"Be a Game Maker with GameMaker Studio 2" |
"This course helps students finish 2 games using the free version of GameMaker Studio 2!Students will learn how to add assets to a Game Maker project, write code for different game objects including enemies and bosses, and create beautiful visual effects. Getting started with Game Maker has never been this much fun!It will take roughly 10 hours to complete this course.Finishing your first game is a huge milestone. Many people never make it that far. This course is a fun and fast way to get you past that milestone and on to future projects.You don't have to worry about creating any of the graphics, sounds or music. You can jump right into Game Maker and start learning now."
Price: 119.99

"Scrivener 3 Essentials: From A-Z For Busy Writers" |
"Each short video tutorial: Shows the steps to do one specific task listed in alphabetical order, so that you can find what you need quickly. Has no narration, but short written instructions when needed. Repeats each task 2 to 3 times, so you can see it more than once if you need to without having to manually start it over again. * * *Scrivener 3 for Mac came out in November of 2017 and Scrivener 3 for Windows is in Beta and should be coming out in the near future. These videos apply to both the Scrivener 3 Mac and Windows versions unless otherwise indicated. Most of the videos were recorded in Scrivener 3 for Mac, but most everything is in the same place and the same icons are used in both. Occasionally, because of Mac and PC platform differences, a task has to be done slightly different in each, in that case both the Mac and PC version will be recorded separately. * * *GET A HEAD START ON SCRIVENER 3 FOR WINDOWS: If you have Scrivener for Windows, you may want to download the Scrivener 3 for Windows Beta version. It still has a few things missing and certain things aren't working exactly the way they will be, but most everything you are learning in this course is available in the Beta version. The link to the download will be included in the Bonus Section at the end of the class. * * *"
Price: 99.99

"Create an Inspiring Writing Environment in Scrivener" |
"Scrivener created Compose Mode as a ""Distraction Free"" writing area, but the default setup is not very inspiring. Scrivener 3's default is all dark background with pale white type for the purpose of reducing eye strain, but all it does is make it very unappealing, especially for creative types. Happily,ALLversions of Scrivener [Scrivener 2 & 3 for Mac and Scrivener for Windows] have options to change the screen background, the editor page background and the fonts to just about anything you want.In this course, I'll show you the various ways to set up your writing environment which works the best for you. You can use colors, textures and any other image in any combination. Be sure to download the appropriate cheat sheet for your version to see where to go to change the Appearance preferences."
Price: 49.99

"Create a Character Profile Template in Scrivener 3" |
"Important: This is an Intermediate Scrivener course. Although someone new to Scrivener can learn how to use Scrivener from this course, it assumes some basic knowledge of things like creating a Scrivener Project file, creating folders and files, navigating in a Scrivener project, etc.Save Time & Frustration Writing your Book by Easily Creating, Referencing & Tracking Character Information in ScrivenerThe Character Worksheets included in Scrivener's Novel Template are very basic and static--something that you could do in any Word Processing software; but with Scrivener's ability to break up into relevant chunks, reorganize, track, associate, and group into collections--character profile information can be so much more dynamic and useful.This course takes advantage of Scrivener 3's Bookmarks, Keywords, Labels, and Quick Reference Panels. Keywords and Labels apply to all versions of Scrivener including Scrivener for Windows. Quick Reference Panels are available in Scrivener 2 and 3 and Bookmarks is a new feature in Scrivener 3. Are you a Scrivener for Windows user and feeling left out?If you have Scrivener for Windows, download the Scrivener 3 for Windows Beta version. It still has a few things missing and certain things aren't working exactly the way they will be, but everything you are learning in this course is available in the Beta version. The link to the download will be included in the Bonus Section at the end of the class. THIS IS A WORKSHOPImportant to Apply to a real projectThis isnt a lecture course that you just watch through. It is important to apply it to a current, real writing project as you follow along in the course. I would encourage you to do all of the Assignments throughout the course and submit them for review by your fellow classmates. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the Q & A forum. "
Price: 99.99

"Actuarial Science For Non-Actuaries" |
"You probably have some insurance, in fact you probably have to, but how does it really work?Where do your premiums go? What does an insurer do with them? In this course we'll see how the prices paid for insurance become claim payments and add to the economy. From the pooling concept to reserves, expenses, landmark accounting standards, and annuities with their investments you'll learn the concepts from an industry insider with the small actuarial profession that deals with the finance of insurance."
Price: 19.99

"Steps in Writing: My Blueprint Strategy" |
"This course will take you through some basic steps and techniques in how to organize your thoughts and content before you begin to write. The same information I am sharing with you, I have used myself and have found it to be extremely helpful with my writing. This course will cover writing for beginners. It can also be used as a refresher course for those who are just getting back into writing. The first half of the course will be devoted to fiction. The second half will cover non-fiction."
Price: 24.99

"Debt Management, Credit Leverage, and Your Hustle" |
"This course could also be called: Correcting Financial Misinformation, Consumerism, and Your Hustle: Financial Literacy for UsMany financial trainers and consultants offer advice for individuals who have support from mom and dad. The advice of some financial advisers is oppressive to persons with low-income and those in poverty. This workshop provides a perspective on debt-management and wealth creation that considers the socio-economic environment of persons with low-income. The workshop will help participants maximize their benefit from surplus funds, increase their efficacy with large purchases, and expand hustle into entrepreneurial legacy.Learning ObjectivesManage money, including tax refunds. Practice techniques for major purchases. Utilize debt and credit as assets.Explore the prospect of turning a hustle into an entrepreneurial venture."
Price: 24.99

"Awareness and Prevention of Hypertension" |
"The goal of this course is to bring awareness of high blood pressure and share some practical steps that can be integrated into a lifestyle routine to prevent and help to decrease high blood pressure. The course begins with helping the student understand the basics of a blood pressure reading. It then discusses the dangers of hypertension, causes, and risk factors leading to hypertension. The course engages the student to learn about lifestyle choices and how they affect the blood pressure.Course Objectives:Define hypertension.Verbalize what the number represent in a blood pressure reading.Understand the risk factors that lead to hypertension.Explain the systolic and diastolic process that forms the blood pressure numbers.Discuss known illnesses that are related to hypertension.Describe lifestyle practices that may support a healthy blood pressure."
Price: 29.99

"Black History: UnMaking of a Slave Vol. 1 Series 1" |
"Volume 1 is an introduction to the ongoing legacy of slavery. As an institution, the practice is abhorrent. And, as a means of psychological bondage it persists as an evil. The text used for this volume is The Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of a Slavea letter written with the intention to provide the blueprint for the breaking of human will. It likened the treatment, breeding, and taming of Black men, women, and children to that of breaking wild horses. Beyond the horror experienced at the realization of how cruel one human can be to another, is the revelation of the human behavior truths presented in the text. Meant as a blueprint for the denigration of a people, the truths may be updated in the context of more recent science, reviewed in the context of the plight of Black Americans, and used to construct a way forward.The lessons are presented in a podcast style with minimal visuals. Volume 1 is presented in two separate training series. Series 1 is presented in this training. Series 1 housing Lessons 1,2, and 3 offers the foundation knowledge. Lesson 1 identifies the Willie Lynch plan. Lesson 2 presents the counterpoint to the Willie Lynch doctrine. Lesson 3 presents a reasoned and informed call to action to move beyond prejudice, racism, and racial discrimination."
Price: 19.99

"Black History: Behavioral Orbitals Vol. 1 Series 2" |
"Series 2 houses Lessons 4-7 a discussion of the psycho-social-educational mechanisms within institutions meant to keep a people oppressed. They are called orbitals. They have many names in social sciences. The challenge with institutionalized orbitals is that they are rarely questioned due to their inculcation within this history, tradition, and culture of the institution. To question the orbital construct is to question the institution.Orbitals are illusions that create norms, fallacies, or arguments that serve to counteract our natural instincts toward kindness, justice, and progress. We believe in and perpetuate these norms, fallacies, or arguments causing us to remain in the grips of an unnatural existence. Lesson 4 provides an overview of orbitals. Lesson 5 discusses grammatical orbitals. Lesson 6 discusses logical orbitals. Lesson 7 discusses rhetorical orbitals.Learning Objectives:Apply human behavior knowledge to at least contradict the patterns forged through intentional oppression over hundreds of years. Utilize behavioral models to reset our sense of language, self-expression, and collaboration toward more sustainable functioning for US-born American Blacks within the United States and the world.Define grammatical, logical, and rhetorical orbitals in the context of behavioral science.Identify examples of the orbitals and a process of awakening that includes self-esteem, purpose promotion, and capacity building."
Price: 19.99

"20 de capcane in antreprenoriat" |
"Salutare!Sunt Daniel si te invit sa urmaresti acest curs in care vei invata cum sa eviti 20 de capcane foarte subtile in care poti cadea. In cei peste 11 de ani de antreprenoriat ai mei am facut multe greseli. Unele m-au costat foarte foarte scump.Stii cum se spune:este mai ieftin sa inveti din greselile altora decat dintr-ale tale. Pentru o investite foarte mica, poti sa te salvezi de la multe probleme in care am intrat eu din cauza ca n-am avut aceste informatii inainte.Te invit sa urmaresti si alte cursuri de-ale mele. Am multe cursuri gratuite, pline de informatii valoroase.Iti doresc mult succesDaniel."
Price: 19.99

"How to double your productivity within 30 short days" |
"STOP!Don't take any course untill you see why this course is awsome and how it can transform your life.The lessons are very easy to understand and to put in practice.I've done this course after 11 years of entrepreneurship. I've made a lot of mistakes, I've made and lost lots of money, and Iunderstood that if I don't focus, I'm almost useless.My 11 years of experience is condensed in less than 40 minutes of pure practical content.So, let's get started, my friend,Thank youDaniel."
Price: 29.99

"Spring Boot and Java Development with IntelliJ IDEA" |
"This course will teach you how to use IntelliJ IDEA effectively with Java and Spring Boot projects. The course will start explaining the configuration of development environment and along the way, you will learn the benefits ofIntelliJ IDEA.*includes how to develop Spring Boot Applications with IntelliJ IDEA*understand how to add Spring Boot support*deploy jars files with Spring Boot*edit property files with Spring Boot and configure Spring applications without XMLAt the end of this course, you will learn tips and tricks and increase your productivity and become a better IntelliJ IDEA developer.Benefits of attending this course;Becoming an effective Javaand SpringDeveloper by learning new tricks and tips in IntelliJ IDEALearn how to develop Spring Boot applications with IntelliJIncreasing your coding speed and productivityLearning the benefits of using stable IntelliJ IDEALearning IntelliJ IDEA as an Eclipse IDE UserThe content of IntelliJ IDEA course;Installing IntelliJ IDEA with Java 8 JDKLearn how to use Maven with IntelliJ and add Maven support to Java projectsLearn how to run and debug Java modules in IntelliJLearn how to run JUnit tests with IntelliJ IDEAUnderstand how to integrate GitHub and version control with IntelliJLearn how to import and export Eclipse projects in IntelliJ IDEALearn how to install servers and run applicationsin IntelliJLearn how to integrate Spring and Spring Bootwith IntelliJ IDEALearn how to add Spring Bootsupport to IntelliJ projectsLearn how to use Spring Initializr with IntelliJLearn how to create Spring Boot application with IntelliJMore information about Spring Boot;Spring Boot favors convention over configuration so that you can develop application fasterSpring Boot makes developing Spring web application easierSpring Boot does not require XML based configurationSpring Boot has embedded Tomcat server support so that you can deploy and run applicationsSpring Boot applications can be deployed as jar files so you don't need to deploy it as war files.Spring Boot applications can be deployed as MicroservicesSo what are you waiting for? Enrol now and start learning Spring Boot and IntelliJ IDEA and I am sure that you will improve yourself...HD quality (full screen) recorded course contentand you will be able to see the source code clearly (HD format) if you attend thisudemycourse as a student.100% Money Back Guarantee, no question asked#Spring Boot#Java Development with IntelliJ IDEA#Spring Framework#Spring Actuator#Intellij IDEA"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Macros/VBA: Create 4 Real World Projects from Scratch" |
"Imagine if everything you had to do in Excel could be reduced to a click of a button. How much time would that save you in your workday? How much stress would disappear because now you dont have to dread completing your tedious Excel work? If youre reading this course description, I bet the answer is quite a bit.The entire purpose of my day job is to automate tedious work that people dont want to do. This increases the productivity of my company, which is very valuable. It allows us to continue growing without adding many more employees, which increases our profits. I use many tools to achieve automation, but Excel is one of the best because its simple to learn yet very powerful in application. My goal with this course is to enable you to increase your own productivity, just like I do for many people at my day job. I will use real world projects, some that I have had to deal with myself. You will see the process that I go through to figure out how to automate these tasks. It may be surprising, but I usually dont know how to accomplish an automation project from the get-go. It takes some planning and critical thinking for every project you take on. Thats why you should think of this course more as providing the tools for you to solve any problem, rather than an encyclopedia-like course that will give you a bunch of information. For those of you still reading, I hope you enjoy the course. I put a lot of work into creating the most useful course I could!"
Price: 49.99

"Build a Fully Automated Passive Income Online Store" |
"This course takes students with zero e-Commerce knowledgeand gives them the skills to set up a fully functioning merchandise shop on their domain of choice - ex. MyAwesomeProducts.com.Students will learn how to get web hosting, a domain name, and business email accounts. They will learn how to install WordPress and WooCommerce, and integrate their shop with Printful -which is a merchandise order fulfullment company.Students will learn how to set up their shop to be 100% automated, so they do not need to worry about processing orders, carrying inventory, picking, packing, or shipping.Students will be able to replicate this to make as many online shops as they desire for themselves, their clients, or others.Students will learn basic product design and web design skills as applicable to this WordPress + WooCommerce + Printful system."
Price: 194.99

PC! |
"! PC?PC(iPad)? ! !()(!)![]Ver.14 201712 ()Ver.15 201810 ()"
Price: 4800.00

business_model |
"BizDev(Business Development )SNS? ??1"
Price: 7800.00

outliner |
"!! PC?? : 2()()()122DynalistOSDynalist()Dynalist()()()"
Price: 4800.00

drawing-car |
"23 23() : : 323 ()"
Price: 4800.00

"Parenting and Emotional Bonding" |
"DescriptionAn understanding of the EMOTIONAL BONDING will take your parenting skills to a higher level, causing you to:Establish loving parental leadership in your home and remain a lovable parentHave an in-depth understanding of emotional bonding.Being able to open up communication and build a strong bond.Create an environment of peace rather than criticism and bickering.Resolve disagreements and conflicts constructively without power struggles.Develop children with an understanding of taking their responsibility for their feelings and actions.Is this course for you?This course is for Parents, Fostering Parents, Church leaders, Youth leaders, Children's Churches/Groups and Clubs, (of different ages from the unborn to teenagers) who need skills to build emotionally healthy children in their families and communities. Anyone who wants to raise successful, responsible children, is the best candidate, experienced or not experienced parents, careers or foster parentsWhat Will I Learn?Understanding the EMOTIONAL BONDING will take your parenting skills to a higher level causing you to:Establish loving parental leadership in your home and remain a lovable parent.Have an in-depth understanding of emotional bonding.Being able to open up communication and build strong bond.Create an environment of peace rather than criticism and bickering.Resolve disagreements and conflicts constructively without power struggles.Develop children with understanding of taking their responsibility for their feelings and actionsFAQWhen does the course start and finish?The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.How long do I have access to the course?How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.What if I am unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Photoshop From Scratch" |
"This course is for absolute beginners who want to get started using Adobe Photoshop to edit and improve photos, and to create their own designs.The course follows an optimized 2-partstructure:In part 1 - called ""Learn"" -youre going to learn all about the most used Photoshop tools and features. We will focus on most of the tools in the Tools Panel andlearn about each one individually.Well also tackle other important Photoshop features that will help us produce beautiful graphics.In part 2 - called ""Create"" -youwillstart creating your own visuals. Youll be able to follow along, download the assets Im using, and create your own personalized artwork. I will teach you how to achieve different visual outcomes by using and combining a variety of interesting Photoshop features. Were going to work with color adjustments, effects, typography, photography and layout, all in order to visualize our creative ideas.This is not a course that you take, watch and then throw away, because I will be updating it constantly. So from time to time, I will add more valuable content to this course. If there is a new tool or feature for example, I will add it to part 1, talk about it and teach you how to use it properly. Also, I will create additional projects, add them to part 2, and teach you how to create them from scratch.My name is Dayj and I am a professional graphic designerand the creator of 2-Minute Design, where I teach people design skills in 2-minute videos. I have years of experience using Photoshop to createcountless projects inadvertising, corporate identity, shopper marketing, web design and digital production.Go ahead and enrollin this course, ""Learn Photoshop From Scratch"", and then unleash your creativity!"
Price: 194.99

"The Amazon FBA Seller Beginner's Toolkit" |
"If you are a beginner in the Amazon FBA business model or you haven't started your business yet but you are looking to do so in the near future then this is the right course for you.During the launch of our first product with Amazon FBA we have discovered and used a set of tools, most of which are free or offer free trials, that helped us with our activity and made the process for us go faster and with more efficiency.In this course, you will discover these tools and you will find them organized in the different phases of your business:researchlistinglaunchThis is a course dedicated to those who are beginners or who are looking forward to launch their business in the near future so that you can take off much easier.I am looking forward to see you in the course and I wish you maximum success in your business!"
Price: 94.99

"How To Create Amazing Cinemagraphs with Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"The online marketing world is continously changing and things that worked 3 years agodon't seem to work now anymore.It's harder and harder to get the attention of your audience on Social Media, with theEmails that you sendor through the Banners that you have on your website.That's why you have to learn how to create and use CINEMAGRAPHS. These amazing graphics are your CHANCE TO GET YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMER'S ATTENTION!BIG BRANDS are already using them in their marketing campaigns and they see CONVERSIONS UP WITH 5 TIMES BIGGER!Netflix uses cinemagraphs to promote their TV shows and series, Calvin Klein to advertise their new collections and even Coca Cola uses them to keep their customers engaged!The problem is that for most entrepreneurs or marketers, creating a cinemagraph can seem a hard task. You either have to buy expensive softwares or to hire freelancers in order to be able to do it.THAT IS WHY I'VE CREATED THIS COURSE, to show you how you can easly create a cinemagraph by using Microsoft PowerPoint and FREE Videos that you can find online!So, if you want to learn how YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN CINEMAGRAPHS IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES just by using PowerPoint than join me in this course right now and let's get started!I've also prepared a SPECIALBONUS FOR YOU, a PDF report with the best sources of FREE VIDEOS that you can use for creating cinemagraphs!I am looking forwad to see you inside the course and I wish you maximum success!"
Price: 74.99

"Flipping Mastery - A Guide To Fiverr, Etsy And Ebay Success" |
"Making Money in Hours: With Almost 0 Work sounds like a joke doesnt itBut the truth is its a Reality when you do thisPlus if you listen very carefully to what Im about to reveal in the promo vide: You wont need a product, list, domains, website, experience or MONEY to do it!Its as simple as this1. Copy this listing from here []2. & then Paste it here [] for 4x the price You keep the profit everytimeUnique Unusual and 100% replicable! Simply Rinse, Repeat & ScaleYOU CAN NOW MAKE $100s a Week from someone elses product which you never have to touch, stock or ship and its all totally legalEver heard ofProfit Flipping?No well Profit Flipping is a tried and tested solution to passive income which involve ZERO Risk people have been using variants of this strategy to generate easy and consistent profits for yearsAnd the concept couldn't be easier: Buy low Sell highBut we've taken it to another level We've made it Copy n Paste simple and Ill explain how in just a minuteThis is borderline LAZYYou want to make as much money as possible for tiniest amount of work in the shortest period right?... Theres nothing wrong with that & believe me, youre not aloneSo how does 5 minutes sound?If Making Money Online Isnt working out the way you planned read thisThis course is new & it's designed for you:a CompleteDrop Dead Simple Formula which you can get started with today!Profit Flipping (Arbitrage)is a tried and tested formula for making money, even when its done the old wayAndthose in the know are already cashing in big time for very little work, heck, some of those guys have been doing it for yearsbut you probably already knew that maybe youre even doing it yourself?But when you plug our Profit Flipping formula into these two unique platformsWell...then you have an Explosive Solution!ANYONE CAN DO THIS, EVEN NEWBIES...Now anyone can producesuper-fast income streams in minutesand scale in hours Without CostWork-KnowhowYour Success Story Is Just Days Away...Our Formula is a different approach to arbitrage:we dont do what everyone else is doingInstead oru formula actually focuses on an unusual area and little known platform which has beenlargely overlooked and under-utilized.In a nutshell hardly anyone knows about thisBut those that do are making an absolute killingIf youve ever tried applying the arbitrage principle before youll undoubtedly know how powerful it isSuccessful marketers have been doing it for years and making a whole lot of money in the process from all kinds of productsBut not like this!You might think you already have Profit flipping (Arbitrage) figured outBut let me tell you youre probably wrong,becauseonly a very small number of people know about thisand are doing what were doing, the way we do it right nowNobody is utilizing the platforms the way we do but NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!So join us in the course right now and let' get started!PS:We offer you a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee so there is no risk involved for you whatsoever. Just give it a try and you will be surprised by the results!"
Price: 44.99

"Fiverr Business Success Blueprint: Step-By-Step Guide + Book" |
"THIS COURSE WAS CREATED BASED ON REAL LIFE RESULTS, ART'S RESULTS!FREE BONUS - ART'S 27 Pages Ebook FOR THIS METHOD!_______________________________________________________________________When you make your first $80 or $100 day online, you realize that this IS possible.You CAN makemoney online.And once you make $80 - $100 per day online, you can quickly start scaling that up to a quit the day job level of income.Thats why weve put this brand new training togetherYou can start getting results right awayIt doesnt require you to invest any money to get startedYou dont have to spam anyone or use some traffic loophole to do thisIts PROVEN and it will put $80 - $100 per day in your pocket with just a small amount of work each day (an hour or less most days, which is a very nice hourly wage)You can scale this over time and make more money if you wantIf youre tired of all of the hype and methods that promise everything and give you little to nothing in returnTHIS is for youHeres A Quick Preview OfWhat Youll Discover InsideHow to get started with this method today, even if youre a complete newbie and youve never made a penny online.How to quickly get your income to $80-$100 per day with less than 30 minutes of simple work daily this is seriously copy and paste easy.The steps you must take to have sales rolling in literally while you sleep Its an awesome feeling to wake up and know youve made money!The simple online software tool is revealed along with the steps needed to get the best results with this method.Why now is the time to get started and how to position yourself to make money with this simple method for months and even years into the future.How to multiply your results and scale your income up as big as you want with this simple methodHeres the bottom line.This method is easy.When you get this training, youll likely think to yourselfYeah, I can do this.I personally think this is one of the simplest ways to make money that Ive ever released, but dont just take my word for itenroll in the course right now and if you dont feel like what you have learnt will make you money you have a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE so there is NO RISK IVOLVEDFOR YOU whatsoever!"
Price: 44.99

"Video Marketing & Facebook Video Ads Mastery" |
"Hello and welcome to this course.You are probably here because you are looking for a way to scale your business and get more sales through video marketing and social media. Well you came to the right place.In the last year alone the stats are showing that Facebook gets over 8 billion video views every single day and it has the potential to get even more based on the accelerated rythm of growth of their user database.Social Media is the place where your audience hangs out right now and video is the channel through which you can get to them in the most efficient way possible. Again, stats are showing it that big brands and marketers are leveraging the power of video markeing in the social media enviroment to double or even triple their sales.Now most people do not use video marketing combined with social media and ads or do not use these concepts at all because they do not know how to create a high converting video for an ad fast, they do not know how to target their audience or how to launch a campaign.These problems are solved in this course because you are going to learn how to do all of these things in a step-by-step manner so that even if you have no experience at all you can still make it and become a real performer with video marketing and ads on social media.So here is what we are going to cover in this course:How to setup a Facebook Account For AdsHow The Ads Dashboard WorksHow To Use The Pixel Code And How To Install ItHow To Track And Split Test EasierHow To Create Targeted AudiencesHow To Do Niche ResearchHow To Setup Campaigns And AdsHow To Use RetargetingHow To Create A Video For AdsHow To Launch A Winning CampaignHow To Use Reports And Optimizationand much more...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 2,5 hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY!It's Time to take action!To Your Massive Online Success,Sorin Constantin"
Price: 144.99

"How To Build A Business On Fiverr By Selling Simple Services" |
"Have you ever bought an online course that promised to make you a lot of money in just a few days with little to no effort?Did you get the results that you were promised, or did you struggle?Unfortunately, a lot of the methods out there that promise BIG money for doing little to no work, just dont seem to work like they sayI know when I was starting out online a few years back, I wasted a lot of time and effort and a lot of money.All the courses that promise you that you will make 10.000$ from the first month with free traffic and 2 hours of work...well let's just say they don't work.I've realized that I have to take baby steps and find something that works first, something that can make me in the begining 15$ per day, than 50$ per day and than 100$ per day, and that is what I did.When you make your first $50 or $100 day online, you realize that this IS possible.You CAN make money online!And once you make$50 - $100 per day online, you can quickly start scaling that up to a quit the day job level of income.You can start getting results right away.It doesnt require you to invest any money to get startedYou dont have to spam anyone or use some traffic loophole to do this.Its PROVEN and it will put $50 - $100 per day in your pocket with just a small amount of work each day (Just 60 mins or less)You can scale this over time and make more money if you wantSo, in this class I will share with you the exact SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT METHOD that I've used to hit that 100$ per day mark very quickly.This course is not just a simple series of videos, it's a COMPLETE SUITE OF RESOURCES so that YOU CAN COPY-PASTE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS WITH THIS METHOD!The course includes a Step-By-Step Guide In PDF Format + VideoWalkthroughs so that you can understand exactly what you need to do.You also have some BONUSES over there that will help you to maximize your profits and understand some success case studies that you can emulate.Also, we are so sure that this training is going to help you, that we offer you a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, no questions asked!Now what are you still waiting for? Enroll right now and let's get started!"
Price: 44.99

"Facebook Traffic Hacking - How To Get Thousands Of Visitors" |
"If you're not using Facebook to generate traffic, you simply can't afford to ignore it any longer. The time has come to grow your online income beyond anything you've ever imagined.Do You Want To Finally See How Online Success Feels Like?Are You Confused With All The New Systems And Formulas?Tired Of Spending Countless Hours Online Without Seeing Any REAL Results?If So, I'm Here To Help!See How I Generate Laser Targeted Traffic In Any Niche From Facebook In MinutesLearn How To MONETIZE Your TrafficSit Back And Enjoy The Passive Income Stream You've Just CreatedWhy You Should Be Using Facebook Traffic?5 New People Join Facebook Every SecondWorldwide, There Are Over 1.35 Billion Monthly Active Facebook UsersFacebook Is Growing 14% Year Over YearImagine For A Second...Showing Your Offer To The Right People, Who Are Openly Sharing Their Likes, Dislikes, Needs And Wants,Getting Laser Targeted Visitors Who Can't Wait To Purchase, And Tell Their Friends To Buy Too,Using Free Traffic, Paying Pennies For Paid Traffic And Knowing How To 4x Your Conversions With Retargeting!Facebook Traffic Is All That And More.You don't realize it, right now you have the opportunity to make one of the most empowering decisions of your life.It can be the turning point for your online income.I Know That You Want What's Best For You And Your Online Income.But maybe you're overwhelmed by the sheer amount of different traffic courses that are coming out every single day you don't want to suffer from the ""Shiny Object Syndrome"" am I right?Such fears are understandable, but you're smart. That's why you're here.You already know you can't ignore Facebook Traffic, or continue to play small any longer.Your competitors are already smiling all the way to the bank.Maybe It's Time You Got In On The Action?Fortunately, I have a solution to help you gain momentum with Facebook Traffic right away with no stress or confusion.I've done all the hard work for you! Today you're getting step-by-step guidance, and I'm holding your hand through the entire process.If you want to finally start making money online, you need a focused direction and insight from someone who's been there and done it for other people JUST LIKE YOU.Here's What You'll Find Inside:4 Different Ways Of Generating Free FB Traffic,Strategies To Get Laser Targeted Traffic In Any Niche,How To Pay Pennies For High Quality Traffic,All About Retargeting The Most Powerful Conversion Boosting Method,And Much More!I Know What You're Thinking:""That Can't Work For Me!""You're wrong. If it worked for me, an ex-bartender with No Tech Knowledge or Online Experience, and it will work for you without a shadow of doubt.This course focuses on easy to implement traffic techniques and taking action.The modules are designed with the end goal in mind generating massive amounts of Laser Targeted visitors to your offers with Minimum Effort.Inside you'll see exactly how to apply the strategies in practice, even with limited time and no budget.BONUSES:Love Freebies? So Do I. Check Out This Extra BONUS I've Prepared For You!TheOutsourcing Cheat Sheet EbookI am so sure that this product is going to help you that we are offering you a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked.So, what do you have to lose? NOTHING, but you have EVERYTHING TOGAIN!Join us in the course right now and let's get started!"
Price: 89.99

"Youtube Traffic Generation - Getting Targeted Free Visitors" |
"Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world after Google and...the cool part is that it's a brand of Google, so once you are on Youtube you are on Google to.Many entrepreneurs still struggle to get rankings and free traffic from Google and that still works but...it's a titanic work to make it happen.The best way for any online business to scale, rank, get free targeted traffic and ride the wave of video marketing is Youtube.If you are not using Youtube yet to scale your business or build an income stream online than you are leaving a ton of money on the table...In this course you will learn, step-by-step, the simplest and most efficient tehnique to use Youtube as a free targeted traffic generation machine that will fuel your business with unlimited leads ready to buy from you!This course will not take you through 7 hours of mumbo jumbo theory that simply doesn't work and confuses you. You don't have to know evey single possible thing about Youtube to master traffic generation from it BUT you have to know WHAT ACTUALLY WORKS!So, join us in this course right now and let's get you started!WE ARE SO SURE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THIS COURSE THAT WE ARE OFFRING YOU A 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE NO QUESTIONS ASKED, SO THERE IS NO RISK INVOLVED FOR YOU WHATSOEVER!"
Price: 94.99

"The Facebook Traffic And Business Building Blueprint" |
"Are you tired of buying courses that talk about how ""easy"" it is to make money?Then, you get started with the method and realize that it's not quite as easy astheysaid it would be.Unfortunately, most of the methods out there areTime consumingBased on theoryUse short-term loopholes (that go away)Or, take WAY too much time to start making you moneySure, you might make a few bucks here or there, but it's hard to get anywhere with a ""hit or miss"" online incomeMost courses out there tell you how to do something But very few actually SHOW you everything and THAT IS WHY THIS COURSE IS DIFFERENT, because it shows you exactly what to do and has REAL LIFE CASE STUDIES!Here's What You Get InsideStep-By-Step Video TrainingYou get an in-depth look at this simple method. We show you exactly what this is all about and how to get the best results as quickly as possible. But it doesn't stop there Included in this A-Z course to $100 per day with 100% FREE traffic, you'll also get our""Over The Shoulder"" Case StudyWe don't just tell you how to do this we show you.The ""over the shoulder"" case study takes you by the hand, so you can follow along and ""copy and paste"" your way to hordes of FREE traffic and easy $100+ days (without the need for complicated product creation, technical skills, or even a budget start from ZERO and get BIg results with this ""no fail"" method)Why This Different Than Other Courses Out ThereMost courses give you an overview of a method, but very few take your hand and guide you to success We do.This method is simple.But, we've gone to the next level to make sure you see success by putting together a powerful, ""over the shoulder"" case study that gives you everything you need to profit like crazy.Not only does this show you every little detail of this method, but you'll get to see us actually making REAL money in our PayPal.So,Inside, You'll Discover...How to get started RIGHT NOW,even if you're a complete newbie with no ""tech skills"" if you can click your mouse and follow the simple steps inside, you can quickly get to $100 per dayHow to leverage the power of social media toget as much targeted traffic as you want for FREEThis has NOTHING to do with spamming your social media profiles, paid ads, or anything that's blackhat or against the rules This method shows you how to help people and get well for it!Forget about stressing over email opens you can do this andmake $100 per day without a listHow get paid handsomely to save people money on something they're already planning to buy...The best part is, it takes just a few minutes to do thisThe underground strategy that makes it easy to get targeted traffic anytime you wantWhyTHIS method is easier than everything else out thereANYONE can do this with no reputation, no experience, no email list, and no product It's easy to put thousands of dollars in your pocket with this simple, step-by-step strategyHow to scale this up way past $100 per day The cool thing about this method is that it builds upon itself and your income continues to increase day after dayYou can quit your job with this simple method!The crazy trick we use toget FREE solo adsto test new offers and make easy money in our PayPal accounts (This is revealed inside and it's not what you think)""Copy and paste"" what you'll discover in our case study to start making money within a day of getting startedPlus, a whole lot more!You also have a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE INCLUDED so there is no risk for you whatsoever, that's how much we trust that this course is going to help you.Now, what are you still waiting for? Join us right now and let's get started!"
Price: 94.99

"Astrologie Cu Minerva - Universul In Cativa Pasi" |
"De mai bine de 30 de ani omenirea ncearc s revin la practicile cunoaterii i teraputicii din TRECUT. Este de fapt vorba despre o imperioas nevoie a omului, de a se cunoate pe sine dar i pe cellalt, de a regsii vechile practici tradiionale care s i vindece nu doar Trupul ci i Sufletul. Un proverb al amerindienilor spune c atunci cnd steaua Cunoaterii va fi descoperit, vechile nvturi ale nelepilor din vechime vor reveni pe pmnt ca drum de acces spre CUNOATERE.Dac vrei s nvei astrologie ai nevoie de o ndrumare n acest sens. Nu spun c sunt cea mai bun ci c am nvat pe parcursul a 40 de ani, ce i cum s abordez un domeniu care la nceput mi-a fost interzis, apoi cnd am citit prima carte de astrologie la 15 ani, mi-am dat seama c aceast terra incognita fascineaz dar c trebuia s m cldesc poarta de acces i s ptrund prin propriul curaj i cu propria-mi minte acolo unde nu toi pot ajunge.Vei primi informaiile de care ai nevoie sau mai precis CHEIA de a trece dincolo de barierele necunoaterii. Le vei primi temeinic, ntr-o ordine scolastic pentru c astrologia numai aa se nva, prin fundamentare i prin practic.Acest curs reprezint o oportunitate prin simplul fapt c nu mai pierzi timpul s te deplasezi n diverse locaii ci primeti explicaile dorite acas la tine, cu mine ca dascl individual. i acolo unde vei avea nedumeriri vei putea pune ntrebri.Beneficii curs:Vei nva astrologie uor, prin intermediul cursurilor pe care i le-am pregtit!V propun iniierea, apoi discutarea i nelegerea modului n care universal acioneaz pentru fiecare dintre noi, iar, n final, testul ntr-ale astrologiei.Vei ptrunde n lumea fascinant a astrelor, dincolo de nebuloasa n care te afli!Vei cltori, cu viteza minii, n alte dimensiuni i n alte universuri i vei face cunotin cu tainele nebnuite ale acestora!Vei ti lucruri care acum nu se tiu dar care, atunci cnd le vei descifra, te vor ajuta s ptrunzi sufletul celor ce vin la tine s i cear ajutorul!Vei descoperi planete netiute, civilizaii demult apuse cnd vei ajunge la ele, dar att de vii n prezent, vei strbate misterioasele centuri de asteroizi!Vei trece pragul fiinei i vei cobor n strfundurile ei ca s poi nelege suferina celui de alturi!Vei dobndi treptat nelepciunea Cunoaterii ezoterice, dar ce este mai important vei nva s te cunoti pe tine!i nu n ultimul rnd, vei cunoate satisfacia drumului cldit cu pasiune!"
Price: 194.99
