"iOS 12: Learn to Code & Build Real iOS 12 Apps in Swift 4.2" |
"Welcome to the iOS 12 Masterclass.This course teaches you how to build beautiful iOS 12 apps using the latest in Swift 4.2. This course is designed to be super accessible to beginners, so dont worry if you dont have any programming experience.The course includes tons of engaging video tutorials and builds your programming know-how through project based learning. Build real iOS apps to build your portfolio, worthy of submission to the App Store.All content is brand new with no reused material from iOS 10 or iOS 11 courses. All recorded on the latest version of Xcode 10. We cover Apple's updated ARKit 2 for building Augmented Reality apps as well as Core ML 2 & Create ML for creating apps that think with Machine Learning. You'll generate your own machine learning models that use Artificial Intelligence to recognize objects and faces in images and tone of voice in comments. You'll also be building 3D augmented reality apps that bring outer space into your living room and let you measure objects without any tools!By the end of this course, you will be confidently programming in Swift 4.2 and be prepared to build your own apps or start a freelancing career as an iOS 12 developer.You'll also create a portfolio of 15+ apps that you can show a potential employer.Enroll today, and get excited about:Building awesome apps including ones that use Firebase, Core Data, Cocoapods, machine learning and augmented realityAll the knowledge you need to start building any app you wantWhy should you trust us with your time?Time is short. You have to make the most of every minute. If you wanted to watch boring instructors teaching outdated content, youd be elsewhere. By getting this course, you can relax knowing that everything weve created has been carefully designed and edited. We have put a lot of time and thought into each lesson to make sure they are easily digestible, even for beginners. There are animated lessons that explain some of the tricky concepts with practical examples and we're always available to answer student questions.By the end of the course, you'll completely understand:Whats new in Swift 4 and Xcode 10: Perfect for experienced developers who want to get up to speed.Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Variables and constants, functions and loops, inheritance and polymorphism, optionals and enumerations, classes and protocols.Control Structures: Using if/ else clauses, switch statements, and boolean logic to control the flow of execution.Data Structures: How to work with collections like arrays and dictionaries.Software Design: How to organize and format clean code for optimal readability and how to implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.TableViews & CollectionViews: How to display and update information in UITableView and UICollectionViewNetworking: How to make asynchronous calls to RESTful APIs, store and retrieve data from the Internet, and use the JSON format for working with data.Persistent Local Data Storage: How to use Core Data, Codable, and User Defaults to store your app data locally. (Upcoming)Create an eCommerce app using Firestore, Firebase, Cloud Functions and Stripe (COMPLETED! 16 hours!)Machine Learning: Build apps that use artificial intelligence and build your own machine learning models using the new Core ML 2 and Create ML frameworks.Augmented Reality: Play with 3D objects in augmented reality and create breathtaking animations and real-life interactions using the updated ARKit 2 framework.Submitting Apps to the App Store: Learn how to create certificates and deploy your apps to the App Store.See what our past students had to say about our other content:STUDENT REVIEWS""Caleb's approach to presenting the concept concepts contained within the iOS 12 platform is truly unique. He not only has the command of all the subject matter he teaches, but his jovial disposition and subtle humor make this series a worthwhile investment. Typically, you would be searching for hours to hit all of these topics, and to find it all in one spot, is a great, great value Douglas Spencer""I've taken several courses taught by Jonny, including for iOS, macOS, and Android. He is a very down to earth instructor that makes learning enjoyable. He takes the time to make sure you understand the topics he is teaching. And it doesn't stop when the videos end. He is very active with his community of students on social media and is more than happy to provide extra help when asked. It's been a pleasure to learn new things with Jonny! Kelii Martin""Super excited to be jumping back into iOS development at the same time that Caleb and Jonny are branching out on their own. Ive taken courses taught by them before and found the content to be first-rate and if I ever had a question about a topic I was struggling to understand they were always happy to help. Conor HowardJonny B is an excellent teacher and mentor. He produces high quality content that makes hard topics easy to digest. Jonny is always open to taking on student questions and answers promptly. Dr. Chris Le Brese (Senior Android Engineer 5 years experience)We're so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! Sign up today with ZERO risk and SO MUCH to gain.What are you waiting for? Click the 'Buy Now' button and happy coding!"
Price: 199.99

"Anybody can sing - A Voice culture session" |
"Voice culture course helps students in stabilizing the voice. It helps in bringing variations, shake/grace in your voice. This course is designed in Indian classical style but can be practiced by music lovers for any genre. You can be a bathroom singer or the one who would want to pursue singing as your career, this course suits bestfor all."
Price: 29.99

"Basic Carnatic Music - Level 2" |
"This course details the aspects related to positioning of swaras in Carnatic music and to sing low and high pitch with ease. Those interested in honing their singing skills can take up this course. Introduction and detailed practice to 7 Taalas in Carnatic Music is included in this course.Videos on how to sing the higher and lower octave and types of beats/Taalaarecovered in detail in this course. Textual content for each of the lectures is included under each section."
Price: 114.99

"Gerenciamento de Projetos com Project Libre" |
"O Project Libre um programa open source, ou seja, de cdigo aberto,especializado no gerenciamento de projetos. Seu funcionamento bem parecido com o do seu principal concorrente, o Microsoft Project. Por ser open source ele gratuito, alm de poder ser modificado pelos seus usurios com conhecimento em linguagens de programao. Ele est disponvel para os principais sistemas operacionais Linux, Mac OS e Windows. Na sua verso atual voc consegue: Criar calendrios para projetos, tarefas e recursosAlocar recursos materiais e humanos s tarefasSequenciar tarefas e utilizar as principais formas de dependncias entre elasImportar e exportar arquivos do/para o Microsoft ProjectRealizar impresso de vrios relatriosAvaliar o caminho crtico do projetoVer a Estrutura analtica do projeto cadastradoExportar vrias vises para o formato PDFO Project Libre uma alternativa muito interessante para quem est comeando na rea de gerenciamento de projetos, bem como para os gerentes mais experientes que estejam procurando um software sem custo.Esta sou eu e tenho usado o Project Libre para ensinar na prtica os principais tpicos de gerenciamento de projetos tais como veremos neste curso. Como premissa para o bom aproveitamento das vdeo-aulas, necessrio que voc tenha um conhecimento mnimo na rea de projetos, embora faamos a explicao dos conceitos mais importantes ao longo das demonstraes. E ento? Que tal experimentar o Project Libre? Vamos l?"
Price: 39.99

"Gesto de Projetos com Agile & Scrum: O Guia Definitivo" |
"**** Venha se especializar no gerenciamento de projetos geis & Scrum com a ExpertPM! *****Virou mais uma noite em claro? Passou horas interminveis para entregar aquele projeto e o cliente quando viu s faltou te jogar pela janela?Se voc se identificou com isso saiba que no est sozinho nessa jornada. Eu mesma j virei muita noite em claro para realizar uma entrega que o cliente acabou odiando...Sabemos que gerenciar projetos torna-se, a cada dia, um processo mais complexo devido aos ambientes cada vez mais incertos, agravado por mercados que mudam rapidamente buscando novas tecnologias, novas tendncias e novas necessidades para se manter um negcio.A aplicao de Modelos geis, e em particular o Scrum, tem ganhado cada vez mais fora, o que apenas comprova a eficincia desses modelos em relao aos modelos tradicionais.E neste curso veremos em detalhes como aplicar essas melhores prticas. Mas no vamos ficar s nisso no. Vamos te apresentar o passo a passo da implementao de um projeto gil, bem como os formatos e ferramentas recomendados para cada fase do projeto. Voc vai receber dezenas de materiais complementares com modelos e dicas para colocar o seu projeto em prtica j! Alm disso vamos abordar tpicos avanados, tais como: Riscos, Qualidade, Liderana de equipes e como Escalar o Scrum (SAFe, Nexus etc).E, diferentemente de outros cursos, vamos no s te mostrar o que pode dar certo, como tambm o que pode e vai dar errado! IMPORTANTE! Este no um curso preparatrio para certificao, pois cursos assim seguem um Syllabus especfico de acordo com a empresa certificadora. Temos um curso especfico para isso (Certificao Scrum Master: Curso Preparatrio Completo) que aborda diversas certificaes. Clique na Biografia da Instrutora para ver os demais cursos disponveis.Mais algumas timas razes para estudar conosco na Udemy:Voc ter acesso vitalcio ao curso, embora seja recomendvel que voc o termine antes disso...Voc no perder aquele captulo especial da novela ou daquela srie fantstica, j que poder estudar a hora que quiser...Voc no precisar enlouquecer ou criar vagas para estacionar o seu carro...Voc no precisar se entupir de salgados ou refrigerantes na lanchonete da escola...Voc poder assistir s aulas de pijama (ou at sem...)"
Price: 579.99

"Dreamweaver CS6 - Essential Training" |
"In Adobe Dreamweaver CS6- Essential Training, professor, author, trainer, and web developer Zak Ruvalcaba delves into the many features of this version of thepowerful web design application. This 19 hour course covers numerous topics including building a simple web page, building an advanced web page using HTML5 and CSS3, using templates to streamline the management of your web sites, adding interactivity with Behaviors and Spry, building a responsive web site, using jQuery Mobile to build a native-feeling web experience, and more. Zak explains the new interface features in depth, and demonstrates how to create, edit, manage, design, and publish a professional website with Dreamweaver CS6 and complementary applications."
Price: 19.99

"HTML5 and CSS3 - Essential Training" |
"In HTML5 and CSS3 - Essential Training, professor, author, trainer, and web developerZak Ruvalcaba delves into HTML5 and demonstrates how to incorporate the languages markup to build standards-compliant and forward-thinking responsive web pages and applications. You learn the basics as well as advanced topics in HTML5 and CSS3 such as the reason for semantic markup, how to build traditional page layouts using DIV tags and CSS, how to build forward-thinking semantic layouts using HTML5 section elements and CSS3, how to make a page responsive and backward compatible, and how to work with HTML5 forms, offline support, geolocation, audio and video, graphics with JavaScript and canvas, communication APIs, web storage, and more."
Price: 19.99

"Programming with Python" |
"It's not often that you get to use a language as powerful and as versatile as Python. Python is a great language for writing web applications, cross-platform desktop applications, Artificial Intelligence software, shell scripts, perform scientific computation, and even create home automation software. To master these skills, you'll need a solid understanding of the Python language. In this course, Programming with Python, you'll start by learning the fundamentals of the language before venturing out to learn more advanced concepts like working with functions, modules, strings, numbers, dates and times, data structures, control statements, and much more. When you are finished with this course, you'll have a solid foundation to go out and build your own applications using Python."
Price: 19.99

"Database Programming with Python" |
"It's not often that you get to use a language as powerful and as versatile as Python. Python is a great language for writing web applications, cross-platform desktop applications, Artificial Intelligence software, shell scripts, perform scientific computation, games, and even connect to and work with a myriad of relational and document-oriented database solutions. This course gets you up and running with using Python to program against relational and document-oriented databases such as SQLite, MySQL, SQLServer, and MongoDB. It teaches you the basic concepts of relational data, databases, tables, SQL, and walks you through the code required to connect to these databases and perform CRUD(create, retrieve, update, and delete)operations within them using Python. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a solid foundation to go out and start building your own database applications using Python."
Price: 19.99

"Learn NGINX By Example" |
"With over 2700 new students in the first week, Learn NGINX By Example is a very popular new course.In this course, we will start from the very beginning and introduce you to what NGINX is. We will then discuss a real-world project and how we can use NGINX to set up our site to be scale-able for increased traffic loads. Then we will go through and build our servers to host our web page and load balance them using NGINX. Lastly, we will enable caching on our site to increase site performance and then we will secure our site using Let's Encrypt and HTTPS."
Price: 59.99

"The Complete Nmap Ethical Hacking Course : Network Security" |
"Welcome to the Complete Nmap Course!Nmap is the Internets most popular network scanner with advanced features that most people don't know even exists! Discover the secrets of ethical hacking and network discovery, using Nmap on this complete course.Nmap is an indispensable tool that all techies should know well. It is used by all good ethical hackers, penetration testers, systems administrators, and anyone in fact who wants to discovery more about the security of a network and its hosts. You cannot be a good ethical hacker or systems administrator without being an expert in Nmap. You will go from beginner to expert in easy to follow structured steps - and we cover all major platforms that Nmap can be used on, including - Windows, Mac, Linux and Kali.The ideal student for this course is technically minded with an interest in ethical hacking and network security.At the end of this course you'll have a practical skill-set in using Nmap to scan networks. You will be able to find vulnerabilities and weaknesses on systems that can be exploited by hackers."
Price: 99.99

"Finance Training for Financial Analysts" |
"Hey,welcome to our best-sellingFinance Training for Financial Analysts course.We are glad to see you visit thiscourse.If only we could shake hands!What is this course about?In this course, we willteach you the comprehensive skills needed to be aFinancial Analyst.We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course:1) Excel2) Accounting3) Financial statement analysis4) Forecasting financial statements5) Business valuation6) PowerPointIt is a very comprehensive course that will teach you the completeskills of a Financial Analyst.How is this course useful for YOURpurpose?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.If youare lookingto be a Financial Analyst,then this course will prepare you for the job.Look, the Financial Analyst jobs are high paying ones.So your employer will want you to be on ready to work on a real project on Day 1!Our course does exactly that - we make youjob ready for your professional work.The course provides all the practical training of a Financial Analyst.You can crack your upcoming interviews easily with the learning from this course.You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll.So even if you don't plan to start now, you can still enroll and come back anytime later.What makes this course different than others?This course content is unique!You willlearn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get access topractical real life illustrations of allkey skills to be a Financial Analyst.It is a completely hands-on course.You need to carry outthe illustrations in the course along with the instructor.We provide you the same set up as the instructor.All illustration spreadsheetscan be downloaded at your end.You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations.It is a very practical on the job training for you.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignmentsto test your learning from the courseThe Practice Assignments are marked with varying difficulty levels - High, Medium and Low.You will have unlimited access to our support.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.There are manually edited hand typedcaptions added on all lectures of this course.Feel free to refer to them in case you feel the need.And of course, the price is competitive.What are other students saying about this course?Check our our reviews below.Read what student Rameez Akhtar wrote -""THE COURSE COVERS ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT WILL GIVE A YOUNG ASPIRING FINANCIAL ANALYST ALL THE TOOLS TO LAND A SUITABLE JOB IN THIS COMPETITIVE WORLD.""Go to the reviews section below to read more such stories.What if YOU do not like the course?Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course.But you are well protected.You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course.No questions asked.But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!What next?If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us.Start learning now.See you inside the course."
Price: 144.99

"Excel: Data cleaning and analysis techniques" |
"Welcome to very simple yet powerfulExcel: Data cleaning and analysis using TEXT functions courseWe are glad to meet you. If only we could shake hands!Are you wondering how is this course going to be useful to you?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.If youare looking to learn basic TEXT functions in Excel, this course will prepare you for the job.Look, Microsoft Excel is ubiquitous. It is used in almost every job we do in today's world.So your job will alsopossibly require you to do analysison large heaps of data.Our course does exactly that - we make youjob ready for your prospective project / daily work.What makes our course different from others?Our course content is unique - you learn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get 1 hours of crisp synthesized practical real life illustrations of all concepts.You will be carrying out the real life illustrations along with the instructor.Same set up as the instructor. All illustration spreadsheets are shared.It's almost like as if somebody is guiding you in person to carry out the various analysis.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignments/ course challenges with varying difficulty levels to test your learning from the course.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.And of course, the price is competitive.What will you learn in this course?Data cleaning and analysis in $Excel using TEXT functionsYou can watch the FREE course previews in the CURRICULUM section.Read through the entire CURRICULUM section if you can.All modules with details of lectures are provided.What next?Well, we sincerely hope to see you inside the course.We wish you well and good luck.Still confused? Don't hesitate to reach out."
Price: 19.99

"Excel: Advanced data visualization techniques" |
"Welcome to very powerfulExcel: Advanced data visualization techniquescourseWe are glad to meet you. If only we could shake hands!Are you wondering how is this course going to be useful to you?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.If youare looking to learn advanced charting functionalitiesin Excel, this course will prepare you for the job.Look, Microsoft Excel is ubiquitous. It is used in almost every job we do in today's world.So your job will alsopossibly require you to do analysison large heaps of data.Our course does exactly that - we make youjob ready for your prospective project / daily work.What makes our course different from others?Our course content is unique - you learn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get 1.5 hours of crisp synthesized practical real life illustrations of all concepts.You will be carrying out the real life illustrations along with the instructor.Same set up as the instructor. All illustration spreadsheets are shared.It's almost like as if somebody is guiding you in person to carry out the various analysis.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignments/ course challenges with varying difficulty levels to test your learning from the course.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.And of course, the price is competitive.What will you learn in this course?Advanced charting functions in ExcelYou can watch the FREE course previews in the CURRICULUM section.Read through the entire CURRICULUM section if you can.All modules with details of lectures are provided.What next?Well, we sincerely hope to see you inside the course.We wish you well and good luck.Still confused? Don't hesitate to reach out."
Price: 34.99

"Company Valuation & Financial Modeling" |
"Hey,welcome to our very popularCompany Valuation and Financial Modelingonlinecourse.We are glad to see you visit thiscourse.If only we could shake hands!What is this course about?In this course, we willteach you the comprehensive skills to undertake the valuation of any company.We will illustrate the following broad content topics in great detail in this course:1) Understanding the business model2) Preparing the financial statements - income statement, balance sheet and cash flows statement3) Forecasting the financial statements4) Discounted Cash Flows based valuation techniques5) Sensitivities of valuation estimatesIt is a very comprehensive course that will teach you the completeskills to perform the valuation analysis of any company.How is this course useful for YOURpurpose?Hey, did you watchthe promo video?If not, please do.This course will help you to stand in good stead for a potential Analyst profilein the following sectors:Investment bankingEquity ResearchPrivate EquityAsset ManagementConsulting / AdvisoryLook, the Analyst profileis quite demanding in all of the above jobs.So your employer will want you to be on ready to work on a real project on Day 1!Our course does exactly that - we make youjob ready for your professional work.The course provides all the practical training to undertake the role of an analyst in the above sectors.You can crack your upcoming interviews easily with the learning from this course.You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll.So even if you don't plan to start now, you can still enroll and come back anytime later.What makes this course different than others?This course content is unique!You willlearn exactly what you are required todo in your dailywork.You get access topractical real life illustrations of allkey skills to be a Analyst with Financial servicesfirmsIt is a completely hands-on course.You need to carry outthe illustrations in the course along with the instructor.We provide you the same set up as the instructor.All illustration spreadsheetscan be downloaded at your end.You will feel as if somebody is guiding you step by step in all illustrations.It is a very practical on the job training for you.You are going to love our instructor's teaching style.He makes it very engaging and fun learning experience.You will have practice assignmentsto test your learning from the courseThe Practice Assignments are marked with varying difficulty levels - High, Medium and Low.You will have unlimited access to our support.Our support team responds to any course queries within 24 hours of your request.There are manually edited hand typedcaptions added on all lectures of this course.Feel free to refer to them in case you feel the need.What are other students saying about this course?Check our our reviews below.Read what student Daniel Hughes had to say about this course-""Valuable information, Clear explanations, Engaging delivery, Helpful practice activities, Accurate course description, Knowledgeable instructor""Go to the reviews section below to read more such stories.What if I do not like the course?Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course.But you are well protected.You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course.No questions asked.But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!What next?If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us.Start learning now.See you inside the course."
Price: 74.99

"Finance, Accounting and Business Valuation Fundamentals" |
"Hey,welcome to our most recent courseFinance, Accounting and Business Valuation fundamentals!We are glad to see you visit thiscourse.If only we could shake hands!What is this course about?This course provides a 360 degree perspective on Finance, Accounting and Valuation fundamentals.We have 3 modules covering each of the above topic in details.In Accounting, we will show you how the Financial statements are prepared using some real company transactions.In Financial Analysis, we will show you how to assess and compare the financial performance of companies.In Valuation, we will illustrate 4 different approaches to assess any company valuation.At the end of the course, you will be very comfortable with the different concepts in Business Finance that you should know.How is this course useful for YOURpurpose?The course has been specifically designed for non-finance professionals who are looking to learn Finance, Accounting and Business valuation concepts.If you feel overwhelmed by this topic, let us assure you are not alone.The numbers and technical concepts can be intimidating for anyone at the start.However, we have demystified everything for you in simple story-telling like approach.The modules are linked to each other and you will see how naturally you will get to the flow of things.All concepts are explained concisely so that you learn exactly what you need to know.We don't expect you will become a Finance expert at the end, but definitely more intelligent in having conversation with Finance folks.And it is going to be fun.We have deliberately made this a short course ( 2 hours) so that you can really get to what you need very quickly.And it is completely self-paced. Take the course anytime anywhere.What makes this course different than others?Well, the course is a short yet comprehensive one.That is what makes the course unique.You dont have to spend hours and days to learn the concepts.In just two hours, you can be up to speed very quickly.And the way the instructor teaches, makes it fun, engaging and very directed in his approach.Not to mention, it is comprehensive enough to cover everything you need to know.What if I do not like the course?Well, we will be very sad to hear that you did not like the course.But you are well protected.You have a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not happy with the course.No questions asked.But we sincerely hope, you will definitely like the course!What next?If there are any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to us.Start learning now.See you inside the course."
Price: 49.99

"Cryptocurrency Knowledge before investment!" |
"Welcome to the world of Cryptocurrency!..WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN!If you're a person willing to understand the world behind one of the hottest topics in today's world and you're willing to invest your money to fund your retirement or simply create some extra revenue, then you're in the right spot! This course will help you understand the world of Crypto Values and gain knowledge beforehand investing. We will teach you through it the story of how everything started and understand what cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology actually is.We will go in details and slowly discussthe terms used in Digital Values by making it easier for you to understand every article you're researching before investing. It is mainly based on helping you understand where to find the information and how to get it and analyze it and come up with your conclusions. We will show you websites and online platforms that will give you that information so you can stay up to date in a daily basis.After that we the course will inform you in details what are the best rules to follow before investing in a cryptocoin. This will help you massively to come up with your decision before putting your hard earned money in a Crypto Asset. You will be able to learn what Wallets are and how you can use them to store your digital cryptic messages, and a lot lot more, by giving you information where to gain access and be up to date with any information in the world of Digital Coins.You will have the chance to learn about the Markets, where digital coins are exchanged, as well as what are the best exchanging platformsby giving you prior knowledge and preparation before making an investment in a digital asset. When we understand crypto coins we will cover lectures to inform you, how to secure them and how to keep them safe so nobody but you will have access to them. Furthermore we will talk about the Mining process and learn what it actually is. When I first started to read about it, I immediately fell in love with the idea of creating a decentralized system in the world, where the power would be handed to the ordinary people. This incited me even more to read about it and be attracted in investing in Digital Coins that are based on this technology.Let's go to the first lecture and enlighten the mind by learning what's behind the BlockChain Technology and Cryptocoins."
Price: 99.99

"Beginning iOS Development: Learn the new Swift 4.2 language" |
"Swift is being hailed as the future of iOS, Mac and server side development.So it is becoming more and more important that students wanted to develop apps for iOS platforms should learn how to program in Swift.In this course you will learn the Swift Programming language, its concepts and syntax from scratch beginning from the basics like Data Types, Loopsgoing up to the creating functions, your own Classes and Objects. The course has been designed keeping in mind that it caters to the audience with no prior knowledge about iOS development but might have basic programming experience as well as experienced programmers who want to learn Swift as language for creating iOS apps.As an alternative for not having a Mac computer but still wanted to practice the Swift syntax, you can use the following free Swift online compiler at http://online.swiftplayground.run/ and selecting 4.2-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2018-07-28-a for the compiler.It is also good to point out that Swift is an evolving language especially when a major version of it comes out, it might break some of the existing codes in our lessons. With that I will keep on updating the course content so that you stay in line with the future developments of Swift.My goal for this course is to make it easy for my students to learn programming with the Swift language whether you are a newbie or an experienced programmer. I hope that this will open a world of opportunities for you as you begin your journey to becoming an awesome iOS developer."
Price: 154.99

"Beautiful Beaded Bracelets - Jewelry Making for Beginners" |
"Attention all beginners in jewelry making: charming artisan gems, otherwise known as Beautiful Beaded Bracelets are now live here on Udemy!This is your chance to handcraft your very own unique glass-beads jewelry, unlike any other. See, the jewelry making technique you'll be practicing and applying here is a rare one, as in used only in some parts of continental Croatia, and yet undiscovered by the world. It dates back more than a century ago, but because it was traditionally taught directly from one generation to another, there are no historical records of the crafting process. Believe it or not, you've just stumbled on the only place on planet internet where you can learn this unique jewelry making skill. By the way, don't leave without watching the course introduction video. You'll find out more about the incredible woman, one of the last original creators of this traditional skill, I had the privilege to learn from.Even though this is an online course, I promise you, it won't feel like it. Iwill lead you through the process step by step, thread by thread, glass bead by glass bead. You will watch a live demonstration of the handcrafting process zoomed in and up-close, and it will be as if we are sitting at the same table, crafting our bracelets together.If you ever have any additional questions along the way, I'll answer them as soon as possible. I check for students questions and messages daily, and know my engaged students by name.And in case you ever get stuck, or somehow the bracelet you're working on doesn't quite look like it is supposed to, don't worry, you won't have to figure it out on your own, that's why I'm here. This doesn't mean you should expect crafting beautiful beaded bracelets form this course will be difficult! It's exactly the opposite: crafting process is simple to learn and the bracelets are easy to make.For example, the only real tool you need to craft these beaded bracelets are pliers. And you'll only use them once to start crafting your bracelet, and once to finish. Also, no beading needles are required to craft beaded bracelets in this course. Those thin gremlins are sharper than a new-grown shark's tooth! Whoever said stepping on a lego is the worst pain imaginable, never felt the horror of sticking themselves under a nail with a needle point doing beads stitches. OUCH! It seriously hurts just writing this. Ugh...Another thing you don't need for this jewelry project is wire. Seriously now, you're here to make jewelry, not to hurt yourself. You don't want to end up with sore, swollen fingers and painful, cramped hands. The point is for you to wear beautiful jewelry on your wrist, not to go through daily paraffin wax hand spa so that you can recover from your new crafty hobby.Ok, so then, what will you be using to make these beaded bracelets? You' ll use: your hands :)Because, all you'll be doing here is stringing glass beads on threads and then interweaving them. Super simple! It actually resembles lace-making. Except that you're working with nylon threads, not the silk, sawing ones, that tangle easily. Nylon thread doesn't stretch or tangle, but is flexible and strong, so it makes stringing beads a breeze, even if you are a first-time jewelry crafter.In fact, here's a complete list of all the jewelry supplies you need to craft these beautiful beaded bracelets: Cotton pillowcase, or a cotton sheet Safety pin Spring Ring Clasp + Double Jumpring + 2 Calottes Nylon thread (FireLine 0.009"" diameter) 2 stoppers Scissors Round nose pliers TOHO round seed beads (size 11/0) Glass faux pearls (size 4 mm) Tealight candle / lighterYou'll find a downloadable PDF with detailed explanations of each item from the list as part of the first video lesson of every bracelet-making section. You'll know exactly how long the threads need to be, how many beads you need and all that good stuff.OK, now you know what this course is all about. Let's make some beautiful beaded bracelets!"
Price: 79.99

"Crowdfunding Launch Formula For Kickstarter & Indiegogo 2017" |
"This course covers the foundation and advanced hacks to pull off a six figure crowdfunding raise. All crowdfundinglessons are taught via screen share and video. I literally show you all the tools I've used, include templates and scripts, and reveal a goldmine of crowdfundingsecrets. You can rip through the crowdfunding course in a day if you watch it end to end but I suggest doing it over the course of 3 days to give the crowdfundingmaterial time to digest. This crowdfundingcourse can be broken down to 3 main objectives. 1. Research and Prelaunch 2. Building phase of pulling together content and creating digital assets 3. Launch- game time baby! You should take this crowdfunding course if you don't want to waste weeks of your life trying to figure out what works. I've used this process on dozens of crowdfundingcampaigns and others have used this same process (coached by me) to crowdfund their own ideas and products. I'm committed to your success!Eli Regalado"
Price: 199.99

"The Oracle Card Academy - Intermediate - Reading for Others" |
"The Oracle Card Academy - Intermediate - Reading for Othershas been created to help you to take the first steps into reading for others. This course offers you the very realopportunity tohelp people through your love ofOracle Cards. If you'd like to become more confident to help the people you care aboutin your life, or you'd like to see if you've really got what it takes tobecome a professionalOracle Card Reader - this course isfor you.I highly recommend that you give yourself the pleasure of preparing fully for this course, by taking The Oracle Card Academy -Foundationon Udemy. ThisIntermediate course, assumes that you have this knowledge in place and builds on this solid foundation.To be prepared for'The Oracle Card Academy - Intermediate - Reading for Others' youwill need:A special book to record your course experiences and intentions.(Anything from A6 upwards will be good. Lined or unlined. A folder would work too)Two decks of Oracle Cards -Iwork with these:The Gateway Oracle Cards - Denise LinnThe Archangel Oracle Cards - Doreen VirtueIn theThe Oracle Card Academy - Intermediateyou will learn how to:Take your first steps into reading Oracle Card Readings for yourfamily, friends and others.How to empower and guidechildren with Oracle Cards.How to use yourcrystals to customise your Oracle Card Readings.Attract your IDEALclientReach out through social mediaCreate a Powerful Name for your Oracle Card ServiceDevelop your own authentic styleTime your Oracle Card ReadingsRecord Your Oracle Card ReadingsAnswer ALLquestions you are asked.You will learn 3 NEW Readings:A two deck Past Present and Future Reading.An Angelic Perspective ReadingA 12 Month Oracle Card ReadingIf you sit at home and use cards toanswerthequestions in your own life, let me showyou how you can take your first exciting steps into helping your loved ones with Oracle Cards.Maybe you want to learn a new way of helping people which will enhance your reiki practise, your crystal work or your massage therapy. Maybe you would like to start a local spiritual group or circle - this would be a perfect tool foryou.If you just flippin' LOVE Oracle Cards and want to know more, this is for you too!I simplycannot WAITto empower you to help others with yourOracle Cards and I look forward to warmly welcoming you inside :)With love always,Ros xxx"
Price: 99.99

"Angels for Beginners - Everyday Communication & Guidance" |
"Angels for Beginners -Everyday Communication & Guidancehas been specially designed to be practical and easy to understand. It is an engaging and exciting learning experience, focused on teaching you to develop real life ways of working with the Angels. This course is written with my complete focus on delivering useful information about the Angels in a way which is clear, engaging and practical. You will learn highly effective ways of communicating with the Angels and you will establish a relationship with the Angels which will give you answers to all ofthe important questions in your life. I want results for you and I will teach you practical and highly effective ways of communicating with the Angels every single day.In Angels for Beginners -Everyday Communication & Guidance youwill: Open all of your desired channels of Angelic communicationChoose which spiritual senses you want to develop and activate themGive the Angels instant permission to help you in your lifeDiscover how to reach the home of all the Angels.Create your own energy Pathway to the Angelic RealmUnderstand the structure and purpose of the Angelic hierarchiesReceive instant Angel guidance with Oracle Card readingsLearn how your Guardian Angel can help youLearn how the Archangels can help youMeet Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Chamuel, Zadkiel and MetatronDiscover exactly which Archangel can help you with each area of your lifeConnect directly with the Archangel energy and establish a personal bondUnderstand clearly and completely how to call an Angel to be with you instantlyDiscover exactly where your journey with the Angels is going next!I am so excited to teach you how to communicate with Angels and Archangels and receive clear answers to all of your life's important questions. I can wait to help you toachieve practical results, fast and highly effective ways of communicating with the Angels every single day. I look forward to welcoming you inside. With love always,Ros xxx"
Price: 99.99

"Angels and Chakras - Clearing and Charging the Lower Chakras" |
"Angels and Chakras -The Lower Chakras is open to everyone ready for real improvement in their personal and spiritual life. I will guide and support you through every step of effective Chakra cleansing, clearing and balancing with the incredible, powerful and focused energy of the Angels.This is a grass roots up, hands on and practical course. It goes right into the core of the personal issues and behaviours, which block up your Chakras and play out in your life in repeating cycles. Angels and Chakras The Lower Chakras will break you out of frustrating behaviour patterns and feelings of being stuck and held back. Blocked Chakras will negatively influence everything from your job prospects to your love life; they can make weight loss impossible and financial abundance a daily struggle. When your Chakras are blocked, you feel stuck in your life. Life feels like walking through thick treacle. Blocked Chakras make everything harder that it needs to be. Blocked Chakras make everything feel so slow, so difficult and they make progress in life extremely challenging. Your Chakras are vehicles of manifestation and feed the energy of your thoughts, dictate your behaviour, attract your relationships, create your expectations and constantly send a message to the Universe. Angels and Chakras -The Lower Chakras shines a powerful healing light into the very core of your first 4 Chakras. With a highly effective blend of practical and personal methods and tools, you will discover exactly what is blocking your 4 Lower Chakras and exactly how easy it is tolet it go. I am extremely excited about Angels and Chakras The Lower Chakras. It has already changed my life by creating it and sharing it with you and for that I am forever grateful. I hope to have the opportunity to support and guide you into beautiful cleansed, cleared and balanced Chakras and into the abundant, positive and exciting life experience you will attract as a direct result. In Angels and Chakras The Lower Chakrasyou will: Identify the personal issues and fears which block your Lower Chakras. Discover the trapped energy in each of your Lower Chakras. Learn exactly what your Chakras are and what they do. Discover how Angels can cleanse, clear and balance your Chakras. Learn exactly how your Lower Chakras influence your life. Identify your personal Lower Chakras blocks. Discover exactly how much of your 4 Lower Chakras are blocked. Invoke 4 Archangels and allow them to heal you. Release trapped, negative and blocked energy from your Chakras. Enjoy personal Archangel guidance in Oracle Card exercises. Benefit from 4 Cleansing, Clearing and Balancing Chakra Healing Visualisations. Enjoy 2 Complete Chakra Cleansing, Clearing and Balancing Healing Visualisations. Discover how to identify someone with perfectly cleansed Chakras. Cleanse, Clear, Balance and Heal your 4 Lower Chakras. See positive changes and improvements in all areas ofyour personal and spiritual life. I cant wait to see you achieve the incredible, real life results I know are waiting for you inside this course. I hope very much to welcome you inside. With love always, Ros xxx"
Price: 99.99

"Angels and Chakras - Clearing and Charging the Upper Chakras" |
"Angels and Chakras -The UpperChakrasis open to everyone ready for real improvement in their personal and spiritual life. I will guide and support you through every step of effective Chakra cleansing, clearing and balancing with the incredible, powerful and focused energy of the Angels.This is a grass roots up, hands on and practical course. It goes right into the core of the personal issues and behaviours, which block up your Chakras and play out in your life in repeating cycles.Angels and Chakras The UpperChakraswill break you out of frustrating behaviour patterns and feelings of being stuck and held back.Blocked Chakras will negatively influence everything from your job prospects to your love life; they can make weight loss impossible and financial abundance a daily struggle.When your Chakras are blocked, you feel stuck in your life. Life feels like walking through thick treacle. Blocked Chakras make everything harder that it needs to be. Blocked Chakras make everything feel so slow, so difficult and they make progress in life extremely challenging.Your Chakras are vehicles of manifestation and feed the energy of your thoughts, dictate your behaviour, attract your relationships, create your expectations and constantly send a message to the Universe.Angels and Chakras -The UpperChakrasshines a powerful healing light into the very core of your Upper4 Chakras and brings real and deep healing and clearing and offershuge improvements in both your spiritual and personal life.With a highly effective blend of practical and personal methods and tools, you will discover exactly what is blocking your 4 Lower Chakras and exactly how easy it is tolet it go.I am extremely excited aboutAngels and Chakras The Lower Chakras. It has already changed my life by creating it and sharing it with you and for that I am forever grateful.I hope to have the opportunity to support and guide you into beautiful cleansed, cleared and balanced Chakras and into the abundant, positive and exciting life experience you will attract as a direct result.InAngels and Chakras The UpperChakrasyou will: Identify and releasethe personal issues and fears which block your UpperChakras. Discover and releasethe trapped energy in each of your UpperChakras. Learn exactly what your Chakras are and what they do. Discover how Angels can cleanse, clear and balance your Chakras. Learn exactly how your Lower Chakras influence your life. Identify and releaseyour personal UpperChakras blocks. Discover exactly how much of your 4 UpperChakras are blocked. And release it. Invoke 4 Archangels and allow them to heal you. Release trapped, negative and blocked energy from your Chakras. Personal Archangel guidance in Oracle Card exercises. PowerfulCleansing, Clearing and Balancing Chakra Healing Visualisations. Enjoy 2 Complete Chakra Cleansing, Clearing and Balancing Healing Visualisations. Discover how to identify someone with perfectly cleansed Chakras. Cleanse, Clear, Balance and Heal your UpperChakras. See positive changes and improvements in all areas ofyour personal and spiritual life.I cant wait to see you achieve the incredible, real life results I know are waiting for you inside this course.I hope very much to welcome you inside.With love always,Ros xxx"
Price: 99.99

"Complete Guide to Guardian Angels" |
"The Complete Guide to Guardian Angelshasbeen carefully designed to give you the keystoa successful and fulfillingrelationship with your very ownGuardian Angel.Presented in a moreish andengaging format withbeautiful visualimages toensure a confident and successful spiritual journey with your Guardian Angel, whatever your current level of experience.The Complete Guide to Guardian Angels contains brand new and I believe, revolutionary,Guardian Angelinformation and isa powerfuldistillation of my whole life livingwithAngels and Guardian Angels.See how Guardian Angels really look, discoverexactlywhat their incrediblecolours mean for you,learn easilywithclear explanations of your Guardian Angel's specialnumber,and benefit fromnumerousopportunities to receive instant,personal guidance from your very own Guardian Angel.I share my own spiritual philosophyto help youkeep your relationship with yourGuardian Angel clear, helpfuland open to constant accurate guidance,with effectiveways of making your relationship fit easily into your every day life,receiving guidance attimes when your really need it!For the first time ever,I share absolutely jaw dropping real life GuardianAngel stories,generous shared by clients whose Guardian Angels have absolutelyblown their minds and continue torocktheir world!I believe that aclearknowledge of yoursubject will lead you to deep understanding andnaturalsuccess. This course will give you clear and thorough understanding of your Guardian Angel'spurpose, personalmeaning of their role in your life and provide essentialconfidence whichallow you to go from strength to strength and succeed in your unique Life Purpose with your Guardian Angel.The Complete Guide to Guardian Angelswill quickly and easily see you advance and growyourabundant, successful and fulfillingrelationship with your Guardian Angel.In The Complete Guide to Guardian Angelsyou will :Become completelyclear about howyour Guardian Angel can help youDiscover whatyour Guardian Angel reallylooks likeDevelop the ability to receive instanthelp andguidance from your Guardian AngelLearn a powerfulmanifesting processwith your Guardian AngelUnderstand the personal meaning ofyour Guardian Angel's colours and numbersAdvance your ownpersonal and spiritual journeyReceive clear, instantand personal guidance from your Guardian AngelThe Complete Guide to Guardian Angelsis highly recommended wherever you are on your spiritual journey and you will benefit equallyas a completebeginner or a seasoned spiritual traveller.I can't wait welcome you inside.With love and happiness always,Ros xxx"
Price: 194.99

"Sculpture for Everyone: How to Model an Eagle in Clay" |
"This course will teach you how to model an eagle in clay in easy steps, from beginning to end.Learn and master sculpting a realistic bird of prey, with this easy to follow method. You will watch short videos that show and explain each step in the process.- Understand the tools and supplies needed to get started in clay modeling.- Make study pencil sketches of your subject.- Quickly build a rough sketch in clay.- Create a base where the clay model will stand.- Shape your eagle so it looks like an eagle!- Make each detail of the clay eagle, such as eyes, beak and claws.- Give realistic textures to each surface, like the feathers, skin and rock.Enjoy your modeling endeavor.This is a simple and workable approach to modeling an eagle that comes from many years of experience by an artist who was also a falconer! You don't need any prior experience to start this course, and it can me successfully taken by beginners. However, this course can also be taken by advanced students or by professional sculptors who want to learn how to model an eagle. You will need some basic modeling tools and clay, as described in the first section of the course."
Price: 39.99

"5-Key Elements in Start-up Business with Low Capital Needs" |
"In this ""How a Polio-Stricken Man Used 5 Key Elements in Business"" course, is a real life experience of the author. He suffered Multiple Congenital Anomaliesthat is why he was not able and never experience to walk without the use ofcrutches.He experienced a lot of work discrimination because companies will always lookat his physical condition rather than what he can do to the company.He is on the verge of giving up until he discovered the Power of the Internet.He is managing different online jobs and businesses which are run byinternet. He is alsoengage in a Forex Trading, Investing through Stocks, Bonds, and other businesses which internet dependent.His life was published in a National broadsheets and was dramatized in a radio station in 2005.In 2017, he appeared ina National Television to give advice and become a role model for people with disability.In this course, I will illustrate the 5 KEYELEMENTS inBusiness. And how this elements affect the performance of your business. These elements will surely blow-up your interest to explore what the internet can do to your business.Why are we still here talking too much? Join this course and let's do the business together."
Price: 24.99

"Guia Prtico: Organize Sua Vida Com o MacOS - High Sierra" |
"Aprenda como usar seu Macbook ou iMac da forma correta, alm de organizar suas fotos, filmes e arquivos pessoais. Tudo isso em um nico curso prtico e rpido!Ao final do curso voc estar apto a utilizar seu Mac com segurana e agilidade, alm de saber como organizar toda sua vida digital."
Price: 39.99

"Security for your WordPress site" |
"In this course, you will learn a few simple security measures you can take to protect your WordPress site from attackers.WordPress is awesome at keeping malicious threats at bay, but you want to take a few extra precautions to make sure your site will stand up to any attack.An attack can also come from within...by mistake.A number of things could cause your entire Wordpress site to go down. You could have installed a plugin that conflicted with some other code on your site, or a custom css line could have caused your site to be unattainable.I'll show you how to backup your site so you'll always have a copy that you can restore from.You put a lot of hard work into your site. Keep your WordPress sitesafe by using the methods taught in this course to safeguard it against attacks and code errors."
Price: 19.99

"Cucumber BDD With Selenium Java" |
"Complete course on cucumber framework and integrating cucumber with seleniumHybrid automation framework with Cucumber and SeleniumPage Object ModelPage Factory ModelData Driven ConceptTest Execution Test Report GenerationJunitIntegrating to Build Tool(Maven)Integrating to CI (Jenkins)Parallel Test ExecutionCross Browser TestingCustom Report GenerationI will be updating the course on regular basis to get the latest topics in to this courseNOTE: Materials are available in the section ""Setting Up Cucumber Project With Maven Using Eclipse IDE"""
Price: 1280.00

"Gramophone Storytelling: il Racconto della Principessa Nera" |
"Sei qui perch vuoi ottenere migliori fotoboudoir, giusto?Fotografare una modella con ONELIGHTin stile BOUDOIRnon difficile..Devi solo comprendere come raccontare una storia che unisca il soggetto e gli oggetti che sono presenti nella scena.Maui, Fotografo Professionista Italiano,con oltre10.000 Studenti57.000Classi Attive in oltre 131 Paesi del MondoTi propone questo fondamentale tassello nella fotografia di Nudo Artistico BoudoirAlla fine del corso, sarai tranquillo nell'affrontare queste situazioni:GESTIRE una modella non professionista, come un'amica o la vicina di casaFARELADIFFERENZAcon la LUCE OFF-CAMERACREAREun CONCETTOPOTENTE gi allo SCATTOFAREINVIDIAai tuoi amici, perch non sono in grado di fare questoRIUSCIRCICONSEMPLICITA' e conATTREZZATURAECONOMICAONELIGHT, SINGOLALUCEper tutto il CorsoIMAPRA #STROBISTfacilmenteInizia a scattare foto migliori oggi!Fai soldi con la FotografiaBoudoirPuoi fare soldi veri facendo foto boudoir per altre persone.Le ragazze vogliono diventare modelle- se sai come ottenere belle foto, saranno felici di pagarti. Con questoCorso imparerai esattamente come ottenere fantastiche fotocos da sentirti tranquillo nel chiedere soldi per la tua fotografia.Inoltre puoi imparare a post produrre le tue foto, per un processo completo e scaricare GRATISi miei PresetAlla fine del corso sarai in grado di post produrre con semplicit in Ambiente Lightroom... Scaricherai tre dei miei preset del valore di 70 l'uno per un totale di 210Vuoi scattare migliori foto di Storytelling Boudoir, iscriviti ora!Con il mio sistema soddisfatto o rimborsato entro30 giorni, non c' ragione per esitare.Ti aspetto nel corso!MauiIn target con questo corso?Tu che sei un fotografo e vuoi ottenere foto boudoir emozionaliTu che vuoi essere baciato dalla modella a fine set perch non riesce a contenere la sua felicit dopo aver visto le fotoTu che vuoi fare soldi come un fotografo boudoirTu, indipendentemente tu sia un amatore o un professionista, che vuoi essere tranquillo nel creare delle foto di nudo boudoir con un concetto di racconto storytelling"
Price: 194.99
