"Retargeting and Facebook Ads Retargeting made Easy & Simple" |
"Retargeting also knows as Remarekting is a very powerful strategy if used effectively. In this course I will teach you everything you need to understand Retargeting and effectively use Retargeting with Facebook.Facebook has millions of users, learn how to use Facebook reach to effectively reach your target customers. This course is your step by step guide toRetargeting/Remarketingwith Facebook. The fundamental of Retargeting you will learn in this course apply to any Retargeting platform not just Facebook.Understand what Retargeting isLearn how Retargeting worksDesign the correct retargeting strategy for your businessHow to set up retargeting inFacebook Ads managerRetargeting pitfalls and how to avoid themWith retargeting you can improve the ROI of your marketing efforts. So get started and learn how you can use it to drive more conversions and customers.The concepts of retargeting you will learn also apply to other retargeting networks such as Google Ads (previous Google AdWords) though implementation is unique for each platform. In this course we will focus on Facebook Retargeting and get to understand it step by step so that it is easy for you to implement and start using it effectively.Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years.Ihave trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into highperforming Digital Marketers and Analysts. I understand boththe technology and marketing side of business.I have dealt with many analytics technologieswaybeforeGoogle Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics.In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am onlineinstructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA.My several Udemy bestseller will tell you that I know how to teach well and convey the concepts in an easy to understand way.I look forward to you joining the course."
Price: 199.99

"Create a 3D Game using SceneKit and Swift" |
"Do you want to create your own iOS 3D game?You don't know where to start?Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of SceneKit?If YES this course is for you!What's the course about and how is it structured?This course is the meant for advanced developers looking to create 3D games using SceneKit framework and Swift.In this course we will learn how use Scenekit to create a 3rd person game, how to control the hero character and how to battle with enemy golems.The course covers :Learn how to:Load 3D models to your projectControl characters using a D-PadControl cameraManage character's altitude to climb stairsUse various animationsUse SpriteKit as SceneKit's overlayDetect collisionsStop character movement when hit wallsMath functions that can be used to any game or applicationMake enemies detectand follow the characterBattle with enemies (do and take damage)MaterialsThe course consists of :4hours of video lectures with code from scratchXcode files for downloadThis course can be completed in a couple of weeks.Why to follow this course?If you want to create your own SceneKit gamefrom scratch or use this code to upgrade your existing game this course is for you!If you want to learn how how game logic worksthis course is for you!If you want to learn how to move - rotate a game characterIf you want to learn howIf you want to learn about collisionsIf you want to learnWho can follow this course ?This course is meant for advanced Swift developers.Basics of Swift language is not covered.How to create 3D game assets is not covered, all game assets are created from Game Assets Designers.Copyright Valsamis Elmaliotis 2018"
Price: 79.99

"Intro to Forensic Science" |
"This is a survey of general forensic science as taught in the United States of America. This is a college level course, aimed at students who wish to go on and work in crime scene investigation. This course is currently taught at various FEPAC accredited universities across the U.S. Now you have the chance to take it for yourself!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn How To Play The Drum Set: Masterful Drumming Volume 1" |
"Learn How To Play The Drum Set:Masterful Drumming Volume Oneis a video course based onthedrum set methodbook Masterful Drumming Volume One. This video coursewill help drummers develop their co-ordination and independence on the drum set. Volume One is designed for beginner to intermediate level players. The videowill help develop sight reading skills by working through the basic note values like quarter, eighth, sixteenth notes and eighth note triplets. The videofeatures a section on drum fills that will really help a student get around the drum set. An ebook of Masterful Drumming Volume One is included in the course."
Price: 29.99

"Xamarin Forms: Crea Apps Android, iOS y Windows con C#!" |
"Has intentado desarrollar aplicaciones para ms de una plataforma, y te ha tomado bastante tiempo y demasiados recursos. Tienes que aprender ms de un lenguaje de programacin, dominar ms de un entorno de desarrollo y te toma muchsimo tiempo crear la misma aplicacion para distintas plataformas, aunque sea exactamente la misma funcionalidad.Xamarin.Forms te permite resolver todo esto, al crear aplicaciones Android, iOS y Windows con una base de cdigo C# e interfaz XAML 100% compartida entre las plataformas. Ahora solo tienes que escribir la lgica una vez en C#, y definir la interfaz una vez en XAML para que se genere una aplicacin COMPLETAMENTE NATIVA, de cada una de estas plataformas.Resumen del cursoIntroduccin a XamarinHola Mundo con XamarinXAML - Aplicacin Mis ContactosC#SQLiteAzure Mobile App ServicePublicando la aplicacinSi quieres crear aplicaciones multiplataforma para cubrir un requerimiento de tus clientes, o para alcanzar a la mayor cantidad de usuarios posibles, este curso es para ti. Cuando lo termines, sabrs crear aplicaciones Windows, Android y iOS que comparten 100% de cdigo, ahorrando gran cantidad de recursos, tiempo y esfuerzo en tu proceso de creacin y desarrollo de aplicaciones.Por qu tomar mi curso en lugar de un curso de alguien ms?Hay muy buenos cursos all afuera, pero son pocos los que cubren las tres plataformas principales, y te permiten desarrollar aplicaciones para Windows, iOS y Android con Xamarin.Forms. Adems, este curso cubre el uso de Microsoft Azure como servicio en la nube de almacenamiento de datos con bases de datos SQL, y su conexin con Xamarin Forms.Adems tengo gran experiencia enseando Xamarin (con dos cursos en ingls aqu mismo en Udemy con gran cantidad de estudiantes), y he desarrollado aplicaciones con C# y XAML desde la poca de Windows Phone 7.No te quedes fuera, nete a mi comunidad de ms de 13,000 estudiantes y aprende Xamarin ya!Si no ests satisfecho con el curso, siempre puedes usar tu garanta de 30 das para pedir un reembolso, sin hacer pregunta!Espero verte en la primera leccin!"
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress Skills : Adding a Forum" |
"If you ever wanted to add a forum to your website, but thought it was either too costly or too complicated, think again.This course will show you how to add a feature-rich forum to your Wordpress website using 100% free forum plugins.Forums are centres of discussion between like-minded individuals, and your site can host it. There are a lot of very good reasons why you should add a forum to your website.These include:Build a thriving community where you can meet people interested in the topic of your website.It's a great way to make new friends.Share your knowledge and learn from others. As the administrator of your forum, you'll enhance your credibility and become known as the expert in your field.Forum posts can be indexed by Google, so the members of your forum are actually creating content for you that can increase traffic to your site.As your forum grows, so does the authority of your site, and with it, the site rankings.A forum can reduce your workload, especially if you are providing support for something. Other members will chip in and answer questions for you, and you can even have a frequently asked questions forum to post the answers to the most common questions.It's a great way to gather feedback from your members.You can put advertising into your forum. Relevant adverts would be of interest to your members.If Itold you that you could set up a forum in less than 30 minutes, would you be interested in starting one?This course will take you step-by-step through the entire process, THREETIMES.Yes, you heard that correctly.I'll design a forum for a fictional software company, and then set it up using three different Wordpress forum plugins. The reasons for showing you three different plugins is simply to give you a choice.Do you want a comprehensive plugin, or a simple one?I'll help you make the right decision on which plugin is best for you.This course covers:An introduction to forums and how they work.Understanding permissions, forum groups and user groups.Designing your forum.The range of plugins available for setting up a forum.The installation and setting up of three different forum plugins.For each plugin. we'll:Explore the user interface.Check out any demo forums and usergroups the plugin installed as an example, before deleting everything so we can start from scratch designing our own forum.Take the forum we designed earlier, and recreate the forum with the plugin.Add forums.Add usergroups if necessary.Add and check permissions.Explore the process a visitor goes through when registering for your forum, and how you can then move that member to a specific usergroup depending on which forums you want to give them access to.Look at post moderation.Quickly run through the importantoptions and settings for the plugin.By the end of this course, you will have a fully functional, feature-rich forum.If you have any problems or questions as you go through the course, Iam here to personally help you. You are never on your own when you take one of my courses. So what's stopping you?Sign up today, and create that community forumyou always wanted."
Price: 79.99

"Essential Webmaster Skills" |
"With scripts like Wordpress making it so easy for anyone to run a website, more and more new webmasters are struggling to learn the myriad of skills required to keep the site alive.This course empowers new webmasters with the skills required to run and manage a successful website. From hosting and registrars to Google Search Console and cPanel.This course will guide you through the learning curve.The course starts off by looking at web hosting and registrars.A lot of web hosting companies alsowant tobe your registrar.In other words, they want to control your domain name and your hosting space. This is probably how you have your website set up if you already have web hosting. But did you know this isn't such a great idea?I'll tell you whyand what you can do about it if you already have your hosting setup this way.We'll go through the settings at your registrar and how to connect a registrar to a separate web host.We'll also look at email and how easy it is to create and use domain based emails or Gmail. Gmail is so easy to set up and these email addresses can be well worth considering.Many people don't like Gmail because they wrongly assume they have to log into Gmail to read and write emails.Actually, I'll show you how you can use most email software programs on your home computer to read and write Gmails without ever having to log into the web interface in a browser.Your web hosting space is basically a disk drive on which you can store files. But how do you access that disk space to manage, edit, add or delete files?We'll go through two optionsincluding how to set upFTP.FTPcan be set up on your own computer and looks very much like the file manager you already use on your computer.It's easy and intuitive once set up, and I'll show you how.Then there is cPanel.Most web hosts use cPanel and I actually recommend you choose a host that does.We'll look at the tools in cPanel and how to use the most important ones.We'll also look at the difference between your web hosting accounts ""main domain"", and ""addon domains"". Addon domains are a way of adding additional domains to your hosting package (assuming your hosting plan allows more than one domain), andyou'll learnhow to use addon domains.You will also learn what a CDN is, and why you should use one.I'll take you step-by-step through the process of setting up a 100% free CDN that makes your pages load faster and helps secure your site against known hackers.We all know Google as the search giant that it is, but did you know that Google also provides free tools to webmasters to help them manage their website? GoogleSearchConsole is like having a direct line to Google search.The SearchConsole will tell you important information about your site, including if there are any problems with spidering, indexing, and even malware. You can use SearchConsole to find out how your pages are performing in Google search, including how many times your pages are showing up in the results pages, and the click-through rate of those pages. Are your titles and descriptions enticing visitors to click through to your pages?SearchConsole can tell you this. You can also submit sitemaps or just individual pages to Google through your account.One of the powerful features of search console is the ability to download a list of links that point to your site.Links mean better rankings, but did you know that some links can cause your rankings to drop?I'll show you what to do with ""bad neighborhood"" links so that Google ignores them when ranking your pages.Another great free tool from Google is Google Analytics.It's a full-featured web analytics program that tracks your website visitors. I'll show you howto add your site to Google Analytics so your website visitors are tracked.We'll then go through some of the cool information you can find out about your visitors by looking at the Analytics dashboard.Building a website is only the first hurdle in gaining an online presence. With Wordpress making is so easy, that hurdle has pretty much gone.But to be successful with your website, you need to know how to manage and administer your site, taking advantage of the tools you have been given, and those that are there for the taking.This course will get you up to speed fastso you will finally be able to put all the pieces of the jigsaw together and be in control of your website."
Price: 49.99

"Usando Efectos de Audio: la clave para la mezcla creativa" |
"Los efectos de audio son una herramienta muy importante para mejorar la calidad y el impacto sonoro de una produccin. La tecnologa actual nos da acceso a un gran nmero de herramientas para procesar el audio de diversas formas: crear la sensacin de profundidad, espacio, ajustar el tono o dar un ""color"" diferente a los instrumentos, voces, msica, etc.Como dira Brian Eno, famoso productor de artistas como U2, David Bowie, Coldplay, entre otros: ""La mayora de procesadores de audio pueden ser empleados como instrumentos musicales por s mismos"". El productor actual debe dominar el funcionamiento de los procesadores de audio para entonces poder aplicarlos en su forma particular de sonido. No hay reglas fijas una vez que dominas los principios bsicos. El conocer cmo funcionan los principales procesadores de audio te ayudar a generar tu propio sonido y definir tu estilo musical de produccin!A travs de los efectos de audio se han marcado pocas y estilos en la industria musical: rock, balada pop, reggaeton, EDM, etc. Muchos msicos son identificados por el tipo de sonido que generan gracias al uso adecuado y creativo de procesadores de efectos, como guitarristas o productores.La msica no es la nica aplicacin para los efectos de audio. La post-produccin tambin requiere de efectos todo el tiempo. Con ellos se pueden crear ambientes diferentes (habitacin, gimnasio, caverna, etc.), que son bsicos en la edicin de dilogos para videos, pelculas o videojuegos. Tambin son esenciales para el diseo sonoro de efectos especiales (explosiones, disparos, sonidos sci-fi, etc.).En este curso aprenders paso a paso la funcin y aplicacin de los principales efectos de audio, como:DelayEcoReverberacinExcitadores armnicosEfectos de modulacinTrmoloChorusFlangerPhaserCadenas de procesamientoY ms*El saber qu son y cmo funcionan estas herramientas, te dar la posibilidad de expandir tu creatividad hasta los lmites de tu imaginacin. Entre las muchas aplicaciones posibles, podrs:Mejorar la calidad de tus mezclas musicalesCrear sonidos distintivos en la produccin musical pop, rock, EDM, latino, etc.Mejorar la afinacin de cantantes o instrumentos musicalesMejorar el realismo sonidos en distintos entornos acsticos: espacios grandes o habitaciones pequeasGenerar efectos originales para usarse en sets de DJ, produccin musical o post-produccinAprovechar al mximo las herramientas incluidas en tu DAW (Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, etc.)Este curso es ideal para el msico, ingeniero, productor musical, editor de audio o productor multimedia, que requiere un mayor entendimiento de las herramientas creativas disponibles. Ha sido diseado de modo que puedas aprender de manera eficiente. Los temas se van explicando de manera ordenada y secuencial para reducir dudas conforme se va avanzando.Aprenders los fundamentos de cada familia de procesadores, esto te permitir entender los procesadores de software y hardware de cualquier marca y modelo! Cada tema se explica de manera sencilla y concisa, de modo que puedas aprender a usar todos los procesadores en el menor tiempo posible. Puedes estudiar un par de lecciones en tan solo 15 minutos al da, a cualquier hora y en cualquier lugar!Las canciones producidas en un estudio profesional son ""pulidas"" y perfeccionadas usando muchos procesos de audio. El ingeniero agrega un poco de procesamiento en diferentes puntos de la cancin para crear mayor dimensin, profundidad, claridad e impacto en la msica. T tambin puedes aprender esto! Al dominar el arsenal de efectos con que cuentas, tendrs el conocimiento para que tu msica suene mucho ms profesional y se diferencie del resto.Sers llevado de la mano por un instructor lder en el mundo de la instruccin en audio y produccin musical en espaol. Con ms de 15 aos de experiencia tanto en escuelas y universidades, as como en seminarios y cursos especializados. Algunos de sus ex-alumnos actualmente laboran en compaas como Sony Music, Televisa, Yamaha, TV Azteca, OCESA, entre otras; e inclusive han sido ganadores del premio Grammy, por lo que la calidad del contenido est garantizado.nete a los ms de 3,000 alumnos alrededor del mundo y aprende ms sobre audio y sonido!*Este curso es el complemento ideal de los cursos de Tcnicas de Ecualizacin y Tcnicas de Compresin del mismo autor.**An English version of this course is also available."
Price: 49.99

"Fundamentos de Ingeniera en Audio" |
"T puedes aprender las bases de la Ingeniera en Audio y conocer sobre equipos y sistemas de sonido con este curso!Los sistemas de audio o sistemas de sonido son elementos muy importantes en nuestra vida cotidiana. Todos nos hemos beneficiado de un sistema de audio. Cuando hemos sido parte del pblico, nos encontramos con sistemas de sonido en infinidad de lugares y aplicaciones:ConciertosRecitalesEscuelasObras de teatroSalones de fiestaIglesiasCinesRestaurantesClubesIncluso, somos usuarios en otros casos menos evidentes, como en tiendas departamentales, plazas, terminales de autobuses, aeropuertos, etc. Los sistemas de audio son esenciales para la realizacin de una gran cantidad de actividades en la actualidad. Adems, cada vez es ms sencillo y econmico hacernos de un sistema de audio propio para alguna aplicacin. Sin embargo, el uso adecuado de un sistema de sonido requiere de conocimientos bsicos de Ingeniera en Audio que nos permitan operarlo de una manera adecuada y evitar problemas desagradables.Es lamentable ver que la mayora de las veces los sistemas de sonido suenan ""mal"". Es tan comn que hasta pareciera normal que un sistema genere feedback o ""chillidos"" desagradables, distorsiones, problemas para entender lo que se dice, sistemas que lastiman nuestros odos, etc. Son raros los casos en los que no hay ninguna queja respecto al sistema de audio.Con este curso aprenders los fundamentos de la ingeniera en audio. Dars el primer paso para poder comprender y operar cualquier tipo de sistema de audio. Podrs entender cules son los ""bloques"" bsicos de todos los sistemas de sonido, su importancia y aplicacin. Los sistemas van evolucionando, las marcas y modelos van cambiando, pero los fundamentos no. Las bases de la ingeniera de sonido siguen siendo las mismas. Comprender estas bases te permitirn entender fcilmente cualquier sistema de audio analgico o digital, virtual o fsico, actual o futuro! Aprenders sobre temas como:Qu es audio y qu es sonidoQu son las seales de audioQu son la frecuencia, los hertz, los decibelesQu es la presin sonora y su importancia en los sistemas de sonidoQu son los preamplificadoresCules son los procesadores de audioTipos de sistemas y consolas, ventajas y desventajasLa funcin de los amplificadores de potenciaTipos de altavoces y sus aplicacionesCrossovers activos y pasivosTipos de cables y conectores para audioSistemas convencionales y linealesY ms!Tambin aprenders a identificar el origen de los principales problemas de los sistemas de sonido:Retroalimentacin (feedback)RuidoDistorsinUso inadecuado de los micrfonosMala posicin de los altavocesEsto te ayudar a evitar daos a los equipos y a sacar el mximo provecho de un sistema bsico.Este curso es el punto de inicio ideal para todo el que quiera aprender sobre ingeniera en sonido o a manejar equipo de audio correctamente. Tambin es muy til para quienes ya operan sistemas de sonido, pero nunca pudieron entrenarse formalmente como ingenieros de audio.Adems sers guiado por un instructor en audio certificado (Meyer Sound, Yamaha) con ms de 15 aos de experiencia docente en todos los niveles, desde seminarios hasta clases universitarias, por lo que la calidad acadmica est garantizada. Los temas estn organizados de modo que vayas aprendiendo paso a paso cada concepto, de una manera clara, concisa y sin tomar demasiado tiempo. Puedes estudiar un par de lecciones en solo 15 minutos cada da! Los conocimientos que adquieras con este curso, te permitirn tener las bases para, ms adelante, comprender los complejos sistemas de audio profesional u operar equipo avanzado de audio: mixers, procesadores, sistemas de grabacin, etc.nete a los ms de 3,000 alumnos que ya han tomado cursos con uno de los mejores instructores en espaol de Udemy!Si te interesa entender desde el principio el mundo de la ingeniera en audio, este curso es para ti!"
Price: 49.99

"ETSY 2019: Etsy Marketing and SEO Mastery Course" |
"Introducing...ETSY 2019: Etsy Marketing and SEO Mastery CourseThis completely guided course will teach you the basics of mastering SEO and Marketing your Etsy business.Isn't time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy SEO and Marketing Mastery Course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to Master Marketing and SEO on ETSY... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to Master Marketing and SEO for your ETSY shop from beginner level to advanced!I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for Mastering Marketing and SEO for your Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to run a SUCCESSFUL shop on Etsy Through Marketing and SEO!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 199.99

"How to sell Digital Products on The Hungry Jpeg Marketplace" |
"Introducing...How to Sell Digital Products on The Hungry Jpeg MarketplaceThis completely guided course will teach you the basics of Selling Digital Products on The Hungry Jpeg.Isn't time for your shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Sellers on The Hungry JpegEstablished Hungry Jpeg sellers looking to grow their shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Selling product on The Hungry Jpeg course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to Create and sell Digital Products on The Hungry Jpeg... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create and sell Digital Products of any kind on the Hungry Jpeg.I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for growing (or commencing) your Digital Products Shop on The Hungry Jpeg's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to run a SUCCESSFUL Digital Products shop on The Hungry Jpeg!Starting a shop on The Hungry Jpeg can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to grow your Business Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW THE HUNGRY JPEG CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Etsy Shop 101: The Anatomy of a Successful Etsy Shop Listing" |
"Introducing...Etsy Shop 101: The Anatomy of a Successful Etsy Shop ListingThis completely guided course will teach you the basics and Anatomy of a successful Etsy Shop Listing.Isn't time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Anatomy of a successful Etsy Shop Listing course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning what a Successful Etsy Shop listing looks like... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn what a successful Etsy shop listing looks like, and how to incorporate that into your shop.I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for creating a successful Etsy Shop listing that will bring in sales and drive traffic to your shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to run a SUCCESSFUL Etsy shop Through your listings!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Etsy 101: Branding your Etsy Shop with Etsy Banner #2" |
"Introducing...Etsy 101: Branding your Etsy Shop with Etsy Banner #2This completely guided course will teach you the basics of Branding your Etsy shop with Banner Templates.Isn't time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy Banner templates course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to create and brand your Etsy shop with Banner Templates... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create, personalize, and brand your Etsy shop with Banner Templates, from beginner level to advanced!I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for designing Banner Templates, along with how to use them to brand your Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to SUCCESSFULLY Brand your shop on Etsy!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Etsy 101: Branding your Etsy Shop with Banner Templates- #1" |
"Introducing...Etsy 101: Branding your Etsy Shop with Banner Templates- #1This completely guided course will teach you the basics of Branding your Etsy shop with Banner Templates.Isn't time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy Banner templates course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to create and brand your Etsy shop with Banner Templates... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create, personalize, and brand your Etsy shop with Banner Templates, from beginner level to advanced!I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for designing Banner Templates, along with how to use them to brand your Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to SUCCESSFULLY Brand your shop on Etsy!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Etsy 101: Branding your Etsy Shop with Banner Templates #7" |
"Introducing...Etsy 101: Branding your Etsy Shop with Banner Templates #7This completely guided course will teach you the basics of Branding your Etsy shop with Banner Templates.Isn't it time for your Etsy shop to flourish?Who this course Ideal for?:Anyone that would like to begin working from homeAnyone seeking additional streams of incomeNewbie Etsy SellersEstablished Etsy sellers looking to grow their Etsy shopsAnyone with a willingness to learn!*Do not take this Etsy Banner templates course if you're looking for a 'get rich quick scheme'. Contrary to many beliefs, success isn't something that comes easily, it takes time, patience and determination.* So, if you're interested in learning how to create and brand your Etsy shop with Banner Templates... Continue reading...Information you will Learn:Throughout the duration of this course, you will learn how to create, personalize, and brand your Etsy shop with Banner Templates, from beginner level to advanced!I will teach also provide you with my FOOLPROOF method for designing Banner Templates, along with how to use them to brand your Etsy Shop on Etsy's marketplace. YEP, you hear it correctly, I am going to teach you how to SUCCESSFULLY Brand your shop on Etsy!Starting an Etsy shop can be difficult at times. Like many new business ventures, there are trials and tribulations that come with it, however, it doesn't have to be hard! This course will guide you through the entire creation process, and provide you with resources and tools to ensure your success.Join this course NOW to learn how to Grow your Etsy Empire!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW ETSY CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM WE ALL SEEK!What are you waiting for? Scroll up the page and ENROLL for this course Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Does Copper Toxicity & Heavy Metals = Fibromyalgia" |
"Do you have numerous tender points (especially between the shoulder blades), sore muscles, sore fascia and connective tissue, crazy headaches (or even migraines), and areas of skin that have slowly become supersensitive and very painful?You might have a crazy build-up of copper or copper toxicity. Your body will replace a zinc deficiency with copper (they are besides each other on the periodic table of elements so easy for your body to confuse the two) and that spells trouble, trouble like all the above symptoms. These are actually also classic symptoms of the diagnosis known as fibromyalgia.Naturopaths first discovered or determined that fibro pain could be caused by a copper toxicity. They also figured out to give molybdenum to help,bring down the level but did not seem to know why it worked (let me tell you here molybdenum helps the copper metallothionein form molybdopterin which is critical to the function of the metallothionein in removing the copper).So you ask what is a metallothionein and why is it important? We have 23 known metallothioneins in our body, apparently one designed for each metal including copper these make sure the particular metal, for which they were designed, goes to the right spot in the body where it is needed. Aftermuch study and research I assumed that this was where the dysfunction occurred in fibro patients, probably secondary to,some genetic issue or SNP (since fibromyalgia does tend to run in families).The results of our 43 patient study were stunning so now we are planning a bigger study for JAMA. We are not joking around here this really worked. First, all the patients in the study had diagnosed fibromyalgia, some severe, and secondly and more notably they all had abnormally high levels of serum copper (when we calculated their levels using a formula called the NCC). Third, many had copper deficiencies on an intracellular basis (using an FDA and HHS approved and validated lab technology called Spectracell Micronutrient Panel). Fourth, when we shotgun treated them with seven supplements (purchased off Amazon so nothing special) that were known to be critical to the function of the copper metallothionein, they all got much better as a matter of fact most of their symptoms resolved completely. Notably (again) their intracellular copper deficiencies resolved (this should happen if the copper metallothionein). My friends in the pain management world went crazy. Ive also had the opportunity to speak about this all over the world, mostly to physicians (and oddly gotten more than one standing ovation unusual I think). We also combined the seven supplements into one. Easier and cheaper.Ive also discovered several more things about fibro. Avoid high cooper foods such as almonds, spinach, kale, cashews, shellfish, dark chocolate, avocados, and check peas and I am very serious about this and you should be too. Second, take your metallothionein supplement, and take more if your symptoms dont resolve or come roaring back. Glutathione is CRITICAL to metallothionein function so take it too and there is only one validated working reduced glutathione on the market and it is ours we developed it for the study because none others in the market actually worked (we have a patent and $30 million backing it for FDA approval to testify of its efficacy. Start low and go slow start on a small dose and gradually increase or youll dump copper which can be very uncomfortable.If youve tried everything (and got the usual poor results), it would not hurt to try our Metallothionein Support along with our VARS Reduced Glutathione to see. Or if youre interested in becoming a patient, call my office, at 801.796.7667, for an appointment."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete VMware vSphere 6.5: Beginner to Advanced-pt 2/2" |
"Do you want to learn the leading virtualization solution in the world, used by most enterprises?VMware vSphere is all about abstracting away physical constructs and pooling resources. However, you can take pooling too far and run out of capacity.In this course, you'll discoverhow to efficiently administer VMware vSphere 6.5 resources and availabilityby learning some of the advanced features it has to offer. First, you'll delve into resource management and distributed resource scheduler. Then, you'll explore vSphere availability features likevSphere High Availability (HA), Fault Tolerance (FT). Finally, you'll wrap up by learning about Data Protection, VMware Update Manager and vSphere Security.By the end of the course You will be able to Build and manage any Virtual Datacenter environment and be more prepared for the VMware Foundations certification and DCV exams.This course guide provides hands-on instruction and detailed conceptual explanations,anchored by practical applications and real-world examples. This is the ultimate guide to vSphere, helping administrators master their virtual environment. What You Will Learn The course is designed to teach you:How to do vMotion & Storage vMotionConfigure, and Manage the Distributed Resource Scheduling (DRS & SDRS)Plan and Implement VMware High availability (HA) and Fault Tolerance (FT)Create and Administer Resource Pools andvAPPClone, Template and Snapshot Virtual MachinesUpgrading ESXi and Virtual MachinesInstall and Configure vRealize Operation to perform many monitoring functions...This course requires the following prerequisites:System administration experience on Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems. Already enrolled and completed the preview course, Part 1, that cover the beginners features of VMware vSphere 6.5 PS: Check the Free Preview videos to know more about the course and to be sure you can get accustomed to my accent.Enroll now!"
Price: 149.99

"Learn Python 3 - Your First Step to Learning Python" |
"Welcome to my Python 3 tutorial where youll learn Python programming language from the ground up. This course is for everyone who wants to learn Python programming language from the beginning, so if you are an absolute beginner, dont worry, Ill teach you everything step by step. In this course, youll learn Python 3 fundamentals and youll be able to write a basic script. I have 10 years of experience in Python and I want to share this knowledge with you.Why should you learn Python 3?Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language built for nearly every purpose. It is easy to learn, simple to read and write in. This helps developers to work faster and more efficiently. There are a lot of giant companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, and others who decided to use Python for creating web sites, apps, and systems. You should be wondering why they chose this programming language among others?Python stands out from the rest of the programming languages not only with its simplicity, but also with its speed. Coding with Python is even 5 times faster than using Java. Thats crazy! Also, this programming language is suitable for all types of platforms, so you can write code in Linux as well as Windows or MacOS. Moreover, Python has a large community of developers, so if you choose to learn Python 3 or some other version of Python, you will never be alone and always have a chance to learn or ask for help from a wide range of skilled professionals.What will you learn in this Python course?This Python 3 tutorial is your first step to the Python learning journey. You dont need any prior experience to enroll in this course. Ill start from the very beginning by teaching you how to set up the programming environment, how to download and install Python 3, Java SE Development Kit and PyCharm. Ill show you everything step by step, so youll be able to do it with ease. When your programming environment will be ready to use, well jump into more interesting things.Lets have a look at the main topics in this course:How to create and run your first Python projectHow to write a Python scriptHow to add comments in your scriptAll about Python variables (types, rules for naming variables, how to redefine them)How to create and manage Python numbersHow to use strings in Python (empty string, string arithmetic operators, string indexing, string methods)How to create and manage Python list, tuple, dictionary, and setAfter completing this Python course for beginners, youll learn Python 3 fundamentals and get a clear understanding of how to write a Python script.Enroll in this course and learn Python 3 today!If you want to learn Python fundamentals in less than 5 hours and understand everything from the environment set up to coding in Python, this course is the best option for you. Ill explain to you every step in detail, so you dont need to worry, youll learn Python in the easiest possible way. Are you ready to deep dive into learning? Enroll in this course now and start your Python learning journey!"
Price: 149.99

"From Zero to Python: Essential Course for Absolute Beginners" |
"Are you looking to change your life and become a software developer but dont know where to start? Are you discouraged by long, multi-hour Python courses that dont really seem to teach you what you really need to know or watched dozens of Youtube tutorials only to be more confused than before?My name is Jorge Escobar and I have worked in some of the top tech companies in the world, from Yahoo! to MongoDB to PayPal, and now Ive started my own educational project, FromZero, where I have helped thousands of students to kickstart their coding career.Python is a beautiful and complex language. But the truth is you dont need to learn all of it to start buildingapplications. And this is what this course is about.In about two hours I will teach you the essential parts of Python that you need to know to start using web frameworks, data science or artificial intelligence.But dont be fooled, were not cutting corners in this course. It is packed full of really complex stuff, but taught in a way that you will understand, even without having coded anything before.Best of all, you dont even need to have a computer. You will have the option to use a cloud-based Python development environment, so that you can practice at work or in a cyber cafe where you can pick up where you left off.This course is so good, I even recommend it to people that have been already coding in Python for a while, as it will clear a lot of those quirky things that you always wondered about.So, you have officially run out of excuses. You dont need to know anything to take this course, no math, no computer knowledge.We will start by learning about variables, strings, lists, loops and conditionals, then move on to functions, object oriented programming with classes and objects, modules and packages and round it all up with an introduction to unit testing.The course has easy to follow and digestible video lessons as well as links to the code as we develop it. You can also purchase an eBook with all the material.The course can take anywhere from 3 to 7 days to complete based on how much material the student completes daily.Additionally were constantly updating the course, adding contents thanks to the feedback of our students.Join this course and start your path to becoming a professional Pythondeveloper!"
Price: 39.99

"Hurricane Survival Skills" |
"If you are concerned about your first or just the next hurricane, this course can help. Learn about tropical hurricanes, how to prepare, what to expect and how to stay safe bothduring and after a hurricane.Find out what you need to do with your pets, school issues and work changes.NOTE:This body of work is general information that should not be used for life or death decisions!It is your responsibility to research federal, state and local laws that apply to your specific situation. This course teaches HOW to find information applicable to you."
Price: 34.99

"Get Lucky Conjure" |
"The most sought after goals in life is financial success and prosperity. It seems that some are just blessed with the Midas touch. This course provides students a way to sync their desires with the abstract concept of luck and money. In this course you will:Understand how to build the informational upload (workings) for the Universe, to get a desired result.Know the importance of timing on a personalize levelHow to use money magnets out of common household itemsKnow proper use of lucky powders and oilsIn the is intermediate course on Conjure, a working knowledge of Hoodoo is essential to fully utilize the information. Taking the ""Hoodoo and Conjure for Beginners""course will help in this ""Get Lucky Conjure"" course"
Price: 199.99

"Prepper's Guide For Beginners" |
"As we enter the 6th mass extinction of the planet, this course is designed to provide survivalknowledge of worst case scenarios and inevitable ""resets"" of civilization, by either man-made disastersor natural ones.In this course, you'll learn:How to notjust survive, but thrive in a new paradigm.How to prioritize necessities and needs over wants.Understanding the simple math of natural selection.Creating a risk assessment for your situationThe old slander of ""Doomsday Preppers""being paranoid has finally reached the end of it's life cycle. Preppers are not paranoid, they have an intense appreciation of the fragility of civilization.Fear creates paralysis. Knowledge negates fear. Knowledge is the first and most important prep there is. It's unlimited in scope and is taken everywhere you go. (Doesn't have to be packed or carried)"
Price: 199.99

"Mix Your Own Tracks and Learn the Essentials of Cubase" |
"When your song is written and yourtracks are recorded, do you want to hand it off to a stranger? If you're like many artists, you want creative control until the recording is mixed and finished. Suddenly, you're not a musician anymore - you're trying to understandEQ, multiband compressors, stereo wideningand so on. Mixing your own tracks canbe overwhelming anddiscouraging. Often the manuals are hard to read and the explanations are mathematical, instead of musical. Making a great mix requires 2 coreskills - learning howand why to use EQ and Compression. This course will explain how these powerful tools work and allow students to look over an engineer's shoulder as a raw collection of tracks is transformed into a cohesive and compelling final mix!Mix and remix using downloadable projects and audio files (stems)Keep it simple by focusing on EQ and CompressionDiscover how when and why to use automation... in 2 modesMake It About the Music.All Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) contain an overwhelming collection of plugins and instruments, these days.Which ones do you need? Not only will this coursehelp you create a shortlist of the most useful plugins, but you'll also get a headstartwithdownloadable presets for theplugins you need most. This course is designed to make the processing of mixing your track feel more like music and less like engineering. You'll learnhowEQand frequency spectrum monitoring work together to help you make the rightmusical choices for each track in your mix - visually. Also, you'll learn what to listen forwhen using a compressor. With these skills, you'll be able to stay focused on your music without having to compromise on a half-baked final mix.Content and Overview:This course has cherry-picked the best features from Cubase, including pitch-correction with VariAudio, reusable FX chains and automation. You can get up and running with the most valuable mixingtools and benefit from watching them beingused in a real world mixing situation.Plus, you'll discover that Cubase offers more flexibility than many peoplerealize. Find out how to widen your stereo mix by creatively using FX channels to setup a powerful Mid-Side bus. Then, watch aswe apply different FX to different spatial elements in your mix!In the first major section of the course, we'll cover the individual features and controls that you'll want to use for every mix you ever do. You'll also develop a well-rounded understanding of topics related to Cubase (andall DAWs, really). We'll cover everything from licensing and64-bit plugins to master channel FX and optimizing your project for a better organized workflow.The course continues with 2 sections about mixing drums and instruments.Each instrument and drum will get its own dedicated lesson, so that you can see how they differ and how each instrument needsunique consideration in your mix. The range of tracks in our multitrack collection offers a huge variety of challenges. For example, you'll see how and why an 808 drum sometimes needs a longer attack, while the frequency rich content in an FM synth pad can be sculpted to play well with others.Mixing individual HH, Snare, Kick and PercussionBlending organic-sounding Fender Rhodes with a brashFM synthLearn how to record a vocal,pitch-correct it and even create a 3-part harmony!Rough Mix vs. Final Mix:Professional mixing engineers often divide their workflow into 2 distinct phases: a rough mix and a final mix.This course will teach you an optimized workflow, starting with simple fader mixing, thenleveraging automation, panning and side-chain compression tricksto create a robust and professional rough mix. Discover how mixing in mono can help diagnose mix flaws and even add creative edits - like automating a delay to create a stutter/echo effect on the last musicalnote of the outro.Many dedicated musicians have created a decent rough mix - after weeks of struggle, dozens of web searches and thumbing through incomprehensible audio engineering books and manuals. But, the professionals have some tricks up their sleeve that usually make the audible difference between a home studio mix and a pro ""final"" mix. In the last mixing section of this course, students will walkthrough setting up Mid-Side processing using Cubase's built-in audiorouting features. Students will also get a chance to see how and why a multiband compressor can be used to elevate and enrich anymix (although it is best applied to a completed ""rough"" mix). Finally, we'll cover export options and important considerations for preparing your final mix file for hand-off to a mastering engineer.Maintain creative control over your musicLearn the ART of mixing, not just the scienceDevelop good habits, understand the pitfallsUse hotkeys and optimize workflowGet the most out of your computer with CPU optimization tips"
Price: 59.99

"Ableton Wavetable Synthesizer Video Survival Guide Part 1+2" |
"Wavetable synthesis is the best type of synthesis to use for designing other-worldly, unnatural drums, pad, bassand leadsounds. Ableton's newest synthesizer opens the door to unrivaled timbres! This course will lead you through all the features AND provide hands on demonstrations so that you can learn the synth and then get to work design the sounds thatyou need.Inject New Inspiration Into Your Electronic MusicBy Learning To SoundDesign UsingAbleton's Wavetable Synthesizer.Learn how Wavetable works, feature-by-featureUnlockWavetable's unique sound designpotentialRecognize wavetable patches more easily when listeningBuilddrums, pads, basses and leads in hands on lessonsAbleton has created a unique, powerful (and CPU-efficient) wavetable synthesizer that is capable of completely unique sounds.Cut to the chase!.. Get a solid understandingof how Ableton's Wavetable (and wavetable synthesis in general) can play a role in helping you make your music stand out with unique sounds. There are some types of soundsthat you canonly really make using wavetable synthesis. Wavetable's intuitive ""Destination Based Modulation"" also makesevolving pads, grooving basses and lively leads easier to program (and a lot of fun to play)!This course will bring you up to speed on the the history of wavetable synthesis, its role in electronic music and then show you how to get started withsound designon your own.Quickstart projects to downloadHands on walkthroughsUnderstandhow and why Wavetable is a need-to-know synthCourse Overview:This course kicks things off with a solid introduction to wavetable as a synthesis platform. You'll learn about how it is different from subtractive, FM and additive synthesis.Plus, you'll get a birds eye view of what wavetable IS and ISN""T good for - so that you don't waste any time reinventing the wheel.That's followed by a break down of Wavetables features and components.There are the staples - oscillators, filters and envelopes.But, you'll also learn how the sub oscillator, LFOshaping and envelope looping works.But, features aren't enough - you'll need a method for making cool sounds in Wavetable.So, you'll get 3 sections, containing 28 video lessons explaining how EXACTLYto use the features of Wavetable to make sounds.You'll learn how to think about sound design AND then see it done, step-by-step.As the course concludes, you'll learn how the modulation matrix in Wavetable empowers you to make evolving, atmospheric sounds - one of the most interesting ways to use wavetable synthesis!Find out what Wavetable can do - this course puts everything on display and makes it easier to learn. By the end of the course, you'll feel at home with Ableton's Wavetable synthesizer and you'll be ready to design your own patches and make music!"
Price: 69.99

"Learn to Improvise Jazz Bass - The Music Theory of Arpeggios" |
"Jazz bass can be a fun to play. But, it can also seem overwhelming for many players.This video survival guide is short and sweet - focusing on music theory concepts like arpeggios, numerals, intervals and rhythm. Motivated jazz bassists will be encouraged to practice arpeggios against jam tracks, playing better improvisations on day 1. If you can already improvise a bass line over any set of changes, this course will be too basic for you. But, for everyone else, you'll be glad you invested your time to learn the material in this concise video workshop.5-Stars - ""This is an excellent course that helped expand my understanding and use of arpeggios."" -Walt (Udemy Student)Without the confidence to improvise a bold (and fun) bass line, jazz bass can become an ordeal. This course demonstrates an effective way to overcome common challenges by mastering arpeggios. You'll learn to usearpeggios and music theory to write (or improvise) bass parts that flow well and are fun to play. This workshop-style course is optimized to be short and sweet. Intermediate players may already know many of the concepts, but many non-experts will gain powerful new insights.Improvise better bass lines on day 1.Jazz bass is a lifelong pursuit for many players. It is impossible to imagine ever ""knowing it all"" when it comes to jazz. When I was a student (in both private and academic environments), nobody every suggested that I could transform my bass playing over the next 24 hours. But, looking back, I wish someone had helped me understand how and why the arpeggio could have helped me do EXACTLY that. Every time I've made a giant leap in my jazz bass playing, it was related to a deeper understanding of harmony (a.k.a. arpeggios). I've shared my insights with private students and bandmates for over a decade and now I'm explaining the whole process through these video lessons.Each brief video lecture either focuses on a specific music theory concept (arpeggios, inversions, intervals, etc.) or highlights how they can be used in the real world. I'm assuming that you are going to take these principles and run with them. We'llfocus on the essential skills that will give you the confidence you need to play jazz and improvise bass parts on stage and in rehearsal. I'll make clear recommendations for what you should practice and I've prepared bass tab and jam tracks to make your journey more immediate and enjoyable.You'll learn to perform these valuable skills, essential to improvising good jazz bass lines:Using numerals to identify chord progressions Matching numerals to arpeggio qualities Major, minor, dominant, augmented, half-diminished and diminished arpeggios This course is a powerfulprimer for the right student - jazz bassists whoalready have a grasp of music theory fundamentals, but in need of practical strategy. Students should already understand the following music theory concepts:TriadsScalesMajor, Minor and Dominant ChordsProper Fretting TechniqueDemystify jazz bass improvisation with arpeggios... I did.As a bassist, you want to establish a reliable groove and keep listeners (and bandmates) engaged. In a word, you create the foundation, right? You'll get dynamic, adaptable tips for creating that foundation confidently in the real world... on stage. Plus, this approach unlocks any jazz standard or chord progression. Many jazz standards contain familiar harmonic patterns. There are patterns everywhere in music and mastering different arpeggios (major, dominant, diminished, etc.) on your bass is one of the most efficient and elegant ways to command your band and provide that foundation.Think of it! Confidence, certainty AND spontaneity. Learn from my experience as a gigging musician. Your bandmates will notice (and appreciate) when your bass parts support them more effectively. I've cultivated this curriculum in the world's greatest jazz laboratory -thousands of live gigs that I've played.Don't delay your musical potential - if you're struggling with improvising jazz bass lines, this course will give you a significant boost!This course represents the most useful lessons that I've learned. Plus, you'll benefit from my concise instruction - without wasting any time getting to the good stuff. You'll leverage your existing skills even further, while feeling more liberated (and creative)!Contents and OverviewFirst, you'll get a series of ""refresher"" lessons that will cover the essential music theory concepts we'll be talking about. Very basic, but fundamental - the introduction section reviews common, but important music theory concepts. Next, you'll begin learning every common arpeggio that (Western) music theory has to offer:MajorMinorDominantAugmentedHalf-Diminished (m7b5)Diminished (Fully)Section 2 concludes with practice recommendations integrated with a downloadable audio jam track. Plus, you'll get a quiz to help you evaluate whether or not you're ready to move on to the next section. These particular arpeggio lessons are crucial to developing a better way of thinking about chords and notes in terms of numbers and intervals.If you're struggling with ""reading"" changes in realtime, this approach (using arpeggio music theory) will thoroughly alter your perception of how a bass line can function under even the most complex jazz chord changes. You'll unlock your creative potential and begin feeling much, much more confident right away.Using the downloadable jam tracks - a 12 bar blues - gives you the perfect sandbox for practicing and improving your use of arpeggios. From Louis Armstrong toCharlie Parker (and even the flamboyant harmonic progressions of Coltrane and Wayne Shorter) the 12 bar blues has always been the preferred jazz ""sandbox"". The more you ""play"" the more you'll learn.Moving along, you'll discover (or rediscover) how inversions can open up a whole new world in your bass playing. Arpeggio inversions take practice, but you'll have a head start with easy-to-read bass tabs to get you started. You'll learn about ""pedaling"" and using inversions. This topic is extremely valuable for playing walking bass lines and I'll give you tips on how to ""walk"" confidently by using simple inverted arpeggios. These lessons also culminate in a hands on demo, practice recommendations and another quiz.Continuing your journey to improvisational confidence, we'll examine the topic of groove. I'll provide you with clear guidance for improving your timing. You'll also learn a simple system for practicing EVERY single possible (Western) rhythm by counting, navigating and omitting 1/8th and 1/16th notes. Playing jazz bass should be fun - not simply academic. Groove work is fun and powerful - don't miss it! The whole point of developing your chops is so that you can focus on the groove and have a good time, when you're on stage.Finally, you'll wrap things up by learning some easy-to-understand rules for creating great melodic contour. Once again, you'll find that arpeggios, arpeggio patterns and their harmonic relationship plays to your advantage (making contoured playing easier).Learn about employing (1) common tones, the (2) interval of a major 3rd and other intervalic patterns to ensure that your improvised bass lines flow and remain dynamic in realtime.Know where you're going.Know when you get there.Jazz bass is a big topic and this course is designed to boost your confidence when playing. Supplemental excercises include jam tracks, tabs and insights - all designed to support you as you develop your knowledge of arpeggios. If you're a beginner to jazz bass, this course may seem quite challenging (but approachable if you're motivated). If you're an expert, you'll likely feel these lessons are only review. But, if you're an intermediate student with a desire to learn and practice, this course on arpeggios and music theory will undoubtedly help you make significant gains. Free downloads includebass tab (proper arpeggio fingerings and example bass lines), audio files that complement each bass tab (so that students can use their ears to confirm that they're playing correctly)and midi files (that can be used by students in any practice software of their choice).Demystify jazz bass, starting today. These bass lessons can become your survival guide and you'll quickly find your footing with even the most challenging chord changes. As your instructor, I'm always engaged and available to answer questions. Enroll today and get started learning to improvise jazz bass with the music theory of arpeggios."
Price: 54.99

"Learn to Convey Emotion in Film & Game Music - For Beginners" |
"Whether you are asongwriter who wants to get started with writing commercial music or a chronic learner who has always wanted to understand how and why music conveys emotion more effectively than anything else, this course offers insights that you'll find very rewarding.Learn by watching 3 walkthroughs on emotional music cues conveying ""urgent"", ""calm"" and ""spooky"". Watch and listen as the music speaks for itself AND you get step-by-step explanations about how the music examples work. These lessons are learned from my award-winning songwriting, studio production work and academic study in music and compositional theory.I've always believed that music is one of the most powerful ways to convey emotion and help a group of people ""get on the same page."" Rhythm, harmony and melody all play a part, but a good composer can elicit specific emotions quickly - in order to do that, you'll need a strong vocabulary in basic music theory and you'll want to know what your ideas ""sound"" like before you even play a note. This course combines the art and science of this process.Plus, you'll get a full primer on music theory essentials like:Building major and minor scales by handHow major, minor and half-diminished chords are built from major and minor scalesLearn to composewith chords as numbers, using numerals (how the pros do it)Write elegant, expressive and concise music that gets to the point and delivers the goodsContents and OverviewAfter a brief introduction to there course details and your instructor, students will start by listening to 3 examples of music.Next, that music will be analyzed in terms ofRhythmHarmonyCadencesMelodyColor and TimbreNext, you'll get oriented with a compositional approach to framing your musical ideas as ""characters"" and ""situations"". This approach is loosely introduced in the context of theme and variation - a common compositional approach.Section 3 thoroughly explains how chord numerals work in the context of major and minor scales. This section explains concepts which music studentsmay (or may not)be familiar with such as building scales, triads and7 chords.This section also explains the appropriate nomenclature (for example a ""five chord"" or ""root, 3rd and 5th"").This section will be a critical value to anyone without music theory training. However, students may skip this section if they already fully understand the rest of the course.As we continue the course (in section 4) studentslearn aboutcolor and timbre - a crucial pair of elements for any composer to understand when writing emotionally focused music.Students will learn about register, range and timbral character.After completing your training and background, this course will direct students through a 5 step melody/theme creation process andsome clarification on how to create a musical ""situation"" to match a video game, film or TV scenario.Then, students will walkthrough 3 distinct and complete musical cues - each focused on either an ""urgent"", ""calm"" or ""spooky"" mood.Each section of the course wraps up with a brief quiz that is designed to help students identify any areas of knowledge that they need to review. This course doesn't bog students down with a comprehensive compositional program.Instead, this course is designed in a workshop style - where students learn the most important take-aways and then are encouraged to try their hand and begin writing music that conveys emotion."
Price: 49.99

"Build a Shopify Theme From Scratch" |
"This course will teach you how to create a theme in Shopify.We'll take an HTML template that has already been created for us and implement it into a fresh Shopify store. The goal is to teach developers/store owners how to create/customize their themes. Utilize Shopify's framework and start building your own pages.We'll be using Shopify's Theme Kit to do our development and get it pushed up to yourstore. After going through this course, you'll be able to understand Shopify's framework andcreate your own theme.The beautiful design we'll be using to convert HTML to Shopify is Aviato from Themefisher."
Price: 34.99

"Complete Java Developer Bootcamp" |
"This course will help you learn Java programming and create solution to the real-world problems using Java Programming Language.**** This course gets updatesevery week with new Topics related to Java Development. ******At the end of this course, you will have the basic knowledge and skills that you can apply in writing and creating real world applications using Java.All lectures are having practical hands on sessions where complete and detailed insight is provided into each concept being taught.This course will cover everything you need to know to become a successful Java programmer starting as a beginner.Java is a set of several computer software and specifications developed by Sun Microsystems, later acquired by Oracle Corporation, that provides a system for developing application software and deploying it in a cross-platform computing environment. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from embedded devices and mobile phones to enterprise servers and supercomputers."
Price: 89.99

"Komple Uygulamal Web Hacking" |
"Uygulamal Web Hacking Yntemleri, gerek bir lab ortamnda yaplan web hacking-penetrasyon ilemlerini orta dzeyde gsteren anlalr ve uygulanabilir bir eitimdir. Eitimde ama;piyasadaki mevcut hacking ilemlerini yasal erevenin dna kmadan ve profesyonel bir ekilde gerek rneklerle retmeyi amalar.TANITIM VDEOSUNDA BAHSEDLEN CREATING HACKING LAB KURSUMUZ CRETL DURUMDADIR. Bu eitimde tm aralar cretsiz ve eriilebilir yapdadr. Eitimde web hacking alannda metodoloji takip edilerek yaplacaktr.Bu metodoloji;Bilgi ToplamaZafiyet Tespit EtmeEriimYetki Ykseltme safhalarndan olumaktadr. Her bir aamada o alana ait aralar ile ilemler yaplarak olayn mant retilmeye allmtr.Sizde web hacking ve penetrasyon ilemlerinde yetkinlik kazanmak ve uygulanabilir teknikler renmek isterseniz mutlaka bu eitimi satn aln. Eitimde kupon kodu iin ltfen benimle iletiime gein.TANITIM VDEOSUNDA BAHSEDLEN CREATING HACKING LAB KURSUMUZ CRETL DURUMDADIR."
Price: 49.99

"Wireshark ve Network Forensic" |
"Sanal dnyada yaplan hacking saldrlar gn getike artmakta ve gelimi saldr teknikleri ile saldrganlarizlerini kaybettirerek ciddi hasarlar oluturmaktadrlar. Gerek yerel anzda gerek internet ortamnda gereklemesi muhtemel saldrlar sizde analiz etmek isterseniz bu eitim tam size gre...Wireshark ve Network Forensic Analiz Eitimi ile yava yava meslek haline gelen ve poplerlilik kazanan NETWORK FORENSIC alanna adm atm olacaksnz. Bu eitim ile sanal ortamda yaplan her trl saldry anlayabilecek ve analiz edebileceksiniz.Bu kursta ilk olarak NETWORK FORENSIC konusunun anlalmas iin genel kavramlar anlatlm daha sonra yerel adaki baz saldrlar analiz edilmi ve HTTP protokol yaps ile TCP-IP mimari yapsndaki paketler WIRESHARK arac ile detayl olarak incelenmitir. Hem yerel ada hem de internet ortamnda karlalabilecek;Sql InjectionPhishing - OltalamaBrute Force SaldrlarMalware AnaliziDoS-DDoSsaldr teknikleri ve daha fazla ataklarn hem yapl ekli anlatlm hem de paket yaps incelenerek analiz ilemi detaylandrlmtr.Bu kursun anlalarak takip edilmesi sonucunda NETWORK FORENSIC alannda hem kendi anzdaki paketleri hemde nnze gelen paketleriok rahatanaliz edebileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Burp Suite ile Web Hacking" |
"Burp Suite,webpenetrasyon ve web hacking ilemlerinde en ok kullandmz ara olmasndan tr etkin bir ekilde kullanlmas ve tm zelliklerinin bilinmesi gerekir ki en doru penetrasyon testleri yaplsn. Dolaysyla bu eitimde Burp Suite aracnn gcn gstermeye altm.Burp Suite arac ile web penetrasyon ilemlerini rnekleri ile test etmeye altk. Esnek yapsndan dolay Burp suite ile entegrealan uygulamalar kurarak hzl ve doru admlarla web penetrasyon ilemlerini gerekletirdik.Bu eitim ile Burp suite aracn kullanarakdaha retken ve verimli web pentest ilemleri gerekletirecek ve zamandan tasarruf edeceksiniz."
Price: 49.99
