"Creative Animation for Social Media Marketing step-by-step" |
"October 2019 and fully updated to Powtoon.Master the art of Creative Animation for Social Media MarketingIn this course, I will show you real life-examples of how I work with my Social Media Marketing Video on Linkedin, what the results are and how to make them.Angelika Davey""I love Powtoon and have used their templates many times, but thanks to Anneke's course I've now started to make my own from scratch - a lot easier than I thought!"" AND: I will teach you how to make your Personal Content Bank, your secret Golden Pot, where you put your animations that are coming from your personal experience, ready for later use, a source for all your original blog posts, Facebook Posts, Youtube videos, and Linkedin articles. This is absolutely gold and has never been taught before!We will get hands-on with: 6-second ads15-second adsads from scratch in two slides, step by step explained35-second adsanimated adsvideo ads with Story block live video background.In about half an hour you can make it your own and send out a Facebook ad that works.Never worry about making Social Media Content again.Make original Video Ads, Video Content with the Powtoon App.Carol Harvey: ""I always enjoy Annekes courses and watching her demonstrate what you can do with the updated Powtoon saves me a lot of time - much better than trying to figure it out myself! "" Powtoon had made it easy for us. Have original video backgrounds, hand picked by Powtoon. Use the Storyblocks Video Snippets in Powtoon and use them for your idea and your business Combine with Powtoons high-quality overlays, text, image frames, and animation to deliver rich Social Media videos to your audience. Powtoon has prepared lots of Youtube and Facebook compliant ad templates, but I use them on Linkedin as well.Stand out with a different video format! Square and Vertical Video (for everybody who uses their phone for Social media watching)Al Robinson: ""Anneke is an excellent teacher of animation. She gives great examples. She also shares her own experiences using animation in her own business. You won't find a better hands-on animation course than this""The best feature of Powtoon is, it is easy and fast to make Social Media Video!In about half an hour you can make it your own and send out a Facebook ad that works.Join me in this course to see how fast, easy and fun it is, and how professional the Social Media Video results are.Just change Social Media Video templates for your business, and there you have a ready Video Ad, compliant with all the networks, Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, etc.Master Powtoon 2019 fast with this course!You can make your first fully functional ad today!Enroll now."
Price: 94.99

"Educar en positivo" |
"En este SUPERCURSO vas a poder aprender estrategias efectivas y duraderas para motivar buenos comportamientos y gestionar conflictos de una manera positiva. Desarrollars habilidades de comunicacin positiva Aprenders estrategias efectivas y duraderas para educar a tus hijos Te explicar con detalle como gestionamos en mi casa situaciones cotidianas que ocurren en todas las familias Abrirs los ojos, te divertirs, ganars confianza y dejars atrs la inseguridad y las dudas, pero sobre todo podrs construir una relacin positiva con tus hijos."
Price: 99.99

"Google Sites: Your Guide To Website Creation The Easy Way" |
"Google Sites Website Building Course...Are you tired of paying someone to build your websites only to have that person forget to add that video or color scheme you asked for?Are you the if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself type of person but the whole website building process is way too technical?MaybeYOUwant to be the person people are paying for setting upTHEIRwebsite... and you want to do it the best way possible?If so, I understand. I've been there. Using Google Sites makes creating, maintaining or collaborating on a website a breeze. But, having the word Google in the site builder name means it will likely be confusing & without a clear step-by-step guide for you to follow.At least it was for me when I first began learning how to use Google Sites.How Much Is Your Time Worth?Having gone through many outdated videos as well as Forum & Blog posts that claimed to have the answers to my questions, I still had many questions that remained unanswered.Questions like:How Can I Add Buy Now ButtonsHow Do I Add or Change The Header ImagesHow Do I Add New Pages or Sub-PagesCan I Create & Add Custom Contact Forms?Don't I Need a Domain Name Too Build a Website? Let me answer that last question for youRIGHT NOW! NO DOMAIN NAME REQUIRED! These Google Sites training Lectures answer those and many other questions. One of the many bonuses of a Udemy course is that you can ask as many other questions as you like. One of the items I pride myself on is answering those questions as quickly as possible. So not only do you receive high-quality training in the Lectures, you also receive super fast replies from me when you have questions.These Google Sites Training videos allow you to look over my shoulder as I build a multi-page, mobile responsive professional grade website using Google Sites. So enroll in this course and you too can begin building your own ZERO-COST Google Sites right now!"
Price: 29.99

"The Art of Negotiation - Become a Master Negotiator" |
"This course is written and presented by a medical doctor with 20 years' experience in self-improvement training, coaching and counseling.It has been recorded and produced on a studio quality level.By enrolling in this course, you will get a lifetime access to the current content, as well as, BONUS MATERIAL . No risk involved! Watch our PREVIEW VIDEOSOver 70,000 happy students enrolled in our courses!Over 5500 TOP reviews!Have you ever had the feeling that you have been taken advantage of during the negotiations? Do you find it difficult to fulfill your expectations when discussing your salary? Do you often end up accepting what is given to you without even putting up a fight? Well, it does not have to be like that anymore. My name is Roy Naraine and I have been conducting self-improvement training for over twenty years. During this time, I have interacted with both sellers and buyers who negotiate for a living. In this course, I will teach you how to manage both your verbal and non-verbal message to be more effective during the negotiations. I will also show you what strategies you need to use to meet your expectations. At the same time I will make you aware of the dirty tricks that others will use to conquer you and get what they want. I will give you examples of how to be assertive in order to protect your rights and influence others. I will also show you how to summon the courage to negotiate a better salary at work and what steps you need to follow to be successful. Remember there is no risk involved. Watch our preview videos to confirm that this is the course for you. Enroll now and join me on this journey to becoming a Master Negotiator."
Price: 99.99

"How to Stop Procrastinating & Get Things Done" |
"This course is written and presented by a medical doctor with 20 years' experience in self-improvement training, coaching and counseling.It has been recorded and produced on a studio quality level.By enrolling in this course, you will get a lifetime access to the current content, as well as, BONUS MATERIAL . No risk involved! Watch our PREVIEW VIDEOSOver 70,000 happy students enrolled in our courses!Over 5500 TOP reviews!Have you ever found yourself putting off important things over and over again?Do you find yourself always struggling to reach your deadlines?Are you beginning to lose your dignity and trustworthiness at the company because you have failed once again to deliver on time?Well, you are not the first one and not the last one to submit to procrastination.My name is Roy Naraine. I'm a medical doctor and I have been conducting self-improvement training for over twenty years. During this time, I have helped thousands of people all around the world to overcome procrastination and regain control of their lives.You see, procrastination, or The Art of Postponing, is one of the biggest enemies you will have to face in order to achieve your goals. But trust me, it can be done. I always believed that the human mind absorbs knowledge best when it's presented with real life examples of the problem. This is why in this course I have included a wide variety of stories from my students lives. These stories will help you to understand how procrastination actually works on a neurological level, which in turn will ultimately help you to overcome it. However, understanding how something works is not enough to take action. Overcoming procrastination does not happen at the snap of your fingers. It needs to be mentally and physically worked on. This is why I will also provide you with a number of proven techniques that will help you to fight your demons one battle at a time.Remember, in my productions I always provide a number of free, preview videos. Watch them and confirm that this is exactly the course you need.By joining me on this adventure of self-improvement you are taking the first step to regaining control of your future.So do not procrastinate. Enroll now and let's get started."
Price: 99.99

"Learn to Model a Cartoon Car in Maya" |
"This course is for anyone who is looking to learn low poly 3d modeling techniques which are perfect for video game asset creation. Your imagination is the limit! Gain the ability to quickly create assets which will work with any popular game engine including Unity 3D and Unreal. What You Will Learn: How to take your doodles and sketches and turn them into 3D ModelsHow to look at your art and be able to break it down into simple 3D shapesLearn specific modeling techniques used for game development and designLearn Step by Step process on how to build 3D geometry from your sketchesHow to unwrap your 3D models and draw textures in PhotoshopHow to setup HDR reflections I will show you a step by step process that I use to create 3D assets. I spent the last 15 years learning all the necessary tools & techniques and will now teach you how you can do the same with this easy to follow online course. I strongly encourage you to ask questions and post your work to receive valuable feedback... Lets Begin!"
Price: 84.99

"Learn to Model a Cartoon Snail in Maya LT" |
"This course is for anyone who is looking to learn low poly 3d modeling techniques which are perfect for video game asset creation. Your imagination is the limit! Gain the ability to quickly create assets which will work with any popular game engine including Unity 3D and Unreal. What You Will Learn: How to take your doodles and sketches and turn them into 3D ModelsHow to look at your art and be able to break it down into simple 3D shapesLearn specific modeling techniques used for game development and designLearn Step by Step process on how to build 3D geometry from your sketchesHow to unwrap your 3D models and draw textures in PhotoshopSetup joints and create simple animation I will show you a step by step process that I use to create 3D assets. I spent the last 15 years learning all the necessary tools & techniques and will now teach you how you can do the same with this easy to follow online course. I strongly encourage you to ask questions and post your work to receive valuable feedback... Lets Begin!"
Price: 74.99

"Learn How to Create a Cartoon Bird in zBrush" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to learn a great workflow for creating high quality 3D cartoon characters in zBrush. We will cover all the basics and show you how you can take any drawing and turn it into a clean high end 3D model.We will cover important sculpting techniques and I will show you how to properly paint your model inside zBrush. We will also take a look at some of the more popular brushes and alphas which you can use to add fantastic skin detail and paint any design you want on your own character.We will end the course by bringing our final model into Keyshot via the new zBrush to Keyshot Bridge plugin."
Price: 44.99

"Beginners guide to drawing cartoon characters in Procreate" |
"Once you learn this amazing and fun app on your iPad you will become an unstoppable cartoon expert! One of the biggest things that made me fall in love with my iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil was to find the proper brushes in Procreate which allowed me to draw cartoons just like Ido with the real paper and pencil. Iwill share my 4 favorite cartoon brushes which have been tweaked specifically to create clean sharp lines and produce eye candy results.If you love to doodle and have been looking to jump into the digital art world, this is it! Itake you from the very beginning. You will be able to take your existing sketches or create new ones and turn them into final polished high resolution art pieces.You Will Learn How To:Draw Fun Cartoon Characters in Procreate App on iPad Pro using Apple PencilTo Import Custom BrushesTo Import Reference ImagesSketch Using a Pencil BrushDraw Clean Outlines by Tracing Your Sketches Using Custom Paint BrushFill In Colors, Add Gradients, Highlights and Shadows to Your Final ArtThese techniques can also be used with many other drawing application such as Photoshop. Remember your only limitation is your own imagination! So sharpen your pencil and jump right in, well Imeant charge your pencil :)"
Price: 24.99

"Create and Design Professional Websites In WordPress" |
"The ultimate all-in-one WordPress course from creating a professional robust website up to securing that website.You know, WordPress has taken 27% of the internet with powering 80 million+ websites globally. The most powerful CMS on the internet. You will begin to learn take full power of this platform to create professional and dynamic websites!The course is specially designed for all types of people starting from the beginner level to advanced with teaching you all the great techniques to create a professional and robust website with WordPress without having any programming or coding knowledge and make you a WordPress Expert.*You will not only learn just creating a professional website but you will also learn how to use extra tools and plugins to make your WordPress journey more productive and efficient. *The course also includes a section where you will learn how to secure your WordPress website from hackers and make your self-stress free from being a victim of hackers.The course is all focused to make you a WordPress Pro at the end of this course.Projects Included:Two website projects includedTwo different designed websites with hands-on practical work step by stepSummary, what you will learn:Getting started using WordPress.Creating and designing robust WordPress websites.Working with creative content elements.Designing creative WordPress websites.Using and learning multiple page builders.Adding cool effects to website for making it look stunning.Picking up the best themes for your website.Customize your website with, menus, themes, widgets and more.Get to know how to use plugins and management.Creating and designing sliders for WordPress.Working with Revisions, and take benefit of it.Prevent your website from SPAM.Making your website completely responsive for all screen devices.Making email form for subscribers.Create custom contact forms.Install WordPress online & locally on your PC.Picking up best colors for your design.Make your WordPress workflow more efficient and productive.Improve your website performance by optimization.Migrating your website from one host to another.Secure your website from hackers.Using of SSL certificates and 2-FA logins.Monitor your website 24/7 all the time automatically.In short words, this course is your all in one solution for becoming a WordPress Expert with taking full power of the platform. From creating a professional website up-to securing the website, everything is covered with 11 hours of premium content step by step with all practical work."
Price: 99.99

"How To Get A Place At Oxford Or Cambridge" |
"I have personally interviewed as an applicant to Oxford and Cambridge over 2-separate years. Studied as a Literature major at Warwick University (best in the world for Shakespeare at my time of study in 2005). Since then I've gone onto assist a multitude of candidates successfully apply to Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge).If you want to study and be amongst the world's best - than this truly is the ONLY course you will need.Unsure about how to actually apply to such an institution?Maybe you're an international student and you feel that applying to Oxford or Cambridge is just too expensive?Perhaps you ARE applying but you lack the support or resources to pay for an ongoing personal tutor?You might not be sure about what UCAS is, how the process actually works?Maybe it's something you would like your daughter/niece/nephew to approach one day?If ANY of those things apply to you? Than this is the course for youIn this comprehensive course you'll be access to me as I actually build a personal statement from scratch so you can get inspiration and learn how to write one for yourself.Start watching to learn more"
Price: 74.99

"Business Writing For Busy People" |
"A recent survey revealed that 44% of managers view writing as the most commonly lacking skill among graduates. Business Writing For Busy People has been specifically created to fill this skills gap. Business Writing For Busy People is a short, sharp course you can complete at your desk in under 2 hours. Its designed to give busy professionals the ability to grab the attention of busy readers - by writing in a way thats clear, concise and compelling. Learn from a renowned expert in business writingIm Dr Clare Lynch of Doris and Bertie, a London-based consultancy that works with anyone who needs to write as part of their job. In my decades-long writing career, Ive taught business writing skills to executives at global companies and international MBA students at the University of Cambridge. So I know exactly what it takes to help professionals write well in the workplace. Especially if youre a smart, educated graduate who is having to adapt from an academic style to a new way of writing. As a Udemy instructor since March 2015, Ive taught over 15,000 students how to communicate more effectively with the written word. As a writer myself, I understand the importance of grabbing your audiences attention - and keeping things to the point. And, as youll discover, as an instructor, I practise what I preach. The words students use most often in reviews of my Udemy courses are clear, concise and engaging.My goal with Business Writing For Busy People is to show you the writing techniques that will win you similar plaudits for your work. What youll learn in this courseBusiness Writing For Busy People, covers the key things you need to know if you want to get better results from your business writing. This course is perfect for anyone who has to write anything at work. Whether youre a new graduate who needs to adapt your writing style for the workplace. Or an experienced executive who wants to brush up your business writing skills.By the end of this course, youll be armed with a slew of techniques for crafting more effective business documents, from day-to-day emails to persuasive pitches and proposals.Youll start by learning to identify the features of a professional writing style. Youll be introduced to a series of powerful (and free!) online writing tools you can use to analyse your own work. Tools that have been tried, tested and given the whole-hearted thumbs up by my own clients.Youll also learn about the cultural factors that can affect the degree of impact your writing will have - essential knowledge if English isnt your first language or if youre working as part of a global team.Good writing isnt primarily about the words you use - its about figuring out what youre trying to say and why it matters. So early on in the course, youll learn how to quickly identify your key message before you even sit down to write. And how to present your ideas effectively - in a way that meets the needs of busy readers.Specifically, you'll learn more about the reading strategies people use to seek out the information that matters most to them - and how to adapt your writing accordingly.The techniques youll learn for getting your ideas down on paper quickly and clearly will save you time as a writer - and save your audience time as readers.Youll also learn how to craft sentences that are clear, concise and jargon-free - so you can communicate your expertise without losing your reader. And how to add warmth to your words so you forge a deeper connection with people everytime you write.Finally, youll learn simple techniques for proofing and polishing your work - so you can weed out embarrassing errors that could undermine your credibility as a writer. By the end of this course, youll be able to:Identify and adopt the features of a professional styleSave time when writing anything - from day-to-day emails to persuasive pitchesDelight your audience - by saving them time when reading your workQuickly identify what you want to say - and how to say itStructure your writing for maximum impactPresent your ideas so readers can instantly home in on your most important pointsApply a proven formula for crafting pitches and proposals that persuadeCommunicate your expertise clearly and compellinglyRid your writing of confusing tech talk and off-putting corpspeakEngage your readers by making your writing warmer and more humanEstablish credibility by proofing and polishing your work effectively Hands-on practiceThe only way to improve your writing is to roll up your sleeves and get writing. Thats why Ive designed Business Writing For Busy People to be a highly practical course. Throughout the course, youll get opportunities to put theory into practice with exercises and assignments drawn from real-life examples of business writing. Youll also be encouraged to reflect on your own business writing. Youll find the course particularly useful if youve got an existing writing sample youd like to critique and improve on - or a crucial upcoming writing project to complete. Course resourcesBusiness Writing For Busy People gives you a wealth of resources for crafting clearer, punchier, more persuasive business documents, including:links to free online tools for analysing and improving your writing51-page downloadable course workbook featuring course exercises and assignments - including model answers - and summaries of the key points of each lecturedownloadable copy of instructor's e-book 'Catch Every Error: A Guide To Polishing Your Document Like A Pro - Complete With A Proofreading Checklist'links to useful articles and other online sources to help you produce better business writing Is Business Writing For Busy People the right course for you?Business Writing For Busy People has been designed for time-pressed professionals who want to get maximum results from their writing - in minimum time. If youre looking for a more comprehensive course that will take you from business writing beginner to the level of a copywriting pro, you might prefer to enrol in one of my other courses, Writing With Confidence. Business Writing For Busy People covers some of the same ground as Writing With Confidence - albeit with all-new exercises. However, Business Writing For Busy People focuses on just the most important writing techniques you need to get fast results."
Price: 49.99

"How to Self-Publish and Make Amazon Your Best Partner" |
"Hello and welcome to my class, How to Self-Publish Your First Book and Make Amazon Your Best Partner. My name is Marcelo Vazquez; I am a professional fitness trainer, inventor and author of 3 fitness books.I created this class for all of you that are passionate about writing stories, sharing tips and publishing your manuscript.By the end of this class you will have the tools to self-publish your first book without spending thousands of dollars with publishing companies. You will also learn how to make Amazon your most valuable selling channel.In my class you will learn how to: Start a blog Create a manuscript Upload your manuscript to different channels of Amazon [Hard copy, Kindle and Audible] Self-publish for FREE I will also: Share my writing strategy Show you how to find help for graphic design, illustrations, file conversions, and proofreading Briefly outline the self-publishing process Give you tips for consistent writing Compare the benefits of traditional publishing vs. self-publishing Show you the benefits of self-publishing with Amazon And much more! In my class you will find everything you need to become an author and I will walk you through the entire self-publishing process step-by-step. *Please take a look at my class description and I will see you soon!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Cyber Security - Python and Web Applications" |
"***Course updated 10/30/2018 (always kept up-to-date) ***Learn a practical skill-set in detecting and defeating online threats and become a Cyber Security Specialist - not just in theory - but in practice. Go from abeginner to advancedin this easy to follow expert course by building security analysis tools using the wildly popular Python programming language, along with analyzing web application security vulnerabilities and solutions using frameworks like Ruby on Rails and php. There is NO platform dependency in this course - You can use any platform you choose -Windows, MacOS and Linux.No prior experience required with Python or any of the topics covered in this course - There is a Python crash course included!This course covers the fundamental building blocks of your required skill set - some key items include:Vulnerability AnalysisBuilding and Publishing Security Tools - Dynamic web app security scanner, Password hashing and encrypt tool among many others!Security ScanningPhishing ProtectionWeb Application Vulnerability MitigationPassword Complexity AnalysisAntivirus Evasion RemediationMulti-Factor AuthenticationNetwork Traffic AnalysisCloud SecurityEthical HackingWeb ReconnaissanceWireless Access Point ProtectionProgramming with PythonWe also cover the biggest threats in the information technology world today, including:BotnetsCode ExploitsSensitive Data ExposureSQL InjectionSocial EngineeringCross-Site ScriptingPort Scanningand many more!You will get lifetime access to over 100 lectures and 11 hours of video lectures plus corresponding text guides for the lectures!This course comes with a30 day money back guarantee!If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back, no questions asked!So what are you waiting for? Learn Cyber Security, Python for Cyber Security and Web Application Security in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Create Video Tutorials and Perform on Camera" |
"Hi there I am Marinda Botha. Thank you for considering taking this course. These days, the digital world seems to revolve around video content. Students prefer to see a video lecture, rather than study from books. Online education has never been in greater demand an it is becoming mandatory for trainers to possess on-camera performance skills. So, are you ready to step into this world and share your knowledge with your student-base? Well, this would mean recording video lectures. Are you comfortable doing so? Feel you dont need any guidelines or tips to improve the quality of those videos? If you do feel the need for some guidance, you have come to the right place. This 16-part course can be taken by adult complete beginners to advanced students. This course covers performance techniques and the technical how-to's on creating video tutorials in general and specifically on producing professional talking head video lectures. The following content is covered: What to do If you are an introvert Connecting with your audience. Visualization How to write your script for video Importance of your voice in production Warming up your voice Non-verbal communication Warming up your body for recording sessions Framing your shots What clothing to wear for tutorials. Software to use teleprompter, screen capture and editing Equipment - Camera and sound A practical demonstration of camera and microphone options Lighting your shots Editing best practice A handy cheat sheet to sum things up By the end of this course you will feel completely capable technically and confident in your ability to appear on camera. What tools do you need to enroll in this course? All you need is your computer and a willingness to learn. You dont need to buy a fancy camera or microphone. To be able to do the exercises, you may use the microphone on your mobile phone, or the one in your computer. So if you are ready for the challenge and serious about becoming an on-camera performer/ lecturer or vlogger, please enroll. There are 16 lessons to complete. Hop to it. Give it a go!"
Price: 199.99

"Lgica de Programao: Estruturas de Controle de Fluxo" |
"Este um curso sobre lgica de programao focado, essencialmente, no aprendizado das estruturas de controle de fluxocondicionais e de repetio(if-then-else, switch, for, while e do-while).As aulas so ministradas utilizando fluxogramas e pseudocdigo que uma forma genrica de escrever algoritmos independentes de quaisquerlinguagens de programao, o que torna muitomais fcil a compreenso de tais estruturas de controle. No final de cada aula, os exemplos criados em pseudocdigo so reproduzidos utilizando a linguagem de programao C++ apenas para ilustrar os resultados na prtica, mas isto no significa que voc precise ter conhecimentos em C++ para acompanhar este curso. Divirta-se programando!"
Price: 29.99

"Flamenco Ukulele" |
"The Ukulele is becoming evermore popular and is being accepted as a serious instrument with immense potential. With many people playing and developing their technique a demand for more sophisticated material has arisen. We all know Ukulele is more than just a cute little guitar to play funny songs on. After many years of playing flamenco guitar I couldnt help but try it on my Ukulele . Instantly I realized that Flamenco sounds fantastic on the Ukulele and began transcribing Flamenco pieces for Ukulele. The beauty of it is its not even as difficult as one might think!! In this course you will learn Flamenco techniques that you can apply to your playing in general. We will be looking at techniques such as ""Rasgueados"" or Flamenco rolls, taps and arpeggios. We will also be learning 3 beautiful and impressive solo Flamenco pieces! Soleares, Tangos and Alegras. All tabs are included!!"
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Numerical Methods in Java" |
"This course is about numerical methods. We are NOT going to discuss ALL the theory related to numerical methods (for example how to solve differential equations). We are just going to consider the concrete implementations and numerical principles.The first section is about matrix algebra and linear systems: such as matrix multiplication, gaussian elimination and applications of theseapproaches, such as Google's PageRank algorithm.Then we will talk about numerical integration. How to use techniques like trapezoidal rule, Simpson formula and Monte-Carlo method - my personal favourite.The last chapter is about solving differential equations with Euler's-method and Runge-Kutta approach. We will consider examples such as the pendulum problem.Section 1:numerical methods basicsfloating point representationrounding errorsSection 2:linear algebramatrix multiplicationGauss-eliminationSection 3:eigenvectors and eigenvaluesGoogle's PageRank algorithmSection 4:solving non-linear equationsroot findingNewton's method and bisection methodSection 5:numerical integrationrectangle method and trapezoidal methodSimpson's methodMonte-Carlo integrationSection 6:solving differential-equationsEuler's methodRunge-Kutta methodSection 7:interpolationLagrange methodThanks for joining my course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Sorting Algorithms in C++" |
"In this course you will learn about sorting algorithms in C++. From beginner to expert. Every chapter contains a specific sorting algorithm. You will be familiar with comparisan based as well as non-comparison based sorting algorithms. The standard ones such as bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, mergesort and quicksort. Of course there are importantnon-comparison based algorithms such as counting sort and radix sort. Theory and implementation included!"
Price: 19.99

"Quantitative Finance & Algorithmic Trading in Python" |
"This course is about the fundamental basics of financial engineering. First of all you will learn about stocks, bonds and other derivatives. The main reason of this course is to get a better understanding of mathematical models concerning the finance in the main. Markowitz-model is the first step. Then Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). One of the most elegant scientific discoveries in the 20th century is the Black-Scholes model: how to eliminate risk with hedging. Nowadays machine learning techniques are becoming more and more popular. So you will learn about regression, SVM and tree based approaches.IMPORTANT: only take this course, if you are interested in statistics and mathematics!!!Section 1:installing Pythonstock market basicsSection 2:what are bondshow to calculate the price of a bondSection 3:what is modern portfolio theory (Markowitz-model)efficient frontier and capital allocation linesharpe ratioSection 4:what is capital asset pricing model (CAPM)beta value and market riskSection 5:derivatives basicsoptions (put and call options)random behaviourstochastic calculus and Ito's lemmabrownian motionBlack-Scholes modelSection 6:what is value at risk (VaR)Monte-Carlo simulationSection 7:machine learning in financehow to forecast future stock pricesSVM, k-nearest neighbor classifier and logistic regressionSection 8:long term investing (the Warren Buffer way)efficient market hypothesisThanks for joining my course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Algorithms and Data Structures in Python - Part II" |
"This course is for those who are interested in computer science and want to implement the algorithms and given data structures in Python. In every chapter you will learn about the theory of a given data structure or algorithm and then you will implement them from scratch.Chapter 1: Binary Indexed Trees (Fenwick Trees)theory behind the binary indexed tree or Fenwick tree data structurehow to use this data structure in computer vision and artificial intelligenceimplementation in PythonChapter 2: LRU Cacheswhat are caches and why are they so importanttheory behind LRU cachesimplementation in PythonChapter 3: Prefix Trees (Tries)what are tries or prefix treesreal world applications of triesimplementation in PythonChapter 4: Substring Search Algorithmswhat are substring search algorithms and why are they important in real world softwaresbrute-force substring search algorithmBoyer-Moore algortihmKnuth-Morris-Pratt substring search algorithmimplementation in PythonThanks for joining my course, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Word for Mac - Office 365 on Mac OS" |
"This Microsoft Word for Mac OScourse has been designed from the ground up taking the average office into account. Microsoft Word, along with Microsoft Excel is the most popular office productivity application used in offices. In this Microsoft Word for Mac course, I will take you through each section of the carefully designed syllabus so that you are proficient in every area of Microsoft Word for Mac OSthat you will need to work in the average busy office. If you are a beginner starting to use Microsoft Word for the first time or if you have used previous versions of Microsoft Word (2003, 2007 or 2010) this course will give you the confidence you need to take on any word processing task.We look at the simple things and the slightly more advanced, everything from document creation to mail merge, you will have the tools required to keep you at the top of your game.Each tutorial starts off from the very beginning, assuming you have no prior knowledge but still going at a pace that will keep you engaged for the entire course."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac - Office 365 on Mac OS" |
"This Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac OScourse has been designed from the ground up taking the average office into account. Microsoft PowerPoint, along with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, is one of the most popular office productivity applications used in offices. In this Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac course, I will take you through each section of the carefully designed syllabus so that you are proficient in every area of Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac OSthat you will need to work in the average busy office. If you are a beginner starting to use Microsoft PowerPoint for the first time or if you have used previous versions of Microsoft PowerPoint (2003, 2007 or 2010) this course will give you the confidence you need to take on any word processing task.We look at the simple things and the slightly more advanced, everything from creating to delivering your presentation, you will have the tools required to keep you at the top of your game.Each tutorial starts off from the very beginning, assuming you have no prior knowledge but still going at a pace that will keep you engaged for the entire course."
Price: 39.99

"Draw a Dog" |
"This Intermediate Drawing Course will get you started in drawing all types of dogs, and additionally push you towards drawing all types of animals. There are hundreds of dog breeds in the world but they all have something in common, and they all have specific differences which can be noted through observation. Come along with experienced drawing instructor, Brendon Schumacker, as we explore one of the easiest methods for learning to draw animals."
Price: 29.99

"Draw a Bull" |
"Drawing is an increasingly useful skill to have in today's technical and digital world. A lot of people also approach drawing as a passion - which will someday lead them to making beautiful art. Drawing animals is a really fun way to brush up your drawing skills. And so I would like to invite you to my latest drawing course: Draw a Bull! In this intermediate course we will dive deep into the fundamentals of drawing bulls and with powerful noir shading techniques to make your drawings pop off the page. First we will break down the raw elements of bull anatomy into simple and easy to remember guidelines for drawing bulls. Then we will continue by using our newfound knowledge to create a bull logo, a bull cartoon, and finally a minotaur! So go grab some drawing tools or your favorite illustration software and get ready to DRAW A BULL!"
Price: 19.99

"Write A Book - Share Your Story" |
"New lectures added May 2020 (4 hours extra of training!)Have you ever thought of writing your own book?This course is for those of you wanting to create non-fiction books - to successfully share your story or knowledge with the world...Do you have something that you really want to share that you know will help others but you feel overwhelmed about the process, the cost, or you are just not sure where to begin?I remember when I wrote my first book (15 years ago) - staring at a blank page on my computer while negative thoughts flooded my mind reminding me of all the reasons why I couldn't write. Maybe you have had those thoughts too...I am happy to say that 15 years later I am so glad I didn't listen to those voices, and I am now a best selling author of many hard copy books and ebooks. Some of them much to my delight are even No. 1 best sellers on Amazon. More importantly, I have discovered much joy and satisfaction in sharing my knowledge and story with others. I want to show you the exact steps I have used over and over again to create, write and market my own books.In this course, you will discover my 8 phase book writing formula which includes:Foundations Nailing your purpose and core idea;The writing phase which includes simple tips to write well, and also includes how to overcome writers' block;The editing phase and process;Typesetting your book;Designing your book cover (or choosing a designer);How to get endorsements and reviews for your book;Printing and digital distribution where I will show you how to get your book loaded up on to Amazon for hard copy printing and Kindle for digital downloads;Marketing and distribution this is where I will show you how to promote your book, and I'm even going to reveal my exact strategy for how to get your own book to No1 on the Kindle store.In addition to my 8 phase formula I will share:Budget and how much your book may cost;Explain the important reasons for writing a book (which will give you the confidence to not only start but finish);How to overcome writers block;Other options and income streams that you can leverage after you complete and release your book;PDF's you can print out;A checklist to keep you on track;All my notes;I'm also available in the discussion board to answer any questions you may have.Now, if you don't understand some of the terminologies I have just used don't worry! (I have been there, which is why I will also explain each phase in detail and why it's important in making your book a great success.If you have a story to tell (and I believe you do), or if you have some knowledge you want to share with the world, then this course will help you achieve your dream of launching your book with success. I look forward to seeing you in the course and being a part of your journey."
Price: 199.99

"Progressive Web Application With React Jumpstart" |
"Have you ever thought about building web application that works offline? A web application that can be added to your smartphones screen? A web application that can send you push notifications on the fly? Web application that feels like Native mobile application? Yes, this is what we call as Progressive Web Applications. In this course, we are going to build 2 applications, that will teach you the fundamentals and techniques behind building a Progressive Web Application. Yes, we are going to use React for the same! We will be using the latest React create-app for building our projects. All these projects are started from scratch! Note that, the course is not for learning React, but using React to build Progressive web application. Fundamentals of React and Javascript is required. By the end of this course, you will be confident enough to understand the key concepts behind Progressive Web Application: Service Worker Application Shell Architecture Offline/Online Notifications Add to HomeScreen Caching & Offline loading Push Notification and much more! So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and learn the cutting-edge technology. (Sign up this course and get 80% of on my next course on ""Jumpstart with NodeJS Streams"")"
Price: 24.99

"Jumpstart with NodeJs Streams" |
"Streams are very important concept in Node world. Did you know our file system, HTTP server that you build in node is all built on top of streams? Understanding streams is very important to become an NodeJs Ninja! There are several types of Streams and mostly every course misses this important concept. For example, how do we build a website like youtube that **streams** the video? How the buffering happens? Well the answer to that question is by using Streams. This course gives you a solid understanding of how streams are working under the hood and at the same time, how one should use them too. The different types of streams will be explained. The following items would be covered:1. Streams , why its required2. Different types of Streams3. Backpressure in Streams. 4. How to use pipe, pause, resume API5. Understanding how internally Streams works!The course will teach you streams by running different small example. So sign up today and get your Node.js skills to the next level. Few reviews of this course:""Good course. Helps on understanding streams. Examples were also simple and clear. handling of back pressure was really good. I recommend for even experienced node ppl who doesnt have knowledge on this. Atlast wish could have added more examples.""""Good introduction on streams. I guess none of the course here on udemy touches on this! Thanks for the course. Really needed for node beginner !"""
Price: 19.99

"Retratos Fotogrficos Impresionantes Con Photoshop Muy Fcil" |
"Te gustara conseguir unos retratos ms profesionales pero te da miedo de utilizar Photoshop, o no tienes tiempo de aprender todo el software entero? Entonces este es tu curso. Tanto si tienes experiencia como si no, este curso te guiar paso por paso, explicando al detalle todos los puntos a seguir, para conseguir unos retratos impresionantes sin tener que ser un experto en Photoshop. Al final del curso sabrs cmo potenciar al mximo tus retratos fotogrficos utilizando Photoshop, pero sin tener que pasar horas para conseguir buenos resultados. Tras aos trabajando con Photoshop, he descubierto cules son las mejores tcnicas para que tus retratos queden impresionantes. Lo que sabrn hacer sin ningn problema es lo siguiente: Quitar granitos e imperfecciones Disimular arrugas Disminuir los brillos de la piel Quitar manchas Resaltar los ojos Eliminar pelos Definir cejas Potenciar el brillo y contraste Etc. As que te animo a seguir este curso y dejarte sorprender por los resultados que vers en tu fotografa de retrato una vez conozcas y practiques las tcnicas que aqu se ensean."
Price: 19.99

"Make Your Portrait Photography Amazing With Easy Photoshop" |
"If you want to improve your portrait photography on an easy and efficient way, this course will guide you step by step so you can reach your objectives, no matter what your previous editing skills are.Photoshop can be very intimidating, especially if you have never used it before, but I guarantee you that if you follow my steps,you will be able to get amazing results. After years editing portrait photography, I have learned a lot about this software and about the editing techniques, so I have created this course to teach you the best way to get the best results, always keeping your portraits natural. At the end of this course you will know how to edit your portraits to make the best out of them. You will be able to do so using Photoshop without having to become and expert at this complicated software. Here are the things that you will know how to do without any difficulties:Erase spots and imperfectionsFade wrinklesFade shiny skin areasRemove dark skin areasGive shine to the eyesErase unwanted hairMake the skin smooth and uniformDefine eyebrowsMake highlights in the hairWork the brightness and contrastEtc.To show you exactly what you will be able to achieve, no matter what equipment you have, I have used a simple camera on automatic mode, and I havent used any artificial light.I encourage you to take this course no matter what your equipment is, even if you take pictures with your pone, because the results wont disappoint you. I will prove you that you can get amazing results on your portraits on an easy way without being a Photoshop expert."
Price: 19.99

"Python 3 : Formation complte la programmation" |
"BOOSTEZ VOTRE CARRIRE ET DEVENEZ DVELOPPEUR PYTHON !Avec 16 heures de vidos, ce cours est le plus COMPLET et le plus SIMPLE pour apprendre maitriser le langage de programmation Python 3 sur Udemy!Ce cours est l'adaptation en Franais du Best seller anglais, qui compte plus de 1 000 000 participant et rgulirement class numro 1 parmi des milliers d'autres. C'est une chance ne pas laisser passer !- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =Vous n'ayez jamais programm auparavant ? Vous connaissiez dj la syntaxe de base, Python version 2 ? Vous dsirez en apprendre davantage sur les fonctions avances de Python ?Ce cours est pour vous !- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =Ce cours trs complet ne laisse rien de ct, vous allez trouver :Plus de 100 leons et 16 heures de vido pendant lesquelles je vous accompagne.Des exercices dtaills pour rapidement pratiquer de courtes leons.Des tests, des travaux ainsi que 3 projets complets pour vous permettre de crer votre portefeuille de projets Python!Ce cours vous enseignera Python d'une manire trs pratique, chaque leon est accompagne par une sance de code en vido et un bloc-notes contenant tout le code correspondant, accompagn d'explications et de commentaires ! Vous pouvez suivre le cours et apprendre de la manire qui vous convient le mieux ! Vous avez un accs vie plus de 100 leons et leurs documents d'accompagnements !Cela inclut bien entendu galement les futures mises jour qui couvriront par exemple le dveloppement avec Flask ou encore la cration d'interface graphique!Ce cours est disponible avec une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours ! Si vous n'tes pas satisfait pour quelque raison que ce soit, vous pouvez demander tre rembours. De plus, vous garderez l'accs aux bloc-notes pur vous remercier d'avoir essay le cours !N'attendez plus ! la fin de ce cours vous pourrez ajouter Python sur votre CV sans rougir. Donnez un boost votre carrire et commencez tout de suite apprendre Python, tout cela d'une manire amusante et pratique!"
Price: 199.99
