"DSLR Filmmaking: From Beginner to PRO!" |
"In this course you will learnthe same techniques that professional filmmakers use to craft their videos. This course is produced by media training Cinecom,hosted by filmmaker and popularYoutuber Jordy Vandeput.WHAT WILL I LEARN?You will learn how to use your DSLR in full manual mode to gain more creative freedom. Next we'll cover the essentials of visual storytelling with composition, motion and lighting. The concept of this course is to make you understand the same techniques thata professional filmmaker uses. This means, we're focusing on bringing your skills to a next level!"
Price: 69.99

"API RESTful con Laravel: Gua Definitiva" |
"Necesitas construir una API RESTful para un proyecto, pero no sabes por dnde comenzar? No te preocupes, s lo que se siente y por eso te voy a guiar por el proceso completo de construir una verdadera API RESTful usando Laravel.nete a los ms de 3,000 estudiantes que ya estn tomando el curso, construyendo su API RESTful con Laravel, y aprendiendo en cada clase! Nota: Este curso puede ser tomado, y se recomienda hacerlo, usando la versin ms reciente de Laravel. Adems, incluye mltiples secciones que muestran cmo actualizar a las nuevas versiones de Laravel, en caso de que hayas preferido usar una versin anterior de Laravel.La gua absoluta para la creacin de una verdadera API RESTful con Laravel.No encontrars un curso como este en ninguna otra parte y mucho menos en espaol. Usars Laravel para implementar una API RESTful completa y con todo lo que una verdadera API RESTful requiere.A lo largo del curso, construirs una API RESTful con Laravel para sistema de mercado, donde los usuarios pueden comprar y vender diferentes productos con diferentes categoras y transacciones. Explorars los diferentes tipos de relaciones (uno a muchos, muchos a muchos), junto con los paquetes principales para construir una API RESTful completa usando Laravel.No esperes ms para ser experto en desarrollo de APIs RESTful con Laravel. nete ahora al curso y nos vemos en clases.Recuerda: El curso es actualizado constantemente para usar las ltimas versiones de Laravel. As que sintete libre de usar la versin que prefieras (especialmente versin ms reciente de Laravel).Laravel es el framework de PHP ms popular, con millones de descargas y muchsimos proyectos de alto nivel implementados. Adems, proporciona excelentes facilidades para desarrollar APIs RESTful y cualquier otro proyecto.Qu es una API RESTful?Una API RESTful se puede entender como un servicio web que funciona enteramente sobre HTTP. Una buena API RESTful sigue las prcticas dictadas por REST (REpresentationas State Transfer), permitiendo orientar el diseo a los recursos (usuarios, cursos, transacciones, productos, etc.) y proporcionando respuestas estandarizadas basados en los diferentes cdigos de estado de HTTP.Por qu Laravel?Porque es un framework hecho por programadores y para programadores, expresivo, sencillo, intuitivo y potente., que adems proporcionar caractersticas muy tiles para desarrollar una API RESTful. Millones de programadores de PHP lo usan y lo dominan cada vez ms en todo el mundo; no te quedes atrs.Durante el curso dominars la estructura completa de Laravel, junto con las nuevas caractersticas incluidas en la versin ms reciente, mientras que adems, desarrollas una verdadera y completa API RESTful.En el curso aprenders esto sobre Laravel sobre APIs RESTful con Laravel:Uso de PHP artisan de Laravel para la generacin de cdigo y componentesUso y creacin de Middleware de LaravelControladores y rutas de tipo recurso de Laravel (ideales para las APIs RESTful)Respuestas en formato JSON completamente compatibles con cualquier clienteValidacin de peticiones desde los controladores de LaravelManejo y control de todo tipo de excepciones y errores desde el handler de LaravelImplementacin de operaciones complejas que implican dos y hasta tres recursos/modelosInyeccin de dependencias y de modelos en LaravelGeneracin de la estructura de la base de datos por medio de migraciones de LaravelInsercin automtica de datos aleatorios en la base de datos por medio de factories y seedersValidacin de usuarios, por medio de sesiones y de access_token S ambos!Uso de OAuth2 para la seguridad de la API RESTful, usando Laravel Passport!Paginacin de resultados, usando colecciones de LaravelUso de parmetros de URL para ejecutar acciones (con un enfoque RESTful)Ordenamiento de resultados por medio de parmetros de URL, siguiendo la filosofa RESTFiltrado de resultados usando parmetros de URL siguiendo el enfoque RESTfulCacheo de respuestas, usando el sistema de cache de LaravelLimitacin de peticiones, usando el middleware de LaravelImplementacin de HATEOAS desde Laravel (una verdadera API RESTful debe usar HATEOAS)Uso de PHP Fractal para retornar respuestas compatibles con cualquier tipo de clienteUso de cabeceras CORS en la API para permitir el uso desde JavaScript y navegadores webUso de Policies y Gates de Laravel para controlar el acceso de los usuarios a los recursos de la API RESTfulMuchsimo ms!!Puedes darle una mirada a la lista completa de contenidos ms abajo, para obtener ms detalles.Crears una API verdaderamente RESTful desde cero y paso a paso, siguiendo la arquitectura REST y la construccin adecuada de URLs para identificar acciones. Todo esto con la ayuda de Laravel.Tendrs acceso de por vida a las clases bonus que se agregarn constantemente al curso (dale una mirada a la seccin final para ver lo que viene).Al finalizar este curso sers capaz de desarrollar tu propia y verdadera API RESTful con Laravel y PHP de una manera efectiva y con las mejores prcticas, explotando al mximo las facilidades proporcionadas por Laravel para la correcta y adecuada implementacin de tus proyectos.No esperes ms para ser experto en desarrollo de APIs RESTful usando Laravel. Nos vemos en clases."
Price: 49.99

"RESTful API with Laravel: Build a Real API with Laravel" |
"So you need to build a RESTful API for a project, but you do not know even where to start? Do not worry I will guide you through the whole process to build a genuine RESTful API using Laravel.Join the more than 4.000 students already taking this course, building their RESTful APIs using Laravel, and enjoying every single class!Note: You can take, and in fact it is recommended, to follow the course using the most recent version of Laravel. Additionally, the course includes extensive sections about how to upgrade your project to different versions of Laravel, in case you decide to use any previous version.Build your RESTful API with Laravel, using a complete marketplace as the case of use. With Laravel, creating every component will be a breeze. You will have a project with users, sellers, buyers, transactions, products, and categories. Explore all types of relationships, one to many, many to many and much much more using Eloquent the Laravel ORM.The full guide for creating a real RESTful API with Laravel. You can follow the course using the latest Laravel version (it is recommended).You will not find a Laravel course like this. This course explains everything you need to develop a RESTful API using the Laravel framework.At the end of the course, you will have a RESTful API with Laravel, for a market system, where users can purchase and sell different products with different categories and transactions. Inclusive, the same user can be both a seller and a buyer (you will take advantage of inheritance for this).Do Not wait anymore! Become a master in the development of genuinely RESTful APIs with Laravel. Join the course now and see you in classRemember: The course has been constantly updated to use the latest versions of Laravel. So feel free to use the version you like (especially the latest version of Laravel).In this course, you learn how to develop a realistic, fully implemented, and professional RESTful API with Laravel.Laravel is the most popular PHP framework, with more than 20 million downloads along with lots of enterprise and personal projects worldwide. Additionally, it includes fantastic features to implement a RESTful API easily. Laravel is RESTful friendly.What is a RESTful API?A Web API is like a web service that works entirely with HTTP. A RESTful API must follow the REST (REpresentational State Transfer) practices, allowing to orientate the design to the resources, provide standard responses based on the different HTTP status codes, and the corresponding according to Hypermedia Links in responses (HATEOAS).Why Laravel?Because Laravel is a framework made by programmers for programmers, expressive, simple, intuitive, and powerful. Laravel provides useful features for web projects including RESTful APIs.Each new Laravel version includes many changes that make this framework even better, simple, programmer-friendly, and at the same time much more powerful. In fact, the latest versions of Laravel included a lot of new features to help to develop RESTful APIs in the right way.During this course, you will master the complete structure of Laravel, along with the new features included in the latest version of Laravel to develop an actual RESTful API.You will learn this about the development of a RESTful API with Laravel:Using the Laravel PHP artisan for code and components generationUsage and creation of middleware on LaravelThe Laravel Resource routes and controllers (ideal for RESTful APIs)Fully supported JSON format responses for a JSON RESTful APIValidation of requests directly from the Laravel ControllersHandling all types of exceptions and errors from Laravel handlerComplex operations involving up to three resources/models for a specific operationUsage of Laravel dependency injection and model bindingGeneration of the database structure using Laravel migrationsAutomatic insertion of fake data into the database through ""faker,"" using Laravel factories, and seedersLaravel Sessions and access_token authentication for the RESTful API. Yes, Both!Using Laravel Passport to protect the RESTful API with OAuth2Pagination of results using Laravel collectionsUsing URL parameters to execute actions (the RESTful approach)Sorting results based on URL parameters with a RESTful approachFiltering results using URL parametersCaching responses using Laravel Cache SystemLimitation of requests using the Laravel middlewareImplementing HATEOAS on Laravel (a pure RESTful API must use HATEOAS)Using PHP Fractal for transforming responsesUsage of CORS on the API responses to allow JavaScript-based clients and web browsers.Use the Laravel Policies and Gates to handle the user's authorization layer.Much more!!You can take a look at the full list of contents below. You will finish with a complete RESTful API and understanding a lot of Laravel skills.You will create an actual RESTful API from scratch and step by step using Laravel. Follow the REST architecture and build appropriate URLs to identify actions and resources using the Laravel best features and learn Laravel in the way.Take full advantage of tools like Sublime Text 3, Git, power shell, Laravel, Composer, PHP artisan, and be more productive for agile development.Note: In few classes of the course I use Windows (only for the first classes), but I included specific directions in the case you use Linux or Mac and all the tools used are cross-platform, so you will no have any problem.You will have lifetime access to the current classes and the classes that I will regularly add (take a look at the last section to see what is coming).At the end of this course, you will be able to develop your pure RESTful API with Laravel in an efficient way with the best practices, taking advantage of the facilities provided by Laravel for the proper implementation of your projects and your RESTfulAPI.Do not wait any longer. Join the course and see you in classes."
Price: 49.99

"VPS Seguro en Ubuntu 18.04 con Letsencrypt Nginx PHP y MySQL" |
"ATENCIN! Ya existe una versin ms reciente y actualizada de este curso. Busca por VPS Seguro en Ubuntu 20.04 con Letsencrypt, Cloudflare y ms.As que quieres publicar todos esos proyectos en tu propio servidor, pero no sabes por dnde empezar? Pues bien, este curso es lo que necesitas :)Crea y configura tu propio Servidor Virtual Privado (VPS), con una alta calificacin de seguridad, desde cero y paso a paso:En este curso aprende a crear desde cero tu propio servidor VPS, configurarlo adecuadamente, con las medidas de seguridad ms adecuadas y los mecanismos de funcionamiento ms recomendados. Usa siempre protocolos seguros como SSH para conectarte con tu VPS. Olvdate de las inseguras contraseas, ahora podrs establecer conexiones seguras con tu servidor con SSH, sin problemas y realizar todo lo que necesites.Despliega todos tus proyectos con tu propio dominio, con infinidad de posibilidades, sin costo adicional. Mantn tu propio espacio en la nube para todos tus trabajos, proyectos e ideas, despliega todo tipo de proyectos en una misma instancia y con la cantidad de dominios y sub-dominios que quieras sin pagar costos adicionales. En el curso, desplegaremos 4 proyectos diferentes de Wordpress y Laravel cada uno en un dominio o sub-dominio diferente.Aunque se recomienda el uso de DigitalOcean, ests en libertad de crear tu VPS con el proveedor que desees, pues el curso lo puedes seguir en cualquier instancia limpia de Ubuntu 18.04 que obtengas en tu proveedor de VPS favorito, porque todo se har desde cero y paso a paso, sin depender de servicios adicionales.Instala y despliega un sistema completo con Linux/Ubuntu 18.04, PHP, Nginx y MySQL o MariaDB; adems de obtener certificados de seguridad de manera automatizada y completamente gratuita por medio de Letsencrypt.Por qu Elegir este curso?Porque se usa la versin de soporte a largo trmino (LTS) ms reciente de Ubuntu, que es Ubuntu 18.04LTS. Esta versin te permite obtener actualizaciones y parches de seguridad por al menos dos aos, lo cual significa que podrs desplegar tu sistema en Ubuntu 18.04LTS y no tendrs que preocuparte por pasarte a otra versin durante dos largos aos.Porque no existe ningn otro curso en lnea que explique con este nivel de detalle cada paso a realizar, porque Letsencrypt es novedoso, y no encontrars contenidos que te enseen a usarlo del modo que se hace en este curso (el modo correcto y sencillo). Porque se usan los mejores estndares para obtener la calificacin ms alta de seguridad (A+) en lo sitios que asegures al seguir el curso.Porque, hoy en da los principales navegadores estn exigiendo conexiones seguras HTTPS en cualquier sitio o servicio en lnea, y al seguir el curso, podrs asegurar todos tus sistemas de forma gratuita por medio de Nginx y Letsencrypt.Porque aprenders a desplegar dos de los tipos de proyectos ms populares de la comunidad en PHP, que son los sitios Wordpress y los proyectos Laravel.Qu aprendes y obtienes al seguir y terminar el curso?Al finalizar este curso, estars en capacidad de desplegar tu propio servidor VPS en muy poco tiempo y con gran facilidad, utilizando herramientas muy potentes, novedosas y seguras. Tendrs entonces tus propios proyectos en lnea sin costos adicionales, pues no importa cuantos dominios, sub-dominios o proyectos pongas en tu VPS, el costo se mantendr igual.Al culminar todas las clases tendrs todos tus proyectos bajo un servidor completamente seguro, con conexiones HTTPS/TLS completamente gratuitas por medio de Letsencrypt y con una calificacin A+ en los sitios asegurados.Pero... Qu se ensea exactamente?Aqu tienes todo lo que vas a poder obtener de este curso:Crea tu propio servidor VPS con Digital Ocean o cualquier proveedor que elijasTen un sistema rpido seguro y amigable con Linux/Ubuntu en su versin LTS ms reciente (Ubuntu 18.04)Despliega un servidor web Nginx en pocos minutos y con las mejores configuraciones de seguridadDespliega un servidor de base de datos MySQL o MariaDB completamente seguro y sin demoraConfigura y usa fcilmente Git para desplegar por medio de SSH los diferentes proyectos en tu VPSObtn paquetes externos e instlalos de forma global (composer y Letsencrypt acmesh como ejemplos)Crea y configura tu propio dominio y todos los sub-dominios que requieras, sin tener que pagar de msApunta tu dominio a tu servidor VPS configurando las entradas DNSConctate a tu VPS de manera remota, fcil y segura por medio de tus llaves SSHGestiona cuentas de usuario y evita que sistemas automatizados y externos accedan con privilegios (root)Aprende a usar los comandos esenciales (cd, systemctl, cp, sudo, mv, rm, mkdir, reboot, y muchos ms)Aprende a gestionar fcilmente los paquetes del VPS con aptAsignar permisos sobre carpetas y archivos de la manera correcta con chownExige el uso de conexiones seguras con SSH, y olvdate de las inseguras contraseasCrea y utiliza correctamente los usuarios con permisos administrativos (sudo)Despliega diferentes proyectos Wordpress y Laravel cada uno en un dominio o sub-dominio diferenteComprende y aprovecha las ventajas del uso de SSH para conectarte a tu VPS o a servicios externosConctate con servicio de terceros por medio de llaves SSH de forma correctaConfigura fcilmente un firewall (UFW) y aumenta drsticamente la seguridad de tu VPSConfigura tus servicios (Nginx, PHP, MySQL/MariaDB, etc) para que sean ms seguros.Mitiga ataques DoS y DDoS con una configuracin adecuada del servidor web NginxEvita que sistemas automatizados intenten acceder a tu VPS, por medio de Fail2BanConfigura cabeceras de expiracin para tus proyectosHabilita el sistema de compresin Gzip en tu servidor webEvitar ataques CSS/XSS con NginxObtn certificados de seguridad para conexiones HTTPS para tus proyectos con LetsencryptInstala de la forma correcta los certificados de seguridad en Nginx, para obtener la calificacin A+ de seguridadUsa acmesh para obtener y automatizar la instalacin de certificados de seguridad de LetsencryptCreacin y uso de dominios y todos los sub-dominios que requieras fcilmenteCmo desplegar fcilmente un proyecto cualquiera en tu VPSCmo desplegar proyectos complejos en el VPS (Laravel como caso de uso)Y no termina ah! Tendrs acceso de por vida a todas las clases del curso, lo cual incluye clases adicionales y de actualizacin posteriores. Adems tendrs acceso de primera mano, al sistema de preguntas, mensajes y respuestas, donde responder todas tus dudas y comentarios de inmediato (siempre respondo). Siempre estar complacido de ayudar en cualquier problema o duda que tengas durante el curso.No esperes ms! Aprende todas estas habilidades haciendo clic en ""Inscribirte"" y siente la libertad de tener tu propio servidor VPS.Nos vemos en clases :)"
Price: 54.99

"Secure VPS in Ubuntu 18.04 with Letsencrypt Nginx PHP MySQL" |
"NOTE!!! This course already has a new edition using Ubuntu 20.04 and much more content. Search for Secure VPS in Ubuntu 20.04: LetsEncrypt, Cloudflare and moreSo, you want to publish all those projects on your own server, but do not know where to start? Well, this course is what you need :)Create and configure your Virtual Private Server (VPS), with a high-security rating, from scratch and step by step:In this course, you are going to create, configure and deploy your VPS server from scratch, set it correctly, with the adequate security measures and the most recommended mechanisms. Always use secure protocols such as SSH to connect with your VPS and HTTPS to protect your websites and projects. Forget the insecure passwords, so you can establish secure connections with your server with the SSH protocol, without problems and achieve anything you need.Deploy all your projects with your proper domain, with infinite possibilities, at no additional cost. Keep your own space in the cloud for all your jobs, projects and ideas, deploy all types of projects in the same instance and with the number of domains and sub-domains that you want, without having additional costs.In the course, you will deploy four different projects using Wordpress and Laravel, each one in a different domain or sub-domain.During the course is recommended to use DigitalOcean, but you are free to create your VPS with the provider you want or need. You can follow the course using any clean instance of Ubuntu 18.04LTS in your selected VPS provider. Everything will be done from scratch and step by step, without relying on additional services.Install and deploy a complete system with Linux/Ubuntu 18.04, PHP, Nginx and MySQL or MariaDB; in addition to obtaining security certificates in an automated way through Letsencrypt, all for free at no extra cost for your systems.Why must you take this course?Because it uses the most recent version of Ubuntu (Ubuntu 18.04) which is a Long Term Support (LTS) version. This version allows you to obtain updates and security patches for at least two years, which means that you can deploy your system in Ubuntu 18.04LTS and you will not have to worry about moving to another version for a long timeBecause there is not another online course which explains every step at this level of detailBecause Letsencrypt is a trend, and you will not find content that teaches you how to use it in the way it is done in this course (the correct and simple way)Because the best standards are used to obtain the highest security rating (A+) in the sites that you ensure following the courseBecause today, the main browsers are demanding secure HTTPS connections in any online site or service, and by following the course, you can secure all your systems for free using Nginx and LetsencryptBecause you will learn to deploy two of the most popular types of projects in PHP, which are Wordpress and Laravel sitesWhat will you learn and obtain by following and finishing the course?At the end of this course, you will be able to deploy your VPS server in a very short time and with great ease, using powerful, innovative and safe tools. You will then have your projects online without additional charges, no matter how many domains, sub-domains or projects you put in your VPS, the cost will remain the same.At the end of all classes, you will have all your projects under a completely secure server, with HTTPS/TLS connections completely free through Letsencrypt and with an A+ rating in the secured sites.But... What exactly will you learn?Here you have everything you can get from this course:Create your own VPS server with Digital Ocean or any provider you chooseHave a safe and friendly system with Linux / Ubuntu in its most recent LTS version (Ubuntu 18.04)Deploy an Nginx web server in a few minutes and with the best security settingsDeploy a MySQL or MariaDB database server wholly secure and without delayEasily configure and use Git to deploy the different projects on your VPS via SSHObtain external packages and install them globally (composer and Letsencrypt acmesh as examples)Create and configure your domain and all sub-domains, without having to pay extraPoint your domain to your VPS server by configuring the DNS entriesConnect to your VPS remotely, quickly and securely using SSH keysManage user accounts and prevent automated and external systems from accessing privileges (root)Learn to use the essential commands (cd, systemctl, cp, sudo, mv, rm, mkdir, reboot, and many more)Learn how to manage VPS packages with apt easilyAssign permissions on folders and files in the correct way withDemand for the use of secure connections with SSH, and forget about insecure passwords for all the usersCreate and handle users correctly with administrative permissions (sudo)Deploy different Wordpress and Laravel projects each in a different domain or sub-domainUnderstand and take advantage of the use of SSH to connect to your VPS or external servicesConnect with third party service through SSH keys correctlyEasily configure a firewall (UFW) and dramatically increase the security of your VPSConfigure your services (Nginx, PHP, MySQL / MariaDB, etc.) to make them more secureMitigate DoS and DDoS attacks with proper configuration of the Nginx webserverPrevent automated systems from trying to access your VPS, through Fail2BanSet expiration headers for your projectsEnable the Gzip compression system on your web serverAvoid CSS/XSS attacks with NginxGet security certificates for HTTPS connections for your projects with LetsencryptInstall the security certificates in Nginx correctly, to obtain the A + security ratingUse acme sh to obtain and automate the installation of Letsencrypt security certificatesCreation and use of domains and all sub-domains that you require easilyHow to quickly deploy any project in your VPSHow to deploy complex projects in the VPS (Laravel as a case of use)And it does not end there! You will have lifetime access to all classes, which includes new future classes and upgrades. You will also have first-hand access to the system of questions, messages, and answers, where I will answer all your questions and comments immediately (I always respond). I will be pleased to help with any problem or doubt you have during the course.Do not wait anymore. To learn all these skills click on ""Register"" and start feeling the freedom of having your own VPS.I will see you in classes :)"
Price: 54.99

"Microservicios Lumen: Crea tus servicios y APIs con Lumen" |
"Implementa desde cero una completa arquitectura orientada a servicios con PHP, usando Lumen de Laravel.Lumen es un microframework de PHP basado en Laravel (un framework para PHP), lo cual lo hace ideal para implementar microservicios y sistemas giles y livianos.Durante este curso, te mostrar todo el proceso desde cero para implementar una arquitectura orientada a servicios, implementando uno a unos los diferentes microservicios y elementos que la componen. Implementa todo el sistema de seguridad y de interaccin entre cada microservicio creado.Entonces, no esperes ms, e inscrbete ahora :)Por qu debes elegir este curso?Porque te da una vista detallada, como en ningn otro curso, de cmo crear una arquitectura orientada a servicios completamente funcional y segura usando PHP y Lumen.Porque, estars en capacidad y confianza suficientes para implementar tus propios microservicios con Lumen y PHP.Porque no solo te muestro las bondades de los microservicios y sus arquitecturas, sino que tambin te muestro cmo resolver los desafos que representan.Porque te muestro cmo asegurar todos los microservicios de la arquitectura y controlar el acceso a ellos.De qu sers capaz al finalizar el curso?En general, sers capaz de implementar cualquier arquitectura de microservicios que necesites usando PHP y Lumen. Tendrs una idea clara de cmo implementar cada microservicio con Lumen, adems de cmo debe estructurarse la interaccin entre cada microservicio, cmo construir una completa capa de seguridad que proteja y restrinja el acceso a cada uno y a la arquitectura en general usando OAuth2 por medio de Lumen/Laravel Passport.Te sentirs en confianza para luego tomar tu camino y llevar a cabo tus propios proyectos con todos los microservicios y componentes que desees con Lumen y PHP.Qu aprenders exactamente?Crea proyectos en Lumen de LaravelConfigura y usa Lumen fcilmente en tu sistema sin procesos complejosUsa Lumen adecuadamente para su propsito ideal. Los microserviciosConstruye una arquitectura orientada a servicios completamente funcionalUsa OAuth2 para proteger el acceso a tu arquitectura, por medio de Lumen/Laravel PassportInstala y adapta Laravel Passport a proyectos LumenCrea tokens de acceso asociados a usuarios para manejar sus datos y flujos de autorizacinAutentica usuarios y restringe el acceso solo a usuarios vlidos si es necesarioAutoriza y usa diferentes tipos de tokens de acceso para restringir las posibles acciones de los usuariosCrea un completo sistema de interaccin entre microservicios a travs de peticiones HTTP con GuzzleHTTPConstruye servicios completamente funciones y adecuados con LumenRetorna y construye respuestas JSON estandarizadas con LumenSepara de forma adecuada los componentes de una arquitectura orientada a serviciosControla errores y excepciones del modo adecuado para asegurar la consistencia de toda la arquitecturaConstruye e implementa un Gateway para tu arquitecturaCentraliza el consumo de tu arquitectura orientada a servicios por medio de un Gateway con LumenY mucho ms. Tendrs acceso de por vida a cada clase que conforma al curso y las que vendrn luego. Adems tienes acceso directo para que puedas realizarme preguntas y as resolver todas tus dudas.No esperes ms, anmate y nete al curso y dale rienda suelta a todas las posibilidades que Lumen brinda con una arquitectura orientada a servicios."
Price: 59.99

"Lumen Microservices: Create Services and APIs with Lumen" |
"Implement from scratch a complete service-oriented architecture with PHP, using Lumen by Laravel.Lumen is a PHP microframework based on Laravel (a PHP framework), which makes it ideal to implement microservices along with rapid and light systems.During this course, I will show you the whole process to implement a service-oriented architecture with PHP and using Lumen; implementing a set of microservices and its interactions. Build the entire security and interaction systems between each microservice. All of that using PHP with Lumen.So, do not wait any more, and enroll now :)Why should you take this course?Because it gives you a detailed view, as in no other course, of a service-oriented architecture that is fully functional and secured using PHP and Lumen.Because you will be able and confident enough to implement your microservices and architectures using Lumen and PHP.Because it not only shows you the benefits of microservices and their architectures but also shows you how to solve the challenges that microservices representsBecause it shows you how to secure all the microservices in the architecture and control the access to themWhat will you be able to do at the end of the course?In general, you will be able to implement any microservices architecture you need using PHP and Lumen. You will have a clear idea of how to implement each microservice with Lumen, as well as how the interaction between each of these microservices should be structured, how to build a complete security layer that protects and restricts access to each microservice in the architecture using OAuth2 with Lumen/Laravel Passport along with authenticate users and use different grant types of OAuth2.You will feel confident to take your path and carry out your projects with all the microservices and components you want with PHP and Lumen.What will you learn exactly?Create projects in Lumen by LaravelConfigure and use Lumen easily in your system without complex processesUse Lumen properly for its ideal purpose: the microservicesBuild a fully functional service-oriented architecture from scratchUse OAuth2 to protect access to your architecture, through Lumen/Laravel PassportInstall and adapt Laravel Passport to Lumen projectsCreate access tokens associated with users to handle users data and authorization flowsAuthenticate users credentials and restrict access to only valid users if neededAuthorize and use different kinds of access tokens to restrict the action over your resourcesCreate a complete system of interaction between microservices through HTTP requests with GuzzleHTTP from LumenBuild fully functional and adequate services with LumenReturns and builds standardized JSON responses with LumenSeparate the components of a service-oriented architecture appropriatelyHandle errors and exceptions appropriately to ensure the consistency of the entire architectureBuild and implement, correctly, an API Gateway for your architectureCentralize the consumption of your service-oriented architecture through an API Gateway with LumenAnd a lot much more. You will have access for life to each class that makes up the course and those that will come later. You also have direct access to me, so you can ask me questions and solve all your doubts.Do not wait any longer, cheer up and join the course and give free rein to all the possibilities that Lumen offers with a service-oriented architecture."
Price: 59.99

"Crea partculas profesionales para Gantry 5 (Nivel Bsico)" |
"Por primera vez en espaol, un curso en donde teenseamosa planificar, disear y publicar tus propias partculaspara Gantry 5.DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?El objetivo nico de este curso es lograr que el estudiante puedea construir partculas para Gantry, aprovechando todas las herramientas, queelmejor generador de plantillas gratuitas para Joomla nos ofrece.Qu son las Partculas?, son simplementeaplicaciones nativas para Gantry que te permite agregar funcionalidadesa tu sitio web, muy fcil de configurar, ya que se integran al Gestor de Diseo de Gantry,muy similaresa los mdulos de Joomla, pero concaractersticas propias.POR QU CREAR PARTCULASPARAGANTRY?Gantry es completamenteGratuito (Esto te permite reducir costos y ofrecer precios accesibles).Te ofrece una interfaz intuitiva para desarrollar aplicaciones(Slo arrastrar y soltar).Las partculascreadas paraGantry 5se adaptan a Mviles y Tablet (SonResponsive).Gantry 5 te ofrece mas de 30 tipos de campos de fcil uso para el usuario final.Usa un sistema de plantillas llamado ""Twig"", que te permite programar,""Sin programar"" (Slo necesitas conocer HTML y CSS).Gantry 5 usa FleBoxen toda su estructura nativa, permitindote lograr aplicaciones mucho ms consistentes.PARA QUIEN ESTADIRIGIDOESTE CURSO?Personas quedesean explotar toda la potencia deGantry:Y crearaplicaciones con funcionalidades especficas, capaces de cumplir conlos diferentesrequerimientos de tus clientes.Personas quedesean obtener mejores oportunidades laborales: Gantry ha abierto un nuevo mercado en el desarrollo de Software para Joomla, permitiendo a los diseadores y desarrolladores web,crear fcilmenteaplicaciones para Gantry 5.Podrs construir aplicaciones a medida yvivir de esto (Ascomo lo hago y).CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?Empezamoscon uncorto video introductorio en donde te mostramos la partcula que vamos a crear en este curso.Luego seguimos con la creacin de una partcula bsica, en donde te enseo todos los elementos y archivos que conforman una partcula y la manera como trabajainternamente.A continuacin analizamos el gran abanico de campos que nos ofrece Gantry: Ms de 25tipos de campos que Gantry pone a disposicin del desarrollador de partculas.Una vez que hayas entendido como trabajan las partculas y cmo funcionan, el siguiente paso es crear una partcula real mucho mas completa y completa, a quien llamamos""Media Plyr"", que nos permitir mostrar vdeos y audio propios en nuestro diseo. Tambin videos alojados enYoutube yVimeo.Y para facilitarnos la labor de diseo y desarrollo, usaremos una ""Chuleta para la Creacin de Partculas para Gantry 5 (PDF)"", en donde slo tendrs que copiar y pegarbloques de cdigo listos para usar, ahorrndonos una gran cantidad de tiempo.Al final del curso,sers capaz de crear tus propias aplicaciones paraGantry 5 desde 0,100%personalizadas.EN RESUMEN, EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:Planificar la creacin de una aplicacin a medidapara Gantry.Buscar Script gratuitos, para luego integrarlos ygestionarlos desde Gantry.Accedersa ms de6 horas de grabacin.Obtendrstodos los archivos originales necesarios para apoyar tu aprendizaje: Backups del sitio web que desarrollaremos, Chuletapara la creacin de partculas(PDF) y ms.QUIEN SOY?Me llamoErick Mines CEO de Aulaidealy te llevar de la mano a lo largo de estecurso, te aseguro que no estars solo.Tengo ms de 10 aos trabajando con Joomla y ms de 6 aosusando Gantry (Desde que vio la luz). Cientos deproyectos web exitososcreados usando Joomla y Gantryme respaldan.Un abrazo y te veo dentro del curso.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Te invitoa que veas cualquiera de las clases queestngratuitasantes de comprar el curso y estoy seguro que desears ver el resto de este entrenamiento.-ACTUALIZADO PARAJOOMLA 3.8 Y GANTRY 5.6!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99

"Bootstrap 4 para Zombies - De Novato A Sensei!" |
"EN ESTE CURSO USAMOS LA LTIMA VERSIN ESTABLE DE BOOTSTRAP 4 (ACTUALIZADO: 10 de Septiembre del 2019!).DE QU SE TRATA EL CURSO?Este no es un curso bsico de Bootstrap, ni muchos menos un curso terico lleno de clases aburridas. Aqu ensearemos a un ZOMBI! a DOMINAR BOOTSTRAP 4 (y ellos aprenden de la experiencia). Si!!!, ahora los muertos quieren APRENDER a crear pginas web.CMO EST ESTRUCTURADO ESTE CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. Empezamos con la instalacin de las herramientas necesarias para trabajar, luego realizamos la descarga e instalacin rpida de Bootstrap 4 en nuestra PC.Despus procedemos a codificar el diseo del sitio usando Bootstrap 4. All entendern por fin y de una vez por todas, la razn de muchas clases complejas de Bootstrap. Vers como exprimiremos al mximo el sistema de columnas de Bootstrap, crearemos ventanas Modales, construiremos mens desplegables y un MEGAMEN (men de mltiples columnas) y todo esto usando los componentes nativos de Bootstrap.Luego veremos la creacin de texto animado, es efecto ""Typing text"" usando un plugin de Jquery, que le dar un toque PROFESIONAL a tu proyecto web.Finalmente crearemos una hermosa GALERA DE FOTOS usando toda la potencia de CSS3. EN RESUMEN EN ESTE CURSO:Aprenders HTML5 + CSS3 (Desarrollo de un Proyecto Real).Aprender a personalizar los componentes de Bootstrap 4 y adaptarlos a nuestros requerimientos.Aprender a insertar conos de Font Awesome (versin 5).Aprende a crear tus propios diseos nicos y personalizados usando la ltima versin Bootstrap 4.Acceders a ms de 9 horas de grabacin en HD, con contenido claro y ejemplos didcticos.Podras acceder al contenido desde tu mvil, Tablet o PC (24/7).No esperes ms, MIRA COMO ENSEO A UN ZOMBI A DOMINAR este extraordinario Framework: BOOTSTRAP 4.Un abrazo y nos vemos dentro del curso."
Price: 199.99

"Shopify Blueprint: How to Create Your Own Shopify Business" |
"Shopify Blueprint: How to Create Your Own Profitable Shopify BusinessStruggling to make sales with your brick and mortar store? Always wanted to sell online but don't know where to start? Already selling on Amazon or other eCommerce platforms but want to expand your business?If you answer YES to any of these then Shopify is the right fit for you! You can set up your online store and be up and running in just a day. Our easy to follow step-by-step video tutorials will help you get started in no time.Course Content, What You Will Learn:Shopify At A GlanceGetting Started With ShopifyShopify DashboardHow to Setup Your Shopify E-StoreHow To Identify Hot Selling ProductsHow To Create Buy Button / Shopping CartOther Money Making IdeasHow To Migrate Your Shop From Bigcommerce To ShopifyDesign For Newbies and Experts LevelsUnlike other Shopify courses in the marketplace, this will be the most comprehensive and easy to follow step-by-step course covering all aspects to set up your own highly profitable Shopify store.If you are serious about starting your own profitable online business or increasing your sales online then hurry up and enroll now!We wish you the very best of success in your new venture!eCommunity*UPDATED On APRIL 2020"
Price: 29.99

"Awesome Open Houses" |
"Open Houses are under-utilized by most real estate professionals. They are a great lead generation source, if done correctly. In this course, I will teach you the four different types of open houses you can use, and I give you resources to make your open houses as successful as possible."
Price: 19.99

"Real Estate Investing: Learn How To Fix Up Your Fixer Upper!" |
"***Updated April 2020***Do you enjoy riding around looking at old houses? Have you always wanted to fix and flip a house but you were not sure where to start? Could you use some extra income in your life? Do you want to make money in Real Estate Investing? Are you a Homeowner, Landlord or Real Estate Investor who would like to save money by doing your own home repairs? Would you like to become knowledgable enough about Home Improvement, to hire the right contractors and know if they are doing their job properly? Would you like to learn how to ""Fix"" a ""Fix and Flip"" deal?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you! This course will teach you what you need to know to ""Fix"" many of the common problems that occur in your personal/investment properties. This course is dynamic and new lectures will frequently be added!*Bonus Section* For those who decide you don't want to make any repairs yourself, this course will also teach you how to Find, Select and Manage a General Contractor (GC) to have the repairs completed for you.Save Thousands of Dollars Fixing Your Own HousesThe knowledge that you will gain from this course can save you thousands of dollars as a homeowner or investor and make you thousands of dollars as a handy man. Not only will you save money in labor costs, but you will save money in holding costs since you will no longer have to wait on contractors to squeeze you into their schedule.Learn in Real TimeThis course will be jammed packed with live action video that comes with in-depth explanations. In these videos, the contractors take their time making repairs, which will insure that you fully comprehend the lesson at hand. Important concepts will be reinforced throughout the course to make sure that you get a solid understanding.You will see:Real live installs taking place on real live projects. Real life improvisation where you have to find shortcuts and work arounds.Days in the field just to watch ""general"" work being done around construction projects""Behind the scenes"" footage of contractors in action!These aren't just some boring ""how to"" videos that you can find on YouTube, you're actually getting exposed to real life projects by real life investors, so there's no need to spend hours searching online video sites since all of these videos will be contained in the course and updated frequently.The ultimate goal of this course is to give you enough knowledge to do your own home improvement OR to give you enough knowledge to know if a contractor is trying to ""BS"" you or not.What makes this course unique from the many real estate courses on the market is that it is designed for individuals who want to maintain their day job and who have little knowledge about real estate home repairs. The lessons will teach you the practical knowledge and the ""in the field videos"" will show you how we apply these principles in real life, to make high quality home improvements. It is a great course that will allow you to learn more about real estate while you begin to gain experience and generate a profit. It is also a great way to learn Rehabbing if you plan on doing the BRRRR method to real estate investing!This course covers all of the things that I wish I had known when I first began investing in real estate. I have placed an extra emphasis on teaching this course as if we were sitting in the same room, chatting about real estate investing and home improvement.In this course, I will take you on live ""days in the field"" where you get to see properties that we have worked on, properties that we are currently working on or properties that local contractors are working on. I will be updating this course often with new home improvement information and videos. Besides the extensive knowledge and resources that I provide you in this course, the biggest benefit, in my opinion, is the fact that you have access to ask me and your classmates questions, at any time in this course. As a Bonus, I have partnered with several other Real Estate Investors to create a Facebook Group to assist with questions and networking. Please Feel free to join us there as well in the group named: Happy People Real Estate Investing.Whether you want to fix and flip a deal, learn more about real estate/home improvement or just network with like minded individuals, this course is for you! Enroll in this course now to get started. With Udemy's money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Looking forward to the opportunity to interact with you and to help you learn how to make money fixing and flipping real estate!"
Price: 199.99

"Real Estate Investing: Fix and Flip Property Walkthroughs!" |
"*** Course updated April 2020 ***Do you enjoy riding around looking at old houses? Have you always wanted to fix and flip a house but you were not sure where to start? Could you use some extra income in your life? Do you want to make money in Real Estate?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you! In this course we will ride around and film prospective properties, to give you a sense of what we look for before investing in a deal. When possible we will also give walk throughs of current deals we are working on to show work that is progressing. This course will teach you what you need to know to analyze a Fix and Flip real estate deal in your city. Since no two houses are alike, you can expect to pick up more knowledge from every house that we analyze.The methods that you will learn in this course will:1.) Allow you to make more money on your Real Estate Deals2.) Avoid deals which may lead to costly repairs3.) Save money by learning some of the ""tricks of the trade"" when it comes to types of repairs that are made on buy and hold (rentals) vs. resales (fix and flips)What makes this course unique from the many real estate courses on the market is that it is designed for individuals who have the basic book/theory knowledge of Fix and Flip investing, but desire to see real live ""days in the field"". The analysis will teach you the practical knowledge and the ""in the field videos"" will show you how we apply these principles in real life, to make money. It is a great course that will allow you to learn more about real estate while you begin to gain experience and generate a profit. This course covers all of the things that I wish I had known when I first began investing in real estate. I have placed an extra emphasis on teaching this course as if we were sitting in the same room, chatting about real estate investing. In addition I have added Closed Captions (optional), to the videos, for your convenience. In this course, I will take you on live ""days in the field"" where you get to see properties that we are considering purchasing, as well as properties that we have fixed and flipped in the past. I will be updating this course often with new information and videos. Besides the extensive knowledge and resources that I provide you in this course, the biggest benefit, in my opinion, is the fact that you have access to ask me and your classmates questions, at any time in this course. We have recently started a Facebook Group called Happy People Real Estate Investing, so feel free to join us on there as well!Whether you want to complete a deal, learn more about real estate or just network with like minded individuals, this course is for you! Enroll in this course now to get started. With Udemy's money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Looking forward to the opportunity to interact with you and to help you learn how to make money fixing and flipping real estate!"
Price: 199.99

"Dog Tricks for Fun and Obedience" |
"In this course, you will clearly learn how to teach your dog many new games. It' s a useful videotutorial made for the owner whowants to teach hisdog something very special.First of all, you have to remember animportant thing : the only way a dog will learn with happinessis to make the learning funny.As a matter of fact, in this courseyou will find 28videos very easyto followwhere you will be able to learn how to teach your dog the tricks you like.It's kind of Dog Tricks Academy and you will alsohave the possibility to teach your dog some basic exercizes of obedience (sit, down, walk etc.) andsome other else of agility sport.The videos are subtitled and a voice will guide you all along the course ,so you will be able to read and listen toevery steps seeingthem on videos.This course will be very usefull for you in order to create a good relationship with your dog, teaching him orders , becoming the real guide for your him."
Price: 19.99

"How to become a Professional Dog Sitter" |
"This course wasborn to help people who wants toachieve knowledge and obtaincompetence to trasform their passion for dogs into their mai job, becoming a Professional Dog Sitter.In the business world, for some years now, there is a very important space reserved for the Pet sector. It's 'important that the Dog-Sitter appears, however, with a qualification demonstrating its level of preparation, in addition to his passion and love for dogs, in this way you can be distinguished from all other dog-sitter who improvise in this profession.That's why, at the end of the course, you will receive a degree of "" Professional Dog Sitter"" certified by our School and this will help you to show clients your real preparation and reliability.In this course, you will find, in addition to all the behavioral notionsabout the language, the dog psychology and the first aid, alsoa very important part on the marketing and the business.We will guide you into the world of work seen by a DogSitter, helping you tounderstand the legal issues andbuilding at the same time a personal brand that will attract newcustomers .At the end of the course, you will receive a degree of "" Professional Dog Sitter"" certified by our School and this will help you to show clients your real preparation and reliability."
Price: 64.99

"Painting Textures in Watercolor" |
"In this course I'll show you how to improve your painting by adding textures. At the end of this course you will have the skills you need to paint many of the common textures we see around us. You will have the ability to simplify complicated things like rust and rocks and glass and trees, and paint them in a way that captures their very essence. I'll show you how to make shiny things look shiny, and the best way to paint the texture of stone walls and brickwork, metal, hair, fur and clothing. I'll also introduce you to some exciting ways of making random textures that can liven up any painting.You can work through the course from beginning to end or just dip into it whenever you want to find out how to create the texture you need.In each video I show you step-by-step how to create the texture, and I've also produced a pdf instruction sheet to go with each one.This course is for you if you are just starting out with watercolors and you're not sure how to go about it, or if you have been painting for a while and want to improve the quality of your paintings or find some new techniques and ideas."
Price: 29.99

"Audiovisual, do roteiro edio" |
"Voc vai aprendercomo produzir vdeos de qualidade, iniciando pela ideia, passando pelo roteiro,storyboard e edio. Voc ver conceitos decomposio, iluminao, cenas e planos, movimentos de cmera,storyboard, gravao e tratamento de udio, como escolher e utilizarequipamentos e edio de vdeo.Eu desenhei estecurso para voc, que busca uma soluo para produzir vdeos deforma descomplicada e direta, para qualquer tipo de mdia final epropsito. Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar vdeosaprendendo conceitos de produo audiovisual, alm dos softwares:LibreOffice, Storyboarder, Krita, Kit scenarist, Audacity, Blender eKdenlive."
Price: 69.99

"Learn Chinese Cupping Therapy: Release Muscle Tension Fast" |
"How To Release Tightness & Tension In As Little As 15 MinutesAre you ready to learn how to clear pain, stiffness & tightness in less than 15 minutes?Are you interested in learning powerful massage techniques? Are you looking to get better results for your paying massage clients?Do you want to make sure your clients keep coming back for more?Chinese Cupping Therapy is for every natural medicine enthusiast who wants to learn how to use this powerful therapeutic modality. This course is suitable for:Absolute beginners to massage therapyCurrent massage and manual therapy studentsMassage and manual therapy practitioners who are looking to incorporate more Chinese medicine techniques for better results. I understand that when I act now, I get lifetime access to ""Learn Chinese Cupping Therapy"", including: A step by step training programAn ancient healing modality that can release tension on my friends, family and paying clients in just 15 minutesA method to build confidence in using both plastic and glass cups A healing modality that will be more efficient and save me precious energyA list of resources to help you acquire the right materials and take your training to the next levelAccess to a Chinese medicine practitioner and teacher with over 8 years experienceSo, if you're into natural medicine and is ready to develop a more powerful skill that can save you time, energy and have your clients re-booking on the spot, ""Chinese Cupping Therapy"" is the answer you've been looking for!I also understand that If I ACT NOW, I also get... 30 Day Money Back Guarantee A Special Discounted OfferLifetime AccessThis is the same material and course structure that I taught in an accredited health college in Australia! If you were to learn this course alone in a health college, the price would be at least $500.100% Guaranteed If ""Learn Chinese Cupping Therapy"" doesn't show me exactly how to relieve tension in just 15 minutes... or if it fails to help me get better results, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked! "
Price: 49.99

"Build Maximum Muscle with Minimal Equipment" |
"If you're ready to progress from bodyweight training to weight training but don't know where to start then this course is for you. In it you will learn how to use 3 different implements with 4 basic movement patterns.The implements used here are: dumbbells, a kettlebell and a weight plate.It is highly recommended that you have at least one of these or gym access to be successful.Once you understand the exercises, you will then learn how to create your own program to either build muscle, get strong or lose weight."
Price: 29.99

"Server Administration Fundamentals 2017 (Server+ SK0-004)" |
"Welcome to Server+Networking Fundamentalsfrom LearnSmart.This coursewill help you validate you have mastered the technologies found in todaysextensive and varied IT environment to boost your career. This course series will alsobetter qualify you for such jobs asnetwork administrators,systems engineers, help desk technicians, hardware technicians, and more.Learn server administration fundamentals and gainknowledge of the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare forCompTIA'sServer+ (SK0-004)exam.Course Overview:This course is designed to prepare the student for the CompTIA Server+ (SK0-004) exam.Once in our course review our course map to see just how we alignwith CompTIA's Server+ Certification in providing this training.Learn the main exam objectives by learning these key concepts we cover:Understanding ServersInstalling and Configuring ServersConfiguring Server Operating SystemsServer Administration and MaintenanceVirtual Server EssentialsUnderstanding Storage SystemsConfiguring and Maintaining Storage SystemsServer Security EssentialsNetwork Configuration and AdministrationServer Disaster RecoveryTroubleshooting Server ProblemsOur lectures are paired with a variety of demonstrations and quizzes giving visual example and real world look of the concepts that will be talked about.The Server+ Certification by CompTIA is an international and vendor-neutral certification that has been endorsed and recognized by industry computing manufacturers and organizations.The course below provides foundational knowledge of the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare for the CompTIA Server+ SK0-004 exam. This also qualifies as Continuing Education Units (CEUs). If youre up for renewal, you can earn CEUs through this course series. Make sure to redeem up to 22 CEUS for this course completion.These sections can be taken in any order, as a review of a concept or knowledge area. However, if you are just becoming familiar with it security and ethical hackingit is recommended that you view the sections sequentially.Course Breakdown:Section 1: Gain a brief history of network servers and then cover the different types of servers you may encounter, what their different purposes and functions are, and their key features.Section 2:From server form factors to processors, RAM, hardware, and keeping the servers cool, you will begin to understand the different kinds of servers you can get and the first steps in utilizing them.Section 3:Cover several important topics to help you understand the process of selecting, installing, and configuring an operating system on your server from selecting and understanding operating systems.Section 4:We discuss the best ways to access the server along with the different administration techniques. We also discuss fault tolerance, asset management, and maintaining appropriate documentation.Section 5:Let's explore virtualization. What is virtualization? Why does it matter? Then lets discuss hypervisors and the important role they play in the virtualization process.Section 6: Understand storage systems by looking at hard disks, RAID, independent disks, and so forth. Next discuss other types of storage such as SAN and external drives, and how to calculating capacity.Section 7: Review real-life scenarios and demonstrations with about creating, formatting, or managing partitions and volumes, internal and external drives, arrays, encryption and compressing data.Section 8:Be able to cover all your security needs from physical security to server hardening to hard wiping a hard drive and more.Section 9:Learn about IP addressing such as IPv4 and IPv6, networking services, and network infrastructure. We also discuss port and protocols, and how to scan for open ports. Then, we talk about cables.Section 10:Take a closer look at server disaster recover such as continuity operations, the different types of recovery sites, data replications, and backup methodology and media.Section 11:We cover troubleshooting server problems and discuss the various methodologies involved in troubleshooting both the hardware and software, along with many errors you might face and why.Section 12:In this, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the principles, concepts, and tools used in completing the ""Server+ Administration Fundamentals (SK0-004)""course completion.Recommendations:Learn from others! Here are some reviews from participants (Click on reviews to see full list of reviews)Great Material - This course is a great reference and way to refresh your skills for the new Server+exam! I needed a good refresh before taking the exam and this course is clearly laid out and copiously covers the material for the exam. Great course, well worth the money! -- M.B.Perfect Course - Not only do you get great lectures that are pretty much PowerPoints with an instructor teaching you the concepts, there are also Demo lectures that show you how each of the concepts works in real life. This is such valuable information to have when taking the test. I feel very confident that this course is the best course on Udemy. -- D.R. Jr.A Complete Jumpstart - What has impressed me the most is the depth of the content to this coarse. Each HD video is crystal clear in both the visual and audio, even including quality closed captioning (great for reading along with the lectures). I wasn't interested in the flashcards or the crossword puzzles when I started the program, but I've found them to be very useful in staying engaged in the class when away from home. This is everything you need to get started and have a classroom quality experience from home. Dive in and stay focused! -- P.C"
Price: 199.99

"Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees - 2017" |
"Welcome to Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees from LearnSmart.Sexual harassment is a constant presence in America's workplaces and is a form of employment discrimination prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. To prevent harassment, we need to understand it. For many people, sexual harassment"" is an emotionally-charged topic loaded with confusion and uncertainty. The topics that will be covered in this course will provide any employee a comprehensive explanation of what sexual harassment, how you to recognize sexual harassment in todays work environment, what to do when it happens, and how protect yourself employees from this type of behavior.This course is designed to meet California State Compliant Standards (AB1825 & AB2053). Whether you live or work in California, or have Business relationships with companies in California this course includes specific references to California laws regarding Sexual Harassment training.Course Breakdown:Section 1: In the pre-assessment quiz you'll face questions that test your current workplace knowledge, get to know your strengths and weaknesses.Section 2: Define sexual harassment and the concepts in sexual harassment and delve into what abusive Section 3: Be able to recognize the different types of harassing behaviors and understand the motivations behind these behaviorsSection 4: Understand harassment in todays workplace by reviewing topics that include the rise in male cases of sexual harassment, and the rise in technology and the workplace and how this can also be applied for sexual harassment. Apply the right steps to take when/if online harassment is experienced and develop a positive work environment.Section 5: Final ExamThe content in this course comes from California State Compliant Standards (AB1825 & AB2053). Recommendations:Learn from others! Here are some reviews from participants (Click on reviews to see full list of reviews)Smart method to learn - This course is helpful and using smart way to motivate thinking and understanding. The instructor has a professional delivery method, and the he materials are interesting and creative specially the flashcards and the exercises -- I.A.This course is of high quality - This course will explain you every concept from scratch. The instructor is highly engaging and highly motivating. Can't be better. Thank you -- S.T.Thanks for LearnSmart LLC. Very clear explanation, easy to understand, delivered in very slow and deliberate manner -- R.B."
Price: 44.99

"Podcast para professorado. Seu ensino mais eficaz com udio" |
"Aperfeioar ou criar o seu alter ego digital vai fazer de si melhor professor(a), vai aprimorar as suas capacidades de escrita, de comunicao e vai ser um estmulo sua auto-estima. Acredite, falo com conhecimento de causa. A melhor forma de alavancar a sua carreira manter uma presena online onde possapartilhar e com isso ganhar reconhecimento. queos seus materiais, elemento fundamental da suavida profissional, podem e devem beneficiar outros alunos.Mas ateno tambm podem e devem ser benficos para si que os criou, contriburem para que possa atingir outra dimenso profissional: ganhar prestgio e mesmo ser compensado financeiramente, pela qualidade do que produz.Mas essa uma conversa para mais tarde, agorapara esse caminho ser mais rpido tem que entrar pelo mundo do multimdia e o Podcast a soluo mais eficaz.Hoje seus alunos esto conetados, esto muito ligados aos ecrs, ento vamos tirar proveito para melhorar suas aprendizagens.Confira as vantagens do Podcast:o aluno encarado como agente activo, capaz de participar activamente no processo de construo do seu prprio saber;maior motivao para a aprendizagem pela utilizao de diferentes formatos;possibilidade de aprender em contextos diferentes da escola;maior interaco e estmulo para o desenvolvimento da criatividade;permitir desenvolver o trabalho de forma individual ou colectiva;permite comunicar de uma forma mais criativa, mais compacta e de fcil acesso;o aluno pode ouvir os contedos quando quiser e quantas vezes necessitar, mas o professor s faz esse esforo uma vez;garante acesso fcil e rpido informao;no pressupe conhecimentos aprofundados de informtica.Neste curso voc vai aprender o seguinte:Definies de podcast e seus termos associadosVantagens do podcast para quem produz e para que ouveTpicos e avataresO podcast enquanto componente de uma marca: vocEquipamentos necessriosComo gravar os seus episdiosOnde alojar o seu podcastComo publicarComo ter sempre contedo novoComo criar a sua audincia"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2018 - Exam Prep" |
"Anyone who says cloud computing is the future is lying to you.Or they're out of touch.Cloud computing is here and has been for a while. Today, 95% of organizations say that they use cloud computing in their environment or are trying it - yes,you read that correctly, a95% adoption rate.And what about those people who don't know how to architect infrastructure and applications for the cloud?Those people are finding it increasingly difficult to stay relevant. They're struggling to participate in the interesting projects at work and they're discovering that new jobs require these skills... just to get an interview.Don't be one of those people.You want to be the person who takes their career into their own hands.Learn this stuff.Put yourself ahead of those people who stay stuck in the past.We live in a new world, and there are new ways of doing things.Learn the new way of doing things and get certified as an AWS Certified SolutionsArchitect - Associate.This course will take you through all of the key features and services of Amazon Web Services. You will learn everything you need to take and pass the AWS Certified SolutionsArchitect Associate exam. And more than that, you'll learn how to architect and design applications and solutions that make best use of AWS.You'll design beautiful and elegant solutions that save your company and your clients money.You'll be the one who does it right.This course is taught by two veteran instructors, each with over 20 years of experience in enterprise-grade technology. We both make our livings consulting with billion dollar companies to help them design the right solutions that run in the cloud. We also have many years experience teaching online, with more than 100,000 individual students in our courses.Come learn AWS Architecture from two very experienced architects and instructors. Get the AWSCertified Solutions Architect - Associate certificationand put yourself at the front of the pack for the most interesting projects and jobs. Take control of your career.Buy this course today and get started immediately!"
Price: 69.99

"Practice Test for 77-728: Excel 2016 Expert: Data Insights" |
"*BRANDNEWCOURSE*-July2017Everyone thinks that they know Microsoft Excel. Your sister knows Excel. The guy on the 3rd floor at work knows Excel. But they just think they know Excel.You REALLYknow Excel. You're aMicrosoftExcel expert. Well, now's your chance to prove it.This practice test is for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Excel, at the expert level, 77-728. If you think you are ready to take the Microsoft exam and get certified, these practice tests will prove that you know your stuff. Take these tests before taking the real ones to identify your weaknesses, or give you the confidence to spend the money tosit for the real test.In these practice tests, you'll download a set of worksheets and be asked to perform tasks to prove that you know the advanced elements of Excel. The questions are based on the official exam requirements, and were prepared by Billy Wigley - a certified Excel expert and Microsoft Certified Trainer.These questions are tough. They're based on what you might see in the real exam, and every effort has been made to simulate the exam environment.There is also a project-based test that are a very close simulation to the project-based portion of the real exam.You'll get lifetime access to these questions. No 30-day expiry on these ones. Once you buy this, it's yours. Take your time and prepare for the exam, and use these tests to prove you're ready."
Price: 69.99

"Azure Serverless Functions and Logic Apps" |
"NEWCOURSE- JUSTLAUNCHEDNOV 2017You've been working on this app for months. You finally publish it live, and you start letting people know about it. Then you have a new set of problems - checking the CPUusage, worrying about performance, almost hoping that it doesn't get too popular too fast. Do you have to spin up more servers in advance in case there is a spike in demand?Azure Serverless apps promises to take the stress and worry about application scaling off your hands. If you code your application using logic apps, functions, messages, and events, Azure will add more server power when your application needs it, and will take care of scaling back down when you don't. And you only pay for what you use. No hourly compute charges when a server is running but not doing much.In this course, we'll look at all of the components of an Azure Serverless app.FunctionsLogic AppsEvent GridCosmosDBAzure StorageMessaging and QueuingBeyond the overview, we'll also look at the Azure Portal and see live walkthroughs of creating Serverless apps. Then you'll have a chance to do it yourself using Assignments.To be sure, Azure Serverless apps aren't perfect or for every situation. Virtual Machines aren't going away. But there are some great uses for these small functions that have specific tasks to perform, and in this course we'll look at how to add Serverless apps to your toolbox."
Price: 49.99

"Part 1 Enterprise Architect 9.2 in Arabic" |
"TOGAF 9.2 : 28000 9.1 . TOGAFdevelopers and architects. 9.1TOGAF 9.1 certification exam (OG0-091) . . 400 - TOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework. : 9.2 Architecture Development Method (ADM) : . : 9.2 . 2000 . 9.2 . 500 . 265 . - : 28000 9 . ! 650 . . 30 . . . 1 1 1 TOGAF Certified architect Open Group's Architecture 9.2 TOGAF is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. SoftwareArchitect(dot)cais a member of The Open Group Architecture Forum and holds a current, valid TOGAF Commercial License."
Price: 119.99

"Introduction to Python and Machine Learning" |
"Master the basics of Pythons and Machine Learning from scratch. If you are looking for good start in Machine Learning this is the course for you to start with. This course is design in such a way which need only minimum or no programming experience from participants.This course will walk you towards every step of Python and Machine learning starting from the history, setup and exercises in Python and Machine learning. With every tutorial you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Data Science. This course focuses more on practical aspect rather than theoretical aspect of programming.In this course you will cover the following topics in much greater details.:Introduction to PythonPython Data TypesControl FlowFunction, Modules and PackagesI/O errors and ExceptionsClassesStandard LibrariesNumpyMetplotlibPandasMachine LearningIntroduction to Machine LearningIntroduction to ScikitInstalling Scikit - learnIntroduction and Installing Jupyter NotebookTechniques Of Machine LearningSupervised Machine LearningUnsupervised Machine LearningTypes of Machine Learning AlgorithmsClassificationsand many more.Who is the target audience?Anyone interested in Machine Learning.Students who have at least high school knowledge in math and who want to start learning Machine Learning.Any intermediate level people who know the basics of machine learning, including the classical algorithms like linear regression or logistic regression, but who want to learn more about it and explore all the different fields of Machine Learning.Any people who are not that comfortable with coding but who are interested in Machine Learning and want to apply it easily on datasets.Any students in college who want to start a career in Data Science.Any data analysts who want to level up in Machine Learning.Any people who are not satisfied with their job and who want to become a Data Scientist.Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Machine Learning tools."
Price: 29.99

"TestNG Complete Bootcamp For Beginners - Novice To Ninja" |
"TestNG is one of the best testing frameworks available today.It helps the automation tester to focus on writing and implementing test cases, so that they can concentrate on testing the functionality of the application and the logistics of running, monitoring and reporting is managed by the TestNG Framework.This course includes a wide range of topics from TestNG Annotations, different kind of Assertions, running a Test Suite, running tests in a desired sequence, Grouping related tests, understanding Dependent Tests, Preserver order of execution, reading Parameters from xml file, DataProviders (run test methods for multiple data sets), TestNG Listeners, TestNG Reporters (Logging), TestNG HTML Reports. All materials including code files.***** One stop place to become an Expert in Automation Framework Implementation from scratch *****This course is very well structured:Each lecture consist of a video screencast and code filesHigh focus on practice and asking questionsYou will also learn best practices********************* WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? *****************************We assume that students have no experience in testing frameworks and start every topic from scratch and basics.Examples are taken from REAL TIME to understand how different annotations can be utilized, that will give you idea of industry level framework and give you confidence.NO PRIOR AUTOMATION EXPERIENCE NEEDED, this course covers all the necessary topics. Some knowledge of Java is desiured.Get more than 4 hours of unique content with code files provided to refer and learn with examples.*******************************************************************************************************Are you looking to step into automation industry with the latest technologies in market?Are you keen to learn how to utilize TestNG to build a strong automation foundation?Interested in learning how TestNG can help you manage logistics of running tests frameworks? This course is backed by udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the code files of the course as a thank you for trying out the course !!!What are you waiting for? Enroll today and learn the powerful TestNG Framework !!!"
Price: 99.99

"Rest API Automation With Rest Assured - Novice To Ninja" |
"REST Assured is powerful set of APIs to automate Restful APIs/Restful Webservices (just like Selenium WebDriver for Web Application).Almost all web applications use Rest APIs to communicate with back-end and it has gained a lot of popularity in the modern day application architecture.It is very important for QA/Automation engineers to understand how to automate Rest API tests. Automating Rest APIs tests is very crucial for projects because Rest API tests are quick to run and more stable unlike web automation. 90% of the IT industry is now moving towards Rest API Automation ---- So What are you waiting for ???*********************Why this course? *********************------> No other course covers topics covered in this course with such great depth of detail.All materials including code files.------> We start from Beginners level and go through Advanced FRAMEWORK level. This is a single course for everything you need to know related to Rest API Manual testing and Automation.***** One stop place to become an Expert in Rest API Automation Framework from scratch ********** One and Only course on internet with real time APIs with Framework Implementation like Twitter and Google Maps examples *****------> Basics To Advanced Level With Rest Assured, Postman, Java, TestNG, Framework Implementation From ScratchGet awesome Support, on demand desktop session on Team Viewer and Skype.********************* WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST? *****************************We assume that students have no experience in automation/coding and start every topic from scratch and basics.Examples are taken from TESTING REAL TIME HOSTED Rest APIs to understand how different components can be automated, that will give you idea of industry level framework and give you confidence.NO PRIOR CODING OR AUTOMATION EXPERIENCE NEEDED, this course covers all the necessary topics.Get more than 25 hours of unique content with real example code files provided to refer and learn with examples.*******************************************************************************************************Are you looking to step into Rest API Automation industry with the latest technologies in market?Are you keen to learn Rest API Automation using RestAssured with java and other latest framework technologies?Interested in learning how Rest APIs are automated in projects? We start with how to code in Java and then move towards learning Postman Client, RestAssured, TestNG, Maven.Topics Include:Understand and use POSTMAN to send requests (using GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operations) Introduction to REST Assured,which is a popular open sourcelibrary used for API test automation.Learn how to write tests forGET, POST, PUT and DELETEoperations using Real Time hosted Rest APIs like Google's and Twitter's Real Time hosted Rest APIs Understand and useJSONPath, XMLPath to assert and extract response Understand how to write efficient and less redundant code using Request Specification, Response Specification, Logging Addingmultiple assertionsto a single test Learn AuthenticationusingOAuth on Twitter's Real Time hosted Rest APIs"
Price: 199.99

"Management Skills - Team Leadership Skills Masterclass 2020" |
"Leadership Skills Training - Lean Management - Culture Change -People ManagementDo you want to become a better manager?Do you want to improve your leadership skills?This course will help you master core management skills, it is designed for complete beginners, it will you help you overcome challenges that hold you back and help you climb the ladder of success.You will learn core leadership and people skills and you will learn how to master LEAN Business Process Management.Everything you need to further your Managerial Career!This course had been developed and delivered by Stephen Mather - Aleading UKmanagement change consultant, trainer, coach and psychologist. He will guide you through the tools and techniques that you need to become a successful manager.So don't delay - start your journey today!Topics Covered In The Course:Module 1 - Management And Leadership:An Introduction To Management And LeadershipYour Management PhilosophyBeing A LEANManagerThe Forever Learning ManagerModule 2 - Navigating The CourseOverview Of The CourseWho Am I?Features Of The CourseApplying What You LearnThe Learning CycleModule 3 - Becoming An Influential ManagerWhat It Means To Be InfluentialThe Behaviour Of Influential PeopleADISCOWhy You Need A VisionWorking With SMART GoalsBetter Than Buy InInfluencing AttitudesCommunicating To InfluenceHow Do Influential People Talk?Body LanguageInfluence Through ListeningInfluencing Your Peers And BossDealing With Difficult PeopleOpposing Goals Or NarrativeWhat Do They Fear?Personal Clashes - The Five FactorsPersonality Clashes - Compatibility Is ComplexTalking Their LanguagePeople WatchingModule 4 -The Data Guided ManagerUsing Data To Make Good DecisionsThe Data Guided Manager ExplainedThe Data Guided Manager - Further ExplorationGetting Control Of Your ProcessesThe Different Methods You Can Use To Get Control Of Your ProcessesGetting Your DataOther Types Of Lead IndicatorsChoosing KPIsAnalysing The DataUsing The InformationCreating A Data Guided TeamModule 5 - The Everyday ManagerWhat Sort Of Leader Are You?The Heartbeat Of Your RoleUsing KPIsBenefits Of Team MeetingsTen Meeting MustsBe AvailableCommunicating By EmailOther Ways To CommunicateTime ManagementManaging PerformanceDelegationModule 6 - LEAN Process ManagementIntroduction To LEAN ManagementLEAN As A Way Of ThinkingLEAN Terms And ConceptsFurther LEANTerms And ConceptsThe ProPeC Simple Improvement ProcessTIM WOODSMotivation - The Two FlavoursCurrent State AnalysisCreating A Process MapAn Example Process FlowRoot Cause Analysis - 5 WhysRoot Cause Analysis - Fishbone DiagramExploring The WhyFMEA Failure Mode Effects AnalysisDefine Your GoalSMART Goal SettingGoal AlignmentIdentify Actions And PlansAnalysing Potential IdeasGrid AnalysisPlanning Your ChangeUnderstanding Gantt ChartsHow To Make A Gantt ChartPlanning Your Control MechanismsImplementing Your ChangeKeep Your DisciplineTen Meeting MustsAction Boards And Issue LogsThe Cost Of ChangeReview ProcessesThe ProPeC Review ProcessModule 7 - Training Your TeamWhat Is Training For?The Three Box SystemAdded Value TrainingExploring Added Value TrainingCognitive LearningPsychomotor LearningAffective LearningTraining Needs AnalysisCompliance TrainingIdentifying Training NeedsPre-course Competency AssessmentsHow To Choose TrainingCost Free TrainingSheep Dip Or Targeted?What Is Good Training?Preparing The EmployeeLogistics PlanningPost Course DiscussionMeasuring The Effectiveness Of TrainingKirkpatrick LevelsModule 8- Culture Change ManagementIntroduction To Culture ChangeWhy Culture Change MattersThe Impact Of CulturePositive GoalsUnderstanding BehaviorThree Ways To Measure BehaviorBehaviorism ExplainedCognitive Psychology ExplainedSocial Psychology ExplainedHow Do You Measure A CultureUsing SurveysSurvey QuestionsBenefits Of DIY Surveys andOn The Shelf SurveysBenefits Of Using A ConsultantOther Ways To Measure CultureMeasuring Instances Of BehaviorThe Semi Structured InterviewFocus Groups And Example QuestionsThe Down Sides Of Focus GroupUsing ProPeC Process For Changing Your CultureThe ProPeC Process Step 1 - The Business ReasonThe ProPeC Process Step 2 - Current State AnalysisThe ProPeC Process Step 3 - Goals or ObjectivesThe ProPeC Process Step 4 - Action And PlanningThe ProPeC Process Step 5 - ImplementingThe ProPeC Process Step 5 - ReviewThe ProPeC Microscope To Help Action And PlanningMechanisms For Identifying Actions And PlanningPlanning With Gantt ChartsNeuro Logic Levels In Culture ChangeAjzen Theory Of Planned Behavior In Culture ChangeModule 9 - Building A TeamBuilding A Team IntroductionHow Does An Effective Manager DeliverComponents Of A Good TeamDefining Roles To Help Deliver ObjectivesThe Importance Of VisionTwo Islands Getting The Team InvolvedCollaboration Is Better Than Buy InWhat Are The Indicators Of Good PerformanceIdentifying A Team's Can, Know And CareSilo Mentality And Creating Overlap Between Can, Know And CareIndividual DifferencesBelbin's Team RolesTypes And Traits PsychometricsShould I Use Psychometrics?Module 10- Better Presentation SkillsYour Reason WhyGetting Your Thinking RightUnderstanding The ChimpUnderstanding The IntellectUnderstanding The ComputerDealing With The ChimpAn Effective PresentationAIM - Your Reason For Your PresentationCreating ASMARTGoal For Your PresentationPlanning Your Presentation RouteBuilding Your Main BodyUsing PEEL To Make Your PointsPresentation Tools And Using CardsPublic Speaking FundamentalsTips For Being HeardOther Reasons You May Not Be HeardBeing UnderstoodDiction Tongue Twister ExerciseWhat About Accents?Other Word ChoicesTips To Being UnderstoodHow Well Are You Doing?How Do You Get Better At PresentingPersuasive PresentationsKey Areas For MotivationTelling Stories And Using IllustrationsUnderstanding ModulationUnderstanding GesturesUnderstanding Visual AidsYour Call To ActionSustaining Your PresentationModule 11 - The Team LifecycleLifecycle OverviewRecruitment MethodsPrinciples Of Effective RecruitmentDealing With Poor PerformersDealing With GrievancesThe End Of The Team And RebirthModule 12 - Taking Care Of Yourself And The Future Of ManagementKeeping Your HeadBuilding up ResilienceBuckets Of ResourcesTraining Your ThinkingMaintaining Work Life BalanceWhen It Is Time For A ChangeUsing ProPec Improvement Process For Personal UseAlternatives To Being EmployedThe Future Of ManagementJoin UsSo join us on the other side and learn how to become a successful manager!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Study & Learn Effectively - Study & Learning Skills" |
"Study & Learning Skills - How To Study & Learn EffectivelyMany people do not know how to get the best out of their education.This is often because they have not been taught how to study in an effective and healthy way.In this course, you will learn how to study whilst you enjoy your learning experience.You will also learn to do this in a way that does not tire you out.Who Is This Course Designed For?This course is designed for absolute beginners, who are not sure how to get the best out of their studies, especially useful for college and university students who are entering the brave new world of advanced education.Topics Covered In This Course Are:How The Brain WorksModes Of ThinkingCompetencyFamiliar And Notorious PracticesElaborative InterrogationSelf ExplanationPractice TestingJoin Us:So join us on the other side and learn how to study effectively at college and university!"
Price: 39.99
