"Navigating Office Politics: Get What You Want at Work" |
"Office politics. The very phrase typically garners a visceral reaction, everything from a subtle tensing of the shoulders to an eye roll, to an outspoken declaration that they will NEVER engage in political wrangling. Here's the bad news: Office politics is not something you can opt out of. You are in it whether you like it or not. The good news is that if you choose to engage in it, office politics can be navigated in a way that is ethical and above board. Even better, when you learn to play the game, you can become a change agent in your organization. At its core, the workplace is a social environment. Learning to thrive in that environment is contingent on building effective working relationships so that you can excerpt influence across your organization, regardless of where you happen to rank on the organizational chart. That's what this course will teach you."
Price: 94.99

"Prezi for Educators" |
"Learn how to create stunning Prezi presentations quickly. Use powerpoint all the time? Sounds boring! Spice up your presentations and bolster them with creativity. Allow your students to create mind boggling presentations. Prezi is for everyone. Prezi can be intimidating for first time users. However, it is really easy to master. This course will teach you fundamentals of Prezi with Educators and Teachers in mind."
Price: 19.99

"Achieving Your Dreams With No Fear" |
"Have you ever wanted to travel abroad, start a new career or just ask that guy you see as perfect out on a date but fear grabbed you and stopped you in your tracks? This course is designed to help you not only recognize your fears but overcome them. The course puts a spotlight on the various types of fear and offers fear crushing exercises that will help you recognize the type of fear you are dealing with and then help you overcome so that you can achieve the life of your dreams.It is natural to have fear, it is a protection mechanism that helps keep us safe but at times, it is also the very thing that keeps us bound to a life of mediocrity when we really want more. Busting through those fear barriers is often difficult if you are not accustomed to the feeling of stepping outside of your comfort zone. This course helps you take the necessary steps to overcome."
Price: 94.99

"Building Your Mental Strength for More Success" |
"Do you find making snap decisions difficult? Does dealing with difficult situations in your life cause you anguish and delay? Much of what we deal with in life comes from various challenges. Knowing how to deal with these issues decisively and with suretyExercising your mental strength is like exercising any other muscle. Preparing for the challenges that life brings before they show up helps with making decisions quickly, helps with weighing out situations and coping through the tough things that naturally happen in life. Some don't take the timeto learn how to deal with these potential issues but if you learn to practice working on various aspects of your mental strength, when tough situations and decisions come about, you will be more than prepared to take on the task.Successful people deal with stress, they make decisions quickly and they handle the worst things that happen in life with such ease that they look as if they were born just to handle these sort of things."
Price: 44.99

"Practical Communication" |
"Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success ~ Paul J. MeyerIf you don't have a single marketable job skill aside from stellar communication skills, you can find a job. Communication is the foundation of every business enterprise and oftentimes the root cause of many issues that come up in the workplace. Being able to effectively communicate in the workplace will immediately set you apart from your peers as someone who just ""makes sense"" to everyone else. The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place ~ George Bernard ShawIn this course you will learn how to communicate from a very practical standpoint. We will take you through different forms of verbal and non verbal communication to make you an effective and articulate communicator in just a few hours. To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others ~ Tony RobbinsThe lectures included in this course are:Communication FoundationsEffective EmailVerbal CommunicationThe 4 Communication StylesConflict ManagementEgo and CommunicationListening and UnderstandingCooperation and OpennessBy the end of this course, you will be an invaluable resource in any and sound like an articulate employee to many managers or employees. Knowing is half the battle. If you know how to communicate, you'll already be ahead. Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides ~ Rita Mae BrownCommunication spans beyond internal business affairs and touches nearly every aspect of our modern world. Interviewing for a job, selling a new customer, constructing a new brand narrative, writing an article... the list goes on. No matter what you need to do, communication is a skill that you need to have. No prerequisites or outside materials are required. Course is lecture and quiz based."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create Drop Down Lists in Excel" |
"Create Drop Down Lists in ExcelIn this course you will learn how to create drop down lists in Excel. Why should I explore about Drop Down List inExcel?Let me share my personal story:When I started out one of the things Ilearn was Drop Down Lists. This skills was not only essential but fun. A drop down list opens up many new possibilities. Because now instead of making 'boring' spreadsheets you start building a real dashboard or almost a system. User can now just click and select an option. That pretty trick is uncommon in Excel. The moment you understand this a whole new world of possibilities opens up. Being able to connect formula`s with a drop down list is so much fun. Is this course suitable for me?This course is designed by doing. This means you will really have to follow along with the course and take action. Next, my courses are designed with an Action Exercise at the end of each part. When I started out to create courses I did that from the very beginning. One of the things I always love to hear is that the students like the challenging exercises. The challenge forces you the make practical use of your learning so far. Finally, it is build upon each other. Every section is connected in a way that you need the knowledge from each. This ensures that you really learn everything from top to bottom. And once you know this you can see how you can do even more with drop down lists by connect new formula`s and functions. It is a fun skill to learn. Are you ready to start? If you envision yourself making more advance Excel templates where users will have a nice and easy UI the drop down list skill is part of it. Then take action and let`s start!"
Price: 74.99

"ChartJS Legend" |
"ChartJS Legend Course, examples and explanations. Learn how to create legends with ChartJS fast. ChartJS 2 is really an interesting topic. However, maybe you notice it as well. ChartJS 2 legends can be complicated and understanding how it works is a big challenge. When I learn this I was really challenged. It is hard to understand and the amount of explanation if limited and not clear. After many weeks of trail and errorI finally started to understand it. Now I can finally create it with ease and understand how to read it as well. Once you know this you will notice that the ChartJS 2 documentation becomes easier to understand as well. ChartJS documentation is a struggle and does not really cover all the aspects of it. There are so many nice and useful functions and things to do. In this course you will learn and explore these functions and you will create your own HTML legend the right way. We will be handling this step by step and explain all the codes as we go along. Once you really understand the key concepts you will be able to create it yourself quickly. Hope you are ready and excited to join this journey to ChartJS 2 Legend. Let`s begin!"
Price: 74.99

"Chart JS Titles" |
"Chart JS TitlesIn this course you will learn how to create, design and adjust chart titles in Chart JS 2. Chart titles are usually items that people forget about when creating charts. Everyone is very busy in creating charts and all kind of designs for the chart. However, once you create the chart you realize that you also want to improve the title. Something that is usually forgotten and considered as last. This course will help you explore some of the items the ChartJS documentation does not cover in detail. It will help you to get better with ChartJS and set you on a higher level of mastery. Are you ready to begin? Let's go!"
Price: 49.99

"Chart Js with MySQL Database Data" |
"How to create charts in Chart Js with MySQL Database Data?This is truly a topic that I really love. Perhaps you are just like me that in the very beginning you do not know how to do this. I`ve been there and eventually I decided to truly learn this wonderful skill. It took a really long time because this topic is not commonly discussed and secondly the skills are what you can call multi disciplinair. This means that you are not only dependent on one single programming language. You need to know a bunch of them all together and combine it in a way that is really challenging. However, one thing I still remember and this is what truly makes know thing this wonderful. It was the feeling of being able to do this, and making charts and dashboards in a way I always dreamed of. This course is a challenge, however, I describe it all in detail. It is in bite sizes and very easily done. If you follow you will get results and be able to do it yourself. However, do not neglect what you learn here. It took me truly months to understand all of these items and put them together as I did. This course is deeper then you would expect.Since the topic is far more expensive then you could imagine you will notice that I will discuss it from every angle I possible can imagine. Ever heard of a planned and unplanned database?Well, so many options are possible and this creates a real challenge. Your database might not be build for Charts but you are not able to change it and must work with what you`ve got. I get it and this is also what I learned to do. You might have a different structure and want to combine it all together in a database. Well, I understand this as well. When I created this course I focused on the database connection but in reality that is just the tip of the iceberg. The connection is one part, having the right database structure is the second, and making it dynamic is a completely different level. I`m talking about AJAX and JSfunctions (if you are experienced) you will know what I'm referring to. And of course knowing how to connect everything with the updating function of Chart JS. Well be ready!Items in this course will be sometimes repetitive. I really did this on purpose because this is how I learned this well. If you create 10 different charts with all kind of connection structure you will be really good. Because the experience you gain from doing this is really worth it. After that you basically could dream it. Although the challenge of this is really different every single time. ChartJSis really fascinating and somehow I truly love to see how those charts come to life and start to tell a story with numbers. I sincerely hope you enjoy this course as well. One of the things that always give me a spark of joy is seeing a chart in action the moment it is connected. It might sound weird but seeing your chart change by a click of a button or connected with a database is very similar to seeing seed becoming a plant. It is fascinating how it can grow. Not because of the growth but once you know this, you see yourself growing and all the new possibilities you can do with a chart. I hope I can transfer some passion charts into you and I sincerely hope it gives your the inspiration to truly take this course. Not for me,... but for yourself. See how your new gained intelligence will make your skills bloom even further then you can imagine. I ask you to try it to explore how far you can blossom!"
Price: 99.99

"Build your first game with RPG Maker MV" |
"Have you always wanted to build a game, but never knew where to start? Maybe the thought of programming scares you, you don't know how to share or sell your games, you want to be able to publish your games to different platforms. This course is for you! In this course you don't need any programming experience at all. You won't need to hunt down resources to build your maps, characters, music, etc. All the tools that you need are build right into the software that we will be using. Have custom music, sounds, graphics? Not a problem, we will go over that too! Have a Windows machine, a Apple, Linux? Good news, RPG Maker works with all platforms. Do you want to build a game that's not a RPG? Again, not a problem, RPG Maker is more than a RPG builder, it is a powerful, flexible tool that is capable of creating various games.In this course we will be going through building a game from scratch, start to finish. We will go over tips and tricks, how to export your game to various formats, and how to publish you game(s) for free or get paid. We will be going through step by step in a easy to follow instructions. If you have any questions or issues during the course? Contact me and I will do my best to help you out. Just because you buy the course, doesn't mean the support ends there.Don't stop yourself from realizing your dreams of building and publishing your game. Grab the course, get the software (demo or full) and build your first game!FYI, a reminder: I not anyone that is a part of DGS has any affiliation with any of the vendors, software manufactures, or programmers in this course."
Price: 49.99

"Email phishing" |
"In this course we will be taking a look into phishing and spear phishing from both an attacker point of view and also from the receiving end. We will be looking at real life fishing emails, best practices, some phishing software, link attacks, setting up your own phishing campaign and more. I hope that you will take a look at the course and learn about this dangerous attack vector. As always students who take the course feel free to message me during or after you finish if you have any questions.Thanks for looking!"
Price: 49.99

"Beginners guide to ethical hacking and penetration testing" |
"Hacking (both good and bad) seems to be in the news on a daily basis now. Large data breaches, phishing attacks, voter registration hacked, Smartphones hacked, etc. In this course we go over the basics for ethical hacking and penetration testing. We go step by step building a virtual lab, loading various tools and learning how a malicious hacker thinks and operates. Phishing, password hacking, methodology, OSINT,DDOS attacks, and much more is covered in this course. Learn how a hacker thinks, their methodology and tools in order to help defend from them. You don't need to have a high technical knowledge. In this course I try to break things down in order for you to follow along and understand.As with any course that I offer. If you have any questions during or even after you finish? Feel free to message me and I will do my best to get back to you and help you out."
Price: 99.99

"Beginners guide to Nmap and Zenmap" |
"In this course we will be taking you step by step for learning how to install and operate Nmap and Zenmap on a Linux, Windows, and OSX machine. Learn what these incredibly vital tools are, how to install them, and how to operate them. You don't have to be a professional hacker or network engineer to take this course. This is targeted for complete beginners using a easy to follow format. Got stuck, have a question?Feel free to reach out to me and I will do my best to help you out, even if you finished the course.If you are an aspiring hacker or getting into networking Nmap and Zenmap are critical tools to understand and have at your disposal. Network scanning, footprinting, host discovery, Nmap and Zenmap does it all and more."
Price: 29.99

"How to Wake Up Students With Web Technology" |
"Leverage the Power of the Internet Recent studies reveal that teachers want professional learning opportunities that are useful, relevant and provide hands-on learning experiences in the classroom. Teachers are eager for resources that have an immediate, real-world application, that can meet the varied and diverse needs of their students. Web-technology is a powerful way to meet all of these goals. This course is designed to empower you with new knowledge and skill by teaching you how to integrate and apply web-technology into your daily learning environment. Learn how to leverage the power of the internet and "power-up" your lessons and daily activities by using web-based tools and technologies that wake-up, engage and excite students. I will introduce you to some of the best and latest tools that educators all over the globe are using and finding huge success! We Help Good Teachers Be Great! You are already good at what you do! This course will make you stand out and give you a talkable difference in your educational workplace. Learn how to turn good lessons into great lessons by infusing them with the creative power of high interest web-technology, and user-friendly web tools. This doesnt mean that you have to throw out your tried and true strategies and lessons. See how making small adjustments and changes can lead to huge differences in outcome while still meeting your goals and common core standards. Develop your new expertise in web-technology while students achieve greater levels of creativity, digital literacy and academic success. What's Inside: Build confidence as a digital age professional Recognize how to embrace change or be left behind Learn to use a variety of web 2.0 tools and technologies Learn to tame the paper monster and get insanely organized using online productivity tools Find out how using a virtual assistant can help you manage a multitude of tasks Learn how to use your new knowledge to grow as a professional Content and Overview This course includes 27 short lectures in the form of video, screencasts, and documents. These lectures introduce and demonstrate the use of various web-based technology tools that are applicable for immediate classroom use. Using web technology is fun for teachers and students, and very easy to learn. No advanced knowledge or training is required. Students also learn to use web-based productivity tools that help teachers collect, present, archive and manage classroom content. These tools are designed to help teachers streamline day to day responsibilities, helping them to work more efficiently and stress-less. Students also learn about the idea of using a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants provide a second set of virtual hands to teachers by completing tasks and projects via the internet. Virtual assistants are often used in business, but are gaining popularity in the education sector to help manage the ever-increasing demands of being a teacher. Students learn about the cost of using a virtual assistant and the process of hiring one. Students will leave this course having developed a new expertise in educational web-technology. They will have a greater understanding of how web-technology can be used to enrich learning, motivate students, and increase academic success, all the while meeting district goals and common core standards. This new expertise translates into solid ideas that can be directly integrated into existing lesson plans and shared with colleagues and administrators. Who is this course for? Teachers: New hires and seasoned educators Teachers who like to try new things and find new avenues for teaching and reaching students. Teachers who arent afraid to learn from their students. Anyone who is curious about web-technology Anyone who wants to create a valubele new skill set"
Price: 24.99

"Certified Bitcoin Professional: Pass The Certification Exam" |
"Certified Bitcoin Professional: Pass The Certification Exam - is the most complete course online helping to prepare you with everything you need to know, in order to pass the Certified Bitcoin Professional exam within record time.More About The Certified Bitcoin Professional ExamBy passing the Bitcoin Professional exam youll gain a recognised certification, which will enhance your professional standing when it comes to communicating your proficiency in Bitcoin. You can gain a more detailed overview of this certification in the free to preview lecture two of this course!Why Should You Earn A Bitcoin Certification?1. This Certification is one of the few ways you can officially validate your knowledge on Bitcoin, hence making you stand out from the crowd in a personal and professional capacity.2. Once you successfully gain your certification youll have gained an all round understanding of Bitcoin, and then be able to apply this knowledge within a personal or professional environment.3. Become a part of the ever growing Bitcoin ecosystem as a Certified Bitcoin Professional, and be in demand as an individual, freelancer, entrepreneur and more. Global companies, media outlets, and start-ups are looking for those proficient in Bitcoin, and thats what this certification provides.Whats Holding You Back?Youll gain a step-by-step blueprint within this course providing you with all the knowledge you need in order to successfully pass the Certified Bitcoin Professional exam. On top of that, youll be provided with the detailed workbooks, and 75 practice exam questions with detailed explanations.You can be assured youll have access to me throughout the course on-demand, as well as that I am a Certified Bitcoin Professional hence can answer any questions you have clearly.Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.You dont need to be apart of an organisation to become certified, you dont need experience of working within a Bitcoin organisation to become certified, and you dont even need experience of Bitcoin itself to become certified.Nothing Is Holding You Back From Becoming ACertified Bitcoin Professional!Go ahead, and click that take this course button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to become a Certified Bitcoin Professional. I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Ethereum Blockchain Developer Bootcamp With Solidity (2020)" |
"Welcome to the Complete Ethereum Blockchain Development Bootcamp With Solidity - created by the co-creator of the industry standard Ethereum certification.Our Complete Ethereum Blockchain Development Bootcamp teaches you how to code by building dApps & Smart Contract projects with Solidity. Even if you have Zero Blockchain development experience.At 10+ Hours, this Blockchain Development course is the most comprehensive course available online. By the end, youll become a fully fledged Ethereum Blockchain Developer ready to build.We will take you from beginner to master. Heres why:This course is taught by the Co-Creator Of The Industry Standard Ethereum Certification.This course been updated to be 2020 Ready, so youll be learning with all the latest tools.This course does not cut any corners, you will learn by building Real-World Projects in our labs.Weve taught over 100,000 students in the cryptocurrency & blockchain ecosystem.Save Yourself Over $10K, but still get access to the same materials as live bootcamps.This course is Constantly Updated with new content, projects and modules.By joining this course, you can assured well be giving you a no non-sense dive into Ethereum Blockchain Development. You wont be left in the dark, like many outdated YouTube tutorials.Dont just take our word for it, see what Existing Students have to say: This course is not just teaching a project. The course is teaching everything you possibly want to know about Solidity. I'm halfway through section 4, and blown away! Thank you! - Yadi It was a very hands on course. Thank you Thomas & Ravinder for bringing the right mix of theory, and practice to keep it engaging till the end. You guys are excellent mentors. - Alfred So far so good! Interesting points on the theory, I cant wait for the practical part! Thank you for doing the course, Ive been waiting for this. Free resources cant compete with this! - Tamaris These guys do a great job tackling new technology. I have seen the content continually updated, so it's still helpful months after I initially completed the course. - Steve I am a complete newbie, however this course helped me to get up to speed with blockchain. The course is well structured & comprehensive, with all the required study materials added. - ViomeshWere so confident youll love this course, that we offer a Full 30-Day Money Back Guarantee For 30 Days. Enroll today with zero risk, and everything to gain by learning a new skill."
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency Trading: Complete Guide To Trading Altcoins" |
"Cryptocurrency Trading: Complete Guide To Trading Altcoins - is one of them most complete fundamental cryptocurrency trading courses. This curriculum contains a number of practical exercises, which will help you put all the knowledge youve learned into practice to start trading.More About The Cryptocurrency Trading CourseBy taking this course youll get to get involved with cryptocurrency trading on a practical level, with step-by-step instructions from a traders perspective guiding you through the entire process. This course embodies our ethos of learning by doing, as youll witness live trades, and then get to open your own trades confidently by the end of this course.Why Should You Start Trading Cryptocurrencies?1. The cryptocurrency markets arent controlled by traders who have access to super computers, that means the field with cryptocurrencies is more level allowing retail traders such as us to profit.2. Cryptocurrencies are growing! The market cap of cryptocurrencies surpassed $100 Billion, and its still growing, hence theres so much opportunity currently to get involved as an early adopter.3. Were in a free market where anyone can get involved, this is unlike more traditional markets. This is a 24/7 market where with the right strategies you can profit from the volatility regularly.Whats Holding You Back?Youll gain a step-by-step blueprint from a traders perspective within this course, providing you with all the knowledge you need, in order to successfully start your cryptocurrency trading journey.Furthermore, you can be assured that in this course well be deep diving into all of the key aspects of getting started with cryptocurrency trading, that includes: an introduction to cryptocurrencies, the differences between major market & cryptocurrency exchanges, securing your cryptocurrencies, the basics of trading cryptocurrencies, examples of cryptocurrency trades, how to profit from initial coin offerings, and so much more!You can be assured youll have access to both of your instructors throughout the course on-demand. Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.Nothing Is Holding You Back From Becoming An Active Cryptocurrency Trader!Go ahead, and click that take this course button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to become a cryptocurrency trader. Well see you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Certified Bitcoin Professional: 175+ Practice Exam Questions" |
"Certified Bitcoin Professional: Practice Exam Questions - is the only online resource packed with 175+practice exam questions, preparingyou to pass the Certified Bitcoin Professional Exam!More About The Certified Bitcoin Professional ExamBy passing the exam youll gain a recognised certification, which will enhance your professional standing when it comes to communicating your proficiency in Bitcoin. You can gain an overview of this certification on the Cryptocurrency Certification Consortium website!Why Should You Earn A Bitcoin Certification?1. This Certification is one of the few ways you can officially validate your knowledge on Bitcoin, hence making you stand out from the crowd in a personal and professional capacity.2. Once you gain your certification youll have gained an all round understanding of Bitcoin, and then be able to apply this knowledge within a personal or professional environment.3. Become a part of the ever growing Bitcoin ecosystem as a Certified Bitcoin Professional, and be in demand as an individual, freelancer, entrepreneur and more. Global companies, media outlets, and start-ups are looking for those proficient in Bitcoin.Whats Holding You Back?Youll be diving straight into this course with your first practice exam set which is structured as it is in the exam, 75 questions within 20 minutes and a 70% passing grade. All the practice exam sets come with different questions, so youll be fully prepared should these questions appear when you take the Certified Bitcoin Professional exam.You can be assured youll have access to me throughout the course on-demand, as well as that Iam a Certified Bitcoin Professional hence can answer any questions you have clearly.Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.You dont need to be apart of an organisation to become certified, you dont need experience of working within a Bitcoin organisation to become certified, and you dont even need experience of Bitcoin itself to become certified.Nothing Is Holding You Back From Becoming A Certified Bitcoin Professional!Go ahead, and click that take this course button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to become a Certified Bitcoin Professional. I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 94.99

"Cryptocurrency ICO A-Z: Become A Smart ICO Investor" |
"Cryptocurrency ICO A-Z: Become A Smart ICO Investor- is the most complete coursehelping you to understand, evaluate, and make smart investments in Cryptocurrency ICOs.More About The Cryptocurrency ICO CourseThis course is perfect for anyone who wants to start their journey of investing in Initial Coin Offerings, or continue their current journey, but with a ICO Investment Strategy which is detailed in this course, helping you to evaluate whether anICO has potential to succeed.Why Should You Enroll On This A-Z CryptocurrencyICO Course?1. In this course well be detailing on a theoretical and practical level how to get involved with Initial Coin Offerings, along with how ICOs actually work so you dont invest blindly.2. Within this course youll be shown our framework for differentiating between good and bad Initial Coin Offerings. Helping you to invest in ICOs with confidence, rather than hope.3. Cryptocurrencies are cited as producing the greatest wealth creation of our generation, and ICOs allow us to get in early. We're here to help you get in on the ground level!Whats Holding You Back?Youll gain a step-by-step blueprint within this course providing you with all the knowledge you need in order to confidently invest in ICOs. Allowing youto join the Cryptocurrency ecosystem which is producing the greatest wealth creation of our generation.You can be assured youll have access to your three instructors throughout the course on-demand, as well as that we all come into this course as experts in the Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain field, hence can answer any questions you have clearly.Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.Nothing Is Holding You Back From Becoming An ICO Investor!Go ahead, and click that take this course button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to join the ecosystem that is cited as producing the greatest wealth creation of our generation.Well see you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Non-Techies Guide To The Web 3.0 Ecosystem" |
"As youre here, Im assuming youve come across the term web 3.0?If youre thinking what the hell it actually means, youve landed in the right place.Web 3.0 Is The Evolution Of The Web To Third Stage In Its Cycle...The areas web 3.0 refers to are:Connective IntelligenceConnecting DataConceptsApplicationsPeopleMore commonly the term web 3.0 is being connected with the blockchain. Hence its safe to assume that when a discussion of web 3.0 arises, blockchain technologies is what theyre referring too.Specifically in this course were going to dive deeper into what Web 3.0 actually is,giving you more context to what you currently know as just a phrase. Diving deeper further more, into tools you can actively start using today which are helping to shape Web 3.0. Following which, for the developer in you, helping you understand the development tools making this all possible.All in all, this course will be yourcomplete guide to the Web 3.0 ecosystem.Our goal is to help you get started in the Web 3.0 ecosystem!See you inside..."
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin Fundamentals 2020: Become A Proficient Bitcoin User" |
"Have you heard about Bitcoin, but not exactly sure on what it is?Have you seen everyone else get involved with Bitcoin, but youre confused on how to join in?Maybe, youre interested in learning about the economic and technological impact of Bitcoin?Well, worry no more! In this course, we're going to help you alleviate all of those questions you have around Bitcoin, and then more! Discussing the ecosystem at much more depth than any other Bitcoin course, so by the end, you will be a proficient user of Bitcoin!Ravinder is the instructor that will be taking you through this course, he is a Best-Selling Cryptocurrency & Blockchain course creator. Teaching now approaching 100,000+ Learners in over 190 Countries!This course has a pure and simple goal. We're going to help you understand Bitcoin so you can become a proficient user within this ecosystem, following which you can use this new gained knowledge to profit from it. Thats the pure and simple goal, and that entails discussing every element of this ecosystem which Im sure youre going to find truly fascinating.So join us, and lets start laying the fundamental groundwork! Following which we can commence with diving into the depths of Bitcoin helping to grasp it and the wider ecosystem fully, ensuring you become an intelligent investor, user, and advocate of it!"
Price: 99.99

ethereum-chinese |
"Ethereum Ravinder DeolB21B21 BLOCK10 Thomas WiesnerProfitSee"
Price: 199.99

cryptocurrency-chinese |
Price: 49.99

Price: 99.99

Web3.0 |
"Web3.0Web3.0Web 3.0Web 3.0Web3.0Web3.0Web3.0"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals Of Cryptoeconomics: Guide To The Token Economy" |
"If youre aware of Bitcoin, youll know this digital asset has created a new economy!At the time of writing this the new economy is collectively worth above $200 Billion...Which is a mere dent in the all time high value, which was once at approximately $800 Billion!In this course were going to help you understand this whole new ecosystem of token economics.Having helped 100,000+ students achieve their cryptocurrency learning goals, you'll be getting the best experienceShould you have any questions as we plough through the lectures, please dont hesitate to ask...However before you do so, theres a FAQs document at the end of this course which you can refer to whenever.You will also have access to the 'Course Resource Guide' which will guide you towards the best services in the ecosystem...On top of that, you'll be granted exclusive access to our student only online community!I look forward to guiding you through this course, helping you to become proficient on the topic of cryptoeconomics.Lets bring cryptoeconomics to the forefront as an economic model!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Javascript Web App Development -Build A Calculator App" |
"Practice makes perfect. Start your journey into becominga professional front endweb developer here!At DigiFisk, we like making learning fun. Our courses are interactive and fun with a ton of practical elements to it. We've decided to take it a step further with our Web application development practice series.Once you learn the syntax of a programming language, the next logical step is to start creating software and apps. But that's where most students get stuck. Problem solving isn't as easy as learning a bunch of syntaxes.But we aimto make it easy for you.What will you learn in this course?In this course, you'll learn how to build your own Calculator web appfrom the ground up with just HTML5, CSS and Javascript in less than an hour..You'll learn:1. How to create the HTML5 structures of an app.2. How to make an app pretty with CSS (design, design, design!)and last but never the least3. How to make an app work(solve problems) with logic, i.e JavascriptBy the end of the course, you'll be one stop closer to creating web apps like a pro. You could even try creating other smaller web apps.How is this course designed?I've made this course as easy to understand as possible. I've structured it in such a way that each section will handle one of the 3 languages covered here.Introduction:This is where I'll explain how the app works, and what we'll be using to achieve the same results.Module 1:I'll be teaching you how to create the bare bones of the app with HTML5. The result will be a page with all the elements we need in our app, devoid any colors or design elements.Module 2:Here, we'll ""beautify""our app. We'll be using CSS elements to give our app colors and styles. At the end of this module, we'll have a calculator app that looks like the final result, albeit one that does not perform any calculations yet.Module 3: This would be the meat of the course. We'll be delving into Javascript in this module, and I'll teach you how to make the app work (perform calculations and display the results)in here.Final section:Finally, I'll give you some ideas on how to improve the app and make it your own in terms of design and functionalities.This course is for you if:1. If you like learning by doing rather than hours of boring theoretical lectures.2. If you have the passion for programming, and if you know the basics of at least HTML5 and CSS, this course will take you one step further in your development skills.3. If you're a complete newbie, don't worry. I'll be explaining every single line of code I'll be using in this course, so you won't feel lost.So, what are you waiting for?Get this course today, and begin your journey into the wonderful world of web development!"
Price: 199.99

"2D Game Development With HTML5 Canvas, JS - Tic Tac Toe Game" |
"Practice makes perfect. Start your journey into becominga professional front endweb developer here!At DigiFisk, we like making learning fun. Our courses are interactive and fun with a ton of practical elements to it. We've decided to take it a step further with our Web appdevelopment practice series.Once you learn the syntax of a programming language, the next logical step is to start creating software and apps. But that's where most students get stuck. Problem solving isn't as easy as learning a bunch of syntaxes.But we aimto make it easy for you.What will you learn in this course?In this course, you'll learn how tobuild your own Tic Tac Toe Game Appfrom the ground upwith justHTML5 canvas, Javascript and CSSin just a couple of hours.You'll learn:1. How to create the HTML5 structures of this game.2. How to make the game pretty with CSS (design, design, design!)and last but never the least3. How to make the game playable(solve problems) with logic and algorithm, i.e JavascriptBy the end of the course, you'll be one stop closer to creating web apps and 2d web games like a pro. You could even try creating other smaller web apps and games.How is this course designed?I've made this course as easy to understand as possible. I've structured it in such a way that each section will handle one of the 3 languages covered here.Introduction:This is where I'll explain how the game works, it's various features and what we'll be using to achieve the same results.Module 1:Every professional developer writes algorithms before creating a software or game. We'll be writing the a step by step algorithm for our game, and I'll be explaining what we'll do in every step.Module 2:I'll be teaching you how to create the bare bones of the app with HTML5. The result will be a page with all the elements we need in our game, devoid any colors or design elements.Module 3:Here, we'll ""beautify""our app. We'll be using CSS elements to give our game colors and styles. At the end of this module, we'll have a Tic Tac Toe web gamethat'lllooklike the final result, albeit one that is not playableyet.Module 4:I'll be covering some basic concepts of Javascriptin this module. I'll only cover concepts that we'll need for our game's Javascript code though. If you already know the basics, you can skip this module.Module 5: I'll be covering some basic concepts of HTML5 canvasin this module. I'll only cover concepts that we'll need for our game's Javascript/HTML5 canvas code though. If you already know the basics, you can skip this module.Module 6: This would be the meat of the course. We'll be delving into Javascript & HTML5 canvas codeof our gamein this module, and I'll teach you how to make the game playable (let the user draw on the canvas and display the game results)in here.Final section:Finally, I'll give you some ideas on how to improve/enhancethe gameand make it your own in terms of design and functionalities.This course is for you if:1. If you like learning by doing rather than hours of boring theoretical lectures.2. If you're a complete newbie to the world of web development, or just programming in general, and would like to start creating software with the help of a beginner-friendly course. You'll learn the basics of everything used in this project (HTM5, CSS3, Javascript, HTML canvas).I'll be explaining every single line of code I'll be using in this course, so you won't feel lost.3. If you have the passion for programming, and know the basics of HTML5 and CSS, but you're stuck on the practical aspects of it. Turn your theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge with our course.4. If you want to delve into the exciting world of front end web appdevelopment, this course will take you a couplesteps further in the right direction. 5. If you're a Javascript web developer who just wants to try out a new project. Our course welcomes coders of every level, from absolute beginners, to pros.So, what are you waiting for?Get this course today, and begin your journey into thewonderful world of web development and game development!"
Price: 199.99

"Artificial intelligence in Game development- Tic Tac Toe AI" |
"Artificial intelligence is the fastest growing field right now.This course combines Artificial intelligence and Javascript and takes you into the world of 2D game development and creating 2D AI games.There are too many job opportunities in this field today, and the scope is huge. Demand for AI programmers is increasing exponentially every day.Have you always wanted to learn artificial intelligence?Were you not able to do so because you never knew where to start?Is everything confusing out there?Then our course is the perfect solution to your problem.In our course, -> You'llearn the concepts of artificial intelligence,-> Delve more into theories and implementation by learning what MiniMax algorithm is, and how to implement it,-> Apply your new found knowledge to create a fully functional Artificial intelligence that can play a Tic Tac Toe game against expert human players.-> All the while learning, and becoming proficient in Javascript, HTML5 canvas, HTML5, CSS3, front end web development and 2D game development.Why take this course?You'll be able to:1.Learn the basics of artificial intelligence, its terminologies, the various terms used in the field etc.2.Learn what the MiniMax algorithm is and how it's used in developing Zero sum artificial based games in the real world.3.Learn how to apply the MiniMax algorithm in a 2D web game like Tic Tac Toe4.Learn how to create an unbeatable AI opponent in your games5.Learn the basics of Javascript and HTML5 canvas and how to apply it in your Tic Tac Toe game project6.Improve your logical problem solving skills7.Create a complete dynamic Tic Tac Toe game app with an unbeatable AI with Javascript, HTML5 canvas and css8.Improve your web app development, web game development & javascript skills9.Improve your front end design and development skills10.How to design the game logic for the game and implement it as code11.Learn HTML5, CSS3 and much more while developing your game12.Add artificial intelligence to your resume with this project as proof of your knowledgeHow is this course designed?I've made this course as easy to understand as possible. I've structured it in such a way that each section will handle one major part of the course.Introduction:This is where we'll explain how the game works, it's various features and what we'll be using to achieve the same results.Module 1:We'll explain the basics of artificial intelligence and it's various terminologies. We'll put the ground work you'll need to understand the further concepts explained in this course.Module 2:We'll explain what the MiniMax alrogithm is and how it's implemented. We'll use pictorical and graphical representation to explainthe concept with 2 detailed examples. We'll also explain the Pseudocode of the algorithm.Module 3:We'll explain how the MiniMax algorithm can be implemented in creating an artificial intelligence based player (computer player) for a Tic Tac Toe game. We'll explain the concept with another pictorical representation of the entire process.Module 4:We'll delve into Javascript and HTML5 canvas concepts that are related to the project we'll be creating.I'll only cover concepts that we'll need for our game's Javascript code though. If you already know the basics, you can skip this module.Module 5:We'll be teaching you how to create thebare bones of the app with HTML5. The result will be a page with all the elements we need in our game, devoid any colors or design elements.After that,we'll""beautify""our app. We'll be usingCSS elementsto give our game colors and styles. At the end of this module, we'll have a Tic Tac Toe web gamethat'lllooklike the final result, albeit one that is not playableyet.Module 6:We'll introduce a step by step algorithm that explains what we'll be doing while creating the Javascript part of our code.Module 7:We'll be delving intoJavascript & HTML5 canvas codeof our gamein this module, and we'll teach you how to make thegame playable(let the user draw on the canvas and display the game results)in here.In this part, we'll create the necessary code to make the human player play the game on the app.Module 8:This would be the meat of the course.In this module, we'll be applying the MiniMax algorithm with relevant Javascript code to create an artificial intelligence that can play against the human player (the web user).This course is for you if:1. If you like learning by doing rather than hours of boring theoretical lectures.2. If you've always been interested in artificial intelligence, but you're intimidated by the sheer amount of information available on the subject.3. If you want a simplified way of starting out with artificial intelligence.4. If you want to pad your resume with an eye-catching skill, a.k.a applied artificial intelligence.5. If you don't want to just learn theories but start applying it to create an application you can brag about in your resume. You'll be learning the concepts of MiniMax algorithm, a very important algorithm in artificial intelligence, while applying it to create your AIbased Tic Tac Toe game. What better way to learn a concept that's considered difficult for most people?6. If you're a complete newbie to the world of web development, or just programming in general, and would like to start creating software with the help of a beginner-friendly course. You'll learn the basics of everything used in this project (HTM5, CSS3, Javascript, HTML canvas).We'll be explaining every single line of code we'll be using in this course, so you won't feel lost.7. If you have the passion for programming, and know the basics of HTML5 and CSS, but you're stuck on the practical aspects of it. Turn your theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge with our course.8. If you want to delve into the exciting world of front end web appdevelopment, this course will take you a couplesteps further in the right direction. 9. If you're a Javascript web developer who just wants to try out a new project. Our course welcomes coders of every level, from absolute beginners, to pros. By adding artificial intelligence to this project, we've tried to make it interesting for programmers of every level.10. If you want to learn HTML5 based 2D game development.So, what are you waiting for?Get this course today, and begin your journey into thewonderful world of Artificial Intelligence and web gamedevelopment!"
Price: 199.99

"Object oriented programming with Javascript - Build Quiz App" |
"Practice makes perfect. Start your journey into becominga professional front endweb developer here! Learn how to create a real world Object Oriented programming based Dynamic Quiz app with Timer!At DigiFisk, we like making learning fun. Our courses are interactive and fun with a ton of practical elements to it. We've decided to take it a step further with our Front endWeb appdevelopment practice series.Once you learn the syntax of a programming language, the next logical step is to start creating software and apps. But that's where most students get stuck. Problem solving isn't as easy as learning a bunch of syntaxes.But we aimto make it easy for you.We also aim to teach you intermediate programming topics like object oriented programming while at it. What will you learn in this course?In this course, you'll learn how tobuild your Randomized Dynamic Quiz App with Timer & Answer Trackersfrom the ground upwith justHTML5, Javascript and CSSS and Object Oriented programming conceptsin just acouple of hours.You'll learn:1. How to create the HTML5 structures of this app.2. How to make the apppretty with CSS (design, design, design!)3. How to make the app work(draw on the canvas) with logic and algorithm, i.e Javascript4. Basic concepts of Javascript and Object oriented programming (concepts related to this project).5. How object oriented programming works in building real world applications6. How to build a completely dynamic real world quiz app with Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3 with a randomized question pulling feature.7. How to build a fully featured timer for your quiz app.8. How to build a colored answer tracker for your quiz.9. Logical problem solving skillsBy the end of the course, you'll be one step closer to creating front end web apps like a pro. You could even try creating other web apps and games from the concepts you learn in this course.How is this course designed?I've made this course as easy to understand as possible. I've structured it in such a way that each section will handle one of the 3 languages covered here.Introduction:This is where I'll explain how the app works, it's various features and what we'll be using to achieve the same results.Module 1:We'll be teaching you how to create thebare bones of the app with HTML5. The result will be a page with all the elements we need in our app, devoid any colors or design elements.Module 2:Here, we'll""beautify""our app. We'll be usingCSS elementsto give our app colors and styles. At the end of this module, we'll have a Quiz App appthat'lllooklike the final result, albeit one that does not work yet. We'll cover that in the Javascript module. Module 3:We'll be covering somebasic concepts of Javascriptin this module. We'll also be adding lectures on object oriented programming with Javascript (creating and using objects with Javascript). We'll only cover concepts that we'll need for our app's Javascript code though. If you already know the basics, you can skip this module. Module 4:This would be the meat of the course. We'll be delving intoJavascript & Object oriented programming codeof our appin this module, and We'll teach you how to make theapp work(make the quiz, the tracker, the randomized question feature and the timer work)in here.Final section:Finally, We'll give you some ideas on how toimprove/enhancethe app furtherand make it your own in terms of design and functionalities.This course is for you if:1. If you like learning by doing rather than hours of boring theoretical lectures.2. If you're a complete newbie to the world of web development, or just programming in general, and would like to start creating software with the help of a beginner-friendly course. You'll learn the basics of everything used in this project (HTM5, CSS3, Javascript, HTML canvas). I'll be explaining every single line of code I'll be using in this course, so you won't feel lost.3. If you have the passion for programming, and if you know the basics ofHTML5 and CSS3, but you're stuck on the practical aspects of it. Turn your theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge with our course.4. Do you want to get into real world programming and object oriented programming? This course will take you a couple steps further in the right direction.5. If you want to delve into the exciting world of front end web app development, this course will take you a couple steps further in the right direction.6. If you're a Javascript web developer who just wants to try out a new project. Our course welcomes coders of every level, from absolute beginners, to pros.7. If you know the theoretical concepts of Javascript but would like to learn how to apply your knowledge in the real world.8. If you want to add a real-world project to your resume - to get a promotion or find a new job9. If you want to pad your portfolio with a cool project to bag more freelance web development projects.So, what are you waiting for?Get this course today, and begin your journey into thewonderful world of front end web app development and object oriented programming!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Javascript & HTML5 Canvas - Build A Paint/Drawing App" |
"Practice makes perfect. Start your journey into becoming a professional front end web developer here!At DigiFisk, we like making learning fun. Our courses are interactive and fun with a ton of practical elements to it. We've decided to take it a step further with our Front end Web app development practice series. Once you learn the syntax of a programming language, the next logical step is to start creating software and apps. But that's where most students get stuck. Problem solving isn't as easy as learning a bunch of syntaxes. But we aim to make it easy for you. What will you learn in this course? In this course, you'll learn how to build your own Drawing/paint App from the ground up with just HTML5 canvas, Javascript and CSS in just a couple of hours. You'll learn:1. How to create the HTML5 structures of this app. 2. How to make the app pretty with CSS (design, design, design!) and last but never the least 3. How to make the app work (draw on the canvas) with logic and algorithm, i.e Javascript 4. Basic concepts of Javascript and HTML5 canvas (concepts related to this project). By the end of the course, you'll be one stop closer to creating front end web apps like a pro. You could even try creating other smaller web apps and games. How is this course designed? I've made this course as easy to understand as possible. I've structured it in such a way that each section will handle one of the 3 languages covered here. Introduction: This is where I'll explain how the app works, it's various features and what we'll be using to achieve the same results. Module 1: Every professional developer writes algorithms before creating a software or game. We'll be writing the a step by step algorithm for our app, and I'll be explaining what we'll do in every step. Module 2: I'll be teaching you how to create the bare bones of the app with HTML5. The result will be a page with all the elements we need in our app, devoid any colors or design elements. Module 3: Here, we'll ""beautify"" our app. We'll be using CSS elements to give our game colors and styles. At the end of this module, we'll have a Drawing/Paint web app that'll look like the final result, albeit one that dose not draw on the canvas yet. Module 4: I'll be covering some basic concepts of Javascript in this module. I'll only cover concepts that we'll need for our app's Javascript code though. If you already know the basics, you can skip this module. Module 5: I'll be covering some basic concepts of HTML5 canvas in this module. I'll only cover concepts that we'll need for our app's Javascript/HTML5 canvas code though. If you already know the basics, you can skip this module. Module 6: This would be the meat of the course. We'll be delving into Javascript & HTML5 canvas code of our app in this module, and I'll teach you how to make the app work (let the user draw on the drawing canvas and use the various tools in the toolbar) in here. Final section: Finally, I'll give you some ideas on how to improve/enhance the app further and make it your own in terms of design and functionalities. This course is for you if:1. If you like learning by doing rather than hours of boring theoretical lectures. 2. If you're a complete newbie to the world of web development, or just programming in general, and would like to start creating software with the help of a beginner-friendly course. You'll learn the basics of everything used in this project (HTM5, CSS3, Javascript, HTML canvas). I'll be explaining every single line of code I'll be using in this course, so you won't feel lost. 3. If you have the passion for programming, and if you know the basics of HTML5 and CSS, but you're stuck on the practical aspects of it. Turn your theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge with our course. 4. If you want to delve into the exciting world of front end web app development, this course will take you a couple steps further in the right direction. 5. If you're a Javascript web developer who just wants to try out a new project. Our course welcomes coders of every level, from absolute beginners, to pros.So, what are you waiting for? Get this course today, and begin your journey into the wonderful world of front end web app development!"
Price: 199.99
