"Investing The Lazy Investor Way" |
"This class was well taught and gave a good deal of clear and relevant examples to demonstrate the course concepts-Glenn O Great course! I loved it!-Richeler A Join 2500+ Students and become a successful investorthe lazy way!Investing success can be achievedby anyone and by following the key principles and best practicesyou can have success without having to become an Investing Guru. By becoming aSuccessful Lazy Investor you canreach yourmost challenging financial goals and lead the life youdream about withoutspendinghours and hours of your time.Unfortunately, the financialindustry conspires againstyou by making it very complicated but it doesnot have to bethat way. Take this course and turn the tables in your favor!THIS COMPLETECOURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL INVESTOR AND STILL HAVE A LIFENot boring theory.No get rich quick scheme or a course that is designed to sell you consulting services this course has one mission and that is all about thesharing of experience and wisdom from a successful long-term investor and teaching you how you can apply it to your own goals and time horizon.In this course you will learn all about:Can I Make Money This Way...And How Your Instructor Does So You Can Replicate ItWhat Portfolio Fits YouUnderstanding Risk And RewardKey Success Factors To ImplementDetermine Investment Vehicle Such As, Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), andIndividual SecuritiesHow To Quickly And Easily Evaluate InvestmentsSample Portfolios You Can Use Such As The Lazy, Couch Potato, andCoffeehouse portfoliosHow To Keep Your Expenses LowAutomate Even More And Get Expert Help WithRobo Investing AndTheme InvestingNext Steps + Bonus StepPlus Much Much More!!!This is an awesome flagship course which means you get:Hours and hoursof video based HDlessons.Screen-Cast Demos that walk you through concepts step by step.Lifetime accessto the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Quizzesthat will test and confirm your knowledge.Ask questions directly of the instructorand every one of those will also be answered.Supporting Links with more information to deepen your learning.30 day money back guarantee-love the course or return it with Udemy easy no questions asked policy.Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund as only you know what is right for your portfolio and your comfort with risk and volatility. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.Investing Is funand itcan be really fun when you see your results rise even with minimaleffort!No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the TAKE THIS COURSEbutton in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency: Complete Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins! (8 HR)" |
"Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Monero, Ripple, and others are growingexponentially in value. However, we are still in the early phases of an emerging market.Which means there is tremendous upside andgreat opportunities for investors in Cryptocurrency but also more risk for those who do not understand this rapidly evolvingmarket.""Great! Learned a lot. He gives such a concise and clear presentation. Easy to follow. Personable. Brilliant! Highly recommend this course to all who are new to cryptocurrencies and investing in general."" Getty A***THIS COMPLETE COURSE WILL TEACH YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO BE SUCCESSFULUSING AND INVESTING IN BITCOIN AND OTHER CRYPTOCURRENCIES***""First time with an online course at Udemy I've very impressed with the depth of the content and the quality of the presentation."" Emma SYou will learn:What exactlyIs CryptocurrencyCurrent andBig Topics such as the Bitcoin Fork that are Influencing the Crypto WorldHow Is CryptocurrencyUsedWhy Is CryptocurrencyGrowing so FastDifferent Ways To Get Your First CoinKey Currencies Such As Bitcoin, Ehereum, and MoreHow to choose a digital currencyWallet that is secure and right for youUnderstand Cryptocurrency TradingExchanges and how to choose one that fits your goalsHow to minimize fees that exchanges chargeInvesting Strategies from Buy and Hold to Active Trading of CryptocurrencyICO (Initial Coin Offerings) Risks and Rewards and how they compareto stock market IPO's.Using Fundamental Analysis to pick great coins to invest inApplying Technical Analysis (Charts) in aneasy to understand manner to spot trends and make great tradesNext Steps to put into Action what you have learnedPlus much more!The Crypto world is ever changing and since you own the course for lifeall course updates are included for free!Let's face it,Bitcoin and other cryptocurrenciescan seem intimidating but at the end of this course you will feel confident:Using Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies for online purchases.Choosing and setting up your own digital currency walletPicking a Cryptocurrencyexchange that fits your trading needs from infrequent to active trading.Investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as part of a diverse portfolioUsing Fundamental and Technical Analysis (Charts,Patterns, Trends) to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like a Pro!Taught by a top Udemy instructor who specializes in investing courseswith many years of teaching and investing experience this complete course will help you to master the world of Cryptocurrency.To get started justclick the button to enroll in the course.Thank you so much for your interest and I look forward to seeing you in your first lesson!Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99

"Investing With A Robo Advisor" |
"Investing can seem hard but with Robo Investing it is easy to get a low cost, professionally designed, portfolio of assets from stocks to bonds and more that matches your goals and risk tolerance. The number of Robo Advisor's is exploding but with hundreds to choose from all with varying offers and fees how do you make the right choice?THIS COURSE WILL HELP YOU TO BECOME AN EXPERT SO YOU CAN PICK THE RIGHT ROBO-ADVISOR THAT BEST FITS YOU!Plus get full deep dive unbiasedscreen-share reviews of some of the biggest and best Robo-Advisors available and how to evaluate them.Learn from Steve Ballinger, one of Udemy's top Personal Finance Instructors with over 230,000 happy students.In this course you will learn:How does Robo Investing work?What is the big idea going on here and why growing so fast.How you can get great diversification and low fees with a Robo Advisor.How do Robo Advisors design a portfolio that matches your goals and level of risk tolerance.What types of funds are in your portfolio and how to evaluate them.How to choose the best Robo Advisor for you.How to dig deep and evaluate Robo Advisor costs so you do not get ripped off.How do Robo Advisors automatically re-balance your holdings.What is Tax Loss Harvesting and why you should care.How can a Robo Advisor ft in your overall investment strategy.Deep dive reviews of some of the biggest and best Robo-Advisors!Plus much more!You will save a tremendous amount of time and avoid mistakes that could save you quite a bit by taking this focused course so you can start investing more right away.Just click the button to get started. With a 30 day full money back guarantee you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by putting this powerful technology to your advantage.Many thanks and I hope to see you in the course!Steve B"
Price: 199.99

"Selling Skills: Complete Sales Mastery Course!" |
"LOOK AT THE PRICE OF THIS COURSE AND ASK YOURSELF ""HOW MANY MORE SALES DO I NEED TO CLOSE TO AFFORD THIS COURSE AND WHAT IF I LEARNED EVEN JUST ONE TECHNIQUE THAT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE?""OK. That is a little heavy handed particularly for a course that is all about about professional techniques that are focused on helping you to not only sell more but develop great relationships with your customers but the fact is for a little investment of money and time and even if you apply only a little of what you will learn in this comprehensive course you will greatly position yourself for success.I believe that sales is a most noble profession.Why? At its essence sales is all about learning about your customers needs and pain points and then you become a trusted adviser to recommend the appropriate product or service that can make a difference in your customers business and maybe their professional life. I have helped many of my best customers to get promoted because they implemented the solutions we worked on together. I also believe having started in a sales, managing a $100 million Sales Organization, and developing and leading more sales training than can be counted over a 25 year career, that those who develop their sales skills and love their customers will succeed. Note: If you are looking for a quick rich scheme or think its ok to trick or deceive your customer then please do not invest in this course.Why are some salespeople successful and others less so.Sure, sometimes a person can be assigned a great territory or luck into a big deal, it happens let's be honest, but the real key for immediate and long-term success is learning and then applying the specific critical principles and techniques that can be used over and over at the right time. That is what separates the top 5% from everyone else.IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN THE KEY STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES FOR EVERY STAGE OF THE SALES PROCESS TO HELP YOU BECOME SUCCESSFULIn this course you will learn:How to easily and effectively prospect.How to create a winning value proposition like none you have done before.Why qualifying is so critical to the entire process and how to do it better.How to make strong recommendations to your prospects and customers.Tip to be a better presenter.How to prepare for objections.Actual techniques to overcome some of the most common (Ex, Price) and difficult (I like your competitor) objections.When is the best time to close.A variety of closes you can use and when to use each one in each situation.Plus much much more.The course has a 30-day money back guarantee so If you do not love it then you can easily return it for a full refund. In addition, with Udemy you own the course for life so any updates or new lessons you get absolutely for free. Now is the time to invest in yourself and your career. Just click the button to enroll.Many thanks for your interest in the course and I look forward to seeing you in your first lesson!Steve B"
Price: 199.99

"SSH effektiv nutzen: Tipps & Tricks fr Linux-Admins" |
"Ein Muss fr Linux Administratoren, der SSH Server gehrt wie die Hardware auch zur Software eines jeden Linux Servers! Doch die wenigsten beschftigen sich wirklich mit den ungeahntenMglichkeiten von SSH. Wichtigstes Merkmalist ganz klar die sichere Fernwartung eines Server, doch lassen sich mit SSH ebenso Tunnels aufbauen um eine Firewall zu umgehen als auch sichere Portweiterleitungen realisieren.Secure Shell oder SSH bezeichnet sowohl ein Netzwerkprotokoll als auch entsprechende Programme, mit deren Hilfe man auf eine sichere Art und Weise eine verschlsselte Netzwerkverbindung mit einem anderenSSH Dienstherstellen kann.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Mglichkeiten von SSH kennen und wie man SSH absichert gegen Attacken und sich ohne Passwort direkt anmelden kann ohne Umwege.Unter anderem beschftigen wir uns mit der detaillierteren Konfiguration, SSH-Key Generierung,2-Faktoren Authentifizierung, Tunnels, Multihop und Jumpserver.Sie lernen wichtige Kniffe wie man Aliases und die Konfiguration gezielt einsetzt um sich schnell und einfach alle Server zu merken welche Sie betreuen."
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Access 365 Das Einsteiger-Datenbank-Training" |
"Mit Access knnen Sie auf einfachste weise Datenbank-Anwendungen erstellen und verwalten. Groe Programmier-Knste werden dabei nicht bentigt.In groen wie auch in kleinen Unternehmen werden zahlreiche Informationen in Datenbanken gespeichert. Mit einer Datenbank werden zum Beispiel ganze Ablufe wie Einkauf und Vertrieb abgewickelt, aber auch viele Private Projekte wie Filmdatenbanken, Vereinsdatenbanken, Mitgliederverwaltungen. Der Vorteil von Datenbanken liegt meist an der bersichtlichen Strukturierung sowie dem recht einfachen Umgang.Access kombiniert die Microsoft Jet Engine als relationales Datenbankmanagementsystem mit den Werkzeugen einer integrierten Entwicklungsumgebung, die mit ihren grafischen Benutzeroberflchen insbesondere fr die Zielgruppe der Endbenutzer zur Herstellung von Datenbankanwendungen geeignet ist.Lernen Sie, Microsoft Access 2010 , 2013, 2016, 2019 und 365 praxisnah anzuwenden und erstellen Sie ihre eigenen Datenbanken. Angefangen von der Konzeption der Datenbanken, bis hin zur genauen Erklrung fr die Erstellung von Tabellen und Abhngigkeiten, Dateneingabe, Generierung von Abfragen, Erstellung von Formularen und Berichten, sowie Daten-Export und -Import. Mit einigen bungsbeispielen lernen Sie Access noch genauer kennen und mssen auch selbst Aufgaben meistern.Access ist ein Bestandteil des Microsoft Office 2016 bzw. 365 Pakets und bietet allerhand Mglichkeiten um eine schne und strukturierte Datenbank aufzubauen.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie unter anderem:Lizenzen, um Access zu erwerbenDen Umgang mit Access kennenDatenbanken zu erstellenAbfragen auszufhrenFormulare und Berichte zu erstellenDaten exportieren und importieren (z.b. aus Excel)Datenbanken aus dem Netzwerk zu verlinkenDatenbanken Design neu zu modellieren und Probleme bei bestehenden Modellen zu ndernDatenbanken zu sichern und zu verwalten"
Price: 99.99

"OpenVPN verstehen und einrichten Sicher im Netzwerk" |
"Virtual Private Networks (VPN) spielen eine immer wichtigere Rolle bei der sicheren Datenbertragung.Ob es sichum Verbindungen zwischen Firmen, zwischen den PCs einzelner Personen oder um die Bereitstellung des Netzwerkzugriffs fr mobile Anwendungen handelt.Wenn Sie Ihre Daten sicher im Netzwerk bertragen wollen, dann bietet sich fr Sie die hierzu am hufigsten verwendete freie Software OpenVPN geradezu an.Lernen SieMglichkeiten der Authentifizierung und Verschlsselung kennen und wenden SieIhr Wissen mithilfe derPraxisszenarien sicher an. Dieser Kurs istfr Einsteiger und auch erfahrene Nutzer des OpenVPN geeignet, da ich Ihnen hier die Grundlagen umfangreich und przise erklreund dies die Arbeit mit dem VPN ein vielfacheserleichtert, wenn Sie auch die Hintergrnde zu einem VPNverstehen.Der Kurs umfasst im Detail:Die Grundlagen eines VPNWie eine Private und Public Key Infrastruktur (PKI)funktioniertDie Installation des OpenVPN Servers eines angemieteten LinuxDie Konfiguration des ersten TunnelsDas Management von BenutzernMglichkeiten der Benutzer-AuthentifizierungWeitere hufig benutzte Optionen beim Einsatz von OpenVPN"
Price: 69.99

"AWS Ihr Weg zum zertifizierten Amazon Solutions Architekt" |
"Neben der Besttigung Ihrer technischen Fhigkeiten, bedeuten AmazonAWS-Zertifizierungen und Kenntnisseeinen unmittelbaren NutzenIhres AWS-Fachwissens Preis zu geben. Viele groe Firmen setzen auf die Cloud, und Amazon istmit der AWS Marktfhrer in diesem Gebiet.Umso wichtiger ist es, Sie als IT-Einsteiger, DevOp- oderSystem-Engineermit der AWS vertraut zu machen.Dieser Kurs fhrt Sie ein in die Welt von Amazon Web Services (AWS), um Ihnen ein ntiges Wissen zu vermittelnwie Sie Ihr Unternehmen in die Cloud bringen, und bereitet Sie anhand von zahlreichen Fragen grundlegendauf AWS-Zertifizierungen vor.Lernen Sie im Kurs viele Dienste und Services,welche uns die derzeitige AWS anbietet, wie z.B.:Amazon EC2 - Virtuelle CloudServerAmazonS3 - SpeicherserviceAmazon EBS - Volumes anlegenAmazonGlacier - DatenarchivierungAmazonRoute53 - Domain NameServiceAmazon RDS -Datenbanken wie Oracle, MySQL, AuroraAmazon VPC - VirtuellePrivate CloudAWSMigrationen von lokalen Server in die CloudElasticLoad Balancer - Lastenausgleichund vieles mehr, kennen und anwenden.---AWSSicherheits-/Kostenhinweis:Wir arbeiten in diesem Kurs innerhalb der AWS. Die AWS ist ein Live-Produktionssystem, welches in der Cloud Services kostenpflichtig anbietet. Manche dieser Services sind nicht im kostenlosen Kontingent der AWS enthalten und es knnen daher zustzliche Kosten innerhalb der AWS anfallen.Wenn Sie alle Schritte eins zu eins nachahmen, knnen Sie mitgeringen zustzlichen Kosten fr die AWS Services rechnen. Sie mssen nicht alle Lektionen nachahmen und knnen ebenso nur die kostenlosen Services nutzen, ich mchte Ihnen zu Schulungszweckenjedoch zeigen, welche Mglichkeiten die AWS hier noch bietet, weshalb ich diese fr Sie im Kurs vorzeige."
Price: 189.99

"Excel 2010 - 2019 fr Prsentationen, Pivot Tabellen & Druck" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Personen, die beruflich viel mit Office-Programmen zu tun haben und den besseren Umgang mit Excelerlernen wollen.Lernen SieTabellen zu Analysieren, Prsentieren, Auswerten und fr den Druck vorzubereitenso wiemit vielen ntzlichen Tipps&Tricks.Unter anderem lernen Sie folgendewichtigePunkte fr den Bro-Alltag:Auswerten von bestimmten ZellenArbeiten mit Wochentagen und bedingten FormatierungenAmpelfunktion mit Rot, Gelb, Grn erstellenPivot Tabellen 1x1 erstellen, bearbeiten und analysierenZeitachsen und Datenschnitt mit Pivot Tabellen erstellenDiagramme, Layout und Filtern von Pivot TabellenBrche in ExcelDatenbankmasken in ExcelHilfe fr FormelnTabellen optisch fr die Prsentation und Druck vorbereitenGeheime Auswahl- und Ranglisten erstellenExcel Kopf- und Fuzeilen fr den Druck anpassenMakro GrundlagenUnd viele weitereTipps & Tricks fr effizientesarbeiten mit ExcelDieser Kurs ist in Excel 2019 aufgezeichnet und gilt auchfr die Excel Versionen 2010, 2013, 2016"
Price: 69.99

"Fail2Ban Brute-Force-Angriffe in den Griff bekommen" |
"Einen Server offen im Internet zu betreiben birgt immer groe Gefahren, egal ob es sich um eine virtualisierte Instanz oder einen physischen Server im Rechenzentrum handelt. Serverdienste mssen erreichbar sein, da wre es absurd, alle Ports an der Firewall als Sicherheitsmanahme zu sperren. Die Server wren dann zwar vor Zugriffen von auen geschtzt (wenn die Firewall keine Sicherheitslcken aufweist), knnten jedoch keine Dienste mehr zur Verfgung stellen. Fail2Ban ist ein Sicherheitsprogramm fr das Server-Hardening von Linux, das Brute-Force-Angriffe erkennt und abwehrt. Nach der Einrichtung luft Fail2ban als Dienst im Hintergrund und berwacht die Eintrge in den Log-Dateien der verschiedenen Dienste (z.B. SSH, FTP). Zu viele fehlgeschlagene Versuche fhren dazu, dass die angreifende IP-Adresse fr einen gewissen Zeitraum geblockt wird, sodass keine weiteren Verbindungen zustande kommen.Die Installation von Fail2Ban ist einfach, jedoch wirkungslos, da die Grundkonfiguration in der Regel noch nichts berprft. Daher werden wir Fail2Ban speziell fr die Log-Auswertung und Abwehr der Mail-, Web- und Fileserver einrichten und sogar die Wordpress Login-Seite mit Fail2Ban absichern. Die Skriptsammlung in Fail2ban arbeitet mit den blichen Firewall-Paketen zusammen und sperrt IP-Adressen nach einigen fehlgeschlagenen Login-Versuchen aus. Das klingt vielleicht nicht besonders aufregend, aber die Wunder dieses leistungsfhigen Tools stecken im Detail.Sind Sie auch genervt von Server-Logfiles voll mit Spuren von Angriffsversuchen von automatischen Hacksystemen, welche versuchen in Ihren Server einzudringen?In jedem System, welches ffentlich erreichbar ist, finden sich Spuren von Angriffsversuchen, welche nach versteckten Verzeichnissen oder verwundbaren Content-Management-Systemen suchen um Schwachstellen zu finden. Mit Fail2ban knnen Sie einfach die betroffene IP-Adresse sperren, wenn ein Benutzer sich drei-, vier oder fnfmal mit dem falschen Passwort anmeldet oder mehrere Anmeldeversuche in kurzer Zeit ttigt.Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs wie Fail2ban arbeitet, wie man es konfiguriert und richtig anwendet. Beobachten Sie die Logdateien und fhren Sie mit fail2ban eine vordefinierte Aktion aus, wenn es ein bestimmtes Muster findet."
Price: 129.99

"Nextcloud Installieren, Einrichten, Anwenden mit Ubuntu" |
"Die grten Speicherdienste wie Dropbox, Google Drive und iCloud kommen aus den USA. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie alles fr einen reibungslosen Betrieb der eigenen Nextcloud, angefangen von der Server-Installation bis hin zur Live Inbetriebnahme auf dem Desktop oder Smartphone.Aus datenschutzrechtlicher Sicht ist dies fr viele Private und Unternehmen ein Problem. Wer zum Beispiel Dropbox benutzt, speichert die Daten in der Regel in den USA von Dropbox oder deren Kooperationspartnern (wie Amazon). Der Anwender wei meist nicht, in welchem Rechenzentrum welche Daten liegen. Wer sicherstellen mchte, dass seine Daten wirklich in Deutschland gespeichert werden, zahlt dafr einen massiven Aufpreis.Genau hier kommt Nextcloud ins Spiel und Sie erreichen selbst die volle Kontrolle, angefangen vom Server-Standort zuhause oder im Rechenzentrum bis hin zu den Verschlsselungsmglichkeiten.Nextcloud ist eine freie Software zur Datenspeicherung auf dem eigenen Server oder in der Cloud, hnlich wie Dropbox, Google Cloud oder Microsoft OneDrive. Mit Nextcloud-Apps aus dem eigenen Store lassen sich die Features massiv erweitern: Wie einem Virenscanner, Passwort-Manager, Kalender, Textverarbeitung oder verschlsselte Videokonferenzen."
Price: 149.99

"Marketing for business" |
"There are many problems in businesses today most of them are causes because of lack of information.When I first started my business I had low sales and I wanted to change that that's why I have made a course where you can learn business marketing. You will get:- Price strategiesLike premium pricing, price skimming, and penetration pricing.- SWOTYou will learn how to use swot in your business and how to implement it so you at least know your own weaknesses and strengths.- Relationship marketingYou will learn relationship marketing and how to use this to know more people."
Price: 19.99

"(Adobe XD )" |
"Adobe Experience Design :What is the User Interface Design ?What is the Adobe Experience Design?Interface of programBasic of DesignArt board and workplaceLayers SectionRectangle ToolEclipse ToolLine toolPen toolText ToolPrototypeIcons DesignMobile Application Workshop 1Website Workshop 1Mobile Application Workshop 2Website Workshop 2Mobile Application Workshop 3Run Mobile Design in Phonemokeup Preview in Behance :)"
Price: 29.99

"How to Read P&ID, PFD & BFD used in Process Plant like Pro" |
"In this Course, you are going to learn How to Read P&ID (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram), Block Flow Diagram (BFD) and Process Flow Diagram (PFD). If you want to learn to read Process Flow Scheme (PFS) and Process Engineering Flow Scheme (PEFS), this course is for you also.Read, Interpret and understand P&ID like Professional Engineer. Understand the drawings componentsWhat is P&ID, PFD, and BFD and Why it is used? What information these drawings provide?Learn P&ID and PFD SymbolsRead Tank farm and Process Plant P&ID and PFDRead P&ID for Column, Heat Exchanger, Pump, Tank, etc. Learn to Read P&ID, PFD, and BFD by Using Industry Standard Drawings with real-life examples.There is hardly any course available that teach how to read P&ID in depth and without the help of good mentor it is challenging to learn and understand these drawings. If you are working in Oil and Gas or any similar Process industries, you know the importance of reading P&ID and PFD. In this course, you will learn to read from the real-life drawings so that there will be no disconnect between what you will learn and what you will see while on the job. What are you going to learn in 39 lectures?This course has more than 3 Hours of high-quality video content. The course is designed in such a way that even if you dont have any previous experience, still you will able to master each topic covered. The course starts with essential parts of the drawing that specially designed for those who are starting afresh. Reading P&ID and PFD is nothing but understanding the symbols on the drawing. Before moving to the actual drawing, you will learn P&ID symbols that are used in these drawings. P&ID and PFD selected as an example cover all major components of process facilities such as refinery, power plant, petrochemical complex, and offshore oil platforms. You can test your knowledge using quiz that designed based on the fresh P&ID that not used in an example. When you will finish the course, you can confidently read and understand any P&ID, PFD, and BFD that you are going to come across at work."
Price: 149.99

"Mastering Essential Excel in 3 HOURS" |
"Microsoft Excel is an amazing program. You can get a wealth of Data management and Analytics functionality at your finger tips. This course was designed to focus on the most essential of EXCEL. It covers all the features and capabilities that brand-new users need to get and work in Excel within a short period time. This mega course covers Data management tools, Data Analysis tools, Function and Formulas, Charts, PivotTable and PivotCharts, Lookup and Reference, Printing and Page setup and many other Essential Excel. After you finish this course, you'll have the skills you need to start building easy-to-use, accurate spreadsheets in a short period of time. You will get A Verifiable Certificate of Completion which is presented to all students who undertake this Mastering Excel Analytics Course. Each lesson will be presented from start to finish, complex topics are taught in a simple way by an instructor with 16 years of experience in data management and analysis area. The contents have been carefully crafted and clearly organized. The videos are high quality with easy to grasp examples. Most importantly you will master the most essential Excel features by doing the provided project examples. Each lesson is accompanied by the project exercise files, so that you can do it by yourself with your own pace. Easily build dynamic tools & Excel dashboards to filter, display and analyze your data Go rogue and design your own formula-based formatting rules Manipulate dates, times, text, and arrays You will master a broad range of Excel formulas & functions, including:Date & Time functions and CategorizationAdvanced Text functions Calculation and Mathematics FunctionsCounting and Summing FunctionsLookup/Reference functionsFormula based formattingConditional FormattingYou will get the Full course including downloadable Resources and Project files, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 99.99

"CCIE Security v5.0 ASA 9.6.1 Deep Dive: Labs" |
"The CCIE Security Version 5.0 exam unifies written and practical exam topicsdocuments into a unique curriculum, while explicitly disclosing which domains pertain to which exam,and the relative weight of each domain.The Cisco CCIE SecurityWritten Exam(400-251) version 5.0 is a two-hour test with 90110 questionsthat validate professionals who have the expertise to describe, design, implement, operate, andtroubleshoot complex security technologies and solutions. Candidates must understand therequirements of network security, how different components interoperate, and translate it into thedevice configurations. The exam is closed book and no outside reference materials are allowed.The Cisco CCIE SecurityLab Examversion 5.0 is an eight-hour, hands-on exam that requires a candidateto plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security scenarios for a givenspecification. Knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected todiagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam.CCIE Security v5.0 ASA 9.6.1 LabsContents in brief:Fundamentals of ASAImplementation ofASABasicsImplementation of IPv4Static Routing on ASAImplementation ofIPv4Default Routing on ASAImplementation ofRIPon ASAImplementation ofEIGRP on ASAImplementation ofOSPF on ASAImplementation ofIS-IS on ASAImplementation ofBGP on ASAImplementation ofOSPFv3on ASAImplementation of IPv6 Static Routing onASAImplementation ofIPv6 Default Routing on ASAImplementation of SLA on ASAImplementation of NAT on ASAImplementation ofCTP on ASAImplementation ofSite-Site VPN on ASAImplementation ofRemote AccessVPNon ASAImplementation ofSSL VPNon ASAImplementation ofVPN Load balancing on ASAImplementation ofTransparent Firewall on ASAImplementation ofContexton ASAImplementation of Active-Standby Failoveron ASAImplementation of Active-Active Failoveron ASAImplementation of Active-Standby Failoveron ASA with IPv6Implementation of Active-Active Failoveron ASA with IPv6Implementation of Clustering on ASAwith IPv4Implementation of Clustering on ASA with IPv6Implementation of MPF on ASAImplementation of NAT IPv6 on ASAImplementation ofSite-Site VPN on ASA with IPv6Implementation ofSSL VPN on ASA with IPv6Implementation ofEIGRP on ASA in Multiple ModeImplementation ofOSPF on ASAin Multiple ModeImplementation ofIS-IS on ASAin Multiple ModeImplementation ofBGP on ASAin Multiple ModeAnd much more...Remote Access VPN onCisco ASA is not in The CCIE Security Version 5.0 exam, it is for knowledge purpose."
Price: 99.99

"CCNA R&S (CCNAX) : How To Do Subnetting Deep Dive:" |
"The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching compositeexam (200-125) is a 90-minute, 5060 question assessment that is associated with the CCNA Routingand Switching certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to networkfundamentals, LAN switching technologies, IPv4 and IPv6 routing technologies, WAN technologies,infrastructure services, infrastructure security, and infrastructure management.This course will help you become master in subneeting and enable you to perform subnetting for Class C, Class B, Class A.CCNAv3 Routing and Switchin Subnetting Course includes:How To DoIPv4 Subnetting of Class CHow To Do IPv4 Subnetting of Class BHow To Do IPv4 Subnetting of Class A"
Price: 19.99

"CCIE Security v5.0 ISE 2.1.0 Deep Dive: Labs" |
"The CCIE Security Version 5.0 exam unifies written and practical exam topics documents into a unique curriculum, while explicitly disclosing which domains pertain to which exam, and the relative weight of each domain.The Cisco CCIE SecurityWritten Exam(400-251) version 5.0 is a two-hour test with 90110 questions that validate professionals who have the expertise to describe, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security technologies and solutions. Candidates must understand the requirements of network security, how different components interoperate, and translate it into the device configurations. The exam is closed book and no outside reference materials are allowed.The Cisco CCIE SecurityLab Examversion 5.0 is an eight-hour, hands-on exam that requires a candidate to plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security scenarios for a given specification. Knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected to diagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam.CCIE Security v5.0 ISE 2.1.0 LabsContents in brief:ISE-2.1.0 Installation using ISOISE-2.1.0 Installation using OVFISE-2.1.0 SnapshotISE-2.1.0 Web Portal IntroductionISE-2.1.0 Active Directory Integration and Identity Source SequenceISE-2.1.0 LDAP Integration and Identity Source SequenceISE-2.1.0 Registration Self-signed CertificateISE-2.1.0 Registration Microsoft Certificate AuthorityISE-2.1.0 BackupUsingCLIISE-2.1.0 RestoreUsingCLIISE-2.1.0 Patch InstallationUsingCLIISE-2.1.0 Patch RollbackUsingCLIISE-2.1.0 Up-gradationUsingCLIISE-2.1.0 Backup Using GUIISE-2.1.0 Restore Using GUIISE-2.1.0 Patch Installation Using GUIISE-2.1.0 Patch Rollback Using GUIISE-2.1.0 Up-gradation Using GUIISE-2.1.0 Lab Initial ConfigurationISE-2.1.0 MAC Authentication Bypass ConfigurationISE-2.1.0 MAC Authentication Bypass VerificationISE-2.1.0 Dot1x Configuration with MD5ISE-2.1.0 Dot1x Verification with MD5ISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN Configuration with MD5ISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN Verification with MD5ISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Configuration with MD5ISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Verification with MD5ISE-2.1.0 Dot1x Configuration with PEAPISE-2.1.0 Dot1x Verification with PEAPISE-2.1.0 Dot1x Configuration with PEAP and ADISE-2.1.0 Dot1x Verification with PEAP and ADISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN Configuration PEAPISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN Verification PEAPISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Configuration with PEAPISE-2.1.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Verification with PEAPISE-2.1.0 Wired Local Web Authentication ConfigurationISE-2.1.0 Wired Local Web Authentication VerificationISE-2.1.0 Wired Central Web Authentication ConfigurationISE-2.1.0 Wired Central Web Authentication VerificationCisco ISE 2.2.0 LabsContents in brief:(Update in Progress)ISE-2.2.0 Installation using ISOISE-2.2.0 Installation using OVFISE-2.2.0 SnapshotISE-2.2.0 Web Portal IntroductionISE-2.2.0 Active Directory Integration and Identity Source SequenceISE-2.2.0 LDAP Integration and Identity Source SequenceISE-2.2.0 Registration Self-signed CertificateISE-2.2.0 Registration Microsoft Certificate AuthorityISE-2.2.0 BackupUsingCLIISE-2.2.0 RestoreUsingCLIISE-2.2.0 Patch InstallationUsingCLIISE-2.2.0 Patch RollbackUsingCLIISE-2.2.0 Up-gradationUsingCLIISE-2.2.0 Backup Using GUIISE-2.2.0 Restore Using GUIISE-2.2.0 Patch Installation Using GUIISE-2.2.0 Patch Rollback Using GUIISE-2.2.0 Up-gradation Using GUIISE-2.2.0 Lab Initial ConfigurationISE-2.2.0 MAC Authentication Bypass ConfigurationISE-2.2.0 MAC Authentication Bypass VerificationISE-2.2.0 Dot1x Configuration with MD5ISE-2.2.0 Dot1x Verification with MD5ISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN Configuration with MD5ISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN Verification with MD5ISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Configuration with MD5ISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Verification with MD5ISE-2.2.0 Dot1x Configuration with PEAPISE-2.2.0 Dot1x Verification with PEAPISE-2.2.0 Dot1x Configuration with PEAP and ADISE-2.2.0 Dot1x Verification with PEAP and ADISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN Configuration PEAPISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN Verification PEAPISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Configuration with PEAPISE-2.2.0 Dynamic VLAN and DACL Verification with PEAPISE-2.2.0 Wired Local Web Authentication ConfigurationISE-2.2.0 Wired Local Web Authentication VerificationISE-2.2.0 Wired Central Web Authentication ConfigurationISE-2.2.0 Wired Central Web Authentication Verification"
Price: 99.99

"CCIE Security v5.0 WSA 9.2.0 Deep Dive: Labs" |
"The CCIE Security Version 5.0 exam unifies written and practical exam topics documents into a unique curriculum, while explicitly disclosing which domains pertain to which exam, and the relative weight of each domain.The Cisco CCIE SecurityWritten Exam(400-251) version 5.0 is a two-hour test with 90110 questions that validate professionals who have the expertise to describe, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security technologies and solutions. Candidates must understand the requirements of network security, how different components interoperate, and translate it into the device configurations. The exam is closed book and no outside reference materials are allowed.The Cisco CCIE SecurityLab Examversion 5.0 is an eight-hour, hands-on exam that requires a candidate to plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security scenarios for a given specification. Knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected to diagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam.CCIE Security v5.0 WSA 9.2.0 LabsContents in brief: (Update in Progress)WSA-9.2.0 Topology IntroductionWSA-9.2.0 Topology Initial ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 Installation using OVF on VMware WorkstationWSA-9.2.0 Initial Configuration on WSAWSA-9.2.0 Install License on WSAWSA-9.2.0 Run System Setup WizardWSA-9.2.0 Verify Web Proxy Settings on WSAWSA-9.2.0 Explicit Proxy Configuration on ClientWSA-9.2.0 Check That Traffic is Hitting to WSA or notWSA-9.2.0 Search Engines and Portals BlockingWSA-9.2.0 Social Site BlockingWSA-9.2.0 References Sites BlockingWSA-9.2.0 Internet Telephony Site BlockingWSA-9.2.0 HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Download Limit ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Download Limit VerificationWSA-9.2.0 IP Base URL Blocking of HTTP ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 IP Base URL Blocking of HTTP VerificationWSA-9.2.0 IP Base URL Blocking of HTTPS ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 IP Base URL Blocking of HTTPS VerificationWSA-9.2.0 IP Base URL Blocking of FTP ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 IP Base URL Blocking of FTP VerificationWSA-9.2.0 Redirection bing to google ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 Redirection bing to google VerificationWSA-9.2.0 Warning For Social Site ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 Warning For Social Site VerificationWSA-9.2.0 Proxy Bypass on WSA ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 Proxy Bypass on WSA VerificationWSA-9.2.0 Microsoft Active Directory Integration ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 Microsoft Active Directory Integration VerificationWSA-9.2.0 Proxy Authentication ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 Proxy Authentication VerificationWSA-9.2.0 How toUpgrade WSA ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 How toVerifiyWSAUpgradeWSA-9.2.0 How to Restore the factory defaults via CLI ""resetconfig""WSA-9.2.0 How to Set Management IP via CLI ""ifconfig""WSA-9.2.0 How to Set Hostname via CLI ""sethostname""WSA-9.2.0 How to Set Gateway IP via CLI ""setgateway""WSA-9.2.0 How to Set DNS Server IP via CLI ""dnsconfigWSA-9.2.0 How to Flush DNS Cache ""dnsflush""WSA-9.2.0 How to Check Configuration via CLI ""showconfig""WSA-9.2.0 How to Configure Time Zone via CLI ""settz""WSA-9.2.0 How to Configure Time via CLI ""settime""WSA-9.2.0 How to Change Admin Password via CLI ""passwd""WSA-9.2.0 How to Check WSA version via CLI ""version""WSA-9.2.0 How to Upgrade WSA version via CLI ""upgrade""WSA-9.2.0 How to Revert WSA version via CLI ""revert""WSA-9.2.0 How to Take Backup of WSA ConfigurationWSA-9.2.0 How to Load a configuration file via CLI ""loadconfig""WSA-9.2.0 How to Display the current date and time via CLI ""date""WSA-9.2.0 How to Display alerts sent by the appliance via CLI ""displayalerts""WSA-9.2.0 How to Flush entries from proxy authentication cache ""authcache""WSA-9.2.0 How to Create user via CLI ""userconfig""WSA-9.2.0 How to Configure Failover via CLI ""failoverconfig""WSA-9.2.0 How to Configure Failover via GUIWSA-9.2.0 How toLoad PAC File on WSAWSA-9.2.0 How toConfigure PAC File URL on ClientFor High availability orFailoverWSA-9.2.0How to Enable HTTPS Proxy on WSAWSA-9.2.0How to Load WSA Certificate on ClientWSA-9.2.0 Block Social Networking during Peak Business Hours (otherwise Warn)WSA-9.2.0 How to Set Volume Quotas on WSA for YouTubeWSA-9.2.0 How to Configure Application Visibility and Control (AVC) on WSAWSA-9.2.0 How to Configure Web Reputation on WSAAnd Much More....."
Price: 99.99

"CCIE Security v5.0 L2 Security Deep Dive: Labs" |
"The CCIE Security Version 5.0 exam unifies written and practical exam topics documents into a unique curriculum, while explicitly disclosing which domains pertain to which exam, and the relative weight of each domain.The Cisco CCIE SecurityWritten Exam(400-251) version 5.0 is a two-hour test with 90110 questions that validate professionals who have the expertise to describe, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security technologies and solutions. Candidates must understand the requirements of network security, how different components interoperate, and translate it into the device configurations. The exam is closed book and no outside reference materials are allowed.The Cisco CCIE SecurityLab Examversion 5.0 is an eight-hour, hands-on exam that requires a candidate to plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot complex security scenarios for a given specification. Knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected to diagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam.CCIE Security v5.0 L2 Security LabsContents in brief:Fundamentals of SwitchingFundamentals and Implementation of VLANFundamentals and Implementation of VTPFundamentals and Implementation of Ether-ChannelFundamentals and Implementation of STPFundamentals and Implementation of RSTPFundamentals and Implementation of MSTFundamentals and Implementation of STP ProtectionFundamentals and Implementation of HSRPFundamentals and Implementation of VRRPFundamentals and Implementation of GLBPFundamentals and Implementation of Layer 2 Security TechnologiesMuch More..............."
Price: 99.99

"CCNP Security SITCS 300-210 (WSA) Deep Dive: Labs" |
"The Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) exam (300-210) is part ofthe CCNP Security certification. It tests a network security engineer on advanced firewall architectureand configuration with the Cisco next-generation firewall, utilizing access and identity policies. This newrevision of the SITCS exam replaces 300-207, removes some older technologies, and adds coverage forboth Cisco Firepower NGIPS and Cisco AMP (Advanced Malware Protection). This 90-minute examconsists of 6575 questions and covers integration of Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and contextaware firewall components, as well as Web (Cloud) and Email Security solutions. Candidates can preparefor this exam by taking the Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) course.Note:- This course contain only and onlyCisco WSAversion 9.x Labs from basic to advance level.CCNPSecuritySITCS300-210 WSA Labs Contents in brief:WSA-9.x Topology IntroductionWSA-9.x Topology Initial ConfigurationWSA-9.x Installation using OVF on VMware WorkstationWSA-9.x Initial Configuration on WSAWSA-9.x Install License on WSAWSA-9.x Run System Setup WizardWSA-9.x Verify Web Proxy Settings on WSAWSA-9.x Explicit Proxy Configuration on ClientWSA-9.x Check That Traffic is Hitting to WSA or notWSA-9.x Search Engines and Portals BlockingWSA-9.x Social Site BlockingWSA-9.x References Sites BlockingWSA-9.x Internet Telephony Site BlockingWSA-9.x HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Download Limit ConfigurationWSA-9.x HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Download Limit VerificationWSA-9.x IP Base URL Blocking of HTTP ConfigurationWSA-9.x IP Base URL Blocking of HTTP VerificationWSA-9.x IP Base URL Blocking of HTTPS ConfigurationWSA-9.x IP Base URL Blocking of HTTPS VerificationWSA-9.x IP Base URL Blocking of FTP ConfigurationWSA-9.x IP Base URL Blocking of FTP VerificationWSA-9.x Redirection bing to google ConfigurationWSA-9.x Redirection bing to google VerificationWSA-9.x Warning For Social Site ConfigurationWSA-9.x Warning For Social Site VerificationWSA-9.x Proxy Bypass on WSA ConfigurationWSA-9.x Proxy Bypass on WSA VerificationWSA-9.x Microsoft Active Directory Integration ConfigurationWSA-9.x Microsoft Active Directory Integration VerificationWSA-9.x Proxy Authentication ConfigurationWSA-9.x Proxy Authentication VerificationWSA-9.x How to Upgrade WSA ConfigurationWSA-9.x How to Verifiy WSA UpgradeWSA-9.x How to Restore the factory defaults via CLI ""resetconfig""WSA-9.x How to Set Management IP via CLI ""ifconfig""WSA-9.x How to Set Hostname via CLI ""sethostname""WSA-9.x How to Set Gateway IP via CLI ""setgateway""WSA-9.x How to Set DNS Server IP via CLI ""dnsconfigWSA-9.x How to Flush DNS Cache ""dnsflush""WSA-9.x How to Check Configuration via CLI ""showconfig""WSA-9.x How to Configure Time Zone via CLI ""settz""WSA-9.x How to Configure Time via CLI ""settime""WSA-9.x How to Change Admin Password via CLI ""passwd""WSA-9.x How to Check WSA version via CLI ""version""WSA-9.x How to Upgrade WSA version via CLI ""upgrade""WSA-9.x How to Revert WSA version via CLI ""revert""WSA-9.x How to Take Backup of WSA ConfigurationWSA-9.x How to Load a configuration file via CLI ""loadconfig""WSA-9.x How to Display the current date and time via CLI ""date""WSA-9.x How to Display alerts sent by the appliance via CLI ""displayalerts""WSA-9.x How to Flush entries from proxy authentication cache ""authcache""WSA-9.x How to Create user via CLI ""userconfig""WSA-9.x How to Configure Failover via CLI ""failoverconfig""WSA-9.x How to Configure Failover via GUIWSA-9.x How to Load PAC File on WSAWSA-9.x How to Configure PAC File URL on Client For High availability or FailoverWSA-9.x How to Enable HTTPS Proxy on WSAWSA-9.x How to Load WSA Certificate on ClientWSA-9.x Block Social Networking during Peak Business Hours (otherwise Warn)WSA-9.x How to Set Volume Quotas on WSA for YouTubeWSA-9.x How to Configure Application Visibility and Control (AVC) on WSAWSA-9.x How to Configure Web Reputation on WSAAnd Much More...."
Price: 99.99

customer-service-unique-tactics |
". - - . ."
Price: 199.99

"Depression Fast Cleanse" |
"Depression is one of GREATEST PAINS, traps mind and soul in killer, black, painful thoughts and emotions.All of us can cleanse our skin fast, what about if we can do a DEPRESSION CLEANSE fast too, to stop and wash out the depressive thoughts, to STOP and GET RID of those very ugly black thoughts, with their accompanying negative painful emotions?What if there is a fast way that we can use when needed on a daily or weekly basis to cleanse our all entity from depression EASILY and FAST?This is what you will be able to do at the end of this course, to get rid of depression, cleanse it fast, and continue to do this, whenever needed.This course is designed by reformulating many so effective tactics from Psychology, Positive Psychology, Life Coaching, NLP, and many others, into simple easy steps.I used this new way with great success, on myself, And with many of my clients, so I wanted to share THE RELIEF with you.Just apply ALL the 5 next easy steps, one by one, and try it yourself!!"
Price: 149.99

"Depression and Anxiety Destroyer P1" |
"FIND and DESTROY the DEEP HIDDEN CAUSES of Depression or ANXIETY, that ruined your life with PAINFUL emotions, and KILLER thoughts, RELIEF yourself, so VALUABLE therapy sheets inside.Tired of Depression and or Anxiety? Do you FIGHT Depression or Anxiety in the right way? if so you should have a TOTAL relief ? or just small improvement ? do depression and anxiety strike back AGAIN??Need a FAST, so EFFICIENT, scientific, and TESTED way to destroy depression and or anxiety??You may practice Yoga, exercise, random acts of kindness, or any other happiness activities, Get some improvements, but NOT a GREAT improvement, then Depression and or Anxiety hit again because there is no fast, so efficient way can FIND and DESTROY the DEEP HIDDEN CAUSES of themNOW you CAN DO IT, you can FIND and DESTROY those deeply hidden causes, in an hour if you apply the simple so easy next mini steps- What are the things you do that turn any minor issue into depression or anxiety triggers- What worsens the Depression or anxiety that you don't know?- what are the things berried deep inside, that ruin your relationship or make you unsuccessful in work?- why some people are born as winners in relationships and or life while others as losers?? how to reverse it?- Enjoy the one of kind THERAPEUTIC guided meditation session to RELIEF yourself from all the hidden causes and painful emotions of depression."
Price: 149.99

"Leadership Exceptional Skills." |
"Why I created this course To give you PROVEN refined and augmented easy steps to be an exceptional leader from -The extraordinary inspirations as a medical representative who suffered for 9 years, from 13 mediocre or even poor bosses, but not leaders, and 3 good managers, but not leaders, - To attribute and give you the success secrets of the one exceptional leader, I met in my 25 years working experience, who inspired me so much and transformed me to be a more successful person. - Then from applying and improving all of that now for 15 years as a leader for many small teams. - From refining and augmenting all of the that to NEXT LEVEL as a therapeutic coach and an international trainer. In this course, youll master 4 stages leadership coaching program to be an exceptional leader How to transform your team and yourself to give the best outstanding performance. Why and How to be an A+ emotional intelligent leader? Who is aware, can regulate, lead and motivate for outstanding success. How to be a super convincing, who can touch, convince and influence anyone especially his team, to achieve his vision. Proven success strategies that will give you huge distinction.This is a sample of the top contents youll master by the end of this leadership coaching program -The #1 tool proved to transform an ordinary BOSS to be an exceptional leader who leads his team to great success? And how to do that step by step? - How to convince and transform resistant employees into loyal team members eager to do their best. - How to build a trust relationship with your team in the PROVEN easiest way?. - How to let yourself and your team to execute the big vision effortlessly? - How to be an A+ emotional intelligent leader. Because emotional intelligence PROVED to be, number 1 reason to give extraordinary results and success whatever the stress around - The simple way PROVED to create best successful mentality inside your team members. - what is the # 1 PROVEN REASON for people to trust you? And how to train yourself on it step by step? - Train yourself on how to bypass any emotional resistance of your team with a PROVEN mental hack! - How to make a strong impression every time you talk to them with a PROVEN way? - Best way to deal with failures. - How to use stress in an innovative way to increase your success? - How to lead your people to welcome change not resisting it? -PROVEN ways to increase creativity in your team."
Price: 199.99

"Tools to Get Better Grades in Less Time" |
"If you would like to be an effective student, but do so faster and more effectively, this course will give you the tools to do so. We will cover a lot in the hour and a half of short lectures includingthe processes of learning, how to organize your day to take full advantage of our brains' capabilities, and why our personally constructed goals are the key to it all. If you are a high school student, college student, or adult student looking for proven techniques to learn or work better, I guarantee this course will provide you with mental apparatus'sfor you to get more out of your time. Course photo by jgoge [CC BY 2.0]via Wikimedia Commons"
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress per il business,realizza il tuo ecommerce oggi!" |
"Il corso vuole mettere tutti in condizione di realizzare un sito per vendere prodotti online.Quindi in questo caso un ecommerce.Ma anche per i professionisti che vendono servizi e' arrivata l'ora di togliersi dalla schiavitu di chirealizzasiti web.Quanto ti chiedono per un sito web?Qualche migliaio di sicuro e per mantenerlo?Centinaia di all'anno!Con questo cotso il tuo sito te lo realizzi e te lo aggiorni da solo!!ATTENZIONE IN REGALO LA MEMBERSHIP PER DIVENTARE UN MASTER IN WORDPRESS IN INGLESE!"
Price: 59.99

"Business Analysis: Function Modelling Using IDEF0" |
"IDEF0 graphical language is an International Standard (ISO/IEC/IEEE 31320-1:2012) for information modelling. IDEF0 is a powerful, yet simple, structured modelling method that allows you to visually represent the different levels of granularity of functions (also activities and processes), their inputs, outputs, mechanisms and controls. Therefore, IDEF0 will equip you with a very useful addition to your toolkit of techniques for information modelling and representation.In this course you will learn IDEF0 from a practicalperspective. The course covers all the necessary explanations around the fundamental and most commonly used building blocks of the graphical language, describing their meaning and how they are used. This leads to a number of examples and case studies that are discussed, analysed and solved so as to provide you with the best applied knowledge of IDEF0.You are also shown some key ways for practically presenting your models. A wealth of downloadable resources is provided, ranging from Microsoft Visio templates to fully-worked solutions, images, slides and more.This course is chiefly targeted atbusiness analysts, information modellers, data analysts, systems engineers, design engineers,etc., of all levels andwho do not have prior exposure to IDEF0. Additionally, you are verywelcome to take the course if you have an interest in the area of information representation through visual methods."
Price: 99.99

"Product Design Management for Agile Practitioners" |
"Agile software development practices and product management borrow a number of concepts from the domain of traditional product design and manufacturing engineering, for example, lean development, Kanban and more.However, it is quite common for organisations who implement agile methodologies, like Scrum, to hold the illusion that these would act as the silver bullet to resolve all the weaknesses in their software development and management practices.The reality is, this is far from being the case! To be able to conceive and foster great software products, the way they are engineered ought to be based on the kinds of theoretical and practical underpinnings that are inherent of traditional branches of engineering. This way, the sufficient level of rigour can be achieved to permit the evolution of well-rounded and well-engineered software products that deliver value to stakeholders and customers.This is where product design management can be leveraged to revitalise and complement agile software development practices. Product design management may be seen as an enterprise philosophy and a multi-disciplinary management framework that fosters the embodiment, the deployment and gradual improvement of the products that the enterprise develops, grows and retires over time.Aspiring to proper product design management in the world of agile software development demands not only the right mindset as individuals, but also the use of suitable tools as well as the skills to apply a range of appropriate techniques. This course will shed light on a set of important tools and techniques to support strategic and tactical agile product management.The course is chiefly targeted at agile practitioners, for example, product managers, product owners, business analysts, agile project managers, etc. The course may also be taken if you have an interest in applied product design management, provided you have had some prior basic exposure to agile software development or have worked within an agile business.What this course is NOT about:NOT a course in agile methodologies, agile manifesto, Scrum, Kanban, user story mapping, velocity charts, etc. NOT a course about interaction or user experience design"
Price: 144.99

"Big Data in Advertising - Explained in Plain English" |
"Big Data is a popular buzzword but it is very vague and can be somewhat scary. In this course I explain what Big Data in advertising actually is, and try to remove some of the confusion around the subject. This course gives everyone from beginners to professionals a quick overview of what data means to digital advertising. I review the companies involved, define the types of data advertisers look for, when and why advertisers buy data, how users share it (knowingly or unknowingly), and much more.In this 35 minute course I cover the following topics:What Personal Data (PII) isWhat laws exist to regulate data collectionDifferent types of Data Categories that Advertisers look forDemographicBehavioral Contextual Retargeting LocationHow data is actually collected Ad-Tech companies involved in the data & ad delivery processAt the end of the course you will have a better understanding of what kind of data is being collected about you, and how advertisers use that data to target their ads. You will also have a better understanding of why you see certain ads on each of your devices. ---------------------Real Student Testimonials: Very clear and to the point. I like the graphics. - David Peterson Very clear presentation. I understand very easy. - Catalin BadeaReviews from Other CoursesDigital Advertising & Marketing 101 The real-world examples almost makes it self-explanatory. Professionally done and author speaks with authority - i.e. he knows what he's talking about and it shows. - AJ Du Toit Thought this was an excellent introduction course. Working in the industry without a huge amount of experience in this area, it was a great way to familiarize myself with topics in ongoing conversations internally and externally. Will be taking 201 to further my understanding. - Jocleyn Armour It is advertised as a 101 course and it did exactly that and very well, touching on the building blocks of Digital Advertising and Marketing. Good job Ben. - Jean CDigital Advertising & Marketing 201 When combined with Ben's 101 course, the two classes make for a thorough and well-organized primer on digital media today. Perfect for marketing people and agency folks (creative, account) who are not immersed in a media agency. It will give you a foundation for how digital media is structured, a clear explanation of the jargon and acronyms you'll hear bantered about, and a better understanding of the opportunities available. The 201 course goes into important detail about some of the key changes that have taken place in digital advertising recently. Ben explains the concepts clearly and succinctly. Definitely worth the time investment. - Shawn E Fraser This course is amazing. I do affiliate marketing and always wanted to learn about programmatic advertising and this course me taught that. I completed this for an interview and the employer was really impressed by the knowledge I had. Hope there is another in-depth version of this course. Where he goes into ad platforms or ad servers and teaches the real world applications. - Suryameet Singh Comprehensive overview...detailed! - Kaithlean Crotty-ClarkIntroduction to Programmatic Advertising I'm in advertising sales and have been looking for a clean easy way to explain and also test my root knowledge of the programmatic ad space. It was very helpful and simple to understand which is hard to do with this topic. - Raul Bonilla ""Being an advertising agency media planner and buyer, having this hands on information helps when we face a decision to go into the digital advertising space. Your 101 and 201 was extremely informative and truly like your overviews in a very simplistic explanation. Thank you and look forward to your future courses."" - Diane Tody--------------------- According to recent trends by Statista, the digital marketing & advertising industry is on pace to be worth over $330B a year by 2021. If youre not already learning about this industry, you will be soon. Get a jump start on your career, your co-workers, and peers by taking this intermediate-advance level course."
Price: 199.99

"Digital Advertising & Marketing 201: Today's Trends & Topics" |
"**Part 2 to Digital Advertising & Digital Marketing 101**Are you a media professional or student who already has a baseline understanding of the space and are looking to expand to more advanced subjects? Then Digital Advertising & Marketing 201 is for you!The follow up to my very popular course, Digital Advertising & Marketing 101, this course gives a more in depth explanation of the complex world of Digital Marketing. Using a combination of in person explanations as well as voiced over presentations and animations, I shed light on the processes that take place every day in order to deliver trillions of ads on billions of digital devices.Topics Covered Are:Programmatic Advertising & Real Time Bidding (RTB): Programmatic buying and selling is an automated way of executing buys that used to be done by hand. I explain how this works, the companies involved, and what these terms mean.Waterfalls & Header Bidding: Ever wonder how ads actually are chosen to run in an app or on a website site? Are you a media publisher looking to put more strategy into your digital ad products? This section is for you.Mobile - SDKs & Consumer Trends: Time spent on mobile overtook desktop in 2016. Learn how mobile works, different products, and important trends.Verification/Bots/Fraud & Viewability: Worried about fraud when it comes to digital advertising? So are the pros. In this section I outline what kind of fraud exists, and how advertisers and tech companies are fighting back. Data Collection & Use (+DMPs): By now you know the importance of Data, but do you know what data actually is and how it's collected and used? This section breaks it down and explains everything you need to know about advertising data.What The Future of Digital Advertising Looks Like: Nearly every day there is a new product, company, or trend affecting the advertising world. I cover a few high-level things you should be aware of that could result in major changes to our industry. Join me as I explain what programmatic advertising actually means. How Header-Bidding works, and why it's changing the digital marketing and digital advertising world. How mobile use is affecting advertising spending and how it continues to grow. How advertisers verify that what they're buying is what they're getting. How advertisers use data to pinpoint their exact target audience. And finally, what companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are doing to stay relevant and grow in this ever changing landscape.The skills you will learn in this course can be applied in any country and to any company. The digital marketing and digital advertising space is a global industry and professionals in the space need to have a global mindset to succeed. If you have even a basic understand of the Digital Marketing & Advertising space, then I highly recommend taking this course. There is so much more to digital marketing and advertising than just Facebook and Google and this course explains what those other things actually are and how you can use them to promote your product or brand, or to further monetize your content.---------------------Real Student Testimonials: When combined with Ben's 101 course, the two classes make for a thorough and well-organized primer on digital media today. Perfect for marketing people and agency folks (creative, account) who are not immersed in a media agency. It will give you a foundation for how digital media is structured, a clear explanation of the jargon and acronyms you'll hear bantered about, and a better understanding of the opportunities available. The 201 course goes into important detail about some of the key changes that have taken place in digital advertising recently. Ben explains the concepts clearly and succinctly. Definitely worth the time investment. - Shawn E Fraser This course is amazing. I do affiliate marketing and always wanted to learn about programmatic advertising and this course me taught that. I completed this for an interview and the employer was really impressed by the knowledge I had. Hope there is another in-depth version of this course. Where he goes into ad platforms or ad servers and teaches the real world applications. - Suryameet Singh Comprehensive overview...detailed! - Kaithlean Crotty-Clark So full of useful info deeper into the digital marketing world. - Jennifer Vitug Excellent and to the point, the instructor has complete knowledge about the course, I would definitely recommend this to everyone. - Syed Mehdi Asghar Very good, it touches subjects that in other courses are not mentioned - Jos Luis Ojeda Clear and to the point. I like the pace as well. Very well done! - Chuck Johnson Informative - paints a good overall picture and touches on key concepts and definitions. - Robynne---------------------According to recent trends by Statista, the digital marketing & advertising industry is on pace to be worth over $330B a year by 2021. If youre not already learning about this industry, you will be soon. Get a jump start on your career, your co-workers, and peers by taking this intermediate-advance level course."
Price: 199.99
