"API for beginners JavaScript Getting Started with APIs AJAX" |
"Access several popular web APIs and retrieve response content for web applications. Step by step instruction on how to access web APIs using JavaScript XHR and fetch to get JSON data and update your web content.JavaScript is a prerequisite to this course - do not take this course if you do not have JavaScript core knowledgeHTML and using an editor is also a prerequisite to the course - the scope of the course is to focus on JavaScript APIsThis course covers how to make AJAX requests using the XMLHttpRequest within JavaScript as well as fetch. JavaScript code knowledge is a prerequisite for the course. Scope of this course is focused on using JavaScript to connect to web APIs.Examples and source code accessing over 7 different APIsCourse CoversExplore what XHR is and how it worksHow to use JSON response dataConnect to Joke API to get new content and update it in your HTML pageJavaScript Objects and how it relates to JSON dataHow to iterate JSON data and output it on your HTMLUse JavaScript fetchError handling and responsesSetting up your own JSON endpoints to practice connecting to JSON contentES6 JavaScript fetch and short functionsLearn how to build an api that output country dataOnline resources and moreConnecting to web APIsPractice AJAXYou'll get friendly support in the Q&A area and all the source code available for download.You will be amazed at how easy it can be to do some much.Go ahead and hit that ""take this course"" button to start learning the how to use JavaScript to connect to web APIs Today.Taught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience, ready to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.What are you waiting join now to start learning JavaScript API connections, you have nothing to lose."
Price: 199.99

"HTML CSS and JavaScript for Beginners - Web Design Course" |
"Explore how you can create websites from scratch!!!Step by step course included EVERYTHINGYOUNEED to get started and learn all the fundamental core concepts of web deisgn and web development.Source CODEIS INCLUDED!!!BONUShelpful PDF ebook to get you started quicklyProfessional training from an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience ready to help you learn and answer any questions you have.....Course covers everything you need to know about HTMLBasic syntax - all the common tags used to develop web contentHow and where you can write HTML - top resources and links includedLearn about HTML structure within web pagesExplore HTML5 semantic elementsBuild your own HTML templateCreate HTML lists, hyperlinks, and add imagesBuild tables for even more HTML structureCreate Forms with in depth form examples and HTML tag explanationsAdd iframes and more cool HTML elementsCreate your own mini HTML site using only HTMLAll this and more.Course covers everything you need to know about CSSFind the top resources and links to help you learnThe basics of stylingHow to use Classes and IDto select elementsExplore ALLthe colors for fonts and backgroundsMove content display propertiesLearn how to apply styling to common HTML like Lists, Tables, and moreEverything you need to style your text and make it look fantastic - including Google FontsFloats to position elements and contentThe BOXMODEL - padding, margins, border, height, and width for each elementCSS positioningWorking with Hyperlinks and making it look goodCSS Pseudo Class Course covers everything you need to know about JavaScriptexplore how to write JavaScript basicsData types the building blocks of codingUsing Variables to hold dataFunctions invoking blocks of codeJavaScript operators and assignment syntaxJavaScript Objects and ArraysConditions and Switches to apply logicLoops and iterating through dataArrays and array methodsDocument object to manipulate HTML element contentall this and much moreCourse covers everything you need to know about JavaScript Document Object Model DOMSelecting elements within the DOMManipulating element content and text outputAdding styling and classes using JavaScriptEvent Listeners to add user interaction to your web contentBuilding and creating elements with JavaScriptBuild an interactive list project from scratchCourse covers everything you need to know about JSON and AJAXWhat JSON is and how it worksLinks and top resources for JSON and JavaScriptJavaScript Objects and JSON how they work and how you can use JSON within JavaScript codeArray objects and objects that contain arrays and moreHow to iterate through all the JSONdata objects and output them into your HTML pageChallenges in lessons with step by step solutions JavaScript JSONmethodsLocal Storage to store JSON dataUsing JavaScript Fetch to retrieve JSON data and responsesAll this and much moreCourse covers everything you need to know about jQueryexplore how to write jQuery basicshow to select elements to apply manipulations toolearn about applying style and classesadding effects to elements like hide and showmake you web page come to life with animations and effects slide, fade and animationcreate interaction with your page using event listeners like mouse events and keyboard eventsuse AJAX to connect to JSON data to easily populate content into your pageall this and much moreYou'll get friendly support in the Q&A area and all the source code available for download.What are you waiting join now to start learning how to make your own websites TODAY :)"
Price: 199.99

"Aprende a crear tu Blog de WordPress desde cero y monetizarlo con GOOGLE ADSENSE y otras plataformas de internet. Adems te compartir algunos trucos y tips de POSICIONAMIENTO SEO y generacin de trfico para tu blog. El curso consta de 30 videos, los primeros 15 para la creacin del blog y el resto para ganar dinero. No es necesario tener conocimientos previos de wordpress, el curso est dirigido a cualquier persona que quiera empezar su blog desde cero, te dir paso a paso que es lo que debes hacer para que lo hagas a tu ritmo."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Word Sfrdan Zirveye 2020" |
"Bu eitim her seviyeye hitap etmekte olup, eitime Microsoft Word'n temel konularyla balanmtr. Sonrasnda orta ve ileri seviye konular detayl bir ekilde ele alnmtr. Kitap yada tez yazm aamasnda olanlar da ayrca dnlm olup eitim ierisinde Dipnot, Son Not, Kaynaka, Resim Yazs Eklemek, apraz Bavuru, ndex, Stilleri Kullanmak ve indekiler Tablosu'nun otomatik olarak oluturulmas gibi az bilinen; ancak byk dkmanlarla alan herkesin ihtiya duyaca konulara ayrntl olarak yer verilmitir. Bu konularn dnda kurumlarn ihtiyalar da dnlerek; Adres Mektup Birletirme, Deiiklikleri zleme, Karlatrma, Form Oluturma konular da geni rnekler zerinde ele alnmtr.Eitimin hibir konusunun atlamaynz. Zir en basit bir balk altnda bile nemli ayrntlar renebilirsiniz!"
Price: 259.99

"A'dan Z'ye Sistem Yneticileri iin PowerShell" |
"Microsoft PowerShell'in anlatld bu eitimde cmdlet, deikenler gibi en temel konulardan balanlm olup; konular, bir Sistem Yneticisinin ihtiyalarn karlayabilecei ekilde, ileri seviyeye kadar anlatlmtr. Ayrca Microsoft PowerShell eitim ieriinin dnda, Sistem Yneticileri iin ok daha elzem olan Active Directory Cmdlet'lerinin kullanm ve Active Directory Ynetimi konular da eitim modllerinin ierisinde yerini almtr.Sistem Yneticileri iin, PowerShell'i kullanma konusunda kapsaml bir klavuz olacak bu eitim sonunda, arayzden uraarak yaptnz ou ilemi PowerShell ile yapmak isteyeceksiniz. Kendi scriptlerinizi, fonksiyonlarnz rahatlkla oluturabilecek ve yapnz PowerShell ile ynetebileceksiniz."
Price: 299.99

"Adm Adm Uygulamal Microsoft Active Directory Eitimi" |
"Microsoft Active Directory, zellikle Microsoft alarn ynetebilmek ve ynetimi merkezletirmek iin kullanlan bir dizin hizmetidir. Gnmzde kk yada byk hemen hemen tm organizasyonlarda kullanlmaktadr. Microroft'un yaynlam olduu rnlerin ou iin Active Directory bir zorunluluktur. Yani olmazsa olmazdr. Bu yzden Windows alarn yneten ya da ynetmek isteyen birisi iin ilk renilmesi gereken konu Active Directory olmaktadr.Eitim, bir Active Directory yapsn ynetebilmek ve yapda meydana gelen sorunlara mdahale edebilmek iin gerekli olan tm konular iermektedir. Eitime en temel dzeyden balanlm olup, ileri seviyeye kadar konular ele alnmtr. Btn konular uygulamal olarak ve gerekli durumlarda senaryolar zerinden anlatlm olup, hibir konu teorik olarak geilmemeye allmtr.Adm Adm Uygulamal Microsoft Active Directory Eitimi hazrlanrken, Server tarafnda Windows Server 2016 ve Client tarafnda Windows 10 iletim sistemleri kullanlmtr. Ancak Windows Server 2012 ve Windows 8.1-Windows 8-Windows 7 kullanlan yaplar zerinde alanlar da bu eitimden sorun yaamadan faydalanabilirler.Bu eitimde:Temel Seviyede Hyper-V Kullanm ve YnetimiMicrosoft Active Directory Kurulumu ve YnetimiDomain Controller (DC)Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC)DNS YnetimiForest, Domain, Site, Global Catalog Kavramlar ve YnetimiOrganizational Unit'lerFSMO RolleriActive Directory Backup-Restore lemleri, Felket SenaryolarActive Directory'de Kullanc, Bilgisayar, Grup gibi Nesnelerinin YnetimiTemel Seviyede PowerShell ile Active Directory YnetimiGroup PolicyActive Directory Trustskonular ele alnmtr.Adm Adm Uygulamal Microsoft Active Directory Eitimi, MCSA ve MCSE snavlarna hazrlananlar iin de nemli bir yardmc kaynak olacaktr."
Price: 299.99

"Divination in the Bible" |
"Have you ever wondered How we should talk to God?The normal answer to that is Prayer. Most people enjoy two way communication and prayer is pretty one sided. So what are some other ways people communicated withGod in the Bible.So many people and religions hold the Bible as an authority on spiritual matters. How did those people in the Bible hear from God? How was the Bible even written?In this course we will explore:How to find answers to life's questions that aren't spelled out exactly for usWhat tools are used to communicate with God in the BibleWho used those tools in the BibleHow to use these toolsWho should use them todayIf this is interesting to you but you are NOT sure if you should be looking into this or not then this is my suggestion. Ask God if it would benefit you to learn about this.If you get a clear answer (whether Yes or No) you may not actually need this book.If you don't get a clear answer then maybe learning about communication tools is EXACTLY what you need."
Price: 49.99

"Stay Motivated While Learning Music Online" |
"We have all been here before. We started learning something new in music and somewhere along the way stopped. This can be for really small reasons like; Going on vacation, Having a shift change, getting a cold, having a friend stay over for the weekend. Those little breaks in schedule can get us off the groove and many people never pick it up again. In this course we go over some reasons people often stop practicing and how to fix them. We use an 8 step method to ensure you are seeing growth in your music. Here are four reasons people quit that actually have some weight to them, but we can fix it. We forgetHard to rememberBuilding habits is not everyones strong pointWont happen overnight (takes different amounts of time)Habits take time to form (possibly anywhere from 18-66 days)Later on we are going to look at physically change our lives( caution you might have to step away from the internet and do something. So you can practice everyday)Its to expensiveIve been on both sides as teacher and studentStopped my lessons but not learningI will show you how to get what you need out of online courses so you can save a ton on your education and then how to pay yourself since you are in part teaching yourselfThe ups and downs are discouragingLife is up and downThis is a problem for all performers not just people learning musicOne sure thing in our life is we will have some chaos from time to timeUse your practice to moderate the impact of external things in our life4. No accountability or are we just plain lazy?You dont necessarily need someone to pick up the slackTake Frickin ResponsibilityDoes your mom still call you to make sure you brushed your teeth and washed behind your ears?Our subconsious naturally runs away from pain with more effort than it runs towards pleasureIf you think this is going to be painful practicing then your subconscious will sabotage you.Turn your practice as something that isnt harm We should start viewing Missing our practice as hurting usWhat do we need to do then?What do you need to do to stop failing at your online lessons and get what you need to out of them?We learn different but these few things will help streamline your process8 steps (CGPRABSN Acronym)This time you will be able to keep it up if you work along with this class1 Consistency2Goals3 Plan4 record your practice ( 2 ways)5 Affirmations6 Benefits (including financial)7 Share8 New Goals Working through these goals will COMPLETELY change your practice and could also change your life.This is dealing specifically with music but if you apply this technique to other parts of your life too the possibilities are endless. And here's my no questions asked money back guarantee.There's a 30 Day Money Back GuaranteeTry it out TODAY and see if it is right for you!"
Price: 99.99

"Relaxing Piano Practice" |
"Often people want to be able to play beautiful relaxing piano music. The problem we have is we often practice in a way that is stressful to us. At what point do we decide that we have learned enough and now have ""relaxing"" piano playing time? The truth is we need to make: Piano Practice = Relaxation In this class we do this by taking out things that often cause people stress and simplifying the things that we need to do to play well. We look into what things often cause people stress and what things create relaxation and apply them to your practice. This class isn't just about the knowledge you learn from practicing piano but experiencing music. This class doesn't require any previous knowledge of music or Sheet Music. We have a specific section for those who are brand new to this, but if you are a seasoned piano player you can totally skip that section. We learn how to play a single scale, the chords in that scale, inversions, four chord patterns, and how to play some simple melodies over those. Come check it out if you are interested in playing relaxing piano music If you are not satisfied completely you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days."
Price: 99.99

"Learn to Sing (Even if You Suck)" |
"We all love to sing but sometimes we feel like we can't sing in front of people. We are those who are confined to the showers with our singing. but no more.....If you want to learn how to sing you can learn to sing. This course teaches you:How we actually sing physicallyHow we mentally need to get out of the wayExercises to strengthen our voice, sing on pitch, and increase our range. Whether you want to sing in the car with the friends or sing at the next Karaoke this class will get you on your way there."
Price: 99.99

"Complete Customizer Development For WordPress Themes/Plugins" |
"Take Your WordPress theme or plugin to the very next level!Learn how to program the WordPress theme customizer for any modern theme or plugin. Create theme options the modern way as requested by the WordPress theme review team.The theme customizer isone of the most exciting features of themes and plugins in WordPress and theme options. They allow your theme or plugin to stand out and give the user many options to add all types of data from:text controlsdatescolor controlsimage uploaderstextareasURLs and emailsnumber range slidersmedia controls including audioand moreWhy Should Theme Developers Take This Course?The problem with most theme options is that they do not follow the codingstandards or best practices only confusing web designers whouse them.The Theme Customizer is the best way to create a consistent look and feelbetween themes while following best practices and allows the user to customize your theme in a morecomfortable editing environment.In this course, Iteach you to take your theme development to the very next level by not only teaching you how to add theme options usingthe customizer, but also how to tap into WordPress posts, pages, custom fields and more to help users make the changes all in one place.Code samples are available with most videos in this course!Ialso give you the code after each video to help you program the different features and sections. Several assignments and quizzes to test your knowledge.Free Customizer Sections With Code To Plug Right Into Your ThemeWe are building completely, usable code sections and panels that you will be able to add to your theme as you see fit. The sections will allow your theme user to do all of the following:select a post title froma drop down menuchange custom fieldschange colors of background with the color selectoradd social media profiles including Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn and more.create a select menu of all WordPress posts and pagesLearn Code Tricks With Your CustomizerLearn code tricks such as:adding multiple controls with just a few lines of texthook in any CSSfilesanitize inputhook in any WordPress functionmove sections between panelsmove controls between sectionshook in any AJAX using jQuery to automatically display changes on the themeand more"
Price: 99.99

"Yoga for Diabetes Prevention and Control" |
"Diabetes is the fastest growing disease in the modern world. The most well understood reason for this menace is definitely our lifestyle. Obviously when it comes to lifestyle correction one has to look for someone beyond a medical practitioner. Ancient Indian Yogis and Sages won over every difficult circumstance in their life with a divine knowledge called Yoga. Fortunately Indians preserved this knowledge till today and with a strong belief system and cultural strength the knowledge also got recognition from the modern world too. In fact it is one of the most flourishing, thriving and trusted system of life management known to mankind. This system when applied to fighting a disease like diabetes depicts its power in its totality. This course is an amalgamation of the power of Yoga along with more than 40 years of personal experience of authors of this course in applying this power actual patients. We are absolutely sure that people who follow a lifestyle based on yoga procedures can remain disease free for a very long period and even if the disease strikes them, an early resolution can be achieved.The highlights of this course are. More than three hours of easy to follow video material with full sub-titles. Quizzes that will test your learning level. Other than just yogasanas, it has every other procedure that can help fight diabetes. Things like kriyas, massage, om chant, shankh naad, pranayama, mudra, meditation and relaxation techniques are all there. An aasan selection guideline for stage wise progress is available as a worksheet Yoga regime planning for preventive, corrective and supportive needs for diabetes has been provided. Detailed articles and videos are available for nutrition guidance, home remedies, diabetes drugs, diabetes tests, tough aasans, comparison to cardio exercise etc. Case histories in the form of patient interviews have been provided. So friends! Let usget going."
Price: 194.99

"Java Fx Concepts With Practical Examples" |
"Here's what JavaFxis:JavaFX is a set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms. JavaFx gives you the facility to create application withawesome graphics.Because in simple java you cannot create advance level graphics.In this course you will learn the concepts of JavaFx. If you don'tknowwhere to start learning JavaFxthis is the course. You will learn all the basic concepts of JavaFx with practical examples. Firsti'll show you what software's you need to use in this course and where you can get those software's.Ihavealsoprovidesource code files of practical examples so you don't need to write the code again while watching lectures. Then we will learn how to create and handle astage. Then some important conceptsevent handlers, anonymous inner classes, lambda expression etc. After this you will learn how to switchscenes or how to switchb/wwindows.Then an important thing how to createalert box or pop-up box and communication b/w windows. After this you will learn a proper way to close the program. Theni'll teach you the differentlayouts and how to embed them with each other. Then i'll teach some things about form like extractinginput, validating input, checkbox, choice box, listeners, combo box. After this you will learn the list view,tree view,table view and how to add/deletethe data intable. Then you will learn menu related thingscreating menu, handling menu, check menu item, radio menu item. After this you will learnhow to apply css in JavaFx and many other things like selectors, class, id, properties, inline style etc.Then you will learn what isbinding and binding properties. Then we will understand and practicefxml, controllers, intializer, binding elements, reusable components, scene builder.If you will face any problem in your codeyou can share the code with me and i will point out the error for you.If you faceany problem during learning this courseyou can ask the question at any time and i will answer that question ASAP. This course is a JavaFxcourse, every concept coveredin details. If you are really interested in learning JavaFxthen this is the only course you wanna take :)If you will feel that this course doesn't worth your money. you can refund your money within 30 days after taking this course. So, stop thinking and start learning JavaFx. I will see you inside."
Price: 149.99

"Hello, My Name Is ..." |
"Who Do You Think You Are?As a Christian, that question shapes how we approach everything in life problems, opportunities, relationships, and more. Our sense of identity influences whether we live in confidence or with shame and insecurity.For the person who follows Jesus,we have been given a very specific identity found in Jesus himself. As Dr. Craig Barnes once wrote, many of us spend far too much time trying to become something we are not instead of just being who we already are. That's why this course is focused on who we are -- the identity markers of a Christian.In particular, we will focus on eight specific attributes:I am LovedI am CherishedI amRedeemedI amIncludedI amForgivenI amAliveI amnot AloneI ama SaintMixing teaching with personal stories, this course will encourage, inspire, and challenge every person to live the life God has designed for them.KenHensley has been a pastor for nearly 30 yearsin non-denominational churches."
Price: 99.99

"Mastering Polite English in Two Hours" |
"Our courses are extremely popular. Our other course ""Polite English in Forty Minutes"" (by the same instructor, Cerys Vaughan) has about 25,000 students.What some students have said about that course:It's a wonderful course on polite English. Everybody need to take this course.Awesome course. Very useful information. Thank you.Excellent instructress! She speaks fluently, her presentation is clear and her demeanour is calm. Her lessons are well planned and organized and everything is clearly stated on the whiteboard so it is very easy to follow her lectures.Are you sure that you speak and write English politely?Even though you don't realise it, other people may think you are being a bit rude sometimes..This course will take your polite English to the next level.It will help you:Find more workImpress your bossImpress native speakersGet taken more seriouslyMake people like you moreHelp defuse confrontationsShow more respectComplain without getting an angry responseGet people to say ""Yes"" to your requestsExpress difficult emotions without causing conflictGet more datesHave a happier and more relaxed lifeThis course follows on from our other course ""Polite English in Forty Minutes"". This course:Is a lot longer and has a lot more lessonsGoes into subjects in a lot more depthCovers more areasUses totally different examplesEnroll in the course now, and see you on the other side."
Price: 44.99

"Publicit Snapchat - Guide complet de l'interface Snap Ads" |
"Que vous pensiez que votre audience se trouve ou non sur Snapchat... une partie y est probablement. Apprenez valuer le potentiel avant mme d'avoir dpenser un centime! Prenez en main l'interface du portail self-service de Snapchat et commencez faire de la publicit votre rythme.Comprenez les fonctionnalits et la puissance des outils disponibles. Exploitez l'automatisation du numrique et renforcez votre image de marque (locale ou nationale) en rencontrant votre audience au sein de l'application qu'elle utilise au quotidien.L'audience de snapchat est une des plus engage au monde du fait que vous communiquez avec vos amis les plus proches puisqu'ils vous faut les numros de tlphone de vos amis afin de dbuter un conversation.Ce cours a pour but de vous fournir la comprhension et les bonnes pratiques ncssaires afin crer votre premires campagnes.PS: Votre retour est apprci car il me permet d'amliorer ce cours qui a vocation tre vivant au fil du temps!Bonne campagnes toutes et tous.PS:Suivez moi sur Facebook en recherchant:@themarketingdude dans la barre de recherche."
Price: 34.99

"Formation Google Ads / AdWords: de dbutant confirm" |
"Prenez en main l'interface de Google Ads (Anciennement appele Google AdWords) et lancez votre premires campagnes de publicits en quelques minutes.Apprenez comment dtecter des mots cl qui vous cotent de l'argent et optimiser vos campagnes pour obtenir un retour sur investissement maximal.Regardez moi crer de campagnes pour de vrais clients et gagnez confiance en vous.Dcouvrez des fonctionnalits peu utilises par vos concurrents.Gagnez de l'argent grce vos nouvelles comptences."
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate Spine Game Rigging & Animation Course" |
"The Ultimate Spine Game Rigging & Animation Course will take you step by step from getting your art ready in Photoshop to rigging and animating in Spine. You'll also get to create two different animations with two different characters. Each one is rigged to get the most out of each character. The techniques shown can be applied to any animation whether it's a humanoid or creature. The techniques are the same and they work!This course will definitely improve your animation skill set and make your work stand out from the rest. Whether your a beginner or more advanced in Spine this course is for you. If for whatever reason your not satisfied get your money back guaranteed!By the time you finish with the course you'll go from beginner to expert. Here's what's included in the course.Crash course in Photoshop - If your a beginner in Photoshop I'll guide you through the process of image cutting and painting.How to rig a character in Spine from start to finish.Learn the basics of animation.Learn techniques to polish your animations.How to animate a walk cycle and idle.11 sections with 35 lectures.Here is your chance to take your animations to the next level. Sign up for the course today!WHAT IS SPINE?Spine is an animation tool that focuses specifically on 2D animation for games. Spine aims to have an efficient, streamlined workflow, both for creating animations and for making use of those animations in games.BENEFITSAnimation in Spine is done by attaching images to bones, then animating the bones. This is called skeletal or cutout animation and has numerous benefits over traditional, frame-by-frame animation:Smaller sizeTraditional animation requires an image for each frame of animation. Spine animations store only the bone data, which is very small, allowing you to pack your game full of unique animations.Art requirementsSpine animations require much fewer art assets, freeing up time and money better spent on the game.SmoothnessSpine animations use interpolation so animation is always as smooth as the frame rate. Animations can be played in slow motion with no loss in quality.AttachmentsImages attached to bones can be swapped to outfit a character with different items and effects. Animations can be reused for characters that look different, saving countless hours.MixingAnimations can be blended together. For example, a character could play a shoot animation while also playing a walk, run or swim animation. Changing from one animation to another can be smoothly crossfaded.Procedural animationBones can be manipulated through code, allowing for effects like shooting toward the mouse position, looking toward nearby enemies, or leaning forward when running up hill."
Price: 74.99

"Ionic 3 Apps for WooCommerce: Build an eCommerce Mobile App" |
"Ionic 3 Apps for WooCommerce is a course that willhelp you understand the basics of the latest version of Ionic Framework, v3, and also walk you through, step by step, to build a complete eCommerce applicationfor Android and iOS using your WooCommerce Store as the back-end. Ionic Framework v2 and v3 are similar, so even if you want to learn Ionic 2, you need the same course.The eCommerce app that we will build in this coursegets the products' information from the WooCommerce store. You do not need to setup any extradatabases or servers. All you need is just a WooCommerce store, either locally or on a remote server.Don't own a WooCommerce Store yet?You will learn how to setup a WooCommerce store for free on your own computer and then use it to build an eCommerce App. You do not need to buy any tool or software. The course uses all open-sourced technologies.You will build an eCommerce app that will allow the user to browse through the product catalog, search products in a particular product category, add product to their cart and then pay for their orders. The customers can pay using the PayPal payment gateway as well. The users will get Push Notifications every time you publish a new product.The orders will be received on the WooCommerce and then can be processed further by the shop admin. The app takes care of user authentication and only allows users with valid customer accounts to place orders. The app also allows new customers to sign up for an account.So why wait?Build a complete eCommerce solution yourself and release your app in the play store whether you need to expand your skills or your business."
Price: 199.99

"Intelligent Mobile Apps with Ionic and API.AI (DialogFlow)" |
"This course will teach you all about creating intelligentmobile apps that can understand your natural language and can take actions based on that. You can program your apps to do a number of tasks. From doing simple calculations to performingcomplex operations, your apps can d it all.Your apps will work on Android, iOS and Windows, thanks to the amazing Ionic Framework.So, you will be writing code once and you can generate different projects for Android, iOS and Windows.You will learn to useAPI.AI (now known as DialogFlow) and will use the amazing intelligence engine of API.AI to power your app. You app will depend on API.AI for processing the users' natural language (speech and text) and will respond back to the user in the way you want.Your app will be capable of understanding voice as well as text inputs. So a simple phrase like, ""Hey, can you add 1265 and 6567?"" will make your app do this calculation for you and it will come back with an answer. Not only that, yourapp will be capable enough to have conversations with you.It will respond to messages like, ""How are you?"" and ""Where have you been?"". By the end, your app will inform your of the weather for your city if you ask for it like, ""How is the weather in New York City?"".All thanks to API.AI.To proceed with this course you are recommended to have basic knowledge of building apps withIonic and Angular.We will be using TypeScript all along to build the app, so knowledge of TypeScript is also advised. Even if you are complete beginner, you can take the course but you might feel the rush in the beginning. A basics course on Ionic Framework is advised for complete beginners.Here is an overview of the whole course.We will start by understanding a few basics of Ionic and then API.AI.We will then proceed to building the App UI and then integrate the App with API.AI. This will open doors to a whole new world of possibilities. We will learn how to add a feature to ourAPI.AI Agent and use it in the app.We will implement voice recognition and text-to-speech in the app so the app can actually talk to the user.Then, we will add functionalities of a calculator to the app.Finally, we will conclude the app by hooking it up to a weather API so the app can provide the weather details for any city in the world.Sound exciting? Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Learning Pentaho - From PDI to Full Dashboard" |
"Hello!Do you want to learn how to develop a business intelligence solution through the Pentaho suite?In this course we will show the Pentaho tools, using and detailing eachone. After the conclusion, you will beable to use Pentaho Data Integration, create anOLAP Cube in Mondrian Schema Workbenchand develop smart dashboards in Community Dashboard Editor.We will provide you adatabase sample, so you can follow the development. Watch our first class to see whatyou will be able to do after conclude the course.If you have doubts do not hesitate to talk tous! We will love to help you.Go on! I hope you enjoy it."
Price: 199.99

"Desenvolvedor Qlik Sense" |
"Ol!Voc est interessado em aprender como desenvolver aplicaes no Qlik Sense? Deseja potencializar suas anlises?Voc encontrou o curso certo! Nele vamos te ensinar as principais funes do QlikSensepara que voc seja capaz de criar um Dashboard incrvel!No deixe de olharo currculo docurso e compar-lo comsuas expectativas de aprendizagem.E se surgirem dvidas durante o curso? Levantea mo!Nossos instrutores estaro sempre dispostos a te ajudar!"
Price: 579.99

"Psychology of Diversity and Unconscious Bias" |
"Many people understand that diversity and unconscious bias are important issues to grapple with, but its difficult to get a strong handle on them. For years, social scientists have turned their attention to stereotyping and discrimination in order to use data and scientific methods to know more about why it happens and how to stop it.What You'll Learn In this course we consider big ideas in diversity science with a focus on understanding concrete strategies to halt bias in its tracks. To know how to solve a problem, though, its necessary to understand the root of the problem. This course thus considers several major issues in diversity and unconscious bias, including: The difference between stereotypes, prejudice, and discriminationHow stereotypes affect judgments of others and our own performanceHow prejudice stems from simple group mentalitiesHow to best approach diversityHow to reduce the effects of conscious and unconscious biasThrough comprehensive videos, slide presentations, exercises, and quizzes, you will learn about the fascinating science of prejudice and discrimination. This course is modeled on university curricula and workplace training thatyou could spend thousands of dollars on. Why Learn From Me? As an award-winning psychology instructor, I have experience translating research in the field and presenting it in anengaging,understandableway. My students routinely evaluate my courses highly and comment on thepassionI have for social psychology. I hope you can join this group of satisfied students and learn something new about yourself and psychology. Sotake this coursenow and understand the science of diversity and unconscious bias...and how to address this common social issue!"
Price: 94.99

"Building Influence at Work" |
"If you want to achieve more success at work, its critical to develop key social skills like influence. This course introduces you to actionable personal growth strategies that come from scientific research in social and organizational psychology. Importantly, Ive kept things simple and to the point without sacrificing quality and scientific accuracy.When you take the time to understand and apply these strategies, youll begin to Develop a reputation that maximizes your influence Build strong relationships with clients, coworkers, and supervisors Use rapport-building techniques to achieve greater presence This course also includes exercises that will help you better remember the lessons and most importantly, create a plan for putting these techniques into action. Each section includes PDF workbooks to help you see just how powerfully these strategies can find a home in your work life. Why Learn to Build Influence Throughout this course, I point to data from new employees, entrepreneurs, managers, etc. that show how building social skills and influence is associated with tangible career outcomes. No matter what your industry or organization, building influence is crucial for reaching your personal and professional goals. Its just as important for young professionals entering the workforce as it is for people who have established themselves in positions of leadership. Why Learn from Me Lots of people claim to hold the secret to success, but its too easy to dream up strategies that dont actually work. My goal in this course is to build strategies from hard data, published in scientific journals about social and management psychology. With a PhD in social psychology and years of experience teaching online and in college classrooms, Ill be your guide. I did the work upfront to find and understand the research, and now I bring it to you! You can trust that Ill tell you what the research actually shows, but I also give you a complete review of every reference and study. Ill keep things clear and entertaining in this course, but Im completely transparent about where these insights come from. By the end of this course, you can walk into your workplace a changed person! You will have developed a clear plan for increasing your social prowess and ability to develop relationships that work for you. So come on in! Im looking forward to guiding you through the science of success!"
Price: 94.99

"Personal Branding: Disea tu Marca Personal" |
"Crea tu Marca Personal para lograr diferenciacin y resaltar en mercados competitivos. Revisaremos desde el concepto bsico de marca hasta aplicaciones concretas para ti y tu mbito profesional. Un curso dirigido a profesionistas independientes, directivos, Pymes o startups y cualquier otra persona que ofrece productos o servicios en mercados altamente competitivos.Te invitamos a descubrir todas las ventajas que tu Marca Personal puede ofrecerte en tu vida empresarial y profesional."
Price: 420.00

"Resisting Dangerous Drugs" |
"Most people with developmental disabilities now live in the community with their families, in group homes, with foster care providers, in supported living situations, or on their own. Living in the community has many positive benefits but also many potential risks. Many people with developmental disabilities do not understand the dangers of legal substances like nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. They may know very little about illegal drugs. They may also lack important preventative skills like recognizing dangerous situations and people and knowing how to say no and resist harmful temptations. They may participate in a limited range of healthy activities and have a small social support network of friends. Most of the current drug prevention programs are too abstract, fast-paced and text-based for people with developmental disabilities.TheResisting Dangerous Drugsprogram is designed for people with developmental disabilities. Video lessons accompanied with easy to read worksheets and audio stress management exercises make this an ideal program for people with limited reading skills. The program is designed to be done together by you and the person with developmental disabilities. In the program we call the caregiver parent, direct support staff, advocate, or friend the LEARNING PARTNER. The person with a disability is called the LEARNER. Together, both LEARNING PARTNER and LEARNER go through each section of the program. There are seven section that you do together. Each section consists of several lessons. Each lesson will have a short video program followed by a worksheet that is done together. At the end of each section, we have a short mindfulness-based stress management exercise for both of you to do. We also have a downloadable MP3 mindfulness audio exercise that can be downloaded for you and the LEARNER to use at other times in the day.The very first section is for you, the LEARNING PARTNER. In this section we provide background information and instructional strategies (for example role-playing) for you to use with the LEARNER. Your main role as the LEARNING PARTNER is to complete the program activities together including the mindfulness activities, to practice the role-playing situations, and to give the LEARNER feedback."
Price: 149.99

"Build A Premium Job Board" |
"Looking for job board software that is beautifully-designed and simple to use? Need job posting packages and a premium user experience?This course is for people who have tried using cheap Wordpress job board themes & plugins and have had to make major compromises on brand styling, user experience, security and administration of the site.In this course, we'll be walking through how to set up a premium job board for your business or project using paid, hosted job board software. We'll look at:Customising the look and feel of the siteEstablishing job categoriesSetting up your job packagesPricing your job postingsAdding content to your siteIf you're looking for a cheap option of hosting your job board and don't mind the compromises of using a Wordpress theme, this won't be the course for you.If you're looking for a simple-to-use software that enhances your brand and builds trust in employers looking to pay to post on your site, this course will deliver the training you need to get started quickly."
Price: 24.99

"Get More Reviews Online - Reputation Management Tactics" |
"Getting quality online reviews is notoriously hard. Getting a large quantity of great reviews is even harder.Most review websites showcase the extremes the customer who had the outstanding experience and the once-off, disgruntled customer who will never come back to your business again.We started thinking about this problem by asking the following questions:If your business sees 10-100 people per day, why do you only get a handful of reviews each month?Do customers know where they can leave reviews?How do customers find your Google Business review page?Do you want all customers leaving reviews on all sites?Why would someone want to leave a review?After asking the above questions, we developed a survey form that solves a large part of the customer review problem.The survey flow for a happy customer is as follows:A customer visits your businessThey experience your service or buy your productThey are given a card asking if theyd like to leave a review. The incentive is that they are entered into a monthly draw to win one of your products or servicesThe card shows a unique website link where they visit to complete a short (<3 minute) survey.Theyre a happy customer so rate your service 4 or 5 stars.Within the survey, they are asked which sites they currently leave reviews on. They are then lead to the exact page where they can quickly leave their glowing review.You get sent an email with their details so they can be entered into your monthly prize draw.Your business ends up with more, better-quality reviews and shows up higher in review site search results.The survey flow for an unhappy customer is as follows:A customer visits your businessThey experience your service or buy your productThey are given a card asking if theyd like to leave a review. The incentive is that they are entered into a monthly draw to win one of your products or servicesThe card shows a unique website link where they visit to complete a short (<3 minute) survey.Theyre an unhappy customer so rate your service 1,2 or 3 stars.Within the survey, they are asked to give detailed feedback on why they are unhappy and what they think should change in the business.You get sent an email with their details so they can be entered into your monthly prize draw.Your business ends up with detailed, quality feedback so you can improve your service.This course outlines how to set up your own branded, company review form to help you capture more online reviews and customer feedback...the honest way."
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Lightroom Classic CC - Beginner Level" |
"<< UPDATED in October 2019! >><< IMPORTANT NOTICE: In September 2019 Adobe dropped the ""CC"" from the name, so Lightroom Classic CC is now known as Lightroom Classic only! >>Adobe Lightroom Classic CC is by far the best image viewing-, sorting- and editing software available to photographers, and there's no better person than seasoned professional photographer, Villiers Steyn, to teach you how it works. It acts as a one-stop-shop for amateur and professional photographers, overcoming the need to jump between older viewing programs like Adobe Bridge and Photoshop.Even though it's a very user-friendly program, Lightroom Classic CC can be intimidating to first-time users who don't understand exactly how the software 'communicates' with their computer and hard drives, where their photos are stored. And that's how this course was born: To help beginners who are new to Lightroom Classic CC to completely understand it right from the start, making their lives a million times easier in the long run... What is Adobe Lightroom Classic CC and how does it differ from normal Lightroom CC?It's VERY important that you don't get confused by the two! Lightroom Classic CC, covered in this course, is a program that is used by photographers to view, sort, process and export their images for use elsewhere. Normal Lightroom CC is a cloud-based sharing program that then shares those exported files (or any other photos for that matter), between your devices - your computer, tablet and smartphone. Normal Lightroom CC is not covered in this course. SO WHAT WILL YOU LEARN FROM THIS COURSE? The exact difference between Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic CC.How Lightroom and your computer 'communicates' with each other.How to keep your computer as 'fast' as possible by saving space on its built-in hard drive.How to import existing photos and copy new photos into Lightroom. How to organize your image folders in the Library Module by moving and renaming images and folders.How to view your photos as thumbnails, single images, full screen and zoomed in.How to quickly learn more about each image by viewing important metadata, like settings and equipment used, at the press of a button.How to assign attributes like flags, star ratings and colors to images, helping you to filter for specific subsets. How to do the most important basic editing in the Develop Module, including:Cropping;White balance changes;Exposure corrections;Image saturation;Image sharpening; andSpot-removal.How to export RAW files for social media or print use.How to use shortcut keys to greatly improve your Lightroom workflow.Take a moment to view the course Promo Video, as well as those lectures that have been made available as a sample of what you can expect. Keep in mind, if you're not happy with the material, there's a 30-day no-questions-asked full money back guarantee! So don't hesitate and enroll today, and take the first step towards mastering Adobe Lightroom Classic CC! What makes Villiers Steyn the perfect teacher for this course?Villiers Steyn is a professional photographer and Udemy instructor with thousands of students enrolled in his Udemy photography courses. He has used Lightroom since it was first launched in 2007 and knows the software inside-out! He's got a knack for transforming the seemingly complicated into something easily understandable, making him the ideal teacher for beginners. This is what one of his students had to say: Villiers is an excellent instructor! He explains everything perfectly and his lectures are very easy to follow..."" Louise Victor South Africa "
Price: 99.99

"A Rookie's Guide to Java" |
"Learning a new programming language is easy, and it is something that can really change your life! I often see courses claiming that you can ""Learn To Make Video Games (No Programming Needed!)"" But unfortunately if you want to make anything more advanced than flappy bird you'll need a programming language under your belt. Learning programming is fundamental to any career in the software industry, games or otherwise, and Java is a great starting point.By the end of the course you will have learnt everything from the basics of variables, to strong programming practice with abstraction and inheritance, and fully fledged GUI programs with Java Swing.This course is aimed at programmers looking to learn the basics of Java programming and assumes no prior knowledge. Java is an incredibly easy language to pick up on, it is written in straightforward English and is colour coded for maximum usability. Despite that it is powerful! Fully fledged programs are built running it. Companies using it to run their technologies include Google, Yahoo, CERN and NASA!I try to communicate with my students as much as possible! If you have a question I'm always available to ask! And I'll try my best to solve your problem; programming or otherwise.I believe in quality over quantity, I try to keep my lectures short and concise so you can take it all in, and easily refer back to videos in the future. All lectures are delivered in crisp 1080p, and each section comes with written material to recap what you've learned. This truly is one of the best ways to learn.Remember! All Udemy courses come with a 30 day refund if you're not satisfied with this quality content!Take action today!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Office for Business & The Busy Entrepreneur" |
"Google Office for Business is the first in a series of Technology made EZ for the Busy Entrepreneur with a shoe string Budget, This course will teach you in plain English clever-ways to upgrade your business for minimal to zero cost.This course will connect you to tons of resources that are yours for the taking if you're resourceful!"
Price: 19.99
