"Commonly Confused English Words and Phrases" |
"Your writing can reflect your credibility as a writer, help you stand out from the crowd, and help you achieve your goals. -Created based on what you, the student, requested by popular demand: A course that clarifies commonly confused words and phrases.And I answered. Do you find specific words and phrases in the English language confusing? Do you often mix them up in your writing creating embarrassing mistakes? For example, who hasn't confused ""its"" and ""it's"" or ""whose"" and ""who's""? Do you get tired of looking up the correct usage of these words, but can never remember which is which? I know I do. That's why I created this course--to solve this problem and help your writing achieve credibility. **Instructor with almost 30,000students,sevencourses on Udemy, andhundreds of4 and 5 star reviews Master Commonly Confused Words and Phrases, Fix Your Mistakes, and Avoid the Mistake in the Future-Why another course on commonly confused words and phrases? 1. This course is unique because many courses like this will show you the difference between the commonly confused words and phrases, but they don't show you how the mistake is made. 2. This course shows the root causes of each mistake. If you want to solve a problem and to avoid it in the future, you need to know how the mistake was made to begin with. Examples in the course don't just tell you why the mistake was made, they show you through examples. 3. This course is unique because it doesn't just show you the mistake and correction. Unlike many courses like this, it shows you tips and tricks to help you avoid the mistake in the future based on the root cause of the mistake. 4. Unlike many similar classes, this course includes exercises to help you practice, apply, correct, and retain what you've learned, using the power of repetition and consistency, which learning science shows will help you retain the material. 5. Retention of the material is key. This solves the problem the causes certain words and phrases to become confused. What Students Had to Say About Other Courses I Created Because They Get Results: Here is what students in the course had to say. The proof is in the results students get and share in reviews:""Straight forward - No nonsense""""Excellent nuts and bolts for anyone interested in crafting a message that connects their audience with the intended meaning. Each section has not only video but slide examples! Thank you for building this course.""Bob Marx--Udemy Student""Clear and precise!""""This teacher has a very clear way of communicating the lessons she wants us to learn and all in all, this will be a very helpful course for my writing - no doubt! So I will, most definitely, recommend this course for any and all that would like to improve upon their writing skills. +1""Geir Rdde--Udemy Student""A course for everybody - Superbly put together!""Whojr01--Udemy Student""Amazing! Great course! . . . Very interesting structured course and a lot of tricks and tips for writers.Thank you for this opportunity to write much better!"" Elena Kostadinova--Udemy Student""Rachel: Many thanks for creating wonderful courses! I am amateur learner. I took your two courses. I found your courses useful in two ways. First, your courses provided insights ""why"" I had been writing in a particular way. Second, I got some teaching tips. I am teacher by profession. Impressed with your teaching passion. Keep creating good courses."" Dr. Ajit Kumar--Udemy Student""This is an great course, especially for a novice writer like myself. I learned so much about structure, word usage, organization, etc. The course is taught by an excellent teacher. I can't thank you enough!"" Sandra Eastman--Udemy Student""I will be a better writer as a result of this course. Thank you . . . "" David Gulp--Udemy Student""This is the perfect course for anyone who has to do any type of writing . . . it was very much worth my time."" Larry Sweet--Udemy Student What This Course Does: Commonly confused mistakes is one of the main errors I find in student writing. Errors can scare away clients, publishers, customers, and good grades. Correcting these mistakes will increase your credibility as a writer, make an impression on your audience, and increase the chances that your writing helps you achieve your goals. What can this mean for you? more salescompetitive qualityengaged readershigher visibilityincreased credibilityhigher gradespublished articles and booksachieved writing goals If you apply this fundamental, thorough, and professionally engineered class, your writing will get the attention you desire. How the Course is Set UpEach lecture applies the following outcomes:Know the difference between two or three commonly confused phrasesApply the definition and use of each wordDifferentiate why the phrases are confused using examplesCorrect the the mistakes made with these words based on examplesAvoid the mistake successfully in the future with tips and tricksPractice, apply, correct, and retain what you've learned with exercises.Sections in Lecture:DefinitionsWhy words are confused (examples)Correction and application (Examples)Tricks to remember correct formsPractice what you've learnedAs a teacher, I improve on the quality of my courses for your benefit with each new course I make.Who This Course is Specifically Designed For: ESL students, professionals, and learnersCreative writers who need to improve on the mechanics of their writingNative English speakers and writers who need a grammar refresherNative English speaker and writers who want to improve their grammarWho This Course Will NOT Benefit:I like to tell it to you straight. I don't want you to pay for this course unless it can benefit you, the learner. This course is NOT for those who have advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of English grammar. Who Can Benefit From This Course:bloggersbusiness writerspeople who write for profitjournalistscreative writersacademic writersstudentsnew writerslifetime learnerscopywritersThe course is broken down by types of words and phrases that are commonly confused for ease of access and navigation through the material. Master Commonly Confused Words and Phrases, Fix Your Mistakes, and Avoid the Mistake in the Future**Don't put off changing your writing today. Signup for this course today, andyou can startachieving writing masteryalmost immediately!*"
Price: 29.99

"How to Make Professional Online Sales Funnels" |
"Top companies use funnels to maximize profits every single day.But very few online marketers completely understand funnels, or know how touse themeffectively to drive long term sales.Optimized funnels are your SHORTCUT to automated profits and higher ROI!=> Great funnels build your list WHILE turning prospects into REPEAT buyers=> Converting leads into BRAND AMBASSADORS is your fastest path to long term profit=> Long term sales are EASILY AUTOMATED when you apply just a few simple tricksBuild YOURList Faster And Sell MORE Products To MORE Customers EffortlesslyWant fries with that shake? That simple question helped transform McDonald's from a small burger stand into one of the world's most successful fast food chains.The SAME principle applies to ANY business marketing online.We're going to walk you through the process of getting fresh leads, selling to them and turning them into REPEAT BUYERS.With a simple yet proven system that applies buyer psychology to maximize conversions at every step.Why Listen To Us?Check out what others have to say about our training:Absolutely brilliant. These guys never disappoint and always over deliver very high quality, easy to follow content. My second course in as many weeks. Im a newbie enjoying building up my knowledge and skill set to launch my business. Thank you for all you offer. - Mandy CGreat presentation by instructors. Very impressed with the way the course has been organized. Instructors come across as sincere and trustworthy. - Ellen SmartI have found the content highly informative and the add on downloadable resources invaluable. I pretty much did the course in a couple of sittings but fully intend revisiting it once I have worked through the add on resources as a refresher. Well done guys!!! - Dominus MarkhamEXACTLY How This Training Will Help You:=>Get an overview of what a converting sales funnel looks like and how to apply it to YOUR business=>Step-by-step traffic generation - free and paid - to your lead and offer pages=> Specific lead magnets that build your list (tools and downloadable samples included)=>The 6 most powerful, copy/paste content methods that generate leads on autopilot=> Exactly how to use upsells, cross-sells and premium offers to increase your ROI=> Powerful email marketing strategies that convert new leads into buyers and maximize long term profits=>The power of retargeting and how to use it to maximize both sales and lead generationIn Short?Youre getting our time-tested strategies for lead generation and maximizing sales from EVERY person that hits your funnel.Youll see how to turn cold traffic into warm, then into hot.See how to get 1-time buyers to invest in premium products.And turn completely cold traffic into AMBASSADORS of your brand that refer your business to others.What Makes This Course Unique?Youll come out with a COMPLETE understanding of converting sales funnels so you can apply these methods to ANY business model.Youll see specific, proven-to-convert traffic strategies, both free and paid.And will understand EXACTLY what types of products/offers to promote to your subscribers and how to create or source them.Bottom line? Lead generation for long term profit and MAXIMIZING value per subscriber is waiting for you inside.You'll also have ongoing access to a TEAM of 3 in-the-trenches marketers that are using these same methods every single day. We're here 24/7 to answer any questions you have so you can maximize YOUR results."
Price: 29.99

"Aprende Adobe Illustrator desde cero" |
"Qu aprenders en este curso?Comprendersel espacio de trabajo de Adobe Illustrator.Cmo?Identificandolos diferentes grupos de herramientas y panelesAprendiendo para qu sirven las herramientas y cmo trabajar con panelesAprendiendo a cambiar la visualizacin de un documentoAprendiendo a desplazarteentre mesas de trabajoAprendiendo a guardar ubicaciones de los paneles y las preferencias de visibilidadPodrs:Utilizar con fluidez Adobe Illustrator.Crear tus propias ilustraciones y elementos grficos profesionalesCmo?Aprendiendo autilizar correctamente las herramientas y panelesA seleccionar y alinear objetosA Crear y editar formasAprendiendo a transformarobjetosA dibujar, colorear y pintarA trabajar con textoA trabajar con capasA trabajar con pincelesPara qu te servir?Para crear logotipos profesionalesCmo lo hars?Comprendiendola Psicologa del colorSabiendoelegir los colores para una marca y fundamentar la eleccinComprendiendoqu es un imagotipo y cmo crearloEntendiendola diferencia con un isotipoY qu mas?Sabrs cmo crear grficas publicitarias y elementos para RRSSCmo crear tarjetas de visitaCmo?Aprendiendo atrabajar con texto e imgenesA trabajar con configuraciones para impresin o webA trabajar con medidas predeterminadas y personalizadas"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create iOS 2D Games with SpriteKit and Swift 4" |
"Five of the top ten highest grossing apps on the iOS App Store are games. If you ever had an idea for an amazing game but didnt know how to create it, then this course is for you. Apple provides great game frameworks for every developer. One of these frameworks for 2D games is SpriteKit.This course is going to take you through the process of creating a 2D arcade game step-by-step. Not only will you have finished a complete game project after taking this course, you will also get profound theoretical knowledge about the SpriteKit Framework and many of its important classes.I am Brian Advent and I am running one of the largest youtube channels on iOS development. I am also organising the annual Swift Tutorial Conference and with my 17 years of development experience I am offering you a course with a great combination of theory and practice.A Real World ProjectThis course is centred around a real world arcade game called Color Trek. You can download it on the App Store for free and you will create this game from start to finish in this course. In that process you will put all the theory that you are going to learn into practice right away.How and what you are going to learnSpriteKit is a huge framework, which is why you are going to start your journey with an overview about the most important classes that you are going to encounter.You will then create your first game world and your first animations to familiarise yourself with the tools provided by Apple.After these first steps you are going to start creating a real game from start to finish, starting with the project setup, the integration of game assets and the creation of the main game scene.Among other things you are then going to learn both theory and practice about:touch gesture detectionobject movement and animationhow to create animations and how to use particle emitters for animationsgame physics and collisionshow to use the power of randomIf you have never created a game before, then you will also enjoy my detailed explanations on collision detection, which is one of the most important aspects of 2D game development.I designed this Swift course to be easily understandable for any iOS Developer who has a beginner or intermediate knowledge about the Swift programming language and the Xcode IDE.This course comes with extensive exercise files (code files and assets) for every video, with a begin and end state of all projects. You'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 179.99

"From Sketch Design to iOS App with Swift and Xcode" |
"This course is going to guide you through the complete process of designing a cool iOS app and then also build it from start to finish. If you want to create apps that stand out you need the ability to translate a great user interface design from its concept stage as wireframes, mockups or interactive prototypes into a fully functional app. Among other things you will learn:The fundamental iOS design principlesBasics of designing and prototyping in SketchHow to design an app and then create it from start to finishHow to customize UIKit components like buttons, collection views or the navigation barHow to work with custom views and xib filesHow to create awesome transition animations: implementing a custom and animated view controller transition from a collection view cell to a new view controllerHow to create simple animationsBecome a more skilled developerThis course is suitable for you if you have already made your first experiences in building apps using Xcode and Swift. You wont have to be an expert developer or an experienced designer. You will however learn a lot of useful tricks and techniques that will also broaden your general knowledge around the processes of designing and developing iOS apps with the powerful tools Sketch, Xcode and the Swift programming language.Our RoadmapBefore writing our first line of code we are going to have a look at fundamental iOS design principles followed by a quick introduction into Sketch. Sketch is a powerful tool for designing and prototyping and after completing this course you will be able to design your own application with it. Before building a complete iOS app, we are going to make a solid development plan starting with an app idea, the design of several mockups followed by a the creation of a simple prototype. Not until then are we going to launch Xcode.In the actual development part of this course you are going to setup the user interface in Interface Builder, work with a modern data model, customize different UIKit components, and even create an awesome custom animated transition between two view controllers. For more detailed information about the content of this course have a look at the curriculum and the free videos. You get this course complete with all the necessary project files, so that youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept. In addition you will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 179.99

"Transform Your Resume and Get Hired for the Perfect Job" |
"In todays job market, it is essential that you know how to convey your skills in the right way so that you can attract suitable professional opportunities. In this course, you will learn how to build a resume and cover letter that will appeal to prospective employers when applying for career opportunities. By taking the course, you will gain new skills and learn important techniques that will allow you to navigate the job search process with ease and confidence. By the time you finish course, you should possess the ability to complete the following tasks: Create a resume and a cover letter that will impress employers Utilize effective interview skills that will guarantee success during your interviews Show employers why you are the right candidate for the job Land that perfect job With the right resume, cover letter, and interview skills, you should be able to take control of your career and find the perfect job that allows you to reach your career goals and find professional fulfillment."
Price: 19.99

"Crowdfunding per blog, podcast e canali YouTube con Patreon" |
"C' una cosa che non si dice molto in giro: il migliormodo per finanziare un progetto digitale, dal blog al canale YouTube passando per il podcast, non la pubblicit.Per guadagnare 1 con la pubblicit ti servono 1000 visualizzazioni del tuo contenuto, mentre ti basta convincere 1 persona ad offrirti l'equivalente di un caff. Molte persone, se si uniscono e credono nel tuo progetto, pur finanziandoti con pochi euro l'una, possono permetterti di raccogliere grandi cifre.Si chiama Crowdfunding: chiedere poco a molti. E' un punto di svolta in un progetto digitale perch ti permette non solo di monetizzare il tuo lavoro, ma anche di coinvolgere le persone e fare community.In questo corso ti spiegher come ho raccolto pi di $ 30.000 con la mia prima campagna di crowdfunding per finanziare il mio podcast Strategia Digitale (http://strategiadigitale.info )Parleremo in particolare di:Cos' il crowdfunding e come funzionaQuali tipi di crowdfunding esistonoCome scegliere la piattaforma di crowdfundingCome fare crowdfunding se pubblichi contenuti onlineE poi andremo nel dettaglio su come creare una campagna di crowdfunding sulla piattaforma Patreon:Pubblicare contenuti riservati ai finanziatoriCreare ricompense e premi per i finanziatori in modo efficaceCome funzionano i pagamenti e gli aspetti fiscaliQuali sono gli errori da evitare nel creare la tua prima campagnaCome creare una campagna di crowdfunding di successo per il tuo blog, podcast o progetto video."
Price: 99.99

"Fare Podcasting: Creare un Podcast e Fare Content Marketing" |
"Con questo corso imparerai come creare un podcast da zero, attingendo ai suggerimenti, agli strumenti e alle strategie che ho raccolto in anni di attivit con il mio podcast ""Strategia Digitale"". Se poi vuoi utilizzare il tuo podcast come strumento di marketing per fare personal branding e content marketing, potrai scoprire come creare una vera e propria strategia di business con i podcast.*** AGGIORNAMENTO DI APRILE 2018 ***- Sezione 3 / Lezione 6: aggiunti link diretti ai microfoni consigliati."
Price: 149.99

"Spanish For English Speakers!" |
"If you are like me, you have little to no patience when it comes to learning a language. It's true that you need to know a lot of grammar before you can speak the language. Or is it? At the end of this course you'll be able to create your own sentences and say almost whatever you want in Spanish. Yes, you will make mistakes and yes, there will be things you won't know how to say. This is not a Matrix-like computer chip you can implant in your mind, but it IS a course designed to give you the tools to handle your learning yourself and learn as you go instead of giving up to frustration and boredom.After you've finished the course, you are entitled to a 30-minute LIVE VIDEOCONFERENCE with me to get the chance to chat with a native speaker and practice all the methods you've learned."
Price: 19.99

"Redes para Iniciantes (sem suporte)" |
"Este curso apresenta conceitos bsicos de redes de computadores iniciantes no tema, com simulaes visuais atravs do Packet Tracer 7. Por tanto, este curso no visa esgotar os temas abordados, mas apresent-los de modo a preparar o aluno para a resoluo de problemas e configuraes comuns em redes domsticas e corporativas: abrangendo empresas de pequeno e mdio porte.Ao final disponibilizo um MDULO BNUS que demonstra uma ideia bsica acerca do RouterOS (sistema da Mikrotik), de modo a lhe possibilitar aplicar os conceitos em um equipamento cujo custo/benefcio enorme.*Ateno: este curso no possui suporte do instrutor, apenas da comunidade de alunos participantes. Para acesso completo do contedo e suporte do instrutor necessrio adquirir o curso privado fornecido pelo instrutor."
Price: 39.99

"Redes OSPF com Cisco (sem suporte)" |
"Este curso visa cobrir a configurao, manuteno e troubleshooting do protocolo de roteamento OSPF. Toda a configurao realizada sob o IOS (da Cisco), contudo os conceitos tericos so vlidos para todos os fabricantes.Curso sem script, onde montada toda a topologia durante o curso, e resolvidos todos os incidentes que surgem durante a configurao facilitando assim a reproduo de toda a prtica em laboratrios do aluno.Curso mais que recomendado para aqueles que anseiam por uma certificao Cisco (CCNA ou CCNP RS), j que este um protocolo chave cobrado em ambos os exames. Alm de tambm ser objeto de estudo de outras certificaes como MCSE e Network +.*Ateno: este curso no possui suporte do instrutor, apenas da comunidade de alunos participantes. Para acesso completo do contedo e suporte do instrutor necessrio adquirir o curso privado fornecido pelo instrutor."
Price: 39.99

"Redes BGP (sem suporte)" |
"Ser apresentando ao aluno o funcionamento da Internet, e sua governana, atravs do ponto de vista de Provedores de Servio de Internet (ISP) e de cenrios corporativos (redes campus), fazendo uma abordagem completa acerca do Protocolo BGP.O BGP o protocolo que de fato faz a interconexo entre os AS's possibilitando o funcionamento de fato da Internet como a conhecemos, nisto percebemos sua complexidade, pois o que voc configura nele realmente ser anunciado para todo o mundo. Este , por sinal, a maior diferena entre o BGP (protocolo EGP) e todos os demais protocolos de roteamento do tipo IGP, suas aes implicam no roteamento de toda a Internet.A grande diferena aqui que o BGP lhe possibilita ter total controle da sua rede e influncia trfego de Upstream e Downstream, dando a voc maior controle do que entra na sua rede e como entra, isso tudo atravs de seus atributos, Policy's, Filtros e diversos tipos de manipulaes de rotas disponveis no BGP.Atravs de uma topologia que construda no decorrer do curso o aluno poder ter total controle do que est acontecendo e como de fato poder aplicar em produo os conhecimentos adquiridos no decorrer do curso, com poucas horas de estudo. O curso foi elaborado sem roteiro o que fornece ao aluno uma experincia nica de imprevisibilidade da rede possibilitando troubleshooting em tempo real, que de fato como ocorrer quando estiver aplicando o conhecimento.Cansado de cursos que s abordam os mesmos conceitos de BGP? Este o curso ideal para voc e caso no goste do curso poder pedir seu reembolso em at 30 dias. Est esperando o qu?*Ateno: este curso no possui suporte do instrutor, apenas da comunidade de alunos participantes. Para acesso completo do contedo e suporte do instrutor necessrio adquirir o curso privado fornecido pelo instrutor."
Price: 39.99

"WordPress Landing Page Design (from Basic To Advanced)" |
"This course is specially designed by KC Tan who is a WordPress Instructor for the past 8 years. An effective landing page can help to build your subscribers list and also sell your products. If you do not want to invest money in monthly subscription software like leadpages or instapages, then WordPress is the ideal solution for you to design your landing page!The highlights of this course covers:- What you must have on an effective landing page.- Which WordPress plugin to use for landing page design.- How to craft an effective headline.- How to create powerful call to actions!- Step by step to create your first basic landing page using wordpress.- Step by step to create your first advanced landing page using wordpress.- Learn what are the top three channels to drive traffic to your new landing page!ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING!This course will be regularly updated with fresh content to bring you the most up-to-date knowledge and information.Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive all future updates and new content additionsautomatically atno extra cost.Yes! You get lifetime updates and it's free.That's lots of real money saved!If you are ready, just click on the ""Add to Cart/Buy Now"" button on this page and Iwill see you inside!"
Price: 194.99

"Amazon Affiliate Marketing Using Authority Site (Beginners)" |
"This course is specially designed by KC Tan who has been a Amazon Affiliate for thepast 10+years.If you are looking or exploring how to generate an income using the Amazon Associate Program, then this courseis ideal for you to start!The highlights of this course covers:- Mistakes to avoid when selecting and promoting Amazon products!- How to identify a niche that you can promote!- How to analyze if a niche is profitable before you create the website!- Getting an authority domain name to accelerate your organicrankings!- How to create a simple buy yet effective website for affiliate marketing!- What are the types of content you must create to attract visitors!- Where to outsource if you do not want to write the content yourself!- How to optimize your website for search engine rankings!ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING!This course will be regularly updated with fresh content to bring you the most up-to-date knowledge and information.Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive all future updates and new content additionsautomatically atno extra cost.Yes! You get lifetime updates and it's free.That's lots of real money saved!If you are ready, just click on the ""Add to Cart/Buy Now"" button on this page and Iwill see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Make it Stick - How To Learn Effectively" |
"Do you encounter the following challenges when it comes to learning?- Signing up too many courses and not knowing which one to start?- Not knowing which skills to pursue next?- Unsure who to learn from?- Having difficulty practicing what you learn?- Having difficulty remembering what you learn in classrooms or online learning?- Always get distracted by the latest trends or shiny objects?Then this course will help you overcome all the challenges above!This short but effective course is specially designed by KC Tan, who self-taught all the skills he has now. From developing websites, starting online businesses to getting clients in the local market, he has learned the required skills either though books, online learning or peer to peer platforms like forums. Now you can also apply what he knows and improve your learning ability and most importantly, able to apply in your life especially in your work and career!The highlights of this course includes:- Understand what 'Learning' really means based on the ancient Chinese characters. - Master a timeless concept when it comes to learning!- Understand why many people hate learning and reverse that behavior!- Steps to identify what skill you need to learn next!- Knowing who to learn from .- Key factors that will affect your learning and how to improve them!- Learn how to create an environment that will make your learning stick!- Avoid the 5 common pitfalls when it comes to learning!KC has specially designed this course to be very short so that you are able to get through it quickly and apply what are the most essentials. He always supports his learners by answering questions daily in the discussion area personally so you are guaranteed to have your doubts answered!Sign up this course now and start to make every learning counts starting today!"
Price: 99.99

"Resume Writing/ Branding Tips, Tricks To Hunt Your Dream Job" |
"THIS COURSEWILL HELP YOU:Understand The HR mindset when reviewing a resume to convince him with your qualificationsPresent your qualifications in a great and convincing wayWrite an outstanding resume that will get you noticed by HR & Hiring managers-Be aware of the best structure and content of a strong resumeFeel confident & Special about yourself when applying for a jobImpress HR & Hiring ManagersGet More Interview invitationsWHY YOU SHOULD TAKETHIS COURSE?If you are tired of sending your resume without getting any response or Interview invitationsIf you don't feel confident about your resumedon't know how to show and write your qualifications rightCan't handle your employment gaps, short work period, career shifting in resumeIf you don't know how to get HR attention and convince him"
Price: 49.99

"Text Neck Pain Relief Stretches and Exercises" |
"New lectures added December, 2019!_____________________________________________________________________REVIEWS FROM STUDENTSHuge thanks! I've had pretty obstructive nerve pain from neck to hand; writing weakness, frozen shoulder etc. Deservingly maybe with a tendency for bathtub neck before bed, and a career as a developer. Nice to have something I can confidently say addresses the problem and looking forward (not too forward) to using this daily. Bhavish Daswani""Paula has done a better job of explaining and demonstrating posture than many chiropractors I know. Keep up the good work."" Cathy HowardThis is an excellent course for people with forward head posture and neck tension. The exercises are thorough, clearly explained and demonstrated, and the advice is outstanding. The exercises can be done at home and really do target the problems. I've been a professional massage practitioner for 20 years, with plenty of clients with tight, sore necks. This is the first time I've encountered specific, actionable advice about sleeping positions, using a stand-up desk and selecting a pillow and an excellent series of exercises to help clients improve not just their necks, but also their upper body posture. The exercises include chin tucks, exercises to regain the natural curve of the neck, and using a Theraband and towel to perform at-home neck traction. At the end of the course, there's also a link for a free look at Paula's Posturecize Crash Course. Kitzie McKinney""The course is clear and simple to follow. It's really made me aware of how bad for my posture it is when I lean over my mobile phone. I'm going to be more careful about how I use my phone in future. Thanks Paula. Great job."" Rachel Papworth""I've been aware of this exercise before, but never had it demonstrated as clearly as in this presentation."" Genevieve Morley __________________________________________________________________________________So very briefly, this course is for any of you who spend prolonged periods of time using mobile devices cell phone, ipad, computer, even books and reading. Anything that encourages forward head posture and the chronic muscular activity associated with that posture. If youve taken any of my courses, youll notice this course is more exercise focused and much less theory and science. The reason is that Text Neck is pretty straight forward. Prolonged use of mobile devices causes forward head posture that overworks muscles, joints and spinal discs leading to chronic head and neck pain, headaches, shoulder tension, upper back pain and some studies suggest even suggest asthma, anxiety and depression!In this course you will learn how to prevent Text Neck quickly and spend most of the time learning some pretty cool new exercises to help you alleviate the signs and symptoms of text neck. The exercises dont need to be done in the order they appear, although the order Ive suggested is ideal. And you dont have to do all the exercises every day. Pick and choose the ones you love, but do at least one exercise every day. I encourage you to reach out when you have questions or just want to share your wins!Mostly, I want you to have fun with the exercises, while you regain some posture confidence as you reconnect with your body, and feel the benefits of practicing good alignment. I invite you to join me now go ahead and click on the red button that says: ADD TO CART. Thank you and I really look forward to seeing you inside the course.Your posture doc,Paula Moore "
Price: 64.99

"Foward Head Posture Exercises to Improve Appearance & Health" |
"Course Update: New LectureS Added December, 2019________________________________________What Students are Staying:Thank you for the course and insights. I've been doing some of your exercises for a couple of days and I can already notice a difference in my shoulder and upper back stiffness. I'm going to continue with the exercises and add more as I go along. I'm determined to correct my FHP as well as improve my overall posture and you have laid the foundation for change. Jessica PretoriusDr. Paula Moore is very knowledgeable in this subject. She also is great about answering your questions in a timely manner. Laura Alvarez The course gave valuable information about head forward posture and exercises to help over come this . I enjoyed the friendly way the information was presented. Dale WalkerThis video was very insightful to me as my chiropractor hadn't explained anything regarding how to correct forward neck. I will use the things I learned to improve my posture. Dana SimpsonAn excellent course - highly recommended. Fred Motyl""I've been looking for this information for years!!! I've spoken to health care professionals but none have given this condition any real attention. I'm relieved to have found it now at 30yrs old hoping that i reverse the FHP and in doing so give myself better health as I age."" Anaiya Cooper""This video was very insightful to me as my chiropractor hadn't explained anything regarding how to correct forward neck. I will use the things I learned to improve my posture."" Dana Simpson________________________________________COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course, by renowned Chiropractor, Posture Doctor and online educator, Dr Paula Moore, will guide you through the healing journey of forward head posture. Youll discover the unique cause of forward head posture and recognize the signs and symptoms that pair with that cause, the available treatments for you - including specific mirror-image exercises, habit changes and whether or not any further medical investigations are necessary - AND, how long it is likely to take to improve or correct your forward head posture and finally, how best to maintain it once it's corrected!As you progress through the course, you will begin to understand why there is no quick fix for forward head posture; and that creating a healthy new posture habit can rewire your brain, and help your body maintain its ideal alignment over time. In other words, youll develop an understanding youve never had before and that lightbulb moment of ah-ha will finally set your mind at ease; because you dont have to hide your body in shame any longer you have begun your healing journey and you trust your body to heal; perhaps for the first time in a very long time. THERE IS MORE TO FORWARD HEAD POSTURE THAN A QUICK-FIX YOUTUBE VIDEO! Learn which of the 3 specific causes lead to your forward head posture. Change the habits, practice the exercise and investigate the recommended treatment options. Finally understand the realistic length of time it is going to take to get results. DR PAULA MOORE CREATED THIS COURSE TO TEACH YOU ABOUT YOUR BODY ON A DEEPER LEVEL! Youll begin with foundation lessons in forward head posture. As you learn about the structure of your spine, youll breathe a sigh of relief, understanding perhaps for the first time why youve been struggling to improve your appearance, and that there really is a way to correct this problem, that has frustrated you for years and maybe even decades. Once you learn what caused your forward head posture (and it may not be what you think it is) to harmonize science, movement, and awareness, youll have a realistic plan of action for your forward head posture. This will lead to confidence and an ability to chose the next practical step forward in your healing journey. CONTENTS & OVERVIEW Youll begin with foundational lessons in forward head posture. As you learn about the structure of your spine, youll breathe a sigh of relief, understanding perhaps for the first time why youve been struggling to improve your appearance, and that there really is a way to correct this problem, that has frustrated you for years and maybe even decades. Youll begin to think about your own activities of daily living (sleep positions, car set-up, work ergonomics etc.) and put some healthy changes immediately into place. When ready, youll move onto lessons about mirror-image exercises and find out if you are a candidate for further medical investigation (x-rays and/or in-clinic procedures - such as traction - to restore damaged neck curves). By the time you complete this course, youll have a thorough understanding of the connection between forward head posture and the impact that your head and neck posture has upon your over health and well-being.I invite you now to join me go ahead and click on the red button that says: ADD TO CART. Thank you and I really look forward to seeing you inside the course!Your posture doc,Paula Moore "
Price: 64.99

"The Perfect Workplace Harmony" |
"Have you ever wondered why your work environment is so unpleasant?Have you ever wished that you looked forward to going to work instead of dreading it?People believe that some type of workplace friction will always exist.However, I'm here to tell you that this is REALLY not the caseFrom my experience - I left my workplace several times because I like to travel, but I kept going back just because of the amazing team environment that was there the moment I came back.WHY?Simply because of the team environment.That's how much I value the environment and the people at my work.At this point, I want to explain something to you.Let me run you through these 3 importantsecrets briefly..What you know about the way an office is run is wrong - there is a totally new way to do itYou don't have to be the most outspoken person to lead your office workmates into a harmonic situationOther people want someone to be the leader - they want you to show them what a perfect workplace looks likeLet me ask you a questionEvery month, money replenishes, right? But this is the key - time does NOT replenish. It disappears. So you could go out and spend months or years of your valuable time to figure something out - but you will never get that time back. Instead you can save that time and effort, because Ive already spent it for you, and work directly with me instead. It will cost you money to get started but that money will come back, whereas the time away from your loved one, trying to figure things out in trial and error is wasted effort and gone forever.With that said, what is the course about?DISCRIMINATIONHow to prevent discrimination in the workplaceHow to prove discrimination in the workplaceLEADERSHIPHow to be a leader in the workplaceHow to deal with overly competitive colleaguesHow to develop positive work relationshipsHow to motivate your employeesNEGATIVES AT THE WORKPLACEHow to deal with office gossipHow to manage workplace stressHow to reduce accident in the workplaceHow to deal with workplace bullying and harassmentHow to deal with a boss showing favoritismSo what do you get?You get video lectures dealing with all of the above topics, going into details and offering you the practical tips to deal with situations without the hassle associated with each of them. The course will also show you how to amplify the good points and making them work in your favour so work can be a place that you look forward to going to. Sounds great, right?You are also protected by my unconditional30 day money back guarantee, where you'll get your money back if you decide this course isn't for you. You can usethis guarantee anytime during the first 30 days, and we'll still remain friends after, so no pressure atall.The way I see it, youve got 2 choices. Your first option is to do nothing and not take this leap of faith (which is 100% risk free).Your second option is to pony up this tiny investment today (compared to all the value youll get in return) and just give it a shot. See if itll work for you. If it doesnt - for whatever reason - you get your money back. Theres no risk. You have nothing to lose but the stress and the headaches.Click on the button to get started!"
Price: 99.99

"How To Land The Jobs Of Your Dreams" |
"Have you ever wondered why you haven't managed to land the job of your dreams?Have you ever REALLY wished that employers would call you back after an interview and given you the job?People believe that an interview will always be an uncomfortable situation for the person who is out there, bearing his soul to the interviewer.However, I'm here to tell you that this is REALLY not the caseFrom my experience -I've had my share of bad interviews but once I found the formula of what works in an interview situation, I've never had to worry about performing badly in an interview, ever again.WHY?Simply because of the the simplicity of it all.That's how much I value the secrets that I'm going to share with you inside this course.At this point, I want to explain something to you.Let me run you through these 3 importantsecrets briefly..What you know about the way an interview is run is wrong - there is much more happening before the actual interview than meets the eyeYou don't have to be the most outspoken person to lead your interviewer to the conclusion that you're the best candidate for the jobAfter you leave the interview, the situation is not out of your control - you can still influence what happens with your job application and if you are accepted for the job or not.Let me ask you a questionEvery month, money replenishes, right? But this is the key - time does NOT replenish. It disappears. So you could go out and spend months or years of your valuable time to figure something out - but you will never get that time back. Instead you can save that time and effort, because Ive already spent it for you, and work directly with me instead. It will cost you money to get started but that money will come back, whereas the time away from your loved one, trying to figure things out in trial and error is wasted effort and gone forever.With that said, what is the course about?Section 1: Before the InterviewHow to cancel a job interviewHow to ask for a job interviewHow to prepare for a job interviewHow to research the company before your job interviewSection 2: Dressing for an interviewHow to dress to impress at your interviewSection 3: The Interview - The GoodHow to introduce yourself at a job interviewHow to sell yourself in any job interviewHow to impress an interviewerHow to succeed in a job interviewHow to communicate effectively in a job interviewHow to act at a job interviewSection4: The Interview - The BadHow to limit your mistakes during a job interviewSection 5: OverviewHow to have a good job interviewSo what do you get?You get video lectures dealing with all of the above topics, going into details and offering you the practical tips to deal with situations without the hassle associated with each of them. The course will also show you how to amplify the good points and making them work in your favour so work can be an interview is something that you look forward to going to. Sounds great, right?You are also protected by my unconditional30 day money back guarantee, where you'll get your money back if you decide this course isn't for you. You can usethis guarantee anytime during the first 30 days, and we'll still remain friends after, so no pressure atall.The way I see it, youve got 2 choices. Your first option is to do nothing and not take this leap of faith (which is 100% risk free).Your second option is to pony up this tiny investment today (compared to all the value youll get in return) and just give it a shot. See if itll work for you. If it doesnt - for whatever reason - you get your money back. Theres no risk. You have nothing to lose but the stress and the headaches.Click on the button to get started!"
Price: 79.99

"Improving Your Health Beyond Your Current Expectations" |
"This course teaches youhow to be the best version of yourself when it comes to your health. Using the tips and tricks found in this course, you'll be able to have a body and mind that are in optimal condition, no matter what your age is.You'll also be able to react to negative things that are happening to you now and change the direction you're headed in before things get worse. You will also know how to limit the future problems that might arise unless you take action.Interested inhaving better health? Read on!As a person that likes to be in optimal conditions, I've triedmany methods and techniques throughout the yearsand now I can say that I know what works and what doesn't.What will get you results and what will simply leave you spinning your wheels without knowing what to do.In this course, I will give you the answers that you've been looking for when it comes to better health sothat you can avoid the pitfalls and frustrations that we all go through.This course is divided in a number of section, with multiple videos in each section.The course is presented in easy to understand terminology and allows youto take their knowledge of health to the next level.To watch the course videos, you will need roughly around two hours.If you believe that you are ready to take your healthto the next level, then this is the course for you. The content covered in the videos will ensure that you are able to go to the next level with your current health (mental, physical, sexual and other areas)and improve in the areas where you are lacking.If you're apassionateperson when it comes to your healththis is thecourse for you.Click the ""Start Learning"" button to get started.I'll speak to you on the inside.Kevin"
Price: 94.99

"Conflict Management with Emotional Intelligence" |
"Conflict and disagreements are a natural part of everyday life as there is not enough of what everyone wants to go around. Conflict occurs over money, goods, services, power, possessions, time, and much more.If something exists and more than one person wants or needs it, there is a potential for conflict to occur.Conflict occurs all the time - at home, at work, between individuals, in teams, in groups, in tribes and between nations. Where there are people, there is conflict. Some disagreement and conflict is inevitable as this where learning, creativity, and understanding occurs. It is not that conflict occurs that is the issue, it is how it is managed. This course is about proactively working together with others in ways that will help you to communicate more efficiently as you work with them to understand and work with differences that lead to conflict. In addition, the skills, processes and tools taught in this course can bring value to other aspects of your life.Negotiating and resolving conflict requires good use of emotional intelligence - your ability to balance your emotional needs with your thinking. Managing conflict involves using skills such as rapport, empathy and listening.Conflict modes and styles are reviewed looking at the strengths and liabilities of each. You get the chance to complete a questionnaire that will give you an insight to the mode / style that you prefer to use in conflict situations. Completing this practical activity will enable you to identify ways to reframe and defuse conflict, creating more productive outcomes and results.The course, also, covers flexibility and how you use behavioural preferences around working with time. Your flexibility and adaptability underpins how you work with change and can have a profound impact on others that could lead to conflict. This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding how to manage, work with and resolve conflict. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.You'll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.The course is made up of a series of lectures and contains comprehensive course notes. There are a series of interactive exercises that involve some activity with other people and some reflection.The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training. It forms part of our advanced emotional intelligence course endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the exercises that make up a fundamental part of the course. Conflict cannot be managed just by watching the video lectures. It requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.There are SEVEN practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you understand conflict management and how you can improve in working with conflict. All of them require you to engage with your team and do some work outside of the course.This course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - September 2020. "
Price: 179.99

"Stress Management: Guide to Emotional Resilience in Business" |
"This course is based upon the book ""The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience: Strategies to Manage Stress and Weather Storms in the Workplace"" by Robin Hills (ISBN: 1909116599).The Authority Guides is a series of pocket-sized books offering highly practical and accessible guidance on a wide variety of business matters. They are published by independent business publisher SRA Books under the imprint The Authority Guides.How do the challenges inside and outside of work impact upon your emotions and your resilience?The emotional resilience of those involved in a business will contribute significantly to the organisation's success. Almost all of us work in a business environment that is constantly changing, is intense and is unrelenting.With so many challenges and changes to deal with in both life and the workplace, its vital to understand how emotions relate to unfamiliar and unpredictable situations and to how they contribute to resilience. Understand more about the role of emotions in stress management. Learn how to develop your emotional resilience and use this skill at work. Find out how you can develop resilience within the hearts and minds of your team and your organisation.By completing this course, you will be able toDiscover how you use your emotions to develop your capability to manage your resilienceDetermine ways to cope with the emotions associated with change and unfamiliar or unpredictable circumstancesRecognise how realistic optimism helps you to manage stress more effectivelyExplore action strategies to develop your personal resilience and the resilience of othersOutline how to develop resilience in others at a personal, team, and organisational levelHow to manage stress and weather storms in the workplace with good emotional awareness.By completing the practical activity that gets you to assess your resilience, you are going to get insights into how you view your resilience and how others view your resilience.You can use this information to evaluate methods to improve the ways that you use your emotions and how they impact upon your resilience. ResourcesShort, sharp, snappy lectures covering all aspects of resilience in businessPractical activities that encourage you to explore your resilience and the impact that this has on you and on other peopleQuizzes to test your knowledge and learningA series of resource cards to download and keepEmotional resilience can mean managing the emotions that you experience or managing the emotions of those around you. This course will help you change the way you think about yourself and the way you approach potentially challenging situations.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update: August 2020"
Price: 179.99

"Understanding Personality Types at Work" |
"Different isnt necessarily difficult. We encounter different types of people every day. Everyone is unique. However, broadly speaking everyone can be categorised into different types according to their preferences and how they use them. This short course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding about different personality types. It will give you insights to your own preferences and how these build into your personality type. Understanding preferences and how they are expressed will help you to appreciate differences, work with these and communicate better with others. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.The course covers the Jungian Theory of Personality Types looking at how you prefer to get your energy (Extraversion / Introversion), how you take in information (Sensing / Intuition), and how you process information (Thinking / Feeling). Jung's work was further developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers to add a further dimension to look at how you choose to live your life (Judging / Perception). What you will learn:The four preference scales defined by Jung and Myers / BriggsUnderstanding personality and personality typesHow you can work better with people who have different preferences to yoursYou will become aware of the dynamics and patterns natural to each person's way of seeing, thinking, feeling and responding to the world. Every personality type has its own specific way of communicating. Through this course you will expand your understanding of personality and communication to build up better relationships with your team, your manager, your clients - in fact, anyone with whom your regularly interact with. You will learn how to build trust, establish rapport, and work comfortably and productively with any personality type.Within the course, you have the chance to complete a questionnaire focused on determining your preferences. Completing this practical activity will enable you to gain some insights into your Type. As you progress through the course, you are able to check how clear you are with each preference to give you a deeper understanding of your own type.Every person taking and completing the course has the opportunity to receive a detailed report based on their Self-Assessed Type giving insights into their strengths and liabilities as well as how they communicate, work in teams and respond to stress. This course will, also, be of interest to you if you have completed a Personality Type assessment in the past and would like a refresher. You may have discovered your Type through a work-based training programme, by completing a questionnaire or through general interest. Your Personality Type consists of four letters. It all made sense at the time, but you have forgotten what it all means and how relevant it can be to how you engage with other people.This course will, also, be of interest to you if you lead or manage a team and are looking at ways to build understanding and develop relationships leading to more rewarding interactions and high performance. It will give you an understanding of the relevance of Type and how it can be put to work. AssignmentBy completing the course, you will be able to identify your Personality Type and the strengths associated with your Type. The assignment gives you the chance to reflect upon these to gain further insights. Recently, there has been a cluster of people leaving low ratings without comments. This has severely impacted the course. Despite recent updates and improvements to the course these ratings continue. I have been trying to communicate with learners who rate the course in this way with requests for information that will help me to improve the course and offers of help in understanding the material (including the offer of the detailed report). Unfortunately, I hear nothing further from them. Interestingly, Type can explain why people leave low ratings without comments. This behaviour is discussed within the course.The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - August 2020"
Price: 124.99

"Collaboration and Emotional Intelligence" |
"Collaboration frequently occurs in the workplace where people come together to cooperate and work on a strategic project in order that they can accomplish a common goal. It is simply teamwork taken to a higher level and has become a more productive way of doing things.Most often collaboration happens within fairly small teams - functional teams, time-limited project teams or cross-functional management teams.In effective collaboration, all people involved use their emotional intelligence well to balance emotional needs with their thinking, build authentic relationships and make good quality decisions on behalf of the organisation. Whether working with others one-to-one, in small groups or large teams, there is exemplary communication with empathy that engages hearts and minds. This occurs at all levels of the organisation.This course is about collaborating with others in ways that will help you to communicate more efficiently as you work to understand and work with differences that lead to effective collaboration. In addition, the skills, processes and tools taught in this course can bring value to other aspects of your life.The course covers all aspects of collaborative working focusing on win-win collaboration where everyone benefits. The characteristics, principles and modes of collaboration are examined to give you a much broader insight into getting the best from collaboration. The course, also, covers trust and how you can build trust as you work together with others.Behavioural styles are reviewed looking at the strengths and liabilities of each. You get the opportunity to complete a questionnaire that will give you an insight to the behavioural style that you prefer to use with the chance to explore how your style can help and how it can hinder collaboration. Completing this practical activity will enable you to how to use your behavioural preferences and style to better effect when collaborating within a project.This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding collaboration at work and how to get more from collaborative relationships. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.You'll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.The course is made up of a series of lectures and contains comprehensive course notes. There are a series of interactive exercises that involve some activity with other people and some reflection.PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course. Collaboration cannot be developed just by watching the video lectures. It requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.There are SEVEN practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you understand collaboration and how you can improve the way in which you work with other people towards shared goals All of them require you to engage with your collaborative team and do some work outside of the course.The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. Feedback is always welcome. Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - September 2020"
Price: 179.99

"Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity" |
"As a leader you are responsible for generating trust, building authentic relationships and effective teams. It is vital that you lead by example and inspire excellence in others.This course will help you to develop and apply your skills as an inclusive leader. You will learn more about working with equality and diversity to include all types of people to confidently engage with you as a leader.Leadership is about influencing others through personal attributes and behaviours, underpinned by emotional intelligence, to achieve prescribed outcomes.Inclusive Leadership is about treating people and groups fairly based on their unique characteristics, rather than acting on biases derived from stereotypes. It is also about personalising individuals, understanding and valuing the uniqueness and differences of others while at the same time including them as members of the organisation, networks and work groups. Inclusive Leadership is about utilising the thinking of diverse groups for smarter ideas, solutions and decision making. Inclusive leadership has the potential to provide different approaches and ways of working that move the organisation forward. This course will help you to develop and apply your skills as an inclusive leader. You will learn more about equality and diversity to grow your team and your organisation, enhance their performance and improve your personal satisfaction. Critical thinking to work in an emotionally intelligent manner forms a major component of the skills of an Inclusive Leader to overcome unconscious bias. This is covered in detail within the course.By taking this course, you will be able to Determine what equality, diversity and inclusion means for inclusive leadership Discover the impact of bias and unconscious bias in equality and diversity Demonstrate the attributes of an emotionally intelligent, inclusive leader through critical thinking Describe how to inspire and foster respect through your work with equality and diversity Explore your ability to incorporate an inclusive approach into all that you say and do as a leaderThe course gives you practical tools and actions to begin leading inclusively with immediate effect. You will strengthen your relationships with others, build your awareness of unconscious bias, develop your critical thinking skills, and become a senior advocate for inclusive workplace cultures. You can expect to see the results of a more inclusive culture, both internally and externally, very quickly.There is an assignment in the course that invites you to assess your inclusive leadership traits. It requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. By completing this activity fully, you will be able to examine your inclusive leadership traits and recognise what you need to do to grow and develop as an inclusive leader. I am here to help and guide you.This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding how work to more effectively with others as a leader. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.You'll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.The course is for you if you want to develop as an inclusive leader to improve the way that you interact with other people, the way that you make decisions and the way that you manage performance.The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training. It forms part of our advanced emotional intelligence course endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. Feedback is always welcome. The course is featured in the Udemy for Business catalogue. A few people are instructed to take the course under duress by their organisation. Some of these learners have been known to leave low ratings without comments - not the behaviour expected of appreciative, inclusive leaders! Watch the preview lecture on The Inclusive Leader and Feedback. Constructive feedback is always welcome as I want to made this course the best that it can be.Lessons are being continually upgraded and rerecorded to improve the overall quality and new activities have been added to enhance your learner experience. This ensures the course remains current and relevant. Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - September 2020"
Price: 179.99

"Personality: Understanding DISC Behavioural Styles at Work" |
"DISC is a model of human behaviour that helps you to understand why people do what they do.The dimensions of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance make up the model and interact with other personality factors to describe human behaviour. This online course has been created to help you apply DISC behavioural principles to working as part of a team or in situations that involve influencing and selling. By understanding your inherent behavioural style and then learning how to determine and appropriately react to the buying styles of your team members, customers and clients, you will be better able to communicate, motivate, convince and ultimately influence more buying decisions. It will help you to develop more engaging relationships. Everybody has their own style based around their behavioural preferences. Each person instinctively acts according to their inherent style. Team members will act out their styles in team working. Customers will act out their styles in buying situations. Salespeople will feel more comfortable selling according to their natural style. Being able to identify the behavioural style of other people will give you valuable insights that you can use to establish rapport, open lines of communication, build trust, motivate and influence. Ways to work with each behavioural style will be explored along with techniques to enhance and improve your interactions leading to better communication. The course is designed to give you a deep understanding of behavioural styles and goes into detail about The four behavioural styles of DISC Each style's strengths and liabilities Do's and don'ts when interacting with High Dominance Do's and don'ts when interacting with High Influence Do's and don'ts when interacting with High Steadiness Do's and don'ts when interacting with High Compliance How to assess a person's nonverbal communication Gaining a greater sensitivity to others around you This online course will give you some insights BUT developing your influencing skills will take you time and a lot of effort, and even then, you are not going to get it right all the time!! This course will, also, be of interest to you if you have completed a DISC Behavioural assessment in the past and would like a refresher. You may have discovered your Behavioural Style through a work-based training programme, by completing a questionnaire or through general interest. Your Behavioural Style is a blend of all four styles, but one is usually dominant. It all made sense at the time, but you have forgotten what it all means and how relevant it can be to how you engage with other people.This course will, also, be of interest to you if you lead or manage a team and are looking at ways to build understanding and develop relationships leading to more rewarding interactions and high performance. It will give you an understanding of the relevance of Behavioural Styles and how they can be put to work. Provided within the course is a questionnaire, which gives you a good indication of your dominant style(s). This is not a commercially available psychometric. By completing this practical activity, you will gain an understanding of your DISC style to build your self-awareness of your behaviour that will compliment your learning. (A commercially available DISC psychometric at a discounted price is offered to learners taking the course.)There is an assignment within the course that gets you to think about the strengths of your DISC style and what you need to do to work more effectively with people who have your lowest behavioural preferences.The course also contains loads of material for you to download and use to with your interactions with others to help with your learning.The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - April 2020"
Price: 124.99

"Personality: Understanding Different People" |
"From time to time, everyone finds themselves in awkward situations and having to deal with difficult people. What if you could learn the secrets of dealing with ANY type of behavioural response and social interaction style? This course will give you the knowledge around the principles and the skills that you need to improve your interactions, build your confidence and change your life.The four social interaction styles are driver, expressive, amiable and analytical. Each style approaches social interactions differently with advantages and with limitations. Each social interaction style responds differently to pressure and each social interaction style has a different stress response.By completing this course, you will be able to:identify the four different social interaction styles and understand how all four styles operaterecognise the social interaction styles of others to understand how to get on with different styles more effectivelydetermine where, when and why conflict and problems may ariseassess strategies for typical situations that require you to influence and communicate with all the social interaction stylesexamine ways to increase your power and control and develop your resilienceEverybody has their own social interaction style based around their behavioural preferences. Each person instinctively acts according to their inherent style. Team members will act out their styles in team working. Customers will act out their styles in buying situations. Salespeople will feel more comfortable selling according to their natural style. Being able to identify the social interaction style of other people will give you valuable insights that you can use to establish rapport, open lines of communication, build trust, motivate and influence. Ways to work with each social interaction style will be explored along with techniques to enhance and improve your interactions leading to better communication. Provided within the course is a questionnaire to determine your social interaction style. Completing this practical activity will enable you to understand your own social interaction style in more detail. The course contains loads of material and tools for you to download and use a with your social interactions to help with your learning.This course will help you change the way you think about yourself and the way you work with and interact with other people inside and outside of work. This course will help you to get on with anyone.The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - August 2020"
Price: 124.99

"Crea tu propia msica" |
"Este curso est dedicado a todas aquellas personas que se dedican a la msica, pero no se llevan bien con los programas informticos... y para aquellas personas que tienen en su cabeza melodas que les gustara plasmar, pero no disponen de unos conocimientos bsicos de Lenguaje Musical Armnico.Con este curso el alumno aprender a utilizar un programa de edicin de partituras y tambin obtendr una base de conceptos y vocabulario de armona para poder dar forma a todas esas ideas musicale que a muchos de nosotros nos rondan por la cabeza.Al finalizar el curso todos los alumnos sern capaces de crear sus partituras, ms o menos complejas segn sus gustos... o quiz simplemente ejercicios musicales, con una presentacin agradable y prctica para aquellos que vayan a interpretar esta msica."
Price: 29.99

"Masterclass: How to become a butler" |
"Step into the amazing world of butlers and discover how to become a 21st century butler.Vincent Vermeulen, the founder of School for Butlers and Hospitality, gives you an unique insight in his way of training some of the best butlers in the world, who go on to work for the biggest celebrities and Forbes 100 high net worth individuals.This training is for everyone. For people with or without experience in the hospitality industry.You will discover a complete new way of offering high level service.What are the duties of a butler in the 21st century?What is a professional butler?How to dress a tableHow to serve at tableHow to deliver amazing personal service?What tools do you need to be a great butler?How to manage a wardrobe?and so much moreNot only will this training give you a good perspective on what a butler is and how you can become one. You can also use these techniques for your personal life.This training is the masterclass.This means the essential basic training for butlers."
Price: 149.99

"How to start your bed and breakfast, the complete guide" |
"Why not earn some extra income by opening a bed and breakfast. In this training we take you step by step through the process of opening your business. You get 3 courses in 1:Opening and running your bed and breakfastGiving great servicePersonal development by building self confidenceNext to on demand video you will receive numerous documents to get you started straight away."
Price: 39.99
