"SAP S/4 HANA - What You Need To Know (Enterprise Management)" |
"Upgrade your knowledge to S/4 HANA- Unique content not found in any other course on the webWith SAPS/4 HANA now at version1610, alot has changedand business arestarting tomigration to S/4. Can you afford to be left behind in the S/4 HANA skillset?What haschangedand how docompanies leverage S/4 HANA asto gain a competitive advantage? What are you expected to know as you join a S/4 HANA project? This course cuts through all of the marketing and traininghype to deliver a course that just focus on delivering theinformation you will require asyouparticipate on S/4 HANA projects within the Enterprise Management area (or as it was known before, the S/4 HANASimple Logistics)While all othercoursesfocus on individual technicalchanges that can befound in the SAP simplification list or regurgitateSAP training literature,this courseis thedistillation ofexperience of the two instructors on their S/4 HANA projects. Itfocus on understanding S/4 HANAcore changes, how to find out more on S/4 HANAand more importantly,how to leverage these changes in the new SAP S/4 HANA environment.Note : This course does not cover each change item in the simplification list, but rather a introductions to the core changes of S/4 HANABecause it is built on the experience of our instructors, this represents unique context on S/4 that cannot be anywhere else.In this course, the instructorswill coverWhat is S/4 HANA, and how do you get access to SAP trail version What has changed in S/4 and what can beleverage. Examples given The various types of S/4 HANAprojects, and key decisions points in the project SAP new database, HANA and why it is important to S/4 Using SAP CoreDataService - Leveraging SAPHANA database in a business process. SAP new UXFiori, and why it is a game changer Debugging a Fiori application What is the simplification list, and how it isused Delta changes in S/4 SAP Roadmap for S/4Note : Thiscourse primarily focus on S/4 Enterprise Managementfunctionality, but also contains content for generalS/4 HANAknowledge. As the S/4 HANAsolution is still evolving, this course will be updated on a regular cycle (4 - 6 months) for the next 2 - 3 years. So why waste hundredsof dollars and taking anotherSAP S/4 HANA course, only to be show the basics or standard SAP material that at the end, teaching you nothing. This is the course to take.SAP, SAP Best Practices and ASAP are the trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries."
Price: 99.99

"Getting The Job: Preparing for case studies in IT Interview" |
"You done the hard part, now comes the interview...You have the skills and qualifications, you polished your CV and applied for that your dream job. The next part should be easy, the interview. You know you can get the job, but the only thing that could stop you is the interview case study. Case studies, either written or asked during the face to face interviews are designed to test both the soft and technical skills of a candidate. Employees today want to see the candidate's analytical abilities to solve problems. Which is why case studies are a critical part of any employer's selection process.Using our methodology, you will be able to break down, analyse and answer any case study. The course contains Instructions on the methodology as to help you answer interview case studies.Time management techniques to ensure you answer on time Step by step examples of how to use the methodology on two test case studies. Techniques on how to frame your answers within the format as understood by the interviewer.Exercises of written case studies, hints on how to answer them and an example answer. They contain both business and IT related case study scenarios.Example of verbal case studies or scenarios questions asked in interviews with example answers.General interview questions and example answers for IT candidates.This is one of the few courses that does case studies for ITcandidatesNote : Additional verbal case studies questions and answers are expected to be added based on feedback from students. See course upload log at the end of the description for detailsWhy take the risk of not getting that dream job just because you misstep on the interview case study. Take this course now and get that job.Are you ready? There is all to gain, and with Udemy's 30 days money back guarantee, there is nothing to lose.Best Regards Abdul Maulud.Course update for Dec2018 - New video of me answering new verbal interview questions as submitted by students. This course was created by Prof DR. Ir. Maulud. He obtained his Engineering Doctorate (EngD) in Engineering Finance at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia/University of Warwick (Britain) and the MBA Finance from the University of Queensland Business School (Aust).He has over four decades of working experience in the private companies and Public companies, including the Malaysian Ministry of Finance (MoF Inc). His forte is conducting Feasibility Studies to determine a projects financial viability.a Phd university professor with over 40 years experience working in the public and private sector in the areas of Finance and Engineering.He is currently an Author, Trainer and Consultant in Business Development.The instructor for this course is Abdul Maulud, a SAP consultant who has created a number of successful Udemy courses."
Price: 114.99

"Deploying Oracle WebLogic using Docker" |
"Dockerhas quickly become one of the more popular tools for DevOps teams these daysfor streamlining and simplifying the deployment of applications across avariety of environments, platforms, and services. Docker in essenceencapsulates an application and its environment into a Docker image that canthen be deployed just about anywhere that supports Docker containers. Build once deploy anywhere is the mantra.Docker reduces or even eliminates the need for development and operation teamsfrom managing dependencies and environment settings across heterogeneoussystems.In this course you will learn how Docker can be used to deploy WebLogic for both development and production environments. This course will cover the following topics:Course TopicsA basic understanding of Docker and its advantages when it comes to WebLogic.Creating Dockerimages for each component of the WebLogic runtime stack, including the OS, Oracle JRE 8, Oracle WebLogic 12c.Creating a Docker image for a WebLogic domainDeploying WebLogic, including the tech stack and a domain, by launching containersCreating and starting clusteredmanaged servers using DockerDeploying web applications to a WebLogic domainPatterns for externalizing domain configurationPatterns for passing secrets to a WebLogic docker imagePatterns for managing logs and troubleshootingBuilding a CIpipeline for WebLogic using Docker, Jenkins, and ArtifactoryCourse Structure and ContentThis course includes numerous video lectures and hands-on lab exercises. Adownloadable lab guide accompanies this course and will get you up and running with Docker and WebLogic."
Price: 19.99

"Building Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform" |
"Cloud computing has taken over the ITlandscape and is soon to outpace on-premise and in-house data centers as companies are starting to realize the efficiencies, cost savings, and flexibility the cloud can provide. Computing resources can be created and destroyed simply by calling an API. Entire virtual data centers can be created in a matter of minutes or hours. Whether your company or application was born in the cloud or transitioning to the cloud, you need tools to build and manage your infrastructure. Terraform from Hashicorp is one such tool that allows you to declare infrastructure as code in a simple, easy to understand language. Managing your infrastructure as code bridges the gap between dev and ops and provides an opportunity to include infrastructure management as part of the development lifecycle. When environments are declared in code they can be shared and used across your organization to provide consistent environments that align with your production environment. Managing infrastructure as code also provides a far more robust process for managing and tracking infrastructure since these processes can now be incorporated into CI/CD tooling and other automation processes. In this course I will teach you the fundamentals of Terraform using Amazon Web Services as an example.Together we will walk through the basics of Terraform and ultimately create real infrastructure in AWSalong the way. This course makes use of the AWSFree Tier which offers the general public a certain number of FREEcomputing hours and storage space for one year. It is recommended that students sign up for an AWSFree Tier account.Udemy and the author of this course are not liable for any cloud service provider charges you may incur while executing the exercises in this course."
Price: 149.99

"ACTIVACIN CORPORAL. Scale partido a tu cuerpo, dale caa!" |
"EN BAJA FORMA, SIN ENERGA Y CON FLACIDEZ?SI NO TE VES BIEN DEL TODO Y EL CANSANCIO SUELE ACOMPAARTE, PODEMOS DARLE LA VUELTA A LA TORTILLA :)Quiero que dejes de verte en baja forma y de sentirte torpe, dbil y con cansancio da s y da tambin.Quiero ayudarte a que tengas ms energa, un cuerpo ms atractivo, fuerte y gil, mejor estado de nimo, menos enfermedades y molestias, mayor conexin contigo y con cmo funcionas y, en definitiva, que te sientas lo ms genial posible.Mi objetivo es ayudarte de manera sencilla (y divertida o eso intento) a que te veas atractivo/a y te sientas en forma y con energa, para que puedas hacer aquello que amas y enamorar a los dems.De modo que aqu te traigo una propuesta de movimiento/entrenamiento/como-quieras-llamarlo para que puedas empezar a darle caa a tu cuerpo poquito a poco, disfrutando del proceso y logrando verte y sentirte cada vez mejor.+ 1 MES. 5 DAS A LA SEMANA. CADA DA DIFERENTE. Y slo 25-30 min al da.+ 5 das 5 habilidades: FUERZA POTENCIA RESISTENCIA MOVILIDAD/FLEXIBILIDAD EQUILIBRIO.+ Algo divertido, sencillo y variado. Esa es la idea. Sin complicaciones y a prueba de pereza. Te vienes?:)"
Price: 49.99

"Fun Beginner Ukulele Course" |
"Hello and welcome the this beginner ukulele course!This course is perfect for the beginner ukulele player that is looking to start playing fun songs and wants to have fun playing!First I walk you step-by-step through basic info you will need to understand. Then we move on and I show you what tuner is best and how to get into tune. I also teach you how to remember the tuning using a FUN little riddle :-)After that its time to get the first chords under your fingers! I start out with some really easy chords, so you will be making music and having fun within just minutes!!!After that I walk you through some cool and very useful strumming patterns, so you will be ready to play songs in no time!NOW, YOU`RE READY for your first songs!!!I walk you step-by-step though your first 3 songs. All the songs have ""in video"" chord charts and chord pictures, so you will have ZERO trouble following along. :-)After we learn the song together, I do a play-along. This way its really easy for you to follow along and get a great feeling for the song!This is a FUN and interactive course and Im sure you will love it!!!All the song lessons come with downloadable PDF files, so its really easy for you to practice away from the computer, when you take your show on the road.The course also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so there is no risk for you!I really hope to see you inside the course and cant wait to read your positive review ;-)See you inside!!!-Henry"
Price: 54.99

"Ultimate Beginner Guitar Masterclass (2020 Update)" |
"Ultimate Beginner Guitar Masterclass (2020 Update)Join over 50,000 students who have gone from knowing nothing about the guitar to playing songs everybody loves in WEEKSLet me ask you thisWhat is stopping you from being the guitarist you know that you are?Feeling lost, and have no idea where to start?Have you been seeing all this information about chord shapes, intervals, triads, major and minor scales, scales variationsAnd feel overwhelmed?Confused?Discouraged?I just dont think Im meant to play guitar, Im not a music personThis stuff will take me months, if not YEARS to figure out, I dont have that kind of time in my handsAll those guitar virtuosos had an innate talent, something that I just dont haveUmm, where do I even begin? I cant really tell ....____________________________________If that sounds like you.I get it, weve all been thereStruggling to play guitar for a long time and not getting anywhereProcrastinating because you cant make up your mind on what to practiceBeing sick of people simply telling you All you have to do is practice. Just practice and youll get there____________________________________You might be asking yourself then, what seems to be the CORE PROBLEM here?What is the 1 THING that is KILLING your progress, possibly more than ANY OTHER reason?Well, It can all be traced back to a LACK OF PROPER GUIDANCEBecause lets face it, trying to figure it all out by yourself will take you way longer than if you had someone guiding you STEP-BY-STEP throughout your guitar journey.You do not have the time to make the same mistakes, that someone else has already made FOR YOUThink about that____________________________________And Now...Imagine making a years worth of progress in just MONTHS, maybe even WEEKS if youre motivated enoughImagine the next time someone asks you to pick up the guitar at a family gathering and NOW you can play songs everyone knows and enjoys with EASE and CONFIDENCE.Imagine being the star at the party where everyone LOVES YOU for your new musical talentAnd finally, imagine proving to YOURSELF and EVERYONE WHO DOUBTED YOUThat becoming a musician is a SKILL and not an INBORN TALENTThat is where the Beginner Guitar Masterclass comes into play!After joining this course, you won't need to imagine anymore.I take you STEP-BY-STEP and NOTE-BY-NOTE through all the elements needed to make this a reality in a very short amount of time!!!Taking you from ZERO to HERO!Learn from someone who has already been through the rigorous journeySomeone who has already made all the mistakes and has figured out the best and worst practices..Someone who will help you avoid ALL THOSE MISTAKES to help you pick up the guitarFASTER than you ever thought possible.____________________________________My name is Henry Olsen and I've been teaching guitar professionally for 5 years.I have 14 published Udemy courses and an average rating of 4.6!For this course, I took all of my experience and feedback from thousands of students just like you and packed the best of the best into ONE 12 hour masterclass.Now you'll have the benefit of a tested and retested learning method! Aside from having a FAST and EASY progress, you'll have a lot of FUN during the process :-)Every song lesson comes with a play-along feature, so after you're done learning the song, I play it with you at a slow and comfortable tempo, and you'll always have an easy time putting it into practical use.The course also comes with a 42-page picture chord book, so you'll have an easy time following along with all the lessons.This method has WORKED for THOUSANDS of students and I KNOW that it will also work for you!____________________________________Heres what some of my students have to say...I never went that far in any other course. I am really starting from zero. The lessons are very well explained and I am still excited about learning guitar - Alessandro SilveiraThe course thus far has been an eye-opener. I have been doing guitar lessons at a music school for 18 months and I was not made aware of anchoring certain fingers in specific chords, for example, A minor and C. I am so pleased with my progress and what I have achieved. - Basil RhodesHenry is such a sweet and fantastic teacher. He absolutely UNDERSTANDS WHAT THE BEGINNERS NEED. I am happy that he is my first guitar teacher. - Atul MishraThis course is seriously blowing my mind as I THOUGHT I COULDNT LEARN GUITAR ONLINE. Really hats off to the instructor for this amazing gift. - Sakib ChowdhuryI took private guitar lessons for about a year, but I feel like I've progressed further in the first 10-15 lessons of this online course over the course of a couple of weeks than I did with my in-person teacher. Henry does a really good job of helping beginners ""feel"" their way around a song so that they can apply it to other songs on their own, without feeling ""robotic."" The pace of the course is perfect and I finish each lesson wanting to practice and apply what I've learned. In addition, I appreciate the number of lessons he's dedicated to strumming, as that is an area I've really struggled in. Overall, a really good course, thanks! - JaneWhen will I get to hear YOUR SUCCESS STORY?____________________________________Who this course is for:People who want to learn to play the guitar and have FUN in the process!People who are frustrated with their current guitar skillsPeople who have NO CLUE where to start fromPeople looking for a STEP-BY-STEP programPeople who want to learn ACTUAL SONGS while learning, and not just learn a couple of scales and note patternsPeople who want to finally be able to play their favorite songs on the guitarNowIf youre ready to become the guitar player you've always dreamed ofIf youre ready to take the next step with me and over 50,000 students who are achieving their own little successes AS WE SPEAK!..If you can imagine yourself picking up the guitar at any moment, and just losing track of time...While playing some of your favorite songs that you love listening to.Then join us NOW in the Beginner Guitar MasterclassWe cant wait to see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to play your favourite guitar songs by ear" |
"Hello and welcome to this course!!!Have you ever wondered how some people can just pick up a guitar and play any song by ear? What if I told you, its much easier than you think and YOU can do this too!!!This course provides you with a step-by-step, note-by-note plan, that will guide you to play by ear in a very fast period of time.There are no shortcuts, but there are things you can do that can speed up the process by months!!!Ive tested this method on real one-on-on students many times and I can GUARANTEE that you will be playing by ear much faster than you ever thought possible. First the course provides you with the steps needed and then we move on into practical examples and real ear training exercises. The course also comes with downloadable mp3 files, so you dont need to sit at the computer to practice. You will also be provided with a FREE 42 page picture chord book. The chord book walks you step-by-step through many of the aspects discussed in the course and it also teaches you how to master the entire guitar fret-board in a very fast and effective manner. This course is made for the guitarist thats looking to make serious progress as a musician and take a huge leap forward from the beginner level. If youre ready... SIGN UP NOW!!! You wont regret it!!!The course also comes with a risk free 30 days money back guarantee, so theres no way you can loose!!!I cant wait to hear another success story, but this time with YOUR signature on it :-)See you inside!-Henry"
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate Beginner Electric Guitar Masterclass (2020 Update)" |
"Hello and welcome to Ultimate Beginner Rock Guitar Masterclass!!!Are you tired of going through YouTube only to find a bunch of unrelated videos?Or you watch the lesson but NO TABS are included so you don't know how to implement what you learned?Maybe you're just looking for a step-by-step program you can follow instead of trying to figure it all out on your ownIf this sounds like you, then you're in the right place!!!In this course I take you by the hand and lay out a step-by-step curriculum, so all you have to do is follow the simple lessons and do it at YOUR pace. We will learn all the techniques and how to implement them in a very structured way.I also include drum tracks, downloadable tabs, video play-alongs in 2 speeds AND if you ever have questions, I'm personally here to answer them!After joining this course you will Play Really Fun Riffs Everyone Loves Understand And Implement Flawless Technique Read Tabs With Ease Master The Guitar Fret-board Understand And Implement Basic Music Theory Learn To Play To Backing Tracks Learn To Improvise Understand And Implement The ""Penatonic Scale"" Friends And Family Will Be Amazed Learn Exercises That Will Sharpen Your Chord Transitioning And Strumming You will take a quantum leap by getting feedback from a teacher You will finally get out of that playing RUT and feel excited again Youll move from imitation to knowledge and realisation You will enjoy a fresh feeling of discovery Youll learn new songs that will get your listeners attention Your playing will get people to tap their feet Your technique will feel EASY as if it is gliding you right through the songs Your satisfaction will increase as the light of knowledge shines within you Youll be investing in your most valuable resource YOURSELF!If your ready to get serious on the guitar and make fast progress, this course is a must!!! I have tested and refined this method on hundreds of real on -on-one"" students and I can't wait to help you too!You'll be provided a 42 page picture e-book as a special BONUS. This is my way of saying thanks"" for joining the course. The book alone is valued at $50,- and it will teach you how to master the guitar fret-board in the most simple and easy way possible!This is a no brainer, get in now and you will be happy you did :-) To your success!See ya on the inside :-)-Henry"
Price: 199.99

"Guitar Technique Fundamentals" |
"Hi and welcome to this course thats going to make guitar playing much morefunand effectivefor you!Do you wish you could play bothfaster and cleaner?How aboutswitching between chords with easeand afeeling of effortlessness?Would you enjoy playing more???If you answeredYES,YES & OH YEAHHHH, this course is exactly what you've been missing! I'm going to teach you exactly how to do that...First Ill show you important warmup exercises, so your hands function with much more efficiency and you avoid injury. Then were going to be learning about posture and how to make your body/guitar coordination optimal for flawless playing.Now were ready to start focusing on important finger exercises that will both make your hands stronger and your coordination better.We are going to be learning about how to hold the pick properly, alternate picking, economic picking, hammer-on, pull-off, bending, sliding, professional exercises and much more!If your ready to get serious on the guitar and make fast progress, this course is a must!!!I have tested and refined this method on hundreds of real one on one"" students and I can't wait to help you too!Youll be provided a 42 page picture e-book as a special BONUS. This is my way of saying thanks"" for joining the course. The book alone is valued at $50,- and it will teach you how to master the guitar fret-board in the most simple and easy way possible!This is a no brainer, get in now and you will be happy you did :-)To your success!See ya on the inside :-)-Henry"
Price: 99.99

"Curso para Freelancer por Seth Godin" |
"Contedo e Viso Geral Este curso comea com uma introduo sobre o que significa ser um freelancer, independentemente da indstria que voc trabalha. Voc vai perceber que tem a oportunidade de assumir o controle de sua carreira, seja qual for a sua experincia anterior, vendo o mundo da mesma maneira que seus clientes o veem. Seth vai te guiar na escolha dos seus clientes e como estar no lugar certo, na hora certa para encontr-los. Ele ir te impulsionar para desenvolver um trabalho de destaque, em que os clientes comearo a vir at voc. A cada aula, curta, intensa e algumas vezes engraada, ir te ajudar a identificar caminhos para construir a sua reputao e promover o seu negcio para que voc saia do anonimato. Voc far com que o seu trabalho tenha mais valor e saber avali-lo para atrair e reter clientes. Voc tem a oportunidade de se tornar um renomado especialista na sua rea de atuao. E tambm aprender a base para gerao contnua de leads para novos clientes, o que se traduzir em uma renda maior como freelancer. Tambm inclui: respostas aprofundadas para as perguntas frequentes (FAQs) que o Seth coletou da sua audincia durante a preparao deste curso. As perguntas frequentes (FAQs) iro ajudar a esclarecer preocupaes que os freelancers tem, assim como fornecer insights para superar desafios dirios. Ao longo do curso, voc ter a oportunidade de completar exerccios que iro ajudar a criar um caminho que poder ser facilmente seguido em diferentes situaes. Ao final deste curso, voc saber exatamente o que precisa ser feito para preparar o caminho para uma carreira lucrativa e gratificante, como freelancer. E estar seguro o suficiente para ser o seu prprio chefe e tambm como colocar seus objetivos em prtica. No importa se voc atualmente um freelancer em tempo integral ou se voc est preso em um trabalho que deseja sair, Seth vai te mostrar o que preciso para ser um freelancer realizado ou assim como ele mesmo diz um, guerreiro sem rei."
Price: 49.99

"Seth Godin on Presenting to Persuade" |
"You can learn to use Powerpoint or Keynote to make an impact.Why is your deck so bad, and how can you turn it into an effective tool?Instead of focusing on the craft of making slides, thought leader Seth Godin takes you on a journey to understand what your presentation is actually for. He'll help you see that a presentation is a unique and powerful opportunity, a chance to be heard, a moment where you have the leverage to make something happen.In this forty-minute course, you'll learn how to engage, how to seek enrollment and how to discover and integrate the worldview of your audience. This course will forever change how you give and consume presentations and might just save your organization from another ten thousand hours wasted watching useless bullet points fly by.This short course is a radical rethinking of Powerpoint (or Keynote) and how you use a deck and a presentation to be heard.Instead of focusing on prettier slides, you'll learn how to use the leverage and attention you get as the presenter to understand the audience, enroll them in your journey and share your point of view.NOTE! I'm not going to try to teach you to operate the software. Instead, the course teaches you to avoid falling into the passive voice trap that's built deep into the design (and our expectations) of how people use Powerpoint.We've all spent too much time watching (and giving) presentations that are boring, ineffective and irrelevant. It's time to change that."
Price: 29.99

"30 Steps to Mastering Photoshop" |
"30 steps to masteringPhotoshop. Learn your way around the most powerful image editor on the planet, and harness the power of Photoshop to turn your photography into masterpieces.New to Photoshop or self-taught? These are the perfectlessonsto become familiar with 1)how to set up Photoshop to begin your image editing project, and 2)how to use the most important tools and featuressuch as Layers, Channels,Selections, Adjustments, andLayer Masks, and 3) how to use the power of Blending Modes and Blending Options to change the colors in your images and create powerful photographic masterpieces.In these 30lessonsyou will learnThe building blocksof the Photoshop workspaceHow to navigate in your imagesHow to use multiple undo and HistoryHow to make selections and masksHow to sample color with the EyedropperHow to change the color of your workspaceHow to use the Brush toolHow to arrange multiple images on your screenHow to do Non-Destructive editingHow to use LayersHow to use ChannelsHow to use Adjustment LayersHow to use the Hue/Saturation adjustmentHow to use Layer MasksHow to view and paint in Layer MasksHow to make Layer Masks from SelectionsHow to use the Masks panelHow to change Layer opacityHow to use Blending Modes and Blending OptionsHow to Blend based on ColorHow to change the colors in your photographsHow to make multiple versions of your imageHow to create a misty morning lookHow to add softly graduating colors in your photographyGet going with the amazing capabilities ofAdobe Photoshop, and work like a pro!"
Price: 19.99

"Black and White Mastery in Adobe Lightroom" |
"In this comprehensive master class you will learn three powerful methods in AdobeLightroom to create Black and White images. Explore each ofthese methods to create dramaticBlack andWhite visual statements.Once you have converted your photography to Black andWhite, use the power of Lightroom to create toned and split toned photographs for richness and depth. Lightroom provides you with several different tools to create rich tones in your photographs. I will guide you through all these processes, and then show you how to save your own custom presets.Learn how Lightroom worksbest, and master Lightroom for your Black andWhite photography.In these lessons you will learn:What effect Black andWhite can have onthe viewer, compared tothe Color imageThe non-destructive parametric edits Lightroom give youWhere to find Black and White presetsSimple Black andWhite conversions in LightroomThe direct method to create Black andWhite photographsHow to create Black andWhite with the most controlHow to Split Tone Black andWhiteHow to Selectively Split Tone in LightroomHow to Split Tone with CurvesHow to creategraduated highlightsHow to save and share your own custom presetsHow best to jump from Lightroom to PhotoshopDuring and after this course you will want to not only create new images, but revisit your favorite photographs that you have taken, and create stunning Black andWhite masterpieces using Lightroom."
Price: 19.99

"Master Color and Emotion in Photography" |
"What students have to say:""Very useful and perfectly structured lecture. Thank you.""""Clair et bien structur""Learn how to use color to create powerful photographs. Master the color theory behind color and emotion, and what impacts the viewer. Use color in photography to your advantage, whether while you are shooting, or during post production in Photoshop or Lightroom.With demonstrations, hands-on projects, and sample files on color, color theory, and what impacts the viewer in photography, become confident in how you choose and photograph your subjects - whether portrait, landscape, nature, lifestyle, fashion, or travel photography.In these lessons you will learn:How controlling Color can add emotion and depth to your photographyHow color temperature creates an emotional response to imagesAbout Complimentary Colors and Hue Contrast in imagesAbout Saturation and Brightness Contrast in imagesAbout Color Contrast in PhotographyHow to use Color in High Frequency ImagesHow to shoot for complimentary colors in your photographyHow color toning can affect Black and White photographsUse the hands-on projects to reinforce your knowledge about color in photography. Then grab your camera and start putting your mastery of color and emotion to work!"
Price: 19.99

"Lightroom: The 3Cs of Retouching" |
"When I was learning photography, I wouldn't be sure what settings I should be applying to my photographs and how much those settings need to be applied. There were so many options and so many settings that could be applied, but where do I start? What do I do next? When do I stop? These are all questions I needed answers for. After years of learning, practice and my own experience, I came up with a system. A system that anyone can apply to any photograph and that would transform their photographs from dull to amazing in no time. That system isThe 3Cs of Retouching. You apply the 3Cs to any straight-out-of-the-camera photo, and voila, you have a great looking photo!"
Price: 99.99

"Production Rendering with 3DS Max and FStorm Render Engine" |
"[IMPORTANT]To use FStorm Engine, you need to have a NVIDIAgraphic card. Otherwise you can not use it. Be sure to check what graphic card you have before you take the course.As you follow this tutorial series, you will learn to use FStorm, a very powerful and partially new render engine that is integrated with 3DS Max.There are free versions available. But if you want, you can buy it for 20 Euro () monthly. However the free version will be enough for you. At the end of the training, you will be able to create a 3d professional photo studio sceneand get high quality, photo-realistic renderings of various models. This is an especially practical training course for anyone working with catalogues.Good luck.))"
Price: 19.99

"Do You Want to Be a Successful Global Online Entrepreneur?" |
"Everybody thinks that they would love to have an online business that they could run from their home and have lots of freedom and make a good living. But it is not easy as all the hypesters and promoters say from all those offers you get in your inbox.There are five ways to make a online business that might work, and i will get you started by asking yousome basic questions that you need to answer and show you five ways to do an online business... and then you, in after one hour in this coaching experience, can decide whether this deal is one you want to attempt and how you should start.And if you want to do that I can help you,Stan"
Price: 19.99

"Get Buyers With Market Research & Competitor Intelligence" |
"In this course you will learn how to use special tools to show you how and where to find your potential customers.This marketing research and competitor intelligence will give you the skills to analyze the success of your competitors and to create a completedigital marketing strategy for your business.Here's what you will learn in this course:How to plan your digital marketing strategy to get high performance results for your businessHow to use tools that will reveal the winningmarketingfunnel of yourcompetitors, so that you can achievebetter resultsHow to set up tracking in a way that you will know how to optimize and scale your ROIHow to understand your customer journey map in Google AnalyticsAnd much, much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Cmo vender usando LinkedIn" |
"EL curso ""Cmo vender usando LinkedIn"" estenfocado a que desarrolles lahabilidades para generar candidatos y reuniones de venta de forma constante en LinkedIn. Desde el primer contacto, el cliente no se dar cuenta de que se encuentra en un proceso de compra.LinkedIn es un espacio socialonline yel nico mtodo de ventas que funciona es el ""social selling"". Aplicando este mtodo en LinkedIn conseguirs conectar sin ser rechazado y conseguir reuniones de venta sin insistir.Aprenders a:Conectar con clientes potenciales con facilidad y sin ser rechazado.Generar inters en los clientes potenciales.Atraer clientes potenciales constantemente.Generar clientes potenciales cada mes.Generar reuniones de venta sin insistir. Es el cliente el que querrreunirse.El mtodo de ventas ""Social Selling"" que utilizo para mostrarte como vender en LinkedIn sebasa en el uso de habilidades sociales y en el entendimiento delproceso de compra que siguen las personas.En este curso aprenders a conseguir que tus clientes potenciales en LinkedIn no sientan que les ests vendiendo algo, ellos sentirn que son ellos mismos los que quieren comprar.El curso ""Cmo vender usando LinkedIn"" tiene 11lecciones y una duracin de 2 horas en formato video.Observaciones importantes:Este curso te mostrar como conectar con cualquier persona en LinkedIn y generar inters desde el primer contacto.Este curso te mostrar como conseguir que el precio no sea un criterio de decisin en tus clientes.Finalmente, este curso te mostrar como las habilidades sociales pueden hacer que generes muchas reuniones de venta en LinkedIn confacilidad."
Price: 49.99

"Dyslexia 101: Definition, Characteristics, Assessment" |
"Dyslexia is a complex, neurobiological disorder. Many myths about Dyslexia exist including the belief that it doesn't really exist. Struggling readers are simply unmotivated and lazy. This course was created using current research in diagnostic practice in order to provide professionals, parents, and caregivers a comprehensive insight into the reasons why reading is such a laborious process for some individuals. Within this course brain based research is presented, along with a comprehensive definition of Dyslexia including its characteristics. The assessment process for Dyslexia is also discussed, as well as the Special Education Process. Information contained within the lectures is based on current research, industry practice, and tailored to meet the needs of educational professionals, parents, and caregivers of struggling readers. Take this course to enhance current skills, or to be able to develop and apply entirely new ones needed to assist in dispelling Dyslexia's myths."
Price: 99.99

"Business strategy 101 - awake the strategist within you" |
"Have you ever wanted to contribute to the success of your organisation but felt like you lacked the basic understanding to do so? In this course, you will discover the basic concepts of business strategy. What is a business strategy?How does business competition work?Can an organisation compete sustainably?What is the role of the business innovator?What are the theories and basic tools of business strategy?Developing an understanding of the basic concepts, theories and tools of business strategy is your first step in becoming an active participant for the success of your organisation.Being involved with business strategy has never been so exciting, differently from what we thought in the past business strategies emerge from the people participating in an organisation and do not rain from the top. Business strategy, therefore, is a team sport which requires creative and analytical people.Come to discover how you can become an active participant to the strategy of your organisation, by creating something that is good for society and profitable for your organisation."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Crystal Reports:Master-Detail,Cross-Tab,Sub-Reports" |
"Summary:Crystal Reports is owned by SAP. But it can be used to generate reports for any kind of database and Enterprise Resource Planning.This course is intended for all of those developers, programmers and system analysts that provides information and Business Intelligence forthe strategic Management.Master Detail reports to represent the clients and products sold toeach one. Cross tab are for Business Intelligence. Drill down datafrom general information to specific data can be done by Sub-Reports.IndexLesson One:a) Link Tables of Databaseb) Master Detail Reportc) Calculations Formula for Master Detail Report.d) Group Fields to display data.e) Charts of Group Fields.Lesson Two:a) Total in fields.b) Group by criteria.c) Sort Control for user.Lesson Three:a) Select Expert to display data with defined criteria.b) Advance Chart to display drill-down data.c) Pass user parameters to the Select Expert.Lesson Four:a) Cross tab reports.b) Cross tab charts.c) Include Formula Field in a cross tab report.d) User defined parameter to drill down details on Cross Tab Reports.Lesson Five:a) Sub Reportsb) Linked Sub Reports to print drill down details in a Master Detail relationship."
Price: 49.99

"Budgets-Costs-Advances of Projects with Microsoft Excel" |
"This course will show you how to define Project Activities, resources and Cost. Also how to plan RISKS and how much money could be needed is something occurs during execution. All done with Pivot Tables of Excel. Every project has to have a defined SCOPE. SCOPE has activities , time and resources. The Gantt Chart will show what is the order of precedence of each activity. Resources cost will give the Budget for each Activity and for all the Project.The SCOPE definition using Break Down Structure of Activities is the input for Gantt Chart. The planned Cashflow is got from activities time and resources/cost."
Price: 19.99

"Android: Develop Data Entry and Export info to Text File" |
"Introduction:The general structure of App is explained:a) MainActivity Class where the layout of user screen is defined.b) DatabaseHandler Class. Creation of database, insert and select queries. How Cursor works on android database.c) Generation of the CSV file.The intruction explains how important is to understand the layoutof the user screen to allocate space on each table and row forText and Data Entry fields. Also for buttons and the On Clickevent to execute an action like:a) Insert data entry to the database.b) Generate the text CSV file.The souce code and PDF with explanationis included in the section two of the course.Indexa) Structure of the Appb) TableLayout to Display Titles, Input Fields and Buttons.c) Properties for Rows on Table Layouts to Display Text, Edit Fields and Buttons.Structure concept to allocate Text, Edit and Button Fields inside the Rows of theTable.d) Actions to allocate each Field on the Rows and each Row inside the Tablee) Create Database Handler Classf) Initialization Methods of the DatabaseHandler.g) Insert and Select Statements in the Databaseh) Code for Function SelectData() on the MainActivity to get the results of the queryfrom the Database.i) Functions and Statements to generate CSV file from Database Query.j) Display and Orientation settings Initializationk) Run and Test Codel) Export the data from database to CSV filem) Exercise to build all the Pieces TogetherThe source code packed in the datacapture.zip file has the structure to beimported in the Eclipse with Android Plug In IDE. The version used to compile thesource code is Eclipse JUNO. If you are using another version or IDE, the source filesare located on path: Inventory/src/com/com/example2/ex2 : MainActivity.java andDBAdapter.java."
Price: 19.99

"Estadstica para Control de Calidad con Excel" |
"-El promedio y la desviacin estndar determinan si la muestra cumple con los lmites de calidad requeridos. -La regresin lineal de una o mltiples variables ayuda a verificar si la variables independientes inciden en el resultado. La funcin lineal obtenida puede usarse para simulaciones.-Las pruebas T de Student y Chi Cuadrado ayudan a determinar si los efectos son independientes de las causas o no.-Con tablas dinmicas de Excel puede determinarse si los procesos cumplen con los lmites de tolerancia y su consecuencia en el producto."
Price: 24.99

"Power BI: Sales Analysis and Inventory Management" |
"Power BI has excellent visualizations charts to compare data of different units (like quantity and money) using Combined Charts. The georeference maps allow you to explore data geographically located. A relationship between two or more tables is built using links to master-detail, primary and foreign keys. Publish the reports to Power BI Service on the Cloud. Build Dashboards to present a summary of your information to the users."
Price: 24.99

"SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query" |
"I am a data scientist with years of experience working in industry. As a data scientist I use a ton of different tools/techniques but the one I use the most is probably SQL! This course assumes you know nothing about SQL and teaches you all the basics as well as more advanced features/methods. You will also get to learn Google Big Query, a very popular cloud based tool for querying large amounts of data at scale in the cloud. Not only will you learn SQL, but you will learn a lot about data visualization and how to gather insights from the data. You will also have access to hundreds of huge real world data sets that come along with the Google Big Query Ecosystem. Even after finishing the course content, you can still continue to improve by doing all sorts of projects on the data made available.This course requires a Google account (which is Free) and a free 12 month trial for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This is how you access Google Big Query which is one of the services offered through GCP. When signing up for the 12 month free trial of GCP you get $300 USD to spend on any GCP services. This is more than enough to query the data sets in this course. I used less than 5% of the credits in preparing as well as completing all the materials. As part of the sign up process you will require a credit card or bank account details so GCP can verify your identity. You will not be charged or billed during your free 12 month trial. Instructions for signing up will be available in introductory videos for the course."
Price: 99.99

"The most effective NLP coaching techniques" |
"This program is designed for professional coaches and NLP Practitioners with positive learning attitudes, who are seeking to expand their portfolio of coaching techniques in order to support their clients in most effective way. If youwant to make a positive difference to your client through powerful processes that are tested and prove in practice of professional coaches around the world this program is for you."
Price: 199.99

"Entrepreneurship: Side Gig Complete Course For Extra Income!" |
"Join 12,000+ students!""Great course. Focused on Part Time which is nice as other courses are about full time and I am not read for that. Want to make some money as a freelancer and part-time for now. Educational and Instructor is very motivational and encouraging as well. Highly recommend."" --Barb L""One of the best course in Udemy really explaining entrepreneurship. I wish I had seen this before I started my journey to financial freedom. . Thank you so much""-Enzo CAnyone can become an entrepreneur and fulfill their dreams or earn the money to fund their dreams. Unfortunately, entrepreneurship can seem real difficult, plus most people arenot ready to give up the security of a full-time job. Nor should they have to.The great thing about becoming a Part Time Entrepreneur is you do not have to quit your full-time job plus you can see if your ideas work and if you like what you are doing on the side that can later become a full time focus for you,if you want. Just need the education to avoid misstepsand toset yourself up for success.THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL PART TIME ENTREPRENEURTake advantage of the advances in technology to run your business and even reach a global market. More people are earning great money and having fun with a side gig while they keep their full time job than ever before...and growing fast! The Course is 100% focused on the Part Time Entrepreneurand what it takes to succeed.In this course you will learn:Why Now Is The TimeDeciding What To DoIs There A MarketStrategic PlanningFunding The BusinessManaging ExpensesGoing To Market (Marketing)FulfillmentCustomer ServiceTime ManagementWhen To Go Full-TimeNext Steps + Bonus StepYou will learn from someone who personallyhas had great success with a Part Time business that continues to grow!Learn the key best practices so you can quicklysucceed as well.This is an awesome completecourse which means you get:Hours and hoursof video based lessons.Lifetime accessto the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Quizzesthat will test and confirm your knowledge.Helpful Links and Articles for deeper understanding.Ask questions directly of the instructorand every one of those will also be answered.30 day money back guarantee-love the course or return it with Udemy easy no questions asked policy.Being a Part Time Entrepreneuris fun and rewarding.No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move aheadwith the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the TAKE THIS COURSEbutton in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99

"Entrepreneurship: Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur" |
"Steve Ballinger and I, are both very successful entrepreneurs, as well as being two of Udemys top instructors, with 12 best selling courses between us.Together we have over 73,000 students spanning 179 countries and enjoyed over 11,000 reviews from very happy students!We decided to make this course by bringing the best of our individual areas of expertise and blending them to create a single model, that is wholly effective and easily to apply.The model, which is intended for entrepreneurs and those seeking success in their business and professional lives, is a carefully crafted application which includes a practical methodology whilst being supported by evidence based science and applied psychology.This course is for you if you want take the leap into becoming a successful entrepreneur. Its also designed for those people who may have already started their journey as an entrepreneur and have found themselves stuck, or who are facing obstacles, be it emotionally, psychologically or in a practical sense. This course will help you elevate your success to a whole new level, you never thought possible.Steve, is a master of business, and I, a successful Psychotherapist and Success Coach. Together we help people dispel negative self limiting beliefs they hold about themselves which prevent them from advancing as a successful entrepreneur and becoming who they truly are, and all that theyre capable of.This course eradicates, any fear, uncertainty or doubts you may have, so that together, we can clear a pathway to your unlimited success.Well teach you how to overcome these blocks, ensuring you reach your goals and realise your true potential as a successful entrepreneur.Together, well explore your core beliefs about success, triumph over the fear of failure, build on your confidence and push beyond your comfort zone.Well show you how you can use the principles of psychology to excel as an entrepreneur and mentally prep for the world of success that awaits you.The course is not only comprehensive, but also includes many resources and downloadable tools, all of which youll have a lifetime access to.Steve and I, are here for you every step of the way. As such, were on hand to help 365 days a year to not only support you, but also keep you engaged and motivated you as you start your journey as a successful entrepreneur.-Libby"
Price: 199.99
