"How To Build An Online Business Using Easy Traffic Sources" |
"Are you tired of buying courses that talk about how easy it is to make money?Then, you get started with the method and realize that its not quite as easy as they said it would be.Unfortunately, most of the methods out there areTime consumingBased on theoryUse short-term loopholes (that go away)Or, take WAY too much time to start making you moneySure, you might make a few bucks here or there, but its hard to get anywhere with a hit or miss online incomeWhen we started online, wewere looking for something that would create a consistent stream of daily income without a lot of time neededOver the past couple of years, we've released some simple methods that have worked well for me, but weve recently uncovered a method that blows them all out of the water in terms of simplicity and how easy it is to quickly scale up.So, that's how this course apperead, now let's take a look at what you will find inside:Step-by-Step Video TrainingYou get an in-depth look at this simple method. We show you exactly what this is all about and how to get the best results as quickly as possible.But it doesnt stop there Included in this A-Z course to $100 per day with 100% FREE traffic, youll also get our""Two Over The Shoulders Case Studies""We dont just tell you how to do this we show you.The over the shoulder case study takes you by the hand, so you can follow along and copy and paste your way to hordes of FREE traffic and easy $100+ days (without the need for complicated product creation, technical skills, or even a budget start from ZERO and get BIG results with this no fail method)FOUR CHEAT SHEETS4 Cheat Sheets which will make the whole process much easier and will save you a ton of your precious time!It's Copy & Paste simple to use all 4 of these...Most courses give you an overview of a method, but very few take your hand and guide you to success We do.This method is simple.But, weve gone to the next level to make sure you see success by putting together a powerful, over the shoulder case study that gives you everything you need to profit like crazy.Not only does this show you every little detail of this method, but youll get to see us actually making REAL money in our PayPal.Here is an overview of all the knowledge you will find inside:>>> How to leverage the power of social media to get as much targeted traffic as you want for FREE This has NOTHING to do with spamming your social media profiles, paid ads, or anything thats blackhat or against the rules This method shows you how to help people and get well for it!>>>Why THIS method is easier than everything else out there ANYONE can do this with no reputation, no experience, no email list, and no product Its easy to put thousands of dollars in your pocket with this simple, step-by-step strategy.>>>How to get started RIGHT NOW, even if youre a complete newbie with no tech skills if you can click your mouse and follow the simple steps inside, you can quickly get to $100 per day...>>>The crazy trick we use to get FREE solo ads to test new offers and make easy money in our PayPal accounts (This is revealed inside and its not what you think)>>> And Much More...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 1,5 hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY!It's Time to take action!"
Price: 94.99

"Learn Graphic Design For Beginners In Crello" |
"Graphic Design For Beginners In CrelloUsing the right type of graphic designs for your content and marketing activites cand be a real challenge for many entrepreneurs and marketers out there.Many of us outsource their graphic designs to freelancer or media agency and spend thousands of dollars on projects and works which many times don't turn out exactly as we would like.That is why the BEST SOLUTION would be to take control over your own graphic design activities and create them on your own.And now that is possible because of the tools that we have at our disposal and which allow us to create with ease amazing graphic designs without having special graphic design skills like editing in Photoshop, Illustrator or other similar softwares and apps.That is what you will learn in this course, how to create amazing graphic designs using a free cloud based app named Crello.After going through the course you will be able to create social media posts, banners, animated posts, flyers, presentations and many other types of designs without having to go through all of the headaches of outsourcing these tasks.This course is dedicated to entrepreneurs, marketers and people who need graphics designs for their businesses and projects.So, enroll in the course right now and let's get started!PS:And don't worry, if you think this course was not good for you for any reason at all, we have a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, no questions asked, so that you have no risk whatsoever!"
Price: 99.99

"How Protect Windows With Free Software!" |
"Our computer when it is not protected and care minimally, may bring very serious consequences for the system, such as:Start of Windows very slowly (3 minutes or more)Performance is very slow when opening tasks or foldersThe danger of viruses and unwanted programs that may damage the system and even delete filesDuring 3 years I used only free programs for protection and Windows Optimization, however it was proven that brought immediate improvements and lasting foundations for my computer.The system was secure and stable until now and for this reason, I created this course to share all the free tools and helpful tips for the success of a computer that remains fast and protected.Learn step-by-step of a simple and easy way, to protect and improve the performance of your computer withfunvideos and animations associated with the theme and that help to have a clearer idea of how it works your Windows.Discover the best free programs, chosen to play the role of protectors and repairers of the system.Your computer will beprotected from sites that steal data, malicious software, pop-up windows that fill the screen, to be invaded from your webcam, between many other hazards that make your computer vulnerable"
Price: 59.99

"Como Baixar Imagens, Vdeos, Msicas, 3D Gratuitamente" |
"Quantas vezes j tentou procurar por aquela msica ou imagem para um projecto seu mas no conseguiu encontrar.Simplesmente porque era uma imagem paga ou com m qualidade.Neste curso vai descobrir os melhores bancos de imagens, vdeos e msicas gratuitas para licena cc0.Poder usar para fins comerciais e sem precisar de dar atribuio de crditos ao autor.Neste curso vamos descobrir:Os Top 3 melhor bancos de imagens, vdeos e msicasMais de 10 bancos alternativos como bnusVai aprenderusar cada site de modo a conseguir uma pesquisa fcil e directa ao pontoConhecer a licena CC0, para contudo gratuitoMelhor motor de pesquisa para bancos de imagensVamos comear?"
Price: 159.99

"Laravel : La guida pratica al framework php pi usato" |
"CORSO AGGIORNATO ALLA VERSIONE LARAVEL 7Laravel il framework php pi usato e con pi crescita e domanda di lavoro. Facile da imparare se si hanno le basi solide di php e OOP. Lo sviluppo con laravel veloce e si pu costruire un'intera applicazione web dinamica in poche ore. Come in tutti i miei corsi, imparerai passo a passo e sempre con degli esempi, non uso slide ma del codice reale che funziona, ogni dettaglio di Laravel. Alla fine del corso avremo creato un'intera applicazione web dinamica, una galleria fotografica, applicando tutto ci che impareremo. Ecco un riassunto di quello che andremo ad imparare di Laravel5:Installare Vagrant, VirtualBox e homestead per avere un ambiente di sviluppo completoStruttura delle cartelle di LaravelLe routes, come definirle, come utilizzare i metodi GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, passare i parametri e legare un parametro route ad un modelImpareremo ad usare blade, il templating engine di Laravel. Vedremo i layout, come estenderli, i component, le partial, come ciclare dati in una view BLADE, le condizioni, i cicli.Vedremo come usare le view anche senza blade con puro phpUseremo Jquery e Ajax per fare delle chiamate al server senza ricaricare la paginaImpareremo a creare delle MIGRATION per creare tutta la struttura delle tabelle di un databaseVedremo i SEEDER per popolare con dati finti le nostre tabelle e utilizzeremo la libreria FAKER.Impareremo ad utilizzare php artisan dalla riga di comando per creare model, controller, migration ecctCreeremo i Model e le loro relazioni.Vedremo come usare la facade DB per accedere, inserire, modificare e cancellare dati con delle query grezzeUseremo il QueryBuilder per creare delle queries complesse, utilizzando le JOIN, WHERE, ecctUtilizzeremo ELOQUENT per accedere ai nostri datiCreeremo dei controller e vedremo come mappare le routes ai metodi dei controllerValidazione dei dati nel controller e con le FormRequestFlash di messaggiProtezione delle rotte con dei middleware Autorizzazione con Gate e PolicyRegistrazione e autenticazioneInvio mail con LaravelDeploy di laravel su server condivisoAlla fine di questo corso, conoscerete Laravel come il palmo della vostra mano. Non solo Vi mostrer come si fa con Laravel ma Vi spiegher anche il perch, da dove saltano fuori le FACADE, le funzioni helpers, i Providers.Imparerete ad usare bene anche le novit di php 7UN UNICO POSTO E UN UNICO CORSO DOVE IMPARARE BENE LARAVELIl corso sar in continuo aggiornamento e non rimarr mai indietro con ogni rilascio di Laravel."
Price: 194.99

"IOS , XCODE e SWIFT : Sviluppo di app per principianti" |
"CORSO COMPLETAMANTE COMPATIBILI E APP FUNZIONANTE SU da IOS 11 FINO IOS 12 E SWIFT 5Benvenuti al corso completo di IOS e SWIFT da zero a esperto, dove impareremo a usare la nuova suite di sviluppo di apple per creare app e videogiochi per IPHONE E IPAD. Creeremo una TODOLIST APP da zero usando FIREBASE come backend.In questo corso impareremo il linguaggio di programmazione di Apple, SWIFT , da zero fino ad imparare tutti i trucchi avanzati come le closure e la gestione degli errori.Impareremo il disegno di app da zero, le restrizioni di layout, le collezioni, tabelle,ed elementi graffici come Label, Button,SearchBar, TableControllers, Search Controller, Navigation Controller, TabBar Controller, Maps, Views,Collection Views, Gesture, Geolocation .Vedremo i Core Data come web services, parsing di JSON ottenuti da API delle app con Firebase di Google! Tutto con delle APP su cui potete iniziare e vostre future app.Impareremo a programmare da zero con SWIFT e vedremoLe variabili String, Bool, Double, Int, Character, Array, Set e DictionaryLe strutture di controllo come IF, SWITCH, WHILE e FOR INLe funzioni con parametri e ritorni, funzioni annidate e funzioni che ritorano funzioniVedremo le closure e come usarleVedremo le differenze tra classe e strutture e quando usare ciascunaVedremo la Programmazione Orientata agli OggettiImpareremo come si estende una classe e come si fa l'ovveride dei metodiStrutture di dati come Array, Dictionaries e CollectionsVedremo cosa sono i protocolli e come implementarliImpareremo come accedere al filesystemNetworking: Fare chiamate API remote. Prelevare e processare dati JSONFirebase . Creeremo una TODOLIST sincronizzata con Firebase "
Price: 199.99

"Angular . La guida pratica per sviluppatori web" |
"Aggiornato alla versione 8. Compatibile con angular 4 in su.Angular uno dei framework pi popolari nello sviluppo di Single Page Application e App ibride con html, css e typescript. Se vuoi diventare uno sviluppatore front-end o full stack, allora questo corso ti aiuter ad essere un passo avanti.Questo sar l'unico corso in cui imparerai in modo pratico tutto ci che ti serve per cominciare a sviluppare app con Angular 4 , 5,6 7 e tutte le successive. Non perdere tempo saltando da un tutorial all'altro e fai il miglior investimento della vita. Sono il docente italiano pi popolare su Udemy con quasi 20.000 utenti soddisfatti!Non ti annoier con delle slide di powerpoint e troppa teoria che trovi sul manuale ma potrai programmare insieme a me, in tempo reale, mettendo in pausa quando vuoi e facendo delle domande a cui risponder in giornata. Un tutor sempre a tua disposizione!Alla fine di questo corso potrai:Creare tu stesso delle app dinamiche, reali, con Angular 8 e laravel 5Gestire problemi comuni di errori in tempo di compilazione e di esecuzioneUsare TypeScript non solo con Angular ma in generaleUsare la libreria RXJS per la programmazione reattivaScrivere del codice pulito e riutilizzabileUsare qualunque API, Autenticarti usando Web Token Preparare build per ambiente di produzione e fare la deployConnettere Angular 8 con firebase Cominceremo subito, fin dall'inizio, costruendo la tua prima app Angular in pochi minuti.Non ti preoccupare se non conosci TypeScript, lo imparerai man mano che programmiamo e c' una sezione dedicata a TypeScript.Ecco un elenco delle cose che imparerai di Angular 7:Creare componentiCreare template htmlManipolare il DOM con delle directivesMostrare dati e gestire eventiFormattare dati con i pipeCostruire Template Driven FormAccedere a servizi Http come le APIGestire i diversi verbi delle chiamate API come GET, POST, PUT, DELETECreare un backend usando Laravel 5Aggiungere Routing e NavigationAutenticazione usando Web TokenDeploy su server condiviso, GitHub Pages, FireBase Programmazione TypeScript da zero fino a livello avanzatoUtilizzo della libreria RXJSAlla fine del corso avrai costruito una web app da zero con anche il Back end."
Price: 149.99

"Corso React con React Redux, hooks e Laravel come backend" |
"Impara React, redux e react redux da zero a livello avanzato .Single Page Application con API di Laravel come backendSe vuoi imparare ad utilizzare la libreria REACTJS passo a passo, in modo pratico e senza fronzoli, questo il corso che fa per te!.Ho voluto condensare in questo corso i concetti fondamentali di REACT E REDUX in modo semplice, comprensibile e pratico in modo che sia alla portata di tutti coloro che hanno un minimo di esperienza con javascript, html e css.Ecco i concetti fondamentali che imparerai in modo pratico:Installazione nodejs e npmCreazione di un'app REACTStruttura dell'app creata con create-react-appIntroduzione a JSXRendering di elementi Componenti e PropsState & Lifecycle Gestione Eventi Rendering condizionale Liste and KeysFormsControlled componentsAccedere al DOM degli elementi con React.createRefReact FragmentsChiamate ad API esternePassare parametri da padre a figliReact routerHooks: useState, useEffect, useReducerCreeremo un'app: Movie API dove vedremoCos' ReduxCos' una storeInviare messaggi alla store con dispatchAbbonarsi agli eventi della store con subscribeActions e Actions creatorsReducersReact ReaduxCreeremo un'app, TODO LIST, dove vedremoCollegare React e Redux con react-reduxPassare la store ai componenti con <Provider>Connettere la store ai componenti con connect()Creazioni di componenti container per collegare redux ai componentiMappare lo state della store come propriet dei componentiMappare gli Action Creator come metodi e passarli come propriet allo store con connectMapDisPatch to PropsMapStateToPropsUtilizzo di combineReducers Creazione di un CRUD, create, read update e delete con Laravel come backendQuesti sono i concetti Core per sviluppare in REACT e vengono tutti coperti in modo pratico ed intuitivo"
Price: 99.99

"Linux da zero a esperti per Sviluppatori Web" |
"Linux da zero a esperti per Sviluppatori Web Lo scopo di questo corso illustrare come installare, configurare ed essere produttivi su un ambiente LAMP.come installare un server linuxcome orientarsi nel filesystemcome lavorare con la linea di comandoGestione gruppi, utenti e permessiNetworkingRedhat package managerSSHEspressioni regolariInstallare ApacheInstallare NGnixcome installare e configurare PHPInstallare e configurare MySqlCron e crontabHttps e crittografiaBash scriptingInstallare e configurare nodejsInstallare docker e creare containersLAMP un acronimo che indica una piattaforma software per lo sviluppo di applicazioni web che prende il nome dalle iniziali dei componenti software con cui realizzata. I componenti di base, da cui prende il nome, sono:GNU/Linux: il sistema operativo;Apache e/o Nginx: il server web;MySQL o MariaDB, il database management system (o database server);PHP: il linguaggio di programmazione.La piattaforma una delle pi utilizzate a livello mondiale; Linux il sistema operativo ormai standard per quanto riguarda l'hosting; Apache o Nginx coprono pi del 50% delle installazioni attive dei webserver.Durante le lezioni verr illustrato:"
Price: 99.99

"Uber Analytics Test with real questions from exam" |
"This is the only class that has real test questions directly from Uber. Also, we have a video of the interview you will have when you pass the test.Our videos show a recording of student taking the real Uber analytics course with actual test questions and data sets.You will see 100% of the questions you will be asked."
Price: 34.99

"Master Discrete Mathematics: Logic" |
"Are you struggling with the basic mathematical skill you need as a computer scientist?Are you unhappy with your instructor's ability to teach the fundamental skills you need to do well in your math courses?Master Discrete Mathematics: Logicis perfect for you. I cover all of the important topics thoroughly at a university level with lecture videos, examples, additional problems, and sample exams withuniqueandchallengingquestions that will help you identify your weak points and master the material.Each video will coverallthe relevant information you need to know inunder 15 minutes. I will make thingssimple,but still tackle the tricky questions that might seem confusing.I encourage you to preview the example videos and problem set I have available for free below.You will succeed in Discrete Math."
Price: 39.99

"Model, Simulate and Control a Drone in MATLAB & SIMULINK" |
"One of the only comprehensive, detailed and approachable online courses taking you from themathematical modelling of a quadcopter drone toMATLAB/SIMULINK implementation and PIDcontrol design.Today, drones are everywhere, from ultra high tech military devices to toys for kids going through advanced flying cameras and much more. How do such ""apparently"" simple machines achieve such precise and impressive flights in varying unstable and unpredictable environmental conditions.This course gives you the opportunity to learn anddo the following: -Understand and harness the Physics behind a Quadcopter Drone.- Establish and approximate the Physics of DCmotors and propellers from experimental data.- Derive the mathematical equations behind the rotational and linear dynamics of a drone.- Implement them in engineering model in MATLAB & SIMULINK using blocks, MATLAB functions, etc.- Test and fit your model to relevant real life performance and inputs.- Implement, test and tune PID controllers adapted to your requirements in order to control the output of your system, in this case the altitude, position and attitude of your drone. I will thoroughly detail andwalk you througheach of these concepts and techniquesandexplain down to their fundamental principles, all concepts and subject-specific vocabulary. This course is theideal beginner,intermediate or advancedlearning platform for the mathematics behind engineering systems, the use of MATLAB and SIMULINK in engineering design and PID control. Whatever your background,whether you are a student, an engineer, a sci-fi addict, an amateur roboticist, a drone builder, acomputer scientist ora business orsports person,you will master the physics behind an electric car andlearnhow to implement and control them inSIMULINKbydesigning powerfulPID controllers that bridge the gap between humans and machines!If you have questions at any point of your progress along the course, do not hesitate to contact me,it will be my pleasureto answer you within 24 hours!If this sounds like it might interest you, for your personal growth, career or academic endeavours, I strongly encourage you to join! You won'tregret it!"
Price: 59.99

"Making Room" |
"Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of decluttering your house? Do you find yourself constantly trying to meet the expectations of others (and even yourself), but often failing? Wonder why you just can't seem to get rid of something that you don't even like or use? Do you struggle to understand what Freedom in Christ truly means for your everyday life and think that maybe there's more than just physical clutter holding you back?Through this course, together we will discover what Freedom in Christ really means - not just in the broadest theological sense but in a tangible and applicable sense. We'll go through the process of decluttering your home, one category at a time. Along the way, we'll confront the two primary reasons people hang on to stuff way too long. And by the end, we'll have gone from chaos to calm - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.You'll only need three things to get started: 1. A copy of the book Making Room for Jesus by Laura Baggett (available on Amazon). 2. Printable study questions (found inside various units of the course itself). 3. (Most important!) A desire to grow and learn.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Physics: Kinematics" |
"This course is on the topic of Kinematics.The course includes videos explaining the concepts and how to apply those concepts to the questions. There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.Master Kinematics through Problem SolvingMany students have lamented that they understood the concepts, but when it came to answering the questions, they did not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get, Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse Content Kinematics Equations and how to use themGraphingFalling Body Problems and Terminal VelocityA standard level difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedA challenging difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedA more advanced section on Kinematics in two dimensions including notes, examples and a worksheetConclusion explaining the importance of learning the topic, how it relates to the real world and key skills that you should take away from this course"
Price: 19.99

"Physics: Dynamics(Forces) + Mass, Weight & Density" |
"This course covers the Topic of Dynamics, and the Topic of Weight, Mass and Density.This course is for students in Secondary School taking Physics. There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.Master Dynamics (Forces) through Problem SolvingMany students are concerned that they can understand the concepts, but when it comes to answering the questions, they do not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get, Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse ContentNewton's LawsResultant ForcesFrictional ForcesNormal ForcesWeight, Mass and DensityExample ProblemsTwo worksheets on Dynamics with solutions explainedTwo worksheets on Weight, Mass and Density with solutions explainedAdvanced section on Vector ComponentsAdvanced section on Archimedes PrinciplePractice questions for Vector Components and Archimedes PrincipleA conclusion relating the topic to the real world and summarizing important skills you should take away from the course."
Price: 19.99

"Physics: Kinetic Model of Matter" |
"This course is on the topic of Kinetic Model of Matter and is for students taking Secondary School Physics. There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.Master Kinetic Model of Matter through Problem SolvingMany students have said that they understood the concepts, but when it came to answering the questions, they did not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get, Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse ContentStates of MatterMolecular Structure and MotionBrownian MotionPressure, Volume, Temperature RelationshipsExamplesA standard level difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedA challenging difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedA section on the Ideal Gas LawTwo Question sets on Ideal GassesConclusion going over key skills to take away from the course"
Price: 19.99

"O-Level Comb Sci Physics: Kinetic Model & Thermal Properties" |
"This course covers the O-Level Exam Topic of Kinetic Model of Matter, and the Topic of Thermal Properties of MatterThis course is for students taking O-Level Combined Science Physics (syllabus 5054,5057, 5129 or equivalent).There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.Master O-Level Kinetic Model of Matter and Thermal Properties of Matter through Problem SolvingMany students are concerned that they are able to understand the concepts, but when it comes to answering the questions, they do not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get, Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse ContentKinetic Model of Matter States of MatterMolecular Structure and MotionExamplesWorksheet U1.1 with solutions to all the questionsThermal Properties of MatterInternal EnergyBoiling and EvaporationHeat CapacityWorksheet U1.2 with solutions to all the questionsConclusionA conclusion relating the topic to the real world and summarizing important skills you should take away from the course.At the end of this course, you should be well prepared to ace your school tests on the Combined Science O-Level Exam topics of Kinetic Model of Matter and Thermal Properties of Matter !"
Price: 19.99

"Physics: Transfer of Thermal Energy" |
"This course is on the topic of Transfer of Thermal Energy and is for students in Secondary School taking Physics.There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.Master Transfer of Thermal Energy through Problem SolvingMany students have said that they understood the concepts, but when it came to answering the questions, they did not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get,Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse ContentConductionConvectionRadiationEvaporationExample ProblemsA standard level difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedA challenging difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedNotes and questions on Thermal Conductivity which includes some harder style questions.Conclusion going over key skills to take away from the course"
Price: 19.99

"Physics: Thermal Properties of Matter" |
"This course is on the topic of Thermal Properties of Matter and is for students in Upper Secondary School taking Physics. There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.MasterThermal Properties of Matter through Problem SolvingMany students have said that they understood the concepts, but when it came to answering the questions, they did not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get, Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse ContentInternal EnergyBoiling and EvaporationHeat CapacityHeat of Fusion and Heat of VaporizationExamplesA standard level difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedA more difficult worksheet with solutions explainedA section for advanced students: Introduction to Thermodynamics including notes and examplesConclusion going over key skills to take away from the course"
Price: 19.99

"Physics: Temperature" |
"This course is on the topic of Temperature and is for students in Secondary School takingPhysics. There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.Master Temperaturethrough Problem SolvingMany students have said that they understood the concepts, but when it came to answering the questions, they did not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get,Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse ContentPrinciple of ThermometryTypes of ThermometersSensitivity, Response Time and RangeExamplesA standard level difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedA challenging difficulty worksheet with solutions explainedConclusion going over key skills to take away from the course"
Price: 19.99

"Physics: Moments (Turning Effect of Forces)" |
"This course covers the Topic of Moments or the Turning Effect of Forces.This course is for students in Secondary School taking Physics. There are notes and worksheets to print out and the solutions to all the questions are explained in the videos.Master Moments through Problem SolvingMany students are concerned that they can understand the concepts, but when it comes to answering the questions, they do not know how to apply the concepts to the questions. This course is designed to be interactive, with lots and lots of problem solving, so you will get, Explanation of the important conceptsGuidance through the problem solving strategies for different kinds of questionsHelp with using the right words and phrases in written explanationsStrategies for solvingthe difficult questions from the topicCourse ContentThe Principle of MomentsEquilibriumStabilityExample ProblemsTwo worksheets on with solutions explainedA conclusion relating the topic to the real world"
Price: 19.99

"Physics Exam Practice: Newtonian Mechanics and Thermal" |
"This Course Contains three practice tests and at the end there is a practice paper for students to practice writing their definitions and Laws/Principles. This course is designed for students preparing for the Pure Physics O-Level and for Secondary 3 students preparing for their end of year exams.Please note that unlike my other courses, there is no topic review in this course. This is designed for students who already have a good understanding of the topics and are ready for exam practice. See my other course offerings for more extensive topic reviews and worksheet practice.The contents of this course includes the following,Practice Test 1: Newtonian Mechanics, covers the topics of Units and Measurement, Kinematics, Forces, Moments, Pressure, Work, Energy and Power.Practice Test 2: Thermal Physics, covers the topics of Kinetic Model of Matter, Transfer of Thermal Energy, Thermal Properties of Matter and Temperature.Practice Test 3 covers all of the above topics from Newtonian Mechanics and Thermal Physics.Practice Paper for Definitions and Laws/Principles, for you to practice all the important definitions from these sections. There are no video explanations but we do provide model answers in pdf format. Excellent to do shortly before the exam."
Price: 19.99

"Physics Exam Practice: Waves, Electricity, Electromagnetism" |
"This Course Contains three practice tests and at the end there is a practice paper for students to practice writing their definitions and Laws/Principles. This course is designed for students preparing for the Pure Physics O-Level or equivalent and for Secondary 4 students preparing for their end of year exams.Please note that unlike my other courses, there is no topic review in this course. This is designed for students who already have a good understanding of the topics and are ready for exam practice. See my other course offerings for more extensive topic reviews and worksheet practice.The contents of this course includes the following,Practice Test 4: covers the topics of General Wave Properties, Light, Sound and Electromagnetic Spectrum.Practice Test 5: covers the topicsof Static Electricity, Current Electricity, DC Circuits and Practical Electricity.Practice Test 6: covers the topicsof Magnetism, Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic InductionPractice Paper for Definitions and Laws/Principles, for you to practice all the important definitions from these sections. There are no video explanations but we do provide model answers in pdf format. Excellent to do shortly before the exam."
Price: 19.99

"Art School for Kids: Draw & Watercolor Paint 9 Cool Animals" |
"Have you been searching for fun painting projects for your child?Are you looking for an experienced art teacher to guide your child through the painting process?Are you seeking a healthy activity that has the potential to drive creativity and self-confidence in your child? **This course was updated in March, 2020 The Art School for Kids course may be just what you are looking for! Designed with beginners in mind, this course is perfect for children ages 7+. With a total of 9 unique drawing and watercolor painting projects, your child will learn the skills to create masterpieces of their own long after the course is complete.The teaching process used for the drawing portion of each project is a kid-tested, step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight your child into drawing action! This process involves organizing shapes and lines together until a recognizable outcome is achieved.After students complete the drawing portion of their project, they will move onto painting the project. Students will learn basic watercolor techniques and apply these techniques to complete their project. The Art School for Kids course is designed to give young children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection, and creative thinking.Supplies and materials needed for this course:watercolor paperwatercolor paintsacrylic paints (white)paintbrushespermanent marker (Sharpie marker works great)crayons or oil pastelspencil with eraserpaper towelssaltsmall paper platebowl of waterI would love to hear from you.Please let me know if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. I will get back to you ASAP.About the Instructor:My name is Miss Em and teaching art to children is what I love to do! I pride myself on creating dynamic, meaningful, and engaging art lessons that are taught in a relaxing and joyful way. I have over 20 years teaching experience in the elementary classroom and in the art studio, and I feel that I have a good grasp on how to create an environment that makes children feel happy, motivated, confident, and successful.I look forward to seeing both you and your child in this Art School for Kids course. Let the creative fun begin!"
Price: 24.99

": . C#" |
".C# GameManager, SoundManager , , , , . 3. . , . , , Func, Action,UnityAction, , , , , , . C# , . .C# , , , . ."
Price: 69.99

C# |
"1. C#2. GameManagerSoundManager3.3FuncActionUnityActionC#C#"
Price: 69.99

"Unity Practice : Diablo 3 Skill System Programming" |
"I have covered somewhat abstract subjects so far, now it is time to apply this knowledge to actual game programming.In work field, as Client game programmer, you are required to actually implements game design document and game designer's thought, game concept.So how to code actual game?At this lecture, with actual game example, famous Diablo3, I will actually code its skill system usage and UI.From the complete zero base, starting to make abstract class for diablo3's skill systems.In this course, you will learn,1. How to actually code Diablo3's skill usage system.Making abstract class, and making each specific skill class, skill list variable to access them all and set them all.2. How to make Diablo3's skill window UI (User Interface).From scratch, you will learn actual diablo3's skill window'sUI implementation.3. How to make Diablo3's key assignment system.So in diablo3, you can use skill by press 1~4 keys. And you can change skill and can assign different skill to those same keys. How to make it?4. Finally, how to use Coroutine from not inherited monobehaviour class?You will learn each skill's usage coroutine for make skill effect that is maintaining for a while.Let's see at class."
Price: 69.99

unity-practice-diablo-3-skill-system-programming-korean |
", , , .3 , . , . . , . .1. 3 . 3 . .2. 3 . , 3 .3. 3 . 3 1~4 , . 6 . . , 3 , , RPG, , . ."
Price: 69.99

Unity3(Diablo3) |
"3 1.332.333.33146 3RPG"
Price: 69.99

eventprogramming |
"Game of Dragons, Magic the gathering ,"
Price: 69.99

"Excel Avanzado Formulas y Funciones" |
"Excel cuenta con 14 categoras de funciones dentro de las cuales tenemos aproximadamente 400 funciones, en este curso te enseare las mas importantes con la ayuda de casos prcticos.Al ir aprendiendo en cada clase podr reducir el tiempo de sus labores, sus compaeros de oficina le preguntarn como usted realiza las mismas tareas que ellos en un menor tiempo.Aprenders de la mano de un experto, con casos prcticos las formulas y funciones fundamentales."
Price: 174.99
