"70-347: Administracin de Office 365" |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders a crear un tenant de Office 365 y configurar los diferentes servicios que ofrece la nube de Microsoft. Empezaremos con la gestin de usuarios y dispositivos finales desplegando Office 365 ProPlus mediante diferentes tcnicas. Despus nos introduciremos en Sharepoint Online donde crearemos colecciones de sitios y gestionaremos los permisos necesarios para acceder a ellos. Pasaremos luego a gestionar soluciones de colaboracin con Exchange Online y Skype for Busines. Por ltimo trataremos los conceptos de planificacin de Exchange Online y Skype for Business. Todo el temario est basado en los requisitos del examen de certificacin 70-347 de Microsoft, por lo que este curso te ayuda a prepararte para superar este examen.Contenido99 vdeos con casi 7 horas de formacin con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Creacin y configuracin de un tenant de Office 365Configuracin y despliegue de Office 365 ProPlus en un entorno empresarialGestin de usuarios y buzonesAdministracin de soluciones de colaboracin usando Yammer, correo electrnico, coautora de documentos, colecciones de sitios en Sharepoint Online, Exchange Online y Skype for Business.Planificacin de soluciones basadas en Office 365.Laboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Podrsinstalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosCada seccin va acompaada de un examen para que puedas poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 6 GB de RAM y procesador de 64 bits con virtualizacin hardware (Inter-VT EPT AMD-V). Un ejemplo de procesador es un Intel Core I3, aunque hay ms procesadores que soportan esta caracterstica y debers asegurarte de que el tuyo lo cumple. Mnimo de 40 GB de espacio en disco duro.Tarjeta de crdito o dbito para solicitar la prueba gratuita de Office 365. En ningn caso Microsoft cargar ningn coste a esa tarjeta dentro del periodo de prueba.Experiencia en la administracin de sistemas Windows.Examen de CertificacinEste curso NO incluye el examen de certificacin oficial de Microsoft. Incluye el contenido para prepararte el examen, que luego podrs contratar en cualquier centro Pearson VUE al coste indicado por Microsoft."
Price: 59.99

"70-698: Instalar y Configurar Windows 10" |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders a instalar y configurar Windows 10 en entornos locales y empresariales. Empezaremos con la preparacin de los requisitos para la instalacin y luego veremos diferentes formas de despliegue del sistema operativo. Configuraremos las caractersticas de Windows 10 y los controladores de dispositivos para luego pasar al soporte de los servicios. Veremos cmo se configura la red y el almacenamiento, incluyendo tecnologas nuevas como Storage Spaces. Aprenderemos a controlar el acceso a los datos y las aplicaciones y tambin practicaremos tcnicas de administracin remota. Utilizaremos diferentes herramientas de monitorizacin del sistema y aprenderemos tcnicas para hacer copias de seguridad y restaurar archivos.Todo el temario est basado en los requisitos del examen de certificacin 70-698de Microsoft, por lo que este curso te ayuda a prepararte para superar este examen.Contenido72vdeos con mas de 8horas de formacin con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Instalar Windows 10Configurar un dispositivo que ejecute Windows 10Configura la conectividad de redGestionar el almacenamientoGestionar aplicacionesGestionar la seguridad de los datos y dispositivosMonitorizar y actualizar Windows 10Laboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Podrsinstalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosCada seccin va acompaada de un examen para que puedas poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 6 GB de RAM y procesador de 64 bits con virtualizacin hardware (Inter-VT EPT AMD-V). Un ejemplo de procesador es un Intel Core I3, aunque hay ms procesadores que soportan esta caracterstica y debers asegurarte de que el tuyo lo cumple. Mnimo de 40 GB de espacio en disco duro.Experiencia previa en el uso de sistemas operativos Windows.Examen de CertificacinEste curso NO incluye el examen de certificacin oficial de Microsoft. Incluye el contenido para prepararte el examen, que luego podrs contratar en cualquier centro Pearson VUE al coste indicado por Microsoft."
Price: 59.99

"Ciberseguridad Ofensiva: Hacking y Pentesting con PowerShell" |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders a llevar a cabo tareas de PenTesting utilizando PowerShell. Podrs comprobar la seguridad de tu red y tus sistemas informticos, grupos de trabajos y dominios usando mdulos desarrollados en PowerShell.Empezaremos con una introduccin a PowerShell donde aprenderemos cmo son los comandlets de este lenguaje, cmo obtener ayuda sobre los diferentes comandos y cmo modificar el formato de la salida de eso comandlets.Despus nos introducimos en los fundamentos necesarios para empezar a programar scripts en PowerShell. Aprenderemos a usar variables, operadores, sentencias condicionales, bucles, arrays y veremos los tipos de datos que podemos usar en PowerShell. Veremos cmo se crea un script que posteriormente convertiremos en una funcin y lo incluiremos en un mdulo que cargaremos en memoria. Estas funciones incluirn validacin avanzada de parmetros.Continuaremos con la administracin y ejecucin remota de comandlets usando diferentes tcnicas como PowerShell Remoting, gestin remota de sesiones, mltiples sesiones e Implicit Remoting.Estudiaremos la administracin de tareas en segundo plano y aprenderemos a ampliar la funcionalidad de PowerShell utilizando objetos .NET y objetos COM. DesdePowerShell accederemos a informacin de las mquinas usando WMI y tambin aprenderemos a leer y modificar el registro de Windows tanto de forma local como remota.Cuando tengamos un slido conocimiento de PowerShell nos introduciremos en la metodologa de un proceso de PenTesting estudiando las diferentes fases que componen el proceso: Reconocimiento y escaneo, escaneo de servicios y vulnerabilidades, ejecucin de exploits...Entraremos en detalle en cmo recopila informacin sobre los sistemas objetivo usando mdulos como PowerShell Empire, la interfaz ADSI y los comandlets de PowerShell para Directorio Activo.Aprenderemos las tcnicas que utilizan los atacantes para comprometer los sistemas y las herramientas que usan para crear shellcodes y payloads que traten de evadir los sistemas antivirus y antimalware. Estudiaremos mdulos como Veil-Framework, Powercat, PowerSploit, Nishang, PowerShell Empire, Astroid, Phantom Evasion, ...Y por ltimo nos introduciremos en las tcnicas defensivas que podemos aplicar para mitigar los riesgos asociados a las herramientas de ataque de PowerShell.Contenido61vdeos con ms de9horas de formacin con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio. Ms de 100 enlaces de informacin adicional.Introduccin a PowerShellComandlets, Scripts y FuncionesMdulos y Administracin RemotaPowerShell AvanzadoIntroduccin al PenTestingAdministracin y Recopilacin de InformacinExploits en PowerShellDefensa en PowerShell.Laboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Podrsinstalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosLas secciones van acompaadas de tareas prcticas y al final del curso podrs comprobar tus conocimientos con un examen final.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a Internet.Ordenador con un mnimo de 8GB de RAM.Mnimo de 100 GB de espacio en disco duro.Experiencia previa en la administracin de sistemas operativos Windows."
Price: 59.99

"Build a Plug & Play Hacking Box in 3 Hours + Free eBook" |
"The main idea of this course is to turn an innocent router into a hacking box (AKA hardware backdoor or Pentest box) . We will not be focusing on the hacking tools themselves but rather than how to use them in such scenario where we do have our box in between with our target. Also we will not develop new exploits. But we will test exploits through our box.Please make sure to checkwith local, state, andfederal lawsprior todoing any physical assessments.Also, ensure you have proper approval, work with the facilitys physicalsecurityteams, and have asignoffpaper in case you get caught. IF you want to use AWS. Check the AWS Abuse and Pentest Policy. The lastthingyouwantistoactuallygotojail.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Instead of buying WiFi Pineapple, Minipwner, Pwn .. etc. why not building your own custom one?In this course, we will build your custom Ethical Hacking Box. Control it from AWS. Install Python & Scapy. Tunnel tools and attacks!"
Price: 59.99

"Power BI Completo - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O curso completo de Power BI, do bsico ao avanado em vdeo aulas passo a passo. Aqui voc vai aprender as principais ferramentas do Power BI para no s criar dashboards e relatrios dinmicos, mas tambm conseguir analisar milhares de informaes de forma simples e intuitiva.Nesse curso vamos comear do zero, desde a instalao do Power BI no seu computador e te levar passo a passo ao nvel avanado, ensinando todas as ferramentas que voc precisa para usar todo o potencial do Business Intelligence para criar relatrios intuitivos e impressionantes, com grficos, indicadores, mapas e muito mais!Esse curso 100% prtico, o que significa que voc vai estar o tempo todo aplicando e exercitando em cada aula, para voc aprender como fazer exatamente o que desenvolvemos no curso no seu computador e em qualquer caso que tenha que resolver na sua vida profissional.O Power BI est se tornando uma das ferramentas mais importantes do mercado de trabalho e se voc quer se destacar, esse pode ser um grande diferencial na sua carreira.Qualquer dvida s falar e nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 279.99

"Recover From Divorce: From Broken to Brand New" |
"I tell my divorce story, the ups and downs, the good and bad advice, so that you can see where I was, and how I ended up. Now after several years I have successfully blended a new family, and have been married for more than two years to a wonderful wife. Now finding the courage deep within, I tell my divorce story so that I can share hope and encouragement with others.If you desire to recover quickly from a divorce, learn the tips and techniques that I have explained to be able to heal faster and go forward with a blended or new family in less time than it takes most. By thinking about the ends during the process and where you want to wind up, you can make several key decisions and make your situation a much better one than it could otherwise be.My main goal, is to share with you the real feelings and thoughts that I went through, that changed and transformed me as a person as I struggled and sought to find the differences between several feelings and emotions that I eventually processed. Through my experience you will come to have this knowledge, and be able to relate in your own experience, and from that, you will be able to navigate to a much better outcome in the end.In all my videos, I offer up tips and thoughts for you to think about and take with you, and I give them to you in almost every video. I want you to succeed where I failed, and even though I had a great outcome, I want yours to be better. I want you to have less stress and anxiety, to find the answers faster, and know what problems you will face, and what to think about, so that you will be prepared, and then you will be in a better place, with greater wisdom and thought."
Price: 29.99

"Wild Foods :: Identify, Harvest and Prepare Edible Plants" |
"Its not only enjoyable but truly empowering to go out into your own backyard or to anyplace in the wild and gather your own food.There are so many unique wonderful flavors to explore.This course is just like being on a personalized plant walk with me, however this digital journey has huge advantages.In this course, well cover far more than we could in a traditional half-day plant learning excursion. Well travel around together to all sorts of environments. Well also get to see the plants at different stages of growth and in different seasons. The best part, you can re-watch the lessons as many times as you like so you can really learn the plants and build your confidence. This will truly accelerate your learning. Join me as me venture out to meet the wild edibles. Wild plants are the most fresh and nutritious food you will find. Nearly all of the plants in this course grow in abundance in the wild.During this course, Ill share with you many important teachings as well as many of my own experiences with these delicious and nutritious plants. I will show you were to find each of the plants as well how to harvest and how to prepare them. Join me in this healthful, delicious course."
Price: 64.99

"Herbalism :: Identify & Harvest Medicinal Plants Certificate" |
"DID YOU KNOW THERE IS HERBAL MEDICINE GROWING NEAR YOU? You may be surprised at what you thought was a common weed is actually valuable medicine! They are everywhere! These are the plants that were brought with people as medicine as they migrated to new parts of the world. The plants took hold and fortunately now we have easy access to their healing gifts.The most important medicine we have is what we can harvest ourselves.It is easily accessibleIt is the best qualityIt is freeIt will always be there for usIf there is anything you learn about herbal medicine, it should be about how to find the plants.Heres what students have to say about the course: ""Great course on plant identification. I particularly enjoyed the botany section, and of course, Elizabeth Heck provides TONS of information on each of the medicinal plants she features. I highly recommend all her courses!"" - J. N. S. ""The very first plant is growing outside my house. My neighbors said it was medicinal but I did not know for what or how to use it. - Joan Q ""I really loved this course. It has helped me become confident about plant identification, and how to use them for simple treatments. It is also beautifully presented! Many thanks!"" ""It was easy to follow. I have already easily discovered wild herbs that are growing on our Farm. I can only recommend this course."" ""Very compact and practical, all the information about an herb in one place with pictures, foraging instructions and tips for use. I like it very much!""We find medicinal plants in our backyards, gardens, nearby forests, old farm fields and even growing right up through the cracks in city sidewalks. You can easily learn medicinal plants that are useful for many common ailments. This course covers the most widespread medicinal plants found in nearly all parts of the world. You will learn:Where to find each plant based on where it likes to growHow to properly identify the most common and useful medicinal plantsWhat are the look-alikes for each plant so you develop stronger skillsWhen to harvest each plant for the greatest effectivenessHow to use each plant for ultimate health and wellbeingBy the end of the course you will have the confidence to identify, harvest and use your own medicinal plants.Your instructor, Elizabeth Heck has 25 years of experience in working with plant medicines. She is by far, Udemys most qualified herbal instructor. Rest assured, youre in good hands. With an extensive botanical background, she is one of the top instructors on the subject globally. Even better, she is there for you throughout the course to answer any of your questions. Thats incredible value!Why is this course not Accredited?Nearly every online course (unless it is a large university) that claims to be accredited, actually is not. These are simply fake accreditations from real-looking websites used as a marketing scam in order to sell more courses. Elizabeth, as with any experienced herbalist, teaches with ethics and integrity and absolutely will not be deceitful for marketing sake. Rather, her students are sincerely respected and honored. Therefore none of her courses claim to be accredited.More of what students are saying about the course: ""This course is a very good match for me as I am a novice at herbalism and I find that the instructor is very easy to understand and she is out in the field demonstrating what she is talking about."" ""Very informative. Nice to see someone showing the plants and talking about them. Puts the description from books and the actual plants together."" ""It was definitely a good match for me! Now I feel prepared to go and identify these plants while taking my daily walk by the river. I have already recognize some of them and it is just awesome to get a little bit closer to mother earth by learning about plants and its uses. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge."" ""Yes perfect. I have a large garden and have just found out all the weeds I've been throwing away have amazing healing properties.""You will find this course truly empowering so join in and discover the amazing medicine growing around you. Plants are peoples medicine! You have lifetime access to the course so you can take as long or short as you wish to go through the material. You can replay the videos at anytime using the course as an ongoing reference. You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.ENROLL NOW! "
Price: 199.99

"Evaluating your online business idea" |
"Before you start spending your precious time and hard-earned money, you need to evaluate the strength and potential of your idea. You need to answer questions like:Is it a profitable idea? Has it been done before? Does this idea really work as a website?In this module, you will learn my special techniques and guidelines for idea evaluation. They will help you avoid wasting your time and resources on ideas that dont make business sense."
Price: 19.99

"Performing Online Research" |
"Once you decide your idea is something you want to pursue, you need to do some research to see if there is a market for it. You need to figure out the demand and competition for your idea, product or service.Getting this part right is often the difference between a complete waste of time and a profitable business.Youll learn what online resources you can use to research your market, understand it and make smart business decisions."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Web Design" |
"The look and feel of your website create the first impression of your online business to new visitors and potential customers. In 2017, the bar has been set really high. Your website visitors expect a high level of design excellence.In this module, youll learn the basics of web design. More importantly, for those of you who arent good at design, Ill also cover how and where you can find a skilled design professional to help you build a website that stands out."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner Full Stack Web Development: HTML, CSS, React & Node" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate WebDeveloper Bootcamp. This is your one-stop-shop to learn front-end AND back-end development.We'll take you from absolute beginner to competent full-stack web developer in a matter of weeks.WHOSHOULDTAKETHISCOURSE?Anyone who is curious about programmingEntrepreneursThose looking for a career changeSerious coders &hobbyistsStudents &teenagersAnyone who wants to learn web developmentWHATYOUWILLLEARNHTML5CSS3JavascriptBootstrap 4DOMManipulationNPMNodeMongoDBRESTExpressES6ReactDevslopes has taught over 100,000 students how to code. Using our exciting, hands-on teaching style you are sure to master the principles ANDhave fun at the same time.We also have a free chat community with over 50,000 students where you can interact and get help from others.See you on the inside!-Mark Price"
Price: 199.99

"3D Game Modeling & Animation With Blender" |
"Welcome to3D Game Modeling & Animation With Blenderwhere you will learn everything you need to know about 3D game modeling and 3D animation for games.Devslopes has taught over 100,000 students. We think we are the coolest kid on the block. We like to make fun stuff, and then share the knowledge. Just try us and see!WHYTHISCOURSEThis course goes hand-in-hand with our top selling course Unity Game Development Academy. Over there you learn the code - here you learn how to create the 3D models and animations needed to bring games to life.Also, this course isALLABOUTGAMES. This isn't 3D modeling for movies or for architecture. This is all about games. What that means is you will learn about low poly modeling.You will learn the tricks the pros use to make low poly models look amazing.Everything you learn takes into consideration the game engine you will use with the assets you create.WHATYOUGETOver 20 hours of video contentExercises that will push your skillsQuizzes that will help you retain what you have learnedFree Chatroom access - interact with over 20,000 students real timeSkills needed to make 3D models, characters, and VFXHOWWILLTHESESKILLSHELPME?You can create your own 3D gamesYou can start your portfolio and start applying for jr 3D designer jobsYou can learn to code and learn 3D to be a one stop shopYou can start your own game studio"
Price: 199.99

"iOS 11 & Swift 4: From Beginner to Paid Professional" |
"Welcome to the world's most comprehensive course on iOS development. This course is designed like an in-person coding bootcamp to give you the most amount of content and help with the least amount of cost.NOPRIORCODINGEXPERIENCEREQUIREDHere are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course:Submit apps to the app storeUnderstand programming &basic algorithmsWork fluently with Swift 4 &iOS 11Apply to jr iOS development jobsWork as an iOS contractorWho this course is for:People who want to build apps!Those who want to create their own startupThose looking to get a full time job as a developerBusiness ownersStudents &teenagersPeople who want to make money building appsIf you are absolutely new to programming you should start at the beginning of the course and go to the end.I've designed this course to take you down a guided learning path. Lectures are not broken out by specific topics.You build apps and then learn a ton of principles within those apps.So don't skip around!If you already know Swift then you can skip the Swift section since the changes between Swift 3 and Swift 4 are minor.If you've never programmed before, make sure you DOtake the Swift lessons.We'll teach you core foundational principles so you can build complex apps.If you are a student of iOS 10:From Beginner to Paid Professional then feel free to start taking this iOS 11 course.Keep in mind that this iOS 11 course has a bunch of new apps. So there is a HUGE benefit to ALSOgo through the iOS10 course - or you'll miss out on awesome content.Don't forget to join the free live community where you can get free help anytime from other students.Here are a few things you'll learn:Swift 4Xcode 9Interface BuilderFirebaseBuild a SlackCloneMaps &GPSCore DataARKit &Augmented RealityCoreML& Machine LearningTables &DataAPIs, HTTP, and NetworkingApp DesignStoryboards &SeguesAnd a lot more..."
Price: 199.99

"Minute Meditations for the Soul" |
"If you've had a desire to create a daily meditation practice or simply lower your stress, then this course is for you.Too busy to meditate? Intimidated by the whole idea of meditation? Meditation doesn't have to be a lengthy practice. You can derive benefits in only one minute. This is because meditation teaches you to focus on one thing. Multi-tasking leads to stress. Focusing on one thing at a time is actually more efficient. Plus, meditation reduces stress and boosts your immune system. In this course, there are 30 daily meditations, each lasting roughly minutes. Each day includes a Christian scripture to meditate on. Try it for 30 days. Enjoy the peace."
Price: 34.99

"Learn to Play Craps Like a Pro" |
"This course will teach you all the fundamentals of craps. You will learn how to place all possible bets in the game of craps, learn how to hedge bets, how to manage your bankroll, how to walk away when losing and walk away when winning, how odds betting works, dice statistics, payout ratios, common craps terms and etiquette of the game. Why should you take this course? First off, Craps is by far the most fun game you will find in the Casino and many will want to play it but are intimidated by all the bets. The benefit to taking this course is the ability to know the game of craps, along with having the courage and knowledge to play the game like a pro! This course will ensure that you will understand every aspect of the game!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Microsoft Word 2016 - From Beginner to Expert" |
"This is Scott, author and trainer ofseveral books and courses on Microsoft Office products.But even more importantly, I've actively used Word in real-world situations for over 20 years.With each new version of Word, I've not only learned what is new for myself and my own benefit, I've built my skills to help teach others and to train many of my colleagues.In this course, you'll get the benefit of that experience in addition to learning the basics for how to use Word. You'll gain some tips and tricks and learn to avoid common pitfalls people encounter when they're using this program.Well be creating robust documents from scratch using real-world examples from my experience in the business world, but dont let that stop you.The methods learned in this training can be applied anywhere: Business School Home Home BusinessYou name it.Learning a New program can seem daunting at first.But by using my award winning look over my shoulder training method, well work together as if you are sitting right next to me looking over my shoulder. Instead of just going through the interface, tab by tab, learning individual functions we will build projects, from simple and large and dynamic reports using multiple features of Word to complete the task.Each project builds upon what weve already covered so by the time you complete this course You will learn to think in terms of problem-solving rather than just knowing about each feature You will quickly discover how to make Word work the way you like to work.For example, you'll learn how to quickly set up pages for your projects using margins, tabs, and styles.Frequently used techniques like finding and replacing text, checking spelling, and creating outlines are covered thoroughly.Documents are likely to include photos, charts, and other graphics. This course shows how to insert, re-size, and format those elements.If you work with long documents you'll learn how to add headers footnotes, tables of contents and cover pagesIf you collaborate with a team, you'll see how to track changes and add comments to a document.You'll also learn the fine points of printing, how to publish PDF files, and how to send your finished work via e-mail.The ideal student for this course is either a complete beginner or someone who uses word regularly but doesnt really use too many of the features, maybe typing, changing fonts, bullet points, saving and printing but doesnt really make those professional looking documents that will be either turned in for an assignment or shared with the entire company.This course is also ideal for someone who uses an older version of Word and wants to see the new features in action.Or to help on the interview or add a little extra job security.So, feel free to look through the course description. I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 79.99

"Learn Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 - From Beginner to Expert" |
"This is Scott author and trainer on several books and courses on Microsoft Office products.But even more importantly, I've actively used PowerPoint in real-world situations for many years.With each new version of PowerPoint, I've not only learned what is new for myself and my own benefit, I've built my skills to help teach others and to train many of my colleagues.In this course, you'll get the benefit of that experience in addition to learning the basics for how to use PowerPoint. You'll gain some tips and tricks and learn to avoid common pitfalls people encounter when they're using this program.Well be creating robust documents from scratch using real-world examples from my experience in the business world, but dont let that stop you.The methods learned in this training can be applied anywhere: Business School Webinars Home BusinessYou name it.Learning a New program can seem daunting at first.But by using my unique look over my shoulder training method, well work together as if you are sitting right next to me looking over my shoulder. Instead of just going through the interface, tab by tab, learning individual functions we will build a complete presentation from scratch using the features of PowerPoint to complete the task.Each part of project builds upon what weve already covered so by the time you complete this course You will learn to think in terms of problem-solving rather than just knowing about each feature You will quickly discover how to make PowerPoint work the way you like to work.Let's take a glimpse of what I'll be covering in this course.For starters, we'll create a presentation from scratch, adding slides, bullets, and photos to help convey your idea.I'll show you how to use and customize the built-in themes and templates, and photo effects to create professional-looking presentations with very little effort.Then we'll cover animating your slides and providing transitions between them that will add a touch of class to your presentation.Well cover rehearsing and timing your presentation and Ill give you tips on how to present.Armed with your laptop and a mouse, you can become a dynamic speaker with PowerPoint, illustrating your ideas on a screen.The ideal student for this course is either a complete beginner or someone who uses PowerPoint regularly but doesnt really use too many of the features, maybe creating new slides and typing out the presentation, (maybe changing fonts, bullet points, saving and printing) but doesnt really know how to customize all the features in PowerPoint to get that professional looking presentation, regardless of whether youre presenting in the class room or the board room.This course is also ideal for someone who uses an older version of PowerPoint and wants to see the new features in action.Or to help on the interview or add a little extra job security.So, feel free to look through the course description. I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 79.99

"Animate an Explainer Video Using Adobe After Effects CC" |
"Explainer video's are in high demand, with video content driving sales traffic and generating awareness for products and services many businesses are in need of a good explainer video to convey the valueof their business to potential customers.In this classyou will learn the fundamental tools in After Effectsspecicifically related to creating an explainer video.After Effects is an incredible program that has a broad range of capabilities.We will focus on three main ingredientsthat are vital to any explainer video: interesting transitions, flourishes, and characters.The goal of the course is to finish with an understanding of what makes an appealing animation in regards to explainer videos and how to create it for yourself in After Effects.Thanks for joining!"
Price: 109.99

"Launch Your Creative Career - Go Freelance or Work @ Studios" |
"Have you considered switching careers or pursuing your hobby more seriously? Then this is the course for you!I changed careers almost 10 years ago and I want to share with you my knowledge and experience of launching my creative career. Iwas in a science-related field withno experienceand now I've launched my career all the wayto working on feature films forSteven Spielberg.In this course we will cover how to:confront obstacles you'll face and the realities of turning a hobby into a careerdevelop your passion into a sustainable careerbuild your portfoliofind time for all of thisAfter watching the course you will:have practical actions to take to launch your creative careerstrategies and techniques that helped me overcome the initial challengesa clear vision of what you need to do and how to do itI've created a4-page worksheetas well as a20-page ebookfor you to download. Use the worksheet to follow along with the courseto help focus and plan on launching your creative career. You will be asked to do a couple of practical exercises that will help build your portfolio as well.The 20-page ebook is meant to be a deeper dive into some of the concepts we cover as well as a review of the video lessons.I look forward to seeing what you create from this course! Thanks for joining me!Lucas"
Price: 99.99

"Facebook Marketing For Insurance Agent" |
"""Imagine Facebook Generating Leads For You AND Follow Up For You,Without You Making A Phone Call Or Sending Messages Through Facebook Private Message"" Facebook Marketing Strategy & Habits Tailor Made For Insurance Agents.Every insurance agent have a Facebook account,but most agents failed to harness the hidden potential & tools Facebook provides. (Free Tools)This Course Covers The Following:What Should I Post On FacebookWhy Should I Have A Business Page AND Personal AccountHow To Setup Your Business PageHow To Warm Up Your Leads On FacebookHow To Generate Qualified Leads With FacebookHow To Implement Effective Follow Up Strategies On FacebookStep By Step How To Video Guides"
Price: 34.99

"Soul Medicine - Subconscious Programming" |
"Beliefs are energy. We begin picking up beliefs from childhood. Some of these beliefs are limiting in nature . SO, they create energy blocks in our body. These energy blocks are stopping you from receiving abundance. These blocks further manifest as poor health, financial problems, emotional disturbances, trauma depression, relationship issues and so on.Every block that keeping you away from growth, success and abundance is actually result if subconscious programming. York limiting beliefs came from wrong subconscious programmingSoul Medicine is a powerful energy medicine technique. This course aims to help you discover how did you pick the limiting beliefs since childhood. The, we teach Energy Medicine technique to eliminate these blocks that have been subconsciously programmed in your mind. Next, we teach subconscious programming transmute limiting beliefs into powerful and string beliefs. This change will be permanent. This is how you get rid of energy blocks once and for all."
Price: 59.99

"Intuition Powers Course" |
"Intuition is the ability to conceive without conscious processing. To help you understand, think of it like 'thinking with an infinite brain'. Normally to solve problems, to think, to analyze, to compute we would use our rational mind. Now, our mind can only solve problems based on the information it already has. This mind is called conscious mind.However, Intuition is beyond conscious mind. It is system in your body that can feel all the connections in the universe. For example, the food you eat came because a farmer sowed, a bird pollinated, Sun shone, it rained, tractors reaped, distributors sold rice, you worked, earned you salary and could buy food. Now there are many inter connections in this process. Now your conscious mind will not know all of this unless you can keep track of all the connections.However, here is the surprise, your intuition can know all of this connection. It would be like your intuition speaking to you and saying, ""More Birds can produce more food"". To a common man limited to his conscious thinking this more birds, more food concept would seem like weird and stupid. However, intuition is right because it can supernaturally feel the interconnection between pollination by birds and harvesting of crops. Although mind cannot see it, intuition can feel it. This is the power of intuition. It can feel the connections. It would be like a brain connected with Universe. This is like Universe itself acting as you information processing unit in your brain. That's why we call it 'thinking with an infinite brain.Drawing inspiration from this truth, we developed INTUITION POWERS course. This is a rare course. We designed it to help people become better intuitive thinkers. Think of it like this. Individuals beginning to access the powers of Intuition to make better decisions and solve problems in their life. If we all worked together intuitively, we can commonly work for the collective benefit of this world. Imagine, having an infinite brain and solving your Life problems. Actually, your problem solving and decision making ability is so good with intuition hat you can solve others' problems too. Intuition is your true spiritual asset. Learn how to unlock the hidden powers of Intuition.To help you learn Intuition Mastery in a easy and practical way, we developed the Intuition Powers Course."
Price: 59.99

"Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I" |
"### Enroll in the NEW Salesforce Lightning Web Component Development Course ####Are you looking to pass your Platform Developer 1 exam? If yes, this is the course for you. In order to pass your Platform Developer 1 exam, the knowledge and experience the of Salesforce Platform are not enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself. And that's why I have designed this ""Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I"".This course covers all the topics related to the study guide of Platform Developer 1 Certification exam. Not only that, after end of every section, I have also included the sample questions similar to the Platform Developer 1 exam. Exam Topics for the Platform Developer 1 exam :Logic and Process Automation 46%Testing 12%Data Modeling and Management 12%User Interface 10% Debug and Deployment Tools 10%Salesforce Fundamentals 10%What strategy we will follow in order to pass the exam?The goal is to obtain 90% so you are well above the passing score. We will work on the sections from most-weighted to least-weighted, giving us the most coverage early on in your learning path. Key Features of this course :14+ hours of video trainingTopics aligned with the official study guide of Platform Developer 1 examHands on practice on the Salesforce platformReal time scenarios and examples coveredQuizzes after every section of the course"
Price: 119.99

"Shopify Ecommerce : Create an online store from scratch" |
"Have you ever dreamed of running your own business or an online store? Have you had one of those days where you didn't feel like getting out of bed but had no choice because of your day job?Wouldn't it be ideal to control when you feel like working? Have you ever thought about owning a location independent business? Just think if you could migrate to a tropical location in the midst of the deep cold winter months and still operate your business? Wouldn't you be happier, healthier?Life is short;you deserve to have all this! I reallybelieve it's possible to take control of your life and truly become your own boss and live your lifedream through running a business witheCommerce.My goal in this course is to show you all the steps required to start and grow your eCommerce business and become your own boss.This course will help you ifYou want to sell a product online but don'tknow where to start.You need help breaking the project downand getting started to launching youreCommerce Shopify website.You need help in how to launch aneCommerce store with Shopify but dont knowhow to launch.You launched your business but can't gettraffic or sales.You hear everybody talking about socialmedia but don't know how to start.You've been in business for two years butstill don't see much for sales.If any of these sounds like you I urge you to takethe leap and take this course, you will not regret itonce you had your store up and running and thesales are coming in."
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript for Beginners: Build real-time Projects" |
"This course explains how JavaScript can be used in browsers to make website more interactive,interesting and user-friendly. You will also learn about JQuery because it makes JavaScript a lot easier.To get most out of this course, you will need to know how to build web pages using HTML and CSS. Beyond that, no prior programming experience with programming is necessary.Learning to program with JavaScript involves:Step 1: Understanding some basic programming concepts and the terms that JavaScript programmers use to describe them.Step 2: Learning the language itself, and like all languages you need to know its vocabulary and how to structure your sentences.Step 3: Becoming familiar with how it is applied by looking at examples of how JavaScript is commonly used in websites today."
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Visual Workflow Complete course" |
"This course is for Salesforce developers, administrators, customers and partners who want to use Flow to automate their business requirements by click not code. Whether you are new to Salesforce or you are a expert, you will be able to master Flows. Note: This course doesn't require any programming or coding skills.If you are looking to learn what Visual Workflow is and how to automate business processes using Flows,then you have come to the right place. You may be expecting this as ""how to course"" but its not true. The course goes beyond just a simple step-by-step how -to course.You will build real -time business processes using flow.The course is divided into multiplemodules.Below is a quick overview of the course:In the first module ""Getting Started with Visual Workflow"" ,we will learn about basic knowledge of Salesforce Visual Workflow. We will also create our free developer account which we willautomatebusiness processes using Visual Workflow.We will also discuss the benefits of using Salesforce Visual Workflow. You will also get an overview of Flow canvas and its elements.In the 2nd module, ""Creating your first flow"" , we will pick a business process and we will see how to use a flow instead of Apex code to solve them. We will learn about Screen element, adding text to the screen and other components.In the 3rd module, ""Overview of Cloud Flow Designer Tool"",talks about constant and Text template in Flow and then takes you toward the manipulation of data using Record elements. We will designs flows using Screen, Assignment ,Record Create, Fast Create, Record lookup, Fast Lookupand Decision elements.in the 4th module, ""Creating a Wizard using Flow"", we will build a wizard to interact with users. Through this example,we will learn about how to build a complex flow using Cloud Flow Designer.In the 5th module, ""Salesforce Data and Loops"", talks about the concept of Collections and Loops.We will learn about Salesforce lookup, Salesforce updates and we will also create a flow that handles multiple records from Salesforce.In the 6th module, ""Building an App with Visual Workflow"", we will learn about subflows. We will see how to invoke the subflows from Main flow. This section talks about passing parameters from the salesforce object page to the Main flow and invoke flow from Salesforce object.In the 7th module, ""Creatingsurvey withflow"", we will create a survey using a Flow and also we will learn to invoke survey from a visualforce page.By the end of this course, you will become a master of Flows and you will able to build simple to complex business processes with clicks not code. See you in course :)"
Price: 189.99

"Salesforce Lightning Process Builder from Basic to Advance" |
"### Enroll in the NEW Salesforce Lightning Web Component Development Course ####Note: This course doesn't require any programming or coding skills.This course will acts as both a reference for the Salesforce administrator and a configuration guide for the newbie customer who want to develop an application in Salesforce without code using Process Builder. This course covers all the features of Lightning Process Builder.This course covers real-time scenarios so that you can get a feel of working with real time business processes. At the end of every module, you will find key points and exercises for practice.The course is divided into multiple modules.Below is a quick overview of the course:This 1st module, ""Lightning Process Builder Basics"" covers the basics of Lightning Process Builder,actions to perform using process builder, various use cases of process builder, and we will also cover the UI for process builder.In the second module,""Creating Simple Processes using Lightning Process Builder"" we will cover some simple business processes which we will build using process builder. After completion of this module, you will get clear-cut idea of how to automate business processes using process builder and minimize the need for Apex code.In the 3rd module,""Cloning a Process in Process Builder"" we will learn about how to clone a process . Once you have activated the process, it doesn't allow you to make any changes to it. If you want to make any changes to the active process, then you have to clone it and save it either a New version or a New process.In the fourth module, ""Notifications with Lightning Process Builder"" we will cover different ways of notifying people when something occurs. Lightning process builder can be used to send out notifications. We will cover business processes to send email alerts and chatter post to notify the users. We will also see how to schedule actions in a process.In the fifth module, ""Cross-Object Updates with Lightning Process Builder"" , we will wall through an example process that will work off an object and do some field updates on it. This process will also make field updates on an entirely different object that is related to it. We will be working with Salesforce in a new way that was not possible before without the aid of custom development such as an Apex Trigger. In the 6th module ""Approval Process with Lightning Process Builder"" we will cover approvals and how Lightning Process Builder works to augment the features already existing in Salesforce Approval Processes. In this module, we will dive into the capabilities and limitations that exist currently in Lightning Process Builder when it comes to implementing an Approval process. We will also build an example process where we implement an approval process that in the past would require custom Apex development to achieve.In the seventh module ""Calling Autolaunched Flows"": Sometimes requirements become complicated and we reach the limit of what can be done in a process. At that point, though, Lightning Process Builder allows for other options to call out to different features of Salesforce. In this section, we will learn about how to invoke auto-launched flows from process builder. In the 8th module ""Extend Lightning Process Builder with Apex"", we will focus on how to invoke Apex code from Lightning Process Builder.At the end of the course you will be an expert at Lightning Process Builder and you will be able to build simple to complex business processes in process Builder. "
Price: 94.99

"Salesforce Lightning: Learn about Salesforce Lightning" |
"### Enroll in the NEW Salesforce Lightning Web Component Development Course ####Refer to this invaluable how-to course for training on Salesforce Lightning. Salespeople and technical users and consultants will no longer have to resort to learning the interface on their own, which is very time consuming. Salesforce Lightning UI course is a step -by-step video course that offers immediate and valuable solutions to the new set of UI tools included in Lightning. In this course we will build a custom Salesforce Application using the Salesforce Lightning UI and through this app, you will learn about the new features of the Lightning UI. In this course, we will walk through the process of managing your daily activities within Salesforce, as well as basic customization and System management.This course explains the primary use case for lightning and simplifies some of the more complex features, such as opportunity Stage management and the new dashboard builder. We will cover the following topics:Sales and service managementLightning Apps on the AppExchangeLightning dashboards and reportsLightning securityLightning Process Builder and moreBuild a Custom App in LightningData Import WizardPoint and Click Application Development"
Price: 189.99

"Google AdSense & YouTube" |
"Contents of the course are given as belowHow to convert your idea into YouTube Channeli will learn how to build the Google AdSense account and as well the YouTube channelComplete management of Google AdSense & YouTube ChannelComplete SEO of Google AdSense & YouTube Channel to engage more viewersi will able to generate the money for will get"
Price: 19.99

"Pregnancy Yoga - 7 Day Introductory Course" |
"Join Susan for this easy to follow mini course in pregnancy yoga. All you need is just five minutes per day to learn some key movements and postures to practice during your pregnancy. Over the seven days of the course you will receive seven short yoga lessons that you can practice in the comfort of your own home - handy if you are still working or short of time on the mat! Each lesson demonstrates a new yoga pose or movement that is beneficial for the pregnant body. Learn to release achy muscles, reduce tiredness and focus on your growing body.Benefits of the course include:Release any tension and achy musclesLearn short movements that you can do at homeQuick and convenient to do (just 5 minutes per day!)Strengthens and prepares the body for birthTake time out to focus on you - learn self careHelps you to feel fantastic and strong in your rapidly changing bodyThis short taster into pregnancy yoga with Susan is a fantastic way to get started with pregnancy yoga if you have never done it before or are struggling to find a class to attend in your area.About SusanI am an award winning yoga teacher (MPower National Mums in Business 'Spirit' Award 2018), mum and founder ofSusan's World of Yoga an online yoga space for anyone looking to get better quality rest and relaxation. Blending expert yoga tuition with specialist knowledge in the field of pregnancy and postnatal yoga, baby yoga, baby massage, restorative yoga and guided relaxation (Yoga Nidra) I provide a unique perspective on how to find deep relaxation and reconnect with yourself. Yoga has always been really big part of my life but as a new mum, Susan's World of Yoga has moved into a very specific niche and my focus is mainly on helping expectant and new mummies. This includes sharing the wonderful benefits of pregnancy as it was a really important part of my own personal transition into motherhood. My business motto is 'Give Yourself Permission to Rest' and I truly believe that this online course helps you start nurturing your body at this really special time.I also teach regular group and 1-2-1 pregnancy yoga classes in Surrey. Testimonial About the Course""Lovely exercises which help to make me feel like I am still strengthening my body despite being heavily pregnant."" Abi Keyser, 2018"
Price: 19.99
