculatorImport CSVDescriptive Statistics with Summary()Plot Graphs"
Price: 199.99
