"Create your first course in Articulate Storyline 3" |
"Articulate Storyline is one of the greatest eLearning authoring program for instructional designers. Articulate Storyline 3 gets a new interface and tools on how you implement interactive learning elements into content. Join me in this course as we cover the basics of getting started with Articulate Storyline 3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE FROM MY TRAINING CENTER AFTER COMPLETING THE COURSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ill walk you through the creation of a Storyline eLearning project, and well dive in on how to start a project from scratch or even add interactive elements. Well also cover how to accurately assess a learner's retention of the content by creating quizzes and a result page.Plus, Ill explain how to publish your course to the web so it can be viewed by anyone with a browser.Topics include:What constitutes good eLearning?Setting up global preferencesStarting a new project from scratchAdding animation, transitions, and images to a projectCreating and editing buttonsAdding background audioEnsuring accessibilityeLearning assessment basicsPublishing your project"
Price: 99.99

"Angular 4 Development Decoded" |
"If you are not familiar with Angular Frameworkand if you have question in your mind that-From Where i should start learning Angular 4 ?- Do i need to Choose JavaScript or TypeScript with Angular application ?- How can i learn Angular 4 as quickas possible?Then this Course is answer of these questions.I am dealing with AngularJSProjects and Providing training on this fromCouple of years and i know most students get confused with different terms of Angular and they need easy and cool way to understand some complex concepts. After great success of some angularJS courses on Udemy i decided to put this course on Angular 4 for my Students.This is just beginning as i will keep adding new videos on this because Angular 4 isEndless.It is perfect for those who has Knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS, Knowledge of object oriented programming is optional but will be helpful if you know."
Price: 19.99

"Learn SOLID principles with C#" |
"Are you afraid of complex terms which you face in interviews?Did you always get confused which understanding some design patterns ?Do you want to learn all this complex topics with ease?If your answer is yes then this course is only for you. This course is specially designed for those who started working in C# programming language but lacking some important concepts ofC# programming languageand wants to become master of that.Also if you have following questions which disturbs you a lot like-What is Design Patterns?-How can i answer design patterns questions in interview?- How Many design patterns are there and where can i use it?- How can i compare one design pattern with other so that i can use it in my project requirement?Then this Course is answer of these questions plus lot more.In my career i have given number of interviews and also conducted many interviews and i know that SOLID principles andDesign patterns arenightmares for the novice developers and even for the experienced people they struggle to understand about the actual architecture of the patterns and how to implement it in projects.This is the basic reason i am publishing this course on UDEMY. I am sure my students will like this course and this course will be helpful for them for their professional career."
Price: 19.99

"Learn ASP.NET Core Step By Step" |
"Are you a developer working on Dot Net framework?Are you willing to learn new Dot Net Core framework with Ease?Are you willing to upgrade you existing application to MVC 6?If answer of above questions are yes then this course is for you.In my 13 years of experience of working as a corporate trainer I have understood that what most developers are looking for when they want to learn any new technology, and that's why in my all of the courses i focus on two main things,First : All my student learn with minimum investment of Time and CostSecond : Whatever students learn they should be able to do same code after learning from online course with hands-on practice.This course of Dot Net Core will give you easy and straight to the point understanding of the latest Dot Net Core framework and I am sure all the students will love the journey they will go through."
Price: 19.99

"Pre Calculus, Calculus and Trigonometry" |
"Welcome to this course. In this course you will learn Pre Calculus, Calculus and Trigonometry.Pre Calculus, Calculus and Trigonometry are all important topics of math. ""Calculus"" isthemathematics of changeand because everything in the world is changing, calculus helps us track those changes.It isused in many majorfields of modern era like Computer Science,Game Designing, Animation, Mathematical Researches,Statistics &Probability,etc. ""Trigonometry"" deals with the measurement of sides andangles oftriangles and is used many fields includingVideo Game Designing,Constructions,Flight Engineering,Satellite Navigation System, Oceanography, Astronomy, etc. Knowledge of ""Pre Calculus"" helps usto understand Calculus better and is good to learn before learning Calculus.You will learn the following concepts in this course: UnderstandFUNCTIONS, learn to Recognize Functions (including the vertical line test)and cite examples thereof; (Pre Calculus)Understand the Domain and Range of a function andlearn tofind them fora givenfunction;(Pre Calculus)Understand the Average Rate of Change of a function, learn tofind the Average Rate of Change of a function and solve problems based on them;(Pre Calculus)Learn about Even and Odd Functions and cite examples thereof;(Pre Calculus)Learn to determine if a given function is Even, Odd, or neither;(Pre Calculus)Learn about Composition of Functions(composite functions), learn tofind the Composition of Two Functions and solve problems based on them;(Pre Calculus)Learn about the Inverse Function, learn tofindthe Inverse of any givenFunction;(Pre Calculus)Understand the Absolute and Relative Maxima and Minima of a Function, learn to Find the Absolute and Relative Maxima and Minima of a givenfunctionfrom graphs; (Pre Calculus)Understand TRIGONOMETRY, understandTriangles, the Types of Triangles, and cite examples thereof; (Trigonometry)Learn the Properties of Triangles and solve problems based on them;(Trigonometry)Understand Pythagoras Theorem, and use it to solve right triangles;(Trigonometry)Learn Trigonometric Functions sin, cos, tan and find them for any given right triangle;(Trigonometry)Learn Trigonometric Functions cosec, sec, cot and find them for any given right triangle;(Trigonometry)Learn aboutthe Trigonometric Functions of Standard Angles of Trigonometry (namely 0 degree, 30 degree, 45 degree, 60 degree and 90 degree);(Trigonometry)Understand Complementary angles, Learn to findFind the Complementary Angle of any given angle;(Trigonometry)Master all the Trigonometric Identities namely,Complementary Angle Identities, Pythagorean Identities, Sum and Difference of Angles Formulas, Negative Angle Identities, Sum to Product Formulas, Product to Sum Formulas, and apply these Trigonometric Identities in solving problems;(Trigonometry)Learn to Find the Trigonometric Function values of Non-Standard Angles (like that of 75 degree, 22.5 degree, etc.) using Trigonometric Identities;(Trigonometry)Understand Laws of Sines and Cosines and use them to Find the Unknown Sides and Angles of a given Triangle;Learn about Similar Triangles;(Trigonometry)Understand the Conditions for Similarity of Two Triangles;(Trigonometry)Learn to Prove the Similarity of Given Triangles;(Trigonometry)Learn the Properties of Similar Triangles and solve problems to Find Unknown Sides and Angles of Similar Triangles; (Trigonometry)Understand the concept ofLIMITof a Function, learn to Find the Limit of a function using graphs; (Calculus)Understand One-Sided Limits (left hand and right hand limits, learn to Find One-Sided Limits from graphs and solve problems based on them;(Calculus)Understand the CONTINUITY of a function, learn to Find the Continuity of a given function from graphs and solve problems based on them;(Calculus)Detailed understand of DERIVATIVES;(Calculus) Learn about the Standard Derivative Formula (the first principle) and use itfor finding the derivatives;(Calculus)Learn the Different Derivative rules such as Derivative of a Constant, Multiplication by Constant, Power Rule, Sum Rule, Difference Rule, Product Rule, Quotient Rule, Reciprocal Rule and the importantChain rule;(Calculus)Learn to Find the Derivatives of functions using the Different Derivative Rules (with lots of examples on the same);(Calculus) Learn to Find Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions (a.k.aTrigonometric Derivatives) (with lots of practice examples);(Calculus) Learn to Find Derivatives of Exponential Functions (a.k.a Exponential Derivatives) (with lots of practice examples);(Calculus)Learn to Find Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions (a.k.a. Logarithmic Derivatives) (with lots of practice examples);(Calculus)Overall, after completing this course,you will have a very clear understanding of the topics of Pre Calculus, Calculus and Trigonometry covered in this course, with sound ability to solve problems."
Price: 199.99

"Master Discrete Mathematics-Set Theory, Relations & More" |
"Welcome to this course on Discrete Math. In this course you will learn Set Theory, Relations, Functions and Mathematical Induction. Discrete Math is the real world mathematics. It is the mathematics of computing. The mathematics of modern computer science is built almost entirely on Discrete Math. This means that in order to learn the fundamental algorithms used by computer programmers, students must have a solid background in Discrete Math. At most of the universities, a undergraduate-level course in discrete mathematics is a required part of pursuing a computer science degree.""Set Theory, Relations and Functions"" form an integral part of Discrete Math. They are the fundamental building blocks of Discrete Math and are highly significant in today's world. Nearly all areas of research be it Mathematics, Computer Science, Actuarial Science, Data Science, or even Engineering use Set Theory in one way or the other. Set Theory is now-a-days considered to be the base from where all the other branches of mathematics are derived.""Mathematical Induction"", on the other hand, is very important for the Computer Program/Algorithm Correctness Proofs used in Computer Science. Correctness Proofs are very important for Computer Science. Usually coders have to write a program code and then a correctness proof to prove the validity that the program will run fine for all cases, and Mathematical Induction plays a important role there. Mathematical Induction is also an indispensable tool for Mathematicians. Mathematicians use induction to conclude the truthfulness of infinitely many Mathematical Statements and Algorithms.This course is a perfect course to understand Set Theory, Relations, Functions and Mathematical Induction and learn to solve problems based on them. After completing this discrete math course, you will be able to:define a SET and represent the same in different forms; (Set Theory)define different types of sets such as, finite and infinite sets, empty set, singleton set, equivalent sets, equal sets, sub sets, proper subsets, supersets, give examples of each kind of set, and solve problems based on them; (Set Theory)define union and intersection of two sets, and solve problems based on them; (Set Theory)define universal set, complement of a set, difference between two sets, and solve problems based on them; (Set Theory)define Cartesian product of two sets, and solve problems based on them; (Set Theory)represent union and intersection of two sets, universal sets, complement of a set, difference between two sets by Venn Diagram; (Set Theory)solve problems based on Venn Diagram; (Set Theory)define RELATION and quote examples of relations; (Relations)find the domain and range of a relation; (Relations)represent relations diagrammatically; (Relations)define different types of relations such as, empty relation, universal relation, identity relation, inverse relation, reflexive relation, symmetric relation, transitive relation, equivalence relation, and solve problems based on them; (Relations)define FUNCTION and give examples of functions; (Functions)find the domain, codomain and range of a function; (Functions)define the different types of functions such as injective function (one-to-one function), surjective function (onto function), bijective function, give examples of each kind of function, and solve problems based on them; (Functions)define and give examples of even and odd functions; (Functions)figure out if any given function is even, odd, or neither from graphs as well as equations; (Functions)define composition of two functions; (Functions)find the composition of functions; (Functions)define the inverse of a function; (Functions)find the inverse of any given function; (Functions)find the domain and range of the inverse function; (Functions)define The Principle of DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION and use it for Proving Mathematical Statements; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction for ""Proving the Sum of an Arithmetic Progression""; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction for ""Proving the Sum of squares of first n natural numbers""; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction in ""Proving the Divisibility""; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction in ""Proving the Inequality""; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction for ""Proving the Sum of a Geometric Progression""; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction in a ""Brain Teasing Real World Problem""; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction for ""Proving a result from Geometry""; (Mathematical Induction)Mathematical Induction in ""The Towers of Hanoi""; (Mathematical Induction) andLearn to use Mathematical Induction to do Computer Program/Algorithm Correctness proofs. (Mathematical Induction)We recommend this course to you if you are Math or Computer Science student, or are a working IT professional. After completing this discrete math course, you will find yourself more confident on Set Theory, Relations, Functions and Mathematical Induction, and will be clear with various terms and concepts associated with them."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Twitter Marketing Bootcamp" |
"Imagine this..You are growing your Twitter account with the relevant followers. (no bots)You are developing engaging relationships with your followers.You are generating consistent leads from Twitter. (emails and future customers)How awesome would that be? How much would your business grow if you can create ASYSTEMto get leads from Twitter?That's exactly what you will learn in this course. People fail on Twitter because they Tweet without a proper system and strategy. I will show you (with real life case studies) how to do it the right way.Here are the specific topics (sections) covered inside.How to create a powerful Twitter marketing plan in less than 20minHow to create a daily Tweet schedule based on your planHow to attract the RIGHTtype of followers on TwitterHow to build engaging relations and generate business leads from TwitterGrowth hacks I use to get results fasterHow to use Twitter ads (Hands on demo)As with all of my courses, thiscoursewill receive regular updates based on student feedback and new strategies that I implement and test.I dopride myself in answering all questions in the course discussion forum so you are in good hands.ENROLLNOW and let's take your Twitter marketing to the next level."
Price: 199.99

"Social Media Marketing Hacks For Business" |
"Social media channels are slowly becoming pay to play. It's so hard to get fast results without spending a lot of money. BUT, Imagine thisYou grow your Facebook business page without AdsYou find business leads and prospects without running AdsFind anyone's email address so you can reach out to themIncrease Instagram and Twitterengagement like crazyTHISCOURSECOVERSALLOFTHESEand many more simple and effective social mediahacks.There are no ""Black Hat Strategies"" in this course. To me,Social Media Hacks = Simple tasks that can produce big results.I am going to share (live demo)hacks on several marketing platform like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.There are also some case studies included. You will see how I have used these hacks for myself and clients.Like always, this course comes with a 30day money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose.ENROLLNOW! and let's crush social media together."
Price: 94.99

"Instagram Ads For Beginners: Hands On Training" |
"What if you could use Instagram Ads toDrive traffic to your website or blogGenerate email leadsSell your product and servicesThat's exactly what you will learn in this course.Instagram has over 600 million users and only 1 million advertisers. This number is still very low compared to Facebook's 5 million advertisers.This course will help your master Instagram Ads and you will create your first Ad campaign.We all know the importance of Instagram marketing.After taking this course you will masterthe process of creating Instagram Ads and get ahead of your competition. Here are the topics covered insideWhy Instagram Ads are so importantWhy people FAILwith Instagram Ads and a downloadableplanning worksheetUse Facebook Ads manager to create Instagram AdsUse Facebook power editorto create Instagram AdsUse Instagram mobile app to launch your Instagram AdsDifferent tools you can use to create amazing visuals(FREEBIE)- Get myhandmade Instagram images for FREEThis course is NOT just theory. It's full of hands on demos and training. I will show youmystep by step process to createInstagram Ads.People who mastered Facebook Ads are way ahead of their competition. Don't wait and start learning the Instagram marketing for business esp. Instagram Ads.This course also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. So there is no risk at all.ENROLLNOW and I will see you on the inside."
Price: 149.99

"Become A Freelance Social Media Manager - Home Business" |
"I started myFreelance social media businessa couple of years ago. It was the best decision of my life and now I havecreated this course to help YOU start your ownbusiness.Are you looking for a business that pays well andthat you can startfrom home? This course is for you!Becoming a social media manager or consultant is abusiness that can help you break away from boring9-5.Social Media management is one of the fastest growing industry and your services are in demand.Many brands and small medium businessesare looking to outsourcetheir social media marketing.Here are the specific topics covered inside this courseHow to create a 1-page business plan (Free Template included)Craft amazing client proposals (Free Template)Create client input form, social media audits and content calendars (Free Templates)How to find clients online and offline (Using Facebook, Twitter, Meetups, LinkedIn etc)How to price your Freelance servicesHow to deliver your services and ""WOW"" the clientsWhat tools you need tobe more productiveMonthly reports and productivity systems (Free Templates)I still use these strategies to grow my personal brand and business (iSocialYou).Therefore, the information in this courseis tested and reliable.You will findthe tools to help you find new clients, craft amazing proposals, and all the things you need to manage and grow your own business.Iwould love to have you inside this course.ENROLLNOW and let's start this journey together.Note - This course does not cover the INs and OUTs of social media platforms (e.g. FB ads, Instagram marketing). This class covers the business side of social media consulting business. How to find clients, serve them and grow your home based business."
Price: 199.99

"LinkedIn Marketing - Build A Brand and Generate Leads" |
"Are you not able to get business leads and sales from LinkedIn?Do you everfeel thatyou not attracting the right type of LinkedIn connections?Do you ever wonder why LinkedIn works for othersbut not for you?THENTHISISTHERIGHTCOURSEFORYOU!!!!Whether you're just getting started on LinkedIn, or you've been on LinkedIn for several years, you will learn some new strategies to get more business leads from LinkedIn with this course.I have personally experienced the power of LinkedIn and have generated 100s of business inquiries and leads from this platform. You will see some examples in this course.Here are the topics covered inside this LinkedIn marketing course.How to create an OPTIMIZEDLinkedIn profileWhat type of cover images and headlines you need to use (examples inside)How to build a brand and become an expertHow to generate business leads from LinkedInCreate a LinkedIn marketingsystem (ABC) that works when you sleepBonuses - Free templates, scripts and cheat sheetsThis course does come with a 30day money back guarantee so you have nothing to worry about.ENROLLRIGHTNOW!!!I'm excited to share my knowledge with you and lead you on the path to success on LinkedIn."
Price: 174.99

"Snapchat Ads 101 - Build 4 Marketing Ad Campaigns" |
"Is yourAdvertising coston Google and Facebook getting HIGH?Are you sick of paying too much to get leads and sales?Snapchat has a solution for you.Now you can create Snap Ads using the self-serve Snapchat ads manager. It's super simple and anyone can do it.In this course I will help you build 4 different marketing campaigns on Snapchat. Here are topics covered insideWhy should we care about Snap Ads? (You will be surprised how loyal and engaged the audience is)How to create Snap Ads even if you are not aPRO designer.How to get started inside Snapchat business manager and ads managerHow to build different marketing campaignsHow to target your existing customers on SnapchatPeople who started using Facebook and Instagram Ads early are WINNINGnow.The same opportunity is now on Snapchat.Go create some simple Ad campaigns and see how it works for your business.This course comes with 30 day money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose.ENROLLNOW and let's do it together!"
Price: 154.99

"LinkedIn Marketing For Content Creator And Storytellers" |
"Welcome to The LinkedIn Marketing - Dominate With Your Content Course!Do you want to know how some business owners attract millions of fans on LinkedIn?Do you want to know how they build their personal brand and business?The secret lies in the content. And that's exactly what you will learn inside this course.This course will teach you how to become an awesome LinkedIn Content Creator :)Who is this course for?This course is for anyone who would like to learn how to win at LinkedIn.It covers some of the profile basics right through to more advanced LinkedIn strategies with a focus on content and storytelling to captivate your reader (and attract your ideal client).It is not a growth hacking course and does not have tips for connecting with people in bulk or scraping email addresses. The course focuses on organic reach via the content you produce.How does the course work?Each section covers a different aspect of LinkedIn.At the end of each section, you will also be set some tasks to do at your own pace.(Make sure to download the worksheets)There is no mandatory requirement for you to complete any of the tasks or exercises in this course, but they have been designed especially for you to learn, so the more you do, the more you will get out of it.QuestionsThroughout the course do feel free to ask questions. We are always here for you. Let's get started. :-)"
Price: 99.99

"Instagram Ads 2019 Masterclass" |
"We all know that the cost of advertising on Google and Facebook has gone up. Those markets are very crowded and saturated. But there is a new opportunity and a new platform to run Ads on. It's the..Instagram AdsYou can run Ads on Instagram feed and also on Instagram stories (IGTV coming soon as well)As business owners we need to drive traffic with minimum cost. Right? That's how we create sustainable and profitable business. This course will teach you all the INs and OUTs when it comes to advertising on Instagram.You will learn how to create amazing copy and graphics.Here are some of the key topics covered insideHow to create Instagram Ads from desktop & mobile What Ad objectives to choose based on your goalsHow to drive conversions and measure ROIHow to write compelling copy for your Instagram AdsHow to create an eye catching image for AdsA/B Testing Ads and some advance hacks to grow your business on InstagramBTW if you are a freelance marketer or an agency owner, you can sell this as a service.Many business owners are looking for help to run their Ads.They have the budget but not someone knowledgeable to create and manage Ads.Excited?Let's crush Instagram Ads together.ENROLLNOW and we will see you on the inside!"
Price: 149.99

"Curso de Guitarra desde cero a profesional (Nivel 2)" |
"Mas de 1500 alumnos y cientos de testimonios junto con 10 aos de experiencia en la enseanza online ratifican el gran xito de esta afamado curso. Un super curso diseado a lo largo de 10 aos con un alto nivel de detalle, pedagoga, didctica, y grabado en alta definicin. Con la realimentacion y arreglos frutos de la experiencia y calidad de cursos pasados. Enfocado en aprender la guitarra desde cero hasta un nivel profesional y as encaminar al estudiante en un estudio posterior y avanzado en estilos como guitarra clsica, jazz, fingerstyle, blues, pop avanzado, rock avanzado, etc."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Guitarra desde cero a profesional (Nivel 3)" |
"Mas de 1500 alumnos y cientos de testimonios junto con 10 aos de experiencia en la enseanza online ratifican el gran xito de esta afamado curso. Un super curso diseado a lo largo de 10 aos con un alto nivel de detalle, pedagoga, didctica, y grabado en alta definicin. Con la realimentacion y arreglos frutos de la experiencia y calidad de cursos pasados. Enfocado en aprender la guitarra desde cero hasta un nivel profesional y as encaminar al estudiante en un estudio posterior y avanzado en estilos como guitarra clsica, jazz, fingerstyle, blues, pop avanzado, rock avanzado, etc."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende a Leer Partituras - Cualquier Instrumento (Nivel 1)" |
"Soy testigo fiel de que aprender a leer y escribir msica es un paso fundamental en el avance musical, es vital, importante y obligatorio que un msico que quiera llegar a un nivel alto deber no solo aprender a leer sino tambin a escribir msica con los pentgramas. Algunas personas obvian esto diciendo que ha habido grandes msicos en la historia que no sabian leer partituras, esto puede ser cierto pero yo soy testigo fiel por experiencia propia que leer msica te llevara a otro nivel, por que lo viv en carne propia(Yo prefiero nombrar algunos grandes musicos que si sabian leer y escribir musica Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven... etc _ ! ). Esto es como si un cientfico no supiera leer, te imagina cuantos libros sobre ciencia dejara de conocer y aprender? Ya es hora de avanzar realmente en la msica, con este curso pasaras a otro nivel. Este Curso es para avanzar a otro nivel en la msica, un nivel mas all del principiante, en este curso aprenders a leer partituras para los instrumentos armnicos o meldicos, tambin aprenders teora musical lo que te dar un gran empujn para avanzar a otro nivel musical en el cual construirs tu propia manera de aprender y ejecutar msica o crear tu propio estilo musical."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende a Leer Partituras Cualquier Instrumento (Nivel 2)" |
"Soy testigo fiel de que aprender a leer y escribir msica es un paso fundamental en el avance musical, es vital, importante y obligatorio que un msico que quiera llegar a un nivel alto deber no solo aprender a leer sino tambin a escribir msica con los pentgramas. Algunas personas obvian esto diciendo que ha habido grandes msicos en la historia que no sabian leer partituras, esto puede ser cierto pero yo soy testigo fiel por experiencia propia que leer msica te llevara a otro nivel, por que lo viv en carne propia(Yo prefiero nombrar algunos grandes musicos que si sabian leer y escribir musica Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven... etc _ ! ). Esto es como si un cientfico no supiera leer, te imagina cuantos libros sobre ciencia dejara de conocer y aprender? Ya es hora de avanzar realmente en la msica, con este curso pasaras a otro nivel. Este Curso es para avanzar a otro nivel en la msica, un nivel mas all del principiante, en este curso aprenders a leer partituras para los instrumentos armnicos o meldicos, tambin aprenders teora musical lo que te dar un gran empujn para avanzar a otro nivel musical en el cual construirs tu propia manera de aprender y ejecutar msica o crear tu propio estilo musical."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Guitarra desde cero a profesional (Nivel 4)" |
"Mas de 1500 alumnos y cientos de testimonios junto con 10 aos de experiencia en la enseanza online ratifican el gran xito de esta afamado curso. Un super curso diseado a lo largo de 10 aos con un alto nivel de detalle, pedagoga, didctica, y grabado en alta definicin. Con la realimentacion y arreglos frutos de la experiencia y calidad de cursos pasados. Enfocado en aprender la guitarra desde cero hasta un nivel profesional y as encaminar al estudiante en un estudio posterior y avanzado en estilos como guitarra clsica, jazz, fingerstyle, blues, pop avanzado, rock avanzado, etc."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Guitarra desde cero a profesional (Nivel 5)" |
"Mas de 1500 alumnos y cientos de testimonios junto con 10 aos de experiencia en la enseanza online ratifican el gran xito de esta afamado curso. Un super curso diseado a lo largo de 10 aos con un alto nivel de detalle, pedagoga, didctica, y grabado en alta definicin. Con la realimentacion y arreglos frutos de la experiencia y calidad de cursos pasados. Enfocado en aprender la guitarra desde cero hasta un nivel profesional y as encaminar al estudiante en un estudio posterior y avanzado en estilos como guitarra clsica, jazz, fingerstyle, blues, pop avanzado, rock avanzado, etc."
Price: 39.99

"Apresentaes de Alto Impacto e Prezi Next" |
"A cincia comprova que o uso do ZOOM e de metforas visuais aumenta muito o entendimento e memorizao do contedo. OPrezi NEXT umaferramenta essencial para transformar o que seria uma simples apresentao em um momento inesquecvel.Neste curso, voc vai aprender como usar o Prezi NEXT de forma eficaz atravs de aulas prticas e dinmicas.Tambm aprender como planejar uma boa apresentao e elaborar um roteiro eficaz.Se voc quer se destacar na sua carreira, ser um palestrante inovador ou ministrar aulas incrveis, participe!"
Price: 144.99

"A Brief Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery" |
"A Brief Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans is a course that all employees and especially business owners will benefit from. This coursediscusses these two plans and the contents of each document. This course will first talk about risks, threats, and incidents. From there we will take a look at risk assessment and business impact analysis. With those topics covered, we will have the foundation to discuss business continuity plans (BCP) and disaster recovery plans (DRP).A BCP and a DRP have the potential to save your business. You hope disaster doesn't strike but when it does you need to be prepared. Everyone is always reactive to a disaster but this course is your chance to be proactive!"
Price: 19.99

"Entrepreneurship Lessons That Will Change How You Think" |
"Welcome to an online course that serves as an introductory course to the world of entrepreneurship. This packed curriculum will provide students a holistic perspective on the principals of successfully starting and running a business. The course emphasizes the mindset and self-understanding critical to any entrepreneurial endeavor, and the practical process of actually founding a business.Unlike many course on the subject, Entrepreneurship: Start the Startup is taught by those living in the trenches of entrepreneurship. Steve Boerner and David Gritz, Founders of Hatch House Ventures co-teach the course and bring years of experience and lessons from past failures and successes. Hatch House Ventures a growing network of startup accelerators in partnership with higher education entrepreneurship programs.The philosophy of the course revolves around practical application of the skills and processes discussed. With a youthful and high-energy twist on traditional introductory course content, the curriculum includes requirements calling for student application of critical skills and activities that guide students through both theory AND application."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Autocad Electrical from scratch in 30 days" |
"Autocad Electrical is a powerful design and drafting software allfor Electrical Engineering Students, Instructors, Engineers, Designers and Drafters who want to have a hands on experience with Autocad ElectricalSoftware in order to create their own projects from scratch.After taking this course, studentsare expected tobe able to start creating their project schematics in Autocad Electrical.Having Autocad Electrical Skills mentioned in your resume would boost up chances of getting a good position whether as a designer drafter or engineer."
Price: 44.99

"Criminology: The Study of Doughnuts" |
"Criminology has many meanings but at its widest and most commonly accepted it is taken to be the study of crime, criminals and criminal justice.There are many different approaches to criminology and the subject itself has been shaped by many different academic disciplines. This course focuses on sociology and criminology. It outlines the distinctiveness of a sociological approach to crime and suggests how this differs from other approaches.Awesome in a box.CAUTION: Awesomeness level may exceed standard levels. Viewer discretion is advised."
Price: 19.99

"Occultism Level 4: The Zodiac" |
"This is an advanced course. A prerequisite is the course ""Occultism Level 3"". The word ""occult"" means that which is hidden. Occultism, consequently, is the science of hidden forces, and the art of subjecting such forces to human control. Here we will consider the data upon which occultism rests.The word carries with it an air of mystery, it is true; but all forces are mysterious to those who have not studied them; and what is mysterious to the ignorant is obvious to the learned. Yet in all nature, nothing can come permanently under this ban; for all mysteries may be solved. Thus the simplest conveniences of modern civilization are mysterious to the untutored savage. He is wont to attribute their power to some supernatural agency. But there is nothing supernaturalnothing, that is, not governed by natural laws. In Level 4 we will explore: The Two Keys, The Zodiac, Description of Each Astrological Sign, Departments of Life Ruled by the Houses, Properties and Relationships Among the Twelve Mundane Houses, Expression of the Planets Through Each House and Description of the Ten Zodiacal Aspects."
Price: 19.99

"Occultism Level 5: The Soul" |
"This is an advanced course. A prerequisite is the course ""Occultism Level 4"". The word ""occult"" means that which is hidden. Occultism, consequently, is the science of hidden forces, and the art of subjecting such forces to human control. Here we will consider the data upon which occultism rests.The word carries with it an air of mystery, it is true; but all forces are mysterious to those who have not studied them; and what is mysterious to the ignorant is obvious to the learned. Yet in all nature, nothing can come permanently under this ban; for all mysteries may be solved. Thus the simplest conveniences of modern civilization are mysterious to the untutored savage. He is wont to attribute their power to some supernatural agency. But there is nothing supernaturalnothing, that is, not governed by natural laws. In Level 5 we will explore: Mission of the Soul, The Soul Has a Dual Function, The Cycle of Necessity, The Cause of the Fall, Physiology and Correspondence, The Soul Always Functions Through a Form, Food Hunger, Union on the Spiritual Plane, The Nine-Point Plan Which Must Be Followed, The Doctrine of Signatures, Facts and Fancies About Reincarnation."
Price: 19.99

"Occultism Level 6: Spiritual Alchemy" |
"This is an advanced course. A prerequisite is the course ""Occultism Level 5"". The word ""occult"" means that which is hidden. Occultism, consequently, is the science of hidden forces, and the art of subjecting such forces to human control. Here we will consider the data upon which occultism rests.The word carries with it an air of mystery, it is true; but all forces are mysterious to those who have not studied them; and what is mysterious to the ignorant is obvious to the learned. Yet in all nature, nothing can come permanently under this ban; for all mysteries may be solved. Thus the simplest conveniences of modern civilization are mysterious to the untutored savage. He is wont to attribute their power to some supernatural agency. But there is nothing supernaturalnothing, that is, not governed by natural laws. In Level 6 we will explore: Facts and Fancies About Reincarnation, The Ritual of Egyptian Initiation, Different Kinds of Alchemy, The Metals of Spiritual Alchemy, Salt, Mercury, and Sulphur, The Philosophers Stone, The Seven Spiritual Metals, The Soul Has Infinite Possibilities, Lead, Tin, Iron, Copper, Mercury, Silver, and Gold."
Price: 19.99

"How to Build a Free Energy Device" |
"Based on over 20 years of Free Energy research and development this course will describe in detail how to build a free energy device. This course will teach you how to break the law of conservation of energy! Without shame! This course will teach you how to build a free energy device. How it operates and what it does to increase the amount of energy available from Nature.Anyone can follow the simple instructions and build a device at home using cheap tools. No special expertise or advanced understanding of physics is required. Build it, run it and forget everything you were taught in school about the conservation of energy. A Free Energy device, is aperpetual motiondevice that creates energy, thereby contradicting the laws of thermodynamics. It does not contradict nature, only our current understanding of it."
Price: 19.99

"Politics Level 3: Ideologies" |
"This is an advanced course. A prerequisite is the course ""Politics Level 2"".In this course we will explore PoliticalScienceand consider how we can become powerful by applying its principles.WithPolitical Sciencewe can become powerful asindividuals,as groups, as countries and finally asa humansociety. Understanding politics better will enable you to sound more intelligent talking about the subject, make more intelligent decisions about choosing which leaders to followchoices and rise to power yourself if you so desire.I observe that some people don't like politiciansso muchand may evenconsiderthemevil. If you are such a person then I encourage you to check out this course and consider the ideas presented.Watching a few videos is probably not enough to become powerful, but if you study this course seriouslyand apply the principles presented in your daily lifethen I have no doubt in my mind that youwill become morepowerful. I hope you will !Political scienceis a social science which deals with systems of governance, and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts and political behavior. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly thought of as determining of the distribution of power and resources. Political scientistssee themselves engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and from these revelations they attempt to construct general principles about the way the world of politics works."
Price: 19.99

"Capitalism Level 3: Light your Cigar" |
"The course ""Capitalism Level 2"" is a prerequisite. In this course we will explore Capitalism and consider how we can become rich by applying its principles.With Capitalism we can become rich asindividuals,as groups, as countries and finally asa humansociety. A rich and prosperous human society is a prerequisite for world peace.I observe that some people don't like Capitalism so muchand may evenconsider it evil. If you are such a person then I encourage you to check out this course and consider the ideas presented.Watching a few videos is probably not enough to become rich, but if you study this course seriouslyand apply the principles presented then I have no doubt in my mind that youwill become rich. I hope you will !Capitalism- is a social system based on privateownership of the means of production. It is characterizedby the pursuit of material self-interest under freedom andit rests on a foundation of the cultural influence of reason.Based on its foundations and essential nature, capitalismis further characterized by saving and capital accumulation,exchange and money, financial self-interest and theprofit motive, the freedoms of economic competition andeconomic inequality, the price system, economic progress,and a harmony of the material self-interests of allthe individuals who participate in it.Awesome in a box.CAUTION: Awesomeness level may exceed standard levels. Viewer discretion is advised."
Price: 19.99
