"Venture Pitching Made Easy: The Full Pitching Guide" |
"In this course, you will learn about venture capital and how to crush your next venture pitch. In the last couple of years, I have been giving hundreds of venture pitches. One year ago, I switched sides and started investing in companies. In this course, I want to show you, how to develop convincing pitch decks and how to present them accurately. I believe venture pitching is not a talent, it is a skill! Any skill can be acquired. And, I want to help you do just that. This course includes everything you need to know about venture pitching. We will start with the basics of venture capital and will work our way up until we understand the mechanisms behind a venture capitalist's decision to invest in your business and will focus together on how to be as convincing as possible while we pitch. In this course, we will focus on the following topics:1. BASICSOFVENTURECAPITAL- In this part of the course, we will have a look at how to apply for venture capital and why venture capital is so important. I will furthermore describe to you the focus of a venture capitalist and go step by step through a venture capital application with you.2. THE10 STEPVENTUREPITCHINGFORMULAFORPROFESSIONALPITCHDECKS- This formula, formerly onlyused by entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley,will now be taught in this course. I will show you in detail how to use this 10 step formula in order to nail every pitch.3. CONFIDENCE&EXPRESSIONS- If you want to succeed, you need to be calm and factual, you need leadership qualities and a clear planin mind of where your business will be in 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 or 30 months. I will help you develop great confidence in yourself and train you to become a pitching expert.4. PITCH DECKSANALYZED- I will show you the original pitch decks of companies such as YOUTUBEor LINKEDINand we will together analyze them. Afterwards, you will be able to pitch just like Zuckerberg and Gates did many years ago.Knowing how to pitch could change your life. If you want to build a company but simply do not have the money to do so, you might be applicable to applyfor venture capital. If you want to scale your business or want to move into new markets, you perhaps should again think about applying for venture capital. Learning how to convince venture capitalists and understanding their focus thus might help you a lot. Here are 5 more reasons why applying for venture capital actually makes sense:1. BUSINESSOPPORTUNITIES- You have a brilliant idea but do not have the money to build the product needed in order to cash in? Then, you should apply for venture capital.2. IT HASNEVERBEENBETTERTHANRIGHTNOW- There has never been as much venture capital as right now in the market. If you do not take your chance now, and you wait, you perhaps not will ever get the opportunity again to get as much venture capital as right now.3. THEOPPORTUNITYMAYDRYUP- We are in an expansion now for already 7 1/2 years and very soon this field will dry up and it will get very hard for you to receive any venture capital, so better act now!4. BLANKSPACE - Especially in the app industry, there is an incredible amount of blank space (technologies/application that have not been invented/created yet). If you develop one of these apps, you will cash in massively! And in order to develop/invent these technologies/apps, you need venture capital!This course comes with 24/7 support from me and my team! Taking this course is completely risk-free!ENROLLNOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Elevator Pitching Leicht Gemacht: Der Komplette Guide" |
"WILLKOMMENZUUDEMY'S ERFOLGREICHSTENDEUTSCHENELEVATORPITCHINGKURSIn diesem Kurs werdet ihr lernen wie man einen professionellen und vor allem berzeugen Startup Pitch hlt. Dazu gehrt nicht nur die richtige Struktur des Pitches sondern auch Selbstvertrauen, der richtige Fokus und eine geeignete krperliche Haltung. Dieser Kurs wird euch zu Startup Pitching Experten machen und wie kein anderer Kurs auf Udemy euch den Weg zu Investitionskapital erffnen. In den letzten Jahren habe ich hunderte von Pitches weltweit (USA, Deutschland,China, Italien, sterreich und Polen)gehalten.Seit nun einigen Monaten bin ich gleichzeitig auch als Investor ttig und arbeite zusammen mit Investoren aus aller Welt.In diesem Kurs mchte ich niederlegen was ich von anderen Investoren gelernt habe und euch genau zeigen wie ihr die besten Deals hinsichtlich Investitionskapital bekommt. Dieser Kurs beginntmit0und bringt dich zu 100. Auerdem erhltst du Zugriff zu anderen hilfreichen Lernmaterialen und erfhrst wie du das beste aus jedem Pitch herausholen kannst!KUNDENREZENSIONEN""Ich bin nun in drei Kursen von Leon eingeschrieben und bin beeindruckt von der Qualitt seiner Arbeit und finde es beeindruckend wie viel Leidenschaft undvor allem gewinnbringendeInformationen er in diese Kurse gesteckt hat. Ich konnte in den letzten Jahren bereits einige Elevator Pitches halten und hatte auch schon viele Gesprche mit Investoren. Jedoch den Hintergrund von jeder Entscheidung eines Investors soaufgezeigtwie in diesem Kurs zu bekommenhabe ich. Einfach nur ein TOPKurs! Kann ihn an jeden weiterempfehlen. Stehe auch gerne zu privaten Nachrichten zur Verfgung wenn jemand noch mehr ber LeonsKurs erfahren mchte!""(Andre B., Augsburg, Deutschland)""Vielen Dank Leon fr diesen schnen Kurs!Super Audio, super Inhalt, extrem lehrreich und absolut das Geld Wert. Weiter so!""(Ursula S., Berlin, Deutschland)""Ich kaufe normaler Weise nicht gerne Kurse auf Udemy, hatte mich dann aber dennoch fr diesen Kurs entschieden und ich kann euch gar nicht sagen, wie gut das tat endlich mal einen guten und vor allem fachlich korrekten Kurs auf Udemy zu finden. HerrChaudharigehrt zu den besten Lehrern hier auf Udemy!""(Dr. Ulrich H., Jena, Deutschland)Dieser Kurs kommt mit einer 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie. Wenn du diesenKurs nicht magst, dann bekommst du unaufgefordert das Geld zurck, so sehr glaube ich an diesenKurs! Dies ist mein Versprechen an dich!Ich freue mich auf dich! Wir sehen uns im nchsten Video!"
Price: 199.99

"Sales Strategies Masterclass: Basic To Advanced Strategies" |
"WELCOMETOTHECOMPLETESALESSTRATEGIESMASTERCLASS - THEONLYUDEMYSALESCOURSETAUGHTBYA 7-FIGUREENTREPRENEURIn this course, I will show you step by step all the strategies that I use in order to generate sales. In the last 4 years, I scaled multiple businesses to 6and 7figures with my ability to sell. I want to now reveal my secrets and teach you step by step how you can generate such sales as well.With a yearly turnover of over 1,3 million USD, I know what I am talking about. In this course, I truly put my brain onpaper and don't leave anything out. I will share with you my TOP 50 best sales strategies that are the core sales strategies I use for my businesses. Additionally, I want to take you by the hand and offer you my personal help. If there is anything you would like to know, I am always here for you to ask or to even call.This course will be a true game changer for you! And, if you don't think so and your sales don't at least double or tripple, YOUCANGETYOURMONEYBACK! Thus, there is no reason for you not to take this course!After watching this course, you will be able to...1.Use 50+ proven sales strategies that will help you generate 20x more sales2.Define a target audience and know how to target them with different sales strategies3.Analyse target groups and improve the overall exposure of your product toward that target group4.Know how to do proper goal setting and planning in order to reach the predefined goals5.Know how to attract high paying customers globally with easy step by step procedures6.Build so called ""sales frameworks"" and apply them in a real-world environment7.Know how to deal with a mix of customers (low paying to high paying with different demographics)8.Unterstand how to generate intermediary sales via for instance a re-seller9.Know how to use the art of pressure in order to influence people10.Understand the needs and wants of customers and how to do proper customer management11.Know how to apply the 5 rules of sales success12.Know how to come with closing strategies and fallback positions13.Understand how storytelling works and you will be capable of using storytelling in order to generate more sales14.Map out sales calls effectively upfront and succeed at telephone sales15.Know how to come up with a sales focus and follow it according to your predefined goals16.Analyse market trends and know how to use data to model a future market trends17.Understand the concept of value proposition and how it applies to sales talks18.Come up with a structured and thought-through sales system19.Generating customers at a low customer acquisition cost (+ know how to calculate a customer acquisition cost)20.Know how to work together with other people in a sales team (<10 people)STOPHOPING!STARTDOING!This course will take you from the level of a beginner to the level of an expert in sales!ENROLLNOWand we will see each other in the next video!"
Price: 199.99

"Memory Mastery: Learn To Build A Healthy Memory" |
"**WELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE BRAIN FOOD & MEMORY BUILDING MASTERCLASS**Do you want to learn how to improve your memory naturally? And want to know the strategies that will make you able to remember numbers and other kinds of information 20x more quickly? Then, you picked the right course! In this course, I will show you step by step how you can increase your overall ability to learn, remember and live healthier. We will together go through dozens of methods which areused byexperts in the field of memory building and can be copied by anyone. After taking this course, you will be able to remember information much more quickly and also will be able to processinformation atthe speed of light. We will furthermore in this course focus on your diet. We will have a look at how you can improve your personal diet with natural products and without any difficulties simultaneously improve your memory massively.Additionally, you will receive a free course book, with which you will be able to review all the material covered in this course. All advice being taught in this course has been tested and applied for years and has medical or statistical prove.In detail, we will focus on the following topics in this course:1. BRAINEXERCISETECHNIQUES: We will lookat some of thebrain exercise techniques that work and look at some that simply don't work. Most people do not know which methods to use. In this course, I will present you a variety of techniques you can use in order to train your memory.2. DIFFERENTKINDSOFLEARNERS:Learning and memorizing are very close connected with each other.That's why we will identify which kind of learner you are and help you learn more quickly and efficiently.3. SHORT, MIDDLE, LONG TERMMEMORY: We will together develop an incredible short, middle and long term memory. Most people have only heard of short and long term memory yet. In my mind, that's why many people feel like they don't have a good memory. Most people simply have never trained and understood their middle term memory. I will give you all the tools you need in order to develop an incredible middle termmemory.4. MEMORYBUILDINGSOFTWARETOOLS: I will hand you software tools which willenable you to learn on your own. These software tools are completely for free and can be accessed from all over the world.REVIEWS""What an incredible course!I already loved the promo video but the content in the course was simply incredible. I didn't expectsomuch depth!Learned a lot! Amazing instructor, great lectures, thumbs up and definitely worth 5 stars!""-(Jana Z., Perth,Australia)""ILOVETHISCOURSE!This course was fun to watch and incredibly informative!Leon put a masterpiece together here. I want to recommend this course to anyone who cares about theirown memory and wants to improve it!""- (Laura A., FL, USA)""What a treat to finally find a Udemy instructorthat teaches what he promised. Leon is definitely one ofthe best teachers on Udemy. Big heart, big mind! 5 stars guaranteed!""(Tony H., FL, USA)This course comes with free 24/7 mentoring, a course book and life-long access. Taking this course is completely risk free. My promise:If you do not like the course, you will get your money back!ENROLL NOW! I'm looking forward to meetyou in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Productivity Masterclass: Become Ultra Productive In 1 Week" |
"In this course, you will learn how to become ultra productive!For you, I broke down the information, made them comprehensible and put them into an easy-to-understand lecture format!With this course, you will get access to the mind of ultra productive peopleand willlearn how to increase your productivity massively!Come with me on this journey, you will not believe where it will take you.Being very productive is one of the most important skills in modern day society. If you are not productive, you lose!Make sure that you take as many notes as possible here in this course and that you review the content I teach at least every 2 months. In this course we will focus on the following topics:1. BASICSOFPRODUCTIVITY: I will introduce ultra productivity to you and will show you how you can build your own framework in which you can become productive.2. 30EVERYDAYPRODUCTIVITYHACKS: In this part of the course, I will introduce dozens of every-day productivity hacks to you that will help you to become ultra productive.5. ADVANCEDPRODUCTIVITY: In this chapter, I will show you some more secret hacks for people who want to become ultra productive.We will in detail talk about the power of losses and the wall ofmotivation and how they can help you to become super productive.6. PRODUCIVITYSOFTWARE:You will receive free software to stay incredibly productive even after watching this course. These softwares include:TogglOutsourcing SoftwareYastMintThis course comes with free 24/7 mentoring, a course book and life-long access. Taking this course is completely risk freeENROLL NOW! I can't wait to finally get to meet you!"
Price: 199.99

"Brain Foods: Boost Your Mental Performance with Brain Foods" |
"**WELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE BRAIN HACKING COURSE ON UDEMY**In this course, you will learn how to hack yourself and how to increase your mental capacity and speed. This course gives the full blueprint to biohacking yourself. In this course, you will learn how to hack your body naturally.I will show you how cheap it can be to live healthy and toensure your mental well-being. This course is for everyone who is sick and tired of not being able to remember grocery lists or telephone numbers and perhaps had the thought of wanting to live more healthy.In the last couple of years, I did a lot of research on mental health andthe mental-well being of people. Furthermore, I had conversations with some of the best biohackers in the world who shared with me their secrets on how to hack yourself. I want to show you everything they taught meand that I found out through my research, in this video course!In detail this course will focus on:1. NUTRITION&PROPERDIETING: In order to increase your mental well-being, as well as brain capacity and speed, you need to diet properly. There are certain foods, the so called ""brain foods"", which will help you to do just that. I will introduce the best of them to you!2. SHORT, MIDDLE&LONG-TERMTHINKING: We need to think in the long term. I don't want you to hack your brain for just a day, I want to help you become smarter in the long term so that your risk for instance to receive Alzheimers decreases tremendously.3. TECHNIQUES:I will give you all necessary techniques in order to train your brain and make it more open to take in new information.This course comes with free 24/7 mentoring and life-long access. Taking this course is completely risk free."
Price: 199.99

"Morning Routine Masterclass: Become A Morning Person" |
"WELCOMETOTHE#1 MORNINGROUTINECOURSEONUDEMYIn this course, you will learn how to develop an incredible morning routine. We will base your morning routine on your physical and psychological state and help you with proven scientific research to develop and use morning routine modules.In this course, we will focus on the following topics:1.MORNINGROUTINEBASICS: We will together answer the questions:What makes a great morning routine and how do I develop one?How can I impose habits on myself that really work?How can exercising influence my morning productivity and happiness and how will I not be tired after the exercise so that I cannot be productive during the day?How does sleep pattern hacking work and how can I help myself sleep better?2. MORNINGROUTINEMODULES: In this chapter, I will give you modules that you can use in order to build your own super efficient morning routine:MODULE#1: Shower ModuleMODULE#2:Thought Dumping/Journal WritingMODULE#3: Meditation ModuleMODULE#4: Goal TheoryMODULE#5: Goal Setting ModuleMODULE#6: VisioningMODULE#7: Protein Intake & Daily BreakfastMODULE#8:SocialMedia ModuleMODULE#9: Uplifting Content ModuleMODULE#10: AffirmationMODULE#11: Loved OnesMODULE#12: Music (Ambient Songs)MODULE#13: Mirroring3. FOODHACKING: In this chapter, we will focus on the topic of cooking great meals for you morning routine. We will focus on nutritional aspects and I will show you step by step how to come up with great meals that are fast and easy to cook for every morning. We will furthermore focus on supplements and how to use them properly in order to kickstart your morning.REVIEWS""What an incredible course!I already loved the promo video but the content in the course was simply incredible. I didn't expectsomuch depth!Learned a lot! Amazing instructor, great lectures, thumbs up and definitely worth 5 stars!""-(Jana Z., Perth,Australia)""ILOVETHISCOURSE!This course was fun to watch and incredibly informative!Leon put a masterpiece together here. I want to recommend this course to anyone who cares about their productivityand wants to improve it!""- (Laura A., FL, USA)""What a treat to finally find a Udemy instructorthat teaches what he promised. Leon is definitely one ofthe best teachers on Udemy. Big heart, big mind! 5 stars guaranteed!""(Tony H., FL, USA)This course comes with free 24/7 mentoring, a course book and life-long access. Taking this course is completely risk free. My promise:If you do not like the course, you will get your money back!ENROLL NOW! I'm looking forward to meetyou in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Healthy Sleep: Improve Your Sleep & Become More Productive" |
"WELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE SLEEP THERAPY COURSE ON UDEMYDo you have a sleeping disorder or simply want to improve your sleep? Then this is the right course for you. In this course, I will show you step by step how to improve your sleep. We will together study sleeping cycles & patterns, dieting methods, and I will give you 30+ easy to implement hacks for you in order to improve your sleep. If you are ready to finally sort out your problems with sleep and want to be relaxed and well-rested in the morning, then you should sign up for this course.After watching this course, you willFight anxieties on your own with long-lasting positive effects that will regain your mental healthIdentify their sleeping problems and assess them with proven scientific methodsKnow how to fall asleep extremely quickly by creating a person-fit sound environmentsKnow how to analyze existing sleeping hacks and re-apply them to themselvesUnderstand the concept of 90 minute sleeping cycles, how to not interrupt them but rather use them in order to fight sleeping disordersCalm yourself down before you go to bed in order to fall asleep more quickly with proven scientific methodsUse more than 30sleep hacks in order to build your own subjective step by step based plan to tackle your sleeping disorders quicklyUnderstand multiple hacks for your room coloring, heating and lighting that will help you to fall asleepCreate sleep hacking plans that will track your daily improvementsKnow how to write sleep journals and make your thoughts ""flow""and a lot more!DONT FORGET: You have a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If you do not like this course, you can get your money back within 30 days. You do not take any risk when signing up for this course!This is your chance! Start overcoming your sleep problems today and sign up for this course!"
Price: 199.99

"Super Human Productivity: Become Ultra Productive" |
"WELCOMETOTHE#1 UDEMY SUPERHUMANPRODUCTIVITYMASTERCLASSIn this course, you will learn how to develop a level of superhuman productivity+ you will receive a FREE 300pages course book! I taught this course to students from all over the world (China,USA, Poland,Italy, Austria,Germany).For you, I broke down the information downinto an easy-to-understand lecture format!With this course, you will get access to the mind of ultra productive people like Dustin Moskovitz (Founder of Facebook)and willlearn how to increase your productivity massively!In this course we will focus on the following topics:1. SUPERHUMANPRODUCTIVITY - THE BASICSHow can I create to do lists that really make positive changes in my life?How can Iuse the (10+2)*5 formula and what is it in the first place?How can I create an environment in which I like to work?ABOUTTHEINSTRUCTOR:How did I became ultra productive?What are natural productivity cycles and how can I influence them?What is the prodomotechnique and how can I use it to not feel tired after work anymore?How can I set goals that I will never not achieve?When should I be taking breaks?Are breaks allowed? (Yes, they are ;))What does my decision-making say about my productivity level?2. PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE TOOLSTogglYastTrackrMomentumTrelloAsanaMicrosoft OneNoteEvernoteSlackDropbox3. EVERYDAYPRODUCTIVITYHACKS:In this part of the course, I will introduce dozens of every-day productivity hacks to you that will help you to become ultra productive.These hacks include:Automatic Bill-payingNews ToolsHacking LostHoursBack and Sync UpsExercisingHacksStress Management HacksThe Success FormulaPublic CommitmentsAlert HacksStreamlining the Wardrobe4. MORNINGROUTINE:We will base your morning routine on your physical and psychological state and help you with proven scientific research to develop and use morning routine modules.What makes a great morning routine and how do I develop one?How can I impose habits on myself that really work?How can exercising influence my morning productivity and happiness and how will I not be tired after the exercise so that I cannot be productive during the day?How does sleep pattern hacking work and how can I help myself sleep better?In this chapter, I will give you modules that you can use in order to build your own super efficient morning routine:MODULE#1: Shower ModuleMODULE#2:Thought Dumping/Journal WritingMODULE#3: Meditation ModuleMODULE#4: Goal TheoryMODULE#5: Goal Setting ModuleMODULE#6: VisioningMODULE#7: Protein Intake & Daily BreakfastMODULE#8:SocialMedia ModuleMODULE#9: Uplifting Content ModuleMODULE#10: AffirmationMODULE#11: Loved OnesMODULE#12: Music (Ambient Songs)MODULE#13: MirroringREVIEWS""What an incredible course!I already loved the promo video but the content in the course was simply incredible. I didn't expectsomuch depth!Learned a lot! Amazing instructor, great lectures, thumbs up and definitely worth 5 stars!""-(Jana Z., Perth,Australia)""ILOVETHISCOURSE!This course was fun to watch and incredibly informative!Leon put a masterpiece together here. I want to recommend this course to anyone who cares about their productivityand wants to improve it!""- (Laura A., FL, USA)""What a treat to finally find a Udemy instructorthat teaches what he promised. Leon is definitely one ofthe best teachers on Udemy. Big heart, big mind! 5 stars guaranteed!""(Tony H., FL, USA)This course comes with free 24/7 mentoring, a course book and life-long access. Taking this course is completely risk free. My promise:If you do not like the course, you will get your money back!ENROLL NOW! I can't wait to finally get to meet you!"
Price: 199.99

"Marketing Psychology: Learn To Sell With Psychology" |
"*** #1 MARKETINGPSYCHOLOGYCOURSEONUDEMY***Have you ever wondered what sets a successful and an unsuccessful business apart? If it's not their products, then in most cases it is their marketing. In the last 4 years, I built multiple 6- and 7-figure businesses and helped clients all over the world to scale their business with marketing psychology.This course is a marketing blueprint that brings you from the beginner level up to the expert level in branding, sales and advertising. The course comes with a FREE88page course book as well as 24/7 support via Udemy, Social media and e-mail.Why should you purchase this course?#1: The competition is strong. Since we live in a quite globalized world, everyone has access to advertising measures such as Facebook, Instagram or LinkedinAds. Thus, you have to be more effective with your ad campaigns than your competition in order to succeed.I will show you in this course step by step how to brand, sell and advertise your products so that they will sell more quickly than of your competitors.#2: This course was taught as a university program and normally costs 550 USD. You will in this course be taught step by step by a marketing expert how to use psychological hacks in order to sell products. The hacks taught in this course are based on years of scientific research and used by top fortune companies from around the world.What are you going to learn in this course?You will...Learn to use psychological marketing methods in order to increase your advertising ROI (return on investment)Understand how to increase the efficiency of Facebook ads, Instagram ads and Linkedin adsLearn to use priming, reciprocity, social proof and other psychological strategies in order to get people into buying your productsKnow how to use the tribe enemy principle in order to build long-lasting customer relationshipsUse the foot-in-door-technique in order to sell goods more efficiently and quicklyUnderstand how to use the Baader Meinhof Phenomenon for your businessKnow how to apply the verbatim effect in content marketingKnow how to use the Decoy effect, size principle and golden rule in order to make people buy your product more quicklyUnderstand how to create a sales anchor in order to make people justify for themselves why they buy your productKnow the psychological effects that the colors white, black, grey, orange, red, yellow, blue, green, brown and pink have on the human psychTaking this course is 100% risk-free! ENROLLNOWand we will see each other in the next video!"
Price: 199.99

"Confidence Mastery: Become More Confident Fast" |
"In the last 3 years, I taught more than 150.000 students from all over the world and in this course, I want to show you who to become more confident. Many of your probably are afraid of going onto a stage pr talking to people you haven't met before. Fear no more. In the next 21 days, I will make you become extremely confident about yourself.Being confident helped me to build business, meet new people and even helped me to find my partner. Not being confident holds you back from many opportunities life offers. So don't miss out on life and become confident.This course was originally designed for a university in Berlin where I teach about confidence and productivity hacking. I would like to give you what I gave them and even more here in this course. This course doesn't just consist of dozens of HD lectures but comes with a FREE course book for you to download.Taking this course is additionally 100% risk-free. You can get you money back at any given time. In the preview, I furthermore attached you multiple videos free for you to watch.This course is the ultimate blueprint about confidence. Don't miss out on this offer now, the price could go up soon.In this course, you furthermore get access to me. You can message,even call me at any given time and will get access to my network.I am looking forward for you!Take this chance right now and sign up for this course!CURRICULUMWhat will they learn? At the end of your course, students will be able to...Challenge themselves with the 21 days confidence challenge which will make them extremely confident within 21 daysUnderstand the knowledge principle and how to use it to become more confidentFight social anxiety with proven scientific methods on their own in a short period of timeUnderstand the memory-facts phenomenon and how to apply itUnderstand the psychology behind memory and know how to hack it in order to become more confidentKnow how to use body language in order to look more confident on stage or when you talk to people you haven't met beforeKnow how to overcome natural shyness and transform it into passion and confidence.Understand how to deal with a troubled past and how to to partially forget about itKnow how to build long-term confidence that will help you to sell more and present yourself betterSTUDENTREVIEWS""Leon is one of the most in-depth going teachers on Udemy. This is now the 11th course I bought from him and each and every one of them was worth every penny. You did an amazing job on this one here again Leon. A+++""(-Annabell, Berlin, Germany)""Thank you so much for this course, Leon! I struggled with confidence all my life but now I finally feel that I have the right tools in order to become more confident. You changed my life with this one!""(-Mohammed, Kairo,Egypt)"
Price: 199.99

"Sleep Hacking for Beginners: Improve Your Sleep & Feel Great" |
"WELCOME TO THE ULTIMATE SLEEPINGMASTERCLASSIn this course, I will show youstep by stephow toimprove your sleep. We will together studysleeping cycles & patterns, dieting methods,and I will give you30+ easy to implement hacksfor you in order to improve your sleep. If you are ready to finally sort out your problems with sleep and want tobe relaxed and well-rested in the morning, then you should sign up for this course.After watching this course, you willUse more than 30 sleep hacks in order to build your own step by step based plans to tackle your sleeping problemsCreate sleep hacking plans that will track your daily improvementsFight anxieties on your own with long-lasting positive effects that will regain your mental health and relaxationUnderstand their sleeping disorders and solve them with information gathered in this courseKnow how to write sleep journals and make your thoughts flowCreate sleep hacking plans that will consistently track your daily improvementsUnderstand multiple hacks for your room colouring, heating and lighting that will help you to fall asleep easilyENROLLNOW!"
Price: 199.99

"50 Sales Strategies for Entrepreneurs: Become A Sales Expert" |
"WELCOME TO THIS COMPLETE 50 SALES STRATEGIES COURSE In this course, I will teach you my TOP 50 sales strategies that helped me to scale my businesses to 6- and 7 figures. This course covers 50 beginner to expert sales strategies that will transform your sales forever. If you want to take your business to the next level and generate more sales, then this is the right course for you to take. After watching this course, you will be capable of doing...1. Know how to use the art of pressure in order to influence people2. Understand the needs and wants of customers and how to do proper customer management3. Know how to apply the 5 rules of sales success 4. Know how to come with closing strategies and fallback positions5. Understand how storytelling works and you will be capable of using storytelling in order to generate more sales6. Map out sales calls effectively upfront and succeed at telephone sales 7. Know how to come up with a sales focus and follow it according to your predefined goals8. Analyse market trends and know how to use data to model a future market trends9. Understand the concept of value proposition and how it applies to sales talks10. Come up with a structured and thought-through sales system11. Generating customers at a low customer acquisition cost (+ know how to calculate a customer acquisition cost)12. Know how to work together with other people in a sales team (<10 people)If you have any questions, I will be here for you at any given timeTake this chance right now and ENROLL IN THIS COURSEI will see you in the next video."
Price: 199.99

"Self-Esteem Masterclass: Learn to Love Yourself" |
"WELCOME TO THE #1 SELF-ESTEEM COURSE ON UDEMYAre you looking for help in building more self-esteem and becomingmore confident?Then this course is the training you are looking for. The course is taught by LeonChaudhari, a professional anti-stress and self-esteem coach who already helped thousands of people from all over the world to become more confident and to live their lives without any limitations or fears.Joey Wells about Leon Chaudhari: 'Leon is one of the few people that truly know what they are talking about in terms of self-esteem. His advice are on point and very practical. For me, one of the topcoaches in theworld!'In this course, Chaudhari puthis brain on paper and created a step-by-step easy to understand and to implement course.He will take you by the hand and show you one step after another how to become more confident and how to feel self-esteem.After watching this course, you will able to...1.Understand how to cope with the 7 most crucial negative thinking patterns & know strategies to fight them2.Know about 10 strategies in order be able to cope with long-term illness3.Know about 10 strategies in order be able to cope with break-ups4.Know about 10 strategies in order be able to cope with losing your job5.Be capable to deal with childhood problems that might haunt you until today6.Know how to use the concept of confidence anchors in difficult situations in life7.Know how to use powerful body language8.Understand which clothes to wear to create a feeling of authority9.Be capable of using PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) to fight early signs of depression and build self-esteem10.Unterstand the concept of motivational resilience and know how to apply it11.Understand the concept of confidence anchorsand much more!STUDENTSUCCESSSTORYBarbara L., Rome, Italy: 1999 I had a severe depression;For years after that, I had trouble sleeping and just going on with my every-day life...Leon sentme this course which I bought for only 15 USD and I have to say, it changed me a lot. In 2014, I had a short private coaching with Leon which only lasted for 1 hour but already in that single hour I started feeling better. My fight with depression, esteemand confidence was a long battle. Leon's voice calms me down a lot and this course is a constant reminder for me to keep my head up. Instead of 1 hour of coaching, I now have 3,5hours of him right here all the time!THANKYOU! It was great to be in your course!""DON'T FORGET:If you don't like this course, you can get your money back at any given time!THERE'SNORISKINTAKINGTHISCOURSE!ENROLLNOWand we will see each other in the next video!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Stress Course: Be Less Stressed Now" |
"""I hadbeenstruggling with my overallsituation for quite a while. I didn't expect too much from this course but gotsurprised big time. Leon shares some incredible insights inthis course and helped me more than any book I ever read or coaching session I booked. He is agenuine teacher and teaches with a lot of passion.""-Caylen Anderson, NY, USA ""I enrolled in 5 of Leon's courses and all of them were packed with usefulinformation. So, in September 2017, I chose to enroll in this course as well and can say it was worth the money. He helped me a lot and I am very grateful for that.""- Anna Haberland, Berlin, Germany""Great course! Knowledgeable teacher,lovely person inside-out.""- Anna Jean, MN, USADo you want to become less stressed and finally live your life to the fullest again? Then this will be just the right course for you! If you want to fight stress and find ways to relax more and first and foremost more effectively, then this certified blueprint to stress will help you greatly!Learn from a professional stress coach how to improve your overall daily habits - from dieting to behavior to exercise and work - nothing will be left out, nothing will remain untouched.What will you be able to do after watching this course?You will be able to...Create to do lists that help you to build long-term habitsUse 30+ hacks to lower your overall stress levelsUnderstand the reasons for stress and how to resolve themKnow about the 8 negative thinking patterns and how to prevent themUnderstand the concept of psychological splitting and how to not commit to itKnow how relax with 5 step by step procedures that I will introduce to you here in this courseKnow which products, behaviors and patterns cause stress and which ones to choose otherwiseHave long-term strategies on hand that will help you to lower your stress levelsand much more!DON'TFORGET:If you do not like this course, you can get your money back within the first 30 days of purchase.SOTHEREISNORISKINTAKINGTHISCOURSE!ENROLL NOWand we will see each other in the next video!Best regards,LeonChaudhari"
Price: 199.99

"Verkaufen Leicht Gemacht: Der Komplette Verkaufskurs" |
"Mchtest du lernen wie du Produkte effektiv online und offline verkaufen kannst? Und hast du dich schon immer einmal gefragt was einen guten von einem schlechten Verkufer unterscheidet? Dann solltest dudir diesen Kurs anschauen.Folgendes wirst du bekommen, wenn du dich in diesen Kurs einschreibst: Du wirst lernen was es bedeutet Verkufer zu sein, wirst die Grundlagen als auch die vorangeschrittenen Konzepte erhalten die es fr dich mglich machen effektiver online und offline zu verkaufen. Ich werde dir zeigen wie man mit Facebook Werbung Dinge verkauft, zeigen wie man mit Gumroad Landing Pages erstellt und mit DigiStore24 Produkte verkauft, du wirst von mir die ntigen Software Tools bekommen um Umfragen zu erstellen, Sales Management zu betreiben und dein eigenes Sales Team aufzubauen. Ich werde dir auerdem meine 50 besten Verkaufstricks geben und du erhltst die Mglichkeit jederzeit dich mit mir in Verbindung zu setzen und Fragen zu stellen.Was wirst du in diesem Kurs alles lernen?Du wirst wissen wie man Sales Funnels erstellt und Produkte online via Facebook Ads und anderen sozialenMedien verkauftIch werde dir beibringen wie du Telefonakquisen durchfhrst und du ich werde dir mein Skript geben, das du 1 zu 1 fr deine Zwecke kopieren kannstDu wirst lernen Produkt Landing Pages mit weebly zu bauen und mit Zahlungsanbietern zu verbindenIch werde dir zeigen wie du Produkte online mit Gumroad verkaufst; Wir werden uns in diesem Zusammenhang mit digitalen Produkten, physischen Produkten, Subscriptions & Membership Systemen auseinander setzenDu wirst auerdem lernen wie man Facebook Ads Kampagnen effektiv schaltet (dieses Kapitel wird kurz aber intensiv behandelt)Du wirst lernen wie man ber QuoraProdukte verkauftDu wirst lernen eine Produkt-basierte kostenfreie Website aufzubauenIch werde dir meine 50 besten Verkaufsstrategien geben, die du anschlieend direkt anwenden kannstDu wirst lernen wie man Produkte wie Amazon und ebay verkauftAuerdem wirst du verstehen, wie du ein Einfluss auf andere Leute ausben kannst um sie dazu zu bringen deine Produkte zu kaufenDu wirst lernen wie man ein Verkaufsteam aufstellt, managed und zum Erfolg fhrtund vieles mehr!Nachdem du diese Masterclass beendet hast, wirst du eine komplette Ausbildung zum Verkufer durchlaufen haben und fhig sein direkt damit zu starten deine Produkte offline und online zu verkaufen.NICHTVERGESSEN:Wenn dieser Kurs dir nicht gefllt, dann kannst du jederzeit innerhalb der ersten 30 Tage deinGeld zurck bekommen.Deswegen:WARTENICHT!Dieses Angebot wird schon bald verfallen und der Preis des Kurses in die Hhe gehen.Deswegen schlage jetzt zu!Du hast nichts zu verlieren, aber viel zu gewinnen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!Beste Gre,LeonChaudhari- Lehrer -"
Price: 199.99

"Medium Masterclass: Become A Full-Time Blogger on Medium" |
"WOULDYOULIKETOSUCCEEDONTHEWORLD'SLARGESTONLINEBLOGGINGPLATFORM?In this course, I will show you step by step how to become a full-time blogger on Medium, how to set up your own magazine, get yourself organized, write with passion and much much more!This course is for everyone who thinks about turning their hobby into a career.In 2016, I became a FULLTIMEBLOGGERANDENTREPRENEURand since then have generated a consistent 6-figure income. In this course, I will share with you my secrets on how I didit.You will get from meexclusive spreadsheet and guides, 40+HD lectures, personal contact and much more! This course additionally comes with an exclusive CERTIFICATE for YOU!Why do so many people want to become a full time blogger?In my opinion, there are THREEtypes of FREEDOM deriving from blogging:FREEDOMOFTIME - You can write whenever you want. Whether at night, during the day, on a plane, on your smartphone in the bus - literally ANYWHERE at ANYTIME! And no one stops you writing. You can write how long you want (of course until the sleeps kicks in).FREEDOMOFTHOUGHT - You can write about anything you want - whether it's love, travel, business or other topics. I will show you in this course how to identify and work with target groups - SODON'TWORRY - Even if you change the topic you write about, you will be able to take my step by step process to find a new target group.FREEDOMOFSPACE- You can write anywhere you want. If you want to write in the bathroom, you may. If you want to write while you eat breakfast, you may. If you find the time to write while you hike, you may! There is no limit anymore and you can write WHEREVERYOUWANT!Blogging gives you more freedom than any other profession in the world;By enrolling in this course, you take another step toward this profession and hopefully soon, you will like I, experience the freedom of time, thought, and space!This course consists of 9main ideas:IDEA GENERATION - How do I come up with great ideas for articles?PROFILE DEVELOPMENT - How can I scale my profile to 1000 followers+ in the first month?TECHNICAL BACKGROUND - How does Medium work?How is the algorithm set up?BRANDING -How do I brand myself on the platform?WRITING - How doI write engaging articles that people want to read?GROWTH HACKING - How can I, without paying anything for marketing, scale my profile?(Focus:mass following and comment strategies)DESIGN - Which kind of designs should I use for my articles?MARKETING - How can I promote my articles on different online platforms?How can Igenerally generate more traffic for my articles?BRAND SCALING &SALES - How can I generate sales through Medium?This course is everything and MORE- You will learn everything I know about Medium blogging and you can copy my system how I generate 6 FIGURESper year right away.After watching this course, you will be able to... Master the art of writing highly engaging articles and promoting them effectively through Social Media and Medium itselfKnow how to use tags to dominate your niche and potentially reach thousands of people per day Use mass following and communication strategies to increase the depth of interaction with your following Understand the exact step by step process to scale your account from zero to 1000 followers Know how to create your own online magazine and monetize it Automate the acquisition process of new authors for your magazine through software tools Apply for the premium Medium OPEN PAYWALL completely for free and earn money on Medium through blogging Set up your own Patreon account where people can give you donations for your workMYPROMISETOYOU:If you do not like thiscourse, you can get your money back within the first30 days of purchase. Thus,YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!ENROLL*NOW*and we see each other in the next video!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Course on Leadership, Execution & Resilience" |
"Do you want to develop true leadership skills, want to learn how to execute more or simply want to work on your resilience? Then this course is for you.I will take you from where you are right now to the point where you know you are capable of leading other people, including yourself.We will first of all figure out who you truly are and clean up all the misconceptions you had until now. To be precise: We will be working on your self-awareness. Afterwards, we will focus on intra relationship skills, have a look at theories in the field of sociology and communication and I will afterwards show you how to apply them in a real world environment. As a follow-up we will then focus on developing our own leadership skills, were I will focus with you on the three 3 main concepts every leader needs to know how to master. These are execution, influence and resilience. We will then focus on how to deploy leadership skills toward other people without seeming to be bossy or unfriendly. And in the end of this course, I will reveal long term strategies that will help you to analyze your own behavior toward other people.When you are finished with this course, you will know exactly how to develop and deploy leadership skills, how to influence people and communicate with them properly. You will understand what it means to take responsibility and you simply will be more confident.After taking this course, you will be able to: Master leadership skills in different environments (at work, in your company, during group projects etc.) Understand the 4 main leadership theories and their historic backgrounds Discover the power of human psychology and influence (and you will know how to use both for your advantage) Know how to solve problems and create problem-solving feedback loops within your group, company or project Understand the concept of global leadership and know how to become a global leader Know how to build a virtual team and how to use the applicable software tools in order to manage itWhile other courses confuse you and tell you to be a mean, cocky, bossy leader, this course will teach you how to be an empathetic, resilient, analytical leader that people want to follow.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time. Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee.You have nothing to risk buteverything to gain!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course buttonright now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"Selling Products Locally: Learn to Sell Your Products Online" |
"Would you like to start your own business by selling physical products online but think that its too complicated or that there is too much competition? Then this course will help you out. In this course, you will learn how to sell physical products online on local listing sites like Facebook marketplace. We will cover the basics of selling your products independently, I will help you find the right customers and manage transactions. But will we cover in detail here in this course? Facebook Marketplace: How do we sell products effectively via Facebook marketplace? We will now learn how to set up our own products, write compelling product description and sell products locally. Objections on Facebook Marketplace: You will face many objections when selling on Facebook Marketplace. Some customers don't want to pay up-front, don't show up or even don't respond to any messages. I will show you how to face and manage the objections properly. Product Flipping: You can't just sell your own products but make money by buying and then flipping products. You will learn how to do that in this part of the course.Ebay & Craigslist: Two other great places to sell your products on are Ebay and Craigslist. In this part of the course, you will learn how to upload your products to both platforms. Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever. Go ahead and click the 'take this course right now button' and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling! Yours sincerely, Leon Chaudhari- instructor - "
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Ads Masterclass: The Complete Facebook Ads Course" |
"Would you like to know how to create an effective Facebook ad? And would you like to have access to step by step strategies that reveal how to turn 1 dollar spent on ads into 2 dollars or more in profit? Then this is the course for you.In this 24 hours long course, I'll turn you from a complete beginner into a Facebook ads professional and I will be showing you how to create Facebook ads, install pixels, set up custom conversions, sell products online and much more.So what exactly are you going to learn here in this class?Facebook Pages, Profiles & Chatbots - We will start with the absolute basics. What is a Facebook page? How do I program a chat bot? What are autoresponders? How do you calculate organic reach and how can it be influenced? In this section of the chapter you will receive a step by step guide that shows you exactly how I scaled my Facebook page to over 25,000 likes in just one week and how you can too! You will also learn how to create an artificial intelligence that will automatically write and answer messages for you. We will also talk about message sequences, how you can program them into your chat bot and we won't stop here: We will continue with tags, hashtags, app installations for Facebook pages and much more!Facebook Ads, Custom Audiences & Lookalike Audiences - We will now learn about setting up Facebook ads. We will cover more than 50 different kinds of ads and formats, from carousel ads to slideshow ads, from traffic ads to conversion ads, no type or format of a Facebook ad will be left untouched. We will additionally dive deep into the topic of custom audiences and lookalike audiences that will help you make your Facebook marketing more efficient.Facebook Pixel & Custom Conversions - In this part of the course, we will cover Facebook pixels. You will learn how to install and test them, how to set up custom conversions and how to track events such as purchases, leads and much more. Mobile Ads, Viral Content & Instagram Marketing - If you ever wanted to know how to reach hundreds of thousands of people for only a few dollars, then this chapter is for you. In this part of the course, you will learn how to film, edit and set up professional mobile ads that reach millions through viral content marketing strategies. In addition, we will learn more about Instagram and running ads on the platform. Messenger Marketing, Bots & Local Business Ads - You will now learn to program your own sophisticated chat bot with two GDPR-friendly chat bot programming softwares. No coding skills are required. Afterwards, you will learn how to run messenger marketing campaigns and you will be capable to generate high open and click through rates. These skills will be especially helpful when running ads for local and small as well as mid-sized business. In this regard, you will also receive additional training in local business ads. Facebook Marketing Agency, Business Manager & Sales Funnels - At the end of this course, you will receive a step by step guide from me that will lay out how to start, run and scale your own SMMA - a social media marketing agency. We will cover how to deal with clients, how to create and sell digital products, you will learn to use the Facebook Business manager, in order to be capable to run ads for other clients, and we will cover Facebook-based sales funnels that could quickly increase your earnings from digital sales. Most chapters will come with exclusive case studies, downloadable documents and worksheets, quizzes and much more! After completing this course, you will be capable to: Create 50+ kinds of highly converting Facebook ads & Facebook-based sales funnelsKnow how to create engagement ads, traffic ads, messenger ads, local business ads and much moreInstall Facebook pixels and set up custom conversions, custom audiences and lookalike audiencesBe capable to develop your own sophisticated and effective Facebook marketing strategies Figure out your target group and be able to target them directly through FacebookOptimise and scale your Facebook ads through professional A/B split testing and other means of analysisUse the Facebook Creative Hub to analyse the usability of your contentCreate highly converting conversion ads & know how to sell products from your online store effectivelyStart and scale your own SMMA (social media marketing agency) for (local) business adsUse the Facebook Business Manager effectively for running ads & organising Facebook pages What are you still waiting for? Enroll in the course and we will see each other in the first video!Yours sincerely,Leon Chaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Value Investing - Strategies - Your Value Investing Training" |
"Value Investing - Strategies - Your Value Investing TrainingIntroduction into the Most Successful Investment Strategy, used by the richest investor of all times:Warren Buffett.When theRICHEST INVESTOR of all times has used and perfected an approach to investing, VALUE INVESTING, this is what you want to know if you want to make money in the stock market.You will also learn which mistakes are to avoid, when it comes to value investing.The Principles are also applicable to Bonds, Realestate, Luxury Goods. Actually any investment vehicle that is traded in an intransparent market.Get to know the founder of Value Investing, Benjamin Graham and his mentioned disciple Warren Buffett. Graham has laid out the Basics and the theoretical Foundations of VI. Buffett, the richest investor of all times hat refined this method and put it into practice.I hope to see you in the course!Best, Christian Egermann, LL.M.PS: As a Bonus to the course Value Investing Training you will get my speech on Value Investing from August 2017. Just to give you a different perspective.Here is a list of the Sections in this course:Basics of Value InvestingProblems with Traditional InvestingDont make these Mistakes in Value InvestingBonus Section"
Price: 194.99

"Learn Photoshop For Web Design - All Points Included" |
"Are you new in Web Design ? Maybe you're someone who is web design but struggling ? Either of the case you came to the right place. In this course I'll teach you step by step how to learn the Basics of web design, how to improve your design knowledge for example, colors, typography & visual design. I'll also show you how to get work in web design & how to make money with your designs.This course consist of 4 Phases.Phase 1Why Photoshop ?Setting Up PhotoshopAdjusting Workspace & PanelsWhat are Grids & how to use themUnderstanding Layer PanelLearning the necessary tools for web designPhase 2How to design navigation bar"
Price: 19.99

"AWS para Iniciantes 2020 - Aprenda e Domine a nuvem Amazon" |
"****************************************** Turbine sua Carreira No fique de fora e conhea a maior plataforma de Cloud Computing do mundo!****************************************** A Amazon Web Services a maior empresa de nuvem pblica e servios na Web nos dias de hoje. Com centenas de produtos e milhares de funcionalidades, a AWS possibilita a criao de produtos digitais, anlise de dados, infraestrutura, desenvolvimento de aplicaes, machine learning e muito mais. Os servios da AWS possuem benefcios extraordinrios como:Facilidade de UsoFlexibilidadeSeguranaEconmicaEscalvelAprenda nesse curso, os principais conceitos e servios da AWS mesmo sendo leigo."
Price: 129.99

"Chatbot Avanado com Manychat PRO - Seja um Expert" |
"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ateno: Esse um curso de Manychat Avanado, se voce ainda no tem conhecimentos de Manychat, sugerimos antes de comprar esse curso, adquirir conhecimentos de Manychat------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O Manychat tem se tornado umas das mais poderosas ferramentas para a criao de Chatbots para Facebook Messenger e tem ajudado milhares de pessoas e empresas a aumentar suas vendas e engajar mais usurios no Facebook. Com as ultimas inovaes da plataforma do Manychat possvel levar o seu Chatbot a um nvel extraordinrio de integrao, dados dinmicos e conversao com seu usurio. Esse curso vai te ensinar como usar as ferramentas avanadas do Manychat, com os seguintes objetivos:Conceitos e Integrao com Webhooks e APIs Integrao com Sistemas de Terceiros via ZapierComo enviar dados do MySQL para o seu ChatbotComo gravar informaes do seu Chatbot no MySQLComo integrar o Manychat Growth Tools com WordpressUtilizao de Rules, Dynamic Contents e Criao de Dados DinmicosEntender e trabalhar com o conceito de Flows, Conditions, Smart Delays e RandomizerComo acessar a API do Manychat atravs do seu sistema WebMuito mais...No perca a oportunidade de ser um expert !"
Price: 159.99

"Dialogflow Completo-Domine a Criao de Assistentes Virtuais" |
"O Futuro j chegou ! Por que ficar de fora ?Cada vez mais, as pessoas esto interagindo com Assistentes de Conversao, Chatbots e Mensagens Automatizadas.Segundo a Grand View Research, o crescimento global do mercado de chatbots dever ser de 24% anuais at 2025.Aprenda de Forma Fcil, Prtica e Intuitiva como criar Agentes de Conversao como a ferramenta do Google, DialogFlow.Nesse curso voc vai Aprender:Criar Agentes (Chatbot) baseado em Linguagem de Processamento Natural (NLP)Criar Agentes que conversam com os seus usurios de forma Natural utilizando o Poder do Machine LearningCriar e Disponibilizar seu Bot no Google Assistant atravs da Plataforma Actions on GoogleIntegrar seu Agente com Site da Web, Facebook Messenger, TelegramUtilizar as funcionalidades da Plataforma Google Firebase para criar Agentes ProfissionaisUtilizar a plataforma NodeJS para alavancar o poder dos Agentes de ConversaoFazer integrao com Banco de Dados MySQLFazer o Planejamento de um Agente de forma ProfissionalEsse curso vai alavancar seu conhecimento pessoal e profissional e ajudar a criar Agentes que vo suportar essa nova realidade."
Price: 189.99

"Amazon DynamoDB para Iniciantes - Aprenda Banco NoSQL da AWS" |
"Por que no fazer parte de um seleto grupo de Profissionais que dominam tecnologias inovadoras como o AWS DynamoDB ?Para fazer esse curso, no necessrio nenhum conhecimento anterior de AWS DynamoDB.AWS DynamoDB um Banco de Dados NoSQL da Amazon, rpido, flexvel, escalvel. Atende a qualquer volume de demanda com ilimitadas operaes e com tempos de respostas em milissegundos (ms).Aprenda desde Conceitos Bsicos a Recursos Avanados como tirar o melhor proveito da tecnologia do AWS DynamoDB.Para exemplificar como uma aplicao poderia fazer uso do AWS DynamoDB, vamos ensinar a criar APIs incrveis, utilizando Javascript e um servidor NodeJS grtis, passo a passo, sem que voce precise de grande experincia em programao.Voce sair desse curso totalmente capacitado para usar o AWS DynamoDB nas mais diversas situaes e necessidades, atendendo assim a velocidade que as inovaes precisam."
Price: 99.99

"Kickoff your Public Speaking Career" |
"Ever wonder what the difference is between an icon like Tony Robbins and any other trainer/motivational speaker? The answer is simple. Icons follow a process in order to get their talks done magnificently. In this course, we'll see this process; we'll see together why and how adults learn. Then, you will be mentally prepared to deliver your session and end your fear of speaking in public. Afterwards, I will help you prepare every physical detail about the course; from your body language to the logistics of the place you will deliver your training or presentation at.Most importantly, in this course, you will learn how to handle different kinds of questions, and how to end your courses on a high so that people would want to hear more from you. You should take this course if you want to become an outstanding trainer.Take this course and be the most prepared presenter you can be!"
Price: 119.99

"Soccer Coaching Hacks" |
"Coaching can be frustrating, especially while dealing with young players, who are still discovering their skills and abilities, and at the same time, mostly, in it for the fun.Sometimes you find yourself dealing with the kid who you know has abilities but don't know the best position where they can thrive.You find yourself dealing with the kid who has no skill, whatsoever, but yet you have to find a place for them where they can play, have fun and benefit the team.You meet the kid who can play everywhere and you can't decide which position will benefit the team the most.As a coach it's your job to assign each of them to the perfect position, create the perfect tactic and layout the perfect formation according to the needs of each match to lead your team to victory.Well if you can relate, so you are lucky to be in the right place, as here you will master how to do this smoothly and effectively.Enroll now and be a real part of soccer!"
Price: 39.99

"Cybersecurity and Criminal Law: What you need to know" |
"Cybercrime describes the major types of crimes involving computers and the internetthat are of two types: (1) traditional crimes committed using computers and/orthe internet; and (2) new crimes created because of the internet. This course will cover crimes in both areas, including the major federal laws that control cybercrime and criminal procedure and how it applies in a cybercrime context. Cybercrimes involving hacking, cyberbullying, bitcoin and the internet of things and law will be included in this course.In this course, for each of the twelve legal topics and segments, there is a reading assignment, a video lecture followed by a five-question quiz to test your knowledge and comprehension. You will be able to re-watch any video lecture, and retake the quizzes as you would like.You may never look at your computer the same again."
Price: 24.99

"Nanotechnology Law & Policy" |
"Nanotechnology has been compared to the great events of human history like the industrial revolution or the discovery of antibiotics. Nanotechnology isthe application of science to utilizenano size tools and matter for applications not possible at larger sizes. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter andnanomaterials are typically one to 100 nanometers in diameter. But because of this nano-size,the characteristics and properties change so dramatically, that in addition to the new applications,they pose new risks as well asopportunities for society."
Price: 29.99

"Space Law 201" |
"This course builds on the overview of space law your learned in Space Law 101, and examines the legal foundations of space law. The course has seven lectures. In part one, the Basics of Space Law, four lectures focus on; first, an introduction; second, the basic lexicon of space terminology, terms of art, and basic scientific principles of space technology; third, a current look at the increase in space investment and space law as a growing area; and fourth, the history of space law. In part 2, International Law Foundations in Space, we focus on areas of law that provide precedent and foundations for what we might encounter in space. This section includes two lectures on Antarctica and the Antarctica Treaty; a lecture on the Law of the Sea and how that relates to Space; and finally, a primer on Customary International law, which applies where there are otherwise no treaties. At the end of this course you will be better able to assess the law where business opportunities are emerging, apply and navigate the basics of space law, and draw from other areas of law in solving conflicts in space. (Note: None of this course constitutes legal advice and you should consult your own attorney for any questions you may have.)"
Price: 34.99
