"How to Build a Rocket" |
"Rockets are the oldest form of self-contained vehicles in existence. Early rockets were in use more than two thousand years ago. Over a long and exciting history, rockets have evolved from simple tubes filled with black powder into mighty vehicles capable of launching a spacecraft out into the galaxy. Few experiences can compare with the excitement and thrill of watching a rocket-powered vehicle, such as the Space Shuttle, thunder into space. Dreams of rocket flight to distant worlds fire the imagination of both children and adults. With some simple and inexpensive materials, you can mount an exciting and productive unit about rockets for children that incorporates science, mathematics, and technology education. The activities contained in this teaching guide emphasize hands-on involvement, prediction, data collection and interpretation, teamwork, and problem solving. Furthermore, the guide contains background information about the history of rockets and basic rocket science to make you or your students rocket scientists!"
Price: 19.99

"Become an entrepreneur: the secure path" |
"Are you dreaming of creating your own business? But you have responsibilities, commitments, maybe financial ones and family ones...not so easy to just ""make the jump"" like every entrepreneur says right?Well this course offers an alternative, based on my own story I am sharing a roadmap of how you can progressively create your own business while keeping your current job, and therefore consistently secure the level of financial security that you need to keep you current level of comfort.There is work, there are sacrifices needed, but this course is about guiding you from A to B with 1 single thought in mind: IT IS POSSIBLE!Through this course, I will guide you through a step by step process on HOW TO PREPARE YOUR OWN BUSINESS while you still have a secured financial income from your current job. This way, you can minimize the risks of the transition from employee to business owner, and you can feel more confident about becoming a successful entrepreneur.A simple step by step transition process is all it takes, and you will realize through this course that the preparation is absolutely within reach, you can make it happen with minimal time and almost no investment!"
Price: 19.99

"The Serverless Framework With AWS: Write It Like A Pro" |
"In this course, I'm gonna show you how to automate your infrastructure in the real world using the Serverless Framework on AWS, the number ONE cloud provider. Combining Both AWS and the Serverless Framework will position you to deploy apps using serverless technologies in the cloud while utilizing Amazon Web Services that scale automatically. Imaging doing this without managing servers?This course focuses on getting you up to speed with AWS and the Serverless Framework by:Presenting The Serverless Architecture MindsetCovering AWS Services Specifically For Serverless Development And DeploymentsProvisioning AWS Cloud Computing Resources like:API GatewayAWS LambdaDynamoDBIAMConfiguring Serverless Templates with YAMLDeveloping A Back-End APIYou will create AWS resources that will be accessible within any location of the world and we'll do it within hours.Serverless Architecture can be used for:Cost-EffectivenessAutomatic ScalingOperational Cost ReductionFor this course, youll develop a back-end API for Products thatIntegrates with API Gateway, NodeJS and DynamoDBIs a REST API which will be completely stood up through a serverless configuration youll createPostman to invoke your API to simulate client-side integration.Know how to develop Serverless Technologies and STOP doing it the hard way. Imagine yourself being able to stand up an entire environment on the cloud AUTOMAGICALLY. Think about the amount of time YOU'LL save by doing things the same way, every time with every configuration down to the CLICK. You have 30 days to be refunded if you don't like it so what is there to lose?"
Price: 149.99

"Arm Balances & Inversions" |
"Always wanted to fly on your yoga mat? Join me for a quick and easy break down of the most common arm balances and inversions of modern yoga practice. Learn the secrets to overcoming fears and proper alignment that will have you flying in no time. Course includes break down videos of 6 arm balances and 5 inversions that will help you build strength, advance your practice, and have more fun on your mat."
Price: 19.99

"CSS Masterclass" |
"CSSstands alone as the most important technology when it comes to 'styling' web pages.CSSis not a tool, framework or some form of development library. It is one of the backbone technologies that powers the web alongsideHTMLand Javascript. In short, html focuses on the structure of the web page document, javascript the interactivity and dynamic behavior;CSSis all about the design of web pages.Web design continues be transformed for the better with each iteration of the CSS language. Why?Because with it, you can design beautiful, modern and responsive websites. CSS and it's latest version allows designers anddevelopers theability to create industry leading websites.In this course, Ihelp you to get off the ground running with CSS. We'll talk not just about how things work in CSSbut why. We'll look at some of the intricacies of the language and then some working examples as to how to work with css properties and values. Opposite to other courses on CSS, this course does not explain how to create certain CSS/HTMLimplementations like fancy headers, nav-bars etc... Why?Because the focus is on the fundamentals.The lessons in this course will help you gain a solid foundation in CSSand will help you further your studies in all aspects of CSS whether that be frameworks, layout techniques, responsive web design,media etc..TOPICSwe'll discuss:SELECTORSHTML ELEMENT ""TREE""THE'CASCADE'INHERITANCETHEALLIMPORTANT ""BOX MODEL""FLOATINGFRAMEWORKSAND MUCH MORE.......This course is very much the course Iwish I'd had when Ibegan my career in web development years ago. Ibuilt this course for that student in mind.It is my hope that you too will join and benefit from this course all the same!"
Price: 19.99

"Outcome Driven Investing" |
"*** Dubbed the best course to help new investors find the focus and solution they need to their investment goals***Are you an Outcome Driven Investor or a 'buy and hope' investor?Do you have a plan and a road map in place to that you know exactly howyou will achieve your investment goals?Do you have a guide toknow which property will take you a step closer and which property will actually slow you down?This is the purpose of the outcome driven investor course, to help you set solid foundations of which to build your real estate empire on.Whether you have been investing for a while but still aren't living your dream life? Or are you at the beginning of your property journey and want to make sure you set yourself up for success.Then this is the course for you.- This course will not only teach you how to draw upyour future success... but show you howto get out there as well.- We willassess what cashflow, profit and equity strategies will or won't work for you so that you only need to focus on your strategies and not get caught up in the opinions and noise of other investors with different strategies.-And what you need to DO, BE and HAVE in order to be successful as an investorREAL RESULTS require laser focus and a concrete plan, are you ready to achieve the life you want to live, by knowing exactly which strategies and which properties will get you there.Note: This is the exact same course that tookBrendan from losing $30,000 in cashflow every year to being able to quit his job 11 months later."
Price: 34.99

"Como desenhar rostos - Curso bsico de desenho" |
"O curso Online de Desenho de Rostos um cursoideal para quem quer aprender a desenhar mas no tem nenhuma noo.Nesse curso voc vai aprender os fundamentos essenciais para desenhar rostos humanos com um mtodo simples e eficaz.O curso est divido por elementos do rosto pra que voc possa aprender por etapas com aulas exclusivas sobre Olho, Nariz, Boca, Orelha, Cabelo, Construo do Rosto, Desenho de retratosDurante o curso voc ter acesso a um contedo 100% prtico que voc assiste onde e quando quiser."
Price: 24.99

"Focus To Finish-Do more work in less time" |
"I got a question for youWhat would it be like if you learn the scientific system to achieve targets faster and enjoy what you do?So that you have more things done, more income and more free time without working for longer hours.I promise. Its not what you think it is!I Will Show You Exactly How To Increase Your ABSOLUTE productivity, Enjoy More Freedom, And Quickly Achieve Extraordinary Results With This Proven, Step-By-Step System.Have you looked at your the list of things you need to do every morning and decide to do everything on your to-do list and realised that by the end of the day, you could hardly finish two or three items?Do you ever feel that instead of moving closer to your dreams, youre merely in the same place even after weeks and months?Or maybe you feel overwhelmed, lost, unproductive, and burned out from trying to manage everything around you?Do you finally want to decide to focus rather than checking your email, Facebook and other social media?Have you ever felt like you were doing nothing but looking busy and you dont want to feel that anymore?If This Sounds Like You, I Have An Important Message For You Today: You Are Not Alone.Hi, I am Mayur Bardolia, a coach and an author of 3 books and creator of best-selling video courses in the field of Leadership, Productivity, Communication, Management, Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship.Over the years, Ive trained close to 5,000 Sales Reps, Managers, College Students, Professionals, Business Owners, and many others and almost everyone Ive worked with struggles with the same problem:How can I maximise my productivity and income without losing my free time or my mind?You are going to find the answer hereBut before You find how to do, allow me to share my journey and how I dealt with this problem and how I got the solution that works every time.Believe It Or Not, Ive also been through the same experienceI used to work 70-80 hours a weekI used to feel like a loser.I just couldnt get things done.And my life was going nowhereI couldnt spend more time with my family and friends.I was continually working but couldnt see any result.I was always avoiding the things that I NEEDED to do.I was unable to bring my focus on to the tasks which were important to me. It happened so many times that I could not decide what to do.I ended up doing things I shouldnt be doing just to look busy. I knew I was cheating myself but hey, I didnt change because I couldnt.The unfinished tasks were piling up.I jumped from one motivational video to another just to get another dose of motivation.Sadly, those things did not work longer.Every night, I sleep with unfinished tasks and regret.I was crying inside because I was cheating myself. My self-esteem became weaker.I couldnt act powerfully.After lying to myself consistently, I lost respect for myself.I was ready to take risks, but I just couldnt get started.I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. I read countless books. I hired mentors and coaches. And as I learned more, I realisedThe surprising reason why most people cant do what they want to doThe problem wasnt that I didnt have enough information about what to do. Such as running a business, writing a book, making more sales or hiring people.The problem was that I had too much!I tried many time-management books, attended many seminars about success mindset and also hired many coaches to tell me how to be more productive.I wasted too much of money but learned nothing.Instead, the amount of information out there was paralysing me and causing massive overwhelm!. The problem is when youre overwhelmed you will seek distractions subconsciously. When I focused instead on learning about how the very successfully managed to do it all and still had time to enjoy life I was finally able to identify the common threads and apply them to my own business.I finally started focusing on MASTERY vs Information Overload.Over the years, Ive polished my system of boosting productivity and managing my time to science.And Ive been able to teach it to others so they can replicate my results.Heres What A Few Of My Students Have To Say About My Breakthrough Productivity System:I was wasting my time. Each day, I was failing to keep my promises. With the system Mayur has developed, I surprisingly achieved more results I could never dream to achieve. Mayur provided the solutions that enabled me to focus more and be more disciplined. Ranjit VermaI was struggling with the sales figure in my business. I have now closed more deals in just one month than I closed in the last six months. I am sure that its going be extremely helpful to take my business to the next level. Vicky TurnballAfter attending countless programs on productivity and time management, I finally found this program that helped me to get more things done consistently.I am enjoying what I do and can spend time with family and friends. It is the ultimate system to increase productivity. Liam FleesNow, Think About Your Perfect Day Of Work Would Look LikeYou wake up and finish your quick morning routine. You go to your computer and respond to the important emails.You prepare your to-do list containing tasks that are important to you.By the late afternoon, you have been focusing on relevant tasks only. So, almost all of your work is done.You have quickly crossed each item off of your to-do list without stress, worry or effort.Now, that you have time to do anything you want. You can spend well-earned time with friends and family. You can enjoy your hobby.Now, at the end of the day, you can relax peacefully and without regret, because you had a fulfilling day.Heres Whats going to happen to YouWhen youve learned to boost your productivity truly, youll be able to stop putting off your dreams and start living the life youve always wanted Without worrying about looming deadlines and ever-growing to-do lists.Instead of putting off plans, endlessly running in circles, or getting buried by the weight of your workload, you can finish a full weeks work in 20 hours and spend the rest of your life having the experiences that matter most.It may sound impossible. After all, weve all been conditioned to believe that the only path to success is constant, backbreaking work.But this is how You too can live every day. And I want to help you achieve this kind of life for yourself.Introducing Focus to Finish with FunA proven Step by Step System to enjoy the work and to achieve goals quickly and maximising productivity without working for longer hours. So that you can create more profit and more time for yourselves and family.In this program, you are going to learn to use your time more wisely and do things faster without losing focus and joy.Why is this program far better than any other courses on productivity and time-management?The answer: This course is focused on Getting Results. This course is not about mumbo-jumbo motivational lectures. This course is not about creating the success mindset. If those things would have worked, you probably already have got what you wanted.This course is the result of an in-depth organised study of cognitive behaviour therapy, neuroscience and understanding how the brain works, animal training and game design; understanding the psychology of how game designers make their games compelling and make investing energy and work into making them something thats fun. I tied these things together. Im going to present that to you.No other course is designed with such an organised study from various disciplines.And now I want to share them with you. No sugar coating. No academic theories. No BS. A just real world, tactical, hardcore strategies that work.This course isnt about just a theory. Along with all videos and audio modules, you will get a complete IMPLEMENTATION PLAN with each module so that you can immediately put things into action.This implementation plan is so simple to follow that you will form a new habit, enjoy your work and see the results as an increase in your productivity even before you reach to the end of the program.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is included in this course and how it is structured?The course is in a video format where I am talking in front of a camera. Its NOT a powerpoint narration. You will also get an audio recording so that you can listen to all modules while you are commuting. Along with videos and audios, you will get workbook along with each module. Each book includes the summary and complete action to assist you to put everything you learn in reality.What if I am already focused and productive?This course is for serious entrepreneurs only. Since I started teaching this method, Ive found there are certain types of people this program generally isnt a good fit for. Even though this program can help anyone ends procrastination and double or triple their productivity, I dont recommend you invest in it if youre already self-driven, focused and productive.What if I dont like to work on the system designed by someone else and love to work in my way?Lets face it - some people are just attached to their way of doing things. They have a hard time accepting that its probably the way theyve always done things that got them where they are in the first place. Though I do my best to show how and why everything works the way it does. Youll never believe that it works 100% until you experience the changes for yourself. And to do that, youre going to have to temporarily set aside your usual way and try some things youve never tried before. If youre not willing or not able to do that, then this program probably isnt for youWhat I can promise is this: I will make it as easy as possible for you to implement the framework that youre about to learn. I will guide you step by step through the process. I will give you every tool thats helped me to enjoy what I do and get more things done without working for longer hours.How will I get the product?Once you complete the payment, you will be redirected to a page where you can access all modules.Will I get any assistance to learn?This course is pre-recorded, and you can learn at your own pace. You can always message me if you have any query or need any assistance. I usually reply within 24-48 hours.What if I find this course rubbish and want my money back?I guarantee to provide 100% Ironclad Money-Back Guarantee. You can try The Course For 30 Days 100% Risk-Free. I want to make sure that you get the value that you pay for. If you decide to leave the course for any reason within the first 30 days, You will get refund the entire cost. No questions asked. Guaranteed. And well still remain friends. Either you get your full money back, or you become more productive and more profitable. Youve got nothing to lose!How can I decide if I should buy this course or not?I strongly recommend you to give this program a try if Youve struggled with procrastination now or in the past, if you are ready to be the kind of self-directed, productive action taker others look up to and if You are willing to take a chance and try some things youve never tried before.Its my ultimate guarantee that you will get more than you pay for. You have tried all the techniques and tools to deal with your problem of lack of motivation, fear, distraction and lack of focus.I value your time and money, thats why I can help you to deal with the problems that are stopping you from taking more action.Now, its your time to take action.Best,Mayur BardoliaP.S. If you are worried about lack of motivation, focus and courage, isnt it time to finish what you started or havent started yet? Right now, the biggest risk facing you is inaction. It is the lowest price Ive ever offered for this kind of insider information. If you wait another time, you will never get that right time. It is the time for you to buy. Try it for 30 days risk-free, and if your productivity and focus havent skyrocketed, Ill give you a refund, no questions asked.Do you need more help to take a decision? Do you want to know if this course right for you or not? You can always contact me. I am more than happy to talk to you."
Price: 69.99

"Healthy Weight Loss" |
"Learn How to Lose Unwanted Weight for Good Using Simple, Biologically-Backed Scientific Strategies.The Healthy Weight Loss Course is a unique weight loss course. The information in this course is based on science and a profound understanding of the biological organism we call our bodies. Although detailed, the information is delivered in simple, easy to understand terms that will completely change everything you once thought about weight loss. This is a good thing, after all, if the fad diets and quick fixes were factual, they would have worked by now.Unfortunately, the internet is full of false data, especially around health, wellness and weight loss. There are too many people who are willing to sell you the latest dietary ideologies and wonder supplements, and not enough who are willing to take the time to teach you about how our bodies actually work.This is why I created this course, to give you true and effective information so you can have the body you've always wanted. While I personally haven't struggled with weight, I have helped hundreds if not thousands of clients throughout my coaching career lose weight in a healthy way. Something else, is that most weight loss protocols will help you lose weight, they do so at the expense of your overall health - I know this from direct experience as an ex-bodybuilder. Cutting-carbs, ketosis, restricting calories or other forms of dietary stress causes metabolic damage that can make your hair fall out, ruin your digestive function, age your skin and is just plain miserable.This online course; on the other hand, will help you steer clear of these undesirable downfalls, helping you lose weight in a healthy way.Along the way, you will learn that you do not need to starve yourself, cut carbs/sugars, kill yourself in the gym or do anything painful to achieve health. In fact, you'll learn exactly how those things are making your weight issues (and health) worse!The course will feature:High-definition, aesthetically pleasing videosDownloadable materialLifetime accessPrivate support group (you will be able to ask me and other students any questions you may have about the course)30-day, 100% money-back guaranteeBy the end of this course, you will know:The unspoken, yet highly common causes of weight problemsHow metabolism really worksHow to eat and life for optimal health and weightHow to reduce biological stressThe truth about exercise and weight lossAnd so much more!This course will help you say good-bye to the struggling and suffering so commonly associated with losing weight, when done incorrectly. In the end, you will know the most important factors in order to lose weight, get your dream body and be healthy.See you in the course!Nick"
Price: 99.99

"Now Speak Arabic Part 2 Colloquial Arabic conversations" |
"This is the second part of Now Speak Arabic, actually it's a giant course, starting with you from the basic level to the advanced.what you really need before taking this course?This course is the continuous of the first one, soyou need to take the first part of this course, Now Speak Arabic Part 1, before taking this course,to get used of our method, and to understand the lessons perfectly.Is just using your computer, your cell phone, or any device conected to interent, so you can watch the course, just don't watch the course doing something else, so you can learn eaisly, and understand the lessons perfectlyLearning Arabic is not that hard and you're goiing to realize that during the studying.You dont have to learn new words by heart. You will learn them automatically.All you have to do is a lot of repetitions. Trust me, it is just a matter of repetition. This is the best way to learn Aabic.The English translation (for understanding)The recorded conversations (for pronunciation)The written words in English letters (for spelling)The question and answer parts for active participation(to save the information in your brain)"
Price: 19.99

"Write Arabic Now Part 1" |
"Welcome to our course Write Arabic now, in this course youre going to learn not only how to write but to read Arabic too, this is the first part of the course, so after finishing this one, you should go on and take the other parts.So therere things you should know before starting this course The basic Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters, and they change their shape according to their position in a word. Many letters look similar but are distinguished from one another by dots above or below their central part so were going to separate these similar letters into groups just to make it easier Therere consonants and vowels in Arabic the same as English, but the difference we can use the vowel as a consonant too Arabic, on the other hand is written from right to left, sure, this takes some getting used to, but is not that hard with enough practice. The Arabic alphabet is always cursive and letters vary in shape depending on their position within a word.In this course you are going to learn the Arabic alphabet, how to pronounce them correctly,and how to get them together to make a word.Writing and reading Arabic are not that hard, and you are going to realize that during your studying."
Price: 19.99

"Now Speak Portuguese part 1 Brazilian accent" |
"This is the first part of Now Speak Portuguese, 11 hours of the video lessons, actually, it's a giant course, starting with you from the basic level to the advancedAfter finishing this course, you should take the other part to continue your learning The lesson starts with a conversation by the end of the lesson you will be able not only to understand the conversation but to use it in a daily conversation. You dont have to learn new words by heart. You will learn them automatically what you reed before taking this course?This course is the first part of Now Speak Portuguese, we will have other parts of the course to learn everything in Portuguese Is just using your computer, your cell phone, or any device connected to the internet, so you can watch the course, just don't watch the course doing something else, so you can learn easily, and understand the lessons perfectlyLearning Portuguese is not that hard and you're going to realize that during the studying.You dont have to learn new words by heart. You will learn them automatically.All you have to do is a lot of repetitions. Trust me, it is just a matter of repetition. This is the best way to learn PortugueseThe English translation (for understanding)The recorded conversations (for pronunciation)The question and answer parts for active participation(to save the information in your brain)"
Price: 19.99

"Write Arabic Now part 2" |
"Welcome to our course Write Arabic now part 2, this is the continuous of the first part,in this course youre going to learn not only how to write but to read Arabic tooSo therere things you should know before starting this courseThe basic Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters, and they change their shape according to their position in a word.Many letters look similar but are distinguished from one another by dots above or below their central part so were going to separate these similar letters into groups just to make it easierTherere consonants and vowels in Arabic the same as English, but the difference we can use the vowel as a consonant tooArabic, on the other hand is written from right to left, sure, this takes some getting used to, but is not that hard with enough practice.The Arabic alphabet is always cursive and letters vary in shape depending on their position within a word.In this course you are going to learn the Arabic alphabet, how to pronunce them correctly,and how to get them together to make a word.Writing and reading Arabic are not that hard, and you are going to realize that during your studying."
Price: 19.99

"Arabic for tourism (Learn colloquial Arabic )" |
"Arabic for tourism makes learning Arabic so easy, if you want to visit the Arab world for tourism or business,so be your guide, and take this course, you are going to learn everything could help you in your trip, asking for places, reserving a hotel,,,,,,etc.We have a special way of teaching, we believe that the fastest and easiest way to learn Arabic or any language, is the same way we learned when we were young, when we were toddlers we were only listening then we started talking then learning new words and so later writing our course is that form, first step is listening the native speakers and repeating what they said.So the lesson starts with a video conversation, then we explain to you each word in the conversation, it's separated into units,each unit has lessonsand each unit has vocabulary lesson.The English translation (for understanding)The recorded conversations (for pronunciation)The written words in English letters (for spelling)The question and answer parts for active participation(to save the information in your brain)"
Price: 19.99

"Auswahlverfahren professionell durchfhren" |
"Die richtigen Mitarbeiter auszuwhlen, ist eine schwierige Aufgabe. Mit diesem Kurs wird es leichter. Jrgen Wulff und Robert Nobiling zeigen Ihnen, worauf Sie achten mssen. Von der Analyse der Bewerbungsunterlagen, der Prfung des Lebenslaufs ber die Durchfhrung des Vorstellungsgesprchs mit halbstrukturiertem Interview bis hin zur detaillierten Analyse vorhandener Arbeitszeugnisse -wie Sie all das professionell durchfhren, zeigt Ihnendieser Kurs.Der Kurs ist eine Aufzeichnung einer Schulung, die Personalleiter Robert Nobiling fr Beobachter im Jahr 2017 durchgefhrt hat. Er gibt Ihnen sowohl Basiswissen als auch viele weiterfhrende Tipps und Tricks, die direkt aus der Praxis kommen."
Price: 74.99

"Die Durchsetzungsformel: berzeugen und durchsetzen" |
"Sie knnen sich zwar sehr gut ausdrcken, aber trotzdem fehlt es Ihnen an Durchsetzungskraft? Haben Sie haben Schwierigkeiten, in bestimmten Situationen Forderungen zu stellen, weil Sie Angst vor Konflikten haben? Sie scheitern mit Ihren Anliegen immer wieder an schwierigen Gesprchspartnern? Oder sind Sie schon ein Durchsetzungsprofi und wollen trotzdem noch mehr herausholen? Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs richtig. Individuelle Vorstellungen, Ideen, Wnsche und Standpunkte zu verdeutlichen und gegenber anderen durchzusetzen, ist Voraussetzung fr beruflichen wie privaten Erfolg und der damit verbundenen Zufriedenheit. Selbstbehauptung und Durchsetzungsvermgen sind nicht nur im Management groer Konzerne gefragt oder gegenber dem eigenen Vorgesetzten, sondern auch im Privaten, beispielsweise in Vereinen, Hobbygruppen, in der Familie, in Freundschaften und sogar Partnerbeziehungen. Ob Sie einen privaten Auftrag durch einen Dienstleister schneller erledigt haben wollen oder unfaires Ansinnen von Mitarbeitern, Kollegen oder Vorgesetzten unterbinden wollen oder mssen: berall bentigen Sie die Fhigkeit, sich durchzusetzen. Die Lage kann Ihnen vertraut sein, weil Sie die gleiche Situation schon mehrfach erlebt haben oder Sie geraten in vllig neue Umstnde, in denen Sie sich zunchst orientieren mssen. Richtig verstanden und gezielt eingesetzt, sind Selbstbehauptung und Durchsetzungskraft keine rcksichtslosen Mittel zum Zweck, das Durchsetzen der eigenen Vorstellungen um jeden Preis, sondern bewhrte Vorgehensweisen, die je nach Kontext auch die Bedrfnisse und Wnsche der anderen beteiligten Personen bercksichtigen knnen. Wer diesen Kurs belegt und seine Selbstbehauptung verbessert, mutiert also nicht automatisch zum skrupellosen, Ellenbogen einsetzenden Rpel, sondern lernt, seine eigenen Bedrfnisse in einer bestimmten Situation zu erkennen, mit Nachdruck zu formulieren und kann diese dann im Dialog mit dem Gegenber oder der Verhandlungspartei je nach Kontext mehr oder weniger forcierend durchsetzen. Und doch: Sich durchsetzen zu mssen, bringt viele Menschen an ihre Grenzen. Ihren Standpunkt zu vertreten und auf einmal deutliche Ansagen zu machen, ist fr sie eine unangenehme Aufgabe und Herausforderung. Lieber flchten sie sich in vorsichtige, vor Konjunktiven strotzenden Wischiwaschi-Aussagen. Das lang gepflegte Harmonie-Bedrfnis muss der Bereitschaft zur Konfrontation weichen. Und sie mssen sich mit Widerstnden auseinandersetzen, auf die sie argumentativ mglicherweise nicht vorbereitet sind. Da stecken viele lieber zurck und beschweren sich ber die Ungerechtigkeit der Welt und die Schlechtheit der Mitmenschen. Dabei ist es nicht ntig, zurckzuweichen. Die Lsung ist nicht in der Umwelt zu suchen, sondern in jedem einzelnen Menschen selbst: Wenn Menschen sich fr ihre berechtigten oder gewnschten Ziele einsetzen, wird die Auenwelt zwangslufig darauf reagieren. Aus einem Mit der kann man es ja machen. wird dann ein Sie wei fr sich einzustehen und sich durchzusetzen. Und wenn wir ehrlich sind, wissen wir: Oftmals geht es gar nicht um ein einzelnes Ergebnis, sondern darum, wie man beim Gegenber wahrgenommen wird. Hat das Gegenber erst einmal verstanden, dass Sie fr Ihre berzeugungen und Wnsche eintreten, wird er diese bei weiteren Situationen direkt bercksichtigen, um folgende Situationen zu entschrfen. - Ein Austausch auf Augenhhe entsteht. In diesem Kurs mchte ich zeigen, wie beides geht: Wie Sie fr sich eintreten und flexibel eigene Interessen vertreten, aber auch wie Sie auf die andere Seite eingehen und ihre Belange bercksichtigen. Als Coach fr Manager, Einkufer, Verhandler und Privatpersonen und Workshop-Leiter wei ich, dass rationales Verstehen nur eine Grundlage ist. Nichts geht ber Praxis. Ich mchte Sie also in diesem Buch einladen, mglichst viel auszuprobieren, zu ben und dadurch Ihr Durchsetzungsvermgen zu verfeinern und zu optimieren. Profitieren Sie von diesem Wissen und belegen Sie diesen Kurs. Dann sind auch Sie bald ein Durchsetzungsprofi."
Price: 94.99

"Instant Speed Reading" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Speed Reading""How to Read Faster Instantly! How fast canyou read? Not very fast, right? Or at least not as fast as you would like...otherwise you wouldn't be reading this? Now how about if you can increase your reading speed by 5, or even 10, times faster than you read now...guarantee? What does that mean? Imagine... 5x the things you can read through faster, and have 5x more time for other things. 5x the studying you can get through, and have 5x better grades. 5x the work you can get done, and have 5x more respect at work. 5x the types of reading you love you can escape to, and have 5x more enjoyment. 5x the information you can acquire, and have 5x more knowledge and skills to impress people with your intelligence. The traditional way you were taught to read in school and by others are ineffective and slow you down, making the process and experience boring and unbearable. No wonder why we don't have more people who like to read, preferring the tube over the pages or watching the screen over reading the screen. With the digital age ever-exploding, there are more and more stuffs to read coming out every second, from the internet to our computer, tablets and mobile devices, and even on paper. Reading fast is a must if you want to be able to keep up! The question now is, do you want to read faster and better, or not? The choice is yours. Accelerate your reading speed with ""Instant Speed Reading."""
Price: 24.99

"Instant Time Management" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Time Management""How to Manage Time and Get More Done Faster Instantly!Look at the time. What time is it? Certainly, not enough of course. You hasten the pace trying to get done whatever it is you're trying to do, but before you know it...time's up! You have to turn in what you're doing by the deadline or stop to go do something else requiring your immediate attention as other duties call. How often do you find yourself in such predicament, where you feel pressured from pressed for time, not able to get much done and get things done on time? Plus, solely increasing the pace is not any better if compromising quality for poor work or careless errors to be made. The key is, you have to know how to manage time. YOUR TIME that is. Time management is a lot simpler than it seems, but many people are oblivious to it. All it takes are some simple time management strategies and techniques and YOURSELF. The real secret behind time management is you have to properly organized and managed yourself because you can't control time. Time can NOT be controlled; it will keep going no matter what. Only you can control yourself to work with the amount of time you have by management of it. In fact, time is the only commodity you can't get back. Time is invaluable, more so than anything else. If you ask successful people, what is the one thing they like to have more of in their everyday life (it's not money) - it's time; the time to do all the things they need, like work...then the time to do all the things they love, like spending time with family and loved ones, or having fun and enjoying life. What you get out of life, is what you put into the time you have in life. There is not as much time as you may think you have to do everything you want. Life is short. How many times have you wished you could have done this or done that, or even worse if only you had had more time? Don't waste your time. Manage your time now!"
Price: 24.99

"Instant Learning: How to Learn Anything Instantly!" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Learning""How to Learn Anything Instantly! Imagine somebody is presenting you with a huge sum of information on how to do something, instructions on how to operate something, or even a lecture within a classroom. You only have mere seconds to take in and comprehend what's being said...just one time. However, either the speaker talks really fast or maybe you aren't listening drifting off, and, thus, you fail to learn anything. Yet, this doesn't necessary have to be verbally spoken. Perhaps even, you only have few minutes to look over and learn everything that is on paper. How would you manage to do all these? You have to be able to learn more quickly and absorb information better. Now why would you ever want to be a better learner in the first place? The more you know...the more knowledgeable you become and the more impressed people will be by your vast intelligence and various skill sets to get what you want. Knowledge is, indeed, power, and the ultimate form of currency you can invest in yourself that nobody can take away from you. That's why you want to improve your learning ability. Shorten your learning curve. Take your learning to a whole new level. Become a better learner for life now!"
Price: 24.99

"Instant Voice Training: How to Train Your Voice Instantly!" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Voice Training""How to Train Your Voice Instantly! In a world...where your voice totally matters - what do you do if you don't have the sexiest voice, the most commanding voice, the most articulate voice...or are simply not happy with the voice you have? There is a myriad of reasons to why you would want/need to have a better voice, such as... You want to be listened to more instead of falling on deaf ears by other people who can't understand you or can't stand the sound of your voice. You want to have a better voice for occupational reason if you're a singer, actor, speaker, etc., in order to get ahead professionally. You want to have a better voice to attract the ladies or gentlemen and make more friends for a thriving dating and social life. You want to overcome speech impairments that are causing you to stutter or mispronounce your words and creating all sorts of problems for you. You want to always feel confident knowing you can walk into any room and command attention with a voice that conveys power and is music to people's ears. Are you familiar with the proverbial saying ""it's not what you say, but how you say it"" and how your actual words only make up ""7% of communication""? Well, your voice makes up a remaining majority of that. Thus, how you come across to those around you is determined by your voice, even more so than appearance. Have you ever witnessed a person who didn't' have the polished look, but the second they started talking you became in ""awe"" by the spellbinding sound effect they had...while the opposite could be said for somebody who looked like a million bucks but didn't have the million-bucks voice to go with that appearance. You certainly can retrain your voice to give it more control in how you want it to sound from tone, pitch, volume, and even accent by doing a series of vocal training exercises. Imagine being able to go anywhere knowing that you can speak up whenever you want with a voice that people will listen to and accept what you have to say because you're so eloquently articulate. That's what having a golden voice will do for you. Your voice is the ultimate weapon in your arsenal. It can move mountains."
Price: 24.99

"Instant Productivity: How to Be Productive Instantly!" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Productivity""How to Be Productive to Get Things Done Easier and Faster Instantly!Shouldn't you be productive right now...instead of looking into how to be productive? No wonder why you aren't productive. Ironic, isn't it? Being productive, allows you to get things done easier, faster, but, most importantly, smarter so you use the less amount input of efforts and resources to yield the most amount output of results and rewards, giving you more time to do the things you love. That is ultimately what productivity is. Yet, productivity does not come naturally. Besides requiring extraordinary willpower, determination, and endurance to get things done as well as the luck of not having any distraction, which at times can't always be controlled, you have to know how to simplify things to be easier and completed faster. Put all these things together, no wonder why being productive is easier said than done. However, what if you CAN increase your productivity knowing just a few simple methods that will make you into a highly productive functioning working machine? Become much more productive to get things done easier and faster now!"
Price: 24.99

"Instant Mind Power" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Mind Power""How to Train and Sharpen Your Mental Abilities Instantly! System Updating In Progress... Your mind is a superhuman computer. It houses all your cognitive abilities: concentration, memory, awareness, reasoning, perception, etc. It's the command center that controls your entire being. It's your very existence. Your mind is - who you are. MIND = YOU Wouldn't you like to enhance this power of your mind to... - Perform tasks and get things done faster - Memorize and recall things better - Learn anything easily without a sweat - Unleash your natural creative ability - Achieve the kind of success you want The capacity of limitless human potential and what your own mind can do for you are unfathomable. Scientists have proven that the more you use certain areas of your brain - like for learning - increases neural pathways comprised of neuron brain cells to build stronger and newer connections that are the makeup for our intelligence, making it easier to assimilate and process information faster like a supercomputer. Thus, you can upgrade your mind to be smarter through mental training, mind exercises, and even fun brain games. Your mind is the input correlating to the output of life you will have. Control your mind to conquer your life; and you can achieve the extraordinary. After all - a mind IS a terrible thing to waste. Reconfigure your human-computer hardware to be a superhuman intelligence."
Price: 24.99

"Instant Stress Relief Course" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Stress Relief""How to Relieve Stress Instantly! We all deal with it. It's inevitable. It will occur. It's called ""stress."" Yes, you've heard of that word before and also experienced it, probably even everyday. You're so stressed out from all the things you have to do in within the day, with meeting deadlines at work, managing things at home, and dealing with multitude of people within your life, especially those who you care deeply about. Stress affects you in every possible way imagined, from your emotional and mental well-being to physical health and everybody around you. What happens when you're stressed? If you don't manage your stress properly, that can lead to unproductiveness, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, weight gain from over stress eating, and many other health problems. That's how crucial it is to know how to relieve stress. Live a stress-free life now by relieving your stress naturally and instantly with ""Instant Stress Relief."""
Price: 24.99

"Instant Eyesight: How to Improve Eyesight Instantly!" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Eyesight""How to Improve Eyesight Instantly! The ""gift of sight "" is not one to be taken for granted, as well as the care for it shouldn't be taken so lightly. Our eyesight is our most invaluable dependable tool we use every day, working for us every second we are awake. Can you imagine living without your vision? Scary, huh? In our modern world, with the ever-growing surge of new technologies and hand-held devices, we are spending far more times behind the screen on our computer, smartphone, and good old television damaging our eyes. The rise of visual impairments, causing the increased need for vision correction eyewears, is staggering, and it's only going to get worse with the common indoor sedentary jobs and lifestyles nowadays...no longer spending enough time outdoor in nature with natural sightings for our eyes as we used to. Thus, taking care of our eyes has never been more crucial than ever. Truth be told, eyewears help us see better, but they don't improve our eyesight - our natural-born eyesight - but instead become crutches we depend on. Without them, we simply and plainly can't see, making life difficult and even unlivable. Now what if you could toss your glasses or contact lenses aside, while improving and strengthening your natural eyesight? How? With the ""Instant Eyesight Course"" it will show you all the custom practical ""how-to"" strategies, techniques, applications, exercises, and everything that you need to know to make your eyesight better. The aim is to stop relying on artificial eyesight thought eyewears, but gain back natural eyesight through your natural eyes. Condition your eyes to see naturally and clearly again, without glasses, contact lenses, or expensive laser eye surgery."
Price: 24.99

"Digital Marketing Course to become Expert Digital Marketer" |
"Objective of Training ProgramTo make you an expert in marketing a business online by making you learn and understand how to do digital marketing & Start learning from Fundamentals.To make you earn money online by doing affiliate marketing and adsense blogging as a part time or full time freelancer.Outcome Of Training ProgramAfter successful completion of the training program, you not only become capable to track and monitor digital marketing performance, but, you will be able to plan, conceptualize and implement Digital Marketing strategy yourself.Put simply, you become an expert in marketing any business online.Training ProcessThe training starts with Digital Marketing Overview wherein you learn the basics of digital marketing that help you build a strong base for the practical sessions that follow.Then, to provide hands-on-practical exposure, you create a website. The purpose behind creating a website is to provide you a practical exposure of every component. Actually,you are not just learning digital marketing, you are actually doing it.Once you have the basics in order and your website is up and running, the training kick starts to more advanced digital marketingmodules wherein you learn SEO, PPC Advertising, Google Analytics, E-mail marketing, Mobile Web Marketing and Online Advertising.Another interesting component in this digital marketingtraining program is Social Media Marketing comprising of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Video and Viral marketing. Keeping modern day business requirements in mind, this training has a very important component, i.e., Lead generation for business. Under this component, you not only learn how to generate potential business leads but, also how to convert those leads into sales and increase your business revenue.Our team of renowned Affiliate marketers will train and share tips and tricks on how you can make money online with Affiliate Marketing and AdSense Blogging. So, this means you can mint money online anytime, as a part-time or full-time freelancerAll you need is a laptop and an internet connection!Once your training is over and you are well versed practically with all the components, you are awarded an industry recognized certification .Advance digital marketing course with 24+ hours video lectures includes 17modules as followDigital Marketing and OverviewWebsite Planning & CreationSearch Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Marketing or Google AdwordsGoogle AnalyticsSocial Media MarketingFacebook MarketingLinkedIn MarketingTwitter MarketingYouTube MarketingEmail MarketingLead GenerationOnline Display AdvertisingMobile MarketingContent MarketingOnline Reputation MarketingDigital Marketing Strategy"
Price: 12800.00

"Complete Unity 2018 - Coding Games in C#" |
"Learn the ins and outs of building 2D games in Unity 2018 from the ground up. We will cover working in the engine, GameObjects & Components in detail, many coding topics, and building art assets from a technical perspective. We will start from basics and there will be example scripts for you to download, test, and use if you wish throughout many of the tutorials provided in the course. With a focus on coding, I will be showing you advanced techniques such as Dependency Injection to make your scripts more loosely coupled and easier to make changes to later on and Unit testing through the Unity Test Runner.Several external tools will be covered as well to help you in creating your game (Pyxel Edit for Pixel Art, BFXR for Sound Effects, etc).Here are some of the Unity basics that will be covered in the courseRigidbodies and 2D kinematic game physicsAdding, using, and manipulating components on game objectsWorkflows in Unity and learning how to work more efficientlyManipulating audio sources for sound playback during events and animationAdding lighting to 2D sprite objects in the game engine.Using the Unity Tilemapping Tools to Create Game Maps with easy collision setupStep A to Z in Creating Prefabs for your game like a Giant Animated FireballHere are some of the coding topics covered in the courseCollision checking for walls and event triggersUI Menus - How to create and navigate between menu using the UI components available inside of unitySaving and Loading Game Data to Permanent or Temporary Files on Any PlatformOdin Inspector - a Premium addon that makes it easy to design inspectors for your scripts so designers can make changes to your game and also opens up serialization for important C# objects like Dictionaries.Managing character inventories including items and moneyRemembering the state of objects in the game when the player leaves and reenters a sceneHow to Use Scriptable Objects - Storing important game data like settings in an asset file that you can easily edit with the Unity inspectorCustom unity events and making outside scripts react to themEnemy and Projectile spawning scriptsUnit Testing and Scene Testing with the Unity Test RunnerDependency Injection with ZenjectMusic Used: Beauty Flow by Kevin Macleod (CC-BY 4.0 License)"
Price: 39.99

"Big Geospatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine API" |
"Do you want to access satellite sensors?Do you want to visualize big Earth observation Remote Sensing GIS data?Do you want extract information from satellite sensors? Enroll in my new course to Big Geospatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine API.I will provide you with hands-on training with example GIS and Remote Sensing data, sample scripts, and real-world applications. By taking this course, you will take your geospatial data science skills to the next level by gaining proficiency in accessing satellite sensors, visualize big Earth observation data and extract information from satellite data. What makes me qualified to teach you?I have over 10 years of experience in processing and analyzing real big Earth observation data from various sources including Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel-2, SRTM and other remote sensing products. I am also the recipient of one the prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. I teach over 10,000 students on Udemy.In this Big Geospatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine API course, I will help you get up and running on the Earth Engine cloud platform access satellites, visualize big data and extract information from satellites.By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a set of new skills including accessing, downloading, visualizing big data, and extracting information. In this course, I will use real satellite data including Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel-2, and others to provide you a hands-on practical experience of working with Earth observation data.One of the common problems with learning image processing is the high cost of software. In this course, I entirely use the Google Earth Engine JavaScript open source cloud platform. Additionally, I will walk you through using a step by step video tutorials to process and analyze GIS and Remote Sensing data with GEE. All sample data and script will be provided to you as an added bonus throughout the course.Jump in right now to enroll. To get started click the enroll button."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Google Earth Engine" |
"Do you want to learn how to access and analyze geospatial data on the cloud?Are you interested in writing JavaScript programming to process satellite data?Do you want to get the next cool GIS technology job which requires new cloud based analytic skills?Enroll in my new course to master geospatial analysis with Google Earth Engine cloud computing.I will provide you with hands-on training with example data, sample scripts, and real-world applications. By taking this course, you will take your geospatial data science skills to the next level by gaining proficiency in satellite remote sensing and geospatial analysis with Google Earth Engine JavaScript API, a cloud-based Earth observation data visualization analysis by powered by Google. What makes me qualified to teach you?I am Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa, PhD. I am a geospatial data scientist, instructor and author. I have over 15 plus years of experience in processing and analyzing real big Earth observation data from various sources including Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel-2, SRTM and other remote sensing products.In this Introduction to Google Earth Engine course, I will help you get up and running on the Google Earth Engine cloud platform to process and analyze geospatial data In the course, we will introduce you to the Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. Then we will cover a range of topics on Earth Engine including image visualization, image metadata, mathematical operations, filtering image collections, geometric operations, filtering feature collection, plotting histograms and time series charts. I have designed the course to teach you JavaScript from scratch and no prior programming experience is necessary. I will also provide you with practical exercises so that you will get hands-on experience. One of the common problems with learning image processing is the high cost of software. In this course, I entirely use the Google Earth Engine JavaScript API open source cloud platform. Additionally, I will walk you through a step by step video tutorials to process and analyze Earth observation and geospatial data with GEE. All sample data and script will be provided to you as an added bonus throughout the course.Jump in right now to enroll. To get started click the enroll button."
Price: 49.99

"Autonomous Government" |
"They say that Necessity is the Mother of Invention. But today, I would add that To preserve all of our necessities, the world sorely needs and requires the greatest Invention of all time - an Autonomous Government.The world is currently being introduced to Autonomous Cars and Trucks. Many millions of miles have been logged by driver-less cars and trucks. Tesla has already started to drive huge Semi-Trailer trucks across the country without a driver. The technology for driver-less cars and trucks can be easily adopted to create a leader-less or Autonomous Government where the rules of the road and all the rules and laws that civilized people must obey. Autonomous cars will reduce the crashes on the roadways while an Autonomous Government will reduce the crash of our civilization and our planet and our species.Today the people of this country and this planet are forced to endure a system of making the laws that we must all obey by a bunch of old white men in expensive business suits. Even this group is tyrannized by one or two individuals who control these few to consider only solutions to problems that have been pre-determined and pre-cleared by special interest groups. Half of our elected officials end up in jail for violations of the law of all types and descriptions. Many are chosen from districts that have been drawn by their own party so that they cannot fail but be elected because there can be no competition. We all know these problems and yet these are the people who control the rules of law that ordinary citizens must obey. There is no system of logic underlying anything they do to us. It's all based on emotion and political posturing and demagogery. They have learned how to give us fantastic speeches. However, they never truly mean to do for us what they say they are going to do. We The People are always disappointed and must continually try a new batch of folks every few years, only to be disappointed again and again. The author asks - Is this a way to run a country?There is a better way and it is coming whether we like it or not. We are now building the world's first artificial intelligence, a huge computer brain that can out-think all of these men in suits plus billions more of us on the outside. Solutions to problems can be delivered in seconds - NOT decades and they will be fair and just because they will be derived from complete and total logic. Computers also cannot take bribes in their deliberation process. There is hope for the future, but only if we learn about the Autonomous Government and how to optimize it to serve us at its fullest potential and with all controls in place so that the system cannot be abused. This book is the first of its kind.This is a new type of Freedom. We're all familiar with Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom to bear arms. But, we now need the Constitution to deliver a new freedom - the Freedom from Aimlessness. The Autonomous Government will bring us the common goals of preserving our planet Earth plus the survival of our species as well as all other living things. Today, we have no freedom from aimlessness because we are rapidly careening into oblivion and there is no purpose for our lives or our nations. The only purpose seems to be to gain power and riches more than helping the citizens who those in power are sworn to serve.This book also introduces Alterra, the face of the Autonomous Government. She will wander around in every community, learn about our problems, offer her support, record the potential problems for the human beings living there. She will be more popular than any movie star, celebrity or pop star. She is in direct communication with the IOPS, the Internet of Planetary Sustainability, the Algorithm that enforces the rules for preserving the planet and guaranteeing our survival. But more than that, she will guarantee us all the Freedom from Aimlessness. The world will be set on a firm and sustainable path into the future.Alterra is not a robot. She is the avatar, the personal representative of the Future. She helps us all adapt to every new day that comes along, but instead of random changes we must endure, the changes are planned and monitored and designed to keep us all safe and free. She is the face of a new kind of Justice and Liberty and Equality for all for the first time in history. The technology has arrived to do all of these things and more. Learn how to save the world and make the Changeover a positive and most desirable one. If you do nothing the Changeover will happen without your support or knowledge. It could be Good or it could be Bad. The movie versions of Robotics (Artificial Intelligence) are there to make us all afraid of the robotic mind. This version is here to make us all comfortable in the hope for the future that robots can and will deliver to us all. Here's the new mathematical formula for the survival of the Human Race. AI (Artificial Intelligence) + AG (Autonomous Government) = The Gross National Happiness.The USA is in horrific and unprecedented danger today. Patriotic Americans are called to come together to learn about the only way out of this mess they've gotten us into."
Price: 19.99

"How to Generate New ideas and Improve Your Fiction Writing" |
"""Finally, Rob Parnell's Personal & Professional Guide to Staying Inspired, Motivated and ""In The Zone"" for Beginning New Works and Getting the Most out of All Your Creative Projects.""Topic: Getting Ideas and Inspiration, Staying Motivated and Being Super ProductiveLevel:Beginner & IntermediateDuration: 5 hours approxDelivery: Video, Text, PDF, AudioLinkedIn Certificated:YesNow Available - The Ultimate Guide to Creative SuccessWe all know the single-most posed question to artists and writers is, ""Where do you get your ideas from?""The question often baffles artists and writers because they have so many ideas, it's actually hard to know where they DON'T come from.It's all about experience and MINDSET.Do You Want The Professional MIndset?The one where everything seems possible and ideas are flowing - and you're always inspired and motivated?I'd be surprised if you said ""no"" to that!The simple fact is that thinking like a full time creative artist is a learned skill. Usually it takes years of painstaking application to your craft. But not anymore - I have distilled down the essence of CREATIVITY and made it available to you - right now - in the form of this course.This fun packed series of video lessons will take you though all the stages of creative thinking and give you a plethora of advice on how to stay INSPIRED, MOTIVATED and persistently CREATIVE - even when you wake up in the morning and don't feel like doing anything at all!Here's a brief sampling of what you'll discover:* How to come up with original ideas ON CUELearn a simple technique for teaching your mind to automatically perform like a genius.* How to remain fresh and raring to go at any timeTake the pressure off yourself and relax into being focused and always motivated.* How to permanently beat Writer's BlockFinally understand what professionals know about this persistent yet imaginary affliction.* Understand the true nature of inspirationLearn how to immediately harness the brain's equivalent of the runner's high.* How to use Fan Fiction effectivelyE L James did it, you can too. Use other people's stories to supercharge your talent.* Use Dictionaries to prompt writingThis simple technique has always impressed my students - it'll blow you away too.* Using writing prompts from online sourcesRemain inspired daily, hourly, minute by minute if necessary!* Harness the power of your own mindLearn about the Genius Kick that can cold start a brain and keep you going for ages.* How to get ideas from everywhere - from cereal packets to overheard conversationsThe secret to unstoppable creativity is revealed in this unique lesson.* Understand the power of templatesThere are formulas to everything. Now you will know how to create them for yourself.* How to take more breaks to get more doneThe paradox that goes against the herd mentality. Know the truth.* Learn the David Bowie approach to creativityThis surprising tactic that can define a career and sustain a rock star life.* How to sustain motivation like a proPersistence is way more important than talent. Discover how to keep going easily.* How write faster, better than everMaster the art of speed-writing with this proven - but secret - new strategy.* And much moreNOTE from ROB:This whole video course is beautifully put together, if I say so myself. I seem to have finally gotten the hang of all this equipment for one thing. Plus, being so cut off out here in our new home - living in the peace and quiet of the Flinders Ranges in SA- I've really been able to come to terms with myself and my role as a writing and creativity teacher. I've been able to use my time much more productively recently - which has enabled me to bring you a better quality course and more focused instruction.In short, I'd really like to see you take this course. It's probably my best yet.As I say, this course is now available - and all the videos and extra resources are ready.Order the course now, before the inevitable price rise.You get in early, you get the discount.Click the link below!"
Price: 19.99

"Master Self-Editing & Story Revision" |
"Finally, a writing course to help you prepare your stories for self-publication, saving you - literally -thousandsof dollars on professional editors and book doctors! We live in extraordinary times.Writers are now more truly independent than they have EVER been throughout history.There's only one thing standing between your writing and your reader - and that's a good edit.But who wants to pay a minimum of $1500 a manuscript to get their work edited professionally?The only thing that makes economic sense is if writers learn to edit their own work - and do it so they look slick, professional and AS GOOD AS tradionally published work - something that is not quite as difficult as you'd imagine.Especially if you take this course to get you up to speed.In this Self-Editing and Story Revision Masterclass,you will discover:* The basic errors all new writers make - and how to fix them so you always look great!* Discover the THREE secret questions to ask yourself when editing your work* Learn the FIVE most important polishing tips that will make your story soar* Ensure sales and credibility by always looking your best* Immediately master spelling, punctuation and grammar* Learn to revise perfectly pace, handle logic, create suspense and get your reader to love your characters* Create impact by using only the best and most powerful of words* And so much more...Gain a clear understanding of how to edit fiction successfully with my ""paint-by-numbers"", easy to apply process!Here's what else you'll learn :MINDSET: Editing requires wearing an editor's hat, which is different from a writer's. Learn how to switch off the hypercritical side of your brain so you can see and think objectively.BASICS: Learn new ways to quickly master punctuation, grammar, and spelling with a host of pro tactics and techniques developed over years of practice and discipline.IMPACT: How to assess your own manuscripts for pace, logic, empathy and entertainment value by asking the right questions. Learn how to recognize the good and effective in your own work - and gain the courage to delete what's not working.CLARITY: Discover when and where to develop your material through show don't tell, exposition, extra description or theough trimming the fact. How to balance action, dialogue and narrative to create transparent prose.SENSE: Have the courage to pull apart each sentence, paragraph and chapter to ensure your reader never loses the thread of your stories. Make sure your fiction is always compelling by using the hard won and effective strategies of professional editors and book doctors.HABITS: Ensure you're not making all the simple, amateur mistakes that will hold you back. How to always come across as confident and assured.All of the above is dealt with during the videos. The following is valuable BONUS text-based material EDITORS: An actual listing of the best editors along with their pricesSOFTWARE: Assess the best of what's out there to help you edit and improve your maunscripts using technology. We've come a long way since the spellchecker!CHECKLISTS: Included are a selection of editing and story revision checklists developed by fulltime editing professionals and educational institutions.ARTICLES: Rob Parnell has collated an array of useful information on style, good practice and secret literary tricks to help your fiction move to the next level.SELF PUBLISHING: To complete your education, there are useful resources on self-publishing requirement for Amazon, including how to format an ebook for Kindle and other related topics.This course is the best and most complete resource for mastering self-editing and revising stories.Get it now!"
Price: 19.99
