"C# Kursu: Yeni Balayanlar iin C# Programlama Dersleri" |
"Kursumuzsfrdan balayarakbir programcnnbilmesi gereken en temel konularnyer ald,piyasadaki en gncelve en reticikursolduunu bilmenizi isterim.Kurs boyunca tm konularn anlatmnda net ve yaln bir anlatm yaplmtr.Peki neden ProgramlamaKursunahtiya Duyalm ;Ciddi i potansiyeline sahip olan bu alanda kendinizi gelitirip iyi bir kariyer sahibi olabilirsiniz.Freelancer olarak alp kendimterilerinize hizmet sunabilirsiniz.Kurumsal bir firmada iyi bir cret karlnda alabilirsiniz.Hayal ettiiniz projeleri gerekletirme frsatna sahip olabilirsiniz.Kurs programprogramlama alanyla uramaya balam ancakneyi ne zaman renmesi gerektiini bilmeyenya dabu alanla ilgili hi bir fikri olmayan kiilerigz nne alaraksfrdanzenlehazrlanmtr.Programc olmak aslna bakarsakzor deil ancak kaynak sknts gerekten ou zaman sknt oluyor ve aslnda kolay olan bu sreci gerekten ok zormu gibi gsteriyor.Kaynak sknts ;aslnda neyi renmemiz gerektii , renme srecindebirbirinin edeeri konular ya da yazlm aralarnn neler olduu,en son kan teknolojiler neler gibi konularnbilinmedii zerinedir. Bu gibi skntlar renme srecini uzatp ou zamanda bu iten vazgeilmesine neden olmaktadr.Bize snrsz bilgi sunannternetile kaynaa ulama srecimiz ok abuk ve kolay olmaktadr ancak bu bata gzel gzkse de binlerce kaynak iinden neyi renmemiz gerektiini semek gerekten zor oluyor.Dolaysyla ou zaman birbirine edeer ou yazlm trleri ya da aralarylabou bounaaylarca urayoruz.eriini srekli gncel tutacam bu kurs sonunda siz de artk bir programcnn bilmesi gereken en temel konular renmi olacaksnz.Kursumuzda C# programlama dilini anlatmaktaym. Peki neden C# dilini tercih etmekteyim ve neden size bu dili nermekteyim ? Bir programlama dili seerken en nemli kriterin bu dilin ne kadar ok kullanld ve bu dil ile neler yaplabilecei olmaldr. Ne kadar ok kullanld nemlidir; nk ne kadar yaygnsa o kadar okyardm bulabilirsiniz ve C# dilinin yllardr en popler diller arasnda olduunu bilmenizi isterim. Neler yaplabilecei ok nemlidir. C# ile web siteleri, masast uygulamalar ve hatta son zamanlarda ok popler olan Xamarin yaps ile gelitirdiiniz mobil uygulama hem android hem ios cihazlarda almaktadr. Sadece C# ile bunlarn hepsini yapabilirsiniz. Bu gerekten heyecan verici. Artk Android iin Java IOS iin Swift renmenize gerek yok.Kurs Sonunda ;Programlama mantn renmi olup,web , masastve mobil uygulama (android-ios) gelitirmeye hazr olacaksnz. stelik tm bu srete yannzda olmaya devam edeceim.stelik takldnz her hangi bir konudabana annda ulap benden yardm talebinde bulunabilirsiniz.Sorularnz mmkn olanen ksa srede cevaplayacamdanemin olabilirsiniz.Zaman kaybetmeden bu kursa dahil olup bir programcnn bilmesi gerekenen gncel ve en temelkonular planl bir ekilde renin...!"
Price: 49.99

"Nodejs Dersleri: Batan Sona FullStack Web Gelitirme 2020" |
"Kursumuz sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar bir web gelitiricinin bilmesi gereken tm konularn yer ald, piyasadaki en kapsaml ve en gncel kurs olduunu bilmenizi isterim.Kursumuzun frontend blmnde html5, css,bootstrap 4, javascript ve backend ksmnda ise nodejs ile anlatlmaktadr.Peki neden Web Gelitirici Kursuna htiya Duyalm ;Ciddi i potansiyeline sahip olan bu alanda kendinizi gelitirip iyi bir kariyer sahibi olabilirsiniz.Freelancer olarak alp kendi mterilerinize hizmet sunabilirsiniz.Kurumsal bir firmada iyi bir cret karlnda alabilirsiniz.Hayal ettiiniz projeleri gerekletirme frsatna sahip olabilirsiniz.Kurs program web gelitirici alanyla uramaya balam ancak neyi ne zaman renmesi gerektiini bilmeyen ya da bu alanla ilgili hi bir fikri olmayan kiileri gz nne alarak sfrdan zenle hazrlanmtr.Web gelitirici olmak aslna bakarsak zor deil ancak kaynak sknts gerekten ou zaman sknt oluyor ve aslnda kolay olan bu sreci gerekten ok zormu gibi gsteriyor.Kaynak sknts ; aslnda neyi renmemiz gerektii , renme srecinde birbirinin edeeri konular ya da yazlm aralarnn neler olduu , en son kan teknolojiler neler gibi konularn bilinmedii zerinedir. Bu gibi skntlar renme srecini uzatp ou zamanda bu iten vazgeilmesine neden olmaktadr.Bize snrsz bilgi sunan nternet ile kaynaa ulama srecimiz ok abuk ve kolay olmaktadr ancak bu bata gzel gzkse de binlerce kaynak iinden neyi renmemiz gerektiini semek gerekten zor oluyor.Dolaysyla ou zaman birbirine edeer ou yazlm trleri ya da aralaryla bou bouna aylarca urayoruz.Web gelitirici olmak iin gereken konular rendik ancak sitemizi nasl yaynlayacaz ? Satn almanz gereken hosting paketi nasl olmal ? Hangi zelliklere sahip olmal ? Dosyalarm nasl internet ortamnda yaynlarm ? Bu nedenden dolay kursumuza kayt olan her kii gelitirdii web sitelerini yaynlamak iin gereken Web Hosting paketine 1 yl boyunca cretsiz olarak sahip olacaktr. stelik sitenizi nasl yaynlayacanz adm adm anlatlmaktadr, bu ilem gerekten ok basit.Kurs Sonunda ;Her trl web tasarm siteleriniHer sektre hitap eden statik ve dinamik tantm siteleriniBlog tarzndaki dinamik ierik reten web siteleriniSitelerinizin ynetim paneliniEn temel kurallar ieren bir E-ticaret sitesiniyapabiliyor olacaksnz.stelik takldnz her hangi bir konuda bana annda ulap benden yardm talebinde bulunabilirsiniz. Sorularnz mmkn olan en ksa srede cevaplayacamdan emin olabilirsiniz.Zaman kaybetmeden bu kursa dahil olup bir web gelitiricinin bilmesi gereken en gncel ve en temel konular planl bir ekilde renin...!** Tm kurslarm iin kiisel web sitem zerinden udemy' den alabileceiniz en dk fiyat ile indirim kuponu talebinde bulunabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"2017 Great Decisions: Foreign Policy Association" |
"In a world of ever-changing politics, advancing technologies, wars and revolts; confront the future and learn from the past by diving into U.S. foreign policy, the challenges it embarks and the world's future it strives towards.Eight topics selected by the Foreign Policy Association and analyzed in the Great Decisions 2017Handbook are covered in this course. The topics are:The Future of EuropeTrade and PoliticsConflict in the South China SeaSaudi Arabia in TransitionU.S. Foreign Policy and PetroleumLatin America's Political PendulumProspects for Afghanistan and PakistanNuclear SecurityWith a mixture of video lectures, quizzes, and optional supplemental readings from the Great Decisions 2017Briefing Book indulge yourself in the world of foreign policy with this course by Great Decisions."
Price: 24.99

"Web Software Development with Django Game Store App" |
"This course is a perfect entry point into the world of web software development. We will be focusing on Django web application framework and building a complete Game store web application with multi-user data model, payment functionality and Facebook authentication. The course project introduces the most important Django features and demonstrates how to use them practically. Not only will you learn how to build intermediate web apps but you will also start thinking as a professional software engineer taking into account security, app deployment, version control and dependency management. Moreover, the course will make you confident starting your own projects from scratch and you will be able to showcase the final work to potential employers."
Price: 19.99

"Day Trading 101: How To Day Trade Stocks for Passive Income" |
"Trading and Investing: Do you want to learn how day trade successfully? How to read charts and trade effectively?And how to limit your losses and increase your profits?This Udemy day trading course will help you understand how to profit from moving stocks gapping and running right at the opening, using a unique technical analysis method. Stop exposing your capital to overnight risk. Learn everything you need to know to start day trading in the stock market today! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day Trading 101: Learn How To Day Trade for Profit is a course designed to teach you the visual power of price/volume spikes and drops occurring during consolidations and breakout patterns.This course will teach you how to take advantage of potential price/volume activity before large price movements appear on the chart. In this course you will learn a unique method of day trading that focus on: identifying gapping and running stockscatching the initial momentum and pull back of fast moving stocksthings to look for before entering and exiting the tradehow to benefit from price/volume spikes and dropshow to maximize your day trade profithow to protect yourself from unexpected price reversalsWe will talk in detail about price action, volume activity, time frames, news sites, chart reading, consolidations, breakouts, and so much more!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reading charts, recognizing pattern formations, understanding price action, and anticipating future price movements is the goal of the trader. Successful traders identify those potential movements and position themselves accordingly before the general market sees them. Technical analysis, combined with the candlestick analysis, makes the observation and recognition of those patterns possible. The combination of these two types of analysis can give you the confidence you need when entering trades, and when it is time to get out of trades and protect your profits.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course we reveal all the hidden secrets about day trading.New lectures will be added to the course regularly - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow. Take this course now and learn from my 10+ years of experience. Avoid the most common pitfalls that catch 90% of traders! Too often beginner traders enter the market without the necessary knowledge and practice needed. As a result they take excessive, expensive and unnecessary risks hoping for higher returns. This course will teach you a very effective way to trade in the market successfully and with confidence.This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful! Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All our Sharper Trades courses come with:Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeOur Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!Your trading success is our goal!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over 100,000 students in 192 countries have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!"
Price: 199.99

"Stock Trading: Invest and Trade Safely with Stock Sector ETF" |
"Stock Lovers, Traders, Investors, Stock Market Aficionados!Master the basics of trading ETFs. NO NEED to pick and choose individual stocks. All you have to do is learning how to identify the TRENDING SECTOR. This course will teach you that and so much more!Do you want to learn:How to trade and invest in the stock market successfully and SAFELY? How to find trading opportunities and profit from them?Are you tired of picking individual stocks that often times lead to disappointing and frustrating results?How many times have you bought a stock thinking it will go up, only to find out that, while the rest of the market is moving up, your stock is going nowhere?How many times have you bought a stock thinking it will go up, but because of negative news, or just poor timing, it drops down and makes you lose money?Good news!We got the course for you: Welcome to ETF Stock Trading: Invest Safely & Profitably with Stock ETF. Stop worrying about picking the right stocks, negative events and even bearish markets, and start learning how to be profitable, trading the most simple, effective and flexible investment product available in the market today: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs).In this course (ETF Trading: How to Invest Safely and Profitably using ETFs) I am going to show you a safe and successful method that can be used to increase your trading revenues, grow your portfolio and regularly outperform the market using ETFs.This course will teach you a trading methodology that can be successfully utilized to build your wealth, grow your retirement account and protect your capital from falling markets.You will learn sector rotation, liquidity cycles, how to find best performing sectors, how to trade effective, how to utilize leverage to double or even triple your gains, how to take advantage of falling markets, and so much more!Learn everything you need to know to start Trading EFTs in the Stock Market today! Whether you are a day trader, as swing trader or an investor, this course will help better understand the stock market and get the competitive edge you need to increase your trading success!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ETF Trading: How to Invest Safely and Profitably using ETFs will show you an easy way to trade in the market using ETFs, without worrying about picking the right stock to trade.The course will focus on building capital grown and is most suitable for intermediate and longer term trends.Nevertheless, I will also show you strategies and ETFs you can utilize for profiting in the short term, even as a day trader.If you have a full-time job, you are looking for ways to have a second income stream, or want build your retirement portfolio, this course will give you the tools you need to achieve that.Learn ways to trade the market during uptrends, downtrends and sideways movements, buying sector, index, bonds interest rate, directional and inverse ETFs, taking profits of upward markets and downward markets.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this course we reveal how to find best performing ETFs and how to trade in the stock market successfully!New lectures will be added to the course regularly - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow. Take this course now and learn from my 10+ years of experience. Too often beginner traders enter the market without the necessary knowledge and practice needed. As a result they take excessive, expensive and unnecessary risks hoping for higher returns. This course will teach you a very effective way to trade in the market successfully and with confidence.This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All our Sharper Trades courses come with:Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeOur Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!Your trading success is our goal!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over 100,000 students in 192 countries have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!"
Price: 199.99

"Your 1 Hour Guide to Dominate and Influence Conversations" |
"Do you ever feel that other people can TALK OVER you? Do you feel that people are controlling the conversation instead of you? Do you want the ability to control every conversation you get into? Do you want the ability to redirect people when they are flying off the handle?Do you want the ability to influence people and conversation? Well, if you do this is the course for you. We are going to discuss the different types of people, a step by step method to control conversations and then we are going to end with few tips to generate influence. This course is about you being in control of every conversation you get into. Once you get the power to control conversations, you are never going to go back."
Price: 39.99

"Web Hosting Made Simple. Host your own website almost FREE" |
"** Alert ** Price Increase from May 1st **Snapshot of What you will learn:Domain Name Purchase, Registration and ConfigurationSelect, Purchase and Configure a Server on CloudHow to use HTML / WordPress to host your website on ServerHack to configure and use FREE Personalised EmailBasics of SEO for better ranking in Google Search ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to know how to Register Your own Domain Name and Publish a Website Online? If so, this course is for you!This course covers the basic explanation of Domain Name, Web hosting, Cloud Concept and things you should know before you can start building your website.All these concepts are explained in Layman terms.Next is a step by step guide to:Finalise and purchase a domain namePurchase a Server on the public cloud to host your WebsiteConfigure Domain Name Server to point the domain name to your ServerConfigure the server to host a single or even multiple websiteInstall LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) Stack to host website Install Wordpress to host a websiteGet SSL Certificate and make the website secure You will also learn to configure and use Personalised Email Account with your domain name.Learn also how to use service from Zoho to get FREE mail Box for at least 25 personalised emails.Last but not the least, you will learn SEO or Search Engine Optimisation tricks to improve the ranks of the website.This will help you to get to the first page of the Google Search.So dont wait and enrol Now"
Price: 19.99

"How to Make Melt & Pour Soap - Beginners Step by Step Guide" |
"Takethis course and you will learn how to make fun, visually stunning soaps,using pre-made bases, colours and fragrancesYou will be able to create a whole range of fabulous soaps using a range of techniques, from rustic, natural soaps to fun, eye catching soaps that children and adults will loveYou will have a new hobby that you can do with older children, safely in your kitchenThe course will give you all the information that you need about oils, butters,fragrances and colours,so that you can you can ingredients to your soaps to add enriching and moisturizing qualities to them. You will also see how to add natural ingredients to your soap to create exfoliating properties.You will discover the difference between essential and fragrance oils and how and when to use themIwill share ideas for saving money on molds and equipment so you can get started cheaper.You will make products so amazing that your friends and family will be asking you to make some for them.The packaging ideas will enable you to create fabulous gifts for family and friends."
Price: 124.99

"Create Bath and Body Products From Natural Ingredients" |
"Takethis course and you will learn how to make beautiful, natural bath and body products, at home, using the ingredients of your choice.With the luxuriousproducts you will be making, you will be able to create a spa experience whenever you want, in the comfort of your own home, for a fraction of the cost of visiting a spa.The course will give you all the information that you need about oils, butters,fragrances and colours,so that you can easily create your own recipes. Not only doI share my own recipes for allthe products demonstrated to give you a start, but I alsogive you numerous suggestions for alternative ingredients, so that you can personalize your products and create your own recipes.Iwill share ideas for saving money on ingredients and equipment so you can get started cheaper.You will make products so amazing that your friends and family will be asking you to make some for them.The packaging ideas will enable you to create luxurious, stunning bath products that will look fabulous in your bathroom, and also make amazing gifts for family and friends."
Price: 124.99

"How to Make Candles - Candle Making for Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn how to make numerous candles using beeswax, paraffin and soy waxwitha variety of fun techniques.You will discover the benefits of making your own candles, from avoiding the toxic ingredients often found in candles to choosing your own colours and fragrances. You will also learn:How candles workThe differenttypes of wax and the best choicesfor pillar and container candles.The correct way to colour candles and how to create fantastic effects with coloursAll aboutwicks, how they work and the best which ones to use in yourcandlesThe 2 types of fragrance, their pros and cons and which is best to use for candle makingHow to set up a safe work area in which to make candlesWhat equipment you will need - most of it is basic kitchen equipment you probably already haveThe 2 main types of mold and how to use them, as well as ideas for sourcing cheap candle containers, so that you can get started straight away at little or no cost.As well as watching how to make regular pillar and containercandles, you will see how to make massage candles, wax tarts, floating candles and tea lights. You will also see how to make some fabulous candles using whipped wax.There is evena section on decorating your containers andcandles so that you can give them as gifts or even sell them.I will walk you step by step through making all the candles, so that you can easily make your own afterwards.By the end of the course you will have enough information and skills to design your own candle creations using a range of molds, fragrances and colours."
Price: 114.99

"Cold Process Soap Making #2 - Natural Colours & Ingredients" |
"This course will show you how to make natural soaps using a variety of ingredients and techniques:You will discover my methods for making perfect goat's milk soap, avoiding scorching, burning, or discolorationYou will have access to two different methods for infusing oil with plants.You will get tips for using honey in your soaps as well asa range of exfoliating ingredientsYou will see how to make soaps using a variety of natural oils and butters to create some lovely moisturizing bars of soap. I share all of my recipes, so that you can use these to create your own soaps in any shape or size that you want.You will learn about natural colorants, including clays, plant based colorants and pigments, and you will see how to use these to create natural looking soap, with subtle to more pronounced colors."
Price: 124.99

"Cold Process Soap making #3 - Soap Swirling Made Easy" |
"This course will teach you how to use the Cold Process method to make stunning soaps using intermediate colour techniques.You will discover the secrets to creating successful swirling techniques in your soapYou will learn how to control trace and prevent your soap from accelerating and ruining your swirls You will learn how to really make your colours stand out in your soaps.You will find out how to make your soap look more professional by preventing the formation of soda ashYou will learn how to do the following swirling techniques:Drop SwirlIn the Pot Swirl in individual and loaf moldsTaiwan SwirlTiger SwirlFunnel SwirlColumn SwirlPeacock Swirl using traditional method and using a quick method with a swirling toolYou will get downloadable plans to my own personal swirling tools, so that you can do swirl designs quickly and effortlessly."
Price: 124.99

"Gel Candles How to Make Amazing Candles Quickly & Easily" |
"Gel candlemaking is a fun and economical way to create stunning long lasting scented candles, as gel candles burn 3-4 times longer than traditional wax candles.The gel candles are made with a transparent gel which perfectly shows off bright colours and glitter, which is perfect for creating dramatic looking candles for special occasions. The clear quality of the gel is the perfect base for creating stories or themes. You can use a variety of embeds to create eye catching effects. Gel candles are not at all messy to make. The gel peels off almost anything, so is much easier to clean up than traditional wax, in fact, if don't like your candle you can simply pull it out of the container, remelt it and make something else! This also means that you can create temporary candles. You can take a special or themed container, make your candle in it for a special occasion then peel your gel out and reuse it for something else.Gel candles are quick and easy to master once you know the basics methods and processes. The designs you can create are endless - the perfect outlet for your imagination."
Price: 124.99

"iPhone Filmmaking Plan, Shoot & Edit an iPhone Documentary" |
"This iPhone videography course features an award-winning documentary short film that was shot with mobile devices. This is an intermediate level course that builds upon the iPhone Filmmaking course - ""iPhone Filmmaking for Beginners: Filmic Pro & LumaFusion app""You should first complete ""iPhone Filmmaking for Beginners: Filmic Pro & LumaFusion app"" before diving into this course. You will need the experience from that foundation course to get the most from this in-depth course.Here is where we take you deep inside the process of making award-winning films. The author has won 19 film festival honors from international competitions in the documentary category.You will go behind the lens and learn every step in making an original documentary film.In this course you apply advanced filmmaking techniques that help you to produce a movie about a person, event, activity, place, brand, or issues that you care deeply about.Films are an amazing way to connect people to a person, a product, idea, or mission. They give the viewer the feeling of a long-lasting connection. In these detailed step-by-step lessons, filmmaker Robb Montgomery will take you backstage and behind the lens to see exactly how to plan, produce, film and edit a long-form documentary film with mobile video gear. Montgomery shows you how he solo-produces a broadcast quality film in Berlin with no crew, no script, no budget, and no automobile.You will learn how to:Scout and recruit an interesting film subjectPrepare a shot listDevelop interview questionsPrepare the gear and subjectsUse locations to full effectDevelop sophisticated motion shotsEdit scenes, sequences, string outs and sound bites into a compelling visual statementIntended Audience: Journalists, film makers, teachers, advertisers, musicians, artists"
Price: 99.99

"Pro Long Exposure Photography: Learn from the best" |
"You want to create amazing long exposures and be able to compose images, right?Shooting a gallery printlong exposure photoisn't that hard. You just need to know the a system that works. A system the teaches you how to use your camera and the little tricks and tips nobody is talking about. Just ask Rob Warren, he is a full time and professional long exposure photographer. This course will teach you exactly how to create amazing long exposures using Rob's complete system. By the end of the course, you'll feel comfortable creatinglong exposures in the morning, afternoon, or nightin any location:Learn how to pick the right locationLearn how to get tack sharp long exposuresLearn how to use filters to get amazing images in camera (no photoshoprequired!)Learn how to create movement in the waterLearn how toblur the water to make it look like dreamy fogLearn how to compose a great shot with any cameraLearn how to post process your images in Photoshop or LightroomStart creating stunning and punchy long exposure imagestoday!The instructors Rob and Jon walk you through the entire long exposureprocess. Follow us in real-world demonstrations, dealing with actual environments and situations. See all of the equipment we use. See how we deal with unpredictable mother-nature while we protect valuable gear.Make Money Selling Stunning Long Exposure PhotosYou want to turn your passion into money right?You want to upgrade your camera, buy a new lens, get a new computer with your earnings. Robis one of the few photographers doing that with long exposures, find out why and how as he pulls back the curtain to reveal his secrets.Also, learn how to edit your photos the right way.Each section focuses on a different type of photography situation. Each section includes lessons on how to edit the images yourself without making it look fake - there's no tricks because the images look amazing right in the camera. You can even follow along with the downloadable photo files!If you want to shoot better long exposure landscapes,enroll now!With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.See you in the course!Rob & Jon"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC Edit and Organize Professionally" |
"Welcome to the most extensive and hands-on Lightroom CC course featuring 111 lectures, 14 hours, 28 assignments.Never lose another image with our section 11 on The Man In The Box Theory of Image Organizing.There is a titanic shift in the world of photography. Mobile and cloud-based are disrupting everything. DSLR manufacturers are in a crisis as their sales are in a tailspin, what will the future of photography be?COURSEBONUSES!A 266 page PDF book that features a full transcript of the entire course!14 hours of downloadable uncompressed audio files (WAV) of the lectures so you can download and listen at your own paceRaw practice filesJPEG practice photos to edit with usHear what students are saying:""OK Jon. I've completed all the lessons... This has been a GREAT course! I really feel like I've got Lightroom VERY well understood. I don't intend to ever go pro with photography, but it's wonderful knowing that I can take and process photographs up there with some of the best. Thanks for all you did to research, arrange, and make this great course."" - Bob 18th of FebruaryAdobe has proposed that Lightroom CC is the answer. It is Adobe's to cloud-based, mobile approach to photo editing, storage, and organization.It has advanced features, algorithms, and machine learning not found anywhere else. It ensures every photo is kept safe forever and can be seen in an instant if you know how to use Adobe Lightroom CC correctly. The problem is, most photographers don't understand this enormous shift, and they use Adobe Lightroom CC all wrong.They approach photography as if mobile phones and cloud storage haven't changed anything. As a result, they continue to teach and work in an old-fashioned way in a rapidly changing world. The consequences are tragic. Photographers wind up wasting hundreds of hours and failing to create meaningful images in the process.In this course, you'll learn the right way to use Adobe Lightroom CC. You'll understand what mobile and cloud-based mean for the future of photography and how these critical trends have influenced the creation of Adobe Lightroom CC.Will begin this course by setting up Lightroom CC together and importing our images. Then will complete a Lightroom CC 101 section teaching the right way to use all of Adobe's powerful editing features. From there will move on to a project to help reinforce those lessons as we edit high definition wildlife photo using both Adobe Lightroom CC and Adobe Photoshop.Next will transform a landscape image from ordinary to extraordinary using the unique and powerful tools in Adobe Lightroom CC. That will transition to this section on color and curves were will dissect all of the color tools of Adobe Lightroom CC in an easy-to-understand and hands-on way.Clarity and dehaze confuse a lot of people, that's why the next section will explain them in detail including hands-on assignments to reinforce the lesson. From there will wrap up with details, optics, geometry, and mobile editing. This will cover every powerful tool offered by Adobe Lightroom CC.You will get in an in-depth understanding of sharing your photos and creating in the Adobe portfolio, by the time you're done with this course you will have built your own Adobe portfolio.If that's not enough to get you excited, you'll also learn the life-changing ""man in the box"" simplified photo organizational system. It's a comprehensive system that will transform the way you organize your photos. It will save you thousands of hours of time and ensure that you can always store your pictures in the right place and access them quickly.Don't miss your chance to gain lifetime access to the most extensive Adobe Lightroom CC course. Join today, and see what 50,000 students have already learned - Rapid Growth Coaching works!"
Price: 199.99

"The Success Code - A Blueprint for Reaching your Goals" |
"We all have habits that either help us succeed or keep us stuck. This is a blueprint to help you shift your habits to create success in any area of your life. Do you want to lose weight or exercise more?Do you want to improve your personal or business relationships?Are you fulfilled inyour current career or do you want to start your own business?Do you want to save more money?Habits are the key to success. The things you do every day that take you in the direction of success. It is the small things done consistently that lead to big change.Do you make resolutions every year only to find yourself in the same situation a year later? Are you tired of making the same goals that you never seem to accomplish?You will learn a step by step process to finally reach your goals and develop success habits."
Price: 49.99

"Build an Email List for Online Success" |
"If you want to create an online business or if you have been struggling to get your online business off the ground, you need to build an email list of people who like and trust you. If you have a product, service, coaching program, or webinar you would like to tell people about...with a email list of targeted people who enjoy what you have to share, all you have to do is send them an email to create a businessfrom your offerings. This course will give you a step by step blueprint for setting up and building your email list so you can finally start creating an online business.In this course you will learn:How to set up your email list and autorespondersHow to make a landing pageHow to create a lead magnet that people entices people to give you their email forHow to keep your audience engaged so they trust you and eventually want to do businesswithyouDaily activities to get your landing page in front of your target audience"
Price: 49.99

"Creative and Positive Thinking for a Happy and Fulling Life" |
"We all have habits that can hinder our success in reaching our goals in life. Thinking negative thoughts can be one of those habits. In this course we will explore ways to shift negative thinking to positive thinking. Thoughts have a lot of power and can either make us successful or stop us in our tracks. The Law of Attraction says that if you have positive thoughts, you will attract good things into your life. Our thoughts affect everything around us...our jobs, business, relationships, and the opportunities that come our way. Learn how to shift from negative thought habits to positive thought habitsLearn how to develop your creative thinkingDiscover how positive thinking habits lead to more opportunities in your lifeLearn how to improve personal relationshipsLearn how to problem solve and make it funLearn how to relax and have more fun while getting more doneDiscover how to stay inspired"
Price: 49.99

"Build your Courage and Self Confidence" |
"Do you feel less than confident? Does low self esteem keep you from reaching your dreams?In this course, youll explore what the connection between courage and confidence is, why they are important and of course (and most importantly) what you can do to become more courageous and increase your self-confidence on a daily basis to help you reach your goals.The end goal is to have a bag of tools to help you continue to become more confident after you finish this course. If youve been struggling with your own feelings of self-confidence and self-worth, or simply been too scared and intimidated to go after your dreams, you know that this is an important topic.Increasing your level of self-confidence will make you feel better about yourself and help you move forward in life and reach for your dreams. Most importantly, how courageous and confident you are has a direct effect on how happy and accomplished you feel. In other words, finding your courage and self-confidence is something well worth pursuing.Are you ready to commit to exploring more and working on increasing your levels of courage and self-confidence? Like anything that involves human growth and self-improvement, its not always going to be easy and I will ask you to step out of your comfort zone from time to time."
Price: 49.99

"Learn how to Relax More and Stress Less for Better Health" |
"In today's world we are more stressed than ever. The affects of stress are wreaking havoc on our health and mental well being. This course will help give you tools to help you relax more and stress less. We can't always eliminate stress in our life but we can learn methods to manage it and reduce the health issues that come with chronic stress.In this course you will learnHow stress can harm your healthHow to identify your stressorsHow to avoid certain stressfulsituationsSimple tools you can start implementing today to manage your stress and relax moreHow relaxing more helps make your more productive and creativeHow relaxing more helps you solve more problemsJoin me in this course and learn how valuable it is to every aspect of your life when you relax more and manage your stress. It could literally save your life!"
Price: 49.99

"Supercharge your List Building" |
"Since the advent of the public using the internet one thing is clear. Whats here today, will be gone tomorrow. Except when it comes to one thing. Email. Email, while it has evolved has always been around and will always be around. Even if your Facebook Group is taken away, if youve done a good job cross promoting your list, you will be able to form your community elsewhere in the cloud. But without the list. Where will you be?In this course you will learn:How an email list can be your best asset in your businessHow to build a targeted email list to market toHow to provide value to your listHow to market to you list for business successHow to leverage other people's lists to build your ownHow to potentially make a living with your email list"
Price: 49.99

"Build a Real-world App with ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 (4+)" |
"[UPDATE, June 19]:Added a new section to the course.With over 3,000 students and 300+ positive reviews, this course is Udemy's most popular course for learning ASP.NETCore in the context of a real project!ASP.NETCore is the next generation of ASP.NETMVC. It's a complete re-write of this frameworkbut in a modular, cloud-optimized and cross-platform way. So it can run on Windows, Linux and Mac. If you're on Mac or Linux and want to build ASP.NETapplications without running Windows in a virtual machine, you're going to love ASP.NETCore!You can use Visual Studio Code (VSCode)or your favorite code editor to build ASP.NETCore applications with C#. Say goodbye to VMWare, Parallels, and other virtualization software.Many companies have alreadystarted building their new applications with ASP.NETCore. And they're asking their new intervieweesif they are familiar with .NETCore.So, whether you want tostay inthe marketplace andget a better job with better pay, or you just love towork with the latest technology, it's time to learn aboutASP.NETCore and Entity Framework Core.In this course, Mosh, author of several highly rated courses on Udemy, teaches you how to build a real-world application with ASP.NETCore, Entity Framework Core and Angular. If you're familiar with ASP.NETMVC5 and Entity Framework 6 and are looking for a course to quickly get up to speed with.NETcore, this is the course for you. Not only will you learn about the changes and the new tooling in ASP.NETCore, you'll also learn how to properlyintegrate it with Angularto build real-world single page applications (SPAs).AREAL-WORLDAPPThe app you build in this course is for an imaginary vehicle dealer. The features in this app are carefully designed by Mosh to help you master the core skills you need to build real-world apps with ASP.NETCoreand Angular.By the end of watching this course, you'll be able to:BuildAPIs with ASP.NETCoreTest APIs with PostManIntegrate Angularand ASP.NETCoreImplement a clean and decoupled architectureUnderstand and apply the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)Properly implement the repository and unit of work patternsUse the new dependency injection featurein ASP.NETCoreTroubleshoot common runtime errorsStore and retrieve data with Entity Framework Core (code-first workflow)Use AutoMapperImplementCRUDoperations (including one-to-many and many-to-many relationships)Implementfiltering, sorting and paging dataHandleand logging errorsDisplaytoast notificationsImplementcascading drop-down listsImplementphoto uploadwith progress barsAdd authentication and authorization with Auth0 (including roles with different privileges)DisplaychartsAnd more...On top of all these, you'll learn how to write quality code,not just how to build apps. There are a lot of developers out there who can build apps but they write poor quality code. Mosh shows you how to refactor bad code into clean, maintainable and quality code. He also shares his knowledge and 15 years of experienceabout software design and architecture.So this course is more than just technology. It teaches you how to think like a software engineer.These are the essentialskills that you take with you to nearly every real-world project. Whether you want to get prepared for a job interview or simply want to take your coding skills to the next level, this course is the means to the destination.TOOLINGThere are two ways to build ASP.NETCore applications. You can use VisualStudio 2017 or VisualStudio Code, a light-weight cross-platform code editor. In this course, Mosh uses VSCode and the command-line to build an app, but what you learn can be applied in Visual Studio 2017 as well.WHOTHISCOURSEISFORIn order to take this course, you should have at least 3 months experience with ASP.NETMVC5, Entity Framework 6 and Angular 2 (or higher).If you need to strengthen your understanding of these frameworks, you can watch Mosh's related courses prior to or in parallel with this course:Angular 2 with TypeScript for BeginnersThe Complete ASP.NETMVC 5 CourseEntity Framework 6 in Depth60 DAYCHALLENGEPROGRAMDepending on your level of experience, there are different ways to take this course. Youcan watch it,section by section, justlike other courses. You may prefer to code along with the videos or watch a section first and then code.But if you like toget out ofyour comfort zone andtake your coding skills to the next level,you should take advantage of the 60 day challenge program that comes with this course.Imagine you and Mosh are team mates and are working on a real-world project. Every week Mosh gives you a challenge or a task to complete. You have one week to complete this task. The following week he publishes a new section and shows you how he completesthat task himself. This is a fantasticlearning opportunity for you. You can compare yourcode with his and find areas for improvement.WHATTHISCOURSEISNOTWhile you use ASP.NETCore and Entity Framework to build an app, the focus of this course is on application building skillsand not a deep overview of ASP.NETCore and Entity Framework. Because in any real-world applications, you use only a subset of the features in any frameworks. So, it's impossible to cover everything about ASP.NETCore and Entity Framework in one app. But you'll learn about the key things that you need to know in order to get the job done.Also, the following topics are outside the scope of this course:Complex domains and domain-driven design (DDD)Design patternsContinuous integration and deploymentAutomated testingFinally, the application you'll build in this course has a very simple user interface since the focus of this course is on coding not building visually engaging user interfaces.TAKEYOURCODINGSKILLSTOTHENEXTLEVELSo, do you want to transition from ASP.NETMVC5 and learn about the latest stuff happening in .NETCore?Do you want to learn how to build a real-world application with ASP.NETCore and Angular?Then take this course and get started.This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you can contact Udemy for a full refund. No questions asked.Join the other 3,000 happy students who have taken this course and start building this app in under 10 minutes!"
Price: 189.99

"Testing Angular 4 (previously Angular 2) Apps with Jasmine" |
"As your application grows in complexity, the cost of manual testing increases exponentially. Adding a new feature or fixing a bug may break several other places in the application, and covering all those edge cases with manual testing ends up being extremely painful andnearly impossible.Automated testing is a practice that has been adopted by a lot of successful software development teamsover the past decade. You simply write code to test your application, and then run those tests in an automated fashion.Initially, your development time increases a bit because you need to write extra code to test your production code. However, that is the cost that you pay only once. Once you have those tests in place, you can run several thousands of them in just a few seconds over and over. Compare that with the time required to manually test every bit of your application!With automated testing,you spend less time fixing bugs and doing manual repetitive tests every time you add a new feature or fix a bug.Instead, you canspend your time doing more fun things.In this course, Mosh, author of several best selling courses on Udemy, takes you from the ground and gives you a solid foundation to write automated tests for your Angular apps. Whether you're an absolute beginner or have some familiaritywithautomated testing, this course will give you all the necessary skills to write automated tests for your Angular apps.You'll learn about:Automated testing concepts and toolsWhat to test and howWritingclean,maintainable and trustworthytests that don't lie Tracking how much of your code is covered by testsTesting re-usable componentsTesting templatesTesting formsTesting confirmation boxesTesting navigationTesting attribute directivesMocking dependenciesWorking with asynchronous operationsIf you've taken any of Mosh's courses before, you know what you get. High quality video and audio, outstandingdelivery with no mocking around.30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture andif you feel like you haven't gained the confidence to write automated tests for yourAngular apps, ask for a full refund within 30 days.All your money back, no questions asked.ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORMosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with 15 years of professional experience. He is the author of several best-sellingcourses on Udemy and Pluralsight with over 74,000 students in 172 countries. His students describe him as a passionate, pragmatic and motivational instructor.So, do you want to write automated tests for your Angular apps?Enroll in the course now and you'll start writing your first test in 10 minutes!"
Price: 99.99

"Ionic 2 Crash Course: Learn Ionic2 Fundamentals in 1.5 Hours" |
"UPDATE:The course now includes closed captions!Are you familiar with the fundamentals of Angular 2+?Did you know that you can use your Angular 2+skills to build and deploy mobile apps to iOSand Android devices?InIonic Crash Course,Mosh,author of several best-selling courses on Udemy, takes you from the ground and gives youa solid foundationto use the Ionic framework to build apps for iOSand Android.If you're looking for a short and sweet course that gives you all the essential knowledge without rambling and wasting your time, this course is for you.By the end of this course, you'll be able to:Build and deployapps to iOSand Android devicesWork with componentsDisplay data in listsImplement multi-page appsAdd navigationDisplay modal dialog boxesUse iconsWork with input fieldsAccess native device functionalityAccess contacts on the mobile deviceCapture images using the cameraWork with geolocationDisplay Google mapsTheme your Ionic appsCustomize app icon and splash screenIf you've taken any of Mosh's courses before, you know what you get. And if not, this is how Mosh's students describe him and his teaching:A passionate andknowledgable instructorHighly pragmaticOutstanding deliveryClear and straight to the pointReal-world examplesWorld-class productionWHYTHISCOURSE?There are several other courses on here and most include several hours of content. So, why this short course?Let's be honest. How many times have you watched a 10-hour course to the end?Most of us live a busy life and with all the commitments we have, there is limited time for training. Plus, software industry progresses so fast and there are lots and lots of new things to learn about on a daily basis. Who has several hoursto spend on each of these new tools, frameworks and languages?In this short, 1.5-hour course, Mosh gives you all the essential knowledge you need to know to get started. You don't have to jump from one tutorial to another, or get lost in the documentation.Let Mosh show you the path and you can follow the rest on your own. Once you know the high-level architecture and the big picture, you'll be able to follow the official documentation to find your way around. And that's exactly what you're going to learn by the end of this course.So, it's your choice. If you prefer a 10-hour course with a rambling instructor and lots of repetitive examples and content that you may not necessarily need, there are other courses out there. Otherwise, if you're looking for a crash course that teaches you the big pictureand you can learn the rest on demand, based on the projects you are currently working on, stop looking elsewhere and enroll in the course now. You'll start building your first app in 10 minutes!And on top of that, this course now has closed captions and if you having hearing problems or are not a native English speaker, you'll be able to digest all the information in the course.30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture andif you feel like you haven't gained the confidence to build mobile apps using Ionic, ask for a full refund within 30 days.All your money back, no questions asked.ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORMosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with15 years of professional experience. He is the author ofseveral best-sellingcourses on Udemy and Pluralsightwith over74,000 studentsin172 countries. His students describe him as a passionate, pragmatic and motivational instructor.So, do you want to use your Angular skills to build and deploy apps to iOSand Android devices?Enroll in the course now and you'll start building your first appin 10 minutes!"
Price: 74.99

"The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps with HTML, CSS and TypeScript. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or a full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.If you've been confused or frustrated jumping from one Angular 4 tutorial to another, you've come to the right place.In this course, Mosh,author of several best-sellingcourses on Udemy,takes you onafunand pragmatic journey to masterAngular 4.By the end of watching this course, you'll be able to:Build real client apps with Angular on your ownTroubleshootcommon compile-time and run-time errorsWriteclean and maintainable codelike a professionalApplybest practiceswhen building Angular appsRight from the beginning, you'll jump in and build your first Angular app within minutes. Say goodbye to boring tutorials and courses with rambling instructors anduseless theories!Angular 2+has been written in TypeScript. So, insection 2, you'lllearn the fundamentals of TypeScript and object-oriented programming to better understand and appreciate this powerful framework.Over the next 8 hours, you'll learn the essentials of building client apps with Angular:Displaying data and handlingeventsBuilding re-usablecomponentsManipulatingthe DOMusingdirectivesFormatting data usingpipesBuilding template-driven and reactiveformsConsumingHTTPservicesHandlingHTTPerrorsproperlyUsingReactive Extensionsand observablesAddingrouting and navigationImplementingauthentication and authorizationusing JSONWeb Tokens (JWT)Deployingyour applications to GitHubPages, Firebase and HerokuSo, if you're a busy developer with limited time and want to quickly learn howto build and deploy client apps with Angular, you can stop here.If you're more adventurousand want to learn more, there is far more content for you!Over the following sections, you'll learn about more advanced topics:Building real-time, server-lessapps withFirebaseAnimatingDOMelements usingAngular animationsBuildingbeautiful UIs usingAngular MaterialImplementingtheRedux architectureWritingunit and integration testsAll that covers just over 21 hours of high-qualitycontent.This isequivalent to a book with more than a thousand pages!But the kind of book that every line is worth reading, not a book that you want to skim!If you have taken any of Mosh's courses before, you know he is veryclear and concisein his teaching and doesn't waste a single minute ofyour precious time!Finally, at the end of the course, you'll build and deploy a real-time e-commerce application with Angular 4, Firebase 4 and Bootstrap 4. This application exhibits patterns that you see in a lot of real-world applications:Master/detailCRUDoperationsForms with custom validationSearching, sorting and paginationAuthentication and authorizationAnd a lot more!You'll see how Mosh creates a brand new Angular project with Angular CLIand builds this application from Ato Z, step-by-step. No copy/pasting! These 8.5 hours are packed with tips that you can only learn from a seasoned developer.You'll learnhow toapply best practices,refactor your code and produce high quality code like a professional developer. You'll learnabout Mosh's design decisions along the way and why he chooses a certain approach. What he shares with you comes from his 17 yearsofexperience as a professional software developer.You're not going to get this information in other Angular courses out there!And on top of all these, you'll get:Closed-captions generated by a human, not a computer!Currently only the first few sections have closed-captions but new captions are being added every week.Offline access:if you are traveling or have a slow connection, you can download the videos and watch them offline.Downloadable source codePREREQUISITESYou don't need familiarity with TypeScript or any previous versions of Angular. You're going to learn both TypeScript and Angular from scratch in this course.WHATOTHERSTUDENTSWHOHAVETAKENTHISCOURSESAY:""Absolutely amazing Angular course. Mosh not only introduces key concepts behind Angular, but also pays attention to coding style and good practices. Additionally, course is contstantly enhanced and updated. Also, student questions are answered by Tim - Mosh's teaching assistant. Awesome!"" -Calvis""I am amazed of how dedicated you are in providing updates and more contents to this course. This kind of value is what define a great course and made me feel that the money is well spent. Keep it up! Furthermore, lessons are arranged and planned really carefully. This made the learning experience more seamless and exciting. Thanks Mosh!""-Rashid Razak""This is another excellent course from the wonderful author Mosh. Thank you Mosh for your awesome course on Angular. Inspite of being a Pluralsight subscriber for the last 3 years, I have subscribed 10 out of 16 courses so far Mosh has produced in Udemy. Also I have viewed 3 of his courses in Pluralsight. That is how I got introduced to this brilliant author. This speaks about the quality of his content. Once again Thank you Mosh for all your efforts. Hope to see a Design Patterns course from you soon."" -Dhanasekar Murugesan""Fantastic course, well laid out, good speed, and explains the why behind everything he does, shedding light on what's under the hood. Also, Mosh has a very practical and elegant coding style worth emulating."" -Mack O'Meara""This is the second course I've taken with Mosh as the instructor and I've signed up for another. The quality of the audio, video, and content shows Mosh invests his time and money to create great and valuable videos. The material is relevant, up-to-date, and provides the student with the ability to succeed in the subject matter (in this case Angular). My expectations were exceeded again. I'll be taking more courses with Mosh!"" -John30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture, and do the exercises, and if you are not happy for any reasons, contact Udemy for a full refund within the first 30 days of your enrolment.All your money back, no questions asked.ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORMosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with 17 years of professional experience. He is the author ofseveral best sellingUdemy courseswithmore than 120,000 students in 192 countries. He has a Master of Science in Network Systems and Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.His students describe him aspassionate, pragmatic and motivational in his teaching.So, what are you waiting for?Don't waste your time jumping from one tutorial to another. Enroll in the course and you'll build your first Angular app in less than 10 minutes!"
Price: 199.99

"Redux in Angular (2 and 4+)" |
"If you're building a complex Angular app with complex data flows, you may want to consider using Redux to better manage the state of your app.Redux is a lightweight and simplifiedimplementation of the Flux architecture that was originally introduced by Facebook. Itprovides a clean and elegant solution to maintain thestate of your applications in a predictable way.It also provides a number of otherbenefits:-It decouples your application from a presentation framework like Angular- It allows you to postpone decisions about external frameworks(clean architecture)- Itmakes it easier to unit test your application without mocks and spies- You get access to awesome tools as part of your development (Redux Dev Tools)- It makes it easier to implement undo/redo feature in your applicationsIn this course, Mosh,author of several best selling courses on Udemy, takes you from the ground and teaches you what Redux is, when to use it and why, and how to implement it properly.You'll learn about:The building blocks of ReduxPure functionsWorking with actionsThe select patternAvoiding object mutationsUsing immutable objectsUsing Redux Dev ToolsCalling backend APIs when using ReduxRefactoring fat case blocksDealing with complex domainsIf you've taken any of Mosh's courses before, you know what you get. High quality video and audio, outstandingdelivery with no mocking around.30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture andif you feel like you haven't gained the confidence to write automated tests for yourAngular apps, ask for a full refund within 30 days.All your money back, no questions asked.ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORMosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with15 years of professional experience. He is the author ofseveral best-sellingcourses on Udemy and Pluralsightwith over74,000 studentsin172 countries. His students describe him as a passionate, pragmatic and motivational instructor.So, do you want to learn Redux in a clear, concise and pragmatic way?Enroll in the course now and get started!"
Price: 69.99

"JavaScript Basics for Beginners" |
"WHATISJAVASCRIPT?JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world,and growing faster than any other programming language. As a developer, you can use JavaScript to build web and mobile apps, real-time networking apps, command-line tools, and games.4 REASONSTOLEARNJAVASCRIPTJavaScript is a key tool for front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers.The average annual salary for a JavaScript developer is $72,000.Companies like Walmart, Netflix, and PayPal run big internal applications around JavaScript.Having strong JavaScript knowledge will help you land your dream job.A STEP-BY-STEP, BEGINNER-FRIENDLYCOURSEThis course is your first step towards a new career in web or mobile development. Here is what you get when enroll in this course:6 hours of HD videosBite-sized and easy-to-digest videos with""no fluff30 exercises and challenges with solutionsExpert tips to become a JavaScript wizardNo more wasted time on disconnected, out-of-date tutorialsLearn at your own pace -take your time if requiredUnlimited access - watch the course as many times as you wish30-day money-back guarantee- try it risk free!You have nothing to lose.Certificate of completionto present to your current or futureemployerWHYTHISCOURSE?There are several JavaScript courses on Udemy. So, what makes this course different?Here are 5 reasons:Taught by a senior coder and best-selling instructor - Mosh HamedaniMosh has 17 years of experience as a software engineerHe has produced 19 courses and many of them are best-selling coursesHe has taught over200,000 students in 192 countriesNo fluff or unnecessary repetition - don't waste your time on long coursesClear, concise, and practical training - start coding right awayLearn how to think like a programmer- most, if not all, courses just teach you JavaScript features, not the art of problem solvingJavaScript interview questions- many of the exercises in the course are picked from popular interview questionsFun and engaging - just read Mosh's reviews and see what his students have tosayWHOISTHISCOURSEFOR?Aspiring developers - perhaps you learned a little bit of HTMLand CSSand want to take your first JavaScript programming course.This course is an ideal starting point.Experienced developers with no degree in computer science - there are alotof self-taught web developers out there who cannot solve basic programming problems, because they never attended a college. Don't be one of those!This course teaches you the fundamental programming skills that every developer must know.Anyone who wants to better understand JavaScript- chances are you've taken another course but didn't understand certain topics well. You can take this course to fill the gaps andstrengthen your understanding of JavaScript.NOPRIORKNOWLEDGENEEDEDYou don't need familiarity with JavaScript to take this course. You'll learn everything from scratch, step-by-step. A very basic familiarity with HTML will be helpful but it is not required.AREYOUREADYTOMAKETHEFIRSTSTEPTOWARDSBECOMINGAWEBORMOBILEDEVELOPER?Stop wasting your time on disconnected tutorials or super long courses.Enroll in the course to get started. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, what do you have to lose?"
Price: 119.99

"How to light: Beauty Headshot Photography" |
"****Price Will Increase with the New Year****Mark Richardson walks you through the classic high end beauty headshot setup. Learn about what gear to use, how to position lights, and how to edit the final image. This popular setup is versatile and great for portraits or headshots for both men, women, and children subjects.Good lighting makes good photography. One of the quickest ways to improve your photography is to learn to control light.Many photographers fear that getting intro flash photography will be too expensive or two confusing. Many insist on making large investmentson nicer lenses or cameras, when they could get better results with a small investment in a flash or two.This look can be achieved with a single light and then refined by adding an optionalsecond light, or even a third.By the end of this course you will be able to reproduce this same high end fashion/beauty headshot portrait look and have confidence placing your flashes, taking the images, and retouching in lightroom and photoshop."
Price: 19.99

"Walk the Talk: Communicating for Success" |
"There are three maintakeaways from Communicating for Success:A deep understanding of the oral communication processA deep understanding of how to interpret oral communication eventsA deep understanding of how to communicate for positive resultsCommunicating for Success achieves the course goals through an examination of a number of topics, specifically:The Communication ProcessBarriers to CommunicationEmpathic ListeningBody LanguageSelf-awarenessThe Johari WindowGiving and Receiving FeedbackFormal FeedbackInformal FeedbackChecking the MessageOpen-ended and Closed QuestionsHow Much Information is Enough?Communication StylesPersonality TypesIntergenerational CommunicationA very special part of the course is the extensive developmental activitiesdesignedto help youturn your new knowledge into useable skills. Also, you willbe encouraged to keep a Communication Journal that will be, among other things,a record of youruniquejourney to your communicationgoals."
Price: 39.99
