"Become an Influencer and Increase Sales" |
"Have you ever asked yourself why people who have the same qualifications and experience achieve totally different results in life? Some of them climb the career ladder effortlessly and accomplish their goals, while others struggle on grow. Every one around you uses the power of influence to communicate. But at different levels. Some people know how to use it and they become socially successful & get what they want while other people struggle socially.Learning to influence & persuade people will give you personal power over other people.Develop a structure and strategy for influencing othersExceed at business and social interactionsGet people to say ""yes"" more oftenDevelop influencing skills with ease and use them in commercial and social settings.We all know that sales and a healthy sales pipeline is the lifeblood of all businesses. Have you ever considered just how that sales message is handled within your organization? We do not mean the specific sales actions or activities that your teams engage in on a day-to day basis - those types of sales skills are trainable. We mean, the underlying message that the company embodies. That underlying mantra is what the sales teams should be reinforcing when they communicate.Is that what is currently happening? See, sales is about activating three specific feelings in your clients. The sense of trust in the relationship, the sense of confidence that they will be guided to their goal and the sense of faith that your product or service offering can deliver with a high return on investment. Imagine a course that is geared towards unifying your entire team. This powerful, engaging and interactive course will empower you to invoke these 3 feelings in your teams and your clients and create a unified sales process within your organization.This course is designed for entrepreneurs who want to take their power of charisma to the next level by influencing people and increasing sales"
Price: 19.99

"Healers: Turn Your Knowledge into Passive Income" |
"If you are a natural medicine practitioner, healer or yoga teacher...If you are looking to level-up your business and design a lifestyle with more income and freedom...If you want to learn how package your valuable knowledge & skills into online courses or books...Then this course is for you. Here's why...This course will show you how to produce, package and sell your knowledge so that you can live a life with more free time, earn passive income while you travel around the world, and become a recognised leader in your industry. Now is the best time to get out of the 9-5 system and live the life you have always dreamed of...How to Turn Your Best Knowledge into Passive Income will get you there. Using this system, I have managed to generate over $15,000 in sales and enrol over 20,000 students into my online courses (and it grows every day)!I wish I had this knowledge when I started out. This process took me 5+ solid years, $1000's of dollars, countless books, workshops and courses to work out how to turn my knowledge and experience into passive, online income. With this course, you can learn how I did it, and how you can do it too, in less than a week!IT WORKED FOR ME AND IT WILL WORK FOR YOU TOO!Who Should Grab This Deal?This course is designed for therapists, healers, yoga teachers and conscious small business owners who want to:- Make video courses & sell them online- Make more money- Reach more people and have a bigger impact- Learn how to organize their ideas into valuable content- Learn how to ""digitize"" their knowledge & skills- Take their business to the next level- Generate (mostly) passive income streams- Produce better quality courses & booksHere Is What You Will Get!A Step-by-Step System That Will Help You to Produce Video Courses & Content Fast!A Definitive Way to Sell Your Courses Online to Create (Mostly) Passive Income StreamsTips, Tricks & Demonstrations That Will Save You Days, Weeks or Even Months of Your Precious Time and Energy (How much is that worth??)Immediate Access to Over 1.5 hours of Training Videos, Handouts and Extra ResourcesPLUS: You'll Also Get These FREE BonusesA quick method that will help you write a valuable book in just 7 days!FREE book: The 14 Principles of Wealth Consciousness by Michael Hetherington (Worth $9)30 Day Money Back GuaranteeLifetime AccessHere is what some of my students have been saying about my online courses:""Nice, clear & crisp explanation and introduction of a complex subject.""~ Elamaran K""Simple, straightforward and practical. It really has no fluff. And no religious bias, so anyone, from any creed, can benefit from it."" ~ Alexandre De Castro""Great content. Impressive results.""~ Darnell N""Wonderful! Thank you so much. Love his wisdom and teaching style.""~ Becca Davis~ Now It's Your Turn To Take Inspired Action ~You can either continue what you've been doing (or worse, do nothing) or, you can enrol today and start building a lifestyle you've always dreamed of.** And you are 100% safe to try this out. Just try it for 30 days to see if it works for you. If it does, youll be delighted. If for some reason youre not delighted with the course, then just let Udemy know - and you get all your money back."
Price: 99.99

"Clear Your Fear of Heights in Just 3 Days (with EFT)" |
"If you suffer from the fear of heights...If you feel like your fear of heights is holding you back...Then this course is for you...Here's why:In this course, Iwill show you how to clear out the stress triggersin your systemso that you can experiencemore freedom, joy and relaxation whenever you come into contact withheights (as well as other things).This method is quick, simple, powerful andeffective!Over a 3 day program you will learn:How energy psychology and EFTworks to clear trauma andstress from your systemHow to use Acupoint tapping to clear memories of stressThe best sequence you canuse to completely free yourself from any fear trigger!How to better master your emotions and feelings>> This has worked for me, it has worked for hundreds of other people and it will work for you too! <<The benefits from this 3 day training can also helpwith:Reducingsocial anxietyRelievingstress and worryEnhancing relaxationClearingdepressionAnd many more..Ifyou are ready to experience more freedom, relaxation and emotional mastery, enrol today!"
Price: 29.99

"Breathwork - Master Your Mind & Emotions in 21 Days" |
"How to get Rid of Social Anxiety, Depression and Sleep ProblemsFor Good!If you suffer from crippling social anxiety and a heart rate that feels like it's bursting out of your chest... if you find it difficult to get going in the mornings .. if you experience constant states offear,worry or depression... This course is for you.Here's why...This course will show you how toreduce your respiratory rate and bring your mind and emotions under your control so you can live an empoweredlife with greaterconfidence, focus,relaxationand flow. You have to realise there is a cost if you don't deal with this today.ItWill Just Get Worse...Most people when faced with these issues, either:Use anti-anxiety and sleeping medicationsGet addicted to caffeine and energy drinks Ignore it,yet feel increased tension and bitterness building insideBut most of us know that these methods don't work for any great length of time, because...Anti anxiety &sleeping medications mayhelp, however there benefit tends to be short termCaffeiene and energy drinks drain our internal energy supplies over timeAnd by ignoring it, itonly compounds the problem whichcan lead to more complicated physical and psychologicalproblems later on...WeHave a Method That Works!After 10+years of yoga training, yoga teaching and self-development courses, we have put togetherthe bestbreathing methodstohelprapidly shift your nervous system andgenerate an immense sense ofcalm, relaxation and confidence so that you can perform at your best!ITHASWORKEDFORUS, ITHASWORKEDFORHUNDREDSOFOTHERPEOPLEANDITWILLWORKFORYOUTOO!When you enrol in the course today, you will get the keys to:- Unlocking Enhanced Creativity, Focus and Energy- Powerful BreathingMethodsThat WillRapidly Calm Your Nervous System in Just5 Minutes!- A21 Day System, That Will Massively Reduce Mental Noise and Emotional Turbulence- ANatural and Healthy Way to Manage Your Mind and Calm Your Emotions, In ANY Situation!- ASuper FastWay to Access Meditational States of ConsciousnessIt all comes as part of thisonline course!PLUS -This course comes with:AFull30 DayMoney Back Guarantee!Lifetime AccessYou are 100%safe to try this out.That's all we are suggesting. Just try it for 30 days to see if it works for you. If it does, you'll be delighted!If for some reason you are not delighted with being more calm, relaxed and confident in your daily life, just let Udemy know and youwill get all your money back!~It's Decision Time ~So, you can dowhat you've been doingor....TAKEANEWACTIONANDGETANEWRESULT.Which do you really want for yourself?Enrol in the course today.*Medical disclaimer:The contents of this course is not intended to replace advice from your medical doctor."
Price: 29.99

"T-Shirt Design Workshop 3: Using Photos and Type" |
"Improving your t-shirt designs is the single best way to build your brand and improve your design career, as well as your sales to clients and customers.Stand apart from the crowd.This course will show you how tobuild a unique photo & type-based t-shirtdesignto represent your brand.In this course well cover:How to find and apply inspirationThe various analog and digitaltools you will need to create t-shirt designs.How to move seamlessly between Photoshop, Illustrator, and the ProcreateApp for iPadso your designs come out as good or better than you had initially imaginedType layout using Adobe Typekit fonts in IllustratorHow to incorporate hand-drawn effects into a computer-based designAs a bonus you will also receive:All working Photoshop and Illustrator files demonstrated in this classA Photoshop texture brushfor you to use with your designsA custom Procreate App brush for you to use with your designs"
Price: 24.99

"Project Management Professional (PMP) PMBOK6 - 35 Hours" |
"Welcome to our Project Management Professional - 35 Contact Hours full course collection.Now that you have enrolled in this course the following suite of courses will help prepare you become a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). These courses teach the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare for and pass the certification exam. Whether you are looking to pass the CAPM, the PMP, or already experienced project manager, you are also eligible to submit any and all of your well-earned contact hours required to earn and maintain your project management certification with the Project Manager Institute.The sections and lectures listed below in our PMP table align with PMI's A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,PMBOK Guide -SixthEdition.Knowledge areas and are displayed by the 11 knowledge areas and topic order. These courses can be taken in any order, as a review of a concept or knowledge area. However, if you are just becoming familiar with project management and the Project Management Institute, it is recommended that you view the courses sequentially. To meet the PMP requirements you must complete ALL the courses. To meet the CAPM requirements you only need to take the 3 PMP Essentialcourses and at least 1 lecture from each of the 11 knowledge areas.With this course completion:You will learn the skills you need to be an effective project managerGain the full knowledge necessary to pass the CAPM and/or PMP certification exam.Register your hours spent in studying to PMI as 35 contact hours to meet PMIrequirement to take the PMP examYou will be eligible to print your Certification of Completion for submission to PMI.PMP and CAPMare registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"New for 9.2! Part 1 Foundation Certification Training" |
">> Learn about the most recent changes to theTOGAF standard version 9.2 with this best selling training course, includingEnglish closed captions.All slides available for download! All audio available for download!<<BRANDNEWCOURSELAUNCHEDJUNE2018.Over 28,000 students bought the TOGAF 9.1 version of this course. This version has been completely redone and re-recorded, based on the latest changes to the standard.If you look at the job listings, developers and architects with TOGAF experience are in high demand.You can get certified as an enterprise architect with the TOGAF 9.2certification exam (OG0-091), and this course will teach you what you need to know!Ittakes training to become an Enterprise Architect. Much of that comes through on-the-job skills learned working on software projects larger-and-larger in scope. But very definitely there is a very specific way to design software at enterprise scale.The Open Group has defined a standard for this method for almost 10 years now, and over 400 companies and government agencies have been involved in crafting that standard. It is calledTOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework.The truth is:This coursehelps you become certified in the TOGAF 9.2specification. Through learning the Architecture Development Method (ADM), you will become better at designing systems. If you already architect softwarefor a living, learning an official enterprise architecture framework such as this takes you tothe next level of your career.You owe it to yourself:If you are a software developer, this is your chance to learn the proper techniques for assessing the requirements of an enterprise, and designing the right solutions for today and tomorrow! While software development is skill any teenager can acquire, and the salaries paid to software developers fall or are frozen, it's those who know the complex skills of designing large software projects that will still be in high demand.Specifically, this course will teach you:The details of the TOGAF 9.2Foundation exam (OG0-091), including how to book it, and my experiences taking the examThe basic and core skills of the TOGAF frameworkThe Architecture Development Method (ADM), all of the phases, and the key information to know to pass the examOther topics covered on the exam, including Architecture Governance, Architecture Capacity, Enterprise Continuum, Capability Assessment and reference frameworks such as TRM and III-RMThis course is focused on passing the exam. In person classes for this same exam costs $2,000 and take 2 days of intensive training. This course aims to bridge the gap between that level of in-person training, and self-study.If you've ever tried to read the TOGAF 9.2specification, or even the official study guides for the exam, you will perhaps agree that they are lengthy and hard to understand. The TOGAF 9.2spec is500pages long. The official study guide is265 pages. Both are written in that same style that many official specifications are written in - both very precise and extremely lengthy.Watching these lectures, doing the quiz questions, and following up with a reading of the relevant section of the specification will save hours off your self-study time, and will give you the confidence to take the exam and get certified at Part 1!So join me:Join over28,000 studentsstudying for the TOGAF 9Part 1 certification test in one of my Udemy courses! Many have taken and passed the exam after takingthis course! I am confident that this course will save you many, many hours of studying time compared with just reading the 500 page spec yourself. If you arein any way not satisfied, for any reason, you canget a full refund from Udemywithin 30 days. No questions asked. But I am confident you won't need to. Istand behind this course 100% and am committed to helping you pass. You won't get that commitment from a book, or from any other TOGAF class on Udemy.I am a TOGAF Certified architect, and a member of the Open Group's Architecture Forum - helping to define the standard going forward. I am using the TOGAF 9.2specification under a commercial license.TOGAF is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. SoftwareArchitect(dot)cais a member of The Open Group Architecture Forum and holds a current, valid TOGAF Commercial License.Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. The course will always be up-to-date here and nowhere else."
Price: 119.99

"Sales Skills & Negotiation Skills - Selling Masterclass 2020" |
"Sales Skills & Negotiation Skills Selling Masterclass - A step by step guide to becoming a Master Salesman!Sales skills and negotiation skills, a beginners guide to business development for the sales consultant.The complete guide to mastering selling skills, sales strategies and sales techniques so that you can become a master Sales Consultant.Do You Want To Learn How To Sell Your Own Ideas And Products?There is no mountain that you cannot climb, if you master the art of selling.There are so many opportunities in life that are missed because people dont develop good sales skills.What You Will Learn:In this course you will learn how to master the sales process.You will learn how to develop a sales strategy.You will learn how to manage your own emotions in a sales situation.You will learn how to find prospects to sell to.You will learn how to read your prospects.You will learn how to negotiate successfully.You will learn how to handle objections.You will also learn how to close the sale.You will also learn how to leverage your contacts so you can sell to the same prospects again and again.Topics Covered In The Course:Module 1: Prepare The Train Driver - Self Development Of The Sales ConsultantIntroduction To The CourseSales Skills Course OverviewThe Mind Of A ConsultantMastering Sales Is Mastering Life SkillsThe Continuous JourneyUniversal Laws Of SuccessThe Three Pillars Of SuccessPersonal HonestyDiligenceDeferred GratificationSuppression Of PrincipleEmotional IntelligenceCore Principles Of Emotional IntelligenceThe Problem Is InternalThe Two Motivational ForcesProduct ConfidenceModule 2: Pre-suppositional Sales - Pre-suppositions And WorldviewsThe Train Track - Pre-Suppositional Sales DefinedWhat Is A WorldviewWhy Pre-Suppositions Are ImportantTwo Modes Of ThinkingLogical ThinkingEmotional ThinkingThe Dumb DogHow We Create Our ValuesExamples Of Rational IdeasExamples Of Emotional BeliefsExamples Of ValuesRational Or EmotionalFinding Someones PresuppositionsWhen The Presuppositions Are Not ClearThe Bank Robber ExampleWhy People BuyHow We Make Buying DecisionsMatching A World ViewTesting A WorldviewTest Your PresuppositionsWhat Is A Buyer PersonaPresuppositional Buyer Persona ExerciseCreating The PersonaTraditional Buyer PersonasCombined Buyer PersonasModule 3: The SMART ProcessThe SMART ProcessControlling The RoomThe Core of SMARTHow Negative Emotion Controls UsHow We Take ControlThe 5 Steps Of SMARTSeparateMonitorAssessReplaceTrustSMART In ActionThe SMART Sales Call In FullI Will Never Be Any Good At SalesThe Power Of Self TalkUsing SMART For Self DevelopmentTwo Uses Of SMARTShort Term Emotional ManagementLong Term Character DevelopmentExperienced Negative Emotional BeliefsTaught Negative Emotional BeliefsInternal Negative Emotional BeliefsModule 4: The Coaches - Getting Ready For PassengersGetting Ready For Your PassengersKnow Your ProductProduct Strengths And WeaknessesKnowing Your CompetitionBecome The ExpertValue PropositionsModule 5: The Train Route - Planning Your Sales RoutePlanning Your RouteBuilding Your CRM FlowData AnalysisImplementing Your Sales FunnelModule 6: Selling Tickets - Dealing With ProspectingProspecting The Three RulesQualifying ProspectsIdentifying The Contacts RoleDealing With The GatekeeperDealing With InfluencersDealing With ChampionsDealing With Decision MakersContact Identification ExerciseProspecting SecretsGetting Entrance Into The CastleModule 7: Prospecting By NetworkProspecting By NetworkingClassification Of NetworksDoor To Door SalesDoor To Door Conversation MethodsGetting The Most Out Of Your NetworkingThe Elevator PitchModule 8: Prospecting By PhoneFinding Prospects By PhonePlanning Your Phone CallsSplit Testing Your ScriptsDealing With The Gatekeeper ScriptDealing With The Influencer ScriptDealing With The Champions ScriptDealing With Decision Makers ScriptOther Call Support MaterialVoicemail TechniquesModule 9: Online ProspectingThe Power Of Online ProspectingOnline Prospecting ToolsEmail StatisticsUnderstanding SpamPermission Based Email MarketingEmail Writing TipsPlaces To Get Their Email Addresses FromEmail Writing TipsAIDA CopywritingA Sample Email Using AIDAActivities Create Your Own Email Using AIDAModule 10: Making Friends - Friendliness And Personality TypesMaking FriendsTen Rules Of Friendliness Part 1Ten Rules Of Friendliness Part 2Recommended ReadingPersonality TypesMeet The BluesMeet The RedsMeet The GreensMeet The YellowsAdvanced ProfilingProfiling BobModule 11: Body Language How To Read Your ProspectReading The BodySocial SpacesDistance Can ChangeThree Classes Of Body LanguageAggressive Body LanguageDefensive Body LanguageFriendly Body LanguageTen Body Language PatternsThe Crossing PatternThe Expanding PatternThe Defensive Moving Away PatternThe Moving Towards PatternThe Opening PatternPreening PatternDefensive Repeating PatternShaping PatternStriking PatternsThe Touching PatternTen Core Patterns ExercisePersonality Type Body LanguageMicro ExpressionsSeven Common Micro ExpressionsYour Body Language The Importance Of ControlTracking Their Body LanguageWhat Are They Responding To The Three FactorsMoving Them Through The SaleBody Language FlowDealing With More Than One PersonModule 12: Listening Station - Listening In SalesThe Art Of Questioning And ListeningHow To Show You Are ListeningProduct Based SalesNeeds Based SalesNeeds Analysis FunnelThe Needs Analysis StagesThe Two Types Of QuestionsOpen QuestionsClosed QuestionsThe Quick Sale Mobile ExampleThe Quick Sale Training Session ExampleThe Quick Sale ExerciseThe Three Simple Question TechniqueThe Echo TechniqueThe 5 WsWashing Machine Retail Sale ExampleThe Five WhysThe Five Whys - GeorgeThe Five Whys - SallyThe Five Whys - TerryWhy You Do Not Own A YachtAdditional ToolsNeeds Analysis Mind MapNeeds Analysis SheetModule 13: Negotiation StationThe Negotiation StationCore Principles Of NegotiationFocusing On ThemEveryone Has To WinMatching ValuesThe Path Of Least ResistanceShifting The WeightThe Persuasion SecretHow To Persuade SomeoneThe Electric CarThe Fashionable TrainersCompetency LevelsAssessing Competency LevelsFeatures Benefits And ValuesThe Christmas Tree NegotiationB2B Value PropositionsDeepening The ValueOver Decorating The TreeThe Big 12AuthoritySocial ProofGroup IdentityDeflecting FaultAsk For AdviceCompliment Their NegotiationsReciprocityScarcityOff Set ValuesStepped CommitmentsFear And HopeRanked PrioritiesNegotiating A PriceThe Market PriceThe Anchor PriceThe Walk Away PriceThe First OfferThe Counter OfferModule 14: Objection Handling Station - How To Handle ObjectionsHandling ObjectionsThe Golden Rule To Handling ObjectionsWhy Objections HappenObjection Tags - Tagging ObjectionsObjection TypesObjection ClassObjection SourceThe Objection Clarification ProcessThe Onion Technique - Peeling Back The ObjectionsTesting The Objection TypeClassify The ObjectionTest The Objection SourceSummarise The ObjectionThe Objection In FullAcknowledge The ObjectionAcknowledgement ExamplesEmotional ObjectionsFeel StatementsFelt StatementsFound StatementsFeel Felt Found ExampleRational Objection GuidelinesResponding To Rational ObjectionsSharing Data And InformationData Sharing TechniquesUsing The Right TechniquesValid ObjectionsHow To Handle Class ObjectionsAuthority ObjectionsTypes Of Relationship ObjectionsExisting Relationship ObjectionsThird Party Relationship ObjectionsNo Relationship ObjectionsKnowledge ObjectionsConvenience ObjectionsPrice ObjectionsObjection Handling SheetsRemoving The ObjectionDealing With Difficult PeopleDealing With Difficult People - Use SMARTGrow Some Thick SkinThe Mountaintop ExampleFinding Common GroundFocus On The IssueA Soft AnswerStress FracturesBe Their Only FriendTypes Of Character TraitsThe DemanderThe DetractorThe DynamiteThe DumperThe DrainerThe DisappointerThe DictatorHandling Objections Before The MeetingReducing ObjectionsSetting Up An FAQ PageModule 15: Closing The Sale - How To Close EffectivelyDestination Station Closing The SaleUnderstanding ClosesUnderstanding Buying SignalsClosing QuestionsModule 16 Selling Season Tickets - The Value Of A Lifetime CustomerSeason Tickets The Biggest Source Of RevenueUnderstanding Season TicketsFirst Class Passengers - After Sales CareThe Revolution - Practising The PrinciplesAny question just ask, we hope to see you in the course!Mark Timberlake"
Price: 199.99

"Make Easy But Powerful Social Media Graphics: Canva Stencil" |
"Are you ready to take charge and learn quick and easy methods for creating and editing powerful web images/social media graphics like a professional in just 1 hour?Whether you are an entrepreneur, employee, content creator, teacher, author, or social media maven, over the last few years it has become CRUCIAL to know how to do a little bit of everything online.With this course as your guide, you'll learn how to confidentially and professionally create and manage your OWN unique images for your website, blog, eCourse, eBook, presentations, or social media pages.-No design skills required.-No expensive software required.-Beginners and busy people welcome.Save time, money, and sanity by learning how to finally make your own images without having to always pay someone else to do them for you.In this course you will learn:Easy and quick ways to create professional web & social media graphics in minutes using free online toolsHow to take your regular logo and put it on a transparent background infour minutes or lessLearn the most essential and useful tools in CanvaLearn the most essential and useful tools in the Canva-alternative, StencilAbsorb the most important design principles as we work together making real social media graphics for a real clientUnderstand how to better choose and organize type, images, colors, and layout in your designsSee how to schedule and deliver graphics through the free social media post-planning tool, Buffer.Get a birds-eye view of the design process from concept to final product by following step by step case studies.This course was created especially for complete beginners as well as people who fight with technology who want to gain new and valuable digital imaging skills that can be used every day. You can watch and follow along with me as I show you through case studies for an actual client how I make professional-looking social media graphics and web images using the free online tools Canva and Stencil.I'm apracticing award-winning multimedia artist and a former tenured Associate Professor of Digital Media and Program Director of Film & Digital Media at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I'm currently an Associate Professor of Digital Media at American University of Myanmar in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma).Since 2000 I've been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately.New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely design advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP. Empower yourself now by enrolling in this course and join our growing learning community! Click the ""Take This Course"" button in the upper right corner and let's get started building your new image creation skills using Canva and Stencil today."
Price: 69.99

"Wix: Make a Quick and Easy Professional Website for Free" |
"Are you more interested in running your business, pursuing your hobbies, and exploring your passions than fussing over your website?This course was created especially for busyentrepreneurs, authors, artists, do-gooders, non-profit organizations, volunteers, and hobbyists who just want to focus on doing their work, NOT on the million and one steps it takes to design and run a good website.It's for complete beginners with zero web design experience as well as those with little to no web design budget at all. This quick and dirty course will show you how to:Make stunning and professional-looking websites the quick and easy way in about 1 hour using free online toolsKnow how to plan a web site and make images web-ready and high qualityTake your regular logo and put it on a transparent background in four minutes or lessBe up and running fast using the most essential and useful tools in WixGet a birds-eye view of the design process from concept to final product In this course I'll show you step by step how I created a website for the non-profit organization, PK Rabbit Rescue. I start from the very beginning and show you the most essential and important features of the Wix dashboard and interface. I'll show you how to get started making posts, pages, and managing all aspects of your Wix website so that by the end of the day today you can already add a new skill to your CV or resume and be easily running your own website ASAP.----I'm apracticing award-winning multimedia artist and a former tenured Associate Professor of Digital Media and Program Director of Film & Digital Media at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I'm currently an Associate Professor of Digital Media at American University of Myanmar in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma).Since 2000 I've been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately. New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely design advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP. Please Note: All students who enroll in this course also will receive periodic free and discounted access to my other top-rated current and upcoming courses. You have a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked so you have nothing to lose. I make myself available so you will have access to me if you have questions or need specific feedback along the way. Empower yourself by taking in this easy to follow Wix course and join our growing learning community! Click the ""Enroll Now"" button in the upper right corner and let's get started building your stunning new website today."
Price: 29.99

"Google Drive 2019: Productividad al mximo" |
"Este curso plantea ensear a utilizar los 15 gb de almacenamiento que posee en su cuenta de Gmail. Primero como mtodo de almacenaje y segundo como trabajo de oficina para una mejor productividad.Drive es una herramienta que mejora sustancialmente la productividad el momento de trabajar ya sea profesional o individualmente, pero puede que aun no conozca las bondades que ofrece, para eso esta intencionado este curso.El servicio Drive es inherente a su Gmail, as que que los15 Gbde almacenamiento estn ah esperando a ser usados. Sube tus archivos mas importantes, tus lecturas mas entretenidas, tus fotos familiares o tu msica yvdeos favoritos. salo como gustes, pero salo!La terminologa essencilla, no nos quebraremos la cabeza con teora, vamos directo a la prctica.Por el momento no existe ningn material para descargar, debido a que es un servicio donde podrn subir sus propios archivos.El curso es intensivo e intencionado para terminarlo a lo mximo en 1 hora. Ir al punto es lo preferente aqu.La estructura del curso es ir de lo bsico a lo profesional.La primer seccin explica como entrar al servicio de distintas maneras.La segunda seccin menciona como crear, manejar y compartir archivos, as igual cada una de las opciones que se encuentran en Drive.Espero y sea de gran utilidad."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Instagram Marketing Masterclass" |
"Before I show you all the great things, you will learn in this course. Let me tell you that my goal is to help you use all the Power of Instagram to exponentially increase your sales, crush your competitors and become an Instagram Leader in your niche while having a great time creating a community of raving fans that love your products and are addicted to your Instagram content.This is not a course like other courses where you just watch the videos and never implement anything, here well be working with actions and results.To guarantee that by the end of the course you will absolutely dominate Instagram and that you have real results, using the best Instagram and social media marketingstrategies that are being used by large corporations that make thousands of dollars every day, strategies that you will start using today.Every Day, more than 800 Million people are active on Instagram, and 80% of them are following businesses on Instagram.But, how do you optimize your Instagram account to get more followers?How can you effectively plan your content to get more Like, comments and shares?How can you spy and beat your competitors and see what are the exact strategies they are using?What are the things you need to do and the things you need to avoid?Not using the right strategies on Instagram will cause you to lose money, lose potential clients and to spend time with no result.Using the right strategies will give you outstanding results, increasing your sales, increasing the number of customers and your relationship with them, growing the number Likes on your photos, views on your videos, and inspiring your followers to take action and buy your products or services.Welcome to the Ultimate Instagram Marketing training in Udemy.In this course, you will learn how to reach hundreds, thousands or millions of people on Instagram and how to convert them into clients and raving fans.Well create and optimize your powerful Instagram account to make sure that when somebody visits your profile, they FOLLOW YOU!You will become an Instagram Content Genius, with strategies that will allow you to touch your customers heart with each post.Well talk about the 6 Ways to create a Viral Instagram Post, about content ideas, content planning and scheduling to save you hours of time.You will identify and make a list of your top 5 competitors, and together, well do an X-ray of their accounts, learning whats working and whats not, so you can apply those strategies immediately and accelerate your results.You will also learn how to create 4 types of Instagram Ads, and how to analyze your results, so you know exactly what to do next.And of course, you will learn how to create raving fans with Instagram Live and Instagram Stories, (300 Million people watch Instagram Stories every day). Using the right Call to action, we can convert fans into customers.And as a Bonus, I'll share with you the 10 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Organically (without Ads!) and the 6 Mistakes that most People Make on Instagram and how to avoid them.Remember that is not enough just to watch all the videos and lectures, the real results come when you TAKE ACTION, thats why in this course you will find 10 assignments. Each assignment was designed to help you apply all the strategies you learn, so we know that you are taking the right steps to succeed.What will youlearn?(if you find at least two things on this list that you think will take your Instagram game to the next level, you should enroll right now!)You will learn strategies tobecome an Instagram Leader!Dominating your niche or market on Instagram.You will learn how tobeatyour competitorson Instagram.You will identify and make a list of your top 5 competitors, and together, well do an X-ray of their accounts, learning whats working and whats not, so you can apply those strategies immediately and accelerate your results.You will learn how tocreate a community ofraving fansthat are addicted to your Instagram content.You will learn how tocreate anInstagram content masterplanthat will generate the best results and save you time, money and energy.You will learn how tocreateunique business opportunitiesfrom your Instagram presence.You will learn how tobuild a trustful relationship with your Instagram fans, customers and business partners.You will learn how toget more Instagram followers, likes, comments, and shares.You will learn how touse Instagram togenerate and grow your sales.You will learn how tospread your brand,your products and your message all over the world.You will learn how touse Instagram toincrease trafficto your website, your stores, or other social media channels.You will learn how torun Instagram Adslike a Pro.You will learn how touse the power ofInstagram Storieslike a Pro.You will learn how tocreate your ownInstagram Liveshow.Learn the best Instagram Marketing strategies that will create real results for you and your business, saving time, money and energy.and much more...Whyshould youtake this course right now?There are 800 million people on Instagram every day, your target audience is there, people are waiting to hearfrom you, your products and services. If you are not optimizing your Instagram strategy, you may be missing a great opportunity.You need this course because here you will find real-world strategies. We willanalyze the top players on Instagram to see what's the exact recipe they are using, you will see and learn that so you can implement immediately in your Instagram.You need this course because together, we'll identify your top 5 competitors on Instagram, and learn the strategies they are using.You will love this course, because this is not like other courses where you just watch the videos, here you will get real, solid results.You will love this course because does not matter if you are new or anexperienced Instagram user, here you will find strategies that will move your business forward.You will love this course becauseis not rocket science, this is a simple recipe that you can quickly follow. After each lecture, you can take immediate action, and start seeing results.You will love this course because you will learn how to ""read"" anyone's strategy, this is a skill that you can always use for business or personal relationships.You will love this course because you will have fun!COURSE BONUSES:By enrolling today, you will have immediate access to these:10 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Organically (without Ads!)6 Mistakes that most People Make on Instagram and how to avoid them.The complete Facebook Page Domination strategy.I'm sure you'll love the course, Im so confident that this course will revolutionize your business that I offer a 100% results guaranteed! If you watch the course, do the assignments, apply the strategies, and dont have the results that you want (or if you just dont like the course) you can request a full refund in the first 30 days. No questions asked!With all this guarantee you have nothing to lose, Enroll now and let's start using all the power of Instagram to generate more sales, attract more followers and grow your online presence exponentially right now!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo de Instagram Marketing" |
"Bem-vindo ao Curso Completo de Instagram Marketing em Portugus!***ATUALIZADO PARA 2020***Antes de te mostrar todas as coisas fantsticas, voc vai aprender neste curso. Quero te contar que o meu objetivo te ajudar a usar todo o Poder do Instagram para aumentar exponencialmente suas vendas, esmagar seus concorrentes e se tornar um Lder no Instagram, enquanto a gente se diverte criando uma comunidade de fs apaixonados que amam seus produtos e so viciados em seu contedo no Instagram.Este no um curso como os outros cursos em que voc assiste aos vdeos e nunca implementa, aqui vamos trabalhar com aes e resultados para garantir que at o final do curso voc domine o Instagram e tenha resultados reais, usando as melhores estratgias de Instagram que so usadas por grandes corporaes que fazem milhares de dlares todos os dias, estratgias que voc comear a usar hoje.Todos os dias, mais de 800 milhes de pessoas utilizam o Instagram, e 80% delas esto seguindo empresas no Instagram.Mas, como otimizar o seu Instagram para conseguir muito mais seguidores? Como planejar o seu contedo para aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de curtidas, comentrios e compartilhamentos?Como espionar e ganhar dos seus concorrentes e ver exatamente quais so as estratgias que eles esto usando?Quais so as coisas que voc precisa fazer e as coisas que voc deve evitar? No utilizar as estratgias certas no Instagram pode causar que voc perca dinheiro, perca potenciais clientes e gaste seu tempo sem obter bons resultados.Usando as estratgias certas, voc obter excelentes resultados, aumentando suas vendas, aumentando o nmero de clientes e seguidores e seu relacionamento com eles, aumentando o nmero de curtidas em suas fotos, visualizaes em seus vdeos e inspirando seus seguidores a agir e comprar seus produtos ou servios.Bem-vindo ao melhor treinamento de Instagram Marketing da Udemy.Neste curso, voc aprender como alcanar centenas, milhares de pessoas no Instagram e convert-las em clientes e seguidores.Vamos comear criando otimizando o seu perfil no Instagram para deix-lo irresistvel e garantir que, cada vez que algum visitar seu perfil, e essa pessoa se converta num seguidor!Voc se converter num master de contedo no Instagram, com estratgias que permitiro que voc toque o corao de seus seguidores com cada post. Falaremos sobre as 6 formas de criar uma postagem Viral no Instagram, sobre como gerar ideias de contedo que seus seguidores vo amar, planejando contedo estratgico e agendando posts para economizar seu tempo.Vamos identificar e fazer uma lista dos seus cinco principais concorrentes e, juntos, faremos um raio-X dessas contas, aprendendo as estratgias que esto funcionando para seu tipo de negcio, e voc vai conseguir aplicar essas estratgias imediatamente e acelerar seus resultados.E voc tambm aprender como criar uma legio de fs com o Instagram Live e o com as Histrias do Instagram, (300 milhes de pessoas assistem s histrias do Instagram todos os dias). Usando a chamada para ao perfeita, podemos converter os seus seguidores em clientes.E como um bnus, voc vai aprender as 10 maneiras de crescer o seu Instagram de forma orgnica (sem anncios!) E os 6 erros que a maioria das pessoas cometem no Instagram e como evit-los.Lembre que no suficiente apenas assistir a todos os vdeos, os resultados reais surgem somente quando voc AGE! por isso que neste curso voc encontrar 8 Tarefas. Cada tarefa foi criada para ajud-lo a aplicar todas as estratgias que voc aprendeu no mdulo, e assim garantimos que voc est dando os passos certos para dominar o Instagram.O que voc vai aprender? (Se voc achar pelo menos dois items nesta lista que podem mudar totalmente o impacto que vc tem no Instagram, voc deve se inscrever agora!)Voc aprender estratgias para se tornar um Lder do Instagram! Dominando seu nicho ou mercado no Instagram.Voc aprender como vencer seus concorrentes no Instagram. Voc identificar e far uma lista dos seus 5 principais concorrentes e, juntos, faremos um raio-X dessas contas, aprendendo o que est funcionando e o que no, e voc poder aplicar essas estratgias imediatamente e acelerar seus resultados.Voc aprender como criar uma comunidade de fs e seguidores que so viciados em seu contedo no Instagram.Voc aprender a criar um masterplan de contedo do Instagram que vai gerar os melhores resultados e vai te economizar tempo, dinheiro e energia.Voc aprender como criar oportunidades de negcios nicas com a sua presena no Instagram.Voc aprender a criar um relacionamento de confiana com seus seguidores, clientes e parceiros de negcios do Instagram.Voc aprender como ganhar mais seguidores, curtidas, comentrios e compartilhamentos do Instagram.Voc aprender como usar o Instagram para aumentar as suas vendas.Voc aprender a divulgar (da melhor maneira) a sua marca, seus produtos e sua mensagem por todo o mundo.Voc aprender a usar o Instagram para aumentar o trfego do seu website, suas lojas virtuais ou outras redes sociais como Facebook, YouTube, etc.Voc aprender a usar o poder das histrias do Instagram o Instagram Stories atingindo novos clientes e seguidores.Voc aprender a criar seu prprio show no Instagram Live.Aprenda as melhores estratgias de marketing para Instagram que vo criar resultados reais, os resultados que voc merece, para voc e sua empresa, economizando tempo, dinheiro e energia.e muito mais ...Por que voc tem que fazer este curso agora?H 800 milhes de pessoas no Instagram todos os dias, o seu pblico-alvo est l, essas pessoas esto esperando para ouvir de voc, dos seus produtos e servios. Se voc no est otimizando suas estratgias no Instagram, pode estar perdendo uma tima oportunidade.Voc precisa deste curso porque aqui voc encontrar estratgias do mundo real. Estratgias que so utilizadas diariamente. Vamos analisar as contas TOP no Instagram para ver qual a receita exata que eles esto usando, voc vai ver e aprender, e assim implementar imediatamente em seu Instagram.Voc precisa deste curso porque, juntos, identificaremos seus 5 principais concorrentes no Instagram e vamos descobrir as estratgias que eles esto usando. Estratgias que funcionam para seu tipo de negcio.Voc vai adorar este curso, porque voc no somente assiste aos vdeos, aqui vamos colocar na prtica e obter resultados.Voc vai adorar este curso porque no importa se voc um usurio iniciante ou um expert no Instagram, a gente vai do iniciantes at avanado!Voc vai adorar este curso porque todas as estratgias so bem simples mas muito poderosas, e aps cada aula, voc pode tomar colocar na prtica e comear a ver os resultados.Voc vai adorar este curso porque vai aprender como ""avaliar"" a estratgia de algum, essa uma habilidade que voc sempre vai poder usar, ja seja para crescer e otimizar seus negcios ou ajudar amigos e familiares.Voc vai se divertir!BNUS DO CURSO:Ao se inscrever hoje, voc ter acesso imediato a este bnus:10 maneiras de crescer seu Instagram de forma totalmente orgnica (sem anncios!)6 erros que a maioria das pessoas fazem no Instagram e como voc pode evit-los.A um mdulo completo sobre criao da Pgina do Facebook para seu negcio.Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso, e que este curso vai revolucionar o seu negcio e aumentar o poder que voc tem no Instagram. Por esse motivo ofereo Resultados 100% garantidos!Se voc assistir ao curso, fizer as tarefas, aplicar as estratgias e no tiver os resultados desejados (ou se simplesmente no gostar do curso), poder solicitar a devoluo de 100% do seu dinheiro, nos primeiros 30 dias. Com toda essa garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se agora e vamos comear a usar todo o poder do Instagram para gerar mais vendas, atrair mais seguidores e aumentar exponencialmente a sua presena online!"
Price: 579.99

"Curso Completo de Marketing Digital - 23 Cursos em 1" |
"Voc est procurando um curso completo de marketing digital que vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para se tornar um especialista e master em marketing digital, certo?Voc encontrou o curso de marketing digital certo!Com as habilidades e estratgias que vai aprender aqui no nosso curso de marketing digital, voc pode:CRESCER seu prprio negcioCONSEGUIR um timo emprego no setor de marketing digitalAJUDAR aos seus clientes a aumentar e crescer seus negciosQueremos te ajudar a expandir seus negcios com marketing de redes social, marketing de contedo, email marketing e muito mais! Prometemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para ajud-lo a dominar todas estas estratgias de marketing digital & marketing de redes sociais:BRANDINGSITESEMAIL MARKETINGBLOGGINGCOPYWRITINGSEO(Search Engine Optimization)YOUTUBEMARKETING DE VIDEOFACEBOOK - PGINAS DE NEGCIOSFACEBOOK - GRUPOSFACEBOOK - ANNCIOSFACEBOOK - PARA NEGCIOS LOCAISGOOGLE - ANNCIOSGOOGLE ANALYTICSTWITTERINSTAGRAMGOOGLE PLUSPINTERESTLINKEDINPERISCOPETRANSMISSO AO VIVO NAS REDES SOCIAISPODCASTINGQUORAA maioria das ferramentas e estratgias que recomendamos e ensinamos no curso so completamente grtis!O QUE VOC RECEBE AO SE INSCREVER NO CURSO COMPLETO DE MARKETING DIGITAL?Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaesSuporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntasCertificado de concluso Udemy - que podes incluir no teu currculo Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias - se no gostar do curso podes pedir o reembolso de 100%BNUS DO CURSO DE MARKETING DIGITAL?Download de Checklist (listas com estratgias) para fazer o curso e aprender da maneira certaDownload de Guias completos para te ajudar a dominar cada assunto e aplicar as estratgias no teu marketingEstudos de caso para mostrar os bastidores de nossas estratgiasQUEM SO OS INSTRUTORES?O legal desse curso que vocs tem dois professores! Phil Ebiner e Diego Davila tm usado o marketing digital para crescer seus prprios negcios a mais de $1 Milho. Com mais de 850.000 alunos, Phil e Diego sabem o que preciso para ajudar os iniciantes a aprender habilidades complicadas de marketing digital. Eles combinaram tcnicas e estratgias ensinadas em muitos de seus outros cursos mais vendidos e reuniram tudo isso com esse curso completo de marketing digital.PREPARE-SE PARA COLOCAR NA PRTICA!Durante todo o curso, voc estar aplicando as estratgias no seu prprio negcio!Voc aprender as tcnicas e estratgias perfeitas para cada seo. Logo voc ver como essas estratgias so usadas no mundo real com estudos de caso. Finalmente, voc vai colocar na prtica e ver resultados reais!CHEGOU A HORA DE COMEAR A USAR O MARKETING DIGITAL E O MARKETING DE REDES SOCIAIS PARA CRESCER OS SEUS NEGCIOS E A SUA MARCA PESSOAL!Mesmo se voc iniciante e nunca antes ouviu sobre estes tpicos, ou se voc j utiliza alguns deles, agora o momento perfeito para comear. Inscreva-se agora e vamos dominar o marketing digital e comear a utiliza-lo para crescer exponencialmente os seus negcios!Te vejo na primeira lio!Diego Davila.@realDiegoDavila"
Price: 579.99

"Banco de Dados SQL Avanado - Curso Completo!" |
"Voc est procurando um curso completo de Banco de Dados e SQL que vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para se tornar um especialista em programao e anlise em banco de dados, certo?Voc encontrou o curso Completo de Banco de Dados SQL Avanado!Com as habilidades e estratgias que vai aprender aqui no nosso curso Completo de Banco de Dados SQL, voc poder:AUMENTAR o seu conhecimento tcnico e se tornar um expert em SQL e banco de dadosCONSEGUIR um timo emprego no setor de Tecnologia da InformaoAJUDAR aos seus clientes, amigos da rea de TI a serem excelentes e extrair o mximo das informaes e construir relatrios e sistemas inteligentes para aumentar e crescer seus negciosEste curso bem didtico e focado em te ajudar a dominar banco de dados. No importa se voc totalmente iniciante na rea de banco de dados ou se voc j tem um pouco de experincia. Aqui vamos do bsico at o Avanado.No suficiente so aprender a teoria, o conhecimento so fixado, e voc realmente aprende colocando em prtica! Para garantir que voc domine o SQL inclumos no curso 6 projetos prticos, onde voc vai aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos em cada mdulo, assim criando confiana e fixando o conhecimento.Nestes projetos voc vai conseguir realizar consultas bsicas e complexas sobre o comportamento de seus clientes, informaes gerenciais e operacionais de sua Companhia e assim tomar as melhores decises atravs de Dashboards e relatrios que voc mesmo ir desenvolver com qualidade e rapidez.E se voc quer conseguir um emprego na rea de Banco de dados e Tecnologia da informao, temos um mdulo completo com as melhores dicas para conseguir o emprego dos seus sonhos. Vamos te ensinar como otimizar o seu currculo para chamar a ateno dos empregadores de TI, como estabelecer o seu perfil do LinkedIn e muitos outros pontos que so fundamentais na hora de conseguir um emprego top!Neste curso voc ter:O contedo mais otimizado e planejado para se tornar um expert em SQLAcesso s prticas e tarefas do cursoDescobrir os segredos e truques do SQL com os exemplos propostosDownload de cdigo utilizado nas tarefas e exemplos trabalhados no cursoDownload dos Scripts e Correes dos exercciosExemplo de currculos para para te ajudar na empregabilidade do mercado de TIAlm disso voc tem acesso vitalcio ao contedo do cursoCertificado oficial de Especialista em Banco de Dados SQL emitido pela UdemyAqui voc aprender de maneira prtica:Tudo do bsico ao avanado para o banco MySQL e linguagem SQL e PL/SQLVoc ver alm dos detalhes e recursos da linguagem SQL, as tarefas de instalao e administrao deste poderoso banco de dadosComo regra de negcios voc ir ver as consultas avanadas em banco de dados para elaborar Dashboards elegantes.BNUS DO CURSO:Ao se inscrever hoje, voc ter acesso imediato a este bnus:Ao mdulo de empregabilidade com as formas de ser mais empregvel utilizando as ferramentas de Emprego: Linkedin e APinfo. Como turbinar seu Currculo com experincias e cursos na rea de Tecnologia.17 Exemplos de Currculos ProfissionaisTenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso, e que este curso vai revolucionar as suas habilidades profissionais na rea de T.I.Se voc assistir ao curso, fizer as tarefas, aplicar as estratgias e no tiver os resultados desejados (ou se simplesmente no gostar do curso), poder solicitar a devoluo de 100% do seu dinheiro, nos primeiros 30 dias.Com toda essa garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se agora e vamos comear a fazer de voc um expert em SQL!Nos vemos na primeira lio!Forte abrao e sucesso!"
Price: 579.99

"Curso Completo de Instagram Marketing ." |
"Antes de mostrarte todas las cosas maravillosas, que aprenders en este curso. Djame decirte que mi objetivo es ayudarte a usar todo el poder de Instagram para aumentar exponencialmente tus ventas, superar a tus competidores y convertirte en un lder en Instagram, mientras te diviertes creando una comunidad seguidores que aman tus productos y son adictos a su contenido de Instagram.Este no es un curso como otros cursos donde simplemente ves los videos y nunca implementas nada, aqu trabajaremos con acciones y resultados.Para garantizar que al final del curso tendrs dominio absoluto de tu Marketing en Instagram y que obtendrs resultados reales aplicando las mejores estrategias de Instagram que son utilizadas por las grandes corporaciones que generan miles de dlares cada da, estrategias que comenzars a usar hoy mismo.Todos los das, ms de 800 millones de personas estn activas en Instagram, y el 80% de ellas siguen a marcas y empresas en Instagram.Pero, cmo puedes optimizar tu cuenta de Instagram para obtener ms seguidores?Cmo planear tu contenido para obtener ms Me gusta, comentarios y seguidores compartiendo tus publicaciones?Cmo puedes espiar y vencer a tus competidores y ver cules son las estrategias exactas que estn usando?Cules son las cosas que tienes que hacer y las cosas que debes evitar?Si no utilizas las estrategias correctas en Instagram, perders dinero, perders clientes potenciales, gastando tiempo sin obtener ningn resultado.Si utilizas las estrategias correctas tendrs resultados excelentes, aumentando tus ventas, aumentando la cantidad de clientes y tu relacin con ellos, aumentando el nmero de Me gusta en sus fotos, visualizaciones en tus videos e inspirando a tus seguidores a dar el paso y comprar tus productos o servicios.Bienvenido al mejor entrenamiento de Instagram Marketing en Udemy.En este curso, aprenders cmo llegar a cientos, miles de personas en Instagram y cmo convertirlas en clientes y seguidores.Comenzaremos optimizando tu cuenta de Instagram con todos los elementos necesarios para asegurarnos de que todos los que visiten tu perfil, se conviertan en seguidores.Te convertirs en un genio del contenido de Instagram, con estrategias que te permitirn tocar el corazn de tus clientes con cada publicacin. Hablaremos sobre las 6 formas de crear publicaciones virales en Instagram, sobre ideas de contenido, planeando y agendando tus publicaciones para ahorrarte horas de trabajo.Identificars y hars una lista de tus 5 principales competidores, y juntos, haremos una radiografa de sus cuentas, aprendiendo qu funciona y qu no, para que pueda aplicar esas estrategias inmediatamente y acelerar tus resultados.Y por supuesto, aprenders estratgias que te transformaran en un expert en el Instagram Live e Instagram Stories, (300 millones de personas ven historias de Instagram todos los das). utilizando el llamado a la accin adecuado, podremos convertir a esos seguidores en clientes.Y como bonus, compartir contigo las 10 formas de hacer crecer tu Instagram orgnicamente (sin anuncios!) Y los 6 errores que la mayora de las personas cometen en Instagram y cmo evitarlos.Recuerde que no es suficiente ver todos los videos y lecciones, la nica forma de conseguir resultados reales para tu empresa es colocando en prctica!Por este curso vas a encontrar 9 tareas. Cada tarea fue pensada y proyectada para ayudarte a aplicar todas las estrategias que vas aprendiendo, y as garantizar que estas dando los pasos correctos para llegar el xito en Instagram.Qu vas a aprender? (Si usted encuentra al menos dos elementos en esta lista que pueden cambiar totalmente el impacto que tiene en Instagram, usted debe comenzar este cursoahora!)Usted aprender estrategias para convertirse en un lder de Instagram! Dominando su nicho o mercado en el Instagram.Usted aprender cmo vencer a sus competidores en el Instagram. Usted identificar y har una lista de sus 5 principales competidores y juntos haremos una radiografa de esas cuentas, aprendiendo lo que est funcionando y lo que no, y usted podr aplicar estas estrategias inmediatamente y acelerar sus resultados.Usted aprender cmo crear una comunidad de fans y seguidores que son adictos a su contenido en Instagram.Usted aprender a crear un masterplan de contenido de Instagram que generar los mejores resultados y le ahorrar tiempo, dinero y energa.Usted aprender cmo crear oportunidades de negocios nicas con su presencia en Instagram.Usted aprender a crear una relacin de confianza con sus seguidores, clientes y socios de negocios de Instagram.Usted aprender cmo ganar ms seguidores,""me gusta""ycomentarios enInstagram.Usted aprender cmo utilizar Instagram para aumentar sus ventas.Usted aprender a divulgar (de la mejor manera) su marca, sus productos y su mensaje por todo el mundo.Usted aprender a usar el Instagram para aumentar el trfico de su sitio web, sus tiendas virtuales u otras redes sociales como Facebook, YouTube, etc.Usted aprender a usar el poderde las historias del Instagram alcanzando nuevos clientes y seguidores.Usted aprender a crear su propio show en Instagram Live.Aprenda las mejores estrategias de marketing para Instagram que van a crear resultados reales, los resultados que usted merece, para usted y su empresa, ahorrando tiempo, dinero y energa.Y mucho ms ...Por qu tienes que hacer este curso ahora?Hay 800 millones de personas en el Instagram todos los das, su pblicoest all, estas personas estn esperando para escuchar de usted, sus productos y servicios. Si usted no est optimizando sus estrategias en Instagram, puede estar perdiendo una gran oportunidad.Usted necesita este curso porque aqu usted encontrar estrategias del mundo real. Estrategias que se utilizan diariamente. Vamos a analizar las cuentas TOP en Instagram para ver cul es la receta exacta que estn usando, ver y aprender, y luego implementar inmediatamente en su Instagram.Usted necesita este curso porque, juntos, identificaremos a sus 5 principales competidores en el Instagram y vamos a descubrir las estrategias que estn usando. Estrategias que funcionan para tu tipo de negocio.Usted va a adorar este curso, porqueno slo velos vdeos, aqu vamos a poner enprctica y obtener resultados.Usted va a adorar este curso porque no importa si usted es un usuario principiante o un experto en Instagram, vamos desde a explorar todas las estratgias, desdeprincipiantes hasta avanzado!Usted va a adorar este curso porque todas las estrategias son muy simples pero muy poderosas, y despus de cada clase, usted puede colocar enprctica y empezar a ver los resultados.Usted va a adorar este curso porque va a aprender cmo ""evaluar"" la estrategia de cualquier empresa, esa es una habilidad que usted siempre va a poder usar, ya sea para crecer y optimizar su negocio o ayudar a amigos y familiares.Usted se divertir!BONUS DEL CURSO:Al inscribirse hoy, usted tendr acceso inmediato a este bonus:10 maneras de crecer su Instagram de forma totalmente orgnica (sin anuncios!)6 errores que la mayora de las personas cometenen Instagram y cmo se puede evitar.Estoy seguro que este curso te va a encantar! Y estoy tan confiante que este curso va a revolucionar tu negocio, que ofrezco 100% de resultados garantizados! Si ves el curso, completas las tareas, aplicas las estrategias y no tienes los resultados que desea (o si simplemente no te gusta el curso) puede solicitar un reembolso completo en los primeros 30 das.Con toda esta garanta, no tienes nada que perder, inscribete ahora y comencemos a utilizar todo el poder de Instagram para generar ms ventas, atraer ms seguidores y crecer exponencialmente tu presencia online!"
Price: 199.99

"Time Management for Animators" |
"Ok, so you want to learn animation to share your awesome imagination, but there is one problem. You dont have time.You are super busy, you have kids, you have a full-time job, and a gazillion things to do each day, so you cant possibly make room to start learning animation. Right? I decided to create this course because I have met a lot of subscribers who would love to learn animation but they just cant find the time to do it. If this sounds like you, then you would love it if each day could just last for 30 hours instead of 24. That would make every dream you have come true right? Starting with the powerful goal of being able to tell stories and sharing ideas using animation. But reality check, days only provide us with 24 hours, so the question is... can we do something about it? What if I tell you that there was a way to accomplish everything you need to do, have time to learn animation and on top of that, have some time to spare? Would you believe me? Well, I am here to tell you, it is possible. I have done it and in this course, I will teach you exactly how you can do it too. To give you a clear idea of what you can accomplish, lets talk about an example we use in the course. Steve. He is married, has a lot of imagination. He makes his buddies laugh with all kinds of crazy stories, and is thinking about learning animation to share all of his jokes through animation, and make people smile around the world. The problem is that he has so many things to do each week. He has a full-time job He likes to spend time with his family and friends He likes to go on a date each week with his wife, to maintain the intimacy in the relationship. Goes to the gym 3 times a week He has important commitments that are a priority in his life, which are To render community services on his church And help his kids with his school homework. He has multiple solicitations to help his family like: Help his kids to get ready for school Pick them up from school Giving a ride to his son to visit his friends And sometimes, attend a meeting in his kids school. Oh, and on top of all that, he is finally fulfilling his promise and is building a tree house in his backyard. This takes a lot of his time, but its worth it because now his kids love him more than ever, the house is 50% complete and still needs a lot of hard work to do. And Steve, on top of all of that, he is planning to learn animation? No way. Its probably better to just keep the stories and imagination to himself, and deprive the rest of the world, from knowing about his funny jokes. Sad story. Well, this course teaches Steve how to exactly organize his activities, be more productive and be able to, not only be able to accomplish all of that on a weekly basis but also learn animation and even have some spare time to catch a movie on Netflix every now and then. This course will give you the techniques and tools you need to accomplish all of this with your time. Enroll now and learn how to be more productive, have time to learn animation and even have some time to spare doing other hobbies or catching a movie on Netflix. See you inside."
Price: 99.99

"Create a Dojo Background for Animation in Photoshop" |
"In this course you will learn how I created the Dojo for the little animation of the Ninja Kicks Animation in 5 steps.This course was created to teach you how to create a background in Photoshop.The 5 steps are:Create the texture of the floor. Not from the correct camera angle, but from the top view, so we can add texture and some shading. We will create a flat image.Then, we put that floor with texture in perspective, so it looks as if it was 3D. This is accomplished by control+clicking the corners and move the perspective points of the image.Then we will create the top of the Dojo. That is easy, we will just use a duplicate of the texture we used for the ground and use it on top.Then we will create the Doors and the Wall. We will use the reference and use the same pattern used for the Japanese Doors, copying the texture and the shadows.And finally we will create an effect as if the light was pouring in from the outside into the inside of the Dojo.If you already know how to use Photoshop, then you don't have to take this course, you can just check the trailer and check the 2 minute tutorial at the begining of the trailer.But if you don't have much experience and you are a beginner who is learning how to produce images in Photoshop, then this course is for you.Inside I explain each one of the steps in detail.So, if you are a beginner, enroll now, and I will see you inside :)"
Price: 19.99

"Animate a Ninja in CrazyTalk Animator 3" |
"Hi Mark Diaz here for 2DAnimation101 dot com. In this tutorial I am going to explain to you how to animate anything you want using the Animankenstein Formula and any animation software you like. For this course I will be using CrazyTalk Animator 3.The first thing you need to start animating is, get a reference. For my case, I will use this line test of some awesome martial art kicks.Then, in CrazyTalk Animator 3, I import the character, already rigged and ready to be animated.Then I open YouTube, to see the first pose...And I position my character like that.Then I count how many frames I need to move the play head so my animation has the exact same timing as the reference I am copying from.Then I see the character in the anticipation for the first kick, andI duplicate that pose in CrazyTalk, moving the bones of my character as needed.Then I check the kick in my reference,and duplicate that pose in crazy talk.And so on. It is super simple, all you have to do is check each of the poses, measure the number of frames you need between poses, and duplicate those poses in any animation software you like.You can even do this frame by frame, with pencil and paper, just like I did this pencil test copying the kicks from an anime character fighting with another character.Easy enough, right?All you need to do for each pose is:Check the referenceCount the number of frames between each posePose your character exactly as in the referenceYou will have the in-between frames created automatically for you thanks to the interpolation feature inside CrazyTalk Animator 3.Great.And then, you end up with an animation like this.PLAY ANIMATIONIf you already know how to use CrazyTalk Animator, then this tutorial is all you need to know to get it started and do this on your own, with any reference you want.But if you are a total beginner, you can enroll to this crash course for FREE:Animate a Ninja in CrazyTalk Animator 3Inside you will find almost 3 hrs of video content in which I go in depth on each of the steps required to create this animation, step by step, super detailed.So, if you are just starting in animation, and want to learn how to do this, step by step, then enroll for FREE right now. See you inside."
Price: 39.99

"Ecommerce Done For You" |
"Getting tired of struggling with ecommerce and selling products online?Revealed: The best ecommerce platform for selling thousands in products you dont make, pack or ship its all done for you!Finally! You'll Be Able to have professional grade products (mugs, hats, shirts, tan tops, even leggings! YOU NAME IT!) sold through your own store without having to worry about making your own products, keeping stock in a warehouse and shipping them out to customers!PLUS!!- getting a 100, 000 visitors to your store or website guaranteed (if only a fraction bought from you - you are making a pretty buck)- best tools to spy on your competitors and reverse engineer their most successful results!Anyone Who Has Tried to sell their own products Has Run into One Problem After Another...It's no secret. Trying to sell through ecommerce is extremely difficult.As you struggle to overcome the issue, you're often met with headaches and closed doors. Finding a resolution seems impossible.You have...Tried different platforms only to find their quality is lowTried t-shirt companies but are overwhelmed with all the fuss about sizes, colors, etc.Tried Aliexpress and Alibaba only to have customers return products after they realize its crap....and oh yeah, you probably have even...Tried teespring only to find out EVERYONE is selling tshirts. Its SATURATED.It's really no wonder that most people who try ecommerce give up.But the truth is...Finally Being Able to make $17, 853 in one day is Much Closer Than You Think...Hey,Louis Laktos here and yes, I've been in your same shoes. Trying to make money online. Trying to sell through ecommerce. These days, things have gotten much better...I'm finally able to have professional grae high quality products made, I can make sure they packaged and shipped for me, and I'm very lucky in that I can even simple text designs sell like crazy with NO PHOTOSHOP whatsoever.But I've never forgotten the frustration before seeing any improvement.Having Tried it All, I Was Beaten Down and Ready to Throw in the TowelRoadblocks were my constant reality.What often stopped me dead in my tracks was I didn't know how to run a profitable ecommerce business as all the gurus kept their secrets to themselves!Of course, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.They say the definition of insanity is expecting the same action to produce different results. Well... being a fairly sane person, I was out of fresh ideas. And nothing worked.But before I pulled the plug entirely...Something Happened that Changed Everything...I was steps away from just giving up when I attended a $5, 000 seminar that should be the secret ecommerce platform that is changing the game and making teespring or shopify look small. I could hardly believe success had happened. After making so many calculated mistakes, I couldn't believe I had stumbled on the answer.However, knowing I wasn't the only one who had suffered with this problem, I had to share my formula of success.After all, I wasn't anything special. I wasn't more deserving of this success. I simply had a stroke of luck that came my way.Which is why I'm so glad you've stumbled your own way to this letter. I can't wait to introduce you to...Secret Ecommerce Goldmine LaunchpadThe ""Secret"" course that will help youto create immensely profitable ecommerce stores in only 1 week.If you want to know how I was able to make $17, 853... well... this is it.And trust me, this solution is likely going to frustrate you. Not because it doesn't work. But because you'll be shocked at how simple it is (I honestly couldn't believe it myself!)Here's How Mobile Marketing Mastery Will Benefit You: step-by-step guide on how to setup your first productInsider secrets on how to create your designs for as little as 7 bucks a month!Where to find trending designs you can copy and make money with!""Hmm... What's the Catch Here?""Again, fair question. What do I get out of this, really?I'm a straight-to-the-point kind of person. And yes, I would like to make a bit of money.Now, you could always try the old school ways of ecommerce and teespring (like EVERYONE else goodluck with swimming in crowded waters and NO DIRECTION)Or there's also the chance you could stumble upon this yourself. I have no doubt that you could, but why waste anymore time hoping for a solution?And really, does it matter if I make a bit of money if it means you save yourself a ton of money, time and frustration for a fast tracked solution?And don't worry.You won't have to pay anywhere near $1000.00 per month or $2500.00 per month like what some of these gurus charge.""Yes, I'm Ready to Dive In!""Just click the buy button and you can have a profitable ecommerce store setup by the end of the day if you follow my course step by step!"
Price: 44.99

"52 Travel Hacks for Digital Nomads" |
"Tired of overpaying for airline tickets, hotels, and travel in general? Revealed: 52 of the very best travel hacks for digital nomads, travel junkies and anyone on the move with an online business!Finally! You'll Be Able to find the best deals on flights, hotels, online travel bookings, digital services, design services, bank accounts, cell phone plans and more!!!Anyone Who Has Tried to travel and save money knows that its getting tougher and tougherDigital nomads with online businesses are constantly trying to save money and find the best deals but its easy to get lost in the sea of information out there. Ive been at it for a few years now and traveled with some of the best minds out there this is the ultimate travel hack course with EVERYTHING you need to travel light, smart, and cost-effectively. All 52modules include revelations of secret sites that can save you thousands on travel bookings, your cell phone plan, bank transfers and digital tools to run your business. TravelAirplaneticketsHotelbookingsDigitalonline servicesBankaccountsCreditconsolidationProject managementCoachingPodcastsMusicCrowdfundingSalesSocial media marketingFund transfersFree photoshop alternativeLead generationScreen recordingAnd much more!As most of you know, Im big on smart and efficient streamlined processes so traveling hacks is one of my favorite subjects. Im so glad I could create this course and share these secrets with you guys so you can enjoy your next trip as if you were Bruce Wayne smart, classy, and efficient. All for a third the price. These secret sites are under the radar and often not as popular as many of the sites being shoved down your throat constantly without actually providing any value. Ive got you covered. These are the cream of the crop and after years of testing and seeing what works, this is 56 of the best travel hacks for everyone who considers themselves a citizen of the globe. So grab a coffee, sit back and let me take you through all the savings, automation, mind blowing deals available. Click the buy button below and be prepared to save thousands in your trip! YOU MAY BE ABLE TO FUND YOUR NEXT FLIGHT WITH THE MONEY YOU SAVE FROM THIS COURSE! See you inside!"
Price: 54.99

"Ninja Traffic Goldmine" |
"Getting sick of struggling with needing start-up money to make money? Revealed: How I Made $16, 647 with CPA offers and a little known site with MASSIVE traffic (NOBODY is using this)Finally! You'll Be Able to make money online without spending a dime on ads with This secret underground course You Can't Live withoutAnyone Who Has Tried to create CPA campaigns have Run into the One BIG Problem: NO STARTUP MONEYIt's no secret. Trying to create profitable CPA campaigns is extremely difficult as someone just starting out in online marketing. As you struggle to overcome the issue, you're often met with headaches and closed doors. Finding a resolution seems impossible. You have... tried running facebook ads which ended up in wasting your money for a few measly clicks tried posting to social media only to have ZERO conversions or customers ...and oh yeah, you probably have even... Tried playing the SEO game (or as I like to call it the waiting game). Googles engineers dont even know how the algorithm works anymore. It's really no wonder that most people who try to make money online give up. But the truth is... Finally Being Able to make $16, 647 is Much Closer Than You Think...Hey, Louis Lakatos here and yes, I've been down the same road. These days, things have gotten much better... I'm finally able to have 200-300 per day in revenue (WHEN I want), I can also run my other businesses by funneling money made from this secret site, and I'm very lucky in that I can make thousands of dollars on demand with virtually no competition. You must be saying yeah I already know about forums, craiglist, ebay I can tell you this: This is NOT about: Craiglist Ebay Amazon Cheap forums Blog commenting Paid ads Social meda Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin NO WAY! This is something NOBODY is using. But I've never forgotten the frustration before seeing any improvement. Having Tried it All, I Was really desperate.I mean really desperate.Roadblocks were my constant reality. Debt was piling up and this is the way Ive started out while keeping it in my back pocket as a secret weapon if and when I need it. What often stopped me dead in my tracks was I didn't know how to make money just starting out..all the gurus had large email lists and seemingly endless budgets for facebook ads. How the hell was I supposed to do that? Of course, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. So you couldn't blame me for wanting to give up when this sounds so familiar to you... They say the definition of insanity is expecting the same action to produce different results. Well... being a fairly sane person, I was out of fresh ideas. And nothing worked. But before I pulled the plug entirely... Something Happened that Changed Everything...I was steps away from giving up when I found an internet marketer on a famous forum who took me under his wing after we both shared our stories of losing our fathers when we were very young (I wont bore you with the story). He told me there is always a way. Always a hope. I could hardly believe success had happened. After making so many calculated mistakes, I couldn't believe I had stumbled on the answer. However, knowing I wasn't the only one who had suffered with this problem, I had to share my formula of success. After all, I wasn't anything special. I wasn't more deserving of this success. I simply had a stroke of luck that came my way. Which is why I'm so glad you've stumbled your own way to this letter. I can't wait to introduce you to... Secret Traffic GoldmineThe ""Secret"" course that will help youto profiting immensely from CPA offers with millions of potential customers and leads.If you want to know how I was able to make $16, 647... well... this is it. And trust me, this solution is likely going to frustrate you. Not because it doesn't work. But because you'll be shocked at how simple it is (I honestly couldn't believe it myself!) Here's How Ninja Traffic Goldmine Will Benefit You: step-by-step guide on how to set up your ads (for free) on this site with MILLIONS of visitors each month.which offers convert the besthow to craft your email copy and set it up the right way the first time.an EXACT blueprint on how to make your first $200-300 a day TODAY!EXTRA SPECIAL INSIDER SECRET ON DOUBLING OR EVEN TRIPLING YOUR EARNINGS! But just because this worked for me, how do you know it will work for you? Fair question. Because Its dead simple if you can post an ad. You can make money. And don't worry. You won't have to pay anywhere near $1000.00 per month or $2500.00 per month (thats what so many would charge for this training) SO CLICK THAT BUY BUTTON NOW AND ILL SEE YOU INSIDE!"
Price: 54.99

"7 Day List Building Machine" |
"""Revealed... The Strategic Approach To Building An Insanely Responsive and Highly Profitable Email List!""Start Implementing a Strategy With Your List Building... Right Now!Are you ready for some straight talk?The money is in the list!How many times have you heard that saying?I would bet that you have heard it so many times that you probably got so pumped up and bought product after product.You were so hyped up about just how EASY it is to make money with a list. After all, as so many sales letters say: list marketing is like shooting fish in a barrel! It is a SLAM DUNK.Well, youre reading this sales letter because youve been around the block a couple of times and you have experienced the following:- Build a list and generate few if any sales- Converted tons of squeeze page visitors but hardly anyone buys anything- Paid through the nose for premium traffic but your list doesnt cover its traffic costs- Your funnel generates few if any back end salesFrustrated? Feeling ripped off? Getting sick of email marketing?You have come to the right place. LIST BUILDING PROFIT KIT is the solution you have been waiting all this time for.Low On Fluff... Heavy On Strategy!Listen, I know you have been told otherwise but here is the TRUTH: List building requires STRATEGIC and SYSTEMATIC thinking. Otherwise, youre going to fail.There. I said it. Failure is just around the corner if you get taken in by the hype and fail to execute an actual PLAN thats been ENGINEERED from Day One to maximize your SUCCESS.Best of all, it simplifies a lot of otherwise confusing list marketing concepts used by heavy hitting six and seven figure marketers into plain english.Thats right-its heavy on execution and light on fluff, jargon, inflated claims and other stuff that doesnt put dollard in your bank account.This course walks you through the process of building a SUCCESSFUL and fully SCALABLE online BUSINESS.Take note of that word: Business. This step by step system gives you the information you need to build a business not a hobby or side project (unlike most other list building products out there!)Start List Building For Profit ...Today!You will get the INSIDE SCOOP onStep 1:Define Your Dream ClientExercise: Define Your Dream ClientStep 2:Know Your Follow-Up GoalExercise:Determine Your GoalStep 3:Opt-In Incentives Giving Your Dream Client What She Wants & NeedsExercise: Create Your Opt-In IncentiveStep 4:Map Your FunnelExercise: PlanYour Follow-Up SequenceStep 5:Striking the Right Balance Between Information and OffersExercise:Give Them Good InfoStep 6:Open Up How to Write Clickworthy Subject LinesExercise:Create a Swipe FileStep 7:Crafting Compelling Calls to ActionExercise:Create Your Email Calls to ActionStep 8:Put Your Email Campaigns on AutopilotExercise: Plan Out Your AutomationStep 9:Test, Track, Tweak & ImproveExercise: Track Your NumbersExercise: Email Planning TemplatesStop Wasting Time And Losing Money!Listen... its too easy to lose time and money in online marketing. There are too many blueprints, frameworks, and programs out there that try to sell you a product instead of a system.Do things right the first time around with thisLIST BUILDING PROFIT KIT!Save time, money, effort, and, most importantly... Motivation.Drastically increase your chances of success on day one instead of having to scramble to fix what went wrong after you have put up your sales funnel. You owe it to yourself!You will be hard-pressed to find a more valuable resource.I'm delighted to have the chance to share this powerful guide with you.!Once you get INSTANT ACCESS you can begin using what you learn in this courseand get results as soon as TODAY!P.S. - You'll discover all the steps, tools and resources to help you finally reach your goals.P.P.SYou'll gain instant access immediately after payment, there's absolutely no waiting!PLUS - you'll get some super awesome fast action bonuses which literally hand over EVERYTHING to you!See you inside!"
Price: 64.99

"Marketing on a zero Budget (deutsch) mit Audiobook" |
"***Update: Jetzt mit Audiobook!***Blogger, Kreative und Eigentmer kleiner Geschfte, aufgepasst!Hier kommt deine Chance ganz ohneein Budget fr Marketing zu haben eine effektive Strategie zu entwickeln wie du mit deinem Blog oder deiner Webseite Geld verdienst.Wir schauen uns im Detail an wie Digitales Marketing berhaupt funktioniert, welche Mglichkeiten du hast und wie letztlich alles fr dich zusammen kommt. Wir schauen uns an, welche Kooperationen sich fr dich lohnen und was du selbst tun kannst, um kostenlosen Traffic auf deine Webseite zu bekommen. Ganz wichtig ist es dabei, dass du zunchst das ""groe Ganze"" verstehst.Im Online Kurse ""Marketing on a zero Budget"" zeige ich dir, wie wir unsere Webseite mit zahlreichen Online Kursen effektiv bewerben. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, wie lange deine Webseite schon besteht. Auch wenn du gerade erst anfngst und dir darber klar werden willst, wie Online Marketing funktioniert und welche Mglichkeiten du fr Werbung hast, bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig.Sobald wir uns Online Marketing als Gesamtes angesehen haben, picken wir uns einen ganz wichtigen Aspekt heraus, das Content Marketing. Denn mit den richtigen Inhalten verkauft deine Webseite quasi von alleine - oder zumindest kannst du sie so aufsetzen, dass sie das bei jedem Kunden wieder auf's neue tut.Sobald wir herausgefunden haben, wie du zu neuen und auch kontinuierlich gutenIdeen fr hochwertige Blogposts kommst, die deine Zielgruppe investieren, schauen wir uns an, welcher Emailanbieter dich bei deinem Vorhaben untersttzen wird und warum du diesen whlen solltest.Wir versuchen natrlich alle Tools absolut kostenlos zu halten (schlielich ist es ja Marketing on a zero Budget) aber wir wollen dir auch nicht vorenthalten, dass es Tools gibt, die dich untersttzen undschnell wachsen lassen.Am Ende lernst du auch noch wichtige Grundbegriffe des Marketings und warum du mit deiner Webseite eine Warmakquise und keine Kaltakquise durchfhren solltest.Dieser Kurs ist der erste Teil einer Serie, die sich im Detail mit jedem Kanal beschftigen wird, der dir Traffic auf deine Webseite bringt. Er ist absichtlich in Abschnitte gegliedert, damit du die Informationen auch gleich in deine Webseite oder deinen Blog einbauen und umsetzen kannst,."
Price: 59.99

"Marketing on a zero Budget with Audiobook (English)" |
"If you are a blogger, creative or a small business owner you just arrived at the right place! This course is your chance to develop an effective business strategyto earn moneywith your blog or website.We will look in detail athow digital marketing works and what chances you have to advertise your website completely free. And we also have a look at how everything finally comes together - because you first need to understand the big picture and find cooperations which work for you and our business.In the class ""Marketing on a zero Budget"" we first set the foundation,content marketing. You need to understand why this is essential for your business and why you need to be able to handle it well - because: What is your website without content? With the right content your website sells your products 24/7.We try to use just free tools (after all we are in the class ""Marketing on a zero Budget"")but we will also show you which tools will support you and help you to grow your business.At the end of the class you'll also learn about Marketing in general and why warm acquisitionis much easer than cold acquisition.This course is the first part of a series which has a look at each channel you can get traffic fromin detail. In this course we start with content marketing and email marketing. We also have a look at the different social media channels. Each of them has its own rules therefore we will look at each of them in detail.We put this course in modules so you can implement what you have learned without feeling overwhelmed.This course has 5 modules and a length of 2 hours and 40 minutes. The course has 37 videos in FullHD and a Quiz."
Price: 129.99

"Google Tag Manager (GTM) Training Course - From Zero to Hero" |
"This course will cover every thing you need to know to start using Google Tag Manager with confidence. Step by step I take you through various features of Google Tag Manager and show you how you can implement various Tags. You will go from not knowing anything about Google Tag Manager and Data Layers to mastering them and using them with confidence. I am very confident that you will love this course.I take personal interest in your success so if get stuck or want something that is not covered in the course then feel free to reach out to me. Let's get started!In this course you will learn everything you need to get started and use Google Tag Manager with confidence.Fundamentals and Essentials of Tag Manger (Applies to any tag manager)Signing up for Google Tag ManagerDetails of Google Tag Manager InterfaceHow to setup Google Tag Manager for Google Analytics and track page viewsHow to setup external link tracking as Events in Google Analytics via Google Tag ManagerHow to setup Button click tracking in Google AnalyticsTrack JavaScript errors using Google Tag Manager ( GTM)Deploy GTM in WordPressUnderstand and use Data Layer in Google Tag ManagerPushing dynamic values and custom event in DataLayerDeploy Facebook Conversion and Re-targeting Pixel to drive higher conversionsFacebook event tracking to track specific actions on your site and create targeted list based on those actions.Measuring page scroll depth - see how far users scroll on long and wide pages.Tracking if users look at particular elements such as section, image, banner etc on the pageTrack user engagement with YouTube videos embedded on your pages.Google Ads conversion trackingExport and Import Google Tag Manager container to share tags, triggers, variables between accounts.More to be added soonI am available to help if you do get stuck. So go ahead and signup and I will see you in the course.New tracking examples added based on student demand - if something is not covered, let me know and I will show you how to do it in Google Tag Manager.Note: You will need basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript to use some advanced tracking using GTM. Here is what some of the students are saying:Troy - AWESOME COURSE! I bought like 4 courses (including stuff for google tag manager) on udemy to teach me this and NOTHING came close to what Anil delivered in this course! I dont usually rate courses and place comments but I will make an exception in this case. Phenomenal class, covers everything, & well worth the money!Kate Proyka - The course is well structured, clear and covers all elements of the tool. There are several examples which can be easily implemented and make sense.Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years. I have trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into high performing Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand both the technology and marketing side of business. I have dealt with many analytics technologies way before Google Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics. In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am online instructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99

"Google Analytics for Beginners - Zero to Hero" |
"Google Analytics has become an integral part of Business and Marketing in most of the organizations. Having the right level of knowledge of Google Analytics will help stay ahead of the others in your organization.In this course, you will learn how to use Google Analytics to measure the performance of your website and marketing programs. We'll cover the most essential, out of the box functionality from account creation to reporting fundamentals and also, how to glean insights from the vast array of data available. This course will make it easy for you to build upon and learn Advanced Google Analytics.What You will learnWhat is Web and Digital Analytics - get the foundation rightHow does Google Analytics workGetting started with Google Analytics - installing on your websiteUnderstand Google Account Hierarchy and StructureConnect with a Demo Account - eCommerce site - those who don't have Google Analytics can get all GA functionality in this demo account and gets hands on training and experience.Create Views and FiltersOverview of various reportsHome ScreenAudience reportsAcquisition reportsBehavior reportsCampaign reportsCreate Goals in Google Analytics - measuring success of your marketing effortsLearn how to track campaigns in Google AnalyticsLear how to track and report on events - non-page view actions such as video views, downloads etc.More added frequentlyI have worked with Google Analytics since it's first version and taught the classes since then. I teach in a way that even a beginner (with no background) can understand and lead the content to to more advanced level content.Note: This is a beginners course and meant for those who want to learn Google Analytics. This course applies to everybody from individual running their blogs to people working in the corporations. If you are looking to start a career in Digital Marketing or Analytics, this course is a must fro you. You will learn the skills you need to analyze your website performance and visitors.Note: This course will keep evolving for nest few weeks based on the feedback I get from students. So stay tuned for messages from me and send me your questions. My goal is to provide you the best experience and learning! Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years. I have trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into high performing Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand both the technology and marketing side of business. I have dealt with many analytics technologies way before Google Analytics, Google Tag manager, Facebook etc. existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics. In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am online instructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Google Optimize - Beginners - Free A/B Testing Tool" |
"Google Optimize is a free testing and experimentation platform from Google (paid version is called Google Optimize 360). Considering wide popularity of Google Analytics and Google Optimize's easy integration with Google Analytics makes it one of the best tools for running A/B Test, MVT andexperimentation . Those seeking a new job this tool with add value to your resume so go ahead and signup.In this course you will learn everything you need to get started with experimentation. We will coverSignup for GoogleOptimizeUnderstand Accounts andContainersSetup Google Optimize codeCreate A/B testCreate Redirect testCreate Multivariate testA must know tool for Digital Marketers, Digital Analysts, Growth Hackers and Conversion rate Optimization professionals or those seeking to enter these fields.Here is what some of the students are saying:Brad BookserAnil is an excellent instructor. He provided a clear and concise introduction to Google Optimize. I now have a better understanding of how to set up accounts, containers, and experiments in Google Optimize. If you are looking for an excellent introduction that will get you started with Google Optimize, I highly recommend this course.Joseph CoxExcellent Course!!!! Although the course is short it is concise. The instructor goes into great detail on how to setup your A/B testing campaigns using the testing Tool. As soon as the course begins we get right into what the tool is useful for, how to incorporate the tool into your business workflow and connecting the tool to your web properties/campaigns which need to be tested and then how to incorporate them into your current analytics tracking/reporting scheme .Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years.Ihave trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into highperforming Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand boththe technology and marketing side of business.I have dealt with many analytics technologieswaybeforeGoogle Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics.I have extensivelyworked with companies like Microsoft, Starbucks, Wall Street Journal, ESPN, T-Mobile to name few and helped them Data Driven Marketing Decisions.In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am onlineinstructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99

"Digital Marketing Fundamentals - Acronyms and Abbreviations" |
"Marketing is full of abbreviations and acronyms, It gets confusing even for an experienced marketer to keep track of these terms. These are terms that every marketer should know and understand. If you are a marketer or aspire to be one that you must take this course.This is your Encyclopedia of Essential Digital Marketing and Advertising Acronyms and Abbreviations. This is a must have course for anybody who is or wants to be a Digital Marketing and Advertising professional.In this course I am going to explain various digital marketing and digital advertising abbreviations that every marketer or people who want to understand marketing terms should know. I also show examples and also calculations as applicable.The course covers following terms and more will be added soon.A/B TestingAIAIDA APIAORAOVATD B2BB2CBRCACCLVCMSCPACPCCPLCPM CRCROCRMCTACTRCX DM DAMDMPDRDSPeCPMEPCESPGAGTMHiPPOHITSKPIPPCPRPVROASROIROMI SaaSSEMSEOSERPSLASM More coming soon...As digital marketing evolves there will be new terms added. This course will be your guide for years to come.If you are a seasoned marketer you might not find a lot of value but if you are new to marketing this course will demystify various abbreviation.Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years. I have trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into high performing Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand both the technology and marketing side of business. I have dealt with many analytics technologies way before Google Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics. In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am online instructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99

"Web Analytics & Digital Marketing Analytics - Zero to Hero" |
"Web and Digital Analytics does not start and end with Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics or any other Web & Digital Analytics tool. It is more than an understanding of a tool.Google Analytics provides you data and reports but does not provide you how to use it effectively. This course teaches you the fundamentals you needs to effectively use a tool like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics etc. and provide value to your stakeholders.In this course I will give the foundation you need to fully utilize Web and Digital Analytics. This is a beginner level course but even experienced analysts have found it to be effective in reminding them of the process they need to follow.You will learn the Web Analytics and Digital Analytics process that have been tried and tested with small and Fortune 5 companies. Here is your opportunity to learn the same process. I clarify the definitions as well as provide you a framework that you can use to do your job. It is the same framework that I have used with my current and past clients which include Microsoft, T-Mobile, Starbucks to name a few.I have used the very same course outline to train my teams that has worked with clients like Microsoft, T-Mobile, Google Analytics, Target etc.Let's get started. Enroll in the course!Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years. I have trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into high performing Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand both the technology and marketing side of business. I have dealt with many analytics technologies way before Google Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics. I have extensively worked with companies like Microsoft, Starbucks, Wall Street Journal, ESPN, T-Mobile to name few and helped them Data Driven Marketing Decisions.In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am online instructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99

"Google Analytics Set Up - Step by Step Guide to Audit it." |
"A large number ofGoogle Analytics setups Ihave come acrossare either brokenor are not setup properly.If the setup is not right then why even look at the data since it is not going to be correct.Wrong setup leads to wrong insights and hence wrong decisions. These wrong decisions are very expensive and many times irreversible. Considering this issues, I have developed a course that provides you step by step instructions on how to audit your Google Analytics setup. It also provides a template that you can use to audit your Google Analytics (GA) setup on regular basis. Whether you are at Google Analytics 101 level or are advanced Google Analytics user, this course it going to help you ensure that you are collecting the right data. In this course I will teach you howto ensure that your Google Analytics configuration is correct so that you can be confident about the data it collects.Don't waste your time analyzing Google Analytics data before you have gone through this course.This is a must have course for anybody who uses Google Analytics.There are too many people wasting time and resources on reporting and optimizationbeforehaving fixed the measurement part.However, the issue with this out of the box setup is that accounts often contain spam sessions, internal sessions, no or little goal tracking and inaccurate e-commerce tracking. As a result, this can mean inaccurate measurement and can make it harder to identify and debug website issues.To help you through this I haveput together a Google Analytics audit checklist which I will continue to keep up to date as Google Analytics rolls out newfeatures and functionality. This is the samechecklist we use to audit our clients' setup and charge our clients thousands of dollars. You can use the template and save that money. That is called great ROI.If you are already familiar with Google Analytics and know why something is required or not required then you can just jump to the Audit template, which by itself, is worth the value of this course. If you do want to go through the reason then you can watch videos to figure why something should be checked and audited.Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years.Ihave trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into highperforming Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand boththe technology and marketing side of business.I have dealt with many analytics technologieswaybeforeGoogle Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics.In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am onlineinstructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99
