"Data Science em R: ETL parte 1- Importar e Estruturar Dados" |
"Por que voc precisa fazer este?Quer ser um Data Science de sucesso? Tudo comea com os dados, portanto voc precisar IMPORTAR bancos de dados de diferentes formatos e diferentes origens. Alm disto, grande parte desses dados estaro de forma DESESTRUTURADA. Ento voc precisa aprender a importar e arrumar esses dados. Voc vai aprender a fazertudo aqui no prprio R, a principal ferramente de anlise de dados do momento.Quais os benefciosdeste curso? O que vou poder fazer quando terminar?Conseguir importar arquivos de diferentes formatos (.txt, planilhas, dados em sites, SPSS, etc.)Aprender tcnicas de arrumao de dados para organiz-los numa forma padro,independente de como eles estejamExpandir em grande escala assuas habilidades no uso doRTer uma rea de dvidas que ser respondida por mimPoder interagir com uma comunidade de outros profissionais-alunos interessados no mesmo tema e espalhados pelo mundoPoder estudar quando quiser e concluir no seu prprio ritmoParticipar de um projeto final usando dados reais, simulando o dia a dia de um Data Science.Ganhar um bnus surpresa aps a conclusoGarantia de 30 dias caso no gosteAo invs de ter uma overdose de informao desestruturadana internet, este curso te dar uma direo exata com total clareza.Economize meses de sua vida, aprendendo tudo de forma simples e objetiva.Qual(s)o(s) diferencial deste curso?Aprofundamento: ao invs de voc ter um curso ""geral"", voc ter o passo a passo em detalhes, para que seguindo o mesmo caminho voc consiga ter os mesmos resultados.Abordagem SImplificada: no adiantaria nada eu saber muita coisa se no soubesse passar isto para voc. Ento tive sempre esta preocupao, por isso fiz uma ps-graduao em Docncia Superior que me ajudou muito na questo de simplificar ao mximo para que qualquer pessoa consiga aprender, independente da sua rea de atuao..Para quem este curso?Profissionais de Ti que desejam entrar para a rea de Data SciencePesquisadoresQualquer profissional interessando em Importar e Arrumar os dadosQuem o instrutor?Isaias Lira - Data Science,Bacharel em Estatstica, ps-graduado em Docncia Superior,atuou como estatstico em empresas e hoje presta consultorias e treinamentos em Estatstica aplicada para profissionais e empresas.Qual o risco de consumir informao? Oque voc perde investindo em voc mesmo?Ento faa acontecer! Junte-se a nossa comunidade e entre para a profisso do futuro!Att Isaias Lira - Data Science"
Price: 579.99

"Introduo Estatstica para Data Science em R -Casos Reais" |
"Para quem serve este curso?Todo profissional que desejatrabalhar com anlise de dados precisa saber sobre Estatstica, pois a cincia que estuda os dados. Ento convido voc:Estudante/profissional/pesquisador das reas de TIOu qualquer pessoa interessada em dominar a Cincia dos Dados.A AbordagemEste curso apresenta este fascinante mundo dos nmeros porm com uma abordagem diferenciada, simples e inovadora, onde exemplos reais so mostrados para entender conceitos considerados de ""difcil compreenso"".Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de:Dominar na prticaos principais conceitos em EstatsticaSaber os principais mtodos para se obter uma amostra de dadosAprender como analisar estatisticamente cada tipo de varivelQuer conhecer os dados de uma forma mais aprofundada? Ento junte-se nesta grande aventura e d leve sua carreira para um outro nvel!"
Price: 579.99

"Data Science em R: ETL parte 2 - Relacionamento entre Dados" |
"Est tentando seguir carreira como Analista de Dados ou Data Sciente?Muito raramente voc receber dados em uma nica planilha, mas sim dever buscar solues de problemas usando DIFERENTES bases de dados. Ento voc precisa dominar ferramentas para relacionar tabelas e buscar a informao desejada.Para quem este curso?Estudante/profissional/pesquisador das reas de TIOu qualquer pessoa interessada em dominar ferramentas de Dados Relacionados paraaCincia dos Dados.A AbordagemEste curso diferente porque diferente do caminho comum, ele parte da PRTICA para entender conceitos tericos. E tudo isto de uma forma simples com vrios exemplos,exerccios e com uma linguagem super acessvel a qualquer profissional.Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de:Identificar possveis chaves para o relacionamento entre tabelasAplicar joins e merges para relacionar diferentes basesAplicar filtros aos dados usando informaes externasMaior proficincia no RPor que no aprender a Relacionar Dados? Junte-se a nsnesta grande aventura e d leve sua carreira para um outro nvel!"
Price: 564.99

"Introduction to JavaFX development" |
"I wanted to do a tutorial on JavaFX. The idea, as always with me, was to show how to build a real application in JavaFX. I wanted it to be a real solution not a series of examples of what you can do. I wanted to build something that could be used, something that served a purpose. So, I searched around and found a specification document. This specification describes how to implement what is known as a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). This is described as a simplified version of the File Transfer Protocol specification, used to move files between machines, so is ideal to use as an example. There are two parts to this, a client and a server so, for our JavaFX tutorial we will build a TFTP client. There are also TFTP servers freely available so we have a server that we can test our client against. How the course is structured: The course is split into 5 sections from setting up through to packaging it all up. Along the way we look at designing and building the front end, pulling together the logic for the backend and linking the parts together. Delivery of course content is primarily through the use of video sessions demonstrating a specific point. As you go through the sections you can run the application and see how it develops and builds on the previous sections. At the end of the course you will be able to take the techniques covered in the course and apply these to your own development projects"
Price: 99.99

"2019 Sfrdan Gelimi Java Kursu" |
"Java'nn yakn zamanda kan 10. versiyonu ile bir ok yenilik geldi. Bu kursta Java programlama diline en batan balayarak baka hi bir yerde bulamayacanz baz konu ve rneklerle en ileri seviyeye tayacaksnz. Olabildiince kapsaml ve sizi cezbedecek estetik boyuta sahip rneklerle programlama yapma evkiniz artacaktr. Ayrca bu kurs sadece temel Java bilgileri ile snrlanmam ve ileri seviye konulara varana kadar kapsaml bilgiler vermektedir. Bu kursu bitirdikten sonra baka bir Java kursuna ihtiya duymayacaksnz.Geleceiniz adna karnza kan bu bilgileri karmayn. Kursa kaydolun ve hemen balayn."
Price: 199.99

"Quickbooks Online Payroll" |
"Are you using Quickbooks Online to do your bookkeeping? Would you like to also use it to run your payroll? Are you waiting until April (the start of the financial year) to move your payroll? Would you like to do this sooner?There are huge benefits to simplifying and streamlining your accounting systems and processes. There is less duplication of effort, a lot of time is saved, errors are reduced, and the efficiency savings gained means cost benefits and less time wasted on 'administration' (which is non income-generating) and more time spent on actually running and doing your business.Payroll has got easier over the years and Quickbooks Payroll is very simple and easy to use. This course shows you how to set up your online system - even if you've been running the payroll elsewhere - we show you where to put in your opening balance figures. On this course we set up employees, we process a leaver and we show you what to do, to 'rerun' the payroll should you have got it wrong the first time. Mistakes can be corrected very easily.Perhaps the accountant or payroll bureau is running your payroll and its a task that you'd like to bring in-house? Maybe you only have 1 or 2 people to pay, and you want to keep everything in one place - it makes sense. There is definitely a cost saving and time saving benefit to using the same system to both do your books and run your payroll.Note - this course does NOT cover the intricacies of 'payroll' such as tax codes and P11d's etc,. There is another course - Payroll Management for that. This course is purely on how to transfer opening balances and run the payroll on QBO.The course tutor has been using Quickbooks as a software since 2003, and the online version for over 5 years. She is a certified Advanced Quickbooks Online advisor and the author of Quickbooks Online The Handbook."
Price: 39.99

"How to Create an Online Course on Udemy (Unofficial)" |
"Have you been thinking about creating an online course for some time, but just aren't sure where to start? Would you like to be guided through the process - step by step? Would you like to learn the short cuts and top tips from someone who has over 100 courses on this platform?You are in the right place! Welcome to the *Unofficial* How to Create an Online Course on Udemy - guide, in 7 quick and easy steps, you'll be up and running. Note that this is not to 'replace' Udemy's brilliant course creation guidance! But, this course has been made in response to the overwhelming demand of people asking me 'how do you do it?'This course is approx 3 hours long.It covers the entire course creation process right from 'what should I do?' - we'll show you how to find ideas of what might sell well, how to create the course, how to record it. Your course tutor is an experienced course maker with more than 100 courses on this platform alone. She has made each course herself, and will show you all the handy tricks and tips which will save you days (if not weeks) of frustration - increasng your chances of a course being accepted on the platform succesfully on the first submission. There is nothing more off-putting than spending days - creating a course, only for it to be rejected, and for you to have to repeat the entire process again. It can be extremely challenging when you don't know what you're doing, and if a simple tip could have avoided the need to repeat the recording.We'll cover the equipment to get, how to record, and how to edit footage and put it all together.No previous experience is required or presummed. If you have a burning desire to create an online course ... whether its because you have knowledge to impart, or want to create a passive residual income or you feel you could do a better job than those already on this platform... I'd encourage you to join the course and let me help you to get off to a flying start.You don't need to have 'hundreds' of courses on this platform. But once you have learned how to do one, there'll be nothing to stop you from making more!The investment is worth it."
Price: 34.99

"Personal Finance for Entrepreneurs" |
"A common cause of failure among startups is the business owner running out of cash beforethe business has time to become successful. The interplay between the financial conditions of abusiness and the financial situation of the owner is something that many entrepreneurs fail toplan for when they launch a new business. This course explains how the finances of thebusiness and its owner are intertwined, including cash flow and debt. We also explore ways inwhich an entrepreneur can more effectively manage the personal side of this financial equationto ensure that their business has the best chance for survival from startup through its maturity.Finally, we look at the paths entrepreneurs have available to build personal wealth."
Price: 79.99

"Partners and Partnerships" |
"Business partnerships are complex relationships that can be as difficult to navigate as amarriage. Many successful ventures end in failure, not from problems with their businessmodels, but from deeply troubled relationships among their owners. This course walks throughthe challenges of establishing and sustaining successful business partnerships from their initialformation through establishing a successful business venture."
Price: 79.99

"The Complete Audiobook Production and Narration Course" |
"* COURSEUPDATED APRIL 2019 *Want to produce audiobooksthat really catch attention and praise? Without spending excessive amounts of time and effort?This online Audiobook Productionand Narration coursewill teach you how to make great audiobooksusing proven techniques and approaches.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of audiobook production and narrationby showing youthe art and craftof producing and narrating audiobooksby showing you how to plan,record, perform and produce them. While there are other courses about making audiobooks, it's hard to find acourse that gives you a step-by-step insight into making audiobooks professionally that really punch through the noise. Especially ones that usethe latest performance and technical techniques.This is the course for you, taught by a professionalfilmmaker and audiobook narratorwho has personally narrateddozens of films and 20+ audiobooks on Audible. The principles and methods he teaches in this course can be applied by you today.Learn what makes great audiobooksDiscoversoftware and resources to helpmake your audiobooksshineLearn how to use the principles and psychology of performance and actingto create outstanding audiobooksMake your audiobooksusing proven professional techniquesDiscover tips on how to usea highly effective workflow when making your audiobooksMake money using the audiobooksyou make using the techniques and methods you will master in this courseImprove Your Audiobooks with This Complete CourseWhat makes mequalified to teach you?I'm Paul, aprofessional documentary film director and audiobook narrator/producerwith over 40 credits and more than 20 audiobooks on Audible (with many more in the pipeline)to my name. Plus, I'm the creator ofpopularcourses on Udemy- with over21,000 students and hundreds of 5-star reviews.Regardless of your budget or experience level - you can makegreat audiobooks. Learn professional techniques that I useagain and again.If you want to learn how to make great audiobooks, this is the course for you.My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.I want to make this the best course on howto do amazing audiobooks, using the best software combined with performingknowledge. So if there is any way Ican improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen. The software we will use, Reaper, is available for $60 one-time fee - the full version is a free demo for 60 days. If you are already using another DAW, don't worry - you will still get great value out of the workflow and lessons in this course.Dive Right InThis course dives right into making great audiobooks with immediate examples of where they are found and how they are used. You'll learn what makes great audiobooks, so that you can choose how to plan and make them each and every time. You'll learn how to structure,design and deliverthose audiobooksto tell powerful and emotionally engagingstories.Learnhow to prepare and interpret the books.Learnhow established actingprinciples and techniques can be used to amplify the impact of your audiobooks.Learnhow to use freely available (free and paid) apps to improve your audiobook quality.Learnhow to use the right workflow so that you save time,money and energy.Learnhow to use your audiobook production and narrationcraftonline.Start making amazing audiobooks today!With our 30-day 100%money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Paul"
Price: 194.99

"The Story Course - Storytelling Masterclass" |
"Storytelling is one of the most valuable skills you can develop.Do you want to create stories that really catch attention? In words, images or film?The Story Course teaches you how to create great stories using proven storytelling techniques and approaches.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of storytelling by showing you the art and craft of how to plan, map out and produce amazing stories. The course gives you a step-by-step insight into what lies behind standout stories.You will learn from a professional filmmaker and narrator who has directed dozens of films, and releases a new audiobook every week. The Story Course takes a highly unusual approach. Rather than cramming you full of rote templates, The Story Course shows you how to originate and tell stories that speak to you (and therefore to your audience!)The course teaches principles and methods that you can apply today.Learn what makes great stories and vivid storytellingDiscover software and resources to help your storytellingLearn how to use the principles and psychology of storytelling to create outstanding storiesCreate stories using proven professional storytelling techniquesDiscover highly effective workflows to create your storiesMake money using the stories you create, using the storytelling techniques and methods you will master in this courseImprove your storytelling with this complete course.What makes Paul qualified to teach you?A documentary film director and audiobook narrator with over 40 film credits and a 20+ audiobooks to his name, Paul is also the creator of popular courses on Udemy - with 32,000 students and hundreds of 5-star reviews.Regardless of your level of experience, you can create great stories. Learn professional storytelling techniques that you can use again and again.If you want to learn how to make great stories, this is the course for you!Our Promise to YouWe'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send a direct message. Dive Right In!This course dives right into creating great stories, with immediate examples of where they are found and how they are used. Learn what makes great storytelling, so that you can plan and make impactful stories each and every time! Learn how to structure, design and deliver stories to tell emotionally engaging narratives!Learn how to prepare and interpret stories!Learn how established storytelling principles and techniques can be used to amplify the impact of your stories!Learn how to use freely available (free and paid) apps to improve your storytelling!Learn how to use the right storytelling workflow so that you save time, money and energy!Learn how to use your storytelling craft online and offline!Start creating amazing stories today!With our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying out the course.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!"
Price: 169.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Lightroom CC" |
"O curso aborda o adobe lightroom cc em sua verso 6 por meio de vdeo aulas em alta definio, timo para profissionais que desejam trabalhar com o tratamento e ambincia das fotos.A verso desse curso tem a mesma apresentao grfica que a ferramenta em sua verso mais nova e muito til pra quem deseja trabalhar a ambincia ou luminncia de fotos digitais de forma profissional.Seja para eternizar um grande momento de sua vida com imagem de mais alta qualidade ou aprimorar a qualidade de fotos de seus clientes, os conhecimentos aqui adquiridos iro lhe possibilitar fazer ajustes incrveis e deixar suas fotos ainda mais atrativas que no momento inicial por mais talentoso que seja o profissional.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"ABC do Adobe Indesign" |
"O Adobe Indesign uma poderosa ferramenta de diagramao de ebook e livros e para esse curso trouxemos um professor especialista com vasta experincia no mercado de trabalho e no meio acadmico.Esse curso foi desenvolvido para quem deseja trabalhar com diagramao de ebook e livros, uma tima oportunidade para dar o seu pontap inicial.O treinamento possui uma sequencia didtica que facilita o aprendizado do aluno e ainda disponibilizamos algumas vdeo aulas gratuitas para que o aluno possa assistir e descobrir sua afinidade com nossa didtica.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Online de Adobe Illustrator CS6" |
"O Adobe Illustrator uma das ferramentas mais poderosas para o profissional que deseja trabalhar com design grfico de forma profissional e por isso um recurso to procurado.No decorrer desse curso que abrange a verso CS6 o aluno ir aprender a usar a ferramenta por meio de professor especializado e aulas extremamente objetivas.Se voc j um profissional criativo(Designer, Publicitrio, e afins) ouum estudante de design ou reas conectadas e quer dominar o Illustrator com criatividade e boas prticas, esse o curso certo!.Visando facilitar o entendimento da ferramenta, fazendo o que antes era um bicho de sete cabeas, se torne algo simples e fundamental nos seus trabalhos.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 34.99

"Gua Sha- Tool Assisted Massage Technique Certificate Course" |
"Learn Gua Sha from best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-JonesWhat people are saying about this Gua sha massage course:""Mark Perren-Jones' massage courses and instruction proves to be the most expansive I have ever experienced for my practice. I have been in surgical practice and also alternative medicine for many years. His knowledge base is fantastic and the method of delivery is engaging and easy to follow, and want to! I have enrolled in three other massage courses after the first one because it is surely to not disappoint."" Dr. S. H.There is a reason that so many of the best massage therapists use Gua Sha (also known as instrument assisted soft tissue massage therapy and Graston technique). It loosens muscles, treats pain, is used for better health, is great for facial rejuvenation and helps systemic problems such as digestive and respiratory problems.Mark has been using Gua Sha to treat thousands of his massage clients and his own body for over 25 years and has seen remarkable results in his massage clinic.You do not need any massage training! In this course, Mark teaches you everything you need to know to effectively treat :your own pain and your family, friends and massage clientsas an anti-aging tool for the face-a non-surgical facelift!health conditions such as constipation, insomnia and headachesYou will learn how to detect and break up scar tissue, adhesions and tissues that cause pain and dysfunction easily, quickly and painlessly.If you are a massage therapist this will not only get you better results with your clients but also save your hands as well!Gua sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. Sometimes called coining, spooning or scraping,You do not need to buy any expensive tools. You can use things as simple as the lid of a jar, a Chinese soup spoon or even just a coin.In fact, modern research shows Gua sha produces an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect that persists for days following a single Gua sha treatment. This is why it has been effectively on pain, stiffness, fever, chill, cough, wheeze, nausea and vomiting and many other health conditions and why Gua sha is effective in acute and chronic internal organ disorders as well.The beauty of this treatment technique is that it is easy to perform, inexpensive and very powerful.In this course Mark will guide you step by step so that you too will have the knowledge and understanding to treat yourself, your friends and family and your clients just like people have been doing for centuries.I look forward to seeing you in class!On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 199.99

"Acupressure Massage For Health Certificate Course" |
"Start learning acupressure massage today so that you can treat your own health conditions, or for loved ones or your massage clients using Mark's combinations of acupressure points that he has used on thousands of clients over 30 years.Mark has been a massage therapist and an acupuncturist for over 25 years and has received rave reviews from his Award winning massage clinic for his pain relieving acupressure and acupuncture treatments. In this Acupressure massage course, you will be able to treat yourself and others with these incredibly powerful acupressure massage point combinations that Mark has devised over years of clinical experience.You will know exactly which are the most powerful acupressure massage points to effectively treat:Poor energy levelsMemory and concentration issuesHot flashes/menopausal symptomsHow to balance your emotionsHay feverInsomniaConstipationColds and fluSmokingand so much more!There is a very good reason that acupressure massage has been around for 5,000 years and is still used by millions of people every single day throughout the World. It is a highly effective treatment for pain and various ailments and it works!Remember that if you are not entirely satisfied with the course you have a 30 day no risk money back guarantee!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB #1805) On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 199.99

"Shiatsu Massage- the Beginner's Guide to Doing Massage" |
"""I truly love his teaching approach making it very easy to follow and accessible!"" R.Z.Wouldn't it be great to just be able to give your partner or friends or even your family a massage?But...You don't have a massage table, or if you do, you don't feel like dragging it out and finding all of the massage oils etc. etc.Well, here is the massage course for you!This is a massage course for someone to learn basic shiatsu massage skills to be able to give a simple but very good massage to your friends, family or partner.Mark has done massage for elite athletes, celebrities and even Presidents of Countries.You are about to learn how to do Shiatsu massage and all you need in this course is some floor space, something soft to lie on such as some blankets or something similar, maybe a pillow or two and just wear some loose comfortable clothing. That-is-it!Mark will guide you step by step and show you just how easy it is to give someone an amazing shiatsu massage experience. Mark is an approved provider with NCBTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork #857430) As you will see, to give a great shiatsu massage you do not have to know lots of massage techniques. In fact, many massage therapists try to do too many massage strokes and end up doing them poorly. You are going to learn how incredibly simple it can be to do fabulous shiatsu massages on your partner, friends, family or even your clients in your spa.Furthermore, Shiatsu massage is one of those forms of massage that is not only delightful to get but also equally delightful to learn and do on someone. This is a style of massage that has been performed by the Japanese for thousands of years and now is found in many of the World's best spas and now you are going to learn whop to perform this massage style.It is performed without the use of oils and is done fully clothed on the floor. Traditionally a futon is used but as Mark shows you in this massage course, you can simply use some blankets or something similar to lie on.Shiatsu practitioners in Japan may study for years on the many facets of shiatsu, however it is still possible to learn how to do this wonderful style of massage without the depth of knowledge that the serious Japanese massage therapist aspires to. In short, you can still give an amazing massage without years of diligent study.Mark's Shiatsu massage course includes awareness of body posture, breathing and exercise. Like acupuncture, Shiatsu stimulates the bodys vital energy (known as Qi or Ki). Shiatsu really is a joy to learn.Sit back and let Mark teach you the wonders of this incredible, centuries-old massage style so that you can then start giving your friends, family or partner massages too!All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 199.99

"Thai Hand Reflexology Massage Certificate Course" |
"Learn Thai hand reflexology massage to treat your friends, family, partner or your massage clients. It is easy, simple and a joy to do. You will have them begging for more!""I've been doing traditional reflexology for 19 years as a massage professional and wanted to compare Thai reflexology with what I'd learned. Mark's course is excellent, both for the professional practitioner and for a person interested in offering a session to friends and family. "" K.M. 5 STARSMark studied traditional reflexology but then studied the Thai reflexology system and saw that not only was their system way more complete but it also made more sense as a form of treatment over traditional reflexology.Now, for the first time on Udemy, you can learn this unique Thai reflexology system of treating the hands which in turn is treating the whole body.By taking this online Thai hand reflexology massage course you will :increase your client base in your massage clinic or spa by offering something many other places do not offer. There are very few people offering Thai hand reflexology massage outside of Thailand. You will be able to use Thai hand reflexology on yourself, your friends, your partner or your family and have them begging for you to continue.They will absolutely love this form of hand reflexology massage!You will not get tired doing Thai hand reflexology because you do not overuse their thumbs like it is taught in the traditional hand reflexology system so you will not get injured.You will learn about the energy lines, acupuncture points to stimulate and how to stimulate the specific reflex points.In this Thai hand reflexology massage course, Mark guides you step by step through the movements, techniques, mobilizations, reflex points and energy lines. He explains why, when it comes to hand reflexology, the Thai hand reflexology system is second to none.Thai hand reflexology massage has been performed in Thailand for thousands of years as a complete holistic treatment for body, mind and spirit. It is seen as a way to remain healthy and not simply an indulgence. If you are already treating people with traditional reflexology as a massage therapist or would just like to offer hand reflexology to your clients then I urge you to try this course. This will be a fabulous treatment that you can offer your clients and have them begging for more!I look forward to seeing you in class!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB #1805) All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Reflexology Certificate Course (3 CEU)" |
"""This reflexology massage course deserves 10 stars"" D.W.Take your reflexology massage to the next level with best-selling massage course instructor Mark Perren-Jones!In this advanced reflexology massage course, you are going to learn the specific reflex zones and acupressure points to stimulate so that you will see great results in your reflexology practice.Please note that this course is for people that have already done a reflexology course as I do not teach the basics on how to do it in this course.In this advanced reflexology massage course, Mark takes you step by step so that you will know:How to question your reflexology client when they come into your massage clinic to get a better idea of your reflexology treatment strategyHow often to treat your reflexology clientThe specific reflex zones and acupressure massage points to see excellent results in your reflexology practiceWhat to teach your clients so that they can also stimulate their reflex zones and acupressure massage points between reflexology sessions with you to achieve better treatment outcomesHow to treat insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, menstrual problems, respiratory problems, stress disorders, back and neck pain and so much more with advanced reflexology!See your client base grow after doing this advanced reflexology massage course as word spreads about your knowledge and professionalism.Mark explains about the conditions that you will be treating first so that you have a good idea of what the condition is. He also teaches you how to teach your clients about removing the causes of musculoskeletal pain and exercises to give your reflexology clients to help them further.Your clients will be so happy and feel confident in your skills as you treat them and teach them what they should do between treatments and will be recommending you as they see great results from your reflexology sessions.Take your reflexology to the next level!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (#1805) and you will receive 3 CEU credits on completion of this reflexology massage courseAll of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 199.99

"ArcGIS Pro. Aprendiendo la Ciencia del Dnde" |
"ArcGis es elSistema de Informacin Geogrficams extendido del mundo. Y ahora en este curso veremos el nuevo ArcGis Propara todos aquellos quedeseen aprender a manejar la nueva aplicacin de ESRI que sustituir a ArcMap y ArcCatalog.En este curso introductorio veremos los elementos principales de la interfaz del programa, as como las principales funcionalidades del mismo. Igualmente se tocarn algunos aspectos de anlisis espacial y procesamiento de datos.Veremos herramientas de ltima generacin para crear mapas visualmente impactantes en los que se resalte lo importante.El curso aporta losmateriales y recursosnecesarios para seguir las explicaciones del instructor.ArcGis Pro es un potente software que debe manejar y procesar gran cantidad de informacin. Es por eso que se aconsejan estos requisitos mnimos para la instalacin del programa:Memoria RAM:Mnimo 4 GbResolucin de pantalla:1024 x 768 o superior a tamao normal (96dpi)Almacenamiento:Mnimo 4 Gb de espacio libreSistema Operativo:Recomendable Windows 10 Home, Pro y Enterprise (64 bits). Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional y Enterprise (64 bits).Windows 8.1 Pro y Enterprise (64 bit)"
Price: 199.99

"#4 Ancient Chinese Science of Tea Blending and Wellness" |
"Did you ever hear the story about the master tea blender whose taste buds are insured for 1m by the Tetley tea company?Yes, dont be surprised. A professional tea blender is very valuable for a big tea company. You could even say they are the key to creating profit for the tea companies. So who is a tea blender? What exactly do they do with the tea?In this advanced level, ITA certified online tea course, Im going to explore with you what tea blending is, how it really works for tea companies, and how it earns profits for tea companies around the world.If you are drinking a cup of tea, or you are planning to have your own tea business or even if you already have the one, you might really want to know how to create a cup of blended tea for your daily enjoyment, or for your tea business.Hi, Im Shana Zhang, your host for this course. I have created 3 important foundational levels of tea courses for you, to introduce you to every basic point you need to know about tea. In this advanced level, Im going to explore tea blending project with you.Through this course, you can not only learn the details of how a professional tea blender does their job, but also how you can achieve soothing, deep healing relief with the essential skill of blending your own teas. In this online course, you will obtain the key to finding and choosing the right ingredients to blend with tea to achieve a healthy balance based on the ancient traditional Chinese medical theory of the 5 Elements System.As an extra benefit, this course offers further deep exploration of the five elements theory which is still used as a tool for grouping objects, and as a method for analyzing changes in natural phenomena, and its essential to helping you open the door to tea blending.From the history of tea blending to creating a sustainable, healthy tea blending practice for yourself, the videos are step by step and easy to follow.This course specially designed with assignments to develop your own skills at applying tea blending techniques and promoting health and longevity.Get the ITA Certified Tea Blending and Wellness online course now to help cultivate a healthy, sustainable, and soothing tea life as well as your own successful tea business."
Price: 19.99

"Acrylic Abstract Painting Atmospheric Landscapes" |
"In this course,""Acrylic Abstract Painting Atmospheric Landscapes"", you'll learn how to create your own gorgeous abstract paintings in a style I call atmospheric landscapes.I call them that because they only imply a landscape, and don't describe it in detail. They're meant as abstract works of art to capture the overall feeling of a scene, and they remind me of Mountains, and Canyons.So who is this course for? Well that's simple really, it's for anyone with basic knowledge of acrylic paints and a desire to learn the techniques used to create paintings like those shown in the Promo Video.What will you need? The usual items;Acrylic PaintsPaint BrushesCanvasPaletteI listed this course as appropriate for all levels, but in truth if you've never picked up a brush in your life then you might want to start with my beginners course. In this course I assume you have at least some basic knowledge of acrylic paints and how to use them.As always this course comes with Lifetime Access and I've made all the videos downloadable so you can carry them on any device (most any device, some might not allow the download) for your convenience .And as always there's a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee so if for any reason you aren't 100% satisfied, you can get a complete refund.There are 3 Step by Step Demos in this course, each one a bit different, but I already know that many of you are going to put your own spin on this style, and I encourage you to do so. Even if you'rea beginning student, if the urge to detour from the step by step demos comes over you, by all means Follow Your Muse!And please share pictures of your atmospheric landscapes with the rest of us when they're done. You can upload them here or in the Facebook Group. I'm here for you if you need any help.Thank you and I hope you decide to enroll today."
Price: 99.99

"Acrylic Abstract Painting - Little Treasures" |
"In this course you'll be learning three different ways you can create gorgeous little acrylic abstract paintings, on 6x6 inch wooden panels.These panels can be purchased from your art supply store or you can build them yourself, and I include a video showing you how. Building your own can save you a lot of money if you decide to start painting on panels like these regularly.Of course you can also use small canvases if you prefer. Either one is fine.Acrylic Abstract Painting on small supports like these can be a lot of fun, and habit forming. They don't cost very much to make so it's easy to just want to keep creating more and more. You may decide you want to do a series of these Little Treasures in one of the styles you'll learn in the course, or perhaps a different style altogether.I promise you this... You're Going To Have A Lot of Fun! creating these, and hopefully pick up some helpful tips as well.The supplies you'll need include;Acrylic Paints - I recommend at least red, yellow, blue, white, and black, but any colors you choose are fineLittle Brushes, Flat & Round - Save some money and get these at your hobby shop or Dollar StoreApplicator Bottle - available from Beauty Supply Shopsa palette (I just use an old bowl, and a piece of plastic sheeting)Magazine Pages - you'll be doing some collage work in one of the lessonsany scraping tools you might like; a comb, old credit card, sharpened stickI listed this as an intermediate course because I think you do need a basic familiarity with acrylic paints and brush control, but these aren't difficult techniques to master, so even if you're a newbie you can probably handle this course.As always this course comes with;Lifetime Access - watch the demos as many times as you likeDownloadable Videos - save them to your device, so you can watch off-lineI hope you decide to enroll, and I look forward to seeing the paintings that you create.Andy Morris"
Price: 99.99

"IBM SPSS Statistics: Getting Started" |
"Description: IBM SPSS Statistics addresses the entire analytical process, from planning to data collection to analysis, to reporting and deployment. Analysts typically use SPSS Statistics to analyze data by testing hypotheses and then reporting the results.Overview: IBM SPSS Statistics: Getting Started is a series of self-paced videos (three hours of content). Students will learn the basics of using IBM SPSS Statistics for a typical data analysis session. Students will learn the fundamentals of reading data and assigning variable properties, data transformation, data analysis, and data presentation. Topics that you will learn will include:Know the Basics steps of AnalysisRead Data and Assigning Variable Properties.Use the Data Editor: Tools and Exporting DataSummarize Individual VariablesTransform Data Values: Single VariablesTransform Data: Computing VariablesDescribe Relationships Between VariablesUse Viewer Output Tools and Export OutputThis is a first course in using IBM SPSS Statistics. You can begin with this course even if you have never used SPSS Statistics before. The course will not delve deeply into statistical theory, but it will provide a compelling, clear, head start into the fundamentals of using the software, taught by experts users who having been using SPSS Statistics everyday for many years."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Python & Ethical Hacking From Scratch" |
"Welcome this great course where you'll learn python programming and ethical hacking at the same time, the course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you'll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills and write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do, and use the programming skills you learn to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking.This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, we'll start with basics on ethical hacking and python programming, installing the needed software and then we'll dive and start programming straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by writing useful hacking programs, so we'll never have any boring dry programming lectures.The course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to achieve a specific goal, the goal is usually to hack into a certain system, so we'll start by learning how this system work and its weaknesses, and then you'll lean how to write a python program to exploit these weaknesses and hack the system, as we write the program I will teach you python programming from scratch covering one topic at a time, so by the end of the course you're going to have a number of ethical hacking programs written by yourself (see below) from backdoors, keyloggers, credential harvesters, network hacking tools, website hacking tools and the list goes on. You'll also have a deep understanding on how computer systems work, how to model problems, design an algorithm to solve problems and implement the solution using python.As mentioned in this course you will learn both ethical hacking and programming at the same time, so here are some of the topics that will be covered in the course:Programming topics:Writing programs for python 2 and 3.Using modules and libraries.Variables, types ...etc.Handling user input.Reading and writing files.Functions.Loops.Data structures.Regex.Desiccation making.Recursion.Threading.Object oriented programming.Packet manipulation using scapy.Netfilterqueue.Socket programming.String manipulation.Exceptions.Serialisation.Compiling programs to binary executables.Sending & receiving HTTP requests.Parsing HTML.+ more!Hacking topics:Basics of network hacking / penetration testing.Changing MAC address & bypassing filtering.Network mapping.ARP Spoofing - redirect the flow of packets in a network.DNS Spoofing - redirect requests from one website to another.Spying on any client connected to the network - see usernames, passwords, visited urls ....etc.Inject code in pages loaded by any computer connected to the same network.Replace files on the fly as they get downloaded by any computer on the same network.Detect ARP spoofing attacks.Bypass HTTPS.Create malware for Windows, OS X and Linux.Create trojans for Windows, OS X and Linux.Hack Windows, OS X and Linux using custom backdoor.Bypass Anti-Virus programs.Use fake login prompt to steal credentials.Display fake updates.Use own keylogger to spy on everything typed on a Windows & Linux.Learn the basics of website hacking / penetration testing.Discover subdomains.Discover hidden files and directories in a website.Run wordlist attacks to guess login information.Discover and exploit XSS vulnerabilities.Discover weaknesses in websites using own vulnerability scanner.Programs you'll build in this course:You'll learn all the above by implementing the following hacking programsmac_changer - changes MAC Address to anything we want.network_scanner - scans network and discovers the IP and MAC address of all connected clients.arp_spoofer - runs an arp spoofing attack to redirect the flow of packets in the network allowing us to intercept data.packet_sniffer - filters intercepted data and shows usernames, passwords, visited links ....etcdns_spoofer - redirects DNS requests, eg: redirects requests to from one domain to another.file_interceptor - replaces intercepted files with any file we want.code_injector - injects code in intercepted HTML pages.arpspoof_detector - detects ARP spoofing attacks.execute_command payload - executes a system command on the computer it gets executed on.execute_and_report payload - executes a system command and reports result via email.download_and_execute payload - downloads a file and executes it on target system.download_execute_and_report payload - downloads a file, executes it, and reports result by email.reverse_backdoor - gives remote control over the system it gets executed on, allows us toAccess file system.Execute system commands.Download & upload fileskeylogger - records key-strikes and sends them to us by email.crawler - discovers hidden paths on a target website.discover_subdomains - discovers subdomains on target website.spider - maps the whole target website and discovers all files, directories and links.guess_login - runs a wordlist attack to guess login information.vulnerability_scanner - scans a target website for weaknesses and produces a report with all findings.As you build the above you'll learn:Setting up a penetration testing lab to practice hacking safely.Installing Kali Linux and Windows as virtual machines inside ANY operating system.Linux Basics.Linux terminal basics.How networks work.How clients communicate in a network.Address Resolution Protocol - ARP.Network layers.Domain Name System - DNS.Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP.HTTPS.How anti-virus programs work.Sockets.Connecting devices over TCP.Transferring data over TCP.How website work.GET & POST requests.And more!By the end of the course you're going to have programming skills to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking, but you'll learn programming by programming hacking tools!With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 15 hours.Notes:This course is created for educational purposes only and all the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test.This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih & zSecurity, no other organisation is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANISATION IS INVOLVED."
Price: 194.99

"Learn Adobe Experience Design CC 2018 by Example from a Pro" |
"Adobe Experience Design, also known as Adobe XD, has recently graduated from beta to Adobe XD CC 2018!This powerful UI design and prototyping tool is sure to be a staple in UI design for quite some time. It allows you to build user interfaces from scratch, and create prototypes with ease. In short, it's going to make your life a lot easier as a UI designer.In this course, you're going tolearn by doing. By tackling a UI project, we're going to learn the tools and the XD interface by necessity. This is how we all learn best! That's why you won't find any slides in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Use Vuejs 2 to Create a Beautiful SEO-Ready Website" |
"Vue.js is among the top 3 JavaScript frontend frameworks, and it's growing in popularity for its simplicity and ease of use.Vue is perhaps the most simple frontend framework for a frontend designer/developer to understand. For this reason, it's a great choice for handling modern website development.In this course, I'm going to show you how to create a beautiful, SEO-Friendly website while using Vue. You will be able to create modern websites with seamless page transitions that are also SEO ready with prerendered pages. This offers huge benefits!We will start by creating a full mockup & prototype of our website using Adobe XD. Then, we will develop it fully while using Vue.js & Sass. At the end, we will create seamless page transition animations and make it SEO-Friendly.After watching this course, you will understand:Creating Web Mockups & Prototypes in Adobe XDStarting Projects with the Vue.js CLIWriting HTML & Sass to Match MockupsWorking with the Vue RouterCreating Page Transition AnimationsMaking a Vue Project SEO-Friendly with a Prerender Plugin..and much more.Course Requirements:Adobe XD is recommended but not required.Understanding of HTML & CSSBasic understanding of JavaScriptCode Editor (Visual Studio Code is free)So, if you're ready to learn how to use Vue to create modern, SEO-Friendly websites, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Cmo atraer nuevos clientes para tu servicio o producto" |
"Atraer clientes nuevos puede ser complicado para los que no siguen una estrategia probada.Te voy a ensear una estrategia paso a paso para atraer clientes nuevos que compren tus productos.Te ensear cmo convertir a esos buscadores de cosas gratis en clientes que compran una y otra vez.Esta estrategia est probada y es la que seguimos muchos de los vendedores con ms ganancias en internet."
Price: 39.99

"Estrategias Secretas para Ganar Dinero" |
"Sabes exactamente qu tienes que hacer para conseguir mayores ingresos?Si no tienes idea de cmo puedes conseguir ms ingresos, en este curso vas a aprender lo que tienes que hacer, paso a paso.Con instrucciones simples, conocers qu tienes que hacer y cmo conseguir ingresos ilimitados.Este curso est dirigido a:Personas interesadas en incrementar sus ingresosProfesionales interesados en mejorar sus ventasVendedores que deseen incrementar sus ingresosCualquier persona que est interesada en incrementar sus ingresos, encontrar en este curso indicaciones precisas para hacerlo.Te aseguro queincrementarstus ingresos cuando pongasen prctica lo aprendido en este curso."
Price: 39.99

"Detonadores Secretos para tu Libertad Financiera" |
"Despus de que leas esto, tu mente te dar muchas respuestas a tus preguntas...En 1995 comenc con el pe izquierdo, me estrenaba como emprendedor y meses despus fracasara estrepitosamente.No slo perd mi empresa, tambin a mi familia.Mi exesposa me pedira el divorcio, buscara cmo acabar con la poca confianza que todava conservaba y se llevara todas mis cosas, para dejarme en la calle.No fue lo nico que me pas.Dos de mis excompaeros de preparatoria se le uniran para intentar meterme a la crcel.De la peor forma descubr que no poda confiar en nadie,no estaba preparado para ser emprendedory que en ese camino hacia el xito, deba hacer odos sordos a la mayora.Te ha pasado algo similar?Fueron meses de desesperacin, de ver cmo todos mis sueos se desmoronaban y cmo muchos me daban la espalda.En medio de esa desesperacin, me enfoqu enaprender cmo conseguir mi libertad financiera.El primer paso fue encontrar a mi primer mentor.El segundo fue capacitarme con libros, con conferencias, con cursos y diplomados, con todos los materiales para aprender!Poco a poco mi confianza regres, y comenc con mi segunda empresa! La que me proporcion el dinero suficiente para pagar las deudas contradas.Desde esa fecha sigo aprendiendo y ahora ayudo a las personas a que consigan su libertad financiera.No hay magia, slo procesos, no hay promesas, slo resultados.Aunque sientas que no hay salida a tus problemas, s existe, pero necesitas capacitarte para encontrarla.Supones que aquellos que ganamos mucho dinero tenemos una varita mgica para literalmente aparecer dinero?Pues no es as, no la tenemos.Lo que s tenemos sonherramientas, herramientas tan poderosas, que en su conjunto, nos generan miles de dlares al mes.Herramientas que se sirven de:La lingsticaLa psicologaLa mercadotecniaLas ventasLa administracinLa tecnologaY muchas ms reas...Pero lo ms increble es que los expertos en esas reas no consiguen lo que nosotros, que somos expertos en un sistema, que se vale de esas reas.Grbate bien esto:tienes que crear un sistema, que utilice la psicologa, la lingstica, la mercadotecnia, las ventas, la administracin y la tecnologa.As conseguirs mucho, mucho dinero.Por qu dudas tanto si tienes frente a ti la solucin a tus problemas?La mayora no sabe qu hacer y slo se especializa en conocimientos.La sociedad est compuesta de personas con muchos datos, mucha informacin, pero pocos resultados.No saben qu hacer ni cmo ganar dinero con eso que saben.Pero un puado est haciendo mucho dinero, sin necesidad de pisar la universidad.Cuando imparta ctedra en universidad, les mencionaba a mis alumnos que muchos de ellos seran futuros desempleados.Duele esa palabra, pero muchos ahora me estn dando la razn.Es simple, ellos memorizaron datos y nunca comprendieron qu hacer con tanta informacin.Los que estamos haciendo dinero, construimos sistemas gracias a la informacin.La estrategia es simple:la informacin sirve para construir sistemas.Por eso siempre estamos buscando la mejor informacin, para crear o depurar nuestros sistemas.No somos coleccionistas de informacin, somos depuradores de ella.Y ahora quiero compartir mi sistema, para que t lo adaptes a tu conveniencia.Tengo mucho que no he mostrado, que me genera ingresos altos, sin hacer mucho y todos los das.Todos los das, a todas horas y todos los meses, sin falta.Y te lo quiero compartir...Y si te mostrara todos los secretos que me hacen ganar dinero por mes?Qu haras con ese sistema?Lo desperdiciaras?Muchos no tienen idea del oro molido que voy a entregar en este nuevo curso, por eso no lo aprovecharn, pero los que ya me conocen saben que entrego cada vez ms de mis secretos.Vas a quedarte haciendo lo mismo de siempre o vas a tomar accin?Ahora mismo reptete:Ya no quiero experimentar lo mismo de siempre!Ahora grtalo:Ya no quiero experimentar lo mismo de siempre!Otra vez:Ya no quiero experimentar lo mismo de siempre!T te mereces todo, pero no hay nadie que te lo ensee.Yo te lo voy a ensear.Qu me falta revelarte?Mi sistema!Un sistema basado en la psicologa, en la lingstica, en la programacin mental, en la ingeniera inversa, en la ley de la simplicidad, en la seduccin y ms reas de conocimiento.Leste lo ltimo?En la seduccin!Ya debes saber que si quieres tener xito en la vida, debes ser un excelente vendedor...y el secreto de un buen vendedor es el conocimiento y la aplicacin de las tcnicas de seduccin.Esto nadie te lo revela, pero yo ya lo he hecho.Y te voy a revelar ms en el curso!Porque quiero que ganes mucho dinero, no el suficiente, sino el necesario para que tengas tu Libertad Financiera.Y voy a revelarte todo mi sistema en este curso!Un sistema que si lo aplicas a tu negocio, no tendrs freno alguno.Desde hace unos meses decid mostrarte todos mis secretos, sin censura, para que consigas ms que yo, para que ganes ms dinero que todos nosotros.Imagina lo que tengo guardado y te voy a revelar.Con informacin exclusiva para mejorar tu situacin actual y enfocado en que comiences a construir tu libertad financiera.Est preparado para conseguirla?Ests a tiempo de unirte.Hars una gran diferencia en tu vida cuando te unas a este curso.Si quieres incrementar tus ingresos, es momento de que tomes accin!Ya no ms soar, ya no ms quejarte.En este curso aprenders mucho,te lo garantizo!Te veo dentro de mis aulas!"
Price: 99.99

"Las ideas ms poderosas de los pensadores ms geniales" |
"Las personas de xito les aprenden a otras personas de xito.Ese es uno de sus secretosWarren Buffetttuvo de mentor aBenjamin Graham,Carlos Slimlos tuvo a ambos y los tres son millonarios inversionistas.Por su parte, los millonarios entrenadores, aprendieron de otros entrenadores, por ejemploMary Kayaprendi deSam Walton.Lo reconozcan publicamente o no, todos los millonarios y empresarios han aprendido de otros.Es lo que tienes que hacer para tener xito!Los que tenemos xito, poseemos una especie de manual que hemos ido creando con el paso del tiempo, con pensamientos e ideas de los ms grandes empresarios y pensadores, para adaptarlos a nuestros emprendimientos.Y en este curso te voy a compartir mis anotaciones, que contienen las ideas ms poderosas de los pensadores ms geniales.Te compartir:Lo que ellos piensan.Las acciones que te pueden llevar al xito.Lo que he aprendido de sus pensamientos y acciones.Lo que t debes hacer para conseguir tu propio xito.He aplicado con xito sus ideas, pensamientos y acciones a mis emprendimientos y me han hecho ganar mucho dinero, tambin los he compartido con algunos de mis mentoreados y les ha funcionado bastante bien...Ahora es tu oportunidad de aprender de los ms grandes pensadores!Te voy a compartir mis anotaciones, mis ideas y ensear cmo puedes hacer uso de ellas para conseguir el xito en tus negocios e incrementando tus ingresos.Te lo ensear de forma simple, utilizando los pensamientos ms poderosos de los empresarios ms influyentes.Un curso que te ser til, vendas lo que vendas.Imagina lo que aprenders de todos estos pensadores.Y qu pasar cuando pongas en prctica sus pensamientos e ideas?Ahora puedes hacer uso de sus ideas, como yo lo hice despus de mi fracaso empresarial de 1995.Aprend qu pensaban y hacan los grandes empresarios, para utilizarlo en mis emprendimientos.Eso marc la diferencia en mi vida.Por eso, desde ese ao, siempre estoy buscando sus ideas, pensamientos y cmo llevaron a la prctica sus emprendimientos.Ahora es tu oportunidad.Te garantizo que aprenders bastante."
Price: 39.99
