"CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy Life Coaching Certification" |
"Students who complete this course and all course assignments are eligible to apply for an official cognitive behavioral life coach CERTIFICATE. This training program is accredited by the internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Accreditation, CPD Group (Provider No: 776727). Eligible candidates can also apply for 16 CPD Hours/CEU credits to be awarded. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This program includes access to a thriving community of active coaches, coaches in training, parents, teachers, and personal growth enthusiasts. Together we strive to answer your questions within 24 hours. I am a top Udemy instructor in the personal growth and development category. My courses have been taken by over 47,000 enthusiastic students from 172 countries. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++COURSE TESTIMONIALS ""I loved the course. The instructor seems like he really knows and loves the things he's talking about. It's hard not to learn in such an environment!"" - Maximillian ""I absolutely love the examples given during this course. - Kelly Lynne ""Such a perfect fit for me. My long period of search and wait is over. I'm really going to build on this block- my diplomatic cert. Awesome trainers."" - Dr. Anthony ""This course is brilliant!!"" - Joanne ""I learned so much from this course! Found it to be relevant and offer excellent insight into setting a finer protocol for myself. Great forms as well."" - Holly ""I loved Patrick's teaching style and found his teachings were well broken down and easy to understand! I would HIGHLY recommend this course!"" - Krista ""I loved this course. the structure and supporting material are perfect. taking this has not only been extremely informative, but has also given me confidence that this is a field i have the appetite and skills to succeed in. side note; the tutor was 100% credible and genuine."" - Francesco ""I love the structure of the course, as well as concepts and the instructor."" - LynneA fully-accredited professional life coaching certificate with 16 CPD/CE Credit Hours by CPD Accreditation - provider #776727. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support. Upon completion of this training you will be eligible to apply for; Official life coach certification 16 CPD/CE credit hours Continuing Professional Development provider registration #776727IMPORTANT: This cognitive behavioral coaching course is NOT to be used for the treatment of mental illness. This training is designed for use in life coaching or as a personal reflective tool. Coaches (or prospective coaches) enrolling in this course MUST refer anyone seeking or in need of mental health services, to a qualified mental health professional immediately. CBT Coaching - like a owners manual for your mind!Thoughts, emotions and behaviors are in an interplay - a fluid dance. Each one . . . thoughts, emotions and behaviors, has the ability to impact the other two - in either positive or negative ways. Because humans have a unique ability to influence all three, we also possess this special opportunity to create the life-experiences that we want. To say it another way, we have it within our control to experience more of the positive and less of the negative. Become a life-coaching professional and teach others to master difficult emotions and eliminate self-destructive thoughts and behaviors. Become the catalyst for transformation that you and your coaching clients deserve. In this course youll learn CBT coaching strategies for; Reprogramming your mind to accept healthier, positive thoughtsMastering difficult emotionsOvercoming negative thinking patternsStopping ruminating and unproductive thoughts Replacing self-destructive behaviors with productive onesManaging stressSetting and achieving your goals Silencing the inner critic Taking congruent and decisive action Shifting your thinking from being a victim to a feeling of control Who is the target audience?Typical practitioners of CBT coaching include; life coaches, therapists, counselors, teachers, social workers, pastors, organizational leaders, parents and wellness professionalsAnyone beginning a vocation as life coaching professionalThis training is ideal for those who are interested in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practicesCurrent coaching professionals searching for integrative approaches to help othersPersonal development enthusiasts who want to grow in happiness and successWho We Are; We are Patrick Howell (in front of the camera) and Debbie Lyn Toomey running things behind the scenes. Combined weve been teaching, studying and researching this material for nearly 45 years. We are both entrepreneurs, Debbie is a registered nurse with three published books on the topic of coaching for happiness, Patrick has been an entrepreneur and Coach Trainer for more than 25 years. He's led the coaching departments at organizations such as, The Institute for Advanced Human Performance, and Dale Carnegie Training. At the core, all personal development exercises incorporate CBT based techniques. The foundation of CBT is at the root of everything you will learn in the life-coaching and personal achievement space. As a researchers and educational trainers, all of our classes are based in our formal education in psychology practices, our life-coaching experiences, and my published work for the American Society of Training and Development."
Price: 199.99

"Magento 2 Theme Development" |
"In this course, I want to teach you step by step how to customize and even create your own themes for Magento 2. Magento 2 is undoubtedly the best version of Magento, a leading ecommerce platform, its core is extremely well designed, but the appearance of it, its our duty. Provide a good UX, create a theme with a sense of immersion and good practices is what I want to teach you in this course so you can shape your ideas."
Price: 54.99

"Hacking For Beginners" |
"IMPORTANT: This course is scheduled for a complete update by Oct 1st. There is nothing you have to do. Just enjoy the new material when it's published (and act surprised :))Short, concise and straight to the point. This is how this course will guide to into your first hack in two hours!You want to learn hacking but you don't know where to start? Then this is the course for you. Hacking for beginners course requires zero experience, zero programming knowledge and zero Linux knowledge. We start with the assumption that you know nothing about hacking, networks or the web. And step by step we will build up your knowledge so you can perform you first hack in two hours!NOTE: this course is for students with ZERO knowledge about hacking. If you already have experience in networks, web and hacking then we invite you to take our other more advanced courses.***********************************************This is literally the first course that I've stuck with on Udemy. I really appreciate your work. I am learning a lot more than I thought I would as the topics are dealt with in a curiosity-bringing way. I am also taking detailed notes and am documenting all my solutions for the missions needed for future reference. Again, I really appreciate your ability to teach and explain, as every teacher can't provide clarity as you do. - VH ***********************************************The course is divided into three parts.Part 1 - FoundationsUnderstand the internet and the components that make it workWhat are IP addresses and why they're needed for hackingWhat is a DNS and how it makes the internet workWhat are servers and services and why are needed for hackingDeep dive into packetsPart 2 - Lab SetupSet up your own lab to practice hacking legallyPart 3 - HackingGet introduced to port scanning and one of the favorite tools for hackersUnderstand vulnerability scanning and how you can identify weaknessesExploit the weaknesses you find to hack your targetBy the end of the course you will have the skills to:Identify the 4 necessary components for every hack to happenFind weaknesses in your targetExploit your target and take control of it***********************************************Thank-You for this awesome course, it was indeed very informative. To be very honest, the whole internet is full of knowledge but you guys put all that in an order where people like us can consume and understand easily, now this is what I call having a method to madness!! - MA ************************************************The hacking for beginners course was so much fun, interesting and interactive as I had to complete a mission for almost each chapter. For this reason i managed to read more about different topics (servers, ports, scanning, vulnerabilities etc). The course made me read about different stuff, introduced me a little bit into the documentation area. All the topics were clearly explained by you [the instructor], with a clear voice and it was very clear and easy to understand and follow. A big thumb up for that, you make yourself very pleasant to hear and your explanations are on subject. I can say that i have learned all what i needed to know to go deeper into this awesome world of ethical hacking. - ON ************************************************"
Price: 94.99

"Leer ALLES van.... Excel!" |
"*** Ruim 10 uur aan training. Regelmatig komen er extra lessen bij. Oefenbestanden die duidelijk te gebruiken zijn. 1 op 1 support. LEVENSLANG toegang. 100% geld-terug garantie ***De 25 jaar ervaring met Excel-trainingen aan kleine- en grote groepen, het zelf zr intensief gebruiken van Excel n maatwerk leveren aan bedrijven en organisaties, is nu gebundeld in n effectieve online training!Wat cursisten zoal zeggen over mijn online Excel-trainingen:""Prima uitgelegd. Helder en duidelijk.""""Ik ben begonnen met deze cursus omdat ik eigenlijk nog geen enkele kennis had met Excel. Ik ben echt veel wijzer geworden door deze cursus. Ook de instructeur was telkens heel duidelijk! Echt een aanrader!""""Rudy legt op duidelijke en eenvoudige wijze de basisbeginselen van Excel uit in deze cursus. Ik ben een ervaren excel gebruiker en toch haalde ik er nog praktische tips&tricks uit.""Deze 'Leer ALLES van.... EXCEL' is feitelijk een combinatie van vijf volledige trainingen: Basis, Vervolg, 'Big' Data Analyseren, Formules & Functies en Functionaliteiten uitbreiden. Deze vijf trainingen kunnen volledig gevolgd worden van begin tot eind, doch je kan ook gelijk beginnen met Data Analyseren of welk ander onderdeel dan ook.Of, je pakt alleen di onderwerpen waar je momenteel extra kennis voor nodig hebt.Flexibiliteit in het volgen van deze training staat bij mij voorop, doe er je voordeel mee!"
Price: 174.99

"Learn to Speak Confidently in Any Situation" |
"- Do youfeel confident when you speakin class or a meeting, or are you afraid to say anything?- Do youpresent your ideas as clearly and confidently as you would like, or do you want to be more persuasive?- Do you feel assured when you talk to that guy or girl you're interested in, orwould you like to have more self-confidence?- What about in social groupsdo you feel envious of someone else who seems tokeep everyone's attention by speaking confidently?- Do you walk away from conversations feeling certain yousaythe right thing at the right time, or do you wish you had thought of something better to say?- If you could learn strategies totalk confidently in all these types of situations, would you beinterested?Imagine how your life would be better if you talked more confidently...- How would you feel ifpeople listened attentivelywhenever you started to speak!- How would it improve your professional opportunities topresent your ideas, opinions, and proposals effectivelytoyour coworkers, boss, clients and customers?- What would it do for your career tosay the right things at the right time, with little-to-no preparation?- What if you could talkmore confidently andimpressthat guy or girl youre interested in?- How would you feel if you couldkeep an engaging conversation goingwhile youre on your next date?- Maybeyoure already in a relationshiphow much more enjoyable would it be if your mate understood you better?Through nearly two decades of research, from teaching several courses and workshops on public speaking, and while creating many executive-level training programs, I've identified...Several high-leverage strategies you can use to talk more confidently in any situation.All these proven tools and strategies have been brought together for you in this top-rated online video course to help you learn to talk much more confidently.When you enroll and complete this course, youll learn how to:- Experience more success in your job or business because you present your ideas and proposals much more effectively.- Enjoy more rewarding relationships because other people will understand you better.- Have much better conversations in professional and social situations.- Make better impressions on the people you talk to.- Identify a personal communication style + strategies that come most easily and feel most natural to you.- Complete activities to identify which of your own experiences and ideas are most engaging to listeners.- Learn new strategies to talk confidently when you have no time to prepare what to say.When you enroll in this course...You'll get immediate access to 1.5+ hours of information-packed videos, worksheets, guides, and discussion forums, and you'll also get these bonuses:- Guaranteed responsesfrom the instructor to any questions you submit in the course discussion forums.- Afree copy of the report:What the Greatest Communicators Have in Common: a summary of great communicators throughout history that details key skills for great communication.- You'll be able todownload all the audio filesfrom this course so you can listen to them and reinforce the key points while you're on-the-go.- You'll alsoget a printable (2-page) cheat sheetthat summarizes all the tools and strategies for learning to talk confidently and how you can start using them.- 2 Free Preview videos from the top-rated course by Dr. Roger K. Allen and Steve Churchill, Conquer Feelings of Inferiority.What this course is NOT...What you learn inthis course is NOT Communication 101. These strategies are NOT the same things you can easily learn about from an Internet search or by buying a book.The lessons do NOT discuss nonverbal communication or your speaking voiceall those approaches seem to encourage unnatural, insincere communication. Whatever your voice, body language, appearance, or personality, it is enough, as it is, to be able to talk confidently in any situation.If youre someone who already talks confidently in every situation, if you dont feel theres any improvements you can make to talk more confidently, then this course is NOT for you.If youre like the rest of us who feel you can have a better career, run a better business, have a better social life, and enjoy better relationships by communicating more confidently, then this chance to learn these skills is one you do NOT want to miss.Whats Going to Happen if You DONT Learn to Talk More Confidently?- Youllprobably be stuck in an unsatisfying job.- You wont impress that guy or girl youre interested in.- You wont feel as self-confident.- You wont be as assertive as you need to be.- Your boss might give the raise and promotion to someone else.- You wont be as happy as you could be in your relationships.- You may not have as many friends as you could have.- You probably wont achieve all of your professional goals.- Youll regret that you didnt sign up for this top-rated online course on how to talk more confidently.So dont wait to start talking more confidently: enjoy a better professional and social life. Enroll now and start learning to be a more confident communicator, right away."
Price: 149.99

"How To Write, Publish and Market Your Book in 30 Days" |
"You will Learn How to Write, Publish & Market Your Book in 30 Days.Identify Your Target AudienceDecide Topic Attractive Book CoverOne to One CoachingISBN NumberHardcopy PublishingKindle PublishingGet your book available worldwide on AmazonMarketing BENEFITSOF PUBLISHING A BOOKYour Visibility will IncreaseRoyalty Income forLifetimeYour Credibility will IncreaseYour Earning will IncreaseYour Brand will Increase"
Price: 199.99

"The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp" |
"Have you tried to learn JavaScript before?JavaScript is the most popular programming language out there, but that doesnt mean its easy to learn. You end up wasting time on out-of-date courses and incomplete YouTube tutorials that talk about a JavaScript features without showing how to use them when building real-world applications.Sound familiar?I built this course to teach you how to build and launch your own JavaScript web applications. The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp starts from scratch and builds up your knowledge of the JavaScript language. Yes, youll learn all the features of the language, but youll also learn how to use those features together to create a complete application.This comprehensive course covers the modern ES6 andES7 JavaScript features used in the real world. Youll gain an understanding of the latest cutting-edge language features. Getting experience writing code on your own is a big part of learning JavaScript. Thats why Ive included over 80 challenges designed to get you writing code, adding app features, and solving a wide range of problems. These challenges will give you the skills and confidence needed to create your own web application.There are no starter projects here. Youll see what it takes to launch a JavaScript application, from the first line of code to the final deployed application.Whos this course for?1. People who are brand new to JavaScript. You want to dive into the world of programming and learn JavaScript. This might be your first programming course, or maybe youve worked with other languages before. Either way, youre ready for this bootcamp.2. People who currently use JavaScript but want a better sense of mastery over the language. You picked up little tricks and snippets of code because you needed to solve a problem. Now youre ready to master JavaScript as well as explore the latest from ES6 and ES7.Youll learn JavaScript by doing, not watching.This course is not about watching videos, its about writing code. From the start, youll be building out each project from scratch as well as completing over 80 challenges designed to test and reinforce what youve learned.During the class, youll build three JavaScript applications:1. The first app, a note-taking app, is our starter application. Youll learn the fundamentals of JavaScript and see exactly what it takes to build a program that allows users to add, edit, delete, and save their notes.2. The second app, a to-do application, youll be building on your own. This will test your skills and ensure that you have the real-world experience and problem-solving skills that are essential for writing JavaScript code.3. The last app, a hangman word game, is used to explore the world of asynchronous JavaScript. Youll learn how to set up applications that rely on data from third-party services that can offer up dynamic, real-time information such as the users current location.Stay current in an ever changing world.The world of JavaScript is always changing, and thats why I work to keep this course as up-to-date as possible. You can join knowing youll be learning the fundamentals of the language as well as the new language features that keep coming out.This course uses the latest language features from ES6 and ES7.Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package.Theres no need to worry if youre learning the right skills to land that JavaScript job or launch that JavaScript app. Ive mapped out everything you need to know in an interactive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running in a couple of weeks.By the end, youll be able to build and launch your own applications.Theres no better time to learn JavaScript.Youve made a smart choice, because JavaScript is the most popular programming language out there. This is no exaggeration. This popularity and growth means more jobs and opportunities than ever before.JavaScript powers the web. That means every company out there uses JavaScript, and the demand for JavaScript developers is only increasing. Companies from Google and Apple to Udemy itself all use JavaScript extensively. JavaScript doesnt stop with the web. It has quickly become a universal programming language capable of anything. JavaScript can be used to create desktop apps, server-side applications, native iOS/Android applications, and so much more. This course is your ticket into that ecosystem. Get access to fast support if you get stuck.Theres nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. Thats why Im here to answer every single question that comes my way.Ill work with you to get you unstuck and back on track. Its one of the reasons students love taking my courses. Dont take my word for it. Check out the student reviews below.This is the absolute best course I've taken on Udemy. Andrew is amazing at explaining things concisely, and the flow of the course is perfect. He doesn't skip over anything and he doesn't over-explain anything. On top of all that, he responds to questions so quickly that you won't be stuck at any point."" - Tanya Gamarian""The lessons are of high quality and even more important, he actually takes time to answer your questions!"" - Thomas VercamerI guarantee that this is the most up-to-date and engaging JavaScript course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.I cant wait to see you on the inside!- Andrew"
Price: 84.99

"The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (with Node.js and Apollo)" |
"Do you want to learn GraphQL and keep your Node.js skills up-to-date and relevant?GraphQL is quickly changing how Node.js developers write their APIs and backend applications. It offers a much-needed replacement to the traditional REST HTTP API. Its by far the most exciting change weve seen to Node.js development in a long time. Goodbye Express. Hello GraphQL. Who should learn GraphQL? Anyone building backend applications with Node.js!In this class, youll learn how to use GraphQL to replace the standard Express HTTP API, as well as support features like authentication, real-time applications, and more. GraphQL can be used with any client that has internet access, whether its a web app, mobile app, or server-side application.Big and small companies, from Twitter and Facebook to Yelp and Twitch, are switching from frameworks like Express to GraphQL.I designed this class to give you the skills and real-world experience needed to build and launch your own GraphQL apps.To kick the class off, well answer a few important questions. What is GraphQL? Why is it useful? How is GraphQL going to help me build better applications with Node.js?Next, youll master the fundamentals of GraphQL by building out a blogging application. Youll learn about GraphQL schemas, data types, queries, mutations, subscriptions, and many other fantastic GraphQL features.From there, youll set up advanced features like authentication, database storage, production deployment, automated test suites, and more.Throughout the course youll learn how to:Model your application data using schemasCreate queries and subscriptions allowing clients to access data in the databaseCreate mutations allowing clients to create and change data in the databaseQuery and change your data from the browser by making requests with Apollo ClientWork with the Prisma ORM (v1) to communicate with your database via a GraphQL APIDeploy your GraphQL applications to productionSecure your application data with an authentication systemWrite an automated test suite for your applicationLearn GraphQL by Writing CodeThis course was designed to be interactive, with more than 80 challenges along the way to get you writing code and solving problems on your own. This will give you the real-world skills and experience needed to write GraphQL applications once youre done with the class.Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package.Theres no need to worry whether youre learning the right skills to land that GraphQL job or launch that GraphQL app. Ive mapped out everything you need to know in an interactive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running in a couple of weeks.Get access to fast support if you get stuck.Theres nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. Thats why Im here to answer every single question.I guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging GraphQL course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.The first videos are available as a free preview, so Ill see you inside the class!- Andrew Mead"
Price: 84.99

"Android App Development using Kotlin" |
"Building Android apps using Java requires a lot of boilerplate and ceremonial code. Do you want to build apps in Android in an easy and effective way? Move to Kotlin a first class language for Android apps. It has made the life of developers quite easy.This course will get you acquainted with Kotlin and build effective Android applications. The course teaches you in creating an Android app using Kotlin-Android extension plugin easily. Next, you will see how to use features of Kotlin like Object Oriented features, Companion Objects , Kotlin classes, to implement them in your android application. Finally, the course teaches you how to style your application and publish it to the Google Play Store and make it available to the world. By the end of the course you will learn to use Kotlin for developing your Android Application in a easy and effective way.What you'll learn?Build Android apps using Kotlin Programming LanguageExplore the basic functionality of how an Android app works using KotlinUse Android APIs such as save data permanently and implement Navigation DrawerImplement Lists using RecyclerView and learn about Kotlin classesUtilize the Power of Kotlin in an Android appStyle your app for an enhanced user experiencePublish your app to Google Play Store"
Price: 199.99

"Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them" |
"Your grammar can reflect your credibility as a writer, help you stand out from the crowd, and help you achieve your goals. -Created based on what you, the student, requested by popular demand: A course that clarifies common grammar mistakes and how to fix them. And I answered. Do you find that you make lots of grammar mistakes in your writing? Do you find these mistakes after you submit or post something? Do you find these sometimes undermine how others perceive you and your message? Do you get tired of looking up the correct grammar usage, and never remember how to apply grammar correctly? I know I have. That's why I created this course--to solve this problem and help your writing achieve credibility. **Instructor with almost 30,000students,sevencourses on Udemy, andhundreds of4 and 5 star reviews Master Your Grammar Errors, Fix Your Writing Mistakes, and Achieve Success and Mastery as a Writer-Why another course on fixing grammar mistakes? 1. This course is unique because many courses like this will show you the what the major grammar mistakes are, but they don't show you how the mistake is made. 2. I have custom made this course based on insights from correcting hundreds of thousands of native and ESL student essays.3. This course shows the root cause of each mistake. If you want to solve a problem and to avoid it in the future, you need to know how the mistake was made to begin with. Examples in the course don't just tell you why the mistake was made, they show you through examples. 4. This course is unique because it doesn't just show you the mistake and correction. Unlike many courses like this, it shows you tips and tricks to help you avoid the mistake in the future based on the root cause of the mistake. 5. Unlike many similar classes, this course includes exercises to help you practice, apply, correct, and retain what you've learned, using the power of repetition and consistency, which learning science shows will help you retain the material. 6. Retention of the material is key. This solves the problem that causes specific grammar mistakes to be made. What Students Had to Say About Other Courses I Created Because They Get Results: Here is what students in the course had to say. The proof is in the results students get and share in reviews:""Straight forward - No nonsense""""Excellent nuts and bolts for anyone interested in crafting a message that connects their audience with the intended meaning. Each section has not only video but slide examples! Thank you for building this course.""Bob Marx--Udemy Student""Clear and precise!""""This teacher has a very clear way of communicating the lessons she wants us to learn and all in all, this will be a very helpful course for my writing - no doubt! So I will, most definitely, recommend this course for any and all that would like to improve upon their writing skills. +1""Geir Rdde--Udemy Student""A course for everybody - Superbly put together!""Whojr01--Udemy Student""Amazing! Great course! . . . Very interesting structured course and a lot of tricks and tips for writers.Thank you for this opportunity to write much better!"" Elena Kostadinova--Udemy Student""Rachel: Many thanks for creating wonderful courses! I am amateur learner. I took your two courses. I found your courses useful in two ways. First, your courses provided insights ""why"" I had been writing in a particular way. Second, I got some teaching tips. I am teacher by profession. Impressed with your teaching passion. Keep creating good courses."" Dr. Ajit Kumar--Udemy Student""This is an great course, especially for a novice writer like myself. I learned so much about structure, word usage, organization, etc. The course is taught by an excellent teacher. I can't thank you enough!"" Sandra Eastman--Udemy Student""I will be a better writer as a result of this course. Thank you . . . "" David Gulp--Udemy Student""This is the perfect course for anyone who has to do any type of writing . . . it was very much worth my time."" Larry Sweet--Udemy Student What This Course Does: Grammar mistakes is the number one factor that will undermine your writing. Errors can scare away clients, publishers, customers, and good grades. Correcting these mistakes will increase your credibility as a writer, make an impression on your audience, and increase the chances that your writing helps you achieve your goals. What can this mean for you? more salescompetitive qualityengaged readershigher visibilityincreased credibilityhigher gradespublished articles and booksachieved writing goals If you apply this fundamental, thorough, and professionally engineered class, your writing will get the attention you desire. How the Course is Set UpEach lecture applies the following outcomes:Avoid common grammar mistakesWrite and speak with more confidence and masteryMake a strong impression and convey credibility in your writing and communicationKnow why you made the grammar mistakes you made so you don't make them againPractice correcting grammar mistakes in action so the lessons stickSections in Lecture:Definition, application and ruleCorrect application of rule (examples)Why mistakes are made (examples)Tricks to remember correct applicationApplication of correction (Examples)Practice what you've learnedAs a teacher, I improve on the quality of my courses for your benefit with each new course I make.Who This Course is Specifically Designed For: ESL students, professionals, and learnersCreative writers who need to improve on the mechanics of their writingNative English speakers and writers who need a grammar refresherNative English speaker and writers who want to improve their grammarThis course is NOT for those who have advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of English grammar.Who This Course Will NOT Benefit:I like to tell it to you straight. I don't want you to pay for this course unless it can benefit you, the learner. This course is NOT for those who have advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of English grammar. Who Can Benefit From This Course:bloggersbusiness writerspeople who write for profitjournalistscreative writersacademic writersstudentsnew writerslifetime learnerscopywritersThe course is broken down by sections categorized by the types of errors and parts of speech for ease of access and navigation through the material. Master Your Grammar Errors, Fix Your Writing Mistakes, and Achieve Success and Mastery as a Writer**Don't put off changing your writing today. Signup for this course today, andyou can startachieving writing masteryalmost immediately!*"
Price: 29.99

"Ideenmuskeltraining - Agil, kreativ und spannend" |
"Du mchtest schneller denken und mehr Ideen haben, sei es fr dein eigenes Business,deine Arbeit oder Privat.In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, deinen Ideenmuskel zu trainieren.Du wirst Aufgaben bekommen und mit der Zeit feststellen, dass es dir gelingt, selbst zu verzwickten Problemen eine Lsungzu finden.Dein Gehirn arbeitet bereits beim Wahrnehmen des Problems an der Lsung.In dem Kurs zeige ich dir, was der Ideenmuskel ist, bzw. welches Konzept sich dahinter verbirgt.Gemeinsam trainieren wir deinen Ideenmuskel. Dafr habe ich mehr als 30 Aufgaben vorbereitet.Am Ende wirst du ein Ideenmuskelathlet sein."
Price: 119.99

"Come fare il tuo primo video su YouTube e Facebook" |
"""Ho voluto creare un corso per dare a chiunque gli strumenti di base per iniziare a fare video.Questo corso pensato per chi parte da zero, per chi ha poco budget ma tanta passione per il video e desiderio di mettersi subito all'opera.Iscrivitia questo corsose vuoi iniziare subitoa fare video, se vuoi avere una scorciatoia che ti permetta di arrivare subito ad un obiettivo: non tanto fare video per il cinema o la televisione, ma utilizzare i video online per comunicare in maniera efficace.""Giulio Gaudiano"
Price: 149.99

"Preparatrio Mikrotik MTCRE (sem suporte)" |
"O curso oficial MTCRE (MikroTik Certified Router Engineer) o prximo nvel aps a certificao MTCNA, nesta certificao voc estar capacitado a planejar, implantar e manter roteamento avanado com OSPF e tneis.Neste preparatrio ser abordado todos os conceitos e prtica necessrio para o seu dia-a-dia, porm focando na certificao e suas mincias. As aulas sero postadas semanalmente at a completude dos tpicos previstos no MTCRE.*Ateno: este curso no possui suporte do instrutor, apenas da comunidade de alunos participantes. Para acesso completo do contedo e suporte do instrutor necessrio adquirir o curso privado fornecido pelo instrutor."
Price: 99.99

"List Building for Affiliate Marketing Using Facebook" |
"Are you looking for a way to grow a mailing list that you can promote affiliate products to without having to fork out a single cent? If yes, then look no further than this course as you will learn how to use Facebook to build your first mailing list for your affiliate marketing efforts!Not only is Facebook a popular platform that you can leverage to get tons of subscribers, the technique that you will learn in this course is entirely free and doesn't require any upfront investment outlay from you.I am using this exact same technique to build my mailing list and I have been receiving an average of 10 new subscribers every day with zero moneyinvestment!In this course, you will learn:- What is Facebook and why we should leverage it!- Step by step on how to create Facebook groups and pages.- Critical setup and configuration for Facebook success!- How to create engagement for Facebook group.- How to make members subscribe to your mailing list.- How to use Facebook tool to do research and find the right niche for you!- Other bonuses!THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE -To help you build your mailing list using Facebookso that you can promote affiliate products to your subscribers!ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING!This course will be regularly updated with fresh content to bring you the most up-to-date knowledge and information.Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive all future updates and new content additions automatically at no extra cost.Yes! You get lifetime updates and it's free."
Price: 149.99

"Actionable SEO for WordPress (Fast Rank Method)" |
"Are you looking for ways to rank your wordpress website on Google and other searches engines 1st page?If so, this is the course for you as you will learn how KCTanrank his wordpress websites on Google 1st page using my Fast Rank Method.Unlike other SEO (Search Engine Optimization) courses out there, this course is very hands-on (you will learn how to tweak certain elements inside wordpress dashboard as shown in the step by steplessons) and all the videos are short and to-the-point. You will not find any long boring theoretical lessons in this course.In this course, you will learn:- When to use SEO and when to use PPC (Pay-Per-Click).- Common mistakes to avoid in SEO.- How to avoid getting banned by Google.- What tools and metrics to use when doing keyword research.- Critical elements in WordPress to tweak for SEO.- Things you must do for on-page optimization.- Things you must know about off-page optimization.- Learning the Fast Rank Method!- Other bonuses!THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE -To help you rank your wordpress website using the Fast Rank Method and other tips in this course!ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING!This course will be regularly updated with fresh content to bring you the most up-to-date knowledge and information.Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive all future updates and new content additions automatically at no extra cost.Yes! You get lifetime updates and it's free."
Price: 199.99

"ZBrush Preparing 3D Scans for 3D printing!" |
"In this course we are going to look at some different methods for preparing your model for 3D print during this course some of the methods will not work however I still show them so that you know the methods, we will also look at methods for shelling or hollowing your models this course does not just apply to 3D scans but can also be used for your own creations.The course is a guide and shows you methods you might want to apply when 3D printing this course was asked for by a student who is already producing amazing Ironman suits his question was is there a better way to prepare the 3D scans he uses, with this in m ind I thought I would show multiple ways to do this as every model is different one method might work better than another but by knowing these methods you will be in a great position to get the job done!Course Features3 methods for preparing your modelsHow we can cleanup our modelsTwo shelling methodsFlexible workflows that allow for changesThis is a very straightforward course and is purely for people who want to learn methods for preparing there creations for 3D print we do not cover the printing itself in this video"
Price: 19.99

"LinkedIn Tips & Tricks to Hunt Your Dream Job Interview" |
"LinkedIn is the best professional network website in the world with more than 500,000,000member, with LinkedIn you can get access toany onein any company at any place in the world.LinkedIn is your main tool to search and hunt your dream job and to brand yourself as a thought leader and influencer,Learn How to Hunt Your Dream Job in 2018 Using LinkedInDuring this courseyourare going to learn tips and tricks that can help you get more and better jobopportunitiesin 2018 on LinkedInthrough the next topics:Understand how LinkedIn works and why it's important for your career successLearn how to buildawesomeLinkedIn profile thatattractrecruiters andhead huntersLearn how to search and Hunt your dream job, company on LinkedIn in 2018Grow your network and buildstrongconnection using LinkedinBuild and grow your personal brand,attractmore career opportunities and standout from the crowd"
Price: 49.99

"Exercises to Improve Posture Dr Paula's 9-Course Sampler" |
"New Lectures Added December, 2019_________________________________STUDENT REVIEWS:Awesome! Clint JonesEasy to grasp. Mary PritchardShe is so knowledgeable! Love this course so far! Teresa Wahmhoff All of Dr. Paula's courses are great -- she presents with superb emotion and great knowledge. thanks .. keep sending them to us. Michael Singer ""This is great, I never thought that sitting posture in cars also matters as I have multiple pain points in my shoulder blades and painful neck muscles, so driving car for more than 30 minutes also contributed to elevate my pain. I will ask few question regarding sleeping as my neck is more painful and stiff when I wake up. Instructor seems knowledgeable with this topic. Great course and keep up the good work."" Muhammad Ahsan Pervaiz""Excellent information in short segments. Easy to understand."" Carlyn Martin_________________________________Hi there, I'm Paula Moore and I've been teaching Udemy courses since September 2014, and in that short period of time, I've created 12 best-selling courses, with 12,000+ enrolled students and 100s of 5* reviews - we are having a blast!The problem with most posture programs and gym workouts, is that they are taught by someone who has never examined a body (hands on), never taken or analyzed an x-ray of the spine and most 'instructors' have only a certificate of qualification and not a professional degree. This is a BIG PROBLEM.I've been helping people correct their posture for 17 years and the biggest mistake I see fitness instructors make when addressing posture,is they use a functional approach (generic) to correct a structural problem. A functional approach focuses mainly on pain and symptoms and the outside of the body; but rarely has the ability to actual alter postural alignment, because the underlying cause of bad posture hasn't been addressed the structural alignment of the body and spine. And that's the reason I left a successful private practice as a Chiropractor. I was frustrated by this approach to posture and health. I realized I could help more people, more effectively online. People with bad posture typically worry about looking unattractive. Is that you? They often develop early arthritis and premature aging and can reduce their vital lung capacity by up to 30%. They want to be active but it hurts when they try. They have typically tried several different types of treatment and various exercise regimes but when they look in the mirror they see little difference. This is a BIG PROBLEM.__________________________________COURSE DESCRIPTIONSo quite simply, Ive taken a few of the most viewed/most popular posture exercises from each of my best-selling posture courses and offered them right here in this course. Youll find a Best-of Posturecise section, a Best-of Posturecise (Level 2), a Best-of Sit Less Move More, a Best-of Balance Exercise for Beginners, a Best-of Neck Hump, a Best-of Scoliosis Exercise, a Best-of How to Get Rid of Headache & Migraine, a Best-of Text Neck and a Best-of Travel Exercise. Basically, this course includes a Best-of section for every posture course Ive ever made!You'll even get several 5-minute workouts that you can download and print for easy reference. I've NEVER offered that before!This course was a lot of work and I truly hope you find it engaging and fun. I invite you now to join me go ahead and click on the red button that says: ADD TO CART. Thank you and I really look forward to seeing you inside the course!Your posture doc,Paula Moore"
Price: 124.99

"Blogging Masterclass: How To Start Your Own Blog" |
"NEW Blogging Course Reveals...""How To Build A Successful Blog And Know How To Market It To The Right Audience Without Wasting Time On Technical Headaches That Drain Your Time And Money""Re: Everything you ever wanted to know about Blogging, but were afraid to askDear Friend,If you want to launch a simple to setup, yet effective blog quickly and easily, enjoy writing about your passions, and even learn how to market your blog to your target audience... then this is the most important course you'll read about all year!IntroducingThe ""How To Build A Successful Blog And Know How To Market It To The Right Audience Without Wasting Time On Technical Headaches That Drain Your Time And Money"" Course.This is an amazing new training from blogging expert Kevin Farrugia that reveals everything you need to know about how to deliver your message to the world through your blog.Which Means You'll Learn Step-By-Step Exactly How To Build An Awesome Blog!In fact, here's just the tip of the iceberg of what you can expect from this amazing new course:""How To Build A Successful Blog And Know How To Market It To The Right Audience Without Wasting Time On Technical Headaches That Drain Your Time And Money""Why Starting A Blog Without Thinking About This One Thing Dooms It To FailureDiscover The Software That You Access From Anywhere To Setup Your Blog Right NowHow To Ensure That People Read Your Post and Stay On Your Blog LongerYou'll learn the pros and cons of this one aspect of setting up a blog to ensure maximum security, usability and durability for the whole lifetime of your blogDiscover the two PROVEN ways to get people to visit your blog and engage with the content you've createdRevealed.. The best way to grow a community that loves your blog and returns for moreThe next step to taking your message to the next leveland much, MUCH More!Now that's a tall promise and at this point you may be wondering...Who Is Kevin Farrugia And Why Should I Listen To Him / Her?As you know by now, my name is Kevin Farrugia and I'm an expert in blogging. Here's my story and why I can teach you how to be successful with blogging too!I wanted to start my own blogIt was all just a bunch ofof trial and errorI was moving one step forward and two steps backFinally, I found a proven system and decided to make it workIt was still a lot of testing and tweaking until I found what worked and what didn'tI thenperfected the process and packaged it into a courseSo as you can see, I'm uniquely qualified to help you understand everything you need to know about blogging, even if you've never setup your own blog!So Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With The ""How To Build A Successful Blog And Know How To Market It To The Right Audience Without Wasting Time On Technical Headaches That Drain Your Time And Money"" Master ClassThis Amazing Blogging Master Class Includes These Modules:Module #1 - What Is A Blog And Why Should You CareModule #2 - How To Start A Blog Easily.. And FreeModule #3 - Your First Post and BeyondModule #4 - Choosing The Right Blogging Software For Your NeedsModule #5 - How To Market Your BlogModule #6 - Seven Ways Of Growing A CommunityModule #7 - Beyond your blogAnd of course you're protected with our...100% Risk-FREE GuaranteeIf The ""How To Build A Successful Blog And Know How To Market It To The Right Audience Without Wasting Time On Technical Headaches That Drain Your Time And Money"" course doesn't show you exactly how to launch a simple to setup yet effective blog quickly and easily... if it doesn't take you by the hand and give you astep-by-step guide to enjoy writing about your passions... or if it fails to help you learn how to market your blog to your target audience, then you will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!Special Pricing When You Order NowBecause we know what it's like to be where you are, and because we want to do everything we can to help you succeed with your blogging efforts, TODAY we're giving you everything we just listed at a special price you see on this page RIGHT NOW.And Best Of All... You'll Start Seeing Results Immediately!So if you're serious about learning how to build an awesome blog, you can't wait and you need to act on this right now.Get Started Right Now by clickingthe order button below and you're well on your way to success with blogging!Do it now before the the price goes up.Don't miss this breakthrough Master Class that will show you exactly how to deliver your message to the world through your blog.Remember, you'll get the following modules in your course:Module #1 - What Is A Blog And Why Should You CareModule #2 - How To Start A Blog Easily.. And FreeModule #3 - Your First Post and BeyondModule #4 - Choosing The Right Blogging Software For Your NeedsModule #5 - How To Market Your BlogModule #6 - Seven Ways Of Growing A CommunityModule #7 - Beyond your blogSee you on the inside,Kevin FarrugiaP.S. Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have this PROVEN blogging expert take you by the hand and help you not only with unique knowledge about blogging, but also with step-by-step specifics for how to build an awesome blog!Get in on this online course now before others use it to leap way ahead of you in the market! Click the Buy Button now.P.P.S. - Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you succeed with blogging? Probably not!You'll just keep struggling and never figure out how to deliver your message to the world through your blog!Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement who has successfully ""been there and done that!"" with blogging.Get this Master Class NOW and finally find the success you want with blogging!Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Click the buy button now!"
Price: 89.99

"The Definitive Guide To Revealing The Perfect Career For You" |
"Here's the TRUTH!The odds are almost 100 to 1 against you when it comes to changing careerMost people will never realize what makes a great career change. Why?Is this you?You don't have access to all the informationYou don't have access to people that have the knowledgeYou don't know what all the potential pitfalls areYou don't have credibility when it comes to the new careerBut that's not the end of the problem...it actually gets worse...Here's theRealProblem you're facingThe good companies will hire people with prior experienceThe best companies won't be interested in someone who hasn't done their proper researchAnd, worst of all, The people who seem the most interested are usually the ones that end up not getting hiredBut luckily for you, there's now a solution...Introducing...""Finding your dream career""""Finding your dream career""Strategy #1: Helps You Open Yourself Up To DiscoveryStrategy #2: Gets You More Answers By Asking The Righrt QuestionsStrategy #3: Makes It Easy To Envision Your Dream LifestyleStrategy #4: Gives You The Key To Finding Your PassionStrategy #5: Avoid The Typical Problems Associated With Informational InterviewsStrategy #6: The Real SECRET For Merging Your Personal Life With Your Dream CareerStrategy #7: How To Bring Your Dream Career To LifeStrategy #8: Effortlessly Move Even Closer To Your Immediate GoalStrategy #9: Quickly Refine Your Business IdeasStrategy #10: Escape Your Current Boring JobHi, My name is Kevin Farrugia and by now, you're probably asking...Who am Iand how can Imake these claims?Here's why we can make these promises to you:I spent too much time doing a job that I dislikedI've helped many people leave a job they hated and get started on one they lovedI've taught people the steps required to get from where they are to where they want to beHere's Exactly What You Get With""Finding your dream career""Step by step informational videos on how to start the process that will see you change/find the career of your dreamsHow to ask the right questions to figure out the right answersThe secret to finding the passions that you really want to pursue in lifeAnd much moreAs always, this course is backed by our 30 day money back guaranteed. So try it out and if you find it's not for true, let me know and I'll give you your money back - no questions asked.So you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving this course a try!Get Onboard With Finding your dream career Now!If you want to:Change your career with easeKnow that you're on the right pathStart enjoying the work that you do on an everyday basis"
Price: 49.99

"Get Six Pack Abs Without Hard Dieting Or Dying In The Gym" |
"Here's the TRUTH!You have been lied to when it comes to losing body fat and achieving your dream today!Most people will never realize what makes their body work the way it does and as such won't be able to get it to look the way they want - no matter how hard they diet or exercise.Is this you?You don't have access to all the informationYou don't have access to people that have the knowledgeYou don't know what all the potential pitfalls areBut that's not the end of the problem...it actually gets worse...Here's theRealProblem you're facingThe so called good foods are actually bad for you.No one in the media seems to know what the real best foods are for you to get six pack abs.And, worst of all, Most people are told to train hard and repeat and are actually seeing less results than before they started!But luckily for you, there's now a solution...Introducing...Get Six Pack Abs Without Hard Dieting Or Dying In The GymStrategy #1:Helps YouKnow The Important Things Are Eating FoodStrategy #2:Gets You MoreKnowledgable About The Different Foods You Can EatStrategy #3:Makes It Easy ToMake The Right Food ChoicesStrategy #4:Gives YouA Wide Range Of Foods That You Can Eat To See Your Six Pack AbsStrategy #5:AvoidThe Common Pitfalls When It Comes To Food That Isn't Good For YouStrategy #6:The Real SECRET ForGetting Six Pack Abs Without Killing Yourself In The GymStrategy #7:How ToTrain Strategically For Fat LossStrategy #8:EffortlesslyKnow How To Combine Strength Training And Cardio In The Right MixStrategy #9:QuicklyKnow Which Are The Best Cardio Exercises To DoStrategy #10:EscapeThe Traditional Way Of Looking At Being In The GymHi, My name is Kevin Farrugia and by now, you're probably asking...Who am Iand how can Imake these claims?Here's why we can make these promises to you:I spent too much time working out in the gym and not seeing resultsI've spent even more time and money eating foods that was supposed to be good for me but only made me fatterHere's Exactly What You Get With""Get Six Pack Abs Without Hard Dieting Or Dying In The Gym""Step by step informational videos on how to start the process that will see you transform your body for goodHow to ask the right questions to figure out the right answersThe secret to finding the foods that work for you and your body typeAnd much moreAs always, this course is backed by our 30 day money back guaranteed. So try it out and if you find it's not for true, let me know and I'll give you your money back - no questions asked.So you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving this course a try!Get Onboard With Getting Six Pack Abs Today!If you want to:Know that you're on the right pathStart knowing that everyday you're closer to your goalthen this is the course for you!See you on the inside."
Price: 64.99

"How To Teach English Grammar Effectively" |
"Attn: ESL teachers...""Finally! How To teach grammar in a fun and interesting way""(So you DON'T have to bore your student to death)If you want to know how to :* be a great teacher* help students with their grammar* keep yoursanity in class...then this course is for you!From: Kevin FarrugiaRE: Teaching English GrammarDear English teacher,If you want be the best teacher possible, get your students to have perfect grammar, or even if you just want to allow your student to be confidence with their English grammar, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!Here's why...the average ESL student hates grammar and doesn't want to come anywhere near it!Here are what some of our members are saying:""Learning how to become a better teacher with Kevin has been one of the best things I've ever done - With his experience, Kevin has taught me how to teach effective lessons where I get my message through to students and they enjoy the lessons that I create for them."" Here's how and why I can make you this promise...My name is Kevin Farrugia and I've been an English teacher for foreign students for the last 8 yearsI've taught thousands of different students from different nationalities and different skill levelThis course is going to give you all the information you need to be able to teach grammar effectivelyIn Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...* You'll discover exactly how to get the MOST teaching done in the most effective way possible* You'll understand exactly what makes students sleep and what makes them shine up with joy* You'll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that all other teachers have to go through to get results* You'll know exactly how to get students to listen to you - even with the most boring grammar topics you can think of* You'll have a TON more energy left when you finish your lessonYour teacher teaching satisfaction is about to go through the roof:* When you see the happy faces of your students who have enjoyed your lesson and learn a ton in the process, you'll feel really good about yourself* When you get students who come up to you after the lesson and tell you that you're the best teacher ever, you'll get immense satisfaction from your job* See yourself bragging to your colleagues about all the compliments that you'll be getting from studentsSo Here's The Bottom Line With How To Teach English GrammarYou'll get step by step videos that guide you along the way to teaching grammar structures that have traditionally been known as boring and that put students to sleepYou get all of this for the lowprice you'll see on this page...Take A Full 30 days To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back GuaranteeIf ""How To Teach English Grammar"" doesn't show me exactly how to be the best teacher possible... if it doesn't take me by the hand, step-by-step get your students to have perfect grammar... or if it fails to help me allow your student to be confidence with their English grammar, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....Here's How To Order Right NowSo go ahead andClick on the Enroll Now Button.I'll see you on the inside.Kevin FarrugiaP.S. - Every minute you wait is another lesson where you fail to teach your students in the most effective way possibleAct now before the price goes up"
Price: 59.99

"How to Develop Emotional Resilience to Manage Stress" |
"All of us work in a business environment that is constantly changing, is intense and is unrelenting. Your resilience refers to your ability to cope and adapt to crises or stressful situations. Emotional resilience refers to how you use your emotions to develop your capability to manage your resilience. More resilient managers are able to accept life changes and adapt to adversity without lasting difficulties, while less resilient managers have a much harder time with stress and change. Emotions are not about being soft and fluffy, they are vital in help you to make hard, direct management decisions. Emotional resilience can mean managing the emotions that you yourself experience or managing the emotions of those around you. Good emotional resilience enables you to increase productivity, improve morale, reduce absenteeism, retain your best people and improve team relations. In this course, we will explore the role of emotions in management, how and why they contain vital bits of information that can help you make better decisions. You'll receive all the information you need. You will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away. The course is made up of a series of lectures, quizzes and a series of interactive practical activities that involve some engagement with other people and some reflection. For example, by completing the Moods, Environments, Situations practical activity you will be able to identify what can help you and what can hinder you in your daily routines. A better awareness of the moods, environments and situations that impact upon your performance, for better or worse, helps you to develop strategies to cope.Once you are aware of the types of moods, environments and situations that trigger these responses, you can begin to prepare new responses to gain more of what helps and less of what hinders.There are SIX practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you to develop your resilience and to manage stress. These are:Moods, Environments, SituationsAssess your Stress ManagementAssess your FlexibilityUnderstanding Stressful SituationsHow your Work with OptimismLearning ReviewThe course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour's training. PLEASE NOTE - This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course. Emotional resilience cannot be developed by learning some techniques through watching a few video lectures. The course requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. I'm afraid that you won't get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.Latest updates - September 2020"
Price: 199.99

"Communication Skills: Personality and Behaviour in Business" |
"This course is based upon the book ""The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business: How to Inspire Others and Build Successful Relationships"" by Robin Hills (ISBN: 1912300087).The Authority Guides is a series of pocket-sized books offering highly practical and accessible guidance on a wide variety of business matters. They are published by independent business publisher SRA Books under the imprint The Authority Guides.How aware are you of the way that your behaviour impacts you on the way that you build relationships?Some people are naturally great with other people. However, for most people it takes a dedicated amount of time and energy to build good, powerful business relationships that are authentic and lasting. They are such an integral and necessary part of success, but many people dont seem to want to put in the work. Successful and powerful business relationships just dont happen without dedicated, consistent work.The course helps you toChange the way you think about yourself and how you approach situationsMove forward and build your understanding of working with your behaviour at your own paceUnderstand how emotional intelligence and social intelligence can help you to make better decisions and build quality relationshipsHow to inspire others and build successful relationships.Discover what makes people tick, how they perceive and react to different situations and why they behave the way they do.This course reveals insights into motivation and how people perceive situations. As it unlocks the secrets of human nature, you'll learn how to inspire top performance, gain trust, win confidence and build lasting relationships - more effectively and with great results.AssignmentYou are going to get some insights into your social interaction style and how this drives certain behaviours.The project looks at assessing your social interaction style from your perspective and asks you to compare this with how others view your style. Use the information in this course to look at methods to improve the ways that you use your style and how this impacts upon that way that you build relationships.DeliverablesAn understanding of how you use your emotional and social intelligence to interact with others and build relationshipsInsights about the lessons that you can gain from understanding the way your brain works and how this affects your thinking, your empathy and your understanding of situationsAn insight into how and why people with different social interaction styles react and behave in the way they doResourcesShort, sharp, snappy lectures covering all aspects of behaviour in businessAssess your social interaction style exercisePractical activities to understand behavioural responses yourself and in other peopleA series of resource cards to download and keepEmotional and Social Intelligence underpin successful relationships through and understanding of how you can develop your empathy and your social skills. This course will help you change the way you think about yourself and the way you work with and interact with other people inside and outside of work.There are five practical activities and three quizzes to help you with your learning.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest Update - August 2020"
Price: 179.99

"Motivation: Find out what Triggers Motivation in Others" |
"Motivation involves understanding what makes individuals tick and how we can successfully motivate people that we work with. Finding the key to what inspires and motivates people is never easy. It has often been said that motivating individuals is much harder than creating an environment in which people are motivated. But this won't work for everyone.Sometimes the hardest thing for people is finding a way to motivate themselves. They say they want to do something and they dont do it. This short course is aimed at managers at all levels and team leaders who wish to learn more about what motivates the people that they work with for greater performance. Conversely, it will help you identify what will demotivate someone. The course is based on NLP Meta Programs and helps you to identify what motivational triggers are. These reveal what will make a person do something or prevent a person from acting in a certain way. All this shows up in how a person talks.So, the course will help you find out needs and drives of others through conversational techniques. This means that you can then put emphasis on how to better motivate individuals to achieve better results towards their own personal objectives. One of the most important things about motivating yourself and staying motivated is to know your own motivation triggers. You can determine this with a structured process that is supplied within the course that with enable you to format a conversation naturally and get to the heart of someone's core motivation. Use the appropriate influencing language for maximum impact and learn how to apply it in any context. Determine a person's motivation by exploring theirMotivational LevelCriteria of MotivationMotivational DirectionSource of MotivationReason for MotivationDecisions of MotivationWork with these 6 motivational triggers and find out what it is that people need to get excited about something. The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - September 2020"
Price: 124.99

"Leadership: Working with Leadership Styles" |
"Great leaders can be many things, but they can only be measured by one criterion - the performance that they influence through others. In today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous workplace, its not enough to be a manager. You must truly learn how to be a leader - someone who influences and transforms how others feel about themselves and the work they do.Your leadership behaviour has the greatest impact on the people you lead and your team. This will impact the productivity and the motivation of everyone. It affects the effort that people are prepared to contribute. The more they contribute, the more successful the team will be. Become a leader in your workplace by harnessing the power of the six leadership styles: Directive - securing immediate compliancePace-setting - accomplishing tasks to high standards of qualityAffiliative - creating harmony Democratic - getting everyone's commitment and generating ideasVisionary - providing long term vision and directionCoaching - long term professional developmentThere is no right or wrong leadership style - the most effective style will vary depending upon the demands of the situation.Effective leaders use these styles in the right measure and at the right time to create a positive, energising work climate for their teams.Understanding the six leadership styles, you will be able to:Determine how to adapt your style to be an effective leaderIdentify daily practices that will enable you to shift your style to do the right things, at the right time, in the right circumstances and with the right peopleRecognise how each style of leadership plays a crucial role in influencing others and leading a company to successLeadership is not something youre born with, it can be learned.Whether you have been recently promoted to a leadership role, have an interest in being promoted to a management position, or are simply looking for the next step in your career, you probably have or will find yourself asking, How can I understand what to do to become a good leader?This course will introduce you to the six leadership styles of effective leadership and how to adapt them to influence others, lead effectively, work with different types of people, and create an engaging team environment.The course also includes practical strategies for you to consider to increase the use of each style and to tone down the use of each style. Putting these into practice will help you to be more flexible in your approach as a leader. The interactive practical activities within this course will help you to define your preferred style of leadership. By completing these practical activities, you will be able to recognise your preferred leadership styleidentify what you need to do to tone down the use of this leadership style at critical timesdetermine which leadership style you need to increase to have the greatest successchoose the actions and behaviours to develop the use of this leadership styleassess how to become more comfortable using all the styles of leadership for specific work scenarios youll face as a leaderThere is a challenging quiz based around a range of leadership situations .You are going work through a range of typical scenarios / case studies that leaders experience in business.The series of questions gets you to consider all the leadership styles and to choose the style that will give the best outcome and the best chance of success.Youll walk away from this course able to communicate powerfully to your colleagues, develop effective relationships, and improve the overall performance of yourself, your team and your organisation.Take action and learn how to harness the power of using different styles for effective leadership today! Recently, the course has been hit with a number of low ratings without comments, which affect the overall course ratings. Constructive feedback is always welcome. The course is being continually revised to ensure it remains current and relevant, but this has not been reflected in the ratings so far.Full grammatically-correct English captions available.Latest update - June 2020"
Price: 124.99

"Customer service 2.0: new ways of going the extra (s)mile" |
"Start offering amazing customer service in your company!THIS COURSE IS THE AWARD WINNING TEACHING BY VINCENT VERMEULEN OF SCHOOL FOR BUTLERS AND HOSPITALITYIf you are looking for new ways to surprise your customers and train your team to deliver amazing experiences to your clients, then this course is for you!By the end of the course, you will have step by step instructions on how to integrate high level service.We will be teaching you how to handle different types of customers and handle difficult situations.What makes me qualified to teach you?Vincent Vermeulen is part of HospitalityTutors and presents this course. He is the founder and director of School for Butlers and Hospitality. One of the most renowned butler schools in the world.My former students are now employed by the most successful families in the world or have been working at the highest level in the hospitality industry, from 5 star hotels to Michelin awarded restaurants. Hospitality is in my DNATestimonials of former students:Life changing training ! - Guy NaillonService will never be the same - Karin LudwigMy guarantee to YouIm a fourth generation hospitality professional.I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.What is this Topservice course all about?In this complete training to topservice you will not only learn everything about service but also how to apply hospitality.This course will cover everything you need to know to start, including:Verbal and non-verbal communicationAnticipating guest needsA new way of talking to guestsEye for detailReal life examplesEngaging deliverySo much more!Learn from a professional with over 30 years of experience.Go ahead and click the enrol button, and we will see you in lesson 1!Don't forget we have a 30 day money back guarantee should you not like the course for any reason."
Price: 19.99

"Estimulacin acutica para bebs en casa" |
"Te gustara aprender estimulacin acutica para tu beb desde la comodidad de tu casa?Conoces las diferencias entre bao normal y bao estimulante?Porque mi trabajo se centra mayormente en la piscina, pero es que tambin es posible trabajar laestimulacin acuticadesde la comodidad de tu casa, en tu baera. No os preocupis porque no hay que comprar ms material del que podis tener en casa para vuestro beb.A quien va dirigido:Fundamentalmente a mams y paps (y familiares)Qu vas a aprender:Hora y poco de duracin, todo en vdeosVas a aprender por qu es posible desde casaDiferencias entre bao normal de higiene y bao estimulanteCmo baar a tu bebCmo trabajar la estimulacin acutica, de 0 a12 mesesAmpliacin de contenidos: estimulacin en piscina"
Price: 19.99

"10 Herramientas para ser mejor profesional" |
"Te has preguntado alguna vez cmo ser mejor profesional?Te gustara cmo podras evolucionar dentro de tu empresa?Ser ms feliz en tu trabajo? Este es un curso sencillo, en el cual te doy 10 herramientas para que descubras por ti mismo cmo ser mejor profesional, y por ende, mejor persona. Son son claves directas para practicar, son 10 herramientas, herramientas que te harn pensar, meditar sobre tu situacin actual, sobre tu pasado, tu futuro, dnde ests y donde quieres llegar. 10 herramientas que seguro te ayudan a ser mejor profesional de lo que eras ayer ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Visualizao de dados para Data Science com R: Criando Mapas" |
"Ol!!! Tudo joia?!!Meu nome Isaas Lira, sou Bacharel em Estatstica, Especialista em Docncia Superior eConsultor emAnlise de Dados e quero muito que a Estatstica deixe de ser um problema para voc e passe a ser uma nova HABILIDADE para sua carreira profissional ... Vamos l?!!*Por que criei este curso?Data Scientist (Cientista de Dados,profissional em Anlise de Dados) foi classificado comoo primeiro empregono Glassdoor ecom salrio de mais demais de $ 120,000 nos Estados Unidose sem dvida a funo comvagas sobrandoe sem gente capacitada para preench-la. acarreira mais valiosa no momento, pois permite resolver alguns dos problemas mais interessantes do mundo.Com o avano dos aplicativos que usam dados geogrficos, as empresas tem tido uma grande necessidade de profissionais para analisar estes tipos de dados como localizaes de clientes, fornecedores, operaes, ocorrncias, etc. Grandes avanos acontecem a cada dia nesta rea de geolocalizao, e por isso que criei este curso, para tornar voc apto(a)a trabalhar com dados georeferenciados no R.E se voc j programa em outra linguagem, saiba quea principal linguagem para Data Scientist o Rpor sergratuito,completo,suportar grandes massas de dados e ter integraes com quase tudo (SQL, Power BI, Java, etc).Por que no dar este grande salto para Data Science?Este curso avaliado em milhares de dlares,mas agora voc pode aprender toda essa informao por umpreo simblico!Com muito contedo em vdeo, vrios exerccios,didtica simplificada e abordagem inovadora, fizeram deste curso um dos cursos mais abrangentes e mais procuradospara cincia de dados e aprendizagem de mquinas na Udemy com lngua Portuguesa!*Oque voc vai aprender?Vamos ensinar-lhe como visualizar uma varivel de interesse (vendas, clientes, etc.) por geolocalizao (pases, municpios, estados, condados, etc.)usando oR!Este curso diferente por que o mais simples neste tema! verdadeiramente um passo a passo para quem quer comear a plotar no mapa usando o prprioR, informaes teis para a tomada de deciso na empresa ou instituio. um curso100% prtico, onde voc vai:Desta forma, mesmo que voc tem pavor de nmeros, ter sucesso neste curso!No posso esperar para v-lo na aula...Inscreva-se no curso e torne-se cientista de dados mais completo aindahoje! O que voc tem a perder?Obs:Uma grande dificuldade das pessoas juntar tudo numa ordem lgica (saber o que aprender primeiro, segundo, etc.), ento pensando nisto queria te situar na ORDEM DOS CURSOS:#1: Curso sobre o R#2: Visualizao de Dados no R#3: Mapas no R#4: Correlao no R#5: Curso de SPSS#6: Regresso Linear no SPSS-R-Excel#7: Comparao de Dois Grupos no SPSSDevido s atualizaes de aperfeioamento, estes nomes podem ser alterados o que pode dificultar sua procura aqui no Udemy, ento logado no Udemy faa: ""Meus Cursos"" > Clique no curso MEU em que vc est matriculado > Nas aulas clique em ""Ir ao Painel"" > ""Viso geral"" > No fim tem Instrutor e clique em meu nome > Ok. veja a relao completa de meus cursos.Forte abrao e estou ansioso para conhecer voc!"
Price: 579.99

"Testes de Hipteses: Comparao de Dois Grupos em SPSS" |
"Ol meu nome Isaas Lira, Data Science,Consultor e Bacharelem Estatstica, Ps graduado e um estudioso da Estatstica Aplicada usando SPSS e R.Por que fazer:Grande parte dos meus clientes me procuram com as seguintes perguntas: ""Existe diferena significativa entre Dois Tratamentos? Dois Medicamentos? Dois Mtodos de produo? Duas Campanhas de Marketing?""Na sade este tipo de anlise chamado de comparao Caso-Controle...Mas em geral isto se chama Comparao Estatstica de dois grupos. um tema que me deixa muito motivado e por isso tenhoMUITA ALEGRIAde compartilhar tudo o que voc precisa saber para se tornar ninja neste tema, seja qual for sua rea ou se at mesmo voc odeia clculos.Vou te mostrar o quanto simples... Vamos l?Obs: Uma grande dificuldade das pessoas juntar tudo numa ordem lgica (saber o que aprenderprimeiro, segundo, etc.), ento pensando nisto queria te situar na ORDEM DOS CURSOS:#1: Curso sobre o R#2: Visualizao de Dados no R#3: Mapas no R#4: Correlao no R#5: Curso de SPSS#6: Regresso Linear no SPSS-R-Excel#7: Comparao de Dois Grupos no SPSSDevido s atualizaes de aperfeioamento, estes nomes podem ser alterados o que pode dificultar sua procura aqui no Udemy, ento logado no Udemy faa:""Meus Cursos"" > Clique no curso MEU em que vc est matriculado > Nas aulas clique em ""Ir ao Painel"" > ""Viso geral"" > No fim tem Instrutor e clique em meu nome > Ok. veja a relao completa de meus cursos."
Price: 579.99
