"2D Animation with CSS Animations - Complete course, project" |
"When you hear the term 2D Animation, especially web animations,you probably imagine complicatedJavascript codes, Flash or other hard-to-learn proprietary software programs.That's how it was until a few years ago. You had to spend days, or months mastering complicated software or learning a lot of syntaxuntil you could create decent web animations.But no more!CSS3, and along with it,CSS Animationswere released a few years ago, and they've have made your learning process MUCH easier.If you know the very basics of HTML and CSS, which anyone who has anything to do with coding/web design does, you're all set.Spend a few hours learning a bunch of CSS3 Animationsyntaxes, and you'll be creating awesome web effects and keyframe animations in no time at all!Anyone can become a web animator now.What will you learn in ourcourse?1. How to manipulate every single web element of your website - change it's shape, size, position, angle and so much more.2. How to create slick animations and transition effects for your web pages - rotating buttons, boxes that automatically change color and size, web elements that move around the web page based on the conditions you give, etc etc.3. How to createframe by frame of every single animation effect you want - a ball that moves around your given path, multiple color changes within a specificmoving cars,4. How to time your animations, delay them, repeat them a certain number of times (even infinite),give multiple states to them, give them custom speeds, etc.and so much more!Where can you apply what you learn from ourcourse?1. If you're a freelance web developer/designer, dazzle your clients with animated poups, animated buttons, color changing text and a lot more cool effects like these on your web apps and web pages.2. Do you want to create animated scenes? Moving balls, bouncing balls, a scene that depicts a trafficked road...you can do all of that and more by learning how to work with keyframe animations in CSS.3. Make your web games more interactive and fun to play by creating awesome transitions and keyframe animations on your characters and game environment.As Isaid, sky is the limit!You can apply what you learn here anywhere in the web space, in any sphere.Your imagination is your only obstacle to how you can animate your web elements with what you learn here.How is this course designed?Our course has 3 modules, where each module will thoroughly explain the intricacies of one of the concepts in CSSAnimations with a wealth of over-the-shoulder examples.Here are the modules:Module 1 - Transformations - This is the foundations module. You'll learn how to manipulate your web elements in this module. You'll learn how to move the elements around the web page, rotate them to any angle you want, resize them, skew them and so much more.Module 2 - Transition animations- You'll learn how to smoothly transition an element from one state to another in here, so it looks like an animation. Change it's colors, size, position, stylings and so much more based on the conditions you give. You'll also learn to customize the transition animations by delaying them, changing the speed of the animation, changing the duration of the animation and so much more.Module 3 - Keyframe animations - A bigger and more important concept. In here, you'll learn how to create frames that depict every single animation you want applied to your web elements. In the duration of the animation, you'll be able to perform multiple changes to your element (multiple style changes, position changes etc). Learn how to give the illusion of movement to create high class animated scenes. Learn how to create real world 2D animation effects by using the various properties and features available in keyframe animations.We also cover a lot of examples and projects, like:1. Animated buttonthat rotates, changes between 2 colors and increases or decreases when hovered on (Transition module).2. Animated coloredbox that alternates between different widths and heights and changes between 4-5 colors in the duration of the animation (Keyframe module).3. Moving ball animation mini project - A ball that moves along the inner edges of the ball repeatedly while changing colors, and stops when hovered or clicked on (keyframe module).Why should you choose our course?1. We like to be thorough in our teaching. You'll find everything you need to start creating awesome 2D animations in this course. You won't have to look anywhere else.2. We strongly advocate learning by doing, rather than just listening or reading. Our lectures are filled with a wealth of examples that explain every concept clearly.3. If you follow along with our examples in our over-the-shoulder trainings, and create the effects along with us, you'll be confident in embarking on the world of 2D web animations by the time you finish ourcourse. You'll be able to confidently add this as a skill in your resume.4. We prefer creating fun projects to explain the concepts and to keep things interesting as well.You'll learn how to apply the concepts you learn in the course in these mini projects and examples.So, what are you waiting for?Enroll now and embark into the wonderful world of CSS aimations."
Price: 199.99

"Vector Graphics with SVG & HTML - Complete course + projects" |
"Are you a programmer who hates graphic design? But do you still want to create awesome 2D vector graphics for your web projects? SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is way to go!Forget mastering complicated graphic design software that have nothing to do with programming. You can now create every kind of vector graphics with just a few lines of code. No design skills needed, at all!What more? These SVG codes are perfectly editable and can be easily embedded in your websites. If you know the very basics of HTML and CSS, you're all set. Spend a few hours learning a bunch of SVG syntaxes, and you'll be creating awesome graphics and designs in no time at all!Every programmer can become a pro designer now!What will you learn in our course? 1. How to create shapes, lines, text, polylines and so much more with SVG syntaxes. 2. How to create paths that can be used to design complicated structures, shapes, characters and scenes. 3. How to style every single SVG element you create professionally. 4. How to embed definitions, links, images and so much more in your SVG images. 5. How to create scalable vector icons and logos with SVG. 6. How to create 2D cartoon characters that can be used in web animations and games. 7. How to edit your SVG graphics in seconds by editing your SVG codeand so much more!What are some real world applications of what you learn in this course? By applying the concepts you learn in this course, you can code and design:1. Graphics for your websites 2. 2D characters and scenes for web animations and web games 3. 2D graphs and pictorial reports that can be used in presentations 4. Bar charts, pie charts, etc. 5. Scalable vector icons and logos that can be displayed in websites, mobile browsers, ipads etc. 6. Flow charts, architectural designs etc. Sky is the limit! You can apply what you learn here anywhere in the web space, in any sphere. Your imagination is your only obstacle to how you apply what you learn here in your real world projects. How is this course designed? Our course has 6 modules, where each module will thoroughly explain the intricacies of one of the concepts in SVG with a wealth of over-the-shoulder examples. Here are the modules: Module 1 - SVG basics - This is the foundations module. You'll learn how to create SVG files, how to embed the codes/images in your HTML websites, how the SVG coordinate system works and every other thing you need to get started with creating SVG. Module 2 - Creating various shapes with SVG - You'll learn how to create rectangles, circles, ellipses, lines, polylines and polygons with a wealth of examples in every single lessons. You'll be coding the shapes along with me in every single module so you understand the concepts better. You'll also learn how to style the shapes in multiple ways to get the best possible result. Module 3 - SVG Paths and Groups - This module handles some very important concepts in SVG - Paths and Groups. You'll learn how to group multiple elements in SVG so they can be manipulated together. Also, you'll learn how to create very complicated graphics with the Path element. Module 4 - Creating text with SVG - In this module, you'll learn how to literally draw text on your SVG images, design them, manipulate them and so much more. Module 5 - Other SVG elements - SVG elements that don't really come under a particular category are included in this module. Some of the lessons include embedding bitmap images, creating links, definitions, symbols etc. Module 6 - Styling your SVG elements - This is a very important module when you take the design aspect of the course into account. In this module, we'll go over the various design attributes and properties offered by SVG. You'll use these properties to create multiple designs for your shapes and elements, designs that'll give your graphics the professional touch they need. We also cover a lot of examples and projects, like: 1. Mail Box icon project - We'll be creating this project in the 3rd module, after you learn how to create lines in paths. 2. Cartoon animal face project - This project comes in the 3rd module as well. You'll be using circles, ellipses, paths, arcs etc to create a cute 2D animal face. 3. Crown icon project - We'll be creating this icon in the 6th module. We'll be clipping the crown icon from a black rectangle. This is a fun project that'll help you learn the clipping concept covered in the 6th module. Why should you choose our course? 1. We like to be thorough in our teaching. You'll find everything you need to start creating awesome 2D vector graphics with SVG code/syntaxes in this course. You won't have to look anywhere else. 2. We strongly advocate learning by doing, rather than just listening or reading. Our lectures are filled with a wealth of examples that explain every concept clearly. 3. If you follow along with our examples in our over-the-shoulder training, and code the graphics along with us, you'll be confident in embarking into the world of SVG and web graphic design/development by the time you finish our course. You'll be able to confidently add this as a skill in your resume. 4. We prefer creating fun projects to explain the concepts and to keep things interesting as well. You'll learn how to apply the concepts you learn in the course in these multiple projects and examples.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start creating awesome 2D vector graphics with SVG syntaxes in no time at all! "
Price: 199.99

"2D Game Development W/ Javascript & CSS3- Create Memory Game" |
"Practice makes perfect. Start your journey into becominga professional 2D Game Developer for the Web and a front end web developer here! Learn how to create a real world Dynamic, intelligent Memory Game with Timer &Score cards with Web 2D Game development concepts!At DigiFisk, we like making learning fun. Our courses are interactive and fun with a ton of practical elements to it. We've decided to take it a step further with our Front endWeb appdevelopment practice series.Once you learn the syntax of a programming language, the next logical step is to start creating software and apps. But that's where most students get stuck. Problem solving isn't as easy as learning a bunch of syntaxes.But we aimto make it easy for you.We also aim to teach you intermediate programming topics like object oriented programming while at it. What will you learn in this course?In this course, you'll learn how tobuild your Randomized Dynamic 2D Memory Game with Timer, Score card &Customized result displayfrom the ground upwith justHTML5, Javascript and CSSS and 2DGame Development conceptsin just acouple of hours.You'll learn:1. How to build a completely randomized, intelligent 2D memory game with stellar design with Javascript, HTML5 & CSS32. How to design the game logic for the game and implement it as code3. How to make the game intelligent and interesting by introducing a randomization element into it. Make it unpredictable for even the programmer of the game.4. How to set up the skeleton of a web app or web game using HTML55. How to design a sophisticated 2D game using advanced CSS and CSS3 concepts6. How to make a 2D game playable using Javascript concepts7. How to build a fully featured timer for your game8. How to make CSS3 card flipping work using CSS3 transitions and css3 transformations.9. Logical problem solving 10. How to create completely customized popup boxes - you can use this knowledge in a number of other projects as well11. How to build a score display for your game that dynamically updates itself. 12. How 2D game development works in the web (with Javascript and HTML5)13. The basics of HTML5 & CSS3 (I'll explain the concepts as we code the project)14. The basics of Javascript (we have separate modules for this topics)15. Front end design and developmentBy the end of the course, you'll be one step closer to creating web based 2D games and front end web apps like a pro. You could even try creating other web apps and games from the concepts you learn in this course.How is this course designed?I've made this course as easy to understand as possible. I've structured it in such a way that each section will handle one of the 3 languages covered here.Introduction:This is where I'll explain how the game works, it's various features and what we'll be using to achieve the same results.Module 1:We'll be teaching you how to create thebare bones of the game with HTML5. The result will be a page with all the elements we need in our game, devoid any colors or design elements.Module 2:Here, we'll""beautify""our game. We'll be usingboth basic and Advanced CSS &CSS3 elements, including CSS3 Transformation &CSS3 Transitions, to give our app colors and styles (including 3D styles), and make the card flip happen. At the end of this module, we'll have a Memory gamethat'lllooklike the final result, albeit one that is not playable yet yet. We'll cover that in the Javascript module. Module 3:We'll be covering somebasic concepts of Javascriptin this module. We'll only cover concepts that we'll need for our app's Javascript code though. If you already know the basics, you can skip this module. Module 4:This would be the meat of the course. We'll be delving intoJavascript & Web 2D Game development of our gamein this module, and We'll teach you how to make thegame playable(make the card flip, the timer, the randomized card load feature and the customized result display work)in here.Final section:Finally, We'll give you some ideas on how toimprove/enhancethe app furtherand make it your own in terms of design and functionalities.This course is for you if:1. If you're completely new to web 2D game development & Web development and you want to learn by creating a real world 2D game.2. If you're a complete newbie to the world of web development or 2Dgame development, or just programming in general, and would like to start creating games and web apps with the help of a beginner-friendly course. You'll learn the basics of everything used in this project (HTM5, CSS3, Javascript, CSS transitions &transformations). I'll be explaining every single line of code I'll be using in this course, so you won't feel lost.3. If you have the passion for programming, and if you know the basics ofHTML5 and CSS3, but you're stuck on the practical aspects of it. Turn your theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge with our course.4. If you want to learn web game development the fun way - by doing, rather than just listening and taking notes.5. If you want to delve into the exciting world of 2D game development for the web, this course will take you a couple steps further in the right direction.6. If you're a Javascript web developer who just wants to try out a new project. Our course welcomes coders of every level, from absolute beginners, to pros.7. If you know the theoretical concepts of Javascript but would like to learn how to apply your knowledge in the real world.8. If you want to add a real-world project/game to your resume - to get a promotion or find a new job.9. If you want to pad your portfolio with a cool project to bag more freelance web development and 2D game development projects.10. If you'd like to go from a complete beginner to an intermediate web programmer and 2D web game developer.11. If you'd like to learn something that can be used in your university coursework (project).So, what are you waiting for?Get this course today, and begin your journey into thewonderful world where 2D game development meets front end web development with the help of CSS3 transitions &transformations!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Embedded Systems" |
"This is an introductory course for embedded systems newbies. In this course, I am putting my experience to formulate and layout the foundation of embedded systems in terms of embedded hardware, embedded software and embedded development tools. Along side, I will try to use a Digital Clockas an example of an embedded system. Whenever a section of the training is finished, an exercise using the Digital Clockexample will be done to augment the theory. Ihope you enjoy the training."
Price: 24.99

"Introduction to Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)" |
"I am proudly inviting you to my world-class proven ""Introduction to RTOS, APractical Approach"".Training Prerequisites:Good CprogrammingFamiliarity with embedded systemsTraining Objectives:Strong understanding of RTOS conceptsUse cases for tasks, semaphores, queues, event flags and timersBetter insights of RTOSinternal design and implementationDesign concepts needed to build an embedded system using RTOSApplying taught concepts using one of the famous commercial open source RTOSesTraining Outline:IntroductionMain FunctionLab 0: The Development EnvironmentMultitaskingLab 1: Hello MultitaskingInter-task Event SynchronizationLab 2: Bottom Halves and Top Halves Wait-Signal SynchronizationInter-task Access SynchronizationLab 3: Mutexes Battle Priority InversionInter-task CommunicationLab 4: Shoot and Forget CommunicationLab 5: One-way interlocked communicationMemory PoolsSoftware TimersLab 6: Characterizing Performance using Software TimersTraining Handouts:Training videos on Udemy websiteLab projectsTraining Tools:CodeBlocks 16.01 with MingW under MSWindowsPC/Laptop with MS Windows and free 1 GBspace on C drivePlease, install above compiler on your machine before course start"
Price: 199.99

"How To Write Emotional AdWords Ads To Get More Clicks" |
"Did you know that Google will actually reward you if you write good AdWords ads? They only want to show the most relevant results to their searchers. How will they reward you? By giving you discounts on your CPC, up to 50% off. The best way to do this? By writing emotionally compelling AdWords ads.This course is the only one of it's kind on Udemy. I actually practice what Ipreach and will serve up emotional ads based on ads I find ""in the wild"". I assist students with their own ad copy, offering advice where possible. If you want to:increase your quality score,own the number one position at the top of the SERPs,spend the same amount of money but get more clicks,get quantum-leap improvements in CTR,have fun writing ads,This course is for you!"
Price: 99.99

"Change your voice and Accent for free just for mac users" |
"There are a number of ways to change your voice, and the only equipment you will need for this course is Mac and GarageBand application. Of course, I'm using the most updated version of GarageBand application. I will go with you step by step to master all features and help you to change your voice and apply it in the work field. After you will learn how to change your voice you can use your new voicefor Skype, GarageBand, screen flow, iMovie and other apps. Also if you hate your voice this is the right course for you because you will be able to fix it and make your voice look more sexy and beautiful. Doyou know that most singers use the same method to change their voice. so what your waiting for join the cause and let me show you how to fix your voice as aprofessional."
Price: 99.99

"Google Forms para el Ambiente Educativo" |
"Calificar exmenes en tu saln de clases es tardado?Te es complicado revisar y administrar las calificaciones de los exmenes de todos tus alumnos?No has dominado herramientas digitales que te permitan ahorrar papel en tantos exmenes?Ya no te preocupes ms, con este curso completo de Google Forms para la Escuela resolvers todas esas dudas y muchas ms!El objetivo primordial del curso es que te conviertas en un experto usando Google Forms en el ambiente escolar. Por supuesto, todo lo que veremos aplica para cualquier formulario que quieras crear, pero le dar un enfoque escolar. De forma que si me refiero a exmenes o a formularios, en realidad me refiero a la misma cosa.Empezaremos el curso con una introduccin a Google Suite, y las herramientas que provee, as como la forma en que se puede colaborar entre diferentes personas. Esto permitir que te familiarices con la plataforma antes de entrar de lleno al uso de Google Forms.Despus de esto entraremos de lleno a la creacin de formularios, lo que conlleva crear preguntas, ver que tipos de preguntas podemos crear, y visualizar nuestro formulario.Segundo, configuraremos nuestros formularios como exmenes, de forma que podemos asignar respuestas correctas y valor a cada pregunta.Finalmente veremos cosas ms particulares de Google Forms que realmente te ayudarn a sacar el mayor provecho posible de esta plataforma.Configurars el formulario de forma avanzada, revisars las respuestas desde Forms, Sheets y hasta Google Classroom, y veremos ejemplos adicionales que pueden presentarse en tu saln de clases.Al finalizar el curso sentirs una gran confianza al usar esta herramienta dentro y fuera del saln de clases.Este curso incluye un certificado, acceso ilimitado, y un foro.Qu ests esperando?Aprovecha la garanta de devolucin de 30 das que Udemy ofrece, e inscrbete al curso!"
Price: 1470.00

"Best Gov't Grants in America To Get A Job or Job Training," |
"What do you get in this course?Training from Local City, County, State and Non-Profit Organization1) Local County Contact for State Job, Education and Training Programs2) Ask about $8,000 to Train for a New Skill as Employee, Job Seeker or Entrepreneur3) Free Money to Live On While You Start Your Own Business4) Paid Short-Term Training for Long-Term Good Job5) National Database of Approved Training Providers6) Free Workshops on Basic Computer Skills and Job Searching7) Skills Testing, Free Computer and Office Equipment Use, and Free Jobs Search Workshop8) Get Paid by Government While You Learn On the Job and Employer Gets Paid to Train You9) Training and Assistance for People with Disabilities to Get Jobs10) 72 Apprentice Programs Offer Immediate Good Paying Jobs with Training and Careers Forever11) Get Up to $400,000 in Training Grants for Workers12) Show Your Boss How to Get Money and Help to Create and Apprentice Program13) Adult Education and Literacy14) How to Earn Your GED15) Career-Based Learning for Disadvantaged Youth 18-24 Years Old16) Job Help and Training for Women and Men Who Have Spent a Long Period Out of the Workforce17) $5,000 Training Voucher for Current and Former Foster Children to Attend College or Trade School18) Search Database of Public and Private Training Program19) Show Employer They Can Get Up to $9,600 from Govt for Hiring You20) See If You Are Eligible for Extended Unemployment Benefits21) Extend Your Unemployment Because Imports Were Partly the Reason for Your Job Loss22) Free Job Training if At Least 16 and Low Income23) Free Training If You Lost Your Job Because of Imports24) Free Training for Low-Income Individuals and Families to Get a Better Job25) Grant to Pay for Transportation to Get to Work26) Jobs with Not Enough Workers27) Search 211org for 207 Job Training Programs available from Non-Profit Organizations (for South Carolina)28) Paid Part-Time Jobs for Seniors (55+)29) Extra Income, Tax-Free, to Help Your Community30) Seniors Earn Tax-Free Income Helping Other SeniorsCollege Degree1) Dont Pay for College If Youre Over 602) Dont Pay for a 4-Year College Degree from an Accredited University in Business, Computers, Health and MBA3) Dont Pay to Go to Harvard but Still Put It On Your Resume4) The Secret to Getting a $50,000 Discount on College Tuition5) Dont Pay to Go To College When Scholarship Money Is Waiting for Your Application6) Stop Paying College Application Fees7) Get Your Student Loans Forgiven When Your College Lied to You8) Get A College Degree for $1,000/YR from Best Colleges in The World9) The Smartest Way to Get a Masters Degree with ZERO Student DebtGovernment Jobs1) Get a Government Job: Government Employees Outnumber Manufacturing Employees 2 to 12) Apply to County Government3) Apply for Federal Government JobMore Ways Not to Pay for Training1) Make $76,000/YR with 4 Months Training, No College, No SATs2) Free Tuition and Living Expenses to Become a Coach / Free Research for Vets3) Get All the Money You Need for School and Living Expenses to Become a Health Care Professional4) Free College to Become a Teacher at Any Age5) A 50% Raise with No College Education6) Jobs @ $39,000/YR with Any Background plus 2 Months Free Training7) Start A New Health Care Career at $50,000/YR and Your Training Paid for Free8) 9 Weeks of Free Training Gets You $90,000/YR Job 9) Take A $200 Community College Course to Get $100,000 of Free Internet Money10) Get All the Money You Need for School and Living Expenses to Become a Health Care Professional11) How to Get a Grant from the Chinese Government to Study MandarinFree Internet Platforms Make It Easier to Get Jobs1) Free Accelerated Training and Paid Work Experience for a IT Job with No Degree or Credentials2) Paid IT Apprenticeships to Double Your Salary with No IT Credentials3) Free Help to Triple Your Chances of Getting Hired with No Degree and Outperform 78% of Your Coworkers4) Save $190/Hr on College SAT Prep Courses5) Get The Best Online Learning for Any Subject for FREE6) Get a Masters in Computer Science Online from Georgia Tech for $7,000Create Your Own Job 1) Getting a Govt Contract is Better Than a Government GrantMake Money as a Freelancer Selling Your Services to Govt Offices and Govt Contractors2) Help Getting a Contract3) Your Local Office4) How Your State Govt Helps You Get a Grant5) Free Professional Help for Any Aspect of Your You Live to Make Money as a Freelancer, Inventor, Contractor, Non-Profit or Start a Business6) Small Business Loans at ZERO % Interest and No Credit Score Required7) $500 to $50,000 Loans and Free Consulting for New Businesses8) Non-Bank Low Interest Loans of $1,500 for Entrepreneurs"
Price: 19.99

"How NOT TO PAY for Health Care, Dental, Co-Pays, Rx Drugs" |
"What do you get in this course?This course identifies the largest collection of resources that offer free and low cost health care services for people of all categories, and even pets. I show yousources of care that the average personwill never find using Google.These are health professionals and services that dont charge money for what they offer, so they dont have funds to advertise on Google to make sure you find them. These sources are not looking for you. You have to look for them.I want to make sure that everyonein America knowsabout all thelittle-known free, realhelp that I knowis available.These are sources you would know it ask for.People with no health insurance coveragecan get free health care from thousands of hospitals and physicians who are paid by government offices and non-profit organizations to treat people. But they don't advertise. In some cases it's even against the law for them to advertise. You'll never see a sign in the waiting room that says, ""Free Care Come And Get It"".But there is alaw that therearehospitals thathave to giveawayacertain amount of theirservices for free. No one should have to stop taking medications because of money. Ill show you national, state and local programs that are available to prevent this.Millionaires can even take advantage of these programs There are doctors who are the best specialists in the world for certain diseases and they get grants to treat conditions for free.Dental coverage can still requirelots of cash, even if you have health insurance. I want to make sure if this is you, that you know your options for thecity where you live. There are localnon-profit dental clinics that offer sliding scale fees and even services that are free, for people who really need the care. And if its Co-Pays and Deductibles that keep you from getting care. There are grants available to pay for them too. There is even help for your pet. Grants from non-profit organizations are there to help provide medical care needed for family pets in addition to other members of yourfamily. And, I bet you didnt know there are internet platforms available where you raise $50,000 to help with past do medical bills or $4,000 to pay for dental surgery. It COSTS YOU NOTHING to try.Bonus section20 Zero $ Cost Internet Extra Income OpportunitiesYou Never Heard Of"
Price: 19.99

"Matthew Lesko is America's #1 Free Money Researcher. He's written over 100 books on the subject including 2 New York Times Bestsellers. Two of this books won ""Best Reference Book of the Year"" awards and he was a financial columnist for the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Good Housekeepingmagazine.Matthew has sold over 4 million reference books on free money and had a string of very successful infomercials. He has been a regular guest on TV talk shows like The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, Letterman, Oprah, Larry King,CNN, ABC NewsandFox News.He still spends every day of his life researching grantsand other alternative sources of freemoney andhelpfor clients who need to solvetheirfinancial problems orfund theirprojects.This Course WillCut Your Internet Research Time By 80%Lesko has takenhis40 years of research experience and developed a simple set of skills and tricks to keep you out of the Google Search Run-A-Round.Your new skills will not only save you tons of internet research time and frustration...butmore importantly, you will finally discover the money sourcesthat were never showing upinGoogle.You'll LearnThe 5 Biggest ProblemsWhen UsingGoogle and How To SolveThem.1...Quantity not Quality2...Advertising Dollars3...Accuracy4...Asking The Wrong Question5...You Can't Call GoogleYou will also learn how to use 6 alternativewebsites that specialize inshowing you onlyfree sources of money and help--never trying to sell you anything.Your Google Searching Will Never BeThe Same Again!But,You'll NowHave A BiggerProblem....What Are You Going To Do with All The Extra Time You've Saved by No Longer Going Aroundin Google Circles?Matthew LeskoNew York Times Best Selling Author and Entrepreneur"
Price: 19.99

"10 Biggest Mistakes When Searching for Government Grants" |
"In 2017 the USGovernment is giving out more grants and otherfree money to individualsthan ever before. This giveaway averagesover$21,000 toevery family in America.The reason whythe average person does notget their fair shareis because these 10 Government MoneyMyths are in everyone's headsand stoppeoplefrom getting the money they deserve.I've been studying government programs for over 40 years and have written over 100 books on the subject. Two of of my bookshave becomeNew York Times Bestsellers.This short course identifies the 10 biggest lies that permeateour culture about government grants. It will teach you the facts, howto deal with thesemyths, and providestrategies for getting the freemoney you need to: - Pay Your DailyBills and Expenses - Start Your Own Business/Non-Profit - Buy or Fix Up A Home - Get an Education/Job Training -And Much MorePlease Let Me Help YouMatthew LeskoNew York Times Bestselling Author and Entrepreneur"
Price: 19.99

"Grants to Pay for Cars, Car Payments and Car Repairs" |
"You don't know about these programs because they don't have money to advertise. You won't find these programsusingGoogle, unless you carefully comb through thousands and thousands of websites in yourresearch results.The upside-down world ofGoogle makes it more certain that you seeall the web sites that want to charge youmoney to solve your problem, and the ones that will solve the problemfor free are buried within yourGoogle haystack.But Don't Worry!!! I've done all the work for you. I've been doing free money research for over 40 years and sold over 4 million books that uncover little-known free money gems that the experts never tell you about.I show you sources you never ever dreamed of. You get hand-holding instructions as well aswebsites and contact info for you can start solving your car problems today.I bet you did not know:-- There are over 120 non-profitorganizations in the USAthat give out cars for no-costor little cost-- Cars loans are available at ridiculously low interest rates evenwhen you have very bad credit--Organizations will repair your car at no-cost--Access a government database to see if your car is one for the12 Million cars a year can get fixed for no-costbut owners don't know it-- State governments give $8,000 to help buy a car---Local governments help pay for auto insurance--How to get $500 for emergency cash to pay for auto repair--Mechanics will come to your home and fix you car at a 40% DiscountLearn the secrets of takingthe pain out of paying for cars and car repairs."
Price: 19.99

"299 Personal Grants for Houston Flood Victims To Live On" |
"Over 45 years ago, my family was a victim of Flood Agnus in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. Our home and family business were completely wiped out but we put our lives back together thanks to the help of emergency programs from the US Government. Before this flood, I knew nothing about Uncle Sam except paying taxes and getting a drivers license. But since that time, I became fascinated about the existence of little-known government programs that can change peoples lives, after a natural disaster or anytime. Ive sold over 4 million books on the subject. My lifes mission is to make sure everyone living in America is aware of more than 17,000 sources of government money and help anyone can use to help better their life. This course shows how to take advantage ofprograms FEMAwon't tell you:Over 299 Programs that give out an average of $21,000 per year to every family in America. Only 12% of this money goes to low-income people. You should never ask for a grant because 80% of the free money available is not called grants. Most government programs have no income requirements. Government money is given out locally not in Washington, so you must know the city and regional offices to contact. (Course includes free ebook with all the local links and contact info.) The government gives loans you dont have to pay back. Government programs put personal grants into your banksavings accounts. No cost Internet websites now provide more free personal grant money than some government programs. These programs can be used to: Pay Your Daily Bills and Living Expenses Get Free Training and Education to Get a Better Job Buy or Fix Up a Home Start Your Own Business or Expand an Existing One Get Out of Debt Pay for Health, Dental and Pet Care Get Free Mentoring, Financial, and Legal Consulting Help And a Whole Lot More This course is America'sMost Complete Reference Source to (most) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in Houston."
Price: 34.99

"Florida Residents: Apply to 327 Grants and Free Services" |
"Over 45 years ago, my family was a victim of Flood Agnus in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.Our home and family business were completely wiped outbut we put our lives back together thanks to the help of emergency programs from the US Government. Before this flood, I knew nothing about Uncle Sam except paying taxes and getting a drivers license. But since that time, I became fascinated about the existence of little-knowngovernment programs that can change peoples lives, after a natural disaster or anytime. Ive sold over 4 million books on the subject. My lifes mission is to make sure everyone living in America is aware of more than17,000 sources of government money and help anyone can use to help better their life. This course shows how to take advantage of every program hat provides extra money and free services that government spends ZEROmoney advertising.Over 327Programs that give out an average of$21,000 per year to every family in America. Only 12%of this money goes to low-income people. You shouldnever ask for a grantbecause 80% of the free money available is not called grants. Most government programs haveno income requirements. Governmentmoney is given out locally not in Washington,so you must know the city and regional offices to contact. (Course includes free ebook with all the local links and contact info.) The government givesloans you dont have to pay back. Government programs putpersonal grants into your banksavings accounts. No cost Internet websitesnow provide more free personal grant money than some government programs. These programs can be used to: Pay Your Daily Bills and Living Expenses Get Free Training and Education to Get a Better Job Buy or Fix Up a Home Start Your Own Business or Expand an Existing One Get Out of Debt Pay for Health, Dental and Pet Care Get Free Mentoring, Financial, and Legal Consulting Help And a Whole Lot More This course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (most) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in Florida."
Price: 79.99

"Massachusetts Residents Apply To 327 Grants & Free Services" |
"In 2018 every householdin Massachusettswill receive an average of $24,698.63in extraincomefrom Government programs....(Source: U.S.Bureau of Economic Analysis)This course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in MassachuisettsIncluding: Personal Grants, Forgivable Loans, Unclaimed Property, Free Professional Services & Sources of Extra Income That Cost Zero $0Programs you will never find searching Google because these programs don't advertise.Produced By America's #1 Free Money Expert Matthew Lesko Award Winning Financial Columnist, Serial Entrepreneur,and New York Times Best Selling Author Over 40 Years of Free Money Research ExperienceLearn where to applyand how to apply, to every legitimate programavailableto you because you live in Georgia.Money Programs And Services No One Tells You About.YOUNEVERNEED AGRANTWRITER -90% Of Applications for Individual Grants are 3 or 4 PageFill-In-the Blank FormsFor All Incomes and for Every Aspect of Your Life: -Pay Your Bills and Expenses -Free Training To Get A Better Job -Start a Home Business or Become a Freelancer -Get Out of Debt -Get Your Student Loans Forgiven -Get aGEDor a Phd -Pay for Health Care, Dental Care or Pet Care -Emergency Money for Rent, Mortgage or Utility Payments -Free Transportation and Day Care -Free Legal Help -Free Child Care, Elder Care, and Respite Care -Loans Cheaper Than The Bank and Some You Don't Pay Back -18 Government Agencies Sitting on Unclaimed Money You Forgot About -Free Tax Helpand Grants From The IRS -Generate Extra Cash from Your Home, Car, Closet or Your Extra TimeEvery Money Program and Service Described Requires ZERO $0 Cash -$8,000 Grant to Train for A Better Job -Banks That Put an Extra $5,000 Grant Into Your Savings Account -Show An Employer to Get $9,600 from Gov't If They Hire You -Go to The Best Graduate Schools In the World for $1,000 -Accredited University Provides Free OnlineEducation -Double Your Salary With Paid IT Apprenticeship -Free Help ToGetRid of Creditors -Business Loans at Zero0% Interest -$1,165 Extra Cash Because You Are A Senior -$700 Emergency Cash -Save $1,000 Per Month On Your Mortgage Payment -$35,000 Because You Were A Victim of Crime -$2,500 To Work on an Art Project -Get $1,000 From A Bill CollectorWho's Not Nice -Free Cars and Free Car Repairs -Free Cell Phone and 500 Minutes Per Month -Cash To Buy Fresh Food At Farmers Market -Get $2,000 Windfall for Unclaimed Cash -$7,000 to $50,000 To Fix Up Your Home -Monthly Grants To Pay Mortgage Payments -$3,500 Grants for Co-Pays On Your Health Insurance -$22,000 to Adapt a Car for Your Disability -50% Off Pet VetBills -Gov't Lawyers Collect When You Get A Bad Check -$30,000 Back from Your Mortgage Company -6 Million Who Don't Apply for $2,482 IRS Grant -Free Database of 10,000 Personal Grants -Get Free Money from Your Congressperson -$25/Hr to Be a Part-Time Flexible Home Assistant -Make $12-$15HrDelivering Groceries -Be One of the 800,000 Pet Lovers Making Up to $30K/Yrat Home -Make $300 Having Extra People Over for Dinner -Make an Extra $800/Mowith Real Estate Owning No Real Estate -Make Up to $350/Mowith Your Car When You Are Not Using It -Make $1,300 with A Yard Sale with No Yard -Make $300/MoSharing Your Knowledge and Skills on Line -Start a T-Shirt Business With ZERO $0 Cash -Get $3,000/Moto Work On Your Art or Craft -Free Cars and Car RepairMatthew Lesko Fair Trade GuaranteeI Will Always, Always, AlwaysRefund Your Money, If For Any Reason You Do Not Believe This Is Fair Product Sold at a Fair PriceThis course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (practically) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in Massachusetts."
Price: 79.99

"10 Best Government Grants to Start a Non-Profit in America" |
"There are about2 million non-profits in America. And remember this...the nice thing is that these organizationscan pay good salaries buttheydon't have to pay any taxes. Non-profits are important to society because, like government, they provide servicesthat are needed by communities thatcan'taffordto pay. In 2017 the government gave out$686 BILLION in FREEGRANT MONEYto non-profit and community organizations. In 2018 the government is planning to give out $703 BILLION. Non-profit organizations areone of the few places where you know your work is contributing to society. I've been doing free money research for over 40 years. I've helped non-profit, for-profit andindividuals get HUNDREDSOFMILLIONSof dollars and FREE EXPERTISE and CONSULTING SERVICES. Google will show you thousands of grant sources for non-profits. You will also see millions of high-priced experts who seek your money to help you with this onlineadvertisingoverload. HERES YOUR ANWSER I teach you how to use the 10 best sources for getting a grant for your non-profit to solve most any problem. ALL 10 SOURCES ARE ABSOLUTELYFREE You Dont Need a Grant Writer You Dont Need a Lawyer You Dont Need a Money in The Bank You Dont Need a Business Plan You Dont Need a Degree You Dont Need a High Credit Score LEARN HOW TO USE LITTLE-KNOWN GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS, FREE GOVERNMENT EXPERTISE, and FREESOURCESONTHE INTERNET."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Symfony 4 and Blazor" |
"In this course you will learn Symfony 4 and Blazor. We'll start with Symfony 4 by building a PHP application. Symfony is a popular PHP Model-View-Controller framework. In this course, you'll learn how to build a PHP-based web app in Symfony.We first start out with how to install and configure Symfony, where you'll start saving time with typical development tasks, such as creating persistent models and rendering content with templates. We'll also learn how to debug an application using the profiler and add external libraries using composer. After that, we'll take a look into the test-driven development paradigm with PHPUnit. You will learn about Symfony's implementation of the MVC paradigm. We'll be working with views, routes, controllers, and the use of an ORM.We'll then get into the Blazor web framework. You'll get an introduction to Blazor and how it works. You'll learn all the basics of Blazor."
Price: 19.99

"Build lightning fast web components apps for any framework" |
"A lot of aspiring developers and even experienced frontend developers tend to get hung up on the complex dependencies and setup requirements just to get started writing web applications. Not with this course. The first coding chapter uses no libraries at all and the rest of the course uses easy-to-use boilerplate templates for you to get started with.This course showcases a new standard called web components, which allows us to write re-usable and framework agnostic components without the need of any tooling or libraries. You'll be able to write your own lightning fast web componentpowered apps or build single components to drag & drop into your existing projects, independent of what framework you're using.Web components work with Angular, React, Vue and many more frameworks out of the box. This course goes well beyond the basics of web components by teaching real-world best practices for efficiently building web apps. Whether you're a beginner or have existing experience with web development, I've made sure to pack the course full with my years of experience building products the right way. Topics include:Web components basics:The theory and concept behind web componentsand all four parts of the specHow do define custom elements and deal with the lifecycle of a componentManaging state and rendering to the shadow DOMDifferent concepts on how component communication can be managedIntroduction to new CSS pseudo selectors for web components like :host or ::slotted Building your first app with the technologies mentioned aboveReal-world automated tests via ESLint & KarmaImplementing linting vis ESLintSetting up prettier for automatic code-formattingUnit and integration testing via Karma Setting up Istanbul for code coverage reportsSetting up CircleCI for Continuous Integration, so tests run with every push to your repoSetting up slack notifications for failed and fixed tests Adding CI badges to your repos to highlight the status of your testsAfter taking this course, youll have a solid foundation in the fundamentals of the web components standard, and will be confident enough to build production grade apps powered by web components."
Price: 99.99

"AngularJS for the Real World - Learn by creating a WebApp" |
"In this Course you'll learn how to build an Angular1.xReal Time Application using Firebase and AngularJS while leveraging great Angular Development best practices.Added a new Section (30+ mins of brand new content): Authentication and Authorization with AngularJS and Firebase.AngularJS is famous Javascript framework developed by Google and an increasing number of companies are currently looking for expert AngularJS Developers. Mastering AngularJS is a great opportunity that will help you getting a new and better job in the web development industry.Reviews""The best AngularJS course I have seen"", ""Great course, with clear explanation, easy to follow and a lot of content"", ""Teaching and Learning Angular at it's best"", ""This course is simply awesome ... , after taking this course, I became aware of what I'm doing and what I'm coding"". This AngularJS course will teach you how this framework can dramatically improve your efficiency, reduce your coding time and deliver your next project as a Single Page Application (SPA). You'll learn how to create AngularJS directives, controllers, modules, how 2-way data binding works and, more important, how to build an AngularJS Web Application from scratch. You'll learn some of the best practices and how to deal with common mistakes that a developer can face when dealing with AngularJS projects and you'll dig deeper into the built-in components of this technology.AngularJS is a Javascript framework used to create Single Page Applications (SPAs) with a declarative approach. This means that Angular is completely extensible: you can define, for example, your own DSL (Domain Specific Language) and services.The framework is developed and maintained by Google. At the minute it has more then 1.3K contributors on GitHub and is being used in more than 243.000 live websites (Youtube, IndieGoGo, Aerlingus, Virgin America, Forbes are only a few) and is backed by a wide community (more than 122k questions only on stackoverflow). There are plenty between documentation, tutorials, examples and fiddles in additions to discussion groups, specialized sites and forums where you can find inspiration or solutions to common problems.AudienceIf you are new to AngularJS, no worries. I will drive you through the main topics and will not assume that you are already familiar with the framework.On the other hand, If you already know AngularJS, you know that it can be as sweet as a rainbow unicorn or as bitter as your worst nightmare: this is why we will teach you a few best practices as well as examples of patterns and anti-patterns all over the course, so that you'll learn a more efficient and clear way of coding your NG apps.Content and OverviewIn this course you'll find 7+ hours of video content; source code is provided for each lesson and in general there will be 2 downloadable attachments per lesson: the start and final source code; this will let you double check that your changes are correct as long as you proceed throughout each chapter. Links to external resources are also provided where useful. Last but not least, I will support you with each question you might have.The course is divided in 16 sections, each one consisting in several videos (more than 63in total) where we will cover the different components of the AngularJS framework.By the end of course, you will:Learn how to setup AngularJS and how its architecture is built; (Installation, MVW approach)Acquire familiarity with the main AngularJS components: modules, controllers, routing, 2 way data binding, dependency injection, prototypical inheritance, scopes, filter, directives, services and templates; We will talk a lot about forms, user data validation and filtering. You will learn how to implement a robust form with validation, thanks to Angular Forms and its built-in validator. In other words you will learn how to improve the user experience of your application;Learn how to use $http to query a webserver and handle promises in a response;Be able to build a full Backend Mock to test your application, by using the Angular $HttpBackend service in the NgMock module;.We will dedicate some lessons to custom directives: first a simple implementation then we will unveil the secrets of the ""link function"", how to isolate the scope and how to make directives reusable with any application.Transform your App into a Real Time application, and learn how to use Firebase and Angular to make updated content available in Real Time on any device.Learn how to secure your application by building Authentication and Authorisation functionalities.What you will obtain at the end of the courseAt the end of the course you will have a deep understanding of the basic concepts of AngularJS, and you will be ready to start your next project by using this great framework."
Price: 114.99

"Tips para el Examen PMP - Version 6 del PMBOK" |
"Este cursos tiene varios propositos: 1. Permite identificar los requisitos para optar al examen PMP de PMI2. Permite al estudiante comprender como tiene que llenar la solicitud para aplicar al examen de PMP de PMI3. Transmitir cuales son los conocimientos que el estudiante debe de poseer o conocer para poder enfrentar con exito el examen4. Explica el tipo de preguntas que pueden venir en el examen5. Que sucede posterior a terminar el examen, como sabra si ya es PMP"
Price: 19.99

"PMP Exam Simulator - in english" |
"This is a group of simulators for the PMP test that you need to pass to get the PMI Certification. This simulator can help you to understand the questions regarding the real test. This test you can use to pass the CAPM certification. This certification is from PMI too.This is a group of simulators for the PMP test that you need to pass to get the PMI Certification. This simulator can help you to understand the questions regarding the real test. This test you can use to pass the CAPM certification. This certification is from PMI too.This is a group of simulators for the PMP test that you need to pass to get the PMI Certification. This simulator can help you to understand the questions regarding the real test. This test you can use to pass the CAPM certification. This certification is from PMI too."
Price: 19.99

"Autisme: introduction et dcouverte" |
"Vous avez ou connaissez quelqu'un qui a un enfant autiste et vous souhaiteriez en savoir plus sur les symptmes et les traitements possibles? Vous avez t vous-mme diagnostiqu autiste et vous voulez avoir plus d'informations sur les diffrentes formes de la maladies et comment bien vivre son autisme l'ge adulte?Vous souhaitez tout simplement claircir tout ce que vous avez entendu sur l'autisme depuis des annes?Alors n'hsitez plus, ce cours est fait pour vous!Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez et comprendrez tout ce qu'il y a savoir sur l'autisme, du premier diagnostic aux traitements existants, tout en apportant les cls pour bien vivre l'autisme de ses proches et les aider."
Price: 19.99

"Initiation la gestion de projet" |
"Ce cours vous aide percevoir la simplicit des principes lmentaires d'une gestion de projet russie. Dans ce cours, nous prsentons les informations ncessaires pour planifier et grer des projets et fournissons des directives importantes en matire de dveloppement et d'utilisation de ces informations.Vous dcouvrirez que le vritable dfi inhrent la russite d'un projet est la multitude de personnes susceptibles d'tre concernes ou ncessaires sa ralisation, ainsi que la multitude de tches et de dpendances entre ces tches.Dans ce cours, nous vous donnons un tas de conseils et de directives afin d'identifier les acteurs cls, puis de les impliquer.Le seul savoir ne fera cependant pas de vous un bon chef de projet. Vous devez tre capable d'appliquer vos connaissances. Le thme de ce cours, est le suivant: les techniques de gestion de projet ne sont pas des tches pnibles qu'il faut excuter parce qu'un processus donn l'exige. Cette approche fait partie intgrante de la manire dont nous abordons au quotidien tous les aspects de notre travail.Nous avons prpar ce cours dans un style directe et relativement facile comprendre. Mais rassurez-vous ce contenu simple passe tout de mme en revue tous les outils et techniques essentiels dont vous aurez besoin pour planifier, programmer, budgtiser, organiser, piloter et contrler vos projets.Toutes les tapes d'un projet sont prsentes de manirepratique, en reliant des rgles implicites des exemples rels. Les explications ""toutes faites"" et les paradigmes ""prts l'emploi"" sont analyss pour permettre aux chefs de projets d'effectuer leurs propres choix, en toute connaissance de cause. Les informaticiens et les professionnels impliqus dans des projets informatiques trouveront des rponses aux questions frquemment poss et qui les concernent quotidiennement (gestion d'alas, moyens, chiffrage, planning risques, aspects fonctionnels...)."
Price: 19.99

"Initiation l'approche AGILE et SCRUM" |
"Scrum est une approche de gestion de projet agile qui permet de rduire le temps de mise sur le march de 30 40 %, damliorer la qualit du produit et la satisfaction du client le tout en rduisant les cots de 30 70 %. Scrum parvient ce rsultat en runissant les talents du business et du dveloppement, en amliorant la communication, en donnant plus de visibilit sur les performances, en organisant des retours rguliers des clients et des parties prenantes, et en incitant faire preuve de beaucoup de pragmatisme. Mme les projets les plus complexes peuvent tre grs plus efficacement en utilisant Scrum.Notre objectif est de montrer explicitement comment Scrum peut tre utilis pour nimporte quel projet et pas seulement les projets de dveloppement de logiciels. Ce cours constitue une base pour appliquer Scrum des situations du monde rel.Nous prsentons les fondements de Scrum dans le dtail, mais nous allons aussi montrer comment tirer les bnfices de leur mise en uvre. Scrum est en lui-mme facile expliquer, mais sa mise en uvre est souvent ardue, sans guide. Les vieilles habitudes et les mentalits de lorganisation doivent tre transformes, de nouvelles manires de faire et de voir doivent tre adoptes.Pour comprendre Scrum, il faut dabord dcouvrir ce qui se cache derrire trois rles, trois documents et cinq vnements : ce sont les fondements. Nous allons les exposer soigneusement, et mentionner de plus des pratiques Scrum que nous avons labores. Ainsi, vous pourrez faire votre choix parmi un ventail de pratiques Scrum, et adopter celles qui conviennent le plus votre projet. Il existe plusieurs cours consacrs Scrum, mais celui-ci sen distingue par son ct pratique.Nous allons nous focaliser sur les tapes quil faut suivre pour que le Scrum joue pour vous. Nous nous adressons une vaste audience : le programmeur, le commercial, le fabricant, le chef dentreprise, le manager Si vous travaillez dans linformatique, vous avez sans doute dj entendu les termes agile et Scrum. Vous avez peut-tre mme dj travaill dans un environnement Scrum, et vous souhaitez amliorer votre matrise du sujet, pour votre bnfice comme pour celui de votre entreprise. Si vous ntes pas dans linformatique, vous avez peut-tre entendu dire que Scrum est une excellente manire de conduire des projets ce qui est vrai ! Ou bien tout cela est nouveau pour vous et vous cherchez simplement une manire de mieux conduire un projet, moins que vous nayez encore pour lheure quune ide et que vous cherchiez un moyen de la concrtiser. Qui que vous soyez, sachez quil existe un moyen simple pour conduire votre projet, et que ce moyen sappelle Scrum."
Price: 19.99

"Hacking with macOS - Build 18 Desktop Apps with Swift 3" |
"This course is produced from the""Hacking with macOS"" series of tutorials, which are written and authored by the award winning Swift programmer,Paul Hudson,and these videos were made with his permissionand support.You can always be guaranteed you're learning the latest andgreatest Apple technologies in the Hacking with Swift tutorials.Here youlearn smart, powerful, and expressive Swift 3, the way it was meant to be written.You learnwhile you make real-world desktop apps, which means you get to apply your new skills immediately and see them work in context.Hacking with Swift is one of the most popular Swift tutorial series online,which uses an approach that teaches you Swift programming incredibly quickly, and you end up with a huge library of finished projectsthat are yours to develop further, or ship to the MacApp Store.Paulhas received high praise from the creator of the Swift language,Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swifttutorials.And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series ofprogrammingtraining videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system. Check out all ofPaul Hudson's Swift tutorials and booksat HackingWithSwift - from beginner to pro, Paul will teach youto write Swift code in very little time.Want to learn how to build amazing desktop apps?Want to code your own custom buttons for the new MacBook Pro Touch Bar?This course has all the step by stepinstruction you need to create awesome apps to submit to the Mac App Store. And the Mac App Store is also a great source of revenue as it only has a fraction of the number of apps that the iOS App Store has, and typically youcharge more for a Mac app.Building a Mac desktop appuses the exact same Swift 3 language as iOS appsthere are differences of course from iOS, such asthe macOSuser interface uses windows instead of screens for an iPhone, butif your coming from iOS, the transition isseamless...an example is on iOS we use a UIImageView,andon macOS we use an NSImageViewsimple right?.If yourcompletelynewto coding, dont worry, we have you covered, as there is also a language section in the course that starts at the very beginning, and covers the complete Swift 3 language.The term ""Hacking with macOS"" means we are ""playing"" with the Swift language, and using it in unique and interesting ways.Desktop apps are fun to build, simply addyour own unique creativity, and follow along in the lectures, and before you know it,you've created a masterpiece.....how cool is it to have your veryown creationright on yourprized MacBook Pro, and on thousands of other MacBook Pros?This course makesuse of annotations,callouts, diagrams,highlighting, and deep explanationsthat help makecomplex subject matter, much easier to grasp, and guidesyou along the path of the code, each step ofthe way.This course alsomakes the perfect reference toolkit, to be used in conjunction with the Apple docs, sothat you can go back and scrub through any of the lectures very quickly to pull out relevant code or instructionthat you need, as there's no wasted chatter here, it's strictly on point with Swift 3and macOS. Some of the topics that will be covered:Featuring apps built by the award winning Swiftprogrammer-Paul Hudson - HackingWithSwift dotcomBuild 18 projects - each one teaching a new aspectof macOSWe use Xcode 8-The latest versionThe Swift 3language - we go from variables to creating our own functions and moreLearn Swift by use of annotations -diagrams -highlighting -calloutsTouch Bar - code your own custom touch bar buttons and controlsHow to usecontrols -Outlets and ActionsWindows -Controllers - Table viewsSplit view controllers - ToolbarsWeb viewsUsing delegates and protocolsWork withthe social framework - FB - Twitter etc.Learn how to refactor codeThe ins and outs of GCDSpriteKit and GamesThe new UserDefaults to persist dataAdding audio -AnimationsMaster strings in Swift 3Using stackViewGrid viewsLearn the best debugging techniquesAutolayout easy and advanced - create constraints using VFLLearn how to work with JSON data in swiftNSUndoManager - Add undo and redo to your appsNSDocumentBindings - Which let you build apps with very little codeAnd a ton more!All videos are recorded in HD for maximum resolution and claritySwift is the new language of the future, and with this course you will get plenty of instruction on how to implement itin unique ways to create beautiful desktop apps.This course assumes you have no programming experience, so its perfect for the beginner. Its also a nice fit for the intermediate and experienced coder as well.If you think this might be too difficult for you, think again, and come code along with me in a step by step format....justadd a big portion ofyour own uniquecreativity, and before you know it, you will have builtmanyamazingapps that you can submit to the MacApp Store, and place in the hands of thousands of people. See you inside the course.Happy Coding :-)"
Price: 199.99

"HWS Swift Coding Challenges: Real Problems - Real Solutions" |
"Swift Coding Challenges is produced from the""Hacking with Swift"" series of tutorials, which are written and authored by the award winning Swift programmer,Paul Hudson, and these videos were made with his permissionand support.You can always be guaranteed you're learning the latest andgreatest Apple technologies in the HWStutorials. Hacking with Swift is one of the most popular Swift tutorial series online,which uses an approach that teaches you Swift programming incredibly quickly, and you end up with a huge library of finished projectsthat are yours to develop further, or ship to the App Store.Paulhas received high praise from the creator of the Swift language,Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swifttutorials.And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series ofprogrammingtraining videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system. Note: Section 2 has the Swift 5 update for all the challenges, questions and answers.Check out all ofPaul Hudson's Swift tutorials and booksat HackingWithSwiftThis course is designed to get you ready for your iOS jobinterview, and for thatwhiteboard test. All these challenges are real world examples that you can expect to see in an actualiOSinterview. And if your not looking for a job, than these challenges are a great way to level up your current iOSskills, and get a great library of coding solutions for your reference to boot.You'll be presented with various challenges to solve, and Ill be helping you along with hints, as well as the solutionsand explanations for each of thechallenges. Ialso provide a complete transcript of each lecture (solution included)for you to download as a text file.And, this courseis called SwiftCoding Challenges because you will be challenged.There is no learning without struggle, so if you dont take the time to watcheach challenge andtry it for yourself in Xcode, youll never know how you would have fared.Note: This course is not for Swift beginners, so you should have at least six months of Swiftbehind you...preferably a year. If youve completed Paul Hudson'sHacking with Swift instructional tutorialsat HackingWithSwift dot com,you should to be able to handletheEasy challenges,and some of the Tricky ones. If youve completed his Pro Swift, then you shouldbe able tohandle most of the Taxing problems too. If you consistently struggle with challenges, thenyou should definitely watch Paul'sPro Swiftvideos too. See all his tutorials and books at HackingWithSwiftWhat will be covered:Course content from the award winning SwiftprogrammerPaul Hudson's book-Swift Coding ChallengesThe latest Swift is used - Swift 5Prepare for iOS interviewsand ace the whiteboard testTest yourself against yourfriends and level up your skillsHints are given in for each challenge to help if you get stuckThree skill levels: Novice - Intermediate - Senior developerSolutions are given for allchallenges - many challenges will have multiplesolutions givenMost challenges can be done in a playground - the rest will use a mac command line projectDeep explanations as to how the code worksAll the lectures are downloadable as a text filetranscript - for your own coding libraryChallenge yourself with Strings - Numbers - Files - Collections - AlgorithmsMultiple choice challenges - Novice - Intermediate - Expert levels"
Price: 74.99

"Hacking with watchOS 5 - Build Amazing Apple Watch Apps" |
"Note: All finished projects and source code have been update to swift 5.0. So even though some lectures are shown using Swift 4.2, just reference the source code for any update you might need.This course is produced from the""Hacking with watchOS"" series of tutorials, which are written and authored by the award winning Swift programmer,Paul Hudson,and these videos were made with his permissionand support.You can always be guaranteed you're learning the latest andgreatest Apple technologies in the Hacking with Swift tutorials.Here youlearn smart, powerful, and expressive Swift 5, and watchOS 5,the way it was meant to be written.You learnwhile you make real-world Apple watchapps, which means you get to apply your new skills immediately and see them work in context.Hacking with Swift is one of the most popular Swift tutorial series online,which uses an approach that teaches you Swift programming incredibly quickly, and you end up with a huge library of finished projectsthat are yours to develop further, or ship to the App Store.Paulhas received high praise from the creator of the Swift language himself, Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swifttutorials.And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series ofprogrammingtraining videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system.Check out all ofPaul Hudson's Swift tutorials and booksat HackingWithSwift - from beginner to pro, Paul will teach youto write Swift code in very little time.Want to learn how to build amazing watch apps?This course has all the step by stepinstruction you need to create awesome apps to submit to theApp Store.Building a watchappuses thesame Swiftlanguage as iOS apps.If you'recompletelynewto coding, dont worry, we have you covered, as there is also a language section in the course that starts at the very beginning, and covers the Swift 5language.The term ""Hacking with watchOS"" means we are ""playing"" with the Swift language, and using it in unique and interesting ways.Watch apps are fun to build, simply addyour own unique creativity, and follow along in the lectures, and before you know it,you've created a masterpiece.....how cool is it to have your veryown creation in the App Store, and onthe wrists of thousands of people?This course makesuse of annotations,callouts, diagrams,highlighting, and deep explanationsthat help makecomplex subject mattermuch easier to grasp, and guidesyou along the path of the codeeach step ofthe way.This course alsomakes the perfect reference toolkit, to be used in conjunction with the Apple docs, sothat you can go back and scrub through any of the lectures very quickly to pull out relevant code or instructionthat you need, or use all of the downloadable code and create your own ready made set of docs.There's tons of information here, andno wasted chatter, it's strictly on point with Swift 5and watchOS 5.Some of the topics that will be covered:Featuring apps built by the award winning Swiftprogrammer-Paul Hudson - HackingWithSwiftBuild 12projects - each one teaching a new aspectof watchOSWe use Swift 5 in all the finished source code, watchOS 5andXcode 10The Swift 5language - we go from variables to creating our own functions and moreLearnby use of annotations -diagrams -highlighting -calloutsHow to usecontrols - outlets and actionsUsing delegates and protocolsThe ins and outs of GCDDictate notes into your watch and convert voice to textWork with paged based interfaces - sliders - pickersCreateSpriteKit games for the watchUserDefaults to persist dataParse JSON from a website and load its data into your watchAdd alerts - menus - notifications to your watch appsAnimationsLearn the various ways to receiveuser input on a watchRecordaudioLearn how to work with Time Travel and ComplicationsCreate a cool ""Safe Crack"" app where you use the digital crown to simulate the lock on a safeCreate a workout app with a twist, using HealthKitUse the WatchConnectivuty class to pass data between the iPhone and watch and vise versaAnd a ton more!All videos are recorded in HD for maximum resolution and claritySwift is the new language of the future, and with this course you will get plenty of instruction on how to implement itin unique ways to create beautiful watchapps.This course assumes you have no programming experience, so its perfect for the beginner. Its also a nice fit for the intermediate and experienced coder as well because the projects get more detailed as we proceed further.If you think this might be too difficult for you, think again, and come code along with me in a step by step format....justadd a big portion ofyour own uniquecreativity, and before you know it, you will have builtmanyamazing watchapps that you can submit to theApp Store, and place on the wrists of thousands of people. See you inside the course.Happy Coding :-)"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced iOS: Volume Two - All projects updated to Swift 5" |
"Note: All finished projects and source code have been update to swift 5.0. So even though some lectures are shown using Swift 4.2, just reference the source code for any update you might need.iOS gives us a whole range of powerful new tools for you to build intelligent apps, and this course helps you get started with them as quickly as possible: Core ML, Vision, ARKit, and more.Machine Learning:Take advantage of Core ML to deliver intelligent new apps that can proactively assist your users.ARKit:Learn how to augment reality with slick interactive graphics thanks to Apple's new ARKit framework.Drag & Drop:Let users move data freely inside your app and others too using powerful new multi-touch gestures.Plus:NFC reading, PDFKit, Vision, MusicKit, and more!This course iswrittenby the award winning Swift programmer,Paul Hudson, it is from his best sellingbook,""Advanced iOS: Volume Two"", made into a lecture style course,and these videos were made with his permissionand support.Paul is the author of the Hacking With Swift series of tutorials, whichis one of the most popular Swift coding sitesonline.Paul alsohas received high praise from the creator of the Swift language, Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swifttutorials.And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series ofprogrammingtraining videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system.This courseincorporates theuse ofannotations,callouts, diagrams,highlighting, and deep explanationsthat help makecomplex subject matter, much easier to grasp, and guideyou along the path of the code, each step ofthe way.Please note:These are intermediate toadvanced projects, and thiscoursewill not teach you theSwift language, or how to code,you should already have completedPaul Hudson's Swifttutorials at HackingWithSwift dotcom, or gone through the Hacking With Swift beginner to pro course here on Udemy.Advanced iOS: Volume Two includes seven new projects that teach some of the most powerful features in iOS, plus technique projects that deep-dive into smaller features: Project 1: Trade my TeslaTeach iOS how to evaluate the trade-in price of cars using machine learning.Project 2: SightspotterBlend augmented reality with Core Location to help tourists find their way around a city.Project 3: Going PostalCreate fun postcards using images, text, and colors, all powered by iOS's new drag and drop APIs.Project 4: Swift SamplerLearn to render PDFs with watermarks and interactive thumbnails, all using PDFKit.Project 5: Picture ProtectorBuild an app that detects faces in photos and lets users interactively blur any they want.Project 6: Name that TuneUse MusicKit to fetch data from Apple Music and build a fast-paced two-player charts game.Project 7: Video X-RayLet users record a video while the Vision framework silently detects and records all objects in the scene.Along the way you'll learn all this and more:How to use Core ML and the Vision framework to leverage machine learning in your own apps.Building both games and apps from scratch using ARKit's augmented reality technology.How to integrate drag and drop into your apps using table views, collection views, and moreThe all-new PDFKit framework, delivering fast and efficient PDF rendering on iOS.Using the new depth-mapping APIs exposed through the iPhone camera.Automatically detecting and blurring faces using the Vision framework.Reading NFC tags using Core NFC.Taking advantage of the new MusicKit APIs to work with Apple Music.And more!If you want to take advantage of some of the most advanced functionality provided in iOS, there's no faster way than the Advanced iOS series."
Price: 199.99

"Hacking with tvOS 12 - Build Apple TV Apps" |
"Note: All finished projects and source code have been update to swift 5.0. So even though some lectures are shown using Swift 4.2, just reference the source code for any update you might need.Build 12 complete projectsthat teach you all the ins and outs of tvOSas well as 4technique projectsthat reinforce your tvOS skills andknowledgeby introducing the latest techniques, for building better apps.This course iswrittenby the award winning Swift programmer,Paul Hudson, it is from his best sellingbook,""Hacking with tvOS"", made into a lecture style course,and these videos were made with his permissionand support.Paul is the author of the Hacking With Swift series of tutorials, whichis one of the most popular Swift coding sitesonline.Paul alsohas received high praise from the creator of the Swift language, Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swifttutorials.And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series ofprogrammingtraining videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system.This courseincorporates theuse ofannotations,callouts, diagrams,highlighting, and deep explanationsthat help makecomplex subject matter, much easier to grasp, and serve to reinforce key concepts, as well asguideyou along the path of the code, each step ofthe way.This course alsomakes the perfect reference toolkit, to be used in conjunction with the Apple docs, sothat you can go back and scrub through any of the lectures very quickly to pull out relevant code or instructionthat you need, as there's no wasted chatter here, it's strictly on point with tvOS.Please note:These are intermediate toadvanced projects, and thiscoursewill not teach you theSwift language, or how to code,you should already have completedPaul Hudson's Swifttutorials at HackingWithSwift dotcom, or gone through the Hacking With Swift beginner to pro course here on Udemy.Work with table views, customcollection views, rows and columnsLearn how to add animations to your appsBuild SpriteKit gamesFetch and parse JSON dataLearn how to work with the tvOS ""Focus engine""Use GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) to move to and from the main threadWork with the ""Tab Bar Controller""Learn all about formatting stringsLearn the API's for working with ""Dark Mode"", which adjusts the dark and light mode of your appsBuild awiki map app using ""MapKit""Make top shelf extensions, which are mini apps that occupy the top two thirds of the tvOS home screenUse TVMLKit, JavaScript, and XML to create a ""Movie Shopper app""Learn how to save and store files using ""UserDefaults"", the ""iCloud key value store"", and ""on demand resources""And much more!"
Price: 199.99

"Hacking with macOS - Build 18 Desktop Apps with Swift 5" |
"This course is produced from the ""Hacking with macOS"" series of tutorials, which are written and authored by the award winning Swift programmer, Paul Hudson, and these videos were made with his permission and support. You can always be guaranteed you're learning the latest and greatest Apple technologies in the Hacking with Swift tutorials. Here you learn smart, powerful, and expressive Swift 5.0, the way it was meant to be written. You learn while you make real-world desktop apps, which means you get to apply your new skills immediately and see them work in context. Hacking with Swift is one of the most popular Swift tutorial series online, which uses an approach that teaches you Swift programming incredibly quickly, and you end up with a huge library of finished projects that are yours to develop further, or ship to the Mac App Store. Paul has received high praise from the creator of the Swift language, Chris Lattner, for his outstanding method of teaching, and series of Swift tutorials. And working together with iOS developer Steve DeStefano, the Hacking with Swift series of programming training videos are simply the fastest way to learn how to code in the Apple eco-system. Note: All finished projects and source code have been update to Swift 5.2. So even though some lectures are shown using Swift 4.2, they are currently being re-recorded with the latest Swift 5.2 code - just reference the source code for any update you might need until they are ready very soon.Check out all of Paul Hudson's Swift tutorials and books at HackingWithSwift - from beginner to pro, Paul will teach you to write Swift code in very little time.Want to learn how to build amazing desktop apps? Want to code your own custom buttons for the new MacBook Pro Touch Bar? This course has all the step by step instruction you need to create awesome apps to submit to the Mac App Store. And the Mac App Store is also a great source of revenue as it only has a fraction of the number of apps that the iOS App Store has, and typically you charge more for a Mac app.Building a Mac desktop app uses the exact same Swift 5 language as iOS appsthere are differences of course from iOS, such as the macOS user interface uses windows instead of screens for an iPhone, but if your coming from iOS, the transition is seamless...an example is on iOS we use a UIImageView, and on macOS we use an NSImageViewsimple right?. The term ""Hacking with macOS"" means we are ""playing"" with the Swift language, and using it in unique and interesting ways.Desktop apps are fun to build, simply add your own unique creativity, and follow along in the lectures, and before you know it, you've created a masterpiece.....how cool is it to have your very own creation right on your prized MacBook Pro, and on thousands of other MacBook Pros? This course makes use of annotations, callouts, diagrams, highlighting, and deep explanations that help make complex subject matter, much easier to grasp, and guides you along the path of the code, each step of the way. This course also makes the perfect reference tool kit, to be used in conjunction with the Apple docs, so that you can go back and scrub through any of the lectures very quickly to pull out relevant code or instruction that you need, as there's no wasted chatter here, it's strictly on point with Swift 5.0 and macOS. Some of the topics that will be covered:Featuring apps built by the award winning Swift programmer - Paul Hudson - HackingWithSwift Build 18 projects - each one teaching a new aspect of macOSAll source code is built with the latest Swift 5.2 codeLearn Swift by use of annotations - diagrams - highlighting - calloutsTouch Bar - code your own custom touch bar buttons and controlsHow to use controls - Outlets and Actions Windows - Controllers - Table viewsSplit view controllers - ToolbarsWeb viewsUsing delegates and protocolsWork with the social framework - FB - Twitter etc.Learn how to refactor codeThe ins and outs of GCDSpriteKit and GamesThe new UserDefaults to persist dataAdding audio - AnimationsUsing stackViewGrid viewsLearn how to work with JSON data in swiftNSUndoManager - Add undo and redo to your appsNSDocumentBindings - Which let you build apps with very little codeLearn how to use Auto Layout both in code and in storyboardsAnd a ton more!All videos are recorded in HD for maximum resolution and clarity Some Swift programming experience is needed to be able to follow along comfortably.If you think this might be too difficult for you, think again, and come code along with me in a step by step format....just add a big portion of your own unique creativity, and before you know it, you will have built many amazing apps that you can submit to the Mac App Store. See you inside the course."
Price: 199.99
