"Production for Management Consultants and Business Analysts" |
"Course summary What is the aim of this course? This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in optimizing production and operations of any company through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize production on a daily bases. In the course you will learn 3 things: How to understand any production or operational activities How to optimize the production and operations in order to get more things done, cheaper at higher quality with less resources Where to look for savings and improvements, how to calculate potential savings in Excel and implement them The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to optimize the whole production and operational side of the businesses I was responsible for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Production Directors, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main techniques used in optimizing and running production. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the Lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course?Most consultants and business analysts are terrible at organizing operational issues. They treat the operations, especially production, as a black-box and try to avoid it at any cost. Technical things overwhelm them and they shy away from them. This approach is not the right one as you find elements that resemble production everywhere. In hospitals most procedures performed are very similar to production issues. The same goes for running a call center, a chain of restaurants, a logistic company or a firm delivering specialized services. Everywhere you have operations that you can optimize by using techniques that I will show in this course. Production influence heavily other areas especially sales and marketing. Therefore, it is a good idea to have at least a general knowledge in production. The funny things is that to be good at production you do not even have to be technical at all. I have not finished any technical school and I am pretty good in finding significant improvements in production. One of the best Production Directors I know has finished Pedagogical Studies.To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques related to optimizing production. That is why I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as production directors. In what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze production. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to understand production How to optimize it Where to look for savings and improvement in production How to calculate the impact of proposed changes in Excel You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 6 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Basic methods of improving production. In the second section I will discuss the basic techniques that you can use to optimize your business. Here you will find the potential low hanging fruits Continuous Flow. The ideal in production is the so called continuous flow -every go smoothly and fast. Products are being produced fast and cheap. In this section I will tell you how to achieve it. Advanced methods of improving production. In section 4 I will continuous with more advanced way in which you can improve your production such as: SMED, TPM, Automation, Critical Chain Capacity management. Apart from optimizing the production you have to think strategically and know when you have to add new capacity / factory. In this section I will show you how you can do that Investment Anlaysis. In this section I will show you how ot analyze whether an investment makes sense or not. We will have a look at different case studies. We will analyze replacement investments, investments required by customers, cost reducing investments and investments in bottlenecksProduction planning. Production planning is the brain of production. If you get this wrong the other things wont matter. In this section I will show you some ways in which you can analyze and improve production planning I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to Analyze production processImprove production process make it faster, cheaper and at higher qualityCalculate in Excel the potential impact of proposed changesApply improvement techniques to other fields and industriesWho should take this course? Who should not? ConsultantsProduction DirectorsBusiness analystsSmall and medium business ownersStartups foundersControllersWhat will students need to know or do before starting this course? Basic or intermediate ExcelBasic knowledge of economics or finance"
Price: 94.99

"Growth hacks for entrepreneurs" |
"What is the aim of this course?The success of many companies depends on figuring out a clever way to grow, earn or operate that will change drastically change the game, stack the cards in their favor. One of the ways to learn those hacks, tactics and tricks is by trial and error. The other, more efficient one boils down to observing the successes and failures of other companies and applying the learning in your business and industry. I will show you plenty examples of how other did it so you can save time and money on hurting yourself and your businessIn this course I willshow the most useful growth hacks, tactics and tricksthat have been used by well-known companies as well others, not that famous but very innovative.The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and owner of small consulting company (the last 7 years). I have been also CEO, Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, and B2B in Poland so I know the implications of what I will be talking about inside-out.As a preparation, we have gone through 200 case studies of companies some of them well known, others less popular yet very interesting from tactics and strategy point of view. I tried to get the best most useful things and grouped them into section for easier consumption. In this course you will definitely find inspiration how to crush it with your own business.I do not like to over-complicate things, so in every lecture I will be quite straightforward. Most lectures will have also a lot of additional resources: links to important lectures, detailed data, examples. Every lecture is a separate example of how to use a specific tactic / hack in real life. I will show how specific company has used this hack in practice. The idea is to have everything that you need for creative thinking in one place. If you dont find something that you need let me know - I will try to prepare something and I will added to the courseWhy I decided to create this course?For our teams we have created courses that help you understand and analyze business. We have started to use them extensively also with customers that we work with and their teams. Since we made them available to a wider public we got many request, especially on Quora to share more examples of applications, case studies. We try to minimize repetitive work so we decided to make this course in order to cut down on the questions we are getting.This course is based on our extensive experience in supporting and running different businesses.In what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of, tricks, hints, examples that will show we where you can go with your business. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know:How business hacks, tactics and tricks you can try in your business?How to estimate the potential of such hacks and tactics on your business?How to build a coherent strategy and set of tactics?Why some companies are successful in their industry?You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly.I will produce the necessary content andHow the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 5 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction.We begin with little intro into the course and consultingBehavioral contracts - motivate desired behavior.In the second section I will show you how you can motivate others to do what you want them to do. By building proper referral program, loyalty scheme or customer on-boarding you can change totally your businessLow Cost Model.In the third section I will discuss the details of low cost model and when it makes sense. I will also show you execution of this model in airlines and retail.Non-standard advertising space.Next section will show you how, in innovative way, you can promote your business without spending much on advertisingStand on the shoulder of a giant - how to use 3rd party platforms.In fifth section you will learn how to leverage 3-rd party platforms to get fast and cheap access to crucial resources (i.e. market)Remove barriers.You can grow your customer base or increase retention of current ones by removing barriers between you and the customer. I will show you on examples how you can remove those barriersCreate barrier of entry.One of the most important things is to create barriers between your customer and potential competitors. I will show you with examples how to do that.Community.We have a separate section on community and its role for business. In many business models (esp. on-line business) customer come for the product but they stay for the community.Innovative selling.In this section we will talk about how you can change your business by changing the model in which you claim the money from the customer. The choice of revenue streams also defines the selling modelStart from a niche. Most businesses that are successful start in a small niche where they can in peace work on product-market fit and on their business models. I will show you examples of very successful companies that have applied this hack in practiceStrategic Partner.By getting a strategic partner you may change your odds of success. I will discuss here what are the pros and cons of strategic partners deals. We will show some known examples and their implications.Create much higher standard.10x the standard can help you build a drastically growing businessNew revenue streams.At some point it makes a lot of sense to create new revenue streams on top of what you already have. I will discuss how other have achieved thisDo things that do not scale.As a startup at the beginning you will be forced to do things that dont scale. I will discuss here the implication of this strategyCreate sales first.You dont have to rush into production. Sometimes it makes much more sense to start with simply creating the sales / distribution machine and only after that jumping into producing /sourcing the product / service that you want to offer.OthersWe will be adding new sections in the coming months and expanding existing onesYou will be also have access to many additional resourcesLinks to interviews and presentation with more detailed dataData showing the impact of some of the hacks on the businessLinks to books worth readingSo enjoy the course and if you have any questions let me know"
Price: 89.99

"Retail for Business Analysts and Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course? Retail has become very competitive. We have the rise of e-commerce and multichannel, buyers behavior change drastically. This leads to lower margins. As a Business Analyst or Management Consultant you have to be able to analyze the Retailer you work for fast and find possible improvements. This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in optimizing Retail business through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize Retail business on a daily bases. In the course you will learn 6 things: How to analyze Retailer and find low hanging fruits How to build business model of the Retailer in Excel in order to see the big picture and see how specific KPIs impact the profit How to optimize Retailers operations How to behave in a multichannel surrounding (when you have also e-commerce operations) How to expand your business into new categories and markets How to analyze in-store engagements There will be also many growth hacks that Retailers use. The course is based on my 14 years of experience in Retail as well as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. I worked for retailers in home improvements, pharmaceuticals, vending, kids-products, convenience stores, electronics, wood products and many more so what you will see in this course are observation drawn from many industries. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are CEO, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members, Customer Insight Managers, Data Science Managers etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy have already been taken by more than 45 000 students. The course you will take has been taken also by people from EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Dell, Walgreens and many more as a part of Udemy for Business.I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main techniques used in optimizing and running retail. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? Retail has become quite complex and there is a shortage of business analysts and consultants that have a good understanding about how to approach retail. There is a lack of knowledge how to get a broader view of the retail business and at the same time to be able to go deep into details. Even people working for years in retail have problems with seeing the whole picture and being able to find potential savings. Therefore, I have decided to create a course that will bridge this gap. This course will transform you into retail expert in a relatively short time and help you see all the elements of the business. The approach you will see in this course was tested on humans and I have seen tremendous positive results. Thanks to this course youu will become a priceless member of any team that is doing strategic and operational improvements projects in retail. It will help you land a job not only with retailers but also consulting firms, private equities investing in retail. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in retail you should master techniques shown in this course. That is why I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to retail managers, analysts already working in retail or in PE. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze production. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to analyze Retailer and find low hanging fruits How to build business model of the Retailer in Excel in order to see the big picture and see how specific KPIs impact the profit How to optimize Retailers operations How to behave in a multichannel surrounding (when you have also e-commerce operations) How to expand your business into new categories and markets How to analyze in-store engagements You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 6 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on retail Basic analyzes that you should perform. In the second section I will discuss the basic type of analyzes that you can use to better understand the business that you work for. Here you will find the potential low hanging fruits Retail Business Model. As a business analyst or consultant you may be asked to model the whole business in Excel. I will show you in this section how to do it and you will get ready made models. I will also show you how to model e-commerce Optimization of in-store processes case study. In section 4 I show you how to optimize processes in the store. I will use here real case of a company from home improvement / DIY sector. You will get also the model we used to calculate costs Business Hacks used by Retailers. It is always good to look at what others are doing. Here I will show you some hacks used by other retailers Expansion. At some point you will start considering expansion. I will show you in this section how you can expand your retail business and how to decide what to do Multichannel. As the e-commerce has been significant distribution channel traditional retailers were forced to transform into multichannel players (operating both in traditional stores, offline word as well as online business) Here I will show you the main challenges and how to tackle them In-store engagement and productivity analysis. If you have data on the customer behavior in the store you can get nice insight and craft a better strategy to grow your business. Here I will show you example of such analyses that we did with Retailnext a system to collect data on the customer behavior in the store I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources:Excels with analyses shown in the coursePresentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading"
Price: 89.99

"Offline Business Models in Excel - Practical Guide" |
"What is the aim of this course?This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in creating business models in Excel for traditional offline business such as: Retail, B2C services and products, B2B services and products. It is designed for those who want to become consultants, business analysts and people who need to be able to analyze any business in Excel. In the course you will learn 4 things: What your business model is about, what to concentrate on and what are the most important KPIs for you? How to translate your business model into Excel and evaluate it? How to draw conclusions using your business model in Excel? Estimate what will be the impact of specific changes that you may consider in your business The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to build business models in in Excel in order to estimate what is the value of the business and find ways in which I can improve it. Business models are also useful for internal purposes: planning, looking for opportunities, analyzing performance, business development. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Investment Directors, CEO, COO, Partners in PE, Operational Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing how to present the business model in Excel. To every lecture showing a business model in Excel you will find attached(in additional resources) the Excels shown in the Lecture, so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made business models that you can, with certain modification, apply in your work. The examples we will be showing here are heavily used in management consulting as well as PE, VCand strategic departments.Why I decided to create this course? Most consultants and business analysts struggle with building the business models in Excel as it requires a mixture of knowledge about the business, some fluency in simplification and presentation in Excel the logic behind the business. By training modeling your business in Excel you gain in-depth knowledge about your business and you can spot faster the links between seemingly unrelated issues. This course is designed to fill in the gaps and turn you into expert in business modeling. I strongly recommend this course to people who want to be in charge of the business as it will empower you to move your business forward. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques related to modeling the business in Excel. That is why I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as investment directors. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you analyze and create business models in Excel. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to build the model in Excel for your business How to identify important issues for your business and how to reflect them in Excel How to find ways in which you can significantly increase value of the business How to calculate the impact of proposed changes in Excel You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 6 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Retail. In the second section I will discuss the business model of Retailers. I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in Retail, examples of companies. Since more and more Retailers operate also on-line I will also show you the details of e-commerce business model. I will show you how to model traditional retail as well as e-commerce in Excel B2C Services. In this section I will discuss the business model of B2C services i.e. hairdresser, restaurant chains, plumber, electricians etc. I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in B2C service, examples of companies. We will go into more details when it comes to restaurant chain and I will show you how to model it in Excel. B2B Services. Next we will move on to business model of B2B services. They behave a little bit differently than the B2C service. I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in B2C service, examples of companies. At the end I will show you how to model consulting business in Excel. FMCG. In this section we will move to products. The first one to be discussed are FMCG products. I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in B2C service, examples of companies. As an example I will show you how to model in Excel Cosmetics business. Commodity. On the other scale are products for which the brand is not that important and that are simply selling well known, not differentiated product. . I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in B2C service, examples of companies. As an example I will show you how to model in Excel production of plywood I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Models in Excel show in lectures Links to books worth reading Presentations of different business models Links to additional presentations and movies At the end of my course, students will be able to Pick the right business model for their business ideaYou will understand what is important in your businessYou will know what KPI you should look at and what are the benchmarksYou will be able to write down your business model in the form of an Excel model and to draw conclusion out of itWho should take this course? Who should not? ManagementConsultantsBusiness analystsInvestment DirectorsSmall and medium business ownersStartups foundersControllersWhat will students need to know or do before starting this course? Basic or intermediate ExcelBasic knowledge of economics or finance"
Price: 89.99

"Essential Lean Manufacturing for Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course? This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in optimizing production, and operations of any company through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize production on a daily bases. In the course you will learn 3 things: How to understand any production or operational activities How to optimize the production and operations in order to get more things done, cheaper at higher quality with less resources using elements from lean manufacturing, theory constraints Where to look for savings and improvements, how to calculate potential savings in Excel and implement them I will concentrate here on lean manufacturing techniques as well as things related to theory of constraints (removing bottlenecks and critical chain). The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to optimize the whole production and operational side of the businesses I was responsible for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Production Directors, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy have already been taken by more than 45 000 students. The course you will take has been taken also by people from EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Dell, Walgreens and many more as a part of Udemy for Business. I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main techniques used in optimizing and running production. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the Lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? Most consultants and business analysts are terrible at organizing operational issues. They treat the operations, especially production, as a black-box and try to avoid it at any cost. Technical things overwhelm them and they shy away from them. This approach is not the right one as you find elements that resemble production everywhere. In hospitals most procedures performed are very similar to production issues. The same goes for running a call center, a chain of restaurants, a logistic company or a firm delivering specialized services. Everywhere you have operations that you can optimize by using techniques that I will show in this course. Production influence heavily other areas especially sales and marketing. Therefore, it is a good idea to have at least a general knowledge in production. The funny things is that to be good at production you do not even have to be technical at all. I have not finished any technical school and I am pretty good in finding significant improvements in production. One of the best Production Directors I know has finished Pedagogical Studies. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques related to optimizing production. That is why I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as production directors. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze production. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to understand production How to optimize it Where to look for savings and improvement in production How to calculate the impact of proposed changes in Excel You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 6 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Basic methods of improving production. In the second section I will discuss the basic techniques that you can use to optimize your business. Here you will find the potential low hanging fruits. Here I will show you basic lean manufacturing methods as well as elements of theory of constraints. You will also see how to calculate potential savings in Excel Continuous Flow. The ideal in production is the so called continuous flow -every go smoothly and fast. Products are being produced fast and cheap. In this section I will tell you how to achieve it. This is one of the pivotal element of lean manufacturing Advanced methods of improving production. In section 4 I will continuous with more advanced way in which you can improve your production such as: SMED, TPM, Automation, Critical Chain Capacity management. Apart from optimizing the production you have to think strategically and know when you have to add new capacity / factory. In this section I will show you how you can do that Production planning. Production planning is the brain of production. If you get this wrong the other things wont matter. In this section I will show you some ways in which you can analyze and improve production planning I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading"
Price: 89.99

"Practical Project Management for Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course? Managing Consulting Projects is extremely difficult. You work in a hostile environment, long hours on difficult things. On top of that the bill for your services for the customer is pretty high so he will want to squeeze out of you as much as possible. At the same time his people may dislike you as you are an outsider that in their point of view pretends to know better. Therefore, many Project Managers fail on deadlines or cannot deliver value for the customer. Luckily there is a way to do a consulting project on time, get your customer and his people happy with the result as well as get well paid for your work. This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in managing consulting project. It is designed for project managers, especially those working in consulting. After finishing the course you will know: How to prepare for the project to make your customer and your team happy as well to finish the project much earlier than your competitors How to create value for your customer How to deliver the project within the budget and way ahead of deadlines How to execute the project without having to work 7 days a week 15 hours a day How to overdeliver and get buy-in from your customer How to build strong foundation for future projects What tools to use How to be efficient as a team The course is based on my 12 years of experience as a Project Manager in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvements and turn-arounds in biggest companies in Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B sectors that I worked for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are CEO, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members, Customer Insight Managers, Data Science Managers etc. We use this methodology also in my own boutique consulting practice. I was not only delivering consulting service but also buying them from consulting companies such as PwC, McKinsey, BCG, OC&C. Therefore, what you will see in this course takes also into account the perspective of the customer who is buying the service. On top of that my courses on Udemy have already been taken by more than 45 000 students. The course you will take has been taken also by people from EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Dell, Walgreens and many more as a part of Udemy for Business. The course is very practical so the theory is limited to almost zero. I will use examples from real management consulting projects. I concentrate on practical tips that you should implement on your next projects. There will be also examples of tools, templates and end-products that we use in our practice. To many lectures you will find attached (in additional resources) the tools and examples I am showing in the lecture, so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made tools that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? As I said, I not only managed and delivered consulting projects, but I was also on the receiving end. What always surprises me is that despite all the knowledge there is on managing projects, consultants time and again fail miserably and deliver something the customer doesnt want or need, usually after the deadlines. At the same time I could not help noticing that I on the other hand were done with my work way ahead of time. Therefore, I decided to describe my approach so it can be used by others that face the same challenges. Thanks to this course you will become a priceless member of your company and you will outperform other project managers. It will help you land a job not only with consulting firms but also private equities and businesses that need somebody to supervise projects (i.e. Project Management Officer). To sum it up, I believe that if you want to be a top project manager you should implement my approach towards consulting projects. That is why, I highly recommend this course not only to project managers or consultants that have to manage projects but also managers and directors working in business. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of tips, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you conduct the project. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to train your team and turn it into an effective machine How to prepare the project in order to deliver value to the customer within the budget and deadlines How to execute the project to make your customer and your team happy How to finish the project and at the same time build the foundations for new cooperation You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 6 sections and I will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on projects. Teaching Phase. In the second section I will explain the importance of teaching and how to implement it in your team or company. If you want to do fast, efficiently good projects you have to have the right kind of people. You can say that preparation for the consulting project starts with proper teaching. In this section I will discuss how through teaching get good business analysts. Preparation Phase. Most consulting project are done in a bad manner. A lot of things that should be done ahead of time are done during the project and this slows you down drastically and causes later on a lot of problems. If you prepare properly you can shorten the execution time, create more value and earn more. In this section I will show you how to prepare and what kind of tools to use. Execution Phase - Technical Tips. In section 4 I will show you some technical tips you should follow to make sure that you deliver value to the customers within the deadlines Execution Phase Tips regarding the relationships with the customer. It this section we continue with the tips on how to execute the project. This time around it will be more devoted to soft tips: how to treat people on the project to get great results. Wrapping up the project. The way you finish the project is of outmost importance. In this section I will show you how to finish the project to maximize the happiness of the customer with the results of the projects as well as to create opportunities for new projects. I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Additional tools show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to Manage Consulting Project with your eyes closedFinish the project ahead of time and below the agreed budgetCreate value for the customer that will help you sell new projectsCreate finished products that can be reused on other projectsPrepare yourself efficiently for the projectCreate a dream teamBecome real efficient manager, working on totally different level"
Price: 189.99

"Essential Presentations for Business Analysts and Consultant" |
"What is the aim of this course?As a business analyst or management consultantyou are delivering your advises, observation and analyses using presentations. On some projects you may be producing as much as 200-300 slides. Slide preparation is very time-consuming and you have to make sure that you structure you work properly to deliver according to promised deadlines. In this course you will learn how to prepare a great presentation for your customer that will help you deliver your thoughts in a coherent manner and win him over. I will teach you how to prepare the the presentation in the right order so you do not waste your time. You will also learn what type of slides you can consider and when you should use a specific type of slide. You will also find in the course examples of presentations from management consulting along with useful templates you can use for your own goals.This course is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. I have not only delivered presentations on numerous projects myself but I was also receiving presentations from consulting companies such as PwC, BCG, McKinsey, EY, Accenture, OCC as a Board Member in many companies. I have seen the process of preparing and delivering presentations form all angles. On the basis of what you will find in this course and I have trained over 100 business analysts and consultants who now are Investment Directors, Senior Analyst, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc.I teach through cases, using 80/20 rule so most of the lectures will be case studies showing examples of how to put something on a slide. Those slides are based on real life examples. You will also learn the order in which you should do things in order to deliver nice, coherent, understood by your customer presentations within the deadlines. To every lecture you will also find attached additional resources. Thanks to this, as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made materials that will help you in your first year as a business analyst / junior consultant.Why I decided to create this course?Presentations are not something people learn in school or even universities. For most people it is difficult to read presentations and to express themselves using slides. Many people, experience also in the beginning problems in proper structuring of the whole presentation. They cannot make it understandable for the customer and quite often the presentation lacks the flow. The biggest problem in consulting is that the presentation is determining the analyses that you have to make. If your presentation draft is not well structured and though-through you will not be efficient with interviews, data gathering and analyses. Therefore, I found it critical to teach all my co-workers and employees how to express themselves. In this way I made their work (not only related to presentation) much more efficient and also my life much easier :) . Learn from this course and apply it also in your workIn what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of cases, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you work. You will learn how to prepare a great presentation both for internal as well as external purposes. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. My intention is that thanks to the course you will know:How to structure the subject that the presentation is addressing?In what order you should approach the preparation of the presentation?How to prepare the sketch and the template of the presentation?What type of slides and when you can use?You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly.How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 7 sections and I will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction.We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on the role of presentation in consulting and when you actually prepare presentationsCreating the template.In the second section how to go from general idea (i.e. from an issue tree) to a sketch and how to transform the sketch into a templateFilling in the slides. In the next section I will talk about general rules concerning the filling-in the slides, the flow that you achieve and how different is the template vs the end-productDelivery of the presentation.In section 4 we will talk briefly about the delivery of the presentation: how to do it and how different is the written presentation from the presentation that can be delivered to audience.Types of charts you can use. In section 5 I will go through many types of slides and will show you what you can use for a specific purposeExample of presentations.In the next section I show examples of real presentations and will discuss what I have structured them in such a way.We will be adding new lectures in the coming monthsYou will be able also to download many additional resourcesTemplates of slidesExample of presentation show in the courseLinks to additional presentations and moviesLinks to books worth readingAt the end of my course, students will be able toCreate a great presentation in the style of top consulting firmsUnderstand the main challenges in preparing the management consulting presentationExpress yourself with slidesRead presentationCreate the flow in the story told via presentationWho should take this course? Who should not?Management ConsultantsStudents of Business SchoolsResearchersBusiness Analysts"
Price: 89.99

"Business Analysis Fundamentals for Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course?This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in business analysis through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become business analyst and management consultants, work in management consulting or do a lot of business analyses at their work. It is based on my 14years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 business analysts and management consultants who now are Investment Directors, Senior Analyst, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc.On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 28 000 students.I teach through cases so most of the lectures will be a case study showing some business problem solved in Excel. I will also show you main techniques used by Management Consultants to properly structure the business analysis. To most lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excel shown in the Lecture, so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? The companies I have worked with so far as a Board Member (I am usually, Chief Restructuring Officer VP responsible for Strategy and Development) still have huge problem with proper analyzing intermediate and advance issues they are usually preoccupied by current activities and have close to no time for analysis and strategic decision. Moreover, they do not know how to approach many subjects from the analytical point of view to make sure that they are taking the right decision. Therefore, quite often they hire consultants who in turn lack the practical knowledge and experience. This course is my small contribution to improving both consulting as well operational and strategic analyses in FMC, SMCG, B2B companies including also on-line models like e-commerce, SaaS, marketplaces. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you do the analyses as well as the quality of the conclusions coming out of available in your company data. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to structure business analysis so you get the right results fast? How to analyze different aspect of sales, marketing, operations? How to draw conclusions from those analyses both for current operations as well ase strategic ones? How to be efficient in your work as a business analyst or management consultant? How to build Excels and Power Points so that it is understandable for you and your team, even after some time? You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 5 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on the role of business analyst what skills, education, knowledge is required from you and what are the available career paths for you How to create a top-notch business analysis in 8 steps. In this section I will show you how to structure a business analysis so you get the results you want fast. Ceramic tiles market estimation - example of business analysis. In section 3 I will again show slowly 1 example of a business analysis from beginning till the end Improving the results of a cinema - example of business analysis - example of business analysis. In section 3 I will again show slowly 1 example of a business analysis from beginning till the end Tools. In the second section we briefly go through main tools and concepts for business analysts. We devote some time to the most popular ones: Excel an Power Point Sales & Marketing. Analyzing the market, sales activities and efficiency, potential for expansion are one of the most typical tasks set for business analyst. Here I provide you with plenty of practical real-life examples of problems and solutions Business modelling - example of analyses. On some occasion you analyze the whole business to see what is the logic behind. Here we show how to do for some of the business models Operations. Quite often the business performance depends on Operational Excellence. In this section we will show you examples of analysis form logistics, production, production planning, and other supply chain issues. Cases for training analytical skills - Market Estimation. This section will help you train your analytical skills using the market estimation cases Cases for training analytical skills - Sales and Marketing. This section will help you train your analytical skills using the sales and marketing cases Cases for training analytical skills - Strategy. This section will help you train your analytical skills using strategic cases Cases for training analytical skills - Operations. This section will help you train your analytical skills using operational cases We will be adding new sections in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading"
Price: 189.99

"Supply Chain for Management Consultants & Business Analysts" |
"What is the aim of this course?This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in optimizing supply chain of any company through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize supply chai on daily bases. In the course you will learn 3 things: How to understand supply chain activities How to optimize supply chain in order to get more things done, cheaper at higher quality with less resources Where to look for savings and improvements, how to calculate potential savings in Excel and implement them The course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to optimize the whole supply chain side of the businesses I was responsible for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Supply Chain Directors, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc.On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 28 000 students.I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main components of supply chain as well as some suggestion where you should look for improvements and savings. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? Most consultants and business analysts are terrible at organizing operational issues. They treat the operations, especially the supply chain, as a black-box and try to avoid it at any cost. Technical things overwhelm them and they shy away from them. This approach is not the right one as you find elements of supply chain in every business. To make matters worse supply chain efficiency and performance has huge impact on the ability of any business to compete and grow. Everywhere you have some supply chain that you can optimize by using techniques that I will show in this course. Supply chain influence heavily other areas especially sales and marketing as well as production. Therefore, it is a good idea to have at least a general knowledge in supply chain. The funny things is that to be good at supply chain you do not even have to be technical at all. I have not finished any technical school and I am pretty good in finding significant improvements in supply chain. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques related to optimizing supply chain. That is why I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as supply chain managers and directors. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze supply chain. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to understand supply chain How to optimize it Where to look for savings and improvements How to calculate the impact of proposed changes in Excel How to find the strategic fit when it comes to the supply chain You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 10 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production General information on Supply Chain. In the second section I will discuss the strategic part of the supply chain, how to find the strategic fit, what aspect you have to pay attention to Retail - Examples of business analyses of Supply Chain. This section will start a series of sections devoted to specific type of business where are will show you detailed cases. In this section I will show you overview of the Retail Supply Chain, main challenges and series of cases that will show you how to get the full potential of the supply chain FMCG - Examples of business analyses of Supply Chain. In 4###sup/sup### section I will show you overview of the FMCG Supply Chain, main challenges and series of cases that will show you how to get the full potential of the supply Chain SMCG - Examples of business analyses of Supply Chain. In 5###sup/sup### section I will show you overview of the SMCG Supply Chain, main challenges and series of cases that will show you how to get the full potential of the Supply Chain Commodity - Examples of business analyses of Supply Chain. In this section I will show you overview of the Commodity Supply Chain, main challenges and series of cases that will show you how to get the full potential of the Supply Chain Distribution model - general information. Distribution (logistics and warehousing) is the powerhouse of supply chain moving physically the goods. In this section I will show you: goals of distribution model, basic laws of distribution, different types of distribution, Where you can find savings in, typical problems in Distribution Sales forecasting and customer service - general information. Sales forecasting gives the input data for the whole supply chain. Even small glitches in this part cause huge problems in the whole supply chain. In this section I will show you: goals of sales forecasting, Sales forecasting and customer service value drivers, typical problems in sales forecasting and customer service Production planning - general information. Production planning is the brain of supply chain. If you get this wrong the other things wont matter. In this section I will show you: goals of production planning , production planning value drivers, typical problems in production planning Purchasing - general information. Purchasing has big impact not only on cost but also the inventory levels. Wrong quality of products bought will lead to problems both in sales and in production. In this section I will show you: goals of purchasing, purchasing value drivers, typical problems in purchasing I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading"
Price: 189.99

"How to become a badass manager and CEO" |
"What is the aim of this course?Its not easy to transition first from an efficient specialist to a manager and later on to an outstanding CEO. What made you a great specialist quite often is a problem at a manager level. You have to totally switch the way you work and on what you concentrate. The same goes for your transition from manager to CEO. Being a CEO is not just managing a bigger team or more senior team. If you want to be successful you have to fully redefine your role, unlearn some things and learn new skills.Most of the people have problems with those sort of transitions. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. This old saying is unfortunately very true when you move to managerial positions. You tend to continue doing things that made you successful but what I got you here wont get you there.This course will help you redefine your role and transition from a specialist to a manager and later on to a CEO. I will provide you clear guidelines what and how to do in order to be efficient and effective manager as well as CEO. In this course you will learn 5 things How to be an efficient and effective managerHow to be an efficient and effective CEOHow to understand the business from the position of a CEOHow to improve the business as a CEOHow to make your business strategically sustainableThe course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to grow, coach and supervise manger, directors and CEOs. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are CEOs, Board Members , Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Firms, etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 40 000 students.I teach through cases and provide practical tips without too much beating around the bushesWhy I decided to create this course?Transitioning form a specialist to a managerial position is extremely difficult. Still, most of your supervisors will not really provide you much support and guidance. That you may need. Thats why I have decided all the practical tips and rules of thumbs that I have learned over the last 14 years into this course. The course will provide you not only with interesting applicable tips but also a roadmap how to proceed once you become a manager or a CEO. The more difficult part is obviously the transition to CEO position regardless of the size of the firm / business. Thats why I will devote to this part more time and attention. Thanks to this course, you will know what and how to do when you will be promoted to a manager or CEO position.To sum it up, I believe that if you want to be a successful manager and CEO you should master techniques, rules and tips that I will show in this course. That is why. I highly recommend this course not only to young managers, entrepreneurs and future CEOs .In what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of tips, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you will develop as a manager and CEO. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn:How to be an efficient and effective managerHow to be an efficient and effective CEOHow to understand the business from the position of a CEOHow to improve the business as a CEOHow to make your business strategically sustainableYou can also ask me any question either through the discussion field, messaging me directly or talking to me on the phone.How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 5 sections and I will be adding new sections to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction. We begin with little intro intothe course as well as some general info on managementHow to be an efficient manager.In the secondsection I will discuss the main rules you have to follow to become a greatmanager. I assume that you have already master being an efficientspecialist and now you have to transition to the new role of a manager.How to be an efficient CEO. In this section I will discuss themain rules you have to follow to become a great CEO. This will be a short introduction and I will provide you with some practical tipsHow to understand the businessas a CEO. Inthe 4th section I will discuss the ways in which you can try tounderstand the business that you have to manger and grow.I will also try to provide you with niceexamples that will show you in practice how you can proceed. How to improve the business asa CEO. In thissection I will discuss how you can look for ways to improve your businessin a structured and organized manner. Your role as a CEO is to pick thingsthat the business will do and things that the business will not do.I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming monthsYou will be able also to download many additional resourcesExamples of tools that you can useExcels with analyses shown in the coursePresentation of slides show in the courseLinks to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth readingAt the end of my course, students will be able toDefine what to do and what not to do as a manager or CEOManage efficiently your teamFind ways to improve and grow the businessMake your business strategically sustainableImprove sales in Retail, FMCG, B2B service, B2C servicesWho should take this course? Who should not?ManagersDirectorsCEOStartup foundersSmall and medium business owners Management Consultants"
Price: 99.99

"GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers Guide" |
"Note: This course assumes you are familiar with React!If you're tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out what type of backend server to use, this is the course for you.Authentication?You will learn it. Apollo Data?Included. Integration with React?Of course!This course will get you up and running with GraphQLquickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React applications quickly.Both OSX and Windows supported.We'll start by mastering the fundamentals of GraphQL, including data types, schemas, and integration with Express and React. Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing. Special attention has been paid to creating code that you'll be able to make use of on your own fantastic projects.If you are new to GraphQL, or if you've been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don't quite 'get it', this is the GraphQL course for you! To learn GraphQL you have to understand it.Learn how to use GraphQL's schema to define relations between your data objectsLearn the process of combining a backend server with a front end ReactMaster the process of thinking about your applications data in terms of a graph structureGrasp the difference between GraphQL, Apollo, and Relay, and when to use eachDevelop apps that are unique, fun, and responsive.Build servers that can be used with both React and React Native applicationsMaster handling authentication with GraphQLLearn the core principles of navigation with React Router and GraphQLI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning GraphQL. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 149.99

"React Native: Advanced Concepts" |
"Note: This course assumes you've got the basics of React Native down. Check out my course 'The Complete React Native and Redux' course, its the perfect preparation!Go beyond the basics of React Native! This course will teach you theadvanced topics you need to make a #1 best-selling app.Push Notifications?You will learn it. In DepthAnimations?Included. Offline DataPersistence?Of course!------------------------------What Will You Build?All of my courses are 'learn-by-doing': no boring endless lectures with Powerpoints, only live, interactive coding examples.In this course we'll build three separate apps with increasing complexity, each of which will profile different features of React Native. By putting each concept into a real app, you'll get a better idea of when to use eachunique and powerful feature.1) Build a Tinder-like Swipe Deck.Yes, the classic animated component! We'll make a big stack of beautiful cards that a user can slide around the screen, swiping right to 'like' an item, or 'left' to dislike an item. This warmup will get you familiar with interpreting touch input through the PanResponder system, moving elements around with the Animated module, and turning extrapolating animation values through the Interpolation system.2) Dive into the backend with One Time Password authentication.Ever been prompted to sign in using a code that gets texted to you? One Time Passwords are a new authentication flow that leverages a user's phone number as their unique identifying token. We will use the Twilio API to send a text message to a user to verify their identity, while securing our business logic into Firebase's new Google Cloud Functions.3) Your own Job-Search app.Tinder for jobs!This app is is 100% feature complete! We'll build an app with a full welcome-screen tutorial for our new user's, Facebook authentication, and map components. The user will be presented with a list of jobs to like or dislike based on their location by leveraging Indeed's Job API, then follow up and apply to their choice jobs.Both OSX and Windows supported - develop iOS or Android!------------------------------Here's what we'll learn:Learn the theory and practiceof implementing complex AnimationsystemsBootstrap your app using the new Expo platformNavigate your user around using React-NavigationEngage your users with automated Push NotificationsEnhance authentication flows in your app with One Time Passwords with TwilioIncrease your app's reliability with Offline Data PersistenceEducate your users on how to use your app with Welcome Tutorial pagesAuthenticate your users using Facebook OAuthGo beyond the mobile front end with Google Cloud Functions:Add custom logic to your Firebase backendLocate your users with cross-platform MapView componentsI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning React Native. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 94.99

"Electron for Desktop Apps: The Complete Developer's Guide" |
"Take your web dev skills out of the browser!This course will teach you thetopics you need to make a #1 best-selling desktop app.------------------------------What is Electron?Electron is an elegant solution for writing desktop-based apps using existing web technologies you already know, like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Electron is used forultra-popularapps like Atom, Slack, and Discord.Who builds desktop apps?!In the last 10 years there has been a tremendous shift from desktop to mobile, true, but the result is that there is a huge opportunity to create desktop apps, as all other developers have shifted over to building mobile! You can easily get into the front page on the MacOS store with an app you spend a few days building - this would never happen on mobile! The last app you'll build in this course can be easily tweaked into a front-page app.What Will You Build?All of my courses are 'learn-by-doing': no boring endless lectures with Powerpoints, only live, interactive coding examples.In this course we'll build four separate apps with increasing complexity, each of which will profile different features of Electron. By putting each concept into a real app, you'll get a better idea of when to use eachunique and powerful feature.Both MacOSand Windows supported!------------------------------Apps you'll build:Video File Analyzer. Learn how to manipulate the underlying OS with this first app, in which you'll build a tool to analyze video files, supported by the FFMPEG CLI tool. This app will get you familiar with Electron, along with an understanding of how to build a basic app.Cross Window Todo List:Ok, yep, a todo app, I know, but you'll learn how to manipulatemultiple windows with Electron, along with customizing the top menu bar. Additional emphasis is placed on cross platform experiences between MacOS and WindowsSystem Tray Timer. Build a classic system-tray based app - this is the type of app that exists as an icon by the clock on your desktop. You'll learn how to add a ton of polish to common Electron apps, which will make your users assume that they're using a fully native experience.Video File Converter. Make an app that can convert video files to any other format. Existing apps with the exact same feature set sell for $10 on the MacOS store. This tool is amazingly useful, and is something that Iuse daily myself!Here's what we'll learn:Learn the theory and history behind ElectronBuild complex desktop applications using repeatable processesAssemble both classic desktop apps and 'tray-based' appsAdd polish to your Electron apps, making them feel more nativeSidestep the common pitfalls associated with ElectronI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning Electron. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 49.99

"Node with React: Fullstack Web Development" |
"Note: This course assumes you've got the basics of React and Redux down. Check out my course 'Modern React with Redux', its the perfect preparation!Go beyond the basics of React and Redux! This course will teach you to combine the ultra-popular React, Redux, Express, and MongoDB technologies to builda fullstack web application.Advanced Deployment?You will learn it. Billing/Payments?Included. Handling Email?Of course!------------------------------What Will You Build?All of my courses are 'learn-by-doing': no boring endless lectures with Powerpoints, only live, interactive coding examples.In this course we'll build one massive web application that profiles the advanced features of React, Redux, Express, and Mongo. By putting each concept into a real app, you'll get a better idea of when to use eachunique and powerful feature.Build a large feedback-collection app.This mega app will include the full gamut of features, including everything from authentication to email handling. You'll learn how to build an app that can be used to send mass emails to a big list of users for the purpose of collecting feedback. It's my goal to ensure you understand each feature we build into this app so you can apply them to your own personal or professional projects in the future.------------------------------Here's what we'll learn:Learn the architectural considerations of building a full stack appConnect a front-end Create-React-App server to a NodeJS and Express backendCommunicate data from your Mongo database to your React applicationUnderstand how to route user requests on the front end with React Router and on the backend with ExpressBuild reusable user inputs with Redux Form, complete with navigationHandle credit cards and receive payments from your users with StripeEngage your users with automated emailsEnhance authentication flows in your app with Google OAuth authenticationSeparate production and development resources with advanced APIkey handling techniquesEducate your users on how to use your app withcustom buildlandingpagesI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to build fullstack apps. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 179.99

"Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang)" |
"Go is an open source programming language created by Google. As one of the fastest growing languages in terms of popularity, its a great time to pick up the basics of Go!This course is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go. We'll quickly cover the basics, then dive into some of the more advanced features of the language.Don't be tricked by other courses that only teach you for-loops and if-statements! This is the only course on Udemy that will teach you how to use the full power of Go's concurrency model and interface type systems.Go is designed to be easy to pick up, but tough to master. Through multiple projects, quizzes, and assignments, you'll quickly start to master the language's quirks and oddities. Go is like any other language - you have to write code to learn it! This course will give you ample opportunities to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs.In this course you will:Understand the basic syntax and control structures of the languageApply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systemsGrasp the purpose of types,which is especially important if you're coming from a dynamically typed language like Javascript or RubyOrganize code through the use of packagesUse the Go runtime to build and compile projectsGet insight into critical design decisions in the languageGain a sense of when to use basic language featuresGo is one ofthe fastest-growing programming languages released in the last ten years. Get job-ready with Go today by enrolling now!"
Price: 84.99

"Server Side Rendering with React and Redux" |
"Note: This course assumes you've got the basics of React,Redux, and Expressdown. Check out my course 'Node with React', its the perfect preparation!Go beyond the basics of React and Redux! This course will teach youto combine the ultra-popular React v16, Redux, React Router, andExpresstechnologies to builda server-side-rendered web application.All of my courses are 'learn-by-doing': no boring endless lectures with Powerpoints, only live, interactive coding examples.In this course we'll buildoneapplicationthat profiles thechallenges of server side rendering withReact, Redux, React Router, andExpress. By putting each concept into a real app, you'll get a better idea of when to use eachunique and powerful feature.Ever wonderwhy there are so few courses online that teach server side rendering techniques? Sure, there are blog posts that show a tiny portion of a server side rendered app, but there are nearly no resources online to give you the full server side rendering experience from start to finish. This course is themost complete resource online for learning about exactly why server side rendering is so challenging. You'll learn the biggest hurdles, along with multiple solutions to each major problem, giving you the toolset you need to tackle server side rendering techniques in your own applications.Here's what we'll learn:Learn the architectural considerations of building a server side renderedappConnect a Webpack-powered front and and backend app togetherCommunicate data from yourserver to clientusing Redux initial stateto your React applicationSecure your application from common XSSattacks caused by state rehydrationUnderstand how to route user requests on the front end withReact Routerand on the backend with ExpressHandle errors and redirects properly that occur during the server rendering processAuthenticate your users with cookie-based authentication during the server rendering phaseUnderstand why JWT's are not appropriate for use in a server rendered appEnhance authentication flows in your app withGoogle OAuth authenticationI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to build server side renderedapps. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 39.99

"The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures" |
"Data Structures?They're here.Algorithms?Covered. Lots of questions with well-explainedsolutions?Yep!If you're nervous about your first coding interview, or anxious about applying to your next job, this is the course for you. I got tired of interviewers asking tricky questions that can only be answered if you've seen the problem before, so I made this course! This video course will teach you the most common interview questions that you'll see in a coding interview, giving you the tools you need to ace your next whiteboard interview.Coding interviews are notoriously intimidating, but there is one method to become a better interviewer - and that is practice! Practicing dozens of interview questions is what makes the difference between a joboffer for a $120k USDand another rejection email. This course is going to not only give you dozens of questions to practice on, but it will also make sure you understand the tricks behind solving each question, so youll be able to perform in a real interview.I have spent many hours combing through interview questions asked at Google, Facebook, and Amazon to make sure you know how to answer questions asked by the most well-paying companies out there. No stone is left unturned, as we discuss everything from the simplest questions all the way to the most complex algorithm questions.In this course, you'll get:Clear, well-diagramed explanations for every single problem to make sure you understandthe solutionAn overview of the most important data structures to know about. These are presented for peoplewithouta CS degree.A huge collection of common algorithm questions, including everything from 'reversing a string' to 'determine the width of a BST'Sensible strategies for tackling systems design problemsInsider tips on answering what interviewers area really looking forConstant support on the Udemy Q&A forums from me!My goal in this course is to help you defeat those interviewers who ask nasty algorithm questions.Sign up today, and be the cutting edge engineer who will be prepared to get a high paying job"
Price: 89.99

"Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide" |
"If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning how to deploy web applications, this is the course for you.CI+CDWorkflows? You will learn it.AWSDeployment? Included.Kubernetes inProduction? Of course!This is the ultimate course to learn how to deploy any web application you can possibly dream up. Docker and Kubernetes are the newest tech in the Dev Ops world, and have dramatically changed the flow of creating and deploying web apps. Docker is a technology that allows applications to run in constructs called 'containers', while Kubernetes allows for many different 'containers' to run in coordination.Docker from Scratch!In this course you'll learn Docker from absolute fundamentals, beginning by learning the answer to basic questions such as ""What is a container?"" and ""How does a container work?"". From the very first few lectures, we will do a deep dive on the inner workings of containers, so you get a core understanding of exactly how they are implemented. Once you understand what a container is, you'll learn how to work with them using basic Docker CLIcommands. After that, you'll apply your new-found mastery of the Docker CLI to build your own custom images, effectively 'Dockerizing' your own personal applications. CI +CDPipelinesOf course, no course on Docker would be complete without a full understanding of common Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment patterns. You will learn how to implement a full CI + CDworkflow using Github, Travis CI, and Amazon Web Services, creating a pipeline that automatically deploys your code every time you push your latest changes to Github!Multi-Container Deployments onAWS!After building a deployment pipeline, you'll apply it to master both single-container and multi-container deployments on Amazon Web Services. You will construct a multi-container application utilizing Node, React, Redis, and Postgres, and see the amazing power of containers in action (Note: all Javascript coding in this course is optional, the full source code is provided if you don't want to write JS).Kubernetes!Finally, you will tackle Kubernetes, a production-grade system for managing complex applications with many different running containers. You will learn the right way to build a Kubernetes Cluster - this course doesn't have any of those annoying ""don't do this in production"" comments! You will first build a Kubernetes Cluster on your local machine, then eventually move it over to a cloud provider. You'll even learn how to set up HTTPS on Kubernetes, which is harder than it sounds!Here's what you'll do:Learn Docker from scratch, no previous experience requiredBuild your own custom images tailored to your applicationsMaster the Docker CLI to inspect and debug running containersUnderstand how Docker works behind the scenes, and what a container isBuild a CI+ CDpipeline from scratch with Github, Travis CI, and AWSAutomatically deploy your code when it is pushed to Github!Build a complex multi-container application from scratch and deploy it to AWSUnderstand the purpose and theory of KubernetesDeploy a production-ready Kubernetes Cluster to Google Cloud"
Price: 99.99

"Machine Learning with Javascript" |
"If you're here, you already know the truth: Machine Learning is the future of everything.In the coming years, there won't be a single industry in the world untouched by Machine Learning. A transformative force, you can either choose to understand it now, or lose out on a wave of incredible change. You probably already use apps many times each day that rely upon Machine Learning techniques. So why stay in the dark any longer?There are many courses on Machine Learning already available. Ibuilt this course to be the best introduction to the topic. No subject is left untouched, and we never leave any area in the dark. If you take this course, you will be prepared to enter and understand any sub-discipline in the world of Machine Learning.A common question - Why Javascript? I thought MLwas all about Python and R?The answer is simple - ML with Javascript is just plain easier to learn than with Python. Although it is immensely popular, Python is an 'expressive' language, which is a code-word that means 'a confusing language'. A single line of Python can contain a tremendous amount of functionality; this is great when you understand the language and the subject matter, but not so much when you're trying to learn a brand new topic.Besides Javascript making ML easier to understand, it also opens new horizons for apps that you can build. Rather than being limited to deploying Python code on the server for running your MLcode, you can build single-page apps, or even browser extensions that run interesting algorithms, which can give you the possibility of developing a completely novel use case!Does this course focus on algorithms, or math, or Tensorflow, or what?!?!Let's be honest - the vast majority of ML courses available online dance around the confusing topics. They encourage you to use pre-build algorithms and functions that do all the heavy lifting for you. Although this can lead you to quick successes, in the end it will hamper your ability to understand ML. You can only understand how to apply MLtechniques if you understand the underlying algorithms.That's the goal of this course - I want you to understand the exact math and programming techniques that are used in the most common ML algorithms. Once you have this knowledge, you can easily pick up new algorithms on the fly, and build far more interesting projects and applications than other engineers who only understand how to hand data to a magic library.Don't have a background in math? That's OK! I take special care to make sure that no lecture gets too far into 'mathy' topics without giving a proper introduction to what is going on.A short list of what you will learn:Advanced memory profiling to enhance the performance of your algorithmsBuild apps powered by the powerful Tensorflow JSlibraryDevelop programs that work either in the browser or with Node JSWrite clean, easy to understand MLcode, no one-name variables or confusing functionsPick up the basics of Linear Algebra so you can dramatically speed up your code with matrix-based operations. (Don't worry, I'll make the math easy!)Comprehend how to twist common algorithms to fit your unique use casesPlot the results of your analysis using a custom-build graphing libraryLearn performance-enhancing strategies that can be applied to any type of Javascript codeData loading techniques, both in the browser and Node JSenvironments"
Price: 144.99

"Building Better Traffic: Content Marketing and SEO" |
"You have your website, but how do you get people to get through the front door? The answer: strategic content marketing. If you can get your site to the first page of Google, you gain incredible opportunities. Want your site to be authoritative and relevant? Of course you do. That's why writing for the web to attract both humans and search robots is so important. In our course, you will learn more than just the theory behind content marketing and SEO. Discover how to decide what to write and how to write it in order to increase engaged, organic traffic to your site. You'll walk away with clear steps to immediately implement, track, and measure this strategy at your organization.When you understand the basics of SEO and build strategic content, you willGet your organization in front of new audiencesBoost your reputationDrive more leadsIncrease awareness about your causeWe want to help you grow organic traffic by 20% year over year and drive greater digital impact.This is a shortened version of our full-length course. To get additional information about building backlinks, tools, and A/B testing, check it out in the university section of the Whole Whale website."
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Google Forms For Business" |
"Have you ever wanted to create a simple contact form online to have people fill in their name and phone number but had no clue how? Well, Google Forms will do all that and for FREE and more!Once you master how to use Google Forms, you can build and publish all kinds of online forms, landing pages, lead pages and more with or without a website. You can create event registration forms, feedback form, order form, survey form, email capture form, worksheets, quizzes and more! The possibilities of what you can do with Google Forms are endless.You Will Learn:How to design, build, and publish different types of Google Forms for your businessHow to use Google Forms to create unlimited landing pages, leads page that allow you to capture email and contact details of your prospectsHow to create simple email sign up forms, feedback forms, survey forms, quotation request form, ordering form, event registration forms and even quizzes and many moreHow to install a Google Add-On to receive notification everytime someone submits a formHow to create an auto-response via email when a form is submitted or redirect the person to an upsell site to buy your products or servicesHow to improve the styles and design of your forms by adding images and even videos to create a great-looking pageHow to design quizzes and worksheets for students and learners and employeesThere are so many ways to use Google Forms for your business once you master Google Forms and best of all, this is offered to you for FREE. No monthly subscription, no websites needed and so easy to use once you complete this course.Many people make the mistake of paying monthly subscription to autoresponder services like Aweber, Mailchimp, GetResponse or survey tools like Survey Monkey and failed to use the features fully when all they want is a simple form to be placed on a webpage and capture email, or to ask prospects to sign up for newsletter or to take a short online survey. Some even paid for expensive landing page creation software and only to realise that it does not allow you to capture emails and customer data. So, don't make this mistake, there are so many way to use Google Forms for FREE if you learn everything in this course.Requirements:You don't need to have any prior knowledge. No coding is involved.You need to have an internet connectionand Google Account. If you don't have, Lesson one will teach you how to do it.Take this course and start creating landing pages, leads pages, sign up forms, feedback forms, worksheets and more using Google Forms.Who is the target audience?This course is meant for busines owners, entrepreneurs and marketers who want to sell products or services online. This can be anything from online courses, coaching, event tickets, e-books to goods on eBay.This course is also created for teachers and educators who wants to create online assessment, quizzes, worksheets and even tutorials for their students without paying a cent for similar sofwares and online services.Sign Up Now!"
Price: 29.99

"Advanced Basketball: Triple Threat Moves" |
"Do you want to improve your offensive skill set?Do you want to learn advanced triple threat moves?Do you want to take your offensive game to the next level?Well, this is the course for you.Welcome to the Advanced Basketball: Triple Threat Moves Course!This basketball course is for anyone that wants to learn how to be a better offensive player through the triple threat position. The course's purpose is to reveal the fundamentals of the triple threat position along with over twentytriple threat moves that will propel your offensive game to an elite level.Expectations from this course.This course is split into two sections. In the first section, I will go over the basic fundamentals of the triple threat position. The fundamentals of the triple threat position will allow youto be more efficient and effective offensively. In the second section, I will reveal overtwenty specific triple threat moves for you to learn from. These are moves that you visually learn from and addto your arsenal of moves, so you can become an offensive threat. As a result, you will learn a considerable amount of principles and moves from the triple threat position.Why take this course?!You should take this course if you really want to improve your offensive skills. The concepts from the fundamentals of the triple threat taught from this coursewill allow youto grasp a better understanding of the importance of triple threat position. In addition, the triple threat moves shown will allow to learn anduse these moves on your own whenever you go out and play. This course will definitely improve your basketball offensive skills and make you a better player from the triple threat."
Price: 19.99

"Woo Plugins - A Guide on the Best Plugins for WooCommerce" |
"As WordPress users, we all know the incredible power and difference that good plugins can offer our websites. This is why in this course, you will learn how to install and configure over 30 plugins that will boost the functionality and design ofyour WooCommerce store.All the plugins covered in this course are FREE and are well maintained by their developers.The course is divided into 4main sections.The first section covers products and orders. Products are the lifeblood of any WooCommerce store and you will learn how to work with some plugins that will not only improve how your products are displayed but also help you manage them.Section 3 covers prices and checkout customizationwhere you will learn how to improve the default WooCommerce checkout page and how to offer different types of pricing models to your customers.Section 4 will cover shipping and invoices. You will learn how to configure plugins that will enable you to offer PDF invoices to your customers and charge different types of shipping prices depending on what products are purchased and the location of the customer.Finally in section 5, we will cover plugins that will improve the overalldesign and functionalityof your WooCommerce store making it a more attractive and exciting place for customers to visit and shop.By the end of this course, you will have been exposed to over 30 plugins that will greatly improve your ability to make your WooCommerce more attractive and functional for your customers."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Guide to the Best 200 WordPress Plugins" |
"** UDEMY BEST SELLING COURSE **As WordPress users, we all know the incredible power and difference that good plugins can offer our websites. This is why in this course, you will learn how to install and configure over 200 plugins that will boost the functionality and design of any WordPress website.With nearly 50,000 plugins available to download today, it can be quite a daunting task finding the right plugin for the right job. This course removes that headache and saves you time because I have spent months researching and finding the best plugins for you to use.Most of the plugins covered in this course are FREE and are well maintained by their developers. They are all updated for the year 2017 and will work with the latest versions of WordPress.The course is divided into 12 main sections.CONTENTThe first section covers plugins that are primarily used for creating and editing content as well as plugins that can be used to improve the design of any WordPress website.STRUCTURESection 2 covers plugins that are used for building page structures. You will learn how to use 3 of the best page builder plugins on WordPress and in addition you will learn how to design your own custom 404 page and how to add accordions to your pages.SIDEBARS & WIDGETSSection 3 will cover plugins that are predominantly featured in your sidebar. You will learn how to configure and customize the content shown in your sidebars by making use of some extremely powerful plugins.FORMSIn section 4, you will learn how to use different types of plugins for building and publishing contact forms on your WordPress website. You will learn how to use Contact Form 7, Ninja forms, Gravity forms and Formidable forms.SLIDERS & GALLERIESThe next section will introduce you to plugins that you can use to design and publish sliders and galleries. You will learn about the Soliloquy slider which is reputed to be the fastest slider for WordPress. You will learn how to create galleries featuring your images and videos.MENUSYou will then move on to learn how to use plugins that you can use to build beautiful mega menus. You will learn how to use plugins like the Max Mega Menu and the WR Mega Menu plugins. You will also learn how to use lightweight menu plugins that can enhance your menu such as the WP Sticky menu.SOCIAL MEDIANo WordPress website is complete without social media functionality which is why in section 7 you will learn how to use a wide range of social media plugins that will allow your audience to not only follow you on social media but will also give them the ability to share your best content on their own social media platforms.COMMENTS & CHATThe last section will focus on plugins you can use to improve the default WordPress comment system. You will also learn how to use chat plugins as well which can be vital for business websites.SECURITYSecurity has never been more important in the world we live in today with hackers and cyber criminals constantly attacking WordPress websites. In this dedicated section to WordPress security you will learn how to use some of the best plugins to secure and protect your site against hackers and malware.SPEED & MAINTENANCEIts one thing to have a well designed website with good functionality and its quite another to have a site that is performing at peak performance. You will learn how to use several plugins to help you improve the speed of your site. You will also be exposed to several plugins for cleaning up and maintaining your database as well.SEO & STATISTICSThe following section covers plugins for SEO and statistics. SEO is a crucial for the success of any website and you will learn how to use some awesome plugins to help get your website on the first page of major search engines. You will also learn how to use some plugins to better analyze your traffic and study your major sources of traffic.BONUS SECTION - WOOCOMMERCEin this bonus section, you will learn how to install and configure over 30 plugins that will boost the functionality and design of your WooCommerce store.Products are the lifeblood of any WooCommerce store and you will learn how to work with some plugins that will not only improve how your products are displayed but also help you manage them.We will also cover plugins for prices and checkout customization where you will learn how to improve the default WooCommerce checkout page and how to offer different types of pricing models to your customers.You will also learn how to configure plugins that will enable you to offer PDF invoices to your customers and charge different types of shipping prices depending on what products are purchased and the location of the customer.We will then finally cover plugins that will improve the overall design and functionality of your WooCommerce store making it a more attractive and exciting place for customers to visit and shop.By the end of this course, you will have been exposed to nearly200 plugins that will greatly improve your ability to make your WordPress website more attractive and functional for your customers.Most of the plugins covered in this course are FREE and are well maintained by their developers. They are all updated for the year 2018 and will work with the latest versions of WordPress."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Basic HTML & CSS for WordPress Users" |
"Are you a WordPress user who struggles to make basic styling changes to your website? Do you get frustrated when you try to change the size of your text or maybe the background color of your website? Or are you simply curious about the structural and design code used to produce those pages on your WordPress website? Well look no further because this course is exactly for you.There are many WordPress users who want to know how make simple changes to their website so they don't have to spend money hiring web developers to do so. The problem is that while they want to learn, there are no CSScourses online that teach students the basics of HTML and CSS specifically for WordPress websites.This course is designed specifically for WordPress users like you withno programming experience. You will learn the basics of HTML and CSSbut from aWordPress perspective.Course Curriculum:In the first section, you will be given a brief overview ofHTML and CSSand also what web inspectors are.We will cover the basics of HTML in the second section. You will lean:The basic structure of an HTML pageThe differences between inline and block elementsSpans and inline stylingBackgroundsMargins, borders and paddingsand much moreBy the end of this section, you would have gained invaluable background on the basics of HTML and how they it used to develop a web page. You would also have learned to apply some styling to your content using HTML tags.In the thirdsection, we will focus squarely on CSS. You will first learn how to create child themes from your parent theme and how they generally work on WordPress websites. You will then learn about the basic structure of a CSS code and why CSSis such a powerful tool for designing websites. You will also learn about classes & IDs and also the extremely important rules of CSSspecificity.By the end of the CSS section, you will have learned enough about CSS to begin to edit real WordPress themes.Section 4 is where all the fun starts. Having already gained the basic knowledge of both HTML and CSS, you will learn how to apply the knowledge to make design changes to a wide variety of WordPress themes in a series of projects. You will also learn about different types of CSS properties and we will round up the course by learning about the basics of CSS animations.If you are a WordPress user frustrated about not being able to make basic styling changes to your website, you NEED this course. This course exposes you to just about enough knowledge of both HTML and CSS to be able to style your WordPress website all on your own.I hope you sign up for the course today.Alex."
Price: 129.99

"WordPress Security Masterclass - Defeat Hackers & Malware" |
"WordPress Security is a critical topic among website owners. With the increasing number of vulnerabilities and attacks that are happening every minute,anyonecan be a victim of these breachesboth companies big and small as well as individuals.Below are some shocking statistics on why WordPress security is such a big issueEach week, Google blacklists around 20,000 websites for malware, and around 50,000 for phishing.Hackers attack WordPress sites both big and small, with over 90,978 attacks happening per minute18 million WordPress users were compromised during the worst breach of WordPress security.73% of the 40,000 most popular websites that use the WordPress software are vulnerable to attack52% of reported WordPress security vulnerabilities relate to WordPress pluginsThe objective of this course is teach you both basic and advanced techniques that you can apply to properly secure and harden your WordPress website against hackers and cyber criminals.We'll cover steps you can take to better protect your website including:Two-step verificationUsing security keysChanging WordPress defaultsHiding, password protecting & denying access to core WordPress files and directoriesHow to use HTTPS and SSLcertificatesSelecting the right hostSelecting the right themes and pluginsBanning an IPaddressand many other security measuresNot sure what these are? Not only will you learn about these security measures here, I'll show you exactly how to implement each one.On top of that you will also learnHow to use 9 of the best WordPress security pluginsAnd the exact steps to take if your website is hackedThe course is perfect for both beginners and advanced users of WordPress and it also comes with a 30 day back money guarantee so you have got nothing to lose.Enroll today and learn how to secure your WordPress website."
Price: 124.99

"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security 2020 - Part 1" |
"** PART 1 OF THE BEST SELLING CYBER SECURITY GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS SERIES **Have you ever wondered exactly how hackers 'hack'? Do words like firewalls, encryption, bio-metrics and malware sound confusing to you? Have you been looking for a course that teaches you all the basics of both information and cyber security in a fun relaxed manner? If so then you are going to find this course absolutely perfect for you.This is a course thatis perfect as an introductory onefor individuals and students who are interested in becoming cyber security or information security professionals. It is also ideal for students who just want to have a well rounded knowledge about the basic concepts used in the world of information security.** UDEMY BEST SELLING COURSE**Over 4000 happy students have enrolled in this best seller course which has an average rating of 4.5 due to stellar reviews.'An expert with great teaching style: provided clear explanations and concise definitions. Topics were reinforced and made tangible using graphics and real life (or movie) examples. The quizzes helped me retain and feel confident about the material.'- E. Wolfe""Great intro to Cyber Security. I currently work in IT and I'm considering transitioning to InfoSec. This course was very informative and it has me motivated to continue exploring and learning more about the field of Cyber Security and InfoSec. I am even going to recommend this to my wife who works in IT management as it would be very useful in helping her understand the different concepts. The instructor is good. Speaks clearly and provides good examples.""- Chris LoyolaPERFECT FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERSThis course is intended primarily for students who have little to no prior background or knowledge about the field of cyber security.Course CurriculumIn the very first section, we will cover the basic terminologies used and discuss topics like the trinity of IT security andcomputer protocols.In section 2, we will explore the world of hackers and the hacking methodology. We will take a look at the different types of hackers and how they actually hack.Section 3 will introduce you to the various ways how cyber criminals and hackers attack systems and networks. You will learn about the most popular forms of attacks such asPhishingBrute Force AttackDoS & DDoS AttacksBots and Botnetsand much moreWe will then move on to cover everything about malware. You will learn the various forms of malware such as viruses, worms and trojans and how they differ from one another.In section 4, you will learn about the methods employed by cyber security professionals to protect systems and networks from cyber attacks. You will learn how the following workAntivirusFirewallsEncryptionBiometricsAuthentication Methodsand much moreFinally we will cover and discuss about other topics related to both information and cyber security such as the BYOD policy and cyber warfare.By the end of this course, you would have gained a lot of knowledge and insights that can help to jump start your career as an information security professional.What are you waiting for??? Enroll in this best selling course today.Alex."
Price: 99.99

"Becoming a Free Lance Web Developer - The Complete Guide" |
"*A professional web developer with nearly a decade worth of experienceshares his thoughts andideas on how to successfullylaunch a career as a free lance web developer building websites for clients.*Are you interested in becoming a web developer but don't know where to start? Perhaps you already have a web development business and are looking for ways to make it more successful? Are you looking to learn from a real life web developer on what it takes to become successful at building websites for a living? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have come to the right place.What will you learn?In this course, Iam going to share with you allmy experience and all Ihave learned as a web developer over the past decade. More specifically, you will learn the following:The definitiveskills needed to become a web developerHow find your very first clientsThe right way to manage andcharge clientsKey mistakes to avoid when dealing with your clientsThe most important questions to ask a potential client before deciding whether or not to take the projectHow I break down a web development projectThe tools and applications Iuse for my web development businessThe basics of making money as an affiliate marketer selling web productsand so much moreWho am I?I have been building websites for close to a decade now and during this time Ihave worked on web development projects for famous institutions and businesses like John Hopkins University and Gold's gym.I am also an online instructor with more than 50,000 students teaching more than 20 different web developmentcourses on multiple platforms.Finally I am an affiliate marketer earning additional income by promoting and selling web development products to anyone interested in them.I havebeen relatively successful in all these 3 ventures but Ihave also made a lot of mistakes and Iwould like to share my experience with you.Enroll Today !!!A career as a web developer can be incredibly rewarding but also very challenging and at times frustrating. This course will provide you with real actionable steps and advice to help you successfully navigate your way through these challenges.The course comes with a 30 day back money guarantee so if for any reason you are not satisfied with it, you can always ask for a refund easily.Ihope you enroll today and I hope to see you on the inside.Alexander Oni ..."
Price: 124.99

"Elementor - Build Amazing WordPress Pages With Elementor" |
"** UPDATED MARCH 2020 **Would you like to learn how to build amazing responsive pages for your WordPress website with ZERO coding? If so then you have come to the right course. With more than a million downloads already, Elementor is one of the very best and most popular plugins for building pages in WordPress. The plugin is extremely fast and comes with a variety of widgets and elements making it very easy to build any kind of web page imaginable without using any code.Course Content:The course is divided into two main sections.In the first section, we are going to use the FREE version of Elementor to build a full one page website for a fictional company known as the White Hat Hackers. This company specializes in cyber security and they help companies fight against cyber attacks and hackers. In the process of building this website, you will learn the following How to work with sections, columns and widgetsHow to build a header section complete with the site logo and social media iconsHow to work with title widgetsHow to work with video and text boxesHow to build an image carouselHow to insert number counters as well as toggle elementsHow to add a Google map to your web pageHow to create and insert a contact formHow to build a complete footer section for your WordPress websiteHow to build responsive web content and structureHow to work with page templatesand so much moreIn section two, we are going to use the PAID version of Elementor to further enhance the functionality and design of the website. In addition to learning about the extra features that come with Elementor pro, you will learn about the following as well - How to add a countdown timer to your pageHow to create an animated headlineHow to add a contact formHow to enhance design and style using flip boxesThis course will be updated continually to ensure that it always describes how to use the latest features of Elementor. By the end of the course, you would have mastered how to use the Elementor plugin to build any type of web page that you want."
Price: 99.99

"Start & Grow Your Successful Career in Cyber Security" |
"According to an article from Forbes magazine, global spending on cyber security products and services will exceed $1 trillionby 2021. It is also predicted that the tremendous demand for cyber security experts by companies and governments around the world will continue to rise. With promising forecast like these, it is no wonder that a lot of people are considering a career in the booming cyber security industry. However becoming a cyber security expert can be tricky and is filled with many questions. What skills do I need? What kinds of jobs can I apply for? What kinds of certifications do Ineed to possess?This short course is designed to answer questions like these and help you design your path towards becoming a cyber security professional. In this course, you will learn the following:The different kinds of jobs and roles you can apply for in the cyber security industryThe skills needed to become a true a cyber security expertThe certifications you need to apply for the different kinds of roles in cyber securityHow to acquire practical skillsThe best sites to search for jobs and grow your networkand much moreReviews from Past Students""This course is excellent,it is a guild, its the kind of course/guild i have been looking forward too as someone that wanted to have a change of career and as a newbie in IT and cyber security course. It totally opens my eyes and mind to see and understand clearly how to choose a career path in IT and cyber Security Thank you very much "" - Adedire""Alexander was very informative and extremely knowledgeable. The content of his course was nicely laid out. And, he took his time to explain everything in great detail. It was truly time well spent. "" - Joseph**A course for both students and working professionals**This course is perfect for students who preparing to go to college or the university in pursuit of a cyber security career. It is also designed to help current working professionals who are looking for a career change and have an interest in pursuing a new career in cyber security.You will learn about the different roles and jobs available in the cyber security industry. You will be introduced to the various types of certifications and you will be able to identify which ones are suitable for your career path.By the end of this course, not only would you have a proper understanding of the kinds of jobs available in the industry but you will also be able to forge a plan that will see you become a successful cyber security professional."
Price: 129.99

"The Absolute Beginners 2020 Guide to Cyber Security - Part 3" |
"** PART 3 OF THE BEST SELLING CYBER SECURITY GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS SERIES **In a world where smartphones and other mobile devices generate over 52% of all internet traffic, the security of such mobile devices has never been more important. Welcome to the complete 2019 cyber security guide for mobile devices. In this short but intensive course, you are going to learn practical skills and techniques to protect your mobile device against hackers and malware.** Perfect for Android & IOS Users **This course is designed for both android and IOS users. You will learn techniques and applications for both types of platforms that you can use to properly secure your mobile devices.** App Safety **The Google Play and Apple App stores combined have nearly 5 million apps available for download. Unfortunately a lot of these apps are also malicious programs pretending to be real applications. In this course you will learn how to identify the legit apps from the fake ones and prevent yourself from falling victim to malicious apps.You will also learn the truth about app permissions and you can restrict the apps you have installed on your smart phone so they have access only to the necessary information that is required for them to function.** Practical Skills **This course is loaded with practical skills designed to help you secure your mobile device. You will learnHow to work with Malwarebytes - one of the best anti malware appsHow to backup your mobile deviceHow to install and configure a virtual private network on your mobile deviceHow to safely access free public Wifi networksHow to properly tweak and change the default security settings of your android deviceand so much moreEnroll now and start learning how to protect your mobile devices against hackers and malware."
Price: 199.99
