"Ludoqua como metodologa de enseanza en natacin infantil" |
"Ludoqua es otra forma de aprender a nadar, es aprender a nadar jugando. Es por ello, que en este curso te voy a ensear mis secretos del mtodo. Te voy a mostrar cmo t tambin puedes aprender a ensear a nadar jugando. A travs de conocer ms sobre ludoqua, pasaremos a entender cmo realizar correctamente una adaptacin al medio acutico para despus pasar por la fase de desplazamiento autnomo en el agua y posterior aprendizaje de las tcnicas de natacin. Todo ello mediante el juego; porque as aprenden los nios da a da: jugando. Jugar forma parte de su vida, por qu no en natacin?"
Price: 19.99

"Graphic Design Facebook Ads w/ CANVA" |
"*** BONUS: FreePicMoney Course INCLUDED inside this course! ***Facebook Ads is essentially one of the more important areas of your business.Stop paying forexpensive professionalsoftware thatyou don't need. Not only that, stopwasting your time hiring graphic designtalent to do projects you can easily learn how to design yourself.No one knows your business better than you. When you're first starting out you need to spend your money as smartly as possible.This is why I created this Udemy course, to teach you quick, effectivewaysin which you canquickly and easilycreate NO to LOW budget high-converting Facebook Ads that cost less and convert more.In this course,Canva - Graphic Design Facebook Ads That Cost Less in Canva, I teach you simple yet exact non-complicated waysto create professional looking ads in Canvafor a fraction of the cost of using expensive graphic design software such asAdobe Photoshop and Illustrator.Also included in this Canva course is an additionalfreebonus PicMonkey course to help you create even moreprofessional Facebook AdsBONUS!!!***Free PicMonkeyBonusCourse included in the purchase of this course ***"
Price: 24.99

"Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It!" |
"Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and MoreDid You Know That...Did you know that 93% of all communication is nonverbal?Meaning, only 7% of the words you say matter. The rest is made up through non-verbal behaviors. Behaviors such as:Facial expressionGesturesEye contactPostureTone of VoiceJust as speech contains nonverbal elements, so does infographicdesign.Infographics Design uses nonverbal elements to visually communicates an intended message. Nonverbal factors such as:FontsColorImagesContentLayoutStructureAnd various forms of spatial arrangementWhen combined with the ""7 Percent Rule,"" infographics design and data visualization become a powerful tool in gaining the attention of our audience and communicating our message.In this newly released course,Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More,I not only teach you how to create professional looking infographics yourself, but I also DIVE DEEP into the process of exactly how to visually communicate your message in the way that's intended.Inside this course,earn proven, effective methods for creating high quality infographics from a Professional Graphic Designer.Welcome to my InfographicsCourse!Inside Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More,,you'll have fun learning dozens of useful methods for creating high quality, audience engaging infographics from a Professional Graphic Designer me :DRather you're new to infographics or have a good idea of how they work; this course will cover everything you need to know about infographicsdesignand data visualization in an in-depth, comprehensive, fun and engaging way.In this infographicscourse, Aisha Borel Infographics Designer and Mind Mapping Expert mixes her love of good design with her canny sense of humor and innate ability to take complicated subjects (such as Infographics Design using Canva) and distill them down to simple, easy to understand terms. While at the same time sharing expert tips and techniques that can be immediately applied by even the least experienced out there.Also, Aisha will teach you proven methods usually only reserved for the advanced infographicsdesigner. These methods will allow you to create engaging, low-cost infographics that not only will look designed by a team of professionals, but also stand out from the sea of bad, mediocre, and boring infographics out there.Best of all... YOU DON'T NEED to hire a team of designers to create beautiful, well-designed infographics YOU DON'T NEED to be a professional graphic designer to enroll in this course and start creating amazing infographics And YOU DON'T NEED to purchase expensive software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop just to create infographics!Instead, all you need is a desire to learn, a good internet connection, and a Canva account to get started.So, join me in mastering in-depth methods for creating professional infographics today!What You'll Learn:Youll learn how to take an empty page on your screen and createfinished infographics designusing CanvaYou'll learn how to visually communicate your message effectively inside an infographicsYoull learn how to build a basic structure to hold all parts of your Infographics togetherYoull learn to take basic text and content and make a professional looking Infographics designYoull learn the infographics designtechniques needed to bring your content to lifeYoull learn how to best work with the all the content inside your InfographicsYoull learn step-by-step systems and processes used by professional infographics designersYoull learn core toadvanced universal infographicsdesign principles used by professionalsWhat Else?Use Infographic Design to Get Customers Attention & Keep It! Learn Everything You Need About Infographic Design So You Can Grab Customers Attention, Get Better Clients, and More,,includes downloadable files and other resources to help you create the most effective infographics possible!:D AishaP.S. Here's to your continued infographicssuccess"
Price: 199.99

"INFOGRAPHICS - Beginners Guide" |
"Here's What STUDENTS Are Already Saying...INFOGRAPHICS - Beginners Guide -Quickly Learn How to Make an INFORMATIONAL INFOGRAPHICS from Concept to Completion Using Canva""Aisha is a tremendously talented course-creator! Her videos are beautifully designed. She has a lovely narrating voice which is a pleasure to listen to and she comes across like a positive and upbeat person. DIY graphic design is super important for anyone, especially entrepreneurs and the self-employed. It's near impossible to outsource all your design work (as it's always ongoing), so learning the skills that Aisha is teaching really is one of the THE most important thing any entrepreneur can do. Don't get held back in the land of 'I can't do it' when it comes to design. You CAN do it!"" ~ Katie Patrick""Such clear instructions and easy to follow along."" ~ Renee Stump""I'm still working through this course and finding it really good. I've been using Canva for over a year now and there are some new tricks that I have learned to enhance my info graphics. I had no idea what an info graphic was prior to starting this course. Looking forward to continuing working through it and picking up a few more tips."" ~ Debbie______________Did you know that 93% of all communication is nonverbal?Meaning,only 7% of the words you say matter. The rest is made up through non-verbal behaviors. Behaviors such as:Facial expressionGesturesEye contactPostureTone of VoiceJust as speech contains nonverbal elements, so does infographic design.Infographic Design uses nonverbal elements to visually communicates an intended message. Nonverbal factors such as:FontsColorImagesContentLayoutStructureAnd various forms of spatial arrangementWhen combined with the ""7 Percent Rule,"" infographic design and data visualization become a powerful tool in gaining the attention of our audience and communication our message.In my just released course,INFOGRAPHICS - Beginners Guide-Quickly Learn How to Make an INFORMATIONAL INFOGRAPHICS from Concept to Completion Using Canva,I teach you my exact process for creating aprofessional looking informationalinfographics yourself... All from SCRATCH!Join me inside the courseas I teach you how to quicklymasterin-depth methods for creating professional infographics today!In this course, Aisha Borel InfographicsDesigner and Mind Mapping Expert mixes her love of good design with her canny sense of humor and innate ability to take complicated subjects (such as Infographics Design and Data Visualization) and distill them down to simple, easy to understand terms that are both beautiful and applicable in the real-world.Not only that, Aisha shares expert tips and techniques from her 20+ years experience as a professional graphic designer.Also,Aisha will teach you proven methods usually only reserved for the advanced designer.These methods will allow you to create engaging, low-cost infographics that not only will look designed by a team of professionals, but also stand out from the sea of bad, mediocre, and boring infographics out there.Best of all...YOU DON'T NEEDto hire a team of designers to create beautiful, well-designed infographicsYOU DON'T NEEDto be a professional graphic designer to enroll in this course and start creating amazing infographics AndYOU DON'T NEEDto purchase expensive software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop just to create infographics!What You'll Learn:Youll learn how to take an empty page on your screen and create a finished infographics using CanvaYou'll learn how to visually communicate your message effectively inside an infographicsYoull learn how to build a basic structure to hold all parts of your InfographicstogetherYoull learn to take basic text and content and make a professional looking InfographicsYoull learn the infographicstechniques needed to bring your content to lifeYoull learn how to best work with the all the content inside your InfographicsYoull learn step-by-step systems and processes used by professional infographicsdesignersYoull learncoretoadvanced universal infographicsdesign principles used by professionalsLet's get started!You're only minutes away frommasteringin-depth methods for creating professional infographics inside ofINFOGRAPHICS - Beginners Guide-Quickly Learn How to Make an INFORMATIONAL INFOGRAPHICS from Concept to Completion Using Canva:D Aisha"
Price: 49.99

"WordPress for Beginners - Learn how to Build a Website Today" |
"This course will teach you how to build websites with WordPress--and how to use WordPress from top to bottom!You can choose to watch all 4 hours of video or skip to the good parts :) Then of course if you need a refresher, more information, etc. Know that we have four hours of details, instruction and more to help you learn WordPress inside and out!Did you know thatWordPress powers nearly 30%of all websites in the world?Now you'll know how nearly 1/3 of the internet works. That's incredibly powerful!Do you want tomaster WordPress? Perfect. I'm going to help and guess what, you can do it without learning any programming or coding.You will be able to Build a Website within a few hours once you take this course:What kind of website? What kindcan you imagine? How about a:BlogDay careGeneral businessVeterinaryStartup websitePhotographyTravelCafeHoteland more!Well, you'll be able to do it!Now, it won't be simple. It will be relatively easy, but you will learn how to be able to build these websites on your own and get them online.And you know the best part?You don't even have to know how to write code. No. Not a single line. But if you can, the sky is the limit.Who is this guy anyway?I'm a Chief Technology Officer at a publishing company that hasbeen building websites on WordPress since 2008 and have worked on websites for Fortune 500 companies. Those are crazy and complex and this course is not going to teach you to build those websites. However, you will be able to build beautiful websites that server the needs of smaller businesses and also bigger ambitions.I do not want to miss out on telling you that you will also learn:You'll learn WordPress inside and outLearn how to setup a webserver on your computer and run WordPress on itSetup themesGet the best plugins you need to start to build almost any kind of website you can imageMove your local website to live hosting so the world can see your creation!A total of more than FOURhours WordPress training!BIGBONUS:I have a 60 minute WordPress SEOfor Beginners video. Igave this lecture in Buffalo, NYfor a WordPress Bootcamp. It's yours to enjoy!Enroll now!"
Price: 104.99

"One hour Dropshipping business with Shopify and AliExpress" |
"Welcome to One Hour Dropshipping using Shopify and Aliexpress course. I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to build an eCommerce store, from scratch. You don't need any prior knowledge of eCommerce or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser you are good to go!My name is Charlie Craine, I'm a CTO with over 20 years experience building websites and ecommerce sites.At the end of this course you will have an eCommerce store which could supplement your existing income or transform your life by giving you your very own online business that could even allow you to escape the 9 to 5 altogether. It's entirely up to you, your commitment, your determination - if I can do this then anyone can. I'll be your instructor throughout and I'll even help you kickstart your store by sharing products and markets with you that are working for me today.The course is designed with the total beginner in mind. I will walk you step-by-step building your very own fully operational eCommerce store. From there, I'll teach you how to find products.So what are you waiting for, let's get started right now on building a financially secure future."
Price: 74.99

"Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Associate Life Coach" |
"We are the Worlds number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.CBT CoachingCognitive Behavioural Coaching is an evidence-based life-coaching approach that is designed to benefit everyone. Whether you are using the model as a self help application, therapist, mentor, or coach wishing to expand and build on your existing skill sets, this course is for you.Cognitive Behavioural Coaching is an evidence-based counterpart of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - begun by Dr. Aaron Beck in the 1960's, where short-term, goal-oriented therapy is used to change patterns of thinking and behaviour.CBC is effective for a range of coaching scenarios, as well as for personal development and overall well-being.These include:Development of happinessPersonal growth, life goal issues, performance at work issuesRealizing your true potentialDecreasing depressive symptomsVarious forms of anxiety, especially social anxietyPhobiasPanic attacksProblems related to impulse controlProblems related to emotional controlAnger managementStress managementChild behavioral issuesFamily relationship issuesIssues specific to couplesPlease note: this is a life-coaching course only. Taking this course in no way qualifies you as a therapist, psychotherapist, or medical professional. If you are unsure of the differences between these professions please refer to the lecture devoted to the topic. "
Price: 169.99

"The Complete Soft Skills Course for Techies and Coders" |
"""The course is super great. It helps us to be aware of the things that we sometimes as people don't take into consideration."" The Complete Soft Skills for Techies and Coders'Soft skills' include networking, communication and management skills. If you want to start your own coding business, there's much more to it than the technical aspects of the job. We want to teach coders how to stand out in the tech industry and successfully start their own business. Even if you dont want to make your own company, this course will teach you skills that will make you invaluable wherever you work. Marketing yourself as a coder is a strategic career plan. Learning to code is becoming as important as learning to read. The world economy has a growing software industry. You dont need to buy expensive machinery or an office building to create the next blockbuster app or software tool. Learning to code is not enough to start your own coding business. There is much more to it than the technical aspects of the job.Many coders lack the essential soft skills, necessary to elevate themselves from being just another talented coder, to becoming a hugely successful coding entrepreneur - We've made this course to help the Steve Wozniaks of the world, be a little more like Steve Jobs.Why soft skills for techies?True, a large part of what you do as a coder is technical. But to be successful, you need to do just as much interacting with clients, other coders, stakeholders and of course, your ever growing team, as you thrive in the role of being the owner of your own coding business.With the right soft skills, you can easily master the many challenges of starting and running a successful and highly profitable business. 1. We have a unique approach.We based this course on proven psychological methods and on our experience in the coding industry. Weve narrowed down the specific skills you need to get ahead, and stay ahead, as a successful coding entrepreneur.Other soft skills courses dont cater to the unique challenges of coding. We do.At the end of each section, you will know how to apply soft skills to benefit yourself, your employees, and your clients, and ultimately ensuring that your business turns a huge profit.Were committed to updating the course in response to input from you. We want to create dynamic solutions and share knowledge with the whole student community. 2. We've got fascinating topics.Weve developed a curriculum of the best skills to complement you as a coder and your business. The course is comprehensive with over 145 lectures, covering the key areas designed to strengthen and develop the core of your coding business. Here's just some of the topics you can look forward to learning:Fusing soft skills and software developmentThe psychology of entrepreneurship and successBeing comfortable with riskThe code of human interaction and effective communicationThe art of persuasionExpanding your imagination Upgrading your creativityMarketing your business and being a great self promoterMastering team dynamicsHiring the right people And unlike other psychology rich courses, we won't weigh you down with unnecessary theory that isnt practical or relevant to you as a coder or an entrepreneur. All of the psychological principles and techniques used within the course have been carefully selected and meticulously applied to tailor fit the specific issues faced by coders and techies on a daily basis, as they navigate their business to the next level of success.3. We will support you.We are committed to listening to student feedback and using that information to update the course and make it as enriching and valuable as possible. If you take this course, you won't have a fire and forget experience. You will become part of an exclusive community of students, all personally supported, 365 days a year (yes, even on Christmas day!)Our student support really is a quite exceptional, with students being answered personally by the course instructors, within 3 hours (depending on your time zone). There's good reason why we have so many 5 star reviews!We'll also make sure that you stay at the top of your game by regularly updating the course material, to reflect the current trends from the tech industry and the latest developments and research from the world of psychology. 4. We use realistic examples.We dont believe in hypotheticals. Our course will provide you with practical examples of issues youll face on a day to day basis in the coding industry. This course targets students who:Have coding skills that are ready to sellWant to start their own business and build a successful brand of their own as a coderYou can still benefit from this course even if you're not the exact target audience. You simply apply the information to meet your needs.If you havent completed your core coding studies, this course can be done in parallel to any coding course. This course does not deal explicitly with coding itself. As well, some of the information is applicable primarily when you are working in a business or team setting.If you arent starting your own business, you will still find this course useful. These skills apply even if you are working for someone else. Whether you are part of a coding team or management in client-facing position, you can benefit.Who are we?Hi, Im John Bura. Im the coding brains behind this course and have been making video games since 1997. Ive been teaching game development since 2002.Im the owner of my own game development studio, Mammoth Interactive. Weve created software for the Xbox 360, iPhone, iPad and more. Weve sold our own games to companies like Nickelodeon and have contributed to 40 commercial games. Our iOS apps have been in the App Stores Top 10. This course is going to transform the way that a coder thinks about and performs their business. Hi, Im Libby Seery, the founder of Renaissance Life Therapies and the psychology brains behind this course. Although I am not a coder, I do know a thing or two about facilitating success for coders!I have worked with high-profile clients in the tech industry, ensuring they realise their visions and helping them to create and run hugely successful enterprises within the field. As well as working with clients on a one-to-one basis, I am an accredited training provider with the CPD Standards Agency, a globally recognised body. My experience includes training other professionals in advanced psychology methods across a wide range of industries, facilitating phenomenal success for my clients.I am passionate about what we teach in this program because I know first-hand what it can achieve. This course bridges the gap between simply being a talented coder and being a truly outstanding entrepreneur.This course will change your outlook and equip you with the skills to negotiate the complexity of human nature. You'll go from coder to formidable business champion in a matter of days."
Price: 199.99

"Fire Up Creativity in Your Child" |
"**Course Updated - Oct 2018**-------------------------------------------------------------------------------What if I told you your child has special powers and latent abilities just waiting to be unleashed?? Sounds interesting?? Lets go ahead and learn what this is all aboutLet me ask you few questions? Do children today use their imaginations as much as we did when we were kids? Do you see your children spinning incredible tales and stories in their fantasy play like we used to when we played cops and robbers or house? Or does your childs fantasy play seem to consist only of repetitive movements which has no story to them? I am sure yo are aware of such situation Now-a-days children are no longer as creative as they once were. We live in an era obsessed with numbers, data, and test scores, especially as they apply to our kids and their education. Seeing the decline in creativity should make us concerned about our childrens capacities to innovate, problem-solve, and navigate new and unfamiliar situations. In the world of child development you may hear the phrases like critical thinking skills and creative problem-solving abilities when referring to goals for your childs cognitive development. What we are really talking about is imagination. The way to create human beings with imagination is to provide them with opportunities to develop it for themselves when they are very young. These opportunities are found in one place and one place only that is, play. Playing with paints, playing with play dough, with costumes, with glue and with crayons. Making a mess. Exploring the woods. Splashing in a puddle. Wondering at a caterpillar you notice inching by you. Pretending to be a bird, gliding through the sky. All these involves great deal of imagination and developing their creative skills to many fold. But, as parents we must first learn the process of creative learning which we can offer to our kids. We parents should make ourselves aware of the different aspects of creative learning and critical thinking skills so that we can create an environment for our children to flourish in that environment. In this course, we are going to discuss in details the step-by-step process which you can walk your children through to make them a creative learner and achiever. We have included many exercises and divided the course into 8 sections, each section focusing on the different aspects of creative learning for your child. In this course, we will help you understand the childs psychology and you can help them in their creative journey. Being parents I know the toughest thing is to have your child express their feeling to you. We have covered this most important aspect of the creative self-expression through different exercises and fun methods. "
Price: 199.99

"Data Science Curso Completo Regresso Linear (SPSS, R,Excel)" |
"Ol!!! Tudo bem com voc?!!Meu nome Isaas M. Lira, sou Bacharel em Estatstica, Especialista em Docncia Superior eConsultor emAnlise de Dados e quero muito que a Estatstica deixe de ser um problema para voc e passe a ser uma nova HABILIDADE para sua carreira profissional ... vamos l?!!Por que criei este curso?Em todas reas existe um espao a ser preenchido: algum que trabalhe com modelos estatsticos. Os modelos estatsticos so usados para prever o comportamento de variveis econmicas (vendas, demanda, faturamento)e sociais (causas de doenaspor exemplo), por isso sua grande importncia nas grandes empresas e no meio das pesquisas.E por isso, que criar este curso com o objetivo deensinar voc a parte deModelagem por meio da Regresso Linear Mltipla (modelagem mais usada em pesquisas e empresas)por sua grande importncianas tomadas de decises nosnegciose pesquisas.Regresso uma das tcnicas mais usadas na Estatsticapara a construo de modelos probabilsticos (matemticos) para prever o comportamento de uma varivel dependentea partir de informaes de outras variveis explicativas.Neste curso eu te ensino:1- Para que serve Regresso linear2 - Como executar uma Regresso Linear no SPSS (do absoluto zero eem detalhes passo a passo)3 - Como interpretar os muitos nmeros de resultados que so mostrados nos programasE mais, dou um bnus para voc tambm saber como fazer no R (o mais completo na rea de Data Science)e no Excel (presente em quase todos os computadores).Fazer este curso te economizar muito dinheiro e tempo procurando em vrios livros tudo o que explico aqui e com dados reais.Obs:Uma grande dificuldade das pessoas juntar tudo numa ordem lgica (saber o que aprender primeiro, segundo, etc.), ento pensando nisto queria te situar na ORDEM DOS CURSOS:#1: Curso sobre o R#2: Visualizao de Dados no R#3: Mapas no R#4: Correlao no R#5: Curso de SPSS#6: Regresso Linear no SPSS-R-Excel#7: Comparao de Dois Grupos no SPSSDevido s atualizaes de aperfeioamento, estes nomes podem ser alterados o que pode dificultar sua procura aqui no Udemy, ento logado no Udemy faa: ""Meus Cursos"" > Clique no curso MEU em que vc est matriculado > Nas aulas clique em ""Ir ao Painel"" > ""Viso geral"" > No fim tem Instrutor e clique em meu nome > Ok. veja a relao completa de meus cursos.Forte abrao e estou ansioso para conhecer voc!"
Price: 579.99

"Linguagem R: do zero absoluto ao domnio em menos de 7 horas" |
"Ol!!! Tudo bem com voc?!!Se voc deseja iniciar sua carreria como Cientista de Dados usando o R, este curso para voc.Meu nome Isaas M. Lira, sou Bacharel em Estatstica, Especialista em Docncia Superior e Consultor em Anlise de Dados e quero muito que a Estatstica deixe de ser um problema para voc e passe a ser uma nova HABILIDADE para sua carreira profissional ... Vamos l?!!Por que criei este curso?Data Scientist (Cientista de Dados, profissional em Anlise de Dados) foi classificado como o primeiro emprego no Glassdoor e o salrio mdio de um cientista de dados mais de $ 120,000 nos Estados Unidos e sem dvida a funo com vagas sobrando e sem gente capacitada para preench-la. a carreira mais valiosa no momento, pois permite resolver alguns dos problemas mais interessantes do mundo. E se voc j programa em outra linguagem, saiba que a principal linguagem para Data Scientist o R por ser gratuito, completo, suportar grandes massas de dados e ter integraes com quase tudo (SQL, Power BI, Java, etc). Por que no dar este grande salto para Data Science? Este curso avaliado em milhares de dlares, mas agora voc pode aprender toda essa informao por um preo simblico! Com muito contedo em vdeo, vrios exerccios, didtica simplificada e abordagem inovadora, fizeram deste curso um dos cursos mais abrangentes e mais procurados para cincia de dados e aprendizagem de mquinas na Udemy com lngua Portuguesa! Vamos ensinar-lhe como programar com R, como criar visualizaes de dados surpreendentes e como usar a Aprendizagem de Mquina com R! Este curso diferente por que o mais simples neste tema! verdadeiramente um passo a passo para quem quer comear do zero at o ponto de fazer anlises de dados usando o R de forma independente, sem dependente de outros. um curso 100% prtico, onde voc vai: 1 - Partir do absoluto zero (zero conhecimento sobre programao, zero conhecimento sobre Estatstica, zero conhecimento sobre matemtica)... 2 - Evoluir a cada aula com desafios analticos da vida real... 3 - At chegar a um nvel avanado em R. Desta forma, mesmo que voc tem pavor de nmeros, ter sucesso neste curso! No posso esperar para v-lo na aula... Inscreva-se no curso e torne-se cientista de dados hoje! O que voc tem a perder?Forte abrao e estou ansioso para conhecer voc!"
Price: 549.99

"SPSS do Zero ao Domnio em 4 horas - para Data Science" |
"Este um curso onde voc aprender de forma simples, fcil e indo direto ao ponto, a como Analisar Dados usando SPSSpara a tomada de decises.Ol!!! Tudo bem com voc?!!Meu nome Isaas Lira, sou Bacharel em Estatstica, Especialista em Docncia Superior eConsultor emAnlise de Dados e quero muito que a Estatstica deixe de ser um problema para voc e passe a ser uma nova HABILIDADE para sua carreira profissional ... vamos l?!!Por que criei este curso?Seja qual for sua rea, existem dados sendo gerados...E asempresas e instituies depesquisasnecessitam de profissionais que transformem nmeros em informaesinformaes para uma correta tomada de deciso.E o SPSS considerado ""o rei"" das estatsticas, e por isso est to presente nas empresas e instituies de pesquisa e ensino. Ento quero te preparar do zero ao domnio, pois tenho certeza que voc pode ser solicitado para trabalhar com ele ou ele pode ser a causa da sua demisso ou admisso...Portanto este curso vai te dar a habilidade de analisar dados usando o SPSS, o software mais famoso quando se fala em clculos estatsticos.Quer ser independente em Estatstica para no precisar depender de ningum?Quer aprender tudo do absoluto zero?Quer dominar a ferramenta mais falada emanlise de dados?Quer fazer tudo isto no seu prprio ritmo?Ento, voc encontrou o curso ideal para voc...Obs:Uma grande dificuldade das pessoas juntar tudo numa ordem lgica (saber o que aprender primeiro, segundo, etc.), ento pensando nisto queria te situar na ORDEM DOS CURSOS:#1: Curso sobre o R#2: Visualizao de Dados no R#3: Mapas no R#4: Correlao no R#5: Curso de SPSS#6: Regresso Linear no SPSS-R-Excel#7: Comparao de Dois Grupos no SPSSDevido s atualizaes de aperfeioamento, estes nomes podem ser alterados o que pode dificultar sua procura aqui no Udemy, ento logado no Udemy faa:""Meus Cursos"" > Clique no curso MEU em que vc est matriculado > Nas aulas clique em ""Ir ao Painel"" > ""Viso geral"" > No fim tem Instrutor e clique em meu nome > Ok. veja a relao completa de meus cursos.Forte abrao e estou ansioso para conhecer voc!"
Price: 579.99

"Data Science: Correlao no R, do zero ao avanado em 5h" |
"Ol!!! Tudo bem com voc?!! Nestecurso onde voc aprender de forma simples, fcil e indo direto ao ponto, a como executar os Testes Estatsticos de Comparao de Dois Grupospara a corretatomada de decises.Meu nome Isaas M. Lira, sou Consultor eBacharel em Estatstica, Especialista em Docncia Superior eConsultor emAnlise de Dados e quero muito que a Estatstica deixe de ser um problema para voc e passe a ser uma nova HABILIDADE para sua carreira profissional ... vamos l?!!Por que criei este curso?Data Scientist (Cientista de Dados,Anlise de Dados) foi classificado como o primeiro emprego no Glassdoor e comsalrio mdio de mais de $ 120,000 nos Estados Unidos e sem dvida a funo com vagas sobrando e sem gente capacitada para preench-la. a carreira mais valiosa no momento, pois permite resolver alguns dos problemas mais interessantes do mundo.E se voc j programa em outra linguagem, saiba que a principal linguagem para Data Scientist o R. Por que no dar este grande salto para Data Science?Este curso avaliado em milhares de dlares, mas agora voc pode aprender toda essa informao por um preo simblico!Com muito contedo em vdeo, vrios exerccios,didtica simplificada e abordagem inovadora, fizeram deste curso um dos cursos mais abrangentes para cincia de dados e aprendizagem de mquinas na Udemy com lngua Portuguesa!Correlacionar dados uma necessidade constante de quem procura solues de problemas. Emqualquer rea, sersempre de altssimo valor o profissional que sabe buscar solues de problemas encontrando as variveis que esto mais correlacionadas com este problema.Porm, existem detalhes importantssimos que fazem uma anlise de correlao ser confivel ou no... E isto que vou mostrar neste curso: o que voc precisa saber para correlacionar variveis.Alm disto, tudo ser feito no R, que considerada hoje uma das principais ferramentas de anlise de dados estatsticos.Faa acontecer, invista em voc, tenha as qualidades e habilidades que o mercado de HOJE precisa!O que voc tem a perder?Obs:Uma grande dificuldade das pessoas juntar tudo numa ordem lgica (saber o que aprender primeiro, segundo, etc.), ento pensando nisto queria te situar na ORDEM DOS CURSOS:#1: Curso sobre o R#2: Visualizao de Dados no R#3: Mapas no R#4: Correlao no R#5: Curso de SPSS#6: Regresso Linear no SPSS-R-Excel#7: Comparao de Dois Grupos no SPSSDevido s atualizaes de aperfeioamento, estes nomes podem ser alterados o que pode dificultar sua procura aqui no Udemy, ento logado no Udemy faa:""Meus Cursos"" > Clique no curso MEU em que vc est matriculado > Nas aulas clique em ""Ir ao Painel"" > ""Viso geral"" > No fim tem Instrutor e clique em meu nome > Ok. veja a relao completa de meus cursos.Forte abrao e estou ansioso para conhecer voc!"
Price: 489.99

"Visualizao de Dados para Data Science no R (Grficos)" |
"Este um curso onde voc aprender de forma simples, fcil e indo direto ao ponto, a como Visualizar Dados Estatsticos para a tomada de decises.Ol! Tudo bem com voc?!!Meu nome Isaas Lira, sou Bacharel em Estatstica, Especialista em Docncia Superior eConsultor emAnlise de Dados e quero muito que a Estatstica deixe de ser um problema para voc e passe a ser uma nova HABILIDADE para sua carreira profissional ... vamos l?!!Por que criei este curso?Data Scientist (Cientista de Dados,Analistade Dados) foi classificado como o primeiro emprego no Glassdoor e comsalrio mdio de mais de $ 120,000 nos Estados Unidos e sem dvida a funo com vagas sobrando e sem gente capacitada para preench-la. a carreira mais valiosa no momento, pois permite resolver alguns dos problemas mais interessantes do mundo.E se voc j programa em outra linguagem, saiba que a principal linguagem para Data Scientist o R. Por que no dar este grande salto para Data Science?Este curso avaliado em milhares de dlares, mas agora voc pode aprender toda essa informao por um preo simblico!Com muito contedo em vdeo, vrios exerccios,didtica simplificada e abordagem inovadora, fizeram deste curso um dos cursos mais abrangentes para cincia de dados e aprendizagem de mquinas na Udemy com lngua Portuguesa!Quer apresentar os resultados estatsticos? Oque pode ser mais simples que um grfico?A forma como representamos os nossos dados to importante quanto a qualidade dos prprios dados. Ento voc aprender como fazer grficosfuncionais e elegantes usando a linguagem R, uma linguagem de programao livre / aberta que atualmente se tornou a principal ferramenta de anlise de dados entre estudantes, pesquisadores ecientistas de dados, atuantes nas universidades e nas maioresempresas.Quer criar grficos incrveis para transmitir suas anlises de forma clara para todos?Do que servem todas as anlises estatsticas se voc no souber como apresent-las?Os grficosprecisam ser facilmente compreendidos.Junte-se a ns e d um UP na sua carreiracom este guia passo a passo de construo de grficos no R, usando dados reais e com material (cdigo em R)para cada aula.Vamos abordaros parmetros necessrios para formatar e manipular qualquer grfico em R, indo do bsico ao avanado.Com esse conhecimento, voc ter em poder de seus dedos umacoleo deferramentas grficasextremamente poderosas para se destacar em sua carreira e em seus estudos oupesquisas.O que voc est esperando?Obs: Uma grande dificuldade das pessoas juntar tudo numa ordem lgica (saber o que aprender primeiro, segundo, etc.), ento pensando nisto queria te situar na ORDEM DOS CURSOS:#1: Curso sobre o R#2: Visualizao de Dados no R#3: Mapas no R#4: Correlao no R#5: Curso de SPSS#6: Regresso Linear no SPSS-R-Excel#7: Comparao de Dois Grupos no SPSSDevido s atualizaes de aperfeioamento, estes nomes podem ser alterados o que pode dificultar sua procura aqui no Udemy, ento logado no Udemy faa:""Meus Cursos"" > Clique no curso MEU em que vc est matriculado > Nas aulas clique em ""Ir ao Painel"" > ""Viso geral"" > No fim tem Instrutor e clique em meu nome > Ok. veja a relao completa de meus cursos.Forte abrao e estou ansioso para conhecer voc!"
Price: 579.99

"Data Science em R: ETL parte 3 - Text Mining" |
"Por que voc precisa fazer este?Quer ser um Data Science de sucesso? Tudo comea com os dados, portanto voc precisar PREPARAR CORRETAMENTE osbancos de dados de diferentes formatos e diferentes origens. Alm disto, grande parte desses dados estaro de forma DESESTRUTURADA e muitas vezes em formato de STRINGS.Ento voc precisa aprender as ferramentas mais importantes para manipular essas strings e s assim conseguir estruturar seu banco de dados noprprio R, a principal ferramente de anlise de dados do momento.Quais os benefciosdeste curso? O que vou poder fazer quando terminar?Conseguir dominar as principais ferramentas para manipular StringsQual(s)o(s) diferencial deste curso?Aprofundamento: ao invs de voc ter um curso ""geral"", voc ter o passo a passo em detalhes, para que seguindo o mesmo caminho voc consiga ter os mesmos resultados.Abordagem Simplificada: no adiantaria nada eu saber muita coisa se no soubesse passar isto para voc. Ento tive sempre esta preocupao, por isso fiz uma ps-graduao em Docncia Superior que me ajudou muito na questo de simplificar ao mximo para que qualquer pessoa consiga aprender, independente da sua rea de atuao..Para quem este curso?Profissionais de Ti que desejam entrar para a rea deData SciencePesquisadoresQualquer profissional interessando em estruturar bancos de dados para depois analis-losQuem o instrutor?Isaias Lira - Data Science,Bacharel em Estatstica, ps-graduado em Docncia Superior,atuou como estatstico em empresas e hoje presta consultorias e treinamentos em Estatstica aplicada para profissionais e empresas.Qual o risco de consumir informao? Oque voc perde investindo em voc mesmo?Ento faa acontecer! Junte-se a nossa comunidade e entre para a profisso do futuro!Att Isaias Lira - Data Scince"
Price: 549.99

"Machine Learning in R: Curso Completo de Regresso Linear" |
"Por que fazer este curso nos prximos 30 dias?Aprender sobre Algoritmos de Machine Learning tem sido essencial para quem deseja ter seu espao nas grandes empresas, pois so eles fazem com que computadores tomem decises baseadas em algoritmos, encontrando informaes interessantes em meio a uma grande quantidade de dados.Hoje, cada vez mais ocorre um aumento na quantidade de dados e conforme so os algoritmos so alimentados com mais dados, aprendem a reconhecer padres e fornecer insights relevantes para as organizaes. Mas como o programa reconhece esses padres?Para tentarem descobrir padres ou prever resultados, as ferramentas de aprendizagem de mquina tentam descobrir equaes (modelos matemticos) que ajudem a extrair algum significado de um conjunto de dados. por isso que o termo modelagem to recorrente em textos e discusses sobre machine learning.Portando, este curso visa APROFUNDAR o estudo do zero ao avanado nos modelos de Regresso Linear, considerado o mais usado na busca por padres.Que tipo de resultado eu tenho com esta tcnica?Saber quais variveis interferem no comportamento de uma varivel especfica. ex: O que interfere na quantidade de novos clientes? Investimento com publicidade? Diversidade de produtos?Previso de varivel numrica com base em outras. Ex: prever o faturamento com base no investimento com publicidade, horas extras, quantidade de funcionrios, e etc.Construir uma equao matemtica que descreva o mundo real. Ex. com base em informaes de um produto, pode-se calcular o valor mais provvel de unidades a serem vendidas (demanda).No por acaso que este tema ser tratado com cada vez mais frequncia nas empresas que desejam crescer ainda mais, e por que voc vai ficar de fora?"
Price: 579.99

"Machine Learning in R: Curso Completo de Regresso Logstica" |
"Por que fazer este curso nos prximos 30 dias?Aprender sobre Algoritmos de Machine Learning, especialmente o de Regresso Logstica, tem sido essencial para quem deseja ter seu espao nas grandes empresas, pois so eles fazem com que computadores tomem decises baseadas em algoritmos, encontrando informaes interessantes em meio a uma grande quantidade de dados.Hoje, cada vez mais ocorre um aumento na quantidade de dados e conforme so os algoritmos so alimentados com mais dados, aprendem a reconhecer padres e fornecer insights relevantes para as organizaes. Mas como o programa reconhece esses padres?Para tentarem descobrir padres ou prever resultados, as ferramentas de aprendizagem de mquina tentam descobrir equaes (modelos matemticos) que ajudem a extrair algum significado de um conjunto de dados. por isso que o termo modelagem to recorrente em textos e discusses sobre machine learning.Portando, este curso visa APROFUNDAR o estudo do zero ao avanado nos modelos de Regresso Logstica, considerado o mais usado quando se pretende estimar risco (probabilidade de um evento).Que tipo de resultado eu tenho com esta tcnica?Previso de risco: ex: qual as chances da empresa fechar com base em algumas variveis? Quais as chances de um indivduo ter um AVC dado algumas variveis como hbitos de fumo, escolaridade, atividades fsicas , etc.? Qual a probabilidade do cliente ser um bom pagador com base em algumas variveis como sexo, comportamento de consumo, etc.?Saber quais variveis contribuem no aumento ou diminuio do risco de acontecer um determinado evento (nova venda de um produto, um Cncer ou outra doena qualquer, a pea ser defeituosa, etc.)Oquanto altera na probabilidade quando um indivduo est exposto a um fator de risco (ex: qual o risco de um cliente comprar um imvel dado que ele do sexo masculino)Construir uma equao matemtica que descreva o mundo real.Este um dos cursos mais desejados no momento, portanto no perca tempo e corra para aprender tudo isto da maneira mais fcil e rpida possvel e consiga sua vaga neste amplo mercado."
Price: 564.99

"Estatstica Fcil:Distribuio de Frequncias e suas Medidas" |
"Por que fazer este curso?Este um material indito criado exclusivamente para quem precisa aprender Estatstica, mas especificamente Distribuio de Frequncias, Mdia, desvio padro e etc.Este curso a forma mais simples de se aprender tudo isto rapidamente.Qual o diferencial deste curso?Do contrrio de livros cheios de teoria, a abordagem deste curso totalmente voltada para resoluo de questes de provas. Isto faz com que voc no perca tempo com coisas que no caem na prova.Vai fazer alguma prova ou concurso que envolva Distribuio de Frequncia?Esta a chance de dominar tudo isto de forma simples e fcil!"
Price: 489.99

"Introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language)" |
"This course contains introductory information about Structural UML diagrams, like:Class diagrams, Deployment diagrams, Package diagrams, Component diagrams, and Object diagrams.And behavioral UML diagrams models like:Use-case diagrams, Activity diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Communication diagrams, State machine diagrams, Timing diagrams We'll teach you all of them with a real-life examples.We don't want to waste your time, because we eliminated unnecessery parts, comments and etc. We focused only the important points of topics. And also we are trying teach slow enough for you to follow easily too.In addition to them, this course also contains AKINCITraining's quality standards:Dubbed by 40-year-experienced voiceover professional, in his professional recording studio,All videos has 1920 x 1080 full HDresolution, video animations and effects,All videos have closed captions for you to understand easily,And contains premium support which means average response time is less than 24 hours Join us now!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn SQL with PostgreSql Database [ SQL In A Lunch Break ]" |
"This course contains detailed information about SQL.Do you want to learn SQL less than a hour? We designed this course to teach important points of SQL in 1 hour.Every video on this course is designed for you to teach every topic less than 2 minutes. You'll learn every topic in 1-2 minutes with animations and effects!SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a programming language that is used to communicate with and manipulate databases.You'll learn all SQL statements, constraints, operators, clauses and functions on real-life examples. We prepared lots of example queries for you to teach them all.We'll teach you SQL with real life examples on popular PostgreSQL database. We don't want to waste your time, because we eliminated unnecessery parts, comments and etc. We focused only the important points of topics. And also we are trying teach slow enough for you to follow easily too.In addition to them, this course also contains AKINCITraining's quality standards:Dubbed by 40-year-experienced voiceover professional, in his professional recording studio,All videos has 1920 x 1080 full HDresolution, video animations and effects,All videos have closed captions for you to understand easily,And contains premium support which means average response time is less than 24 hoursJoin us now!"
Price: 39.99

"Ultimate Java Challenge Practice Test" |
"Do you want to test your Java knowledge with real Java interview questions?We prepared an ultimate challenging practice test for you to test your knowledge. Maybe most of them are not easy to answer. But do you trust yourself? There are 5 categories in this practice test:Level 1 : Introduction to Java Programming LanguageLevel 2 : Java Collections Framework(JCF)Level 3 : Object-Oriented Programming And DesignLevel 4 : Java Design PatternsLevel 5 : Java Technologies & Usage AbilitiesLet's see how you are good at Java programming language!Try to solve these 200 questions :)IMPORTANT:This practice test may contain hard questions"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Java Collections Framework ( JCF ) Complete Course" |
"Are you ready to use Java more efficiently?This course contains detailed information about Java Collections Framework(JCF).We're explaining one of the most important Java technology, Java Collections Framework(JCF) with timesaver/brief but well-designed special training videos that explains every topic in detail.In this course of AKINCI Training, you'll learn Java Collections Framework(JCF)in an easiest way.Imagine that you can learn every functions of Java Collections framework with the video that has about 1 minute duration! And imagine that these videos contains too many video effects for you to understand everything more easily!We don't want to waste your time, because we eliminated unnecessery parts, comments and etc. We focused only the important points of topics. And also we are trying teach slow enough for you to follow easily too.In addition to them, this course also contains AKINCITraining's quality standards:Dubbed by 40-year-experienced voiceover professional, in his professional recording studio,All videos has 1920 x 1080 full HDresolution, video animations and effects,All videos have closed captions for you to understand easily,And contains premium support which means average response time is less than 24 hoursJoin us now!"
Price: 24.99

"Simple and Advanced Topics of Animating 2D Characters" |
"Making a 2D platformer game is a nice way to start learning about Unity game development. In this course you will learn how to create so-called bone-based 2D characters - characters that are made out of separate body parts. The material in this course is divided into 3 Sections. Section 1 features a short introduction to the course. In Section 2 we will focus on making a simple bone-based character from scratch. We`ll go through the whole process of character creation from setting up an empty Unity project and importing sprite sheets with art to assembling a bone-based character the right way and animating it using Unity`s built-in mechanim animation system. By the end of this Section we`ll have a simple bone-based character that can walk and jump on our improvised level.In Section 3 we will talk about some advanced techniques of working with 2D animated characters. For bone-based characters correct sorting order in the scene is very important, so in our first couple of lectures we`ll talk about resolving all the sorting order issues. Then we`ll discuss how to apply different looks and different clothing items to your character. This approach is very convenient, because you can have all the characters in your game made from a single character prefab, but they can all use different outfits and look differently. It`s also much easier to dress your characters or re-skin your game if you need. We`ll also talk about displaying some unique items on your characters such as bracelets, necklaces, belts, other decorations. The same approach can be used to display other clothing items. We`ll finish this section by making a more complex character that will have joints. Joints will allow us to use the same animated model for characters that are differently shaped (wider shoulders, shorter legs, longer arms, etc)."
Price: 199.99

"Learn How to Make Trading Card Game Menus With Unity 3D" |
"This course provides a full guide on trading card game menus. In the video Lectures we cover only the process of making menus, collection browsing, deck building, pack opening, etc But the battle mechanics part is also included into the Unity project that is provided with the course. So, you`ll have an opportunity to play the game with the cards that you create yourself or even use this application as a foundation for your own trading card game. The material in this course is divided into 5 Sections. Section 1 features a short introduction to the course. Since the Unity project that we are developing in this course can be treated as an extension of the course that we have made earlier about card game battle mechanics, in Section 2 we will make a recap of the techniques that we use in both courses to store cards in the project. You will learn about ScriptableObjects and ScriptableObject assets and how you can use them to store cards in your project. We`ll take a look at a very useful script CardCollection.cs that will be used in the project to filter the cards in our collection and get certain sub-sets of cards that satisfy certain criteria. In the last Lecture of Section 2 we`ll do some UI work in Unity and assemble the general layout of our menu scene. Section 3 will be entirely dedicated to buying and opening booster packs with cards. It makes sense to make the card pack opening part early in the course because it`s both the most exciting part of the project and at the same time the most isolated from other code. We`ll create a separate screen for the shop / pack opening area and explore all the scripts that make it possible to buy and open card packs. We`ll cover advanced topics like: drag and drop code for the unopened packs, using DOTween to automate movement of unopened packs and cards that we get from packs, displaying hover over effects, generating cards of certain rarity based on customizable probability coefficients. By the end of this Section we`ll have a fully functioning pack opening screen for this project. In Section 4 we will start making the collection screen the most complicated screen in the menus for any trading card game. Our goal for this Section is to be able to launch the game and see the cards laid out in a grid on the collection screen, be able to use pagination buttons and switch pages in the collection, be able to use all the custom filters (mana, keyword, belonging to one of the character classes) to filter the card collection and display certain sub-sets of our collection. In the final section of this course we will continue exploring our collection screen and cover more advanced objects that are featured on the screen: crafting screen that allows us to craft new cards for one of the in-game currencies, scrollable lists with deck icons and card icons that will be displayed on the side of our deck building screen. We will discuss the topic of transferring data between the scenes and being able to use the deck that your players have pre-configured in the battle scene. In the final lecture of the course I`ll demonstrate how you can set up a game against a simple AI opponent. We saved the project a couple of times while we were making the course and you`ll have these saved projects available for download. I would recommend to download the final project first, check out how it works and start your exploration of this app from the final version. All the art assets that are used to create cards, creatures, hero powers and other game elements are free for commercial use. You can find detailed info on art and scripting assets and links to some other useful resources in the Credits file that you can download with this course (included in the root of the Assets folder in any of the saved projects)."
Price: 199.99

"Intro to Human Design A Tool for Self-Discovery & Acceptance" |
"Have you done everything right in your life and still not had the results you hoped for? Are you in a life transition? Divorcing? Considering a career change? Deciding on marrying your life partner? Still single? Retiring? Uncertain about your future? Wondering whether to relocate? This Course Has the Answers for You! The topic of this course, Human Design, is truly a breakthrough in self-acceptance and self-understanding. The tools taught in this course can help you find your unique path to success. Human Design will provide you with an accurate and reliable decision making tool. Now, instead of feeling pressured and anxious, you can make decisions with confidence and clarity. You will get to know your learning style and the ways you interact with others. Knowing your Human Design Profile, will unlock the secrets of relating effectively with others and the world around you. Human Design will bring you clarification in these uncertain times. Many of us are taught that we have to work hard to make things happen in our lives. But, did you know that 30% of people are not designed to work? If you are one of these people, trying to work in a traditional job may leave you exhausted, burned-out and even bitter. Human Design will show you your individual strategy for navigating your life journey. Are you ready to stop feeling frustrated, bitter angry or disappointed about your life? Then this course is for you!"
Price: 69.99

"Agile Business Analysis: Getting / Writing Lean Requirements" |
"Meeting the Agile, Lean, and DevOps Requirements ChallengeProblem solvers are in demand in every organization, large and small, from a Mom and Pop shop to the federal government. Increase your value to yourself and to your group or organization by improving your ability to extract, express, and analyze business needs in formats that are supported by Agile, Lean, and DevOpsphilosophies.The single largest challenge facing organizations around the world is how to leverage their Information Technology to gain competitive advantage. This is not about how to program the devices,it is determining what the devices should do. The skills required to identify and define the best IT solutions are invaluable for every role in the organization. These skills can propel you from the mail room to the boardroom by making your organization more effective and more profitable.An Agile Approach for Getting from Visions and Requirements to Test ScenariosIn this course, you will learn how the concepts of Agile, Lean, and Continuous Delivery software development philosophies influence the discovery, expression, and analysis of business needs. You will learn how to express those needs in user story format, as features or requirement statements, and ultimately as Given-When-Then structures. This is the language that allows developers to deliver the IT solutions the organization needs. This exercise-rich, interactive requirements discoveryworkshop provides a proven set of core business analysis techniques, methods and tricks. The presented content willhelp agile and lean software development teams, business analysts, product owners, test developers, and subject matter experts discover, capture, clarify, and confirm the kind of IT requirements that solution providers need to deliver the right information technology solutions for the business."
Price: 199.99

"Human Design 101: The 5 Energy Types" |
"Dealing with your own quirks and traits can be challenging by itself at times, but life generally gets a lot more challenging when you are dealing with other people. Why do people react so differently to similar situations? What makes each of us so unique?Human Design identifies 5 distinct energy types and knowing your type is a starting point formaking the right decisions in life. Knowing your partner's or friend's energy type can give you considerably greater insight into and empathy fortheir motivations and reactions.This course explains each of the 5 types and describes:their role in lifethe recommendedstrategy most likely to succeedThe consequences of not following the success strategytips for dealing with the type which can help you accept and appreciate yourself orothers in your life"
Price: 69.99

"Three Emerging Careers in Digital Business Analysis" |
"The purpose of business analysis is supposedly to define a future that will allow an organization to achieve specific goals and objectives. In reality, the purpose of business analysis can be anything from mindlessly scribbling down requirements to predicting the future of the known universe.Although often married to IT (Information Technology), business analysis is a fundamental business process regardless which organizational unit performs it. Because it defines the interface between people and technology, it is by nature complex. Based on experience gained in working with hundreds of organizations of various sizes world-wide, we identify distinct differences in business analysis as practiced at three levels. In a nutshell,Strategic Business Analysis identifies opportunities for improvementTactical Business Analysis flushes out the details of defined projects or initiativesOperational Business Analysis deals with the evolving daily changes in the life of any change process These three different careers or levels of business analysis share a great deal of common techniques. As the business analyst, you need to be aware of the level at which you are working to adaptappropriate business analysistechniques to your situationfor maximum returns.In this brief overview, you will learn the differences between strategic, tactical, and operational business analysis audiences, how-to's, and results. Furthermore, the author presents his view onthe future of the Business Analyst profession."
Price: 39.99

"Lean / Agile Business Analysis: Writing BUSINESS Use Cases" |
"Agile/Lean Use Cases Help You Manage ComplexityUse Case Models are well suited to build a product backlog. They are the ideal tool for representatives of the business community to identify, clarify, and organize functional software requirements for a digital solution.Use Cases define the interactions between people and technology. They enable business users to talk to Information Technology (IT) professionals about what the business needs in a manner both parties can understand. Use Cases also enable IT professionals to talk about technology to the business community without using technical jargon.User Stories and other forms of textual requirements are phenomenal ways of expressing business needs but they often lack context. That leads to ambiguous and subjective interpretations creating software that does not meet the business needs. Use Case Models, however, provide this context and are easily understandable by all stakeholders (customers, users, managers, developers, and testers). Creating and distributing Use Cases significantly decreases miscommunication that causes incorrect implementation of requirements. The time spent up front drastically reduces the overall time required to develop a viable product that meets the business needs. Use Cases are essential for Agile Teams that are not co-located!Lean Use Cases are becoming the de facto standard for defining and communicating functional requirements in Lean and Agile environments. Applying the Lean philosophy of waste reduction to the Use Case concept creates a powerful tool for communication to and within a Lean or Agile Software Development team.Writing a Lean Use Case is a skill that anyone in an organization can easily acquire. Learning how to write and manage Lean Use Cases at varying levels of detail is a major step in getting your IT applications to do what you want them to do. Knowing why you need a Lean Use Case, when to create one (especially in a lean environment), and where to put what information is critical to creating high-quality functional requirements.Learn How Lean Use Cases Improve Communication in a Lean / Agile SettingThis exercise and example-rich business analysis training course explains the who, what, when, where, how and why of Lean Use Case models. Learn how Use Cases augment Lean and Agile software development by providing just enough detail at every point in the Agile development process.To easily discover Use Cases, we include a section on Event-Response Analysis, Vision Statement Analysis, and Example- or Scenario-based Use Case Identification.After finishing this course, you can write high-quality Use Cases defining actors, pre-conditions, post-conditions, main paths, alternate paths, exception paths and more."
Price: 179.99

"Retoma el control de tu correo electrnico con Airmail" |
"El email es un mtodo de comunicacin que trae de cabeza a todos aquellos que buscan ser ms productivos en sus vidas y en su trabajo, y aunque es algo que no ha evolucionado prcticamente desde sus comienzos, si que lo han hecho las herramientas que hay a su alrededor.Airmail es mi gestor favorito y predefinido a la hora de alcanzar inbox zero de una manera rpida y efectiva, y as poder tener tiempo para cosas ms importantes (como la creacin de este curso)En este curso te ensear a exprimir cada una de sus funcionalidades para que t puedas conseguir lo mismo.Existen decenas, o incluso cientos de alternativas en el mercado que pueden ayudarte a procesar tu bandeja de entrada de una manera ms inteligente, pero debido a su falta de funcionalidades, y sobre todo, a su falta de integraciones con otros servicios, nunca terminan de ser la solucin definitiva a mis exigencias de gestin.Sin embargo Airmail es diferente.Y no tienes por qu fiarte de mi palabra, Federico Viticci ha catalogado la aplicacin como la mejor aplicacin del ao 2016, Life Hacker La aplicacin de email ms potente en iPhone, y Mike Schmitz (Asian Efficiency) como su gestor favorito en macOS.Como ves, no es solo fama lo que rodea a Airmail."
Price: 19.99

"Camtasia 2020 Graba, edita y exporta tus propios cursos" |
"Formacin que te ensear a grabar, editar y exportar videos para tus cursos o canal de YouTubeCamtasia es la aplicacin estrella entre usuarios de Windows (tambin disponible para Mac) que te permitir grabar la pantalla de tu equipo de sobremesa o porttil, e incluso de dispositivos mviles como iPhone o iPad (solo disponible en la versin para Mac)Podrs editar esas grabaciones de manera profesional, aadiendo transiciones o efectos de movimiento, y exportar el resultado final a mltiples formatos, o incluso publicarlo directamente en plataformas como Youtube o Vimeo.Este curso incluyeCasi 2 horas de video bajo demanda, puedes verlo cuando quierasSoporte en los comentarios de las lecciones, no aprenders soloAcceso de por vida al contenido, refresca lo aprendido cuando quierasAcceso disponible desde smartphone o tablet, aprende desde el sofCertificado de finalizacin, utilzalo para aumentar tu autoridadQu voy a aprender en este curso?Si aun no tienes una copia de Camtasia te ensear como comprar una licencia e instalarla.Comprenders los conceptos ms bsicos de Camtasia 2020 y de la edicin de vdeo, las resoluciones y framerates dejarn de ser un misterio para ti.Aprenders a grabar vdeos de la pantalla de tu equipo y de tus dispositivos iOS como iPhone o iPad (solo disponible en Mac!).Descubrirs cmo editar tus vdeos como un autntico profesional, creando animaciones de todo tipo que dejarn a tu audiencia boquiabierta.Te ensear a utilizar filtros de vdeo para que puedas, por ejemplo, deshacerte del fondo verde de tu Croma con un simple click, y filtros de audio para que puedas eliminar el molesto ruido de fondo que existe en la mayora de las grabaciones.Vers cmo aadir callouts, subttulos, y dems anotaciones visuales para que tu audiencia no se pierda durante tus explicaciones.Te mostrar cmo puedes exportar tus creaciones.Por qu necesitas este cursoEl formato vdeo, adems de una poderosa herramientas de marketing y promocin, es una de las mejores maneras de distribuir tu conocimiento en la actualidad, y lo seguir siendo durante muchos aos.Las personas recuerdan mucho mejor una imagen que un simple audio o un texto que han ledo, pero si sigues creando los clsicos vdeos de pantalla esttica no estars ofreciendo la mejor experiencia a tu audiencia.Es esta formacin para ti?Si tu perfil encaja con uno de los siguientes, y ests buscando una herramienta profesional de grabacin y edicin de vdeo, entonces este curso es para ti.Formadores online que quieren ensear en remoto en su propia plataforma o en servicios de terceros.Bloggers o Youtubers que quiere crear contenido ms atractivo para hacer crecer su audiencia.Profesores de escuela o de universidad que quiere mejorar su enseanza.Marketers que quieren crear contenido para promocionar su marca o producto.Personas que simplemente quieren iniciarse en la creacin de vdeo.Cules son los requerimientos?Adems de una conexin a Internet para visualizar las lecciones, para poder seguir este curso necesitars:El Software de Camtasia, al menos la versin de prueba.Un buen micrfono ser de gran ayuda para darle mejor voz a tus vdeos, pero es algo opcional.No son necesarios conocimientos previos de ningn tipo ya que en el curso enseo desde los conceptos ms bsicos a las funciones ms avanzadas."
Price: 29.99
