"Komple Uygulamal Network Hacking" |
"Bu kurs network hacking alannda yaplan temelden ileri seviyeye doru giden her bir blm iin kullanlabilecek tm ara ve modllerin tantld kapsaml bir penetrasyon eitimi olarak tasarland.Her blmde incelenen protokoller veya servislere ynelik keif,tarama,sisteme szmabasamaklar tek tek gsterildi.Kapsaml bir kurs olma nceliiniarzu ettiimizden her alanda teorik ve pratik rneklerdzenleyerek genel metodoloji retilmeye allmtr.Gerek windows gerek unix sistemler olsun her platforma uyguntestler yapld. Her bir zafiyet iin ortamlar kolayca oluturuldu vegerekli konfigrasyonlar gsterildi.Sizde kapsaml bir penetrasyon veya hacking ilemini gerekletirmek isterseniz bu eitime ye olabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Develop a Calculator App with Unity" |
"""Learn to Develop a Calculator App from theFirst &Only Instructor Teaching Non Gaming App Development with Unity""This Calculator app will look almost like the common Calculator app you see in your Android or iPhone.You will learn how to place the buttons in grid format.In fact you will also learn how to manipulate the layout for exceptions such as the bottom button which occupies multiple grid.While designing the app you will be mastering the skills of doing layout for multiple resolutions and profile.The app which you are going to develop will be properly aligned in almost all the resolutions and screen sizes.It will work in both portrait and landscape mode by automatically realigning the components and resizing.You will also learn how add action handler for each of the buttons.You will learn to code for the math operations such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.You will also code for continuous calculation just like the common calculators.You will also learn to add some additional operations like cancelling and clearing of memory and toggling of plus and minus sign.I will be your instructor for the course, I have developed around 100+ apps across 9 different platforms spanning around 15 years.I have also taught around 40000 students globally how to develop apps.So if you want to master non gaming app development with Unity, then I am the first and the only mentor across the globe who is teaching the same.So Join this new revolution with me and Unity.See you inside the course."
Price: 19.99

"Develop a Word Game with Unity UI Components" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to develop a Word Game with Unity.Minlet is a word game which I had designed by following some of the word games available in the market. I gave some twist to the existing games to make it more challenging and quick.So here is the game which you can see.While developing this game you are going to use many of the Unity UI components, thus mastering your skills of Non Gaming App Designing in Unity.While developing the game you will be using various components and api thus getting a feel of a real world applications.In fact this app is areal world app which was released long back and now Ihave converted it to aUnity project.Also you will be using SQLite Database in this project.You will learn how to add support for SQLite to any project. Although I will not be going into much detail of SQLite in this course as there is separate detailed course for that purpose.I will be your instructor for the course, I have developed around 100+ apps across 9 different platforms spanning around 15 years.I have also taught around 40000 students globally how to develop apps.So if you want to master non gaming app development with Unity, then I am the first and the only mentor across the globe who is teaching the same.So Join this new revolution with me and Unity.See you inside the course."
Price: 149.99

"Master Unity UI Components for Unity Non Gaming Apps" |
"Master Unity UIComponents, the Building Blocks of Non Gaming App Development with Unity.Learn in Detail How to use the following UIComponents in UnityCanvasRectToolbarRectTransformAnchorAnchor PresetsButtonsImageTextScrollbarsSliderMaskScrollRectScrollviewToggleDrop DownInputfieldCheckout out what our students has to say :""The course is enlightening and was delivered at fantastic pace.""What will you achieve :Learn about basics of Positioning in Space.Learn how to add the components to the app.Learn somecustomisation tricks for the UIElements.Get 2.5 Hours of HDVideoTake the next step towards mastering Unity for Non Gaming App Development."
Price: 89.99

"Develop RSS Reader App with Unity UI Components" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to develop a RSS Reader App with Unity UI Components.While developing this app you are going to use many of the Unity UI components, thus mastering your skills of Non Gaming App Developments with Unity.While developing the game you will be using various components and api thus getting a feel of a real world applications.Also you will be writing a class to parse the xml of the rss feed in this project. So you will be improvingyourC# and XML Parsing skillsin this project.I will be your instructor for the course, I have developed around 100+ apps across 9 different platforms spanning around 15 years.I have alsotaught around 40000 students globally how to develop apps.So if you want tomaster non gaming app development with Unity, then I am the first and the only mentor across the globe who is teaching the same.So Join this new revolution with me and Unity.See you inside the course."
Price: 29.99

"Develop Unity Apps with SQLite" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to add SQLite Support to your Unity Project or App.You will learn about a Third Party Plugin with which you can add SQLite Support for Android, iOS, Mac and Windows Unity apps.Also you will be learning how to add a database layer to a unity app.You will be coding the Database Connection Class to interact with the Database.You will also learning to write a Service class to serve data from Database to User Interface.In the process you will also learn how to Explore the SQLite databases with a free database browser.Overall you will be putting a base for your next stage to become a professional app developer with unity.I will be your instructor for the course, I have developed around 100+ apps across 9 different platforms spanning around 15 years.I have alsotaught around 40000 students globally how to develop apps.So if you want tomaster non gaming app development with Unity, then I am the first and the only mentor across the globe who is teaching the same.So Join this new revolution with me and Unity.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99

"Emotional Intelligence Certification Self Management Level 2" |
"This course deals with Managing Yourself andEmotional Intelligence.It is the second level of four certification courses, which can be done in any order.A set of emotional, social and relational skills that guides the way we perceive, understand and express ourselves; connect with others; manage interpersonal exchange; cope with challenges; and apply emotional information in an effective, meaningful way.Research indicates that emotional intelligence can be learned and be measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success. Furthermore, it may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life.The basic areas of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management; empathy/social awareness and relationship management.EIQ Self-ManagementThe self-management quotient indicates self-evaluation coupled with self-regulation. The awareness & discipline to control & harness feelings directly impacts the ability to achieve personal objectives & develop inner resolution. Satisfaction, happiness & contentment are results of self-management.Factors include:RestraintDisciplineControlResolveDirection/purposeEmotional managementFlexibilityEnthusiasm/excitementOptimism, HappinessStress ManagementInitiativeAdaptability, AgilityFocusGoal settingImpulse controlLearningLikabilityResilienceSelf-Management is comprised of 5 sub-categories:Self-Control, Discipline: effectively handling impulses; maintaining composure while experiencing stressful, trying emotions; managing preparation & performance; actively choosing paths; self-directing; the ability to emotionally persist to achieve strategic objectives.Goal-Directed Performance, Targeted Action: focus to achieve long term desired goals; emotional tenacity & persistence; drive to choose challenging objectives & assume acceptable risk; staying the course to completion; resilience in the face of obstacles & setbacks; seizing opportunities.Integrity, Trustworthiness: the ability to work with conscience, ethics & integrity; operating with personal standards, principles & values; being dependable, reliable & authentic; keeping promises & assuming personal responsibility.Motivation, Positive Psychology, Initiative: self-energizing; the ability to be mentally & emotionally engaged; attitude; passion; choosing cause & effect feelings; being responsible for personal success; acting & choosing feelings in accordance with positive emotions, optimism & constructive feelings; limiting negative emotions, patterns & spirals.Creativity, Agility, Flexibility, Adaptability: coping with change, transition & development; adjusting to situations, relationships & feelings; handling curiosity & imagination to create, discover & explore opportunities; innovation for progress; cognitive & emotional shifts.Don't wait! Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Empathy and Social Awareness EI Certification: Level 3" |
"This course deals withEmpathy and Social Awareness.It is the third level of four certification courses, which can be donein any order.The four courses are:Emotional Intelligence Certification: Self Awareness Level 1Emotional Intelligence Certification Self Management Level 2Empathy and Social Awareness EI Certification: Level 3Relationship Management EI Certification - Level 4Emotional Intelligence: A set of emotional, social and relational skills that guides the way we perceive, understand and express ourselves; connect with others; manage interpersonal exchange; cope with challenges; and apply emotional information in an effective, meaningful way.Research indicates that emotional intelligence can be learned and be measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success. Furthermore, it may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life.The basic areas of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management; empathy/social awareness and relationship management.EIQ Self-AwarenessSelf-awareness reflects understanding, personal acceptance & an overall understanding of personal psychology. Self-awareness is foundational to social awareness & self-management.Factors Include:Personality elementsLearning stylesMental attitudes &statesComfort & discomfortStrengths &weaknessesBiofeedbackSelf-acceptanceSelf esteemTemperamentTension/stress levelsSpiritualityConscienceEmotional Well-beingAssertivenessAuthenticityCharacterConfidenceInternal EmpathySelf-perceptionMindfulnessSelf Recognition is comprised of 5 sub-categories:Self-Awareness/Understanding:a conscious, deliberate reflection on personal identity, image, feelings, motives, desires & how these are associated with perceptions of self in the context of various situations. Empathy & understanding of self. Knowing why emotions occur. Being authentic.Connections of Cause & Effect:recognition of the impact & consequence of behaviors on feelings & moods; separating external & internal factors effecting emotions. Knowing how feelings relate to performance.Self-Appreciation, Acceptance & Confidence:development of self-esteem; personal worth & value; & coming to grips with personal attributes. Recognizing personal strengths, weaknesses, & limitations. Operating with realistic self-assurance.Consciousness, Assertiveness:intentional establishment of personal boundaries & appropriate limits; choosing a path that expresses self-worth through personal care & outward presentation (presence).Emotional Identification:ability to identify & name personal feelings; vocabulary & definition of emotions allowing choices, responses & performance; effective reflection on intrapersonal information."
Price: 194.99

"Relationship Management EI Certification - Level 4" |
"This course deals withRelationship ManagementandEmotional Intelligence.It is the fourth level of four certification courses, which can be donein any order.The four courses are:Emotional Intelligence Certification: Self Awareness Level 1Emotional Intelligence Certification Self Management Level 2Empathy and Social Awareness EI Certification: Level 3Relationship Management EI Certification - Level 4In this course we learn about relationship, leadership and team building from an Emotional Intelligence perspective.You'll find insights intoConflict ManagementNegotiationsTeamworkCoaching and feedback DeliveryInfluence and PersuasionDecision MakingCreativityand much more...The course is the fourth in a four part series that could lead you to a Certification in EI."
Price: 194.99

"Public Speaking and Real Time Communication Mastery" |
"Your voice is your identity. It can tell people everything about who you are, how you feel about yourself, and what you believe in. Now public speakers can gain perfect command of your voice with Vocal Awareness.Created by Arthur Samuel Joseph, an international voice specialist, Vocal Awareness is a complete system for mastering your voice and integrating it into your life. Your voice has the power to instantly reach out and connect with people. Vocal Awareness is about developing this power through self-awareness learning to consciously express yourself, easily and precisely.Arthur has worked with top leadersin Entertainment, Sports Broadcasting, Public Speaking and Business like, Tony Robbins, Sean Connery, Dov Baron,Roger Goodell and thousands more!IMAGINE WHAT ARTHUR CAN DO FOR YOU An opinion is created in three seconds and, as the proverb goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.Today, with so much communication happening on the phone, the first impression you make most often is with your voice. While some celebrities may be able to turn an annoying voice into an asset in the world of make-believe, for the rest of us who are looking to advance in our careers, attract the perfect mate, or simply be heard and respected, improving our voices improves our chances of success.Vocal Awareness and Communication Mastery will teach you how to dictate your identityas you want it to benot have it dictated to you. The simple techniques in this course have been developed and used for decades by Arthur Joseph, voice coach to some of the most successful individuals in the fields of entertainment, business, politics, and sports.You will learnThe Seven Rituals of Communication Mastery:Thank YouLove and Let GoBreathThe Arc and Edge of Sound""Take My Time""PayAttention/Deep ListeningBe My SelfYou will learn how to use your voice powerfully to fully express yourself.Don't delay. Enroll now!Join this elite group of people who Arthur worked with:Angelina JolieAnne BancroftCharlton HestonFaye DunawayLucie ArnazMary Kay PlaceSean ConneryValerie HarperTony RobbinsDv BaronRobert G. AllenStephen M. R. CoveyEmmitt SmithJerry RiceMarshall FaulkPat OBrienTerrell DavisKareem Abdul JabbarPat RileyAl JoynerPat BoonePete SeegerAaron SpellingDick GephardtRoger GoodellDr. Zhi Gang ShaScott Martineau/Conscious OneAnd many more...Don't delay. Enroll now!Inspire the World."
Price: 194.99

"Manifest Your Dreams with EFT" |
"This course is your action plan for theyear.You take action by using EFT every day. EFT keeps you clear and focused.The past year had positive moments and trials. You cannot move forward if you carry any resentment or fear of failure from the year before. Your intentions must be clear, your focus sharp and your motivation high.This course will help you gain clarity, focus and take action.Tap out the prior years fears and failures. EFT teaches how to let go of what you dont want and tap in what you do want. What if you could get clear on what you want? What if you created one goal, or perhaps more than one, for the new year. 90% dont keep their new years resolutions.What if you tapped every day for clarity?What if you tapped every day to get one foot out of bed 10 minutes early?What if you tapped every night for a good nights sleep?I will help you choose manageable goals and keep them. I made a commitment to myself last year to exercise. I now work with a personal trainer 2 days a week and do cardio another 2 days a week. I am accountable to myself and friends with whom I have chosen to share my goals. I have other goals that I share with others who keep me accountable.Success with EFT every day.Enroll today and change your life!"
Price: 199.99

"Voice Training - Vocal Coaching for Effective Leadership" |
"Communicate like a LEADER.Research proves that the greatest impact speakers have in any conversation comes not only from the words they say but from the sound of their voices. In other words, it is not just themessagebut themessengerthat matters.No one has a better grasp of this fact--and how to leverage it to your benefit--than Arthur Samuel Joseph, one of the world's leading communication strategists and the creator of the Vocal Awareness Method. Joseph's client list is a who's who of world-famous celebrities--including Sean Connery, Angelina Jolie, Pierce Brosnan, Earvin ""Magic"" Johnson, Emmitt Smith, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has trained broadcasters and executives at the NFL Network, NBA, MLB, ESPN, Fox, and NBC, as well as business leaders at Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Disney, Toyota, Ritz-Carlton, and the Federal Reserve Bank, among others.InVocal Leadership, Joseph shares all his secrets to Communication Mastery with you.Voice Trainingprovides proven techniques and daily exercises to help you develop a commanding voice and presence, and improve vocal quality, mental acuity, body language, and self-esteem to dramatically increase your influence. Joseph takes you step-by-step through the process of becoming an effective and powerful speaker by providing insight into:Breathing techniquesVocal warm-upsVocal projectionAppropriate tempoBody languageVerbal and nonverbal expressionEffective storytellingYou'll learn how to be in mastery in every conversation, public address, and personal encounter--and how to be tactical and strategic when necessary, earnest and caring when appropriate, and, above all, authentic in every communication.Whether you're delivering a sales presentation to a group of five or giving a shareholders speech to an audience of hundreds, the way you communicate is the difference between success and failure as a leader.""When we own our Voice, we own our power,""Joseph writes.Vocal Leadershipgives you the tools to discover your unique voice and use it strategically to empower yourself and others to success.PRAISE FORVOCAL LEADERSHIP:""The Vocal Awareness Method is a powerful tool that will ensure your voice as a leader, innovator, or captain of industry is resounding.""-- HERVE HUMLER, President and COO, Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company""Arthur Joseph enables individuals to unleash their unique, inner strength and achieve empowerment through voice!""-- CHERITA MCINTYE, PhD, Director of Executive Learning, ESPNEnroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Enroll 50+ Superstars in Your Networking Marketing Business" |
"Joe Garcia shares his cutting-edge strategies for optimal recruiting for Direct Sales,Network Marketers and MLMers. Joe has over 20 years experience as a top producer in one of the fastest growing companies in the world.In this course, you will learn:How your beliefs can propel your forward or hold you backThe importance of persistence and consistencyHow to use Social Media the right wayHow to Bypass sales filters which automatically block your closeBest prospecting tools and techniquesAnd much more...If you are ready to take your networking business to the next level, then this course is for you!There are many coaches in the industry of Network Marketing selling their coaching programs most all of them are not building a Network Marketing Business. They may have been successful in the past but who would you like to learn from someone who is successful now in building a Global business or someone who is not successful now as a builder but is earning his or her income from Coaching?Living a comfortable lifein a wonderful home in a desirable locationmakes a lot ofsense. Your money affects the lifestyle you can live.So you want to live a better lifestyle, isn't it time you started doing something about it?Maybe you're concerned about your financial future or your healthwondering if you'll be able to have the kind of life you dream aboutor if you can afford to retire at all. To which, we say: thousands of entrepreneurs, just like you, make their dreams come true in Network Marketing. And you can, too.This course will get you over the major stumbling blocks to success, enrolling Superstars!Register today!"
Price: 194.99

"Plan Your Success. Vision and Goal Setting Systems That Work" |
"There comes a point in your life, perhaps at age 30, or 40 or even 50 when you suddenly wake up in the morning and ask yourself is this it?You start to wonder if there is more to life than just the 9 to 5 routine, working the JOB, getting the paycheck and then starting it all over again each and every month for the next 20 years or moreThis course has been developed in such a way to take you from where you are today, identifying what has brought you to this point and to emphasize your strengths and what you want in order to help you plan a more effective future - a future where you decide how you live life.The course is delivered by two experienced instructors - Richard Butler an international life and business coach ...Each module has a number of videos which will guide you thru the topic, supplemented by exercises and coaching tools specifically designed to help youIf you follow the course you will be more confident about your future!Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"MIndful Meditation With Arthur Samuel Joseph" |
"Arthur Stanley Joseph has taught Hollywood A-List actors, Fall of Fame sports stars and business people how to present themselves with more impoct. At the core of his teaching is your relationship with yourself and how you focus on what is important.In this course, Arthur takes you through a mind journey into yourself.Preparation, taken at the proper pace, isthe lost secret to successful ventures in life, whether it is about business, entertainment or lifestyle. In this short, intense course, Arthur takes you deep into yourself on a journey to the life of your dreams.Enroll today!"
Price: 99.99

"Essential Oils for Weight Loss, Health and Vitality" |
"Discover the power ofhealing Essential Oils.Joan Kaylor has been a therapist for over 25 years. She incorporates the healing energy of plants with her clients with tremendous results.In this course Joan shares how she uses Essential Oils both on herself andwith her clients. This is down to earth, real world uses of these amazing oils.Not all Essential Oils are covered as she only talks about the Oils and Blends that she personally uses in her daily practice. Joan will discuss how she uses the Oil and best practices for you.Essential Oils covered are:LavenderCloveFrankincenseGrapefruitWild orangePeppermintLemonCinnamonLemongrassJoan also shares the potent blends of Essential Oils that she uses.She has found them to be very effective for Thyroid issues, depression, lack of focus, stress reduction, boosting the immune system, increasing motivation and relief from sore muscles.Start using Essential Oils to support your health today.Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Beginner English: Practical Foundational English Training" |
"This course is a beginner level English course (A1-A2). The student understands basic phrases and instructions. He/she can interact in a very simple way and uses incomplete sentences, without real grammatical content. He/she may be able to participate in a dialogue giving personal information but in a limited way using minimal vocabulary.This course is designed to improve your English at its foundation. You will have a basic understanding of English and be able to speak it immediately. You will be able to introduce yourself in various social interactions. Use the verb 'to be' correctly in positive, negative and question sentences. Understanding when to use the verb 'to be'. Talk about yourself and give personal information.Using the WH-question words correctly and immediately employ them in your language. Express yourself and ask the proper questions to get the answers you need.You will learn:How to Meet and GreetGreetings and FarewellsSubject PronounsHow to Use the Verb 'To Be' ProperlyHow to Talk About Jobs, CountriesHow to Use Wh Questions (What, Where, Who, When)And much more!This course is taught using the four pillars of learning; both active parts of speaking and writing and both passive parts of reading and listening. You will acquire new vocabulary from real life scenarios and while reading excerpts of paragraphs and poems written by well-known authors.The course will be paired with a PDF leaflet that you can download and print which will follow the order of each section and lecture offering you an active part in your learning.This course also includes:Clear lessons that are built upon each otherSkits that subtly foreshadow upcoming lessonsIntegrative approach to English expressions, idioms, similes and metaphorsMany PDF worksheets that mirror each part of the lessonsOriginal flashcards to develop vocabularyTeacher that speaks American EnglishAbout your teacherNative speaker from CanadaTaught ESL to adults and children for 5 years, privately and in a classroomFluent in English and FrenchTaught in a Montessori preschoolHomeschooled her children for 14 years employing the Waldorf pedagogyAs the name intends, Simply English is a course designed for A1 students who desire a simple approach to English. Through the 4 language pillars of speaking, reading, writing and listening, each lesson provides a weave of active and passive activities. Simply English employs many images courtesy of Freepik to further the understanding of the lesson, as well as unique and engaging video skits. Which add a playful appeal to the overall learning experience."
Price: 199.99

"FATHERHOOD MASTERY - How to be a Good Dad" |
"Do you feel you can be a better father for your children?Are you about to become a first time Dad?The most fulfilling part of live is bring our children into the world, watching and guiding them as they grow. But many times we are conflicted in how we teach them and what behaviors we show them as they grow.Your instructors, Ricky Shetty, father of three beautiful children under 6, and Scott Paton, with two sons over 25, share their wisdom and knowledge of raising their children.You will learn:How your parents impacted your fathering style, both in good ways and not so good.What to expect from new bornsWhat to expect from adult childrenHow to travel with them, no matter their ageThe qualities of a good dadAnd much more...This course is designed to get you thinking about your responsibilities as a father and also create a safe place for you to share your journey with other Dads and your instructors.Be the best dad you can be! Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"CENTRAL AMERICA MASTERY - Travel Tips for Central America" |
"Ricky Shetty traveled through Central America with three children under 6. Scott Paton visited five Central American countries traveling alone.Together they show you:1)WHY GO TO CENTRAL AMERICA?* Cheap* Convenient* Cultural2) LEARNING SPANISH (How to Learn Spanish to communicate with Locals)* Going from 100% Beginner to doing Public Speeches, YouTube Videos, Podcasts, & Blog Posts in Spanish* Ricky's BaseLang Storyof learning Spanish Online* Home Stays in Guatemala,Nicaragua, and Costa Rica with Local Families3) COUNTRIESa) Mexicob) Belizec) Guatemalad) El Salvadore) Hondurasf) Nicaraguag) Costa Ricah) Panama4) WHAT TO SEE (Sightseeing, Tourism, Attractions)a) Historical Cities (Mexico City, Antigua, Granada, Leon)b) Aztec & Mayan Ruins (Chichen Itza, Tikal, Copan)c) Lakes (Lake Atitlan, Lake Nicaragua)d) Volcanoes (Leon Volcano Boarding, Masaya Lava, Ometepe Twin Volcanoes, Arenal Volcano)e) Beaches (Yucatan/Cancun/Playa Del Carmen/Cozumel, Cayes, El Tunco, San Juan Del Sur, Tamarindo, Jaco)f) Panama Canal5) WHAT TO EAT (Famous Food Dishes)a) Mexican EVERYTHING (Tacos, Burritos, Quesadillas, Enchiladas, Fajitas, Tortas, Gorditas, Sopas, Churros, etc)b) Belize Creole Rice & Beansc) El Salvadorian Pupusasd) Honduras Baleadae) Nicaraguan & Costa Rican Gallo Pinto6) WHERE TO STAY (Accommodation)a) Hotelsb) Hostelsc) Home Staysd) Airbnbse) Digital Nomad Houses7) HOW TO GET AROUND (Transportation)* The Famous Central American Chicken Buses8) SAFETY & SECURITY (Tips for Staying Safe)* El Salvador & Honduras9) TIPS FOR CONNECTING WITH LOCALS (Meetup Groups, Toastmasters, CoWorking Spaces, Language Exchange)* Home Stays in Guatemala and NicaraguaAnd so much more!Enrol today!"
Price: 199.99

"EFT Your Business for Success" |
"When you are in that high-stakes meeting, sales presentation, interaction or conflict your presence is both emotional and physiological. Your thoughts race and heart pounds. People are watching you.How do you execute when the pressure is on? Confidence is helpful, but self-esteem is feeling worthy that you belong.In this course you will learn the art of Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping to remove all self-doubt, feelings of not being worthy, unconscious self-sabotaging beliefs and emotional stress.Business is about making money. It is also about selling yourself. If you do not have confidence or you sabotage yourself with what ifs, what do they think of me? or I cant close this sale. you lose an opportunity to grow, take on a new client or investor. When there is tension or poor communication the organization suffers.Productivity suffers. A sale is lost. You feel like a failure. You lose money, or the business stays stagnant.This course teaches how to remove conscious and unconscious blocks to success."
Price: 199.99

"German grammar - word order" |
"Are you a German learner who is struggling with word order?Do you find it difficult to work out where the subject, verb and object goes?Do you wish you knew what it means if a book or teacher talks about TMP?Do you know which conjunctions push the verb to the end and which dont?Do you know what relative pronouns are?This course is for any German learners. It is designed to accompany the learners as they progress through their German textbook or lessons. It is not necessarily designed for you to work your way through from beginning to end.If you are a beginner, then start with the beginners section and move on at a later date.If you are an intermediate student, then you might want to watch all the beginners videos to revise what you have already learned, or pick those bits that you are still struggling with before moving on to the intermediate section.If you are an advanced student, you might also want to check out the beginners and intermediate section as there might be things youve forgotten or not realised. If you do find a topic that you know well, just move on.It doesn't matter how quickly you complete the course - it isn't a race - the important bit is that you understand the German word order!German grammar seems to be very complicated but is actually very logical, and this course will show you with very basic sentences how logical it is. By going back to basics with easy sentences, you will make sense of the German word order. You will know which conjunctions do what and how to use relative pronouns.With the help of the videos, handouts, quizzes and worksheets this course will take you from ""Ich verstehe nicht"" to ""Ich verstehe""!"
Price: 34.99

"- Introduction to Python-Arabic" |
"Web Programming, Scripting, Data Analysis and Data Science :"
Price: 19.99

"The Quickest and Easiest Way To Develop A Winning Culture" |
"Creating a winning Business or Team Culture is easier than you think. Learn the time-testedskills and value systems. Easily learn and assimilate into your business and or organisation to increase your influence, profits and productivity.CEOs, Senior Executives, Successful Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs: Discover how to Increase INFLUENCE, IMPACT and INCOME through Powerful Executive Coaching, Mentoring and Highly Relevant Professional Development that produces MEASURABLE RESULTS.Class Outline:Introduction: Winning Business CultureCould We Be Reading Our Financials Wrong?Why Every Business Is Like A Marriage?3 Stories That Successful Businesses MasterEmotional Drivers IntroductionEmotional Drivers: The Spectator AchieverEmotional Drivers: Over Motivated UnderachieverEmotional Drivers: Over Motivated UnderachieverEmotional Drivers: Overwhelmed, Over Motivated, UnderachieverEmotional Drivers: Highly Successful Super AchieversThe 3 Questions ManagerHow To Capture The Hearts Of Those You Lead?This class is taught by Christopher Sajnendra - Executive Coach Business Coach Business Strategist Speaker Leadership Consultant Healthcare Leadership Coach"
Price: 29.99

"Anyone can understand Blockchain, Bitcoin and Crypto!" |
"You will learnwhatyou need to know about getting started with cryptocurrencies in this comprehensive on-demand video course packed full of my crypto knowledge. Watch the teaser below for a quick sample of my course!This step-by-step online video courseis aimed at the absolute beginner in Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency.Cryptocurrency isthe future and I can help you to navigate the world of Cryptocurrency so you can get started down the road to financial freedom.To really understand what is special about Bitcoin, we need to understand how it works at a technical level. Well address the important questions about Bitcoin, such as:How does Bitcoin work?What makes Bitcoin different? How secure are your Bitcoins?How anonymous are Bitcoin users?What determines the price of Bitcoins?Can cryptocurrencies be regulated?What might the future hold?After this course, youll know everything you need to be able to separate fact from fiction when reading claims about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Youll have the conceptual foundations you need to engineer secure software that interacts with the Bitcoin network. And youll be able to integrate ideas from Bitcoin in your own projects.P.S. I will tell you a secret: once you get familiar with bitcoin and blockchains, there is only a easy step to understand and trade other cryptocurrencies such asEthereum, Ripple, Neo or Monero and so on."
Price: 119.99

"Blockchain & Bitcoin Fundamentals for Beginners" |
"Hello, this is Mr. Obaidi and Im here to teach the course Blockchain and Bitcoin for Beginners - with over 20 years experience in the combined field of technology, cybersecurity and software development. In this course, we will teach the exciting and revolutionary technologies of Blockchain and Bitcoin. We will breakdown the subject in simple terms to define and explain Bitcon and Blockchain. You will not need any prior experience in Blockchain or Bitcoin. We will start off with Blockchain's Use Cases, followed by real-world examples of how Blockchain is used today to implement Bitcoin. We will then do a deep dive looking at the Blockchain Blocks and what makes up a Blockchain. You will learn about SHA-256 Hashing used in Blockchain. You will learn about how Blockchain nodes can ensure user's Privacy.We will cover how to buy Bitcons with an e-Wallet. We will then cover Permissioned Vs. Permission-less Blockchains. We will provide real-life examples and cover the important topics of Smart Contracts and Oracles. Don't miss this great opportunity to learn and have fun. Come and join us for an amazing learning adventure about Blockchain and Bitcoin - the biggest technological revolution happening today."
Price: 29.99

"Video Marketing : YouTube Marketing For Business" |
"What you can expect from this courseThis course is specifically designed for entrepreneurs who would like to know how they can use YouTube as a means to market their product or service online more effectively. This is a content marketing course and I am going to be sharing some practical advise about how you can create the kind of content that will appeal to your target clients and in turn, build trust, establish your brand as a authority as well as driving warm leads and sales to your business.My experience on YouTubeMy name is Sam Dey and I have been on YouTube in various capacities for about 5 years. My most notable project on YouTube is my DeyTips YouTube channel where I share tips and strategies to help entrepreneurs to sell their products and services online more effectively. I have managed to generate thousands of subscribers and as of the time I am writing this, the channel is about to hit 1 million overall views.Most importantly, my channel has allowed me to create a personal brand online where I have been featured in a number of high authority blogs and magazines including wix, Terapeak and Yell Business to name a few.I will be sharing a few things that I have learnt along the way of my journey and also how you can use YouTube as a vehicle to driving more targeted sales to your products and services online more effectively.Throughout this course you will learn how to:Target your ideal customer base on YouTubeAttract more visitors to your websiteIncrease your subscriber base on YouTubeGet your videos ranked in the YouTube search engineCreate compelling content that your subscribers will want to watch and engage with"
Price: 199.99

"Full Stack Development Using Spring Boot Angular and React" |
"The ONLY course that covers the End To End Java Project Development and Also use Angular and React for frontend development while working on those projects.---Sample of the reviews:whether fresher/experience this tutorial is amazingly explained practically. Sir Bharath Thippireddy is so fluent in his explanations that sometimes we fail to realise that we have learnt the complex frameworks so easily just bcz the way he explains in ease! I feel so grateful to b his student. Thanks alot sir! - Vijay BundeleRespondI liked this a lot ,its wonderful...The way of step by step teaching ,presenting the content in very organized way which is too good...also the content is huge which include lots of good information..Being first time learner i learned a lot from this course. Thanks. - Md Modabbir Hussain.Been a great experiencie. Bharath has been very helpful also, whenever asked any question. The videos are very explicit and he walks through everything. - Gonalo Faustino---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Do you have the knowledge of java and spring framework but do not know how to create an end to end java project, then this course is for you.If you are an experienced java developer who wants to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of creating an enterprise java application then this course is for you too.Spring is the most widely used framework in the industry today. Spring Boot makes it super easy to create production ready java applications. You will start this course by learning what micro services are ,the different layers that are a part of every java application and the spring modules that should be used across these layers and the ten key classes you will create no matter how many java application you create.You will implement one layer at a time working hands on.You will then create two micro service applications using all the knowledge you gain from those sections.The goal of this course is to help you master the concepts of micro services,layers in a java application and java project creation and build an end to end application while exploring the various features of spring.By the time you finish this course, you will have gained the understanding of Java Project Development, Data Access Layer Creation using Spring Data, Presentation Layer Creation using Spring MVC,Utility Classes and more.You will also create REST web services and consume them through the integration layer.You will also implement non functional requirements like logging,security,deployment and more.What Will I Learn?Master everything required to build an end to end Enterprise Java ApplicationUnderstand the different layers that make up a Enterprise Java ApplicationCreate a data access layer in two simple stepsCreate the Presentation and Services Layers for your applicationDevelop Utility ClassesLearn how to send emails form your applicationsUse third party libraries in your applicationsCreate two end to end mini applicationsCreate a AngularJS front end for the Java backendLearn how to enable loggingImplement SecurityLearn the two different ways to deploy your applicationAll in simple and easy steps"
Price: 29.99

"Django for Python Developers" |
"Sample of the reviews:Absolutely precise and to the point. Appreciate the trainer's effort in explanation of difficult topics in very simple manner. Hope to see more and more in depth courses on django from the trainer. Should add topic for image/file media uploads and model relationships project. Thank you very much - Shiva sankarA very well arranged , to-the-point course which helps to get good understanding of the technology quickly - Sudeshna BhattacharyaVery Good Training to Start Learning Django. - Gerard Bulacan---Are you a python developer who wants to create python web applications by mastering Django? Are you an experienced Django developer who wants to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of creating a Web Applications using Django then this course is for you too.Django is the most widely used Web Application Development framework in the industry today. Django makes it super easy to create production ready web applications. You will start this course by learning what Django is ,the different features that are a part of every Django application .You will be working hands on one feature at a time .You will then create a web application using all the knowledge you gain from those sections.Learn the fundamentals of web application developmentUnderstand how Django makes it easy to build Web AppsMaster the Model View Template Pattern that Django usesSee Django in actionCreate the Django Views to process a use request and send the responseImplement Template and use those templates in the viewsCreate Models , Use Django Migrations to create the database table from the modelMaster the fundamentals of Django Object Relational Mapping(ORM) which makes it super easy to work with databases with our writing any SQLUse Django forms to collect and process data while learning how to use the inbuilt validators as well as creating custom validatorsYou will then use the Model forms which are directly linked to the Model/Database Perform CRUD operations using Function Based Views Learn to create class based viewsUse generics in class based views to easily perform CRUD operationsManage Sessions using Cookies and Session APIUse template inheritance and also filters to format dataUnderstand the Middleware configuration ,lifecycle and create you own custom middlewareSecure your application by using both Authentication and AuthorizationWhat are the requirements? Knowledge of Python , Atom or PyCharm (Installation of Atom is covered in easy setup section)"
Price: 29.99

"Java Design Patterns" |
"The ONLY course that covers the all the important java core and web design patterns!!---Sample of the reviews:The concepts are explained in simple and efficient manner. Its easy to understand and since real world scenarios are used as examples able to better relate and retain the concepts learnt. - suriya nSo far, course seems like a perfect match of what i wanted to learn, and I love the hands on aspect! Looking forward to continuing! Thank you! :- Stacey D McCauleyAmazing info, resources, and very concise and in depth knowledge that I thought would never be in any online video/tutorial as well as the categories of it. I think the Singleton is a bad design pattern, but other than that this course is perfect - Nicholas PowellRespond---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Do you have the knowledge of java and want to master java design patterns, then this course is for you.If you are an experienced java developer who wants to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of java design patterns and learn the common design language to communicate with other developers then this course is for you too.Patterns are reusable solutions to recurring problems arising during software development.This course will introduce you to the important Core(Gang Of Four) and Java EE design patterns.You will understand what each pattern is ,why we need it and then work on implementing it hands on.The goal of this course is to help you master the concepts of java design patterns,why we need them and implement them from scratch.By the time you finish this course, you will have gained the understanding of Java Design Patterns ,i.e Creational Patterns,Structural Patterns and Behavioral Patterns.You will also learn the Dependency Injection and Inversion Of Control Patterns.You will master the different layers that make up a java EE application and how the design patterns fit in to those layers.You will implement Presentation Layer patterns such as Front Controller ,Model View Controller (MVC) .You will also work with Data Access Object Pattern to connect and work with databases.You will then use all of those together along with business layer patterns to work on a small use-case/project.What Will I Learn?Learn what design patterns are and why we need themUnderstand and implement the Creational PatternsUnderstand and implement the Behavioral PatternsUnderstand and implement the Structural PatternsUse Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control PatternsMaster the Java EE presentation layer patternsImplement a mini project using the MVC and Business Layer PatternsAll in simple and easy steps"
Price: 19.99

"Spring Boot Fundamentals" |
"Sample of the reviews:I was given an assignment to start working on a spring boot project and this course gave me all the skills required to start working a spring boot project. All through the course, Bharath maintains the same pace, enthusiasm. You will definitely enjoy the course. Go for it without any doubt if you want to quickly learn spring boot with sufficient details. Thanks Bharath - Venu ReddyThis course is awesome.very clear to understand.I like all your courses very much. - Sahithi MuchalaExcellent explanation, clear understanding from end to end development of application, profile management, production knowledge - SujathaReally great course, Barath really dived into Spring Boot Fundamentals, and with this you don't have to waste so much time configuring a new project, spring boot really helps you with it - Bruno Militzer---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Are you a java developer with spring background who is interested in quickly mastering the fundamentals of Spring Boot then this course is for you.Spring is the most widely used framework in the industry today. Looking at any java developer job posting you will see Spring Boot.This course is designed for experienced as well as complete beginners to learn the basics of Spring Boot in easy steps.You will start this course by learning the problems with traditional Spring application development .You will then see how easy it is to create and deploy a application using spring boot.You will alsoCreate a Spring boot application from scratchUnderstand the structure of a spring boot projectTest your spring boot applicationLearn how Spring boot simplifies application creationPerform CRUD operations against a in memory db using Spring Data JPAPerform CRUD operations against MYSQL DatabaseExpose out REST APIs using Spring WebUnderstand how spring boot auto configures a spring projectEnable health metrics for the applicationCustomize health metrics endpoint with your own informationUse Spring Boot Profiles"
Price: 19.99

"Full Stack React with Node and Java Backend" |
"Sample of the reviews:Very good course on React JS. Has good explanation of concepts. Very good pace and practical examples. With lots of follow along examples, quizzes, assignments. It also has 2 complete working projects which one can build by following along. Great work. Highly recommended. - Rahul PatwardhanBharath is a very knowledgeable instructor. This course gives you a detailed understanding of React framework with hands on coding and project development - Ashu JainExcellent kickstart course on React JS. Includes necessory Node and Express JS kanowledge too. I skipped the Java backend part as I am a java developer. - Ashvini Kumar---Course Updated - I have added a new Clinical Data Reporting Project that you will be building using REACT Front end and Java Rest backend(or a backend of your choice)The ONLY course that covers the ReactJS Front end while using Node,Java as Backend !---Sample of the reviews:I have finished the course. Instructor has done fantastic job in explaining concepts. As promised, he has added new sections. 5 stars - Khateeb Tahir---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Do you have the knowledge of JavaScript ES6 and want to master ReactJS then this course is for you.If you are an experienced ReactJS developer who wants to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of creating a Single Page Applications using ReactJS then this course is for you too.You will learn how to create Rest APIs using Express and Java Spring Boot and use them in your React Front End and build Full Stack Application from scratch.ReactJS is the most widely used Single Page Application Development framework in the industry today. React makes it super easy to create production ready Single Page applications with reusable class based and functional components. You will start this course by learning what React is ,the different features that are a part of every React application .You will be working hands on one feature at a time .You will use the latest React Hooks as well.You will then create two mini Single Page applications using all the knowledge you gain from those sections.Learn what Single Page Applications areUnderstand how React makes it easy to build SPAsCreate React ComponentsLearn what JSX is and how to use itLearn how to use one component inside an other i.e complex componentsLearn how to create Functional ComponentsLearn how to use forms and other html elements in your componentsHandle events inside React ComponentsUse react hooks to manage State in Function based ComponentsUse react hooks to manage lifecycle methodsMaster the different ways to apply styling for your applicationInitialize and Manage State of your applicationDevelop REST APIs using Node and ExpressJSCreate a React front end that consumes those REST APIsConfigure routing for the Single Page ApplicationCreate a Flight Reservation back end API using JAVACreate a Front End by consuming the back end APICreate a Check In App that will check in a passenger"
Price: 29.99
