"Python - Das Python Grundlagen Bootcamp - Von 0 auf 100!" |
"Werde ein Python Programmierer! Egal, ob Du noch nie zuvor programmiert hast, Grundlagen der Syntax kennen oder die fortgeschrittenen Features von Python lernen mchten, dieser Kurs eignet sich fr Dich! Dieser Kurs ist fr Anfnger und Wechsler aus einer anderen Programmiersprache geeignet. In diesem Kurs gehen wir auf beide Versionen (Python 2 und Python 3) ein, sodass Du dein Wissen auf beide Versionen anwenden kannst! ""Dieser Kurs ist sehr gut strukturiert. Die bungen sind gut durchgedacht. Im Allgemeinen kann Ich diesen Kurs nun weiter empfehlen.."" ( M. Rodriguez)Dieser Python Grundlagenkurs besteht aus ber 200 Lektionen, fast 25 Stunden Videos, ber 100 Quizfragen, Assessment Tests und 5 Projekte, die dein Python Projekt Portfolio erstellen! Auerdem werden Merkbltter und Zusatzmaterialien in den einzelnen Lektionen besprochen und bereitgestellt.Was wirst Du in diesem Kurs alles lernen?Block 1: Python GrundlagenZahlen Strings TypenDateien Sets BooleansIf, elif und else AnweisungenSchleifen Listen Verstndnis (List Comprehensions)Lambda Ausdrcke GeltungsbereicheObjekt Objektorientierung Funktionen und Methoden Vererbung Fehlerbehandlung Module erstellen und installierenMap, Reduce, Filter DekoratorenIteration vs. Generationund vieles mehr!Block 2: Data Science EinfhrungDaten Analysieren mit Numpy und PandasLesen von Dateien ExcelCSVWebScrapingSQLJSONVisualisieren der Daten mit Matplotlib und SeabornBeispiele mit echten DatenBlock 3: Fortgeschrittene Funktionen in Python (fr Anfnger)CounterErweiterte Dictionaries DatetimePython DebuggerTimeitRegular ExpressionsUnittestGUI GrundlagenUnterschiede Python 2 zu 3Dieser Kurs wird dir Python in einer praktischen Art und Weise beibringen, in dem jede Lektion sowohl einen Coding Bildschirmaufnahme und ein zustzliches Code Notebook bietet! Lerne auf die Art und Weise, die dir am besten dient und die sich bei ber 500.000 Teilnehmer (inkl. englische Versionen) bewhrt hat! ""Es war eine unfassbare Erfahrung. Den Kurs kann ich sehr Empfehlen. Jeder der innerhalb kurzeste Zeit Python lernen will, darf diesen Kurs nicht verpassen. Vielen tausend dank."" ( E. Eraslan)Du erhltst lebenslangen Zugang zu ber 200 Lektionen und den passenden Notebooks zu den Lektionen!Zustzlich bietet dir dieser Kurs eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Wenn du in irgendeiner Weise nicht zufrieden sein solltest, erhltst du dein Geld zurck. Und du darfst alle Notebooks als Dankeschn fr das Ausprobieren dieses Kurses behalten! Also worauf wartest du noch? Lerne Python 3 auf eine Weise, die deine Karriere voranbringt und dein Wissen erweitert, das ganze auf eine pragmatische und professionelle Art!"
Price: 194.99

"Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading" |
"Welcome to Python for Financial Analysis and Algorithmic Trading! Are you interested in how people use Python to conduct rigorous financial analysis and pursue algorithmic trading, then this is the right course for you!This course will guide you through everything you need to know to use Python for Finance and Algorithmic Trading! We'll start off by learning the fundamentals of Python, and then proceed to learn about the various core libraries used in the Py-Finance Ecosystem, including jupyter,numpy, pandas, matplotlib,statsmodels, zipline, Quantopian, and much more!We'll cover the following topics used by financial professionals:Python FundamentalsNumPy for High SpeedNumerical ProcessingPandas for Efficient Data AnalysisMatplotlib for Data VisualizationUsing pandas-datareader and Quandl for data ingestionPandas Time Series Analysis TechniquesStock Returns AnalysisCumulative Daily ReturnsVolatility and Securities RiskEWMA(Exponentially Weighted Moving Average)StatsmodelsETS(Error-Trend-Seasonality)ARIMA(Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Averages)AutoCorrelation Plots andPartial Auto Correlation PlotsSharpe RatioPortfolio Allocation OptimizationEfficient Frontier and Markowitz OptimizationTypes of FundsOrder BooksShort SellingCapital Asset Pricing ModelStock Splits andDividendsEfficient Market HypothesisAlgorithmic Trading with QuantopianFutures Trading"
Price: 194.99

"Python fr Data Science, Machine Learning & Visualization" |
"Data Scientist wurde von Glassdoor als Nummer 1 Job gerankt und erzielt laut Indeed einen weit berdurchschnittlichen Gehalt. Die Karriere im Bereich Data Science ist eine bereichernde Ttigkeit und erlaubt es euch an den grten und interessantesten Herausforderungen der Welt zu arbeiten.Bist du bereit deinen Weg als Data Scientist anzutreten? ""Perfektes Niveau, motivierend und verstndlich/grndlich erklrt."" ( P. Fuchs)Dieser Grundlagenkurs richtet sich sowohl an Anfnger, die zum ersten Mal mit Data Science in Berhrung kommen, als auch an Entwickler, die ihr Portfolio um Fhigkeiten in Richtung Data Science und Machine Learning ausbauen wollen!Dieser umfassende Kurs ist inhaltlich vergleichbar mit anderen Data Science Bootcamps, die sonst mehrere tausend Euro kosten. Nun kannst Du all das zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten lernen. Und dank der Plattform Udemy lernst Du wann und wo Du mchtest. Mit ber 100 HD Video Lektionen und den detaillierten Code Notebooks zu jeder Lektion ist dies einer der umfangreichsten deutschsprachigen Kurse fr Data Science und Maschinelles Lernen (Machine Learning) auf Udemy!Wir bringen dir bei, wie man mit Python programmiert, wie man echte Daten visualisiert und wie man Python zum Maschinellen Lernen (Machine Learning) nutzen kann! Hier sind einige der Punkte die wir behandeln werden:Programmieren mit PythonDaten mit NumPy und Pandas bearbeiten und AnalysierenPandas Data Frames nutzen, um komplexe Aufgaben zu lsenPandas nutzen, um mit Excel Dateien zu arbeitenEinfhrung zu Web Scraping mit PythonPython mit SQL verbindenMatplotlib und Seaborn zur Daten Visualisierung nutzenPlotly fr interaktive VisualisierungenMachine Learning mit SciKit Learn, was folgendes beinhaltet:Linear RegressionLogistische RegressionK Nearest NeighborsK Means ClusteringDecision Trees (Entscheidungsbume)Random ForestsNatural Language ProcessingSupport Vector MachinesBig Data Einfhrung in Spark und PySpark mit Hadoop Einfhrung in Deep Learning / Artificial Neural Networks / Knstliche Neurale Netzwerke mit TensorFlowund vieles mehr!Da jeder Algorithmus ein 500 seitiges Buch befllen knnte oder den Inhalt fr einen 15 stndigen Kurs bietet, konzentrieren wir uns auf die Schlsselkonzepte. Daher kann der Kurs manchmal nicht sehr in die Tiefe gehen, aber er vermittelt die wichtigen Grundlagen und du kannst die Methoden und Algorithmen einfach in weiteren Kursen vertiefen.Dieser Kurs wird dir Data Science in einer praktischen Art und Weise beibringen, in dem jede Lektion sowohl eine Coding Bildschirmaufzeichnung und ein zustzliches Code Notebook bietet! Lerne auf die Art und Weise, die dir am besten dient und die sich bei ber 500.000 Teilnehmer (inkl. englische Versionen) bewhrt hat! ""Prima AUfbau vom Einfachen zum Schweren. Die bungen sind ein guter Gradmesser fr den erlangten Fortschritt."" ( J. Michael-Schubert)Zustzlich bietet dir dieser Kurs eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Wenn du in irgendeiner Weise nicht zufrieden sein solltest, erhltst du dein Geld zurck. Schreib dich noch heute im Kurs ein und werde noch heute ein Data Scientist!"
Price: 194.99

"Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python" |
"Welcome to the Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python!This course will guide you through how to use Google's TensorFlow framework to create artificial neural networks for deep learning! This course aims to give you an easy to understand guide to the complexities of Google's TensorFlow framework in a way that is easy to understand.Other courses and tutorials have tended tostay away from pure tensorflow and instead use abstractions that give the user less control. Here we present a course that finally serves as a complete guide to using the TensorFlow framework as intended, while showing you the latest techniques available in deep learning!This course is designed to balance theory and practical implementation, with complete jupyter notebook guides of code and easy to reference slides and notes. We also have plenty of exercises to test your new skills along the way!This course covers a variety of topics, includingNeural Network BasicsTensorFlow BasicsArtificial Neural NetworksDensely Connected NetworksConvolutionalNeural NetworksRecurrent Neural NetworksAutoEncodersReinforcement LearningOpenAIGymand much more!There are many Deep Learning Frameworks out there, sowhy use TensorFlow?TensorFlowis an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API. TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well.It is used by major companies all over the world, including Airbnb, Ebay, Dropbox, Snapchat, Twitter, Uber, SAP, Qualcomm, IBM, Intel, and of course, Google!Become a machine learning guru today! We'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99

"Complete Python 3 Masterclass Journey" |
"Welcome to the Complete Python Masterclass Journey!This course is designed to take you from a complete beginner in programming all the way to becoming an effective programmer that can use Python to solve real tasks! I'm Jose Portilla and I am the most popular Python instructor on the Udemy platform. I've taught Python programming at Fortune 500 companies and I'm very excited to bring the same quality of material to Udemy! Python is used by some of the world's largest companies to accomplish all kinds of tasks.This course is also completely different than any other course on Udemy, it incorporates a narrative story that helps engage students and also provides context to the different tasks you have to accomplish. We utilize project based learning to effectively teach Python and give you the skills to put Python on your resume. We have numerous projects and tasks for you to practice what you are learning.In addition to this we have Question and Answer forums where Teaching Assistants and myself are present to help answer any questions you may have, we also have a chat channel where you can talk to other students to team up on your own projects!We will cover a lot of topics in this course! Including:Basic Python Data Types such as numbers, variables, lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, and more.Key Control Flow - This is the logic that helps run your code, such as if, elif, and else statements.Loops - We'll show you how to become an expert user of for loops and while loops so you can effectively program.Functions - You will learn how to create clean, reusable functions that help automate tasks that you repeat.Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - We will explain OOP in a clear and steady way, helping you master one of Python's most powerful features.Web Scraping - Learn to use the BeautifulSoup and Requests libraries to perform web scraping.CSV Files - You'll be able to use Python's built in csv library to work with csv data with Python.PDF Files - Learn about the PyPDF2 library that allows you to read PDF files pro grammatically.Zip Files - See how Python can zip files and extract information from already compressed zip files.OS Module - Discover how toperform operating system level commands with Python's os module.Images - You will learn how to edit and resize images with Python.Decryption and Encryption - See how to use the cryptography library with Python to encode and decode encrypted messages.Geographical Mapping - We'll show you how to use Python in conjunction with the Google Map's API to plot informationon a map!and so much more!All of this content also comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, so you can try out the course risk free for a full 30 days.I'll see you inside the course!Jose Portilla"
Price: 199.99

"R fr Data Science, Visualisierung und Machine Learning" |
"Data Scientist wurde von Glassdoor als Nummer 1 Job gerankt und erzielt laut Indeed einen berdurchschnittlichen Gehalt. Die Karriere im Bereich Data Science ist eine bereichernde Ttigkeit und erlaubt es euch an den grten und interessantesten Herausforderungen der Welt zu arbeiten. Dieser Kurs richtet sich sowohl an Anfnger, die zum ersten Mal mit der Programmiersprache R in Berhrung kommen, als auch fr erfahrene Entwickler, die ihr Portfolio um Fhigkeiten in Richtung R, Data Sciene und Machine Learning ausbauen wollen! ""Perfekter Einstieg in die Sprache R. Zuvor hatte ich keine Kenntnis dieser Sprache. Gut gefllt mir, dass direkt auch Data Science Anwendungen inbegriffen sind, da ich diese beruflich brauche. Top! ( D. Mika)Dieser umfangreiche Kurs ist vergleichbar mit anderen Data Science Bootcamps die mehrere tausend Euro kosten. Das alles findest du in ber 120 HD Video Lektionen und detaillierten Code Notebooks zu jeder Lektion. Dies macht diesen Kurs zum umfangreichsten Data Science Kurs mit R auf Udemy!Wir werden gemeinsam lernen, wie man mit R programmiert, grandiose Visualisierungen erstellt und mit echten Daten und echte Data Science Flle umgeht. Dazu verwenden wir R-Studio und das Jupyter Notebook mit R. Hier ist eine bersicht einiger Themen:Programmieren mit RFortgeschrittene Programmierung in RR Date Frames zur Lsung komplexer Aufgaben verwendenMit R Excel Datein bearbeitenWeb Scraping mit RR mit SQL verbindenGGPlot2 zur Visualisierung verwendenbersicht und Einsatz von DplyR und TidyRPlotly fr interaktive Visualisierungen verwendenAnalysiere echte Daten an BeispielenMachine Learning mit R, einschlielich:Linear RegressionK Nearest NeighborsK Means ClusteringDecision TreesRandom ForestsData Mining TwitterNeural Nets (Neuronale Netzwerke als Teil des Deep Learning)Support Vectore Machinesund vieles mehr!Du erhltst lebenslangen Zugang zu allen Lektionen und den passenden Notebooks zu den Lektionen! ""Der Kurs war sehr gut, um sowohl den Umgang mit R allgemein als auch die Materie des Kurses gut zu verstehen und anhand der bungen auch selbst auszuprobieren und zu vertiefen."" ( D. Wesch) Zustzlich bietet dir dieser Kurs eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Wenn du in irgendeiner Weise nicht zufrieden sein solltest, erhltst du dein Geld zurck. Und du darfst alle Notebooks als Dankeschn fr das Ausprobieren dieses Kurses behalten!Schreibe dich im Kurs ein und werde noch heute ein Data Scientist!"
Price: 194.99

"Python 3 COMPLETO - Do iniciante ao avanado!" |
"Torne-se um Programador Python e aprenda uma das habilidades mais requisitadas nas reas de cincia de dados e desenvolvimento Web!Este o curso mais abrangente, porm direto, para a linguagem de programao Python da Udemy! Se voc nunca programou antes, j conhece a sintaxe bsica ou quer aprender sobre os recursos avanados do Python, este curso para voc!Com mais de 100 palestras e mais de 10 horas de vdeo, este curso vai ser seu guia definitivo para apreder de vez a linguagem!Ele incluitestes,trabalhos de casa, exerccios resolvidos,alm de trs grandes projetos para criar um portflio de projetos em Python!Este curso lhe ensinar Python de maneira prtica:cada palestra vem um screencast de codificao completo e uma apostila de cdigoscorrespondente!So dezenas de apostilas por escrito!Aprenda da maneira que for melhor para voc!E o melhor: voc ter acesso vitalcio todo este contedo! E este curso tambmvem com uma garantia de reembolso de 30 dias. Se voc no estiver satisfeito de alguma forma, receber seu dinheiro de volta. Alm disso, voc ter acesso aos Notebooks como um agradecimento por experimentar o curso!Ento, o que voc est esperando? Aprenda Python de uma vez, progrida emsua carreira e aumente seus conhecimentos, tudo de maneira prtica e divertida!"
Price: 579.99

"Das SQL Grundlagen Bootcamp (auch fr Data Science)" |
"Lerne mit diesem Kurs, wie du SQL schnell und effektiv einsetzen kannst!Du wirst lernen, wie man Abfragen mit einer der gefragtesten Fhigkeiten - PostgreSQL - in eine Datenbank liest und schreibt. Diese Fhigkeiten sind auch auf jede andere wichtige SQL-Datenbank anwendbar, wie MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle und viele mehr. ""Hervorragender Kurs zu Einstieg und praktischer Anwendung von SQL, ausgezeichneter Referent."" ( E.-P. Mller) ""Der Kurs hat eine gute Geschwindigkeit um sich dem Thema SQL zu nhern! Empfehlung!"" ( A. Roggenland)SQL zu lernen ist einer der schnellsten Wege, um deine Karriereaussichten zu verbessern, da es eine der gefragten technischen Fhigkeiten ist! In diesem Kurs lernst du schnell und erhltst auf dem Weg dorthin Challenges und Tests, um dein Verstndnis zu verbessern!Schau dir die kostenlosen Vorschau-Videos an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten!"
Price: 194.99

"Statistik fr Data Science und Business Analytics" |
"Willkommen im Kurs Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik - fr Business and Data Science!In diesem Kurs zeigen wir dir Alles was du ber Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik wissen musst, um in der Wirtschaft, aber vor allem im Bereich Data Science und Machine Learning, erfolgreich zu sein! Wir haben dazu viele bungen und Formelerklrungen fr dich!Als erstes klren wir, was Daten sind und welche Zusammenhnge, Abweichungen und Korrelationen man sich anschauen sollte. Das ist die Vorraussetzung um Statisitk anwenden zu knnnen und um erfolgreich Data Science Projekte implementiere zu knnen.Danach werden wir in die Wahrscheinlichkeit eintauchen und mehr ber Kombinationen und Permutationen erfahren, die dir als Data Scientist weiterhelfen um die Anzahl an Kombinationen von Daten und damit die z.B. die Datenmenge abschtzen zu knnen.Anschlieend diskutieren wir die gngigsten Verteilungen in der Statistik und schaffen eine solide Grundlage fr das Verstndnis, wie man mit Gleich-, Binomial, Poisson- und Normalverteilungen arbeitet.Als nchstes werden wir reale Geschftsflle durchgehen, einschlielich Hypothesentests und der studentschen T-Verteilung - so kannst du das Gelernte gleich anwenden.Abschlieend behandeln wir drei Datenanalyse-Verfahren, wie ANOVA (Varianzanalyse), Regressionsanalyse und schlielich der Chi-Quadrat-Analyse.Die Abschnitte sind modular und nach Themen gegliedert, so dass du sie nach Bedarf suchen kannst und direkt dort einsteigen kannst!Unser Kurs beinhaltet HD-Videos mit Erklrungen zu Formeln, Animationen und bungen, wir behandeln auerdem Fallstudien, die dir zeigen, wie du dieses Wissen in der Praxis anwenden kannst. Du findest reines Formellernen staubtrocken? Kein Thema, bei uns gibt es eine gute Mischung!Kursinhalt im berblick: Messungen von DatenMittelwert, Median und ModusAbweichung und StandardabweichungKovarianz und KorrelationPermutationen und KombinationenVerbindungen und KreuzungenBedingte WahrscheinlichkeitBayes-SatzBinomiale VerteilungPoisson-VerteilungNormalverteilungProbenahmeZentraler GrenzwertsatzHypothesentestT-VerteilungsprfungRegressionsanalyseANOVAChi Quadrat-AnalyseAlle diese Inhalte sind mit einer 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie ausgestattet, so dass Du den Kurs risikofrei ausprobieren kannst!Worauf wartest du noch? Melde Dich noch heute an und werde ein Profi im Umgang mit Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Statistiken."
Price: 194.99

"Spark und Python fr Big Data und Data Science mit PySpark" |
"Lerne die neueste Big Data Technologie - Spark! Und lerne es mit einer der beliebtesten Programmiersprachen, Python!Eine der wertvollsten technologischen Kompetenzen ist die Fhigkeit, groe Datenmengen zu analysieren. Dieser Kurs wurde speziell dafr entwickelt, Dich auf eine der besten Technologien fr diese Aufgabe, Apache Spark, vorzubereiten! Die Top-Technologie-Unternehmen wie Google, Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, Amazon, NASA und mehr verwenden alle Spark, um ihre Big-Data-Probleme zu lsen! Spark kann bis zu 100x schneller als Hadoop MapReduce ausgefhrt werden, was zu einer Explosion der Nachfrage nach dieser Fhigkeit gefhrt hat! Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Grundlagen mit einem Crash-Kurs in Python und lehrt weiterhin, wie man Spark DataFrames mit der Spark 2.0-Syntax verwendet! Sobald wir das besprochen haben, werden wir sehen, wie man die MLlib Machine Library mit der DataFrame-Syntax und Spark verwendet. Whrend jeder Lektion bekommst Du bungen und simulierte Beratungs-Projekte, die Dich direkt in eine reale Situation bringen, in der Du deine neuen Fhigkeiten einsetzen kannst, um ein echtes Problem zu lsen!Wir befassen uns auch mit den neuesten Spark-Technologien, wie Spark SQL, Spark Streaming und erweiterten Modellen wie Gradient Boosted Trees! ""Der Kurs hat ein sehr gutes Level und als Anfnger in Big Data komme ich sehr gut mit. Der Kursleiter erklrt alles sehr genau und man kann ihm sehr gut folgen."" ( W. Surala)Nachdem Du diesen Kurs absolviert hast, kannst Du selbstbewusst Spark und PySpark in Deinen Lebenslauf schreiben! Dieser Kurs hat auch eine volle 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!Wenn Du bereit bist, in die Welt von Python, Spark und Big Data einzutauchen, dann ist dies der richtige Kurs fr Dich!"
Price: 194.99

"Python for Computer Vision with OpenCV and Deep Learning" |
"Welcome to the ultimate online course on Python for ComputerVision!This course is your best resource for learning how to use the Python programming language for Computer Vision.We'll be exploring how to use Python and the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) library to analyze images and video data.The most popular platforms in the world are generating never before seen amounts of image and video data. Every 60 seconds users upload more than 300 hours of video to Youtube, Netflix subscribers stream over 80,000 hours of video, and Instagram users like over 2 million photos! Now more than ever its necessary for developers to gain the necessary skills to work with image and video data using computer vision.Computer vision allows us to analyze and leverage image and video data, with applications in a variety of industries, including self-driving cars, social network apps, medical diagnostics, and many more.As the fastest growing language in popularity, Python is well suited to leverage the power of existing computer vision libraries to learn from all this image and video data. In this course we'll teach you everything you need to know to become an expert in computer vision! This $20 billion dollar industry will be one of the most important job markets in the years to come.We'll start the course by learning about numerical processing with the NumPy library and how to open and manipulate images with NumPy. Then will move on to using the OpenCV library to open and work with image basics. Then we'll start to understand how to process images and apply a variety of effects, including color mappings, blending, thresholds, gradients, and more.Then we'll move on to understanding video basics with OpenCV, including working with streaming video from a webcam. Afterwards we'll learn about direct video topics, such as optical flow and object detection. Including face detection and object tracking.Then we'll move on to an entire section of the course devoted to the latest deep learning topics, including image recognition and custom image classifications. We'll even cover the latest deep learning networks, including the YOLO(you only look once) deep learning network.This course covers all this and more, including the following topics:NumPyImages with NumPyImage and Video Basics with NumPyColor MappingsBlending and Pasting ImagesImage ThresholdingBlurring and SmoothingMorphological OperatorsGradientsHistogramsStreaming video with OpenCVObject DetectionTemplate MatchingCorner, Edge, and Grid DetectionContour DetectionFeature MatchingWaterShedAlgorithmFace DetectionObject TrackingOpticalFlowDeep Learning with KerasKeras and Convolutional NetworksCustomized Deep Learning NetworksState of the Art YOLO Networksand much more!Feel free to message me on Udemy if you have any questions about the course!Thanks for checking out the course page, and Ihope to see you inside!Jose"
Price: 199.99

"Prophetic School And Hearing The Voice of God" |
"Prophetic Schoolwill prepare students for ministering God's voice to people.Students will learn how to minister with the Holy Spirit and allow His power to flow through them to those who need to hear God's voice. Seeing into the very secrets of people's hearts by the power ofGod to set the captives free will become a flow of the Spirit to you.The training offered in this course is life changing, covering subjects such as God's Voice and Prophetic Ministry.Upon completion of this course, students will be confident for effective, powerful ministry to the sick, and those who are broken needing a word fromGodThis prophetic type of ministry that's taught in this course is second to none when it comes to hearing specific words of knowledge.Lessons: What Is Prophecy Visions and Dreams Specific Words ofKnowledge Demonstrations by a Prophet of Words of Knowledge Pitfalls to ProphecyAbout this course:Thousands of happy studentsComes with workbook and extra ebookMultiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light.And of course we stand behind the30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course."
Price: 149.99

"Desarrollo Android - Empieza a crear tu propia App" |
"Aprende a crear aplicaciones mviles para Android, desde los conceptos iniciales y la prctica necesaria para empezar a crear tus aplicaciones mviles con Android Studio.S eres estudiante, ests empezando con la programacin y deseas iniciarte en la creacin de aplicaciones mviles para Android, este curso es para t.Al finalizar el curso tendrs los conocimientos para empezar a crear tus propias aplicaciones mviles, su estructura, instalar el entorno, emular tu aplicacin, integrar y probar la app en tu dispositivo mvil, uso de los Layouts ms utilizados, uso de un BackEnd, almacenar informacin y datos de tu App y conocer el manejo de permisos y dependencias. El entorno de trabajo a utilizar es Android Studio, utilizaremos el lenguaje JAVA, si an no conoces JAVA no te preocupes, empezamos con una seccin introductoria de Java necesario para iniciarte en la programacin de aplicaciones mviles.En cada una de las lecciones podrs hacer preguntas para que el instructor pueda absolverlas, y podrs ver las consultas realizadas por otros estudiantes inscritos.Durante el desarrollo del curso, se tocarn los temas mas utilizados en la creacin de aplicaciones Android, algunos de estos temas son:Programacin en JAVA y Programacin Orientada a Objetos.Android Studio y Emuladores.Layouts y componentes de una App.Alamacenamiento interno, archivos, Preferencias.Base de datos SQLite.Fragmentos.Navegacin en la aplicacin.BackEnd con Firebase.Te invito a que te animes a inscribirte en el curso estamos seguro que no te decepcionaremos y siempre estaremos para absolver tus consultas.A lo largo del curso iremos poniendo en prctica los conceptos con explicaciones claras, iremos desarrollando pequeas aplicaciones para que puedas ver la funcionalidad de la misma en el emulador o en tu dispositivo mvil.Tenemos el compromiso de agregar nuevas lecciones al curso, siempre tendrs un curso actualizado, tu inversin est asegurada.Al final del curso estar programando con fludez en JAVA y estar listo para empezar a crear sus propias aplicaciones, podr comenzar una carrera como desarrollador de aplicaciones Android.Inscrbete ahora y obten lo siguiente:Ms de 10 horas de video en calidad HD.Todo el conocimiento que necesitas para crear tu propia App.Conocimiento de las tecnologas necesarias para crear aplicaciones Android.Un curso con buenas reseas por parte de las personas inscritas.Un curso que se actualiza con nuevas lecciones de forma constante.RECUERDE ... Existe una garanta total de devolucin de dinero, siempre que la solicite dentro de los 30 das posteriores a la compra del curso."
Price: 149.99

"Kotlin para Principiantes: Aprende a Programar en Kotlin" |
"Kotlin ya se ha posicionado como el lenguaje de programacin oficial para crear aplicaciones Android. Est usted interesado en aprender este lenguaje?, si la respuesta es s este curso es para iniciarse de la forma correcta.Google public en Google I/O 2017 que Kotlin ser el lenguaje de programacin oficial para la construccin de aplicaciones Android. Esto permite que Kotlin se convierta en el primer lenguaje de su clase para la plataforma de Android. El curso de programacin en Kotlin tiene todo lo que necesita saber para convertirse en un desarrollador profesional de Kotlin, este curso te va permitir tener las bases para integrar tus conocimientos de Kotlin para desarrollar aplicaciones Android impresionantes y profesionales.Eres nuevo en la programacin?Quieres aprender Kotlin?Quieres aprender la programacin orientada a objetos utilizando Kotlin?Quieres convertirte en un profesional de Kotlin Developer?Encontraste el curso correcto!Amplia tu experiencia, aprendiendo un nuevo lenguaje fcil y verstil, y mejora la calidad de tu cdigo de programacin. Este curso abarca desde los conceptos de programacin esenciales, hasta la programacin orientada a objetos e integracin de estos conocimientos con el lenguaje de programacin Kotlin.Voy a responder a cada pregunta que usted tiene, le vamos a ayudar a obtener el mejor aprendizaje y escucharemos sus comentarios. nete a los 10,000+ estudiantes felices que tenemos en Udemy! Te invito a revisar las reseas de otros estudiantes, y vers que tu inversin est asegurada, recuerda que tienes la garanta de 30 das de Udemy."
Price: 99.99

"Google Hacking - Aprende Bsquedas Avanzadas con Google" |
"Google Hacking es una tcnica muy utilizada para una fase de preparacin y exploracin donde un atacante busca reunir toda la informacin posible sobre un objetivo antes de lanzar un ataque o Hacking.Lo que hablan los estudiantes del curso:""He concluido el curso, y la verdad ha experiencia ha sido muy agradable he aprendido muchos conceptos que desconoca y la verdad es muy bueno, pueden ver s les interesa saber como mejorar las bsquedas en Google"" - Mara Cristina De La Cruz.""Interesante curso, por dos motivos uno porque te informa de vulnerabilidades y nuestra exposicion y segundo porque siempre estamos preguntado a google y nos ayuda"" - Agustin Princep.""Muy bueno el curso, hasta el momento est interesante, el docente explica de forma clara los puntos del tema. Excelente!!!"" - Renzo Walker Del Aguila.""El curso me resulto til considerando que yo no tena conocimientos del tema"" - Ruben Horacio.""Muy interesante el curso me es de mucha utilidad lo recomiendo ampliamente"" - Alejandro OseguedaLo que vas a aprender:Google es ms que un simple buscador de internet, es una poderosa herramienta utilizada por los BlackHat Hackers para realizar actividades de reconocimiento y exploracin, Sabas ello?.Con el motor de bsquedas de Google podemos realizar bsquedas complejas, con el objetivo de filtrar informacin valiosa para un trabajo de Ethical Hacking, esto normalmente se realiza sobre un objetivo auditado, tambin es utilizado por personas mal intencionadas para tratar de conseguir informacin de un objetivo especfico, por ejemplo encontrar webs vulnerables, o informacin confidencial que de alguna forma fue indexada por el buscador.Realizar bsquedas avanzadas en Google se refiere bsicamente a utilizar operadores de forma inteligente e imaginativo, con el nico fin de encontrar informacin relevante.Cuando se utiliza Google Hacking, podemos encontrar:Directorios con informacin.Archivos con contraseas.Vulnerabilidades de servidores.Software y licencias.Informacin confidencial o tambin sensible.Mensajes de error, que muestran ms que el error.Archivos de configuracin.Informacin de correos electrnicos y usuarios.Informacin de servidores.Al aplicar las tcnicas de Google Hacking en una auditora de Seguridad de la Informacin a una empresa especfica, estamos encontrando posibles brechas de seguridad que debemos corregir, y de est forma asegurar a la misma empresa. Aprende a aplicar estas tcnicas a la web de tu empresa, encuentra brechas de seguridad y corrgelas antes que sea demasiado tarde. En este curso vas a aprender a utilizar las bsquedas en Google para encontrar informacin relevante, espero verte dentro, y recuerda que tienes la garanta de 30 das de devolucin de tu dinero por parte de Udemy."
Price: 119.99

"Xilinx FPGAs: Learning Through Labs using VHDL" |
"Xilinx FPGAs: Learning Through Labs with VHDL teaches students digital designusing the hands on approach. This course focuses on theactual VHDL implementation compared to the theory. The best most efficient way to learn VHDL is by actually writing and creating designs yourself. This courses includes 9 labs which include design for the following:BCD DisplayRandom Number GeneratorSigned MultiplierBarrel ShifterArithmetic Logic UnitTemperature SensorTilt SensorMicrophone InterfacePotentiometer InterfaceThis course is structured such that each section contains a specific topic that is briefly discussed and then you will be given a design to start with to complete the lab. All the completed code solutions for each project will be available for download as a resource. Each section will contain a setup lecture that explains how to setup the lab. There is also a demonstration video given as a reference for a working design."
Price: 99.99

"Altera FPGAs: Learning Through Labs using VHDL" |
"Altera FPGAs: Learning Through Labs with VHDL teaches students digital designusing the hands on approach. This course focuses on theactual VHDL implementation compared to the theory. The best most efficient way to learn VHDL is by actually writing and creating designs yourself. This courses includes 9 labs which include design for the following:BCD DisplayRandom Number GeneratorSigned MultiplierBarrel ShifterArithmetic Logic UnitTemperature SensorTilt SensorMicrophone InterfacePotentiometer InterfaceThis course is structured such that each section contains a specific topic that is briefly discussed and then you will be given a design to start with to complete the lab. All the completed code solutions for each project will be available for download as a resource. Each section will contain a setup lecture that explains how to setup the lab. There is also a demonstration video given as a reference for a working design."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to VHDL" |
"Introduction to VHDL is a course that someone with no experience or knowledge of VHDL can use to learn and understand the VHDL language. In this course students will learn about all of the different data types associated with the VHDL language. This course focuses on teaching students how the syntax of VHDL is interpreted and how it can be used to design circuits. There are over 8 different examples digital designs implemented in VHDL.Course StructureThis course starts out by explaining the background and history of VHDL and it's uses. Then students will learn about all the different objects and data types associated with VHDL. There are various examples showing the data types in use and how different objects behave in different applications. After learning about the data types and objects, students will then learn about the keywords and syntax of the VHDL language. Then students will learn about all of the different design architectures used in VHDL. Students will also learn how to design a test bench to simulate and verify functionality of their designs. This knowledge will then be used to complete the final project, tying in all facets of the VHDL language.VHDLDesignsThis course has many designexamples, upon completing this course students will have their own library of VHDL design they can use and refer to at any time! This design libraryincludes:Logical AND gateLogical OR gateLogical NORgateLogical NANgateLogical XOR gateHalf AdderFull AdderD Flip-FlopDigital ComparatorSR (Set Reset) Latch2:1 MultiplexerPriority EncoderFinal ProjectThe final project in the course has students go through the design process of implementing a priority encoder on their very own development board. This project takes students through the various phases of developing a digital design, testing it, and implementing it. Students will be taken through step-by-step everything that is required to get the priority encoder up and running on their development board.Feel free to message me with any questions before signing up for this course!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn MATLAB and Simulink Programming" |
"Learn MATLAB and Simulink Programming is a course that focuses on teaching students about the various commands, functions, and features that MATLAB and Simulink have to offer. MATLAB and Simulink have a lot of capabilities and so this course will only focus on the main topics to get you comfortable creating your own scripts and Simulink models. This course contains many examples of different projects as well as step-by-step solutions to help you best understand what is going on. the completed code is attached in the projects so that students can download and get the same results they see onscreen.Course StructureThis course is designed to teach students through a combination of articles to help explain various topics and videos to show examples of these topics. There are also various quizzes that are designed to test students and let them know if they sufficiently understand the information presented in the section. This course starts out by briefly covering an overview of the MATLAB environment and where specific tools are located. Each section of this course covers different topics including the following:Generating FiguresPlotting DataBasic MATLAB CommandsVectorsMatrices and Matrix CommandsMATLAB ScriptsProgrammings Loops &Conditional StatementsUser Defined FunctionsSimulinkSimulink FeaturesExample Simulink ProjectsThere are several quizzes that will test your understanding of the various sections. There are multiple projects that require students to solve problems using MATLAB & Simulink.ProjectsEach of the projects in this course contain the following information:Instructions:This article explains what is required to complete the project.Demonstration: This lecture demonstrates what is expected of the students in terms of how to complete the project.Step-By-Step Solution:This lecture explains the thought process and how to complete the project in a step-by-step fashion.Feel free to message me with any questions before signing up for this course!"
Price: 69.99

"Introduction to ChipKIT Development" |
"This course uses the Arduino development environment to develop software and program the chipKIT development boards. There are 2 chipKIT development boards that are shown and used for demonstrations in this course, they are the uC32 and the Wi-FIRE development boards. Most chipKITand Arduino development boards will work with this course.Introduction to ChipKIT Development contains 4 projects that include:Blinky LEDsButton LEDsKnight RiderHello WorldCourse StructureThis course consists of lectures and projects, the lectures cover material that is required to understand in order to complete the project. All the projects include the completed code for each project so that you are able to load the code directly into your development board. For each project the software and hardware are explained thoroughly so that it's very clear how to setup and replicate the project. Prior to each project there is a series of lectures that explain various topics that pertain the the specific projects."
Price: 19.99

"Interfacing ChipKIT with External Sensors using Arduino IDE" |
"This course uses the Arduino development environment to develop software and program the chipKIT development boards. There are 2 chipKIT development boards that are shown and used for demonstrations in this course, they are the uC32 and the Wi-FIRE development boards. Most chipKITand Arduino development boards will work with this course.Interfacing ChipKIT with External Sensors using Arduino IDE contains 18 projects that include:Serial CommunicationPotentiometer ReadingTemperature SensorTemperature & Humidity SensorBuzzerFSR BuzzerServo SweepPhotoresistor Light SensorTSL2561 Light SensorPIR SensorDe-BounceTilt SwitchAccelerometer7 Segment DisplayRGB LEDInfrared CommunicationCapacitive Touch SensorHall Effect SensorCourse StructureThis course consists of lectures and projects, the lectures cover material that is required to understand in order to complete the project. All the projects include the completed code for each project so that you are able to load the code directly into your development board. For each project the software and hardware are explained thoroughly so that it's very clear how to setup and replicate the project. Prior to each project there is a series of lectures that explain various topics that pertain the the specific projects."
Price: 29.99

"Chemical Engineering as a Professional Career" |
"Ever wonder about Engineering?Or more specifically, about Chemical Engineering?We will guide you through all the required information in order to let you know if Chemical Engineering is for you! We start from simple stuff such as the required education, what you will learn, student life, and what you will actually need for your professional life.What is Engineering and Chemical Engineering?What is the structure of the ChemE Study Curriculum?How can you get the most of your ChemE student lifeWhere can a Chemical Engineer work and which type ofAverage salaries around the world for recent ChemE grads and Senior levelApplying for Academic Institutions for a Bachelor/Master and Exchange ProgramsApplying for a Job postingReal life examples of Chemical Engineers working!After this course you will definitively be sure if you want to become a Chemical Engineer or not! Money back guarantee!About your instructor:I majored inChemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering back in 2012.Academic:International Baccalaureate ProgramMexico 2011Chemistry Olympiad Squad - 3rd PlaceITESM- Major inChemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering2012.Toastmaster Member since 2014, President 2017-2018ProfesionalBasic/Design Engineer -Petrochemical Plant -Isopentane/Cyclopentane.Koln, GermanyProcess Engineer - Fine Automotive Yarns. Monterrey,MexicoProcess Engineer - Industrial Yarn.Monterrey,MexicoOnline Tutor Chemical Engineering + Chemsitry"
Price: 49.99

"Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering" |
"In this course we study the coreof Chemical Engineering: Unit Operations.What are Unit Operations?Typical Unit Operations in Chemical EngineeringPiping &FittingsPumping, Compressing and Fluid MeteringFluidisation BedsHeat Exchangers (Heat &Shell, Plates)CondensersEvaporators (Falling/Rising Film, Natural and Forced Convection)Reboilers(Kettle, Thermosyphon)Flashing &DistillationLiquid and Gas DispersionAbsorption and StrippingLiquid Liquid ExtractionDrying and HumidificationAdsorptionBatch ReactorsContinuous Stirred Tank ReactorsPlug Flow ReactorPacked Bed ReactorsProcess Flow Diagrams (PDF)Pipe &Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID)We cover from design, models and overall review of Unit Operations."
Price: 59.99

"Gas Absorption & Stripping in Chemical Engineering" |
"Introduction:Gas Absorption is one of the very first Mass TransferUnit Operations studied in early process engineering. It is very important in several Separation Processes, as it is used extensively in the Chemical industry.Understanding the concept behind Gas-Gas and Gas-Liquid mass transfer interaction will allow you to understand and model Absorbers, Strippers, Scrubbers, Washers, Bubblers, etc...We will cover:REVIEW:Of Mass Transfer Basics requiredGAS-LIQUID interaction in the molecular level, the two-film theoryABSORPTION TheoryApplication of Absorption in the IndustryCounter-current &Co-current OperationSeveral equipment to carry Gas-Liquid OperationsBubble, Spray, Packed and Tray Column equipmentsSolvent SelectionDesign &Operation of Packed TowersPressure drop due to packingsDesign &Operation of Tray ColumnsSingle Component AbsorptionSingle Component Stripping/DesorptionDiluted and Concentrated AbsorptionBasics:Multicomponent Absorption Software Simulation for Absorption/Stripping Operations (ASPENPLUS/HYSYS)Solved-ProblemApproach:All theory is backed with exercises, solved problems, and proposed problems for homework/individual study.At the end of the course:You will be able to understand mass transfer mechanism and processes behind Absorption and Stripping. You will be able to continue with a Distillation Theory and more Mass Transfer Unit Operation Course and/or Separation Processes Course.About your instructor:I majored inChemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering back in 2012.I worked as a Process Design/Operation Engineer in INEOSKoln, mostly on the petrochemical area relating to naphtha treating. There Idesigned and modeled several processes relating separation of isopentane/pentane mixtures, catalytic reactors and separation processes such as distillation columns, flash separation devices and transportation of tank-trucks of product."
Price: 24.99

"Binary Distillation for Process & Chemical Engineering" |
"Introduction:Binary Distillation is one of the most important Mass TransferOperations used extensively in the Chemical industry.Understanding the concept behind Gas-Gas, Liquid-Liquid and the Gas-Liquid mass transfer interaction will allow you to understand and model Distillation Columns, Flashes, Batch Distillator, Tray Columns and Packed column, etc...We will cover:REVIEW:Of Mass Transfer Basics (Equilibrium VLEDiagrams, Volatility, Raoult's Law, Azeotropes, etc..)Distillation TheoryApplication of Distillation in the IndustryCounter-Current Operation Several equipment to Carry Gas-Liquid OperationsBubble, Spray, Packed and Tray Column equipmentFlash Distillation& Flash Drums DesignDesign &Operation of Tray ColumnsNumber of Ideal Stages:McCabe Thiele Method &Ponchon Savarit MethodRecycleCondenser types:partial, totalPressure drop due to traysDesign &Operation of Packed Columns Pressure drop due to traysEfficiency of Stages &Murphree's EfficencyBatch Distillation, the Raleigh EquationSoftware Simulation for Absorption/Stripping Operations (ASPENPLUS/HYSYS)Solved-ProblemApproach:All theory is backed with exercises, solved problems, and proposed problems for homework/individual study.At the end of the course:You will be able to understand mass transfer mechanism and processes behind Binary Distillation in Flash, Continuous &Batch Processes. You will be able to continue with a Multi-Component Distillation, ReactiveDistillation and Azeotropic Distillation as well as more Mass Transfer Unit Operation Courses and/or Separation Processes Course.About your instructor:I majored inChemical Engineering with a minor in Industrial Engineering back in 2012.I worked as a Process Design/Operation Engineer in INEOSKoln, mostly on the petrochemical area relating to naphtha treating. There Idesigned and modeled several processes relating separation of isopentane/pentane mixtures, catalytic reactors and separation processes such as distillation columns, flash separation devices and transportation of tank-trucks of product."
Price: 24.99

"Petrochemicals - Complete Guide to Process & Industry" |
"The course is mainly about the petrochemical industry. Talks about several chemicals and their chemical routes in order to produce in mass scale the demands of the market.Learn about:Petorchemical IndustryDifference between Petroleum Refining vs. Petrochemical IndustryParaffins, Olefins, Napthenes & Aromatics Market insight (production, consumption, prices)Two main Petrochemical Processes:Naphtha Steam Cracking and Fluid Catalytic CrackingThe most important grouping in petrochemical productsPetrochemical physical &chemical properties. Chemical structure, naming, uses, production, etc.Basic Gases in the industry:Ammonia, Syngas, etc...C1 Cuts: Methane, Formaldehyde, Methanol, Formic Acid, Urea, Chloromethanes etc...C2 Cuts:Ethane, Acetylene, Ethylene, Ethylene Dichloride, Vinyl Chloride, Ethylene Oxide, Ethanolamines, Ethanol, Acetaldehyde, Acetic Acid, Ethylene Glycols (MEG, DEG, TEG)C3 Cuts: Propane, Propylene, Propylene Oxide, Isopropanol, Acetone, Acrylonitrile, Propediene, Allyl chloride, Acrylic acid, Propionic Acid, Propionaldehyde, Propylene GlycolC4 Cuts: Butanes, Butylenes, Butadiene, Butanols, MTBE(Methyl Tert Butyl Ethers)C5 cuts: Isoprene,Pentanes, Piperylene, Cyclopentadiene, Dicyclopentadiene, Isoamyl, etc...Aromatics:Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes (BTX), Cumene, Phenol, Ethyl Benzene, Styrene, Pthalic Anhydride, Nitrobenzene, Aniline, Benzoic Acid, Chlorobenzene, etc...At the end of the course you will feel confident in how the petrochemical industry is established. You will know the most common petrochemicals as well as their distribution, production and importance in daily life. It will help in your future process simulations by knowing the common and economical chemical pathways."
Price: 24.99

"BOOTCAMP - Aspen Plus with Case Studies" |
"This BOOTCAMPwill show you how to model and simulate common industrial Chemical Processes. It is focused on the ""BOOTCAMP""idea, in which you will learn via workshops and case studies, minimizing theory to maximize learning.You will learn about:Better Flowsheet manipulationand techniquesUnderstand Property Method Selection and its effects on simulation resultsMore than 15 Unit Operationsthat can be used in any IndustryModel Analysis Tools required for process designReporting Relevant Results Plot relevant dataAnalysis &Optimization of Chemical PlantsAt the end of this Bootcamp, you will be able to model more industrial processes, feel confident when modeling new proceses as well as applying what you have learnt to other industries."
Price: 24.99

"Low Cost Business Models" |
"What is the aim of this course?The success of many companies depends on figuring out a clever way to grow, earn or operate that will change drastically change the game, stack the cards in their favor. There are many interesting business hacks that give this result. In this lecture I will show you how one of such business tactics the low cost models has been successfully implemented in many businesses. This powerful tactic applied has already disrupted many industries like airlines, hotels, retail. One of the best known examples are IKEA, Southwest and Raynair The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and owner of small consulting company (the last 7 years). I have been also CEO, Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, and B2B in Poland so I know the implications of what I will be talking about inside-out. I have first hand experience with low cost airlines and low cost retail In this lecture apart from the case studies of companies that implemented low cost model I will show you the math behind the low cost model that fuels the whole business and makes it so successful. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of, tricks, hints, examples that will show you where you can go with your business. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. My intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How low cost model work? How you should build it in your industry? Where you have to look for improvements to be competitive? How to estimate your competitive advantage using data from your industry? You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. I will produce the necessary content and share it with you How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 3 sections and I will be adding new sections to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. I begin with little intro into the course as well as into the low cost model Examples of Low Cost Models. Here I show examples of low cost models from different industries. You will also find also links to a lot of additional materials that should help you in building your business. Math behind the low cost model. In this section I will show you want drives the economics of low cost model. I will show you using the airlines examples how low cost carrier differ in comparison with regular players We will be adding new sections in the coming months and expanding existing ones You will be also have access to many additional resources Links to interviews and presentation with more detailed data Data showing the impact of some of the hacks on the business Links to books worth reading So enjoy the course and if you have any questions let me know At the end of my course, students will be able to Understand the low cost modelYou will know when and where you can apply itYou will be to estimate the impact of applying the low cost model to chosen industry Who should take this course? Who should not? EntrepreneursBusiness analystsConsultantsStartups founders What will students need to know or do before starting this course? Basic knowledge of economicsSome common sense and logic"
Price: 99.99

"Management Consulting Project Behind the Scenes" |
"What is the aim of this course?People by nature are extremely curious. We want to see what others are doing, how they are achieving planned goals, what makes them successful. If you want to work as a Business Analyst or Management Consultant you may wonder how consulting projects are done? What is the secret sauce that they are using? I will give you the unique opportunity to look behind the scenes of a consulting project that I have done for one of my customers. You will see how I managed to outwit 2 of my competitors and how I delivered value to my customers. I will show you every step in details and provide you with the tools and knowledge you would need to do such a project. You will also see how I managed to build part of my business, using to full extent the results of the project. This course is based on real life example. Data are altered to some extent to hide the clients identity. In this course I will show you how to win and deliver consulting project fast and efficiently. The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and owner of small consulting company (the last 7 years). I have been also CEO, Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, and B2B in Poland so I know the subject from all sides including the customer of consulting firms. I do not like to overcomplicate things so in every lecture I will be quite straightforward. Most lectures will have also a lot of additional resources: calculation in excels, procedures, list of tools. The idea is to give you everything you need to replicate such a project on your own in your company or for your customer (if you are a consultant). If you dont find something that you need let me know - I will try to prepare something and I will add it to the course Why I decided to create this course? For our teams we have created courses that help us improve the consultant on-boarding and the teaching process. We have started to use them extensively also with customers that we work with and their teams. Since we made them available to a wider public we got many request, especially on Quora to show how to win and conduct consulting project. Finally, we gave in and decided to prepare such a course that would show all important aspect of winning and conducting consulting project. This course is based on our extensive experience in working and running consulting companies. The project I will be showing was done by my company with great success and you will learn a lot from this, especially how to optimize process in retail. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of, tricks, hints, examples that will significantly help you to conduct such a consulting project on your own or to improve your operations, using the same methods and hacks. There is little theory mainly examples, data and facts from our project. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to win a consulting project? How to talk with the customer during negotiations? How to prepare for a consulting project? What could be your competitive advantage? How to make you customer happy and get new projects from him? What can be done to boost your profits as a consultant? You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. I will produce the necessary content and How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 5 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course and consulting Getting the project. I show you how I got the consulting project. The project was around performance improving of process in the store. It was done for DIY (home improvement) retail chain in Easter Europe Preparation for the project. Preparation is of utmost importance in every consulting project. In the third section I will show you how to prepare for such a project in advance and using your customer help to large extent. Project Execution. Next section will show you in details what I did with the team during the project and what where the results of the projects. Follow-up and End of the project. In the last section you will see what the outcome of the project was, both for my customer as well as for me. You will be able also to download many additional resources Calculations in Excel, Files supporting the project in Word, Power Point Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading So enjoy the course and if you have any questions let me know At the end of my course, students will be able to Conduct similar consulting project with a small teamOptimize processesImprove results in retailImprove customer experience in retailHow to talk with your customer to sell a consulting project Who should take this course? Who should not? Business AnalystsManagement ConsultantsRetailersEntrepreneurs What will students need to know or do before starting this course? Basic knowledge of economicsSome common sense and logic"
Price: 89.99

"Management Consulting Cases for Job Interview" |
"Course summary What is the aim of this course? Getting into consulting is one of the most difficult tasks. Its not only very selective but also quite tough and long recruitment process. You will have at least 5 job interviews, spend on average 2-3 months in recruiting process and your chances of succeeding will be around 5-10%. I will help you significantly boost the odds in your favor. This course will help you prepare for the cases that you will be asked to solve during the job interviews with consultants. I will improve your knowledge and skills in analysis through a series of practical cases. It is based on my 11 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. I have participated in over 200 recruitments and the materials in this course will encompass all the tricks that you should use during the interview. On the basis of what you will find in this course and I have trained over 100 business analysts who now are Investment Directors, Senior Analyst, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 51 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Deloitte, Dell, Adidas, Naspers, Walgreens and many others.I teach through cases so most of the lectures will be case studies showing some business problems that you have to solve during the interview. Those cases are based on real life examples. For every case study that I described in this course you will find extensive answer showing you how you should approach the problem. To every lecture you will also find attached additional resources. Thanks to this, as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made materials that will help you not only during the recruitment process but also in your first year as a business analyst / junior consultant. Why I decided to create this course? During the interviews that I have taken part in I have noticed that even smart students dont know how to approach some things in a structured and coherent manner. Sometimes they overcomplicate things. On other occasions they give up on answering without even trying. I have tested on my people that most of the things that you have to do during interviews organized by consulting companies can be mastered and they will benefit you not only during recruitment process but also in your work life no matter what you do. Learn from this course and apply it also in real life. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of cases, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you go through the cases during the interview. You will learn also how to give better, more structured, well-thought answers. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. My intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to approach any type of cases that you may come across in the job interview? How to apply the most useful concepts and methods used later by consultants in their work? How to be efficient during the interview? How the consultant minds works? You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 8 sections and I will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on the role of a consultant, business analyst what skills, education, knowledge is required from you and what are the available career paths for you Recruitment. In the second section we briefly go through how the recruitment process looks like, what are your chances of success and what you should pay attention to. I will also show you alternative ways to get into consulting (apart from regular recruitment process) Useful techniques. In the next section I will introduce you to techniques you should master to have higher chances of being successful during the interviews. You will learn what are: bottom-up approach, top-down approach, backward reasoning, cost drivers, compound effect, opportunity tree, lean manufacturing, bottlenecks, OEE Market size estimation. In section 4 we will start with cases. Here you will learn everything around estimating the market. I will use cases of: the TV set market, the ceramic tiles market and kids ware market Sales and marketing cases. In section 5 I will show you want kind of cases relating to marketing and sales you may get during the interview. There will be examples from FMCG, retailers and service companies. Strategy cases. In the next section I will discuss strategy related cases that you may be asked to solve. I will show you how to determine the driving factors in the performance of cinemas as well as marketplaces. You will also have to guess the business model of IKEA and come up with a business model for self-driving, autonomous car. Math / Logical quizzes. Next types of cases that you will be getting during interviews are logical, math quizzes requiring some basic math knowledge and logical thinking. I will show you in this section some examples of such cases Operations cases. During the interview you may come across consultants that specialize in operations. In this section I will show you some examples of such cases. We will be adding new lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with some of the analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to Understand the main challenges in analyzing different aspects in sales, marketing and operations that you may come across during your job interviewsSolve most of the cases that you will come across during the interviewPerform the simplified analyses in a very effective mannerWho should take this course? Who should not? People trying to get a job in consultingStudents of Business SchoolsResearchersBusiness Analysts What will students need to know or do before starting this course? Basic knowledge of economics or finance "
Price: 99.99

"Management Consulting Presentations" |
"What is the aim of this course? In management consulting you are delivering your advices, observation and analyses using presentations. On some projects you may be producing as much as 200-300 slides. Slide preparation is very time-consuming and you have to make sure that you structure you work properly to deliver according to promised deadlines. In this course you will learn how to prepare a great presentation for your customer that will help you deliver your thoughts in a coherent manner and win him over. I will teach you how to prepare the the presentation in the right order so you do not waste your time. You will also learn what type of slides you can consider and when you should use a specific type of slide. This course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. I have not only delivered presentations on numerous projects myself but I was also receiving presentations from consulting companies such as PwC, BCG, McKinsey, EY, Accenture, OCC as a Board Member in many companies. I have seen the process of preparing and delivering presentations form all angles. On the basis of what you will find in this course and I have trained over 100 business analysts and consultants who now are Investment Directors, Senior Analyst, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. I teach through cases, using 80/20 rule so most of the lectures will be case studies showing examples of how to put something on a slide. Those slides are based on real life examples. You will also learn the order in which you should do things in order to deliver nice, coherent, understood by your customer presentations within the deadlines. To every lecture you will also find attached additional resources. Thanks to this, as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made materials that will help you in your first year as a business analyst / junior consultant. Why I decided to create this course? Presentations are not something people learn in school or even universities. For most people it is difficult to read presentations and to express themselves using slides. Many people, experience also in the beginning problems in proper structuring of the whole presentation. They cannot make it understandable for the customer and quite often the presentation lacks the flow. The biggest problem in consulting is that the presentation is determining the analyses that you have to make. If your presentation draft is not well structured and though-through you will not be efficient with interviews, data gathering and analyses. Therefore, I found it critical to teach all my co-workers and employees how to express themselves. In this way I made their work (not only related to presentation) much more efficient and also my life much easier :) . Learn from this course and apply it also in your work In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of cases, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you work. You will learn how to prepare a great presentation both for internal as well as external purposes. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. My intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to structure the subject that the presentation is addressing? In what order you should approach the preparation of the presentation? How to prepare the sketch and the template of the presentation? What type of slides and when you can use? You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 7 sections and I will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on the role of presentation in consulting and when you actually prepare presentations Creating the template. In the second section how to go from general idea (i.e. from an issue tree) to a sketch and how to transform the sketch into a template Filling in the slides. In the next section I will talk about general rules concerning the filling-in the slides, the flow that you achieve and how different is the template vs the end-product Delivery of the presentation. In section 4 we will talk briefly about the delivery of the presentation: how to do it and how different is the written presentation from the presentation that can be delivered to audience. Types of charts you can use. In section 5 I will go through many types of slides and will show you what you can use for a specific purpose Example of presentations. In the next section I show examples of real presentations and will discuss what I have structured them in such a way. We will be adding new lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Templates of slides Example of presentation show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to Create a great presentation in the style of top consulting firmsUnderstand the main challenges in preparing the management consulting presentationExpress yourself with slidesRead presentationCreate the flow in the story told via presentationWho should take this course? Who should not? Management ConsultantsStudents of Business SchoolsResearchersBusiness Analysts"
Price: 89.99
