"The ONLY course that teaches all the TypeScript Fundamentals required to work with Angular !---Sample of the reviews:Very clear explanation ! Perfect course to begin with Typescript ! -Brice Lallement It was a good starting point for a beginner like me. I did not use JavaScript before, but the TypeScript course was an excellent introduction. Thank you Bharath Thippireddy - Ana Nasture ---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----If you are JavaScript developer who wants to learn TypeScript in depth and also master then this course is for you.If you are a developer with any other object oriented programming language background and want to learn AngularJS in the future then this course is for you too .TypeScript is is used by many popular JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS , VueJS etc by. You should have used JavaScript before you take this course.JavaScript does not use structures like classes to implement object oriented programming.This can be confusing for programmers coming from Java ,C++ or python background.This course covers how TypeScript provides structures like Java ,Python etc that will make our life easier.It will also be easy for you to learn newer versions of JavaScript in like ES 6/7 in the future once you master TypeScript.What Will I Learn?Learn how to define variables using data typesCreate functions that take optional, default and variable number of argumentsCreate and use arrow functionsUse Interfaces to define a contract for objects , functions and arraysUse the different types of variable prefixes like let and constLearn the key Object Oriented PrinciplesCreate objects using classesReuse Objects through InheritanceUse the different access modifiersEncapsulate your classes/objectsWhat are the requirements?Visual Studio Code IDE ,Web Browser(Chrome, Firefox, IE etc)"
Price: 19.99

"Full Stack Angular with Node and Java Backend" |
"The ONLY course that covers the all the features of Angular along with Java and NODE Backend Development!---Sample of the reviews:The best material I have seen that explains Angular clearly. Well structured lessons with a brief summary after each section. There has been a lot of thought into the content and structure of the course. Highly recommended. - John LawmanBharath is a great instructor. I have enrolled in all of his courses. They are short and to the point. Act as a quick refresher. I knew AngularJs 1.x and wanted to deep dive into the latest angular offering. With this course, I am much more confident. This course covers almost whatever you will need on the front-end side. I am eagerly waiting for Security/Testing sections to be added. All the Best. - Sanjiv BhargavaGood info. though I haven't completed with the remaining course, I find the course is very engaging and covers all aspects of angular for beginners to expert level. - Arun KumarRespond---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Do you have the knowledge of JavaScript and TypeScript and want to master AngularJS then this course is for you.If you are an experienced AngularJS developer who wants to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of creating a Single Page Applications using AngularJS then this course is for you too.You will learn how to create Rest APIs using Express and Java Spring Boot and use them in your Angular Front End and build Full Stack Application from scratch.AngularJS is the most widely used Single Page Application Development framework in the industry today. Angular makes it super easy to create production ready Single Page applications. You will start this course by learning what Angular is ,the different features that are a part of every Angular application .You will be working hands on one feature at a time .You will then create two mini Single Page applications using all the knowledge you gain from those sections.Learn what Single Page Applications areUnderstand how Angular makes it easy to build SPAsCreate Angular ComponentsUse various directives angular providesCreate Services and use them to make GET and POST callsDevelop REST APIs using Node and ExpressJSCreate a Angular front end that consumes those REST APIsConfigure routing for the Single Page ApplicationCreate and use pipes to format the dataUse Reactive Forms and Template Driven FormsCreate custom directives and use themCreate a Flight Reservation back end API using JAVACreate a Front End by consuming the back end APICreate a Check In App that will check in a passengerWhat are the requirements? AngularJS , Visual Studio Code (Installation is covered in easy setup section)"
Price: 29.99

"Curso completo de Marketing Digital con Profesor Certificado" |
"Mster en Marketing Digital. Haga crecertu negocio: SEO, SEM, Email Marketing, Google Analytics, Google Tag Managery ms.Ir de principiante a expertoAl final del curso, sabrs etiquetar tu sitio web, definir tuaudienciay conducir untrfico de calidad a travs delos principales canales digitales.Podrs implementar todos tus conocimientos en tutrabajo o para tus clientes.Evitarla necesidad de usar los servicios de un webmaster yimplementarsetiquetas en tu sitio web con rapidez:Google AdWords, Google Analytics, ...Dominarla plataforma Mailchimp, referente a nivel mundial como herramienta de email marketing, para disear y ejecutar campaas de Email Marketing altamente eficacesMejorar el rendimiento de tuweb y tu posicionamiento orgnico.Adquirirun conocimiento slido en analtica webDeterminar qu tipo de trfico llega a tuwebCmo mejorar la conversin detusitio webEstructurar, optimizar y medir una campaa, tanto en la red deBsqueda como en la red de DisplayVender enGoogle ShoppingRealizar publicidad enYoutube.Convirtete ahoraen un experto en marketing digital!"
Price: 199.99

"How To Create Lucrative Sales & Marketing Partnerships" |
"""The right Partnerships are by far the most effective way to increase brand awareness, grow your audience, monetize assets, and find money. Its no wonder good marketing partnerships deliver an average 9 to 1 return on investment. Can you say that about your Adwords or SEO campaign?""~ SimoneNovelloHave you ever bought something because someone you trusted endorsed that specific product or service? If you moved into a new part of town and your new neighbor recommended a specific dentist or doctor, would you be more or less inclined to use their services? Most likely you wouldnt even consider looking at any other options.Every business, no matter what its size, should implement a formal Endorsement Partnership Program where itearnsprofitsby recommending other businesses products or services to itscustomers, clients or patients. In turn, itshould also have a reciprocalagreementin place where itgenerates new leads and revenuesfrom other businesses recommending itsproducts or services to thepartner'scustomers, clients or patients.Surprisingly, according to Jay Abraham, one of Americas leading business growth experts, fewer than 1% of all small business owners use this powerful, low cost, marketing strategy to grow their businesses. The other 99% are not using it because they thinkits too hard, orthey simply dont understandhow powerful it can be!This Endorsement Partner Formula online training course will teach you of success and put you into that elite1% who know the secret to rapidbusiness growth andmakingmore money as a result."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop CC 2018 dla wiecznie pocztkujcych" |
"Czy zacze kiedy uczy si Photoshopa, ale ostatecznie poddae si, bo to po prostu byo bez sensu? Prbowae, starae si, ale nawet podstawy okazyway si zbyt trudne i nie widziae adnych sensownych efektw woonego wysiku Prawda jest taka, e Photoshop to bardzo zoony i rozbudowany program o olbrzymich moliwociach, ktry niejednego zniechci. Ale prawda jest te taka, e da si go nauczy, jeli si wie jak si do tego zabra. A wiele kursw i poradnikw kae po prostu klika i modli si, e uda ci si powtrzy, to czego ucz. Pokazuj jak co dziaa, ale nie potrafi wytumaczy DLACZEGO i co mona z tym zrobi. Dlatego w tym kursie nauczysz si wszystkiego, co potrzebne, eby wreszcie ruszy z miejsca. Nauczysz si tego, co niezbdne, eby w kocu SAMODZIELNIE zacz pracowa z Photoshopem i przesta marnowa na nauk wielu godzin penych frustracji i zwtpienia. Nauczysz si Podstaw obsugi programu: tego jak robi waciwy uytek z paneli, narzdzi czy menu. Jak tworzy i obsugiwa dokumenty.Jak dodawa i edytowa zdjcia. Dowiesz si np. jak poprawi zdjcie przy pomocy kilku prostych klikni.Wreszcie zrozumiesz po co w ogle s te warstwy i maski i co mona dziki nim zrobi.Jak dokadnie wycina elementy z ta dziki kilku prostym technikom i narzdziom.Nauczysz si tez podstaw obsugi narzdzi rysowania w PhotoshopiePoznasz te zasady uywania narzdzia PiroNa koniec nauczysz si podstaw retuszu zdj: jak usun niedoskonaoci skry, wybieli zby czy zmieni kolor oczu. Poznasz wszystko to, co jest absolutnie niezbdne, eby samodzielnie, szybko i sprawnie pracowa z Photoshopem. Bez tracenia czasu na uczenie si tego, co ci si nigdy nie przyda. Bez bezmylnego powtarzania klikni. Poznasz wycznie przydatne, sprawdzone techniki uywane przez profesjonalistw z brany kreatywnej na caym wiecie. Jeli jednak jeste ju zaprawionym w bojach, dowiadczonym uytkownikiem Photohopa ten kurs nie jest dla ciebie. W tym kursie nauczysz si przede wszystkim, tego, jak Photoshop myli: odkryjesz sposoby na osiganie dokadnie takich efektw, jakich oczekujesz. Bo przecie to ty masz zagoni Photoshopa do roboty, a nie on ciebie! Jeli kiedykolwiek odpucie sobie nauk Photoshopa, bo miae do suchania nudnych wyjanie, co trzeba klikn, i co to s te warstwy i jakie fajne s te narzdzia, ktre nie wiadomo, do czego su Zapisz si na ten kurs. Zosta on tak pomylany i tak stworzony, eby w przyszoci zapisywa si na inne kursy wycznie z ciekawoci, a nie dlatego, e dalej nie rozumiesz podstaw. Wierz, e doczysz do naszej spoecznoci 25 tysicy zadowolonych studentw, ktrzy tak jak ty, wreszcie zaczli si uczy programw graficznych. Udanego projektowania i do zobaczenia! Dawid"
Price: 199.99

"Modern Flat Design in Affinity Designer Masterclass" |
"Affinity Designer is a revolutionary piece of graphic design software. In fact, it can be the only program you will ever need if you want to create digital illustrations and posters custom graphic elements like icons and styles logos, business cards and websites All in one piece of software! But the abundance of options can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, you can learn all the things that will quickly allow you to work with Designer independently in one place. In this more than 8-hour long (and counting) course you will learn how to easily use Designer by designing modern flat design illustrations. If you are thinking about starting your career as a graphic designer and want to learn Designer or you just need solid design software skills for work, you will find all that is necessary for that in this course. Because it teaches you through hands on learning and doesn't bore you with technical details before you start. Inside you will find Gorgeous yet easy to create modern flat design digital illustrations that you can use for your own portfoliHigh quality, perfect-paced flat design projectsTons of useful skills and shortcuts to make your own designs happen Easy to learn ways of getting things done in Affinity Designer Practical supporting files for you to use in your own work Each project carefully designed to allow you to develop in-demand graphic design skills. Because this course is not just about creating digital illustrations. It's first and foremost about you developing software skills that will allow you to shine among design wannabes. This course will let you build your very own portfolio of modern flat design digital illustrations and aplication icons. So if you are tired and bored with courses not showing you how to practically use the tools and skills they teach, give this course a shot. Its ultimate goal is for you to have skills you can use for the rest of your design career. Hope to see you inside! Dawid"
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 [2020]" |
"Data scientists, machine learning engineers, and AI researchers all have their own skillsets. But what is that one special thing they have in common?They are all masters of deep learning. We often hear about AI, or self-driving cars, or the algorithmic magic at Google, Facebook, and Amazon. But it is not magic - it is deep learning. And more specifically, it is usually deep neural networks the one algorithm to rule them all.Cool, that sounds like a really important skill; how do I become a Master of Deep Learning?There are two routes you can take: The unguided route This route will get you where you want to go, eventually, but expect to get lost a few times. If you are looking at this course youve maybe been there. The 365 route Consider our route as the guided tour. We will take you to all the places you need, using the paths only the most experienced tour guides know about. We have extra knowledge you wont get from reading those information boards and we give you this knowledge in fun and easy-to-digest methods to make sure it really sticks.Clearly, you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? What exactly will I get out of this course that I cant get anywhere else?Good question! We know how interesting Deep Learning is and we love it! However, we know that the goal here is career progression, thats why our course is business focused and gives you real world practice on how to use Deep Learning to optimize business performance.We dont just scratch the surface either Its not called Skin-Deep Learning after all. We fully explain the theory from the mathematics behind the algorithms to the state-of-the-art initialization methods, plus so much more.Theory is no good without putting it into practice, is it? Thats why we give you plenty of opportunities to put this theory to use. Implement cutting edge optimizations, get hands on with TensorFlow and even build your very own algorithm and put it through training!Wow, thats going to look great on your resume!Speaking of resumes, you also get a certificate upon completion which employers can verify that you have successfully finished a prestigious 365 Careers course and one of our best at that!Now, I can see youre bragging a little, but I admit you have peaked my interest. What else does your course offer that will make my resume shine?Trust us, after this course youll be able to fill your resume with skills and have plenty left over to show off at the interview.Of course, youll get fully acquainted with Google TensorFlow and NumPy, two tools essential for creating and understanding Deep Learning algorithms.Explore layers, their building blocks and activations sigmoid, tanh, ReLu, softmax, etc.Understand the backpropagation process, intuitively and mathematically.Youll be able to spot and prevent overfitting one of the biggest issues in machine and deep learningGet to know the state-of-the-art initialization methods. Dont know what initialization is? We explain that, tooLearn how to build deep neural networks using real data, implemented by real companies in the real world. TEMPLATES included!Also, I dont know if weve mentioned this, but you will have created your very own Deep Learning Algorithm after only 1 hour of the course.Its this hands-on experience that will really make your resume stand outThis all sounds great, but I am a little overwhelmed, Im afraid I may not have enough experience.We admit, you will need at least a little understanding of Python programming but nothing to worry about. We start with the basics and take you step by step toward building your very first (or second, or third etc.) Deep Learning algorithm we program everything in Python and explain each line of code.We do this early on and it will give you the confidence to carry on to the more complex topics we cover.All the sophisticated concepts we teach are explained intuitively. Our beautifully animated videos and step by step approach ensures the course is a fun and engaging experience for all levels.We want everyone to get the most out of our course, and the best way to do that is to keep our students motivated. So, we worked hard to ensure that students with varying skills are challenged without being overwhelmed. Each lecture builds upon the last and practical exercises mean that you can practice what youve learned before moving on to the next step. And of course, we are available to answer any queries you have. In fact, we aim to answer any and all question within 1 business day. We dont just chuck you in the pool then head to the bar and let you fend for yourself. Remember, we dont just want you to enrol we want you to complete the course and become a Master of Deep Learning.OK, awesome! I feel much better about my level of experience now, but we havent discussed yours! How do I know you can teach me to become a Master of Deep Learning?Thats an understandable worry, but its one we have no problem removing.We are 365 Careers and weve been creating online courses for ages. We have over 220,000 students and enjoy high ratings for all our Udemy courses. We are a team of experts who are all, at heart, teachers. We believe knowledge should be shared and not just through boring text books but in engaging and fun ways.We are well aware how difficult it is to build your knowledge and skills in the data science field, its so new and has grown so fast that the education sector has struggled to keep up and offer any substantial methods of teaching these topic areas. We wanted to change things to rock the boat so we developed our unique teaching style, one that countless students have enjoyed and thrived with.And between us, we think this course is one of our favourites, so if this is your first time with us, youre in for a treat. If its not and youve taken one of our courses before, then, youre still in for a treat!Ive been hurt before though, how can I be sure you wont let me down?Easy, with Udemys 30-day money back guarantee. We strive for the best and believe that our courses are the best out there. But you know what, everyone is different, and we understand that. So, we have no problem offering this guarantee, we want students who will complete and get the most out of this course. If you are one of the few who finds this course not what you wanted or expected then, get your money back. No questions, no risk, no problem.Great, that takes a load of my shoulders. What next?Click on the Buy now button and take that first step toward a satisfying data science career and becoming a Master of Deep Learning."
Price: 194.99

"Professional Business Presentations: The Complete Guide" |
"Professional Corporate Presentations:The Complete Guide is a tailor-made course for aspiring:Corporate executivesBusiness analystsFinancial analystsInvestment bankersConsultantsAnyone who wants to learn how to create professional presentations like the ones prepared by leading consulting and investment banker firms around the worldThis course is an amazing opportunity because you will learn from an instructor who has extensive experience and knowledge acquired in top tier investment banks. He started as an intern and moved his way up the ladder becoming VPof investment banking operations. Peter knows how to create informative, well designed, and clear presentations. And by the end of this course, so will you.This course says Practical! from lesson one. We show you how to build a complete corporate presentation from scratch, and we do it slide-by-slide, box-by-box.Together, well create a company profile of one of the largest companies in the world Nestle. Thats an invaluable exercise that will allow you to see first hand how to create professional slides, what to include in these slides, where to find the information you need, and how to leave a lasting impression on your audience.So, what are you waiting for? Click Take this course now and get a lifetime access to the materials!"
Price: 149.99

"The Complete Finance Manager Course 2020" |
"Welcome to The Complete Finance Manager Course!This is the only online course you'll need to acquire the financial managementacumen to:Start a career in financeGet promoted andbecome a finance managerTake your career to the next levelApply managerial, financial, decision-making and negotiation skills in a real working environmentUnderstand why companies make money and how to improve their performance through financial analysis and management techniquesThis is a financial management course combining 11 different courses!Enterprise resource planning (ERP)systemsAccounting basicsAdvanced accountingWorking capital optimizationFinancial statement analysisCapital budgetingCreating Pivot table dashboardsEffective corporate PowerPoint presentation skillsCompany valuationManagement and HRManagementNegotiationTake the course, if you want to become a finance manager - one of the hottest professions in the corporate world.Learn from proven professionals who have trained more than 210,000 students on Udemy.The instructors of the course have acquired their experience while working for companies like Pwc, Coca-Cola Enterprises, HSBC, and Morgan Stanley.The Complete Finance Manager Course is precisely what you need. We cover a number of topics that will build-up your skills and provide you with the all-around preparation required to get the job and be a Rockstar Finance Manager from Day 1.This is a complete bundle that ensures you will have the right amount of training to perform successfully.Here comes the fun part! We have prepared 10Course Challenges. After each major block of the course, we will ask you to complete a project that will help you reinforce the knowledge you have acquired.We will challengeyou to: Point out potential problems of an ERP design and implementation schemeRegister a companys accounting transactions for revenues, costs, trade receivables, inventory, fixed assets, and trade payablesSolve a cost flow method, revaluation, and leasing exerciseSuggest how to optimize a companys working capitalPerform financial statement analysis for Tesla Inc.Assess whether an electro power plantproject is feasible from a financial perspective (capital budgeting)Create a dynamic dashboard for Tesla's salesusing pivot tables and slicersValue Tesla Inc. using Discounted Cash FlowDesign a corporate presentation from scratchDecide how tocope with different managerial situationsNot only will you learn how to do all of this; you will be able to perform these tasks like a true professional. Once you have solved aCourse Challenge, we expect you to share your working file with us and we'll be happy to provide personalized feedback. This will be an interactive student-teacher experience that will allow us to connect and work together throughout the course. Why is this course different from the rest of the Finance courses out there? High production quality Every concept we teach is explained carefully and beautifully animated in Full HDKnowledgeable instructors Not one, not two, but three proven professionals will teach you in this course. We have made an effort to bring in experts who will teach you the real practical skills you'll need on the jobComplete This is a comprehensive course providing a 360-overview of the skills needed to be a finance managerCase Studies that will help you reinforce what youve learnedCourse Challenge: Solve our Course Challenge and make this an interactive experience. We will provide feedback on your work and you'll be able to track the actual progress you have made throughout the courseWe are here for you we will respond to your questions in the Q&A board within 1 business dayFast pace our courses are very dynamic, and instructors do not waste any time delivering the materialWhy should you consider a career as a finance manager?Personal growth. This is a multifaceted job that requires you to learn plenty and grow as a professional Salary. The average salary of finance manager in the US is $117,990 per year Secure Future. In an age when many professions are in danger of automation, you can be certain this is a safe career choice as finance managers will be needed by companies to analyze all the financial data and optimize operations and sales channels Promotions. Once you are able to become a finance manager, you will continue to grow professionally and will have a good chance of becoming a CFO So, what are you waiting for?Click the ""Take this course button"", and let's begin this journey together!"
Price: 194.99

"R Programming for Statistics and Data Science 2020" |
"R Programming for Statistics and Data Science 2020R Programming is a skill you need if you want to work as a data analyst or a data scientist in your industry of choice. And why wouldn't you? Data scientist is the hottest ranked profession in the US.But to do that, you need the tools and the skill set to handle data. R is one of the top languages to get you where you want to be. Combine that with statistical know-how, and you will be well on your way to your dream title. This course is packing all of this, and more, in one easy-to-handle bundle, and its the perfect start to your journey. So, welcome to R for Statistics and Data Science! R for Statistics and Data Science is the course that will take you from a complete beginner in programming with R to a professional who can complete data manipulation on demand. It gives you the complete skill set to tackle a new data science project with confidence and be able to critically assess your work and others. Laying strong foundations This course wastes no time and jumps right into hands-on coding in R. But dont worry if you have never coded before, we start off light and teach you all the basics as we go along! We wanted this to be an equally satisfying experience for both complete beginners and those of you who would just like a refresher on R.What makes this course different from other courses? Well-paced learning.Receive top class training with content which weve built - and rigorously edited - to deliver powerful and efficient results. Even though preferred learning paces differ from student to student, we believe that being challenged just the right amount underpins the learning that sticks. Introductory guide to statistics.We will take you through descriptive statistics and the fundamentals of inferential statistics. We will do it in a step-by-step manner, incrementally building up your theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Youll master confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, as well as regression and cluster analysis. The essentials of programming R-based.Put yourself in the shoes of a programmer, rise above the average data scientist and boost the productivity of your operations. Data manipulation and analysis techniques in detail.Learn to work with vectors, matrices, data frames, and lists. Become adept in the Tidyverse package - Rs most comprehensive collection of tools for data manipulation enabling you to index and subset data, as well as spread(), gather(), order(), subset(), filter(), arrange(), and mutate() it. Create meaning-heavy data visualizations and plots. Practice makes perfect.Reinforce your learning through numerous practical exercises, made with love, for you, by us.What about homework, projects, & exercises? There is a ton of homework that will challenge you in all sorts of ways. You will have the chance to tackle the projects by yourself or reach out to a video tutorial if you get stuck.You: Is there something to show for the skills I will acquire?Us: Indeed, there is a verifiable certificate. You will receive a verifiable certificate of completion with your name on it. You can download the certificate and attach it to your CV and even post it on your LinkedIn profile to show potential employers you have experience in carrying out data manipulations & analysis in R. If that sounds good to you, then welcome to the classroom :)"
Price: 194.99

"Blockchain for Business 2020: The New Industrial Revolution" |
"You have heard the term blockchain, right? But you are still not very clear what it is exactly. Or perhaps, you know something about it, but dont understand how it works, where its value comes from, and how is it developing currently. It is the technology powering crypto-assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum and many others. And it has become the hottest field in the tech sector now. Blockchain has the potential to change the world and few people realize all its far-reaching applications beyond Bitcoin. Its disruptive potential has been compared to that of the Internet. Thats why people call it the Internet of money or the Internet of value. Now, compare this course to having a roadmap to the Internet in the early 1990s. A comprehensive guide that enables you to fully understand the new space and empowers you to make correct fully-informed decisions. You will be able to see new business opportunities before others do. You will be able to distinguish good ideas and projects from bad ones. You will learn how blockchain works and how it can be applied in various sectors. Moreover, you will get a new perspective on decentralized economic systems, which are expected to play a huge role in the future. This is the sharing economy 2.0 powered by crypto-economics and blockchain. This is what Blockchain for Business: The New Industrial Revolution will teach you! Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive educational material on the subject, which delivers the best value for money to our audience. After last years unprecedented growth of the crypto-asset market, fuelled by speculation and emotions, it is high time to increase awareness and understanding of blockchain technology among the general public. We believe that understanding should come first, before anyone starts making any decisions with real-world implications. Thats why we created this course and tried to design it in the most clear, accessible and fun way. This is by no means a highly technical course and our focus here is not programming. We are not going to show you how to write code. But we are going to explain everything else, which is relevant and important to know about blockchain. Our materials are designed to explain the fundamentals of blockchain technology, crypto-economics and their applications in business and everyday life to people without a technical background. We hope you are as passionate about constantly upgrading your knowledge base, as we are. Because knowledge is power!So, lets begin! Take this course today and become part of the new industrial revolution that is already shaping the future!P.S. We believe this is an excellent educational product. But if you are not completely happy with the value you have received at the end, dont worry - we offer a full 30-day unconditional refund. Sounds amazing, right? So, why wait? Your bet is hedged, and you have unlimited upside! Lets start our blockchain journey together!"
Price: 199.99

"The Business Intelligence Analyst Course 2020" |
"Hi! Welcome to The Business Intelligence Analyst Course, the only course you need to become a BI Analyst.We are proud to present you this one-of-a-kind opportunity. There are several online courses teaching some of the skills related to the BI Analyst profession. The truth of the matter is that none of them completely prepare you.Our program is different than the rest of the materials available online. It is truly comprehensive. The Business Intelligence Analyst Course comprises of several modules: Introduction to Data and Data Science Statistics and Excel Database theory SQL Tableau SQL + Tableau These are the precise technical skills recruiters are looking for when hiring BI Analysts. And today, you have the chance of acquiring an invaluable advantage to get ahead of other candidates. This course will be the secret to your success. And your success is our success, so lets make it happen! Here are some more details of what you get with The Business Intelligence Analyst Course: Introduction to Data and Data Science Make sense of terms like business intelligence, traditional and big data, traditional statistical methods, machine learning, predictive analytics, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and many more; Statistics and Excel Understand statistical testing and build a solid foundation. Modern software packages and programming languages are automating most of these activities, but this part of the course gives you something more valuable critical thinking abilities; Database theory Before you start using SQL, it is highly beneficial to learn about the underlying database theory and acquire an understanding of why databases are created and how they can help us manage data SQL - when you can work with SQL, it means you dont have to rely on others sending you data and executing queries for you. You can do that on your own. This allows you to be independent and dig deeper into the data to obtain the answers to questions that might improve the way your company does its business Tableau one of the most powerful and intuitive data visualization tools available out there. Almost all large companies use such tools to enhance their BI capabilities. Tableau is the #1 best-in-class solution that helps you create powerful charts and dashboards Learning a programming language is meaningless without putting it to use. Thats why we integrate SQL and Tableau, and perform several real-life Business Intelligence tasks Sounds amazing, right? Our courses are unique because our team works hard to: Pre-script the entire content Work with real-life examples Provide easy to understand and complete explanations Create beautiful and engaging animations Prepare exercises, course notes, quizzes, and other materials that will enhance your course taking experience Be there for you and provide support whenever necessary We love teaching and we are really excited about this journey. It will get your foot in the door of an exciting and rising profession. Dont hesitate and subscribe today. The only regret you will have is that you didnt find this course sooner!"
Price: 199.99

"English Speaking Course. Speak English Slang & Idioms. ESL." |
"Welcome to the American English Slang, Idioms and Pronunciation Course.Americans can be really hard to understand.We talk fast.We use a lot of slang.We smash several words together making new words.We only pronounce parts of many of the words we use.This course is designed to teach you the most common slang and idioms that American English speakers use every day. It is also designed to help you to pronounce words without an accent or to reduce your native accent.The course uses everyday example conversations that are just like what Americans say to each other at work, at school and at home.This course is perfect for intermediate and advanced English students who are struggling to recognize American accents orto understand Americans when they speak in slang...and Americans use a LOT of slang, don't we?This course can also benefit a beginning student. You probably won't understand a lot of the words and sentences that I'm using, but you'll learn important sounds and pronunciation and you'll get a lot of practice listening to American English. Listening and practice are the two most important things you need to do to learn English faster.Here are just some of the words and phrases that you'll learn:A - All Over the Map, A-game, Ants in Your PantsB - Blow It, The Blues, Beat, Bail, Bail OutC - Cool, Couch Potato, Cougar, Cold Shoulder, CannedD - Dude, Dunno, Down to Earth, Dibs, Drive Me Up the WallE - Epic, Easy as Pie, Elbow GreaseF - For Real, Flirting, FailH - Hang Out, Hangry, Hitting on SomeoneL - Lose Your Head, Lose Your Cool, Lose Your Nerve, Lose Your Mind, Lose Touch with RealityN - Nerd, Nuts, NukeP - Piece of Cake, Pig, Pig Out, Pain in the NeckS - Sup, Sweet, Screw Up, Screw AroundV - Vibes, Vamoose, Veg, Veg OutW - Waddaya, Whatcha, Wicked, Wheels, When Pigs Fly, When Hell Freezes OverIf you're ready to expand your vocabulary and learn how to better understand American English speakers, join us today and let's get started with American English Slang and Idioms.We'll see you in the course!"
Price: 74.99

"PCB Design and Fabrication For Everyone" |
">>> This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your own Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with Zero Experience in Electronics and Circuit Design, YES, you did hear me, No experience is required at all. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<Practical Content More Than 5000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:David Stoneburg says, ""Fritzing exercise was good, same with video showing drilling of thru-holes.""Akshay Gudadari says, ""Quality u get from this course of PCB design is 100%. u get to know about each and everything about the layers in PCB. from basic to professional level PCB design knowledge.""Adam Kio says, ""That channel is awsome thanks so much for that thank you !"" Anirban Kar Chaudhuri says, ""Comprehensive, concise, well illustrated examples and very good hands on demonstration. Great job."" Mercedes Stefania Alaniz says, ""I liked the software that we used in this course!!!, and the teacher of course :) i could understand everything"" Welcome to this course.This course will help you to gain PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with a Free Software being one of the top PCB design tools used around the world, so you won't have to pay anything for the software and it has tons of library for almost every component in electronics industry.Printed CircuitBoarddesign is very interesting for any electronics geek, microcontroller programmers anyone wishing to build his own PCB by themselves. It is very simple and easy to understand for beginners.No PreviousExperience + Free Software + Time Saving Techniques= Perfect PCB DesignThis is available for your in this course+Bonuses and additionalMaterial+PCB Design Software."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino: Everything you need to Know" |
">>> Arduino Programming Courses onlinecontains lots of unnecessary information that will surely distractbeginners and make them feel odd when they first come to the Arduino World. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4 Star (41 Review) 4700 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Deep Dave says, ""I am an android developer and was looking to get started with Arduino, Glad I've selected this course , Instructor seemed experienced personality. User may face some accent related issue but better english is not a goal of course its about getting started with arduino. Thank you very much Instructor. Thanks Udemy :) ""Gandhi Kumarasamy Sezhian says, ""Well Explained in Clear . The content is good ""Bill says, ""Helped me refresh my knowledge of Arduino. Thanks ""Bonus!When You Join This Course You Will Get Arduino Practice Test: Get Certified and Test Your Skills Course For FREE (Usually worth 200$) in the Bonus Section in which you will test Your PIC Microcontroller Skills with more than 100 Question, This is the only Arduino Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test-taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback.Welcome to this course. The instructor is a very high experienced hardware developer who has strong background in Arduino development, and made this course to help new comers to the Arduino world.He has also been teaching programming since 2010 and have mastered the art delivery.This course is designed to introduce the Arduino hardware and programming environment to get you started on building projects as soon as possible.The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors theArduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects.A Platform for Creating any project that comes in your mind.No experience is required, and all you need is an ArduinoThis course is designed for anyone interested in Arduino with zero background knowledge."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Step By Step: Your Complete Guide" |
">>> Arduino Programming Courses onlinecontains lots of unnecessary information that will surely distractbeginners and make them feel odd when they first come to the Arduino World. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 7300 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Bonus!When You Join This Course You Will Get Arduino Practice Test: Get Certified and Test Your Skills Course For FREE (Usually worth 200$) in the Bonus Section in which you will test Your PIC Microcontroller Skills with more than 100 Question, This is the only Arduino Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test-taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback.Welcome to this course.The instructor is a very high experienced hardware developer who has strong background in Arduino development, and made this course to help new comers to the Arduino world.He has also been teaching programming since 2010 and have mastered the art delivery.This course is designed to introduce the Arduino hardware and programming environment to get you started on building projects as soon as possible.The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors theArduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects.A Platform for Creating any project that comes in your mind.No experience is required, and all you need is an ArduinoThis course is designed for anyone interested inArduino with zero background knowledge.Start working with different Arduino boards without buying them and start unleashing the power of code in SimulationThe Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, Arduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects.In this course you will learn how to Simulate differentArduino Boards in A Professional Simulation Environment which will help you unleash your full coding potionital without buying any of the Arduino boards.This course will help you test your codes and schematics for Arduinowithout the risk of burning your board because of bad connections or wrong codes.Contents and OverviewThis course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design. No experience is required, and all you need is a computer.Boards that can be Simulated:Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, zero and othersYou will no longer wonder what board should you start with, or what board should you learn or use, this is your way inWhen it comes to choosing a single-board computer or Controller, PIC Microcontroller, Arduino and Raspberry Pi are the big names that youll be considering. But which one should you choose? What is the Arduino best used for? What are the drawbacks of using a Raspberry Pi? Why using PIC Microcontroller? And how do you decide between the three options? It can be a tough decision, so well break it down here for you.For the purposes of this Course, Ill be discussing PIC Microcontroller PIC164550,Arduino Uno R3and theRaspberry Pi 2 Model B. There are many versions of THESE boards, and there are plenty ofalternatives tothe PIC Microcontroller, ThePiand the Arduino that provide different specs and capabilities, but these Three are the mainstays of each line at the moment.While both the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi are very versatile little machines, they both have specific things that theyre good at.This guild will help you know Arduino internal components and how to make your own board at home step by stepThis tutorial shows you how to build an Arduino compatible breadboard with an Atmel AVR microcontroller, it will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the Arduino board is, and what it does and how to wire it upYou will know what is the actual brain in Arduino board and what you can do with it and how to interface it with your own PC and send codes freely, you will no longer burn a code to a board that you know nothing about it's hardware.After this course you will be able to make your own board on a breadboard or PCB the choice is yours to make since all connections are explained in details.In this Course you will learn how to connect Raspberry Pi and Arduino the software and hardware part and why it's usefulThis tutorial shows you how to connect Arduino Board with Raspberry Pi, it will take you in a step by step manner to know why this is helpful and how it can make your life a way much easier and saves you lots of Money.You will know what is the actual hardware and software configurations needs to be done to make this interfacing work smoothly, you will no longer see your raspberry Pi damaged orburned by excessive voltage or power source failure, your raspberry Pi will work like a mini computer a way from the hardware connection that could damage it.After this course you will be able to make your own interfacing andthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in mindsince all connections and configurationsare explained in details.Make your own Arduino Web Control and start Controlling any device that you imagine using A Simple Webpage and ArduinoThis Course will teach you how to use a Web Page to Control anything usingArduino, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Ethernet shield and ending with resistors.You will know what is the actual working principle of Ethernet shield and how to interface and configureit correctly so that you can access your Arduino Powered device from anywhere with an internet connection, and control any device with simple clicks ina webpage.After this course you will be able to make your own web controlled deviceandthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.We are going to controlLEDs from aweb page using an Arduino Ethernet module. The Ethernet module will create a server using the router and we will set a web page for this server.We will use the HTML commands to print the data and to make the buttons on the web page.When the button on the web page is pressed, we will get some data on the serial monitor. We will save this data in the string and will use this data to turn the LEDs ON or OFF.Goal From This Course:- Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based.Whatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnectEthernet Module toArduino.- How to Detect Online Actions Using Arduino.- How Internet Control Actually Works.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Ethernet Module.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.- Why using Online control with Arduino is better than traditional Control Methods.Control Your World and Surrounding using Your Own smartphone in this Step by Step Guide that Will Make Your Life EasierThis course will help youControl Your World using Tools that you already have which isYour Own smartphoneto Make Your Life Easier, You can make any electronics device easily controlledby bringing it alive using Bluetooth Technology that you have in your phone.You will get a step by step tutorial on what needs to be done to get full control over any home appliance, project, car or any device that comes in mind using Bluetooth.This is a courseon interfacingBluetooth module with Arduino. It will give you the ability to make morehigher level ProjectslikeHome automation using smartphone, Smartphone controlled robotand much more.You will know how to use the technology embedded in your phone to make your everyday life away much easier.Create your Own Radar using Arduino and get a Green Map Showing Objects at your own Screen in no timeThis course will take you in a step by step guide on how to make your own Radar using ArduinoBoard.You will get to know how to wire each of these elements, how it works, and why we are using it inside this Project, in no time you will find yourself making your own Radar that shows different object and the distance between you and each object.A Radar station is a device that collects data related to objects in the surrondingenvironment using Ultrasonicsensors and a Servo motor to cover wider area.The aim is to make a portable Radar DeviceFeatures it should haveDistanceAngleMap that show different objectsYou will wire sensors and motorto Arduino UNO board and start testing the code yourself, every piece of code is well explained so that you can easily know what each segmentdoes.A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own.Make your own Arduino Motion Detector and start Catching Intruders, Control devices and lots more Cool ApplicationThis Course willshowyou how to build an Arduino Motion Detector Device that will Fire an Alarm once an Intruder is detected in a range of 6 to 7 meters, it will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the device circuitis, and what it does and how to wire it upYou will know what is the actual working principle of Motion detectors that you see in banks and in door opining and closing mechanismsand what you can do with it and how to interface it with your own Arduino and make it execute and action using simplecodes freely, you will no longer needs to buy a motion detector or customize it since you can make the device yourself.After this course you will be able to make your own Motion detector andthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:- Connect a Motion Detector Sensor to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it work.Required MaterialsHardware:Arduino or an Arduino clone board (freeduino), or you can make your own custom Arduino board.PIR Motion Sensor.A piezo buzzer or an 8-ohm speaker.9V Battery and connector.Connecting wires.Software:Arduino IDECreate your Own weather station using Arduino and get Temperature, Humidity and Time at your own home in no timeThis course will take you in a step by step guide on how to make your own weather station that can get Temperature, Humidity, Time and Date using LCD Crystal display and Arduino Board.You will get to know how to wire each of these elements, how it works, and why we are using it inside this weather station, in no time you will find your self making your own station.A weather station is a device that collects data related to the weather and environment using many different sensorsSensors likeWindHumidityRainTemperaturePressureAltitudeThe aim is to make a portable weather stationFeatures it should haveTemperatureHumidityTime and DateYou will wire sensors and LCD display to Arduino UNO board and start testing the code yourself, every piece of code is well explained so that you can easily know what each does.A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own.Make your own Automatic Irrigation System and stop wasting time on checking your Soil manually and Start Automating LifeThis Course will teach you how to Make an Automatic Irrigation System with Arduino, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the system is, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Soil Moisture Sensor, Nokia 5110 LCD Screenand ending with resistors.You will know what is the actual working principle of Soil Moisture Sensor and how to interface and configureit correctly so that you can get accurate data with thisArduino Powered device and automate the Irrigation system.After this course you will be able to make your own Automatic Irrigation System deviceandthe choice is yours to use it or sell it or start a business, or doanythingthat comes in your mind, this willmake your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based.Whatyou will learn in this CourseHow to connectNokia5110LCDtoArduino.How to connect FC-28 Soil Moisture SensortoArduino.How to Detect Land condition Using Arduino.How Irrigation Process Actually Works.How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.How Arduino Can make your life easier.How Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Soil Moisture Sensor.What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.Why control with Arduino is better than traditional Control Methods.Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date efficiently and effectivelyThis Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date Variablesefficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the RTC DS3231 Time and Date Moduleand ending with resistors.You will know what is the actual working principle of RTC Module and how to interface and configureit correctly so that you can make your Arduino Powered alarm system, and view time and date in addition to initiate alarm action.After this course you will be able to make your own Arduino Alarm Clock Using a Real Time Clock and LCD Screenandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.We are going to set the desired alarm time inside the codeusing an Arduino. The RTC Module will take care of the time and date values.Goal From This Course:- Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date efficiently and effectively.Whatyou will learn in this Course- How toReal Time Clock and LCD ScreentoArduino.- How to Deal with Time and Date variablesUsing Arduino.- How to set an AlAarm Action depending on the data that you take from RTC.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and RTC Module.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.Make your own Arduino Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless PowerThis Course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino WirelessPower Transmission Project and light electronic components and devices with wireless power efficiently and effectively, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the wireless power transmissioncircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the winding coilsand ending with things as simple as aresistor.You will know what is the actual working principle of WirelessPower Transmission and how to use,interface and configure Arduino correctly so that you can make your own ArduinoWireless Power Transmission device.After this course you will be able to make your own wireless power transmission deviceandthe choice is yours to use it and apply it withany application that comes in your mind and I assure you that thiscan make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.Goal From This Course:- Make your own Arduino Wireless Power Transmission Project and Learn the Principles behind Wireless PowerWhatyou will learn in this Course- How toConnectArduino with other electronic componentsto turn it to a wireless powertransmitter.- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Arduino.- How Arduino Can make your life easier.- How to Program, burn a code and wire Arduino and Coils.- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.Arduino Multicolor RGB LED Lamp Controlled Using BluetoothIn this Course You will learn How to Interface Arduino With a Mobile App via Bluetooth and Control RGB Multicolor LedsIn this Course you will be introduced to Mobile Apps, Bluetooth Control, RGB Leds and how to interface all of these Items to get an amazing output that you can show to your friends and brag about it, this will really help you add something cool to your collection of projects that you already made, or even to your office.In this Course You will learn How to Interface Arduino With a Mobile App via Bluetooth and Control RGB Multicolor LedsArduino Programming Courses onlinecontains lots of unnecessary information that will surely distractbeginners and make them feel odd when they first come to the Arduino World.The instructor is a very high experienced hardware developer who has strong background in Arduino development, and made this course to help new comers to the Arduino world.At first glance, RGB (Red, Green, Blue) LEDs look just like regular LEDs, however, inside the usual LED package, there are actually three LEDs, one red, one green and yes, one blue. By controlling the brightness of each of the individual LEDs you can mix pretty much any color you want.We mix colors just like you would mix audio with a 'mixing board' or paint on a palette - by adjusting the brightness of each of the three LEDs.Get ready to see Colors that you have never seen below.No experience is required, and all you need is an Arduino and few simple electroniccomponentsThis course is designed for anyone interested inArduino with zero background knowledge."
Price: 199.99

"Arduino Multicolor RGB LED Lamp Controlled Using Bluetooth" |
">>> In this Course You will learn How to Interface Arduino With a Mobile App via Bluetooth and Control RGB Multicolor Leds <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 4000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Eric Dion says, ""I learn a lot about the Arduino bluetooth module in this course. The course is not very long but it is a good introduction to the Arduino bluetooth module.""Welcome to this course.In this Course you will be introduced to Mobile Apps, Bluetooth Control, RGB Leds and how to interface all of these Items to get an amazing output that you can show to your friends and brag about it, this will really help you add something cool to your collection of projects that you already made, or even to your office.Arduino Programming Courses onlinecontains lots of unnecessary information that will surely distractbeginners and make them feel odd when they first come to the Arduino World.The instructor is a very high experienced hardware developer who has strong background in Arduino development, and made this course to help new comers to the Arduino world.At first glance, RGB (Red, Green, Blue) LEDs look just like regular LEDs, however, inside the usual LED package, there are actually three LEDs, one red, one green and yes, one blue. By controlling the brightness of each of the individual LEDs you can mix pretty much any color you want.We mix colors just like you would mix audio with a 'mixing board' or paint on a palette - by adjusting the brightness of each of the three LEDs. Get ready to see Colors that you have never seen below.No experience is required, and all you need is an Arduino and few simple electroniccomponentsThis course is designed for anyone interested inArduino with zero background knowledge."
Price: 199.99

"Dot Matrix LED Display Interface with PIC Microcontroller" |
"You will enter Dot Matrix LED Display world of wonders, Write Anything and Make it shine using A Matrix of LEDs>>> Continues Updates <<< More Than 2000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!Welcome to this course.A dot-matrix display is a display device used to display information on machines, clocks, railway departure indicators and in this course you will learn it's internal structure and how it functions, as well as how to interface it to a Microcontroller and Write codes to display letters, numbers and even sentencesDo you want to Goto the next level in Displaying Data using Dot Matrix LED Display?We are announcing our brand-new courseDot Matrix LED Display Interface with PIC MicrocontrollerHD Contentthat will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of Dot Matrix withPICMicrocontroller, but also learn the very basics of Dot Matrix LED Display internal structure, how it really works, its parts and how your code is handled by it.What You will get in thiscourse?To know how Dot Matrix function and learn about its internal structure.To get familiar with interfacing Dot Matrix display to PIC Microcontroller.To know how to display numbers and letters.To know how to move numbers, letters and words on Dot Matrix.Learn By Practicing,Practical Work?Interface and Connect Dot Matrix to PIC and Turn on aColumnDisplay a Letter on 5*7 Matrix DisplayWrite a C program to display the letters from A-Z on 5*7 Matrix DisplayWrite a C program to display a Moving Word Your Name on 5*7 Matrix DisplayIf you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!"
Price: 199.99

"PIC Microcontroller Expanding Output Pins" |
">>> You will Be Able to turn three Output Pins in Your Microcontroller to 8,16,32,64,128 or any number of Output Pins <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4.8 Star More Than 2000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Ronald Tennis says, ""The course is actually short and sweet but I got enough information to use the IC. I had seen Proteus in one of your other courses but I was a little rusty. Mainly I had forgotten how to get the hex program loaded even though it was easy. My first attempt at grabbing components didn't go right so a little more explaining could have helped.""Welcome to this course.Who didn't face a situation in which More output Pins are needed but the Microcontroller at hand doesn't have enough, Changing the Microcontroller was our First Option, but not anymore, In this course I will take you in a step by step manner to Maximize the Number of Output Pins in your Microcontroller, now you can use three OutputPins in your Microcontroller and turn them into 8,16,32,64,128 or any number of Output Pins that you wish to have using a very simple and easy to use method that won't take time or effort.Do you want to Get More Output Pins in Your Microcontroller without having to change the Microcontroller itself?We are announcing our brand-new coursePIC Microcontroller Expanding Output PinsHD Contentthat will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of more output Pins but also thedetails of the method we use, how it works, its parts, it's wiring diagramand how your code can handle the output pins.What You will get in thiscourse?To know how toGet More Output Pins in Your Microcontroller without having to change the Microcontroller itself?To get familiar with Data Shifting insidePIC Microcontroller.To Get FamiliarwithSerialto Parallel Pins Data Conversion.To Get Familiar with New Programming Techniques that will help you get the Most out of Your Microcontroller.Learn By Practicing,Practical Work?Interface and Connect Data Shifting ICto PIC.Send Output Data using 3 Pins to8,16,32,64,128 or any number of Output Pins .Write a C program to Manipulate Data in PIC Microcontroller.Understand the Working Principle behind the Method Used in this CourseIf you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!"
Price: 199.99

"Motion Detector Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller" |
"Welcome to this course.Who didn't face a situation during which You came upon a door and it opens by itself once it detects your presence, or installed a security system and wondered how it functions and the way it detects a thief.We all know that there's something called Motion detectors, but only a few know the science behind it, so today during this course i'll teach you the very basics of Motion Detectors and the way to interface them with a Microcontroller and Program the system to fireside alarm, turn light or maybe display (A Thief is Detected), sky is your limit once you recognize how it works and the way to interface it.Do you want to Interface Motion Detector with PIC Microcontroller and have full control of how your system functions?We are announcing our brand-new course Motion Detector Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller HD Content that will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of Motion Detector but also the details of how motion detector work and the method we use, how it works, it's a wiring diagram, and how your code can handle the motion once it's detected.If you take this course now, you can count on getting these results in a matter of a few hours! >>> Continues Updates <<<4.3 Star More Than 2.6k STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Avishai Levy Poorun says, ""Very good course on electronics"""
Price: 199.99

"Design and Create Any Custom Component in Altium Designer" |
">>> Learn How todesign any Componentfrom Scratch With Zero Experience in Electronics, No Effort<<<>>> Continues Updates <<<1000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Alejandro Said says, ""The instructor has a good speech speed. He presents concise examples showing important software controls.""Welcome to this course.A-Z Guide that allows you to make a factory quality Components that meet your exact needs.A-Z Guide to designing, drawing and testing any electronic Componentthat comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course you will be a master at making your own electric Component.You will become professional in making your own electronicsComponent, you will even be able to master mass producing any electronics item that you find useful.Video lectures are included along with the software package that will be used in this course.The course begins with introducing electronic circuit design Software then lessons for beginners to allow you become an expert, then at the end we will make fully functional electronic componentand prepare it for mass production like professional.All what you need for this course is your laptop and headphones.This course is open for comments and suggestions.Why you should take this course, well, because you will learn by doing not by listening and you will become an expert in making your own electronic items."
Price: 199.99

"PIC Microcontroller: Garage Door System Ultrasonic Sensor" |
"This course will give you a chance to Make a Garage Door System System using Tools that you simply already dealt with to make Your Life Easier and safer, you'll make that Garage Door System using Ultrasonic Sensor.Welcome to this new course after which you'll learn the way to make a garage door.You will get a step by step tutorial on what must be done to achieve full control over any door that you just want to feature more security to and to make your life easier.This is a course on interfacing Garage Door lock, LCD, Ultrasonic Sensor, and other devices with PIC Microcontroller to realize the ultimate goal of making that Garage Door System. it'll offer you the power to make higher-level Projects.You will learn how to use the technology embedded in your Microcontroller to make your daily life away much safer.Who We Are?We are an Educational Engineering Team and leading team in the microcontroller industry with more than 10 years of experience in teaching and doing practical projects, we have a team of skilled engineers seeking to deliver high-quality engineering content including courses articles lessons, and online support for all the engineering students from all around the world.We also work as freelancer engineers helping many students in their graduation project give many courses about engineering topics.>>> Continues Updates <<<4.7 Star More than 2200 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Nl Gh says, ""Full of information and explained well good job"""
Price: 199.99

"HMI Interfacing with PLC" |
">>> This course will help know you know HMI (Human Machine Interface) and build you FIRST HMI Program and get it working with your PLC.<<< >>> Continues Updates <<<4.4 Star 400 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Joel Lpez says, ""I enjoyed the course and I'm glad you added extra videos showing the components. Very informative. ""Dan Menezes says, ""Yes this course is a good match for what I was looking for "".Welcome to this course.HMI is the acronym forHuman Machine Interface, and can be designed as just that; an interface between the user and the machine.A Human Machine Interface (HMI) is exactly what the name implies; agraphical interfacethat allows humans and machines to interact. Human machine interfaces vary widely, from control panels for nuclear power plants, to the screen on an iPhone.In this course you will get different type of tutorial-Theoretical to help you understand the basics of HMI Controland how you can use different control techniques and implement them using Your HMI &PLC.-Practical to help you write you own HMI &PLC code for your machine andtrack errorsThe course is structured in such a way that people with different experience in control and automation can take benefit from the material inside it, Books and lectures in PDF are provided to be in your hands for future reference, in addition to 24 hour support for you in any HMI &PLC program that you have problem with.You should take this course because it will help you start your industrial carrier by building the right theoretical and practical industrial automation knowledge in the PLC field."
Price: 199.99

"SCADA System Interface with PLC" |
">>>Learn SCADA hands-on by developing your own interfaces for different systems and control Your PLC.<<<>>> Continues Updates <<<4.2 Star 1000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Dan Menezes says, ""THIS COURSE IS A VERY GOOD MATCH FOR MY REQUIREMENTS TO LEARN HOW TO SET UP A SCADA MONITORING SYSTEM ""Damion Wilson says, ""I enjoyed the course. Thank you for the follow up and I really enjoyed the extra videos.""Welcome to this course.In this course, you're going to learn about SCADA by creating graphical interfaces that you canuse to monitor automated process, establish operating parameters, and even acquiredata from asystem that is already operated and functional.WonderwareIndusoftSoftwareis the most usedsolution in the world of visualization. As such, we'll be working extensively with that technology.We'll also be working hands-on with InduSoft,by the end of this course, you're to knowwhat people are doingin the world of automation today.So get ready to start designing and creating your very first SCADA interface easily and effectively, with 24/7 support"
Price: 199.99

"PCB Design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium Designer" |
">>> Learn Printed Circuit Board design by Making Arduino Nano in Altium Designer Software. <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 4000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!What students are saying:Arshdeep malik says, ""Excellent, very helpful, value for money ""Zain Ul Haq says, ""I learned to work with Altium designer that had once perceived as complex software to use. After taking this course I m confident to work on Altium designer""Welcome to this course.What is this course about:In This courseyou will learn from start to finish, from zero to production readyon how to designcustom Arduino NanoPrinted Circuit Board . It will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with Altium Designer since it's the most usedPCB design tools---------------------------------------------------------------------What you should expect after taking this course:Get started PCB design using Altium Designer.Download and install Altium designer.Create your own component library so that you can create your own components that you don't have a library for which will help you freelance online since many jobs ask to create component libraries.Create the Arduino Nano Schematic in Altium designer.Wiring components in Schematic view.Transfer schematic into PCB.Place components on board.Create a multilayer board.Route layers and place components on board.Autorouteto save time.Eliminate design errors.Create Gerber files foryour manufacturer."
Price: 199.99

"Manga Art School: How to draw Anime and Manga Course" |
"What is MangaArt School?Manga Art School is a 2-6week learn-anywhere video course where you learn to become adept at drawing professional and authentic Japanese Manga and Animecharacter stylization. Ive hand-craftedthe Manga Art School: Anime and Manga Style Character Drawingcourse to be the only course you need, to learn all the core fundamentals and advanced stylization and proportional knowledge needed to draw andsketchManga and Anime stylecharacters well. If youre an absolute beginner or youre already at an intermediate level, the course will advance your current ability to not only a professional level, but help you achieve an authentic and appealing manga or anime style in your character work. You won'tend up with Anime or Manga characters that don't look ""quite"" like true manga style - no, this course will show you how to achieve a real Japanese Anime and Manga stylization of your work.. The course is a comprehensive 6module guided video course, where the only limit to your progression is your determination and engagement in learning the concepts and engaging in therewarding assignments.Whether you want to draw stylized characters for Manga, Anime, or Manga genres such as Shoujo, Shounin, Bishoujo,your own Doujinshi, or Kodomo manga style characters, this isthecourse you need to get you there.Ill teach you to draw in a true manga style withoutfear. Ill teach you to draw an authentic manga stylewell.Finally, Learn Manga and Anime Style Drawing WellWhether youre a complete beginner, or intermediate at drawing Manga styles, youll learn things you never knew you never knew. Immense time and research, as well as years of drawing experience have gone into creating a course that distills the core information you need to know, in order to draw convincing and authentic manga or anime style characters.Im so convinced of this, Ill give you a no-questions asked refund if youre not satisfied.Clear, Easy to Understand LessonsCrystal clear in fact. Learning Manga and Anime stylization effectively means having information presentedin a logical and coherent way. The Manga Art School Course is modular by design, easy to grasp, and allows you to learn in a well paced, structured way. Engage in the course chronologically, then revise each module at your leisure. Grasp concepts faster than you ever have before theres no fluff here. (and really, this no fluff promise is in all of my courses!)Assignments that are RewardingBridging the gap between theory and practice, each modules assignments have been designed to both reinforce theory, and feel rewarding. Ive taken the core of the theory, and purpose built each assignment to help you rapidly progress, and youll see the difference in your own work almost immediately. Art is about doing, so lets get started.What's Your Style?Anime and Manga is not simply one single style, but has many, many variants. This course teaches you the foundational stylistic rules that are common among all styles, allowing you not only to draw authentic manga and anime characters, but create your own style that is still true to the original Japanese principles. I'm not teaching you a 'method' or a 'way' to draw the styles, I'm teaching you to be a fundamentally good Manga and Anime style character artist."
Price: 199.99

"Advance CSS Grid - Build 4 Major Responsive Websites (2020)" |
"Web technology changing so rapidly. we see lots and lots of new tech and feature almost everyday. these new tech and feature here to make our life easier then ever before. just like CSSGrid.CSSGrid is first truly CSS Grid layout feature designed to layout the web. thisnewfascinating feature of css is here to give almost all kind of tool and properties who can create most complex grid layout in just blink of an eye.SO in this course this what exactly you gonna learn. you will learn CSSGrid from start to finish and bottom to top. just everything by building 4 major websites.We will build..Robotics websiteArabic websiteResume websiteChinese Webisteapart form that you will learn everything with many small demo project.Source file are included.. let's get started ."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Lead Generation System" |
" HERE IS WHAT WE COVER TOGETHER:How to create Super-Strength Lead Magnets so you can easily attract qualified potentials starting immediately. This is so simple to put into action. I give you the step-by-step system and templates for everythingProven Email Subject Lines you access my swipe file of openers its yours for the taking. Please do. So you can increase your open rates / click through rates /conversionsThe 27 Most Powerful Marketing Words generously dash these in to your emails, web pages and mail and see conversions jump up another level oh yes please!Your Golden Carrot Report (I show you the 6-Stage Scripting System, and give you a simple template so you can write this straightaway).Little Known Insider-Secret: you can use this to create any information product too simple yet powerful!The 3-Step Formula PPP so you craft the most tantalizing title (Its ALL about the title isnt it?) ""MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW: 75% OF THE BUYING DECISION IS MADE AT THE DEADLINE""Which works better? Away-Motivated or Towards-Motivated headlines and subject lines? Interesting: I give you the results of 20 years of testing. Surprising!Another SWIPE File: 122 Winning Headlines of all time. Yours to take for inspiration, adjusting and slotting in to your marketing. So you can avoid the hard mental slogThe 4 Essential Elements of a powerful headline explained. So you have a formula to follow. THIS HAS WORKED LIKE GANG BUSTERS FOR 18 YEARS IN A ROW...My 7 BIG Mistakes Email is that animal. We go through it together in detail and yank out the key points so you can become a master (and ethical) Persuader-in-PrintHow to employ Floating Conjunctions. Sounds a bit weird but, trust me, these will boost readership like crazy all the way to your Call To ActionSprinkling Salted Bombs these curiosity-laden devicesprompt Whats that? in your readers and viewers. As soon as I discovered these - my copy took on an almost magical quality. So will yours... THIS IS DEFINITELY A 'LITTLE-KNOWN-SECRET'...How you can use Integrity Based Prestivoxitation. What! Yes - Not 1% of 1% know this method - you will.Your reader gets to feel what their results will be - ooh!An amazingly simple way to get more highly qualified leadsis to use surveys. Theres a special formula I use and we go through this so you can use it straight away!The One Letter Game Changer how can just one letter (ABC type letter) make such a difference? Youll laugh when you see it I just know you will.How to run your lead generation system 24/7 from anywhere. Total freedom, predictability and results."
Price: 99.99

"Design Beautiful Buttons on Affinity Designer" |
"Let's Design Some Cool Buttons!Let the graphic designer inside youlearn some cool Affinity Designertechniques and create beautiful graphic assets in the way.Whether you are working web design, illustration, or simply creating images to sell on stock sites, learning to create tasty graphics is an invaluable skill to have.Affinity designer makes this task enjoyable and it offers really professional results, so the sooner you know how to use it, the faster you will be harvesting someawesome results.Invest in your talent andenroll now!"
Price: 19.99

"Make little Box Monsters with Blender 2.79" |
"IMPORTANT: This course was made for an earlier version of Blender (2.79), so some commands are different from the current version (2.8). Having said that, you will still learn plenty, as most modeling techniques taught in this course are still relevant and useful. You don't have to be an expert on Blender to start creating cool stuff!Most people think that you have to be a super experienced modeler to make something cool on Blender. Well, you don't! It's enough to know the very basic tools and a little bit of imagination. Don't be a disbeliever and enroll in this course, it will be super fun and it will stretch your imagination and Blender capabilities!"
Price: 19.99

"Create a Super Cute Little Bomb Using Blender 2.79" |
"IMPORTANT: This course was made for an earlier version of Blender (2.79), so some commands are different from the current version (2.8). Having said that, you will still learn plenty, as most modeling techniques taught in this course are still relevant and useful. Hi there!Have you ever wanted to make cute characters on 3D but didn't know where to start?Then this course is perfect for you, as it teaches simple but effective techniques to create a cute little bomb on Blender.By the way, Blender is free 3d software, so you will only need to invest in this super awesome course and you will have everything you need to start creating...So now you know, enroll in this course now and start learning!"
Price: 19.99
