"Making Your First Game: GameMaker Studio 2" |
"Learn to make games as a complete beginner, using GameMaker's visual programming tool known as Drag & Drop. No need to learn coding! Manually-written subtitles/captions available for all lectures ~~ The Course ~~In this course, we'll build our own game from scratch, using GameMaker Studio 2. This course is perfect for complete beginners, as you don't have to deal with any coding.GameMaker Studio 2's Drag & Drop system makes it easy for anyone to create their own games. You can program your game using simple ""actions"", and add functionalities such as moving the player, collecting a power-up, killing an enemy, and much more.While Drag & Drop is easy to use and get started with, it still takes a lot of practice and knowledge to use it effectively and build a complete game. This course will help you understand how GameMaker Studio 2 and Drop & Drop work, and in 2 hours, take you to a level where you can start creating your own games.~~ The Instructor ~~I'm Gurpreet Singh Matharoo, a professional GameMaker developer and instructor. I've been teaching game development for over 4 years and making games for longer than that.I've taught GameMaker lessons on Udemy and Skillshare, and have a tutorial blog called GameDev Palace and a YouTube channel called ""GameMakerStation"" with over a thousand subscribers.I also programmed Tubetastic World Splashfest (on Steam) and am actively working on another multiplayer project, both made in GameMaker Studio 2.~~ Course Content ~~The course is divided into separate sections, with lectures covering different topics.The first two sections cover the basics of the interface of GameMaker, and some Drag & Drop theory.After that, we jump into practical game development, by making an Arcade Shooter game from scratch.Resources for the game (images and audio files) are provided, which you can use for making your game alongside the course.So join in, and let's start making our game!"
Price: 59.99

"Curso completo de Windows 10 (desde cero)" |
"Windows 10 es la ltima versin del conocidsimo sistema operativo de Microsoft.Tanto si vienes de versiones anteriores de Windows, como si eres nuevo con este sistema operativo, este curso est desarrollado para que puedas aprender, desde cero y de forma gradual, todos los secretos del nuevo Windows 10. A lo largo de las diferentes clases que componen este curso aprenders a manejar con soltura Windows 10, las aplicaciones y herramientas que trae preinstaladas, aprenders a configurarlo a fondo y veremos todo lo que tiene que ver con la seguridad del sistema y sus funciones ms avanzadas. A la finalizacin de este curso podrs disponer de un certificado que avalar tu paso por el mismo, as como su completa terminacin."
Price: 84.99

"Inkscape fcil - Edicin de grficos vectoriales" |
"Inkscape es, a dade hoy, una alternativa vlida y profesional a los caros paquetes de edicinvectorial que tenemos en el mercado. De hecho muchos profesionales confan yutilizan esta herramienta para sus trabajos. Adems, Inkscape se distribuyelibremente con una licencia de cdigo abierto.Aprende desde cerotodo lo necesario para manejar Inkscape y, con la prctica, convertirte en todoun profesional de la edicin de grficos vectoriales con esta aplicacin."
Price: 89.99

"Mindset Reset after Job Loss and Unemployment" |
"This course is designed to guide anyone through the challenges and emotional strain that comes with job-loss and joblessness. The focus is mainly on mindset and how to get through the process of job search and interviewing. The goal of this course is to empower those that are feeling the helplessness that many people feel when in this situation and to offer some interviewing and resume writingtips."
Price: 24.99

"Learn how to be combineRhythm, Vocal & Body-Movement" |
"Your happiness is only a happy emotion away!When you play with rhythm combine with your voice, you are teaching your body to have fun. When you have fun, you feel happy. As you keep doing so, you enhance your immune system. Why is that so? Because it feels good, when you feel good, you will be inspired to do good. Thus you enter a cycle of good feeling. Feeling-Good enhance your immune system.Rhythm and body combine with voice releases Feeling-Good: Endorphins. Rhythm and body combine with voice create a sens of Connectedness.Rhythm and body combine with voice aligns your body and mind. And releases negatives feelings.Your Brain on Rhythm, body combine with your voiceRhythm and body combine with voice is a great workout for your brain. By practicing these, you access your entire brain. Research shows that the physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the brain actually synchronizes the left and right hemispheres. So, when the logical left hemisphere and the intuitive right hemisphere of your brain begin to pulsate together, your inner guidance system or intuition becomes stronger.Even listening and witching these lectures regularly can have the same effect as doing it itself."
Price: 64.99

"Profitable Option Trading Strategies for beginners" |
"Learn how to earn good return on your trading from option strategy trading without predicting the market movement. In this course Ive discussed 3 option trading strategies with their adjustments.There are more than 60 option strategies are available in the market but these special 3 option trading strategies will let you to make good profit under any circumstances whether the stock is low volatile or the stock is highly volatile or whether you want to earn money by using the concept Time Decay.You dont require to have Equity analysis knowledge or not to be an expert in trading. You just learn the course step by step and follow the examples before start trading. What will I learn from this course?Why option trading is better than stock tradingWhat is option trading?What are the parameters which affect the option trading and option pricing.How to earn money from option strategy trading while not predicting the market movement.How to earn money by using the concept Time Decay in options.How to earn super Profit in company earning sessions."
Price: 54.99

"Angular: De cero a experto (Angular 10+)" |
"Funcional en Angular 10+Angular es un marco de trabajo (framework) de front-end impulsado por Google. Creado para desarrollar aplicaciones web, aplicaciones mviles o realizar procesos del lado del servidor utilizando NodeJS. Este curso se enfoca en llevarte de la mano desde cero hasta poder crear aplicaciones de todo tipo, que van desde pginas web de una sola pgina (SPA - single page application) hasta conectarnos a una base de datos para realizar proceso de insercin, actualizacin, eliminacin y seleccin de informacin. Este curso contiene todo lo que tu necesitas para poder crear aplicaciones con este framework tan potente y veloz.Cada seccin del curso termina en una aplicacin completa que sirve para aprender y dominar un tema en especifico, y conforme vayamos avanzando en el curso, iremos creando aplicaciones ms complejas y sin darnos cuenta ya estaremos creando directivas, componentes, pipes, servicios y rutas sin darnos cuenta.Pero este curso no slo te enseara Angular, tambin conocers sobre:- Firebase - Firebase RESTful services- Firebase Cloud Functions- CRUD- TypeScript - ECMAScript 6 - Reactive-Extensions - Sockets - Ionic 5- Atom packages / Visual Studio Code Extensiones - Angular CLI- AngularFire- Local Storage- Bootstrap 4- Spotify API- Youtube API- Entre otras tecnologasAprenderemos este potente y muy veloz framework, con las debidas introducciones al cdigo, lgica para resolver problemas utilizando las mejores prcticas y la gua de estilos oficial de Angular. Tendremos un poco de teora introductoria pero el 95% del curso es prctico y se enfoca en crear varias pequeas-medianas aplicaciones escalables, que te harn experto en Angular. Entre las aplicaciones que haremos en este curso estn:- Aplicacin de msica utilizando el API de Spotify - Aplicacin esttica que sirve pginas HTML - SPA- Aplicacin de cine - Auth0 - Aplicacin con paginas protegidas usando login de Facebook, Google, Linkedin o datos personalizados. - Aplicacin de Mapas de Google - Aplicacin de lista de deseos Ionic- Aplicacin CRUD usando FireBase RESTful services- Chat utilizando Sockets, Firebase y AngularFire2- Aplicacin de videos de YouTube - Aplicaciones ilustrativas del comportamiento de diversos componentes y directivas de Angular- Grficos-Subir archivos a FirebaseAdicionalmente hay una seccin completa para aprender ES6 (ECMAScript 6) y TypeScript, que te ensearan todo lo que necesitas para poder programar utilizando el Framework de Angular con TypeScript.Durante el curso, tendremos tareas prcticas y tericas que aseguran tu comprensin sobre Angular, adicionalmente cada seccin esta pensada para realizarse en poco tiempo y te har construir una aplicacin pequea en base a videos cortos menores de 10 minutos (en el 98% de los mismos)Cada seccin ensea un tema independiente, por lo que puedes tomar descansos y saber que comenzaras de nuevo en cada seccin.No hay ningn costo adicional durante el curso, todas las herramientas aqu utilizadas son open source, gratuitas o servicios que podemos consumir sin ningn problema.Si conoces o no Angular, este es un curso que debes de tomar, me he esforzado mucho para poder realizar este curso que te ser de mucha ayuda, inclusive si slo deseas el conocimiento adicional que cada mdulo ofrece. Anmate e inscrbete, te veo adentro."
Price: 199.99

"ionic 2/3: Crea apps para Android e iOS desde cero. (legacy)" |
"Angular 4, nos permite crear poderosas aplicaciones web que no slo son eficientes y rpidas, sino que tambin nos permite desarrollar aplicaciones nativas con la ayuda de ionic, que se pueden distribuir en Google Play Store y en la Apple App Store.Este curso esta orientado a ensearte desde los fundamentos bsicos de ionic actualizado con la versin 3, hasta crear una app completa. El curso es 99% prctico, con tareas, ejercicios, exmenes y evaluaciones que te asegurarn aprender el framework sin problemas.Este curso cuenta con ms de 200 clases, desarrollando ms de 10 apps y tambin incluye el despliegue en Google Play Store y en la Apple App Store. Aprenders a utilizar las alfas y betas de Google y usaremos el TestFlight para probar remotamente nuestras apps en iOS.Para mencionar algunos temas que cubrimos en el curso:Toma o seleccin de fotografas Subida de archivos a Firebase Autenticacin de una app con Facebook Uso de recursos nativos como la cmara, Geolocalizacin, selector de imgenes, almacenamientoy ms. Envo de notificaciones Push Uso de Google Maps Creacin de contactos Consumo y creacin de servicios REST Despliegues en la Apple App Store y Google Play Store Uso de Alfas, Betas y Testflight Preparacin y firma de los APKs y APIs Uso de una extensa cantidad de componentes de ionicEl curso tiene por objetivo brindarte todo el conocimiento necesario para crear aplicaciones con un conocimiento bsico de Angular (Angular 2, Angular 4 o superior), dentro del curso hay una seccin donde refrescamos el conocimiento de Angular para manejar lo mnimo necesario para seguir el curso sin problemas.Cada ejercicio esta hecho de manera simple, con videos cortos y con objetivos especficos que te ayudaran cuando tengas que regresar para recordar algn tema en especifico."
Price: 199.99

"GIT+GitHub: Todo un sistema de control de versiones de cero" |
"Este curso te llevar de la mano partiendo desde cero hasta tener ms de lo que necesitas para trabajar con Git, adicionalmente aprenders a utilizar GitHub como un repositorio remoto, incluyendo formas de trabajar en equipo, flujos de trabajo, tokens, SSH, Pull Requesty otros temas avanzados que sern de mucha utilidad en tu vida profesional.En los inicios del curso empezaremos desde lo ms bsico haciendo ejercicios prcticos. Durante el transcurso del curso, trabajaras de forma colectiva, real y aplicando los conocimientoscon ms de 14 ejercicios y ejemplos.Durante todo el curso, los temas nuevos tendrn su introduccin con diapositivas divertidasy reales que te harn comprender los conceptos que muchas personas tienden a sentir complejos a primera impresin.Temas como el Stash, Rebase, Pull Request, Reflog y otros, son cubiertos para brindarte el control que necesitas para trabajar en tus proyectos de forma segura.La organizacin del curso va profundizando en los temas de la siguiente manera:Fundamentos de Git Temas un poco ms complejos y tiles de Git Control del repositorio local y remoto Viajes en el tiempoRecuperacin en caso de perdida del proyectoRamas, stash, rebaseGentil introduccin a GitHub Temas bsicos y avanzados de GitHub Trabajo en equipo Temas de seguridad como: Access Token SSH 2FA Two Factor Authentication Teams y sus restricciones Organizaciones Gists Y msEste curso esta diseado para ensearte Git y GitHub de cero, caminando paso a paso y sin darte cuenta dominars estas herramientas para que nunca ms vuelvas a perder una sola lnea de cdigo de tu proyecto, ya sea de programacin, diseo web o cualquier otro tipo de estructura de cdigo en la cual trabajes.Recuerda que saber Git es fundamental en la mayora de trabajos de diseo grfico web y desarrollo de software de hoy en da, no pierdas la oportunidad de aprender estos temas."
Price: 199.99

"jQuery Avanzado - 100 trucos profesionales" |
"jQuery Avanzado 100 Trucos y Tips Este curso tiene un objetivo simple, mejorar tus habilidades en jQuery y JavaScript en general. Mediante 100 ejercicios prcticos, aprenderemos cosas como:Mejorar enormemente tu manipulacin del DOM Optimizar lo tiempos de carga de nuestra aplicacin o scripts Mejorar tu comprensin en el uso de funciones y mtodos de jQuery Romper iFrames para la visualizacin de tu pgina web o webapp Editar HTML en tiempo real Optimizar tus selectores Detectar diferentes capacidades de los navegadores web del usuario final Encadenamiento de eventos Mltiples eventos asncronos en paralelo que convergen en una funcin Subida de archivos binarios va Ajax Crear plugins y expandir objetos Callbacks y promesas de jQuery Animaciones personalizadas Sistema de deteccin de rostros Filtros tipo Instagram en JavaScript Sistema de tarjetas tipo Pinterest Y mucho ms. En el curso aprenderemos tcnicas y desarrollaremos habilidades mediante ejercicios prcticos que tomarn tu conocimiento de jQuery y lo elevarn a otro nivel. Mi objetivo ser guiarte a travs de estos 100 ejemplos y que tu mismo puedas implementarlos sin problemas.Cada ejercicio es nico y no se repiten, cada video es un tema, cada seccin es una coleccin de temas que tienen alguna relacin entre s. Las clases son cortas con videos de menos de 10 minutos de duracin, hay tareas y ejercicios para hacer por tu cuenta con su respectiva resolucin para que puedas auto evaluarte.Cuando termines este curso de jQuery, tendrs nuevas habilidades y conocimientos que podrs aplicar en cualquier proyecto web, ayudndote a que tus webapps o pginas web tengan ese extra que deseas, sin contar que tus habilidades habrn mejorado enormemente. Este curso NO es recomendable para personas que no conocen jQuery, no es para gente que jams lo ha tocado, si deseas aprender de cero, tengo otro curso que es perfecto para ti, pero este no es."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a crear un curso online o un ebook en 10 das" |
"MS DE 30.000 PROFESIONALES DE 146 PASES SE HAN INSCRITO EN MIS CURSOS EN UDEMY. MILES DE ELLOS EN VARIOS DE MIS CURSOS... POR ALGO SER 30 DAS DE GARANTA SI NO QUEDAS SATISFECHO TE DEVOLVEMOS TU DINERO Con este curso aprenders a crear infoproductos de una manera muy estructurada y sencilla. En particular descubrirs como desarrollar desde cero un ebook o un curso online.La tcnica que descubrirs aqu te permitir crear un curso online en menos de 10 das. Esto quiere decir que: 10 DAS DESPUS DE TERMINAR ESTE CURSO PODRAS TENER LISTO TU PRIMER CURSO PARA PUBLICAR EN PLATAFORMAS COMO UDEMY, TEACHABLE, O TU PROPIO BLOG!!!QUIN PUEDE CREAR UN CURSO ONLINE O UN EBOOK?La gente tiende a pensar que para crear un curso online debes ser un experto, pero la realidad es que no es as, al menos no si entendemos ""experto"" de la manera habitual.Todos somos expertos en algo, por ejemplo en ""espaol"". Seguramente tu hablas espaol mejor que 4.000 millones de personas en el mundo. Puedes crear un curso de espaol para principiantes, publicarlo y ganar 50, 100 al mes, o incluso mucho ms.Tu puedes publicar un curso online o un ebook, lo importante es que sepas cmo hacerlo para que no pasen meses y meses sin que lo publiques.CUNTO TIEMPO TARDARAS EN CREAR TU PRIMER INFOPRODUCTO?Si sigues la estrategia que te explico en este curso podrs publicar tu primer curso 5, 10 o 15 das despus de finalizar todas las lecciones de como crear un infoproducto.Lo mejor de todo es que te permitir crear varios cursos en cuestin de unos pocos meses.ESTRATEGIA PARA CREAR INFOPRODUCTOS CON FACILIDADTanto si ya has creado infoproductos como si no, en este curso descubrirs una estrategia efectiva que te permitir crear ebooks y/o cursos online con facilidad y rapidez.Si tienes el conocimiento en tu cabeza, con este curso sabrs como convertirlo en contenido de calidad en cuestin de pocos das, y as tener un curso online o un ebook que te genere ingresos pasivos de manera consistente, todos los meses, durante muchos aos.CUNTO PODRIAS GANAR SI PUBLICAS UN INFOPRODUCTO (EBOOK O CURSO ONLINE)?Eso puede variar, igual ganas $10 al mes, o $400 o te haces millonario. Es imposible de predecir. De lo que si puedes estar seguro es que si no publicas un ebook o un curso online, no ganaras nada con tu ""infoproducto no publicado""Por eso te dejo con esta idea: Si te inscribes ahora a este curso ""Cmo crear un infoproducto, curso online o ebook en 10 das"", en las prximas 2 semanas podras tener publicado tu primer curso o un curso ms. Si no te inscribes, seguramente seguirs igual que hoy, buscando informacin en internet, y pensando en lo mucho que quieres publicar un infoproducto.INSCRIBETE AHORA, TE ESPERO DENTRO!!"
Price: 39.99

"LinkedIn Marketing Lead Generation for B2B Sales and Coaches" |
"Would LinkedIn Marketing or LinkedIn Lead Generation work for you to generate high quality leads, book appointments and increase your sales? Most of the salespeople, business consultants and entrepreneurs want to generate leads with LinkedIn, but they FAIL on this endeavor and they give up on it. This, is the result of trying to sell on LinkedIn, without having a system to implement. As we all know, getting your foot in the door to any industry or any potential connection is the hardest part. It always seems like everyone is always busy or unavailable. So most people try different methods, like cold calling or networking events, which have mixed results at best and at worst are huge time wasters.Thanks to LinkedIn Marketing, we now have a better way to leverage our time and money. Now there is a PROVEN STRATEGY that consultants and top salespeople in B2B industries have been using to generate high quality B2B leads on a consistent basis, schedule meetings, and land new clients every single month... without cold calling.Whether you're just starting out on LinkedIn or you've been on this professional network for several years, this course will teach you the best LinkedIn Strategies for B2B sales, so that you can grow your business.If you are an entrepreneur, salesperson, consultant, coach, solopreneur, in other words, if you are in B2B sales or if you sell high ticket items, this LinkedIn Marketing Strategies will make you generate high quality leads and increase your sales in just a few months.These are some of the LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies that you will learn, take with you and implement and that will get you more sales and revenue for your business: You will learn how to implement a LinkedIn Marketing PROVEN SYSTEM to generate leads. When Isay proven system, it is because we are a LinkedIn Lead Generation Agency and we run done for you LinkedIn campaigns for clients.How to create an ideal buyer persona profile for LinkedIn B2B sales.How to optimize your LinkedIn profile to get more views of your ideal clients, and most importantly to get the results you want.How to prospect for your dream clients on LinkedIn and connect with them properly.How to create a LinkedIn Group, what name should you give to the group, and how to use it to position yourself as an authority in your industry.How to create a LinkedIn Company Page.How to use LinkedIn to build a database of thousands of your ideal clients. Yes, Isaid thousands.How to build rapport with your leads before you try to sell them anything.We will show you how to convert LinkedIn leads into real meetings and sales.Access to PROVEN LinkedIn Messaging Templates, for cold outreach that you can use and get results right away. How to implement a LinkedIn messaging campaign, when to send the messages and what to say. How to keep track of everything you are doing with your lead generation campaign. for maximizing your efforts so you're not wasting your time.How to combine LinkedIn Marketing with Cold Email Marketing.I'm excited to share these B2B business development strategies with you and so much more that we have included in this LinkedIn Marketing and Lead Generation Masterclass for B2B Sales and Consultants. If you're ready to take your business to the next level or get a meeting with anyone, then click the Buy Now button and I'll see in a minute.In this LinkedIn Masterclass you will learn everything you need to know to start generating high quality leads in right away. Iwill share with you the proven system that we use every single day to run the lead generation campaigns for our clients.Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!LinkedIn is constantly changing its features and tools, with this course you will get lifetime access to all the new lectures and to all the updates of the course. So that you can always stay on top of the new ways to generate leads on LinkedIn.You will have your own LinkedIn lead generation coach at your disposal to ask questions on the course, and we will respond thoughtfully to every single one of them.This is not a course about social media, this is a very specific course about highly targeted, high quality LEAD GENERATION strategy using LinkedIn Marketing techniques. You will leave the course with an specific set of techniques that have been tested, and I have used them over and over again for myself and my clients in the last five years. You will learn how to implement these strategies for your business so that you too can position yourself as a thought leader in front of 2,000-6,000 of your ideal leads, and nurture them so that they know who you are. This LinkedIn lead generation system will allow you to create top of mind awareness in front of your ideal leads, so that whenever they are ready to buy, you can be the first person they think of.This system will teach you the most effective LinkedIn Lead Generation strategy.You will discover how to optimize the time you invest on LinkedIn so that instead of you been a lead, you become the one that generates leads. You will learn how to build a network of hundreds or thousands of your ideal prospective clients, and how to nurture the relationship with them so that they are more open to talking to you. You will be able to grow your first degree connections targeting specifically those who are your ideal clients, and you will do it in a way that is fast, efficient, and most of all that will help you build relationships.Join this LinkedIn Markerting Masterclass now and you will discover how to position your brand in front of your clients and yourself as a thought leader. While everyone else focus on Facebook, you will take your brand to the next level on the real place to do B2B deals, LinkedIn.MAKE THE DECISION OF GENERATING LEADS IN A MORE EFFECTIVE WAY FOR YOUR BUSINESS, AND FOCUS YOUR TIME IN THE BEST DIRECTION, TO GET THE BEST RESULTS FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR FAMILY AND YOU.After this course you will have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that will make you a nightmare for your competitors. :)"
Price: 99.99

"Crea un Lead Magnet Irresistible, Paso a Paso en 2 a 6 Horas" |
"Un lead magnet es un imn de potenciales clientes. Su objetivo, entre otros, es atraer a aquellas personas que tienen el perfil de tu cliente ideal para que te den sus datos. A cambio de darte sus datos, tu les regalas el lead magnet.As pues, tener un lead magnet te ayuda a generar oportunidades comerciales y tambin a ganarte la confianza de tus potenciales clientes.Por qu deberas tener un lead magnet?Principalmente porque te permite atraer a clientes de calidad y hablar con ellos desde una posicin diferente, ya que los lead magnets te ayudan a posicionarte como experto en tu industria, y a ganarte la confianza y respeto de tus potenciales clientes antes de que hables con ellos.A mi no me gusta escribirme servireste curso?Desde luego, no todos los lead magnets son ebooks. Puedes crear lead magnets de una sola pagina y aun as tener un xito abrumador. Lo importante no es cuantas palabras haya en tu lead magnet, sino la calidad de lo que dicen esas palabras. En este curso, descubrirs varias opciones de lead magnets que puedes crear y principalmente cmo crearlos de una manera efectiva.Exactamente cmo funciona un lead magnet?Cmo me ayudar a vender ms?Un lead magnet es un documento en el que tu aportas valor a tus potenciales clientes. Este documento puede ser un ebook de muchas paginas, o puede ser algo de una sola pgina. Una vez has finalizado tu lead magnet, entonces lo debeslo compartircon tus potenciales clientes para que lo lean o lo usen. Cuando ellos hacen esto, aprenden sobre ti, pero adems,como les aportas valor con tu lead magnet te ganars el respeto de ellosy su confianza. Te posicionas por encima de tus competidores que lo nico que hacen es intentar venderles.Cuando un lead magnet est bien hecho, lo que ocurre es que muchos de los lectores terminarn convirtindose en clientes tuyos automticamente. Yaquellos que no compran puedes contactarlos pero ellos ya sabrn quien eres, y te miraran cmo un experto, y no como alguien que quiere venderles algo.INSCRBETE YA, Y NO PIERDAS LA OPORTUNIDAD DE CREAR UN LEAD MAGNET ANTES DE QUE LO HAGA TU COMPETENCIA."
Price: 39.99

"How to Create an Online Course or eBook in Less than 10 Days" |
"MORE THAN 30,000 STUDENTS FROM 149 COUNTRIES HAVE ENROLLED ON MY UDEMY COURSES, THOUSANDS OF THEM ARE ENROLLED IN MANY OF THEM... THERE MUST BE A REASON FOR IT 30 DAYS SATISFACTION GUARANTEE IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY YOU CAN ASK FOR YOUR MONEY BACK With this course you will learn how to create informational products such as an eBook or an online course in an organized, easy and effective way. Particularly you will discover how to develop an online course or eBook from nothing until the moment that is ready to publish. The system that you will discover here, will allow you to create an online course or eBook in less than 10 days. This means that: 10 DAYS AFTER FINISHING THIS COURSE YOU COULD HAVE READY TO PUBLISHED YOUR FIRST ONLINE COURSE IN PLATFORMS LIKE UDEMY, TEACHABLE OR YOUR OWN BLOG!!WHO CAN CREATE AN ONLINE COURSE OR AN EBOOK?People tend to think that to create an online course or an eBook you have to be an expert, but the reality is not like that, at least not if we understand expert in the usual way, which normally is understood as if you have some sort of recognition.We are all experts in something, for example, English might be your first language, so you are an expert in English, at least if we compare you with the 6 billion people who doesnt speak English. So you could create a course on English 101 and you will make $50 a month, or $700 who knows.You can publish and online course or an eBook, what matters is that you know how to do it so that it doesnt take you months and months to get it ready.HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE YOU TO CREATE YOUR FIRST ONLINE COURSE OR EBOOK WITH THIS PROVEN SYSTEM?If you follow the strategy that I talk about in this course you will have your first online course or eBook created 5 or 10 days after you finish all the lessons on how to create an online course or eBookThe best part of all is that this system will allow you to create many online courses or eBooks in just a few months. In fact you can repeat this actions over and over again so that you can create 1 or 2 online courses every month.THE PROVEN SYSTEM TO CREATE QUALITY ONLINE COURSES AND EBOOKS EASILY AND EFFECTIVELYEither if you are new at creating online courses or eBooks, with the proven system that you will discover you will be able to create 1 or 2 courses a month, and if you are 100% dedicated to it, you could even create 1 a week. If you have the knowledge in your head with this program you will learn how to convert that knowledge into a quality online course or eBook. so that you can generate passive income (or extra income) with it every month for many years to come.HOW MUCH COULD YOU EARN IF YOU PUBLISH AN ONLINE COURSE OR AN EBOOKS OR ANY OTHER INFORMATIONAL PRODUCT?This can vary a lot, you could earn just $25 a month, or maybe $500, or you could even become multimillionaire (this is no joke there are many creators of online course that have become multimillionaires, some of them are Udemy instructors). It is really impossible to predict what will you earn. What you can be sure of is that if you dont publish your online course or your eBook, then you will make absolutely no money with them.That is why I would like to leave you with this idea: if you enroll in this course How to create an online course or an eBook in less than 10 days then in the next 2 weeks you could have your online course or your eBook published. And if you dont enroll, then most likely in 2 weeks you will still be doing the same as today, looking for ideas online on how to create your informational product and thinking about how much you want to publish it.It is time to take action.ENROLL NOW, I WILL SEE YOU INSIDE!!"
Price: 39.99

"Procesos para la mejora empresarial." |
"En tu curso aprenders conceptos bsicos y fundamentales sobre los procesos de trabajo, con el fin de que cuentescon la bases para poder incrementar la productividad empresarial.Revisaremos los elementos de un proceso, desde los proveedoreshasta los clientes y su retroalimentacin.Atravs de cada cpsula del curso, veremos de forma clara y concreta la importancia de conocer la importancia de pensar por procesos y no por ""actividades aisladas"".Podrs descargar en formato electrnico los materiales vistos para que contines tu preparacin en todo momento.Gracias y nos vemos en tucurso!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Beginner's Guide to WordPress SEO: Lightning speed" |
"Welcome to my beginner's guide to WordPress SEO course! Instructed by WordPress expert and Marketing Specialist, Stephen Fullington.My course will teach you effective and relevant methods towards optimizing yourWordPress website for Google and other search engines!Not only do you learn this invaluable information, you also get my support 24/7!WordPress is one of the best, if notthe best content management systems when it comes to SEO. That being said, spending time on your WordPress SEO might seem like a waste of time, it most definitely is not. Optimizing your site to the best practices outlined this course will help you improve your rankings, gain more subscribers and have a better website in general.My WordPress SEO guide for beginners course will teach you how to setup your WordPress website in an efficient and search engine friendly manner to maximize your exposure in Google..By the end of this course, you will be equipped with all the necessary skills to perform WordPress SEO and reach your target market."
Price: 29.99

"How to Network & Grow Rich" |
"Do you know what is the No.1 Job of an Entrepreneur?The No.1 job of an Entrepreneur is to Network, Expand his contacts, build relationships and generate more referrals for his/her business.If you ask any Business owner, he will agree with the above statement 200%.But only 3% of Business Owners, take Networking seriously because they know that contacts and the currencies of the 21st Century.As a Professional Networker & also the Head of Training for BNI India, the world's largest Referral Networking Organization, I can honestly tell you, that many don't even know what is meant by Networking.Many just shove their visiting cards to me and think that they will get referrals.People do business with people whom they know, like and trust.Networking is an Art, Skill & Choice and interestingly, its a learn-able skill.In this Course, I am going to share with how you can professional network and grow your contacts, relationships and get more business.I will share with you 12 Simple & Practical Strategies of Successful Power Networkers.Each strategy comes with an Action Plan which you have to go and apply each week.You can also consider this course as a 12 Week course.Don't be in a hurry for Networking!You may miss OUT on your Million Dollar Referral.Sign up NOW and I will see you inside the course."
Price: 19.99

"Singen lernen - Das musst Du wissen!" |
"Du willst singen lernen? Dann bist Du in diesem ultimativen Grundlagenkurs fr alle Snger in Klassik und Pop goldrichtig aber Vorsicht: Ich erzhle Dir in diesem Kurs nicht nur schne Dinge! Wenn Du Angst davor hast, Sachen zu hren, die Du nicht hren willst, dann kaufe Dir diesen Kurs lieber NICHT! Besonders, wenn Du Gesangslehrer bist. Gesangslehrer kommen bei mir nmlich nicht gut weg, obwohl es natrlich tolle Gesangslehrer gibt aber leider sehr, sehr, sehr, sehr, sehr wenige, zumindest nach meiner Erfahrung. Neben vielen wichtigen Informationen zum Thema, die ich Dir gebe, stelle ich Dir auch unangenehme Fragen, die aber extrem wichtig sind, zumindest, wenn Du Profi werden willst.Z.B.: Willst Du wirklich singen lernen? Warum willst Du berhaupt singen lernen und ganz, ganz wichtig: KANNST Du berhaupt singen lernen? Und falls ja: Willst Du den Berufsalltag eines Profi-Sngers auf Dich nehmen?Wenn Du der Wahrheit ins Auge sehen kannst und keine Angst vor unangenehmen berlegungen hast wenn Du frei denken kannst und schnell zum Ziel kommen willst, dann solltest Du diesen Kurs unbedingt belegen, weil dieser Kurs fr Leute konzipiert ist, die mglichst schnell auf eigenen Beinen stehen wollen und sich kein X fr ein U vormachen lassen. Wer erzhlt Dir das alles?Mein Name ist Matthias Ernst Holzmann. Ich wurde 1965 geboren, singe seit 1984, zunchst Pop und Jazz und bin seit 1995 professioneller Opernsnger (Bass) in Opernchren, seit 1999 an der Oper Frankfurt (Stand 2017). 2007 habe ich auch in Bayreuth gesungen. Seit 2014 bin ich in Elternzeit und arbeite selbststndig als Sprecher, Autor und Produzent. Dieser Kurs ist die Basis fr Deine eigenen selbstverantwortlichen Ausbildungsmanahmen auf dem Weg zum professionellen Snger.Wenn Du dabei sein willst, dann los wir sehen uns dann gleich im Kurs, denn Du kannst sofort loslegen!"
Price: 99.99

"Office 365-Powershell for the Email Administrator" |
"Do you need to manage Microsoft Office 365 mailboxes in the cloud? Need to do more than the Office 365 portal allows you to do? You heard of PowerShell but don't know where to start? This is the course for you.I once was where you are right now. I learned PowerShell for Exchange On-line and my life has been a lot better because of it.In this course I will give you a quick introduction to PowerShell but will not go too deep into it.Will give you tips to manage user's mailboxes.We will use PowerShell to:list mailboxessearch mailboxesfind an email in a user mailboxremove email messages from a user mailbox or all mailboxes - useful to remove phishing, worm or virus emails received.will show you how to set permissions on folderscreate Shared MailboxCreate Shared Calendar and many others.Come join me and lets have fun using PowerShell for Exchange On-line in Office 365."
Price: 99.99

"Como criar um curso online? Crie cursos online de SUCESSO!" |
"Voc quer criar cursos online que geram resultados REAIS para voc e seus alunos? Quer ensinar sem fronteiras? Encantar o mundo com seus conhecimentos e transformar sua paixo pelo ensino em um negcio rentvel? Ento, vem comigo que eu vou ensinar para voc o passo a passo para a criao de cursos online que fazem a diferena no mercado e na vida das pessoas! Sensacional! Se voc realmente quer entender todos os detalhes que envolvem a criao de um curso, feito com muito carinho e dedicao, e claramente o objetivo ajudar e incentivar quem est fazendo de todas as maneiras possveis!Pode fazer o curso sem medo!! Acredito que sai do nvel zero (com medo deste novo universo) para um nvel que estou motivado e sem medo de comear a dar os primeiros passos!(Fernando Pereira, aluno)* Neste curso, voc vai aprender o passo a passo para a criao de cursos online rentveis e de alta qualidade: Voc vais aprender a planejar, produzir, divulgar e vender!Voc vai aprender a ensinar online e a gerar renda com seus cursos! Por que criar um curso online? Existem muitas razes para apostar na criao de cursos online: a demanda sempre crescente, a possibilidade de ensinar a todos onde quer que eles estejam e assim, contribuir para a democratizao do conhecimento. E claro, a possibilidade de transformar sua paixo pelo ensino em um negcio estvel, rentvel e altamente escalvel! Criar um curso online :Transmitir seu conhecimento, mas livre das amarras institucionais;Compartilhar o conhecimento adquirido ao longo do tempo e entregar o melhor material para seus alunos;Ajudar as pessoas que no teriam acesso ao seu conhecimento por fatores temporais ou geogrficos;Gerar mais qualidade de vida para voc, sua famlia e tambm para seus alunos;Alcanar a to sonhada independncia financeira;Empreender ensinando online, ou seja, empreender com propsito!Se voc quer romper as barreiras da sua sala de aula, levar seu conhecimento aos quatro quantos do mundo, gerar renda para voc e sua famlia, receber o reconhecimento merecido pelo seu trabalho e sabe que o ensino a distncia o caminho certo para isso: - assista as aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita,- leia o programa, a proposta, os leia os depoimentos e avaliaes dos alunos aqui no final dessa pgina- conhea melhor meu trabalho atravs do meu perfil de instrutora Udemy e matricule-se sem medo!O curso completo e rico em informaes para quem realmente deseja se voltar para o ensino online.Leila, parabns pelo curso! Com sua didtica e dinmica, voc motiva e encanta a cada nova aula.(Giselle V. Soares, aluna)*Esse curso oferece: - acesso vitalcio e ilimitado (voc estuda quando e onde quiser!) - certificado digital- garantia TOTAL de satisfacao de 30 dias - pagamento seguro e ambiente virtual de aprendizagem moderno e eficiente na plataforma Udemy- acompanhamento da Professa Leila Adriano Ostoyke e perguntas respondidas em at 24 horas- grupo exclusivo de alunos- atualizaes 100% gratuitas- aulas gratuitas e ao vivo com a Professora Leila Adriano Ostoyke e convidados- bnus exclusivosSe voc, assim como Pierre Lvy, eu e tantos outros profissionais atuantes no ensino a distncia tambm est convencido de que permitir que os seres humanos conjuguem suas imaginaes e inteligncias a servio do desenvolvimento e da emancipao das pessoas o melhor uso possvel das tecnologias digitais? Ento, estude o programa deste curso com ateno, assista as aulas para visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, comentrios e sugestes, basta me contactar! Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy. Simplesmente magnfica, um timo contedo com abordagem simples e acessvel.Ccero Williams Martins (aluno do curso)**muitos outros comentrios e depoimentos voc encontra aqui nessa pgina!"
Price: 219.99

"YouTube para Leigos: crie, monetize e faa crescer seu canal" |
"Que voc queira ensinar e/ou vender online, o YouTube o seu lugar! No curso YouTube para Leigos voc vai aprender o passo a passo completo para criar, monetizar e fazer crescer seu canal no YouTube, sua comunidade e seu negcio!Este o segundo curso que concluo com a Leila. Absolutamente prtico, d os caminhos sem mistrios e para leigos mesmo! Consegui ter uma viso ampla dos bastidores do YouTube e uma percepo bem realista das ferramentas. Algumas vantagens: os vdeos so verdadeiros tutoriais pra gente consultar sempre que precisar; a Leila atualiza as informaes conforme seus alunos apresentam dvidas ou as ferramentas do YouTube so aprimoradas; podemos contar com roteiros e modelos que o curso disponibiliza; a Leila facilmente encontrvel, presente e responde rpido. Enfim... Estou muito satisfeita e, por isso, RECOMENDO! Parabns, Leila!(Juliana Costa de Souza, aluna do curso YouTube para Leigos)*Voc sabe da importncia do YouTube para compartilhamento de contedo, divulgao de produtos e servios, interao com seu pblico e conhece bem o alcance dos vdeos publicados nesta plataforma, no mesmo?O YouTube hoje a segunda maior fonte de pesquisa na internet e, se voc quer se posicionar no mercado digital, se voc quer divulgar seu trabalho, ento voc precisa criar um canal no YouTube.No curso YouTube para Leigos, voc vai aprender o passo a passo completo para criar, monetizar e fazer crescer seu canal no YouTube, sua comunidade e seu negcio!Que voc queira ensinar e/ou vender online, o YouTube o seu lugar! Como mais de 2 bilhes de usurios e 1 bilho de horas assistidas por dia, o YouTube a 2 maior fonte de pesquisa na Internet e no para de crescer!A plataforma ideal para voc quer criar uma comunidade online, encontrar seu espao, ensinar, interagir, engajar e vender mais online.Parabns professora pelo seu excepcional trabalho. J dei um tapa no meu canal do Youtube e mudou muito !!!(Jos Aparicio Maro, aluno do curso YouTube para Leigos)*Voc quer criar um canal de sucesso no YouTube?Leia o programa do curso com ateno, assista as aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita e se voc gostar, eu vou adorar encontrar voc do outro lado!Para todas as suas dvidas, visite meu site, meu canal no YouTube e entre em contato direto comigo. Todos os meus contatos, voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.Antes de acessar o curso, ainda no sabia bem como seria, mas os vdeos introdutrios j ajudaram a perceber que o curso seria sim de qualidade. Agora admiro o carinho, a competncia e o profissionalismo da professora Leila, e agradeo por todo o aprendizado gerado, pois o contedo de tamanha importncia para quem est comeando.(Gabriel Maltese, aluno do curso YouTube para Leigos)**muitos outros comentrios e depoimentos dos alunos voc encontra aqui no final dessa pgina!"
Price: 99.99

"Empoderamento Feminino nas Redes Sociais: uma experincia" |
"Empoderamento Feminino na prtica: uma experincia de autoconhecimento, de inspirao, de empoderamento, de empreendedorismo e de partilha para mulheres. Se voc tambm quer ter mais segurana para falar de si e do seu trabalho, se voc quer mostrar seu talento, seus produtos e servios nas redes sociais, se voc quer construir uma imagem profissional e conquistar o mundo, ento, este o seu lugar!Aqui ns vamos nos conhecer melhor, vamos identificar nossos pontos fortes e fracos, vamos sanar nossas dificuldades e vamos perder o medo!Sim, vamos perder o medo de mostrar nosso valor, nosso talento, nossa cara e nossa coragem para o mundo inteiro nas redes sociais. Vamos aprender a nos comunicar com nosso pblico, a vender mais e a conquistar nosso lugar ao sol! Por isso, este muito mais do que um curso online: esta uma experincia real de empoderamento feminino! Assista as aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, no hesite em me contatar: todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy."
Price: 54.99

"Working Business Statistics Problems" |
"I taught business statistics for years and years and I help textbook publishers develop support material for their business statistics textbooks. So, I know what you need to know to pass business statistics at your college or university. This course shows you how to work almost any problem you are likely to cover in your course.It not only shows you how to work them, it shows you how to work them step-by-step with nothing left out. The course also provides you with problems you can use to test your skills. And, where possible, the course also provides you with Excel templates you can use to let you check your answers."
Price: 29.99

"Cook 3 Moroccan Tagine Recipes Easily!" |
"Welcome toHow to Cook Tagines at Home!You will be cooking 3 Tagine Recipes!This course is designed and structured foreasy understanding and use.My purpose in putting together this course is to help you createdelicious and authentic Moroccan tagine recipes at home.I'll show you just how easy it is!We'll be learning to cook:Chicken Tagine with Potatoes, Carrots and ApplesFish Tagine with PotatoesVegan Tagine of Okra, Tomatoes and OnionsPLUSbonuslectures onhow to season tagines and otherclaypotshow to cook perfect couscous without a couscous steamerhow to make liquid saffronEach course is broken down for ease of use.You get a minimum of3 lectures for each recipe, that includes:IntroIngredientsHow to Cook the recipeAnd any other relevant detailsAlong the way, as always, I'll share with you hints and suggestions for the recipes.Every dish is accompanied by a detailed, step-by-step written recipe that you can download in Microsoft Word or Adobe pdf format.Get your aprons on!"
Price: 29.99

"5 Easy Chinese Take Out Recipes to Make at Home" |
"Welcome to5 Chinese Takeout Recipes to Make at Home!You will be cooking 5 Chinese TakeoutRecipes!This course is designed and structured foreasy understanding and use.My purpose in putting together this course is to help you createyour favourite Chinese Takeout recipes at home. So you can ditch those takeout menus!I'll show you just how easy it is!We'll be learning to cook:General Tso's ChickenSingapore NoodlesSweet and Sour ChickenChinese Egg Fried RiceChinese Beef in Orange SaucePLUS abonuslectureon How to Fry Your Own Prawn Crackers at Home!Each course is broken down for ease of use, and includes:IntroIngredientsHow to Cook the recipeAnd any other relevant detailsAlong the way, as always, I'll share with you hints and suggestions for the recipes.Every dish is accompanied by a detailed, step-by-step written recipe that you can download in Microsoft Word or Adobe pdf format.Get your aprons on!"
Price: 29.99

"Business Coaching Certification FECBC Business Fundamentals" |
"Why take the Certification to Become a Business Fundamentals Business Coach?What will a Business Fundamentals Certificate and Accreditation + Credentials + Business Fundamentals Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a business coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Business Fundamentals Business Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive business coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to coach people starting or building a business. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Business Fundamentals Business Coach Certification course as part of our 11 Part FECBC Business Coaching Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Business Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Business Fundamentals Business Coach.BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this Fearless Business Coaching Program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Business Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your business goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a business coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific business area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited business coaching session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to business coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach business clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche business coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step business coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Business Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Business Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Business Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Business Fundamentals Business Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Business Fundamentals Business Coaching People: Who will be your business coaching clients? You discover the inside track so that you can understand people starting and growing a business better than they understand themselves.Business Fundamentals Business Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Business Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary Business Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Business Fundamentals Business Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Business Coaching Session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every business coaching session.Business Fundamentals Business Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Business Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Business Fundamentals Business Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes business coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Business Coaching course from others.Business Fundamentals Business Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge business coaching clients? Do you know how to find business coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Business Fundamentals Business Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing business coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Business Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Fearless Entrepreneur Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Business Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a business coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a business coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Fearless Entrepreneur Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 11 courses of the Masters FECBC Business Coaching Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Fearless Entrepreneur Academy"
Price: 199.99

"Cost Reduction: Cut Costs and Maximise Profits" |
"Cost Reduction: Cut Costs and Maximise ProfitsCost Reduction - identify costs in your business that can be cut without negatively affecting your quality or customers. Maximise profits and motivate your workforce.Would you like to double your profits? To do that could you sell twice as much, or manufacture twice as much?Could your company grow to twice the size it is now within the same market?Well guess what - you don't need to! By cutting your costs by just a small amount you could double your profits without needing a single new customer and without making a single extra product. You won't need to hire more people, enter new markets, or get a new premises - just focus on being more effective with what you already have. Cost Reduction training can make all of your business goals come true, and it could easily double your profits or 5x it in the experience of some of my clients!In this course you'll learn practical techniques to identify wasted money in your company, detailed tips for analysing the effectiveness of your biggest costs, understand why you should increase your prices or reduce your quality, learn which of your customers are actually costing you money, and dealing with common problems of management and motivation. After this course your company will be lean, have highly profitable customers, and every part of the supply chain will contribute more effectively. In fact - you'll most likely be dealing with the most profit youve ever known! We look at lots of real life cost reduction examples (some of which will definitely get you laughing) and give you practical tools you can use right away to get better results in your organisation. Whether you're a small family business or a huge multinational this course will build essential skills for your long term growth and short term effectiveness.In my opinion Cost Reduction is one of the most powerful and underestimated leadership and project management areas. Most companies focus entirely on selling and forget that there are millions of dollars left on the factors floor through inefficiencies and misunderstandings. So, I have created a step by step course you can use to analyse your business and cut out all the waste. Rest assured - you need not make your employees or customers unhappy using these techniques in fact most likely both will end up better off. Imagine if you only needed to work with your favourite customers, all your employees were highly motivated, and you could produce twice as much product at the same quality level? This course achieves that with simple, tried and tested ideas that have been working for decades.Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Cost Reduction to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life changing skills for home and work.The course overview includes:How to identify your most profitable customers, and which are costing you moneyShould you reduce or increase your quality?Motivate your employees to go over and aboveHighlight missed opportunities to save thousandsUnderstand why a few costs make up most of your expenditureIdentify why a simple printer could be the most expensive item in your company And as always it's 100% practical, and with no technical jargon.And lots lots more!By becoming great at Cost Reduction, not only will you benefit from happier and easier customers, you'll also have made your company thousands in new savings and healthier margins!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 134.99

"Project Management: Master Project Management - PMP/PMI" |
"Master Project Management- Avoid the 10 Most Common MistakesLearn the PMP method of Project Management to deliver exception projects on time, on budget, and to spec.Project Management is an incredibly powerful skillfor accelerating your career - and you might be surprised to hear you are probably managing a project right now! Managing a big project is often a pivotal moment in your life and yet it's also one most people aren't trained for... and it's very common to get wrong.Whether it's organising a wedding, launching a new product, or getting a spaceship on the moon, Project Management is what keeps this world turning. If you want to be someone who is calm and confident running a project (big or small!) then this Project Management Mastery courseis perfect for you.In this course you'll learn practical techniques to master project management. The course is structured around the ten most common project management mistakes and through that you'll learn the entire Project Management Professional (PMP)framework. It covers detailed tips for excellent planning using Gantt Charts and PERTdiagrams, managing a team, avoiding overspend, predicting risksand dealing with multiple stakeholders. After this course you will feel calm, collected, well prepared and confident that your project will be a success. In fact - you'll easily be in the top 10% of the most successful projects!We lookat lots of real life project management examples (some of which will definitely get you laughing) and give youpractical tools you can use right away to get better results in your projects. Whether you're managinga small at-home project or an entire global corporate expansionthis course will build essential skills to ensure your project comes in on budget, on time, and with a very happy client (or boss!). Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Project Management to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life changing skills for home and work.The course overview includes:Which common mistakes will instantly set your project up to failWhat makes a great project managerBe able to manage a successful project even with zero experience in that industryHow to make a Gantt Chart and a PERTdiagramPredicting which tasks are crucial to your project timingMeasuring whether you're on budget and on timeWhat you should NEVER say to a client (or your boss)This course does not look at Agile or Prince in detail - but something better!And lots lots more!By becoming great at Project Management, not only will you pave the way for a future promotion, you'll also have saved your company thousands!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 119.99

"Get Your Dream Job - Interview Technique & Resume Writing" |
"Get Your Dream Job - Interview Technique & Resume WritingResume/CV tips and interviewing skills to ace job interviews and find your purposeI meet people on a daily basis who are unhappy in their job - and Im always struck by how important career choices are. Of course your job affects your short term happiness because you're there for at least eight hours a day, but it also influences your long term happiness - your sense of achievement, contribution to the world, friendships, and intellectual challenge. This course is designed to teach you practical skills to excel in a job interview and write an eye catching resume but also encourages you to take the time to decide what job will truly make you happy and enhance your talents. If you want to be someone who is excited to go into work each day, then this Dream Job course is perfect for you.In this course you'll learn practical techniques for job interviews and resume writing. The course is structured around the job interview timeline. Choosing your job, writing a great resume, preparing for an interview, tips during the interview, how to answer tough questions, giving a presentation, and following up after the interview. It covers detailed tips for excellent preparation, how long to make a resume, what to wear, and even what to say.After this course you will feel calm, collected, well prepared and confident that your interview will be a success. In fact - my goal is for you to end up with several job offers! We look at lots of real life interview and resume examples (some of which will definitely get you laughing) and give you practical tools you can use right away in your job search. Whether you're looking for a big career change or just the next step on the ladder this course will build essential skills to help you get that Youre Hired phone call!Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Interview and Presentation skills to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life changing skills for home and work.The course overview includes:Which common mistakes will cause you to fail your interviewWhat makes a great resume/CVBe able to create a brilliant presentation for an interviewIdentifying your dream career pathHow to answer every difficult questionGetting in contact after the interviewWhat you should NEVER say to an interviewerPredicting which questions will be askedUsing influencing skills to be instantly likedExtra actions to make you stand outAnd lots lots more!By becoming great at Interviewing Skills, not only could you earn more money, you could also find a job you truly love!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 99.99

"Anxiety and Stress" |
"Anxiety and StressMaster Anxiety and Stress - a practical approach to achieving joy & control in your lifeAre you happy? Are you in control of your life? Do you spend your time doing things you love and find rewarding? Are you confident walking into a room, or telling others your opinion? Master Anxiety and Stress is a practical programme designed to help you rocket towards your personal and career goals and achieve daily happiness. If you feel like life isnt turning out how you'd dreamed, and stress and anxiety are overwhelming your home and work life, then this course will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.Other courses focus on therapeutic or counselling methods, but this programme uses 100% practical tools and techniques to help you overcome stress and anxiety. It covers everything you need to do: from saying 'No', managing your time, removing toxic people, understanding your natural personality strengths and weaknesses, meditation, self talk, overcoming fear or guilt, and so so much more. It looks at lots of real life examples and gives practical tools you can use right away to feel calm and happy.Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Happiness, Time Management and Assertiveness to companies for over 20 years. He now combines his business and personal experience into a practical course about overcoming anxiety and stress. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style.The course overview includes:Practical tools and techniques for reducing anxiety, and increasing empowerment and happinessHow to become calm and confident in work and at homeTools to stop letting others intimidate you or take over your lifeFind it easy to say no, delegate or be assertiveLearn how to speak kindly to yourself with mantras, self talk, and meditationHow to become known as someone organised, confident and happyTake back control over long work hoursOvercome fear, and rid yourself of negative peopleAnd as always it's 100% practical, and with no technical jargon.If you are ready to make practical changes and pursue a life of happiness this course is for you!By discovering practical tools to overcome Anxiety and Stress, not only will you benefit from feeling calm, organised and in control, youll have mastered the art of happiness. Say goodbye to stress, disorganisation and unhappiness. This course WILL change your life.... if you let it!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 99.99

"Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer" |
"Customer Service: Delight Your Customers with Customer CareMaster Customer Service - delight your customers using great customer care and benefit from lifelong loyalty and referralsDo your customers LOVE you? Do they rave to their friends about what a great company you are? Would they ever consider switching to a competitor? Do they always leave your premises happy and well cared for? You might think this is a faraway dream, too expensive to achieve, or simply impossible for a product/business like yours.But guess what - its not! Customer Service can make all of those goals come true, and doesnt need to cost you anything except creativity and passion. Amazingly there are almost no official theories, tools or frameworks out there talking about Customer Care. For me its one of the most powerful and underestimated marketing, sales and leadership areas. So, I have created a step by step course you can use to come up with original, cost effective and unique ways to delight every customer and have them coming back to you time after time. Imagine if all your customers became repeat clients, and referred you to others many times over? You could fire your whole sales and marketing team! In my experience, most employees genuinely want to do a good job and make customers happy, but often dont have the tools or empowerment to make it a reality. This course fixes that with simple, tried and tested ideas that have been working for decades. Over my 20 year management coaching career I've seen thousands of businesses... and I've pinpointed all the ways they could improve their customer service! The challenge with Customer Service is you need to be constantly ahead of your competitors and offering something unique and special to delight the customer. If you don't already have fresh Customer Service ideas popping up on a daily basis Id highly recommend taking this course. It will allow you to build a loyal fanbase of customers who would never dream of spending their money elsewhere... and that could multiply your revenues many times over! Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Customer Service to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life-changing skills for home and work.The course overview includes:Thirty unique ways to create Customer Care delightsProvide incredible service even with zero industry experienceMotivate your employees to go over and aboveHighlight missed opportunities to delight customersTurn every customer into a lifelong fanBenefit from repeat sales, upselling and referralsAnd as always it's 100% practical, and with no technical jargon. And lots lots more!By becoming great at Customer Service, not only will you benefit from customers never switching to a competitor, but you'll also have made your company thousands in referral and repeat sales!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 109.99
