"Neu: 10 Google Ads Strategien fr clevere Online-Marketer" |
"In diesem Google Ads Kurs lernst du 10 Optimierungen fr deine Google Ads Kampagnen. Durch dieses erweiterte Google Ads Wissen, kannst du dir einen echten Wettbewerbsvorteil schaffen. Wann immer du Google Ads schaltest. Dieser Kurs bezieht sich auf Suchnetzwerkkampagnen, Displaynetzwerk-Kampagnen, Retargeting-Kampagnen und Shopping-Kampagnen. Wenn du einer dieser Kampagnenarten optimieren willst, ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige fr dich."
Price: 19.99

"VFX: Complete Houdini Bootcamp" |
"This is the best selling Visual Effects Course.You will not find like this course anywhere.No presentations,No time wasting,It's all about doing and creating.This Course is Projects based Course,so you will learn Houdini by creating effects!.This course is continually updated.Last update:Creating a Rock (Introduction) section.The section (Introduction) is updated.The section (Introduction to PyroFX) is updated.Creating organic shape (Some modeling stuff section).New features in Pyro FX in Houdini 17.5Creating Droplets ""Condensation"" in Houdini 17.5 (New features in Houdini 17.5 section)Creating your first Animation (Introduction to Houdini section)New Section: (RBD Material Fracture).New section: Introduction to Rigid bodies.Creating Spider Web (Some Modeling Stuff Section).Continuous Emitting (Intro to Vellum).Pressure constraint (Intro to Vellum).Attaching a cloth to animated object (Intro to Vellum).Creating a flag using Vellum (Intro to Vellum).Why you want to learn Houdini FX?Houdini FX is a visual effects and 3D animation software like Maya or Blender,but what makes Houdini different and unique is the procedural system and has very powerful dynamic system that other softwares don't have.You will be surprised how powerful this 3D application is. Houdini is the number 1 3D application that used in vfx, 3D animation studios and Game studios, Houdini can create high quality effects like water,explosions,fire and sand....Houdini now is used by Big Game studios,they save 100X of the time by creating tools that are used in their Game Engine or in unreal engine or unity.Knowing Houdini gives you very big advantage in the Game industry and in VFX companies.If you are Game developer you must know at least a little bit how Houdini works,this gives you very big advantage in Game studios.In my course I will just teach you how to use Houdini,not teaching you how to use it for games.After you watch my course then you will be able to learn how to use it for games and in game engines like unreal engine or unity. i.e: I will not teach you how to use it for games,I just will teach you Houdini.This course is very special,I will teach you how to use Houdini software to create interesting effects.Although Houdini is difficult software to learn, but its very very powerful,I will make it fun to learn and I will simplify every thing for you.Take the course now and I promise you won't disappointed!Q&AIs Houdini free software? Yes its free for non commercial use,and it called Houdini apprentice.Is there any limitation in Houdini apprentice? No,you Have all the tools that the paid version has,and you can render your shots too,but you will get a very small watermark at the right bottom of the image.I am game developer,do I need to learn Houdini? Yes, you must at least know a the basics of Houdini.How Houdini is used in Game studios? Say for example you have a game and you want to fill it with more than 1000 buildings,imagine how long this will take you right? But in Houdini you can create 1 building and then export it as Digital asset(Plugin) to Unreal Engine or Unity,and in Unreal Engine you can scatter the building in your game and give random variation to each building,like the size,the color,windows size,Height,width and so on.... Imagine how much time you saved! instead of creating 1000 buildings,you created just 1 building in Houdini.Not just buildings,this works for(sieges,tables,chairs,streets......)."
Price: 199.99

"Comunicao Intercultural" |
"No mundo globalizado, pessoas de diferentes culturas esto em contato seja porque viajam em frias, a trabalho ou estudo. Esse contato evidencia as diferenas entre as culturas, diferenas que podem trazer consequncias desagradveis para quem ignora as crenas e atitudes que moldam o comportamento alheio. Ser por conta dessas crenas e atitudes que os alemes e japoneses so considerados trabalhadores dedicados? Por que os italianos e os brasileiros so to apegados s suas famlias enquanto os americanos so mais independentes? De onde vem o tal jeitinho brasileiro? O que isso tudo tem a ver com cultura, afinal? Ao concluir este curso, voc saber as respostas."
Price: 39.99

"Typing Mastery: Learn to Type" |
"Do you need to learn to type in a hurry? Or do you just need a refresher course to practice with and tone up your skills? Then this is the perfect course for you!Touch typing is a skill that will serve you for a lifetime. The best way to make your computer more efficient is to touch-type to type without looking at the keyboard. This course will teach you the fundamentals of typing and features typing exercising that will get you typing with accuracy and speed in no time.This course features numerouscomputer keyboard lessons which include: How to get from A to Z on your keyboard; How to use punctuation keys; How to type numbers on a numeric keypad; Proper typing ergonomics to avoidfatigue,aches and pains, especially carpal tunnel syndrome.We'll also get into tips for first-time and experienced computer users; User-friendly exercises and practice lessons to build up speed and efficiency. This course is greatfor individual or classroom use."
Price: 19.99

"Curs Complet Python 2 i 3 - nva Python 100% Interactiv" |
"Cursul se adreseaz nceptorilor i abordeaz ntr-un mod 100% practic ambele versiuni de Python (2 i 3).La finalul cursului, vom construi mpreun o aplicaie n Python 2 i Python 3 - un calculator matematic interactiv.Seciunea 1: Python 2 - Tipuri de dateSeciunea 2: Python 2 - Condiionale i bucleSeciunea 3: Python 2 - Funcii i moduleSeciunea 4: Python 2 - Concepte avansateSeciunea 5: Python 3 - nva Python 3 prin comparaie cu Python 2Seciunea 6: Exerciii n PythonSeciunea 7: Construiete un calculator matematic interactiv n Pythonn plus, vei gsi pe durata cursului 100 de itemi interactivi (exerciii, teste i teme) care te vor ajuta s aplici i s consolidezi toate conceptele de Python pe care le-ai nvat pe parcursul leciilor video. Bineneles, vei avea la dispoziie i rspunsurile pentru a i verifica rezultatele.Important! Nu uita c eti acoperit de garania de 30 de zile prin intermediul creia poi primi ntreaga sum pltit napoi, n cazul n care eti nemulumit de coninutul cursului. Dac n decursul celor 30 de zile nu i exercii aceast opiune, atunci vei avea acces lifetime (nelimitat) la acest curs, inclusiv la actualizri, lecii suplimentare i rspunsuri la ntrebrile postate n seciunea dedicat.Te atept la prima lecie!"
Price: 99.99

"Python 3 Complete Masterclass - Make Your Job Tasks Easier!" |
"Probably the most PRACTICAL Python 3 course on Udemy I am answering all your questions, usually in less than 24 hours No slides, no boring theory, no rambling, no chitchat. Just coding Quizzes, Notebooks and Python 3 Coding Exercises are included Downloadable Python 3 cheat sheet and 200+ pages PDF e-book are included Learn real-life Python skills: Excel / Database / Data Analysis / Network Automation Private Discord community for instructor support and learning as a team Udemy Bestselling Instructor with over 3000 reviews Over 70.000 satisfied students across several e-learning platforms Certificate of Completion is included""This Python course is excellent!! I have taken a few Python courses previously from Udemy, this course is the best so far. The lectures are kept short but contain a lot of info on the topic. I really like the short quizzes to make sure you listened to the important points made in the lectures. The best feature is the interactive coding to give you immediate hands-on with the material to ensure you understood what you thought you understood. Great Course!"" by Richard Mata Course updates (in real-time)Update: May 5th, 2020 - 1 new video on Regular ExpressionsUpdate: Jan 15th, 2020 - 5 new videos on Regular ExpressionsUpdate: September 23rd, 2019 - 1 new video, updated the multiple notebooksUpdate: August 28th, 2019 - 1 new video, updated the regex notebookUpdate: July 29th, 2019 - 3 new videos answering some FAQs in the Q&A areaUpdate: June 12th, 2019 - 5 new videos; 1 notebook; small fixes and updatesUpdate: May 17th, 2019 - Updated the Python 3 Cheat Sheet PDF and course FAQUpdate: April 24th, 2019 - 1 new section; 6 new videos; 6 notebooks; 1 quizUpdate: April 10th, 2019 - 1 new section; 8 new videos; 8 notebooks; 1 quizUpdate: March 28th, 2019 - 1 new section; 7 new videos; 7 notebooks; 1 quizUpdate: February 28th, 2019 - 1 new section; 7 new videos; 6 notebooks; 1 quizUpdate: January 22nd, 2019 - 1 new section; 3 new videos; 4 new quizzes; FAQUpdate: December 2nd, 2018 - 10 Ways to Earn Money with Your Python Skills (videos)Update: November 6th, 2018 - Notebooks for Sections 1 - 14; PostgreSQL-Python Cheat Sheet; Quiz UpdatesCourse Launch: October 30th, 2018 What others have to say about my courses?""What an incredible value and learning experience!"" by Sean A.""Excellent material. Kudos to a great instructor with a vast level of creativity."" by Anthony W.""The instructor is an excellent professional, skillful and engaging."" by Georgios T.""I can say this man is going on smoothly and perfectly, explaining in the most empirical way."" by Kolapo A. Why would you take this course?Do you want to become a Python Developer without having to spend a lot of money on books and boring theoretical courses?Do you often hear things like ""You should learn Python!"" or ""Just write a Python script for that!"" or even ""Python is so easy to learn!""? Python here, Python there, Python everywhere?""As a Python beginner, I find this course is concise, easy to understand and structured. Also, Mihai responses to my question during the course promptly. I highly recommend this training course."" by Johnny Wang What's this course all about?Python 3 programming course aimed at anyone having little or no experience in coding and a great desire to start learning Python from scratch. This hands-on training takes you from ""Hello World!"" to advanced Python topics in just a few hours.First, you will learn and practice every Python 3 key concept, which is explained in one or more video lectures, usually followed by a short quiz and several exercises. Each video is filled with relevant examples, created in a learn-by-doing fashion and the quizzes, coding exercises and assignments will help you consolidate the main ideas behind each Python 3 topic. After laying the foundation, you will start exploring some advanced Python 3 topics, thus quickly growing your skills from Zero to Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced to Superhero level.Next, we will build a scientific calculator in Python 3, having a basic user menu and both simple and advanced math operations available: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo, raising to a power, square root, logarithm, as well as trigonometric functions like sin, cos and tan.Finally, you will gain some real-life skills that you can use at most programming and IT-related jobs: Excel Automation, Database Automation, Data Analysis Automation, Test Automation, Web Scraping and Network Automation, among others, using Python 3.You will also be able to download printable cheat sheets to have every Python 3 concept at hand whenever you need it, as well as a 200+ pages Python 3 e-book that can help you continue studying whenever you don't feel like watching videos or solving coding exercises. What more can you ask for?As a final bonus, you will also get all the Python 2 content in my older course, so you will be able to interact with systems still running the legacy ""edition"" of Python, which have not yet migrated to the latest version. It never hurts to be fluent in both versions of this amazingly popular programming language, although Python 3 is the most relevant version today.This course is the first one in a trilogy especially designed for learning Python 3 from scratch and then using your skills and knowledge to solve 250 multiple-choice quizzes (course 2, live: 'Python 3 Workout - Solve 250 Multiple-Choice Quizzes!') and 250 coding exercises (course 3, in progress: 'Python 3 Workout - Solve 250 Coding Exercises!'), respectively. So, check out these courses as well, for a complete and comprehensive learning experience.""I am really enjoying this course thus far. 10-12 minutes into the course and I've already written my first line of Python code, which I think it's pretty cool, since I've never programmed before. I'm planning to finish this course and apply for a junior programmer, part-time job. Thanks for this training!"" by Andrei Vasilescu What are the steps you're going to take from Zero to Superhero Level skills in Python?Introduction - What's This Course All About?Zero Level: Python 3 - BasicsBeginner Level: Python 3 - StringsBeginner Level: Python 3 - Numbers and BooleansBeginner Level: Python 3 - ListsBeginner Level: Python 3 - SetsBeginner Level: Python 3 - TuplesBeginner Level: Python 3 - RangesBeginner Level: Python 3 - DictionariesIntermediate Level: Python 3 - Conditionals, Loops and ExceptionsIntermediate Level: Python 3 - Handling Errors and Exceptions in PythonIntermediate Level: Python 3 - Functions and ModulesIntermediate Level: Python 3 - File OperationsAdvanced Level: Python 3 - Regular ExpressionsAdvanced Level: Python 3 - Classes and ObjectsAdvanced Level: Python 3 - Other Advanced ConceptsGeneral Recap: Python 3 - Cheat Sheet and 200+ Pages E-BookProject - Application: Python 3 - Build a Scientific Calculator with Python 3Superhero Level: Automate Excel Tasks with Python 3Superhero Level: Automate Database Tasks with Python 3Superhero Level: Automate Network Tasks with Python 3Superhero Level: Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3Superhero Level: Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3Superhero Level: Automate Unit Testing with Python 3Superhero Level: Automate Web Scraping with Python 3Useful Python Modules and Tools10 Ways to Earn Money and Build a Portfolio with Your Python Skills Final SectionCourse Bonuses""Very thorough course. Includes plenty of details and examples without being boring. Explanations are given at a very practical level."" by Gary Scarr Important information before you enroll!In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked.Once enrolled, you have unlimited, 24/7, lifetime access to the course (unless you choose to drop the course during the first 30 days).You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course - video lectures, additional resources, exercises or new code. You will benefit from my full support regarding any question you might have and your course colleagues will help you, as well. This is not just a programming course, it's an amazing learning community!Check out the promo video at the top of this page and some of the free preview videos in the curriculum to get a taste of my teaching style and methods before making your decision!""This is a real nice course and very unique compared to other courses available on Udemy. The unique thing about this is automation projects. The best way to learn language and concepts is by applying them to practical scenarios and that is what this course is all about."" by Vinay Gupta I strongly encourage you to learn Python, an amazingly beginner-friendly programming language and take your job and career to the next level! Let's get started! Enroll now and I'll see you in the first lecture!"
Price: 199.99

"Python 3 Workout - Solve 250 Multiple-Choice Quizzes!" |
"Practice and boost your Python 3 skills with 250 multiple-choice quizzes I am answering all your questions, usually in less than 24 hours No slides, no boring theory, no rambling, no chitchat. Just practice Private Discord community for instructor support and learning as a team My Python courses have received over 3000 reviews Over 70.000 satisfied students across several e-learning platforms Python 3 Cheat Sheet and a Certificate of Completion are included What others have to say about my courses?""What an incredible value and learning experience!"" by Sean A.""Excellent material. Kudos to a great instructor with a vast level of creativity."" by Anthony W.""The instructor is an excellent professional, skillful and engaging."" by Georgios T.""I can say this man is going on smoothly and perfectly, explaining in the most empirical way."" by Kolapo A. Why would you take this course?Do you want to become a better Python Developer without having to spend a lot of money on books and boring theoretical courses?Do you want to expand and solidify your Python skills in an organized way, with the help of 250 quizzes?Do you want to prepare for an interview and upgrade your career in a 100% hands-on fashion, with instructor support available? What's this course all about?This is a Python 3 practice course aimed at intermediate Python developers and graduates of my 'Python 3 Complete Masterclass' or 'Python 3 Network Programming' Udemy course, having a great desire to boost their programming skills to the next level.You will have to solve 250 multiple-choice quizzes ranging from beginner to advanced level and covering all the key Python concepts taught in my 'Python 3 Complete Masterclass' or 'Python 3 Network Programming' Udemy course.This course contains practice activities covering the following Python 3 concepts: strings, lists, tuples, ranges, sets, dictionaries, conditionals, loops, exceptions, functions, file operations, regular expressions, classes and objects, comprehensions, lambda functions, among others.As a bonus, you will get my famous Python 3 Beginner's Cheat Sheet PDF, two videos covering 10 ways to earn money and build a portfolio using your Python skills, a certificate of completion, lifetime access to the course and any upcoming updates and other special bonuses. How is this course structured?Introduction - What's This Course All About?Installing Python 3 for Testing Your Quiz AnswersDownload the Python 3 Cheat Sheet250 Python 3 Multiple-Choice QuizzesBONUS: 10 Ways to Earn Money and Build a Portfolio with Your Python SkillsFinal SectionBonuses Important information before you enroll!In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee.Once enrolled, you have unlimited, 24/7, lifetime access to the course (unless you choose to drop the course during the first 30 days).You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course - video lectures, additional resources, quizzes, exercises.You will benefit from my full support regarding any question you might have and your course colleagues will help you, as well. This is not just a programming course, it's an amazing learning community!Check out the promo video at the top of this page and some of the free preview lectures in the curriculum to get a taste of my teaching style and methods before making your decision! I strongly encourage you to boost your Python skills and take your job and career to the next level! Let's get started! Enroll now and I'll see you in the first lecture!"
Price: 69.99

"Learn Basics of AngularJS in 59 minutes by building Game App" |
"AngularJS from Google is one of the best open source, front-end javascript framework to create applications. Knowing AngularJS can get you a job or improve the one you have. It's a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, and make your web software life a lot easier.Learning AngularJS can be a real challenge because it involves understanding many concepts and requires a hands-on grasp of these concepts.The current course will give you a headstart in the right direction for learning AngularJS.In this course, you will be creating your own basic Hangman Game App which you can also play with your friends. By building Hangman Game App we will also show you how the requirements are mapped into small sprints and how as a developer you can do unit testing and integration testing.In a nutshell, this short course is designed to give you a quick glimpse of development process involved in the project involving AngularJS or similar front end technologies."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Design Thinking Hands-On With Project CORE" |
"In this course, you will get a detail level understanding of what isDesign Thinking, how to use it in your ownCustomer Workshop.The course has 2 major components that contain different approaches on Design Thinking principle:E-Commerce EndIt covers a detailed analysis of non-SAP customer requirements followed by mapping of those requirements to User Experience and finally the creation of UI wireframe that followsMaterial Design Guidelines.ERP EndIt covers a detailed analysis of SAP customer requirements which is again mapped into User Experience and finally the creation of UI wireframe that followsFiori Design Guidelines."
Price: 94.99

"Learn and Prepare for UI5 and Fiori Interviews" |
"In this course You will - Learn How To Prepare for UI5 and Fiori Interviews(Also applicable for general SAP or Tech Roles, except the technical questions) . We have covered well beyond 100+ top questions of SAPUI5/OpenUI5, SAP Fiori, SAP HANA, and SAP Netweaver Gatewayin details with explanation, so when you face your interview you are confident and have high chance to get selected in it.This End to End course which will help you to understand : What types of Work UI5 Consultant and Senior Consultant perform Activities Types Depending on experience or customer requirement Salary Expectation and Negotiation Technical Questions and Answers Resume Building Covering a 360 degree of Preparation you will be much more confident to face your UI5 and Fiori Interviews after going through this course.This course is for you if you are: Going to appear for Interviews for UI5 Consultant and Senior Consultant role. Going to Switch Job to a consulting company who is doing consulting with UI5 or Fiori. Going to Switch Project within same company where the new project is involving UI5 or Fiori. Want to Interview new candidates for UI5 and Fiori. Aspiring UI5 and Fiori Consultant."
Price: 149.99

"How to get your kids into Ivy League schools" |
"All over the world, parents have been dreaming of sending their kids to Ivy League School before they are even born. In some cultures, even in the United States, some parents are planning their pregnancy to ensure their kids are born in January and are five years and nine months in September, thus making them the oldest in the class. Some actually have their kids home schooled and tutored until they are six years old to make sure they ace the admission test. However, there is more than just having your kids prepared for their admission test, one-on-one interview and play dates. In this course, we will cover every aspects from application to the letter of approval."
Price: 39.99

"Master Presentation Design Framework With A Proven System" |
"** Change the way that you approach presentation design with a repeatable system **How can we ensure that our presentations go well, no matter what?In this course, youll find a simple design framework focused on giving you the tools to create a stunning presentation in short time.And even better, understand what are the most important things to affect the audience with your message. The course gonna take you by five stages to create a presentation from scratch: + Tesis Statement: Understand what is the right message to convey to your audience. + Structure: Go from the brainstorming to a clear view of the things to tackle during the presentation. + Storytelling: Craft a story to captivate the audience and help them better assimilate the information.+ Aesthetics: Obtain a beautiful layout for your slides, following this simple guidelines. Lots of templates and resources available!+ Time: Maintain the interest of the audience.+ Tools: A set of resources to get the best results.The contents are based on my 9+ years experience working as a digital business consultant and speaker. I created a course I wish had been available when I started my career; a how-to guide for building a bullet-proof presentation. Discover: Why some presentations go well and some dont What makes them successful A proven pattern to make them betterYoull get: A simple framework to follow when creating a presentation. Practical advice based in live-fire situations. This course is for anyone that wants to create an amazing slide deck, and has a 30-day no-questions-asked guarantee! So theres no downside: take this fundamental step to improve your life, enrol now!"
Price: 19.99

"30 Days Power Yoga For Weight Loss" |
"The 30 Days Power Yoga For Weight Loss course is a progressive journey divided into 4 weeks. Each week not only represents a significant milestone in your shrinking waistline, it also represents a step that youve taken inunderstanding your body, appreciating its beauty, and learning the right tools to keep the weight off forever.What To Expect After Finishing This 30 Day Power Yoga For Weight Loss CourseDepending on how consistent you are with your practice and diet you can lose upto 10 pounds. The heavier you are, the faster you will lose weight. There are no miracle numbers here, no magic pill to lose 30 pounds in 30 days, no gimmicky promises or anything of the sort.But what youdoget is 10 pounds of weight that will leave your body in the safest, most sustainable and healthiest way possible. Meaning, that once gone, the weight stays gone.A guide map for losing the all the rest of your weight in the same way as described above - no health issues, minimal scarring, stretch marks and lose skin due to the Asanas, and weight that once lost, remains gone.Key insights into your own relationship with your body and with food - why you eat the way you do, what you really want from your body, and how to best achieve it without ever sacrificing any of the things you truly love, desire and deserve. No amount of gym going, long distance running or aerobics can bring this insight like just 30 days of Power Yoga can.The understanding that what your body is and what it does, is just as important as how it looks. People who use drugs may not be overweight, they may look great in skinny jeans, but they will not know the true beauty and power of their very own body like a Yogi does. Being comfortable in your own skin is a zen-like art, and it is one that the practice of Power Yoga will bring you.In my 30 Day Power Yoga For Weight Loss course, youll be receiving the complete 30 Day Asana + Weekly Diet Video Series ($49 Value)29 Daily Structured Asana Videos split into 4 Weeks, With Each Days Workout Targeting A Specific Group Of Muscles In Your Body.Each expertly designed workout routine video ranges from 15-29 minutes, depending on the theme of the day, asanas covered and progression of the course.Final Day Group Class - 60 Minute Group Workout Video Headed By Me Reinforcing The Teachings Of The Previous Month.4 Weekly Diet Videos Covering The Major Themes Of Your Transformation Journey - Discipline, Cleanliness, Non-Attachment and Self-Study -- With Practicable Tips, Methods And Techniques To Keep Improving Your Relationship With Food And Body.4 Diet Charts (1 Per Week) containing nutritious, filling & wholesome meals, and covering Breakfast, Lunch, An Evening Snack and Dinner!Contains Methods To Understand Your Relationship With FoodIdentifiers Of Your Comfort Foods and The Underlying Reasons You Turn To ThemEasy-To-Follow Advice On Eating Better And Replenishing Your Vitality With Delicious, Easy To Prepare Meals With Minimum FussTracking Systems On How To Document The Changes In Your Diet, Their Nourishing And Replenishing Effect, And How To Compound The Work Your Diet Does For You For Outstanding ResultsSpecial handouts include:Eat This, Not That: A quick series of guidelines covering what to look for when buying packaged foods, as well as 11 ingredients to avoid, if youre looking for the best possible results in the shortest space of time, as well as looking to lay the foundations for healthy lifelong eating!10 Ways To Increase Your Vitality: Get a sustained boost in your daily energy levels with these 10 easy hacks using commonly available and kitchen ingredients!Juice, Not Junk: Cleanse your body and get a delicious injection of pure antioxidants with 4 of Amandas classic Juice recipes featuring a mix of fresh vegetables and fruit: One each for breakfast, lunch, refreshments and dinner!The Healthy Eaters Shopping List: Know exactly what you want to pick up as you make your way to the supermarket with a curated list of 30+ pantry and product items, as well as additional tips for smart and healthy shopping!The Ultimate Snackers Guide: Scrumptious alternatives for those with an irrepressible sweet tooth, or a penchant for settling down in front of the TV with chips and dip. Chocolate, cake, soda - there are alternatives, and once you know about them, youre not likely to go back to fatty foods in a hurry - especially as you enjoy your new svelte figure!My Workout Playlist!Ill also share with you my go-to playlist of inspirational tunes for when Im looking to get in the groove of the workout and really bring presence, focus, determination, and a sense of purpose to my asana routine!"
Price: 49.99

"Business Model You 101" |
". . "" "" . ."
Price: 49.99

"Digital Illustration: Design a Fun Character!" |
"***Fully updated as of November 2018***Digital Illustration & Character Design using Adobe Illustrator.In this funstep-by-step class, we'll reveal the top tools and techniques used to convert original hand-drawn sketchesinto full-fledge scalable vector graphics. Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to design your own custom graphics, while gaining an understanding of the tools & workflow used by topIllustrators around the world to make high-quality, eye-catching assets of art.No prior knowledge or experience required!In this class, you'll learn how to take your creativity from your sketchbook to your laptop and bring your designs to life!This class covers the fundamentals of Digital Illustration: Starting with inspiration. Tips for sketching. Setting up your document with a scanned image. Aligning your hand-drawn sketch inside Adobe Illustrator. Customizing a color swatch pallet. Making custom vector shapesusing the Pen Tool, Puppet Warp Tool & Pathfinder Tool. Usefulalignment tricks to fine-tune artwork. Efficientkeyboard shortcuts to increase your Digital Illustration workflow. As well as, Shading & Texturing your work to give your Graphic Designs Depth & Dimension.This class is perfect for anyone who's just starting out and wants to explore Digital Illustration in order to bringtheir creative work to life digitally.Together, we'll be:Exploring Character Illustration workflowCoveringBest Illustration PracticesImporting a hand-drawn sketch into Adobe Illustrator, setting up guides, and aligning artworkCreating custom vectors around a Character Build using Illustrator's various shaping toolsShading, Masking, & Texturing a fun, playful Character IllustrationExporting our final product"
Price: 74.99

"Intro to Music Production: Maschine Mikro mk3" |
"Learn the Basics of Music Production and start an EDM track using the Maschine Mikro mk3, an Integrated Groove Production System that works in tandem with Native Instrument's Maschine 2 Software and the Komplete Sound Libraries. The hardware/software combo between Maschine Mikro and Maschine Software puts everything you need to start making great music at your finger tips.In this Class you will be guided through a step-by-step Song Creation Process, starting with the groove and building a classic ""four on the floor"" drum beat from scratch. Then you'll learn how to lay down an energetic bass line using Maschine Mikro mk3.In addition to basic song creation, you'll explore and learn advanced features and functions using the Maschine Mikro mk3 - such as: Chord Sets, Arp and Note Repeat Functions, Count-In Recording, Quantization, and Gain Staging."
Price: 29.99

"FreePBX Asterisk 13 VoIP Server Administration Step by Step" |
"Do you need a cost effective phone system for business?Are you tired of paying licensing cost to the proprietary phone system ?Do you want to expand your business and require phone system but legacy system don't allow you ?You are interested to learn asterisk but like to avoid command line and linux shell at the start ?FreePBX is the world most popular and widely adopted open source IP telephony software. The core VoIP communication is based on Asterisk 13 - The most powerful IP telephony platform. This course is designed for the newbies, small & medium business that like to use the IP telephony - PBX or even the solution providers that like to gear up for telephony services to the end users.The course starts with initial telephony concepts and terms used in phone service industry. No prior technical knowledge about telecommunication required to take this course.The course has project depicting the real world scenario. This helps the students to have activity based learning and can apply learned knowledge to the real world. The course clearly explained the phone system features with lab practice for configurations.Proprietary systems invites a license fee for most Business-critical features and UC Features like mobility and third party integration. To avoid the expensive add-ons go the open source way.Use a single system to manage multiple tools and platforms, thereby having greater employee productivity, reduced costsand a means toimprove customer engagement.The course covers the latest release of FreePBX 14."
Price: 24.99

"Asterisk 16 Quick Start - Become Super Hero in VoIP." |
"Do you want to be superhero in the VoIP industry by mastering Asterisk? Or have you been struggling with online tutorials, blogs, YouTube videos but still you are not confident to manage asterisk-based VoIP platform?Then you are on the right place. My name is Numan khan and I have over 12 years working experience with Asterisk and 6 years in teaching asterisk in live class room for hands on training. I developed this course based on experience that I gained over the years in live class room and has summarized all the challenges that are faced by a beginners students. I will teach you how to write the dial plan and configurations code for various asterisk modules so that you can build whatever you want to build like Phone system, Voice Gateway, Call Center, Voicemail Server etc in-short virtually anything that deals with VoIP. So, in the first section of this course, I will teach you Linux survival skills that you need to have for your Asterisk journey. After it, we will start diving into the Asterisk world by compiling Asterisk from source code and then installing it. Once we are done with the installation part, I will give an architectural view of Asterisk because its important to understand the various modules functionality. And then we will start dial plan programming, I tried to cover most of the asterisk dial plan programming constructs like variables, expressions, contexts and applications etc. For channels configurations, I have entire section for PJSIP new SIP channel driver and IAX asterisk native protocol. To get more solid foundation in Asterisk dial plan programming, we will build a complete professional Auto-Attendant for commercial grid Asterisk PBX. Each section of the course has Quiz, that will help you judge your knowledge gained in section.And Ive developed 8 practical Lab exercises for hands on training. Each lab is having its configurations files and instructions. Performing these labs will give the confidence and will help you in real world as well while dealing with Asterisk VoIP platform. In the end, I love to support my students and always encourage them to ask questions on course discussion area."
Price: 24.99

"Internet of Things using Augmented Reality in Unity IoTAR" |
"Do you want to learn how to mix Augmented Reality with Internet of Things (IoTAR) in Unity SDK? Do you want to create the leading edge of technology and experience the future of holograms? Or want to take your Arduino Projects into Augmented Reality? This is the only course of its kind that will teach you all the fundamentals of the Augmented Reality and Internet of Things in the shortest time so that you can get started developing your own IoTAR Apps. I am an AR Developer with a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering. I have over 46'000 students on Udemy and over 62'000 subscribers on my YouTube Channel Augmented Startups.This course is designed to help you understand the fundamentals of Internet of Things and Augmented Reality using the Vuforia assets in Unity through practical and easy to understand labs. This class covers these capabilities, including getting started, Interfacing the Arduino Based- Particle Photon IoT Microcontroller with the magic of Augmented Reality. We have designed this course so that you are able to interface any sensor to your IoT device and we show you what we think is the best way to visualize that data so that it makes sense when augmented into the real world.You will learn all the fundamentals through practice as you follow along with the training. Together we will build a strong foundation in IoT-AR in Unity SDK with this training for anyone. This course will enable you to: Get started with the Particle Photon Development Kit.Get started in Unity and how to download the Vuforia SDK.Create a simple AR dashboard that interfaces to your Particle Photon.Once you have mastered the basics we go ahead and interface to sensors via IoT and bring them into AR.See the water level of a plant in AR, almost like having x-ray vision.Dim the intensity of virtual fire with a Photo cell.Measure distance in 3-Dimensions with Multi-target detection (Really Cool!) .See through a person's body and see their heart beating in real time Augmented Reality (Really Cool!).Gauge force and gas on a AR meter as well gas emissions.See the weather in Augmented Reality of almost any city in AR using JSON.[Vuforia 7] and Unity 2017.3[Vuforia 7] Ground Plane[NEW] Vuforia 8 and Unity 2020.1[NEW] Vuforia 8 Video Playback[NEW] Vuforia 8 VI-SLAM Fundamentals[BONUS] Vuforia 8 Export to Android Device[HUGE BONUS] Build your own AI Smart Glasses Project E.D.I.T.H. (Spiderman Far From Home)Training Duration:5 hoursApplications of Internet of Things and Augmented Reality IoTAR:AR business CardsAR GamingEntertainmentMedical MilitaryIndustrial and Domestic Maintenance NavigationAdvertising and Promotional ContentYou won't find a course like this anywhere on Udemy. Not only will you save on money but you will save on Time. You will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course. We also offer a full Udemy 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not happy with this course, so you can learn with no risk to you.See you inside this course*NB - Ensure you have all the required training material and tools before you start this course. See the Bill of Materials Lecture (free preview) for details. You are required to purchase beforehand Hardware (Particle Photon Microcontroller), Sensors and Unity Assets. This is to ensure a smooth learning experience for you."
Price: 199.99

"The Fun and Easy Guide to Machine Learning using Keras" |
"Welcome to the Fun and Easy Machine learning Course in Python and Keras. Are youIntrigued by the field of Machine Learning? Then this course is for you! We will take you on an adventureinto the amazingof field Machine Learning. Each section consists offun and intriguingwhite board explanationswith regards to important conceptsin Machine learning as well aspractical python labs which you will enhance your comprehension of this vastyet lucrative sub-field of Data Science.So Many Machine Learning Courses Out There, Why This One?This is a valid question and the answer is simple. This is the ONLY course on Udemy which will get you implementing some of the most common machine learning algorithms on real data in Python. Plus, you will gain exposure to neural networks (using the H2o framework) and some of the most common deep learning algorithms with the Keras package.We designed this course for anyone who wants to learn the state of the art in Machine learning in a simple and fun way without learning complex math or boring explanations. Each theoretically lecture is uniquely designed using whiteboard animationswhich can maximizeengagement in the lectures and improves knowledge retention. This ensures that you absorb morecontentthan you would traditionally would watching other theoreticalvideos and or books on this subject. What you willLearn in this CourseThis is how the course is structured:Regression Linear Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest Regression,Classification Logistic Regression, K Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes,Clustering - K-Means,Hierarchical Clustering,Association Rule Learning- Apriori,Eclat,Dimensionality Reduction - Principle Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis,Neural Networks - Artificial Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks.PracticalLab StructureYou DO NOT need any prior Python or Statistics/Machine Learning Knowledge to get Started. The course will start by introducing students to one of the most fundamental statistical data analysis models and its practical implementation in Python- ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Subsequently some of the most common machine learning regression and classification techniques such as random forests, decision trees and linear discriminant analysis will be covered. In addition to providing a theoretical foundation for these, hands-on practical labs will demonstrate how to implement these in Python. Students will alsobe introduced to the practical applications of common data mining techniques in Python andgain proficiency in using a powerful Python based framework for machine learning which isAnaconda (Python Distribution). Finally you will get a solid grounding in both Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) and the Keras package for implementing deep learning algorithms such as the Convolution Neural Network (CNN). Deep Learning is an in-demand topic and a knowledge of this will make you more attractive to employers.Excited Yet?So as you can see you are going to be learning to build a lot of impressive Machine Learningappsin this 3 hour course. The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can apply Python based data science on real data into practice today. Start analyzing data for your own projects, whatever your skill level andIMPRESSyour potential employers with an actual examples of your machine learning abilities.It is apractical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to data science. However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you mayapply to your own projects.TAKE ACTION TODAY! We will personally support you and ensure your experience with thiscourse is a success.And for any reason you are unhappy with this course, Udemy has a 30 day Money Back Refund Policy, So no questions asked, no quibble and no Risk to you. You got nothing to lose. Click that enroll button and we'll see you in side the course."
Price: 199.99

"How to Start a Tech Company 101 - Business Management" |
"Have you ever wanted to start your own technology company? But you had no idea where to start? Maybe you are from a software engineering background and have no idea what to do next. No problem!Course ContentThe course is structured as follows:Basics of Business ManagementIdea InceptionFunding your businessCalculating InvestmentSetting up a businessStart a Tech company is a first in a 6-part course developed for the budding entrepreneur!Easy language, basic concepts and clear concepts.The instructorsareavailable for any questions and discussions on a daily basis! TAKE ACTION TODAY! We will personally support you and ensure your experience with this course is a success.And for any reason you are unhappy with this course, Udemy has a 30 day Money Back Refund Policy, So no questions asked, no quibble and no Risk to you. You got nothing to lose. Click that enroll button and we'll see you in side the course."
Price: 199.99

"How to Design Website Pages in 1 hour with Photoshop" |
"Create Professional Website Page Design in Photoshop. Complete with working files and shortcuts, youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through (REALLIFE) project.Using Photoshop in Creating Professional Web Page Design toGET PAIDas a ProfessionalWeb Page DesignerMaster the right tools and techniques in Photoshop.Use it to Create Website Designs from Scratch.Get Great Tips for Efficient Workflows.You will be learning the fundamentals of Web Page Design UsingPhotoshopand this puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Photoshop iseasy to learn, has an excellent interface with powerful design tools, and is the one of the most popular tools in 2Dgraphic design. Jobs in Web Design are plentiful, and being able to learn How to Design a Web Page UsingPhotoshop will give you a strong background to start your WebPage Designbased career. Content and Overview This course is Suitable for beginner Web Designers. Through this course of 1 hour of content, youll learn mostof the Web Page Designfundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the methodology of Web Page Designin Photoshop. Each chapter closes with exercises, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. Starting with the basics of Photoshopthis course will take you through various Web Page Design obstacles, projects, and how to use Photoshop to solve it. Well be working effectively by using powerful and streamlined techniques and in Photoshop. With these basics mastered, the course will take you through more complicated projects that will teach you Enhancement, Fixing, and Advanced creationtechniques. Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create many amazing Real Life Web Page Design Projects. The ideal student is an existing or new Web designer who wants to expand on their current skills or an entrepreneur that wants to launch their own web design company. We just require that you come open minded and be willing to try new things. It is important to note that before you enrol in this course you should already have Photoshop installed on your computer. And for any reason you are unhappy with this course, Udemy has a 30 day Money Back Refund Policy, so no questions asked, no quibble and no Risk to you. You got nothing to lose."
Price: 139.99

"Game Design Fundamentals" |
"Starting out creating an interactive experience, of any sort really, can be rather daunting. In this course, well run through the basic components of a game, so we can get a handle on what the next steps are when you make the jump from the course lectures to your own projects.In this course we will learn different ways and techniques about how an Indie game developer can improve his gameplay, make his gameplay more addictive by understandingaction-response theory.We are going to cover different topics related to game design like what a user expects when he buys the game, what are the things that user want and what user don't want. We are going to cover different gameplay chunks and how we can improve our quality by implementingwe are going to learn about Dos and Don'ts of Artificial Intelligence with how we can polish our prototype and much more.Its a quick start guide in Game Design. You will be taken through the different live examples that how these concepts are implemented to famous AAA games that makes them more addictive.This course is perfect for anyone who wants to start his/her career as a game designer/Indie Game developer and also for students that are looking for a quick start in game design.Course is based upon research on AAA games that are famous in the market.What will you learn?Different mechanisms/Examples to think aboutDos and Don'tsto implement while designing Level/Gameplay.How to Identify limitations in Idea with respect to Story, Technology and Gameplay.How Artificial intelligence can help in getting things done easily.What player expects when he buys/download your game.Understand User Input/Response behavior.Compare different games according to their game design.In this course we will get to know how world class games use these concepts to implement their addictive gameplay according to the player expectation.Start playing now and press ""take this course""."
Price: 199.99

"Manomotion Fundamentals - Hand Gesture Recognition" |
"Learn how we implemented Hand Gestures Recognition on Android using ManomotionWhen we first got started with Mobile Augmented Reality, we quickly realized that there was no easy way of interacting with your environment except for you screen. While this is adequate for the job, it is not quite so interactive. If you watched movies like Minority Report (Tom Cruise Movie), you can see the possibilities and practicality of using Hand Gesture recognition. However the following problems persisted:There was no easy way to get this functionality on mobile,Manual hand gesture detection and recognition is quite computationally expensive, Once you have developed a program to detect hands, you would then have to figure out how to integrate it with Unity,How to reliably detect hand using a single camera, without the aid of external depth sensors,How to get this tech working on as many phones as possible (with cross platform support).These were some of the problems we faced until we found Manomotion. Manomotion provides a framework for real-time 3D gestural analysis with minimal hardware and minimal computing power. All that is required is a simple RGB camera found in everyday smartphones.Manomotion is also compatible with ARCore, AR-Kit as well as Vuforia.So after playing around with this SDK, we decided to make a quick and easy video course on how to get started using Manomotion for your own applications. So essentially, we've structured this training to reduce debugging, speed up your time to market and get you results sooner. In this course, here's some of the fundamentals that you will learn:Experience the magic of superpowers using Hand Gesture Technology,How to Get Started with Manomotion,Discover how to Rotate objects with your hands,Perform Gesture Recognition and Shoot Kai Blasts,Smash Skulls with your Bare Hands using Depth Estimation,Learn about Manomotion Data Structures.You also get helpful bonuses:ARCore 'HelloWorld' Setup InstructionsPersonal help within the courseI'm here to help if you have any questions. Students can start discussions and message me with private questions. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you.Geta Career Boost with a CertificateofCompletionUpon completing 100% of this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion. You can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction.If you want to get a marketing job or freelancing clients, a certificate from this course can help you appear as a stronger candidate for AugmentedReality jobs.Money-Back GuaranteeThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students.Let me help you get fast results. Enroll now, by clicking the button and let us show you how to implemented Hand Gestures Recognition on Android using Manomotion."
Price: 194.99

"YOLO v3 - Robust Deep Learning Object Detection in 1 hour" |
"Learn how we implemented YOLOV3 DeepLearning Object Detection Models From Training to Inference -Step-by-StepWhen we first got started in Deep Learning particularly in Computer Vision, we were really excited at the possibilities of this technology to help people. The only problem is that if you are just getting started learning about AI Object Detection, you may encounter some of the following common obstacles along the way:Labeling dataset is quite tedious and cumbersome, Annotation formats between various object detection models are quite different.Labels may get corrupt with free annotation tools,Unclear instructions on how to train models - causes a lot of wasted time during trial and error.Duplicate images are a headache to manage. This got us searching for a better way to manage the object detection workflow, that will not only help us better manage the object detection process but will also improve our time to market. Amongst the possible solutions we arrived at using Supervisely which is free Object Detection Workflow Tool, that can help you:Use AI to annotate your dataset,Annotation for one dataset can be used for other models (No need for any conversion) - Yolo, SSD, FR-CNN, Inception etc,Robust and Fast Annotation and Data Augmentation,Supervisely handles duplicate images.You can Train your AI Models Online (for free) from anywhere in the world, once you've set up your Deep Learning Cluster.So as you can see, that the features mentioned above can save you a tremendous amount of time. In this course, I show you how to use this workflow by training your own custom YoloV3 as well as how to deploy your models using PyTorch. So essentially, we've structured this training to reduce debugging, speed up your time to market and get you results sooner. In this course, here's some of the things that you will learn:Learn the State of the Art in Object Detection using Yolo V3 pre-trained model,Discover the Object Detection Workflow that saves you time and money,The quickest way to gather images and annotate your dataset while avoiding duplicates,Secret tip to multiply your data using Data Augmentation,How to use AI to label your dataset for you,Find out how to train your own custom YoloV3 from scratch,Step-by-step instructions on how to Execute,Collect Images, Annotate, Train and Deploy Custom Yolo V3 models,and much more...You also get helpful bonuses:Neural Network FundamentalsPersonal help within the courseI donate my time to regularly hold office hours with students. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and Iwill do my best to help you. The office hours are free. Idon't try to sell anything.Students can start discussions and message me with private questions. I answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you.Iregularly update this course to reflect the current marketing landscape.Geta Career Boost with a CertificateofCompletionUpon completing 100% of this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion. You can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction.If you want to get a marketing job or freelancing clients, a certificate from this course can help you appear as a stronger candidate for Artificial Intelligence jobs.Money-Back GuaranteeThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students.Let me help you get fast results. Enroll now, by clicking the button and let us show you how to Develop Object Detection Using YoloV3."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete QlikView Boot Camp" |
"A warm welcome to you.If you have found yourself in a situation where you need or want to learn QlikView for your job or a career move and do not have the budget to spend thousands for training or you are frustrated with disorganised video clips all over the internet, then this course is definitely for you.This course is also available via Udemy For Business (UFB) .Once you have completed this course you can hit the ground running at work when your team leaders , users, managers want you to deliver an analytics solution fast.This course is packed with sample data that you can download , project assignments and quizzes for you to practice and test your new skills and what's more you don't need to do 2 separate courses for Designer or Developer it's all here in the one course and I am adding new content frequently which means you have life time access to a rich source of information and tuition that will never get out of date.What's more, this course has been recorded in 1080p HD , HD Sound and features Closed Captions [CC].Do you like what you see so far ? Then don't wait, enrol in this course and get a head start with the latest version(12) QlikView, and with a 30 day money back guarantee , nothing to lose, right ?I am looking forward to helping you gain new skills during this course.PaulData Analyst and Visualisation Engineer"
Price: 199.99

"The 5 Things You Need To Have In Place To Start a Business" |
"Many people talk about starting a business, but few make it past the dreaming stage. And even fewer get their business launched and earning enough to reach their financial goals. What is it that holds back these aspiring entrepreneurs success? Often, its because... Their mindset is stuck on failure and self-doubtThey worry that their business wont earn enoughThey dont know whats involved in getting their business set upTheyre not sure exactly what to sell that people will buyThey arent clear on how theyll get people to buy And sometimes its just because they cant get themselves organized and focused on their goal long enough to reach it. I can help you build the business you deserve. With our course on how to Start Your Own Business: Step-by-Step, you'll walk your students through the critical steps for getting a new business off the ground. You'll show them how to pick the business model that makes sense for them, how to determine what to sell, the value of creating a minimum viable product, the essential details that every startup has to pay attention to, the keys to a successful launch, and more."
Price: 34.99

"How to be a Tour Guide in your Hometown Overnight" |
"Ever wondered how you can turn a city or town you love into an exciting experience for others? As tourism increases with low cost travel deals you can turn your love of history, architecture or nature into a unique guided tour. Well learn about how to find interesting stories and research local history fast. I designed 5 modules plus resource sheets to be easily understood by absolute beginners. Well learn about how storiesabout old buildings and famous visitors can be made into a great tour. At the end of the course, you will be able to welcome visitors to your hometown with a one hour walking tour."
Price: 19.99

"Excel From Zero To Hero" |
Price: 174.99

"Crie jogos e aplicativos com o MIT App Inventor!!" |
"Algumas pessoas nunca sonharam em criar um aplicativo, um software que roda em celulares, tablets ou computadores, mas com o avano da tecnologia da informao, isso tornou-se acessvel para qualquer pessoa que tenha acesso internet. O Appinventor uma plataforma online criada pelo MIT para facilitar a aprendizagem e o ensino da programao, porm muitos profissionais a tem utilizado para lanar seus trabalhos. O objetivo deste curso ampliar o poder de inovao das pessoas para o mundo virtual. Os tutoriais sero baseados em projetos que passaro por todos os passos de desenvolvimento, desde o design at a publicao de aplicativos."
Price: 19.99

"Design 3D com Autodesk Tinkercad" |
"Com o avano da tecnologia multiplicaram-se tambm nossas possibilidades de criao e concretizao das nossas ideias para o mundo virtual. Nossa capacidade criativa agora pode tambm ser desenvolvida no mundo virtual e dentro dele tudo possvel. Neste curso vamos aprender a projetar objetos virtuais 3D dentro do aplicativo online Tinkercad e prepar-los para impresso 3D com o Repetier."
Price: 19.99
